Genetic Diversity and Population History of the Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) as Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variations

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Genetic Diversity and Population History of the Red Panda (Ailurus
fulgens) as Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Variations
Bing Su,*† Yunxin Fu,† Yingxiang Wang,* Li Jin,† and Ranajit Chakraborty†
*Laboratory of Comparative Genomics, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China; and
†Human Genetics Center, University of Texas–Houston

       The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is one of the flagship species in worldwide conservation and is of special interest
       in evolutionary studies due to its taxonomic uniqueness. We sequenced a 236-bp fragment of the mitochondrial D-
       loop region in a sample of 53 red pandas from two populations in southwestern China. Seventeen polymorphic
       sites were found, together with a total of 25 haplotypes, indicating a high level of genetic diversity in the red panda.
       However, no obvious genetic divergence was detected between the Sichuan and Yunnan populations. The consensus
       phylogenetic tree of the 25 haplotypes was starlike. The pairwise mismatch distribution fitted into a pattern of
       populations undergoing expansion. Furthermore, Fu’s FS test of neutrality was significant for the total population
       (FS 5 27.573), which also suggests a recent population expansion. Interestingly, the effective population size in
       the Sichuan population was both larger and more stable than that in the Yunnan population, implying a southward
       expansion from Sichuan to Yunnan.

      The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) (also known as the                     received sufficient attention in population genetic stud-
lesser panda) is one of the earth’s living fossils. Its an-                  ies, partly due to the difficulty in obtaining large sam-
cestor can be traced back to tens of millions of years ago                   ples for such studies, a difficulty which is also common
with a wide distribution across Eurasia (Mayr 1986). Fos-                    for many other endangered species. Here, we report the
sils of the red panda have been unearthed from China in                      first study of mitochondrial DNA sequence variations in
the east to Britain in the west (Hu 1990a). However, due                     a large sample of red pandas.
to recent environmental destruction, the red panda is be-
coming an endangered species and has drawn a lot of                          Materials and Methods
attention in the conservation efforts, being rated as one                    DNA Samples
of the flagship species (Hu 1990a; Wei and Hu 1992;
IUCN red list of threatened animals, 1996: http://                                 A total of 74 samples were collected, including                        blood samples (16), hair samples (16), and dried leather
The red panda lives in the bamboo forests of the Hima-                       samples (42). Due to degradation, DNA extractions were
layan and Heng-Duan Mountains. Its current habitat ex-                       successful for only 21 of the 42 dried leather samples
tends through Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Southwest-                         (table 1). Therefore, the total number of DNA samples
ern China (Tibet, Yunnan, and Sichuan provinces), over-                      was reduced to 53. Both of the two subspecies were
lapping with the distribution of the giant panda (Gao                        included, with five of them being Ailurus fulgens fulgens
1987). Molecular phylogenetic studies showed that as an                      and the others being Ailurus fulgens styani (table 1). The
ancient species in the order Carnivora, the red panda is                     blood and hair samples were obtained from the Chong-
relatively close to the American raccoon (family Pro-                        qing Zoo and Chengdu Zoos of China, and their wild
cyonidae) and may be either a monotypic family or a                          origins were known. Blood samples were anticoagulated
subfamily within the procynonid (Mayr 1986; Zhang and                        with heparin and stored at 2708C before DNA extrac-
Ryder 1993; Slattery and O’Brien 1995).                                      tion. The hair samples were collected by plucking and
      Genetic variation in a sample is informative in                        stored at 2708C. The dried leather samples were ob-
studying population DNA history. Patterns of mismatch                        tained from collections of the Kunming Institute of Zo-
distribution and phylogenetic analyses among genes                           ology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and stored at
have been utilized to delineate population processes                         2708C after sampling. The 53 red pandas were origi-
(Slatkin and Hudson 1991; Rogers and Harpending                              nally from 8 different geographic locations in the Sich-
1992; Nee et al. 1994; Moritz 1995; Glenn, Stephan,                          uan and Yunnan provinces of China (fig. 1). Although
and Braun 1999). In addition, several methods were also                      efforts were made to avoid sampling related individuals,
developed to estimate population parameters and to test                      the relationships among animals in the sample were gen-
biological hypotheses (Watterson 1975; Tajima 1983,                          erally unknown.
1989; Fu and Li 1993; Fu 1994, 1996, 1997). Compared
with its relative the giant panda, the red panda has not                     DNA Extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction, and
                                                                                  DNA extractions from blood samples follow the
     Key words: red panda, mitochondrial DNA, D-loop, sequence di-
versity, neutrality test, population expansion.                              standard phenol-chloroform method. The fresh hair and
                                                                             dried leather samples were first treated with proteinase
     Address for correspondence and reprints: Bing Su, Human Ge-
netics Center, University of Texas–Houston, 6901 Bertner Avenue,             K at 568C for 2 h and then incubated with 10% Chelex
Houston, Texas 77030. E-mail:                           100 (Bio-Rad) at 988C for 30 min. After centrifugation
Mol. Biol. Evol. 18(6):1070–1076. 2001                                       at a high speed (10,000 rpm) for 10 min, the superna-
q 2001 by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. ISSN: 0737-4038   tants were collected and directly used as DNA templates

