Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.

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Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
Higher degree
research 2020

             When your potential is multiplied
           by a university built for collaboration,
                 anything can be achieved.
               That’s YOU to the power of us
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
2 HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020                                                                                                                       HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020 3

Contents                                                                                     Foreword
RESEARCH AT MACQUARIE                                                                    4   Macquarie University has a proud reputation      We attract candidates of the highest
MACQUARIE AT A GLANCE                                                                    5   for world-leading research that is recognised    potential and provide them with outstanding
                                                                                             internationally. As one of Australia’s premier   supervision, superior mentoring and an
EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH FOR AUSTRALIA                                                     6   teaching and research institutions, Macquarie    exceptional placement within one of our
OUR FUTURE-SHAPING RESEARCH PRIORITIES                                                   8   is your best choice for a higher degree          areas of research strength.
OUR RESEARCH OBJECTIVES                                                                10    research program. If you complete your           Macquarie provides opportunities for
MASTER OF RESEARCH                                                                      12   higher degree research at Macquarie, you’ll      career-enhancing exposure to industry,
                                                                                             be rewarded with an exceptional research         government and communities, and our
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY                                          14
                                                                                             training experience in an environment of         degrees are internationally aligned and
COTUTELLE AND JOINT PHD                                                                16    the highest quality.                             globally relevant.
HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS                                                    18    Macquarie’s world-leading research with          Macquarie’s commitment to international
HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH CANDIDATURE                                                     20    world-changing impact has been recognised        research excellence is exemplified by our
TUITION FEES                                                                            21   in the results we achieved under the             research training program – the Master
HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT                                         22    Australian Government’s 2018 Excellence in       of Research – which is fully aligned with
                                                                                             Research for Australia evaluation. Results       research training in Asia, Europe and
RESEARCH CENTRES AND INSTITUTES                                                        24
                                                                                             from the evaluation highlighted Macquarie’s      North America. We were the first university
INTERNSHIPS                                                                            25    impressive research profile, with 100 per        in Australia to align internationally, and
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH TRAINING PARTNERSHIPS                                           26    cent of our research ranked as performing        you can rely on Macquarie to ensure you
HOW TO APPLY                                                                           28    at world standard or higher at the broad         have greater international recognition for
                                                                                             discipline level.                                your qualifications.
RESEARCH EXCELLENCE                                                                    29
KEY DATES AND CONTACTS                                                                 30    Macquarie’s Strategic Research Framework         At Macquarie, we value our higher degree
                                                                                             2015–2024 World-Leading Research;                research candidates and recognise the vital
                                                                                             World-Changing Impact has firmly                 contribution our research candidates make
                                                                                             established the University’s approach to         to the University, to the nation and to the
                                                                                             world-leading research with world-changing       world. One way we show our appreciation
                                                                                             impact. We are intent on building and            to you is through our research excellence
                                                                                             reinforcing areas of research strength that      scholarship program. To encourage
                                                                                             provide solutions to the world’s most            excellence in higher degree research,
                                                                                             pressing problems.                               we have expanded this program to enable
                                                                                             Our considerable research expertise is           well-prepared candidates to undertake
                                                                                             focused on the priorities of Healthy People,     doctoral studies at Macquarie.
                                                                                             Resilient Societies, Prosperous Economies,       I readily welcome your interest in
                                                                                             Secure Planet and Innovative Technologies.       undertaking a higher degree research
                                                                                             These priorities are buttressed by four          program at Macquarie and urge you
                                                                                             research objectives: Accelerate world-leading    to contact our staff to investigate the
                                                                                             research performance, Prepare world-ready        opportunities available to you. At Macquarie,
                                                                                             higher degree research candidates, Engage as     you’ll gain an advanced research degree of
                                                                                             a world-recognised collaborator of choice and    the highest international standing, and we
                                                                                             Deliver research with world-changing impact.     will support you every step of the way.
                                                                                             As a prospective candidate, our second
COVER PHOTO: PhD candidates Yilian Guo and Ognjen Kovacevic                                  objective – Prepare world-ready higher
with supervisor Associate Professor Vito Mollica from the                                    degree research candidates – is the key that
Department of Applied Finance.                                                               unlocks opportunities and places you at the      Professor Sakkie Pretorius
                                                                                             forefront of our research vision.                DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH)
PHOTOS: Joanne Stephan, Chris Stacey and Robert Harcourt
The information in this document is correct at the date of publication, but the
University reserves the right to vary or withdraw any general information, any
course(s) and/or unit(s), its fees and/or the mode or time of offering its course(s)
and unit(s) without notice.
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Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
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A proud tradition                                                                                Pursuing
of discovery                                                                                     excellence
                                                                                                 MACQUARIE AT A GLANCE
Our Strategic Research Framework                  We are ranked among the highest-performing
2015–2024 World-Leading Research;                 research universities in Australia. In the
World-Changing Impact is brought to life          2018 Excellence in Research for Australia
by our renowned researchers, whose                (ERA) evaluation, we achieved the highest
intrepid solutions to issues of global            rating of 5 – outstanding performance well
significance benefit the world we live in.        above world standard – in agricultural and
                                                  veterinary sciences, biological sciences,
Recognised globally for our pre-eminence
                                                  environmental sciences and physical
in key research disciplines, we pursue
                                                  sciences. In total, 100 per cent of our
excellence in a broad range of research areas,
                                                  research activity at the two-digit level                        5                                      14                                     $200 MILLION
including in those that are cross-disciplinary.
                                                  was rated as performing at world standard                future-shaping                       research themes and                     in research funding received
In applying our research, our discoveries         or higher.                                             research priorities                    69 research streams                           from 2014 to 2016
translate into real improvements for
                                                  Macquarie is also ranked among the top
local, national and global communities.
                                                  50 institutions in the world for linguistics
Discoveries such as wi-fi, which our
                                                  and philosophy, and in the top 100 for
researchers co-developed with CSIRO, have
                                                  accounting and finance, earth and marine
world-changing impact. Our discoveries yet
                                                  sciences, education, English language and
to come, such as cures for motor neurone
                                                  literature, geography, law, performing
disease and Parkinson’s disease, will change
                                                  arts and psychology (QS World University
the world.
                                                  Rankings by Subject, 2019).                                  $1 BILLION                          $116 MILLION                                     FIRST
In looking to the future, we have developed
                                                  By undertaking a research degree at               invested in infrastructure and       invested in higher degree research          university in Australia to introduce
five research priorities that provide a focal
                                                  Macquarie, you’ll have the opportunity               facilities in recent years          scholarships from 2015 to 2017                 the Master of Research
point for the cross-disciplinary research
                                                  to make an important contribution to
approach that is at the heart of our ethos.       the development of new knowledge
These priorities are Healthy People,              while working alongside world-leading
Resilient Societies, Prosperous Economies,        researchers and using some of the
Secure Planet and Innovative Technologies.        region’s most outstanding facilities.

