Hand Therapy Certification in Europe - an overview of the process in different countries

Page created by Morris Gallagher
Hand Therapy Certification in Europe - an overview of the process in different countries
European Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy
European Certified Hand Therapist (ECHT)
- a common European curriculum

Hand Therapy Certification in Europe
an overview of the process in different countries

Introduction                                               from educational programs that train occupational
Hand therapy is a specialty practice area for occu-        and physical therapists. The entry-level education of
pational and physical therapists. Therapists that          occupational and physical therapists may be
wish to be recognised as a specialist in hand              influenced by the societies of the respective profes-
therapy may choose to pursue specialty certifica-          sions but are also subject to various national
tion. Currently, specialty certification is obtained at    government regulations that regulate and support
the national level with each country having develop-       the education of health care professionals. The
ed their own certification criteria and processes. In      overview that follows is arranged alphabetically by
2005 the European Federation of Societies for              country.
Hand Therapy recognised the need for a European
certification system and the education committee           Germany
was tasked with developing the process leading to          Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handtherapie
the title of European Certified Hand Therapist,            (DAHTH) certification process
ECHT. More information is available about the              Certification program as of: 2005
ECHT on the EFSHT website 1. Currently the ECHT            Certification Process description
process is open to therapists that have obtained           The certification process was developed in coope-
certification at a national level. As the path to natio-   ration with representatives of the German Society
nal certification is different in each country, this       for Hand Surgery. The curriculum takes into
paper aims to briefly outline how certification can be     account both the situation in the German health
obtained at the national level in the different            care system and the entry-level training program-
countries that currently have a certification process      mes for physio- and occupational therapists which
in place. Hopefully other countries will be able to        are almost exclusively at schools providing voca-
use this document as a reference when developing           tional and not academic education.
their own national certification process for Hand
Therapists.                                                The certification process is based on a decentra-
                                                           lised, modular system. It is open to all qualified
In most countries it is the national hand therapy          physio- and occupational therapists. The program
society that has established the certification pro-        consists of 12 modules which cover 450 hours
cess. As the certification is above and beyond the         (contact hours and self-study), with a total of 15
core qualification as a physical or occupational           ECTS points. The modules include the following
therapist, it is voluntary. Occupational and physical      areas of practice: theoretical knowledge, specialist
therapists who are not certified as hand therapists        knowledge, as well as clinical and therapeutic skills.
will continue to work in the area of hand therapy.         The courses are run by hand therapy teams in
Certification as it has been developed thus far by         various hospitals and at institutes of further
the national societies is aimed at recognising             education throughout Germany. Each course is
competence and experience in this specialty                DAHTH validated.
practice area. The ECHT is a further certification
that aims to recognise highly qualified hand therapy       The successful completion of a written or practical
specialists in Europe. It is important to differentiate    assignment is required at the end of each module.
hand therapy certification, which is voluntary and         Candidates who have successfully completed all 12
administered by national hand therapy societies            modules, have a total of 4 years professional

1   www.eurohandtherapy.org.

