Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer

Page created by Derrick Steele
Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
June 2021

Hong Kong: Nearly half
of businesses report
increase in cost of credit
Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
                                                                                                                               SURvEY DESIgN
Vincent Ku
CEO for Atradius in Hong Kong,
South Korea and Taiwan
commented on the report


                                                                                                                               STATISTICAl APPENDIx
The use of risk                                This year’s Payment Practices            Downside risks include a potential
                                               Barometer results paint a clear          resurgence of Covid-19 and
management protocols,                          picture of the challenges facing Hong    increased insolvencies. The
such as factoring and                          Kong businesses as they begin to         territory has been managing the
                                               emerge from a tough period of            pandemic crisis relatively well, and
credit insurance, will help                    economic contraction. In a bid to        there is no evidence to suggest this
cushion many Hong Kong                         retain customer loyalty and grow         will change significantly. However,
                                               their market share, Hong Kong’s          insolvencies are to be expected.
businesses from the
                                               businesses continued to offer trade      Many businesses throughout the
predicted H2 2021 surge                        credit throughout last year and,         world have been propped up by
in bankruptcies.                               indeed, were second only to              temporary fiscal support
                                               Singapore in the percentage of total     introduced by different
                                               sales offered on credit throughout       governments. Some businesses will
Those without cash                             Asia. However, this proactive and        struggle to survive the removal of
                                               dynamic approach to credit is            such support programmes and
reserves big enough                            counterbalanced by a more risk           export businesses, in particular,
to absorb large write-offs                     averse application of payment terms      should be alert to this heightened
would be well-advised                          that sees Hong Kong offer the            risk.
                                               shortest terms throughout all of Asia.
to explore outsourced                                                                   The widespread use of risk
risk management                                Taken together these results show a      management protocols, such as
                                               business community working hard          factoring and credit insurance, will
options to protect their                       to generate trade amid the               help cushion many Hong Kong
accounts receivable                            limitations of an uneven economic        businesses from the predicted H2

                                               recovery, where although the export      2021 surge in bankruptcies. Those
moving forward.
                                               sector is showing signs of picking up,   without cash reserves big enough
                                               domestic spending remains subdued.       to absorb large write-offs would be
                                                                                        well-advised to explore outsourced
                                               Looking ahead there is cause for         risk management options to protect
                                               cautious optimism. A global              their accounts receivable moving
                                               economic rebound will further            forward.
                                               support the territory’s export sales.

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
                                                                                                                                           SURvEY DESIgN
                                                                                                                                           STATISTICAl APPENDIx
Key takeaways
Large numbers report increase in credit                                    Customer retention and desire to grow market
administration costs                                                       share drive credit sales

A significant number of businesses saw the administration                   Hong Kong businesses are almost as likely as their
costs associated with offering trade credit increase in the                peers in Asia to offer trade credit to B2B customers to
year after the outbreak of the pandemic. This needs to be                  retain customer loyalty, and are far more likely than the
carefully managed as the cost of offering credit can reach a               regional average to offer trade credit to increase their
point where it outweighs sales revenue, thus jeopardising                  market share. At the same time, businesses told us that
the profitability of the business especially if profit margins               staying competitive and providing financial support to
are tight.                                                                 their customers are less important to them as drivers
                                                                           for offering trade credit.
Gradual withdrawal of fiscal support presents
potential threat to all businesses                                         Trade credit widely used by Hong Kong
Looking ahead there is an increased risk of insolvencies
towards the end of 2021. This is because many countries                    Trading on credit with B2B customers is a very
throughout the world enacted business support measures                     common business practice among Hong Kong
last year. These are now beginning to be withdrawn                         respondents, with more than half of all sales conducted
presenting additional risks for all businesses in the supply               on credit. Although this dipped slightly in the year
chain. Businesses along the supply chain trading on credit                 following the onset of the pandemic, its widespread use,
should take steps to protect their accounts receivable from                signifies its importance as a tool to support sales and
this heightened credit risk.                                               customer relationships.