                                                                                                           MORE THAN 30                          LEAD INSTITUTION                             MORE THAN 2800
                                                                                                     researchers in the top 1% of         for two ARC Centres of Excellence       institutions have benefited from research
                                                                                                    scientific authors in the world            and a major node in two            collaborations with Macquarie since 2013

                                                                                                          MORE THAN 160                               1 OF ONLY 2                               1 OF ONLY 5
                                                                                                     researchers have published          universities in Australia rated at the     universities in Australia rated at the
                                                                                                   research that is in the top 1% of   highest level for environmental sciences      highest level for physical sciences
                                                                                                       publications worldwide             research in all four ERA evaluations      research in all four ERA evaluations
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
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A new ERA for                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WELL ABOVE

Macquarie’s researchers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5         WORLD STANDARD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MACQUARIE'S TWO-DIGIT 5s
EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH FOR AUSTRALIA                                                                                                                                                                                       • Agricultural and veterinary sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Biological sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Environmental sciences
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)       At the four-digit level, Macquarie increased      The ERA ratings are a vital indicator
is the Australian Government initiative          its areas of research rated at well above         of Australia’s research excellence and                                                                                  • Physical sciences
that evaluates the quality of research being     world standard from 14 to 21. This includes       performance. Macquarie’s results show
conducted by Australia’s higher education        three areas that Macquarie submitted in           that taking a collaborative and innovative                                                                              MACQUARIE'S FOUR-DIGIT 5s
institutions, with research quality evaluated    for the first time – macromolecular and           approach – with a focus on how research                                                                                 • Analytical chemistry
in groups defined by two-digit and four-digit    materials chemistry, materials engineering        improves lives – achieves far-reaching,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Astronomical and space sciences
Fields of Research (FoR) Codes and rated on      and horticultural production, with the            world-changing results.
a five-point scale.                              latter area recently receiving a $2.5 million                                                                                                                             • Atmospheric sciences
                                                                                                   Additionally, the results achieved by
In the 2018 round, Macquarie achieved a          New South Wales Government grant to               Macquarie in the inaugural Australian                                                                                   • Clinical sciences
stellar performance at the two-digit level       establish a biofoundry in synthetic biology.      Research Council’s Engagement and Impact                                                                                • Computation theory and mathematics
in agricultural and veterinary sciences,         Areas that have been the focus of long-term       Assessment – a companion exercise to ERA
biological sciences, environmental sciences      strategic investment, such as computing,          – demonstrate our commitment to industry,                                                                               • Ecological applications
and physical sciences, with each being           education, engineering and medicine, have         community and government engagement.                                                                                    • Ecology
rated 5 out of 5 – outstanding performance       performed exceedingly well. Outstanding           More than 90 per cent of Macquarie’s impact
well above world standard. Environmental         results for research in areas such as                                                                                                                                     • Electrical and electronic engineering
                                                                                                   case studies were deemed to have made a
sciences and physical sciences have now          cardiovascular medicine and haematology,          significant contribution beyond academia.                                                                               • Environmental science and management
been rated as well above world standard          clinical sciences, neuroscience, and              Further, 100 per cent of our research is                                                                                • Evolutionary biology
in ERA 2010, 2012, 2015 and 2018.                oncology and carcinogenesis underpin              characterised by effective or highly effective
                                                 MQ Health – Australia’s first university-led                                                                                                                              • Genetics
Additionally, chemical sciences; earth                                                             interactions between researchers and
sciences; education; engineering;                fully integrated health sciences centre that      research end users outside academia.                                                                                    • Horticultural production
information and computing sciences;              combines excellence in clinical care with
                                                 teaching and research.                            Macquarie’s case studies achieved the                                                                                   • Macromolecular and materials chemistry
language, communication and culture;                                                               highest possible rating in diverse areas,
mathematical sciences; medical and health        Our world-leading research in biomedical                                                                                                                                  • Materials engineering
                                                                                                   such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait
sciences; and philosophy and religious           engineering, communication, linguistics           Islander research, agricultural and                                                                                     • Neurosciences
studies were rated 4 out of 5 – performance      and psychology support Macquarie’s unique         veterinary sciences, biomedical and
above world standard.                            Hearing Strategy 2030. Our research in                                                                                                                                    • Oncology and carcinogenesis
                                                                                                   clinical sciences, earth sciences, education,
In total, 100 per cent of Macquarie’s research   analytical chemistry, applied ethics, genetics,   philosophy, psychology, and public and                                                                                  • Optical physics
                                                 horticultural production, medicinal and
activity at the two-digit level was rated as                                                       allied health sciences.                                                                                                 • Philosophy
performing at world standard or higher.          biomolecular chemistry, microbiology,
                                                 neurosciences and plant biology provides                                                                                                                                  • Plant biology
                                                 strong foundations for Macquarie’s rapidly                                                                                                                                • Pure mathematics
                                                 emerging strength in bioinnovation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Zoology


