Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

Page created by Teresa Delgado
Notre-Dame International - High School Paris
Notre-Dame International
High School Paris
Notre-Dame International - High School Paris


 Introduction by Mr Daniel Zicari, Headmaster   Page 2

 Nacel International School System              Page 2


 American High School Diploma                   Page 3

 IB Diploma Programme                           Page 3

 French Language and Culture                    Page 3


 US College Counselling & Admissions Process    Page 4

 French University Study                        Page 4

 University Acceptance                          Page 5


 History                                        Page 6

 School Environment                             Page 6


 Facilities                                     Page 7

 School Life                                    Page 7


 Day School                                     Page 8

 Host Family Accommodation                      Page 8

 Boarding Accommodation                         Page 8


 Academic Strenghts                             Page 9

 Location Highlights                            Page 9

 Admissions                                     Page 9

Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

                            Daniel Zicari

Preparing students for a successful future               Notre-Dame International High School is a
                                                         candidate school for the Diploma Programme of
Notre-Dame International High School is a day and        the International Baccalaureate (IB). Only schools
boarding American international school of the Paris      authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of
Metropolitan Area in France. The school offers an        its four academic programs. These are schools that
exciting opportunity to learn the French language        share a common philosophy -a commitment to high
and culture while attending an American and              quality, challenging, international education.
international academic program taught in English.
                                                         By the spring of 2018 our faculty will have completed
The Notre-Dame International High School mission         the process of becoming an IB World School. We
is to prepare students for professional success in       plan to introduce the International Baccalaureate
the global community. We equip students with the         diploma programme in the fall of 2018. This two
tools to become lifelong learners by fostering the       year program will be available to entering eleventh
development of critical thinking and communication       graders with the first IB class graduating in 2020.
skills through inquiry and collaboration as they gain
a strong sense of personal and social responsibility.    The school welcomes local and international
We encourage students to grow in their compassion        students from a variety of backgrounds, with a
for others, appreciate and respect other cultures,       wide-range of academic and personal goals. More
recognize the value of different viewpoints and          than twenty citizenships are represented at school.
work towards a more peaceful world grounded in           Various welfare and accommodation arrangements
intercultural understanding.                             are available for students who do not have relatives
                                                         residing in France.

NACEL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SYSTEM                        programs. We recognize the importance of giving
                                                         our students an enjoyable and memorable high
The school is a member of the Nacel International        school experience, and encourage positive interaction
School System (NISS)’s community of American             through field trips, sports, and social events. Students
international schools, aiming to convey its high         are encouraged to take an active role in shaping
quality American-internationalized education to          the culture and climate of their international school,
other countries, preparing students of all ages for      making it a comfortable place to grow and learn.
success in an ever-increasing global community.

We strive to develop students’ self-awareness,
social consciousness, leadership skills and creativity
through our curriculum, enrichment activities, and
involvement in the arts, clubs, and study abroad
Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

Notre-Dame International High School is a college preparatory high school
(Grade 9 to 12) formed and operated in partnership with the French school
Notre-Dame “Les Oiseaux”, and established in 2010. The school was awarded
accreditation from:
••the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School
  Improvement (NCA CASI),
••the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC),
••and the Southern Association Council on Accreditation and School Improvement
  (SACS CASI), all of which are accreditation divisions of AdvancED.

AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA                           or higher level courses in Language & Literature,
The school’s established graduation requirements       Language Acquisition, Individuals & Societies,
correspond to the North Central Association            Experimental Sciences and Mathematics. Specific
Commission on Accreditation and School                 courses will be announced after final authorization
Improvement (NCA CASI) guidelines for college          is granted. The IB Diploma programme is a 2 year
preparatory schools, and meet or exceed the            study programme. For more information on the IB
Minnesota State graduation standards. All graduates    diploma programme, please consult:
from Notre-Dame International High School earn a
U.S. High School diploma.                              FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE
                                                       In addition to the American curriculum, the school
In addition to the regular American High School        offers an extensive French language and culture
curriculum, Notre-Dame International High School       program as well as enrichment courses taught
gives international students the opportunity to take   by French teachers. Courses administered by the
AP courses* in various study areas such as:            French school’s faculty include:
••AP European History,                                 ••French language (from Beginner level up to AP/
••AP Calculus,                                           IB French),
••AP Environmental Science                             ••Art,
••and AP French*                                       ••Music,
*This list is updated every year and is subject to     ••and Physical Education.
change.                                                The school arranges for students to take official
                                                       French exams, such as the DELF exam, by request.
Notre-Dame International High School is a              During school breaks (fall, winter and spring
candidate school for the IB Diploma Programme with     breaks), students are given the opportunity to travel
plans to introduce the International Baccalaureate     to various towns in France, such as Lyon, Rouen or
diploma programme in the fall of 2018. Entering        Montpellier, where they will attend intensive French
eleventh graders will have the opportunity to join     classes. Placements in French host families are also
the first IB cohort graduating in 2020. Planned        offered during breaks for further language and
IB courses include the IB core and standard and/       culture immersion.

Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

Our students demonstrate proficiency in the school        ••Accepting, appreciating, and understanding
curriculum by:                                              human diversity as it relates to themselves and
••Producing high level work that prepares them for          others;
  higher education or professional life;                  ••Developing cultural skills such as mindfulness,
••Demonstrating effective problem solving skills in         empathy, self reflection, and patience in uncertain
  various settings;                                         situations
••Integrating and applying the knowledge and              ••Understanding the impact of their actions and
  experience gained in all subject areas;                   those of others (individuals and groups);
••Gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information      ••Appreciating the value of learning and taking an
  gained from research, prior learning, and different       active role in their education.
  world perspectives.
                                                          US COLLEGE COUNSELING & ADMISSIONS
Students will develop and refine their intercultural      PROCESS
thinking skills by:                                       The school administers a college preparation course
••Learning to understand the viewpoints of others         to support and guide upper-level students during the
  and allowing this information to shape their own        college search and application process. In addition
  perspective of the world;                               to assisting students in the search for universities and
••Challenging their personal biases and beliefs           colleges and the admissions process (completing
  through the examination of other worldviews;            applications, essays, etc.), our college preparation
••Using knowledge and critical thinking to develop        includes writing a resume, considering financial
  educated positions on topics and issues that will       aid and scholarship opportunities, registering and
  improve their interactions with others.                 preparing for the SAT and TOEFL.
Students will demonstrate their ability to communicate    Notre-Dame International High School is a SAT
effectively within an intercultural setting by:           test center.
••Improving skills in oral and written language;
••Expressing thoughts and ideas with clarity,
  purpose, and cultural awareness;                        FRENCH UNIVERSITY STUDY
••Recognizing, analyzing, and evaluating various          The U.S. High School diploma is evaluated
  methods of verbal and nonverbal communication;          individually for equivalence with the Baccalaureat
••Developing mastery of English (or for U.S. students,    (French diploma system) if applying to French
  another world language), to be successful in            universities. Each French University has its
  postsecondary studies. Students will exhibit            own admission criteria for holders of foreign
  personal and social responsibility by:                  qualifications. The student’s French language
••Practicing personal and academic integrity;             proficiency level is also taken into account as this is
                                                          a key factor in the student’s ability to excel.

Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

Notre-Dame International High School students
have been accepted to the following Colleges
and Universities:

