Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...

Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...

Hampshire Governor Services
Training & Development Programme

Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...
Hampshire Governor Services
             Training & Development Programme
           Introduction                                                  3
           Training Courses for 2021-22                                  5
           Course details – summary of content, event dates and venues   9
              New to Governance                                          9
              Leadership Roles                                           16
              Continued Training and Development                         23
              Conferences                                                35
              E-learning                                                 36
              Whole Governing Body Training                              37
           Course booking arrangements, event evaluation and feedback    43
           Appendices                                                    46
              (i) Payment Options                                        47
              (ii) Cancellation Policy                                   48
              (iii) Course Venues                                        49
              (iv) Contact Details                                       50

Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...
Welcome to the Training and Development Programme for 2021/22. This booklet gives details of
the pre-planned programme for the year which will be delivered through a blend of venue based
(face-to-face) training and webinars. Please check GovernorHub and correspondence from Governor
Services for up to date information in relation to face-to-face training which may be subject to
change in line with Government advice.

The pace of change in education is very fast and so we will, of course, be adding additional events, briefings
and topics throughout the year to support governing bodies and to ensure access to a current and relevant
training offer.

To get the best value from this broad and comprehensive training offer, governing bodies should regularly
review their performance and level of skills or knowledge to ensure the board can deliver effective
governance that is focussed on pupils and school improvement. We suggest that the governing body
conducts a skills audit and updates it regularly. There is a governing body self evaluation tool and example
skills audit on our website to support this.

This training and development programme supports the designated training governor lead by enabling a
training plan for the governing body to be drawn up. The plan should focus on what the governing body needs
to ensure effective governance as well as what courses governors want to attend. This programme has been
structured in three main sections; courses for those new to governance, courses for those with a designated
leadership role and courses relevant to committee membership or those with a designated responsibility.

By choosing to be a subscriber to our provision you are helping to ensure that you will be able to access the
breadth and quality of the support service. Even if you think that your training needs are likely to be less this
year, by supporting us through taking out a subscription to our services, this will help to make sure that we
can maintain the current level of provision for those times when you do need it.

As well as access to the range of training courses within this programme, subscribers receive access to
the following advice and support services:

• Whole governing body training session at the school;
• Fast, reliable, responsive, friendly support by email, telephone or in person to all those involved in
  governance in schools, academies, and education centres;
• Termly e-newsletters, fortnightly updates and guidance documents;
• Knowledgeable, sensible advice based on many years of working in governance;
• Comprehensive website of resources and information;
• Extensive databank of policies, documents and guidance linked to national regulations;
• Topical ‘What’s new?’ area and specialist areas for clerks and Development and Training Governors on
  our website;
• E-learning for crisis situations and key governor responsibilities.

Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...
Governing bodies can also purchase:

               • Clerking services to individual schools, academies and education centres;
               • Reviews of governance;
               • An externally moderated Clerks’ Accreditation Programme;
               • Bespoke consultancy services to support development.

               Developing Good Governance – a Guide for Development and Training Governors is available on
               our website. Development and Training Governors will find it particularly useful, but it has a lot of
               relevant information for anyone on your governing body who is interested in such things as:

               • information about skills audits;
               • ideas for school-based induction;
               • a suggested “route-map” through training for governors;
               • tips for helping new clerks, chairs, vice-chairs and advice on relevant development and training in their roles;
               • ways to identify training needs and get commitment to training;
               • a strategy for ensuring the work of the governing body benefits from training attended;
               • clarification of administrative procedures;
               • Ofsted’s expectations of governing bodies.

               We will continue to be as flexible as possible in responding to new developments and always welcome input
               from governors on the content of our provision or individual events. The termly training programme will
               highlight any additions or amendments to the courses on offer since this programme was printed. Up to date
               information is also available on our website.

               We hope this programme does meet your training needs but if you do have any comments or suggestions
               please contact the Governor Services office or alternatively, our website has an easy to use message form.

               Mandy Parsons, Head of Governor Services

Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...
FOR 2021-2022
Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...
Training courses
               available for 2021-2022
               New to Governance: Essential courses for all governors
               GT100     Induction for New Governors                                                          9
               GT102     Holding Leaders to Account                                                           10
               GT103     Understanding Data in Primary Schools                                                11
               GT104     Data Masterclass for Secondary Governors                                             11
               GT105     Safeguarding Children                                                                12
               GT106     Ofsted                                                                               12
               GT107     Understanding Finance in Schools                                                     13
               GT108     Introduction to Academy Finance                                                      13
               GT109     Understanding Personnel Matters                                                      14
               GT110     Understanding the Governors’ Role in Monitoring and Evaluating SEND                  14
               GT111     Understanding the Special School Governors’ Role in Monitoring and Evaluating SEND   15
               GT112     Understanding the Primary Curriculum                                                 15

               Leadership Roles: Key courses for those with a designated leadership role
               GT113     Development for Chairs                                                               16
               GT114     Chairing Matters 1 – Chairs and Headteacher: Working Together                        16
               GT115     Chairing Matters 2 – Improving the School                                            17
               GT116     Chairing Matters 3 – Leading the Business for Effective Governance                   17
               GT117     Chairs’ Network Meetings                                                             17
               GT118     Leading Governance Programme                                                         18
               GT119     Development for DTGs                                                                 19
               GT120     Development and Training Governor (DTG) Meetings                                     19
               GT121     Development for Clerks                                                               20
               GT122     Clerks’ Support Meetings                                                             21
               GT123     The Accredited Clerk                                                                 22
Course index

Hampshire Governor Services - Training & Development Programme 2021-2022 - hants.gov.uk/governors - Hampshire ...
Continued Training and Development: Courses relevant to committee roles or designated
governor responsibilities

GT124        Strategic Leadership                                                       23
GT125        Policies – Evaluating Their Impact                                         23
GT126        Handling and Resolving Complaints                                          24
GT127        Exclusion Practice and Procedures                                          24
GT128        Effective Use of Pupil Premium                                             25
GT129        Behaviour Management – The Governors’ Role                                 25
GT130        Promoting Equality and Diversity                                           26
GT131        Pupil Wellbeing in Primary Schools                                         26
GT132        Pupil Wellbeing in Secondary Schools                                       27
GT133        Pupil Voice (Primary)                                                      27
GT134        Pupil Voice (Secondary)                                                    28
GT135        Early Years Foundation Stage                                               28
GT136        Monitoring and Evaluating Safeguarding Culture                             29
GT137        Tackling Bullying in Schools – The Governors’ Role                         29
GT138        Performance Management Training                                            30
GT139        Safer Recruitment Workshop                                                 31
GT140        Staff Wellbeing                                                            31
GT141        The Governors’ Role in Employment Matters                                  32
GT142        Personnel in Academies: Exercising the Freedoms                            32
GT143        Strategic Finance in Schools                                               33
GT144        Academy Finance Workshop                                                   33
GT145        School Buildings                                                           34
GT146        Understanding Health and Safety in Schools                                 34

