Happy Holidays from Zembo Shrine - Volume 86, No. 6

Page created by Lewis Herrera
Happy Holidays from Zembo Shrine - Volume 86, No. 6
Volume 86, No. 6                                           Harrisburg, PA         November/December 2019

                                                    Happy Holidays
                                                  from Zembo Shrine

                                                    ZEMBO SHRINE • 2801 NORTH THIRD STREET • HARRISBURG, PA 17110
                                                                         PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY
Happy Holidays from Zembo Shrine - Volume 86, No. 6
ELECTED DIVAN                                                                               Message From The Potentate
     FOR 2019
                                                                               The time has come to say good-bye as your Potentate. The
   Illustrious Potentate                                                       past five years have gone by quickly and have provided Su-
    Joseph W. Rupe, Jr.                                                        san and I with many great memories and we have developed
                                                                               many new friendships.
      Chief Rabban
  Stanley E. Johnston, Jr.                                                     I said in the beginning that I would not continue to do every-
                                                                               thing the same old way as in the past, and we did break some
     Assistant Rabban                                                          new ground and travel down new paths. I urge the new of-
      J. Scott Burford                                                         ficers to break new ground because the way we have always
                                                                               done it just doesn’t work anymore and hasn’t for sometime.
 High Priest and Prophet
    Michael J. Smith
                             We used electronic billboards for the circus, Walk for Love and membership. This type of pro-
     Oriental Guide          motion got Zembo exposure in the community, as well as stimulated interest in the Walk and
   Lynn E. Shields, P.P.     membership. We pursued and received a substantial reduction in taxes for 2020. A number of
                             hospital presentations were made to groups and schools.
    Terry L. DiGruttolo      In addition to the $15,000 raised for the Walk, Krouse Travel made a $300 donation to the
                             Boston Burns Hospital when a group from our cruise toured the Boston facility.
       Huey A. Long          Unfortunately, we were unable to sell the building this year; however, our relator Bill Glad-
                             stone was able to show the facility to a number of groups who expressed interest. The most re-
                             cent hurdle thrown in our pathway is the published crime rate of the City of Harrisburg. While
    Representatives To       efforts were made to explain that our section of the city has not been a key target of the crime,
    Imperial Council         there was still reluctance by interested groups to pursue a purchase.
    Joseph W. Rupe, Jr.      Sadly, the Black Camel continues to thin our ranks by more than 100 members per year, far
  Stanley E. Johnston, Jr.   outpacing the number of new members. Without new members, it is becoming more and more
      J. Scott Burford       difficult for future Divans to control operating costs and meet annual budget projections by the
    Terry L. DiGruttolo      end of the year.

   2801 North Third St.      Thank you for all of the support you have given us this year. It is because of your support that
   Harrisburg, PA 17110      Zembo is able to do what we do for our children and community. We still have a shortage of
      717.238.8107           members needed to transport our children and their families to their medical appointments.
    Fax: 717.238.3106        Please consider being a driver or ride along and contact the office for what is required.
     www.zembo.org           I encourage you to support the new Potentate and the Divan in their endeavors and we wish
                             them the best in the new year.
      Printed by:
  DRS Printing Services,     Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable holiday season and New Year.
                             Fraternally and sincerely,
      Pep~er Editor:
                             Joseph W. Rupe, Jr.
    Joseph W. Rupe Jr.
                             Potentate 2019
     Pep~er Copy                                          Special thanks to Chief Aide Mike Smith, Lady
  Deadline: Nov. 25th                                     Lauren and to all the aides and their ladies who
                                                          served with us this year.
                                                                                                                                    Zembo Pep~er
 potentate@zembo.org                                                                                                            November/December2019
                                            A STATED MEETING OF ZEMBO SHRINERS, 2801 North 3rd Street                             Published Bi-Monthly
Cover photo by Susan Rupe     Harrisburg, PA 17110, will be held Friday, November 1, 2019, at 7:00 PM, in the Zembo Oriental
                              Band Room for the nomination of oofficers and transaction of such business as may be regularly       by Zembo Shriners
                                                                          presented.                                              2801 N. Third Street
                                           A STATED MEETING OF ZEMBO SHRINERS, 2801 North 3rd Street                              Harrisburg, PA 17110
                              Harrisburg, PA 17110, will be held Friday, December 6, 2019, at 7:00 PM, in the Zembo Orien-
                              tal Band Room for the election of officers and transaction of such business as may be regularly      Volume 86, No. 6

Happy Holidays from Zembo Shrine - Volume 86, No. 6
Dear Unit Heads, Club Presidents and Divan members,

It isn’t too early to begin thinking about our annual Zembo Shrine
Children’s Christmas Party! It is scheduled to be held on Sunday,
December 8, 2019, from 1-3 pm in the Zembo Auditorium.

“For the children’s sake,” your Unit or Club should plan to participate
in 2019. Consider this as your personal invitation, from Illustrious Sir
Joseph W. Rupe and Lady Susan urging your participation. With your
help, we can make this a very special Christmas party for the children.

Please consider doing a craft with the children and/or making a
donation to help cover some of the expenses for costumes and refreshments.
Your participation is very important to the success of this event.

Please complete the form below and return it to us ASAP.
Questions? Call Devin Acito, 717-602-3899, email: d4a2002@gmail.com.

Devin Acito
Christmas Party Chairman

                         Children’s Christmas Party Club & Unit Entry Form
                               Sunday December 8, 2019 1 pm to 3 pm
Club/Unit Name ________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________________ Alternate Phone: _________________________________

If known when form is mailed, our planned craft or activity:


___ Yes, we will need more than two tables. Number: __________

___ Yes, we will need electricity.

Any special requests:

Breaking The Ice
                                                       By Susan Rupe Zembo First Lady 2019
                             As I am writing this message, we are back home from the Potentate’s Cruise to New England
                             and Canada. Joe and I had never been on a cruise before, and we really didn’t know what to
                             expect, but we had a wonderful time. We visited some interesting ports, and our at-sea time
                             was relaxing. And we ate like there was no tomorrow!
                             A few things stood out while we were on the cruise. The first was our visit to Shriners Hos-
                             pital Burns Center in Boston. The staff at the hospital rolled out the red carpet for the Zembo
                             members and their ladies who toured the facility. The hospital board chairman ran to his car
                             and got his fez so that he could be just another Shriner while we were there!
Shriners Hospitals truly are places where miracles happen. When you visit a hospital, the staff, patients and parents can’t
do enough to express their gratitude for the Shriners’ support. As for those of us who were visiting from Zembo, we were
in awe of everything that the hospital staff does to help the children recover from their traumatic experiences and return to
as normal a life as possible.
While we were aboard ship, we had two “formal nights” where we dressed up for dinner in the main dining room. Joe
wanted all the Shriners to wear their fezzes to dinner on those nights. It was amazing to see the reaction of the servers and
our fellow passengers when the Shriners entered the room wearing their fezzes, heads held high. Everyone acted as if the
Zembo members were some kind of royalty. Well, Shriners do call themselves “nobles” and they definitely looked and
acted the part!
Joe and many of the other Zembo members wore shirts with some kind of Shrine logo on them almost every day of the
cruise. And it was amazing to me what kind of ice-breakers the fez and the Shrine logo are when you are aboard a ship
with a few thousand strangers. So many people walked up to Joe and asked about Shrine, about Zembo and about the
fez. It was a wonderful opportunity for him to explain to people who the Shriners are and what they do. So many people
thanked us for what Shriners do for the kids.
Ladies, be proud of the role you play in helping to support the world’s greatest philanthropy. I enjoyed being with all of
you at Zembo this year and look forward to continuing to see you in the future.

