General Assembly ISCHE 40, Berlin 2018 31 August 2018 15:15-16:45 - International Standing Conference for the History of Education - ISCHE ...

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General Assembly ISCHE 40, Berlin 2018 31 August 2018 15:15-16:45 - International Standing Conference for the History of Education - ISCHE ...
International Standing Conference for the History of Education

                 General Assembly
                ISCHE 40, Berlin 2018
                   31 August 2018

Documents for General Assembly Berlin 2018

 1. Agenda for General Assembly, Berlin, 31 August 2018

 2. Minutes of General Assembly, Buenos Aires 2018

 3. Treasurer’s Report 2018 (to be distributed at the meeting)

 4. Proposed ISCHE 2019 Budget (to be distributed at the meeting)

 5. Honorary Laudation for Jeroen J.H. Dekker (António Nóvoa)

 6. Honorary Laudation for Marc Depaepe (Ian Grosvenor)

 7. Honorary Laudation for Joyce Goodman (Rebecca Rogers)

 8. Honorary Laudation for Frank Simon (Kate Rousmaniere)

 9. Laudation for ISCHE 2018 First Book Award

 10. Laudation for Early Career Conference Paper 2017

 11. Nominations for Executive Committee

 12. Proposed Byelaw revisions

 13. Standing Working Group Reports

 14. Proposals for new Standing Working Group

1. Agenda for General Assembly on 31 August 2018

1. Approval of the Agenda

2. Approval of the General Assembly Minutes, Buenos Aires 2017

3. President’s Report

4. Treasurer’s Report 2017 and 2018

5. Proposed Budget 2019

6. Exculpation of the Executive Committee

7. Honorary life-time membership: Jeroen J.H. Dekker, Marc Depaepe, Joyce Goodman,
   Frank Simon

8. ISCHE 2018 First Book Award

9. Early Career Conference Paper Award

10. ISCHE 41 Porto (Portugal) 2019

11. ISCHE 42 Örebro (Sweden) 2020

12. Election of new President

13. Election of new EC Members

14. Discussion of revised Byelaws

15. Approval of revised Byelaws

16. Discussion and approval of new SWGs

17. Additional recommendations from membership

2. Minutes of General Assembly, Buenos Aires 2017
    International Standing conference for the History of Education
                          General Assembly
                Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20 July 2017

Executive Committee Members Present: Rebecca Rogers (President), Noah Sobe (Treasurer),
Karin Priem (Secretary), Ian Grosvenor (PH), Grace Akanbi (GA), Inês Félix (IF), Simonetta
Polenghi (SP), Myriam Southwell (MS), Diana Vidal (DV). In addition, 56 other ISCHE
members were present at the beginning of the GA.
Minutes: Karin Priem

ISCHE President Rebecca Rogers called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm and welcomed
ISCHE members to the ISCHE General Assembly.

1      Approval of the Agenda

Rebecca Rogers indicated that the presentation of ISCHE 41 Porto 2019 should be added to
item 8. No further changes to the agenda were proposed. Elsie Rockwell moved to accept the
agenda. Kate Rousmaniere seconded. The motion unanimously carried by voice vote.

2      Approval of the 2016 General Assembly Minutes

No changes were proposed to the 2016 General Assembly minutes. Hannah Okediji moved
that the minutes be approved as distributed. Marc Depaepe seconded. The motion
unanimously carried by voice vote.

3       President’s Report
Rebecca Rogers began by thanking EC members for their hard work. Before speaking about
the novelties of the year since the meeting in Chicago in 2016, she addressed her condolences
to two national communities for their respective loss: Ana Waleska Pollo Mendonça, who was
the Vice President of the Brazilian History of Education Society and a member of the
scientific committee for ISCHE 39; and Erwin Johanningmeier, from the US History of
Education Society, who served as both secretary and treasurer of ISCHE. She wrote to both
societies upon hearing of the passing of these two important members of our community.
This past year was an important one in consolidating a series of new initiatives in ISCHE: the
launching of the History of Education Salon, the awarding of the first ISCHE First Book
prize, the obtaining of funds for the creation of an ISCHE Conference abstracts data base
initiative, and the organization of an EC panel–or Tertulia–on “The history of education and
the rise of new populisms”.

Institutional Issues: As announced last year, ISCHE is officially recognized as a non-profit
organization in Germany and we now have our own bank account. Many thanks to Karin
Priem for her perseverance dealing with our lawyer, German bank establishments, and the
complexities of German tax law. We are hoping in the future to find administrative help for
these matters which are very time consuming and which we would be able to fund thanks to
membership fees. The figures from our membership campaign in 2017 (until July 17) give us
some concern, however, as we make this transition to a membership-based association. We

currently have 169 members, down from 230 in August 2016. This significant decline can
probably be explained by the location of the conference, which represented a costly trip for
many of our members; in addition there was no corresponding rise in Latin American
memberships compared to Chicago. ISCHE members come from 35 different countries with a
few minor changes since 2016. Newcomers from Ireland, Slovakia and South Africa
registered as members while we lost members from Russia, Hong Kong and China. The EC is
aware that there is still progress to be made in the renewal process with Taylor and Francis
who handle our membership base. President Rogers notes that early career researchers pay
only 10€ (compared to 25€ for regular members) as an incentive for them to join. An
additional incentive was the decision to create an “Early career travel fund” to support
graduate students who were close to defending their PhD to present their results at ISCHE.
We distributed travel funds to 9 people to come to Buenos Aires. Allocations were based both
on need and merit. People with tenure-track or permanent jobs were not a priority. Finally
ISCHE also contributed travel funds for early career researchers to attend the History of
Education Doctoral Summer School, which was organized in Italy this year. In 2018, a special
40th anniversary travel fund has been created and we hope members will contribute to it.
National associations are also involved in the membership campaign. By mid-July seven
associations had paid their annual fee or indicated the fee would be paid by the end of the year
(the same number as in 2016). This institutional support is important for the international
recognition of our society.
Communication, Website, Historical Memory: President Rogers continues the practice of
sending out presidential newsletters between our conferences, both to individual members and
the presidents of national associations, but the website remains the most important way to
keep abreast of news. Inês Félix in particular attends to the website and is developing special
features for early career researchers. In the proposals for developments, a project associated
with the website will be described.
While the website is an important repository for the memory of ISCHE, President Rogers
reminds her audience of the existence of the ISCHE archive lodged in the Bibliothek für
Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung (BBF) in Berlin, which has received support in the past
from the Stitching PH. Additional funds will be needed to pursue the archiving of ISCHE
records and to address the needs of an increasingly digital archive.

