Guidelines for Nursing - Ergonomics

Page created by Ashley Phillips
for Nursing
OSHA 3182-3R 2009

                       for the Prevention of

                     Musculoskeletal Disorders
Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Ergonomics for the Prevention
of Musculoskeletal Disorders

U.S. Department of Labor
Elaine L. Chao, Secretary

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
John L. Henshaw, Assistant Secretary

OSHA 3182-3R 2009

                             Guidelines for Nursing Homes   1
2   Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Table of Contents

                    5    Executive Summary

                    7    SECTION I:
                    9    SECTION II:
                         A Process for Protecting Workers
                     9   Provide Management Support
                     9   Involve Employees
                    10   Identify Problems
                    10   Implement Solutions
                    10   Address Reports of Injuries
                    11   Provide Training
                    11   Evaluate Ergonomics Efforts
                    12   SECTION III:
                         Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions for Resident
                         Lifting and Repositioning
                    12   Identifying Problems for Resident Lifting and Repositioning
                         ■   Figure 1. Transfer to and from: Bed to Chair, Chair to Toilet,
                             Chair to Chair, or Car to Chair
                         ■   Figure 2. Lateral Transfer to and from: Bed to Stretcher, Trolley
                         ■   Figure 3. Transfer to and from: Chair to Stretcher
                         ■   Figure 4. Reposition in Bed: Side-to-Side, Up in Bed
                         ■   Figure 5. Reposition in Chair: Wheelchair and Dependency Chair
                         ■   Figure 6. Transfer a Patient Up From the Floor
                    17   Implementing Solutions for Resident Lifting and Repositioning
                         ■   Transfer from Sitting to Standing Position
                         ■   Resident Lifting
                         ■   Repositioning in Chair
                         ■   Ambulation
                         ■   Lateral Transfer; Repositioning
                         ■   Lateral Transfer in Sitting Position
                         ■   Transfer from Sitting to Standing Position
                         ■   Weighing
                         ■   Transfer from Sitting to Standing Position; Ambulation
                         ■   Repositioning
                         ■   Bathtub, Shower, and Toileting Activities

                                                  Guidelines for Nursing Homes    3
Table of Contents

               27     SECTION IV:
                      Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions for
                      Activities Other than Resident Lifting and Repositioning
                      ■   Storage and Transfer of Food, Supplies, and Medications
                      ■   Mobile Medical Equipment
                      ■   Working with Liquids in Housekeeping
                      ■   Working with Liquids in Kitchens
                      ■   Hand Tools
                      ■   Linen Carts
                      ■   Handling Bags
                      ■   Reaching into Sink
                      ■   Loading or Unloading Laundry
                      ■   Cleaning Rooms (Wet Method)
                      ■   Cleaning Rooms (Electrical)
               31     SECTION V:
               31     Nursing Assistants and Other Workers at Risk of Injury
               31     Training for Charge Nurses and Supervisors
               31     Training for Designated Program Managers
               33     SECTION VI:
                      Additional Sources of Information
               35     References
               36     Appendix: A Nursing Home Case Study

4    Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Executive Summary

                   These guidelines provide                   Although these guidelines are
               recommendations for nursing home           designed specifically for nursing
               employers to help reduce the number        homes, OSHA hopes that employers
               and severity of work-related muscu-        with similar work environments, such
               loskeletal disorders (MSDs) in their       as assisted living centers, homes for
               facilities. MSDs include conditions        the disabled, homes for the aged,
               such as low back pain, sciatica,           and hospitals will also find this
               rotator cuff injuries, epicondylitis,      information useful.
               and carpal tunnel syndrome. The                OSHA also recognizes that small
               recommendations in these guidelines        employers, in particular, may not
               are based on a review of existing          have the need for as comprehensive a
               practices and programs, State OSHA         program as would result from
               programs, as well as available             implementation of every action and
               scientific information, and reflect        strategy described in these guidelines.
               comments received from representatives     Additionally, OSHA realizes that
               of trade and professional associations,    many small employers may need
               labor organizations, the medical           assistance in implementing an
               community, individual firms,               appropriate ergonomics program.
               and other interested parties. OSHA         That is why we emphasize the
               thanks the many organizations              availability of the free OSHA
               and individuals involved for their         consultation service for smaller
               thoughtful comments, suggestions,          employers. The consultation service is
               and assistance.                            independent of OSHA’s enforcement
                   More remains to be learned about       activity and will be making special
               the relationship between workplace         efforts to provide help to the nursing
               activities and the development of          home industry.
               MSDs. However, OSHA believes                   These guidelines are advisory in
               that the experiences of many nursing       nature and informational in content.
               homes provide a basis for taking           They are not a new standard or
               action to better protect workers.          regulation and do not create any new
               As the understanding of these injuries     OSHA duties. Under the OSH Act,
               develops and information and               the extent of an employer’s obligation
               technology improve, the recommenda-        to address ergonomic hazards is
               tions made in this document may            governed by the general duty clause,
               be modified.                               29 U.S.C. 654(a)(1).

                                           Guidelines for Nursing Homes   5
Executive Summary

                 An employer’s failure to implement       While specific measures may
             the guidelines is not a violation, or    differ from site to site, OSHA
             evidence of a violation, and may not     recommends that:
             be used as evidence of a violation, of   ■ Manual lifting of residents be
             the general duty clause. Furthermore,        minimized in all cases and
             the fact that OSHA has developed             eliminated when feasible.
             this document is not evidence and        ■ Employers implement an effective
             may not be used as evidence of an            ergonomics process that:
             employer’s obligations under the             ■ provides management support;
             general duty clause; the fact that a         ■ involves employees;
             measure is recommended in this               ■ identifies problems;
             document but not adopted by an               ■ implements solutions;
             employer is not evidence, and may            ■ addresses reports of injuries;
             not be used as evidence, of a                ■ provides training; and
             violation of the general duty clause.        ■ evaluates ergonomics efforts.
             In addition, the recommendations             These guidelines elaborate on
             contained herein should be adapted       these recommendations, and include
             to the needs and resources of each       additional information employers
             individual place of employment.          can use to identify problems and
             Thus, implementation of the guide-       train employees. Of particular value
             lines may differ from site to site       are examples of solutions employers
             depending on the circumstances           can use to help reduce MSDs in their
             at each particular site.                 workplace. Recommended solutions
                                                      for resident lifting and repositioning
                                                      are found in Section III, while
                                                      recommended solutions for other
                                                      ergonomic concerns are in Section
                                                      IV. The appendix includes a case
                                                      study describing the process one
                                                      nursing home used to reduce MSDs.