100 per cent of research       Achieved a 5 rating in      Achieved a 5 rating in           One of only a few          Among the top four           Among the top five     Among the top six     Among the top seven        Among the top nine        Among the top 10
  at the two-digit level       the two-digit areas of    horticultural production,         universities to have           universities in              universities         universities in          universities in           universities in      universities in genetics,
 rated by ERA 2018 at or      physical sciences and        macromolecular and               all two-digit units        computation theory             in philosophy      atmospheric sciences   horticultural production    analytical chemistry    and pure mathematics
  above world standard       environmental sciences      materials chemistry, and          of evaluation rated          and mathematics
                              across all ERA rounds        materials engineering               at 3, 4 and 5
                             (2010, 2012, 2015, 2018)       – all research areas
                                                         assessed for the first time
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
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Real-world impact
                                                                                                    WORLD-LEADING RESEARCH

Our five interdisciplinary strategic research priorities –
                                                                                                    WORLD-CHANGING IMPACT
Healthy People, Resilient Societies, Prosperous Economies,
Secure Planet and Innovative Technologies – respond to
globally significant challenges and opportunities to improve
the lives of millions. Together, these priorities provide a focal
point for research, with discoveries translating into real
improvements for communities everywhere.
Our unique approach is making us increasingly the partner of
choice for leading organisations, including Johnson & Johnson,
access to pioneering researchers and talented students. In
turn, our academics, researchers and students benefit from
the opportunity to collaborate on game-changing initiatives.
The breadth and depth of research at Macquarie also
informs our approach to teaching and learning, and adds
significant value to a student’s university experience, as they
learn about the latest breakthroughs in their field from the            UNDERSTANDING CULTURES IN OUR CHANGING WORLD AND BUILDING ETHICAL, JUST AND INCLUSIVE COMMUNITIES
world-renowned researchers who made them.

                                                                                          STRENGTHENING ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY TO PROMOTE PROSPERITY IN OUR DIVERSE WORLD

                                                                                              SUSTAINING OUR INTERDEPENDENT WORLD AND EXPLORING OUR PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE


                                                                     ARTS                BUSINESS               HUMAN                                     SCIENCE AND
                                                                                                                                   AND HEALTH
                                                                                                               SCIENCES                                   ENGINEERING
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
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Driving the
research agenda
We are an open, engaged and audacious research community with ambitious research
endeavours. Such endeavours – which seek to expand the frontiers of knowledge for
a better world for everyone – are driven by four key objectives designed to connect
our faculties, researchers and higher degree research candidates with Macquarie’s
research-intensive aspirations.

                                                                                       ENGAGE AS A WORLD-RECOGNISED RESEARCH                                  ACCELERATE WORLD-LEADING RESEARCH PERFORMANCE
                                                                                       COLLABORATOR OF CHOICE                                                “Children with bigger oral vocabularies tend to be better readers, but
                                                                                      “With a growing ageing population, there’s an increasing need for       why is unclear. So, in miniature learning environments, I’m teaching
                                                                                       acute and aged care. This brings about unprecedented challenges        children new oral vocabulary. The effect of that learning is then
                                                                                       for hospitals, so improving their efficiency and productivity while    evaluated using innovative eye-tracking technology that provides
                                                                                       maintaining excellent levels of quality is vital. In my research,      insight into ‘online’ processing as it’s happening. Having found
                                                                                       which is set in operating theatres – one of the most critical and      evidence for a causal link between the two, we anticipate effective
                                                                                       costly units of any hospital – I’m using a qualitative approach to     reading interventions being built based on these exciting learnings.”
                                                                                       examine the impact of efficiency improvement programs on staff
                                                                                                                                                             Signy Wegener
                                                                                       and their work conditions.”
                                                                                                                                                             MASTER OF RESEARCH GRADUATE AND CURRENT PHD CANDIDATE
                                                                                      Zeyad Mahmoud                                                          ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN COGNITION AND ITS DISORDERS
                                                                                      COTUTELLE PHD CANDIDATE                                                RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT
                                                                                      AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF HEALTH INNOVATION,                             AUSTRALIA
                                                                                      MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF NANTES, FRANCE
                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY
                                                                                      RESEARCH EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT

