How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good

Page created by Martin Harmon
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
COVID and teh Curb


How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19
and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
                                                       TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
B ackgro u nd / Ack no w l e d g m e n t s

                                              BACKGROUND & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

                                              This document was created and shaped by the
                                              2020 Smart Cities Collaborative.
                                              The Smart Cities Collaborative is a year-       Instead, the Collaborative member cities
                                              long program run by Transportation for          came together to create two resources:
                                              America (T4America) for public sector           this report, and a set of principles to in-
                                              transportation leaders to share their ex-       form the development of future universal
                                              periences with new mobility technologies        curbside language and standards.
                                              and develop best practices to ensure that
                                              these services improve city life.               Each Collaborative member city was asked        2
                                                                                              to complete a survey to explain how their
                                              In its third year, the 2020 Smart Cities        city adapted its curb management during
                                              Collaborative (Collaborative) focused its       COVID-19 and identify curbside policy
                                              efforts on the curb, specifically identifying   changes they would like to see. The survey
                                              best practices and guidelines for better        responses informed this document and
                                              curbside management. Originally, T4Amer-        feedback from cities listed below shaped
                                              ica had selected the City of Boston, City of    the final version of the report.
                                              Minneapolis, and City of Bellevue, WA for
                                              funding and support to complete curbside        T4America would like to sincerely thank
                                              management pilot projects. However,             everyone who participated in the Collabo-
                Signage for a Mobility Hub    COVID-19 forced everyone to adapt:              rative this year. Efforts like the Collabora-
                      in Minneapolis, MN.     T4America translated its in-person pro-         tive are only able to be successful because
                      Photo credit: City of
                              Minneapolis.    gram to a virtual format and the cities were    of the expertise and creativity of the prac-
                                              not all able to run their pilots as planned.    titioner participants.

                                                                                                                TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
B ackgro u nd / Ack no w l e d g m e n t s

        Collaborative member cities:                   Metro, OR                                               Mae Hanzlik, Program Manager at
        City of Ann Arbor, MI                          Eliot Rose                                              Transportation for America, is the primary
        Cyrus Naheedy                                  City of Minneapolis, MN                                 author of this document. Beth Osborne,
        Jada Hahlbrock                                 Danielle Elkins                                         director of the Smart Cities Collaborative;
        Raymond Hess                                   Dillon Fried                                            Camron Bridgford, Senior Associate at
        City of Bellevue, WA                           Jasna Hadzic-Stanek                                     Cityfi; and Jenna Fortunati, Communications
        Andisheh Ranjbari (UW Urban Freight Lab)       Jennifer Lowry                                          Associate at Transportation for America;
        Chris Iverson                                  Portland Bureau of Transportation, OR                   provided extensive editorial support. Helen
        Chris Long                                     Briana Orr                                              Hope, Communications Associate at Smart
        Daniel Lai                                     Chris Armes                                             Growth America provided additional edits.
        Franz Loewenherz                               Eric Hesse
        City of Boston, MA                             Kathryn Doherty-Chapman
        Kris Carter                                    Matt Berkow
        Matt Warfield                                  Mike Serritella                                         Transportation for America, a program of
        Mieka Lewis                                    Peter Hurley                                            Smart Growth America, is an advocacy
        Natalia Urtbey                                 Peter Wojcicki                                          organization made up of local, regional, and
                                                       Shaina Hobbs                                            state leaders who envision a transportation
        City of Boulder, CO
        Mark Shisler                                   San Francisco Municipal Transportation                  system that safely, affordably, and
        Ryan Noles                                     Agency, CA                                              conveniently connects people of all means
                                                       Darton Ito                                              and ability to jobs, services, and opportunity
        District Department of Transportation, DC      Katie Angotti                                           through multiple modes of travel.
        Benito Pérez                                   Mari Hunter
        Laura MacNeil
        Sharada Strasmore                              City of West Palm Beach, FL
                                                       Chris Roog
        City of Gainesville, FL                        Lina Camacho
        Malisa Mccreedy                                Uyen Dang                                               This document was made possible, in part,
        City of Grand Rapids, MI                       City of West Sacramento, Capital Projects &             by support from the New Urban Mobility
        Jon Re                                         Transportation, CA                                      Alliance (NUMO). NUMO is a global alliance
        Zach Christian-Rotramel                        Larry Lee                                               that channels tech-based disruptions in
        City of Gresham, Urban Design & Planning       Sarah Strand                                            urban transport to create joyful cities where
        Department, OR                                                                                         sustainable and just mobility is the new
        Carly Rice                                     Collaborative steering committee members:               normal. Learn more at
        Katherine Kelly                                Alex Pazuchanics, Seattle Dept. of Transportation, WA
        Los Angeles Department of Transportation, CA   Benito Perez, District Dept. of Transportation, DC      The report was designed by Cecily Anderson,
        Jarvis Murray                                  Kelly Rula, Seattle Dept. of Transportation, WA
        Rubina Ghazarian                               Melanie Morgan, City of Centennial, CO
                                                       Warren Logan, Oakland Mayor’s Office, CA                Cover photo credit: Portland Bureau of
        City of Madison, WI
        Yang Tao                                                                                               Transportation
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
C o nt ents