6    Guidelines for Nursing Homes

                   Nursing homes that have                 of weight involved, awkward postures
               implemented injury prevention efforts       that may result from leaning over a
               focusing on resident lifting and            bed or working in a confined area,
               repositioning methods have achieved         shifting of weight that may occur if a
               considerable success in reducing            resident loses balance or strength
               work-related injuries and associated        while moving, and many other
               workers’ compensation costs. Pro-           factors. The risk factors that workers
               viding a safer and more comfortable         in nursing homes face include:
               work environment has also resulted in       ■ Force - the amount of physical
               additional benefits for some facilities,        effort required to perform a task
               including reduced staff turnover and            (such as heavy lifting) or to main-
               associated training and administrative          tain control of equipment or tools;
               costs, reduced absenteeism, increased       ■ Repetition - performing the same
               productivity, improved employee                 motion or series of motions contin-
               morale, and increased resident                  ually or frequently; and
               comfort. These guidelines provide           ■ Awkward postures - assuming
               recommendations for employers to                positions that place stress on the
               help them reduce the number and                 body, such as reaching above
               severity of work-related musculoskele-          shoulder height, kneeling,
               tal disorders in their facilities using         squatting, leaning over a bed, or
               methods that have been found to be              twisting the torso while lifting (3).
               successful in the nursing home
                   Providing care to nursing home
               residents is physically demanding               Wyandot County Nursing Home in Upper
               work. Nursing home residents often              Sandusky, Ohio, has implemented a policy
               require assistance to walk, bathe, or           of performing all assisted resident
               perform other normal daily activities.          transfers with mechanical lifts, and has
               In some cases residents are totally             purchased electrically adjustable beds.
               dependent upon caregivers for                   According to Wyandot, no back injuries
               mobility. Manual lifting and other              from resident lifting have occurred in over
               tasks involving the repositioning of            five years. The nursing home also reported
               residents are associated with an                that workers’ compensation costs have
               increased risk of pain and injury to            declined from an average of almost
               caregivers, particularly to the back (2,        $140,000 per year to less than $4,000 per
               3). These tasks can entail high physical        year, reduced absenteeism and overtime
                                                               have resulted in annual savings of
               demands due to the large amount
                                                               approximately $55,000, and a reduction in
                                                               costs associated with staff turnover has
                                                               saved an additional $125,000 (1). (see
                                                               Reference List)

                                            Guidelines for Nursing Homes   7

                 Excessive exposure to these risk
             factors can result in a variety of          After implementing a program designed
             disorders in affected workers (3, 5).       to eliminate manual lifting of residents,
             These conditions are collectively           Schoellkopf Health Center in Niagara
             referred to as musculoskeletal              Falls, New York, reported a downward
             disorders, or MSDs. MSDs include            trend in the number and severity of
                                                         injuries, with lost workdays dropping
             conditions such as low back pain,
                                                         from 364 to 52, light duty days
             sciatica, rotator cuff injuries,
                                                         dropping from 253 to 25, and workers’
             epicondylitis, and carpal tunnel
                                                         compensation losses falling from
             syndrome (6). Early indications of
                                                         $84,533 to $6,983 annually (4).
             MSDs can include persistent pain,
             restriction of joint movement, or soft
             tissue swelling (3, 7).
                 While some MSDs develop gradu-
             ally over time, others may result           At Citizens Memorial Health Care Facility
             from instantaneous events such as a         in Bolivar, Missouri, establishment of an
             single heavy lift (3). Activities outside   ergonomics component in the existing
             of the workplace that involve               safety and health program was reportedly
             substantial physical demands may            followed by a reduction in the number of
             also cause or contribute to MSDs (6).       OSHA-recordable lifting-related injuries of
             In addition, development of MSDs            at least 45% during each of the next four
             may be related to genetic causes,           years, when compared to the level of
             gender, age, and other factors (5, 6).      injuries prior to the ergonomics efforts.
             Finally, there is evidence that reports     The number of lost workdays associated
             of MSDs may be linked to certain            with lifting-related injuries was reported
             psychosocial factors such as job            to be at least 55% lower than levels
             dissatisfaction, monotonous work,           during each of the previous four years.
             and limited job control (5, 6). These       Citizens Memorial reported that these
             guidelines address only physical            reductions contributed to a direct savings
             factors in the workplace that are           of approximately $150,000 in workers’
             related to the development of MSDs.         compensation costs over a five year
                                                         period (8).

8    Guidelines for Nursing Homes
A Process for Protecting Workers

                      The number and severity of             sustained effort, allocation of
                 injuries resulting from physical            resources, and frequent follow-up
                 demands in nursing homes — and              that can only be achieved through
                 associated costs — can be substan-          the active support of management.
                 tially reduced (2, 9). Providing an
                 alternative to manual resident lifting      Involve Employees
                 is the primary goal of the ergonomics       Employees are a vital source of
                 process in the nursing home setting         information about hazards in their
                 and of these guidelines. OSHA               workplace. Their involvement adds
                 recommends that manual lifting of           problem-solving capabilities and
                 residents be minimized in all cases         hazard identification assistance,
                 and eliminated when feasible. OSHA          enhances worker motivation and job
                 further recommends that employers           satisfaction, and leads to greater
                 develop a process for systematically        acceptance when changes are made
                 addressing ergonomics issues in their       in the workplace. Employees can:
                 facilities, and incorporate this            ■ submit suggestions or concerns;
                 process into an overall program to          ■ discuss the workplace and
                 recognize and prevent occupational              work methods;
                 safety and health hazards.                  ■ participate in the design of
                      An effective process should be             work, equipment, procedures,
                 tailored to the characteristics of              and training;
                 the particular nursing home but             ■ evaluate equipment;
                 OSHA generally recommends the               ■ respond to employee surveys;
                 following steps:                            ■ participate in task groups with
                                                                 responsibility for ergonomics; and
                 Provide Management Support                  ■ participate in developing the nurs-
                 Strong support by management                    ing home’s ergonomics process.
                 creates the best opportunity for
                 success. OSHA recommends that
                 employers develop clear goals, assign
                 responsibilities to designated staff
                 members to achieve those goals,
                 provide necessary resources, and
                 ensure that assigned responsibilities
                 are fulfilled. Providing a safe and
                 healthful workplace requires a