••American University of Beirut, Lebanon            ••Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY
••American University of Paris, France              ••Marymount Manhattan College
••Arizona State University                          ••Marymount School of New York, NY
••Atelier Hourde annee préparatoire aux écoles de   ••MGIMO University Moscow, Russia
  création, Paris, France                           ••Mt. Allison, New Brunswick, Canada
••Barry University                                  ••Northampton University, UK
••Bishop University, Sherbrook, Canada              ••Pace University, New York, NY
••Brunel University, London, UK                     ••Parsons New York
••Buffalo State College                             ••Parsons Paris- the New School for Design, Paris,
••Canisius College                                    France
••Caucasus Business School of Georgia, Georgia      ••Penn State Erie
••Chicago Institute of Art                          ••Penn State University - Abington/University Park
••College of Mount St. Vincent, Bronx, NY           ••Regent American College London (member of
••Colorado State                                      the Webster University network), UK
••Coventry University, UK                           ••Richmond American University, London, UK
••Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA                   ••Russian State Medical University, Russia
••Drew University                                   ••San Diego University
••Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland          ••San Jose State University
••Ekonomski fakultet – Zagreb, Croatia              ••Santa Barbara University
••Elena- UK                                         ••Savannah College of Art and Design
••ESSEC, Singapore                                  ••Schiller University, Paris
••Eugene Lang                                       ••School Of Visual Arts NYC
••European University of Barcelona, Spain           ••St John’s University, Queens, NY
••Faculté des Métiers, Evry, France                 ••SUNY Fredonia
••Faculty of Law-University of Belgrade, Serbia     ••Tbilisi Teaching University, Georgia
••Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, Serbia           ••Texas A&M University
••Fordham University                                ••Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajará,
••Franklin and Marshall                               Tabasco, Mexico
••Free University of Georgia, Georgia               ••University of Arizona
••Houston Community College, Texas                  ••University of Birmingham, UK
••Hult International Business School London, UK     ••University of Bristol, UK
••IESEG (Business School), Lille, France            ••University of California-Davis
••IFC Marseille, France                             ••University of California-Santa Cruz
••INSEEC, Paris, France                             ••University of Colorado
••Institut Formation Conseil, Marseille, France     ••University of Derby, UK
••International Fashion Academy                     ••University of East Anglia
••IPAG, Paris, France                               ••University of Exeter, UK
••ITAM, Mexico City, Mexico                         ••University of Florida
••Kaplan International College London, UK           ••University of Kent, UK
••Kings College Foundation, Bournemouth, UK         ••University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
••Kings College London, UK                          ••University of Roehampton, London, England
••Lewis and Clark                                   ••University of San Francisco
••London Metropolitan University, UK                ••University of Sheffield’s Law School
••London South Bank University, London, UK          ••University of South Florida
••Long Island University (Brooklyn Campus)          ••University of St Thomas
••LSBF (London School of Business and Finance),     ••University of Warwick, UK
  UK                                                ••UPenn- Wharton School of Business
••Manhattan College, New York, NY                   ••Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland
                                                    ••Washington and Jefferson
                                                    ••Webster University, Vienna, Austria
Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

Notre-Dame International High School is located on
the campus of the French school Notre- Dame “Les
Oiseaux” (NDLO). The educational mission of Notre-
Dame “Les Oiseaux” is “Grow up Together”. The
goal is to prepare students to become autonomous
and responsible adults. Notre-Dame “Les Oiseaux”
creates an environment for community, freedom,
purpose, and involvement.

Notre-Dame “Les Oiseaux” currently offers six
••a Pre School and Kindergarten,
••an Elementary School,
••a Junior High School,
••a General and Technical Secondary School,
••Post-secondary school Technical Degree Programs
  (Management, International Business, Business,
  Communications, and Chemistry).
••Notre-Dame International High School