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experience, with at least 2 of these in hand therapy,     collagen tissue and its particularities in health and
can then apply to sit the final oral exam. The            disease
successful graduate is awarded certification as a       • Module 3: 20 hours of instruction on the following
Hand Therapist.                                           topics: trauma and pathology of the upper limb:
                                                          trauma of the zones, disease and trauma to the
Title awarded
                                                          nervous system, fractures, RA, the brachial
"Hand Therapist DAHTH”
                                                          plexus injuries, adverse mechanical tension, skin
Approximate number of Therapists
                                                          transplantation, burns, CRPS, functional
certified to date: 78
                                                          limitations, etc.
Renewal Process                                         • Module 4: 40 hours of instruction focusing on
A process of re-certification is currently under dis-     rehabilitation of the upper extremity and including:
cussion but details are not yet available for             early mobilisation, progressive and functional
publication.                                              rehabilitation, mobilising techniques, orthotics,
                                                          physical agent modalities, pain and swelling
                                                          control, as well as other topics.
An overview of the 12 modules and further details
                                                        • Module 5: 40 hours of instruction that includes:
can be found on the DAHTH website:
                                                          SOAP patient assessment, follow up, research
www.dahth.de/Handtherapeut (language: German).
                                                          methods, how to set up a hand clinic, thesis
Recognition of the credential                             preparation and presentation.
The credential is recognised by: the German Hand
                                                        General description of the program: theoretical
Therapy and Hand Surgery societies, the German
                                                        lessons and clinical workshops are organised by
Society for Accident Surgery, German Society for
                                                        the Executive Committee of PT and OT association
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
                                                        and are compulsory. The number of therapists
The German OT Society supports the process.
                                                        attending the course is no more than 20 every two
Talks are underway with health care insurers to
                                                        years. Participants are required to attend surgery to
recognise this qualification.
                                                        observe surgical techniques for the upper extremity.
                                                        The thesis has to be a clinical case study and not a
Greece                                                  literature review.
Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy -
Hand Therapy Association certification process          The criteria to become a hand therapist:
Certification program as of: 1992                       • Licensed as a physical or occupational therapist
                                                        • Member of the PT or OT association
Certification Process description
                                                        • Certificate of completion of the two year Hand
The hand therapy association of Hellenic Scientific
                                                          Therapy course
Society of Physiotherapy was founded in 1992 by a
                                                        • 500 hours of clinical practice in a rehabilitation
group of people who have common interests in
                                                          centre for hand therapy
dealing with disorders of the upper limb. This group
                                                        • Completion of a thesis.
has been active in creating an instructional
program in Greece to train Hand Therapists.             Title awarded
                                                        Certificate of attendance of the 2 year hand therapy
The program is on-going. The participants are
licensed physiotherapists and occupational
                                                        Approximate number of Therapists certified
Therapists. The instructional team consists of the
                                                        to date: 30
most notable practitioners from Greece and abroad
to meet specialised knowledge needs in theory and       Renewal Process
practice. The course of theoretical instruction and     None.
clinical application lasts two years and is divided
into 5 sections. The modules are as follows:
                                                        Currently not available
• Module 1: 20 hours of instruction that includes:
   structure and function of the upper limb, the        Recognition of the credential
   functional kinetic chain in rehabilitation           The Hellenic Scientific Society of Physiotherapy-
• Module 2: 20 hours of instruction that focuses on     Hand Therapy Association administers and issues
   the analysis of mechanical properties of the         certification.

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The Netherlands                                           and meets the general and working criteria they can
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Handtherapie                  apply to become a CHT-NL (NVHT). They must be
(NVHT) certification process                              able to provide proof of all evidence, clinical log and
Certification program as of: 2010                         CV.

Certification Process description                         The Dutch Hand Therapist Certificate is an initial
The Dutch Society of Hand Therapists (NVHT) has           certificate. It serves as a basis for further certifica-
developed a system of accreditation of hand               tion on the European level, the European Certificate
therapists’ learning and experience, leading to the       Hand Therapy (ECHT).
award of a ‘Certificate Hand Therapist’ (CHT-NL).
                                                          Title awarded
The "Hand Therapist Profile" is used as a basis for
                                                          ‘Certificaat Handtherapeut’ (CHT-NL)
the development of this certificate.
                                                          Approximate number of Therapists
To apply, applicants need to fill out an online           certified to date: 150
application form. Besides the general CV and
                                                          Renewal Process
working experience, points need to be achieved in
                                                          The title is valid for 5 years; a renewal process is in
various areas of Hand Therapy. These areas are:
                                                          place with continuing education and professional
"working experience", "knowledge, skills and edu-
                                                          activity criteria that must be met in order to renew
cation in the field of hand therapy" and "contribution
                                                          certification for another 5 years.
to the field of hand therapy (presentations, publica-
tions, active role within the Dutch society)". At least   Website
100 points must be achieved to meet the criteria.         www.handtherapie.com/certificering
                                                          (language: Dutch)
The criteria to become a CHT-NL are:
• Licensed as a physical or occupation therapist.         Recognition of the credential
• Member of the Dutch Society of Hand Therapists          The CHT-NL title is recognised by the Dutch Hand
  for at least one year.                                  Therapy and Hand Surgery societies. Unfortunately,
• Working experience as a general physical or             it is not a protected title recognised by the Dutch
  occupational therapist for at least 5 years.            government yet. The Dutch Occupational and
• Working experience in the field of hand therapy         Physical Therapy societies are aware of the
  for at least 1500 hours during the last 5 years.        credential. We are still working on having both
• Specialised knowledge, skills and education in          societies recognise Hand Therapy as a specialty
  the field of hand therapy. Hand therapists may          area with a separate fee schedule for billing. Until
  develop their knowledge and skills via NVHT             that time, Occupational and Physical therapists that
  recognised courses. These courses are given by          are certified as Hand Therapists must bill their
  independent hand therapy education companies            services at the same pre-defined government
  and universities. More experienced therapists           regulated rate as all other therapists.
  may gain educator points through lecturing at
  validated courses. At least 60 points must be           Switzerland
  achieved in this field. If a Dutch therapist has        Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Handrehabilitation
  passed the American HTCC exam all 60 points             (SGHR) / Société Suisse de Rééducation de la Main
  are assigned.                                           (SSRM) / Società Svizzera per la Rieducazione della
• Contribution to the field of Hand Therapy. For this     Mano certification process (SSRM)
  component at least 20 out of the required 100           Certification program as of: 2015
  points should be obtained. Points can be
                                                          Certification Process description
  achieved with: national and international
                                                          The first Swiss Certified Hand Therapists were
  presentations, publications in the Dutch hand
                                                          certified by exam in 2002. A comprehensive four-
  therapy journal or in an international journal and
                                                          hour-exam was to be passed to be awarded the
  with playing an active role within the Dutch
                                                          title of ‘Zertifizierte/r Handtherapeut/in SGHR’.
  society (being a member of the board or of
                                                          Thirty-three therapists were certified in this manner.
  committees for at least 3 years). All activities
                                                          In 2005 the Swiss Hand Therapy society SGHR
  should be done during the past 5 years.
                                                          decided to end the exam certification program. The
Once the therapist has collected at least 100 points      completion of the educational program allows