Conferences                                                                             35

E-learning                                                                              36

Whole Governing Body Training                                                           37
                                                                                             Course index

Competency Framework
                                      for Governance
                                                                                                                   1. Strategic
                                      The Department for Education has produced
                                      a Competency Framework for Governance
                                      which defines the knowledge, skills and
                                      behaviours required for effective governance.               6. Evaluation                    2. Accountability
                                      The framework is made up of 16 competencies
                                      underpinned by a foundation of important                                     Principles
                                      principles and personal attributes, which have                              and personal
                                      been grouped according to the six features of                                attributes
                                      effective governance set out in the Governance
                                      Handbook: Strategic Leadership, Accountability,            5. Compliance                        3. People
                                      People, Structures, Compliance and Evaluation.
                                      Each course in this programme has been
                                      mapped to the competency framework, enabling
                                                                                                                  4. Structures
                                      governing bodies to plan their training and
                                      develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours
                                      of their board.

                                      Briefings will be scheduled and publicised when a need arises and they will cover major changes in
                                      legislation as well as new Local Authority initiatives relevant to governors.

                                      Training Provision for Church Schools
                                      Hampshire County Council liaises closely with Winchester and Portsmouth CE Diocese and Portsmouth RC
                                      Diocese in addressing the needs of governors from voluntary controlled and voluntary aided schools. The
                                      induction programme is recommended by the Dioceses as a starting point for all their governors.

                                      Specific training for church schools can be provided by Diocesan Officers through the governing body’s whole
                                      governing body training entitlement. If you wish to pursue this option, please contact Governor Services.

                                      Training Provision for Academies
                                      Hampshire Governor Services is committed to offering training provision for academy governors. The
                                      Induction courses provides the fundamentals for the role, other courses as indicated throughout the directory
                                      are also relevant to academy governors and we also provide bespoke training. Please contact your local office
Competency Framework for Governance

                                      for further advice.

                                      To help you select the right course for your establishment the following symbols are used:

                                      INF – Infant           PRI    – Primary            SPE – Special            EDU – Education Centre

                                      JUN – Junior           SEC – Secondary            ACA – Academy

New to Governance: Essential courses for all governors
Courses in this section will be beneficial for all governors to complete within their first year to eighteen
months in the role. These courses provide an overview of the key roles and responsibilities of governors.

  GT100         Induction for New Governors

 Who will benefit?               All new governors.
 What will you learn?            This is an essential course for all new governors. This course will develop your
 Pre-course reading              understanding of the key roles and responsibilities of governors and how
                                 to discharge these effectively through the work of the governing body. The
 Post-course info                course will explore the three core functions of the governing body: setting
                                 the strategic direction, holding school leaders to account and ensuring
                                 financial probity; what this means in practice and how governors can work
                                 together to maximise the impact for pupils in the school. It will focus on how
                                 to get to know the school, and explain how governors should access and use
                                 appropriate information to actively participate in school improvement.
 Attendance options              Webinar
                                 Venue Based: one day or two evenings (lunch is provided on the full day session
                                 and a light supper provided for the evening sessions).

GT100A              Tues 27 Apr 2021               09:30-13:00     Webinar
GT100B              Thurs 06 & 13 May 2021         19:00-20:30     Webinar
GT100C              Sat 15 May 2021                09:30-16:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
GT100D              Fri 21 May 2021                09:30-13:00     Webinar
GT100E              Wed 09 Jun 2021                09:30-16:30     Fareham Innovation Centre
GT100F              Mon 14 & 21 Jun 2021           19:00-20:30     Webinar
GT100G              Thurs 24 Jun 2021              09:30-16:30     The Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke
GT100H              Fri 09 Jul 2021                09:30-16:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre
GT100I              Wed 15 & 22 Sep 2021           18:00-21:30     Holiday Inn, Farnborough
GT100J              Fri 01 Oct 2021                09:30-13:00     Webinar
GT100K              Sat 09 Oct 2021                09:30-16:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre
GT100L              Thurs 14 Oct 2021              09:30-16:30     The Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke
GT100M              Wed 03 Nov 2021                09:30-13:00     Webinar
GT100N              Sat 13 Nov 2021                09:30-16:30     Alton Maltings Centre
GT100O              Fri 19 Nov 2021                09:30-16:30     Winchester Professional Centre
                                                                                                                    New to Governance

GT100P              Mon 06 Dec 2021                09:30-13:00     Webinar
GT100Q              Thurs 13 Jan 2022              09:30-16:30     Fareham Innovation Centre
GT100R              Tues 18 & 25 Jan 2022          19:00-20:30     Webinar
GT100S              Sat 05 Feb 2022                09:30-16:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester

GT100         Induction for New Governors (continued)

                    GT100T         Thurs 17 Feb 2022             09:30-16:30     Holiday Inn, Farnborough
                    GT100U         Wed 02 & 09 Mar 2022          18:00-21:30     Lyndhurst Community Centre
                    GT100V         Sat 19 Mar 2022               09:30-16:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre
                    GT100W         Fri 25 Mar 2022               09:30-13:00     Webinar

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £225 (per person)

                    GT102         Holding Leaders to Account
                    INF JUN       PRI    SEC SPE ACA EDU

                    Who will benefit?           This course is designed to benefit governors 12-18 months after they have
                                                attended Induction for New Governors.
                    What will you learn?        This course explores the governors’ strategic role and the governing body’s
                    Pre-course reading          responsibility for holding school leaders to account. The course will examine
                                                how governors can contribute to successful school improvement planning,
                                                monitoring and evaluation. It will enable governors to develop effective
                                                questioning techniques and equip them with the skills to hold the school to
                    Attendance options          Webinar
                                                Venue Based: One day or two evening sessions (lunch is provided on the full
                                                day session).

