HANDBOOK Theatre Department - 2020-2021 School Year JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL - JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL

Page created by Willie Zimmerman
HANDBOOK Theatre Department - 2020-2021 School Year JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL - JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL

Theatre Department
2020-2021 School Year

      27500 Fulshear Bend Dr.
        Fulshear, TX 77441
          (281) 234-8239
                                Theatre Department
                                      2020-2021 School Year

             Welcome to the Jordan High School Theatre Department
Imagine, if you will, you are presented with the opportunity to create and shape an organization from
the ground up. Imagine that you are in the unique position of helping to develop the practices,
expectations, and traditions of this organization. Imagine that this organization will go on to train and
inspire the next generation of theatre artists. If this sounds like something you would be interested
in, you’re in the right place.

I am so excited for what we have the potential to accomplish this year. The mission of Jordan High
School is to take students “from potential to reality.” As a brand new theatre company, it is our job to
do exactly that. We have two beautiful performance spaces loaded with technology that would make
most professional theatres green with envy. We have teachers and administrators who support the
fine arts and understand their value. We have students coming from diverse backgrounds with a vast
array of talents and experiences. This is the perfect formula for a high quality, dynamic theatre

Each course is designed to hone the skills required to become a successful, well-rounded theatre
artist. You will learn to think critically and draw your own conclusions. You will solve problems with
creativity, teamwork, and trust. You will learn to be honest with yourself and vulnerable to your fellow
artists. We will produce three challenging but rewarding shows this year. While participation is
optional, each one of them will stretch you as an artist and strengthen your skills. I encourage each
student to experience theatre from on stage and back stage.

The information contained in this document will provide both students and parents with the guidelines
and expectations for being a member of Jordan Theatre Company. Be sure to read carefully and feel
free to ask any questions you might have. This year will be a year of growth amid a variety of
unprecedented challenges. It will require students who are dedicated to furthering the cause of
theatre and committed to growth as an artist and as a person. If theatre history has taught us
anything, it’s that we do not have to face these challenges alone. Theatre people have a long and
storied history of banding together in times of crisis to support each other and create beauty in a less
than beautiful world.


Andrew Midkiff

Director and PAC Manager

Jordan Theatre Handbook                           2                                        2020-2021

                 JORDAN THEATRE Department
Course Descriptions
   courses that encourage both teamwork and personal responsibility. Each level is designed to build on previous
   levels, the first level in each course being an overview of essential skills. The curricula for all theatre course
   levels are T.E.K.S. (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) driven and are published by the Texas Education
   Agency. They are available for you or your parents through the T.E.A. website or the directors’ offices.

   Theatre courses incorporate a wide range of theatre elements which may include but are not limited to:
      • Theatre appreciation                 • Vocal Technique                     • Carpentry
      • Theatre History                      • Research                            • Costume design
      • Dramatic structure                   • Stage management                    • Sewing
      • Script analysis                      • Stage properties                    • Sound design
      • Movement                             • Makeup application                  • Publicity/Public
      • Stage elements                       • Light Design                             Relations
      • Improvisation                        • Scene design                        • Playwriting

Theatre Courses
   7411 Theatre Arts I                        7451 Technical Theatre I                    7521 Theatre Production II
   7412 Theatre Arts II                       7452 Technical Theatre II

Why participate in Theatre?
❖ YES, it is possible to enroll in theatre all four years and still graduate on an advanced plan! Sample four year
    plans are printed and available in the theatre room or at the counselors’ offices for parents and students to pick
❖ NO, enrolling in advanced theatre courses will not necessarily lower the G.P.A. if the G.P.A. is over a 4.0 due to
    weighted classes! Second, third and fourth year theatre students may be eligible, if they meet the District criteria
    and with a director’s approval, to enroll in theatre as a Pass/Fail course.
❖ Theatre students, especially students trained in technical theatre areas, have the opportunity to work after school
    and on weekends, when needed, to operate stage rigging, lights, sound, etc. for various activities and programs
    that rent the Performing Arts Center. The student(s) will be paid $10.00 per hour by Katy I.S.D. for his/her
    services upon completion of their work.
❖ High school theatre courses are Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (T.E.K.S.) based courses which focus
    ✓     Enhancing perception, interpretation and performance;
    ✓     Understanding heritage and tradition;
    ✓     Understanding influences of theatre, film, T.V., and technology;
    ✓     Evaluating self and others;
    ✓     Writing theatrical critiques