                            LINCOLN                           4
Attention Nobles: Annual Meeting and Election of Officers
       Friday, December 6, 2019              (c) Violation. For any violation of (a)       APPOINTMENTS ARE FOR ONE
              ARTICLE 25                     or (b), the Imperial Potentate may                         YEAR ONLY!
       Officers, Their Election or           suspend any offending Nobles, and he          When a Potentate’s term of office
               Appointment                   may declare the election of the officers     expires, all appointments made by
Section 325.11 Election Regulation           voide and order a new election.              him during his administration TER-
(a) Electioneering. A candidate for an                                                    MINATE, according to the Imperial
elected office in a Shrine temple may                      ARTICLE 39                     Code.
print, publish and circulate during the                 Visitors to Temples                Such appointments include ALL
year he is seeking the elected office, a     Section 339.1 Admission. A Noble             appointed Officers, Potentate’s Aides,
resume consisting of his educational         may not be admitted to his own or any        members of Committees and their
background, his vocational history,          other temple, unless he exhibits to the      Chairmen, Special Appointees, Direc-
and his Masonic and Shrine record.           temple to which he desires admittance        tors, Assistant Directors and all mem-
Except as provided in the prior sen-         an official Shrine card for the then cur-    bers of the Potentate’s Staff.
tence, the printing, publication, circu-     rent year.                                    Some uniformed Nobles have mis-
lating or distribution of resolutions,                                                    takenly believed, or assumed, their ap-
letter,s telegrams, tickets, email or         Attested:                                   pointments to be permanent; NOT SO!
other devices, by a unit, club, Noble,        Huey A. Long, Recorder                      Each Potentate when installed in office
or group of Nobles, suggesting rec-           Joseph W. Rupe Jr., Illustrious Potentate   must make his own appointments
ommending, opposing, or containing                                                        including Divan appointments.
the names of proposed candidates for                                                       The Potentate has the power and au-
office in the temple is prohibited.                                                       thority under Imperial Shrine Law to
(b) Expenditures Prohibited. The ex-                                                      replace every appointee; or he may, if
penditure of money for gifts, favors, or                                                  he believes it to be in the best interest
entertainment on behalf of a candidate                                                    of the Shrine, retain all appointees by
for elected office is prohibited.                                                         reappointment.

                        December and January Stated Meetings
 December Stated Meeting and Election of Officers - Friday, Dec. 6
 Meeting and election will be held at 7 P.M. in the Oriental Band Room
 (Please note there will be NO MEAL served prior to this meeting)

 January Stated Meeting - Friday, Jan. 3, 2020
 Meeting will be held at 7 P.M. in the Oriental Band Room
 (Please note there will be NO MEAL served prior to this meeting)

                         Zembo Motorcycle Touring Unit
                               Why not join us for a ride?
                          For more information please contact;
                                 Noble Barry Strock, President
                         Cell-(717)-802-1781 bleestro46@gmail.com
                                Noble Lynn Shields, PP Captain
                         Cell-(717)-961-6621 lshields7@comcast.net

Daily Number Calendar Winners
DATE    NO.    NAME		              AMT.     DATE     NO.      NAME		          AMT.   DATE    NO.     NAME		         AMT.
7/01    815 RONALD KEENEY          20       7/23     302 NO CALENDAR SOLD    20      08/14   393 KARA SIEGEL        20
7/02    106 HUEY LONG              20       7/24     905 CAROL KEENEY        20      08/15   900 NINA BAYER         20
7/03    066 MELODIE COFFEY         20       7/25     975 BRANDN BROWN        20      08/16   256 ELVIN HESS         20
7/04    431 GEORGE SHEARER JR 200           7/26     069 TIM GILL            20      08/17   984 MELVALENE KING     20
7/05    051 ABIGAIL MYERS          20       7/27     774 STEVE MILLIGAN      20      08/18   464 PATRICIA FISHER    20
7/06    341 LYNN DONALDSON         20       7/28     525 NO CALENDAR SOLD    20      08/19   387 NO CALENDAR SOLD   20
7/07    355 NO CALENDAR SOLD       20       7/29     795 SARAH UNDERKOFFLER 20       08/20   777 KIN SACARELLO      20
7/08    218 NO CALENDAR SOLD       20       7/30     426 JACK WEAVER         20      08/21   202 NO CALENDAR SOLD   20
7/09    873 DEAN SHADLE            20       7/31     871 NO CALENDAR SOLD    20      08/22   149 KYLEE BROWN        20
7/10    367 BRIA KADISH            20       08/01    401 ELWOOD BRANDT       20      08/23   958 JEFF FUNSTON       20
7/11    084 NO CALENDAR SOLD       20       08/02    496 NO CALENDAR SOLD    20      08/24   938 NO CALENDAR SOLD   20
7/12    695 DAN PFISTER SR.        20       08/03    068 JARIAN SINKKALLEN   20      08/25   500 NO CALENDAR SOLD   20
7/13    429 MEGAN HARTMAN          20       08/04    192 MERLE CRUMLIH       20      08/26   130 JOAN NEY           20
7/14    325 NO CALENDAR SOLD       20       08/05    048 NO CALENDAR SOLD    20      08/27   725 NO CALENDAR SOLD   20
7/15    050 NO CALENDAR SOLD       20       08/06    604 EMILIANN GOODHART 20        08/28   943 NO CALENDAR SOLD   20
7/16    925 BRETT McCREARY         20       08/07    001 JOHN BRUNNER        20      08/29   962 TED DRAUDE         20
7/17    159 DESMOND COFFEY         20       08/08    830 JUDY BURNS          20      08/30   262 STEVE GEIB         20
7/18    334 HELENA JONES           20       08/09    187 KENNETH GALL        20      08/31   868 DEAN MARTIN        20
7/19    195 LENNY LEMIEOX          20       08/10    262 STEVEN GEIB         20
7/20    382 NO CALENDAR SOLD       20       08/11    180 RAYMOND WILT        20
7/21    810 AMY FAHNESTOCK         20       08/12    112 NO CALENDAR SOLD    20
7/22    408 NO CALENDAR SOLD       20       08/13    228 JULIE DONALDSON     20

               Potentate’s Travel:
Subject to change
November                       December
1       Stated Meeting 		      1          Sports Cars
         (Nominations)         4          Daughters of Nile
2       Tartan Ball            5          LOH
5       Ushers Dinner          6          Stated Meeting
6       LOH                                 (Election)
9       Motorcycle             7          Hershey Breakfast
          Breakfast            8          Sports Cars
11      York Co.               9          York Co.
13      BOD                    10         Directors                 Zembo Shrine
18      Past Potentates        11         BOD                       is available for
19      Masonic Village        12         Lancaster Co.
          Breakfast            14         RV Club-noon              public and private
                               14         Mini-Cars-evening         rental events
                               15         Clowns
                               16         Corvettes
                               17         Masonic Village

                                                                       Contact the Zembo office at 717-441-1493.
NOBLE’S NAME		                    CITY, STATE		                      DATE CREATED		               DATE OF DEATH
Donald R. Miller		                York Springs, PA 		                June 7, 1958			              January 12, 2019

Albert A. Snyder, Jr.		           Muir, PA			                        June 11, 1994			             April 15, 2018

Paul K. Rankin		                  Lancaster, PA			                   December 14, 1974		          August 5, 2019

George W. Rheam		                 Hummelstown, PA                    December 3, 1966		           August 14, 2019

Robert S. Fuhrer		                Enola, PA 			                      June 11, 1988			             August 16, 2019

Charles F. Groff, Jr.		           New Providence, PA 		              June 23, 1973			             August 19, 2019

