Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin

Page created by Charles Robinson
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
Graduate Offer Pack
            Congratulations   1

2020 - 2021
Offer Pack
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                              Congratulations     01

Welcome to University College Dublin and congratulations on being
offered a place in one of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities.

UCD is Ireland’s leader in graduate education with over     possible. In the coming pages, we have included what we
9,300 graduate students (2017/2018) of which almost a       think might be some helpful information to you as a new
quarter are graduate research students.                     student. This includes information about the admissions
                                                            process and what you must do next in order to accept
UCD offers a unique campus environment with world           your offer, as well as information about the University
class degree programmes and research sitting side-by-       and the city of Dublin.
side with a wonderful array of clubs, societies, sporting
facilities, student residences and woodland walkways.       Upon entering one of our graduate programmes you
University life should be a journey of academic and         will begin on a path of intellectual stimulation, learning
personal discovery and the UCD campus facilitates           new skills and expanding your knowledge of your chosen
both. We encourage our students to “Learn Today, Lead       discipline. It is a tremendously rewarding experience and
Tomorrow”. Many of UCD’s graduates have gone on to          one which will both enrich your life and enhance your
leadership positions in Ireland and across the globe in     career prospects.
academia, medicine, engineering, the arts, sports and
politics. UCD graduates are consistently ranked highly by   I look forward to welcoming you to graduate
global employers and enjoy excellent job prospects.         studies at UCD.

Indeed for the third year in a row, UCD is ranked number
one in Ireland for graduate employability by QS World
University Rankings. UCD is ranked 78 in the world.

This Graduate Offer Pack has been prepared with the         Professor Barbara Dooley
intention of making your transition to UCD as smooth as     Dean of Graduate Studies
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
02   University College Dublin
     Ireland’s Global University
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
Graduate Offer Pack
                                              Contents    03

What to Do Now                             05

Financial Information                      10

Funding and Scholarships                   14

Accommodation                              16

Visa Information                           18

Staying in Touch                           22

Registration                               23

Orientation                                24

Destination UCD                            26

UCD Global Centres                         31

Student Support Services                   32

Sport and Recreation                       36

Destination Ireland                        38

Destination Dublin                         42

Visiting UCD                               45

Recommendations from our Students          46
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
04   University College Dublin
     Ireland’s Global University

 Congratulations on receiving an offer to come
 and study at University College Dublin, Ireland’s
 largest and most international university.

 At UCD, we pride ourselves on our excellent
 teaching and research, our broad and diverse
 curriculum, and our brilliant student body, 25%
 of whom hail from 138 countries
 around the world.
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                                   What to do now       05

   What to

As soon as you receive your offer you need to:

           ACCEPT                          DEFER                or                DECLINE

You must accept your offer in order to reserve your place            TYPES OF OFFER
at UCD. You may be required to pay a non-refundable
deposit which will then be deducted from your fee                    Unconditional Offer or Full Offer
obligations. The deadline for accepting your offer will be           An Unconditional Offer or Full Offer means that
stated in your official online offer letter. An offer, whether        you have met all the entry requirements for the
conditional or unconditional, will be made in good faith             programme.
taking into account information as supplied by the
applicant and/ or referee at the time of the application.            Conditional Offer
                                                                     A Conditional Offer means that you will be
UCD reserves the right to withdraw any offer if deemed               accepted if you meet certain entry requirements,
necessary at a later stage. By acceptance of an offer of             as specified in your offer letter.
admission, the applicant agrees to be bound by the rules,
regulations and policies of the University.
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
06   University College Dublin
     Ireland’s Global University

                                   • Log in to your application account at
                                   • Upon logging in, you will see that your application
                                     appears with the status of ‘OFFER’. Click on ‘ACCEPT
                                     OR REJECT’ and it will bring you to the page where you
                                     can accept the offer, and pay the deposit, if appropriate.
            ACCEPT                 • Your acceptance will not be complete until you
            A FULL OR                successfully submit your acceptance online and, where
            CONDITIONAL              appropriate, pay the deposit.
            OFFER                  • Upon acceptance of your offer UCD will automatically
                                     create a student record for you. Following this you
                                     will receive an email confirmation of your acceptance,
                                     including your student number.

                                   • If for some reason you are unable to take up your offer
                                     of a place at UCD, please contact the UCD Global
                                     Admissions team so see if you can defer your offer to the
            DEFER                    next academic year. You can view the Deferral Policy on
            AN OFFER
                                     our website at
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                                   What to do now      07

                                                       • Log in to your application account at
                                                       • Upon logging in, you will see that your application appears
                 REJECT                                  with the status of ‘OFFER’ or ‘CONDITIONAL OFFER’.
                 AN OFFER                                Click on ‘ACCEPT OR REJECT’ and it will bring you to the
                                                         page where you can reject the offer. Please indicate your
                                                         reason for doing so.

MEETING THE CONDITIONS OF YOUR OFFER                           have higher English language requirements. Please make
English language condition                                     sure to check the English language requirements
All UCD programmes are taught through English, and             for your chosen programme of study.
applicants from non-English speaking countries must
provide evidence of competence in English language             Academic condition
through a recognised English language test, or equivalent.     If your offer is conditional upon obtaining a degree,
                                                               the offer letter will state the level required. When your
Please refer to UCD English language requirements and          degree results are known, please upload a certified copy
specific programme requirements and carefully note the          of your results. We may also ask for original transcripts
requirements detailed in your offer letter.                    to be mailed. Official translations must be provided with
                                                               the original/copy documents where documents are not
For all proficiency tests the results must be dated within      in English. Any offer will be conditional until we have
two years of the programme start date. Some courses            received satisfactory original transcripts.
Graduate Offer Pack 2020 2021 - University College Dublin
08         University College Dublin
           Ireland’s Global University

Deposit condition
A deposit of c500 is payable to secure a place on          PRE-ARRIVAL CHECKLIST
most courses. Deposits are non-refundable. The deposit
amount will be deducted from your fee obligation.
                                                                   Pay your fees

Proof of identity
Applicants should be aware that, if admitted to a
programme, they will be required to present either their           Organise health insurance
birth certificate or passport as part of the registration

                                                                   Apply for a visa
                                                                   (if applicable)
UCD Global Admissions Team
UCD School Contacts
                                                                   Make accommodation                        arrangements

                                                                   Make travel arrangements

                                                                   Start registration

                                                                   Arrive in time for
Graduate Offer Pack
    What to do now
    Congratulations   09
10        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

In order to complete the registration process, you must
confirm your registration and pay the appropriate fee.
A detailed breakdown of your fee obligation is available
while registering in the SIS (Student Information System)
through your UCD Connect account.

