Page created by Freddie Robles
 A Publication of                     WINTER 2020


                                   AN AMAZING
                                TOP SECRETS TO
                                HOW TO PREPARE
                                 FOR PREGNANCY

                                                                                                             HEALTH NEWS
        SAVING LIVES IS OUR                                                                                 A TOP
                                                                                                            HOSPITAL IN NJ
        LIFE’S WORK                                                                                         Robert Wood Johnson University

                                                                                                            Hospital (RWJUH) Somerset has
                  t RWJ arnabas Health, we take the trust people place in us to                             once again been rated among the top
                  heart. It’s the bedrock of our commitment to your care, from                              hospitals in New Jersey in the annual
                  preventive services to life-saving emergency treatment.                                   hospital rankings released by U.S. News
            For urgent situations, we have two world-class trauma centers, one                              & World Report. The hospital ranked 9th in the state overall
        in Jersey City and one in New runswick, as well as the only burn center                             and 22nd in the New York Metro region. It was also recognized
                                                                                                            as “high performing” in orthopedics, hip replacement, colon
        in the state, located in ivingston. In addition, we have expanded our
                                                                                                            cancer surgery and congestive heart failure. U.S. News &
        emergency response capabilities and have acquired an advanced emergency                             World Report “Best Hospitals” is considered the nation’s most
        helicopter, call sign ife Flight, equipped and staffed to provide critical care                     prestigious hospital ranking system.
        while transporting badly injured patients.
            To help people stay healthy and safe, we reach out with education and
        prevention programs for people of all ages. We’ve also invested in creating
                                                                                                            AN A FOR
        the new secure and convenient RWJ arnabas Health Connect app, available                             PATIENT
        at your app store. Health Connect lets you access your records, store your                          SAFETY
        insurance information, search for doctors, and make real-time appointments                          RWJUH Somerset earned an
        that are automatically added to your phone calendar.                                                A Hospital Safety Grade—the
            Health Connect, along with the RWJ arnabas Health TeleMed app,                                  highest patient safety rating—from The Leapfrog Group in their
        which offers online access for a physician visit, are integral parts of efforts to                  fall Hospital Safety Grades. It’s the hospital’s third consecutive
                                                                                                            A rating and ninth overall. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade
        create a truly tech-forward healthcare organization. These efforts led to all                       uses 27 measures of publicly available hospital safety data
        RWJ arnabas Health hospitals earning the “Most Wired” designation from                              to assign A, B, C, D and F grades to more than 2,600 U.S.
        the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives this year.                              hospitals twice per year. Sustaining the A rating reflects RWJUH
              t Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset’s Emergency                                Somerset’s continued commitment to achieving the highest
        Department, patients have immediate access to specialists through our                               quality of care.
        telepediatric and teleneurology programs. oard-certified physicians are available
        2 through videoconferencing to confer with Emergency Department physicians
        and help quickly assess and diagnose patients. For minor emergencies, from cuts                          SCREENING FOR
        and sprains to colds and u, the hospital’s Urgent Care Center in Hillsborough                            TRANSGENDER PATIENTS
        provides walk-in care seven days a week, including on-site -ray and lab testing.
                                                                                                                 Annual mammograms are recommended beginning at
            Whether you face an emergency or have an everyday health question,                                   age 40 for transgender women who’ve taken feminizing
        we’re committed to providing convenient access to the highest-quality care—                              hormones for at least five years and for transgender
        whenever and wherever you need it.                                                                       men who haven’t had their breasts removed or reduced.
            Yours in good health,                                                                                RWJUH Somerset recently expanded its LGBTQ+
                                                                                                                 services to offer mammograms for transgender patients.
                                                                                                                 To schedule a mammogram at the Sanofi US Breast
                                                                                                                 Care Program, call 908.704.3740.

        BARRY H. OSTROWSKY                            ANTHONY CAVA
                                                      HOSPITAL SOMERSET

                                                                                                            110 Rehill Ave., Somerville, NJ 08876 | 908.685.2200

                                                                                                             CONNECT WITH US ON
                                                                                                                   RWJBarnabas Health

        RWJUH Somerset complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. For
        more information, see link on our home page at RWJUH Somerset cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina
        por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, servicios de asistencia lingüística, de forma gratuita, están
        disponibles para usted. Llame al 908.685.2200. RWJUH Somerset konfòm ak lwa sou dwa sivil Federal ki aplikab yo e li pa fè diskriminasyon sou baz ras, koulè, peyi
        orijin, laj, enfimite oswa sèks. ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gen sèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis pou ou. Rele 908.685.2200.

        Healthy Together     | 2 |    Winter 2020

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            contents          WINTER 2020

        2. WELCOME LETTER.                                                  13. LEARNING TO CRAWL                     18. SECRETS TO SLIMMING
           A community update                                                   AGAIN. A baby                             DOWN. How to eat for
           from our CEOs.                                                       rebounds from a                           successful weight loss
                                                                                traumatic brain injury.                   and better health.
        4. A LIFE SAVED. Robotic
           surgery, combined                                                14. A STRANGER’S GIFT.                    20. HIGH-TECH HELP
           with an experimental                                                 A blood stem cell                         FOR THE VISUALLY
           therapy, stopped one                                                 donation—and a                            IMPAIRED. New
           patient’s aggressive        9. HOW TO SAVE A LIFE. Is it             powerful medical                          technology is assisting
           cancer in its tracks.          a heart attack or cardiac             partnership—saved                         patients and visitors
                                          arrest—and what can a                 the life of a                             with sight loss.
        6. THE BIKE RIDE OF A
                                          bystander do?                         Toms River woman.
           LIFETIME. Just one year
           after suffering a near-                                                                                    21. HONORING AN LGBTQ
                                      10. TRAUMA WITHOUT DRAMA.
           fatal cardiac arrest, a                                          16. YOU CAN BEAT THE                          ADVOCATE. Robert Wood
                                          Top RWJBarnabas Health
           patient cycled 75 miles                                              WINTER BLUES. Seasonal                    Johnson University
                                          trauma and burn centers
           for a fundraising event.                                             depression is a struggle,                 Hospital Somerset pays
                                          stand ready to save severely
                                          injured patients.                     but help is available.                    tribute to a transgender
        8. PREPARING FOR                                                                                                  healthcare activist.
           PREGNANCY. An              12. MAKING MATERNITY SAFER.           17. A PLACE FOR HEALING.
           obstetrician explains          A strong focus on women’s             A newly renovated                     22. COMMUNITY CALENDAR.
           how to boost the odds          health before, during and             eating disorders unit will                A roundup of health
           of having a healthy            after pregnancy aims to               emphasize natural light                   education and support
           baby.                          save lives.                           and fresh air.                            programs.

                                                                         Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset   |   RWJBH.ORG/SOMERSET    | 3

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RWJBarnabas Health and
                Robert Wood Johnson University
                Hospital Somerset, in partnership
                 with Rutgers Cancer Institute of
               New Jersey—the state’s only NCI-                  years after he was
               Designated Comprehensive Cancer                   diagnosed with
                 Center—provide close-to-home                    prostate cancer,
                  access to the most advanced                    David Chandler is
                     treatment options. Call                     disease-free.
                     844.CANCERNJ or visit

                                            A LIFE   ROBOTIC SURGERY,
                                                     COMBINED WITH AN

                                                     EXPERIMENTAL THERAPY,
                                                     STOPPED ONE PATIENT’S
                                                     AGGRESSIVE CANCER IN
                                                     ITS TRACKS.