Capacity building: As in the past, President Rogers reminds ISCHE membership of the
numerous activities that serve to strengthen our professional community in terms of
intellectual development and training. The first of these initiatives is the creation in 2016 of a
Palgrave Macmillan ISCHE book series “Global Histories of Education”. The chair of the
committee, Diana Vidal, reported two recent submissions for collective volumes had been
received. These proposals are in the initial stages of review, first within the book series
committee then by Palgrave. Members are strongly urged to consider submitting their
manuscripts to the series.
As announced in a newsletter in the spring, the winner of the 2017 ISCHE First Book Award
was Damiano Matasci for his book, L’école républicaine et l’étranger. Une histoire
internationale des réformes scolaires en France, 1870-1914, ENS Editions, 2015. President
Rogers addressed special thanks to the Book committee and reminded membership that
submissions for the 2018 First Book award should be sent before September 1, 2017.
Since 2014, ISCHE members have had the opportunity to propose Pre-conference workshops
(PCWs). Three such workshops were organized in Buenos Aires: 1) The Visual and History
Practice in the Digital Age 2) Archives and Museums about the History of Education with a
view to Emancipatory Processes 3) Education, Aesthetics and Visual Culture: Images in the

production of sensitivity. All three were well attended and testify to the interest these
workshops generate. One of the PCWs from the conference in Chicago in 2016 has become a
Standing working group: Migrants, Migration and Education
Six Standing Work Groups (SWGs) continue to provide intellectual nourishment for many
ISCHE members: 1) Mapping the Discipline History of Education 2) Objects, Senses and the
Material World of Schooling 3) Touching Bodies 4) Migrants, Migration and Education 5)
Réformisme(s), Progressisme(s), Conservatisme (s) en éducation : quelles argumentations
critiques ? 6) History of Laic Education: concepts, policies and practices in the world.
Another SWG will be presented later during the AG: Growing up in out-of-home care:
Histories of children and youths in foster families and residential homes.
Support for Early Career Researchers has been a priority for the past few years as funding
initiatives to support travel to the annual conference and the History of Education Doctoral
Summer School testify. This year Fabio Pruneri organized the summer school at the
Università di Sassari. It was the most international of summer schools so far with 30
participating students from all over Europe (Italy, Switzerland, Spain, UK, Belgium, Portugal,
Lithuania, Austria, Finland, Germany, France, Sweden, The Netherlands) and no less than one
third (!) from beyond (Canada, US, Brazil, Argentina, Nigeria, India, China, Japan, and
Australia). Next year the summer school will be organized in Riga (Latvia) from 7-10 June

Proposals for development: President Rogers concluded her report by noting the new
projects ISCHE has sponsored. To begin with, she noted the launch of the first History of
Education Salon that was organized around the theme “Education and the Body”. Videos of
four international scholars are available on the website, all subtitled in English and one in sign
language. The scholars concerned are Georges Vigarello; Mona Gleason; Inés Dussel; Pieter
Verstraete. A blog also exists for members to comment on the videos. Colleagues interested in
developing a similar project are warmly encouraged to address proposals to the EC. A second
project was the decision to organize an EC session described as a “Tertulia” (or informal
gathering) to provoke debate. This first tertulia was on the “History of education and the rise
of new populisms.” Finally, the EC is moving forward with the project of making abstracts of
all the talks given at ISCHE available on-line in a database open to members only. Thanks to
a generous contribution from the Stitchting Foundation, this ISCHE conference abstracts
database should be up and running by August 2018. This project will allow scholars to see
who is working on what, will help members find panelists on specific topics, and allow
historiographers to “map” the changing contours of our profession and our interests.
President Rogers concluded by thanking the local organizers, the EC and all ISCHE members
present for their contributions to the vitality of our community.

4      Treasurer’s Report 2016

ISCHE Treasurer Noah Sobe presented a report (attached) (January 1-31 December 2016).

5      Proposed Budget 2017 and 2018

ISCHE Treasurer Noah Sobe proposed a budget for 2018 (attached). Kate Roumaniere moved
to approve the proposed budget. Inés Dussel seconded. The motion carried by 40 votes in
favor and 0 abstention.

6      Exculpation of the Executive Committee

The General Assembly voted on a motion presented by Inés Dussel and seconded by Jeroen
Dekker to accept the reports presented and exculpate the officers of ISCHE. The motion
unanimously carried by voice vote.

7      Early Career Conference Paper Award

Rebecca Rogers announced the awarding of the ISCHE 2015 Prize to Kristen Chmielewski
(University of Iowa), “’Hopelessly Insane, Some Almost Maniacs:’ New York City’s War on
‘Unfit’ Teachers”. Karin Priem read the award committees’ assessment: “The article presents
an engaging and well written narrative of the various ways school administrators in New York
tried to remove teachers who were judged either physically or mentally unfit to work.
Empirically driven and using disability analysis the paper offers a detailed reading of the
public discourse about New York teachers. The paper was adjudged to capture issues at the
heart of the ISCHE 38 conference in an elegant and persuasive fashion”. The revised paper
will be included in an issue of Paedagogica Historica.

8      ISCHE 40 Berlin 2018 and ISCHE 41 Porto 2019

Marcelo Caruso presented the framework and thematic scopes of ISCHE 40 on Education and
Nature in Berlin. This was followed by a presentation of Joaquim Pintassilgo and Luís Grosso
Correia on first plans and ideas for ISCHE 2019 in Porto (Portugal).