When to pay fees to UCD
Students may pay fees by semester:
• You may pay one third of your fee in semester one and
   the remainder in semester two
• If you are on a 3-semester programme you may pay
   your fee in thirds by semester

Further information on payment dates is available at:
                                                            student visa to students who have paid their tuition fees
If you require a visa to study in Ireland, normally visa    in full or paid a minimum deposit to the value of c6,000
application requires that you pay the greater of c6,000     or 50% of tution fees. Please ensure that you have paid
or half the tuition fee prior to submitting your visa       and received a receipt to the value of the minimum visa
application – see page 18 for further information - but     payment requirement, so as to avoid visa refusal on the
it is advisable to check directions from the specific visa   basis of incomplete tuition fee payment.
office you are applying through.
                                                            Note 2: Using TransferMate is the quickest method to
Note 1: If you require a visa to study in Ireland please    receive a fee receipt for visa purposes.
be advised that the Irish Government will only issue a
                                                            Note 3: Where you are receiving funding from a third
                                                            party source, you must pay either a half or a third
                                                            (whichever is applicable to the programme) of any
                                                            balance of fees and charges in order to be a registered
                                                            student of the university.

                                                            HOW DO I PAY FEES?
                                                            You can pay directly by credit or debit card using
                                                            UCD’s online payment facility. This is available at
                                                   A receipt will be emailed to you at
                                                            your default email address or another that you specify.

                                                            Pay via the TransferMate payment facility. This facility
                                                            is especially useful for students who require a visa to
                                                            travel and/or study. You may access this service via
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                           Financial Information   11

Students making payments from outside Ireland may also
pay UCD directly by International Bank Transfer to:             IMPORTANT NOTES
UCD Fees Account, Bank of Ireland,
College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland.                               UCD regrets that it cannot accept cash payments
IBAN: IE82 BOFI 9000 1720 6115 11                               for any portion of a student’s fees. If you pay
Swift Code: BOFI IE 2D                                          UCD directly by International Bank Transfer it is
                                                                essential that you include your student number
Please ensure you enter your Student Number or                  (or application number) as the sole narrative.
Application Number as the narrative/description on              Please contact our Student Payments team
the transfer so it can be identified as your payment and         (quoting your UCD student / application number,
added to your record.                                           payment amount, and payment reference) via the
                                                                Student Desk Connector at
Third Party Payment allows individuals and organisations        students/studentdesk/contact.html
to pay fees on behalf of a UCD student by debit or
credit card without having access to confidential student        The UCD Fees office does not issue invoices
information. Further information is available at                to individual companies or to students for the                        purposes of paying fees. If you are in a situation
                                                                whereby you are in receipt of private sponsorship
RECEIPTS                                                        this is a matter between you and your sponsor
If you pay by bank transfer, you will need to contact UCD       directly. The fee liability for your programme rests
for receipts relating to visa applications etc. This may take   in full with you as a student of UCD. You can
some time; therefore we urge international students to          upload your sponsorship letter at
use the TransferMate option to expedite payment and visa        students/studentdesk/ fundingletter.html
12   University College Dublin
     Ireland’s Global University
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                            Financial Information   13
If you pay online you will be emailed a receipt. You may    This is based on 2019/2020 costs and is to help you
also print your own receipt for the current year.           work out the costs for living expenses such as
Log into                                  accommodation, food and other basics. Lots of things
                                                            can affect how much money you’ll need, so these
For further information on UCD fees visit   numbers are indicative only and subject to change.

COST OF LIVING                                              The estimates above do not include the cost of flights
This table gives a rough guide to the cost of living in     or insurance. You should also budget for any initial costs
Dublin over the course of one academic year                 you will likely incur (e.g. you might need to budget for
(nine months).                                              short-term accommodation upon arrival in Dublin).

                                                            Also please note that all non-Irish nationals, who are
                                            Cost for the    not citizens of the EU/EEA or Switzerland, must register
                                          academic year     in person with the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration
Expense                                      (9 months)     Service (INIS) after arrival and after completion of
Rent (based on UCD Merville /                      c7,514   registration at UCD. The INIS will issue you with a
Belgrove rates)                                             residence permit/card. As of July 2019, the fee for
Food (including lunches)                           c2,250   this card is c300 and should be included in your
                                                            budgeting calculations.
Travel (Leap Card)                                   c720
Books and materials (including                       c630
photocopying and printing)
Clothes / medical                                    c405
Mobile phone (excluding                              c180
handset cost)
Social life / miscellaneous                        c1,170
Total                                            €12,738
14        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

FUNDINGand Scholarships
Check out for information on
scholarships and funding available for international students.

