Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
Mobile Harbour Cranes

Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible
          Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes
Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
The market leader in Mobile Harbour Cranes
    With over 1,400 machines in more than 100 countries around the globe

    With the invention of the Mobile          operating costs, high resale values
    Harbour Crane more than 50 years          and the impressive service friendliness
    ago, the company made industrial          of the machines. This is what makes
    history in the field of cargo handling.   Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes a
    Freely manoeuvrable around the port,      high-return investment for terminal
    Mobile Harbour Cranes are often           operators, shipping lines, stevedoring
    superior to stationary cranes. They are   companies and port authorities.
    mobile, universally-applicable handling
    machines powered by electric drives       A multitude of crane variants
    and able to handle all forms of cargo     Gottwald maintains a broad range
    without problems, safely and eco-         of products which are available in a
    nomically – alongside all sizes of        large number of variants, thanks to the
    vessels and in terminals of all kinds.    current Generation 5 series of Harbour
                                              Cranes. These cover the full spectrum
    As high-performance cargo handling        from small and medium-sized cranes for
    cranes suitable for multifarious appli-   multipurpose terminals through to large-
    cations, Gottwald Mobile Harbour          scale cranes whose handling rates are
    Cranes offer outstanding features:        comparable with purpose built machines
    n mobility                                and which also ensure their long-term
    n versatility                             operation in special-purpose terminals.
    n flexibility
    n reliability                             System solutions
    n economy.                                As a provider of integrated systems,
                                              Gottwald is able to take on the
    These are tangible benefits reflected     planning and consulting tasks for
    in the more than 1,400 machines sold      new and expanding terminals if
    worldwide to over 100 countries and       requested. Turnkey solutions can                                                        Economical & environmentally
    which underline Gottwald‘s position       be configured to include not only                                                       aware drive technology
    as the market leader in the field of      the Mobile Harbour Cranes but also                                                      As with all other Gottwald products,
    Mobile Harbour Cranes.                    such ancillary equipment as hoppers                                                     our Mobile Harbour Cranes are elec-
                                              and conveyor belts in bulk terminals                                                    trically driven. The power supply is
    More investment benefits                  or machines for horizontal container                                                    from the terminal mains, an on-board
    Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes            transport and stacking in container                                                     diesel-powered generator or a hybrid
    require comparatively low specific        terminals.                                                                              drive consisting of a diesel generator       Gottwald‘s
    investment costs for the machine                                                                                                  and short-term energy storage                hybrid drive,
    and quay infrastructure and boast                                                                                                 modules (ultracaps).                         consisting of
                                                                                                                                                                                   a diesel generator
    short delivery lead-times. They are                                                                                               The energy recovered from the crane’s        and ultracaps, signi­
    considered worldwide to be a highly                                                                                               lowering and braking motions is either       fi­cantly improves the
    efficient solution for handling                                                                                                   n returned to the terminal’s electri­city   machine‘s overall energy-
    n containers                                                                                                                          supply if the crane is hooked            efficiency rating
    n bulk materials                                                                                                                      up to an external power supply
    n general cargo                                                                                                                   n or, if the crane is equipped with
    n project cargoes.                                                                                                                    a hybrid drive, stored in the ultra­
                                                                                                                                          caps and made available to the                                     The symbol denoting
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Gottwald’s commitment
    In addition, the state-of-                                                                                                            crane’s electric circuits for the next
                                                                                                                                                                                                             to using electric drive
    the-art crane management                                                                                                              work cycle. Fuel savings of up to                                  concepts in its products
    system makes a considerable contri-                                                                                                   23.2%* have been achieved.
    bution to increasing cargo handling
    performance and productivity in termi-                                                                                            The level of energy required is
                                                                                         Running on external power provides the
    nals while reducing the effort required                                              most efficient use of energy, cuts exhaust
                                                                                                                                      reduced accordingly, exhaust gas
                                                                                                                                                                                   * Achieved under specific deployment conditions and
    from the crane operator. At the same                                                 gases from the cranes in the terminal to     emissions cut or avoided completely,         based on experience gained from operating a Gottwald
    time, Gottwald‘s customers benefit                                                   zero and reduces noise emissions             and noise emissions minimised.               Generation 5 crane over a period of one year.
    from such features as competitive

