Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey

Page created by Clyde Bishop
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
Up close and
the family
Global Family
Business Survey
             interviews conducted w   ith family businesses
             with a sales turnover o
                                     f over $5m
              See page 4

             agreed that professionalising the business is a
             key challenge over the next five years
             See page 14

             Only 16% of family business have a discussed
             and documented succession plan in place
             See page 23

Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
Definitions                                  Survey methodology
For the purposes of this survey, a ‘family   2,484 semi-structured telephone and
business’ is defined as a business where     online interviews were conducted via
                                             Kudos Research in London with key
1. The majority of votes are held by the     decision makers in family businesses in
   person who established or acquired        over 40 countries worldwide between
   the firm (or their spouses, parents,      29th April 2014 and 29th August 2014.
   child, or child’s direct heirs);          This report takes into account the
2. At least one representative of the        responses of 2,378 respondents. The
   family is involved in the management      turnover of participating companies was
   or administration of the firm;            from USD$5m to USD$1bn. The
                                             interviews were conducted in the local
3. In the case of a listed company, the      language by native speakers and tended
   person who established or acquired        to average between 20 and 35 minutes.
   the firm (or their families) possess      The results were then analysed by
   25% of the right to vote through their    Jigsaw Research.
   share capital and there is at least
   one family member on the board of
   the company.
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
 4   A view from the global leader

 6   The new economy: more competitive, more volatile

 7   Different pressures, different priorities: ‘head’ is winning over ‘heart’

 9   New products, new sectors, new markets: diversify to survive?

11   Keeping pace with change: the innovation imperative

14   Professionalising the business: moving to the next level

15   Professionalism in practice: processes, governance, skills

21   The heart of the matter: professionalising the family

25   Bridging the gap: making a success of succession

28   From managers to owners: the new model for the family firm?

32   Conclusion

34   Contacts

                                                                     Family Business Survey 2014   3
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
A view from the global leader

                                                   This is our seventh survey of family        Without question, family firms remain
                                                   businesses globally and covers more         a dynamic and resilient sector, even
                                                   companies, and more markets, than ever      though the post-recession economic
                                                   before. We spoke to almost 2,400 family     environment is proving tough, and
                                                   firms, from entrepreneurial start-ups to    there are continuing pressures in
                                                   companies that have survived for five       relation to skills shortages, innovation,
                                                   generations or more. We spoke to family     and governance. This is the big picture,
                                                   members who manage their firms, and         but when you look more closely at the
                                                   CEOs who had been brought in from           detail it’s clear that there are
                                                   outside. And we spoke to those who plan     significant shifts underway in the
                                                   to pass the running of the firm to the      family business sector. There are also
                                                   next generation, and to those who see       new challenges that these firms will
                                                   their family’s future as owners but not     need to seize and address if they are to
                                                   managers of the business they have built.   remain as successful in the future as
                                                                                               they have been in the past.

                                                                           Across over    40 countries/regions
                                                                           Australia           India                Nigeria
                                                                           Austria             Indonesia            Peru
                                                                           Belgium             Ireland              Romania
                                                                           Brazil              Italy                Russia
                                                                           Canada              Kenya                Singapore
                                                                           CEE                 Malaysia             South Africa
                                                                             Bulgaria          Malta                Spain
                                                                             Hungary           Mexico               Sweden
                                                                             Latvia            Middle East          Switzerland

                                                                             Poland               Jordan            Taiwan
                                                                             Slovakia             Saudi Arabia      Turkey
             interviews conducted with family                              China                  Oman              UK
                                                                           Denmark                UAE               US
             businesses with a sales turnover from
                                                                           Germany             Netherlands

    USD$5m to over $1bn                                                    Hong Kong           New Zealand

4   Up close and professional: the family factor
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
Competition is more intense, price pressure is growing,
and the speed of change continues to accelerate.

So what are these new challenges, and        people have children later, and in
what can family businesses do to             many cases there is a significant
address them? As these results show, the     communications gap between those
economy is a colder and harder place for     running the business now and those
the family firm now. Competition is          who expect – or are expected – to take
more intense, price pressure is              over. Too many firms are either not
growing, and the speed of change             planning for succession at all, or are
continues to accelerate. This is tough       managing it as a personal issue
for all businesses, and especially for a     between two individuals, rather than
sector which is sometimes seen as being      as a process which requires the same
more risk averse than conventional           rigour and objectivity as any other
public companies. It’s a model some          aspect of business decision-making.
observers have called ‘patient capital’,     The result, all too often, is escalating
and it has some significant advantages,      tensions and a family conflict that can
including its ability to take a long view,   precipitate the demise of the whole
and strong client relationships founded      company. As one of our interviewees
on trust. But in today’s economic climate    said, “Family businesses generally
family businesses acknowledge they           fail for family reasons”.
will have to adapt faster, innovate
earlier, and become far more                 Many of these issues were already
professional in the way they run their       raised in the 2012 survey; what’s
operations. This covers everything           emerging this year is that succession is
from basic systems and processes in          only the most obvious manifestation of
areas like finance and HR, to risk           a much more deep-seated issue: family
management and corporate governance.         businesses need to professionalise
                                             the family, as well as the firm.
This is the message from family              This is about accountabilities and
businesses in this year’s survey,            responsibilities, about communications
 and it is noticeable how much more          and constitutions; it’s about learning to
important these issues have become           be good owners and shareholders as
since our last survey in 2012,               well as – or even instead of – good
especially in comparison to softer           managers. It’s about securing the
concerns like the firm’s contribution to     future, and breaking the emotional ties
the community. But what is implied in        to the past, even if that means, in some
these results is, perhaps, even more         cases, selling businesses the firm was
significant than what is overtly stated:     founded on. That’s hard to do, and will
there is a powerful ‘family factor’ in       require a willingness to make bold
play which many of these firms have          moves and take some new risks. This
still not addressed, and some are            may take some families outside their
reluctant even to acknowledge.               comfort zone, but the sector as a whole
                                             was built on entrepreneurial energy
The red flag here – as in 2012 – is the      and determination, and they wouldn’t
issue of succession. Only 16% of family      have survived in such a tough business
firms have a succession plan that has        environment if they did not have the
been discussed and documented. The           qualities they will need to succeed now.
moment of transition has always had
the potential to sink the family firm,
and a number of factors are now
coming together to make the
succession process more hazardous            Henrik Steinbrecher
than it has ever been before. There is       PwC Sweden
a longer gap between generations, as         Network Middle Market Leader