FUNDING FOR US CITIZENS OR ELIGIBLE                           Some sponsors will require you to provide them with a
NON-CITIZENS (FINANCIAL AID)                                  fee statement prior to confirming your sponsorship. You
The University is approved by the US Department of            can access your fee statement online via your SISWeb
Education to certify loans under the ‘William D. Ford         account. Log into your account, click on the ‘Registration,
Direct Loan’ Program. For details in relation to applying     Fees and Assessment’ tab. Select ‘Programme Fee &
for US Federal Loans please see the Incoming Student          Payments’. On this page there is a ‘Generate Statement’
Portal for a comprehensive instruction guide. If you do       button. Click this to download a PDF fee statement.
not have access to the incoming student portal yet, you
may contact for further details.            If you have any questions, please contact
If you are receiving funding from your government or          LIVING AND WORKING IN IRELAND
another organisation, you are required to submit official      Entitlement to work (casual employment)
confirmation of sponsorship prior to, or on registration.      Students who are attending a full-time course of
Failure to do so may result in you being liable for tuition   at least one year’s duration are entitled to seek
fees. You may email your sponsorship letter or Financial      employment on a casual basis. Casual employment
Guarantee Letter to                           means you can work for 20 hours per week during term
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                           Funding and Scholarships    15
time or full-time (up to 40 hours) for the months             •   Have a valid passport
of June, July, August and September and from 15               •   Have your Irish Residence Permit Card
December to 15 January inclusive. Please note                 •   Pay c300 by credit/debit card
term dates at                •   After 12 months, you may be eligible for the Green
                                                                  Card or Work Permit Scheme.
UCD Global provides information about living
and working in Ireland on their website:                      UCD Global provides information about living and                                            working in Ireland on their website:

Third Level Graduate Scheme
This allows non-EU/EEA students who have graduated
from Irish higher education institutions to stay in Ireland
for 12 months to seek employment after graduating
from an undergraduate degree, or for 24 months if
students are awarded a postgraduate degree.

Students are eligible for the scheme if they have a
Bachelor, Master or PhD degree. If you have graduated             CONTACTS
from UCD you can avail of this scheme. Employers can              UCD Fees
hire graduates who are eligible to work for up to 40    
hours per week. You must have a valid Irish Residence
Permit (formerly known as a GNIB card) card which will            UCD Global Applications Team
be extended for 12 months. After your results are issued,         Tel. +353 1 716 8500
you apply directly with the Burgh Quay Registration     
Office. You must:
 • Provide a letter from the UCD Student Desk indicating          International Scholarships Information
    you have obtained your examination results and are  
    eligible to graduate
16        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

Ireland’s largest university campus, UCD is a vibrant student community
with over 3,000 students living on our state-of-the-art campuses at
Belfield and Blackrock only 5km from Dublin city centre.

UCD RESIDENCES provides accommodation for students         A deposit is payable at the time of booking. This is
in a mix of apartments, halls and catered accommodation,   refundable at the end of the academic year less the cost
and all UCD accommodation is single- room and              of any damage/breakages. All residences will also have
apartment-style. As a guideline, accommodation fees        a utility charge. Information on the utility charge can
for the 2019/2020 academic year range from c6,745 –        be found on
c11,591, depending on the type of accommodation.           finance. Please note that should a student vacate their
                                                           residence during the occupancy period they will forfeit
The “Res Life” social programme helps to foster a sense    their deposit and rent.
of community within the residences. There are games
rooms located in three of our residences, and a gym in     HOW TO APPLY?
one of our newest builds. Specially adapted facilities     Due to the high demand for a limited number of
are provided for students with disabilities.               graduate places on campus, UCD randomly selects
                                                           students for these limited places. The eligibility for this
UCD has set aside on-campus rooms for graduate             process is dependant on acceptance of your programme
students. For up-to-date information and allocation        and payment of your programme deposit fee where
policy regarding on-campus accommodation please            applicable.
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                         Accommodation     17

                                                          Off-Campus Accommodation Office
                                                          Merville Residence Reception Office
Those who are selected will be advised via email on
                                                          University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4
how to proceed in order to obtain a place in on-campus
                                                          Opening Hours:
                                                          Monday – Friday, 09:30 – 13:00
All students must accept their accommodation offer
                                                          and 14:00 – 17:00
within 72 hours. When this time has elapsed, the offer
will expire and another student will be selected at
                                                          Student Union Accommodation Services
random. We expect all rooms to be filled quickly due to
                                                          Student Union Centre
the large demand.
                                                          University College Dublin,
                                                          Belfield, Dublin 4
                                                          Tel: +353 1 716 3164/3112
Tel: +353 1 716 1031

                                                          The following websites have advertisements
If you are looking for information on off-campus
                                                          for available accommodation in Dublin:
options, and information on rented, private and
family-based accommodation, please visit
18         University College Dublin
           Ireland’s Global University

VISA   Information
DO I NEED A VISA?                                               INIS REGISTRATION
Some, but not all, students from outside the                    All students from outside the EU/EEA, after they have
EU/EEA require an entry visa for Ireland. You can               registered with UCD, must register with INIS in order to
check on to see if you require a visa.          obtain permission to remain in Ireland. INIS registration
(Examples – USA, Canadian, Brazilian, Malaysian                 must take place before the expiry date stamped on their
students do not require a visa whilst Indian,                   passport by immigration officials at the airport. This also
Chinese, Russian students do).                                  includes countries such as USA, Canada, Australia and
                                                                Brazil, which though they do not require a visa to enter
You must make your visa application online using                Ireland, are required to register with INIS after arrival.
the AVATS online facility. Completing the online                Further information on registration will be provided at
application form is the first step. The application will only   orientation.
be processed when the online form is completed AND
the required documentation, passport photograph and             Important note: When you have applied for your visa, please
appropriate fee are received by the relevant office as          alert us by updating your profile on the Incoming Student
indicated by the online system. If you are applying from        Portal. The Incoming Student Portal is available on your
China, India, Nigeria, Russia, United Arab Emirates or          SISWEB account. Apply for your visa as early as possible.
the United Kingdom, please also check the Irish Embassy
website for details of further documentation which may          HEALTH INSURANCE
be required.                                                    Non-EU students must obtain private health insurance.
                                                                You can purchase insurance in your home country,
You should read the visa application details very               however you will need to ensure that it is valid in Ireland
carefully. If you do not provide the documentation              and in any other countries you plan to travel to. There are
required, your visa will be refused.                            different levels of private health insurance available.
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                               Visa Information     19

When making a visa application you must:

        Complete an
        online application

                                              Ensure your passport is
                                              valid for 12 months

        Check the Irish Embassy details
        where your documentation is
        to be sent
                                              Have private health insurance
                                              (please visit UCD Global Student
                                              Support Services for information on
                                              health insurance providers). Please
        Provide a passport
                                              note that private health insurance
        sized photo
                                              is not provided by UCD