                    GT102A          Wed 05 May 2021               09:30-13:00     Webinar
                    GT102B          Wed 30 Jun & 07 Jul 2021      19:00-21:30     Lyndhurst Community Centre
                    GT102C          Fri 08 Oct 2021               09:30-13:00     Webinar
                    GT102D          Wed 17 Nov 2021               09:30-15:30     Holiday Inn, Farnborough
                    GT102E          Thurs 27 Jan & 03 Feb 2022    19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
                    GT102F          Tues 15 Mar 2022              09:30-13:00     Webinar

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £225 (per person)

                      Really impressed by the content and the
                      way the course was tailored to the audience.
                      All questions raised were expertly dealt
New to Governance

                      with, both trainers demonstrated in depth                 Group tasks were well thought out, resourced
                      knowledge. Really excellent day, would                    and supported the learning objectives. Thank
                      recommend to others.                                      you so much for this course, it was excellent.
                      Induction for New Governors                               Holding Leaders to Account

GT103         Understanding Data in Primary Schools

Who will benefit?          All governors from settings providing primary education.
What will you learn?       School performance data is one of the most useful tools for governors in
                           understanding strengths and weaknesses of curriculum provision, teaching
                           and pupil attainment/progress. This session will give an overview of different
                           performance data that is available to school governors and develop your
                           understanding of how pupils in the primary phase are assessed. It will empower
                           you to ask the right questions of your school leadership team to enable you to
                           hold senior leaders to account.
Attendance options         Webinar

GT103A          Tues 08 Jun 2021              19:00-20:30     Webinar
GT103B          Thurs 18 Nov 2021             19:00-20:30     Webinar
GT103C          Mon 31 Jan 2022               19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT104          Data Masterclass for Secondary Governors

Who will benefit?          All governors from settings providing secondary education.
What will you learn?       To shape strategic school development, an understanding of the school
Secondary seminar series   performance data is one of the most useful tools for governors in order to
                           support and challenge effectively. This data masterclass will build on a basic
                           understanding of school data to explore your school and gain understanding
                           of how to analyse strengths and weaknesses of pupil progress as well as
                           empowering you to ask the right questions of your school leadership team. You
                           will explore some of the different data analysis available to you in order to see
                           trends and review outcomes for different groups of pupils in order that you can
                           help provide support and challenge for leadership impact on outcomes.
Attendance options         Webinar

GT104A          Wed 01 Dec 2021               19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                               New to Governance

  The tutor was very clear. Whilst I normally think something is missed in not attending training in person
  I found this webinar provided good clarity.
  Data Masterclass for Secondary Governors (webinar)

GT105         Safeguarding Children
                    INF JUN        PRI      SEC SPE ACA EDU

                    Who will benefit?           Governors from all types of schools, particularly the person who would need to
                                                act if an allegation was made against the headteacher.
                    What will you learn?        This course will cover the legislation and key guidance around child protection,
                    Pre-course e-learning       and the need to make it a priority. Delegates will explore governing body
                                                responsibilities, including ensuring procedures are in place, and monitoring
                                                and evaluating their effectiveness. This course does not cover safer recruitment,
                                                which is covered in the Safer Recruitment Workshop.
                    Attendance options          Webinar
                                                Venue Based: One evening session.

                    GT105A          Mon 26 Apr 2021               19:00-20:30     Webinar
                    GT105B          Tues 12 Oct 2021              19:00-21:30     Holiday Inn, Farnborough
                    GT105C          Tues 15 Feb 2022              19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester

                                                                                               Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                    GT106         Ofsted
                    INF JUN        PRI      SEC SPE ACA EDU

                    Who will benefit?           All governors.
                    What will you learn?        This course provides information on how Ofsted assesses schools based on the
                                                education inspection framework. It covers each of the principal judgements
                                                inspectors will make and you will have the opportunity to consider the
                                                evidence looked for when making each of the judgements. It will also highlight
                                                in detail the key considerations for governors around the quality of Leadership
                                                and Management of their school.
                    Attendance options          Webinar

                    GT106A          Thurs 27 May 2021             19:00-20:30     Webinar
                    GT106B          Mon 08 Nov 2021               19:00-20:30     Webinar
                    GT106C          Wed 02 Mar 2022               19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                                               Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
New to Governance

                      Clear explanation of new framework. Simple                Really thought provoking and has already
                      yet effective presentation slides backed up               made me think of a question that I would like
                      by knowledgeable discussion from tutors.                  to clarify regarding one of our school policies.
                      Ofsted (webinar)                                          Safeguarding

GT107          Understanding Finance in Schools

Who will benefit?             All maintained school governors.
What will you learn?          This course provides an introduction to school finance. It will cover school
                              funding, budget planning and monitoring, develop your understanding of
Pre-course e-learning
                              financial management reports and identify what is expected of governors
Post-course info              in overseeing the use of public money. This is an introductory course to
                              school finance and needs to be completed before attending Strategic Finance
                              in Schools.
Attendance options            Webinar
                              Venue Based: Morning or evening sessions.

GT107A             Mon 10 May 2021              09:30-13:00      Webinar
GT107B             Thurs 10 Jun 2021            19:00-21:30      Everest Community Academy
GT107C             Wed 13 Oct 2021              19:00-21:30      Peta Training & Conference Centre
GT107D             Wed 17 & 24 Nov 2021         19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT107E             Wed 26 Jan 2022              09:30-13:00      Webinar
GT107F             Tues 08 Feb 2022             19:00-21:30      Lyndhurst Community Centre
GT107G             Mon 21 & 28 Mar 2022         19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT108          Introduction to Academy Finance

Who will benefit?             Governors and Trustees from academies.
What will you learn?          This course focuses on the financial responsibilities of governors, directors and
                              trustees. It is designed to demonstrate how governors, directors and trustees
                              with non-financial backgrounds can and should actively participate in financial
                              planning, monitoring and reporting matters in academies.
Attendance options            Webinar

GT108A             Wed 13 Oct 2021              19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                                  New to Governance

  A very good insight into school finance for a new governor.
  Understanding Finance in Schools

GT109         Understanding Personnel Matters
                    INF JUN        PRI      SEC SPE ACA EDU

                    Who will benefit?           All new governors.
                    What will you learn?        You will develop your understanding of personnel matters in the education
                                                context. This course will introduce the key responsibilities for governing
                                                bodies in employment matters, with a focus on establishing the employment
                                                relationship to include: recruitment, the key elements of safer recruitment,
                                                employment status, teaching and support staff terms and conditions, individual
                                                rights and discrimination.

