Green diesel production by hydrorefining renewable feedstocks

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Green diesel production by hydrorefining
           renewable feedstocks
           Life cycle analysis of green diesel produced from renewable feedstocks indicates
           relatively high energy efficiency and low greenhouse gas emissions

           Tom N Kalnes and Terry Marker UOP David R Shonnard and Ken P Koers Michigan Technological University

        pproximately 50% of globally
        produced crude petroleum is refined                                       Water, CO 2
        into transportation fuels, the fastest
growing component of the energy sector.
This sharply rising use of a non-renewable                                                                                Hydrogen
feedstock has a significant impact on                  Oil, fat
                                                       grease                                                                           Light
greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass is the                             R1           Separation                                            fuels
only renewable energy source that can be
converted into liquid transportation fuels.                                                                    Product          Green diesel
                                                                                                    R2         recovery
Therefore, increasing biofuel usage in the
transportation sector can significantly
reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as
diversify energy sources, enhance energy         Figure 1 Simplified Ecofining process diagram
security and stimulate the rural agricultural
economy. Worldwide production of biofuels        and the volumetric yield of deoxygenated            operates in mild conditions and integrates
has experienced rapid growth and increased       hydrocarbon products is greater than 100%.          well within existing petroleum refineries. If
international market demand. Projected           Selectivity to diesel boiling-range paraffin        required, a portion of the light fuel co-product
future shortages of crude oil coupled            is very high. The primary deoxygenation             can be steam reformed to generate all of the
with the growing worldwide demand for            reaction by-products are propane, water             hydrogen consumed in the process.
transportation fuels has also raised interest    and carbon dioxide. The effluent from R1 is
in synthetic diesels (syndiesels) produced by    immediately separated at reactor pressure           Feedstocks
Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis of a syngas       to remove carbon dioxide, water and low             Feedstocks that are suitable for the process
stream derived from coal (CTL), stranded         molecular weight hydrocarbons. The                  include plant-derived oils such as soybean,
natural gas (GTL) or biomass (BTL).              resultant diesel is mixed with additional           rapeseed and palm. However, in the future,
   This article describes the UOP/Eni            hydrogen gas and then routed to an                  non-edible oils such as jatropha and algal oils
Ecofining process for green diesel production,   integrated catalytic hydro-isomerisation            will become increasingly important sources
and compares the energy efficiency and           reactor (R2), where a branched paraffin-            of Ecofining feedstock. Unlike base-catalysed
green house gas (GHG) emissions associated       rich diesel fuel is produced. In this manner,       transesterification, the Ecofining process is
with green diesel to those of petroleum          the cold flow properties of the diesel are          robust to high concentrations of free fatty
diesel, biodiesel and syndiesel derived from     adjusted to meet required specifications. The       acids, enabling other, lower-cost materials
coal and natural gas.                            isomerisation reaction is also selective and,       such as tallow oil and waste greases to be used
                                                 as a result, consumes very little hydrogen.         as feedstocks. Feedstocks rich in saturated
Two-stage hydrorefining                             Isomerised product is separated from             fats, such as palm and tallow oils, require
The Ecofining process is an integrated two-      excess hydrogen in a conventional gas/              substantially less hydrogen than feedstocks
stage hydrorefining process. A simplified        liquid separator. After purification, the excess    with a higher olefin content, such as soybean
block flow diagram of the process is shown       hydrogen is recycled back to R1 and R2 to           and rapeseed oils. However, depending on
in Figure 1. In the process, feedstock is        maintain the minimum required hydrogen              the concentration of specific contaminants,
pumped to process pressure, mixed with           partial pressure. Make-up hydrogen is added         a pretreatment of these materials to remove
recycle hydrogen, then sent to a multi-stage     to the process to balance both chemical             solids and salts may be required.
adiabatic, catalytic hydrodeoxygenation          consumption and solution losses. The liquid
reactor (R1), where the renewable oil is         product is sent to the product recovery             Product range
saturated and completely deoxygenated.           section of the process, where conventional          While the primary product of the Ecofining
Gas recycle to R1 is set to achieve a minimum    distillation steps are employed to separate         process is green diesel, smaller amounts of
hydrogen partial pressure at the reactor         co-products such as propane and naphtha.            other renewable fuels are also produced.
outlet. Conversion of feed is complete              The process for producing green diesel           Table 1 contrasts Ecofining inputs and                                                                                                           BIOFUELS TECHNOLOGY 7
produced in the refinery’s fluid catalytic
                                Comparison of process feeds and main products
                                                                                                             cracking (FCC) unit.