                                              Show that you have enough
        Pay the application fee               money to support yourself
                                              while in Ireland (bank account
                                              statements for six months
                                              previously, evidence of access to
                                              c7,000, sponsorship letter, etc.)
        Provide a signed letter of
        application which explains            Show evidence of language
        why you require the visa              proficiency. INIS requires IELTS
                                              of 5 but UCD generally require
                                              IELTS of 6.5

        Provide evidence from UCD
        that you have been accepted
                                              Any other documents as requested
        on a full-time course of study
                                              by INIS or the Irish Embassy
                                              through which you are applying

        Show evidence of tuition fees paid.
                                              Make sure you keep copies
        Where fees exceed €6,000 then
                                              of all documents submitted
        at least this amount must be paid
        in advance
20   University College Dublin
     Ireland’s Global University
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                                    Visa Information      21
Students are advised to read their policy documents             may take longer than this. You can check online at Visa
carefully. INIS requires that, if you have health insurance     Decisions to see if your visa has been processed (using your
from your own country it must cover you up to c25,000           Visa Application Number). This list is updated weekly.
for in-hospital treatment.
                                                                If you get approval for a visa, the Embassy to which you
Many of our international students tend to opt for              sent your documents will affix a visa to your passport.
a basic medical expenses insurance policy, which
satisfies the Irish immigration requirements, and can be        For visa-related queries you can contact us:
purchased online for c130 with a company                        Applying from India:
now called Study and Protect, formerly ODON                     Applying from China:                                         Applying from SE Asia:
The contact there is Brian O’Riordan                            Applying from Japan, Korea, Taiwan or Hong Kong:                                    
                                                                Applying from Middle East or North Africa:
More comprehensive plans are available from one of the          Applying from all other regions: internationaladmissions@
three main private health insurance companies in Ireland.
Irish Life:                              If you are refused a visa you may appeal the decision
Laya Healthcare:                          within two months. However, as this would affect your
                                                                date of arrival in UCD, you would need to seek advice on
Please note that in order to apply for a policy from            final acceptable arrival date from the course director/
one of these companies you will need to provide an              administrator.
address in Ireland. Also note that medical cover does not
normally begin immediately with VHI. There is usually a
‘waiting period’ of six months.                     NEED MORE HELP?

CHECKING ON YOUR VISA STATUS                                        Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service
You should apply as early as possible for your visa as it can
take eight weeks for it to be processed but in busy periods
22       University College Dublin
         Ireland’s Global University

 Staying in

You will receive regular communications from the          WAYS TO ENGAGE
University to the email address detailed in your          •  Update your Visa Application Status (if you require a
application to UCD and you should take careful               visa to study in Ireland)
note of any instructions in these emails.                 • ‘Make Connections’ with other incoming students
                                                          • Download a Cost of Attendance (sometimes required
LOGIN REGULARLY TO THE INCOMING                              if looking to secure a bank loan to cover the cost of
STUDENT PORTAL                                               your studies)
The Incoming Student Portal is a dedicated portal for     • Check out UCD’s jargon buster, which will explain
students with offer of study to UCD to access important      words and phrases you’ll hear used in UCD
information about coming to UCD as well as helping 
to connect you with other students from your country/
state and with other students on your programme.

Your Programme Director may also post important               TIP
messages about your degree programme so
                                                              Make sure that ‘’
remember to check frequently!
                                                              and ‘’ are added to your list of
                                                              safe senders so emails from these accounts do
                                                              not end up in your spam folder!
Log in via
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                                    Registration     23

Once you accept an offer the next step is registration. You will need
to register online before you can begin your graduate studies at UCD.
Registration allows you to obtain your UCD Student Card (UCARD) and
gain access to the wide range of facilities available to our students.

REGISTRATION FOR the majority of programmes takes            Please see for
place in August and you will receive notification via        further details on registration such as times, guides
email when registration opens.                               (including videos) to registration and other support
                                                             information. This website will be updated near
Registration will be available through UCD Connect           registration open time in August.
at Please note that your UCD
Connect account will be available 48 hours in advance of
online registration - access is not available immediately.
Your username is your UCD student number, and your              PLEASE NOTE
password is your date of birth (in ddmmyy format).
                                                                To access UCD Connect email, you will need to
                                                                log into UCD Connect at
In UCD Connect, click on the “Student Life” tab, then
                                                                Your username is your UCD student number,
enter the SIS (Student Information System). If you were
                                                                and your password is your date of birth
a student of UCD in the last three years your computer
                                                                (in ddmmyy format).
account and email details remain the same. If you have
any questions or problems with the registration process,
please contact your College/School directly.
24        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

When you come to UCD, you will be among 4,000 other new incoming
students, many of whom you will interact with both during orientation and
throughout your time at UCD. You are now part of the UCD family!

ORIENTATION IS THE TIME to ask questions, meet               ample opportunity to meet UCD Global staff
other students, have fun and dive into the Irish culture!    and students through events such as the President’s
Orientation introduces you to the University and key         Welcome, Student Café & Fair, social and cultural
staff members, and provides you with crucial information     excursions, and many other exciting events that operate
and advice that will assist you in adjusting to the living   out of the UCD Global Lounge, the University’s hub for
and learning environment of the University. You will         international students
receive academic advice about your course and support
in how to enrol in the correct units of study. The UCD
Orientation programme runs over one week.                    UCD GLOBAL LOUNGE EVENTS
                                                             The UCD Global Lounge is staffed by Global Guides
Please note that Orientation Week begins officially on       who are student ambassadors. They are available to
1st September so it is wise to arrive in good time.          answer questions regarding student life. You will have
                                                             opportunities to interact with our Global Guides
Classes begin on Monday 7th September. Please                during Orientation and throughout the year.
also check
orientation/ for updates on September 2020 Orientation.      Once orientation week is over, the UCD Global
                                                             Lounge calendar of events is packed with opportunities
Alongside student orientation, we also have an               for students to take advantage of their time in Ireland.
extensive, fun and dynamic programme of activities for       You can explore the island of Saints and Scholars through
international students. During this time, you will have      road trips, walking tours, and by taking part in
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                                  Orientation    25

celebrations of Irish culture right here on campus. There
                                                             Semester           Dates               Exam dates
is also an extensive calendar of celebrations of different
                                                             Orientation        1st September -
cultures throughout the year, including national day
                                                                                4th September
celebrations. All students are invited to attend these
events, which are often organised in conjunction with        Semester One       7th September -     7th - 18th
student societies.                                                              27th November       December
                                                             Semester Two       18th January -      4th - 15th
2020/2021 TERM DATES                                                            23rd April          May
Most programmes start at the beginning of the                Semester Three*    17th May -
academic year in early September. The start date                                29th August
for your programme will be stated on your
offer letter.                                                *If applicable