HISTORY                                                SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT
Notre-Dame “Les Oiseaux” was established in            Verneuil-sur-Seine is located 38 kilometers from
1929, on the site of the Château de Verneuil, by the   Paris city center (35 minutes by public transportation).
Congregation of Notre Dame. The school is located      Located on the River Seine, it is “a town in the
in the heart of a beautiful, 13 hectare historical     countryside”, offering all the facilities of a residential
park, with gardens and several trees over a century    town, the proximity of Paris, as well as a rich natural
old. The Château de Verneuil has a history going       environment, with parks, gardens, forest, rivers and
back to the 16th century when it was the residence     lakes.
of a family in the French nobility, until the French
Revolution.                                            From 1000 inhabitants in 1930, Verneuil has grown
                                                       to 15 000 inhabitants today. This former village has
The Château was abandoned in the years following       become a real town close to the Paris city center. The
the Revolution but was reclaimed by one of its         town is “young”, with 57% of the inhabitants under
legitimate heirs, Hervé de Tocqueville in 1802. The    39 years of age; culture is a must, with a facility
son of Hervé de Tocqueville, the famous political      dedicated to dance (Espace Maurice Béjart) and
thinker and historian Alexis de Tocqueville, spent     regular cultural events. It offers a swimming pool, a
his adolescence at the Château. The Château also       skate park, soccer fields, tennis fields and a riding
welcomed the great French writer, François-René        camp, as well as trekking facilities.
de Chateaubriand, while owned by the Tocqueville
family. In 1817, the property was sold and had         Verneuil-sur-Seine is situated in the center of the
multiple owners until 1929, when the Château was       Yvelines region, home to the famous Palace of
purchased by the Congregation of Notre Dame.           Versailles and Thoiry Castle along with prominent
                                                       businesses such as Bull, Thomson, Grand Marnier,
                                                       EADS (European Aeronautic Defense and Space
                                                       Company), Peugeot, Renault, Bouygues, and others.

Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

FACILITIES                                               Our students are invited to be leaders and suggest
The campus of Notre-Dame “Les Oiseaux” welcomes          new clubs or extracurricular activity.
a large community of approximately 3000 pupils
(comprising French students attending the French         Competitive sports must usually be practised off
school curriculum and about 50 international             campus, in local clubs. Eligibility for enrollment is
students attending the American curriculum). There       subject to dorm staff and host family approval; not
are roughly 230 staff members including teachers,        all meeting times may be conducive to dormitory and
administrators and maintenance staff who oversee         host family scheduling.
the students and the school’s facilities and gardens
(on a total of 13 hectares of land).

The school completed a major reconstruction
project resulting in new and expanded science labs
as well as a brand new student cafeteria. The castle
itself is undergoing a multi-phase renovation with
the purpose of enabling improved access for people
with disabilities. A new library/media center and
a new wing of dorm rooms opened in the fall of
2017. Since Notre-Dame “Les Oiseaux” provides
college level education, the school has excellent
science and computer labs, with state-of-the-art
science instruments.

The facilities offered on campus include:
••Outdoor fields (two soccer fields, two running
••Computer rooms
••Brand new science labs
••Amphitheatre and audiovisual room
••Modernized school libraries
••Arts and Music rooms
••Two indoor gyms for basketball, handball,
  volleyball, badminton, indoor soccer etc.
••A self-service cafeteria with a kitchen on location,
  and an open Cafe

Clubs/sports are active in our school. They include
clubs that are exclusive to the American school as
well as opportunities for involvement in the French
school. After-school extracurricular activities change
each year but nearly always include:
Soccer, Model UN, Chess club, Culture club,
Choir, Yearbook.

Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

The school offers various arrangements for                 boarding schedule and rules. They are independent
accommodation and welfare. The choice should be            and mature enough to manage their daily life and
made based on age and maturity of the student.             studies by themselves.
A nurse is available on campus on weekdays;
an international health and third party liability          The campus has internet available in the library,
insurance covers each student of the school.               classrooms, computer rooms, and labs.
                                                           The dorm building offers double rooms, with shared
DAY SCHOOL                                                 bathrooms. Students who play a musical instrument
This option is only suitable for students already living   may have the opportunity for individual lessons with
with their parents in Paris city center or close to the    a music teacher. Boarders can use a computer room
school, and who can commute easily each day to             as well as a TV and leisure room. Laundry services
school with their parents or by public transportation.     are provided.

HOST FAMILY ACCOMMODATION                                  Option 1
7 days a week, with full board (includes short breaks,     Weekly Boarding only, 5 days a week, with
bank holidays, Toussaint Fall, Christmas, Winter &         full board: for students who can return home for
Easter Spring holidays).                                   weekends, i.e. local students.