   Jordan Theatre Handbook                               3                                            2020-2021
Theatre Activities

  Auditions are held the first or second week of school with performances scheduled for mid to late-

❖ Storybook Theatre:
  Students will choose a fairytale or children’s book and write a 30 minute play. A student director will
  be chosen and students will be cast in the play. Students will take the initiative of contacting elementary
  schools, public libraries, and other such venues to book performances. (This project will happen
  provided COVID-19 restrictions allow it.)

  In December, students enrolled in Theatre Production will present an evening of scenes. All Theatre
  Production Students are required to be involved in this production. Students will select, rehearse, and
  perform scenes.

❖ SPRING PRODUCTION: Auditions in November with performances in February.

  Auditions will be held in December. Performance schedule will be determined by the U.I.L. O.A.P.
  Committee. NOTE: Mandatory rehearsals will take place during Spring Break.

  For this year, the production will be chosen by the director. In future years, students will select the
  script to be produced and take the entire production from script to stage.

Jordan Theatre Company
The Jordan Theatre Company (JTC) is a student organization that meets the every other Thursday as
detailed in the company by-laws. Students who are paid members in good standing have the opportunity
to attend company meetings, vote on company matters, and participate in company productions.

Each meeting lasts approximately 25 minutes. Please visit the Company tab on the Jordan website at
www.jtctheatre.org for current student officer information.

The Jordan Theatre Company will elect seven (7) officers for the school year. These students will serve
as leaders of the company. They will run and manage meetings, organize social events, track Thespian
points, and help the director shape the theatre department.

Auditions and Crew:
• All potential actors MUST be present for one full audition in order to be considered for casting.
• All potential crew must fill out the crew application and interview with the director.
• Anyone wishing to join the cast or crew of a production must be a paid member in good standing with
  Jordan Theatre Company and pay the production fee.
• If anyone is unable to pay their company fee or production fee, please contact Mr. Midkiff. No student
  will EVER be denied an opportunity because of a lack of funds.

JTC Handbook                                     4                                       2020-2021
Major Production Rehearsals (General):
• Be on time! Better yet, BE EARLY!
• NO Cell Phones EVER, either onstage, backstage, or in your possession.
• Be fully focused and respectful to all cast, crew and directors at all times.
• Check the Callboard daily.
• Students will wear a face mask at all times and maintain social distancing in as much as it is possible.
   If you do not have a face mask, you will be asked to leave rehearsal and it will count as unexcused.
• When you are not on stage rehearsing, you are WATCHING and LISTENING to who is on stage and
• When you are done with a tech job, ask for another one. There is always something that needs to be
• Follow all safety rules and regulations when working in or around an active set build/light hang, etc.
• Take all direction the first time it is given.
• Meet all deadlines. A missed deadline (e.g., turning in forms late) may result in the loss of a thespian
• Do not change your appearance without permission (no haircuts or dying of hair, no piercing or
• Roll Call is mandatory for all cast and crew.
• Warm-ups are mandatory for cast only.
• Rehearsal Weekdays: Roll call at 2:50pm followed by warm up, and rehearsal begins promptly at
• Company Meeting Days: Roll call at 2:45pm, rehearsal begins promptly at 3:15pm.
• Abandoned scripts or costume pieces not properly hung may result in a $1.00 recovery fine per item.
• The rehearsal schedule can be found on the JTC website. www.jtctheatre.org