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
                                                                                                                                               SURvEY DESIgN
Survey results

                                                                                                                                               STATISTICAl APPENDIx
for Hong Kong
Hong Kong ranks second in Asia for use of B2B credit
                                                                           Hong Kong: how do you expect your business
Credit sales comprise 57% of all B2B sales in the consumer                 performance to change over the coming
durables, ICT/electronics and textiles/clothing industries in              months?
Hong Kong. And with a year-on-year contraction of just 5%,
credit has largely maintained a high level of popularity
despite economic challenges presented by the pandemic.
Hong Kong ranks second across the economies surveyed in
Asia for the use of credit, after the 59% average for
                                                                              IMProve              no CHAnge            DeTerIorATe
Singapore. Its use of trade credit is higher than the 55%
seen in both China and Taiwan and higher than the 54%                            26%                    60%                    14%
average for Asia.
                                                                           Which key developments will drive your
The proportion of credit sales in Hong Kong’s                              business improvement?
ICT/electronics industry is in line with that of peers in Asia,
                                                                                                                            % of respondents
whereas the Hong Kong consumer durables (61%) and                          DOMESTIC MARKET
textiles/clothing (66%) industries are higher than the
regional averages across Asia (58% consumer durables and                                                                              42%
57% textiles/clothing). Credit sales to domestic customers                 EXPORTS
average 54% of the total value of sales (regional average:
56%) Credit sales to foreign customers average 46%                                                             25%
(regional average: 44%). This percentage split does not vary               BOTH DOMESTIC MARKET AND EXPORTS
significantly compared to last year. The proportion of credit
sales in the consumer durables and ICT/electronics
industries is equal to that of Hong Kong’s peers at regional
                                                                           Sample: all interviewed companies
level. Conversely, the textiles/clothing industry sells on                 Source: Atradius Payment Practices Barometer - June 2021
credit far more often than its peer industry in Asia.

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
only 7% of businesses (9% in Asia) turned down more trade


                                                                                                                                              SURvEY RESUlTS
                                                                           credit requests than last year. This was most often due to
                                                                           insufficient information on the customer’s past payment
of the total value of all B2B sales of the
                                                                           Credit administrative costs increase for nearly half
businesses polled in Hong Kong is                                          of businesses
overdue. This is higher than last year’s
48% in Hong Kong and slightly above                                        nearly half of Hong Kong businesses (in line with the
                                                                           response rate for the region) told us their credit sales
the current 50% average for Asia.

                                                                                                                                              SURvEY DESIgN
                                                                           administrative costs increased in the year that followed
                                                                           the pandemic outbreak. This was most often reported by
                                                                           the businesses that opted to retain and manage customer
Credit offered in a bid to retain customers                                credit risk themselves through self-insurance. Around
                                                                           43% of respondents in both Hong Kong and Asia told us
When we asked why they chose to trade on credit, over half                 their capital costs (i.e. financing or interest costs paid
of Hong Kong businesses (almost on par with their peers in                 during the time-lag between the credit sale and the invoice
Asia) told us they were encouraging repeat business with                   payment) increased following the pandemic outbreak.
established customers. 35% told us they accepted credit

                                                                                                                                              STATISTICAl APPENDIx
requests to win new customers (regional average 26%).                      This was most often reported by businesses that managed
Protection of their competitive position and provision of                  trade debts by sending invoice payment reminders. 39% of
financial support to financially distressed customers was                    businesses spent more on debt collection in the year that
cited as a reason for offering trade credit far less often than            followed the pandemic outbreak (regional average: 42%).
by their peers in Asia.                                                    not surprisingly this was most often reported by
                                                                           businesses that largely outsourced trade debt collection.
Although fewer businesses in Hong Kong (37%) than in Asia                  However, an equal percentage of businesses (39%) told us
(44%) reported an increase in trading on credit in the months              that they were unsuccessful at trade debt collection (a
following the outbreak of the pandemic, a larger percentage                greater percentage than Asia’s 33%). This was most
(54%) than the regional average (45%) told us that they                    common among businesses that did not use credit
continued to use credit at the same pace as last year.                     management techniques or tools.