                                                                                                                                                              PREPARE WORLD-READY HIGHER DEGREE
                                                                                                                                                              RESEARCH CANDIDATES
                                                                                                                                                             “In clinical practice I was frequently consulted by teenagers with
                                                                                                                                                              non-specific spinal pain. Many of these cases were seemingly
                                                                                                                                                              linked to too much time spent on electronic devices and excessive
                                                                                                                                                              sedentary behaviour. With my research, I hope to be able to guide
                                                                                                                                                              chiropractors – who are well positioned to play a positive role in the
                                                                                                                                                              education, prevention and treatment of spinal pain – about how to
 DELIVER RESEARCH WITH WORLD-CHANGING IMPACT                                                                                                                  best help young people with this type of spinal pain.”
“Many stars in our galaxy are part of a binary system, in which two stars                                                                                    Laura Montgomery
 orbit a common centre of mass. These binary systems undergo some of their                                                                                   MASTER OF RESEARCH CANDIDATE
 most dramatic changes at the end of their lives. Current observations have                                                                                  DEPARTMENT OF CHIROPRACTIC, MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY
 revealed the presence of high-velocity outflows of gas, commonly referred                                                                                   CA-ANZMUSC MASTER OF RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT
 to as jets, from dying stars that are interacting with a companion star.
 My research is investigating the origin and dynamics of these high-velocity
 outflows, which have a significant impact on the system as a whole.”
Dylan Bollen
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
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Your path to higher
degree research
INTENSIVE RESEARCH PREPARATION                   ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                         Yilian Guo – Master of Research graduate       Vera Kisse – Master of Research exchange           Huong Ly Tong – Master of Research
The Master of Research – regarded by the         You must have a bachelor degree from a         and current PhD candidate in Macquarie’s       candidate (University of Hamburg,                  candidate in the Australian Institute of
Australian Council of Learned Academies          recognised institution at a specified level    Department of Applied Finance,                 Germany) in Macquarie’s Department                 Health Innovation and International
as the most innovative newly developed           of performance – usually the equivalent of     Capital Markets CRC PhD scholarship            of Anthropology – is undertaking an                Macquarie University Research Excellence
research entry pathway – provides you with       a credit average (65 per cent) in your final   recipient and International Macquarie          ethnographic analysis of the extent the use        Scholarship recipient from Vietnam – is
intensive research preparation before you        year (or 300 level). Some disciplines may      University Research Excellence                 of digital self-measuring devices, such as         researching how social features in mobile
begin doctoral study. Consistent with the        have extra admission requirements, such        Scholarship recipient from China – is          smart watches and fitness bracelets, are           health can be used to promote physical
internationally recognised Bologna model,        as a portfolio of work or a higher level of    researching the pricing and liquidity of       able to influence body concepts and,               activity. She anticipates her research will
the program prepares you to complete a           performance of bachelor study. If you hold     various non-common equity funding              therefore how they can change personal             facilitate the delivery of public health
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in three years –      an honours degree or a master degree, you      instruments issued by Australian banks.        relations to the body.                             programs and provide an innovative
well short of the national average.              may apply for recognition of prior learning    Her research findings are relevant to                                                             direction for the development of
                                                 (RPL) of up to 32 credit points (Year 1).      regulators and industry practitioners as                                                          next-generation health informatics.
PROGRAM STRUCTURE                                This may allow you to complete the Master      they review the recent international reforms
The two-year program is available in all of      of Research in less than two years.            to improve the loss-absorbing capacity of
Macquarie’s research areas, allowing you                                                        banks and address problems associated
access to a variety of disciplines, so you can   EXCHANGE PROGRAM                               with implicit government guarantees in
construct a program relevant to your specific    The Master of Research Exchange Program        the banking industry.
interests – subject to academic approval.        provides you with opportunities to
In the first year, you’ll undertake advanced     undertake international experiences during
coursework units, including the study of         your studies. If you continue on to a PhD,
research frontiers in your area of interest.     opportunities include research collaboration
If you successfully complete Year 1 and          with international universities under our
decide not to continue, you can exit the         cotutelle and joint PhD programs.
program with a Bachelor of Philosophy.                                                          Pathway to a PhD
The second year is a masters-level               master-of-research                             Bachelor                                  Master                                                    Bachelor            Research
postgraduate research training program.                                                         with honours
                                                                                                                                          by coursework
                                                                                                                                                                                                    degree        +     preparation diploma
You’ll specialise in research preparation and
focus on a specific research topic. You’re
required to submit a thesis of 20,000 words                                                                                                               Up to 32 credit points for RPL
for completion.
                                                                                                     BACHELOR DEGREE                                       MASTER OF RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Min 75%
                                                                                                 Entry to Master of Research               YEAR 1                         YEAR 2
                                                                                                 Year 1 requires a GPA of 4.38             Domestic:                      Master of Research                             3-YEAR PHD
                                                                                                 overall and a GPA of 5.25                 Bachelor of Philosophy
                                                                                                 at 300 level.                             International:
                                                                                                 Some disciplines may have                 Master of Research
                                                                                                 extra admission requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                           Min 65% average mark
                                                                                                                                           BACHELOR OF PHILOSOPHY                     MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY

                                                                                                                                           Exit qualification if Year 1
                                                                                                                                           successfully completed,
                                                                                                                                           but Year 2 not undertaken
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
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Change your future
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY                                                MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) enables you to undertake             The Master of Philosophy is awarded for research that contributes
extensive independent research that forms a distinct contribution   to knowledge in a particular field of study by presenting new facts
to the knowledge of your chosen subject. Your work should afford    or by demonstrating an independent critical ability to evaluate
evidence of coherence and originality shown by the discovery of     existing material in a new light. You may be eligible to upgrade from
new facts.                                                          the Master of Philosophy to a PhD, with time spent on the Master
Successful progression to the PhD from the Master of Research       of Philosophy counting towards the total candidature of the PhD.
is conditional upon availability of appropriate supervision and     For either program, your research will be supervised by at least two
resources, submission of a PhD research proposal and your           academics and will normally be carried out on campus. There is,
suitability to undertake higher degree research.                    however, provision for you to carry out some of your program off
                                                                    campus with academic approval.
                                                                    Macquarie's Higher Degree Research Rules can be found in the
                                                                    Calendar of Governance, Legislation and Rules.
                                                                                                                                                    DIRECT ENTRY ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS AND PROGRAM SNAPSHOT
                                                                    INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                                    staff.mq.edu.au/work/intellectual-property                              DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY                                                 MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY
                                                                                                                                            mq.edu.au/doctor-of-philosophy                                       mq.edu.au/master-of-philosophy
                                                                    RESEARCH INTEGRITY AND ETHICS
                                                                                                                                            1. Completed Macquarie’s Master of Research with at least            1. Completed Macquarie’s Master of Research with at least
                                                                                                                                               75 per cent in Year 2                                                65 per cent in Year 2
                                                                                                                                              or                                                                     or
                                                                                                                                            2. Completed a Master of Philosophy                                  2. Completed a master degree (at least two years) from
                            *MASTER/                                             3-YEAR FULL-TIME                                             or                                                                    another institution with a major research component
                       MASTER OF RESEARCH                                              PHD                                                                                                                          (approximately 50 per cent thesis, 20,000 words)
                                                                                                                                            3. Completed a master degree (at least two years) from                  at credit level (65 per cent or greater).
                                                                                                                                               another institution with a major research component
                                                                                                                                               (approximately 50 per cent thesis, 20,000 words)
                                                                                                                                               at distinction level (75 per cent or greater).