                                                                                         Family Business Survey 2014   5
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
The new economy
More competitive, more volatile

In general, the family business sector                                           recession are now unlikely to return.
is in good shape. 65% report growth                                              This is partly a reflection of the new
in the last 12 months, and 70% expect                                            economic reality, but it’s also
to grow steadily over the next five         of family businesses report growth   symptomatic of the more profound
years. These numbers are very similar       in the last 12 months                shifts that are underway as a result
to the 2012 survey. 15% are aiming to                                            of global megatrends like demographic

grow aggressively over the next five                                             change, globalisation, urbanisation,
years compared with 12% in 2012,                                                 and the digital revolution. The
and growth ambitions are particularly                                            business landscape is becoming more
strong in China (57%), the Middle                                                fluid and more disruptive than ever
                                            are aiming to grow aggressively
East (40%), India (40%), and –                                                   before. The winners will be those
                                            over the next five years
unsurprisingly – among those looking                                             companies with the agility and

for a quick sale or flotation (22%).                                             flexibility to adapt, and which are
                                                                                 able to make the often significant
However, the number of respondents                                               investments required to keep pace with
apprehensive about their ability to                                              new technology. Companies, in fact,
recruit skilled staff in the next 12        cite price competition as a          which are able to anticipate change
months has gone up from 43% to              chief concern                        and are willing to be disrupters
almost half since the 2012 survey,                                               themselves, either in their approach to
and the proportion citing the general                                            market, in their products and services,
economic situation as their prime                                                or in their willingness to change
external challenge for the next year                                             strategy and even sector, if that is
has also risen slightly from 60% in the                                          where the opportunities lie.
2012 survey to 63% in 2014. Market
conditions clearly remain a real anxiety,                                        This is hard enough for public
and when you extend the time horizon                                             companies, but harder still for family
from one year to five, price competition                                         businesses. They typically don’t have
becomes a chief concern (58%).                                                   the same access to bank or capital
                                                                                 market funding, it’s often more
So even if the worst of the downturn                                             difficult to attract the top talent, and
has passed in most economies, price                                              family issues can absorb time and
pressures remain intense, customers                                              attention, or lead to the appointment
are becoming more demanding, and                                                 of family members in senior positions
margins are tight; in short, family                                              who may not always be the best people
businesses are having to accept that                                             for the job.
the conditions they enjoyed before the

6    Family firm
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
The emerging picture shows very clearly that the
                                           family business has become much more hard-headed
                                           since our last survey.

Different pressures,
different priorities
‘Head’ is winning over ‘heart’
This year’s survey suggests that the new
economic pressures are forcing many         Relative importance of respondents ranking of priorities (out of 100)
family businesses to re-think their
strategies and take some tough
                                                      Ensure company's long term future 16.2%
decisions. This is sharpening the
                                                                     Improve profitability 13.7%
tension already inherent in the family
business model between family
concerns on the one hand, and business                          Attract high quality skills 10.1%
objectives on the other: what you might                   Ensure staff are rewarded fairly 9.4%
call ‘heart’ and ‘head’.                                                More innovative 9.3%

                                                       Run business more professionally 8.8%

                                                     Diversify into new products/sectors 5.6%

                                                          Enjoy work and stay interested 5.4%
                                                      Ensure business stays in the family 4.4%
                                                                Different export markets 4.3%

                                            Contribute to the community / positive legacy 4.3%

                                                            Grow as quickly as possible 4.0%

                                                Move into new regional domestic market 3.8%

                                            Create employment for other family members       0.7%

                                                Growth and success            Professionalise       Diversification/   Family and the
                                                                                                    expansion          community

                                                                                                      Family Business Survey 2014       7
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
In 2012, 70% of those
                                                                                                         questioned said they
                                                                                                         felt a strong sense of
                                                                                                         responsibility to support
                                                                                                         community initiatives,
                                                                                                         but that number is down
                                                                                                         to 59% this year.

Family businesses have become much
more hard-headed since our last
                                                    Key challenges in five years' time
survey: the most important priorities
are to remain in business and improve                                                                                                     2012
profitability. After this are the factors           Internal
                                                               Need to continually
that will help make this happen, and                                                  64%                                                 62%
the ‘heart’ issues of family and
community come out very much lower.                            Attracting the right                                                       58%
In 2012, 70% of those questioned said
they felt a strong sense of responsibility                     Retaining key staff    48%                                                 46%
to support community initiatives, but
that number is down to 59% this year.                            Containing costs     44%                                                 n/a
When we looked at the interviews in
detail to explore the causes of this                   Need for new technology        41%                                                 37%
change, it was clear that many family
businesses feel they have ‘done their bit’              Need to professionalise
                                                                                      40%                                                 n/a
to support the community during the
recession by protecting jobs and feel it                  Company succession
                                                                                      36%                                                 32%
is now time to focus on profitability.
                                                                 Conflict between                                                         9%
                                                                  family members

                                                                                       Innovation/technology      Staff related   Other

                                                                 Price competiton     58%                                                 59%

                                                    General economic situation        56%                                                 66%

                                                         Number of businesses                                                             40%

                                                     Complying with regulations       42%                                                 39%

                                                    Operating in an increasingly                                                          n/a
                                                      international environment

                                                        Suppliers / supply chain      26%                                                 27%

                                                                                       Competition        Other

8    Up close and professional: the family factor
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
New products, new sectors,
new markets
Diversify to survive?

This year’s survey shows that 68%                                             However, some aspects of the detail
of family businesses are exporting,                                           behind the data are more ambivalent.
with overseas sales accounting for                                            Even if exports are likely to account
about a quarter of the turnover of all   of family businesses are exporting   for a larger proportion of sales, few
respondents. Around three quarters of                                         businesses expect to be exporting
those surveyed expect to be exporting                                         to a significantly larger number of
by the end of the next five years, and
predict this will account for over a
third of all sales. Those businesses
which are particularly keen to grow
                                         expect to be exporting within
                                                                              countries than they do now, and most
                                                                              tend to stick to neighbouring territories
                                                                              or those with the same language and a
                                                                              similar culture. This suggests that they
internationally are those pushing        five years                           lack either the skills or the confidence
for aggressive growth, those with                                             to break into entirely new regions –
a turnover of more than $100m,                                                many would probably need to hire in
and those in the manufacturing                                                outside talent to bridge that gap, and
and agriculture sectors. From a                                               they may well be missing out on new
geographical perspective, the most                                            sources of growth as a result. It can
ambitious are those in Eastern Europe,                                        also be far more expensive to export to
the BRIC countries and the ‘MINT’                                             more distant markets, and in the case
quartet – Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria                                          of the US in particular, the domestic
and Turkey.                                                                   economy is already extremely
                                                                              geographically diverse, and the
                                                                              same is true for China.