Glenn C. Mundis		                 Camp Hill, PA			                   December 9, 1972		           August 29, 2019

E. Lloyd Freeburn		               York Springs, PA 		                October 23, 2002		           September 2, 2019

Russell A. Myers		                York, PA			                        June 8, 1963			              September 19, 2019

Raymond R. Conrad		               Hummelstown, PA 		                 December 13, 1952		          September 23, 2019

Robert C. Bitner, Jr.		           Harrisburg, PA 		                  June 12, 1993			             September 24, 2019

James L. Hastings		               Kirkwood, PA			                    December 3, 1960		           September 24, 2019

Peter Jordanoff		                 Harrisburg, PA			                  June 13, 1987			             July, 14, 2019
                                                                           Holiday Raffle Winners

       ‘Tis the Season for the
  Zembo Children’s Christmas Party

              Sunday, December 8
                     1-3 PM
                In the Auditorium
                                                                    Zembo Recorder Huey Long had some help
 Bring the special kids in your life for an afternoon               from Kathy Hartz, wife of Imperial Captain of
 of crafts, entertainment, snacks and a chance to                   the Guard Mark Hartz, in drawing the winning
 visit with Santa Claus (and Mrs. Claus)                            numbers for the Zembo Holiday Raffle. Here are
                                                                    the lucky winners: $1,500, Roger Lynch; $750,
             There is NO COST to attend the party.
                                                                    Nick Sutovich; $300, Slade Genslicki; $200, John
   Please notify the Zembo office how many children will be
  attending so that we can plan for enough refreshments, etc.
                                                                    Hostetter; $200, Joan Spoonhour; $150, Benjamin
                                                                    F. Smith.
2020 Public Installation and Family Worship Service
                                 Join us on Sunday, January 5, 2020 as we celebrate the installation
                                 of Zembo leadership, along with the Aides to the Potentate and the
                                 2020 Club and Unit Officers. The Divan and their ladies will be in
                                 formal attire, Club and Units Jackets for the Officers, the Nobility is
                                 asked to wear a coat and tie, and ladies are asked to wear a dress
                                 or pant suit.

                                 The Worship Service, begins at 2:00 PM, and the Public Installation
                                 begins at 3:00 PM. A meal will be served shortly thereafter. Menu
                                 for the meal will be Honey Pineapple Ham, Herb Roasted Chicken
                                 Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Peas & Carrots, Assorted Desserts, Iced
                                 Tea & Water.

                    There is no charge to attend, but reservations are required.
   Call the office at 717-238-8107 to make your reservation. Reservation deadline is Dec 20.

                                  A Message From The Chief Rabban
                  By Stanley E. Johnston Jr.                             puter and can communicate well with email, then either of
 Greetings, Nobles!                                                      these positions are easy to do. Call me for more detailed
 The common question that gets asked in business is,                     information about what you would need to do, and I will
“Why?” That’s a good question, but an equally valid ques-                be happy to discuss it with you. And by the way, the circus
tion is, “Why not?” In 2020, I hope to do some things that               chairman even gets his own parking space!
are “Not the way we’ve always done it.” But rest assured,                 I’d like to put in a personal pitch for the Mounted Patrol.
one thing you can plan on, is having fun!                                They need more riders for the parades. If you aren’t afraid
 I trust everyone had an enjoyable time at MASA in Virgin-               of horses and have ever ridden one, you are a candidate
ia Beach even though the parade was cancelled. A special                 for the Mounted Patrol. You don’t have to have your own
thanks goes out to the Clowns for making us “presentable!”               horse, because they have extra horses that you can ride.
I know Lady Cheryl and I had a great time, enjoying the                  Call Roger Cackovic (717-979-5659) for more information.
camaraderie with each of you that has been built up over                 Along with the parades, next year the Mounted Patrol will
the years.                                                               be sponsoring a new event at the Shrine, “Running of the
 From now until theFully  Insured
                        end of theAnd
                                    year,Licensed  Sinceis1975
                                          the calendar     full of       Fezzes.” You will want to be sure to come out for that. It
dinners and parties, so take the time to attend your favorite            will be a fun time for all!
ones and make the Zembo family a part of your family.                     In October of 2020, Lady Cheryl and I will be hosting a
 The Public Installation for the 2020 Zembo Officers will                trip to Ireland. The trip will be 11 days and the cost is only
take place on Jan. 5, 2020. Everyone is invited to attend,               going to be about $2,350 per person, double occupancy,
and I look forward to seeing you all there.                              plus air fare. Lady Cheryl has completely customized the
 Believe it or not, circus time is not too far away - March              trip, so you know it will be unique. Look for more details in
11-15, 2020. There are some positions that still need to be              a future Pep-er.
filled for next year.       Pennsylvania’s
                      I am still  looking for a circus chairman           As we close out the year, stay safe. We look forward to
and a program ads Full   Service
                      director.      Caterer!
                                If you are good with a com-              being with each of you all next year.
 • Grand Openings • Business Meetings • Trade Shows
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Kids Helping Kids

                                                          Third grade students at the Milton Hershey School
                                                          donated nearly $400 from their lemonade stand to Shri-
                                                          ners Hospital-Philadelphia. Ill. Sir Joe Rupe spoke to
                                                          the third grade class as a representative of the hospital.

                                                                Thank You - Sportsmen’s Day Raffle
                                                          The 2019 Sportsmen’s Day Raffle was a success. Thanks
                                                          to all who purchased and/or sold tickets.

                                                          I also would like to thank everyone who came to Zembo
                                                          on the day of the raffle. It was a warm day and the fel-
                                                          lowship was great.

In 2018, our Ill. Potentate Richard Smith and Lady        Thanks to the Zembo Police Unit, the Ushers, the Le-
Diane created a cookbook as a way of raising funds        gion of Honor, Mac McCrumb and the kitchen crew,
to restore this Zembo banner. The work is being com-      and all who assisted by selling raffles, preparing food,
pleted and we hope the work is completed in the next      serving food and beverages, pulling winners, announc-
month. This photo shows part of the restoration on the    ing and keeping the place clean.
banner. The banner will be in a display case when the
work is completed. We are still accepting donations for   Lynn E. Shields, PP
this work! Please contact the office at 717-238-8107 if   Sportsmen’s Day Chair
you are interested in contributing.

                                   Welcome New Members!
Zembo Shrine welcomes its newest members:
Barry K. Fealtman		         Mechanicsburg, PA
Ian Means Ehrgood		         Lebanon, PA
James Frazier McIntyre Jr.  Fredericksburg, PA
Janna Timothy Smith		       Elizabethtown, PA
Michael O’Donavan		         Hershey, PA
Kevin Michael Myers		       Chambersburg, PA
L. Wade Snook			            Beavertown, PA
James Lingafelt			          Tyrone, PA
Matthew J. Miller		         York, PA
William Delbert McElrath    Orbisonia, PA
Ross Stephens			            Middleburg, PA
William Terry Barkley		     Dauphin, PA
James D. Brown		            Dillsburg, PA
Happy 115th Birthday, Zembo Shrine!
Zembo Shrine observed its 115th birthday with a banquet and dance on Oct. 12 at the Holiday Inn, Grantville.
Honored guests for the evening were S. Eugene Herritt, Grand Master of Pennsylvania and a Zembo Shriner, and
Mark Hartz, Imperial Captain of the Guard. Music was provided by The Main Street Cruisers.

 The evening was highlighted by the presentation of two citations recognizing Zembo and its members for their
 service to the community and to the Shriners Hospitals. State Rep. Tom Mehaffie, a Zembo Shriner, presented
 the Divan and the Grand Master with a citation from the state House of Representatives (above left photo) and
 Dauphin County Commissioner Mike Pries (above right photo) presented Ill. Sir Joe Rupe with a citation from
 the county commissioners.

