Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria

Page created by Ralph Caldwell
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
Regional priorities

Victoria’s infrastructure
strategy 2021–2051

August 2021
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
02     Infrastructure Victoria                       Goulburn summary       Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021–2051                                                                               03

                                                     Infrastructure Victoria listened
                                                     to regional Victorians

Victoria’s infrastructure                            Over the last four years, we built a deeper
                                                     understanding of the Goulburn region’s
                                                                                                            This work produced a Goulburn regional
                                                                                                            profile, a Goulburn regional industry profile,
strategy 2021–2051                                   infrastructure needs, industry composition,            and a Factsheet on Goulburn’s regional
                                                     and social disadvantage, in our Regional               disadvantage, all available on our website.
                                                     infrastructure needs and Infrastructure                We used this evidence to develop strategy
In 2016, Infrastructure Victoria developed           priorities for the regions projects. We have           recommendations that can apply to the
Victoria’s first ever 30-year infrastructure         consulted widely with Goulburn communities,            Goulburn region.
strategy. The 2016 strategy was evidence-            industries and local government to build our
based, covered all types of infrastructure,          regional knowledge, and examined the
and we consulted widely with stakeholders            unique opportunities and challenges that
and the community. To stay relevant and              face each of Victoria’s regions.
reflect Victoria’s evolving infrastructure
needs, we update the strategy every three            Engagement timeline
to five years.

Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2021– 2051             2017                   Oct–Dec 2018                              Mar 2019                 Apr–Jun 2019                     Oct 2019
builds on the 2016 strategy, revising many
of our original recommendations and adding
others in response to Victoria’s changing               Regional                  Consultation:                         Regional                     Consultation:                 Consultation:
circumstances. But we retain a long-term view         work program                  regional                         Infrastructure                   Targeted                      workshops
of Victoria’s infrastructure needs over the next        inception                  workshops                         Needs profiles                   meetings
30 years, remembering that infrastructure lasts
many decades, and must meet both immediate
needs and those in the future. The strategy             Mid-2021              Dec 2020–Feb 2021                  Dec 2020–Feb 2021                    Dec 2020                       Nov 2020
can be downloaded from our website at
                                                           Final                  Consultation:                       Consultation:                      Draft                     Infrastructure
                                                         strategy                 draft strategy                      submissions                      strategy                   Priorities for the
                                                                                                                        process                                                   Regions profiles

                                                     During the consultation period for the                 Combined, this comprehensive process               This document provides a summary of
                                                     draft strategy, we provided more                       of consultation and engagement guided              selected recommendations from Victoria’s
Aboriginal acknowledgment                            opportunities for Goulburn communities                 the development of this Goulburn                   infrastructure strategy which respond to
                                                     and stakeholders to offer feedback on our              regional summary and the relevant strategy         the needs and opportunities we identified
Infrastructure Victoria acknowledges the
                                                     draft recommendations, including through               recommendations. It focusses on                    in Goulburn.
traditional owners of country in Victoria and
                                                     surveys, submissions, and hosting a                    infrastructure-related opportunities to build
pays respect to their elders past and present,
                                                     Goulburn regional roundtable discussion.               on Goulburn’s economic and industry
as well as elders of other Aboriginal communities.
                                                                                                            advantages, and to strengthen local
We acknowledge the Yorta Yorta, Taungurung,
                                                                                                            communities by improving health,
and Wurundjeri peoples, whose traditional lands
                                                                                                            education, and social inclusion outcomes,
are in the Goulburn Region. We recognise that
                                                                                                            while reducing disadvantage.
the state’s infrastructure is built on land that
has been managed by Aboriginal people
for millennia.
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
04     Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                                                 Goulburn summary             Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021–2051                                                                                   05