                                                Please note: This course is not a replacement for the Safer Recruitment
                                                course and does not provide accreditation.
                    Attendance options          Webinar

                    GT109A          Mon 17 May 2021               19:00-20:30     Webinar
                    GT109B          Tues 16 Nov 2021              19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                                              Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                                  Understanding the Governors’ Role in Monitoring
                                  and Evaluating SEND
                    INF JUN        PRI      SEC ACA EDU

                    Who will benefit?           All new governors.
                    What will you learn?        This course will cover the responsibilities of governing bodies in respect of
                                                children with special educational needs and disabilities and how effective
                    Pre-course e-learning
                                                provision is made in schools. You will explore in detail the governors’ role in
                                                monitoring and evaluating the impact of the school’s provision for children
                                                with special educational needs and disabilities, through a range of discussions
                                                and activities.
                    Attendance options          Venue Based: One evening session.

                    GT110A          Mon 07 Jun 2021               19:00-21:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre
                    GT110B          Wed 29 Sep 2021               19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
                    GT110C          Tues 01 Feb 2022              19:00-21:30     Holiday Inn, Farnborough

                                                                                              Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
New to Governance

                      Excellent session, well presented and engaging. Good examples of real life case studies.
                      Understanding Personnel Matters

Understanding the Special School Governors’ Role
              in Monitoring and Evaluating SEND

Who will benefit?           New governors from special schools.
What will you learn?        This interactive course will cover the responsibilities of governors in a special
Pre-course e-learning       school setting for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the school’s
                            provision through a range of discussions and activities.
Attendance options          Webinar

GT111A          Thurs 01 July 2021             19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                            Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT112         Understanding the Primary Curriculum

Who will benefit?           All new and inexperienced governors from settings providing primary
What will you learn?        You will develop your understanding of the curriculum so that you can play
                            an effective part in curriculum decisions. The course will cover governors’
                            responsibilities and good practice in discharging them. The training will also
                            include links with the Ofsted Inspection Framework that places an emphasis on
                            the quality of the broad and balanced curriculum.
Attendance options          Webinar

GT112A          Wed 28 Apr 2021                19:00-20:30     Webinar
GT112B          Mon 01 Nov 2021                19:00-20:30     Webinar
GT112C          Thurs 20 Jan 2022              19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                            Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                                New to Governance

  I thought the whole presentation was very good, informative and interesting. It provided a clear
  overview on the governor role and the contribution made by other governors via the chat was
  extremely beneficial.
  Understanding the Primary Curriculum (webinar)

Leadership Roles: Key courses for those with a designated leadership role
                   The courses in this section will be beneficial for those members of the governing body holding or aspiring to
                   hold a designated leadership role.

                    GT113          Development for Chairs
                    INF JUN        PRI      SEC SPE ACA EDU

                    Who will benefit?             New chairs, vice chairs and committee chairs. Aspiring chairs of the governing
                                                  body or committees would also benefit.
                    What will you learn?          Whether you are an established chair, a new chair or a prospective chair, this
                    Pre-course reading            course will support you in identifying, developing and adapting your leadership
                                                  style to ensure you get the most out of your team. You will work on managing
                    Post-course info              those important relationships with school leaders and other governors,
                                                  identifying difficult behaviours and how to address them. You will consider the
                                                  capacity of the board and its impact on the leadership of the school.
                    Attendance options
                                                  Venue Based: One day or two evening sessions (lunch is provided on the full day).

                    GT113A             Mon 04 & 11 Oct 2021         19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
                    GT113B             Fri 05 Nov 2021              09:30-15:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre
                    GT113C             Thurs 11 Nov 2021            09:30-13:00     Webinar

                                                                                               Non-subscribers: £225 (per person)

                                   Chairing Matters 1 – Chairs and Headteachers:
                                   Working Together
                    INF JUN        PRI      SEC SPE ACA EDU

                    Who will benefit?             New and experienced chairs of governors and headteachers. The course would
                                                  be most beneficial when chairs and headteachers attend together.
                    What will you learn?          This course will consider the pivotal relationship between the chair and
                                                  headteacher and how to ensure those regular meetings are focussed and
                    Pre-course reading
                                                  productive. Using the headteacher standards you will reflect on your current
                                                  working relationship and have an opportunity to develop your skills in tackling
                                                  difficult behaviour in a structured way. You will be able to consider the wider
                                                  board and how it demonstrates its responsibilities, accountability and the
                                                  impact it has on leadership in the school. We will consider the role of the vice
                                                  chair and potential opportunities for development into wider board leadership.
                    Attendance options            Webinar
                                                  Venue Based: One twilight session.

                    GT114A             Thurs 13 May 2021            16:30-18:00     Webinar
Leadership Roles

                    GT114B             Thurs 25 Nov 2021            16:30-19:00     Winchester Professional Centre

                                                                                                Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT115         Chairing Matters 2 – Improving the School

Who will benefit?          Chairs, vice chairs, committee chairs and aspiring chairs.
What will you learn?       You will consider your governance board as it stands and where it contributes to
Pre-course reading         the work of the school and identify areas where it could improve. You will identify
                           the blocks to progress and develop a strategy to improve the impact of the board,
                           consider relationships with school leaders and how they are crucial to effective school
                           improvement. We will consider the importance of good strategic planning and how
                           this can drive a successful leadership team that impacts positively on pupil outcomes.
Attendance options         Venue Based: One evening session.

GT115A          Wed 16 Feb 2022                19:00-21:30       Elizabeth II Court, Winchester

                                                                               Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

              Chairing Matters 3 – Leading the Business for
              Effective Governance

Who will benefit?          Chairs, vice chairs, committee chairs and aspiring chairs.
What will you learn?       This session will focus on the leadership skills and behaviours that impact positively on
Pre-course reading         relationships. It will give you the opportunity to examine the very basis of the work of
                           the governing body, consider current and potential structures, and explore different
                           ways of working. When the need for change is identified, you will develop necessary
                           skills in managing people through change and understanding how to evaluate the
                           impact. You will evaluate how you lead and manage meetings and how to work
                           effectively with your clerk.
Attendance options         Venue Based: One evening session.

GT116A          Tues 15 Jun 2021               19:00-21:30       Elizabeth II Court, Winchester

                                                                               Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT117         Chairs’ Network Meetings

Who will benefit?          Chairs and vice chairs.
What will you learn?       The Chairs’ Network Meetings take place twice-yearly and provide a valuable
                           opportunity to talk about District specific issues and share effective governance practice.
                           The meetings are facilitated by the Governor Services Coordinator for the District and
                                                                                                                         Leadership Roles

                           one meeting a year is attended by the District School Improvement Manager.
Attendance options         Please look out for dates to be advertised later in the year.

                                                                               Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT118 Leading
                               Governance Programme
                               Who will benefit?
                               The Leading Governance Programme will help Chairs, Vice Chairs, Committee Chairs and Development and
                               Training Governors to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours that will help you grow in your role.