                                              Guidelines for Nursing Homes   9
A Process for Protecting Workers

           An Identify Problems                     eliminate hazards and improve the
               Nursing homes can more               work environment. These changes
           successfully recognize problems by       usually include the use of equipment,
           establishing systematic methods for      work practices, or both. When
           identifying ergonomics concerns in       choosing methods for lifting and
           their workplace. Information about       repositioning residents, individual
           where problems or potential              factors should be taken into account.
           problems may occur in nursing            Such factors include the resident’s
           homes can be obtained from a             rehabilitation plan, the need to restore
           variety of sources, including OSHA       the resident’s functional abilities,
           300 and 301 injury and illness           medical contraindications, emergency
           information, reports of workers’         situations, and resident dignity and
           compensation claims, accident and        rights. Examples of solutions can be
           near-miss investigation reports,         found in Sections III and IV.
           insurance company reports,
           employee interviews, employee            Address Reports of Injuries
           surveys, and reviews and observations    Even in establishments with
           of workplace conditions. Once            effective safety and health programs,
           information is obtained, it can be       injuries and illnesses may occur.
           used to identify and evaluate elements   Work-related MSDs should be
           of jobs that are associated              managed in the same manner and
           with problems. Sections III and IV       under the same process as any other
           contain further information on           occupational injury or illness (10).
           methods for identifying ergonomics       Like many injuries and illnesses,
           concerns in the nursing home             employers and employees can benefit
           environment.                             from early reporting of MSDs. Early
                                                    diagnosis and intervention, including
           Implement Solutions                      alternative duty programs, are
           When problems related to                 particularly important in order to
           ergonomics are identified, suitable      limit the severity of injury, improve
           options can then be selected and         the effectiveness of treatment,
           implemented to eliminate hazards.        minimize the likelihood of disability
           Effective solutions usually involve      or permanent damage, and reduce
           workplace modifications that             the amount of associated workers’
                                                    compensation claims and costs.
                                                    OSHA’s injury and illness recording
                                                    and reporting regulation (29 CFR
                                                    1904) requires employers to keep
                                                    records of work-related injuries and
                                                    illnesses. These reports can help the
                                                    nursing home identify problem areas

10   Guidelines for Nursing Homes
A Process for Protecting Workers

and evaluate ergonomic efforts.          needed. Evaluation and follow-up are
Employees may not be discriminated       central to continuous improvement
against for reporting a work-related     and long-term success. Once solutions
injury or illness. [29 U.S.C. 660(c)]    are introduced, OSHA recommends
                                         that employers ensure they are
Provide Training                         effective. Various indicators (e.g.,
    Training is necessary to ensure      OSHA 300 and 301 information
that employees and managers can          data and workers’ compensation
recognize potential ergonomics issues    reports) can provide useful empirical
in the workplace, and understand         data at this stage, as can other tech-
measures that are available to           niques such as employee interviews.
minimize the risk of injury. Ergo-       For example, after introducing a new
nomics training can be integrated        lift at a nursing home, the employer
into general training on performance     should follow-up by talking with
requirements and job practices.          employees to ensure that the problem
Effective training covers the problems   has been adequately addressed. In
found in each employee’s job. More       addition, interviews provide a
information on training can be found     mechanism for ensuring that the
in Section V.                            solution is not only in place, but is
                                         being used properly. The same methods
Evaluate Ergonomics Efforts              that are used to identify problems in
Nursing homes should evaluate            many cases can also be used for
the effectiveness of their ergonomics    evaluation.
efforts and follow-up on unresolved
problems. Evaluation helps sustain
the effort to reduce injuries and
illnesses, track whether or not
ergonomic solutions are working,
identify new problems, and show
areas where further improvement is

                                                     Guidelines for Nursing Homes   11
A Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

                           Identifying Problems                         The resident assessment should
                           for Resident Lifting                         include examination of factors
                           and Repositioning                            such as:
                                Assessing the potential for work        ■ the level of assistance the resident
                           to injure employees in nursing homes             requires;
                           is complex because typical nursing           ■ the size and weight of the resident;
                           home operations involve the repeated         ■ the ability and willingness of
                           lifting and repositioning of the                 the resident to understand and
                           residents. Resident lifting and                  cooperate; and
                           repositioning tasks can be variable,         ■ any medical conditions that may
                           dynamic, and unpredictable in                    influence the choice of methods
                           nature. In addition, factors such as             for lifting or repositioning.
                           resident dignity, safety, and medical            These factors are critically
                           contraindications should be taken            important in determining
                           into account. As a result, specific          appropriate methods for lifting and
                           techniques are used for assessing            repositioning a resident. The size
                           resident lifting and repositioning           and weight of the resident will, in
                           tasks that are not appropriate for           some situations, determine which
                           assessing the potential for injury           equipment is needed and how many
                           associated with other nursing                caregivers are required to provide
                           home activities.                             assistance. The physical and mental
                                An analysis of any resident lifting     abilities of the resident also play an
                           and repositioning task involves an           important role in selecting
                           assessment of the needs and abilities        appropriate solutions. For example,
                           of the resident involved. This               a resident who is able and willing to
                           assessment allows staff members to           partially support their own weight
                           account for resident characteristics         may be able to move from his or her
                           while determining the safest methods         bed to a chair using a standing assist
                           for performing the task, within the          device, while a mechanical sling lift
                           context of a care plan that provides         may be more appropriate for those
                           for appropriate care and services for        residents who are unable to support
                           the resident. Such assessments               their own weight. Other factors
                           typically consider the resident’s            related to a resident’s condition may
                           safety, dignity and other rights, as         need to be taken into account as
                           well as the need to maintain or              well. For instance, a resident who
                           restore a resident’s functional abilities.   has recently undergone hip
                                                                        replacement surgery may require
                                                                        specialized equipment for assistance
                                                                        in order to avoid placing stress on
                                                                        the affected area.
                                                                            A number of protocols have been
                                                                        developed for systematically examining
                                                                        resident needs and abilities and/or

                12   Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
                                  for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

                      FIGURE 1 Transfer to and from: Bed to Chair, Chair to Toilet, Chair to Chair, or Car to Chair

                                                  Caregiver assistance not needed;
          Can patient                              stand by for safety as needed.
         bear weight?
                                                             Is the patient
               No                                            cooperative?             Stand and pivot technique using a gait/transfer belt
                                                                           Yes           (1 caregiver) -or- powered standing assist lift
                                                                   No                                     (1 caregiver)

         Is the patient
                                 No                  Use full body sling lift and
                                                           2 caregivers.


                                                                                     ■ For seated transfer aid, must have chair with arms that
           Does the                                                                    recess or are removable.
         patient have            No                                                  ■ For full body sling lift, select a lift that was specifically
        upper extremity                                                                designed to access a patient from the car (if the car is
           strength?                                                                   the starting or ending destination).
                                                                                     ■ If partial weight bearing, transfer toward stronger side.
                                                                                     ■ Toileting slings are available for toileting.
                                                                                     ■ Bathing mesh slings are available for bathing.
    Seated transfer aid; may use gait/transfer belt until the
                                                                                     Source: The Patient Safety Center of Inquiry (Tampa, FL).
    patient is proficient in completing transfer independently.                      Veterans Health Administration & Department of Defense.
                                                                                     October 2001.