                                                                                      Family Business Survey 2014    9
Up close and professional: the family factor Global Family Business Survey
A taste for growth
Name		Irina Eldarkhanova, Chairman

Sector		Confectionery

Market		Russia

Founded        1999

Konfael is a Russian confectionery
business operating at the premium
end of the market. There is proven
demand for its products overseas,                   overseas to trade shows
                                                    she could only persuade
but there are significant practical
                                                    people to go by sending
challenges to overcome.                             her own son along with
                                                    them. “It wouldn’t be
Only a few years ago, the Russian                   possible to create a team
confectionery market was still dominated            who are prepared to
by western multinationals, but in the last          emigrate for work
decade businesses like Konfael have                 purposes. And besides,
established their own brand names. The              they wouldn’t know the
company is now a leading player at the              traditions and business
premium end of the market, with four                practices that prevail in
chocolate ‘boutiques’ in Moscow and one in          overseas markets. You
St. Petersburg, which account for about             need that knowledge to be
10% of its $35m annual sales. Their product         successful, and we simply
range changes from season to season, with           don’t have that.”
special chocolates developed for holidays
and times of the year, as well as for               But even if setting up
individual client and corporate orders. As          overseas offices is a challenge, what about         Aside from the international aspect, what
this suggests, it’s highly labour-intensive,        exporting – is that a viable alternative? “We       other challenges does Irina see as her
and its founder, Irina Eldarkhanova, is still       know that there are opportunities for our           business grows? “We want to be a modern
involved in the detail of the manufacturing         products overseas                                   business, and we are constantly on the
operation day to day. Her husband and               but it's just not a realistic possibility for our   lookout for new things appearing on the
three children are also involved in various         business to export. For one thing, our              market that would help us optimise our
aspects of the business, though they all            individual orders are quite small, so you           work and improve efficiency. Many of our
have other commercial interests of their            would be exporting small quantities rather          processes are already formalised and dealt
own. “My husband looks after property               than in bulk. That means each shipment              with via various software applications, but
and facilities, and my oldest son runs one          going through customs separately, but               as you professionalise you need to ensure
of the businesses and takes charge of               Russian customs are so complex in terms             you preserve your traditions and values as
our equipment. Thanks to the experience             of time and expense that it’s virtually             new people come in. And when a company
he’s gained doing that he’s now built his           impossible to deliver the product on the day        has been operating for a while you tend to
own specialist business repairing and               that you promise. With a fresh food product         find there is a risk of stagnation or
reconditioning confectionery machinery and          like ours any delay is a real problem. But we       complacency. Recovering the original drive
supplying parts.” Another son looks after           have tried – we had some research done              and ambition is one of the owner's tasks.
Konfael’s online marketing and e-commerce           and won a tender as part of an EU                   Personally, I believe an active owner will
operations, and the youngest is based in            programme to foster trade with smaller              generate higher performance, and faster
China, and oversees Konfael’s interests             Russian companies. At the beginning, the            and better development than an external
there. But as Irina says, overseas expansion        researchers were convinced that it was              CEO. But if you split decision-making
is a major challenge, not just for Konfael but      possible to grow our business that way, but         among a lot of different family members
for all Russian businesses.                         by the end of six months trying to tackle our       you end up with different views, which
                                                    customs system, they concluded that the             makes it harder to resolve issues and make
The international dimension:                        only option to develop our business abroad          decisions. And that can result in conflict.
Overcoming the obstacles                            would be to build our own production and            And if it’s a case of priorities, I think a family
There are two issues facing Russian family          retail units in the relevant countries. And we      business should attach primary importance
firms like Konfael as they look to expand           did experiment with that, with an office in         to their family rather than their business.”
abroad. The first is finding people with not        Germany, but it just didn’t work out.”
just the skills but the willingness to do it.
When Irina first tried to send employees

10   Up close and professional: the family factor
Keeping pace with change
The innovation imperative

                                In our 17th Annual Global CEO survey,        alternatives. Many African nations, for
72% of respondents              81% of those questioned cited                example, now have enormous mobile
                                technological advances as one of the         phone penetration but very little
recognise that they will        top three global trends most likely to       fixed-line telephony. Likewise social
have to adapt externally        transform their business over the next       media can enable start-ups to cast a
and internally to exploit the   five years. Family businesses likewise       much wider marketing net at limited
                                recognise the growing impact of digital      cost, which allows them to compete
full opportunities of digital   technologies, with 79% putting this in       effectively and cost-effectively with
and avoid being overtaken       the top three.                               much bigger players.
by competitors.                 72% of family business respondents           Innovation in its widest sense remains
                                recognise that they will have to adapt       a key concern for family firms in 2014,
                                the way they operate externally, and         as it was in 2012, with 64% citing this,
                                organise themselves internally, to           compared with 62% in 2012. Those
                                exploit the full opportunities of digital    pressing for aggressive growth are
                                and avoid being overtaken by more            more likely to see this as a key ongoing
                                advanced competitors. 43% accept that        challenge. And yet even though
                                they will need to attract the right talent   innovation is listed as a high priority,
                                to do this, which raises a question          anecdotal evidence, and the experience
                                about whether the remainder are fully        of our own teams around the world,
                                aware of the extent of this challenge.       suggests that family firms are still
                                                                             reluctant to change. Even though
                                The regional differences are                 family businesses continually claim
                                interesting here: the countries              that one of their strengths is their
                                registering the highest scores on            ability to reinvent themselves – 56% of
                                understanding the commercial                 respondents said so this year, up from
                                potential of digital were emerging           47% in 2012 – there are not very many
                                markets like Romania (80%), China            examples of firms that have actually
                                (77%) and India (69%), with the              done so. As one of our interviewees
                                lowest scores for Ireland (45%), the UK      said, “Family firms either don’t want
                                (45%), and Canada (38%). This may be         to reinvent themselves, or can’t. In
                                a further example of how businesses          practice they find it hard to divest
                                and consumers in emerging markets            legacy businesses, and only expand
                                are ‘leapfrogging’ old technology and        or diversify within a narrow range.”
                                moving immediately to new digital

                                                                                     Family Business Survey 2014   11
There is also evidence that both
                                                    “Family firms either don’t                      growth and innovation are a lower
                                                                                                    priority for businesses in their third
                                                    want to reinvent themselves,                    or later generations, who place more
                                                    or can’t. In practice they                      emphasis on ensuring that the business
                                                    find it hard to divest legacy                   remains in the family. This could
                                                                                                    suggest that these firms risk becoming
                                                    businesses, and only                            complacent and uncompetitive.
                                                    expand or diversify within                      However, it’s easy to see how the
                                                    a narrow range.”                                psychological factors that come into
                                                                                                    play as the business matures could
                                                                                                    make those running them more
                                                                                                    risk-averse and less entrepreneurial:
                                                                                                    later generations don’t want to be
                                                                                                    the ones who ‘lose the farm’, and the
                                                                                                    number of family members dependent
                                                                                                    on dividends can be very large for a
                                                                                                    business that has been in existence for
                                                                                                    50 or 60 years.