9      Election of new EC Members

Rebecca Rogers, who moderated the meeting, noted that the General Assembly needed to fill
two vacant positions on the Executive Committee and that in accordance with the procedures
established in ISCHE’s Constitution two nominations had been received: Angelo Van Gorp
(University of Landau, Germany), and Diana Vidal (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Angelo
Van Gorp and Diana Vidal were invited to come to the podium and give statements regarding
their interest in serving on the EC. Because the ISCHE constitution specifies that election for
ISCHE EC members take place by vote, Rebecca Rogers noted that ballots were being
distributed. The ballots were collected and counted by three ISCHE members (Frank Simon,
Ian Grosvenor and Felicitas Acosta). Later in the meeting, once the ballots had been counted,
President Rebecca Rogers announced that Diana Vidal and Angelo Van Gorp had been
elected and the assembly congratulated them on their election to the ISCHE EC committee.

10     Discussion of revised articles of the Constitution

Rebecca Rogers explained that the EC recommends changes to the ISCHE constitution. The
change concerns article 6.1 and 6.10 and will allow for co-opting an early career researcher
appointed by the EC committee for a period of three years. The EC also recommended that
article 6.10 will stipulate that co-opting of the same student/early career researcher to a
further term of office is not permitted.

11     Discussion of revised Byelaws

Rebecca Rogers explained that ISCHE byelaws (article 1.4) require the approval of the GA
and that the EC was recommending approval of byelaws changes and specifications with
regard to the changes made in the constitution (co-opted early career researcher for a period

of three years).

12     Approval of revised Constitution and Byelaws

On a motion proposed by Tim Allender and seconded by Ruth Watts, the constitution and
byelaw revisions were accepted by a vote 40 in favor, 2 opposed, 0 abstentions.

13     Discussion and Approval of New SWGs

One proposal for the establishment of a new Standing Working Group entitled “Growing up
in the out of home care: Histories of children and youths in foster families and residential
homes” was unanimously accepted.

14     Additional recommendations from membership

A question about multilingual panels offered the opportunity to specify that multilingual
panels should include two languages; ISCHE members should make mutual efforts to accept a
multilingual community.
A member raised the issue of allowing free entrance for students to the ISCHE conference as
was done in Buenos Aires. The President responded that local organizers have a responsibility
to ensure the conference is not run at a loss. The conference fee includes lunch and coffee
breaks and most local organizers do not have the funding to provide such a free service,
unless the registration fee is raised for all non-student participants. Traditionally ISCHE
offers reduced rates for students.

Respectfully submitted,

Karin Priem, ISCHE Secretary
Luxembourg, August 2017

Rebecca Rogers, ISCHE President
Paris, February 2018

Appendix 1: Treasurer’s Report, 1 January-31 December 2016

Appendix 2: 2017 Budget and Proposed Budget 2018

5. Honorary Laudation for Jeroen J.H. Dekker (António Nóvoa)

    Jeroen Dekker: a remarkable journey, a permanent dedication to ISCHE

It is not easy to pay tribute to someone, especially when that someone is called Jeroen

What we know of a person is only a small part of his/her journey. What remains to be
unveiled is always infinitely more.

I want to leave three notes about Jeroen Dekker, comprising what is merely a point of view;
that is, a view from a point or, in other words, a look from where I stand.

A historian who thinks of childhood in the longue durée

Jeroen Dekker is Full Professor and Chair of History and Theory of Education at the
University of Groningen (Netherlands). It is from this position that, over the last three
decades, he has offered a major, decisive contribution to the history of education.

I am unable to read his writings in Dutch, but books like The Will to Change the Child (2001)
or Educational Ambitions in History (2010) are key milestones in long-term studies on

The way in which Jeroen Dekker constructs his arguments, solidly based on historical sources
but without renouncing theoretical problematization, is an example of the best historical

Whenever I read his works on children and young people ‘at risk’, I remember the old words
of French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard: ‘The margins are what hold the pages together’. It is
from the ‘margins’ that one can understand the paths of childhood, education, and school.

A scholar committed to the international community

Jeroen Dekker has an important international career. His lectures and writings influenced
several generations of historians in many different regions of the world.

But this international influence must be seen in the light of a concrete, ongoing commitment
to researchers and research groups. His strong presence at ISCHE illustrates well his
commitment to the international community of educational historians.

I closely followed his mandate as President of ISCHE, between 1997 and 2000, and the work
he carried out to consolidate our scientific association, particularly in terms of academic and
editorial consistency.

When I organized the ISCHE Conference in Lisbon, in 1993, I expressed, from the beginning,
my intention to start a Supplementary Series of Paedagogica Historica, in order to publish a
selection of the best papers and not, as before, a collection of all accepted papers. I received
the support of Jeroen Dekker, along with Richard Aldrich and Marc Depaepe, which resulted

in the appearance of this series’ first volume: The Colonial Experience in Education, edited
by António Nóvoa, Marc Depaepe and Erwin V. Johanningmeier, in 1995.

Closer relations between ISCHE and Paedagogica Historica consolidated the mandate of
Jeroen Dekker as ISCHE President, allowing the reinforcement of a new editorial structure,
with the choice of a new partner (Taylor & Francis), and the definition of rigorous publication

This decision, which was enforced in 2003, already during my mandate as ISCHE President,
was decisive not only for our academic reputation, but also for all historical work in education
on an international level. It is an achievement that owes much to the lucidity and commitment
of Jeroen Dekker.

Simultaneously, as shown by a quick reading of the volumes of Paedagogica Historica, it
turns out that, in addition to having authored numerous articles, Jeroen Dekker was editor or
co-editor of about twenty special issues. Here is an impressive work of reading, evaluating,
choosing, and organizing texts for the benefit of the international community. There are few
academics that, like him, are able to present such an impressive curriculum of dedication to a
scientific association and its generational renewal.