                      FIGURE 2         Lateral Transfer to and from: Bed to Stretcher, Trolley

                                                                                                Caregiver assistance not needed;
                                                                                                 stand by for safety as needed.

                                                                                                    If patient is 200 pounds: Use a lateral sliding aid
                                                                                       and 3 caregivers -or- a friction-reducing device or
   must be taken to avoid shearing force.
                                                                                           lateral transfer device and 2 caregivers -or-
                                                                                               a mechanical lateral transfer device.
Source: The Patient Safety Center of Inquiry (Tampa, FL). Veterans
Health Administration & Department of Defense. October 2001.

                                                                            Guidelines for Nursing Homes         13
Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
 for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

           for recommending procedures and                    Program Policy and Guide,
           equipment to be used for performing                recommends solutions for resident
           lifting and repositioning tasks. The               lifting and repositioning problems,
           following are some examples:                       based on the CMS classification
           ■ The Resident Assessment Instrument,              system. (A rating of “4” indicates
                published by the Centers for                  a totally dependent resident; a “3”
                Medicare and Medicaid Services                rating indicates residents that need
                (CMS), provides a structured,                 extensive assistance; a “2/1”
                standardized approach for assessing           rating indicates residents that need
                resident capabilities and needs               only limited assistance/general
                that results in a care plan for each          supervision. Residents rated “0”
                resident. Caregivers can use this             are independent.) Employers can
                information to help them determine            access this information from
                the appropriate method for lifting  
                or repositioning residents. Many              The nursing home operator should
                nursing homes use this system to         use an assessment tool which is
                comply with CMS requirements             appropriate for the conditions in an
                for nursing homes. Employers             individual nursing home. The special
                can access this information from         needs of bariatric (excessively heavy)
                      residents may require additional
                mds20/.                                  focus. Assistive devices must be
           ■ Patient Care Ergonomics Resource            capable of handling the heavier
                Guide: Safe Patient Handling and         weight involved, and modification of
                Movement is published by the             work practices may be necessary.
                Patient Safety Center of Inquiry,        A number of individuals in nursing
                Veterans Health Administration and       homes can contribute to resident
                the Department of Defense. This          assessment and the determination of
                document provides flow charts            appropriate methods for assisting in
                (shown here in Figures 1-6) that         transfer or repositioning. Interdisciplinary
                address relevant resident assessment     teams such as staff nurses,
                factors and recommends solutions         certified nursing assistants, nursing
                for resident lifting and repositioning   supervisors, physical therapists,
                problems. This material is one           physicians, and the resident or his/her
                example of an assessment tool that       representative may all be involved. Of
                has been used successfully. Employers    critical importance is the involvement
                can access this information from         of employees directly responsible for
                   resident care and assistance, as the
                Nursing home operators may               needs and abilities of residents may
                find another tool or develop an          vary considerably over a short period
                assessment tool that works better in     of time, and the employees responsible
                their facilities.                        for providing assistance are in the
           ■ Appendix A of the Settlement                best position to be aware of and
                Agreement between OSHA and               accommodate such changes.
                Beverly Enterprises, entitled Lift

14   Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
                           for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

               FIGURE 3 Transfer to and from: Chair to Stretcher

         Is the patient                                                                        Use full-body sling lift and
         cooperative?                                                                            2 or more caregivers.


                                                                                            Caregiver assistance not needed;
                                                                                             stand by for safety as needed.
        Can the patient
         bear weight?
                                                                                       If exam table/stretcher can be positioned
               No                                                                          to a low level, use a non-powered
                                                                                    stand-assist aid. If not, use a full-body sling lift.

   Use full-body sling lift and                                                 Comments:
     2 or more caregivers.                                                      High/low exam tables and stretchers would be ideal.

                                                                                Source: The Patient Safety Center of Inquiry (Tampa, FL).
                                                                                Veterans Health Administration & Department of Defense.
                                                                                October 2001.

               FIGURE 4 Reposition in Bed: Side-to-Side, Up in Bed

                                                        Caregiver assistance not
                                          Fully         needed; patient may/may
                                                         not use positioning aid.
                                                                                                          If patient is >200 pounds:
           Can Patient
                                                                                                        Use a friction-reducing device
                                                                                                          and at least 3 caregivers.
                                       Partially           Encourage patient
               No                       Able                to assist using a
                                                         positioning aid or cues.
                                                                                                          If patient is
Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
                                for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

               FIGURE 5 Repostition in Chair: Wheelchair and Dependency Chair

          Can patient                                                                                    Caregiver assistance not needed;
            assist?                                                                                       stand by for safety as needed.

               No                                                                                    If patient has upper extremity strength in
                                                                                                         both arms, have patient lift up while
                                                                                                        caregiver pushes knees to reposition.
           Does chair                                                                                  If patient lacks sensation, cues may
            recline?                          Yes                                                   be needed to remind Patient to reposition.

               No                                                                                    Recline chair and use a friction-reducing
                                                                                                             device and 2 caregivers.

            Is patient                        Yes                                                    Use full-body sling lift -or- non-powered
          cooperative?                                                                                stand-assist aid and 1 to 2 caregivers.

■ This is not a one person task: DO NOT PULL FROM BEHIND CHAIR.                                              Use full-body sling lift and
■ Take full advantage of chair functions, e.g., chair that reclines, or use of                                 2 or more caregivers.
  arm rest of chair to facilitate repositioning.
■ Make sure the chair wheels are locked.
Source: The Patient Safety Center of Inquiry (Tampa, FL). Veterans Health Administration & Department of Defense. October 2001.

               FIGURE 6 Transfer a Patient Up From the Floor

          Was patient                                   Was the                                       Depends on type and severity of injury
                                  Yes                                       No
           injured?                                  injury minor?                                   (follow Standard Operating Procedures).

               No1                                       Yes

                                                                         Is patient                           Full-body sling lift needed with
                                                                       independent?                                2 or more caregivers.

Comments:                                                                    Yes
Use full-body sling that goes all the way down to the
floor (most of the newer models are capable of this).
                                                                 Caregiver assistance not
 Modifications made with concurrence of Dr. Audrey                needed; stand by for
Nelson at Veterans Administration Hospital, Tampa,                  safety as needed.

Source: The Patient Safety Center of Inquiry (Tampa, FL).
Veterans Health Administration & Department of Defense. October 2001.