Goulburn’s economy is mainly focused            Bordering metropolitan Melbourne,
on agriculture, manufacturing and health        Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires are within
care. The region is also abundant in            Melbourne’s peri-urban fringe, leading to
natural resources such as timber, sand          population and development pressures.
and stone, as well as solar and wind            The fast-growing parts of Mitchell Shire
energy. The region is a well-known              are located within Melbourne’s northern
centre for irrigated fruit and dairy milk       urban growth corridor. Goulburn’s north
production. Goulburn's highly fertile           is dominated by rural areas with smaller
soils and ready access to irrigation            established towns, lower population
water are the foundations of its                growth and fewer development pressures.
productive capacity. Traditionally              Shepparton, the regional hub, provides
considered a ‘food bowl’ for Victoria,          economic diversity, services and
Goulburn’s economy is heavily reliant           employment opportunities for the region.
on the agriculture and food processing                                                                                                         The Y Water Discovery Centre at the Yea Wetlands Walk park.
                                                During the COVID-19 pandemic, many
industries. Goulburn is also home to
                                                regional towns experienced increased
the Puckapunyal army base which is
                                                demand for housing and increase in house
an important employer for the region.
                                                prices. Some of these towns experienced
The Goulburn region includes the traditional    a shortage of affordable housing for                                                           Enhance market access and regional economic growth
lands of the Yorta Yorta people in the north    the first time.
and the Taungurung and Wurundjeri peoples
in the south.
                                                                                                                                               Unlock industry growth                                        Recommendations to remove                       Recommendation 04
                                                                                                                                               opportunities                                                 energy barriers to business
                                                                                                                                                                                                             investment                                    Identify and coordinate Renewable
                                                                                                                                               Renewable energy is an emerging                                                                             Energy Zones
The regions of Goulburn                                                                                                                        opportunity for the region, with growth                       Removing constraints to future industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                             development and leveraging potential          In the next year, identify Renewable Energy
                                                                                                                                               potential identified by the energy industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             renewable energy opportunities can help       Zones, especially in the state's north-west,
                                                                                                                                               However, Goulburn Regional Partnership
                                                                         Moira (S)                                                                                                                           grow the Goulburn economy. Developing         and continue to coordinate their
                                                                                                                                               and other stakeholders have identified that
                                                                                               Yarrawonga                                                                                                    the region’s Renewable Energy Zone could      development over the next 10 years.
                                                                                                                                               inadequacies in the region’s current
                                                                                                            The region’s highly fertile        transmission infrastructure limit energy                      unlock new renewable energy resources –
                                                                                                            soils and ready access to                                                                        including pumped hydro across the
                                                                                                            irrigation water are the           innovation. Transmission network                                                                              Recommendation 80
                                                              Greater                                                                                                                                        Goulburn region, as well as in the Ovens
                                                           Shepparton (C)                                   foundations of its productive      connections are essential if Goulburn is to
                                                                                                            capacity.                          realise the potential benefits associated with                Murray region.
                                     Shepparton                                              Rural areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Upgrade power supply for
                                    regional hub                Shepparton                                                                     pumped hydro energy generation.                               Our recommendation to co-fund power           agriculture and regional industry
                                                                                                                                               Electricity infrastructure has been identified                supply upgrades responds to constraints       In the next five years, contribute toward
                                                                                                                       N                                                                                     associated with outdated power supply
                                                                                                                                               as a potential constraint on farm productivity                                                              strategic power supply infrastructure
                                                                                                                           S                   and future growth, particularly for Goulburn’s                infrastructure, opening up new investment     upgrades for agriculture and regional
                                                                                                                                               dairy industry. Where farms are powered                       opportunities for Goulburn’s dairy farmers    industry, where an independent
Goulburn is abundant in natural                                                                             The Goulburn region includes
resources such as timber,                                  Strathbogie                                      the traditional lands of the       through outdated single wire earth return                     and other industries. Where upgrades are      assessment demonstrates significant
                                                                (S)          Euroa
sand and stone, as well as                                                                                  Taungurung and Wurundjeri          power lines, changing industry practices and                  shown to deliver benefits to existing users   potential for increased productivity,
solar and wind energy.                                                                                      peoples in the south and the                                                                     and unlock potential future investment,       competitiveness and growth.
                                                                                                                                               more energy intensive farming equipment
                                                                                                            Yorta Yorta people in the north.                                                                 upgrade costs can be shared between the
                                                                                                                                               are leading to capacity constraints which
                                                                                                                                               limit production and stop farms from                          Victorian Government, power distribution
                                         Mitchell (S) Seymour                                                                                                                                                companies and local businesses.
                                                                                                                                               expanding. The benefits of better power
                                                                                                                                               supply can be significant, allowing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Please refer to Victoria's infrastructure
                                                                                 Alexandra                                                     businesses to expand, to attract new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               strategy 2021–2051 (section 1.1) for
MILK                                                                Murrindindi (S)                                                            investment and support local communities.
                                                                                                            Bordering metropolitan                                                                                                                             additional recommendations on
                                                                                                            Melbourne, Mitchell and                                                                                                                            navigating the energy transition.
Goulburn is a                                                                                               Murrindindi Shires are within
well-known centre                                                                                           Melbourne’s peri-urban fringe,
for irrigated fruit and                        peri-urban fringe                                            leading to population and
dairy milk production.                                                                                      development pressures.
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
06       Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                              Goulburn summary              Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021–2051                                                                                07