For details on term, revision and exam dates please see
the academic calendar for 2020/2021 at                                 CONTACT
                                                                 Student Desk
26         University College Dublin
           Ireland’s Global University


UCD has one of the largest urban campuses in Europe, and contains
not only the buildings in which students live and study, but also
gorgeous parkland teeming with wildlife, art and fabulous facilities.

RANKED IN THE top 1% of higher education institutes                  a huge sports centre with Olympic-size swimming pool, and
worldwide, students love our flexible curriculum, and                interactive laboratories, some of which are unique to UCD.
our research-intensive academic staff comprises leading              With such a large campus, we have the ability to house
national and international opinion leaders and influencers.          an incredible breadth of amenities (such as the UNESCO-
                                                                     recognised National Folklore Collection), all of which make
UCD is Ireland’s leader in graduate education with over              the UCD experience second to none.
9,300 graduate students (2016/17) with almost a
quarter being graduate research students.                            Blackrock campus
                                                                     The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School is
CAMPUSES                                                             located at the Blackrock campus, approximately 3km
Belfield campus                                                      from Belfield. The campus is within walking distance
The main campus of UCD is situated at Belfield, a 133                of the thriving seaside town of Blackrock, one of the
hectare site 5km south of the centre of Dublin city. Facilities      prime residential and shopping areas of suburban Dublin,
include vaults of historical record, the biggest animal              which is linked by light rail and bus services to the city.
hospital in Ireland (and animal A&E for Dublin), world-class         The Blackrock campus is connected to the Belfield
teaching and research facilities, excellent accommodation,           campus by a scheduled bus service.

Left: UCD’s Sutherland School of Law, overshadowed by the Dublin Mountains and right: the Bloomberg Trading
Room in the Quinn School of Business.
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                                            Destination UCD   27

UCD’s Sports Centre is home to state-of-the-art facilities, including an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

Lyons estate                                                           the best education possible in an exciting, dynamic and
Other University buildings include the Lyons Estate in                 supportive environment.
Co. Kildare which houses the UCD School of Agriculture,
Food Science and Veterinary Medicine’s research farm.                  One quarter of our student population is from outside
                                                                       Ireland and the EU, and over one third of our academic
THE PEOPLE                                                             staff is from outside Ireland. This ensures that the
At UCD, our faculty and staff are focussed on ensuring                 experience of all students at UCD is truly global, and
that all students have the best experience and receive                 encompasses a multitude of attitudes, formed from
                                                                       different life and learning experiences. A multitude
                                                                       of clubs and societies make it easy for students to meet
                                                                       each other, and get involved in activities that not only
                                                                       mean a lot to them, but that also offer invaluable life

                                                                                        TOP 1%
                                                                                        of higher education
                                                                                        institutes worldwide

                                                                                        25%        of our
                                                                                        student population is
                                                                                        from outside the EU
28         University College Dublin
           Ireland’s Global University

OUR CELEBRATIONS!                                                   Our international admissions team are on hand to
At UCD, we celebrate many national days. Organised by,              answer any questions you may have about coming to
or in collaboration with, relevant student societies, these         UCD and you can find them in Dublin and further afield!
events really make students feel like they are in a home
away from home.                                                     Pictured on the next page: Holi, the Festival of Colour,
                                                                    run by the UCD India Society.

Kuwait National Day celebrations, organised by UCD Global.

Chinese New Year, run by UCD Global and the UCD Chinese Students and Scholars Association.

Thanksgiving dinner, organised by UCD Global.                       Malaysia Night, run by the UCD Malaysia Society.
Graduate Offer Pack
                               Destination UCD        29

Holi, the Festival of Colour, run by the UCD India Society.
30   University College Dublin
     Ireland’s Global University
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                         UCD Global Centres     31


UCD has a network of Global Centres located in five cities around the world.
Staffed by UCD employees, these centres are contact and information hubs
for students and parents when students are making an application to UCD.
Make a call, drop them an email, or even visit a Global Centre in person. Each Global
Centre serves a specific region, if your country isn’t listed alongside a centre, please
contact our central office in Dublin.

NORTH AMERICA                                             SOUTH ASIA
University College Dublin North America Global Centre,    University College Dublin South Asia Global Centre,
12 E. 49th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA    Access Work Business Centre, Building 8C, 11th Floor, DLF
Skype: UCDublin_NAmerica                                  Cyber City, Gurgaon – 122002, Haryana, India
Email:                                Tel: +91-9384810500 / +91-9940633500
Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Regions
Tel: +1-646-690-9024 (Eastern Time)                       ASIA PACIFIC
                                                          University College Dublin Southeast Asia Global Centre,
Central Region                                            Suite 9.07, North Block, The Ampwalk, No.218, Jalan
Tel: +1-847-373-6731 (Central Time)                       Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
                                                          Tel: +60 (03) 2715 1662
West Coast Region                                         Skype: ucdseasia
Tel: +1-650-255-8532 (Pacific Time)                        Email: /

CHINA                                                     MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA
University College Dublin Global Centre Beijing, C612A,   University College Dublin Dubai Global Centre
Lufthansa Office Building, Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang     Dubai Knowledge Park, Block 2B, Office F-06, Dubai.
District, Beijing, PR China 100125                        Tel: +97145898204
Email:                                 Email:

ĝყ‫ڄ‬ęƓ | University College Dublin                         DUBLIN OFFICE
UCDƼЍġķ(ġŚ) | Ѐҷ̤࠷іҠа҈਋ɢ                                 UCD Global, Gerard Manley Hopkins Building, Belfield,
50̸ිႆġķѩȓ֝C612A                                           Dublin 4, Ireland
࡬ৠ쨰100125                                                 Email:
ǗƸ쨰쨡86 010 8448 4288 / 4287 / 4290                        Tel: +353 1 716 8500
32        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

  Student Support

UCD Global                                                  STUDENT ADVISERS
The UCD Global offers a wide range of support to both       Student Advisers provide support for all students
international students and Irish students who wish to       throughout their university experience, particularly during
study abroad. International students make up about 25%      their first year. They are attached either to particular
of the UCD student population. The services offered by      programmes (e.g. Arts) or to specific groups of students
UCD Global include:                                         (e.g. international students). Student Advisers are there
 • Pre-arrival information for new international students   to help make students’ time at UCD as fulfilling and
 • Orientation programmes                                   enjoyable as possible. They are available for private
 • Cultural and social events                               meetings with students so they can express their concerns
 • Assistance with University procedures                    regarding social, personal or practical issues, and help
 • Handbook for International Students                      students to access other support services where necessary.
 • International Student Adviser who assists with
    personal and practical issues                           For more information please visit:
For further information please visit:                                           UCD LIBRARY
                                                            UCD’s libraries stock one million print books, 650,000
                                                            e-books, numerous subject databases and approximately
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                         Student Support Services   33

84,000 print or electronic journals. There are also 3,150
reading places for quiet study time, group learning
rooms and social learning spaces. Many services can
be used online via the e-library, which also provides
                                                                          1 million
                                                                            print books are available
assistance and advice about library facilities, collections,
information resources and opening hours. There is also an
                                                                           across UCD’s libaries
open access toolkit to support bibliometrics training and
awareness. Library staff are available to help you make the
most of library resources.                                       UCD Careers Network
                                                                 Whether you have a clear vision of what you
Maths Support Centre
                                                                 want to do upon graduation or are just beginning
Located in the main James Joyce Library, the Maths Support
                                                                 to look at your career options, the UCD Careers
Centre (MSC) offers free help to students with maths,
                                                                 Network can help you to:
applied maths and statistics. This support is available to all
                                                                 • Understand the range of national and
UCD students, whether you are studying maths or not, and
                                                                     international career opportunities
support is offered on a one-to-one or small group basis,
                                                                     available to you
with tuition by friendly and experienced tutors.
                                                                 • Find out what other UCD graduates from your
                                                                     programme have gone on to do
Writing Support Centre
                                                                 • Take credit bearing and non credit bearing
Also located in the James Joyce Library, the Writing
                                                                     programmes & workshops to develop your
Support Centre offers free, high-quality tuition in writing
                                                                     skills, competencies and attitudes that
to students interested in improving their writing skills.
                                                                     employers seek
One-to-one tuition and a range of workshops/seminars
                                                                 • Develop a winning C.V., cover letter and
are delivered by our team of friendly and nonjudgemental
                                                                     interview techniques for face-to-face,
writing tutors, who strive to ensure that students are
                                                                     telephone, Skype and group interviews and
helped to communicate, structure and present their
                                                                     learn how best to compete for jobs
knowledge and ideas in writing.

For further information please visit:
34         University College Dublin
           Ireland’s Global University

UCD APPLIED LANGUAGE CENTRE (ALC)                                directory, and Blackboard Mobile Learn so you can
The UCD Applied Language Centre offers programmes                check announcements on the go! There is also a Library
in the following areas: Foreign language electives and           Catalogue Search facility so you can look up journals on
English language courses.                                        your smart phone. Just search for “UCD Mobile” in the
                                                                 Android Marketplace or your App store!
For further information please visit:
                                                                 UCD Access and Lifelong Learning Centre
IT SERVICES                                                      UCD Access and Lifelong Learning Centre provides
UCD Belfield is the largest campus in Ireland and is digitally   support for students with disabilities. UCD Access
enabled with wireless access available campus-wide               and Lifelong Learning Centre assists students in many
(including residences). Online services can be accessed 24/7     different ways from academic support to exam support.
whether you are at home or abroad through UCD Connect.           Registration with UCD Access and Lifelong Learning Centre
UCD Connect gives you access to your personal files, library     is confidential. All you need to register is a letter from
resources and online learning resources.                         your medical consultant or an educational psychologist’s
                                                                 report (no more than 3 years old). You will meet one-
A large amount of software is available to students at           to-one with a member of the UCD Access and Lifelong
no charge when you come to UCD, including AutoCAD,               Learning Centre team and together you will put in
EndNote, Microsoft Office and SPSS.                              place your individual learning plan. The UCD Access and
                                                                 Lifelong Learning Centre is here to support you.
There are two IT Centres on campus, located in the
Daedalus and Health Sciences buildings. Look out for             You can find more information and contact details at:
our mobile IT Centre which will be on the move across  
campus during term time! UCD is a BYOD (Bring your
own device) campus so come to us for all your device                 UCD STUDENT DESK
queries. UCD also has 1,000 computers available in
open-access laboratories across campus.                              The UCD Student Desk offers a range of services
                                                                     to students including registration/student records,
Online support is available at                         fees, assessment, regulations and transcripts to
                                                                     name but a few.
UCD Mobile
This app gives you an interactive campus map                         For the full range of services available to students
with information on campus facilities, tours, a staff                please visit
Graduate Offer Pack
Student Support Services   35
36        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

SPORT   and Recreation

With 56 official sports clubs, excellent facilities and a
huge programme of fitness classes, there’s something for
everyone. So make the most of your time in UCD, get
involved, get active and have fun! Learn more about UCD
sports clubs at