                          2019 Zembo Shrine Potentate’s Cruise
Zembo Shriners and their guests spent seven days visiting New England and Canada aboard the Regal Princess for
the 2019 Potentate’s Cruise. Ports visited included Newport, Boston, Bar Harbor, St. John’s and Halifax.

Zembo members visited Shriners Burn Center in Boston,
where they delivered a $300 contribution from Krouse Travel.     Everyone took a break from sight-seeing to
                                                                 enjoy cocktails aboard the ship.
                                          There was plenty to see on
                                          the trip, from the Statue
                                          of Liberty as the ship
                                          left New York (left) to a
                                          lighthouse off the coast of
                                          Halifax (right).

Sunday                 Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday              Thursday               Friday            Saturday
                                                                                                                  1 Stated Meeting 2    Tartan Ball
                                                                                                                         7 pm OBR      Susquehanna Club
                                                                                                                                        New Cumberland

                  3                     4                     5 6     Merry Widows         7 Mini Cars 6pm       8 Luncheon Club            9 ZMTU 9 am
                                                                          Luncheon         Perkins Camp Hill
                                                                          UR & AUD
                                                                    LOH 6 pm Hoss’s
10           Clowns        11 Police Unit       12 DON 6pm         13     BOD 4 pm         14           FCSC     15     AASR Tent.     16    AASR Tent.
          5 pm SDR,            7 pm SDR       Eureka West Shore                OBR          Election 6:30 pm                           RV Unit Luncheon
    6 pm meeting UR           YCSC 7 pm                  Lodge     Highlanders UR &        The Cottage Rest                            1 pm Hoss’s Enola
                       Fish Fry Big Jim’s                                      AUD                        Stag
                       Seafood, everyone                                                  LancCSC 6:30 pm
                                  invited                                                       Election Night
                                                                                              Weaver’s Banq
                                                                                          Hall, Ladies invited
                17 18 Corvette Club           19         MVSC      20   Highlanders                       21 22          Luncheon                    23
                           6 pm Marzoni’s        8 am Breakfast           UR & AUD                                           Club
                           Past Potentates      Patton Cafeteria    ZMP 6:30 pm UR
                       12 noon Rock Bass          PJSC 6:30 pm
                                                   Ranch House
                24 25               UDSC      26 Directors-UR       27 Highlanders 28 Thanksgiving 29                      Business    30
                                 Schiano’s                                  UR & AUD         Business Office          Office Closed

                                                 DECEMBER 2019
Sunday      Monday                            Tuesday              Wednesday Thursday     Friday           Saturday
1      ZSCU 2                                 3                    4 Merry Widows 5   LOH 6 Stated Meeting 7        HSC
     Christmas Party                                                       Luncheon          Christmas Party      7 pm Election OBR           Christmas
               1 pm                                                 Highlanders UR &         6 pm Tile Room                              Breakfast, 8 am
      West Shore CC                                                             AUD                                                     Hershey Country
8       Kids Holiday   9      YCSC Oyster     10       Directors   11        BOD 4 pm      12      LancCSC       13 Luncheon Club 14          ZMTU 9 am
          Party 1 pm       Feed UAW, Stag        Christmas Party           Highlanders       Christmas Party                                     RV Unit
     Clowns mtg UR                                          SDR              UR & AUD               6:30 pm                              Christmas Party
                3 pm                                                                            Shady Maple                                  1 pm Hoss’s
                                                                                              Ladies invited                                       Enola
                                                                                                                                                Mini Cars
                                                                                                                                         Christmas Party
                                                                                                                                           6 pm Colonial
                                                                                                                                           Country Club
15            Clown    16 Corvette Club        17 MVSC Ladies 18        Highlanders        19         FCSC       20 Luncheon Club 21
    Christmas Party         6 pm Marzoni’s               Dinner           UR & AUD           Christmas Party       UDSC Christmas
               6 pm        LebCSC 6:30 pm       6 pm Brossman        ZMP 6:30 pm UR                 6:30 pm                    Party
    Colonial Lounge          Heisey’s Diner    Ballroom Salon 1,                                 Savoy Rest.      Millersburg Moose
                                               Grand Lodge Hall
                22                     23 24 Christmas Eve 25                Christmas                     26                   27                   28
                                                 Business Office        Business Office
                                                         Closed                 closed

29                                     30        31 New Year’s
                                                 Business Office

Petition for membership in                                     A Message From The Treasurer
                                  Zembo Shrine                                                                 By Terry L. DiGruttolo
                                2801 N. 3rd Street
                              Harrisburg, PA 17110                                          We are in the last months of Zembo’s fiscal year. The 2018
                       717-238-8107 – 717-238-3106 Fax                                     audit has been completed and the 2018 tax returns have
                                                                                           been filed for Zembo and all of our clubs and units. We are
   FEE: Contact office for fee
   Fez Size ________________$150 for fez                       (OFFICE USE ONLY)           currently engaged in discussions for completing the 2020
Please attach copy of current Lodge Dues Card                                              budget for presentation to the membership at the November
To the Potentate, Officers and Nobles of Zembo Shrine, situated in the Oasis of            Stated Meeting.
Harrisburg, PA Desert of Pennsylvania: I the undersigned hereby declare that I am a
Master Mason in good standing in _________________Lodge #________
located at ___________________________________, __________________                          We will finish the 2019 year with a considerable deficit,
which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of
North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6       causing us to request funds from our investment accounts to
months, as required by the Bylaws of the Imperial council. I respectfully pray that I      cover our remaining expenses. No one is comfortable with
may be made a Noble Shriners International, and become a member of Zembo Shri-
ners. If I be found worthy and my request is granted, I promise to conform to Bylaws of    this action, but at this juncture we have no choice; Zembo’s
Shriners International, the Bylaws and Ceremonies of Zembo Shrine.                         bills must be paid.
Petitioner’s Name _________________________________________________
                   Print your name in full (initials are not sufficient)
                                                                                            I do wish to thank all of the Nobles who have worked dili-
Your birthplace ___________________________________________________                        gently to allow Zembo to have success in its many endeavors
Date of birth _______/_________/___________                                                throughout 2019. We had a very successful circus, thanks to
Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Shrine?                     all the volunteers and especially the donations by the Circus
                                                                                           Daddies to enable so many kids to enjoy our circus. The
Yes _____ No _____ If so, what Shrine? _______________________________
                                                                                           Purse-a-Palooza and Sportsmen’s Day fundraisers were very
Where? _________________________________________________________
                                                                                           successful, again due to the volunteers who organized and
Your occupation __________________________________________________                         worked the events plus those who sold and bought tickets.
Place of employment ______________________________________________
Home Street Address ______________________________________________                          Our Potentate’s Lady’s Walk for Love was a very success-
                                                                                           ful fundraiser for our children’s hospital and would not have
City ___________________________ State __________ Zip ______________
                                                                                           been, but for the volunteers and donors. These are only a
Email address ____________________________________________________
                                                                                           few of the important activities of Zembo Shriners this year.
Home Phone (______) ____________________________________________                           A special thanks goes to all the clubs and units who, without
Mobile Phone (______) ____________________________________________                         their financial and volunteer help, our operations and activi-
Lady’s Name ____________________________________________________                           ties would not have been possible
Signature of Petitioner _____________________________________________
                                                                                            Zembo Shrine is planning to be as active for our members
                                                                                           as in the past and will be continuing to do our work support-
Date                                                                                       ing our children’s hospitals. Unfortunately, our member-
        Recommended and vouched for on the honor of: (sign below)                          ship’s average age continues to increase and our volunteers
______________________________________                   ____________________
                                                                                           are getting tired; therefore, all our Nobles need to step up
Noble’s Signature				                                        Membership #                  this year and ask: “How can I help?” We need all our mem-
                                                                                           bers to be involved in 2020. If you can’t volunteer please
______________________________________                   _____/_____/_________             consider monetary support for our activities in the new year.
Printed Name				                                                 Date

______________________________________                   ____________________              “Remember, if everyone does a little (in 2020) no one needs
Noble’s Signature				                                        Membership #                                        to do a lot!”