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Swiss physical or occupational therapists who have         certified to date: 80
at least 3 years of patient-related work experience
                                                           Renewal Process
in hand therapy to apply directly for the certification.
                                                           For hand therapists certified by exam between
The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Hand
                                                           2002 and 2005 the title is valid for 7 years. For
Therapy programme (worth 15 ECTS-points) of the
                                                           therapists certified by the new system, the title is
Zürich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) has
                                                           valid 10 years. Re-certification guidelines have been
been set up in collaboration with the SGHR. The
                                                           established for both groups with continuing
program consists of three modules with a total of
                                                           education and professional activity criteria that must
23 days of instruction and additional assignments.
                                                           be met according to the certification chart, where a
In total students invest approximately 450 hours in
                                                           total of 100 points must be collected in 10 years in
classroom and self-study instruction. At the close of
                                                           3 different areas (A: patient work, B: continuing
each module a project must be successfully
                                                           education and dedication to the vocational field, C:
completed to pass the module. The course is open
                                                           transfer of knowledge and research activities). The
to occupational and physical therapists with a
                                                           chart and the explanations can be downloaded on
current employment in a Hand Therapy setting, who
                                                           the website (German: http://sghr.ch/content/47/re-
have completed a bachelor or equivalent course of
                                                           zertifizierung-beantragen/ ; French: http://ssrm.ch/
study. In addition, occupational therapists must
provide evidence of training in manual therapy
techniques and physical therapists must provide            Website
proof of training in static and dynamic splinting.         www.sghr.ch (German) or www.ssrm.ch (French)
The Swedish course “Rehabilitation in Hand
                                                           Recognition of the credential
Surgery“ from the Lund University (also worth 15
                                                           The title is recognised by the Swiss Hand Therapy
ECTS-points) and the “Diplôme Inter-Universitaire
                                                           and Hand Surgery societies. The Swiss Occupatio-
de rééducation et d’appareillage de la main” in
                                                           nal and Physical Therapy societies are aware of the
Grenoble, France, are also recognised by the SGHR
                                                           credential. Reimbursement for therapy services is
and lead to a direct certification.
                                                           not impacted by the credential. Occupational and
There is also the possibility to get the Swiss
                                                           physical therapists that are certified as Hand
certification without an academic title. For that, a
                                                           Therapists must bill their services at the same pre-
minimum of 10 years of experience in Hand
                                                           defined government regulated rate as all other
Therapy is required, and a list of criteria must be
met (for example an average of at least 40% of
patient-related work in Hand Therapy over 10 years,
                                                           United Kingdom
participation in Hand Therapy courses for a
                                                           The British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT)
minimum of 2 days a year, or the teaching in
                                                           certification process
courses or congresses). The applicants have to
                                                           Certification program as of: 2000
collect a total of 100 points in 3 different areas (A:
patient work, B: continuing education and                  Certification Process description
dedication to the vocational field, C: transfer of         The British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT)
knowledge and research activities) according to the        has developed a system of accreditation of hand
chart to apply for the title “Zertifizierte/r              therapists’ learning and experience, leading to the
Handtherapeut/in Schweiz”. The criteria are the            award of ‘Accredited Hand Therapist’ (AHT BAHT).
same that have to be achieved in order to renew            Hand therapists may develop their knowledge and
the certification.                                         skills via BAHT validated courses at different levels,
The Swiss certification can only be awarded to             which are run by hand therapy teams, independent
Swiss therapists or therapists from other countries        hand therapy education companies and
who are working in Switzerland at the time of the          universities. BAHT validated courses qualify for
certification.                                             points towards becoming an accredited hand
                                                           therapist. More experienced therapists may choose
Title awarded                                              to submit evidence of prior learning (APL) to gain
‘Zertifizierte/r Handtherapeut/in Schweiz’ or              BAHT points, or gain educator points through
‘Thérapeute de la main certifié/e Suisse’.                 lecturing on validated courses. There are many
Approximate number of Therapists                           other learning opportunities, conferences and