                               What does the programme include?
                               Starting with a board self-evaluation exercise, the Leading Governance programme includes:

                               • A series of six webinars providing opportunities to explore the expectations of the Competency Framework
                                 for Governance and the impact it has in relation to the role of the chair and the board;
                               • An online coaching session to collaborate, network and learn with your peers;
                               • Opportunities to reflect on leadership practice;
                               • Accessible interactive online content including online discussion forums for peer networking and support.

                               Duration and Cost
                               The programme is designed to be completed over an eight month period, with attendance at all six
                               webinars required. It is FREE to subscribing schools. The cost of the complete programme for non-
                               subscribing schools is £825.

                               Register your Interest
                               If you would like to register your interest in joining the next programme, please email
Leading Governance Programme

Development and Training Governors
GT119       Development for DTGs

Who will benefit?       New Development and Training Governors (DTGs) and those engaging in this
                        role wishing to update their skills.
What will you learn?    This course will explore how the DTG can work with their governors to identify
                        their training and development needs, from the time they join the governing
                        body, through their induction and then as they take on more specialist
                        responsibilities. It will also give delegates an opportunity to work with some
                        of the tools that are available to support them in their role, including training
                        needs analysis, skills audits, governing body self evaluation, school based
                        induction, succession planning and vacancy management. It will equip
                        them with the skills to help ensure that their governors are well trained and
                        knowledgeable so that they can effectively support their school in delivering
                        the best outcomes for their pupils.
Attendance options      Webinar
                        Venue Based: One day session (lunch is provided).

GT119A       Tues 02 & 09 Nov 2021        19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT119B       Fri 11 Mar 2022              09:30-15:30      Winchester Professional Centre

                                                                      Non-subscribers: £225 (per person)

GT120       Development and Training Governor (DTG) Meetings

Who will benefit?       All Development and Training Governors (DTGs).
What will you learn?    These meetings give DTGs the opportunity to discuss the development of the
                        training programme with a member of the Governor Services team. Part of the
                        session will also be used for development work, exploring different aspects
                        of the DTG role and sharing good practice. Through these meetings DTGs are
                        consulted on training provision and can feed back on its impact.
Attendance options      Webinar

GT120A       Tues 11 May 2021             19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT120B       Thurs 20 May 2021            19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT120C       Wed 06 Oct 2021              19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT120D       Thurs 14 Oct 2021            19:00-20:30      Webinar
                                                                                                            Leadership Roles

                                                                       Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                   GT121         Development for Clerks
                   INF JUN       PRI    SEC SPE ACA EDU

                   Who will benefit?          All clerks.
                   What will you learn?       This programme offers an important development opportunity that covers the
                   Blended learning           main roles of governing bodies, clerking in practice, the legal frameworks for
                   supported through          different settings, as well as providing you with the skills to play a proactive part
                   an online platform         in developing the practice of the boards for which you clerk.
                   Attendance options         Venue Based: Two full day sessions (lunch will be provided).

                                Fri 30 Apr 2021                  09:30-13:30      Webinar (part 1)
                                & Fri 17 Sep 2021                09:30-16:30      Winchester Professional Centre (part 2)
                                Fri 10 Sep 2021
                   GT121B                                        09:30-16:30      Winchester Professional Centre
                                & Fri 21 Jan 2022
                                Fri 14 Jan 2022
                   GT121C                                        09:30-16:30      Winchester Professional Centre
                                & Fri 06 May 2022

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £450 (per person)
Leadership Roles

                     The whole course was informative, and evenly paced, it was all relevant and excellently delivered.
                     The practical elements such as agenda setting were clear and concise.
                     Development for Clerks

GT122      Clerks’ Support Meetings

Who will benefit?           All clerks.
What will you learn?        These events provide continuing support and development for all clerks. They
                            are practical sessions which cover such topics as new legislation, good practice,
                            managing governors’ workloads and other topics which may be of interest
                            to clerks. Part of each meeting will help support the Clerks’ Accreditation

                            Please note that the content of the sessions in the autumn term and
                            spring term are different so attendance at both is recommended.
Attendance options          Webinar
                            Venue Based: One morning or evening session.

GT122A     Tues 07 Sep 2021                  19:00-21:00      Everest Community Academy
GT122B     Thurs 09 Sep 2021                 10:00-12:00      Holiday Inn, Farnborough
GT122C     Mon13 Sep 2021                    19:00-21:00      Peta Training & Conference Centre
GT122D     Thurs 16 Sep 2021                 19:00-21:00      Lyndhurst Community Centre
GT122E     Fri 24 Sep 2021                   10:00-12:00      Winchester Professional Centre
GT122F     Mon 28 Feb 2022                   19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT122G     Tues 08 Mar 2022                  19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT122H     Mon 14 Mar 2022                   10:00-11:30      Webinar
GT122I     Wed 16 Mar 2022                   19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT122J     Thurs 24 Mar 2022                 10:00-11:30      Webinar

                                                                           Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                                                            I found the points covered interesting, and it
                                                            was attended by mix of new and experienced
  A really useful opportunity to interact with              clerks. Being a newbie it can all seem a
  other clerks, the breakout rooms worked well              bit daunting, but listening to established
                                                                                                                Leadership Roles

  and provided opportunity to share tips with               clerks share some of the same problems, or
  other clerks.                                             empathise with them, was really reassuring.
  Clerks Support Meetings                                   Clerks Support Meetings

                       The Accredited Clerk
                       Why become an Accredited Clerk?
                       The importance of professional clerking has never been greater. Schools have been given increased freedoms
                       and greater accountability and the government has recognised that the contribution professional clerking
                       can make to effective governance of schools is very significant. The Accredited Clerk (TAC) Programme is an
                       evidenced based assessment against national competence standards.

                       What is the difference between Training and Accreditation?
                       When people are learning a new skill, like driving, they undertake training to help them to develop the
                       necessary skills and knowledge. When they reach a competent level they take a ‘test’ to prove that they
                       are fully competent. Accreditation is an assessment process that enables clerks to undertake self-directed
                       learning, and to develop and demonstrate professional practice. That practice is evidenced through an
                       assessed portfolio tested against national standards.