Rehearsal Absences:
•   All known absences or conflicts must be written on the audition form - be sure to check with parents
    for standing commitments (orthodontist appointments, private lessons, etc.).
•   If a student must miss a rehearsal due to an emergency, please make every effort to notify the director.
    If it is a medical emergency, students may not return to rehearsals without a note from the doctor.
•   For ALL doctor appointments, the Director must be notified in writing 24 hours in advance. Even if the
    appointment is scheduled during the school day, if it runs late and you are late to rehearsal, it’s an
    unexcused tardy. Please take care of yourself during rehearsals and get plenty of sleep.
•   If you are absent from school, please email a director ASAP that morning to let us know. If you are
    sick, and miss multiple rehearsals, you may be replaced in the cast or on crew. Again, please take
    care of yourself. Sleep!
•   Be present (both literally and mentally) at all rehearsals. Absences potentially jeopardize future casting
•   You must pass all of your classes or you will be replaced. Exemptions from this rule occur only if failing
    Pre-AP/AP courses.
•   Student MUST be present on Bloody Saturday, all dress rehearsals, and all performances.
•   Company members must realize that the manner in which they conduct themselves in their classes,
    at official school activities, on social media and during non-school hours is considered to be
    representative behavior of the entire student body, not just theatre. It is critical that everyone in Jordan
    Theatre Co. conduct themselves in a manner which positively represents the students at Jordan High
    School and our department. Derogatory comments about Jordan High School staff, students, and
    policies will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the program.
•   Three (3) unexcused absences for ANY reason is automatic dismissal from the production, and
    your role or position will be replaced.

Rehearsal Tardies:
• The following is the explanation of the Tardy Policy:

JTC Handbook                                      5                                        2020-2021
oIf a student comes to a rehearsal late but with a teacher’s note explaining the situation then
              the tardy is automatically excused.
          o If a student is late to a rehearsal without notice and does not have a note from a teacher
              explaining tardiness, they will be given a tardy.
                  ▪ The student must fill out a tardy form explaining why they were tardy, what they will
                      do to make sure it doesn’t happen again, and apologize for disrupting the rehearsal.
•   3 Tardies = 1 unexcused Absence

Jordan Theatre Company Booster Club
Jordan Theatre Company Booster Club is for parents and guardians of Jordan theatre students and any other
patrons or businesses supporting the Jordan Theatre Company. The Boosters come together, in a spirit of
friendship and solidarity, to fundraise and volunteer in order to promote and enhance the students’ growth in theatre
arts and provide scholarship funding to qualifying graduating seniors.

The Boosters work closely with department leadership to ensure students in the Jordan Theatre Company are
provided excellent opportunities to develop and advance in theatre arts. When volunteering, the Boosters become
more informed about the Jordan Theatre Company program, develop a deeper understanding of the philosophy of
the Directors, have a better appreciation of the benefits that students receive by being a part of the Jordan Theatre
Co., and have the opportunity to know the Directors who work closely each day with the students.

The club is a s.501(3)(c) tax exempt, nonprofit corporation registered in Texas, with membership to Parent Booster
USA, and donations to the club are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The club’s meetings are scheduled
to occur on the first Monday of every month. Due to Covid-19, the meetings will be held via zoom until further notice
and members will receive a zoom invite for meetings by email.

The club offers different levels of membership, catering both to those who wish to be active and those who wish to
take a more hands-off, sponsorship role. Membership options range from $25 to $1,000, with different benefits
provided at all levels. It’s easy to sign up via the website: jtctheatre.org

Booster Club membership is not necessary to volunteer but parent participation is critical to the program’s
success! If you have any questions about membership, volunteering or anything to do with the Booster Club, please
contact president.jordantheatrebc@gmail.com.

Fundraising Opportunities
We hope that you will support the hard work of your student, as well as the entire troupe, by attending each production
and volunteering throughout the year.