                                                                                                                The basis of the study was as follows:

                     Ecofining green diesel
                    Weight, %	Volume, %                       Feeds
                                                                               Weight, %	Volume, %
                                                                                                             •   Northern European location
      Vegetable oil    100             100                 Vegetable oil         100             100         •   150 000 barrels per day (bpd) capacity
      Hydrogen       1.5–3.8             –                  Methanol              10              11         •   Crude mix: 50% Brent/44% Arab
      			                                                   Chemicals              4               –         Light/6% Arab Heavy
                    Weight, %	Volume, %
                        5                9
                                                                               Weight, %	Volume, %
                                                                                  96             100
                                                                                                             •   Crude price: $491/MT Brent, $458/MT
      Butane           0–2              0-3                  Glycerol             10               7         Arab Light, $423/MT Arab Heavy
rapeseed oil, palm oil and inedible tallow.      forms of that energy (fossil, biomass and so         are transported to a processing facility,
Four inventory data sources were included        on). Of further interest is the Fossil Energy        where they are crushed to extract oil. The
in the scope of the expanded study, with         Demand (FED), which accounts for all of              conversion of plant oil to biodiesel was
the aim of adding confidence to the study’s      the fossil energy sources used throughout            modelled using data from a 2003 Nexant
conclusions. The study’s major assumptions       the life cycle, including the fossil energy          report,1 and conversion to green diesel
and references are shown in Table 4. Even        contained in the fuel. This is particularly          was modelled using data from UOP and
though the LCAs reported in the sources in       important, because biofuels often require            Eni. Tallow, unlike energy crops, is
Table 4 used different allocation methods,       larger amounts of biomass-derived energy,               considered a waste from the meat
their inventory data enabled us to calculate     which is a renewable source of energy.               processing industry, and thus carries no
and apply energy allocation factors to the       Greenhouse gas emissions were calculated             environmental burdens. However, tallow
LCAs reported here based on product and co-      using the Eco-indicator 95 method in units           must still be transported and rendered to
product lower heating values. These studies      of CO2 equivalents for all GHGs. Primary             become a usable feedstock. Once tallow
highlight important differences in LCA input     GHGs of concern were CO2, N2O and CH4                has been rendered, it can be processed
data for many raw material choices. Other        (IPCC, 2007). GHG emissions were derived             into biofuel in accordance with input data
important study assumptions for green            from all combustion processes consuming              supplied by a 2002 literature source,5 or
diesel and biodiesel are the inclusion of N2O    fuels containing fossil carbon (diesel for           converted into green diesel in accordance
emissions, which contribute significantly to     transportation, electricity consumption              with data supplied by UOP.
the greenhouse gas inventories of biofuels       and so on). The combustion of bio-based                 Unlike the cases based on rapeseed
from agricultural activities, and the effects    fuels in vehicle engines was not included            and tallow oils, the palm oil case can vary
of land use. Although N2O emissions are          in the GHG assessment. For example, green            greatly, depending on the process.7 As
included in this study, the effects of N2O       diesel contains carbon derived only from             standard practice, palm meal from the oil
variation are not. This factor and land use      renewable oils, and therefore CO2 emissions          extraction step is burned on-site for power
change, although important, are not within       following combustion do not count towards            generation, so displacing fossil fuels. Palm
the scope of this study, but will be included    GHG totals. For biodiesel, only methanol-            oil mill effluent (POME), a nutrient-rich
in future work.                                  derived CO2 (assumed to be of fossil                 liquid, is anaerobically digested on-site to
   The system boundaries include the             origin) was included in GHG totals from              produce a solid that can be used as fertiliser
following life cycle stages: raw material        combustion emissions.                                on the palm plantation, a measure that
extraction, raw material transportation, raw                                                          displaces imported fertiliser. A methane-
material processing to final product, product    Comparisons of diesel life cycles                    rich biogas is produced as a digestion by-
transportation and end use (combustion in a      LCA inputs for low sulphur petroleum diesel          product. This is a factor in establishing
direct injection-internal combustion engine).    were taken from the ecoinvent database in            GHG emissions, because the biogas can
For end use, biodiesel is often mixed with       SimaPro 7.0, assuming average European               contain as much as 70% methane by mass.