          Improve water security and                      The recommendations build on Victorian        By the 2030s
                                                          Government funding for network
          industry resilience
                                                          improvements in drought-affected
          Agriculture is an industry of competitive       areas, including the Goulburn Murray                         1.8ºc
          strength for Goulburn. The region is a          Irrigation District.
          nationally significant production base for                                                    Average maximum temperatures
          dairy, apples, pears and stone fruits, and                                                    could increase by up to 1.8°C   Mitchelton Winery, Nagambie
          the region’s agricultural products have a         Recommendation 13
          reputation for quality and safety. Goulburn
                                                          Consider all water supply sources
          farms produce over 50% of Victoria’s table
          tomatoes and almost 50% of the state’s          Consider all water sources for supply
          fruit (excluding table grapes).                 augmentation, including identifying and
                                                                                                        Average annual rainfall is
          The projected impacts of climate change
                                                          addressing barriers to purified recycled                                      Fostering tourism                                             Recommendations to support                       Collectively, these recommendations build on
                                                                                                        projected to decrease by 9%                                                                   a recovery in regional tourism                   existing Victorian Government regional
          have significant consequences for
                                                          drinking water within the next 10 years.                                      in Goulburn
                                                          When planning for future water supply,                                                                                                                                                       tourism infrastructure investments, including
          agricultural production in the region.                                                                                        Goulburn is well-endowed with natural                         Our tourism recommendations, centred on
                                                          investigate all options including, but not                                                                                                                                                   the funding for new fish hatchery operations
          By the 2030s, Goulburn’s average                                                              By the 2050s                    assets, including the Strathbogie Ranges,                     Aboriginal and nature-based opportunities,
                                                          limited to recycled water, seawater                                                                                                                                                          in Shepparton to support recreational fishing
          maximum temperatures could increase by                                                                                        Lake Eildon National Park and Cathedral                       aim to enable future growth in the region.
                                                          desalination, stormwater harvesting and                                                                                                                                                      in the region.
          up to 1.8°C, while average annual rainfall                                                                                    Range State Park. However, tourism across                     Development of a nature-based tourism
          is projected to decrease by 9%. By the
                                                          better use of the water grid.
                                                                                                                   x2     35ºc          regional Victoria has been acutely affected                   strategy will guide future investment in the
          2050s, Goulburn could have twice as many                                                                                      by the 2020 bushfires, closely followed by                    region’s tourist infrastructure to ensure that     Recommendation 81
          days over 35°C and up to 60% more very                                                        Could have twice as many days   the COVID-19 pandemic. Rebuilding                             experiences, and supporting facilities and
                                                            Recommendation 16
          high fire danger days. The Goulburn Murray                                                    over 35ºC                       Goulburn’s tourist industry will be a central                 infrastructure, meet visitor expectations and    Plan for and facilitate regional
          resilience strategy also recognises the need    Strengthen agricultural water                                                 part of the region’s wider economic recovery,                 that the region’s natural assets are protected   nature-based tourism investments
          to respond to climate change and the            security by modernising irrigation                                            with an initial focus on domestic tourism.                    and enhanced. Nature-based tourism sites,        In the next two years, develop a Victorian
                                                                                                                                                                                                      including national parks, require basic
          decline in water resources in the region.       In the next 30 years, contribute funding                          60%         Agritourism, which builds on Goulburn’s                       amenities and infrastructure to encourage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       nature-based tourism strategy to guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       industry development and prioritise further
          The availability and cost of irrigated water    toward planning and delivery of water
                                                                                                                                        agricultural strength, has the potential to                   investment in experiences, food and
          are likely to become a significant challenge.   infrastructure and irrigation modernisation                                                                                                                                                  investments. During the next 15 years,
                                                                                                        Could have up to 60% more       draw visitors out of Melbourne to the region                  accommodation. Removal of investment
          Irrigation infrastructure upgrades through      projects across Victoria.                                                                                                                                                                    support regional tourism investment by
                                                                                                        very high fire danger days      and further stimulate industry recovery.                      barriers in national parks would help
          the Goulburn-Murray Water Connections                                                                                                                                                                                                        allowing more site-specific leases for up
                                                                                                                                        As well as food and wine experiences,                         encourage investment in tourist facilities and
          Project have increased water use efficiency                                                                                                                                                                                                  to 49 years for infrastructure proposals
                                                                                                                                        the region’s tourism offerings include                        services. The region has already identified
          and will generate long-term savings.
                                                            Recommendation 17                                                                                                                                                                          that meet strict criteria and complement
                                                                                                                                        nature-based tourism, Aboriginal culture                      opportunities for tourism investment in the
          Further opportunities are associated with                                                                                                                                                                                                    environmental and cultural values.
                                                          Upgrade Victoria's emergency                                                  and heritage, arts and festivals.                             region, for example through the Goulburn
          implementation of priority actions from
                                                          water network                                                                 The region’s rich Aboriginal history and                      Murray resilience strategy and the Lake
          the Goulburn Murray irrigation district
                                                          In the next year, assess the condition,                                       culture is celebrated at the Bangerang                        Eildon masterplan.                                 Recommendation 82
          master plan.
                                                          capacity and security of Victoria's                                           Cultural Centre. Important heritage sites in                  A Victorian Aboriginal tourist strategy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Develop a Victorian Aboriginal
                                                          emergency water supply point network,                                         the lands of the Yorta Yorta people include:                  co-developed with Traditional Owners,
          Recommendations to improve                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tourism strategy with Aboriginal
                                                          and upgrade or replace inadequate supply                                                                                                    can further drive sustainable economic
                                                                                                                                        \ Barmah National Park                                                                                         communities
          water security for the agriculture              points. Clarify ongoing responsibility for                                                                                                  activity in Goulburn, helping to preserve
          industry                                        monitoring, maintenance and funding                                           \ Kow Swamp                                                                                                    Support and partner with Aboriginal
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and promote the region’s Aboriginal cultural
                                                          to secure a resilient network.                                                \ Gunbower National Park, and                                                                                  communities in the next two years to
          Our recommendations aim to strengthen                                                                                                                                                       histories and heritage sites and create job
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       guide future investments in Aboriginal
          water security for Goulburn’s agriculture                                                                                     \ Kanyapella Wildlife Reserve.                                opportunities for Aboriginal communities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tourism and cultural heritage, including
          industry, including by                                                                                                                                                                      The strategy should align existing joint
                                                                                                                                        The Murray and Goulburn Rivers are both                                                                        through joint management plans.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      management plans, including the Joint
          \ Modernising irrigation systems                                                                                              important assets to the Yorta Yorta people
                                                                                                                                                                                                      management plan for Barmah National
                                                                                                                                        and are attractive to tourists.
          \ Maximising every source of water supply                                                                                                                                                   Park, and guide Victorian Government
          \ Upgrading Victoria’s emergency water                                                                                        Our research has identified opportunities                     investment in Aboriginal tourism
            supply network to ensure farmers can                                                                                        to enhance nature-based and rural tourism                     infrastructure to meet Aboriginal cultural
            get water as rainfall continues to decline.                                                                                 sites in Goulburn, which include linkages                     and economic development needs. It will
                                                                                                                                        between experiences and the development                       complement Victorian Government funding
                                                                                                                                        of tracks and trails in national parks, such                  to deliver the joint management plan for
                                                                                                                                        as the Strathbogie Ranges. The Lake Eildon                    Barmah National Park in partnership with
                                                                                                                                        tourism masterplan outlines opportunities to                  the Yorta Yorta people.
                                                                                                                                        further develop Lake Eildon’s tourist offering.