Colleague and, not withstanding, friend

The phrase, of French origin, I believe, in which one scholar addresses another in the
following terms, ‘Cher collègue et, non obstant, ami’, is well known. The boundaries between
the academic and personal dimensions are clearly drawn. In a competitive and often disloyal
environment it is rare that friendship is allowed to thrive.

Jeroen Dekker refutes this outlook. He is a polite, generous, always elegant man who values
good friendship. All those who know him, over many years at the ISCHE conferences,
appreciate his affection and attachment, his willingness to support young scholars, the way he
works collaboratively.

It is not easy to find someone with the human qualities of Jeroen Dekker. And when these
qualities are added to his academic qualities, his international influence, and his commitment
to ISCHE, we have every reason to distinguish him with an honorary life membership.

This is what we do now, rightly, deservedly, recognizing one of the best of us, paying tribute
to our colleague and friend Jeroen Dekker. I am certain that all members of ISCHE will feel
proud of this distinction.

                                                                                António Nóvoa
                                                                   University of Lisbon, Portugal
                                                                    ISCHE President, 2000-2003

6. Honorary Laudation for Marc Depaepe (Ian Grosvenor)
                                   Laudatio Marc Depaepe

Marc Depaepe was born in Kortrijk 3 February 1953 and is a professor of history of education
and history of psychology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, campus Kulak (Flanders,
Belgium). He followed lower secondary education at Sint-Amandschool (South) in Kortrijk
and higher secondary education at the Sint-Jozefsinstituut in Torhout. At the University of
Leuven he studied Educational Sciences. He graduated from the Master of Science in 1977
and received his Ph.D in 1982 in Educational Sciences. His licentiate thesis focused on the
internal organisation of the Belgian primary school. In 1989 he was awarded a special
doctorate for his comparative history of the evolution of pedagogy and psychology as a
science primarily in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands,
and Belgium. This was later published in German in 1993. In 1996, he became a full
professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the K.U. Leuven and from
2004 at the Kulak. He has been Head of the Department of Educational Sciences in Leuven
(2001-2004), Head of the Faculty of Pyschology and Educational Studies in Kortrijk (2004-
2009) and Cordinator of the Human Sciences in Kortrijk (2007-2009). In August 2013, he
was appointed for a four-year term rector at Kulak (Kortrijk) and deputy vice-chancellor at
K.U. Leuven, also responsible for campuses at Bruges and Ostendstend.
        Professor Depaepe is a prolific writer and according to the researchgate database has
to date 159 publications, including 115 articles, 14 books, and 27 book chapters–––this is a
conservative figure compared to the listing on the K.U. Leuven website, e.g. as author/co-
author, editor/co-editor he has published about 50 books. His research and publications can be
broadly grouped around five themes: the theory, methodology and historiography of
‘historical pedagogy’ as a scientific discipline as well as a course in curricula; internationally
oriented history of (psycho) pedagogy; history of education and training in Belgium with an
emphasis on the elementary school; the history of colonial and postcolonial education in
Africa, in particular focusing on the history of the Belgium Congo; and the history of
intercultural relations in education. Within these broad areas his work has ranged from the
lure of psychology to school exercise books, from everyday classroom history to missionary
education, from Ovide Decroly to John Dewey, and from school documentaries to method in
history of education. Among his best-known and most influential works are On the
Relationship of Theory and History in Pedagogy. An introduction to the West German
discussion on the significance of the history of education (1950-1980) (Leuven, 1983); Zum
Wohl des Kindes? Pädologie, pädagogische Psychologie und experimentelle pädagogik in
Europa und den USA, 1890-1940 (Leuven, 1993); Beyond Empiricism. On Criteria for
Educational Research (Leuven, 2003); Order in Progress. Everyday Education Practice in
Primary Schools. Belgium, 1880–1970 (Leuven, 2000); The Forgotten Contribution of the
Teaching Sisters. A Historiographical Essay on the Educational Work of Catholic Women
Religious in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Leuven, 2009); An Educational Pilgrimage to the
United States.Travel Diary by Raymond Buyse, 1922 (Leuven, 2011); and Between
Educationalization and Appropriation. Selected Writings on the History of Modern
Educational Systems (Leuven, 2013). All of these works have involved some form of
collaboration with other scholars and this has been a characteristic of his career from the
outset when he worked with his promoter Professor Maurits De Vroede on the four volume
Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van het pedagogisch leven in Belgē. De periodieken 1817-1940
[Contributions to the history of educational life in Belgium, the periodicals from 1817 to
1940]. Since then he has collaborated extensively with among others Angelo Van Gorp, Hilde

Lauwers, Frederik Hermann and Paul Smeyers, but his most significant collaboration has
been with Frank Simon whom he first worked with on the Belgian periodicals project. Theirs
has been, and continues to be, one of the most enduring, productive and influential academic
partnerships in the field of history of education.

As a specialist in the historiography of education Professor Depaepe has taught courses both
in Kortrijk and Leuven including Geschiedenis van gedragswetenschappen, Geschiedenis van
opvoeding, onderwijs en vorming and History of Modern Educational Systems. As a tutor he
was generous with his time and has been particularly supportive of doctoral students on their
academic journey whether through formal means or his continuing involvement with the
History of Education Doctoral Summer School.

Professor Depaepe has been an active member of several scientific organisations. He is a
Fellow of the International Academy of Education and is currently, amongst others, Editor in
Chief of Paedagogica Historica. He has been a member of the Editorial Board since 1990. He
was President of the International Standing Conference for History of Education 1991-1994
having previously served as its Secretary. In 1993-1994, he was awarded the Sarton Medal by
the University of Ghent and was made doctor honoris causa of the University of Latvia in
Riga in 2015.

Professor Depaepe remains one of the most distinguished historians of education of his
generation, an excellent colleague and active campaigner for our discipline.