The following students should be encouraged to             Option 2
register for the full time host family option:             Weekly Boarding, 5 days a week, with full board
••students who are coming for a short-term cultural        + Weekend Homestay, with full board. Students
  experience- i.e., for one semester or one year;          move to their host family on weekends. Outings
••students who are interested in pursuing higher           may be allowed on Saturdays or Sundays, during
  education in France and need to improve their            day time.
••young students: boarding quarters are not                Option 3
  available to 14 year olds so these students must         Weekly Boarding, 5 days a week, with full board
  choose full time homestay accommodation.                 + Weekend Boarding, with half board
                                                           (available for 16 YO+ students only).
Students choosing this option must be willing to           Unsupervised evenings and night outings are
integrate into the host family life, share the everyday    not allowed and students are fully supervised on
life of the host family and become a real member           Friday and Saturday evenings and nights. Various
of the host family, not only a guest. Our carefully        supervised activities may be offered on evenings at
selected host families live in and around Verneuil-        or outside the boarding quarters, including in Paris.
sur-Seine, as well as in neighbouring areas. This          Unsupervised free time in Paris on Saturdays and
is the best way to be fully immersed in the French         Sundays, in the afternoons.
culture and “art de vivre”! Students should expect to      This accommodation is offered on weekends,
spend their evenings and weekends with their host          excluding school holidays.
Outings may be allowed on Saturdays or Sundays,
during day time.

Boarding accommodation is offered on a weekly
basis, with full board (from Sunday after dinner to
Friday afternoon, excluding school holidays), 5 or 7
days a week.

Boarding is suitable for students who wish to share
their everyday life with their classmates, enjoy
community life and common activities and who
are respectful of boarding staff, as well as of the                                                        8
Notre-Dame International - High School Paris

••Graduation opportunities after completion of the U.S. High School curriculum or the International
  Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (from September 2018);
••Challenging, student-centered course-work focused on developing independent and responsible life-long
••Individualized learning through small class sizes;
••Development of critical thinking skills and intercultural learning;
••Bi-cultural and bilingual school staff;
••Long tradition of excellent education and community spirit of the French partner school Notre-Dame “Les
••French language support classes and opportunity to study French from Beginner level (A1) up to AP French
••International student body (more than 20 nationalities represented at school)
••College Board SAT testing center

••Proximity to Paris city center (35 minutes by train) with opportunities for sightseeing in Paris and France,
  discovering French and European culture;
••Safe residential area and exclusive surroundings;
••Beautiful green and wooded campus;
••Efficient and comfortable mix of historical buildings and modern facilities;
••Excellent science and computer labs, up to date science instruments;
••Supervised and modernized 5 and 7 day boarding facilities;
••Placement in local French host families for students with the required French skills;
••Excellent catering facilities on campus;
••Various extracurricular clubs and activities on and off campus.

The school year runs from early September to the end of June. The fall semester ends late January. The
school year includes four breaks of two weeks each (Fall, Christmas, Winter and Spring breaks).
Notre-Dame International High School has a rolling admissions policy with enrollment in September or
January, depending on availability. We strongly suggest, however, an early application, especially for
students who need a visa to stay and study in France.
Admission is based primarily on the completed student application form which includes a review of previous
school records and teacher recommendations. An interview with a member of the staff will also be required.
Notre-Dame International High School offers the chance to any prospective applicant to come to school and
spend some hours with our students as a shadowing student. Parents and children will also be able to meet
with the School Principal or Teachers.
Successful applicants for the International Baccalaureate program will have demonstrated a positive attitude
toward learning and a solid work ethic.

                    Conflans - Sainte Honorine
                                                                                                         Charles De Gaulle
                SUR SEINE
                        Poissy                                      Saint - Denis
                                                     Asnières sur Seine

                                                                                                     Noisy le Grand

                                                         Clamart                                           Pontault - Combault


                                 Notre-Dame International High School
                                             106, Grande-Rue
                                         F-78480 Verneuil-sur-Seine

                                              Tel: +33-9-70-40-79-22
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