                                                                           When assessing customer creditworthiness, 65% of survey
Hong Kong: top 5 greatest challenges to business                           respondents rely most often on financial statements, and
profitability in 2021                                                       60% on bank references. Least-common in Hong Kong is
                                                                           the use of credit reports from specialist agencies (cited by
% of respondents
                                                                           28% of respondents compared to 40% in Asia).
Maintaining adequate cash flow

                                                           26%             Hong Kong offers shortest payment terms in Asia

Containment of costs                                                       Hong Kong extends the shortest payment terms in Asia,
                                                  20%                      namely 37 days compared to the regional average of 54
                                                                           days. This is shorter than last year (43 days) and suggests
Economic crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic                            local businesses are increasingly risk averse, especially in
                                    14%                                    comparison to their peers in Asia. 65% request payment
                                                                           within 30 days, significantly more than last year’s 49%,
Bank lending restrictions                                                  (regional average: 54%).
                                                                           Payment terms are set according to the following main
Falling demand for your products and services                              criteria: company standard payment terms (39% in Hong
                                                                           Kong, 53% in Asia); matching supplier’s payment terms
                                                                           (37% in Hong Kong, 42% in Asia); and availability and cost
Other                                                                      of capital needed to finance credit sales (35% in Hong
                                                                           Kong, 43% in Asia). Despite being lower than the Asian
                                                  16%                      averages, these results indicate that businesses in Hong
Sample: all interviewed companies
                                                                           Kong are focused on working capital management as a
Source: Atradius Payment Practices Barometer - June 2021                   way to ensure the business has adequate funds to run
                                                                           their operations and meet their payment obligations.

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
More than half of all payments are overdue

                                                                                                                                           SURvEY RESUlTS
                                                                           Hong Kong: on average, within what time frame
52% of the total value of all credit sales is overdue (higher              do your B2B customers pay their invoices?
than last year’s 48% in Hong Kong and slightly above the
                                                                           % of respondents
current 50% average for Asia). Despite this increase
affecting credit sales, just over half of the businesses                   ON TIME
polled (53%) recorded no change in payment timings over                                                                44%
the past 12 months (regional average: 51%).
Fewer respondents in Hong Kong (35%) than in Asia (40%)

                                                                                                                                           SURvEY DESIgN
told us that their customers delayed payments beyond due
dates. Less than 10% of respondents in Hong Kong and                       WRITE-OFFS
Asia alike told us that customers sped up invoice                                 4%
payments. on average, 4% of long-term outstanding
invoices (over 90 days) are written off (regional average:                 Sample: all interviewed companies
5%).                                                                       Source: Atradius Payment Practices Barometer - June 2021

Business confidence dented by uneven economic
recovery                                                                   Hong Kong businesses intend to continue offering trade