Spring Creek – Beechworth Gorge Walk
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
08     Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                                                     Goulburn summary        Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021–2051                                                                                    09

Facilitate regional recycling                   The extra recycling and resource recovery          The Inland Rail project, expected to be         Developing the outer metropolitan road and                Recommendation 66                                   Recommendation 78
                                                infrastructure required in the Goulburn            operational by 2025, will improve the           rail corridor will improve access to proposed
industries in Goulburn
                                                region could include plastic processing            region’s connection to the national             freight terminals and precincts, along with             Construct an outer metropolitan road                Deliver long-term funding certainty
Victoria can transform its resource and         plants and organic composting facilities.          freight network.                                the future Bay West Port and connections                and rail corridor                                   for regional road maintenance
recycling sector to recover up to 90% of        By processing materials from both                                                                  to Melbourne Airport.                                                                                       and upgrades
                                                                                                   But freight network inefficiencies are                                                                  Within two years, determine staging for the
our waste with $1 billion of investment in      Melbourne and local areas, regional
                                                                                                   constraining the ability of Goulburn            Upgrades to existing interstate and intrastate          outer metropolitan rail and road corridor.          Within two years, specify clear levels of
infrastructure from both government and         Victoria can provide products closer to
                                                                                                   producers to increase agricultural exports,     road corridors can effectively serve                    Subject to detailed business cases, start           service for each type of regional road and
the private sector by 2039. Dozens of           end users, reducing transport costs and
                                                                                                   and better road infrastructure can improve      increasing travel demands between regional              construction of priority sections, starting with    bridge. Following this, dedicate a 10-year
resource recovery centres across Victoria       creating new jobs and services.
                                                                                                   linkages between dairy and fruit producers,     and metropolitan areas.                                 the E6 motorway by the end of this decade.          funding program to sustainably fund
collect materials from their local areas for
                                                                                                   storage, processors and Melbourne                                                                       Progressively stage corridor development for        Victorian Government road and bridge
transport and further recovery, of varying                                                                                                         These recommendations will build
                                                  Recommendation 28                                markets. Stakeholders in the region                                                                     completion in the next 30 years. Provide a          maintenance and upgrades to meet these
capacity and capability. A resource                                                                                                                on short-term Victorian Government
                                                                                                   continue to advocate for the Shepparton                                                                 freight rail link to coincide with the opening of   service levels. Funding should be prioritised
recovery centre network with more                                                                                                                  funding commitments for road and rail
                                                Facilitate improved recycling                      bypass. The Australian Government added                                                                 the Western Intermodal Freight Terminal.            based on improving safety, decreasing
strategically located and better resourced                                                                                                         maintenance, to deliver longer term funding
                                                infrastructure for priority materials              the proposed Shepparton Bypass (currently                                                                                                                   vehicle emissions, and lifting productivity.
facilities can reduce the costs of                                                                                                                 certainty for freight networks. The Victorian
                                                                                                   regional road C391) to the National Land
transporting materials, and bring them          In the next year, focus efforts to increase                                                        Government has also invested in bridge                    Recommendation 76
                                                                                                   Transport Road Network in 2020, and is
closer to end users.                            and upgrade waste processing infrastructure                                                        structure renewals and maintenance at                                                                         Recommendation 79
                                                                                                   yet to clarify its long-term intention and                                                              Expand and upgrade Melbourne’s
                                                on six priority materials. Facilitate increased                                                    crossings along the Murray River.
The supply of recyclable materials has                                                             funding commitments. Goulburn regional
                                                recovery and reprocessing capacity and                                                                                                                     outer suburban road and bus                         Fund and plan for ongoing regional
not been matched by demand for them.                                                               stakeholders also suggested the following
                                                capability for paper and card, plastics,                                                                                                                   networks                                            rail freight network development and
More reliable markets for priority materials                                                       road and freight priorities:
                                                and organics by 2025. Revisit funding                                                                                                                      In the next 15 years, deliver a program             maintenance
– recyclable glass, plastic, paper and card,
                                                mechanisms and align recycling                     \ The safe and reliable Maroondah Highway                                                               of upgrades to Melbourne’s arterial road,
organics, tyres and e-waste – can support                                                                                                                                                                                                                      In the next year, fund a 30-year periodic
                                                infrastructure with land use settings.               over the Black Spur, which is a major                                                                 freeway and bus networks beyond what is
economic development, help address the                                                                                                                                                                                                                         regional freight rail maintenance program,
                                                                                                     entrance to the region                                                                                currently funded, focusing on congested             informed by a publicly available network
stockpiling of recovered materials, and
                                                                                                   \ The outer metropolitan road and                                                                       roads and corridors in outer metropolitan           development and asset management plan.
reduce Victoria’s reliance on landfill.           Recommendation 29
                                                                                                     E6 can activate future logistics and                                                                  and growth suburbs council areas.                   Using the plan, thoroughly determine the
Markets for these materials vary greatly,
presenting different challenges for each        Strengthen end markets for                           employment precincts in the region                                                                                                                        feasibility of the next major regional freight
material. Ongoing research and                  recycled materials                                 \ Well-connected and integrated freight                                                                                                                     upgrade within five years.
development can help to identify new            Continue to deliver market development               terminals can support a broader and
potential uses for recycled materials,          for recycled materials by updating                   more equitable access to freight logistics.
either as direct substitutes for virgin         standards and specifications to be                 Better local or country roads can link
materials or new uses.                          performance-based rather than material-            regional centres with agritourism experiences
                                                based, and explicitly require the Victorian        on the Murray River, benefitting Goulburn’s
Facilitate regional recycling                   public sector to use recycled products             tourism industry. Improvements to
industries                                      where feasible. In the next five years,            connecting roads can also support future
                                                support research, development and                  development of the region’s emerging solar
Infrastructure Victoria's Advice on recycling   demonstrations to build confidence and             and wind power generation sectors.
and resource recovery infrastructure            demand for recycled products.
recommends upgrading or building new
processing infrastructure for six priority                                                         Recommendations to better
materials – plastics, paper, cardboard,         Improve freight networks
                                                                                                   connect Goulburn’s businesses
glass, organics, tyres and e-waste.             Facilitating domestic and export demand            with processors and markets
This would create over 5000 new jobs            for Goulburn’s fresh and processed fruit,
and produce high quality, recycled products                                                        Road and rail maintenance and upgrade
                                                milk and milk products is an important
for use in major infrastructure projects,                                                          programs can leverage Goulburn’s road and
                                                regional growth strategy, and is dependent
manufacturing and agriculture. Regional                                                            rail freight networks to better support the
                                                on the region’s capacity to harvest,
Victoria stands to benefit most from                                                               needs of the region’s businesses – helping
                                                transport, process and store produce
significantly increased processing capacity,                                                       to improve access, connectivity and safety
                                                locally and on efficient links to road, rail and
with the advice recommending 52 out of 87                                                          while also reducing supply chain costs,
                                                air freight hubs. Goulburn is well connected
new or upgraded facilities be located                                                              allowing businesses to remain competitive.
                                                to key economic centres through its major
outside of metropolitan Melbourne.                                                                 Ongoing maintenance and upgrades not
                                                transport infrastructure, including the Hume
                                                                                                   only improve efficiency, but also work to
                                                Freeway, the Goulburn Valley Highway and
                                                                                                   keep all road users safe.
                                                the North East Rail Line.
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
10     Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                                                       Goulburn summary           Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021–2051                                                                                   11