______________________________________                   _____/_____/_________
Printed Name				                                                 Date

   Make check payable to Zembo Shrine - Must accompany this Petition
                                                                                               Thank you for your support this year!
Check Number _______________ Amount Paid ___________________
                       (OFFICE USE ONLY)
                                                                                                             Joe and Susan Rupe
                                                                           JAN 2019
A Hurricane Couldn’t Dampen Spirits At MASA
Hurricane Dorian washed out many of the MASA activities, including the parade. But, Zembo members and their
ladies had fun despite the rain and wind. A “hurricane party” took place all day in the hospitality room and, when
the hurricane moved on, we were rewarded with a beautiful, sunny beach day for our last day in Virginia Beach.

                                                                                          Meet Zembo’s newest
                                                                                          honorary clowns, Jelly
                                                                                          Bean and Daisy (aka
                                                                                          Stanley and Cheryl
                                                                                          Transforming them into
                                                                                          clown makeup were
 Our oceanfront rooms gave us the                                                         Zembo’s own clowns
 perfect vantage point to watch the                                                       Spanky and Buzz-ee.
 tide come in during the storm.

                                  Zembo attendees were
                                  greeted with this
                                  banner on display
                                  above the hotel lobby. It
                                  Zembo’s 115th
                                  anniversary this year.    The Zembo hospitality room was the
                                                            place to be at MASA.

                                                                            Robert M. Strickler
                                                                             Charles B. Calkins

                            Robert M. Strickler
                             Charles B. Calkins
                                                                       (717) 848-4900 | www.cgalaw.com
                          (717) 848-4900 | www.cgalaw.com | 135135
                                                               N. George   St.St.| York,
                                                                   N. George       | York,PA
                                                                                           PA 17401

MINI CAR UNIT                                                   MOUNTED PATROL
                        By Jeff Eberts                                                 By Troy Sherwin

 T    he mini cars were present in Virginia Beach as we
      had five cars and a tow truck. It was disappointing
that we didn’t get to compete, plus the parade was
                                                                W      ell, another MASA Convention in Virginia Beach is
                                                                 Attending were Barry and Linda Strock, Troy and Marti
cancelled. Thanks to our fellow unit members who                Sherwin, their daughter Alana and son Austin, and Roger
pulled their cars down there, it cost extra money to do         Cackovic to represent Zembo Mounted Patrol. The weather
but we were there to support our temple. We had a good          was beautiful Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday was
time anyway and enjoyed the hurricane party and parties.        another story as Hurricane Dorian rained and blew all day
Thanks to all who worked on taking care of the hospitality      long!
room during the week, it was greatly appreciated.                A meeting was held Friday morning at LuLu Mounted
 October was be a busy month for us as we had a lot of          Guard Hospitality Room. It was attended by LuLu Riders
Halloween parades. Over the summer we lost two very             and Zembo Riders. The weather kept the other units at their
good members, Noble David Anspach and Noble Homer               hotels. Zembo Mounted Patrol will represent MASA 2020
Pontius. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their wives         with Barry Strock as President and Troy Sherwin as First
and families. Dave was past president of the mini cars and      Vice President. Zembo will set up a Spring Trail Ride and
Homer was our vice president.                                   Banquet. Please help and support your fellow Mounties.
 We would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving             On our way into our hotel, we had the honor of meeting
and Merry Christmas and happy holidays. The mini                the Imperial Potentate, Jeffrey L. Sowder. In our cordial
car unit Christmas party will be held on Dec. 14 at the         conversation with him, we took away a feeling of friendship
Colonial Country Club on Linglestown Road.                      and brotherhood. On Saturday, we visited the Virginia Beach
 We have some mini cars for sale and we could really use        Mounted Police Barn. What a great facility they have! We
some more members to jump in them so we can get them            were warmly welcomed and given a tour of the grounds.
on the street for our parades. If you are interested, please     Back home, we held our Mounted Patrol Meeting and laid a
contact Jeff Eberts at 717-801-6100.                            course of action for 2020. We want to report PP and Fellow
                                                                Mountie Hank Martin is on the mend and Tim Dietzler is
                                                                doing well. The meeting was attended by Mel Fertenbaugh
                                                                and his Lady, Mary. We were so happy to see them!
                                                                 In closing, we wish to remind everyone of our
                                                                2019 Christmas Party Dec. 27 at the Strock Barn in

                                                                     especially Zembo Shrine. After the tour, our group walked
                 By Robert Cook, Cellar Master                       downtown to the Wheel Diner for a very good lunch. A

A     gain, let’s raise our glass to our newest member to
      join Taproom #17, High Priest and Prophet Michael J.
Smith. Noble Smith has experimented with home brewing
                                                                     plaque was hanging on the wall stating “One of the top 25
                                                                     Diners in the United States.”

and is looking forward in sharing his knowledge with us.
Welcome, Michael.
 Our August social gathering took place with a visit
to Cassel Vineyard of Hershey. Twenty-four members
and ladies arrived and gathered on a comfortable patio,
enjoying conversation until all were present. Cellar Master
Robert Cook, PP, welcomed members. There was no
formal toast, however it could be determined the toast
was provided by the Divine Architect — perfect weather,
comfortable temperature with a mild breeze. Our group
enjoyed a tour and story of the vineyard, which evolved on
a multi-generation family farm.
 Our tour began at rows of grapes where we learned of
grape variety (some of which can be used to produce up to
12 types of wine), growth techniques, weather impact, bird           The Water Spirit Shiners (and Barflys) had a ball visit-
competition for grapes and the nearly daily tasks required           ing the Yuengling Brewery in Pottsville.
for the long season of growth through grape harvest.
Bottom line: good wine involves a lot of long tedious work            Our next social gathering will be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 21
in the field before the first drop of juice is pressed from a        at Pizza Boy Brewing Company, 2240 Millennium Way,
grape.                                                               Enola. All are welcome; we need more members who have
 We enjoyed a time of complimentary wine tasting with                knowledge about home brewing. Please contact the Cellar
knowledgeable staff who defined taste and blending of a              Master at 717-991-5767 or email cookies63@comcast.net
variety of wines. The enjoyment of the event was evident             if you are planning to attend.
by the number of bottles of wine purchased by members.                We will not meet in December due to the many Christmas
 From Cassel Vineyard we traveled to Iron Hill Brewery               parties held by the units and clubs. We will meet at 7 p.m.
in Hershey, where we were fortunate to have a long high              Jan. 16, 2020, in the Zembo Small Dining Room. Please
top table to accommodate the group. Over conversation                check your 2020 Zembo Calendar when you receive your
and good food, we had a new grouping of microbrews to                copy. More info to follow.
explore.                                                               Until next time, always have some liquid sunshine in your
 Our September outing was a trip to Yuengling Brewery in             glass.
Pottsville. It is the oldest brewery in America, founded in
1829 by a German immigrant named David G. Yuengling.
The name of the brewery when it first started was Eagle
Brewery. The name of the brewery was changed to
Yuengling Brewery in 1873 when the son joined his father
as partner. The brewery has been in the family to this day.
 After arriving by the 14-passenger limousine, we were
provided a free tour and history of the brewery. During
the tour, we were asked about the Water Spirit Shiners
and what is a Shriner. We were given the opportunity to
let our 45-member tour group know what is a Shriner,
our philanthropy and why Zembo started the Water Spirit
Shiners. It was a great feeling to promote Freemasonry and
L. Fahnestock
     T.Walker        YOUR NAME COULD
     D. Gerstenlauer   APPEAR HERE
          FRANKLIN COUNTY CLUB                                                 MERRY WIDOWS
     R. Edwards           By Ed Thacker, President                                                  By Barbara C. Sill