Population Expansion in the Red Panda          1071

Table 1
Red Pandas Sampled in this Study
   Population                Location                              Sample ID                                  Subspecies                       Total
Yunnan. . . . . . . .      Lu-Shui                         R16–R31, R62                                    Ailurus fulgens styani                17
                           Gong-Shan                       R56, R58, R66, R68, Rn                          Ailurus fulgens fulgens                5
Sichuan . . . . . . .      Lei-Bo                          R1, R5, R9                                      A. f. styani                           3
                           Mian-Ning                       R2, R8                                          A. f. styani                           2
                           Shi-Mian                        R6, R7, R12–R15                                 A. f. styani                           7
                           Kang-Ding                       R49, R50                                        A. f. styani                           2
                           Mu-Li                           R51                                             A. f. styani                           1
                           E-Bian                          R32                                             A. f. styani                           1
                           Unknown                         R11, R34–R37, R39–R48                           A. f. styani                          15

    NOTE.—Refer to the map in figure 1 for geographic locations. In the Sichuan population, 15 of the samples (R11, R34–37, and R39–R48) did not have detailed
geographic information.

for PCR (Walsh 1990). The PCR was conducted by pre-                             bution was generated using Arlequin, version 2.000
denaturing at 948C for 2 min, cycling at 948C for 1 min,                        (Schneider, Roessli, and Excoffier 2000). The essential
568C for 1 min, and 728C for 1 min for 35–40 cycles,                            population parameter u was estimated using Watterson’s
and a final extension at 728C for 5 min. The primer                             (1975) estimate, Tajima’s (1983) estimate, and Fu’s
sequences are CAC CAT CAA CAC CCA AAG CTG                                       (1994) UPBLUE estimate. Watterson’s estimate is based
(forward) and TTC ATG GGC CCG GAG CGA G (re-                                    on the number of segregating sites among the sequences.
verse), which amplify a 276-bp fragment located up-                             Tajima’s estimate is based on the calculation of the mean
stream of the mtDNA D-loop region. The PCR products                             number of pairwise differences of the sequences, while
were purified through low-melting-point agarose gel                             Fu’s UPBLUE estimate is done by incorporating the ge-
electrophoresis. Sequencing was conducted on an                                 nealogical information of the sequences. A statistical
ABI377 automatic sequencer with both forward and re-                            test of neutrality was carried out using Fu’s (1997) FS
verse primers.                                                                  test. Strictly speaking, all three of these estimators of u
                                                                                are based on the infinite-sites model (Watterson 1975;
Phylogenetic Analysis and Statistical Tests of                                  Tajima 1983; Fu 1997). Since the sequences generated
Neutrality                                                                      in this study are from the D-loop region that has mu-
                                                                                tation hot spots, the infinite-sites model is violated to
      For phylogenetic analysis, parsimony (PAUP, ver-                          some extent. To minimize the effect of violation of the
sion 3.1.1; Swofford 1993) and median-joining network                           model on the estimation of u, as well as statistical tests
analyses (Bandelt, Forster, and Röhl 1999) were used.                          of neutrality, we inferred all the required information for
The homologous sequence of the raccoon (Procyon lo-                             parameter estimation and neutrality testing from the par-
tor), the closest living relative of the red panda, was                         simony analysis. This was done by first reconstructing
included as an outgroup. The pairwise mismatch distri-                          a parsimony tree from the sequences and then inferring
                                                                                the required information from the tree. For example, to
                                                                                infer the total number of mutations in the sample, we
                                                                                counted the total number of steps in the parsimony tree.
                                                                                For each pair of sequences, the distance needed for UP-
                                                                                BLUE could easily be computed from the parsimony
                                                                                tree as well.
                                                                                      Fu’s FS test of neutrality was used to infer the pop-
                                                                                ulation history of the red panda. The FS value tends to
                                                                                be negative when there is an excess of recent mutations,
                                                                                and therefore a large negative value of FS will be taken
                                                                                as evidence against the neutrality of mutations, an in-
                                                                                dication of deviation caused by population growth and/
                                                                                or selection.