                        Sector spotlight            Firms in the retail sector are consistently    Appliances Online is now Australia’s
                        Retail                      more aware of the issues around digital        largest online appliance retailer, has won
                                                    than the overall average – 79% say they        multiple awards for its customer service
                                                    will need to adapt their way of working to     and use of technology, and can boast
                                                    address this issue. This is perhaps not        over 340,000 likes on Facebook. It’s a
                                                    surprising, given that the retail sector       classic ‘digital disruptor’, and has made
                                                    was one of the first and fastest to feel the   a spectacular success of the tricky
                                                    impact of electronic commerce, and these       transition from bricks to clicks. So how
                                                    findings are borne out by much of our own      does Winning keep winning?
                                                    work in the sector.
                                                                                                   “It’s about culture, and it’s about the
                                                                                                   customer,” says John Winning. “In fact
                                                                                                   the two go hand in hand. The customer
                                                    How to win on the web: Appliances              always comes first in everything that we
                                                    Online Australia                               do, and our people know they are
                                                    The Winning Group was set up in 1906,          absolutely being empowered to make
                                                    selling parts and accessories for              decisions to the benefit of the customer.
                                                    horse-drawn carriages. In the century          We spend a huge amount of time listening
                                                    since then the company has kept pace           to our customers and adapting our
                                                    with technological change and it’s now a       business to their needs - that’s how we
                                                    major retailer of home appliances. There       got the idea of the ‘Handy Crew’ teams
                                                    are 12 stores across Australia and a           we have today, who can connect
                                                    booming e-commerce business,                   appliances in customers’ homes, if they
                                                    Appliances Online, which was founded by        want that. We call our strategy ‘where,
                                                    John Winning, the founder’s grandson,          what, wow’. That means being where our
                                                    nine years ago.                                customers want to shop with us, whether
                                                                                                    that's in-store, online or mobile; it’s about
                                                                                                    offering what our customers want to buy
                                                                                                    from us, and it’s about wowing them with
                                                                                                    the quality of our service.”
                                                                                                   As for technology, Appliances Online
                                                                                                   may sell leading-edge products, but it
                                                                                                   has no interest in being at the leading
                                                                                                   edge of the digital revolution: “We tend to
                                                                                                   let the early adopter businesses get into
                                                                                                   a technology first – a lot of the time they
                                                                                                   do it for its own sake, just to have a
                                                                                                   mobile site or just have a particular app.
                                                                                                   What we'll then do is analyse what those
                                                                                                   businesses are doing and how it’s
                                                                                                   working, and see how we can adapt that
                                                                                                   and make it into something that really
                                                                                                   works for our customers. I call it a leap
                                                                                                   frog approach: we let them make the first
                                                                                                   move, and then we try to overtake them
                                                                                                   with something much better.”

12   Up close and professional: the family factor
Fit for the future
                                                                                                       Les Mills International
                                                                                                       Name		Phillip Mills, CEO

                                                                                                       Sector		Gyms and fitness

                                                                                                       Market		New Zealand

                                                                                                       Founded        1968

                                                                                                       Going digital: From DVDs to downloads
                                                                                                       The company is an adept user of social
                                                                                                       media, and Phillip is actively exploiting
                                                                                                       the opportunities to digitise the business,
                                                                                                       moving from hard-copy instructor DVDs
                                                                                                       to digital downloads, which eliminate
                                                                                                       warehousing and distribution costs, as well
                                                                                                       as being greener: “That part of the business
                                                                                                       is all going digital. We are about 40%,
Les Mills is an internationally successful         ‘Sustainability’ is a key idea, in fact,            maybe even approaching 50%, digital
gym and fitness business. It was started in        because Phillip is motivated not just by            already.” He also understands that in the
New Zealand in 1968 by Olympic athlete Les         professional ambition but a powerful social         new digital age, the winners will be those
Mills and his wife Colleen (also a national        conscience: “We have a company that is              businesses who understand that it’s no
sports champion). Their son Phillip is now         now worth something approaching $100m,              longer just about selling people products
the CEO, and has inherited his parents’            and we think we can make it a $1bn                  and services, it’s about helping them
entrepreneurial flair, as well as their sporting   company. I want us to be in 25,000 gyms             achieve something important to them,
talent (he was twice a Commonwealth                by 2020, and I want to move from the B2B            whether an experience, a goal or a personal
Games hurdles finalist in the 70s). Les and        model we mostly operate now, to more of             change. Nike is doing that with its Nike+
Colleen may have grown the business into a         a B2C focus, selling workouts direct to the         fitness apps, and Les Mills is doing that in
chain of gyms across New Zealand, but it           consumer to do at home. That’s a huge               group classes: as Phillip says, “what we are
was Phillip who developed the trademark            opportunity for us, and a great challenge           selling here is motivation.”
Les Mills brand of group exercise class,           and source of excitement for me. But it’s not
which is now taught by over 100,000                just about building a big international brand       Innovation has been the bedrock of the Les
licensed instructors, in over 15,500 gyms          - it’s about making the world a better place.       Mills success from the start, and Phillip’s
and studios across 80 countries.                   That’s the important part.” That personal           children Diana and Les are actively involved
                                                   motivation started young, when Phillip              in the new product development side of the
                                                   studied philosophy as well as economics at          company. Indeed Les was a leader of the
Les Mills International is a good                  university: “I have always been concerned           new ‘Immersive’ approach which makes
example of a family business that                  about social issues. In 2007 I wrote a book         full use of video technology.
has innovation in its DNA, and a                   about tackling global obesity with my wife
                                                   Jackie, the company’s Chief Creative                As this suggests, Les Mills is very much a
Chief Creative Officer to drive that                                                                   family business, but hardly a conventional
                                                   Officer. I lobby for taxes on sugar just as we
agenda throughout the firm.                        have taxes on tobacco, and I’ve set up a            one. For a start, Phillip is the only family
                                                   not-for-profit called Pure Advantage, which         member among the six directors on the
That part of the business is now a consumer        aims to encourage a greener and cleaner             Board, and he is quite comfortable that
brand which makes over $100m a year.               approach to business and industry, and help         the role of CEO may skip a generation,
Though as Phillip admits, it could be making       New Zealand exploit the opportunities that          or possibly never revert to the family at
more if they had structured the business           are opening up to do that.”                         all: “I am personally determined to run
model differently at the outset: “When we                                                              this business as a meritocracy, so my kids
launch a new product we take all the risk          So, for Les Mills and for Phillip, sustainability   won’t automatically become either CEO or
and the independent distributors just take         is definitely not just economic but                 the Chief Creative Officer. They will have a
profit, which is one reason why we’ve              environmental and social. In fact, the two          role here if they want one, but it won’t
started buying back distributors in recent         cannot be disentangled: as the company              necessarily be running the company.
years. We’re also looking at other strategic       grows, so does Phillip’s public profile, and        We’ll give them every chance to achieve
ways to share the risk more equitably. But in      this in turn helps him campaign more                that, and we already give them much more
the meantime we have to take an initial dent       effectively for positive change. “If you want       personal coaching than any other members
in our profits whenever we launch a new            to make the world a better place, then yes,         of the team. But after I’m gone there will be
product, but that’s OK because we’re in this       it helps to have 100 million customers and a        another CEO because neither of them will
for the long term – we’re not just looking for     huge presence on social media. That gives           be ready by then, and who knows what will
a quick return, we want to make this               you political influence.”                           happen after that.”
business sustainably great.”