        Healthy Together      | 4 |    Winter 2020

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T                                                                                                         KNOW YOUR NUMBER
                 he lab report was in: David             Prior to David’s treatment, his case was
                 Chandler had prostate cancer.           reviewed at the team’s monthly Urologic

                 What’s more, tests indicated            Oncology Multidisciplinary Conference,
        that David had an aggressive form of             during which various specialists meet to
        the disease. That was in 2016. Today,            create a personalized care plan.
        tests detect no sign of cancer in                    The primary goal was to remove
        David, 65, of Bound Brook, thanks to             David’s prostate, but irst he started                    Studies indicate that early detection
        specialists at Robert Wood Johnson               receiving hormone therapy to reduce                      of prostate cancer with the PSA
        University Hospital (RWJUH) Somerset’s           his natural levels of testosterone. “That                test saves lives. A 2017 analysis
        Steeplechase Cancer Center.                      takes the fuel away from the cancer,”                    published in the Annals of Internal
                                                         says Dr. Dave. In addition, he was given                 Medicine found that men who
        A FAST MO ING DISEASE                            a chemotherapy drug, which is normally                   undergo PSA screening reduce their
                                                                                                                  risk of dying from prostate cancer
        David’s primary care physician irst              administered after a man’s prostate has
                                                                                                                  by about 30 percent.
        became concerned when she noticed that           been removed. This experimental use of
        his prostate—a walnut-sized gland that           the drug was possible because Dr. Dave

        produces luid that carries sperm—was             and his colleagues at the Steeplechase
        enlarged and irm. Then a blood test              Cancer Center are co-investigators, in
        showed that his level of PSA, or prostate        partnership with Rutgers Cancer Institute
        speci ic antigen—a marker of prostate            of New Jersey, in a larger clinical trial
        cancer—was 103 ng/dL. A normal level             designed to determine if combining                       The PSA test can spot prostate
        for a man his age is less than 4 ng/dL.          hormone therapy with the chemotherapy                    cancer at an early stage, says
        A biopsy, in which tissue samples are            drug improves the results of surgery.                    Dhiren Dave, MD, a urologist
        extracted from the prostate and tested in        While David was not included in the trial,               at RWJPE Somerset Urological
        a lab, found cancerous cells.                    he was eligible to receive the experimental              Associates in Somerville. “The
            Taken together, these signs indicated        drug combination.                                        earlier we pick it up, the better the
        that David had a fast-moving disease that            After completing the chemo regimen                   patient’s prognosis,” he says. The
        may have already begun to spread outside         (and continuing on hormone therapy),                     American Urological Association
        the prostate gland, says Dhiren Dave,            David underwent surgery to remove                        (AUA) recommends that men at
                                                                                                                  average risk begin screening at
        MD, a urologist at RWJPE Somerset                the prostate. The procedure, known as
                                                                                                                  age 55 after a discussion with their
        Urological Associates in Somerville.             radical prostatectomy, is traditionally                  physician. For those who are at
        David, who has his own home-repair               performed in an “open” manner, meaning                   high risk, the AUA recommends
        business, was stoic in the face of               it requires an incision above the navel                  screening starting at age 40.
        worrisome news. “It is what it is,” he           that can be up to four inches long.
        recalls thinking.                                However, some surgeons perform radical
            His family wasn’t so sanguine. “It was       prostatectomies using small laparoscopic
        scary,” says his oldest daughter, Ashley         tools, which require only a few tiny                    After the surgery, David spent one
        Salmon, 2, o Wall Township, who                  incisions, most a half-inch or smaller.              night in the hospital (open procedures
        accompanied David to his appointments            Smaller incisions mean less post-op pain             require two or three nights) before going
        along with her sister, Lexie, 30. “But Dr.       and a shorter recovery period.                       home. “I didn’t feel much pain at all,” he
        Dave was great. He was optimistic but                To remove David’s diseased tissue, Dr.           recalls.
        realistic. We felt like we were in really        Dave performed a robotic prostatectomy,
        good hands.”                                     which takes the laparoscopic approach                S CCESSF L TREATMENT
                                                         a leap forward. During this procedure—               Tests indicated that David’s pelvic lymph
        M LTIDISCI LINARY CARE                           which Dr. Dave has performed more than               nodes contained prostate cancer cells. To
        Dr. Dave knew that treating David would          500 times—he sits at a console and views             eliminate them, David underwent a course
        be complex. “When someone has what we            the patient’s internal tissues on a monitor.         of radiation treatments. Today, two-and-a
        call high-risk prostate cancer, he requires      This highly magni ied, three-dimensional             half years after his diagnosis, David’s
                               multiple modes of         view allows for precise dissection of tissue,        treatments are complete and his PSA
                               treatment,” says          which dramatically reduces bleeding                  has dropped to 0 ng/dL. “It’s been a long
                               Dr. Dave. “David          during surgery.                                      journey, but right now, David shows no
                               needed care from a            Using controls, Dr. Dave manipulates             evidence of disease,” says Dr. Dave.
                               multidisciplinary         the camera and other delicate robotic                    David, who is regaining strength and
                               team.” His team           instruments. Unlike the rigid instruments            some of the weight he lost, says, “The
                               included Jonathan         used in laparoscopy, robotic tools have              medical team did a great job.” His family
                               Rosenbluth, MD, a         “wrists,” allowing them to bend in                   agrees. “We’re thrilled,” says Ashley.
                               medical oncologist,       different directions. But unlike human               “I’m grateful my father was treated at a
                               and Joel Braver, MD,      hands, “robotic instruments don’t shake—             hospital that offers the most progressive
        DHIREN DAVE, MD        a radiation oncologist.   they’re steady,” says Dr. Dave.                      treatment possible.”

                                                                               Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset   |   RWJBH.ORG/SOMERSET    | 5

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                                                                              RIDE OF A
                                                                               JUST ONE YEAR AFTER SUFFERING A NEAR-
                                                                               FATAL CARDIAC ARREST, A PATIENT CYCLED
                                                                               75 MILES FOR A FUNDRAISING EVENT.

              t was six days before the ike MS:        seen by his primary care physician on          FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE
              City to Shore Ride—a fundraising         September 24.                                  The attending cardiologist explained the
              event that bene its the National             Then, shortly before midnight the same     team’s game plan: Michael would be treated
        Multiple Sclerosis Society—in September        day, Michael’s wife, Stefanie, was reading     using therapeutic hypothermia, in which
        201 , and Michael Chenkin was training.        in bed next to her sleeping husband when       his body temperature would be lowered
          t the start of his third consecutive day     his right arm suddenly jerked upward and       to around degrees Fahrenheit for 2
        of training rides, he felt tired and not       he convulsed. She saw that Michael was         hours. “This procedure seems to reduce
        as strong. “I’d had to stop a few times        blue in the face and foaming at the mouth.     brain damage, possibly because it lessens
        and take some puffs from my inhaler,           Stefanie and the couple’s 20-year-old son,     in ammation in the brain,” says Joe hn,
                                 but I assumed my      Nathan, took turns giving Michael CPR          MD, Director of Echocardiography. It’s
                                 exercise-induced      while their 2 -year-old daughter, Jennie,      particularly useful for cardiac patients who
                                 asthma was acting     called 11. He was brought to Robert Wood       don’t regain consciousness. “ owering body
                                 up,” recalls the      Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH)            temperature increases the chances that a
                                  5-year-old social    Somerset, where physicians determined that     person will recover from a cardiac arrest,”
                                 worker from           Michael had experienced a cardiac arrest. He   he says.
                                  ridgewater. Over     underwent cardiac catheterization and an           On Michael’s eighth night in the unit,
                                 the next two days,    emergency angioplasty, during which three      he went into cardiac arrest again, requiring
                                 he worried about      stents were placed in a blocked artery to      CPR and defibrillation. It happened two
                                 his fatigue and low   restore blood ow. Then he was transferred      more times that evening. “I was in awe
        JOE AHN, MD              energy and was        to the Critical Care Unit.                     watching the staff hear the words Code