         O   n Aug. 10, we held our Dog Days Breakfast at the
                          SEND $5.00
             Mount Alto Firehall with more than 20 people in                  T    he Merry Widows will hold their next meeting at noon
                                                                                   Nov. 6 in the Small Dining Room at Zembo. Lunch
     E. Shulenberger
       attendance. Several Nobles prepared the breakfast meal                 will be followed by the program presented by Darlene
                        DONATION TO:
       that consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, turkey sausage
       and pancakes, coffee, orange juice and “Bloody Marys.”
                                                                              Murray who will portray “Millie,” the White House dog

     J. Bankes         Wayne Poffenberger
        Our 40th annual Bud Open was held at the Penn National
       Golf Course on Aug. 12-13. This Bud Open is special! It
                                                                              during the George H.W. Bush administration. The business
                                                                              meeting will follow. The luncheon menu will be meat
                                                                              lasagna, garden salad, green beans and Jello.
     W. Kocher           11 Redfox Lane
       was our 40th anniversary! And with 391 golfers, a very
       special event indeed. A really special thank you to all our
                                                                               Our Christmas luncheon will be held at noon Dec. 4
                                                                              at Zembo. There will be no business conducted during
                             Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
       Nobles who played a round and/or helped out. Without
       you, this event could not even come close to the big                   this meeting. The menu will be roast turkey, stuffing,
       success that it continues to prove beyond a shadow of a                mashed potatoes, baked corn, cranberry salad and pie with
       doubt – this specific event is evidence that you are all truly         ice cream. The luncheon must be paid for in advance,
       committed to our cause, Shriners Hospitals! Thanks again,              preferably at the November meeting. Our entertainment
       Shriners and friends of the Shrine, as well as staff at Penn           will be Christmas music and a sing-along led by our own
       National and the Brewery Products personnel.                           Shirley Conrad.
        Our Fall Ladies Night on Oct. 24 at the Chambersburg                   We thank our presenters of our past two programs:
       VFW had great food and attendance. Our own Noble Tony                  Mark Brumaghim, a retired policeman who spoke at the
       Haugh and his “Colonial Team” provided an outstanding
                                                                              September meeting about the variety of scams that are
       U. S. Flag Ceremony.
        Our election for 2020 will be held on Nov. 21 at the                  appearing today and ways to prevent them; and the church
       GearHouse Brewing Co. 253 Grant St., Chambersburg                      musical group from Elizabethtown at our October meeting.
       (ladies invited). And, our Christmas party, “Ladies                     The Zembo Luncheon Club has started their fall and
       Night,” will be held Dec. 19 at the Savoy, 11655 Anthony               winter meetings and have invited all Merry Widows to
       Highway, Waynesboro.                                                   attend. They are held at noon on Fridays, twice a month.
                                                                              Future luncheons will be Nov. 8 and 22 and Dec. 13 and
                                                                              20 in the Small Dining Room instead of the Tile Room.

                                                                              You can enter through the Third Street door or the kitchen
                                                                              door on the back of the building. The Merry Widows will
              Devin A. Acito, HIS           •   Free Hearing Test             be sponsoring the Christmas luncheon on Dec. 20 again
                                                                              this year as a way of saying “thanks” for being included in
          Hearing Instrument Specialist     •   $500 Shriners Discount        these events.
              5229 E. Trindle Road                                             The nominating committee will be busy contacting
                                            •   Free Follow-up Visits
           Mechanicsburg, PA 17050                                            members to serve as officers for next year, so they can
                                            •   Free 30 Day Trial             present a slate at the November meeting to be voted on in
          SIEMENS & STARKEY AIDS                                              March. Please consider helping if you are asked. I know
                 717-602-3899               •   Accept Insurances             our incoming president, Barbara Seiders, is getting her
        www.integrityhearingsolutions.com   •   18 month 0% Financing         programs together for next year. We all need to help where
                                                                               Merry Widows will not meet in the months of January and
er                                                                            February. This gives the “snowbirds” a chance to go south
                                                                              without missing any meetings. And those who stay up
                                                                              north don’t have to worry about coming out in the winter
                                                                              weather if we get snow and ice. Also gives us a chance to
                                                                              recuperate from the busy holidays!
                                                                               Let the beauty of the season fill your heart with joy. We
                                                                              wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New

ZEMBO CLOWN UNIT                                                    SPORTS CAR UNIT
                  By Dan “ Pickles” Snyder                                              By Terry L. DiGruttolo

G     reetings to all Noble Clowns and your Ladies!
       I hope you all had a great summer and are having a          R    ally days are nearing the end. We had our next to
                                                                        last rally in September. The Rally Master was Ken
                                                                   Meloy and Georgia. They created a trip through parts
great fall season. The Clown unit has been busy attending
Autumn Days and participating in parades. Thanks to all            of Cumberland County leading in to York County with
clowns and ladies who helped with MASA, even though                journey’s end at Johnny’s Raceway Eatery in Dover. One
a few of us stayed behind due to the hurricane. It was nice        unit member thought Johnny’s was good but he enjoyed the
to see our Chief Rabban Stan Johnston and Lady Cheryl              ice cream shop next door even more. No one would identify
made up as clowns at MASA. Buzz-zee and Spanky did a               the member but rumor has it, his initials are J.N. (hint: from
great job!                                                         Franklin County). Our October Rally Masters were Ron and
 The Clown Unit wishes to say congratulations to Pap               Carol and it was an interesting ride to close out the season.
and Petals on becoming our newest Life Clowns. This                 This has been a great season with some great rallies,
is a very high honor to achieve Life Clown status as the           wonderful weather, plus an overnight trip to West Virginia
requirements are 15 years of clowning with 18 makeups              that was excellent.
and six meetings per year. As you all know, Pap and                 We will close out the season with our Holiday Luncheon at
Petals have clowned a lot more than that over the years.           the West Shore Country Club in December. We hope to see
We appreciate all their hard work and dedication to the            you all at the luncheon.
Clown Unit for many years and hope to see them just as              Our club members send a special thank you to our outgoing
much in the upcoming years. Clowns, don’t forget about             President Steve Williamson and a welcome to our new
the Children’s Christmas Party on Dec. 8 and also our              President, Dan Smyser.
unit Christmas party on Dec. 15 at the Colonial Lounge.
Invitations will be sent out very soon.
 If you’re looking for a unit to join, please consider the          POLICE UNIT
Clown Unit as we have a ton of fun with the whole family.
Lots of good fellowship and great friends. Our monthly                                    By Jeff Eberts
meeting is usually held on the second Sunday of the
month. Please come out and join us, and ask any clown          F    all has come and winter is approaching, as well as
                                                                    election for officers in this unit. First and foremost, we
                                                               would like to congratulate our Illustrious Potentate Joe Rupe
about their experience in the unit.
 Remember, A clown is like aspirin, only he works twice        and his lady as they had a wonderful year. The Walk For Love
as fast...                                                     was a success and also the Sportsmen’s Day went off well.
                                                               Thanks to those unit members who helped in these events.
               Save The Date                                    We have a few events upcoming to work and as soon as we
                                                               get the details we will be asking for your help. Speaking of
    2020 Zembo Shrine Circus                                   help, the police unit is looking for some new members to join
                                                               us, and remember you do not have to be in law enforcement
            March 11-15, 2020                                  to become a member. If you are interested, please contact
                                                               Capt. Barry Garber or you may call me at 717-801-6100.
                                                                There were a few of the Police Unit members who went to
                                                               MASA in Virginia Beach and enjoyed the time, as well as the
                                                               hurricane party. Thanks to one of our own in the Police Unit
                                                               who is also an aide to the Potentate, Lt. Desmond Coffey and
                                                               his lady Mel for working very hard in the hospitality room.
                                                               A big thanks to all those who worked and made our week an
                                                               enjoyable week.
                                                                We wish well and send our prayers to those members
                                                               who are ill and not feeling well. We hope everyone has a
                                                               wonderful and safe Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas and
                                                               happy holiday. Until we meet again, keep the faith.
                     By Ron McKnight                                in Virginia. Then back to Harrisburg for the Zembo 115th
                                                                    anniversary banquet on Oct. 12.