petroleum diesel at a concentration of 20%       technology. Biodiesel and green diesel               For this study, the composition is assumed
(B20). Green diesel can be used as a straight    inventory data were input into SimaPro 7.0           to be 70% methane, 20% carbon dioxide, 7%
diesel substitute. However, this study only      using values from the studies cited in Table         nitrogen, 1% hydrogen and 2% hydrogen
accounts for the combustion of petroleum         4. Inputs for biofuel production include             sulphide. This biogas is often simply vented
diesel, syndiesel and biofuels.                  the farming of an energy crop, in this case          to the atmosphere, but can be captured and
   The functional unit for this LCA is           rapeseed or palm oil, or the production of           burned on-site for energy production.8 Thus,
one megajoule (MJ) of petroleum fuel,            tallow. Energy crop production requires              there are two likely scenarios: one in
FT syndiesel, biodiesel or green diesel.         four major inputs: seeds, fertilisers,               which the biogas is vented, and another in
Inventories of inputs of materials and energy    chemicals such as pesticides, and fuel used          which the biogas is combusted to produce
over the life cycle for each fuel product were   for harvesting and sowing, among other               electricity for the oil extraction/biofuel
accumulated based on this functional unit.       farm uses. After harvesting, the seeds               processing stage.
The software used for this LCA was SimaPro
7.0, and for processes not already in the
SimaPro library (such as biodiesel and green                                            Study assumptions and sources
diesel conversion process steps) the data
were obtained either from the sources cited        Diesel source                 Transportation	Study allocation method            Data source
                                                   Coal gasification                Estimated            Energy                   Marano, 20016
in Table 1 or supplied by UOP for certain
                                                   FT synthesis
processes such as green diesel production          Wax refining
via the Ecofining process.
                                                   NG gasification                  Estimated              Energy                 Marano, 20016
   For this study, the impact assessment
                                                   FT synthesis
methods used in SimaPro were Cumulative            Wax refining
Energy Demand (CED) and total GHGs
                                                   Rapeseed                       Not included           Displacement             Concawe, 2006
from Eco-indicator 95. The Cumulative
                                                   Palm oil                        Estimated             Not allocated             Yusoff, 20077
Energy Demand is all of the energy that is         Tallow                          Estimated           Energy/economic              Judd, 20025
consumed throughout the entire life cycle,         FT = Fischer-Tropsch, NG = Natural gas
including the energy that is contained within
the product of interest, as well as primary      Table 4                                                                                                           BIOFUELS TECHNOLOGY 9
energy inputs compared to those for coal
                                                                                                                                                                                               syndiesel. Rapeseed oil biodiesel and green
                                                                                                                                                                                               diesel both have a slightly lower CED than
                                                                                                                                                                                               FT syndiesel, with green diesel requiring
                                                                                     Renewable, water
                                           3.0                                       Renewable, biomass                                                                                        slightly lower inputs than biodiesel. When
         M J (inp ut )/ M J (o ut p ut )

                                                                                     Non-renewable, nuclear                                                                                    palm oil is used as a feedstock, the CED is
                                           2.5                                       Non-renewable, fossil
                                                                                                                                                                                               substantially higher than for petroleum
                                           2.0                                                                                                                                                 diesel. This reflects the reuse of biomass
                                                                                                                                                                                               waste from palm oil production as a fertiliser
                                                                                                                                                                                               or a thermal energy source.