        Healthy Together     | 6 |   Winter 2020

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Clockwise, from left to right: Patient Michael Chenkin
                                                                                                         and his wife, Stefanie, bring breakfast to the Critical
                                                                                                         Care Unit team to thank them for saving his life;
                                                                                                         Michael completes the Bike MS: City to Shore Ride;
                                                                                                         Michael’s children, Nathan and Jennie, with him at the
                                                                                                         event; and Michael shows off his event T-shirt, which
                                                                                                         he asked the Critical Care Unit nurses to sign.

          lue,’ rush into Michael’s room, work on        struggle to walk. The sta ’s encouragement           determination that fueled Michael
        him until he regained a pulse and then           and support were essential to my recovery.”          throughout most of his recovery. “Not
        calmly return to their other patients,” says                                                          many cardiac arrest patients make this
        Stefanie. She refused to leave Michael’s         AN AMAZING RECOVERY                                  sort of recovery, and I believe a large part
        side, arriving early and staying late or         In mid-October, three weeks a er he                  of Michael’s success was due to the fact
        overnight to actively participate in his care.   was admitted, Michael was discharged                 that he had so much love and support
        The nurses brought her pizza and, when           from RWJUH Somerset. ut his journey                  from his family, as well as a strong sense
        she fell asleep with her head resting on         was far from over. He needed an internal             of optimism,” says Dr. hn. “ lot of
        Michael’s bed rail, the respiratory therapist    defibrillator, triple bypass surgery and             cardiac patients become depressed and
        propped her head up with a pillow and put        weeks of cardiac rehabilitation therapy.             give up during the recovery process, but
        a blanket over her shoulders.                    Finally, on March 2 , 201 , Michael’s hard           Michael was determined to make it every
            Two days later, Michael began to show        work and perseverance paid off. He was               step of the way.”
        signs of consciousness. “Within minutes          able to hop on his bike again and ride 25                For Michael, there’s a special place in
        of my telling the staff, his entire medical      miles—exactly six months to the day he had           his heart for RWJUH Somerset. “My wife
        team was in Michael’s room to see for            experienced his cardiac arrest. “For this, I         and I still remember the name of every
        themselves,” says Stefanie.                      give thanks to everyone who cared for me             single staff member from the Critical Care
               s Michael gradually became more           and prayed for me at RWJUH Somerset                  Unit team,” he says. On October , he and
        alert, he was able to communicate with the       last September,” he says.                            Stefanie returned to RWJUH Somerset
        staff. lthough he was still intubated, the           In September 201 , Michael completed             to bring breakfast to the staff. “It was the
        morning rounds meeting moved from the            the 5-mile ike MS: City to Shore Ride.               anniversary of my reawakening—the day
        hospital hallway into his room so that he        “It was harder than I expected, but I was            I came out of the coma,” says Michael. He
        could write his questions on a whiteboard.       so happy to be able to do it,” says Michael.         presented staff members with a collage that
        Once he could talk, he would speak to the        “What carried me through was the                     had two photos: one of Michael while he
        staff at length about his condition and          thought that if people with MS struggle              was still in the coma and one of him at the
        his care. “It was a strange time,” recalls       for life, I could struggle for a few hours to        MS bike event finish line. “I wanted them
        Michael. “ month before, I could bike 200         inish the ride.”                                    to see how far I’d come, and how key they
        miles or more a week, and now it was a               It’s this positive spirit and                    were to making sure I got there,” he says.

               Your heart doesn’t beat just for you. Get it checked. To reach a Robert Wood Johnson University
               Hospital Somerset cardiac specialist, call 888.724.7123 or visit

                                                                               Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset   |   RWJBH.ORG/SOMERSET    | 7

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Q&A               ASK THE DOCTOR

       PREPARING FOR                                                                                           AMANDA FRANCIS, DO


                  growing number of women               How can you get in the best                   Write them down or put them in your
                  are having their irst child           possible shape for pregnancy?                 smartphone. birth plan is a great way
                  later in life: etween 2000            Pregnancy is a time to optimize your          to begin a discussion about labor and
        and 201 , the proportion of irst births         health. This can be done through lifestyle    delivery. While pregnancy and childbirth
        to women ages 5 and older rose by               changes like eating a healthy diet,           are unpredictable by nature, a plan can
        2 percent, according to the National            exercising regularly, staying up to date      address issues such as pain management so
        Center for Health Statistics. bout              on recommended vaccines and having            that you feel in control of the process as
          percent of women have their irst              regular dental cleanings. In addition, it’s   much as possible.
        child at age 5 or older. While this is          important to have annual gynecologic
        considered “advanced maternal age,” it’s        checkups and take prenatal vitamins.          What is unique about the maternity
        very possible to have a healthy baby.           Since many women don’t ind out                services at RWJUH Somerset?
          manda Francis, DO, an obstetrician            they’re pregnant until they’re seven or       We provide personalized, high-quality
        gynecologist at Robert Wood Johnson             eight weeks along, it’s important to take     care. Our anesthesiologists and
        University Hospital (RWJUH) Somerset            prenatal vitamins when you start trying to    neonatologists are on-call 2 , and we
        and the RWJ arnabas Health Medical              conceive. The most important component        have a evel II nursery, which can care
          roup’s Roseland Ob yn, explains how           of these vitamins is folic acid, which can    for premature babies born as early as
        to prepare for pregnancy.                       help prevent certain birth defects when        2 weeks. Our nursing staff provides
                                                        taken in the irst 1 weeks of pregnancy        breastfeeding support and can offer
        What can a woman do to increase                 ( irst trimester).                            access to lactational consultants when
        her odds of getting pregnant?                                                                 necessary. Our staff is knowledgeable
        The quality of a woman’s eggs starts            Once you’re pregnant, how can                 and ready to help. In addition, all of the
        to decline between the ages of 5 and            you prepare for childbirth?                   rooms in the labor and postpartum units
         0—and markedly after 0—but it’s still          While women who are 5 or older are            are private.
        possible to conceive and have a healthy         at increased risk for health problems
        pregnancy. Older maternal age increases         during pregnancy, good prenatal care
        the risks for the pregnancy and mother.         can help identify many of those risks and
        The best way to mitigate any anxiety or         possibly decrease some of the associated
        concerns is to schedule a preconception         problems. When you see your ob gyn,
        visit. During this appointment, you and         mention any physical and emotional
        your ob gyn can discuss any medical             changes—from nausea and cravings to
        conditions you have and what you can do         changes in mood and energy. lso, come
        to prepare for pregnancy.                       to your appointments with questions.

                              To learn more about maternity services at Robert Wood
                              Johnson University Hospital Somerset, visit
                              so erset To nd an ob g n, call 888.724.7123.