                       What does the programme entail?
                       The standards are built around the key elements of the clerk’s role as follows:

                       • Administration practice                                 • Performance and professional development
                       • Educational awareness and principles of                 • Enabling effective governance
                         legal knowledge
                                                                                 • Supporting the company secretary (optional for
                       • Supporting and advising a governance body                 academy and free school clerks)
                       • Communication and relationships

                       The programme involves attending a briefing, and candidates have access to programme resources including
                       guidance on how to build a portfolio against competence standards. Candidates are allocated a mentor or
                       assessor who will provide support and advice throughout the programme. Portfolios are internally moderated
                       and there is external quality control of the assessment process and certification. Successful candidates achieve
                       a Level 3 certificate in Clerking for Governance Bodies in Schools and Academies (awarded by SFJ Awards).

                       It is important each clerk has the support of both the chair of the governance board and the headteacher as
                       they will be asked to complete a short questionnaire as an essential part of the process.

                       Participation in the Accreditation Programme is a requirement for clerks who are employed by Hampshire
                       Governor Services. Clerks employed independently by schools and academies are encouraged to participate.

                       If you wish to find out more about our programme, including the costs, please contact
                       governors@hants.gov.uk or visit our website: www.hants.gov.uk/accreditedclerk for dates of the next
The Accredited Clerk

                       briefing session.

Continued Training & Development: Courses relevant to committee roles or
designated governor responsibilities
Courses in this section are beneficial for governors’ continued learning and development. All governing bodies
should have a training and development plan which ensures governors on committees or governors holding
key designated roles plan to attend relevant training to develop their skills to undertake their role effectively.

Key courses relevant for all Governors
  GT124        Strategic Leadership

 Who will benefit?           All governors.
 What will you learn?        This course will cover the governors’ role in setting the school’s strategic
                             framework, which include determining a vision and strategic priorities for
                             the school in collaboration with senior leaders. There will be the opportunity
                             to explore how boards can ensure the culture, values and ethos are put into
                             practice, and how the work of the board should be organised to focus on
                             strategic issues.
 Attendance options          Webinar

 GT124A        Wed 16 Jun 2021                  19:00-20:30      Webinar
 GT124B        Mon 15 Nov 2021                  19:00-20:30      Webinar
 GT124C        Mon 07 Feb 2022                  19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

  GT125        Policies – Evaluating their Impact

 Who will benefit?           All governors.
 What will you learn?        Policies set the strategic framework within which the headteacher manages
                             the school. The review process is to ensure that the effectiveness and impact
                             of policies is monitored and evaluated. This course covers using sample
                             policies, how to monitor and evaluate policies and ways in which this can be
                             programmed into the work of the governing body.
 Attendance options          Webinar

 GT125A        Mon 11 Oct 2021                  19:00-20:30      Webinar
                                                                                                                     Continued Training

 GT125B        Wed 02 Feb 2022                  19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT126         Handling and Resolving Complaints
                     INF JUN       PRI    SEC SPE ACA EDU

                     Who will benefit?          All governors.
                     What will you learn?       This course will cover the principles of an effective complaints procedure to
                                                ensure that complaints about your school are resolved at the earliest possible
                                                stage. You will work step by step through the different stages in the complaints
                                                procedure, looking at DfE and Hampshire best practice guidance at the various
                                                stages. You will have the opportunity through exploring a series of case studies
                                                based on real life examples, to gain greater awareness of how complaints arise
                                                and develop your confidence in handling and resolving complaints by adapting
                                                your school’s procedure to address different types of complaints.
                     Attendance options         Webinar

                     GT126A       Mon 24 May 2021                 19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                                                Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                     GT127          Exclusion Practice and Procedures
                     INF JUN       PRI    SEC SPE ACA

                     Who will benefit?          All governors, clerks (particularly those likely to be involved in governor
                                                discipline committee meetings) and headteachers.
                     What will you learn?       This course covers current government advice on exclusion legislation,
                     Pre-course reading         behaviour and discipline, good practice in handling pupil exclusion cases,
                                                current statutory processes, the role of the headteacher, the role of the
                                                governor discipline committee and the role of the Local Authority. The course
                                                will also outline good practice with regard to convening a governor discipline
                                                committee meeting and will have regard to the most recent national and local
                                                guidance issued to schools.
                     Attendance options         Webinar
                                                Venue Based: One evening session.

                     GT127A       Mon 27 Sep 2021                 19:00-21:30      Peta Training & Conference Centre
                     GT127B       Thurs 17 Mar 2022               19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                                                Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                                                                                 The whole course was interesting, well
                                                                                 managed and interactive. It highlighted
Continued Training

                       Particularly useful to understand the                     relevant parts of the complaints procedure that
                       legislation, the duties of governors                      governors should be aware of, and working
                       and the limits to our powers.                             through case studies was really helpful.
                       Exclusion Practice and Procedures                         Handling and Resolving Complaints (webinar)

Curriculum and Pupils
GT128        Effective Use of Pupil Premium

Who will benefit?         All governors.
What will you learn?      This course will benefit governors from all schools and will help governors to
                          understand the definition of disadvantaged pupils and receive more information
                          about the funding available to support them. This course will support governors
                          in understanding the role of the governing body and its accountability for Pupil
                          Premium. You will have the opportunity to explore whole-school strategies that have
                          been successful and effective, and increase your awareness of the data available to
                          support you in holding senior leaders to account by asking the right questions.
Attendance options        Webinar
                          Venue Based: One evening session.

GT128A      Thurs 17 Jun 2021               19:00-20:30       Webinar
GT128B      Tues 28 Sep 2021                19:00-21:30       Fareham Innovation Centre
GT128C      Wed 23 Mar 2022                 19:00-21:30       Holiday Inn, Farnborough

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT129        Behaviour Management – The Governors’ Role

Who will benefit?         All governors.
What will you learn?      This course will explore how governors can support schools in the development
                          of school policy and practice. You will discuss the DfE guidance for governors on
                          their roles and responsibilities with respect to ‘Behaviour & Discipline in School’
                          and reflect on how a statement of principles and a school behaviour policy
                          can promote good behaviour; learn about nationally recognised strategies that
                          positively impact on the classroom climate and promote good learning behaviours
                          and learn techniques and principles for promoting positive behaviour; all of which
                          will inform governors’ monitoring activities.
Attendance options        Webinar

GT129A      Tues 19 Oct 2021                19:00-20:30       Webinar

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                                Continued Training

  Every part was useful. The scenarios and discussions around them were particularly useful.
  Behaviour Management – The Governors’ Role (webinar)

GT130       Promoting Equality and Diversity
                     INF JUN     PRI     SEC SPE ACA EDU

                     Who will benefit?        All governors.
                     What will you learn?     This course is designed to offer governors an opportunity to consider and
                                              identify features of good practice across the curriculum and environment of the
                                              school in promoting equality and diversity agendas, and how this can further
                                              support the inclusive ethos of the school community.
                                              It will support you in fulfilling your duty under the Equality Act and Ofsted
                                              requirements and provide you with the tools to assess and audit the school’s
                                              current provision.
                     Attendance options       Venue Based: One evening session.