                                           1.0                                                                                                                                                    Since all of the by-products of palm oil
                                                                                                                                                                                               production are used in the oil extraction
                                                                                                                                                                                               process, the biomass energy inputs are
                                           0.0                                                                                                                                                 higher. Furthermore, all of the environmental
                                                                                        el       al     G          el       D          el   C      D           C          el      D
                                                                                   i es        co m N          i es O G ies w / B O G w / B                           i es w G                 burdens are carried by the oil because no
                                                                                 d           m       o     o d        S        o d        l   P                   o d           o
                                                                                           o      fr    bi                  bi           e           D         bi            ll
                                                                               um T f r                             R
                                                                                                                                      es           G                      Ta                   by-products leave the process. Rapeseed as
                                                                             le     F           FT SO                     O        di            O         o w
                                                                         rto                                            P        o              P      l l                                     feedstock, for example, shares 39% of the
                                                                                                      R                       bi                    Ta
                                                                                                                          PO                                                                   burdens with rapeseed cake. So although
                                                                                                                                                                                               the inputs for palm oil are much lower, the
     Figure 2 Cumulative energy demand for petroleum diesel, FT syndiesel, biodiesel and green diesel                                                                                          lack of an allocation somewhat distorts the
                                                                                                                                                                                               results. As with rapeseed oil, green diesel
                                                                                                                                                                                               from palm oil shows slight benefits over
                                                                                                                                                                                               palm oil biodiesel. And for the palm oil
                                                                                                                                                                                               case, fewer energy inputs are needed when
                                                                                                                                                                          Transportation       biogas is used as a fuel.
                                                                       2.0                                                                                                Fuel production         Tallow looks promising as a feedstock.
                                     M J (inp ut )/ M J (o ut p ut )

                                                                                                                                                                          Oil production
                                                                                                                                                                          Cultivation          Tallow biodiesel has a slightly higher CED
                                                                       1.5                                                                                                                     than petroleum diesel, while tallow-derived
                                                                                                                                                                                               green diesel is the only fuel to have a lower
                                                                                                                                                                                               CED than petroleum diesel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fossil Energy Demand (FED) values are
                                                                                                                                                                                               shown in Figure 3. The FED of petroleum
                                                                       0.5                                                                                                                     diesel is very close to the CED value, at
                                                                                                                                                                                               1.25 MJ per MJ of fuel. Coal and natural
                                                                       0.0                                                                                                                     gas syndiesel have significantly higher FED
                                                                               el        al          G           se
                                                                                                                    l      D
                                                                                                                          G i es e
                                                                                                                                         l          C      D           C       el          D   values compared with petroleum diesel,
                                                                            es        co            N         ie                                 /B       G         / B i es              G
                                                                                di  m           o m       o d         SO
                                                                                                                               o d           l w      PO          w
                                                                                                                                                                           o d      l o w      requiring about 60% more fossil energy for
                                                                                  o           r         i                    i             e                  D          i        l
                                                                         um T f r           f         b              R     b            es                  G          b       Ta
                                                                      le    F          FT SO                             O           di                  O lo w                                the same energy content of fuel. All of the
                                                                  rto                            R                      P        i o                    P       l
                                                                                                                               b                             Ta                                biofuels have very similar FED values. For
                                                                                                                          PO                                                                   all feedstocks, green diesel has a slightly
                                                                                                                                                                                               lower energy requirement than biodiesel
     Figure 3 Fossil energy demand for petroleum diesel, FT syndiesel, biodiesel and green diesel                                                                                              (with a more significant reduction for tallow),
                                                                                                                                                                                               and palm oil has a slightly lower FED than
        The production of FT syndiesel varies                                                                                       Energy.6 The impact of carbon sequestration                rapeseed oil. In palm oil production, the FED
     slightly from biofuel production. The coal                                                                                     technologies was not included in this study.               is reduced when biogas is combusted. An
     pathway includes inventory data for the                                                                                                                                                   assessment of the processes that contribute
     current European Union (EU) hard coal                                                                                          Summary of LCA results                                     to the FED shows that fuel use (the
     mix, as well as gasification using steam                                                                                       Figure 2 indicates Cumulative Energy                       embodied energy of the fuel itself) is a major
     reforming and partial oxidation followed by                                                                                    Demand (CED) for petroleum diesel,                         contributor for FT syndiesel and petroleum
     FT synthesis. The life cycle for the conversion                                                                                FT syndiesel, biodiesel and green diesel                   diesel, but has a negligible effect for biofuels.