        Healthy Together       | 8 |   Winter 2020

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                                                 SAVE A LIFE

                        eart attack” and “cardiac
                        arrest” may sound like similar            HEART ATTACK                              CARDIAC ARREST (CA)
                        conditions, but they’re not
        the same—and one is potentially much
        more life-threatening. “With a heart attack,        WHAT IT IS                                    WHAT IT IS
        an artery is clogged, and the majority                 circulation problem. lood ow               Usually, an electrical problem that
        of patients have 100 percent closure of             stops because of a blockage in an             causes the heart to stop pumping.
        an artery,” explains Jay H. Stone, MD,              artery. The part of the heart muscle          C can be triggered by a heart attack
        Director of the Cardiac Catheterization and         that is deprived of oxygen-rich               but can have other causes, such as an
        Interventional Lab at Community Medical             blood begins to die.                          undiagnosed heart abnormality or
        Center in Toms River and a member of the            SYMPTOMS                                      cocaine or amphetamine use.
        RWJ arnabas Health medical group. “In a             These may begin hours, days or                SYMPTOMS
        cardiac arrest, the heart stops completely          weeks in advance.                             • Possibly racing heart or dizziness,
        and no blood at all is circulating.” Death can      • Chest pain or feeling of pressure             but C may occur without warning.
        be instantaneous.                                     in the chest, possibly spreading to             person suffering C will become
             The two things that determine survival,          arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach.             unconscious and will not breathe
        Dr. Stone explains, are the underlying                Feeling sick, sweaty or short of              normally, or breathe at all.
        pathology and the ow of blood to the brain.           breath.
        “If someone passes out in front of you, take                                                      WHAT TO DO
                                                              The person having a heart attack            • Immediately call 911, or have
                                  action immediately,”        will usually remain conscious.
                                  he urges. “The patient                                                    someone else make the call while
                                  can’t afford to lose      WHAT TO DO                                      you perform the steps below.
                                  the time that it may      If you are having these symptoms,             • If an AED (automated external
                                  take for professional     don’t hesitate to contact your                  defibrillator) is available, begin use,
                                  medical help to           doctor or call 911. If someone you              following the prompts.
                                  arrive.” uick action      are with appears to be having a               • Do CPR (cardiopulmonary
                                  can double or even        heart attack, call 911 immediately.             resuscitation). If you don’t know
                                  triple a cardiac arrest   Sit the person down and keep them               conventional CPR, do hands-only
                                  victim’s chance for       calm while you wait for help.                   CPR (see below).
        JAY H. STONE, MD          survival.

                                                                        HANDS-ONLY CPR
              GET IT                                                    Hands-only CPR can be done successfully even by someone
              CHECKED                                                   who’s not a professional. The idea is to push hard and fast in the
                                                                        center of the victim’s chest to the beat of a familiar song that has
              Your heart doesn’t beat just for                          100 to 120 beats per minute. Think of the song “Stayin’ Alive”
              you. Get it checked. To make                              by the Bee Gees to help keep compressions in a regular rhythm.
              an appointment with one of New                            If disco doesn’t do it for you, push along to one of these:
              Jersey’s top cardiac specialists,                         • “Crazy in Love” by Beyoncé
              call 888.724.7123 or visit                                • “Hips Don’t Lie” by Shakira
                                          • “I Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash

                                                                                                                RWJBarnabas Health   |   RWJBH.ORG     | 9

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                aramedics are running through                care surgeon Rajan Gupta, MD, Director           center’s job is to bring all these aspects
                the Emergency Department (ED)                of the Level I Trauma Center and Pediatric       together to help prioritize decisions and get
                entrance. lood is all over. Doctors          Trauma Center at Robert Wood Johnson             the best possible long-term outcome for the
        are shouting, “ et me a clamp—stat ”                 University Hospital (RWJUH) in New               patient.”
              nd cut End scene. That chaotic                  runswick. “The more we mitigate chaos,              Together, experts at the Trauma Center
        scenario, a staple of medical shows, happens         the safer the environment, and the better        at RWJUH, the evel II Trauma Center at
        on T show sets but not in real life, trauma          the patient will do.”                            Jersey City Medical Center (JCMC) and
        experts say.                                             Another common misconception, says           The urn Center at Saint arnabas Medical
            “In a true trauma situation, we have             Dr. upta, is that trauma treatment ends          Center (S MC) in ivingston—each an
        quiet, controlled conditions,” says critical         a er the critical first 0 to 0 minutes of        RWJ arnabas Health facility—provide a
                                                                                     care. “In fact, our      critical safety net for thousands of New
                                                                                     system spans the         Jersey residents.
                                                                                     entire gamut of
                                                                                     care—emergency           TRAUMA OR ED?
                                                                                     services, acute          Hospital EDs take care of emergencies, of
                                                                                     care centers, rehab      course, like heart attacks and breathing
                                                                                     facilities, radiology,   problems. EDs also deal with a broad range
                                                                                     blood banks, clinical    of noncritical conditions, such as the u or
                                                                                     labs, data registry      broken bones.
                                                                                     and more,” explains            trauma center, however, has a larger
        RAJAN GUPTA, MD                MICHAEL MARANO, MD   BRUNO MOLINO, MD         Dr. upta. “ trauma       scope than an ED. First responders or ED