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courses that are valuable learning opportunities but        Renewal Process
at present don’t form part of the BAHT education            Renewal every 5 years. Application process can be
process. Please see BAHT website for validated              found on BAHT website www.hand-therapy.co.uk
courses to gain points towards accreditation and
more information on the process.
                                                            All details and documents can be found on BAHT
BAHT Postgraduate Education                                 website: www.hand-therapy.co.uk
The structure in place for hand therapists to further
                                                            Recognition of the credential
their education involves:
                                                            The AHT (BAHT) title is recognised by British Hand
• Level I: A three-day basic hand therapy course
                                                            Therapists and Hand Surgeons and many experien-
  with a one-hour written examination gives 1 BAHT
                                                            ced therapy jobs require therapists to have been
  point. This is for therapists with less than two
                                                            working towards this qualification. Unfortunately, it
  years clinical experience within Hand Therapy.
                                                            is not a protected title recognised by the British
• Level II: A three day course on a specific aspect of      HPC committee. At the present time the Chartered
  hand therapy. Completion of the course, a one-            Society of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
  hour written or practical examination and an              do not recognise BAHT as a specialty group as it is
  assignment will give you 2 BAHT points. 6 points          a mixed professional group. BAHT is working on
  (i.e. three Level II courses in different subjects) are   recognition of this multi professional specialism and
  required for accreditation.                               the Accreditation.
• Level III: A new piece of work in the area of hand
  therapy, this can include a work-based project, a         Belgium
  literature search or a small piece of research.           Belgian Hand Therapists (BHT) certification process
  Assessment is by two independent assessors.               Certification program as of: 2015
  Successful completion gives 5 BAHT points.
                                                            Certification Process description
  There are Universities within the UK for example
                                                            The Belgian hand therapists have created a three
  Brunel and Ulster University which now run
                                                            level certification procedure. The foundation of this
  independent MSc modules which equate to these
                                                            certification process is inspired by our neighbours
  5 BAHT Points.
                                                            the Dutch Society for Hand Therapy. However the
The guidelines relating to BAHT postgraduate                BHT has formulated a three level certification
education and information about courses can be              process. Each level has different criteria to be
downloaded from the website.                                fulfilled and different amounts of accreditation points
Once the therapist has collected all 12 BAHT points
                                                            Generally all applicants need to be a member of the
via this route or a university route and they have a
                                                            BHT and submit a CV together with a list with
clinical log of 4000 hours of clinical practice within
                                                            contains information about working experience,
Hand Therapy they can apply to become a AHT
                                                            education and contribution to the field of hand
(BAHT). In their application they must include their
                                                            therapy      (presentations, publications, active role
proof of evidence, clinical log, CV and appropriate
                                                            within the BHT). According to the level applied for,
                                                            a different amount of points need to be gathered.
The AHT (BAHT) award is based on a working
knowledge of hand therapy practice in the United            The criteria to become a “Starting” BHT are:
Kingdom. To ensure parity, overseas applicants with         • Licensed as a physical or occupation therapist
less than 50% of their clinical experience gained in          with 1 full year of experience
the United Kingdom will be awarded an associate             • Member of the BHT for 365 days.
accreditation which will be known as Associate AHT          • Working experience in the field of hand therapy
(BAHT) and will recognise where they have                     for at least 300 hours in the last 3 years.
completed the majority of their clinical hours.             • Achieve 30 point of specific hand related
                                                              education and attend at least 2 BHT meetings.
Title awarded
Accredited Hand Therapist (BAHT)
Approximate number of Therapists
certified to date: 70