                             16      Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
                                for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

Implementing Solutions                    Employers should establish close
for Resident Lifting                      working relationships with equipment
and Repositioning                         suppliers. Such working relationships
    The recommended solutions             help with obtaining training for
presented in the following pages are      employees, modifying the equipment
not intended to be an exhaustive list,    for special circumstances, and
nor does OSHA expect that all of          procuring parts and service when
them will be used in any given            needed. Employers will want to pay
facility. The information represents a    particular attention to the effectiveness
range of available options that a         of the equipment, especially the
facility can consider using. Many of      injury and illness experience of other
the solutions are simple, common          nursing homes that have used the
sense modifications to equipment or       equipment. The following questions
procedures that do not require            are designed to aid in the selection of
substantial time or resources to          the equipment and supplier that best
implement. Others may require more        meets the needs of an individual
significant efforts. The integration of   nursing home.
various solutions into the nursing        ■ Availability of technical service - Is
home is a strategic decision that, if         over-the-phone assistance, as well
carefully planned and executed, will          as onsite assistance, for repairs
lead to long-term benefits. Equip-            and service of the lift available?
ment must meet applicable regula-         ■ Availability of parts - Which parts
tions regarding equipment design and          will be in stock and available in a
use, such as the restraint regulations        short time frame and how soon can
from the Centers for Medicare and             they be shipped to your location?
Medicaid. In addition, administrators     ■ Storage requirements - Is the equip-
should follow any manufacturers’              ment too big for your facility? Can
recommendations and review guide-             it be stored in close proximity to the
lines, such as the FDA Hospital Bed           area(s) where it is used?
Safety Workgroup Guidelines, to           ■ If needed, is a charging unit and
help ensure patient safety. Manage-           back up battery included? What is
ment should also be cognizant of              the simplicity of the charging unit
several factors that might restrict the       and space required for a battery
application of certain measures, such         charger if one is needed?
as residents’ rehabilitation plans, the
need for restoration of functional
abilities, other medical contra-
indications, emergency conditions,
and residents’ dignity and rights.
    The procurement of equipment
and the selection of an equipment
supplier are important considerations
when implementing solutions.

                                                       Guidelines for Nursing Homes   17
Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
 for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

           ■    If the lift has a self-contained             Based on many factors, including
                charging unit, what is the amount       the characteristics of the resident
                of space necessary for charging         population and the layout of the
                and what electrical receptacles are     facility, employers should determine
                required? What is the minimum           the number and types of devices
                charging time of a battery?             needed. Devices should be located so
           ■    How high is the base of the lift        that they are easily accessible to
                and will it fit under the bed and       workers. If resident lifting equipment
                various other pieces of furniture?      is not accessible when it is needed, it
                How wide is the base of the lift or     is likely that other aspects of the
                is it adjustable to a wider and         ergonomics process will be ineffective.
                lockable position?                      If the facility can initially purchase
           ■    How many people are required to         only a portion of the equipment
                operate the lift for lifting of a       needed, it should be located in the
                typical 200-pound person?               areas where the needs are greatest.
           ■    Does the lift activation device         Employers should also establish
                (pendant) have remote capabilities?     routine maintenance schedules to
           ■    How many sizes and types of             ensure that the equipment is in good
                slings are available? What type of      working order.
                sling is available for optimum          The following are examples of
                infection control?                      solutions for resident lifting and
           ■    Is the device versatile? Can it be a    repositioning tasks.
                sit-to-stand lift, as well as a lift
                device? Can it be a sit-to-stand lift
                and an ambulation-assist device?
           ■    What is the speed and noise level
                of the device? Will the lift go to
                floor level? How high will it go?

18   Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions
                                         for Resident Lifting and Repositioning

Transfer from Sitting to                                         Resident Lifting
Standing Position
Description:                                                     Description:
 Powered sit-to-stand                                             Portable lift device (sling
 or standing assist                                               type); can be a universal/
 devices.                                                         hammock sling or a band/
When to Use:                                                      leg sling.
 Transferring                                                    When to Use:
 residents who are                                                Lifting residents who are
 partially depen-                                                 totally dependent, are
 dent, have some                                                  partial- or non-weight
 weight-bearing                                                   bearing, are very heavy,
 capacity, are                                                    or have other physical
 cooperative, can sit                                             limitations. Transfers
 up on the edge of                                                from bed to chair (wheel
 the bed with or                                                  chair, Geri or cardiac
 without assistance, and are able to bend hips, knees,            chair), chair or floor to
 and ankles. Transfers from bed to chair (wheel chair,            bed, for bathing and toileting, or after a resident fall.
 Geri or cardiac chair), or chair to bed, or for bathing         Points to Remember:
 and toileting. Can be used for repositioning where               More than one caregiver may be needed. Look for a
 space or storage is limited.                                     device with a variety of slings, lift-height range,
Points to Remember:                                               battery portability, hand-held control, emergency
 Look for a device that has a variety of sling sizes, lift-       shut-off, manual override, boom pressure sensitive
 height range, battery portability, hand-held control,            switch, that can easily move around equipment, and
 emergency shut-off, and manual override. Ensure                  has a support base that goes under beds. Having
 device is rated for the resident weight. Electric/battery        multiple slings allows one of them to remain in place
 powered lifts are preferred to crank or pump type                while resident is in bed or chair for only a short
 devices to allow smoother movement for the resident,             period, reducing the number of times the caregiver
 and less physical exertion by the caregiver.                     lifts and positions resident. Portable compact lifts may
                                                                  be useful where space or storage is limited. Ensure
                                                                  device is rated for the resident weight. Electric/battery
                                                                  powered lifts are preferred to crank or pump type
                                                                  devices to allow a smoother movement for the resi-
                                                                  dent, and less physical exertion by the caregiver.
                                                                  Enhances resident safety and comfort.

                                                              Guidelines for Nursing Homes   19
Repositioning in Chair                                                  Ambulation

Description:                                                            Description:
 Variable position                                                       Ambulation assist device.
 Geri and Cardiac
 chairs.                                                                When to Use:
When to Use:                                                             For residents who are weight
 Repositioning                                                           bearing and cooperative and
 partial- or non-                                                        who need extra security and
 weight-bearing                                                          assistance when ambulating.
 residents who are
 cooperative.                                                           Points to Remember:
                                                                         Increases resident safety
Points to                                                                during ambulation and
Remember:                                                                reduces risk of falls. The
 More than one caregiver is needed and use of a friction-                device supports residents as
 reducing device is needed if resident cannot assist to                  they walk and push it along
 reposition self in chair. Ensure use of good body                       during ambulation. Ensure height
 mechanics by caregivers. Wheels on chair add versatility.               adjustment is correct for resident before ambulation.
 Ensure that chair is easy to adjust, move, and steer.                   Ensure device is in good working order before use
 Lock wheels on chair before repositioning. Remove                       and rated for the resident weight to be lifted. Apply
 trays, footrests, and seat belts where appropriate.                     brakes before positioning resident in or releasing resi-
 Ensure device is rated for the resident weight.                         dent from device.