                                                                                                                Family Business Survey 2014       13
Professionalising the business
Moving to the next level

As we have already seen, the need to                                                        Looking geographically, it’s businesses
professionalise the business is gaining                                                     in emerging markets which are keenest
ground as a key concern for family                                                          to professionalise, with over 50%
firms, driven by an almost perfect                  agreed that formalising and             scores in China, Taiwan, Peru, Turkey,
storm of competitive pressure, rising               modernising the business is a key       Russia and Eastern Europe. Only two
costs, and global megatrends. As a                  challenge over the next five years      Western European markets scored over
theme, it scarcely registered in 2012,                                                      50% (Belgium and Italy), with lower

but emerged very strongly in PwC’s                                                          than average scores for mature
Next Gen survey1 earlier this year,                                                         markets like the UK (30%), Germany
when a number of the upcoming                                                               (28%), Spain (27%), and the US and
generation told us they want to                     and more ambitious businesses are       Canada scoring lowest at 20% and
formalise and modernise the business                more likely to cite professionalising   19%. It may be that family firms in
when they take over. In the 2014                    as a business goal                      these countries have indeed made
Family Business Survey, 40% of                                                              more progress in this area; it could also
respondents agreed that this is a key                                                       be that the responses conceal (or
challenge over the next five years, and                                                     reveal) either a degree of denial, or a
a fascinating picture emerges when                                                          resistance to any change that might
that figure is broken down.                                                                 appear to threaten family control.

 It’s the younger and more ambitious                                                        So what does ‘professionalising the
businesses which are more likely to                                                         business’ mean for the family firm?
cite professionalising the business                                                         What areas does it cover, and what are
as a goal, and are more aware of the                                                        family businesses doing to address it?
risks and opportunities of the move to                                                      The first thing to say is that it’s not
digital technology. They are also more                                                      about process for its own sake, or about
likely to think of the family business                                                      weighing down the entrepreneurial
model as slow to accept new ideas.                                                          flair that launched the family firm in
They are more likely to be looking at                                                       the first place. It’s about giving
a possible Private Equity exit strategy,                                                    structure and discipline to that vision
and will know that these investors                                                          and energy, so that family firms will be
will look for a well-managed and                                                            able to innovate better, diversify more
disciplined operation. This applies                                                         effectively, export more, and grow
equally to those looking to undertake                                                       faster. In short, achieve their twin goals
an IPO.                                                                                     of ensuring the company’s long-term
                                                                                            future and improving profitability.
1 Bridging the Gap: Handing over the Family
Business to the Next Generation, PwC, April 2014

14   Up close and professional: the family factor
Professionalism in practice
Processes, governance, skills

                                                                                “The business was founded by my father
There are three distinct      Though there are some family firms
                                                                                and it was set up by just one man. He is
                              that manage without formal business
areas where family firms      processes – especially first-generation           now retiring and there is a whole level
are feeling the need to       entrepreneurial start-ups – most larger           of bureaucracy and formalisation of
                                                                                processes that we have to put in place
professionalise their         firms now have documented procedures
                                                                                to formalise what he has done with
                              and policies, if only to comply with
operations. Some of this is   external regulation in areas like                 the business”
fairly basic work around      Health & Safety and employment law.               UK, 2nd generation
systems and processes, but    There are still family businesses with
                              thousands of employees and no HR
progress is also being made   manager, but these are now the
                                                                                “We are improving the company's
                                                                                structure, processes and internal
on corporate governance,      exception, not the rule. Likewise many            control management”
and on people management.     are automating their operations and
                                                                                China, 2nd generation
                              increasing their use of IT as a way to
                              improve productivity and efficiency,
                              and to counter the cost pressures we              “It can be incredibly difficult to make any
                              have already discussed. They are also             changes within the company or control
                              being more systematic and structured              expenditure. With multi-national
                              in their approach to sourcing, again as           corporations they have a set approach
                              a result of rising costs.                         which we need to adopt – our profits
                                                                                will increase with better governance”
                              “There is always much more you want to            Kenya, 2nd generation
                              do on IT, and it is expensive and
                              time-consuming”                                   “We need to rationalise the business. It
                              Malta, 4th generation                             is easy to get stuck in old patterns. It is
                                                                                important that we streamline how we work”
                              “We need to upgrade and formalise our             Sweden, 2nd generation
                              processes. As the business grows we need to
                              be sure that the right structures are in place”   “The challenge is professionalisation”
                              South Africa, 2nd generation                      Peru, 2nd generation

                              “We need to improve processes, systems            “If we professionalise the business in
                              and controls to achieve seamless growth”          terms of financial performance the
                              India, 2nd generation                             rest will follow”
                                                                                UK, 1st generation