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
Comprehensive range of products
    With Mobile Harbour Cranes for all vessel sizes, terminals and applications
                                                                                  With its broad range of Mobile Harbour Cranes offering various lifting capacities and radii, Gottwald
                                                                                  provides suitable handling machines for all applications and requirements in ports and terminals:
    The Mobile Harbour Crane range                                                                                  Barge/Coaster           Feeder        Standard        Panamax        Post-Panamax    Super post-Panamax
    extends from models for standard                                                              Capacity [TEU]      80 – 500            300 – 1,200    1,000 – 2,500   3,000 – 4,500   6,000 – 9,600     10,000 – 11,000
    requirements through to extremely

                                                                                    vessel size
                                                                                                  No. of rows            ≤6                      ≤8          ≤ 10            ≤ 13            ≤ 17                ≤ 19
    high-performance Mobile Harbour
    Cranes for tough, continuous-duty
    work, chiefly in intensive, high-speed
    container and bulk handling.

    With radii of up to 56 m and lifting
    capacities of up to 200 t, the machines
    are ideally equipped for handling                                                                              Model 8
    cargoes of all kinds in all types of
    terminals alongside vessels up to
    super post-Panamax and Capesize.
                                                                                                                    max. 56 m       max. 200 t

    Thanks to their high crane
    classification, which takes into                                                                               Model 7
    account the mechanical,
    structural and steel design and
    their construction, Gottwald
    Mobile Harbour Cranes are                                                                                       max. 51 m       max. 150 t
    designed for a significantly
    longer service life.                                                                                           Model 6

                                                                                                                    max. 51 m       max. 125 t

                                                                                                                   Model 4

                                                                                                                    max. 46 m       max. 100 t

                                                                                                                   Model 3

                                                                                                                    max. 46 m       max. 100 t

                                                                                                                   HMK 170

                                                                                                                    max. 38 m       max. 63 t

                                                                                                                   Barge/Coaster         Handysize       Handymax        Panamax                Capesize bulker
                                                                                                  Capacity [DWT]       ­­­≤ 5,000          ­­­≤ 30,000     ≤ 50,000        ≤ 80,000                  ≤ 170,000
                                                                                    vessel size

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
Container handling                                                                                                            Mobile Harbour Cranes near Istanbul,
                                                                                                                                  Turkey, including G HMK 7408 and
                                                                                                                                   G HMK 7608 cranes, variants of Model 7,
                                                                                                                                   for handling containers alongside vessels
    High handling rates alongside vessels of all classes                                                                            up to post-Panamax

    As a result of their high handling rates,   by leading shipping lines and terminal
    Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes              operators all over the world. In those
    are the ideal choice in container           environments, Gottwald cranes are
    terminals. They service ships up to         used to complement the container
    and including super post-Panamax            gantries already in use there. They can
    class and easily handle all the standard    easily be integrated in the logistics
    container sizes                             chain alongside such special-purpose
    from 20’ to 45’ –                           machines on the quay to ensure high-
    and handle 20’                              speed container handling.
    containers in
    twinlift operation.                         In addition to this, they are often the
                                                only solution where container handling
    The range of applications includes not      is the main field of appli­cation but
    only smaller and medium-sized container     general and project cargoes are also
    terminals, where these cranes are           handled and if parts of the vessels are
    often the only handling machines on         difficult to access. In circumstances such
    the quay. Gottwald Mobile Harbour           as these, the quick and easy change
    Cranes come into their own in the           of lifting gear is just one aspect under-
    really large container hubs operated        lining the versatility of these cranes.

    HMK 170 E, Ofunato, Japan                   G HMK 4406, a variant of Model 4,
                                                Antwerp, Belgium

                                                                                             Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes
                                                                                             of various sizes and performance
                                                                                             ratings handling containers.
                                                                                             Model 8‘s range of applications is
                                                                                             extensive enough to include super
                                                                                             post-Panamax vessels, for example.