                                                                                                                                            Additionally, all other peer-reviewed research output may            Additionally, all other peer-reviewed research output may
                                                                                                                                            be taken into consideration under Rule 7 (10) of Macquarie’s         be taken into consideration under Rule 7 (10) of Macquarie’s
                                                                                 3-YEAR FULL-TIME                                           Higher Degree Research Rules.                                        Higher Degree Research Rules.
                                                                                                                                            *If you haven’t completed the Master of Research and do              #
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If you haven’t completed the Master of Research and do
                                                                                                                                            not meet the above criteria, you may be asked to undertake           not meet the above criteria, you may be asked to undertake
                                                                                                                                            the degree as a research training pathway to the PhD. If you’ve      the degree as a research training pathway to the Master of
                                                                                                                                            previously studied at bachelor honours or master level, you may      Philosophy. If you’ve previously studied at bachelor honours
                                                                                                                                            receive credit towards the Master of Research of up to 50 per cent   or master level, you may receive credit towards the Master
                             MASTER/                                           2-YEAR FULL-TIME                                             of the program.                                                      of Research of up to 50 per cent of the program.
                       MASTER OF RESEARCH                                    MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY
                                                                                                                                            The period of candidature is three years, full-time equivalent.      The period of candidature is two years, full-time equivalent.

                                                                                                                                            Depending on your area of study, you’re required to submit           You’re required to submit a thesis of 50,000 words.
                                                                                        EXIT                                                a thesis of 75,000 to 100,000 words.
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
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Spread your wings
Macquarie is proud to have high-quality research training
partnerships with universities in Asia, the United Kingdom,
Europe, the United States and South America. We have hosted
more than 350 cotutelle and joint PhD candidates from more than
110 universities across 35-plus countries.

Macquarie participates in two modes of international co-enrolment
– cotutelles and joint degrees – with universities whose research
activity strongly aligns with ours. Under both joint supervision
models, you’re enrolled at two universities with a principal
supervisor at each. You’ll spend around 50 per cent of your
candidature at each university.

Macquarie is the first non-European university to be accepted
as a partner in the International Doctorate for Experimental
Approaches to Language and Brain (IDEALAB) consortium.
Partners include the University of Groningen, Netherlands;
Newcastle University, United Kingdom; the University of Potsdam,
Germany; and the University of Trento, Italy.

Macquarie’s global perspective – executed through partnership
and collaboration – has created funding opportunities with
some of the world’s leading funding bodies, including:
• ANII: National Research and Innovation Agency of Uruguay          “Artificial intelligence agents, for example robots, are
• BOLASHAK: JSC Center for International                            entities capable of receiving information from and
  Programs, Kazakhstan                                              interacting with the environment they are situated
                                                                    in. The information they receive is used to keep
• CONACYT: National Council on Science and Technology, Mexico       their knowledge fresh. Maintenance of knowledge
• CONICYT: National Commission for Scientific                       presupposes an account of how an agent should change
  and Technological Research, Chile                                 its knowledge in response to any new information it
                                                                    receives. It’s assumed that a specific language/logic is
• CSC: China Scholarship Council
                                                                    used in the background to represent knowledge and
• DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service                            reason from it. In my research, I’m exploring the use
• European Commission: Erasmus+ Programme                           of a type of temporal logic as the background logic for
                                                                     belief revision and examine what modifications in the
• HEC: Higher Education Commission, Pakistan                        mechanisms involved need to be carried out.”
• VIED: Vietnam International Education Development                 Jandson Santos Ribeiro Santos
mq.edu.au/externally-funded-scholarships                            COTUTELLE PHD CANDIDATE
                                                                    DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING, MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY
                                                                    AND UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL
                                                                    INTERNATIONAL MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH
                                                                    EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT
Higher degree research 2020 - When your potential is multiplied by a university built for collaboration, anything can be achieved.
18 HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020 19

Funding your potential
First-year, full-time domestic candidates who enter the program       RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM (RTP)
with a Macquarie University GPA of 6 out of 7 receive a tax-free      A tax-free stipend is available to domestic candidates of exceptional
scholarship stipend of $4000 in Session 1. To receive a further       research promise for up to three years of full-time study.
$4000 in Session 2, a grade of 75 or above for Session 1 must
be obtained.                                                          INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM (IRTP)
mq.edu.au/scholarships/master-of-research                             Available to high-calibre international candidates, the IRTP covers
                                                                      tuition fees for up to three years. Successful candidates will also be
MASTER OF RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS                                       provided with a tax-free living allowance equivalent to the Research
Master of Research Year 2 candidates who are highly ranked            Training Program (RTP) stipend.
may be eligible for a stipend equivalent to the Research Training
Program (RTP).                                                        OTHER GOVERNMENT AWARDS
                                                                      Australia Awards are prestigious international scholarships and
mq.edu.au/scholarships/master-of-research                             fellowships funded by the Australian Government, offering the next
PHD SCHOLARSHIPS                                                      generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study,
                                                                      research and professional development.
SCHOLARSHIP (MQRES)                                                   australiaawards.gov.au
On successful completion of the Master of Research, domestic
and international candidates are competitively ranked based on        EXTERNALLY FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS
performance. Three-year, full-time PhD scholarships are awarded       Externally funded scholarships support domestic students who
to the highest-rated candidates. A tax-free stipend at the Research   are planning to conduct research outside Australia. These include
Training Program (RTP) rate is available to domestic candidates       Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships, John Monash Scholarships,
for up to three years of full-time on-campus study.                   Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarships and Rhodes
                                                                      Scholarships. Other scholarships fund research in specific areas.
EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP (IMQRES)                                       mq.edu.au/research/externally-funded-scholarships
A tax-free stipend at the Research Training Program (RTP) rate        MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY INDIGENOUS RESEARCH
will be matched with tuition fees coverage for international          PATHWAY PROGRAM
candidates for up to three years of full-time on-campus study.        This program provides scholarship support to Indigenous
                                                                      Australians who wish to enrol in the Master of Research,
CO-FUNDED IMQRES                                                      the Master of Philosophy or the Doctor of Philosophy.
An individually packaged scholarship is available to China
Scholarship Council award holders and other externally funded
award holders. Cotutelle and joint PhD candidate packages                                                                                      Lara Mottee                                                          Wasin Praditsilp
include a return economy airfare between partner universities,                                                                                 Cotutelle candidate with the University of Groningen, Netherlands    Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship
a tax-free stipend while at Macquarie and up to three years            Successful scholarship recipients are expected to have a record of      and Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship      recipient, from Thailand, is studying how a nation manages and
tuition funding.                                                       excellent academic performance, a history of scholarship or prizes at   recipient, from Australia, is investigating what constrains and      creates its soft power.
                                                                       undergraduate or postgraduate level, and evidence of peer-reviewed      influences social impact assessment and management practice in
POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH FUND                                                                                                                     the decision-making, planning and approval processes for transport   Ognjen Kovacevic
                                                                       research, such as publications or conference presentations.
Up to $5000 of additional funding is offered on a                                                                                              infrastructure projects.                                             International Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship
                                                                       mq.edu.au/research/scholarships                                                                                                              recipient and Capital Markets CRC PhD scholarship recipient,
competitive basis.
                                                                                                                                               Diego Ocampo Herrera                                                 from Montenegro, is analysing how the behaviour of traders and
                                                                                                                                               National Research and Innovation Agency of Uruguay and               exchanges affects the quality of financial markets, identifying the
                                                                                                                                               Macquarie University co-funded scholarship recipient, from           behaviour having adverse impact, and proposing solutions to keep
                                                                                                                                               Uruguay, is studying formal verification and correctness in          the markets healthy and competitive.
                                                                                                                                               WebAssembly programs.
20 HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020                                                                                                                                                                     HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020 21