Ticket revenue covers less than half the company’s costs in technical equipment, scenery, costumes, props, script
royalties, publicity and playbill printing etc. The Booster Club has adopted a fundraising strategy for this year and, as
activities receive permission from the principal, they will be put into action. It will be important for the Booster Club to
have your details to inform you about events, offers and opportunities as they arise. Please register your details with
the booster club secretary.jordantheare@gmail.com or sign up as a member via the website: jtctheatre.org.

A online merchandise store will open for a few weeks at the beginning of term one and offer apparel with the Jordan
Theatre Company logo on it. A portion of the profit from merchandise sales will come to Jordan Theatre Company.
Booster Club members are encouraged to wear their company shirt to meetings and when volunteering.

JTC Handbook                                            6                                            2020-2021
If you work for a company with corporate matching for charitable and educational giving, please contact the booster
club treasurer for details on how to direct donations towards the Jordan Theatre
Company treasurer.jordantheatrebc@gmail.com.

If you know of a business or community member that would like to sponsor the program, please get in touch with the
Booster Club to arrange for them to receive all the information they need.

Playbill Advertisements
The Jordan Theatre Company will produce playbills for each of its main stage productions throughout the school year
and is selling ad space in these playbills to those who would like to congratulate or encourage students involved in
the productions or to advertise their business. The price per ad for each production’s playbill ranges from $10 for a
‘single-line shout out’ to a full page, color, back cover at $250. All proceeds from ad sales directly support the Jordan
Theatre Company Program. Some levels of Booster Club membership automatically receive complimentary ad-space
for all three playbills in the 2020-21 season, please see our website for details: jtctheatre.org

There are some very specific instructions relating to playbill ad submissions, in particular:

        •       deadline for submission of playbill advertising is 1 month prior to production opening,
        •       submit .jpeg ad file electronically on a disc or email .jpeg artwork to andrewcmidkiff@katyisd.org,
        •       only the covers are color. Everything else gets converted to black and white/ greyscale so please
                 ensure the background for inside page ads is white for a crisper looking ad,
Don’t worry, so long as the Booster Club has your details, you will receive plenty of notice, information and reminders
about ad sales and submission dates/ requirements as playbill deadlines draw near. Of course, if you have any
questions, please contact Andrew Midkiff at 281-234-8239.

International Thespian Society
The International Thespian Society (I.T.S.) is the only organization to honor secondary school students for
outstanding work in theatre. Thespian membership is granted for the performance of meritorious work in theatre arts
which meets the Society’s general guidelines. As a member of the troupe you will have fun while learning and
growing as an individual as well as helping in the community. Upon induction to our Thespian Troupe, members
become eligible to attend the State and International Thespian Conventions and compete in the various acting and
technical workshops. Thespians are also eligible to apply for scholarships through the ITS and Texas Thespians.

Transfer students (from other High School Thespian troupes) must wait until after induction in May of each school
year to be officially transferred into the Thespian Troupe, and are expected to earn a total of 5 Thespian points in the
Jordan Theatre Co. before transfer. Students coming from a jr. thespian troupe can retain up to 5 points earned at
the junior high level.

In addition to the point categories listed on the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) website
(www.schooltheatre.org), points may be earned for participation in other activities which may include, but are not
limited to: fundraising activities, usher/service, concessions, U.I.L. One Act Play site crew, summer theatre
workshops, theatre work/cleaning days, and any non-school day function as determined by the troupe director. Once
you have earned 10 points (approx. 100 hours of dedicated theatre service) at Jordan High School, you will be invited
to become inducted into the International Thespian Society. You will experience Thespian week and go through an
induction ceremony as well. Once inducted you will receive your official Thespian card, pin, and have your certificate
displayed in the theatre classroom among the other active Thespians in our Troupe.

Thespian Point Guidelines

JTC Handbook                                          7                                            2020-2021
The International Thespian Society high school point system listed on the EdTA website is merely a guideline for
awarding points. The determination of the value of participation is the decision and the discretion of the
individual troupe director.