    G HMK 6407, a variant of Model 6,           G HMK 8710, a variant of Model 8,
    São Francisco do Sul, Brazil                Carrara, Italy

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
Bulk handling                                                                                                                                        Four-rope grab HMK 170 EG (right)
                                                                                                                                                         handling agribulk alongside a coaster
                                                                                                                                                           and a G HMK 7408 B (below) at an
                                                                                                                                                             inland transfer point, facilitating
      With 4-rope grab Mobile Harbour Cranes                                                                                                               the transfer of scrap from the port
                                                                                                                                                                 level to the elevated position
                                                                                                                                                                 of a neighbouring steelworks

      Where intensive continuous-duty                                        ment as hoppers and conveyor belts,
      handling in bulk terminals makes                                       while in coal export, handling also
      particularly high demands on the                                       takes place on the open sea.
      equipment to be used, Gottwald’s
      4-rope Mobile Harbour Cranes                                           Also with motor grabs
      provide the answer. This design offers                                 Thanks to their remarkable versatility,
      a grab curve of up to 63 t and high                                    Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes
      handling rates of up to 1,850 tph*.                                    can also be fitted with motor grabs
                                                                             for use in bulk handling. In this
      Since its market launch, the 4-rope                                    configuration, they also achieve
      grab variant for the professional hand­ling                            high handling rates.
      of e.g. coal, ore, gravel, sand, clinker,
      cement and agribulk has been sold                                      Long service life
      hundreds of times and has proved its                                   If a Mobile Harbour Crane is intended
      worth worldwide as a highly successful                                 for use with grab operation in highly
      technological concept.                                                 intensive professional bulk handling,
                                                                             it is designed to a high crane classi­
      Based on Mobile Harbour Crane                                          fication to guarantee a long service
      techno­logy, Gottwald’s Portal Harbour                                 lifetime.
      Cranes and Floating Cranes tend to
      be ordered as 4-rope grab machines
      for use in professional bulk handling.
      In special purpose bulk import terminals,
      this process involves coordinated                                      * Handling rates are dependent on
      interaction with such ancillary equip-                                   terminal and operating conditions                                                            Cranes with motor
                                                                                                                                                                       grabs also achieve high
                                                                                                                                                                          handling rates, e.g.
                                                                                                                                                                           this G HMK 4406, a
                                                                                                                                                                         variant of Model 4, in
                                                                                                                                                                         Krishnapatnam, India

                                        Bulk material handling rates
                                        for Mobile Harbour Cranes*
                                                                                                                           For highly-intensive professional bulk
                                                                                                          Model 8          handling with extremely high operating
                                                                                                                            hours for unloading Panamax and cape
                                                                                                                            size bulk carriers: G HMK 6407 B Mobile
                          1,500                                                                                              Harbour Crane, a variant of Model 6,
    Handling rate [tph]

                                                                                                                             handling coal in Gangavaram, India
                                                                                               Model 7                        (large photo) and a G HMK 8310 B,
                          1,250                                                                                                a variant of Model 8, in Cartagena,
                                                                                      Model 6
                                                                                                                               Spain (bottom right)

                                                                                Model 4

                                                                   Model 3
                                                       HMK 170 EG

                                                  12                 25                   32                       45
                                  Barge/Coaster        Handysize              Handymax    Panamax        Capesize bulker

                                                            Bulk carriers/vessel beams [m]

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
General cargo
     With easy-to-change lifting gear

     Mobile Harbour Cranes made by
     Gottwald once again demonstrate
     their versatility when it comes to
     handling general cargoes efficiently.
     The size and shape of the cargoes
     can vary considerably. For this reason,
     the cranes can be equipped with
     several kinds of mechanical, electrical
     and hydraulic lifting gear, ranging
     from spreaders of various designs to
     coil hooks, slings, chains, magnets,
     lifting beams and telescopic grabs.
     Changing the lifting gear is quick,
     simple and safe.