                                                                                         Family Business Survey 2014     15
Governance                                   Skills
                            The family                The corporate governance of the              Attracting and retaining skills and
                            factor:                   family firm has improved since 2012,         talent continues to be both a concern
                            Leaving                   and our own experience of working            and a challenge, as family firms can
                            a legacy                  with family businesses also suggests         struggle to compete with the share
                                                      that this is the case. More family           options and structured career paths
                                                      businesses are seeing the value of           offered by major multinationals. As
     The case studies in this report all
                                                      appointing experienced non-executive         one interviewee put it, “recruiting
     illustrate, in different ways, how               directors, though it can be hard to find     senior staff is difficult because they
     important it is for those running                and recruit people with the right            don’t see a career with a family
     family businesses to leave something             expertise, as family boards are often        business.” As we saw in the earlier
     worthwhile behind, or as several
     interviewees put it, “to be
                                                      perceived to be more problematic than        chart (p. 7), skills ranks third in family
     remembered.”                                     those of conventional companies.             firms’ list of priorities, and 61% list it as
                                                                                                   a key issue over the next five years (up
     This is borne out in the survey results:
     family firms may be putting business                                                          from 58% in 2012).
                                                      “We have to make the transition from
     issues first this year, but the pull of the
                                                      a family organisational structure to         The issue of skills is also fundamental
     personal legacy remains very strong.
     Many talk about ‘longevity’, ‘integrity’,        a professional corporate management          to other key areas of concern: if family
     and ‘making a difference’, and say               structure”                                   firms are to expand internationally,
     they want to pass on a business that
                                                      Taiwan, 3rd generation                       diversify into new markets, manage
     is stable, sustainable, and profitable.
     They also talk about creating                                                                 risk better, or innovate more
     employment, sustaining the family’s
                                                      “We need to implement corporate              effectively, many of them will need to
     values, and supporting the community                                                          buy in the people to do it. And there’s
     – all issues that have slipped down              governance structures”
     their overall list of priorities but come
                                                                                                   no point in hiring those people unless
                                                      Brazil, 2nd generation
     sharply into focus when the emphasis                                                          you have professionalised the systems
     shifts from the professional to the                                                           and processes that will make it possible
     personal. This is clearly a highly               “We need to convert the organisation         for them to do their job.
     emotive issue and is no doubt related
     to the fact that most family                     and communications structure from
     businesses bear the family name.                 informal to formal”
                                                                                                   “We are having a hard time keeping staff
                                                      Austria, 1st generation                      in one of our divisions. Particularly
                                                                                                   advertising and sales people”
                                                      “The board at different levels has to find   US, 3rd generation
                                                      a balance between autonomy while
                                                      keeping its responsibilities: finding the
                                                                                                   “We need to get in the right leadership
                                                      right balance between running the
                                                                                                   talent, and we need to have a well-
                                                      business more formally and sustaining
                                                                                                   trained workforce”
                                                                                                   Singapore, 2nd generation
                                                      Belgium, 3rd generation

                                                      The quote from Belgium captures a key        “Retaining people is a challenge.
                                                      theme that emerges in different ways         We have to restructure our reward
                                                      throughout this year’s survey: how does      packages to keep employees interested
                                                      a family firm keep the entrepreneurial       in our next phase of growth”
                                                      energy and flair of its early years with     Ireland, 1st generation
                                                      each succeeding generation?

                                                      “When I was younger the family was the
                                                      company's strength; when the second
                                                      and third generations come in they are
                                                      being fed with a silver spoon”
                                                      UK, 3rd generation

                                                      “One concern I have more than anything
                                                      else is complacency”
                                                      US, 2nd generation

16     Up close and professional: the family factor
Professionalise to optimise
                                                                                                 Nakumatt Holdings
                                                                                                 Name		Atul Shah, Managing

                                                                                                 Sector		Retail

                                                                                                 Market		Kenya

                                                                                                 Founded        1987

                                                                                                 but as we expand regionally, we need regional
                                                                                                 heads and management at regional offices.
                                                                                                 It’s a challenge to get the right candidates.”

                                                                                                 Nakumatt also uses international metrics
                                                                                                 to monitor and manage performance, with
Nakumatt is a leading retail business in East    now, to support our third phase of growth,      KPIs such as turnover per square foot and
Africa, with over 7,000 employees and a          which should see us achieve a billion dollars   basket values, and they assess their results
turnover of more than $600m. It aspires to       in turnover by 2018. Our plans are ambitious    against global retail benchmarks.
offer the same quality, convenience and          and to achieve them we need the same
choice as Western supermarkets. As Atul          management and systems you would                Nakumatt is one of the largest
Shah says, “People don’t expect to find          expect at any other company.”                   private companies in East Africa,
outlets like this in Kenya – in the past they
used to take empty suitcases to places like      “We operate like any other corporate”:          with ambitious growth plans that
London and Dubai to shop. Now they don’t         Systems, metrics, governance                    include Private Equity investment
have to.”                                        Kenya may be a developing economy, but          and an IPO. The company sees the
                                                 Nakumatt’s use of systems and technology
Atul began working in the retail business        is as well developed as that of any Western
                                                                                                 professionalisation of its operations
with his father at the age of ten, and now his   multinational. “Everything we do is systems     as a key element of that plan.
own sons and one of his nephews are part         based. We have already adopted Oracle and
of the team. “We are allowing the next           we’re testing an electronic invoicing system    There’s another factor driving the push to
generation to bring in their own ideas. They     with our suppliers. Basically, whatever the     professionalise: Atul has his sights set on
want to do things a little differently – some    most advanced companies are doing in this       Private Equity money and an IPO sometime
of it may succeed, some may fail. But that       area, we’re doing it too. We operate like any   in the next five years, and recognises that the
is the beauty of it.” Aside from the next        other corporate. For example, we recently       business must be in the right shape to attract
generation, Nakumatt now has a full team of      brought in someone to help us improve our       the right strategic investment. With this in
professional managers, some recruited from       online operation who had previously done        mind, the next challenge will be to improve
outside and many more promoted from              the same thing for Tesco. We didn’t have this   Nakumatt’s governance by establishing an
within: “For many years I made all the           capacity in-house so we went out and            independent Board. “My advice to any family
decisions, but in the last five years we have    brought them in from outside. One of our        firm is to maintain a professional focus on
changed the way we do things – now it’s the      challenges going forward will be getting good   their business. Systems and processes are a
whole team. We’re also more professional         people like this. We are growing from within    key part of that.”