The following are general guidelines for the awarding/management of Points:
   • One (1) point represents approximately ten (10) hours of excellent theatre work (not merely 10 clock hours).
   • No student will be elected into the Society. No student will be denied membership into the Society if he or
         she has accumulated the required ten (10) points at Jordan High School and has fulfilled all membership
         requirements, as according to the bylaws.
   • Any transfer student, moving to Jordan High School from another high school, and already an inducted
         Thespian from another troupe, can still transfer over their membership, but must be officially inducted into
         the Jordan Troupe in May before participating as a Thespian in our inductions or in Troupe business.
   • Students must participate in at least two (2) full-length productions, or one (1) full-length and two (2) one-
         acts, or four (4) one-acts to be inducted.
   • No more than ten (10) points can be earned outside of Jordan High School.
   • Students will earn points for seeing High School, College or Professional Theatre, as long as the ticket stub
         and a one page typed critique/review of the show is submitted along with the Thespian Point Form.
   • Students may receive credit for and earn additional points, after induction, through participation at the
         middle school level (through an ITS Junior Thespian troupe*), in community, children’s or professional
         theatre, or in other activities in the performing arts, at the director's discretion and upon proof of participation.
         *All Junior Thespians will receive credit for 5 of their previously earned points.
   • When students qualify for membership, they will be notified in mid-April that they may join the International
         Thespian Society Troupe. Students will be informed of the cost of the membership fee ($35) and date/site of
         the induction ceremony. Inductions are held at the end of each school year.

Senate Bill 1 mandates that students who participate in extra-curricular activities such as Theatre Productions, U.I.L.
One Act Play and field trips must receive a grade of no less than 70 in each of their non A.P. classes. A student will
be suspended from participation in ALL extra-curricular activities sponsored or sanctioned by the school district for a
minimum of 3 calendar weeks after a grade reporting period if any grade is lower than a 70 in any class.

Students who were eligible before the failing grade report will not lose eligibility until 7 calendar days after the end of
the grading period.

Ineligible students must wait 7 calendar days after the end of the three week evaluation period and/or the grading
period to regain eligibility, whichever comes first.

All Theatre activities outside of the normal academic day are considered “extensions of the classroom” or “curricular”
activities. However, all theatre public performances, all U.I.L. contests and their related activities, and any field trips
are considered “extra-curricular” and fall under the Eligibility mandate.

Jordan Theatre Co. students have a high profile on campus and in the community. It is imperative that the conduct
and appearance of all theatre students be above reproach. Theatre students will have the opportunity to participate
in many exciting events on stage and behind the scenes. As representatives of Katy I.S.D. and Jordan High School,
our students must reflect an image of positive leadership, character, responsibility, and good sportsmanship.

Any student who receives an “N” or “U” in conduct in any class will not be allowed to participate in theatre extra-
curricular activities.

JTC Handbook                                             8                                             2020-2021
Any student assigned to in school suspension (I.S.S.) the day before or on the day of a production, contest
or field trip will not be allowed to participate in that activity.

In accordance with Katy I.S.D. policy, any student suspended from school for any reason will not be permitted to
participate in any theatre activities during the period of suspension.

Any student who walks out of a rehearsal or quits during a rehearsal process for a performance without just cause
defined by the directors, will not be allowed to participate in another theatre performance for the year.

Any student who is not directly connected to the production through the audition, casting and technical
assignment process shall not be allowed in the rehearsal process or backstage.

Any student who does not use theatre safety and etiquette guidelines established by the Jordan Theatre Department
will not be allowed to participate in any theatre activity for the remainder of the year. All students who work backstage,
in the booth, or in the shop must have a Safety Contract signed and on file with Mr. Midkiff.

Please refer to the JHS Student Handbook regarding TARDIES. Students are considered tardy if they are not in the
door when the bell rings. Some extenuating circumstances, as deemed by the directors or teachers, are taken into
consideration. Notes from a previous teacher or administrator are advisable.

JTC Handbook                                           9                                            2020-2021
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