     of natural gas to syndiesel is assumed to                                                                                      derived from various feedstocks. Table 5                   For rapeseed oil, cultivation is the largest
     represent average conditions in Europe,                                                                                        contains a legend for the abbreviations used               contributor, with oil processing taking about
     which includes long-distance transport from                                                                                    in Figure 2. Petroleum diesel, which is used               as much energy as fuel production. The
     Russia and the Middle East. As with the coal                                                                                   as the baseline for comparison, requires                   cultivation of oil palms requires less energy
     pathway, steam reforming of natural gas                                                                                        1.27 MJ of input energy to yield 1 MJ of                   compared with the cultivation of rapeseed,
     followed by FT synthesis is included. For                                                                                      diesel fuel. FT syndiesel requires higher                  as well as fewer oil processing requirements,
     the syndiesel life cycles, inventory data was                                                                                  energy inputs throughout the life cycle,                   but more energy is used for processing the
     input into SimaPro 7.0 from data supplied                                                                                      regardless of feedstock, although natural                  fuel. Almost all of tallow’s energy demands
     by a 2001 study for the US Department of                                                                                       gas FT syndiesel requires slightly lower                   are from fuel production.

10   BIOFUELS TECHNOLOGY 		                                                                                                                                                                                        
GHG emissions associated with fuel life
cycles are shown in Figure 4. FT syndiesel
produced from a feedstock of coal produces
more than twice as much greenhouse gas (in                                                                                                                             Transportation
CO2 equivalents) over its life cycle compared                             200                                                                                          Fuel production
                                                                                                                                                                       Oil production
with petroleum diesel. Syndiesel from                                                                                                                                  Cultivation

                                                            g CO2 eq ./ M J
natural gas generates fewer emissions than                                150
syndiesel from coal, but still produces higher
emissions than petroleum diesel. Neither of
the syndiesel cases considered the potential
impact of emerging carbon sequestration
technologies to capture process emissions.                                    50
   All of the biofuels considered produce
lower GHG emissions than petroleum diesel.                                    0
Overall, green diesel emits less GHG than                                            el        al         G            el      D            el     C      D           C          el       D
                                                                                i es        co           N        i es     O
                                                                                                                             G         i es w / B O G w / B                  i es w G
                                                                              d           m          o m      o d         S        o d           l   P                   o d            o
biodiesel for all feedstocks. For rapeseed                                                        fr                                                        D                         l
                                                                            um T f r
                                                                                        o                  bi            R      bi          es
                                                                                                                                               e          G           bi         Ta
oil-based biofuels, cultivation accounts for a                            le     F           FT SO                            O          di             O         o w
                                                                      rto                                                   P         o                P      l l
                                                                                                      R                            bi                       Ta
significant portion of life cycle GHG, due in                       Pe
part to emissions of N2O from the field. Oil
palms are responsible for fewer emissions
in cultivation compared with rapeseed.            Figure 4 Greenhouse gas emissions for petroleum diesel, FT syndiesel, biodiesel and green diesel
However, depending on whether or not
biogas is burned, palm oil processing can         diesel produced via the Ecofining process                                            California Alternative Diesel Symposium, August
have a significant effect on GHG production.      has environmental benefits over petroleum                                            2003.