                                                                                Results and Discussion
                                                                                D-Loop Sequence Variations in the Red Panda
                                                                                      A total of 236 bp of the sequence of the D-loop
                                                                                upstream region was generated from the 53 samples,
                                                                                with 22 of them from the Yunnan population and 31
                                                                                from the Sichuan population. The aligned sequences are
      FIG. 1.—The geographic distribution of red pandas sampled in              shown in figure 2, including the homologous segment
this study. (1) Lu-shui, (2) Gong-Shan, (3) Lei-bo, (4) Mian-ning, (5)          of the raccoon. There are 17 variant sites; 16 of them
Shi-mian, (6) Kang-ding, (7) Mu-li, (8) E-bian.                                 are transitions and 1 is a transversion (fig. 2). A total of
1072   Su et al.

                                                                Table 2
                                                                Mitochondrial DNA Haplotype Distribution of Red
                                                                  type                   Sample No.                   Count
                                                                Hap01 . .   R01, R09, R10, R12, R34, R39, R44–R46       9
                                                                Hap02 . .   R02                                         1
                                                                Hap03 . .   R05                                         1
                                                                Hap04 . .   R06                                         1
                                                                Hap05 . .   R07, R11, R13–R15, R35, R37, R43, R48       9
                                                                Hap06 . .   R08                                         1
                                                                Hap07 . .   R16                                         1
                                                                Hap08 . .   R17, R19, R21, R27, R28                     5
                                                                Hap09 . .   R18, R20, R22                               3
                                                                Hap10 . .   R23–R25, R29, R31                           5
                                                                Hap11 . .   R26                                         1
                                                                Hap12 . .   R30                                         1
                                                                Hap13 . .   R40                                         1
                                                                Hap14 . .   R49                                         1
                                                                Hap15 . .   R50                                         1
                                                                Hap16 . .   R56                                         1
                                                                Hap17 . .   R58                                         1
                                                                Hap18 . .   R62                                         1
                                                                Hap19 . .   R66                                         1
                                                                Hap20 . .   R68                                         1
                                                                Hap21 . .   Rn                                          1
                                                                Hap22 . .   R36                                         1
                                                                Hap23 . .   R42, R47                                    2
                                                                Hap24 . .   R41, R32                                    2
                                                                Hap25 . .   R51                                         1

                                                                25 haplotypes were obtained from the 53 individual se-
                                                                quences, with 13 from the Sichuan population and 12
                                                                from the Yunnan population, respectively (table 2). Con-
                                                                sidering the nonrecombinant nature and high mutation
                                                                rate of mtDNA, multiple recurrent mutations were re-
                                                                sponsible for the excessive number of haplotypes ob-
                                                                served in the red panda. Among the 25 haplotypes, 18
                                                                of them were singletons (9 in Yunnan and 9 in Sichuan),
                                                                indicating a high level of recent sequence diversity.
                                                                Gene diversity was estimated to be 0.93 6 0.02 based
                                                                on Nei’s (1987) method.