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The criteria to become a “Experienced” BHT are:          Hand therapists may develop their knowledge and
• Licensed as a physical or occupation therapist         skills via APTM validated courses at two levels
  with 5 full years of experience                        (post-graduate or master), which are run by
• Member of the BHT for 3 consecutive years.             polytechnic institutes or universities. Therapists who
• Working experience in the field of hand therapy        have previous training, may submit the request for
  for at least 1500 hours in the last 5 years.           crediting the courses in higher education crediting
• Achieve 50 points of specific hand related             system, in educational institutions that teach this
  education and attend at least 5 BHT meetings.          training.
                                                         To apply, points need to be achieved in various
The criteria to become a “Certified” BHT are:            areas of Hand Therapy. These areas are: ‘working
• Be an ‘Experienced’ BHT                                experience’, ‘knowledge, skills and education in the
• Active contribution to hand therapy (teaching          field of hand therapy’ and ‘contribution to the field
  activities, presentations, publications, active        of hand therapy (presentations, publications, active
  contribution within BHT/EFSHT/IFSHT) with a            role within the Portuguese association)’. At least 60
  minimum of 20 points is needed.                        points in 100 points must be achieved to meet the
• The system for allocation of points is on the BHT      criteria.
Being a Certified BHT one can apply to become an         The criteria to become a CHT-APTM are:
ECHT                                                     • Licensed as a physical or occupational therapist.
                                                         • Member of the Portuguese Association of Hand
Title awarded
                                                           Therapists for at least one year.
‘Beginnend-BHT’, ‘Ervaren-BHT’, ‘Gecertificeerd-
                                                         • Working experience as a general physical or
BHT’. Approximate number of Therapists certified
                                                           occupational therapist for at least 3 years. – 10
to date: none as it is in the starting phase.
Renewal Process                                          • Working experience in the field of hand therapy
The title of ‘starting-BHT’ is valid for 3 years,          for at least 1500 hours during the last 2 years. –
‘experienced –and certified-BHT’ for 5 years. A            max 15 points (2 points for every 1500 hours)
renewal for the same level or one higher is              • Hand therapists may develop their knowledge
necessary. This process is still in development but        and skills via APTM validated courses at two
will be based on continuing education and                  levels (post-graduate or master), which are run by
professional activity criteria that must be met in         polytechnic institutes or universities. Therapists
order to renew certification for another 3 or 5 years.     who have previous training, may submit the
                                                           request for crediting the courses in higher
                                                           education crediting system, in educational
                                                           institutions that teach this training. – 50 points
Recognition of the credential                            • Contribution to the field of Hand Therapy. Points
The Belgian Hand Therapists (BHT) administers and          can be achieved with: national and international
issues certification.                                      presentations, publications in national or in an
                                                           international journal and with playing an active
Portugal                                                   role within the Portuguese association. All
Portuguese Association of Hand Therapists (APTM)           activities should be done during the past 5 years.
certification process                                      – max 25 points (5 points each item)
Certification program as of: 2015
                                                         Once the therapist has collected at least 60 points
Certification Process description
                                                         and meets the general and working criteria they
The Portuguese Association of Hand Therapists
                                                         can apply to become a CHT-APTM. They must be
(APTM) has developed a system of accreditation of
                                                         able to provide proof of all evidence, clinical log
hand therapists’ learning and experience, leading to
                                                         and CV.
the award of a ‘Certificate Hand Therapist’ (CHT -
                                                         The Portuguese Hand Therapist Certificate is an
APTM). The ‘Hand Therapist Profile’ has been used
                                                         initial certificate. It serves as a basis for further
as a basis for the development of this certificate.
                                                         certification on the European level, the European
                                                         Certificate Hand Therapy (ECHT).