                     GT130A      Mon 22 Nov 2021                19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
                     GT130B      Thurs 17 Feb 2022              19:00-21:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                     GT131       Pupil Wellbeing in Primary Schools
                     INF JUN     PRI     SPE ACA EDU

                     Who will benefit?        Governors from all settings providing primary education.
                     What will you learn?     This course will highlight the importance of a whole school approach to
                                              addressing and promoting health and wellbeing within the current context.
                                              There will be opportunities to investigate factors which can impact on mental
                                              health and wellbeing, and discuss protective factors which schools can use to
                                              support those in need of help. You will consider roles, responsibilities and how
                                              you can monitor and evaluate the impact of the school’s strategies.
                     Attendance options       Venue Based: One evening session.

                     GT131A      Tues 25 May 2021               19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
                     GT131B      Wed 08 Dec 2021                19:00-21:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre
                     GT131C      Tues 22 Mar 2022               19:00-21:30     Holiday Inn, Farnborough

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
Continued Training

GT132         Pupil Wellbeing in Secondary Schools

Who will benefit?          Governors from all settings providing secondary education.
What will you learn?       This course will highlight the importance of a whole school approach to
Secondary seminar series   addressing and promoting health and wellbeing within the current context.
                           There will be opportunities to investigate factors which can impact on mental
                           health and wellbeing, and discuss protective factors which schools can use to
                           support those in need of help. You will consider roles, responsibilities and how
                           you can monitor and evaluate the impact of the school’s strategies.

Attendance options         Webinar
GT132A       Tues 22 Jun 2021                19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT133         Pupil Voice (Primary)

Who will benefit?          Governors from all settings providing primary education.
What will you learn?       This course will address how promoting pupil participation and engagement
                           improves outcomes for children and young people, and how pupil voice
                           contributes to governors’ duties under the Equality Act to foster good
                           relations between different groups in our school community. You will have the
                           opportunity to explore Ofsted’s expectations in terms of pupil voice, and how
                           you can monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of pupil voice in your school
                           environment in line with your duty as advocates for the Rights of Children and
                           Young People to “have a say in all matters that affect them and to have their
                           views taken seriously” (Article 12 United Nations Convention on the Rights of
                           the Child).
Attendance options         Webinar

GT133A       Mon 18 Oct 2021                 19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                              Continued Training

  Eye opening content, real food for thought. The whole course was really informative, and it has given
  me lots to think about in relation to pupil participation.
  Pupil Voice (Primary)

GT134           Pupil Voice (Secondary)
                     SEC SPE ACA EDU

                     Who will benefit?          Governors from all settings providing secondary education.
                     What will you learn?       This course will address how promoting pupil participation and engagement
                     Secondary seminar series   improves outcomes for children and young people, and how pupil voice
                                                contributes to governors’ duties under the Equality Act to foster good
                                                relations between different groups in our school community. You will have the
                                                opportunity to explore Ofsted’s expectations in terms of pupil voice, and how
                                                you can monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of pupil voice in your school
                                                environment in line with your duty as advocates for the Rights of Children and
                                                Young People to “have a say in all matters that affect them and to have their
                                                views taken seriously” (Article 12 United Nations Convention on the Rights of
                                                the Child).
                     Attendance options         Webinar

                     GT134A       Mon 24 Jan 2022                 19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                                               Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                     GT135           Early Years Foundation Stage
                     INF    PRI      SPE ACA EDU

                     Who will benefit?          Governors of nursery, infant and primary schools.
                     What will you learn?       This session will look at the statutory requirements related to young children’s
                                                learning and development and how governors can monitor and evaluate its
                                                implementation. It will include a focus on the key characteristics of effective
                                                teaching and learning, revised areas of learning and development and the
                                                assessment process in line with the latest statutory framework for the early
                                                years foundation stage.
                     Attendance options         Webinar

                     GT135A       Wed 09 Feb 2022                 19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                                               Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
Continued Training

                       Examples of pupil voice in action. Gave me some key questions to ask.
                       Pupil Voice

GT136        Monitoring and Evaluating Safeguarding Culture

Who will benefit?          All governors.
What will you learn?       This course provides governors with the opportunity to reflect on how they
                           evaluate whether their school has a strong safeguarding culture. The course will
                           include practical tips, advice on the type of questions to ask school leaders and
                           opportunities to share best practice. You will have the opportunity to reflect
                           on your safeguarding systems and practices; develop a better understanding
                           of how to test the effectiveness of your safeguarding culture; gain clarity of
                           the governors’ role in keeping children safe; plan monitoring activities and
                           improvements; and to learn about further information and guidance available.
Attendance options         Webinar
                           Venue Based: One evening session.

GT136A      Tues 29 Jun 2021                 19:00-21:30      Peta Training & Conference Centre
GT136B      Thurs 21 Oct 2021                19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT136C      Tues 08 Feb 2022                 19:00-21:30      Holiday Inn, Farnborough

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT137        Tackling Bullying in Schools – The Governors’ Role

Who will benefit?          All governors.
What will you learn?       This session will ensure that governors are familiar with definition, terminology
                           and best practice recommended by national and local guidance. The course
                           will also consider preventative strategies and restorative practice aimed at
                           building a commitment to equality. Governors will have the opportunity to
                           consider their role and statutory responsibilities, and how they will put these
                           into practice in their schools.
Attendance options         Webinar

GT137A      Thurs 29 Apr 2021                19:00-20:30      Webinar
GT137B      Wed 26 Jan 2022                  19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                          Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                               Continued Training

  It was a really useful course – all elements were valuable. There was a good focus on the governor
  role, and the sharing of best practice was useful for provoking thoughts on how to improve our
  processes and procedures.
  Tackling Bullying in Schools – The Governors’ Role

                     GT138         Performance Management Training
                     INF JUN       PRI    SEC SPE ACA EDU

                     Who will benefit?          Training should be undertaken by all newly appointed, or likely to be involved,
                                                members of the headteacher’s performance review panel.
                     What will you learn?       Governors will learn the role and responsibilities of the headteacher’s
                     Pre-course reading         performance management panel. You will learn how to manage the whole
                                                process starting with: before the meeting (preparation, agreeing roles and
                                                arrangements), during the meeting (the role of the external advisor, the
                                                timings, the conversations, behaviours, and the evidence), and after the
                                                meeting (dealing with unexpected outcomes, the difficult conversations,
                                                agreeing the way forward, the pay committee meeting). This session will build
                                                your confidence and skills in working as a panel with defined roles, through a
                                                statutory process.
                     Attendance options         Webinar