                                                                                                          Family Business Survey 2014        17
Key differences between family and non-family leaders; indexed to the
                                                      overall average
                                                                  To ensure the long term                                                     -1
                                                                    future of the business                                                             2

                                                               To improve our profitability                                                                        7

                                                           To grow as quickly as possible                                                                              9

                                                                    To attrract high quality                                                           2
                                                                    skills into the business                              -5
                                                             To ensure staff are rewarded                                                                  5
                                                           fairly and share in the success                 -9

                                                                 To run the business on a                                                          0
                                                                  more professional basis                                                              2
                                                                    To be more innovative                                                              2
                                                        To enjoy work and stay interested -15
                                                       To diversify into different business                          -6
                                                                sectors/products/services                                                                                  10

                                                                    To move into different                           -6
                                                                         export markets                                                                                         12

                                                               To move into new regional                                            -3
                                                                markets in home country                                                                            7
                                                                 To make a contribution /                                                                  5
                                                                          leave a legacy                        -8
                                                                  To ensure the business                                                                       6
                                                                        stays in the family          -10
                                                                 Creating employment for                                                               2
                                                                    other family members                                            -3

                                                                                                Non-family member                   Family member

When it comes to skills, ‘professionalising                                                                     On the one hand, the long-term
the business’ frequently translates to              “A key challenge is transitioning from                      perspective of the family firm should
‘bringing in outside talent to run it’.             being a business with lots of family input                  be attractive to talented candidates,
This is often the right decision,                   to one appointing outside management                        giving them scope and time to prove
especially when the business reaches a              in key positions and functions”                             themselves, especially given that the
certain critical scale, but it can still be a       UK, 2nd generation                                          average tenure of a CEO in a Fortune
challenging moment for the family firm.                                                                         500 company is now down to as little
When you bring in outside managers                  The survey results show that non-family                     as five years. But on the other hand, a
– especially at executive level – the               respondents are much more likely to be                      study in the Harvard Business Review
dynamics of the family firm inevitably              pushing for aggressive growth.                              in 2013 found that the optimum tenure
change. A different set of stakeholder              Innovation, international expansion,                        for a CEO is actually not much
interests comes into play and the                   diversification, and professionalising the                  different from this, at 4.8 years, and
business becomes less like a private                business are likewise higher priorities for                 after that performance begins to tail
entrepreneurial venture, and more like              them than for family members, who tend                      off – something family firms might
a public company. The challenge for the             to be more focused on family and                            want to bear in mind.2 In any case,
family is managing that transition, and             community, and more concerned about a                       many potential applicants will be
recognising that they themselves have               personal legacy (see the side bar, p.18).                   wary of taking a senior role in a family
to change if it is to be a success. They            There are important questions here for                      business, given the difficult and
have to accept a loss of control and an             family firms, because one interpretation                    sensitive issues involved, and the
increase of discipline, both of which               of these figures is that family businesses                  potential for in-fighting among family
can be difficult, especially when there             can either under-perform or lack                            members, both on the board and off it.
are strong personalities involved, as is            ambition if they are run by family
so often the case.                                  members, and that this wouldn’t be the                      Deterring the best talent is only one
                                                    case with an outsider in charge. A recent                   example – albeit an obvious and
                                                    PwC study on family businesses in                           critical one – of how family issues can
“Key positions in the organisation are                                                                          hinder business success. As this year’s
                                                    Germany found that more of them are
held by professionals but top positions                                                                         results make clear, professionalising
are held by family members. Family                  now hiring outsiders at a senior level, and
                                                    – crucially – those who have done so are                    the business is necessary, but not
members are giving up their roles to                                                                            sufficient alone, for long-term survival.
professionals. This transition needs                growing faster than those who have not.1
                                                                                                                The most pressing priority is the need
to happen properly”                                 But recruiting a top-quality CEO is no                      to professionalise not just the firm, but
India, 2nd generation                               easy task; as one of our interviewees                       the family.
                                                    put it: “if you bring in senior talent you
“We need to make the transition from                have to be able to keep it.”
family management to a multinational”               1 Growth patterns and internationalisation of               2 Long CEO Tenure Can Hurt Performance, by
Romania, 2nd generation                             German family-owned businesses and family                   Xueming Luo, Vamsi K. Kanuri, and Michelle
                                                    business owners. PwC Deutschland, February 2014             Andrews, Harvard Business Review, March 2013

18   Up close and professional: the family factor
Formalising the family firm
                                                                                                  Al Majdouie Group
                                                                                                  Name		Abdullah Al Majdouie,