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From left, flight paramedic Michael Brown,
        FP–C; flight nurse Robert Maiullo, CFRN; and      situations: falls by elderly people, blunt-                  THE NEED
        lead pilot Joe Gilbert with the RWJBarnabas       force assault or penetrating wounds (such                    FOR SPEED
        Health Airbus 135 helicopter.                     as gunshots), and motor-vehicle crashes,                    “In trauma care, timing is
                                                          says Dr. upta. “Our cars are getting much                 everything,” says Jim Smith, Vice
                                                          safer, so traumatic injuries from crashes are        President, Mobile Health Services and
                                                          decreasing,” he explains. “Meanwhile, for           Patient Transport at RWJBarnabas Health
                                                          the elderly, even a minor fall can result in        (RWJBH). “The gold standard is to have
                                                          devastating injuries. s the population ages,        no more than 60 minutes from the time a
                                                          this has become an ever-growing issue for           patient has a traumatic emergency to the
                                                          health systems.”                                    time he or she is in the OR.”
                                                              Trauma centers also routinely drill to          Depending on location and time of day, a
                                                          be prepared for mass casualties in a disaster       trip that takes 45 minutes by road could be
                                                          situation. This training includes close             done by helicopter in 20 minutes. That’s
                                                          coordination with other trauma centers in           why RWJBH has partnered with Med-Trans
                                                                                                              aviation to provide a state-of-the-art Airbus
                                                          case backup is needed. There are 10 state-
                                                                                                              135 helicopter and two dispatch centers for
                                                          certified trauma centers in New Jersey.
                                                                                                              live satellite tracking. Known as LifeFlight,
                                                                                                              the service includes on-scene and in-air
                                                          HELP FOR SEVERE BURNS                               emergency treatment and transportation
                                                          Trauma centers across the state coordinate          to the closest appropriate state-certified
                                                          closely with The urn Center at S MC,                trauma center. The crew includes RWJBH
                                                          New Jersey’s only state-certified burn-             Emergency Medical Services flight nurses
                                                          treatment facility. In addition to burns            and paramedics who have had extensive
                                                          from home accidents, industrial incidents           training in emergency, air medical and
                                                          and motor-vehicle crashes, one of the most          trauma protocols.
                                                          common injuries the center sees—up to 0             In addition to providing time-critical
                                                          percent of cases—is scalding in children            transportation from emergency events,
                                                          under age 2 who have been splashed                  the LifeFlight system transports patients
                                                          accidentally by a hot liquid.                       as needed among RWJBH’s 11 hospitals
                                                              Specialists including burn technicians,         (and other health systems as appropriate).
                                                                                                              “The service assists with continuity of care
                                                          nurses and respiratory therapists, as well as
                                                                                                              within the same network,” Smith says.
                                                          the most advanced technology, are available
                                                                                                              “And although it can seem dramatic and
                                                          at the center at all times. “If someone             scary for patients to hear they are being
                                                          comes in with a surface burn, for example,          transported by helicopter, sometimes the
                                                          we’re able to immediately treat them with           issue is not so much medical acuity as it is
                                                          hydrotherapy—water piped through special            timing and traffic.”
                                                          spigots that removes dead skin and bacteria         In either case, he says, “It’s important for
                                                          to minimize the chance of infection,”               New Jersey residents to know that, barring
        physicians make the decision as to whether a      explains Michael Marano, MD, Medical                any weather issues, air medical services in
        patient needs the services of a trauma center.    Director o The urn Center.                          the state are robust and coordinate closely
            “ trauma center is designed to                    The center has 12 intensive care beds           with ground providers. Very few states have
        immediately treat critically injured patients     for the most critically injured patients and        the availability of resources and capabilities
        who have life- or limb-threatening injuries,”     an 1 -bed recovery unit. It also runs The           that we do.”
        explains acute care surgeon runo Molino,          Outpatient Center for Wound and urn
        MD, Trauma Director at JCMC and a                 Healing, which works with more than ,500
        member of RWJ arnabas Health medical              patients each year.                             bicycle safety, sports safety, yard-work
        group. “When seconds count to make the                                                            safety and distracted driving education. “I
        difference between life and death, a whole        AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION                          tell my Injury Prevention Coordinator that
        team is waiting around a stretcher even           In the hope of minimizing the need for          it’s her job to put me out of business,” says
        before the patient arrives.                       their services, the trauma and burn centers     Dr. upta.
            “To be certified as a trauma center,          put considerable resources into community            Inevitably, accidents will happen.
        a facility must have extensive resources          education, covering the age spectrum            When they do, New Jersey residents are in
        available to care for severely injured patients   from infants and car seats to geriatric fall    the fortunate position of having a nearby
        at all times,” says Dr. Molino. “Neurosurgery,    prevention, as well as pedestrian safety,       trauma center ready and able to serve.
        maxillofacial surgery, orthopedic surgery,
        cardiac surgery—all these specialties and
        more have to be there at our disposal.”                To learn more about safety education and training at
            The most common types of injuries                  RWJBarnabas Health hospitals, visit www rw bh org cpr
        seen in trauma centers come from three

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M IN                                                                                           ALERT IN THE ED

        M TERNITY
                                                                                                       RWJ H Emergency Departments (EDs) have
                                                                                                       created a system to ensure that any woman
                                                                                                       coming to an ED who has given birth within
                                                                                                       the previous 2 days is identified, and a

        S FER
                                                                                                       note made in her electronic health record.
                                                                                                       “Care management for certain conditions
                                                       for RWJ arnabas Health (RWJ H).                 can be quite different for a woman who
                                                       “We’re collectively looking at the entire       has recently given birth compared to a
                                                       continuum of healthcare to see what             woman in the general population,” Spernal
                                                       women want and need to be healthy               says. “This alert system quickly identifies
        A FOCUS ON WOMEN’S HEALTH                      before, during and a er pregnancy.”             postpartum women and when minutes
        BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER                                                                       matter it can save lives.”
                                                       EMPOWERING WOMEN                                     Other aspects of RWJ H’s
        PREGNANCY AIMS TO SAVE LIVES.                  Providing education is a priority. “The         comprehensive approach to maternal
                                                       majority of maternal adverse events don’t       health include:

                don’t feel well,” said Tara Hansen,    happen on the day a woman gives birth,”
                2 , o Wanamassa, shortly a er          Spernal says. “They occur in the days and       to improve pregnancy outcomes. “Our
                giving birth to her son in 2011. ut    weeks that follow the birth, when mom is        hospitals are exploring the specific needs
        her healthcare providers considered her        back at home and the warning signs of a         and challenges of women in their unique
        a healthy postpartum patient, and sent         serious complication may not be immediately     communities,” Spernal says.
        her home. Six days later, she died from an     recognized.”                                                                             so
        infection that occurred during the birth.          To increase awareness, Tara’s husband,      women, particularly those with medical
            Pregnancy-related deaths are               Ryan, partnered with Rutgers Robert             conditions, can plan safer pregnancies.
        relatively rare—about 00 occur each            Wood Johnson Medical School and Robert              C
        year in the U.S.—but are on the rise. So       Wood Johnson University Hospital, an                                  that address issues such
        is the rate of delivery-related “severe        RWJ H facility, to create the Tara Hansen       as housing, domestic violence, obesity,
        maternal morbidity,” which is de ined as       Foundation’s “Stop. ook. isten ” program.       diabetes and substance abuse, all of which
        signi icant short- or long-term effects to     This initiative empowers women to voice         can negatively affect pregnancy outcomes.
        a woman’s health.                              any concerns they have and reminds                  F
            “In New Jersey, healthcare systems,        providers to pay close attention, rather than   Monmouth Medical Center, an RWJ H
        community-based organizations and              assuming a symptom is a typical complaint       facility, has the state’s only perinatal mood
        government agencies are tackling this          of pregnancy or the postpartum period. The      and anxiety disorder program.
        issue head-on,” says Suzanne Spernal,          program has been embraced by facilities                                M         H
          ice President o Women’s Services             throughout RWJ H.                               A            D , this year on January 2 .
                                                                                                           “This is new attention to maternity
                                                                                                       care that is so long overdue,” Spernal says.
                                                                                                       “Healthcare providers, policy advocates,
                                                                                                       women’s advocates—together, we’re really
                                                                                                       going to change the landscape over the
                                                                                                       next few years.”

        To nd world class aternit care near ou, call
        888.724.7123 or visit www rw bh org aternit

        Health Together        | 12 |    Winter 2020

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                                                                                                       From left to right, LJ Lopes in the playroom at
                                                                                                       Children’s Specialized Hospital; snuggling with his
                                                                                                       cousin Auggie; getting a boost from visiting Rutgers
                                                                                                       University football players.