                                                  Ian Grovesnor
                                                  Editor-in-chief of Paedagogica Historica
                                                  Co-opted member of ISCHE EC since 2009

7. Honorary Laudation for Joyce Goodman (Rebecca Rogers)
                                Laudation for Joyce Goodman

Allow me to present Professor Joyce Goodman on the occasion of ISCHE’s 40th anniversary.
Recently retired from the University of Winchester where she culminated her years of service
to the institution as Assistant Vice Chancellor, Joyce is a specialist in the history of women’s
education and a fellow ISCHE traveler for twenty years now. Secretary par excellence from
2003 to 2010, she has left her imprint in far more than the minutes of our association. Joyce
Goodman is the second woman to receive an honorary life membership, following in the
footsteps of Ruth Watts, for whom she wrote the laudation. It is my great pleasure to be doing
the same for her; she richly deserves our tribute.
How to strike the right tone for this honorary laudatio? This is an important question when
writing about Joyce Goodman, who long hesitated about whether to devote her life to music
or to the history of education. I don’t know of any musical renditions that would fittingly
describe her investment in the field so, more prosaically, let me jump in and paint an
admittedly limited picture of Joyce’s contributions to our community.
Faithful participant
Joyce began attending ISCHE in the late 1990s as the ISCHE representative of the History of
Education Society (GB); her encounter with ISCHE could de described as a meeting of
minds. She found an international setting that challenged her to think globally; the
organization found a member willing to invest her time and considerable energy in all facets
of our professional life, pushing the association and its members to stretch their reach, to
strive for greater inclusion, and to collaborate across disciplinary and national boundaries. A
pillar of the Standing Working Group on gender and education, she was among the first to
think about the imperial reach of women’s education, encouraging approaches that brought
new themes into the conferences but also new participants into our community.

ISCHE Secretary
It is perhaps fitting for a scholar so interested in deconstructing how gendered stereotypes
have characterized women’s governance in education, that her institutional mark upon ISCHE
has been as Secretary, the archetypal woman’s task. While her success in this role was
undoubtedly helped by her typing skills (all those lessons in pianoforte honing the dexterous
nimbleness of the female hand, as career guidance manuals will tell us), her impact went far
beyond the recording of minutes. Soft-spoken and attentive, she has the true manager’s skill
for getting people to work, collaborate, and envision productive futures together. As
Secretary, alongside Wayne Urban and Frank Simon, she was well-positioned to promote her
vision for the future and to seek to establish a deeper working collaboration with EERA, for
example. And she has honed these managerial skills in many settings: first within the
Women’s History Network, and more recently as President of the History of Education
Society (GB).
Many of us can testify to the way her ideas have fed not just the organization of numerous
panels, but far more ambitious programs for special issues, collective volumes, or
collaborative research projects. This is indeed how my friendship with Joyce was cemented
when she convinced me it would be a good idea to present a proposal for a book about Girls’
secondary education in the Western world to Palgrave, using our contacts established within

ISCHE. I fell in line, along with Jim Albisetti; my research leave was spent working on that
book rather than on the project I had intended—and I have no regrets.

Keynote speaker, collaborative scholar, and teacher
Modest in demeanor but titanic in her intellectual projects, Joyce Goodman has also made her
mark on ISCHE through her scholarship. Her interest in women’s education and issues of
identity led her to explore with theoretical sophistication insights gained from the linguistic
turn in women’s history and the imperial turn in the social sciences. ISCHE members had the
pleasure of hearing her deliver a keynote address in Rutgers on “Women, education and
inequality” (that appeared in Paedagogica Historica in 2010), and others will remember the
important special issue on Empires overseas and Empires at Home that she coedited for PH as
well. Perhaps more significantly, she brought other people along with her on her intellectual
journeys, as she did with me. Her numerous edited volumes can be seen as her intellectual
trademark. Joyce Goodman can speak out like the women she studies, but when she publishes
books, she does it with others, beginning with Sylvia Harrop (Women, Educational Policy
Making and Administration in England. Authoritative Women Since 1800), and then,
regularly, with Jane Martin, fellow ISCHE faithful (Gender, Colonialism and Education: the
Political Experience of Education; Women and Education, 1800-1980: Educational Reform
and Personal Identities; and more recently the 4 volume compilation, Women and Education,
Major Themes [)]. Interest in new approaches, interdisciplinary conversations, or the
innovative use of sources characterize the many articles she has published in the field, as well
as the research projects she has directed with others. Be it through the ESCR (Economic and
Social Research Council) seminars she co-directed with Gary McCulloch and William
Richardson on “Social Change in the History of Education: The British Experience in
International Context”, or through experiences as the Girls’ school archivist for the
Manchester High School for Girls, Joyce has consistently through her career pushed herself
and others to question historical paradigms and to embrace new perspectives: gender (of
course), but also issues relating to race and disability, and more recently the question of
musical literacies as well as sonorities in the history of education.
Marked no doubt by her years as a music teacher in both England and the Netherlands, Joyce
Goodman’s skills as a scholar are in part the product of her ability to listen––to her historical
sources be they written, visual or oral; to fellow scholars, and also to students. During her
years as Secretary within ISCHE she consistently promoted initiatives on behalf of
Postgraduate students, initiating poster sessions in Hamburg, encouraging their participation
in the annual conferences and spreading knowledge about the UK history of Society ISCHE
bursary scheme to other national societies, so they too might encourage the new generation of
scholars to join our community.

Convinced Internationalist
Joyce’s scholarship in recent years has come increasingly to reflect the international
orientation of ISCHE. Breaking out of the boundaries of a nationally circumscribed
perspective, her research and her research subjects increasingly gravitate in cosmopolitan
settings where transnational conversations give evidence of the emergence of an international
mind. Be it through the exploration of settings, such as the International Council of Women,
the International Committee of Intellectual Co-operation, or through the travels of such
cosmopolitan travelers as Reta Oldham or Laura Dreyfus Barney, Joyce has pushed many of
us to see ISCHE, but also network 17 in EERA, as a place to experiment transnational
approaches to the history of education, to develop international networks, and to position
women squarely within the picture.