Better connect the regions

Improving transport options                        Recommendations to enable                           Recommendation 74                             Improve digital connectivity                               in orchard management to optimise                Recommendation 84
                                                   viable transport options in the                                                                   and telecommunications                                     decisions, manage input costs and drive
Shepparton, as Goulburn’s regional hub,
                                                   Goulburn region                                   Extend rail services in Melbourne’s                                                                        return on investment. But opportunities        Address regional Victoria’s
has good access to community services                                                                                                                infrastructure                                             remain to improve digital coverage and
                                                                                                     western and northern growth areas                                                                                                                         digital connectivity gaps
and resources. Residents across the region         Reforming public transport can improve
                                                                                                                                                     Goulburn residents have lower rates of                     capacity across Goulburn. Better mobile
need ready access to Shepparton for work,          transport options within Goulburn. Solutions      In the next two years, develop business                                                                                                                   In the next five years, continue delivering
                                                                                                                                                     internet connection and inferior internet                  phone and internet connectivity in tourist
education, health and other services,              can integrate traditional public transport with   cases to extend electrified metropolitan                                                                                                                  regional digital connectivity improvements,
                                                                                                                                                     speed when compared with Melbourne.                        locations would help meet visitor
particularly those in the central and northern     more innovative, flexible options to deliver      train services from Sunshine to Rockbank,                                                                                                                 and monitor and review the need for further
                                                                                                                                                     One in five Goulburn households do not                     expectations. Better connectivity would
parts of the region. Better community              services which respond to community               from Craigieburn to Beveridge, and on the                                                                                                                 government investment following the
                                                                                                                                                     have internet access, rising to one in four in             also enable further process automation
transport could provide an alternative to          needs, such as community transport,               Wyndham Vale corridor, to be delivered by                                                                                                                 roll-out of the Digital Future Now initiative.
                                                                                                                                                     Moira Shire. This compares with an average                 and sensor technologies in the region’s
public transport within the region to access       on-demand services and the school bus             2031. Deliver extra services to south-east
                                                                                                                                                     of one in seven across Victoria. As more                   food processing businesses.
services in the larger centres and townships       network. Good regional transport services         Melbourne by running Rockbank services
                                                                                                                                                     businesses and services move online, poor                                                                   Recommendation 85
such as Euroa, Kilmore, Yea, Alexandra,            can provide long-term certainty to local          to Pakenham via the Melbourne Metro                                                                        The Victorian Government's Digital Future
                                                                                                                                                     digital connectivity creates a barrier for
Yarrawonga and Seymour. Timely and                 communities and ensure that Goulburn              Tunnel. Consider adding extra stations on                                                                  Now initiative aims to address Goulburn's
                                                                                                                                                     Goulburn residents to access the services                                                                 Improve regional telecommunications
reliable access to transport helps the             residents can access education, health and        the Wyndham Vale and Melton corridors,                                                                     connectivity issues by funding faster
                                                                                                                                                     they need. Poor mobile quality and                                                                        infrastructure resilience
Goulburn region’s rural communities access         other services, which are increasingly            and secure remaining land required for                                                                     broadband for regional towns and
                                                                                                                                                     coverage have implications for public safety,                                                             In the next five years, develop more resilient
the services they need and fosters social          centralised in Shepparton, Kilmore, Seymour       stations and stabling.                                                                                     eradicating mobile black spots in populated
                                                                                                                                                     affecting emergency services and the ability                                                              regional telecommunications infrastructure
inclusion. This includes for residents who         and other regional centres.                                                                                                                                  areas of regional Victoria, in partnership
                                                                                                                                                     of residents to access critical information in                                                            so communities can stay safe during
do not own a car or do not drive, including                                                                                                                                                                     with the Australian Government.
                                                   The Victorian Government’s Regional                 Recommendation 83                             times of need.                                                                                            emergencies, including better mobile
older residents, young people, low-income          network development plan is delivering
                                                                                                                                                     Poor internet connections meant that many                                                                 coverage, back-up systems and power
individuals, and people with a disability.                                                           Redesign regional public transport
                                                   better connections between Goulburn and
                                                                                                                                                     of the region's students could not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Recommendations to continue to                 supply, and emergency mobile roaming.
While 80% of Goulburn workers are                  Melbourne. A minimum frequency of a train         to meet local needs                                                                                        bridge Goulburn’s digital divide
                                                                                                                                                     participate fully in remote learning or
employed within the region, many people            every 20-minutes at peak times and every          In the next five years, redesign existing       maintain their social connections during the               Continuing to address regional Victoria's