                                                                                                       SKILLS REGAINED
                                                                                                         J returned to CSH on February 11 to
                                                                                                       continue his rehabilitation journey. He
                                                                                                       quickly bonded with his inpatient team,
                                                                                                       particularly enjoying aquatic therapy. “Once
        TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY                                                                         they got J into the pool, there was no
                                                                                                       stopping him,” says Olivia. “He loved it, and
        WITH THE HELP OF CHILDREN’S                                                                    the resistance of the water forced him to
        SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL.                                                                          start using his right arm more.”
                                                                                                              J spent another two months at

                   n the a ernoon of January , 201 ,       An RWJBarnabas Health facility              Children’s Specialized working with
                   Olivia opes got a frightening                                                       physical, occupational, speech-language
                   phone call: Her mother, nephew                                                      and recreational therapists. “The progress
        and -month-old son had been in an accident.     (CSH) in New runswick. There, a team           he made at Children’s Specialized was
        While the three were walking home from her      of specialists developed a customized          amazing,” says Olivia. “ er the accident,
        nephew’s school, a vehicle had jumped the       rehabilitation program to address              he lost all of his muscle memory. The team
        curb and struck them from behind.               his medical, physical, cognitive and           worked with him day in and day out,
            Olivia’s mother and nephew suffered         psychosocial needs.                            helping him to learn how to roll, crawl,
        multiple fractures. Infant J, who had               Within a week, however, his family         stand and walk.” J went home on pril .
        been in his car seat in a wagon being           and team realized something wasn’t             He is now attending outpatient therapy
        pulled by his grandmother, suffered the         right with J. He was transferred to the        sessions three days a week at the CSH
        most extensive injuries as the car seat         Emergency Department at Robert Wood            location in Hamilton, working hard to
        became dislodged and soared 0 feet              Johnson University Hospital in New             build strength in his right arm and learn
        away. “When we inally got in to see J,            runswick, where a C T scan led to a          how to suck and swallow properly.
        he was on life support,” Olivia recalls.        diagnosis of hydrocephalus. With this               “We still keep in touch with the
        “He had multiple skull fractures, orbital       condition, excess cerebrospinal luid           remarkable therapists and care team at
        fractures, severe brain trauma and a            builds up in the ventricles (cavities) of      Children’s Specialized, updating them on
        broken leg, and was having di iculty            the brain and increases pressure within          J’s progress,” Olivia says. “We’re forever
        moving his right arm.”                          the head, causing head enlargement,            grateful for the care that Children’s
             J spent 21 days in a Pediatric             headaches, impaired vision, cognitive          Specialized provided to our son.”
        Intensive Care Unit before being                di iculties and loss of coordination.               To learn more about Children’s
        transferred to the rain Injury Program             shunt was surgically inserted into a        Specialized Hospital, call 888.244.5373 or
        at Children’s Specialized Hospital              ventricle to drain the excess luid.            visit

             At Children’s Specialized Hospital, we provide world-class care for children and young adults who face special health challenges
             across the state of New Jersey and beyond. Our locations in Bayonne, Clifton, East Brunswick, Egg Harbor Township, Hamilton,
             Jersey City, Mountainside, New Brunswick, Newark, Toms River and Warren treat everything from chronic illnesses and complex
              physical disabilities like brain and spinal cord injuries, to developmental and behavioral issues like autism and mental health.

                                                                                                              RWJBarnabas Health    |   RWJBH.ORG    | 13

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                                                                                           A BLOOD STEM CELL DONATION—
                                                                                           AND A POWERFUL MEDICAL
                                                                                           PARTNERSHIP—SAVE THE LIFE OF
                                                                                           A TOMS RIVER WOMAN.

              t’s a gorgeous day on the boardwalk            “To have a donor and patient together    made an appointment with an infectious
              in Bradley Beach and to look at            like this is truly remarkable,” says Vimal   disease specialist, and his phlebotomist
              the two smiling women, you would           Patel, MD, a hematologist/oncologist         took blood samples,” she recalls.
        never guess that they had met in person          in the Blood and Marrow Transplant               Within 24 hours, the doctor called
        for the very irst time just three days           Program at Rutgers Cancer Institute of       back to explain that he had sent the
        before. They exhibit a strong physical           New Jersey and Robert Wood Johnson           blood test results to a hematologist who
        and emotional connection—a bond worth            University Hospital (RWJUH) New              wanted her in his o ice that day. “I think
        life itself.                                     Brunswick. “This is the reason I went        you have leukemia,” the hematologist
            “I feel as if I’m with my daughter or        into my ield: to see moments like this.”     told her. “And I think you need to go to
        my niece,” Lael McGrath, 68, admits.                                                          Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
        She owes her life to Wiebke Rudolph, a           AN UNEXPECTED DIAGNOSIS                      in New Brunswick. Today.”
        21-year-old recent college graduate from         In August 2016, Lael was not well. She           Lael’s immune system was so
        Kassel, Germany. Wiebke donated her              had been a runner for more than 40           suppressed that she was in a life-
        stem cells anonymously to Lael after             years, but that summer she couldn’t          threatening situation. Within three days
        the retired second-grade teacher from            run more than a block without having         she would be admitted to RWJUH, where
        Toms River was diagnosed with life-              to stop to walk. She had fevers, night       she would spend the next seven weeks
        threatening acute myeloid leukemia in            sweats and a rash on her back. “A friend     undergoing chemotherapy. Dr. Patel has
        2016. Both had looked forward to this            was diagnosed with Lyme disease and          been by her side since then, along with
        meeting for more than two years.                 her symptoms sounded like mine, so I         a vast team of specialists from both

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Opposite page, top, Lael and Wiebke with
                                                                                                               Vimal Patel, MD; this page, with members of the
                                                                                                               Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at Rutgers
                                                                                                               Cancer Institute and Robert Wood Johnson
                                                                                                               University Hospital.

                                                                                                               NOT ALL DONORS AND PATIENTS
                                                                                                                   MEET. BUT THERE WAS NEVER
                                                                                                                         ANY DOUBT FOR
                                                                                                                            EITHER OF THESE
                                                                                                                              TWO WOMEN.
                                                                                                                               IN FACT, THE
                                                                                                                               PAIR STARTED
        RWJUH and Rutgers Cancer Institute.                       Four thousand
            In the hospital, Lael’s treatment                 miles away in
                                                                                                                               TEXTING AND
        involved the use of combination                       Germany, Wiebke                                                 THEN TALKING
        chemotherapy designed to get her                      was noti ied that she
        into remission. “However, the speci ic                matched a patient in dire
                                                                                                                           TO EACH OTHER ON
        mutations that we identi ied in her                   need. “Not that many people                               FACETIME RIGHT AFTER
        leukemia were high-risk in nature, so we              in Germany do this and certainly no
        knew that chemotherapy alone would                    one in my family or among my friends,”
                                                                                                                 BEING GIVEN EACH OTHER’S
        not keep her in remission,” says Dr. Patel.           she says. “ ut when I irst heard about           CONTACT INFORMATION.
        “We needed immune therapy in the form                 this, I said yes, I’m going to do it. I was
        of an allogeneic stem cell transplant.”               determined.”
                                                                  Wiebke underwent peripheral blood
        SEARCHING FOR A DONOR                                 stem cell donation, a procedure called           was female and 19 years old.”
        In a bone marrow transplant, cells can be             apheresis, in which blood is removed                 Lael did so well post-transplant that
        used from your own body, known as an                  through a needle in one arm and passed           she was able to go home on New Year’s
        autologous transplant. When cells are taken           through a machine that collects only             Day 2017. Over in Germany, Wiebke was
        from a donor, the transplant is called                blood-forming cells. (The remaining blood        told that the transplant had gone well.
        allogeneic. “In this procedure, the patient’s         is returned to the donor through a needle            Protocol and con identiality policies
        diseased marrow is replaced with a donor’s            in the other arm.) The procedure took            don’t permit donors and patients to have
        blood stem cells,” says Dr. Patel. “It allows         six hours. All the logistics of harvesting       direct contact with each other until at
        for normal blood formation and provides               Wiebke’s stem cells and then transporting        least one year has passed. In this case, the
        a new immune system to help eliminate                 them to the U.S. were handled by                 wait lasted more than two years, until
        the leukemia. It also has the potential for           NMDP. Meanwhile, Lael’s repeat blood             test results showed that Lael’s blood cells
        a cure.”                                              transfusions were made possible by the           were 100 percent “donor.”
              t RWJUH, bone marrow transplant                 RWJUH lood Services team.                            Not all donors and patients meet.
        coordinator Mary Kate McGrath, MSN,                       Lael spent weeks in the hospital             But there was never any doubt for
        RN, APN, BMTCN, OCN (no relation                      during the fall and winter of 2016, waiting      either of these two women. In fact, the
        to ael), ran the results of ael’s DN                  for the transplant and being closely             pair started emailing, texting and then
        testing through the National                                monitored by her healthcare team.          talking to each other on FaceTime right
        Marrow Donor Program                                              Finally, in December 2016,           after being given each other’s contact
        (NMDP) registry.                                                     she was noti ied that her         information.
        “Within two months                  RWJBarnabas Health and               transplant was imminent.          Recently, at a celebration hosted by
        of Lael’s diagnosis,            Robert Wood Johnson University             “On December 16th, it       RWJUH, both women held bouquets of
        we identi ied three          Hospital, in partnership with Rutgers          happened,” she recalls.      owers and stood happily alongside one
                                        Cancer Institute of New Jersey—
        potential matches                                                            “A team walked in         another. “If it weren’t for Wiebke, I don’t
                                         the state’s only NCI-Designated
        on the registry—                Comprehensive Cancer Center—
                                                                                     carrying a small          know what would have happened,” Lael says.
        but Wiebke turned            provide close-to-home access to the             cooler and within an          With the breeze blowing off the
        out to be the               most advanced treatment options. Call           hour, the transfusion      Atlantic Ocean, these two women look
        perfect match,” she                  844.CANCERNJ or visit                  was over. All I actually   knowingly at one another, smile and
        explains.                              knew was that the donor      agree, “It was a miracle.”