If biogas is burned, emissions are low and life   diesel, biodiesel and fossil-derived syndiesel                                       3 Blending Study: Comparative profitability of
cycle GHG emissions are very low. Inedible        (without carbon sequestration). Although                                             blending green diesel or FAME to meet B5 and
                                                                                                                                       B10 Blending Targets, UOP confidential report,
tallow, because it carries no environmental       green diesel consumes more total energy
                                                                                                                                       November 2007.
burdens, has very low GHG emissions.              to produce than petroleum-derived diesel,
                                                                                                                                       4 Kalnes T, Marker T, Shonnard D, “Green Diesel: A
Processing tallow for biodiesel adds a small      the majority of this energy is renewable.
                                                                                                                                       Second Generation Biofuel”, International Journal
amount of GHGs.9 Green diesel produced            Compared to biodiesel, green diesel shows                                            of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Vol 5, Article A48,
from tallow has emissions that are greatly        higher savings in fossil energy per tonne                                            January 2007.
reduced, with life cycle GHG emissions as         of biofuel, regardless of the source of input                                        5 Judd B, Biodiesel from Tallow, prepared for
low as 2% of petroleum diesel’s emissions.        data or differences in study assumptions.                                            Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority,
                                                     Overall, green diesel can contribute to the                                       November 2002.
Summary                                           world’s growing need for clean diesel fuel. Its                                      6 Marano J, Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Growing worldwide demand for diesel fuel,         environmental benefits alone are substantial,                                        Inventory for Fischer-Tropsch Fuels, prepared for
coupled with concerns over global warming,        but when its fuel properties compared to                                             US DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory
                                                                                                                                       by Energy and Environmental Solutions, June
has sparked interest in renewable alternatives    those of biodiesel are taken into account it
that show the potential for reduced GHG           is clear that green diesel technology merits
                                                                                                                                       7 Yusoff S, “Feasibility Study of Performing a Life
emissions at a reasonable cost of production.     further investigation towards large-scale
                                                                                                                                       Cycle Assessment on Crude Palm Oil Production
LCA studies indicate that green diesel            industrial production.                                                               in Malaysia”, International Journal of LCA, Vol 12,
produced via the UOP/Eni Ecofining process                                                                                             No 1, January 2007.
can be an attractive supplement to petroleum      Ecofining is a mark of UOP LLC and Eni SpA.                                          8 Yusoff S, “Renewable Energy from Palm Oil
diesel, biodiesel and syndiesel. However, the                                                                                          — Innovation on Effective Utilization of Waste”,
amount of green diesel that can be produced       References                                                                           Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 14, 2006.
will be limited ultimately by feedstock           1 Nexant Chem Systems, PERP Report Biodiesel                                         9 Zheng D, “Preparation and Properties of Methyl
                                                  02/03S2, December 2003.                                                              Esters of Beef Tallow”, Bioresource Technology, Vol
availability and price.
                                                  2 Rockwell J, Conoco Phillips Gas-to-Liquids,                                        57, No 2, August 1996.
  Green diesel has quality attributes
comparable with those of syndiesel,
including complete compatibility with                                    List of abbreviations used                                    Tom N Kalnes is Senior R&D Associate, UOP, US.
petroleum diesel, high energy density (44                                                                                              Email:
                                                                                                                                       Terry Marker is Ecofining Team Leader, Renewables
MJ/kg), low specific gravity (0.78), excellent      Acronym	Meaning
                                                    FT         Fischer-Tropsch                                                         R&D, UOP, US.
storage stability and very low combustion
                                                    NG              Natural gas                                                        Ken P Koers is an MS candidate, Department of
emissions. Furthermore, the cold flow
                                                    GD             Green diesel                                                        Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological
properties of green diesel can be adjusted          RSO           Rapeseed oil                                                         University, Houghton, MI, US.
within the Ecofining process, enabling the          PO                 Palm oil                                                        David R Shonnard is a Professor in the Department
producer to adapt to varying feedstock              BC      Biogas combustion                                                          of Chemical Engineering and Deputy Director
sources and seasonal product specifications.                                                                                           of the Sustainable Futures Institute, Michigan
  As determined by LCA studies, green             Table 5                                                                              Technological University, Houghton, MI, US.                                                                                                                                                               BIOFUELS TECHNOLOGY 11
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