living in the region’s south travel to Melbourne   40 minutes in off peak periods is planned         regional transport services so they are                                                                                                                     Recommendation 86
                                                                                                                                                     COVID-19 pandemic. The Goulburn Region                     digital connectivity gaps will include
for work. For example, around half of Mitchell     between Melbourne and Seymour, and five           integrated, based on regional needs             digital plan identified that fixed access                  improving both fixed broadband and mobile      Fund regional libraries to provide
Shire residents commute to Melbourne. This         services each weekday to Shepparton.              assessments, and sustainably funded.            broadband had an intermediate supply                       services in the long term. Improved            better internet access
area is undergoing rapid population growth,        Expanding rail access in outer suburbs            Use significant technological and reform        shortfall in 17 localities.                                connectivity will ensure that more of
causing transport corridors into Melbourne to                                                        opportunities to deliver innovative service                                                                                                               In the next year, start a five-year funding
                                                   aims to further respond to growing                                                                                                                           Goulburn’s businesses can take advantage
face growing pressure.                                                                               models that meet local needs.                   Mobile and digital access in Goulburn can                                                                 program for libraries in regional towns and
                                                   demand for public transport into Melbourne                                                                                                                   of the opportunities digital technology
                                                                                                                                                     be inconsistent and unreliable, constraining                                                              rural areas to improve community access
Our regional consultation highlighted that         from Goulburn’s high-growth peri-urban                                                                                                                       provides. Reliable and high-speed internet
                                                                                                                                                     productivity and business competitiveness.                                                                to fast, free internet services, leveraging
access to public transport is low. For             areas. This aligns with the Northern                                                                                                                         connections can help businesses to
                                                                                                                                                     Poor digital connectivity can make it hard to                                                             existing library infrastructure.
example, just 6% of Murrindindi residents          Councils Alliance’s advocacy and is                                                                                                                          operate and compete from any region,
                                                                                                                                                     do business, access information or even
live within ready access of public transport,      expected to alleviate crowding on                                                                                                                            placing businesses in a stronger position to
                                                                                                         Please refer to Victoria's infrastructure   make mobile phone calls. Coverage is weak
creating barriers to accessing services for        passenger rail services, both for V/Line                                                                                                                     weather future crises, and take advantage
                                                                                                         strategy 2021–2051 (section 3.1) for        in more remote tourist areas, and service
those who cannot drive. This includes              passengers boarding from stations between                                                                                                                    of potential opportunities created by any
                                                                                                         additional recommendations on               quality in primary production areas is
young people accessing education, helping          Wallan and Seymour and beyond, as well                                                                                                                       longer-term shift to remote working.               Please refer to Victoria's infrastructure
                                                                                                         shaping the transport network for           variable. While larger towns generally have
to perpetuate cycles of lower engagement           as northern growth area communities such                                                                                                                     Improving the resilience of                        strategy 2021–2051 (section 4.2) for
                                                                                                         better access.                              better coverage, quality and reliability can
with education in the region. Stakeholders         as Donnybrook and Beveridge.                                                                                                                                 telecommunications infrastructure will help        additional recommendations on
                                                                                                                                                     fade quickly outside regional centres and
highlighted that some students needed to                                                                                                                                                                        to ensure residents can remain connected           better connecting the regions.
                                                                                                                                                     townships. The COVID-19 pandemic has
travel up to 80 kilometres to access TAFE                                                                                                                                                                       in times of emergency.
                                                                                                                                                     further highlighted a lack of digital capacity
in the region. Goulburn Regional Partnership                                                                                                         among the region’s businesses.                             Leveraging the existing infrastructure and
has also identified a relationship between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                expertise in Goulburn’s library network can
transport difficulties and increased                                                                                                                 The Goulburn Murray resilience strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                support digital literacy skills development
loneliness and social isolation for some                                                                                                             suggests that robotics, big data and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and improve access for those without
people living in the region.                                                                                                                         Internet of Things (IoT) can reduce the cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                internet access at home. This can
                                                                                                                                                     of production and make the region’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                complement the Shepparton VicFreeWiFi
                                                                                                                                                     agriculture industry more competitive.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                pilot, a partnership between the Victorian
                                                                                                                                                     The Victorian Government’s On-Farm IoT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Government, local government and industry.
                                                                                                                                                     trial in Tatura is digitally enabling horticulture
                                                                                                                                                     farms, to test the use of sensor technologies