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sunlight tends to boost
                                                                                                              serotonin. A lack of light
                                                                                                              causes the brain to release less
                                                                                                              serotonin, which can lead to
                                                                                                                  “We’re not sure what makes
                                                                                                              some people vulnerable to
                                                                                                              SAD while others aren’t greatly
                                                                                                              affected by less exposure to
                                                                                                              sunlight,” says Dr. Kaplan.
                                                                                                              “The theory is that people with
                                                                                                              SAD may have some form of
                                                                                                              imbalance in the regulation of
                                                                                                              these two hormones. Genetic
                                                                                                              factors may play a role in this.”

                                                                                                              WHAT TO DO
                                                                                                              “If you think you may
                                                                                                              have SAD, consult with a
                                                                                                              professional to determine
                                                                                                              whether your condition relates
                                                                                                              to that or to something else,”
                                                                                                              advises Dr. Kaplan. “Depression
                                                                                                              can be due to many different
                                                                                                              things, so it’s better not to self-

                                                                                                  diagnose and possibly waste time on the
                                                                                                  wrong treatments.”
                                                                                                      Having a healthy diet and regular

        WINTER                                                           UES
                                                                                                  exercise have been shown to improve
                                                                                                  symptoms of depression. Other possible
                                                                                                  treatments for SAD include:
                                                                                                      Light therapy. The patient sits or works
                                                                                                  near a device called a light therapy box,
        SEASONAL DEPRESSION IS A STRUGGLE, BUT HELP IS AVAILABLE.                                 which gives off a bright light that mimics
                                                                                                  natural outdoor light. “For some people,

             n winter, the short hours of daylight     as feelings of hopelessness, anxiety and   this treatment is very effective, but it’s best
             can lead to dark moods. It’s a            problems with appetite. “A couple of       to consult your physician about the type of
             common syndrome—thought to affect         symptoms seem to be more common with       device to use,” says Dr. Kaplan.
        up to 10 million people in the U.S—known       SAD, however,” says Dr. Kaplan. “People        Cognitive behavioral therapy. This
        as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD.        with SAD often crave sweets more, and      kind of psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,”
        “SAD is a kind of depression that happens      are more tired and sleep more.”            focuses on changing inaccurate or negative
        at a speci ic time of year, usually in the         As with regular depression, there is   thinking in order to create new behaviors.
                                winter,” explains      help for those who suffer from SAD.            Antidepressant medication. “Generally
                                psychiatrist Gabriel                                              speaking, antidepressants don’t start
                                Kaplan, MD, Chief      WHY WINTER?                                working for four to six weeks,” says Dr.
                                Medical O icer of      While the exact cause of SAD is unknown,   Kaplan. “If your depression is seasonal,
                                the RWJ arnabas        two hormones are implicated: melatonin,    you may choose to take them for several
                                Health ehavioral       the hormone that regulates sleep, and      months and then go off them when
                                Health Network.        serotonin, a key hormone for mood          winter is over, or continue to take them
                                    Symptoms of        stabilization. “Melatonin tends to be      for the rest of the year to prevent the
                                SAD are similar        produced when there’s no sunlight,”        reappearance of depression. It’s the
                                to those of clinical   explains Dr. Kaplan. “More melatonin       combined job of the doctor and patient to
        GABRIEL KAPLAN, MD      depression, such       means people feel sleepier.” Conversely,   decide the best course.”

        To learn about options for getting help for depression, call the RWJBarnabas
        Health Behavioral Health Network Access line at 800.300.0628.

        Healthy Together     | 16 |   Winter 2020

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Shilin Pandya, DO, Medical
                                                     Director of the Eating Disorders
                                                     Unit, counsels a patient.

                     A PLACE FOR HE                                                                                            IN

                    n estimated 20 million women           campus, the inpatient unit will have 20                members, who are an integral part of the
                    and 10 million men will suffer         beds, up from 1 . “The ambiance will be                treatment team.
                    from an eating disorder at some        one of healing,” says Shirley Rajan, MD, a                   dolescent and adult patients over
          point in their lives, according to the           psychiatrist in the Eating Disorders Unit.             the age of 1 will be placed in separate
          National Eating Disorders ssociation.            “It will promote self-re ection.”                      healing environments. “While both groups
          Robert Wood Johnson University                                                                          need nature and quiet time, their needs
          Hospital (RWJUH) Somerset offers                 MEETING THE NEEDS                                      are different,” says Dr. Rajan. “ dults are
          one of only two inpatient programs in            OF INPATIENTS                                          dealing with work and life events, while
          New Jersey. In addition to inpatient             The million renovation will include a                  adolescents are in school and may be
          care, the hospital provides partial              healing garden, which blends nature and                coping with issues like bullying.”
          hospitalization (five hours per day, five        fresh air. This is important for patients                  The unit’s ambient lighting will re ect
          days per week) and intensive outpatient          because it can motivate them to continue               circadian rhythms, helping to promote
          services for patients ages 1 and older.          treatment, says Dr. Rajan. “Nature has a               sleep, which is important for healing.
          multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists,         healing power,” she says. Patients will be             They will be at their lowest levels at night.
          nurses, licensed clinical social workers,        able to plant a garden, watch it grow and                  The renovations are expected to be
          registered dietitians, occupational              learn about good nutrition, says ysa Israel,           complete by the end of this year. “The
          therapists, physical therapists and                ice President of the Somerset Health                 space will feel homey and comfortable,”
          teachers works together to address               Care Foundation.                                       says Israel. The Foundation, which
          patients’ medical problems, including                There will also be quiet areas for small           has already raised 1 million for the
          physical and emotional concerns.                 group therapy sessions and activities like             renovation, is aiming to raise million
              The hospital recently began a complete       yoga and meditation. “Patients with eating             more. “This will give us the ability
          transformation of the Eating Disorders           disorders o en have other behavioral                   to furnish the space and create the
          Unit. The new space will be warm and             health problems, and research shows that               outdoor space,” says Israel. Dr. Rajan is
          comfortable, and it will maximize natural        meditation and medication are the most                 most excited about the healing garden.
          light and fresh air. y moving outpatient         beneficial therapies,” says Dr. Rajan. The             “ reenery brings about peace within
          care to a different building on the hospital     new space will also accommodate family                 us,” she says.