Resident Lifting

 Ceiling mounted lift device.
When to Use:
 Lifting residents who are totally dependent, are partial- or non-weight bearing, very
 heavy, or have other physical limitations. Transfers from bed to chair (wheel chair,
 Geri or cardiac chair), chair or floor to bed, for bathing and toileting, or after a
 resident falls. A horizontal frame system or litter attached to the ceiling-mounted
 device can be used when transferring residents who cannot be transferred safely
 between 2 horizontal surfaces, such as a bed to a stretcher or gurney while lying on
 their back, using other devices.
Points to Remember:
 More than one caregiver may be needed. Some residents can use the device without
 assistance. May be quicker to use than portable device. Motors can be fixed or portable
 (lightweight). Device can be operated by hand-held control attached to unit or by
 infrared remote control. Ensure device is rated for the resident weight. Increases residents’
 safety and comfort during transfer.

                       20    Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Lateral Transfer; Repositioning

 Devices to reduce friction force when transferring a resident such as a draw
 sheet or transfer cot with handles to be used in combination slippery sheets,
 low friction mattress covers, or slide boards; boards or mats with vinyl
 coverings and rollers; gurneys with transfer devices; and air-assist lateral
 sliding aid or flexible mattress inflated by portable air supply.
When to Use:
 Transferring a partial- or non-weight bearing resident between 2
 horizontal surfaces such as a bed to a stretcher or gurney while lying on
 their back or when repositioning resident in bed.
Points to Remember:
 • More than one caregiver is needed to perform this type of transfer or repositioning.
 Additional assistance may be needed depending upon resident status, e.g., for heavier or
 non-cooperative residents. Some devices may not be suitable for bariatric residents.
 When using a draw sheet combination use a good hand-hold by rolling up draw sheets or use other
 friction-reducing devices with handles such as slippery sheets. Narrower slippery sheets with webbing handles
 positioned on the long edge of the sheet may be easier to use than wider sheets. When using boards or mats
 with vinyl coverings and rollers use a gentle push and pull motion to move resident to new surface.
 • Look for a combination of devices that will increase resident’s comfort and minimize risk of skin trauma. Ensure
 transfer surfaces are at same level and at a height that allows caregivers to work at waist level to avoid extended
 reaches and bending of the back. Count down and synchronize the transfer motion between caregivers.

Lateral Transfer; Repositioning

 Convertible wheelchair, Geri or cardiac chair to bed; beds that
 convert to chairs.
When to Use:
 For lateral transfer of residents who are partial- or non-weight
 bearing. Eliminates the need to perform lift transfer in and out of
 wheelchairs. Can also be used to assist residents who are partially
 weight bearing from a sit-to-stand position. Beds that convert to
 chairs can aid repositioning residents who are totally dependent, non-
 weight bearing, very heavy, or have other physical limitations.
Points to Remember:
 More than one caregiver is needed to perform lateral transfer. Additional assistance
 for lateral transfer may be needed depending on residents status, e.g., for heavier or non-cooperative residents.
 Additional friction-reducing devices may be required to reposition resident. Heavy duty beds are available for
 bariatric residents. Device should have easy-to-use controls located within easy reach of the caregiver, sufficient
 foot clearance, and wide range of adjustment. Motorized height adjustable devices are preferred to those
 adjusted by crank mechanism to minimize physical exertion. Always ensure device is in good working order
 before use. Ensure wheels on equipment are locked. Ensure transfer surfaces are at same level and at a height
 that allows caregivers to work at waist level to avoid extended reaches and bending of the back.

                                                                   Guidelines for Nursing Homes   21
Lateral Transfer in                                           Transfer from Sitting to
Sitting Position                                              Standing Position

Description:                                                  Description:
 Transfer boards – wood or plastic                             Lift cushions and lift chairs.
 (some with movable seat).                                    When to Use:
When to Use:                                                   Transferring residents who are
 Transferring (sliding)                                        weight-bearing and cooperative
 residents who have good                                       but need assistance when standing
 sitting balance and are                                       and ambulating. Can be used for
 cooperative from one                                          independent residents who need
 level surface to another,                                     an extra boost to stand.
 e.g., bed to wheelchair,
                                                              Points to Remember:
 wheelchair to car seat or toilet. Can also be used by
                                                               Lift cushions use a lever that
 residents who require limited assistance but need addi-
 tional safety and support.                                    activates a spring action to
                                                               assist residents to rise up. Lift
Points to Remember:                                            cushions may not be appropriate for heavier residents.
 Movable seats increase resident comfort and reduce
                                                               Lift chairs are operated via a hand-held control that
 incidence of tissue damage during transfer. More than one
                                                               tilts forward slowly, raising the resident. Residents
 caregiver is needed to perform lateral transfer. Ensure
                                                               need to have physical and cognitive capacity to be
 clothing is present between the resident’s skin and the
                                                               able to operate lever or controls. Always ensure device
 transfer device. The seat may be cushioned with a small
                                                               is in good working order before use and is rated for
 towel for comfort. May be uncomfortable for larger
 residents. Usually used in conjunction with gait belts for    the resident weight to be lifted. Can aid resident inde-
 safety depending on resident status. Ensure boards have       pendence.
 tapered ends, rounded edges, and appropriate weight
 capacity. Ensure wheels on bed or chair are locked and
 transfer surfaces are at same level. Remove lower bedrails
 from bed and remove arms and footrests from chairs as

Transfer from Sitting to                                      Weighing
Standing Position
Description:                                                  Description:
 Stand-assist devices can be fixed to bed or chair or be       Scales with ramp to accommodate
 free-standing. There is a variety of such devices on          wheelchairs; portable-powered lift
 the market.                                                   devices with built-in scales; beds
When to Use:                                                   with built-in scales.
 Transferring residents who are weight-bearing and            When to Use:
 cooperative and can pull themselves up from sitting to        To reduce the need for additional
 standing position. Can be used for independent residents      transfer of partialor non-weight-
 who need extra support to stand.                              bearing or totally dependent
Points to Remember:                                            residents to weighing device.
 Check that device is stable before use and is rated for      Points to Remember:
 resident weight to be supported. Ensure frame is firmly       Some wheelchair scales can accommo-
 attached to bed, or if it relies on mattress support that     date larger wheelchairs. Built-in bed scales
 mattress is heavy enough to hold the frame. Can aid           may increase weight of the bed and prevent it from
 resident independence.                                        lowering to appropriate work heights.