     In large-scale general cargo and                                                                                                            G HMK 6407, a variant of Model 6,
     multi­purpose terminals, these                                                                                                              handling general cargo between
     machines handle such goods as:                                                                                                               an inland waterway barge and an
     n	steel coils, metal sheets, pipes,                                                                                                         ocean-going vessel, making use
                                                                                                                                                   of its long reach
        shaped sections, billets, wire,
        all forms of metal right through               HMK 170 E handling steel coils               G HMK 4406, a variant of Model 4, handling
        to scrap                                       in Antwerp, Belgium                          fruit in Antwerp, Belgium
     n	pallets of all kinds, such as for
        handling fruit.
                       Unbeatable versatility and
                    high working speeds are just
                      two of the key advantages
                     of Gottwald Mobile Harbour
                   Cranes when handling a wide
                   range of general cargoes such
                     as fruit, pallets, construction
                     materials and steel products

                                                       G HMK 4406, a variant of Model 4, handling   G HMK 7608, a variant of Model 7, handling
                                                       general cargo in Livorno, Italy              steel coils in Antwerp, Belgium

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
Project cargo
                                                                                                  Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes, all with high lifting capacities even at
                                                                                           maximum radius are the ideal machines for a broad range of very heavy cargoes:

     Impressive lifting capacities and extensive radii                                                                                      G HMK 4406, a variant of Model 4,
                                                                                                                                  100 t lifting capacity up to a radius of 22 m,
                                                                                                                                  handling wind turbine parts in Ferrol, Spain

                                                                                                                                       G HMK 6407, a variant of Model 6, 100 t
                                                                                                                              lifting capacity up to a radius of 24 m, handling
     Yet another application that allows          It is particularly with bulky cargoes,                                                   heavy cargoes in Reykjavik, Iceland.
     Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes to            such as components for wind turbines,                                                The G HMK 6507 even provides a lifting
     show the full extent of their capabilities   that Mobile Harbour Cranes demonstrate                                               capacity of 125 t up to a radius of 20 m.
     is in the high-performance handling          their versatility and strength, since
     of even the heaviest project cargoes         they are available in a number
     in heavy-load and universal terminals,       of sizes for various require-
     ensured by their lifting capa­cities of      ments, have sophisticated
     up to 200 t, working radii of up to          technical features and are
     56 m and a maximum load moment               robust and powerful.
     of 4,000 mt with the largest Gottwald
     Mobile Harbour Crane.

     Cargoes moved include, among
     others, heavy plant components and
     large-scale machines such as turbines
     and generators. Extremely heavy goods,
     whose weight can often exceed 200 t,
     are handled by two cranes working
     together in tandem lift mode.

     A special Tandem Lift Assistant for                                                                                                                                                                                    G HMK 7608, a variant of
     Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes                                                                                                                                                                                    Model 7, 150 t lifting capacity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     up to a radius of 18 m, handling
     ensures tandem lifts up to 400 t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                large-scale machinery
     are absolutely safe.                                                                                                                                                                                                      in Hamburg, Germany

                                                                                            Two G HMK 8710 cranes, variants
                                                                                               of Model 8, each with a lifting
                                                                                             capacity of 200 t up to a radius of
                                                                                                20 m, here handling generators                                                                        Mobile Harbour Crane
                                                                                                   in tandem lift, in Carrara, Italy                                                                  lifting capacity curves
                                                                                                                                                                                          200 200

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Model 8

                                                                                                                                                           Lifting capacity on hook [t]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Model 7


                                                                                                                                                                                          100 100

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Model 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Model 6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Model 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HMK 170 E


                                                                                                                                                                                                      8   12   16   20   24   28   32   36   40   44   48   52   56
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Radius [m]

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
Leading Mobile Harbour Crane technology                                                                                                                 Reliable service
     With an impressive list of features and individual adaptations                                                                                          Around the world, around the clock, all around the product