                                                                                                                                           STATISTICAl APPENDIx
                                                                           credit to customers, with 42% planning to do so to allow
Hong Kong businesses are significantly more pessimistic                     their customers more time to pay invoices (regional
than their peers in Asia in regards to an improvement in                   average: 36%). of course, in light of this, strong credit
their business performance over the next coming months                     management is paramount.
(26% anticipate growth, compared to 52% in Asia). Indeed
more than twice as many businesses in Hong Kong than                       To mitigate the impact of credit risk, more businesses in
Asia predict business deterioration (14%, compared to the                  Hong Kong (47%) than in Asia (40%) said they plan to avoid
regional average of 5%).                                                   concentrations of risk. 40% anticipates using letters of
                                                                           credit more frequently over the coming months (regional
There is general agreement between businesses in Hong                      average: 37%). 36% anticipates outsourcing trade debt
Kong and Asia, that any growth will be mainly due to a                     collection to specialists (regional average: 32%) and the
domestic economic rebound (42% of respondents in Hong                      same percentage anticipates wider usage of trade credit
Kong compared to 48% in Asia) and to a combination of                      insurance (on par with the average for the region). 59%
both healthier export flows and domestic economic                           told us they believe this will help keep DSo levels stable
rebound (33% of respondents in Hong Kong compared to                       (regional average: 48%).
36% in Asia). Where opinion across the region differs is
when looking exclusively at exports. There is greater                      However, businesses polled in Hong Kong are less
optimism amongst Hong Kong businesses (25%) than their                     optimistic about the outlook for DSo over the coming
peers in Asia (15%) about improvement in business                          months than their peers in Asia. 32% of businesses in Hong
performance stemming only from exports.                                    Kong do not anticipate any improvement in DSo over the
                                                                           coming months, compared to 38% in Asia. 26% of
                                                                           businesses in both Hong Kong and Asia alike plan to focus
                                                                           on effective cash flow management and the containment
                                                                           of credit management costs to ensure adequate liquidity

                                                                           64 days
                                                                           is the average time it takes suppliers in
                                                                           Hong Kong to collect overdue B2B invoices.

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
Overview of payment practices in Hong Kong
By industry

                                                                                                                                            SURvEY DESIgN
           CONSUMER DURABLES                                               This different approach to credit management is also
                                                             >             reflected in the lower percentage of write-offs reported by
                                                                           the industry in Hong Kong (just 1% of the total value of
Overview                                                                   receivables compared to the 4% average in Asia).
                                                                           This wide difference may reflect the fact that more
Weak household consumption is making economic                              businesses in Hong Kong (60%) than in Asia (55%)
recovery uneven and, mainly driven by export growth,                       outsourced the collection of longer-term outstanding
the use of trade credit in B2B trade relationships is                      invoices (more than 90 days overdue).

                                                                                                                                            STATISTICAl APPENDIx
expected to increase. Cash flow issues and loss of
revenue stemming from the pandemic downturn, has                           This may also explain why DSo in the consumer durables
caused concern over the protection of financial                             industry in Hong Kong averages 81 days, which is far
flexibility and has led to greater outsourcing of credit                    shorter than the average 110 days for the same industry in
risk management than is seen on average in Asia.                           Asia.

Against this backdrop, businesses in the industry tell us                  Confidence is low among Hong Kong’s consumer
they plan to focus on customer credit risk management                      durables businesses
over the coming months and anticipate improvement in
their business performance.                                                Amid concerns over weak household consumption, 27% of
                                                                           businesses in the industry are pessimistic about an
More than half of all consumer durables credit                             improvement in business performance. This is much
sales are overdue                                                          higher than their industry peers in Asia (16%). In the
                                                                           instances where businesses did predict improvement, 67%
55% of the total value the industry’s credit sales is                      told us they believed this would come from a rebound of
overdue. This is significantly higher than the 43%                          the domestic economy. Most respondents in Hong Kong
average in Asia. Therefore, it may be not come as a                        (37%, far higher than the 24% average for the industry in
surprise that businesses in the Hong Kong consumer                         Asia) do not expect to see changes in their business
durables industry spent more time, costs and resources                     performance over the coming months.
than their peers in Asia to chase overdue invoices over
the past year (reported by 61% of businesses in Hong                       20% of the industry is concerned about maintaining
Kong compared to 50% in Asia).                                             adequate cash flow levels over the coming months (equal
                                                                           to peers in Asia). However, Hong Kong businesses are
However, a comparison between credit management                            more worried than the Asian average about potential bank
approaches, shows that Hong Kong focuses more on                           lending restrictions that could hamper their ability to
reducing credit risk concentrations (cited by 68% of                       access cash to weather market fluctuations and contain
respondents in Hong Kong compared to 59% in Asia) and                      credit management costs in the coming months.
by adjusting payment terms according to credit risk
profiles (69% in Hong Kong compared to 60% in Asia).                        When it comes to the outlook for the use of trade credit
                                                                           over the coming months, 30% of the industry in the Hong
In addition, their industry peers in Asia appear to favour                 Kong believes that it will become more widespread over
tools aimed at accelerating cash inflows to avoid                           the coming months (regional average: 20%). In addition,
liquidity shortages, such as trade debt securitisation                     the majority (47%) report this will primarily be aimed at
(50% of businesses in Hong Kong compared to 63% in                         supporting customers by allowing them more time to pay
Asia).                                                                     (regional average: 27%).