Embark on a                                                                                               Invest in
research journey                                                                                          your future
HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH CANDIDATURE                                                                        TUITION FEES
                                                                                                          Tuition fees for higher degree research vary depending on whether
                                                                                                          you’re a domestic or international candidate.

  Macquarie offers individualised
                                        Academic progress and
                                                                       Your Candidature Management
                                                                                                          DOMESTIC CANDIDATE FEES – MASTER OF RESEARCH
                                                                                                          Commonwealth supported places are available for the first year
                                                                                                          of the program. If you continue into the second year, you’ll be
     support and assists you          scholarship continuation are       Plan will keep you on track      supported by the Australian Government through the Research
      at every academic and           monitored annually through             for completion with          Training Program (RTP).
       administrative stage           your Annual Progress Report          progression milestones
                                                                                                          DOMESTIC CANDIDATE FEES – PHD AND MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY
                                                                                                          All eligible domestic higher degree research candidates are granted
                                                                                                          places under the Research Training Program (RTP), which provides
                                                                                                          an exemption from tuition fees.
                                                                                                          The RTP guidelines require that you submit your thesis within
                                                                                                          the RTP-funded period – three years, full-time study (or part-time

                2                                  5                                8
                                                                                                          equivalent) for the PhD and two years, full-time study (or part-time
                                                                                                          equivalent) for the Master of Philosophy. If you’re transferring
                                                                                                          from another university in Australia or you have an incomplete
   You’ll receive careful direction        You’ll be required to         Macquarie recognises your        research degree, you’ll have your prior study period in the
  from your academic supervisors      participate in two mandatory     rights to intellectual property.   research degree deducted from your total program enrolment
         – all of whom have           commencement programs to             From enrolment, you’ll         period at Macquarie.
   well-established reputations in    ensure you have the best start     agree to it being managed
      their own research fields                                           at Macquarie, giving you        education.gov.au/research-training-program
                                                                                 equal rights
                                                                                                          INTERNATIONAL CANDIDATES
                                                                                                          All international candidates undertaking the Master of Research,
                                                                                                          the Master of Philosophy or the PhD are required to pay tuition fees.
                                                                                                          If you’re a scholarship holder with a tuition component as part of
                                                                                                                                                                                  “My research focuses on literary depictions of
                                                                                                          your award, you’re exempt from paying tuition fees for the period

                3                                 4                                 9
                                                                                                                                                                                  journalists and journalistic work. We tend to think
                                                                                                          of your scholarship. Refer to your offer letter for details of the
                                                                                                                                                                                  of the news as representing the world through
                                                                                                          duration of your tuition component.
                                                                                                                                                                                  facts, but what happens when fact and fiction are
       You can complete the                 You’ll be enrolled as        The quality of your research     As an international candidate, you’re also required by the              fluid categories? Novelists have long interrogated
         program full-time                 an internal candidate.        is completed in compliance       Australian Government to purchase Overseas Student Health               journalism’s efforts to define our shared social
        (40 hours per week)           Special approval may be given    with the Australian Government     Cover for your entire visa period in Australia.                         reality, much before ‘fake news’ was a household
            or part-time              for completion of the program        and Macquarie University       mq.edu.au/research-degrees-fees                                         term. When reporters appear in novels, they
        (20 hours per week)                      off campus                codes for the responsible                                                                              often disrupt assumptions about the public’s
                                                                             conduct of research                                                                                  version of truth and how we might know the world
                                                                                                                                                                                  through fictions as well as facts. During my time at
                                                                                                                                                                                  Macquarie, I have benefited from being part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                  University’s intellectual community of scholars.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  Alexander Luft
                                                                                                                                                                                  COTUTELLE CANDIDATE, MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY
                                                                                                                                                                                  AND UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO, USA
                                                                                                                                                                                  INTERNATIONAL MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH
                                                                                                                                                                                  EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT
22 HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020                                                                                                                                                                     HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020 23