Our modern Sport and Fitness Centre has an
extensive range of amenities, catering for students
of all fitness levels, from casual gym-user to Olympic
athlete. Facilities include a 50 metre swimming pool,       Membership can gain access to the pool on a pay-as-
gym, dance and spinning studios, sauna and jacuzzi, three   you-go basis or can pay a once-off annual charge for
multi-purpose sports halls, four squash courts, handball/   unlimited access to the pool area.
racquetball alley, climbing wall, changing facilities,
performance and squad gyms, 17 natural grass pitches        For more information about our Sports Facilities,
(including the UCD Bowl, home ground to both UCD RFC        please visit:
and UCD AFC), six synthetic 5-a-side pitches, sand-based
hockey pitch, synthetic rugby, GAA and soccer pitches       STUDENT SOCIETIES
and the National Hockey Stadium.                            Regularly recommended by international students as the
                                                            best way to make friends and fill your social calendar
Student Gym Membership entitles current UCD students        in UCD, when you get here find a club, society or group
to free access to UCD Sport & Fitness Gym and the           that interests you, and JOIN IT!
Performance gym. Students who activate their Student
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                           Sport and Recreation   37

Student societies and networks are a great way to          UCD STUDENTS’ UNION (UCDSU)
explore your interests and develop new ones. UCD has       All UCD students are automatically members of UCDSU,
over 80 active student societies so there is something     which represents students’ views and opinions, and works
for everyone. Many of our societies bring together         on a number of university committees from all areas of
international students from different backgrounds, and     university life as the voice of the student population.
networks such as the Erasmus Student Network (ESN)         Five elected officers offer support and advice to students
and International Student Society run lots of events and   during their time in UCD – the President, Welfare Officer,
activities throughout the year, including trips around     Education Officer, Graduate Officer
                                                           The UCDSU is there to advise, support and direct
For more information on UCD Societies, please visit:       students through any kind of situation in which they                           may find themselves. All the UCDSU officers are UCD
                                                           students, so they understand the issues facing students.
                                                           Students can call over at any time and have a
                                                           chat with them.

                                                           Throughout the year, the UCDSU Entertainments (Ents)
                                                           Office runs class trips and parties, gigs, comedy nights,
                                                           mystery tours and The Freshers Ball. They also run an
                                                           award-winning newspaper, The University Observer.

                                                           For more information about the UCDSU,
                                                           please visit:
38        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University


Recognised as having one of the best education systems in the world,
and graduates who are sought after in governments, industry, NGOs and
organisations the world over, Ireland is an ideal choice for students who
want the best possible springboard for their futures.

DESPITE BEING a small country with a population of           • University education that meets the needs of a
almost five million, we are a well-connected nation, with      competitive economy
over 70 million people around the world who claim Irish      • Knowledge transfer between universities and
heritage!                                                      companies.

Ireland’s education system is amongst the best in the        Ranked 12th out of 163 countries in the Global Peace Index.
world. We lead in the skills race with a higher percentage
of 3rd level graduates than the UK, US and OECD              WE’RE HAPPY
averages. Ireland also ranks in the top 10 globally for:     Ireland is ranked 16th in the World Happiness Index
 • Quality of the education system                           2019. This happiness leads to friendliness, and the Irish
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                              Destination Ireland      39
people are renowned for their friendly and welcoming          by students with ease while they are based in Dublin.
nature the world over.                                        An island located off the western edge of Europe, next
                                                              to the United Kingdom, Ireland is within easy reach of
WE HAVE DIVERSE… WEATHER                                      all major European capitals, so you can enjoy European
In Ireland, a hot (or cold, or rainy) topic daily is the      adventures during your time with us too!
weather! You might experience four seasons in one day
– so be sure to pack your sunscreen, umbrella, rain jacket,   YOU’VE SEEN US ON SCREEN
sweater and sunglasses when heading to class!                 Ireland is famous for its beautiful countryside, and is
                                                              featured in many films and TV shows. In Kerry you can
WE’RE YOUNG                                                   see Sceilg Mhichíl (Skellig Michael), AKA planet Ahch-To
Ireland has the youngest population in Europe with            in Star Wars; in Wexford you can wander the beaches
a third of the population under 25 years old and almost       featured in ‘Saving Private Ryan’, in Clare you can explore
half the population under the age of 34.                      the incredible Cliffs of Moher and see the location of
                                                              the Horcrux Cave from Harry Potter and the Half Blood
WE SPEAK ENGLISH                                              Prince, and in Down you can travel the Kingsroad from
Ireland is soon to be the only member state of the            ‘Game of Thrones’.
European Union (apart from Malta) whose first
language is English.                                          WE’RE PROUD OF OUR CULTURE
                                                              AND HISTORY
WE’RE COMPACT, EASY TO NAVIGATE                               Ireland’s incredible culture and history is celebrated
– AND CLOSE TO EUROPEAN CAPITALS                              countrywide. With two UNESCO World Heritage
As a small country, Ireland’s beautiful landscapes and        Sites, and many museums, cathedrals, parks and
vibrant cities are easily accessible. Dublin is just a two-   monuments, Ireland’s past and present can be
hour drive from Galway in the west and Cork in the            explored on every corner
south, meaning that the entire country can be explored
40        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

Great career opportunities

With a two year stay back visa for graduates, many UCD students now choose to stay in
Ireland beyond their studies and start their careers here. The Irish economy is also one of the
fastest growing in the Eurozone and the 7th most competitive in the world.

    ICT                  MED TECH             ENGINEERING           FOOD &                    FINANCIAL
                          & PHARMA                                AGRICULTURE                  SERVICES

ICT                                                       ENGINEERING
Ireland is known as the internet and games capital        The Engineering industry in Ireland is strong and
of Europe and is home to the top five global software     vibrant. It supports a very broad range of companies
companies, nine of the top ten US tech companies, all     in various fields, including environmental, biomedical,
of the top three global security and global enterprise    aerospace, energy, ICT and medical devices to name but a
software companies, four of the top five IT services      few. The industry is also a very strong contributor to Irish
companies and all ten of the top ‘born on the internet’   exports generating €4.2 billion in exports annually.