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer


                                                                                                                                           SURvEY RESUlTS
Business performance and customer credit risk in the Hong
Kong textiles/clothing industry remain poor. Hong Kong
serves as a middleman between mainland China factories
and overseas end-buyers. In the domestic market,
wholesalers and retailers are facing lower demand due to
social distancing measures and decreased footfall, although
online sales have increased. However, even though the
industry experienced a harder impact than peers in Asia, it

                                                                                                                                           SURvEY DESIgN
did well in managing write-offs and DSo fluctuations.

Concern over liquidity levels and containment of credit
management costs do remain, but business confidence                         on the business. For example Hong Kong’s
seems to be positive, particularly in anticipating an                      textiles/clothing industry wrote off 4% of the total value of
improvement in sales and profits stemming chiefly from                       B2B receivables. This is much lower than the 7% average
healthier export flows over the coming months.                              for the same industry at regional level.

Late payments hit Hong Kong harder than peers in                           DSo in Hong Kong is far shorter than the industry average

                                                                                                                                           STATISTICAl APPENDIx
Asia                                                                       for Asia, averaging 49 days, compared to 81 days for the
                                                                           region. This pattern was also evident in the percentages of
Businesses in Hong Kong’s textiles/clothing industry                       businesses reporting average DSo in the 60-90 day and
appear to be the most negatively impacted by late                          more bracket (44% in Asia compared to just 11% in Hong
payments of all of the industries we surveyed in the                       Kong). 59% of the industry in Hong Kong reported no
territory over the past 12 months. Apart from write-offs,                  change in DSo over the past 12 months (regional average:
which they were relatively good at containing, local                       42%). Correspondingly, far fewer businesses in Hong Kong
businesses also appear to have fared worse than the                        (26%) than in Asia (48%) reported increased DSo over the
industry in Asia. 61% of the total value of all B2B sales on               past 12 months; and 5% in Hong Kong (3% Asia) reported
credit was reported overdue. This is higher than the 50%                   shorter DSo than one year ago.
average for the industry in Asia and despite that fact that
Hong Kong businesses reported requesting payment in                        Cash flow worries more businesses in Hong Kong
cash more often than their peers in the same industry in                   than in Asia
Asia (56% in Hong Kong, 49% in Asia). This can largely be
explained by different approaches to credit management.                    Far more industry respondents in Hong Kong (31%) than in
The exception is the use of letters of credit, which was                   Asia (18%) told us they are concerned about maintaining
reported by a similar percentage in both geographies (64%                  adequate cash flow over the coming months. 21% (higher
in Hong Kong and 63% in Asia). 62% of clothing/textiles                    than 16% in Asia) are concerned about containing credit
business in Hong Kong reported resorting to self-insurance,                management costs over the same time frame. Amid
fewer than the regional average of 78%. However, within                    concerns over the potential continuation of disruptions to
the self-insurance frame, 56% of businesses polled in Hong                 global supply chains, rising pandemic risk due to an
Kong reported offering discounts for early payment of                      unexpected resurgence of cases, and a potential ramping
invoices over the past 12 months (fewer than the regional                  up of geopolitical tensions over the coming months, far
average of 66%).                                                           more industry respondents in Hong Kong (62%) than in
                                                                           Asia (36%) anticipate no change in their business
Moreover, significantly fewer businesses polled in                          performance over the coming months. For those local
textiles/clothing in Hong Kong (49%) than in Asia (63%)                    businesses anticipating improvement, the majority (62%,
reported they adjusted payment terms to reflect the credit                  compared to 21% in Asia) believes that this will chiefly
risk profile of their customers, choosing most often set                    stem from improved export flows. 22% anticipate
payment terms in accordance with their company                             improvement will come from a combination of a rebound
standards. given the above scenario, it may not come as a                  of the domestic economy and increased export trade flows
surprise to find that the Hong Kong textiles/clothing                       (regional average: 32%), while just 11% in Hong Kong
industry has to work harder than their peers in Asia to                    compared to 47% in Asia expect improved business
chase overdue invoices. Indeed, more businesses polled in                  performance to come from improved conditions of the
Hong Kong (40%) than in Asia (36%) reported spending                       domestic economy. 15% of industry respondents believe
more time, money and resources on resolving unpaid                         trade credit will be used as a sales tool more often over the
invoices over the past 12 months. This led to positive results             coming months, significantly fewer than the industry
in terms of minimising the impact of customer credit risk                  average of 44%.