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Title awarded                                             University of Grenoble obtain 10 points for the
‘Certificate Hand Therapist’ (CHT-APTM).                  successful completion of this course, and the
Approximate number of Therapists certified to date:       recognition in Hand Therapy expertise by the
0 (22 expected in 2016)                                   permanent members of the French Society of Hand
                                                          Therapists and the French Society of Hand
Renewal Process
                                                          Surgeons will also have 10 points.
The title is valid for 5 years; a renewal process is in
                                                          To achieve the accreditation the candidate must
place with continuing education and professional
                                                          obtain at least 50 out of 100 points.
activity criteria that must be met in order to renew
certification for another 5 years.                        At the beginning of the process the candidate has
Website                                                   to send an application form with a CV, giving his/her
http://aptm.pt/aptmao/                                    experience in hand therapy, and a self-attestation to
                                                          the President of the SFRM-GEMMSOR.
Recognition of the credential
APTM title is recognized by the Portuguese Hand           The certification committee assesses the
Therapy Association. Unfortunately, it is not a           candidate’s portfolio and, if necessary, contacts the
protected title recognized by the Portuguese              candidate and / or the peers to obtain confirmation
government yet.                                           of expertise.

France                                                    Title awarded
French Society (SFRM-GEMMSOR) certification               No title is awarded, however, achieving the French
process                                                   accreditation allows the candidate to submit an
Certification program as of: 2016                         application for the ECHT.
                                                          Approximate number of Therapists certified to date:
Certification Process description
The French Society of Hand Therapy has chosen an
evaluation system for their members to achieve            Renewal Process
national certification     and       enable them          The French accreditation can only be achieved with
subsequently to submit an application for the ECHT.       one submission. It is valid for a period of 5 years,
                                                          following which the member of the French Society
It was decided that the first requirement is that the
                                                          has to request a renewal of his/her national
candidate be a member of the French Society,
SFRM – GEMMSOR, which is a member of the
EFSHT.                                                    Website
Our discussion then concerned how to recognize            -
the candidates’ expertise. According to our
society’s by-laws a full member has to have               Recognition of the credential
published at least two scientific articles or have        We hope to obtain the recognition from the SFCM-
made an oral presentation, or had a poster                GEM (French Society of Hand Surgery) in the near
accepted, at a national or international hand             future.
rehabilitation congress within the past five years.
To be nationally certified the candidate must also        Associazione Italiana Riabilitazione della Mano
have sound experience in the practice of hand             (A.I.R.M.) certification process
rehabilitation and also orthoses, and be recognized       Certification program as of: June 2015
as an expert in the field of the rehabilitation of hand
                                                          Certification Process description
by a peer group.
                                                          The Italian Hand Therapy Society was founded on
Therefore, in the French evaluation table, the points
                                                          September 19, 2007 in Florence Italy by a group of
are shared between the categories: scientific
                                                          therapists who were interested in promoting hand
knowledge, the recognition of professional expertise
                                                          therapy in Italy. Following the requests of several
and good practice.
                                                          members of the Italian Hand Therapy Association in
For example regarding the knowledge-base,
                                                          obtaining the European Hand Therapy Certification
graduates of the DIU of hand rehabilitation at the