                                                                                                  Sector		Conglomerate

                                                                                                  Market		Saudi Arabia

                                                                                                  Founded         1965

                                                                                                  Succession planning is a key part of that.
                                                                                                  As Abdullah acknowledges, it is usual
                                                                                                  practice in the region for the eldest son to
                                                                                                  take over (and he is also the eldest in his
                                                                                                  family), “But that doesn’t always mean that
                                                                                                  the eldest is the best candidate. A
                                                                                                  conventional company can advertise and
                                                                                                  hire the best, but when it comes to family
                                                                                                  businesses, a lot of emotional issues come
                                                 But so far, the strategy has been very           into play. That is why the transition should be
                                                 successful: “We are looking at the energy        planned well, and that takes at least three,
                                                 industry, and our training and education         four, five years, if you do it the right way. I
                                                 business is opening up a whole new sector        have already told my brother Yousef that he
                                                 for us.” Abdullah believes that the only way     should prepare himself to take over in the
                                                 to survive is to grow, and that includes         next couple of years, and I am now involving
                                                 exploiting the full potential of digital:        him in elements of my role that are not part
                                                 “That’s not an option any more, it’s             of his current job, just as my father gave me
                                                 necessary to keep the business alive. We         the chance to learn and make mistakes, but
                                                 have a dedicated communications unit for         under his supervision and guidance. It’s
                                                 social media, interacting with customers         all about cycles – the business has to go
                                                 and managing our online reputation.”             through cycles, and the family has to go
                                                                                                  through cycles. We’re all realistic about that.”
                                                 Focus on good governance
                                                 In the last ten years the company has been       Al Majdouie is a successful Middle
                                                 through a significant restructuring, and
                                                 adopted a far more rigorous approach to          Eastern conglomerate which has
                                                 both corporate and family governance. For        recently strengthened its corporate
Al Majdouie is one of the biggest transport      example, the third generation, who are now       governance processes. It has two
and logistics firms in the Middle East, with     taking up their own roles in the firm, have to
7,000 employees working not just in Saudi                                                         independent directors on the Board.
                                                 work outside the business for at least three
Arabia but all across the Gulf. The company      years first. As Abdullah Al Majdouie says, “In
was founded in 1965 by Shaikh Ali Ibrahim Al     the early days, we needed everybody in the       Abdullah is also realistic about the potential
Majdouie, and all his five sons now work in      family to be part of the company. But now        for conflict, especially as the family grows:
the business, and sit on its board. And as the   we think they have to earn it. They have to go   “When you’re a family business it's not an
family has grown, so has the firm, expanding     through the stages of career development.”       employer and employee relationship. It is
into automotive, manufacturing, food, steel,                                                      partner to partner, regardless of the age
real estate, and training and education.         The company also has two independent             differences – regardless of whether you have
                                                 external directors on the Board, and very        been in the business for 30 years and your
Such ‘horizontal’ expansion is a typical         much not as ‘window-dressing’: “They are         younger brother just came in yesterday.” But
business pattern in the region, with many        there to support and advise us but not           he is confident that a combination of robust
private companies growing by diversification     necessarily to agree with us,” says Abdullah.    governance, strong values and open dialogue
into successful conglomerates. Family firms      “We have agreed with the family that we          is the best way to prevent conflict before it
often find it particularly useful as a model,    have to have a mix of family members and         arises, and ensure the long-term survival of
as it opens up more opportunities for            non-family members throughout the                the business: “In some ways the soft part is
individual family members to run their           business, because this will ensure we            even more important than the hard part. The
own divisions. Though the conglomerate           benefit from new ideas and don’t fall into       hard part is governance, and the soft part is
approach can have challenges as well as          one way of thinking. One thing we’ve learned     the values – the values that are embedded in
advantages: as Abdullah Al Majdouie, the         is that, whatever the cost, you have to bring    the family members right from their
group’s president, says, “it’s good in that it   in talent to grow. It’s our number one           childhood, and which they all share.” Abdullah
spreads your risk when times are tough, but      challenge – getting the right people.”           believes this has been the foundation for Al
it brings its own risk in that you can lose
                                                                                                  Majdouie’s success, and if you ask him what
focus if you try to be equally proficient
                                                                                                  he is most proud of, the answer is immediate:
across a whole range of different sectors.”
                                                                                                  “Our family cohesiveness.”

                                                                                                            Family Business Survey 2014        19
Coming to fruition
Driscoll Strawberry
Associates Inc

Name		J Miles Reiter, CEO

Sector		Food and agriculture

Market		US

Founded        1890s

Driscoll’s is a fourth-generation
Californian berry producer that’s
growing its business through a
combination of savvy digital
marketing and overseas expansion.

Miles Reiter’s great-grandfather was part           Miles believes that his own family benefits        buy. That allows us to evaluate how well
of the 19th-century Gold Rush, emigrating           from those same emotional bonds. He and            each grower is doing, and track which
from Alsace and swapping a butchery                 his brother both work in the firm, and there       varieties are more popular, or what tastes
business for strawberry growing. In the             could soon be seven members of the next            consumers have that we could supply.”
century since then the company has grown            generation coming through, “I’d be
substantially, and is now one of the                surprised if all seven went into the business.     Driscoll’s also has global ambitions for its
country’s largest producers of berries.             That would be exciting but maybe a little          brand, and is professionalising its operations
In the US, as elsewhere in the world, family        challenging.” With that in mind, Driscoll’s        to help make those ambitions happen.
businesses are particularly prominent in the        has recently set up its first family council, in
food production sector, with many firms             which the next generation is already playing       Going global: Professionalism
still in family hands, even the large-scale         a central part. The next generation have also      and proposition
operations like Driscoll’s. Driscoll’s also         been entrusted with formulating the mission        Driscoll’s has been exporting for over ten
buys much of its fruit from other family            statements for both the family and the             years, and is already a leading brand in
businesses, which means there’s a powerful          business – two visions which are connected         Australia, with a new operation in China and
network of relationships that go back more          but different, which is a vital distinction for    expanding in Europe, though the latter is a
than two generations in some cases. As              the family business to make.                       complex and diverse market. For Miles, this
Miles says, “Most of the growers are                                                                   proves that you need two things to be
multigenerational companies, so they have           So with so few family firms surviving beyond       successful overseas: a simple proposition,
some of the same aspirations that we do.            a third generation, what’s the secret of the       and a professional operation: “My advice to
There are bonds beyond financial that hold          Driscoll’s success? One answer would seem          any family business looking to export
you together.”                                      to be the new thinking that each generation        overseas is to keep it simple – have a
                                                    has brought to the venture. In the century         proposition that’s clear and can work across
                                                    or so since the firm was founded, each             cultures. Our company mission is to
                                                    generation has contributed something new,          continually delight consumers and I think that
                                                    whether in terms of improved agricultural          can apply anywhere in the world.”
                                                    techniques, greater commercialisation, or
                                                    brand development. For example, Miles led          And on the business side? “To expand
                                                    the business in making the shift from              globally you’ve got to invest in people and
                                                    primary grower to branded producer over 25         processes, especially digital and in areas
                                                    years ago, when the company developed              like management development. In the past
                                                    innovative packaging to protect its fruit and      we did some of this stuff by the seat of our
                                                    realised that these ‘clamshell’ baskets could      pants, and sometimes when we went into
                                                    also be used to carry a brand name. And            joint ventures, we didn’t bring enough
                                                    now, almost a generation later, Driscoll’s is      discipline to the financial side, or set out our
                                                    using digital technology to build that brand       expectations fully enough. We’ve made a lot
                                                    even further: “What digital has allowed us to      of progress since then, though there are still
                                                    do is connectivity with consumers at a lower       areas where we need to improve. There’s a
                                                    cost. We’re working with our retail partners       big role for non family management here,
                                                    on that – it’s not so much about how much          with a business of this size and complexity,
                                                    we spend but how we share the knowledge,           and I’m a big believer in outside Board
                                                    the data. We can now track specific                members. In general, it’s about making the
                                                    consignments at hundreds of points in the          way we operate more professional because
                                                    supply chain, and use digital to get customer      we’re a global company now. The challenge
                                                    feedback on the quality of each basket they        is to keep alive the spirit of experimentation,
                                                                                                       innovation, and adventure.”

                                                                                       Photographs courtesy of Driscoll's. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.
20   Up close and professional: the family factor
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