                     GT138A       Wed 30 Jun 2021                 09:30-13:00     Webinar
                     GT138B       Tues 06 & 13 Jul 2021           19:00-20:30     Webinar
                     GT138C       Wed 22 Sep 2021                 09:30-13:00     Webinar
                     GT138D       Thurs 30 Sep & 07 Oct 2021      19:00-20:30     Webinar
                     GT138E       Tues 05 Oct 2021                09:30-13:00     Webinar

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £225 (per person)

                                                            The procedures were very
                       The presenters were very             clearly set out. This is a             I found the information
                       quick to pick up and                 complex area and one                   on relationships within a
Continued Training

                       answer comments and                  which it is very important             meeting very useful and
                       questions.                           to get right.                          interesting.
                       Performance                          Performance                            Performance
                       Management (webinar)                 Management (webinar)                   Management (webinar)

GT139         Safer Recruitment Workshop

Who will benefit?          All governors. Headteachers should attend the courses on this topic offered
                           by Education Personnel Services as these are better tailored to their
                           management role.
What will you learn?       This course will enable governors to identify the key features of staff
Pre-course reading         recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people;
                           consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure
                           its prompt reporting; begin to review their own and their organisation’s policies
                           and practices in recruitment with a view to making them safer. Every panel
                           must include at least one person who is trained in safer recruitment. This course
                           meets the statutory requirement for safer recruitment training and a certificate
                           for attendance and completion is awarded to provide evidence for Ofsted.
Attendance options         Webinar
                           Venue Based: One day session (lunch is provided).

GT139A       Fri 07 May 2021                  09:30-13:00     Webinar
GT139B       Wed 10 Nov 2021                  09:30-15:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre
GT139C       Fri 28 Jan 2022                  09:30-15:30     Winchester Professional Centre

                                                                         Non-subscribers: £225 (per person)

GT140         Staff Wellbeing

Who will benefit?          All governors.
What will you learn?       You will develop your understanding of resilience and wellbeing in the workplace
                           by exploring why ‘staff resilience’ is important both to an organisation and its
                           employees. The workshop will focus on, and discuss, how to embed a wellbeing
                           culture in your school that will support and maintain a good work/life balance.
Attendance options         Venue Based: One evening session

GT140A       Mon 28 Jun 2021                  19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
GT140B       Thurs 10 Feb 2022                19:00-21:30     Holiday Inn, Farnborough

                                                                           Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                               Continued Training

  Although this was not the first time that I have completed Safer Recruitment training, it still offered a
  very useful update, both as a reminder of things that may have slipped out of my practice and as an
  update on changes and areas which may be more of a focus in line with recent child protection cases.
  Safer Recruitment Workshop

GT141       The Governors’ Role in Employment Matters
                     INF JUN      PRI    SEC SPE ACA EDU

                     Who will benefit?         Governors on staffing/personnel (dismissal/appeal) committees.
                     What will you learn?      You will further develop your understanding of the role of the governing
                                               body as a good employer and your role in managing key employment
                                               matters as a member of a relevant committee. This course has a focus on
                                               managing common employment issues within schools such as absence,
                                               conduct, grievance and performance concerns. It will consider the decisions
                                               that governors are asked to make in relation to personnel matters in school.
                                               The course will also cover key staffing matters for consideration in managing
                                               budgets in uncertain times.

                                               Please note, the course Understanding Personnel Matters in Schools will give
                                               you a good understanding of establishing the employment relationship.
                     Attendance options        Venue Based: One evening session.

                     GT141A      Wed 26 May 2021                 19:00-21:30     Elizabeth II Court, Winchester
                     GT141B      Thurs 03 Mar 2022               19:00-21:30     Peta Training & Conference Centre

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

                     GT142       Personnel in Academies: Exercising the Freedoms

                     Who will benefit?         Governors, Directors and Trustees from academies.
                     What will you learn?      This course is co-delivered by Education Personnel Services and Governor
                                               Services. The course will help you to understand your responsibilities for
                                               staffing matters as a governor in the context of your own academy governance
                                               structure. There are a number of freedoms available to academies in relation to
                                               staffing in schools; this course will explore what those freedoms are and how
                                               you can exercise them, as well as the constraints that may apply. Governors
                                               from academy settings will also find it beneficial to attend Understanding
                                               Personnel Matters and The Governors’ Role in Employment Matters.
                     Attendance options        Webinar

                     GT142A      Mon 05 Jul 2021                 19:00-20:30     Webinar

                                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
Continued Training

                       Good group discussions. I gained a greater understanding of how our funding agreement and articles
                       of association determine our personnel obligations.
                       Personnel in Academies: Exercising the Freedoms

GT143          Strategic Finance in Schools

Who will benefit?          Governors and headteachers who are members of the finance/resource
                           committee and have attended Understanding Finance in Schools
What will you learn?       Governors will learn how to develop their role in strategic financial
Post-course info           management. You will develop your understanding of the links between
                           financial and school improvement planning and consider the importance of
                           medium term budget planning. The course will highlight some of the tools
                           available (eg benchmarking) for measuring the relative efficiency of your school.

Attendance options         Venue Based: One morning or evening session.

GT143A        Tues 22 Jun 2021                09:30-12:00      Holiday Inn, Farnborough
GT143B        Thurs 08 Jul 2021               19:00-21:30      Peta Training & Conference Centre
GT143C        Mon 29 Nov 2021                 19:00-21:30      Lyndhurst Community Centre
GT143D        Thurs 17 Mar 2022               19:00-21:30      Everest Community Academy

                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)

GT144          Academy Finance Workshop

Who will benefit?          Governors, Directors and Trustees from academies.
What will you learn?       This session will focus on the current topical issues for academy governors,
                           directors and trustees in relation to their financial responsibilities. There will be
                           an opportunity to engage with financial reports and explore through practical
                           examples how you can fulfil your role in strategic financial planning and
                           monitoring in an academy.
Attendance options         Webinar

GT144A        Mon 07 Mar 2022                 19:00-20:30      Webinar

                                                                             Non-subscribers: £85 (per person)
                                                                                                                   Continued Training

  It was all very useful and relevant. Really engaging trainers. Good group activities that provided
  practical examples.
  Strategic Finance in Schools

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