                                                                            Seymour Station
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
12     Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                                                        Goulburn summary         Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021–2051                                                                                    13

Foster regional Victorians’ health, wellbeing, and inclusion

Improve access to                                   Recommendations to improve                        Recommendation 25                               Improve and better use                                   Recommendations to make better                    Recommendation 88
health care                                         health outcomes for people in                                                                     community and council                                    use of community infrastructure
                                                    Goulburn                                        Use innovation to deliver better                                                                                                                           Deliver multipurpose shared social
Goulburn has a higher per capita rate of                                                                                                              infrastructure                                           Better using community facilities can
                                                    New or innovative use of existing               models of health care                                                                                                                                      service facilities in the regions
registered mental health clients than the                                                                                                                                                                      support regions and local governments to
                                                    infrastructure can improve access to health                                                       Goulburn’s diverse and changing
                                                                                                    Within two years, help slow the growth                                                                     provide fit for purpose social infrastructure   In the next year, start regional planning
Victorian average in all local government                                                                                                             demographic mix is likely to alter future
                                                    services for Goulburn residents. A plan for     in demand for hospital infrastructure by                                                                   which can respond to local needs. Service       for social services to identify opportunities
areas and is much higher in Greater                                                                                                                   service demand. For example:
                                                    future investment in Aboriginal community       developing a comprehensive statewide                                                                       planning can help identify gaps in existing     for multipurpose shared services facilities,
Shepparton. Ambulance attendances for
                                                    controlled infrastructure can respond to the    health innovation strategy, supported by          \ An ageing population in Murrindindi Shire              infrastructure, or opportunities for shared     then deliver them where appropriate, over
alcohol and illicit drugs are increasing in the
                                                    current and future infrastructure needs of      a funding over five years to promote and            is likely to change the scope and mix of               facilities, supported by funding to retrofit,   the next five years, in partnership with local
region. Goulburn Regional Partnership has
                                                    Goulburn’s Aboriginal community and             progressively implement better models               services needed, including health care.                repurpose or retire existing community          governments and community organisations.
identified gaps in the region’s mental health
                                                    contribute to Closing the Gap in outcomes       of health care.                                                                                            facilities. Transport planning can integrate
and alcohol and drug treatment services,                                                                                                              \ Mitchell Shire and, to a lesser extent,
                                                    for Aboriginal Victorians.                                                                                                                                 with service planning to ensure people can
with no locally available residential drug and                                                                                                          Shepparton, are undergoing rapid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Recommendation 89
alcohol rehabilitation facilities in Goulburn.      Fostering innovation by expanding the use                                                           population growth, placing pressure on                 access essential services.
                                                                                                      Recommendation 67
                                                    of technology in service provision can better                                                       services and facilities. Often the existing            Developing multipurpose shared social           Update community infrastructure
Aboriginal community controlled
                                                    connect regional communities with               Co-design an Aboriginal community                   facilities are far from the places where               service facilities aligns with an already       Fund regional councils in the next five
organisations (ACCOs) provide services to
                                                    specialist health services. This builds on      controlled infrastructure plan                      population growth is occurring.                        identified opportunity to enhance Seymour’s     years to update, repurpose or retire
the region’s Aboriginal people, and promote
                                                    Goulburn’s progress in increasing uptake in     In the next year, start a co-design process       \ Addressing the unique service and                      role as a regional service centre and           outdated community infrastructure for
and protect their rights. Goulburn’s
                                                    online health treatments and support            with Aboriginal Victorians to develop a plan        infrastructure needs of the region’s rapidly           employment hub. For example, Mitchell           better service delivery.
Aboriginal population is projected to grow
                                                    services during the COVID-19 pandemic.          to guide investment in Aboriginal community-        growing Aboriginal communities can help                Shire Council has proposed an integrated
44% between 2018 and 2028, which could
                                                    New residential drug and alcohol                controlled infrastructure to meet current and       to Close the Gap in outcomes for                       health and community hub at Seymour,
lead to more demand for Aboriginal and
                                                                                                    future social, economic and cultural needs.         Aboriginal Victorians.                                 co-locating a library, allied and primary         Recommendation 90
other services. Current demand for services         rehabilitation facilities in the region and
                                                    improved mental health facilities can help                                                                                                                 health consulting rooms and a variety of
for Goulburn’s Aboriginal residents is                                                                                                                Local governments face many service                                                                      Create climate-adapted facilities
                                                    address gaps in local service provision.                                                                                                                   community spaces.
already high, particularly for child and family                                                                                                       delivery challenges, including different                                                                 for rural communities
                                                                                                      Recommendation 70
services. Increasing client numbers and                                                                                                               patterns of population growth, budget                    Creating climate-adapted facilities             In the next five years, fund local governments
limited infrastructure is restricting the ability                                                   Deliver infrastructure for a more                 constraints, and funding multiple services to            for rural communities can support               to plan and help deliver a network of
of ACCOs to provide timely and effective                                                            responsive and integrated mental                  geographically dispersed towns with small,               local governments to develop facilities         designated, accessible climate-adapted
service delivery.                                                                                   health system                                     often disadvantaged populations. Social                  which can help reduce the health impacts        community facilities, to manage the
                                                                                                    In the next year, establish a dedicated           infrastructure, and the services it enables,             of exposure to heat, and prolonged smoke        health impacts of extreme heat and
                                                                                                    infrastructure fund to support more               can flexibly respond to changing community               from bushfires. Combined with the               bushfire smoke.
                                                                                                    responsive and integrated mental health           needs. For example, new schools in                       recommendation to build back better after
                                                                                                    and wellbeing services, consistent with the       Shepparton and Mitchell Shire can provide                emergencies, this helps build community
                                                                                                    recommendations of the Royal Commission           opportunities for shared multi-purpose                   resilience to the impacts of climate change.
                                                                                                    into Victoria’s Mental Health System.             facilities on school sites.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Please refer to Victoria's infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                      The impact of climate change adds further                  Recommendation 19                                 strategy 2021–2051 (section 3.3) for
                                                                                                                                                      complexity to the challenges facing local                                                                    recommendations on aligning social
                                                                                                      Recommendation 91
                                                                                                                                                      governments and communities. Goulburn is                 Build back better after emergencies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   infrastructure with better service
                                                                                                    Build regional residential alcohol                exposed to the impacts of climate change                 In the next year, consider policy changes           delivery.
                                                                                                    and drug rehabilitation facilities                with higher temperatures, more days of                   and funding mechanisms so high priority
                                                                                                    Within five years, build residential              extreme heat and declining rainfall forecast.            public infrastructure destroyed by
                                                                                                    detoxification and rehabilitation facilities in   Climate change also cause frequent                       emergencies is built to a more resilient
                                                                                                    regional Victoria to provide equitable access     catastrophic bushfires.                                  standard or in less vulnerable locations.
                                                                                                    to alcohol and other drug treatment.
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
14     Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                                                   Goulburn summary        Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021–2051                             15