     Maintaining a steady focus on                                                                                                                           As a subsidiary of Demag Cranes AG,          First level support                      Second level support
     the customer is one of the guiding                                                                                                                      Gottwald can draw on worldwide               Gottwald has direct access to a global   Our representatives are supported
     principles at Gottwald, which is                                                                                                                        service to secure the highest possible       network of service centres and repre-    globally by the Gottwald Service
     why the company offers not only                                                                                                                         availability of your cargo handling          sentatives within the Demag Cranes       Competence Centre (SCC) in
     a comprehensive range of standard                                                                                                                       cranes and the value of your investment.     Group, which enables us to orientate     Düsseldorf, Germany. The SCC
     and optional features for its Mobile                                                                                                                    Integrated in reliable service networks,     ourselves towards you, the customer,     provides help, especially with complex
     Harbour Cranes, but also has the                                                                                                                        Gottwald can provide pro­fessional           and your needs. When you purchase        questions. Modern eBusiness solutions
     capability to provide customer-                                                                                                                         troubleshooting and has implemented          a Gottwald product, we name a            allow fault diagnoses in real-time
     specific adap­tations. And this                                                                                                                         an efficient, two-stage support structure:   contact responsible in your region.      communication. In specific emergencies,
     explains why Gottwald products                                                                                                                                                                                                                the SCC can be reached on the
     are favoured in situations requiring                                                                                                                                                                                                          global 24/7 hotline:
     specifically tailored solutions.                The Visumatic® crane management system         All Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes provide                                                                                                     +49 (0) 211 – 7102 3333
                                                     is standard equipment on Gottwald Mobile       the crane operator with a good view of
                                                     Harbour Cranes. Key advantages are intuitive   the site thanks to an elevated tower cab
                                                     operator guidance and clear, easily under­     position. Even better control is offered by
                                                     stood graphic symbols.                         the optional forward-mounted cab, 2.5 m
                                                                                                    further out.                                                                                              Service packages

                                                                                                                                                                    Crane transport                                                                  Installation and

     Portals instead of tyre-mounted chassis         Barges instead of tyre-mounted chassis         Where the quay facilities have limited                          General overhauls                                                                          Professional Crane
     permit unhindered movement of rail and          provide maximum mobility on the water and      load-bearing capacity, Gottwald can modify                                                               Gottwald provides                                 Inspections (PCI)
     road vehicles and conveyor belts beneath
     or beside the portal, which is tailored
                                                     navigate around the problem of expensive
                                                     investments in quay infrastructures.
                                                                                                    the propping system fitted to the Mobile
                                                                                                    Harbour Crane to meet the specific condi­
     to customer specifications.                                                                    tions on the customer‘s site.                                                                             service for all its
                                                                                                                                                                                                           products for their entire
                                                                                                                                                                                                              service lifetimes.

                                                                                                                                                                    Upgrades and


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Spare parts supply
     Equipment for hooking up an external power      The hybrid drive, made up of an on-board       By making environmentally aware techno­logies
     supply produce significant improvements         diesel generator and short-term energy         available to the market, Gottwald is responding
     in the efficient use of energy, cut operating   storage modules (ultracaps), improves          to the demand for products that reduce exhaust
     costs and completely do away with exhaust       efficiency and reduces fuel consumption        gas, noise, dust and light pollution while optimi­sing
     gases from cranes in the terminal.              and exhaust gas emissions.                     the use of limited space.

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Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
Mobile Harbour Cranes 05/09.12 UK S+S
                                           Generation 5                                  Generation 5                               Generation 5

    The perfect solution for challenging site conditions   The entry model for the 100-tonne segment     High-performance, functional, compact
                              Model 2 Harbour Crane                          Model 3 Harbour Crane                   Model 4 Harbour Crane

                                                                                                                                                   Subject to change without notice
                                           Generation 5                                  Generation 5                               Generation 5

            A combination of power and functionality       Handling performance with no compromises             Performance that leads the field
                           Model 6 Harbour Crane                            Model 7 Harbour Crane                     Model 8 Harbour Crane

  Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes – detailed product brochure for each model

                                  Mobile Harbour Cranes                          Portal Harbour Cranes                           Floating Cranes

       Versatile. Economical. Ecologically Compatible.                               Right on Track                     On a Wave of Success
                  Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes                   Gottwald Portal Harbour Cranes                  Gottwald Floating Cranes

  Generic brochures for Mobile Harbour Cranes, Portal Harbour Cranes and Floating Cranes

       Gottwald Port Technology GmbH • PO Box 18 03 43 • 40570 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 211 7102-0 • Fax: +49 (0) 211 7102-3651 • •

                          Gottwald Port Technology GmbH – a subsidiary of Demag Cranes AG
Versatile, economical, ecologically compatible Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes - Mobile Harbour Cranes
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