We’re here for you
Macquarie’s Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Support and                  HOW WE SUPPORT YOU
Development team offers research training that is flexible, diverse      We offer three programs that connect you with Macquarie’s research
and candidate driven. Our initiatives will assist you to enhance your    community and faculties, as well as industry partners, to create
professional, research communication and leadership skills through       meaningful and exciting opportunities for your research journey.
access to mentoring and development opportunities.
                                                                         HDR MENTORS PROGRAM
WHAT WE DO                                                               Enhances, through peer-to-peer mentoring, your research quality,
Our programs will equip you with the knowledge and confidence            capability and experience.
to conduct your research and communicate your insights to broad
audiences, and they'll help you develop sustainable, transferable
skills that are attractive to employers across all sectors of society.   HDR LEARNING SKILLS
We run more than 200 face-to-face and online workshops, courses          Provides a range of support and training to equip you with essential
and seminars each year, which will provide you with opportunities        research skills.
to engage with other HDR candidates and employer representatives.
Higher degree research is a transformative experience –                  HDR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
academically, professionally and personally. We’ll support you to        Assists you to develop your professional and employability skills,
become an independent, resilient and empathic researcher who             and to gain industry experience.
can reflect on – and understand – how your work contributes to
the broader community. Regardless of your field of research,
you’ll benefit from learning well-rounded strategies and practices
for success in the workplace.                                            RESEARCHER DEVELOPMENT CALENDAR
                                                                         Provides you with access to development opportunities at
                                                                         Macquarie. The calendar lists events that support a range of
                                                                         research activities, such as research writing, methods, funding,
                                                                         project management, publishing, partnerships, commercialisation,
                                                                         wellbeing and career management.

                                                                                                                                                “Enhancing the economic viability and energy efficiency of chemical transformations
                                                                                                                                                 is of fundamental importance in industry. My research interests are centred on the
                                                                                                                                                 design and use of new catalysts to improve reaction efficiency, thereby saving energy
                                                                                                                                                 and decreasing waste produced during industrial chemical processes. The research
                                                                                                                                                 team I have been working with at Macquarie collaborates with research groups
                                                                                                                                                 around the world in catalysis, surface science, NMR and DFT studies. Our research
                                                                                                                                                 group includes undergraduate, Master of Research and PhD candidates – including
                                                                                                                                                 international visiting students – who work together with postdoctoral research
                                                                                                                                                 fellows. I very much enjoy working together with them all to achieve exciting and
                                                                                                                                                 novel chemistry outcomes. We run regular biannual symposia with research groups
“It is great to see Macquarie taking action [with                                                                                                working in our research area at other leading universities, led by the students and
                                                                                                                                                 postdoctoral fellows. This gives our research students the opportunity to discuss
 regard to HDR supervision]. I look forward to an                                                                                                their projects with students and academics from other institutions.”
 era where this is ubiquitous across universities.”                                                                                              Professor Barbara Messerle
Professor Alan Finkel AO FAA FTSE                                                                                                                EXECUTIVE DEAN, FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING
24 HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020 25

Seeking intrepid solutions                                                                                                                      Build your networks
RESEARCH CENTRES AND INSTITUTES                                                                                                                 INTERNSHIPS
Macquarie is home to more than 115 research centres and groups, of which a selection of health and defence groups follows.                      Internships are an invaluable opportunity to get your foot in the door – and get ahead of your peers.

AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF HEALTH INNOVATION                               DIGITAL HEALTH CRC                                                      INDUSTRY MENTORING NETWORK IN STEM                                       APR.INTERN
The Australian Institute of Health Innovation is a world-leading        The Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre believes research        Macquarie has engaged with the Industry Mentoring Network                Macquarie works closely with the APR.Intern program, which
healthcare system innovator and research-intensive institute            and innovation in digital health offer Australia significant economic   in STEM (IMNIS) program since 2017 under two streams:                    supports the industry-based training of PhD candidates to increase
located at Macquarie. Proudly supported by the vibrant and rapidly      and business development opportunities, as well as great promise        Med-Tech-Pharma and Energy-Minerals.                                     employability and broaden business and university collaborations.
growing Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,                        for the better health of our community.                                                                                                          With an emphasis on gender equity, this not-for-profit program
                                                                                                                                                WHAT IS IMNIS?
the institute conducts world-class research to catalyse                 digitalhealthcrc.com/#university-partners                                                                                                        encourages the placement of domestic, regional, Indigenous and
                                                                                                                                                The IMNIS is an award-winning industry-led initiative of
performance improvement in healthcare services and systems                                                                                                                                                               disadvantaged PhD candidates into STEM internships.
                                                                                                                                                the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.
in Australia and overseas.                                              DEFENCE INNOVATION NETWORK                                              IMNIS connects motivated PhD candidates (mentees) in                     WHAT INTERNSHIPS CAN I APPLY FOR?
mq.edu.au/australian-institute-of-health-innovation                     The Defence Innovation Network (DIN) is an association of seven         science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
                                                                        leading universities in New South Wales. The DIN brings together                                                                                 You can apply directly for internships on the APR.Intern website.
                                                                                                                                                with outstanding high-level industry leaders (mentors) in                Alternatively, you can be hosted by an existing Macquarie partner
CENTRE FOR THE HEALTH ECONOMY                                           industry, universities, the New South Wales Government and the          a one-year industry mentoring program.
The Macquarie University Centre for the Health Economy was              Defence Science and Technology Group to address Australia’s                                                                                      who you or your supervisor already work with.
established in 2014 as a strategic initiative to undertake innovative   defence needs. The DIN also supports business innovation in             WHAT DOES IMNIS AIM TO DO?                                               ARE INTERNS PAID?
research on health, ageing and human services. The centre’s vision      the global defence market by harnessing world-class research            • Break down barriers and foster a culture of innovation and             Interns under the APR.Intern program are paid. The APR.Intern
is to create a world where decision makers are empowered with           capabilities available within the region’s universities.                  collaboration between industry and academia – increase                 program is funded by the host industry organisation, and costs
applied, trusted and influential research into health and human         defenceinnovationnetwork.com                                              workforce mobility.                                                    to participate in the program include:
services policy and systems. Its mission is to deliver leading
                                                                                                                                                • Extend professional networks.                                          • $3000 per month paid to the student for the duration of
innovative research by operating professionally, collaboratively
and sustainably.                                                                                                                                • Allow students to gain soft skills and become more informed              the internship
                                                                                                                                                  about opportunities beyond academia.                                   • $5500 paid to the academic mentor
                                                                                                                                                • Facilitate opportunities for future STEM leaders to develop            • $5500 paid to APR.Intern for administration of the internship
                                                                                                                                                  an understanding of research translation, innovation and                 and case management.
                                                                                                                                                  commercialisation alongside basic research.
                                                                                                                                                imnis.org.au                                                             Information for candidates