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(ECHT), committee members of the Italian society         approval of the application will be communicated to
gathered and created a process for obtaining hand        the applicant.
therapy certification in Italy that is also recognized
by the Italian Society of Hand Surgeons.                 Title awarded
                                                         ‘Therapista della Mano’. Approximate number of
The certified hand therapist in Italy is a physical or   Therapists certified to date: 18
occupational therapist who has been a member of          Renewal Process
the Italian Association of Hand Rehabilitation (AIRM)    Recertification is required every 3 years and is
for 5 consecutive years and submits an application       contingent on: proof of publication, teaching,
to become an ORDINARY MEMBER in AIRM.                    presenting, moderating or participation in the
                                                         organization of courses, workshops or conferences
Requirements to become a certified hand                  in rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity
therapist in Italy:                                      approved by AIRM.
•   Member of the National Association of Physical
    (Associazione Italiana Fisioterapisti AIFI) or       Website
    Occupational Therapists (Associazione Italiana       www.riabilitazionemano.org
    Terapisti Occupazionale-AITO).
•   Adherent member of AIRM for at least 5 years         Austria
    consecutively.                                       The Austrian Society of Hand Therapy (ÖGHT)
•   5 years experience of working in hand therapy        certification process
    or have a minimum of 2000 hours of                   Certification program as of: 2016
    experience in hand therapy supported by
    recommendations letters from 2 ordinary              Certification Process description
    members of the AIRM or members of the                The Austrian Society of Hand Therapy (ÖGHT) has
    Italian Society of hand Surgeons (SICM).             set itself the goal to offer a certificate in hand
                                                         therapy in Austria. On the basis of experience in the
In the last 5 years:                                     hand area, specific training and a CAS (Certificate
•    Attendance to 4 national conferences and/or         o f A d v a n c e d S t u d i e s ) f o r h a n d t h e r a p y,
     continuing education courses organized by or        occupational therapists and physiotherapists can
     supported by AIRM.                                  submit an application to the ÖGHT to obtain a
•    Attendance to 1 international conference or         certificate in hand therapy.
     fellowship of at least 5 days in a hand therapy     Conditions for the certificate in hand therapy:
     center outside of Italy.                            •     2 years’ experience in the special field of hand
•    Completion of 1 or more courses approved by               therapy (creation of a portfolio).
     AIRM in splinting with theory and practice.         •     Further education – 100 points in 5 years.
•    Contribution of 1 or more of the following:               (various learning and training methods in the
     development of hand and upper extremity                   field of hand therapy will be credited).
     rehabilitation through presentations at national    •     Completion of the Certificate of Advanced
     and international conferences as well as                  Studies in Hand Therapy. The Certificate of
     teaching and publications in hand therapy.                Advanced Studies in Hand Therapy consists of
                                                               4 modules that take place within a year. Each
The interested candidate downloads the application             module ends with a test, which is a
for Ordinary Member of AIRM and sends a                        prerequisite for the acquisition of the 15 ECTS
curriculum vitae highlighting courses, international           (European Credit Transfer System) points.
and national meetings related to hand therapy in the
last 5 years.                                                 The individual modules are:
                                                              - Evidence-based work and clinical reasoning
The documents supporting the application for                  (5 ECTS)
certification will be reviewed by the executive               - Hand stability (4 ECTS)
committee and committee members of AIRM and                   - Hand trauma (3 ECTS)
                                                              - Hand free of pain (3 ECTS)

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EFSHT | ECHT - a common European curriculum                                                               - "9

•    Splinting course for physiotherapists, or                    •   Level 3: Presentation or paper at a
     manual therapy for occupational therapists                       national or international congress, and
                                                                      the publication of this paper in a
The certificate in hand therapy can be used as a                      journal impact (5 points, with the
testimonial of quality assurance to employers or                      obligation of passing levels 1 and 2).
                                                        Title awarded
Title awarded                                           Terapeuta de mano AETEMA
Certified Hand Therapist / ÖGHT. Approximate            Approximate number of Therapist certified to date:
number of Therapists certified to date: 26              2
                                                        In process: more than 5.
Renewal Process
The title is valid for 5 years. Recertification         Renewal process
guidelines have not yet been established.               None

www.oeght.at / Zertifizierung (language German)
                                                        For further details:
Recognition of the credential                           www.aetema.es
The title is recognized by the Austrian Societies of
Hand Therapists and Hand Surgery and by the             Recognition of credential
Societies of Occupational and Physical Therapy.         The title is recognised by SECMA (Spanish Society
The Austrian Society of Hand Therapy administers        of Hand Surgery). The Spanish occupational
and issues certification.                               therapy and physical therapy universities are aware
                                                        of the credential.
Spain                                                   Unfortunately, it is not a protected title recognised
Spanish Certification Hand Therapy (SCHT)               by the Spanish Government yet.
Certification program as of 2016
Certification Process description                       The Swedish Society of Hand Therapists (SFH)
AETEMA (Spanish Association of Hand Therapy)            Certification program as of 2018
has founded a standard of training that allows for
recognition as hand specialist in Spain. The Spanish    Certification Process description
association tries to ensure that training in our        The Swedish Society of Hand Therapy has created
country has the right level.                            a Checklist for advanced specialisation in hand
                                                        therapy and a Distribution of point system to
To apply the applicants need to have the degree in      achieve accreditation in order to apply for the
Occupational therapy or Physical therapy.               ECHT. The checklist consists of six levels:
                                                        • Professional experience
The criteria to become a hand therapist are:            • Advanced courses/qualifications related to hand
• be OT or PT                                             therapy
• be AETEMA member for at least one year                • Personal contribution to the field of hand therapy
• Accredited experience in hand therapy in the last     • Promotion of specialism/sharing of expertise
  3 years                                               • Splinting/manual therapy techniques
• Having support of a SECMA member and a
                                                        • Contribution to the national Society.
  AETEMA member
                                                        The distribution of points are divided in 3 sections
• 15 training points in Hand Therapy divided as
                                                        with a total score of minimum 70 points:
                                                        knowledge, sharing of knowledge and promotion of
          •   Level 1: Participation in basic courses   hand therapy.
              (2 points)
          •   Level 2: Participation in advanced        Generally al applicants need to be:
              courses (up to 8 points)