H    appy 115th Birthday to Zembo Shrine, youngest of the
     seven Shrine Centers in Pennsylvania.                          Our year will end with our club Christmas party on Dec. 16.

Our club had their tents on the “Hill” at Corvettes of Carl-        The club is open to any Shrine member. You don’t need
isle in August. Of the 5,000+ Corvettes attending, 10 were          to own a Corvette to be a member; just having an interest
from the Zembo Corvette Club (.002%). The big attraction            and wanting to belong to an active Shrine unit is enough.
was the showing of the 2020 mid-engine Corvette. General            If owning a Corvette has been on your bucket list, talk to
Motors had about twenty 2020s at the event.                         one of the members about acquiring one. Used low mileage
                                                                    C5’s and C6’s are available at a very reasonable price; you
Our annual trip to MASA in Virginia Breach was not ham-             may be surprised.
pered too much by the hurricane coming up the east coast,
but at least one member left his Corvette at home due to the        Our monthly meeting (with our ladies) is at Marzoni’s
possible bad weather (me, the scribe). We had nine Cor-             Brick Oven in Mechanicsburg the third Monday. The meet-
                1100 MARKET
vettes and 12 members   making theSTREET
                                    trip. Even with the hur-        ing starts with dinner at 6:15 p.m. To find out more about
ricane and the LEMOYNE        PA 761-6700
                parade being cancelled, we still had a great        this unit, you can call the club’s President, Les McNally
time. The Corvette Club knows how to party.                         (717-994-0149), or just plan to attend one of our monthly
                      800-422-3673                                  meetings.
On Sept. 21, nine Corvettes were on display at the annual
Masonic Village Autumn Day open house in Elizabethtown.
After the event, we traveled to a member’s home at the Vil-
lage for some adult refreshments.

October found some of our cars cruising the Skyline Drive

                                                                    Corvette Club members had many opportunities to show
                                                                    off their cars in recent months, including the “Hill” at
                                                                    Corvettes of Carlisle and at Autumn Day at the Masonic

                                                                    Village in Elizabethtown.
                      A ZEMBO
                         T EPep~er
       Serving Central PA for over 50 years!

       A proud participant of Zembo Luncheon
                      2018-2019 TERM
                    “Fire     & Casualty Day”
                            - Steve Williamson
                     Vice President - Dan Smyser
                    Secretary – Jerrold Kopenhaver
                        Treasurer – John Kurtz

                   717.697.4050 or 717.580.0443

HIGHLANDER UNIT                                                     DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE
                   By Scott Burford, Clan Chief

                                                                                             By Kat Manucci
     he Highlanders would like to thank those who
     attended the 35th Annual Tartan Ball on Nov. 2. The
Susquehanna Club venue has been the oasis for this event
                                                                    O     ur members have been hard at work with a variety of
                                                                          fundraisers and also sewing items for the Philadelphia
                                                                    Shriners Hospital, such as activity bags and lap quilts for
for several years and I trust that all who attended had a
                                                                    the children. Activity bags are designed to help to keep
great time. Another shout-out to the York Kiltie Band and
                                                                    a child busy while waiting for their outpatient treatment.
Lochiel Emerald Society Pipes and Drums for joining the
                                                                    Items such as crayons, coloring books, small puzzles and
Highlanders for the massed band entertainment.
                                                                    toys are much appreciated by the parents and children, and
                                                                    help provide a little entertainment. The lap quilts are made
 The Highlander calendar will begin to slow down over the
                                                                    in several sizes to accommodate children of different ages.
holiday season, but that does not suggest that we will not
                                                                    All items are donated by the members of Ozemb Temple
be practicing and recruiting. If any noble is interested in
                                                                    No. 52, and each activity bag and quilt is put together
learning more about piping and/or drumming, please contact
                                                                    with love, with deliveries made several times a year to the
Gary Patterson at gjpat5@comcast.net.
                                                                    Shriners Hospital of Philadelphia.
                                                                     At this special time of year, we are especially mindful
 To Sláinte mhath and haggis.
                                                                    of the struggles that our children are confronted with. We
                                                                    will continue to do what we can to put a little light into a
                                                                    child’s life, to get that smile on their face when they pull
                                                                    a toy out of a bag or to feel a little warmth when they
LUNCHEON CLUB                                                       snuggle up to a fleece quilt. Thanks for letting us be part of
                                                                    your team! Wishing you a safe and Happy Holiday Season
                                                                    and a Happy New Year!
                        By Jim High

O     ur menus for November and December are: Nov. 8,
      three-cheese and meat lasagna with grated cheese;
Nov. 22, roast turkey with cranberry sauce; Dec. 13, baked
salisbury steak with beef gravy, and Dec. 20, baked country
ham with fruit sauce. We always offer alternative entrees of
baked whitefish or lasagna by advance reservation.

 We have been reaching out to more than 30 nobles who
have been paying their dues – which is naturally appreciated
– to begin attending our luncheons. Three nobles were
welcomed in this effort. We greeted Don Free and Robert
J. Fried. Larry and Carol Wolford responded from
Elizabethtown and said they have room for two more. Bob
Cook said he is available to bring several who are without

 Beginning Nov. 8, luncheons will be held in the small
dining room on the ground floor. Plan to enter via the Third
Street door or through the kitchen and follow the bright
yellow stripe into the small dining room.

USHERS UNIT                                                                 PAST MASTERS CLUB
                       By Claude “Wally” Forman                                             By Richard H. Smith, P.P., President