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Information for academic mentors

       Find out more
26 HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020 27


                                               Sweden                                                             Russia

                                        Norway       Finland

                       United Kingdom      Denmark
                          Ireland       Netherlands     Poland
                                 Belgium             Czech Republic     Ukraine
                                           Germany            Slovakia
                               Switzerland                  Hungary
                                 France         Austria
                                                    Croatia      Serbia
                        Portugal            Italy                                                                                           Japan
                            Spain                                                                                                                                                                   United States
                                                                                                                              South Korea






                                           South Africa                                                                                                                                                                                     Uruguay


                                                                                                                                                    New Zealand

   370+ candidates from 150+ universities in 35+ countries*

Key foundations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       #
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *Since 1999
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Macquarie – Fudan – Hamburg,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jilin – Macquarie – Justus Liebig and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nanjing – Göttingen – Macquarie


           370+                                150+                                  35+                                220+                                        76                             3                                    33                                   51
     cotutelle and joint PhD             cotutelle and joint PhD        countries involved in cotutelle             cotutelle candidate                             priority           regional partnership tiers –         disciplines involved in             universities with Academic
          candidates*                    collaborating partners*        and joint PhD arrangements*                   completions*                                 partners               strategic, developing               current programs                Senate approval for joint PhDs
                                                                                                                                                                                              and emerging

             132                                 57%                              26%                                         14                                      3                       ONLY                                      15                                  45
  current cotutelle and joint PhD       of current candidates with       of current candidates with           Master of Research exchange                      strategic tri-lateral      Australian university            joint funding agreements               IDEALAB PhD candidates
      candidate enrolments                 European universities             Chinese universities                 partners established                     partnerships: MQ-FU-HAM,     participating in IDEALAB             with key international           (including current enrolments)
                                                                                                           (a pathway to cotutelle/joint PhD)             JLU–MQ–JLU and NU-UG-MQ#              joint PhD                      funding agencies
28 HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020                                                                         HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH | 2020 29

World-leading research                                                   through
starts with you                                                          ingenuity
HOW TO APPLY                                                             RESEARCH EXCELLENCE
                                                                         Macquarie is recognised across the world for its strengths and
 PRE-APPLICATION                                                         performance in key research disciplines. A hallmark of our research
 If you’re a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy candidate,     activity is that we pursue projects across a wide range of research
 you’re required to investigate a research topic. You must then          areas, including those that are cross-disciplinary. You can undertake
 consult with academic staff in your chosen research field to            research in any of the following areas.
 discuss your research interests and potential topic to ascertain the
 feasibility of your project. To learn more about our research and       •   Accounting, management and marketing
 identify potential supervisors, visit our research portal PURE.         •   Actuarial studies, applied finance and economics
                                                                         •   Biological sciences
                                                                         •   Chemical and biomolecular sciences
 If you’re a Year 1 Bachelor of Philosophy candidate, your               •   Creative arts, literary studies, communication and culture
 supervision arrangement will be confirmed when you commence             •   Earth sciences
 Year 2 of the Master of Research. If you’re applying for direct entry   •   Education
 into Year 2, your supervision arrangement will be made based on         •   Engineering
 a one- to two-page research proposal and available supervision.
                                                                         •   Environmental sciences
                                                                         •   Health sciences
                                                                         •   History and archaeology
 PREPARING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL                                           •   Human society
 If you’re a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy candidate,     •   Information and computing sciences
 your proposal should define your chosen area of study, identify a
                                                                         •   Languages and linguistics
 research question, clarify its importance and outline a framework
 for further investigation. Sufficient detail is required for us to      •   Law and legal studies
 determine if we are able to support your candidature.                   •   Mathematical sciences
                                                                         •   Medical sciences
                                                                         •   Philosophy
 APPLICATION SUBMISSION                                                  •   Physics and astronomy
 You must complete an online higher degree research application.         •   Psychology and cognitive science
 There are no set closing dates for direct entry into the Doctor of      •   Urban and regional planning
 Philosophy and the Master of Philosophy. Specific deadlines do,
 however, apply to the Bachelor of Philosophy/Master of Research
 and scholarship applications.

 Proficiency in English is a requirement for admission to all higher
 degree research and research training programs at Macquarie.
 Higher degree research applicants (domestic and international)
 whose academic qualifications were obtained from a country
 where English is not the official language are required to provide
 evidence of English language proficiency. Macquarie accepts both

31 JULY 2019
Closing date for all Australian Government-funded and
International Macquarie University Research Excellence
Scholarships (IMQRES) for 2020 commencement.

31 AUGUST 2019
Closing date (candidature only) for international
non-scholarship applications for 2020 commencement.

31 OCTOBER 2019
Closing date for all domestic applications and scholarships
for 2020 commencement.

The Office of HDR Training and Partnerships is responsible
for the management and administration of candidature and
scholarships for domestic and international candidates.

Office of HDR Training and Partnerships
Level 3 East, 17 Wally’s Walk
Macquarie University
NSW 2109 Australia
T: +61 2 9850 7987

E: hdr.admissions@mq.edu.au

E: hdrschol@mq.edu.au

E: hdrcotutelle@mq.edu.au

E: ProfDevHDR@mq.edu.au

E: HDR_Development@mq.edu.au
Macquarie University
NSW 2109 Australia
T: +61 2 9850 7987
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