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• licensed as PT or OT with a minimum of 5 years               • Member of the Norwegian Society of Hand
  clinical experience including 4000 hours hand                  Therapist for at least the past 5 years
  therapy clinical practise                                    • Work experience in the flied of hand therapy for at
• A member of the SFH for a minimum of 3 years                   least 3000 hours during the last 5 years
• Attended SFH’s annual meeting in Sweden on at                • Applicants must maintain knowledge base,
  least 2 different occasions                                    update knowledge base, and acquire new
• A letter of recommendation from the head of the                knowledge. In this category, the candidate needs
  clinic and 2 ordinary members of the SFH                       a score of at least 30 points. Documentation of
• Courses at advanced level with a minimum of 15                 this can be: participation in national or
  ECTS- within occupational and/or physical                      international hand therapy related conferences,
  therapy                                                        seminars, and courses. Hospitations in hand
• Active contribution to hand therapy                            therapy units nationally or abroad. Allied health
                                                                 related master degrees.
Title awarded                                                  • Contribution to the flied of hand therapy: For this
No title is awarded but achieving the Swedish                    component, at least 20 out of the required 70
accreditation allows the candidate to submit an                  points should be obtained. Points can be
application for the ECHT.                                        achieved with national and international lectures,
                                                                 in-house education/presentations, and
Renewal process                                                  publications on hand therapy related topics.
The Swedish accreditation van only be achieved
with one submission and it is valid for a period of 5          Once the therapist has collected at least 70 points
years. If requested, a renewal of the accreditation is         and meets the general and clinical criteria, they can
possible.                                                      a p p l y t o b e c o m e a N o r w e g i a n C e r t i fi e d
                                                               Handtherapist. They must be able to provide proof
Website                                                        of all submitted criteria upon request.
                                                               Titel awarded
Norway                                                         “Norsk Sertifisert Håndterapeut”
The Norwegian Society of Hand Therapists (NFH)
certification process                                          Renewal process
Certification Program as of: 2019                              The title is valid for 7 years. The renewal process is
                                                               in progress.
Certification Process description
The Norwegian Society of Hand Therapists (NFH)                 Website
has developed a system of accreditation of hand                www.handterapi.no/
therapists’ learning and experience, leading to the
a w a r d o f a “ N o r w e g i a n c e r t i fi e d H a n d   Recognition of the credential
Therapist” (NSHT). The “European Hand Therapist                In progress.
Profile” is used as a basis for the development of
this certification.
Apart from the general curriculum vitae and clinical           National certification has developed differently from
experience, points need to be achieved in various              country to country. The aim of certification regard-
areas of hand therapy. Knowledge, skills, and                  less of the process is to further the development of
education in the field of hand Therapy, must be                the specialty practice area of hand therapy.
demonstrated. At least 70 points spread over these             Certification does this by encouraging therapists to
areas must be achieved to meet the criteria.                   continue to grow and develop their knowledge base
                                                               and recognizing their accomplishments and
The requirements to become a NSHT are as                       competency in this area. The European Certified
follows:                                                       Hand Therapist, is a credential above and beyond
                                                               national certification and aims to recognize and
• Licensed as a physical or occupational therapist

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encourage national specialty practitioners across        but can network with one another to advance the
Europe, thus building a network of specialists that      practice of hand therapy.
can not only be contacted for patient care needs

Note: if your country is a member of EFSHT and has a national certification process for Hand Therapists, that
        is not included in this document, please contact the EFSHT education committee for inclusion
                                     in future updates of this document.

                                                             Compiled by the EFSHT Educational Committee
                                                                                   Date: January 18, 2019

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