                                                                Mismatch Distribution and Phylogenetic Analysis
                                                                      The pairwise sequence difference among the 53 red
                                                                panda sequences was calculated using Arlequin, version
                                                                2.000 (Schneider, Roessli, and Excoffier 2000), and the
                                                                mismatch distribution is shown in figure 3. The pairwise
                                                                differences range from 0 to 12 substitutions. Interesting-
                                                                ly, the mismatch distribution is a better fit to a bell-like
                                                                curve of a population undergoing exponential growth
                                                                than a typical L-shaped one at equilibrium (Slatkin and
                                                                Hudson 1991; Rogers and Harpending 1992). The pair-
                                                                wise sequence differences among the 25 haplotypes and
                                                                the raccoon sequence are shown in table 3.
                                                                      Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis was performed
                                                                with PAUP, version 3.1.1 (Swofford 1993). Based on the
     FIG. 2.—The mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences of the 25
haplotypes in the 53 red pandas.                                parsimony rule, we obtained a total of 13 equal most-
                                                                parsimonious trees (tree length 5 74, tree length among
                                                                ingroups 5 37). The strict consensus tree is shown in
                                                                figure 4a. As revealed, the consensus tree demonstrated
                                                                a very shallow phylogenetic structure among haplo-
                                                                types. The starlike phylogeny in figure 4a again indi-
Population Expansion in the Red Panda       1073

                                                                             Sichuan population (31 individuals) and the Yunnan
                                                                             population (22 individuals). Phylogenetic analyses using
                                                                             parsimony generated 25 and 160 equal most-parsimo-
                                                                             nious trees for the Sichuan and Yunnan populations, re-
                                                                             spectively. As explained earlier, special care was made
                                                                             to reduce bias in our analysis by inferring all of the
                                                                             required information from the parsimony analyses.
                                                                             Since homoplasy in the data did not seem to be severe
                                                                             (fig. 4b), the parsimony trees should recover most mu-
                                                                             tations in the sample, and the influence of homoplasy
                                                                             on our analyses should be minimal. In addition, Fu
                                                                             (1994) showed that there is little difference in u esti-
    FIG. 3.—The mismatch distribution of the 53 mtDNA D-loop se-             mates from different most-parsimonious trees. The re-
quences of the red panda. The data points are connected to make a            sults of the u estimations and the neutrality tests are
smooth curve, indicating the bell-shaped distribution.
                                                                             summarized in table 4.
                                                                                   Fu’s FS test of neutrality, based on 5,000 simulated
                                                                             samplings, was significant at the 5% level (FS 5
cates the signature of population expansion in the red                       27.573) for the total population, a strong indication of
panda (Slatkin and Hudson 1991; Moritz 1995). We also                        population expansion, which was already implicated by
constructed a network using the median-joining method                        the mismatch and phylogenetic analyses. However,
(Bandelt, Forster, and Röhl 1999). Similarly, the hap-                      when the Sichuan and Yunnan populations were ana-
lotypes from the Sichuan and Yunnan populations were
                                                                             lyzed separately, no significant FS values were obtained.
mixed together, and no phylogenetic inference could be
                                                                             The FS value of the Yunnan population was still negative
made from the network in view of either geographic
                                                                             (FS 5 22.283) while that for the Sichuan population
distribution or subspecies of the red panda (fig. 4b).
                                                                             was positive. Hence, the Sichuan population seems to
                                                                             be relatively stable, and the Yunnan population shows a
Tests for Population Expansion
                                                                             tendency for population growth (Fu 1997). We also ap-
      We conducted neutrality tests in two ways. First,                      plied several other statistical tests, including Tajima’s
all the 53 sequences were considered as one population,                      (1989) and Fu and Li’s (1993) tests (results not shown).
in which a total of 13 most-parsimonious trees existed.                      None of them were able to reject the null hypothesis.
Second, based on the geographic information, the 53 red                      This was likely due to a lack of power in these tests for
pandas were separated into two subpopulations, the                           population expansion (Fu 1997).