                                                          FOOD AND AGRICULTURE
MED TECH AND PHARMA                                       The manufacture of food and drink is Ireland’s most
Ireland is home to all of the top ten global pharma       important indigenous industry, with over €11 billion of
companies and has over 25,000 people employed in          product exported every year to 175 markets worldwide.
the industry. Over €10 billion has been invested in       Ireland supplies 10% of the world’s infant milk formula
new biological production in the last decade. Ireland     and three of the four best-selling infant formula
has exported almost €40 billion in biopharmaceutical      companies in the world are based in Ireland.
product, and was the 6th largest medicinal and
pharmaceutical manufacturing hub in the world
in 2017.                                                  FINANCIAL SERVICES
                                                          Ireland is the 7th largest provider of wholesale Financial
                                                          Services in the EU, and is home to over 500 international
                                                          financial institutions in world-leading areas such as fund
                                                          administration and aircraft leasing.
Graduate Offer Pack
   Destination Ireland   41
42        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University


Dublin is located on Ireland’s east coast, and is served by a large
international airport which sees over 30 million passengers pass through
annually. With major European capitals just a short flight away, Dublin is an
ideal base from which you can easily explore the rest of Europe.

A COMPACT, COSY, yet bustling city, Dublin is easy to         WE’RE EUROPE’S TECH HUB
navigate and the city centre is within walking distance,      Regarded as Europe’s tech capital, Dublin’s thriving
or just a short bus ride, from UCD. Split in two by the       digital hub is home to international IT giants such as
River Liffey, Dubliners identify as either ‘Northsiders’ or   Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, AirBnB, Hubspot and
‘Southsiders’. UCD is located in Dublin 4, on the city’s      Squarespace.
south side.
                                                              WE’RE AN EVENTFUL CITY
WE’RE FRIENDLY AND POPULAR!                                   Dubin hosts many annual events such as the St Patrick’s
Dublin is one of the three most visited capital cities in     Festival, a Chinese New year festival, Culture Night, the
Europe, and is regularly voted friendliest city in Europe     Dublin Film Festival, and is home to the national football
by TripAdvisor.                                               and rugby teams.
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                             Destination Dublin   43
PERFORMANCE SCENE                                           EVERYONE’S TASTES!
Dublin has spawned jaw-dropping creative talent, and        Dublin has a vibrant, young, multicultural population,
amazing authors such as James Joyce, Roddy Doyle, and       and the city centre is packed with shops and restaurants
Anne Enright hail from the city. Dublin is also home to a   to suit everyone’s budget and tastes. There is an Asian
multitude of world famous bands, including U2 and The       strip just north of the River Liffey, home to many
Script, and actors such as Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson   authentic and award-winning restaurants, and the many
and Domhnall Gleeson.                                       supermarkets in the city centre stock ingredients from
                                                            around the world.
Storytelling is not just confined to books, music and
movies – Dublin has a vibrant stage scene and theatres      EXPERIENCE THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS
such as The Gate and The Abbey have performance runs        Flanked by beaches to the east and mountains to the
throughout the year. You can also take many tours in        south, and dotted with parks, Dublin boasts wonderful
Dublin, where the guides will make history come alive       amenities for everyone to enjoy.
through their stories!

The pubs, coffee shops, and music venues of Dublin are
important meeting and social venues for both Dubliners,
and visitors to the capital. You can enjoy coffee in a
bookshop, have a drink overlooking the city, or see
musicians perform any night of the week.
44   University College Dublin
     Ireland’s Global University
Graduate Offer Pack
                                                                                                 Visiting UCD
                                                                                              Congratulations    45

BY PLANE                                                     CAMPUS TOURS
Dublin is served by Dublin International Airport, which is   If you wish to take a tour of the UCD Belfield campus,
located north of Dublin City Centre. There are frequent      details and booking information can be found at:
connecting buses from the airport to the city centre.
Aircoach operates a service from Dublin Airport to
Leopardstown/Sandyford/Stillorgan which passes UCD.
Further details available at For further
information on Dublin Airport and flights please visit                                           HOW TO VIDEOS
                                                                We have created a bank of videos showcasing
                                                                the best ways to get to UCD, and these can be
Dublin is served by two main railway stations, Connolly
                                                                viewed on our YouTube channel.
Station and Heuston Station. It is a short walk from
Connolly Station to O’Connell Street, where the Dublin
Bus numbers 2, 11 and 46A can be boarded for UCD. The
route 145 provides a direct route from Heuston Station
to Belfield via the city centre.
46        University College Dublin
          Ireland’s Global University

Recommendations from our

As Ireland’s Global University, UCD welcomes thousands of students from
around the world to campus each year. Here are some top tips from our
current and past students for incoming first years!

FOOD, DRINK AND COFFEE!                                     Other options nearby: Tesco, Centra (on-campus),
Dublin has a large array of excellent supermarkets,         Dunne’s Stores, SuperValu
restaurants, pubs and coffee shops, with a food and drink
culture that is truly global. The city centre is bursting   Eating out / lunch
with stores stocking ingredients from around the world,     For vegetarians & vegans: Umi Falafel (meal deals
and a world food market pops up on campus every             before 5pm), Cornucopia, Veginity, Sova Vegan Butcher
Thursday for lunch!                                         Markets: Dun Laoghaire People’s Park (Sundays, crafts

For everything on a budget: Lidl and Aldi
For affordable Chinese groceries delivered to your             MY FAVOURITE SPOT
                                                               “Kilmainham Goal is one of my favorite spots,
Asian staples: Asia Market in the city centre,
                                                               and also go to a GAA match at Croke Park or a
Eurasia in Fonthill (huge supermarket, with great cheap
                                                               Rugby or Football match at Aviva Stadium and
hot food too – their onion bhajis are amazing!)
                                                               grab pre-drinks at a pub close to the stadiums.”
For Halal butchers and grocers try the shop at
                                                               Miesha Roberts
the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland (10 minute
walk from UCD)
You can also read