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
ICT/ELECTRONICS                                                 In addition, the survey respondents reported a fairly

                                                                                                                                             SURvEY RESUlTS
                                                                           widespread use of factoring (53% in Hong Kong, 61% in

                                                                           Asia) and trade debt securitisation (50% in Hong Kong,
Overview                                                                   58% in Asia).

The Hong Kong ICT/electronics industry plays a major role                  When it comes to the collection of long-term overdue
in this well-connected and open economy, acting both as a                  invoices (more than 90 days overdue), more industry
key ICT services provider as well as a re-export hub for                   respondents in Hong Kong (60%) than in Asia (54%) told us
electronic components sold to/by Chinese factories. After                  that they outsourced debt collection to external agencies
disruptions in H1 of 2020, the industry supply chains                      as a complement to their own internal trade debt

                                                                                                                                             SURvEY DESIgN
resumed normal practice in the second half of last year.                   collection processes. This helped many to reduce DSo,
However, the industry has endured many challenges over                     resulting in a 90-day average for Hong Kong, which is
the past two years, due in particular to the fallout of the                shorter than the 110-day for the same industry in Asia.
ongoing US-China trade war and the pandemic.
                                                                           Business confidence weak in face of uneven rebound
This may explain why the industry has favoured a                           of domestic economy
strategic approach to credit management, more frequently
favouring outsourcing over in-house retention and                          Hong Kong’s ICT/electronics industry told us that when
management. Looking ahead, Hong Kong ICT/electronics                       looking ahead its primary concerns are protecting

                                                                                                                                             STATISTICAl APPENDIx
businesses appear more confident than their Asian peers                     liquidity levels and the likely introduction of restrictions to
about anticipating improvement in business performance                     bank lending. Although local demand for electronic
and largely predict this will come from a combination of                   products has increased largely due to increased remote
increased exports and improved conditions of their                         working, business confidence in the industry appears to
domestic economy. However, they agree with their peers in                  be dented by an ongoing weakness of private consumption
Asia that B2B credit trade will increase over the coming                   on the domestic market which appear to be a holding-back
months, in particular as a short-term financing tool for                    factor for economic growth. This may explain why far
customers.                                                                 more businesses in Hong Kong (62%) than in the industry
                                                                           in Asia (53%) express pessimism about improvement in
Half of Hong Kong’s ICT/electronics invoices are                           business performance over the coming months.
                                                                           Businesses that appear to be more confident about the
An average of 50% of the total value of Hong Kong’s B2B                    future expect business growth to come from a
ICT/electronics credit sales are overdue. This compares to                 combination of increased exports and improved
a 47% average for the same industry in Asia. Write-offs in                 conditions of their domestic economy. There are fewer
both Hong Kong and Asia amount to an average of 4% of                      survey respondents citing a rebound in the domestic
the total value of B2B receivables.                                        economy as the sole driver of business improvement than
                                                                           on average in Asia. Conversely, there is agreement
When it comes to managing customer credit risk, 40% of                     between the industry in Hong Kong and Asia (with an
respondents in both Hong Kong and Asia alike told us they                  average of 43% of respondents) that trading on credit will
had strengthened their credit management processes over                    be increasingly used as a short-term financing tool for
the past year, spending more time, costs and resources on                  customers.
resolving overdue invoices. A strong focus was applied to
avoiding customer credit risk concentrations.