Table 3
Pairwise Sequence Differences Among the 25 Haplotypes of the Red Panda and the Homologous Sequence of the
Raccoon (outgroup)
                Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Hap- Rac-
                 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 coon
Hap01 . . . .    —
Hap02 . . . .     6   —
Hap03 . . . .     7    5   —
Hap04 . . . .     7    7    6   —
Hap05 . . . .     7    1    6    6   —
Hap06 . . . .     6    4    7    7    3   —
Hap07 . . . .     2    6    5    5    7    6   —
Hap08 . . . .     1    5    6    6    6    5    1   —
Hap09 . . . .     5    7    8    6    6    3    5    4   —
Hap10 . . . .     5    3    6    8    4    1    5    4   4    —
Hap11 . . . .     5    5    8    6    4    5    5    4    4    6   —
Hap12 . . . .     5    3    6    4    2    3    5    4    4    4    2   —
Hap13 . . . .     7    5    4    6    4    5    7    6    6    6    4   4    —
Hap14 . . . .     5    5    6    6    4    3    5    4    4    4    4   2    4    —
Hap15 . . . .     8    6    1    5    5    6    6    7    7    7    7   5    3    5    —
Hap16 . . . .    6     9    8    2    8    9    5    6    6   10   6    6    8    8    7    —
Hap17 . . . .    6     4    5    9    5    2    6    5    5    1   7    5    7    5    6    11   —
Hap18 . . . .    6     4    5    7    3    4    6    5    5    5   5    3    3    1    4     9   6    —
Hap19 . . . .    6     6    7    5    5    2    6    5    1    3   5    3    5    3    6     7   4    4    —
Hap20 . . . .    7     3    6    6    2    5    7    6    6    6   4    2    4    4    5     8   7    3    5    —
Hap21 . . . .     5    5    6    6    6    7    5    4    6    6    4    4    6    6    7    6    7    7    7    6   —
Hap22 . . . .     5    2    3    9    3    4    6    5    7    3    7    5    5    5    4   11    2    4    6    5    7   —
Hap23 . . . .     1    6    7    7    7    6    2    1    5    5    3    5    5    5    8    7    6    6    6    7    5    6   —
Hap24 . . . .     7    3    4   10    4    3    7    6    6    2    8    6    6    6    5   12    1    5    5    6    8    1    7   —
Hap25 . . . .     7    7    2    4    6    5    5    6    6    6    6    4    4    4    1    6    5    5    5    6    6    5    7    6   —
Raccoon . .      39   39   37   39   40   39   39   40   40   38   39   40   39   39   38   24   37   40   28   34   30   37   38   38   37   —
1074   Su et al.