For this, and for so much more––friendships built, shared and treasured––ISCHE takes great
pleasure in honoring Joyce Goodman, whose voice has brought so many modulated tones into
our conversations.

                                                             Rebecca Rogers
                                                             Université Paris Descartes
                                                             ISCHE President, 2015-2018

8. Honorary Laudation for Frank Simon (Kate Rousmaniere)

Members of the ISCHE Executive Committee and of the Annual General Assembly of ISCHE

It is my pleasure to present this account of the achievements of Professor Frank Simon,
Professor Emeritus at the University of Ghent, Belgium, past president of ISCHE, and one of
the most highly respected scholars, mentors and organizational leaders in the field of the
history of education, with a particularly significant international reputation and impact. It is
especially meaningful to speak to this award of an honorary life membership for Frank Simon
on the occasion of ISCHE’s 40th anniversary, as Frank has done so much to further our

Frank Simon has been with ISCHE from the beginning, serving as president from 2006-2009,
and remaining a tireless advocate for ISCHE and international, comparative and cross-
disciplinary scholarship. Always reaching out to new ventures, as president, he negotiated the
co- sponsorship of the 2012 ISCHE conference in Geneva with the Society for the History of
Children and Youth and the Disability History Association. Even now, in retirement, we see
Frank’s influence: in recent years, he helped establish the guidelines for and has chaired the
ISCHE First Book Award committee.

Frank has also sponsored and supported, in leadership and in sheer presence, the creation of
other history of education ventures. Most notably, he has led some of the daring new ventures
in historical research, into such areas as visual studies, documentary photography, and the
history of the senses. Through the 1990s, Frank avidly engaged in and promoted new research
in the social history of education, engaging in research on and promotion of, as he called it in
an influential Paedagogica Historica essay, “the history of everyday educational reality in
and outside schools.” In 1999, Frank was among the creators of the Network 17 at the
European Educational Research Association (EERA), a thriving research group that centers
on the histories of European education, with a particular interest in new forms of historical
methodology and under-represented areas. In recognition of his leadership with the Network,
in March 2018, Frank was designated an Honorary Fellow of EERA.

In his commitment to supporting emerging scholars, Frank was one of the founders and
regular tutors at the History of Education International Summer School for doctoral students
(just completing its 9th meeting).

Frank has also served in significant leadership roles for Paedagogica Historica as an editor
and on its support foundation, the Stichting. As editor in chief of the journal for 17 years
(1990-2007) Frank helped reorganize the journal’s financial organization and its relationship
with ISCHE, to help create a top tier scholarly journal. For Paedagogica Historica, Frank
served as co-editor of nine issues on topics including childhood, modernity, urbanization,
book, ethnicity, the visual, faith, comparative education and culture and as editor of one
special issue.

In additional to organizational leadership, Frank has served as a personal mentor and guide
for many in the field, promoting the history of education in presentations and memberships at
hundreds of international scholarly events, spreading his influence through his sheer presence.
He is often on the move presenting in Brazil, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

While engaged in such leadership, mentorship and advocacy, Frank has contributed leading
scholarship to the field, publishing 172 articles since 1992. Frank’s work is written and
published in English, Dutch, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and often with colleagues
and students in national journals from UK, US, Belgium, and Mexico. His partnership with
his colleague, co-editor, and comrade at arms in many scholarly ventures, Marc Depaepe, has
been particularly productive, and serves as a model of collegial intellectual and cultural
partnership. Alone and in collaboration with other scholars (including many students), Frank
has published on such diverse topics as the history of teachers and pedagogy, educational
museums, material culture of the school and school architecture, historiography ad
methodology of the history of the classroom, history of childhood and children’s experiences
in school, visual history and documentary films, open air classrooms, and the history of
schooling in Belgium.

Frank’s current academic interests are devoted to the ‘New Education’ movement, especially
to the life of Ovide Decroly.

In his past life, Frank played soccer for the Belgian team, Cercle Bruges, where he was, as in
our own organization, both a solid rock of the team, rarely missing a game, and a leading
figurehead, literally known for his headers. Playing as a defender, he both kept the team
secure, and maintained its strength and vitality. So has he done with his professional teams

For these reasons, ISCHE is delighted on its 40th anniversary to present Frank Simon with an
honorary life membership, as testimony to his contributions to our association.

                                                               Kate Rousmaniere,
                                                               ISCHE President, 2009-2012

9. Laudation for ISCHE 2018 First Book Award

ISCHE Book Award 2018
Jon Shelton
University of Wisconsin–Green Bay

For his book entitled:

Teacher Strike! Public Education and the Making of a New American
Political Order. Chicago, Illinois USA: University of Illinois Press, 2017.

This book is an excellent piece of research on the recent history of education. The research
offers a very clear and insightful analysis of the political context in which teacher strikes
occurred in the US in the 60s and 70s (in large cities including New York City, Chicago,
Pittsburgh, Detroit, Philadelphia, and St. Louis). It provides an interesting analysis of the
relationships of teachers’ unions to the Black activism movement and other civil rights
movements. The author’s writing style is agreeable and allows the reader to follow easily the
line of argument. The subject also offers links to current events. The analysis of teacher
strikes is embedded in an in-depth study of the working conditions of teachers, while also
addressing intersections with other social movements as well as racial and gender inequalities.
The book covers an impressive range of sources: unions’ archives, city archives, newspapers
and magazines, among others. Very creative is the way in which the author reviewed letters
sent to jailed union leaders, seeking to understand the impact of media discourses in citizens’
opinions; these letters are an innovative source and they offer a good entry point to public
opinion. The main argument of the book is the breakdown of the labor-liberal alliance during
the 1970s, which paves the way for the rise of neoliberalism in the 1980s and 1990s.

While the book adopts a relatively classical historical approach, it is to be commended for its
thorough and dense study of teacher union mobilizations. It raises new questions and brings
new perspectives to this topic. This book makes a substantial contribution to the fields of
labor history and educational history.