                      22    Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Transfer from Sitting to Standing Position;
 Gait belts/transfer belts with handles.
When to Use:
 Transferring residents who are partially dependent, have some weight-bearing
 capacity, and are cooperative. Transfers such as bed to chair, chair to chair, or
 chair to car; when repositioning residents in chairs; supporting residents during
 ambulation; and in some cases when guiding and controlling falls or assisting a
 resident after a fall.
Points to Remember:
 • More than one caregiver may be needed. Belts with padded handles are easier
 to grip and increase security and control. Always transfer to resident’s strongest
 side. Use good body mechanics and a rocking and pulling motion rather than lifting
 when using a belt. Belts may not be suitable for ambulation of heavy residents or residents
 with recent abdominal or back surgery, abdominal aneurysm, etc. Should not be used for
 lifting residents. Ensure belt is securely fastened and cannot be easily undone by the resident during
 transfer. Ensure a layer of clothing is between residents’ skin and the belt to avoid abrasion. Keep
 resident as close as possible to caregiver during transfer. Lower bedrails, remove arms and foot rests
 from chairs, and other items that may obstruct the transfer.
• For use after a fall, always assess the resident for injury prior to movement. If resident can regain standing
 position with minimal assistance, use gait or transfer belts with handles to aid resident. Keep back straight,
 bend legs, and stay as close to resident as possible.
 If resident cannot stand with minimal assistance, use a powered portable or ceiling-mounted lift device to
 move resident.

Repositioning                                                         Repositioning

Description:                                                          Description:
 Electric powered                                                      Trapeze bar; hand blocks and
 height adjustable bed.                                                push up bars attached to the
When to Use:                                                           bed frame.
 For all activities                                                   When to Use:
 involving resident                                                    Reposition residents that have
 care, transfer, reposi-                                               the ability to assist the caregiver
 tioning in bed, etc., to                                              during the activity, i.e., residents
 reduce caregiver bending                                              with upper body strength and
 when interacting with resident.                                       use of extremities, who are
Points to Remember:                                                    cooperative and can follow
 Device should have easy-to-use controls located within                instructions.
 easy reach of the caregiver to promote use of the electric          Points to Remember:
 adjustment, sufficient foot clearance, and wide range of              Residents use trapeze bar by grasping bar suspended from
 adjustment. Adjustments must be completed in 20                       an overhead frame to raise themselves up and reposition
 seconds or less to ensure staff use. For residents that may           themselves in a bed. Heavy duty trapeze frames are
 be at risk of falling from bed some beds that lower closer            available for bariatric residents. If a caregiver is assisting,
 to the floor may be needed. Heavy duty beds are available             ensure that bed wheels are locked, bedrails are lowered,
 for bariatric residents. Beds raised and lowered with an              and bed is adjusted to caregiver’s waist height. Blocks also
 electric motor are preferred over crank-adjust beds to                enable residents to raise themselves up and reposition
 allow a smoother movement for the resident and less                   themselves in bed. Bars attached to the bed frame serve
 physical exertion to the caregiver.                                   the same purpose. May not be suitable for heavier
                                                                       residents. Can aid resident independence.
                                                                    Guidelines for Nursing Homes 23
Repositioning                                                 Bathtub, Shower,
                                                              and Toileting Activities

Description:                                                  Description:
 Pelvic lift devices (hip lifters).                            Height adjustable
When to Use:                                                   bathtub and easy-
 To assist residents who                                       entry bathtubs.
 are cooperative and can                                      When to Use:
 sit up to a position on a                                     Bathing residents
 special bed pan.                                              who sit directly in
Points to Remember:                                            the bathtub, or to
 Convenience of device                                         assist ambulatory
 may reduce need for resident                                  residents climb
 lifting during toileting. Device is positioned                more easily into a
 under the pelvis. The part of the device located under        low tub, or easy-
 the pelvis gets inflated so the pelvis is raised and a        access tub. Bathing resi-
 special bedpan put underneath. The head of the bed is         dents in portable-powered or ceiling
 raised slightly during this procedure. Use correct body       mounted lift device using appropriate bathing sling.
 mechanics, lower bedrails, and adjust bed to caregivers      Points to Remember:
 waist height to reduce bending.                               Reduces awkward postures for caregivers and those
                                                               who clean the tub after use. The tub can be raised to
                                                               eliminate bending and reaching for the caregiver. Use
                                                               correct body mechanics, and adjust the tub to the
                                                               caregiver’s waist height when performing hygiene
                                                               activities. Increases resident safety and comfort.

Bathtub, Shower,                                              Bathtub, Shower,
and Toileting Activities                                      and Toileting Activities

Description:                                                  Description:
 Shower and toileting chairs.                                  Toilet seat risers.
When to Use:                                                  When to Use:
 Showering and toileting                                       For toileting partially
 residents who are partially                                   weight-bearing residents
 dependent, have some                                          who can sit up unaided,
 weight bearing capacity,                                      use upper extremities
 can sit up unaided, and are                                   (have upper body
 able to bend hips, knees,                                     strength), are able to
 and ankles.                                                   bend hips, knees, and
Points to Remember:                                            ankles, and are coop-
 Ensure that wheels move easily and                            erative. Independent
 smoothly; chair is high enough to fit over toilet; chair      residents can also use these devices.
 has removable arms, adjustable footrests, safety belts,      Points to Remember:
 and is heavy enough to be stable; and that the seat is        Risers decrease the distance and amount of effort
 comfortable, accommodates larger residents, and has a         required to lower and raise residents. Grab bars and
 removable commode bucket for toileting. Ensure that           height-adjustable legs add safety and versatility to the
 brakes lock and hold effectively and that weight              device. Ensure device is stable and can accommodate
 capacity is sufficient.                                       resident’s weight and size.

                         24    Guidelines for Nursing Homes
Bathtub, Shower,
and Toileting Activities

 Bath boards and transfer benches.
When to Use:
 Bathing residents who are partially weight bearing, have good sitting balance, can use
 upper extremities (have upper body strength), are cooperative, and can follow instruc-
 tions. Independent residents can also use these devices.
Points to Remember:
 To reduce friction and possible skin tears, use clothing or material between the
 resident’s skin and the board. Can be used with a gait or transfer belt and/or
 grab bars to aid transfer. Back support and vinyl padded seats add to bathing
 comfort. Look for devices that allow for water drainage and have height-
 adjustable legs. May not be suitable for heavy residents. If wheelchair is used,
 ensure wheels are locked, the transfer surfaces are at the same level, and device
 is securely in place and rated for weight to be transferred. Remove arms and
 foot rests from chairs as appropriate and ensure that floor is dry.

Bathtub, Shower,
and Toileting Activities
 Grab bars and stand assists; can be fixed or mobile.
 Long-handled or extended shower heads, or brushes can be used for
 personal hygiene.
When to Use:
 Bars and assists help when toileting, bathing, and/ or showering residents
 who need extra support and security. Residents must be partially weight
 bearing, able to use upper extremities (have upper body strength), and be
 Long-handled devices reduce the amount of bending, reaching, and
 twisting required by the caregiver when washing feet, legs, and trunk of
 residents. Independent residents who have difficulty reaching lower
 extremities can also use these devices.
Points to Remember:
 Movable grab bars on toilets minimize workplace congestion.
 Ensure bars are securely fastened to wall before use.