                                                                          of the two estimates could give some clues as to how
                                                                          population size has changed over time. Since u 5 2Nm
                                                                          for the mitochondrial genome, the ratio of population
                                                                          size change is positively correlated with the u values
                                                                          given a constant mutation rate. Table 4 shows that for
                                                                          the total population, the UPBLUE estimate is about two
                                                                          times as large as that of the Tajima estimate, indicating
                                                                          that the population size has been at least doubled re-
                                                                          cently. A similar situation was also seen in the Yunnan
                                                                          population (UPBLUE u/Tajima’s u 5 1.889), but not in
                                                                          the Sichuan population (UPBLUE u/Tajima’s u 5
                                                                                According to the fossil record, the red panda di-
                                                                          verged from its common ancestor with bears about 40
                                                                          MYA (Mayr 1986). With this divergence, by comparing
                                                                          the sequence difference between the red panda and the
                                                                          raccoon, the observed mutation rate for the red panda
                                                                          was calculated to be on the order of 1029 for the D-loop
                                                                          region, which is apparently an underestimate compared
                                                                          with the average rate in mammals (Li 1997). This un-
                                                                          derestimation is probably due to multiple recurrent mu-
                                                                          tations in the D-loop region, as the divergence between
                                                                          the red panda and the raccoon is extremely deep.
                                                                                It should be noted that population expansion may
                                                                          not be the only explanation for a significant FS test (Fu
                                                                          1997). Other evolutionary forces, e.g., genetic hitchhik-
                                                                          ing and background selection, can also lead to similar
                                                                          patterns of variation. However, we did not observe any
                                                                          obvious population subdivision in the phylogenetic anal-
                                                                          ysis, and we have not seen any data showing selection
                                                                          pressure on the mitochondrial DNA genome of the red
                                                                          panda, especially considering the noncoding nature of
                                                                          the D-loop region. Furthermore, selection would likely
                                                                          produce similar polymorphism patterns in the Sichuan
                                                                          and Yunnan populations, which is not the case in our
                                                                          observations. Therefore, the data presented in this study
                                                                          suggest that population expansion is the most likely
                                                                          cause of the significant FS test for the red panda.
                                                                                It should also be noted that no shared haplotypes
                                                                          were observed between the Sichuan and Yunnan popu-
                                                                          lations. This is probably due to either the sample size
      FIG. 4.—a, The starlike phylogenetic tree of the 25 mtDNA D-        in this study or an implication of limited genetic diver-
loop haplotypes in the red panda. This is the strict-consensus tree of    gence between these two populations, even though it
the 13 most-parsimonious trees constructed (PAUP, version 3.1.1;          was not observed in the phylogenetic analysis. The
Swofford 1993). b, The median-joining network of the red panda hap-       Yangtze River, the second largest river in China, lining
lotypes. The solid circles represent the haplotypes from the Sichuan
population, while the empty circles represent those from the Yunnan       between the Sichuan and Yunnan provinces could serve
population. Due to data missing in several samples at site 71 (see fig.   as a natural barrier in recent history (fig. 1). However,
2), this site was not included in the network analysis, which resulted    how complete the separation could be is unclear. Ac-
in the pooling of Hap01 and Hap08. The haplotypes are connected by        cording to the FS tests shown above, the effective pop-
line segments proportional to the number of substitutions between hap-
lotypes. The sizes of the circles are proportional to the haplotype       ulation size of the Sichuan population is larger and more
frequencies.                                                              stable than that of the Yunnan population. Therefore,
                                                                          historically, Sichuan might be the homeland of the red
                                                                          panda, and population growth might have led to a south-
                                                                          ward expansion to Yunnan.
     It is interesting to note that different estimators of                     It is well known that genetic diversity exists in nat-
u put different weights on mutations occurring in dif-                    ural populations and is considered the raw material of
ferent time periods. The UPBLUE puts heavy emphasis                       evolution. When a population grows rapidly, genetic
on recent mutations, thus revealing relatively recent                     variations will be accumulated and maintained and in
population process, while Tajima’s estimator put more                     the long run will be beneficial to the success of this
weights on ancient mutations, therefore reflecting an-                    species. It has been reported that rare and endangered
cient population events (Fu 1997). Hence, a comparison                    animal species usually show extremely low levels of ge-
Population Expansion in the Red Panda   1075

Table 4
Summary of Estimtations of u and Neutrality Tests
           Estimates and Tests                        Total Population          Yunnan Population                 Sichuan Population
UPBLUE estimate (u) . . . . . . . . . . .             13.382                     9.227                             8.904
                                                      Variance 5 8.506           Variance 5 7.817                  Variance 5 8.056
Tajima’s estimate (u) . . . . . . . . . . . .         6.212                      4.883                             8.056
Watterson’s estimate (u) . . . . . . . . .            8.685                      6.803                             7.474
Fu’s FS test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   27.573 (26.92)             22.283 (24.63)                    0.38 (26.20)

      NOTE.—Values in parentheses indicate the 5% level of significance.

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