2018 ISCHE First Book Award Committee
Frank Simon (Chair), James Albisetti, Inés Dussel, Solenn Huitric, Elsie Rockwell

10. Laudation for Early Career Conference Paper 2017

ISCHE Early Career Conference
Paper Award 2018
Sophie Rudolph
University of Melbourne, Australia

For her paper entitled:

To ‘Uplift the Aborigine’ or to ‘Uphold’ Aboriginal Dignity and Pride?
Indigenous Educational Debates in 1960s Australia

Based on primary sources and all of the relevant literature the paper documents educational
debates in politically turbulent 1960s Australia about the racism faced by Aboriginal people.
In doing so it deals with a question that was central to conference and demonstrates ‘that
questions of emancipation through education are not straightforward’ and that ‘educational
provision must be thoughtfully negotiated with communities.’ The paper also raised issues
about the extent to which cultural hybridity has a place in emancipation debates. In its
analysis of the operation of a particular set of ‘racial logics’ the paper is a fine addition to
postcolonial literature.

11. Nominations for Executive Committee Member

                           Statement for ISCHE’s Executive Committee - Inés Dussel
                  I first attended ISCHE in 1995, also in Berlin, when I was a graduate student in
          Argentina and was studying Dewey’s reception in South America. At ISCHE I found a
          vibrant international community of scholars that sustained interesting conversations based
          on solid research and lines of thought, all within a respectful and relaxed climate. Years
          have passed, and this impression, which I now know is not so common in scholarly
          meetings, still stays with me; ISCHE’s conferences always give me new ideas and threads
          to follow, and leave me looking forward to the following one.
                  Besides being a regular attendee, in recent years I have become more involved in
          the Society’s activities, participating in the Scientific Committees of the meetings held in
          2012- Geneva, 2016-Chicago, 2017-Buenos Aires, and 2018-Berlin. In 2016, I was a
          lecturer at the History of Education Doctoral Summer School held at the University of
          Luxembourg. In 2018 I served in the First Book Award Committee, a position I have been
          invited to repeat next year. Since 2015 in Istanbul, I have been co-convenor, together with
          Diana Gonçalves Vidal and Marcelo Caruso, of the SWG Touching Bodies in Schools, and
          this year I am promoting, together with Karin Priem, Ian Grosvenor and Tim Allender,
          another SWG on Material Hermeneutics and Remediation as Challenges in Visual Studies
          in Histories of Education. Both SWG reflect my current research interest in the material
          and visual cultures of education.
                  I am currently a member of both the Argentinean and Mexican Societies for the
          History of Education, collaborating in their organizations in different capacities. Besides
          my own research and writing on educational histories, I have supervised a number of
          dissertations that have dealt with material and visual histories of education. I also have an
          extended network of colleagues with whom I undertake writing and research projects in
          Latin and North America, Europe, and Australia. These projects have involved topics such
          as the history of school architecture and design, UNESCO’s first years, the history of the
          idea(l) of deschooling, and visual histories of education. In relation to academic journals in
          the field, I am a member of the International Advisory Board of Paedagogica Historica, as
          well as of the Australian History of Education Review, the Spanish Revista de Historia y
          Memoria de la Educación, the Italian Rivista di storia dell’educazione, the Swiss-German
          Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, and the
          Argentinean Anuario de Historia de la Educación.
                  I would like to contribute to ISCHE’s Executive Committee with my knowledge
          and experience of traveling across different intellectual and linguistic communities, which
          makes me particularly sensitive to issues of translation and to the uneven, unequal
          geopolitics of knowledge. Research traditions are different; constructing dialogue and
          common ground between them is an important and challenging task. Also, I support and
          would like to expand what is being done in ISCHE’s Tertulias so that as historians of
          education we collectively engage with issues that relate to the future of our life in this
          planet. Finally, if elected as part of its EC, I will do my best to preserve ISCHE as a warm,
          hospitable society that provides space and time for inter-generational, plurilingual
          conversations about the crafts and concerns of educational historians from different regions
          of the world. I have intentionally repeated the word ‘conversations’; in the midst of an
          increasing commodification of academic life, I am convinced that we have to defend
          scholarly conversations that do not intend to become markets, and that academic societies
          such as ISCHE can and should play a role in this.

Inés Dussel
                                      SHORT VITAE
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001). She is a currently a Full-Time
Researcher at the Department of Educational Research, CINVESTAV, Mexico, a top
leading public research institution in Latin America. She served as Director of the
Education Area, Latin American School for the Social Sciences (Argentina), from 2001
to 2008. She has published 14 books and over 160 book chapters and articles in referred
journals in six languages. She has supervised 10 doctoral dissertations and 36 MA thesis
in Argentinean, Mexican, French, and Brazilian universities. In 2018 she received the
Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Germany), a
prize that recognizes exceptional academic careers.

Her research interests focus on the relationships among knowledge, bodies, and
schooling. She conducted research on the history of students’ movements, secondary
school curriculum, school uniforms, textbooks, and school material culture. In the last
10 years, she has been studying the history and present of visual technologies in
education, either as material artifacts in educational processes or as sources and
remnants of past experiences -such as photos or films. She is an avid reader of social
theory and philosophy, particularly of poststructuralism and new materialisms, and of
visual studies and history.

She has given keynote lectures at the German Congress for Educational Sciences
(Berlin), Comparative Education Society of Europe (Freiburg), Australian and New
Zealand History of Education Society (Melbourne), Brazilian-Portuguese Congress on
Curriculum (Belo Horizonte), UK History of Education Society (Worcester),
Argentinean History of Education Conference (Neuquén), Spanish History of Education
Society Conference (El Escorial), Ibero-American Congress for Latin American History
of Education (Montevideo), among others.