     W       e are surely getting more deeply into the fall and winter
             seasons with each passing day. And with that comes
                                                                                I  n recognition of our veterans, the program for our last
                                                                                   meeting of the year were representatives from DOG
                                                                                T.A.G.S (Train, Assist, Guide, Serve). They are a local
     our annual Ushers Unit Pot Pie Dinner and elections of unit
                                                                                specialized training support group for veterans who have
     officers, along with our annual unit membership meeting.
     This year it will be held Nov. 5 at the Trindle Spring Lutheran            been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder or
     Church in Mechanicsburg, where we have always been served                  traumatic brain injury. The group provides veterans the
     a very good meal, family style.                                            opportunity to share in a group setting with a social worker
      All officer positions are open for election, so please come               and provides each veteran the ability to train their dog to
     out and elect those you feel will best serve both the Usher                become their own service dog.
     Units and Zembo. And let’s not forget to support them as they
     lead us into another successful year. The meal is scheduled to              I want to thank everyone who attended our meetings
     start at 6 p.m. with the annual membership meeting and unit                this year as well as all the support that you provided me.
     officer elections at 7 p.m. You will receive a letter of invitation
                                                                                I would encourage each of you to invite the Worshipful
     along with a response section that you are required to return to
     ensure that we have enough dinners. Please respond before the              Masters of your respective lodges to join with our club
     deadline.                                                                  next year.
      Our annual Fall Ladies Night will also be held at Trindle
     Spring Lutheran Church on Dec. 3, when you will be treated                  Election of officers for 2020 was held and the follow-
     to another fine family-style dinner, beginning at 6 p.m. About             ing were elected; Ill. Sir Joe W. Rupe, Jr., President; John
     an hour later, you will have the opportunity to enjoy some                 Brady, First Vice-President; R. Edward Baumgardner,
     musical entertainment, absolutely free for you and your lady,              Secretary/Treasurer. Congratulations to each of you.
     if you have earned the required number of points. If not, a
     nominal fee is requested. Again, there is a section for you to

     return, to assure enough dinners are available. This is your unit
     officers’ token of appreciation for your continued hard work
     that you do during the year, both at our Zembo functions and
     also our unit fund raisers. Remember, without your continued
     support, both1100
                    1100   MARKET
                               and ZemboSTREET
                     your unit             STREET
                                           would cease to exist.
      We want toLEMOYNE
                    extend  our     PA
                    LEMOYNE PA 761-6700  761-6700
                                        appreciation to our outgoing
     Potentate, the Illustrious Sir Joseph Rupe, for another
     successful year, and800-422-3673
                            wish him much continued success in all
     his future endeavors.
      Now enjoy all www.lbsmithford.com
                       the upcoming holidays during this festival
     season, but remember,     January begins another year of our
     fund raisers at the Farm Show Complex, beginning with the
     Cameron Street Lobby Coatroom. Please respond as you are
     able, as we never seem to have too many workers. Thank you
     and we look forward to another prosperous year.

                                INSURANCE                                  20

        A S S O C I A T E S
MASONIC VILLAGE CLUB                                                    LEGION OF HONOR
                        By Ron McKnight
                                                                                                By Walt Dinda
T    he club meets every third Tuesday (except July and
     August) for breakfast at the Masonic Village Patton
Campus dining room at 8:30 a.m. Coffee and fellowship
                                                                       N     ever forget - America’s 82,000 missing in action
                                                                             include more than 72,000 from World War II, 7,700
                                                                       from Korea, 1,600 from the Vietnam War, 126 from
start at 7:30 a.m.                                                     the Cold War, one from Operation El Dorado Canyon,
 We started the fall season by welcoming three new                     two from Operation Desert Storm and three Defense
members, and had several guests: one who was interested in             Department contract civilians from Operation Iraqi
becoming a Shriner, and one Shriner who may join our club.             Freedom. Contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives
 Several of our members helped at the Zembo booth at                   to remind them to keep the pressure on the Department of
the annual Autumn Day event at the Masonic Village in                  Defense until we account for every missing U.S. service
Elizabethtown. Thanks to all who helped. The Masonic                   member.
Village Shrine Club is one of the more active Shrine clubs              Our next meeting will be Nov. 6 at Hoss’s Restaurant in
in the area, and we average 45-50 members at our monthly               Hummelstown. We will have our annual Christmas party
                                                                       on Dec. 5 in the Tile Room at Zembo Shrine. Dinner will
meeting. At each meeting, we have a short presentation on
                                                                       be catered by Mission Barbeque. Entertainment will be
various topics.
                                                                       provided by Hershey School Choir. Please RSVP me at
  If you live in the Elizabethtown area, we invite you to visit
                                                                       717-409-0412 or email me at Dindabeach01@gmail.com
our club for our catered breakfast ($10).                              for reservations ASAP. We will be exchanging gifts valued
 For more information about club membership, contact                   at no less than $10 in value. Your gift should be suitable
membership chairman, Bob Duckett, at 717-361-5541.                     for either a man or a woman.
                                                                        Finally, I’d like to invite anyone to help out decorating
 ZEMBO STRING BAND                                                     the Tile Room for the Christmas party. We need an
                                                                       artificial Christmas tree. Dinner guests are invited to bring
                                                                       a Christmas tree ornament on the night of the party to
                       By Gene Murray                                  place on the tree.

 T   he summer is over, but the Zembo String Band has been              Come out and support your veterans! Again, my cell
     in full motion. On Sept. 4, we had a new gig to play at           phone number is 717-409-0412 if you have any questions!
 Harmony West (formerly Crossroads). It was fun as always;
 we had 14 members there.

  John was in full force with his “Hobo Song” and “It Is
 No Secret.” Also Jay was there with his jokes and “Side
 By Side.” Bill McLaughlin with his harmonica to the tune
 of “Golden Slippers” was topped off by Fred and Claude’s
 “Fiddler On The Roof” and “Bluegrass” by Doug Martin.

  We have a number of gigs to do for the rest of the year. We
 will perform at Zembo for the Children’s Holiday Party.                                  Veterans Day
  We still have a few members on the sick list. Wayne Crow,                              is November 11
 our oldest member at age 94; Paul Hand, Art Martino and
 Ron Revson. We hope better health comes back soon to
 these members.

  If you play an instrument, Harry is looking for you. Call               Remember to thank our veterans
 him at 717-774-1571.
                                                                               for their service!

DIRECTORS UNIT                                                           GUNNING CLUB
                    By Jacob Zimmers Jr.                                                      By Scott Burford

H    ello to one and all now that summer is behind us. Fall
     is here and winter is about here. We are somewhat in
                                                                        C    ongratulations to Noble Ken Brown and the York
                                                                             Shrine Club for another successful Sporting Clays
                                                                        Fundraiser. Although it is technically not a club event, we
gear for the end of the year with the closing of the team of
officers and the introduction of the new ones.                          recognize the hard work that he and his many volunteers
                                                                        put forth to make it a successful day. The event was held
 As of now, we still don’t have much information on any                 on Oct. 4 at the Warrington Shooting Clays and the event
upcoming events, except for the Body Builders on Nov.                   continues to grow leaps and bounds.
9. We know that contracts are out but no word as of this
printing. So keep in touch with the crew.                                As the target and clay shooting season transitions to
 Don’t forget to check your calendars for the upcoming                  hunting season, club members remind all nobles to prac-
holiday parties, or give one of us a call.                              tice proper gun safety and always refer to the following
                                                                        website for current information as it relates to the Game
 Don’t forget about our members who don’t get out. Visit
                                                                        Commission: https://www.pgc.pa.gov
them and it will do both of you some good.

          Help Us Help The Kids!                                         We welcome any noble who would like to join or simply
                                                                        learn more about the club to attend. Feel free to contact
 Due to the untimely deaths of loyal drivers, Zembo Shrine is in        Scott Burford at 717-779-9141 or burford87@yahoo.com;
 URGENT need of members to drive patients and families to their         or Tony Washbaugh at atwapa@yahoo.com, 717-261-
 doctor appointments at Philadelphia Shriners Hospital.
 The transportation fund pays for the rental vehicle and
 expenses related to the trip.

 Interested persons should contact the Zembo office at                   COLOR GUARD
 717-238-8107 for information.
                                                                                             By Dennis Chesley

                                                                        I want to especially thank Greg Beckley for putting up the
                                                                          new flag in front of Zembo. The Color Guard donated the
                                                                        U.S. flag, and we sell U.S. flags as well.

                                                                         It has been a great summer for parades, I want to sincerely
                                                                        thank the Color Guard for marching in the Berrysburg and
                                                                        Kulpmont parades.

                                                                         Remember - membership is the key to Zembo’s existence.

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