              For more information on how to support Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset’s
              Eating Disorders Program, call the Somerset Health Care Foundation at 908.685.2885.

                                                                                  Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset   |   RWJBH.ORG/SOMERSET   | 17

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                                                      HOW TO EAT FOR SUCCESSFUL
        On February 25, Jaclyn London,
                                                      WEIGHT LOSS AND BETTER HEALTH.
        MS, RD, head of nutrition and
        wellness at Weight Watchers
        and former nutrition director at
        Good Housekeeping magazine,
        will discuss the importance of a
        healthy diet in preventing heart
        disease and how to prepare
        nutritious meals at home and order
        them at restaurants. Participants
        will receive a copy of London’s
        book, Dressing on the Side (and
        Other Diet Myths Debunked): 11
        Science-Based Ways to Eat More,
        Stress Less, and Feel Great About
        Your Body. In addition, Rachana
        Kulkarni, MD, a cardiologist at
        RWJUH Somerset, will discuss
        heart disease risk factors,
        diagnosis and treatment. For more
        information, please see page 22.

        To schedule an appointment with a
        registered dietitian who can provide
        nutritional counseling to improve
        eating habits, call 908.704.3765.

        Healthy Together       | 18 |   Winter 2020

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        L                                                                                                           CHANGES
                osing weight and eating healthier          keto diet may be safe for healthy adults
                are among the most popular New             who want to lose weight quickly, it’s not                Diets often lead to weight loss and
                Year’s resolutions, but many of us         sustainable because it’s so restrictive,                 gain (known as yo-yo dieting), which
        wonder: What’s the best diet for weight loss?      says Hagins. “You have to limit your carb                is unhealthy because it can strain
        Talk to friends, and it’s likely that they have    and dairy intake drastically,” she says.                 your heart. “To lose weight and
        different approaches to dieting. Here, Tia         What’s more, people shouldn’t be on this                 keep it off over the long term, you
        Hagins, RD, Community Nutritionist at              diet without being monitored by their                    need to make lifestyle changes,”
        Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital            physician, says Hagins. “The body can                    says Tia Hagins, RD, Community
        (RWJUH) Somerset, explains the pros and            go into ketosis—in which you use fat for                 Nutritionist at Robert Wood Johnson
        cons of popular diets and offers advice on         energy instead of carbohydrates—and                      University Hospital (RWJUH)
                                                                                                                    Somerset. Consider the following
        how to eat for a healthier, thinner you.           it can affect the kidneys,” she explains.
                                                                                                                    strategies for healthy weight loss:
                                                           “People with cardiovascular disease,
        MEDITERRANEAN DIET                                 diabetes and kidney disease shouldn’t                    1. Eat three meals per day with
        This heart-healthy diet focuses on                 follow this diet.”                                          lean protein, fruits, vegetables,
                                                                                                                       whole grains and dairy products.
        vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy
        fats, such as olive oil. People who adhere         WEIGHT WATCHERS                                             for a personalized diet based on
        to it consume plenty of seafood, beans,            FREESTYLE                                                   your age, sex, height, weight and
        poultry and eggs and limit red meat. They          This diet emphasizes low-fat foods and lean                 activity level.
        also eat whole wheat breads, cereals and           protein, as well as healthy lifestyle changes.
                                                                                                                    2. Include a lean source of protein
        pastas and substitute olive oil for butter.        “You can eat what you want,” says Hagins.                   at every meal to keep hunger in
        Dairy intake is moderate (just two to three        Foods are assigned points, and you are                      check.
        servings per day).                                 given a certain number for each day based
                                                                                                                    3. Choose low-fat foods and limit
        PROS: “You can eat a variety of foods, and         on your weight-loss goal. More than 200
                                                                                                                       added fats. Consume 1 percent
        it’s filling,” says Hagins. Plus, it’s a healthy   foods—including beans, eggs and fish—have                   or fat-free milk and dairy
        way of eating: The Mediterranean diet              no points. Dieters are encouraged to track                  products. If you must add fats to
        helps to lower the risk of heart disease,          their food choices and follow them online.                  foods, keep portion size in mind:
        diabetes and cancer.                               “Tracking food choices is a proven strategy                 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1
        CONS: If you have a sweet tooth, it can            for weight loss,” says Hagins.                              tablespoon of salad dressing, for
        be challenging to stick with this way of           PROS: It works. “This is one of the most                    instance.
        eating because you have to cut out butter          well-researched diets,” says Hagins. The                 4. Decrease or eliminate drinks that
        and solid fats. If you want to try the             emphasis on nutritious, low-calorie foods                   contain sugar. Aim to drink 64
        Mediterranean diet, make gradual changes.          like vegetables, fruits and whole grains can                ounces of water daily instead.
        “If you’re used to drinking whole milk, try        help lower blood pressure and reduce your                5. Avoid eating large amounts of
        2 percent milk first,” says Hagins. “Once          risk for heart disease. In addition, Weight                 food late in the day. Ideally, 30
        you’re used to it, mix it with                     Watchers encourages physical activity and                   percent of calories should come
        1 percent milk. Eventually, you’ll get used        social support through meetings. No foods                   from breakfast, lunch and dinner
        to the lower fat variety.”                         are forbidden, and you don’t need to buy                    each, and 10 percent should
                                                           prepackaged foods.                                          come from snacks.
        KETOGENIC (“KETO”) DIET                            CONS: Membership isn’t free, and if you                  6. Don’t skip meals because you’ll
        This diet emphasizes foods high in fat and         overeat a food with zero points, then you                   overeat later.
        protein. Carb intake is restricted to less         might consume too many calories.                         7. Avoid eating after 8 p.m.
        than 20 grams per day (one slice of bread
        is equivalent to about 15 grams of carbs).
        The premise is that your body will burn fat,
        rather than carbohydrates, for energy. Fat             HEALTHY SNACKING
        contains more calories than carbohydrates.
                                                               The following snacks are low in fat and calories:
                                “This diet may help
                                you lose body fat as           • 5 whole grain crackers and 1 ounce of low-fat
                                well as weight,” says            cheese (135 calories, 4 grams of fat)
                                Hagins.                        • 2 four-inch rice cakes with 2 teaspoons peanut butter
                                PROS: “The keto                  (125 calories, 6 grams of fat)
                                diet regulates                 • 3 cups low-fat popcorn and 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
                                appetite so that you             (135 calories, 3-5 grams of fat)
                                feel full for longer,”
                                                               • ¾ cup low-fat, plain yogurt, ½ cup fruit (150 calories, 0-2 grams of fat)
                                says Hagins. “It
                                leads to weight loss.”         • 1 apple and 1 ounce non-fat string cheese (125 calories, 3-5 grams of fat)
        TIA HAGINS, RD          CONS: While the

                                                                                Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset   |   RWJBH.ORG/SOMERSET   | 19

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