                                                                   Guidelines for Nursing Homes   25
Bathtub, Shower,                                             Bathtub, Shower,
and Toileting Activities                                     and Toileting Activities

Description:                                                 Description:
 Height adjustable                                            Built-in or fixed
 shower gurney or lift                                        bath lifts.
 bath cart with                                              When to Use:
 waterproof top.                                              Bathing residents
When to Use:                                                  who are partially
 For bathing non-                                             weight bearing,
 weight bearing                                               have good sitting
 residents who are                                            balance, can use
 unable to sit up.                                            upper extremities
 Transfer resident to                                         (have upper body
 cart with lift or lateral                                    strength), are cooperative, and can
 transfer boards or other                                     follow instructions. Useful in small bathrooms where
 friction-reducing devices.                                   space is limited.

Points to Remember:                                          Points to Remember:
 The cart can be raised to eliminate bending and              Ensure that seat raises so resident’s feet clear tub, easily
 reaching to the caregiver. Foot and head supports            rotates, and lowers resident into water. May not be
 are available for resident comfort. May not be               suitable for heavy residents. Always ensure lifting de-
 suitable for bariatric residents. Look for carts that        vice is in good working order before use and rated for
 are power-driven to reduce force required to move            the resident weight. Choose device with lift mechanism
 and position device.                                         that does not require excessive effort by caregiver
                                                              when raising and lowering device.

                       26     Guidelines for Nursing Homes
A Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions for
Activities Other than Resident Lifting and Repositioning

                      Some reports indicate a significant     the task, by discussing with employees
                  number of work-related MSDs in              the activities and conditions that
                  nursing homes occur in activities           they associate with difficulties, and
                  other than resident lifting. (2, 3)         checking injury records. Observation
                  Examples of some of the activities          provides general information about
                  that the nursing home operator may          the workstation layout, tools,
                  want to review are:                         equipment, and general environmental
                  ■ bending to make a bed or feed a           conditions in the workplace.
                      resident;                               Discussing tasks with employees
                  ■ lifting food trays above shoulder         helps to ensure that a complete
                      level or below knee level;              picture of the process is obtained.
                  ■ collecting waste;                         Employees who perform a given task
                  ■ pushing heavy carts;                      are also often the best sources for
                  ■ bending to remove items from a            identifying the cause of a problem,
                      deep cart;                              and developing the most practical
                  ■ lifting and carrying when receiving       and effective solutions. Once
                      and stocking supplies;                  information is obtained and problems
                  ■ bending and manually cranking             identified, suitable improvements can
                      an adjustable bed; and                  be implemented. Finally, there are a
                  ■ removing laundry from washing             number of resources available to help
                  machines and dryers.                        determine if specific activities have
                  These tasks may not present                 the potential for causing injuries. For
                  problems in all circumstances.              example, support is available from
                  Employers should consider the               OSHA’s consultation program,
                  duration, frequency, and magnitude          insurance companies, and state
                  of employee exposure to forceful            workers’ compensation programs.
                  exertions, repetitive activities, and       The following are examples of
                  awkward postures when determining           possible solutions for activities other
                  if problems exist in these and other        than resident lifting and repositioning.
                  areas. In the vast majority of cases,
                  job assessments can be accomplished
                  by observing employees performing

                                               Guidelines for Nursing Homes   27
Storage and Transfer of Food,                               Mobile Medical
Supplies, and Medications                                   Equipment
Description:                                                Description:
 Use of carts.                                               Work methods and tools to
When to Use:                                                 transport equipment.
 When moving food trays,                                    When to Use:
 cleaning supplies,                                          When transporting assistive
 equipment, maintenance                                      devices and other equipment.
 tools, and dispensing                                      Points to Remember:
 medications.                                                • Oxygen tanks: Use small
Points to Remember:                                          cylinders with handles to
 Speeds process for accessing and storing                    reduce weight and allow for easier gripping. Secure
 items. Placement of items on the cart should keep the       oxygen tanks to transport device.
 most frequently used and heavy items within easy           • Medication pumps: Use stands on wheels.
 reach between hip and shoulder height. Carts should        • Transporting equipment: Push equipment, rather than
 have full-bearing wheels of a material designed for the     pull, when possible. Keep arms close to the body and
 floor surface in your facility. Cart handles that are       push with whole body and not just arms. Remove
 vertical, with some horizontal adjustability, will allow    unnecessary objects to minimize weight. Avoid obstacles
 all employees to push at elbow height and shoulder          that could cause abrupt stops. Place equipment on a
 width. Carts should have wheel locks. Handles that          rolling device if possible. Take defective equipment out of
 can swing out of the way may be useful for saving           service. Perform routine maintenance on all equipment.
 space or reducing reach. Heavy carts should have           • Ensure that when moving and transporting residents,
 brakes. Balance loads and keep loads under cart             additional equipment such as oxygen tanks and IV/
 weight restrictions. Ensure stack height does not           medication poles are attached to wheelchairs or gurneys
 block vision. Low profile medication carts with easy-       or moved by another caregiver to avoid awkwardly
 open side drawers are recommended to accommodate            pushing with one hand and holding freestanding
 hand height of shorter nurses.                              equipment with the other hand.

Working with Liquids in                                     Working with Liquids in
Housekeeping                                                Housekeeping
Description:                                                Description:
 Filling and                                                 Filling and emptying liquids
 emptying liquids                                            from containers.
 from containers.                                           When to Use:
When to Use:                                                 In dietary when pouring
 In housekeeping                                             soups or other liquid foods
 areas when filling                                          that are heavy.
 and emptying                                               Points to Remember:
 buckets with                                                Reduces risk of spills and
 floor drain                                                 burns, speeds process, and
 arrangements.                                               reduces waste.
Points to Remember:                                          Use an elevated faucet or hose to fill large pots. Avoid
 Reduces risk of spills, slips, speeds process, and          lifting heavy pots filled with liquids. Use ladle to empty
 reduces waste. The faucet and floor drain is used in        liquids, soups, etc., from pots. Small sauce pans can also
 housekeeping. Ensure that casters don’t get stuck in        be used to dip liquids from pots. If the worker stands
 floor grate. Use hose to fill bucket. Use buckets with      for more than 2 hours per day, shock-absorbing floors
 casters to move mop bucket around. Ensure casters           or insoles will minimize back and leg strain. With hot
 are maintained and roll easily.                             liquids, ensure a splash guard is included.

                      28    Guidelines for Nursing Homes
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