This was seen more often among businesses in Hong Kong
(68%) than in Asia (59%), where industry consolidation has
increased strongly over the past few years often resulting
in a single customer representing a high proportion of the
credit sales. So businesses that are able to set sufficient
bad-debt reserves to cover a payment default told us that
they do so within the frame of self-insurance (reported by
66% in the Hong Kong industry, compared to 69% in Asia).
A significant percentage of respondents employ trade
credit insurance, helping to reduce the risk of trade debt
concentration (63% of respondents in both Hong Kong and

Hong Kong: Nearly half of businesses report increase in cost of credit management - Atradius Payment Practices Barometer
Survey design for Asia

                                                                                                                                                      SURvEY RESUlTS
Survey objectives                                                          Sample overview – Total interviews = 1,200

Atradius conducts annual reviews of international                          Economy                                          Interviews     %

corporate payment practices through a survey called the                    China                                               200        16.7
Atradius Payment Practices Barometer. In this report                       Hong Kong                                           200        16.7
focusing on Asia, which is part of the 2021 edition of the                 Indonesia                                           200        16.7
Atradius Payment Practices Barometer, companies from                       Singapore                                           200        16.7

                                                                                                                                                      SURvEY DESIgN
six economies (China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore,                     Taiwan                                              200        16.7
Taiwan and United Arab emirates) have been surveyed.                       UAe                                                 200        16.7

Due to a change in research methodology for this survey,                   Business sector (total Asia)                     Interviews     %

some year-on-year comparisons are not feasible for                         Manufacturing                                       521       43.4
some of the results. Using a questionnaire, CSA research                   Wholesale trade/retail trade/Distribution           464       38.7
conducted 1,200 interviews in total. All interviews were                   Services                                            215       17.9
conducted exclusively for Atradius.
                                                                           Business size (total Asia)

                                                                                                                                                      STATISTICAl APPENDIx
Survey scope                                                               Small enterprises                                    99        8.2
                                                                           Medium-sized enterprises                            896        74.7
  Basic population: companies from six economies                           Large enterprises                                   205        17.1
  (China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan and
  UAe) were surveyed. The appropriate contacts for
                                                                           It may occur that the results are a percent more or less than 100%.
  accounts receivable management were interviewed.
                                                                           This is the consequence of rounding off the results. Rather than ad-
  Sample design: the Strategic Sampling Plan enables to                    justing the outcome so that it totalled 100%, we have chosen to leave
  perform an analysis of the market data crossed by                        the individual results as they were to allow for the most accurate re-
  sector and company size. It also allows to compare                       presentation possible.
  data referring to a specific sector crossed by each of
  the economies surveyed.
  Selection process: companies were selected and
  contacted by use of an international internet panel.
  A screening for the appropriate contact and for quota
  control was conducted at the beginning of the
  interview.                                                               Statistical appendix
  Sample: n=1,200 people were interviewed in total
  (approximately n=200 people per market). In each                         Find detailed charts and figures in the Statistical
  market, a quota was maintained according to three                        Appendix for Asia.
  classes of company size.                                                 This is part of the June 2021 Payment Practices
  Interview: Computer Assisted Web Interviews (CAWI)                       Barometer of Atradius, available at
  of approximately 15 minutes duration. Interview                          www.atradius.com/publications
  period: Q2 2021.                                                         Download in PDF format (english only).

Copyright Atradius N.V. 2021
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                                                                                                                                      Atradius N.V.
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                                                                                                                                   The Netherlands
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