                                                                                                                                                   Recommendation 93

                                                                                                                                                 Expand social housing in
                                                                                                                                                 regional centres, in locations                          One in five low-income households in
                                                                                                                                                 with good access                                        Goulburn experience financial stress
                                                                                                                                                 Focus social housing investments in                     from mortgage or rent.
                                                                                                                                                 regional centres, near transport and
                                                                                                                                                 services, for better access to health,
                                                                                                                                                 social and economic support.

                                                                                                                                                   Recommendation 94
                                                                                                                                                                                                         3.7 per 1000 people are homeless in
                                                                                                                                                 Make social housing suitable                            the Goulburn region, rising to 5.5 per
                                                                                                                                                 for changing local climates                             1000 people in Greater Shepparton.
                                                                                                                                                 Continue to deliver a long-term program
                                                                                                                                                 of modifying social housing to be climate-
                                                                                                                                                 resilient by improving the energy efficiency
                                                                                                                                                 and energy affordability of residences.

Address social housing                         Recommendations to enhance                       Making social housing suitable for changing

challenges                                     access to affordable, fit for                    climates responds to the need for adequate
                                               purpose housing                                  heating and cooling in the region's social
The Goulburn region has the highest rates                                                       housing, building on recent Victorian
of homelessness in regional Victoria, an       Expansion of social housing in regional
                                                                                                Government funding commitments for
estimated 3.7 homeless per 1000 people at      centres, in locations with good access
                                                                                                energy efficiency upgrades in social housing
the time of the 2016 Census. This rises to     to transport, work, education and services,
                                                                                                properties. As well as installing split system
5.5 per 1000 people in Greater Shepparton,     aims to improve Goulburn residents' access
                                                                                                air-conditioning to better regulate
a higher rate of homelessness than             to affordable housing. Rapid renewal of old
                                                                                                temperatures in the home, solar panels
metropolitan Melbourne.                        public housing stock aims to ensure that
                                                                                                are recommended to help low-income
                                               the existing housing stock is fit for purpose.
                                                                                                residents to manage energy-related cost
One in five low-income households in           The Victorian Government has committed
                                                                                                of living pressures. Collectively, these
Goulburn experience financial stress from      to building social and affordable housing
                                                                                                recommendations aim to ensure a long-term
mortgage or rent, which rises to one in        in regional Victoria with minimum
                                                                                                focus on provisioning of social housing
four in Greater Shepparton and Mitchell        guaranteed investments already committed
                                                                                                following the roll out of the Victorian
Shire region. Goulburn also has the third      for Shepparton and Mitchell Local
                                                                                                Government's four-year Big Housing
highest rate of family violence in Victoria,   Government areas.
                                                                                                Build program.
further driving demand for social housing.
Regional stakeholders highlight a particular
regional housing need for seasonal
                                                                                                  Recommendation 55
agricultural workers.
                                                                                                Rapidly renew old public housing
                                                                                                Rapidly renew dilapidated public housing
                                                                                                properties to improve functionality,
                                                                                                accessibility and energy efficiency with a
                                                                                                priority to renew at least half of all older
                                                                                                low-rise apartments and older three
                                                                                                bedroom detached dwellings by 2031.
                                                                                                                                                 Shepparton Moooving
                                                                                                                                                 art exhibition
Goulburn Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
Goulburn Valley Football League

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                                                     Goulburn River
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