Since 2011 she is a member of the Governing Board of the International Association for
Visual Culture, and serves on the scientific board of several academic research journals
(Gender and Education, Comparative Education, Paedagogica Historica, Visual
Studies, Education Review, Educational Policy Analysis Archives, International Journal
for the Historiography of Education, Sysyphus, History of Education Review, Revista de
Historia y Memoria de la Educación, Revista Brasileira de Educaçao, among others).

Most recent relevant publications:
 (Guest editor of special issue) Dussel, Inés & Karin Priem (2017) The visual in
histories of education: A Reappraisal, Paedagogica Historica 53:5, 641-649.
(Guest editor of special issue) Dussel, Inés & Negin Dahya (2017) Introduction:
Problematizing voice and representation in youth media production, Journal of
Learning, Media and Technology. 42: 1, 1-7. DOI:10.1080/17439884.2016. 1205602
(Journal article) Dussel, Inés (2018) Truth in propagandistic images. Reflections on an
enigmatic corpus (Westerbork, 1944), Revista Historia y Memoria de la Educación, 8,
23-58. DOI: 10.5944/hme.8.2018.20411
(Journal article) Dussel, Inés (2017) Iconoclastic images in the history of education.
Another look at children in revolt in two children’s films from the 1930s, Paedagogica
Historica 53:5, 668-682. DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2017.1374293

Marc A. VanOverbeke : Statement for ISCHE Executive Committee
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies, College
of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA

I am excited to be nominated for the ISCHE Executive Committee by the History of
Education Society (United States). As someone who regularly attends the ISCHE annual
meetings and was a member of the Local Organizing Committee for the 2016 Chicago
conference, I have found a home here among colleagues throughout the world. I have
benefited tremendously from attending these meetings—as well as meetings of the History of
Education Society (both in the United Kingdom and the United States). My involvement in
ISCHE has shaped my research and teaching, and even my administrative work, by
broadening my focus and perspective. If selected, I would welcome the opportunity to serve
on the Executive Committee and to continue the work of an organization that is a significant
part of my professional life.
In this statement, I highlight the ways that ISCHE has influenced me as a scholar and
administrator, and the crucial work I would like to see ISCHE continue to do. As an
Associate Professor in Educational Policy Studies, my research examines the history of
education, principally the history of higher education and educational access. Given the
transnational influences that have shaped the development of higher education in the United
States, my focus necessarily embraces an international perspective, and ISCHE has been
crucial here. By facilitating conversations with scholars across the globe and by developing
sessions and panel presentations that draw from a diverse array of international scholars,
ISCHE and the annual meetings have affected the questions I ask and the ways I think about
the development of higher education in the United States and elsewhere and the possibilities
for today. Similarly, in my role as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, I have been
responsible for strengthening the College of Education’s international programming, which
involves developing study abroad and exchange programs and increasing the number of
international students and scholars studying at or visiting Chicago. All of my research,
teaching, and administrative work has been shaped by the connections I have made through
ISCHE, the conversations I have had, the research I have learned from, and the sessions I
have attended.
If selected to be a member of the Executive Committee, I would see it as particularly
important to continue efforts to expand ISCHE’s reach among new and established scholars.
One of the challenges in any discipline is maintaining the health and robustness of the field,
especially among early career scholars and graduate students. Over the past years, I have
been impressed by the efforts ISCHE has undertaken to share the excitement of the work and
research we do with others throughout the world, to make this a welcoming conference and
organization for graduate students and early career scholars, and to ensure that all scholars
have opportunities to contribute to the organization. Whether through graduate travel support,
book awards, regional workshops, and the recently-launched salon series, ISCHE is providing
an unparalleled opportunity for scholars across the world who are interested in history of
education to convene, share ideas, and learn from each other. Ultimately, this work
strengthens the field of history of education as a vital and necessary aspect of understanding
education, schooling, and learning.
If selected for the Executive Committee, I would strive to continue these efforts to welcome
new scholars into the field, support current scholars, and develop a robust discipline through
the international exchange of ideas. It would be an honor to join the Executive Committee
and to give back to an organization that has given me so much.

Curriculum Vitae
                                    MARC A. VAN OVERBEKE

2005      Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Educational Policy Studies
1999           M.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, Educational Foundations, Policy, and

2016-Present College of Education, University of Illinois at Chicago
             Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (2016-Present)
             Associate Professor, Department of Educational Policy Studies (2016-Present)
2005-2016      College of Education, Northern Illinois University
               Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (2014-2016)
               Department of Leadership, Educational Psychology, and Foundations
               Department Chair (2012-2013)
               Associate Professor (2010-2016)
               Assistant Professor (2005-2010)

Ogren, Christine A., and Marc A VanOverbeke (eds.). (2018). Rethinking Campus Life: New
Perspectives on the History of College Students in the United States. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
VanOverbeke, Marc A. (2018). “Activism, Athletics, and Student Life at State Colleges in the 1950s
and 1960s.” In Rethinking Campus Life: New Perspectives on the History of College Students in the
United States, eds. Christine A. Ogren and Marc A VanOverbeke. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
VanOverbeke, Marc A. (2013). "Out of the Quietness, a Clamor: 'We Want Football!' The
California State Colleges, Educational Opportunity, and Athletics," History of Education
Quarterly, 53, pp. 430-454.
VanOverbeke, Marc A. (2009). “Linking Secondary and Higher Education through the
University of Michigan’s Accreditation Program, 1870-1890.” Perspectives on the History of
Higher Education, 27, pp. 33-63.
VanOverbeke, Marc A. (2008). The Standardization of American Schooling: Linking Secondary and
Higher Education, 1870-1910. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
VanOverbeke, Marc A. (2008). “Educating the Democratic Citizen: Frederick Jackson Turner,
History Education, and the University Extension Movement.” In The Handbook of Social Justice in
Education, eds. William Ayers, Therese Quinn and David Stovall. New York: Routledge, pp. 15-23.

2018-2019  President’s Executive Leadership Program Fellow, University of Illinois System
2010-2012      National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
2010           Spencer Foundation Small Grant
2010           Linda Eisenmann Prize in History of Higher Education, History of Education Society

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