                                           2   Background and acknowledgments
                                           5   Introduction
                                           7   Executive summary
                                          10   Part 1 - Case studies of cities’ COVID-19 curb response   4
                                          11   Retail and other business operations
                                          18   Outdoor dining and food pick-up
                                          23   Slow Streets
                                          29   Community input in curb-related initiatives
                                          32   Transit lanes
                                          35   Part 2 - Ideas to guide curbside management policy
                                          36   Local curbside policy ideas to:
                                          36          Allocate the curb equitably
                                          39          Improve curb flexibility
                                          41          Make the curb a place of innovation and piloting
                                          43   State and federal curbside policy ideas

              Children play in New York
                    City, summer 2020.
               Photo credit: Street Lab

                                                                               TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
In trod uc tio n

                       Over the past few years, curbs
                       have increasingly become
                       more than just the space
                       between streets and sidewalks.

                       Curbs are transportation hubs, where people walk and            5
                       roll; access app-based shared bicycles, scooters, or cars;
                       board buses and taxis; and park their personal vehicles.
                       Curbs are community spaces, too. They might host an
                       annual block party or event where a portion of a street
                       is closed, or might provide space to a curbside cafe or
                       parklet. Unhoused community members, often without
                       other options, use curbs as temporary living spaces.
                       Business owners field deliveries and send out their
                       products at the curb. Residences receive packages from
                       online retailers, either directly to single-family homes
                       and apartments, or indirectly to storage lockers where
                       people can retrieve them later.

                                                              TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
In trod uc tio n

       In 2020, the curb was used for all         This document is intended to serve as         What do we mean
       those purposes and more. COVID-19          a resource for:                               by “the curb”?
       accelerated some of the changing uses
                                                  • Cities interested in implement-             Technically speaking, the curb is the
       of and growing demand on the curb al-
                                                    ing curb and street pilots and              physical barrier between the side-
       ready underway, and shined a light on                                                    walk and the street. However, often
                                                    longer-term programs and policy             when transportation professionals
       the immense value of the curb and its
                                                    adjustments in 2021 and beyond.             and the public refer to the curb it
       crucial role in preventing the spread of                                                 includes not just the “curb,” but the
       COVID-19. The curb helped support          • Cities looking to innovate at the           “curb lane,” which is the street space
                                                                                                adjacent to the curb that is often
       community health and economies, be it        curb and develop curbs that are             used for transportation, delivery,
       through curbside pickup, curbside din-       flexible and allocated equitably. This      parking, and loading, as well as the
                                                                                                “interstitial space” between the curb
       ing, e-commerce delivery, slow streets,      is relevant for future crises but also in   and the sidewalk that often houses             6
       curbside COVID-19 testing, and more.         less urgent times, as the demands on        parking meters, bioswales, street
                                                                                                furniture, bus stops, and treeboxes.
                                                    the curb are always changing but will
       This report is organized in two parts:       likely be ever increasing.

       Part 1 | Cities’ COVID-19 Curb             • State and federal agencies respon-
       Response: Case studies to inform             sible for setting policy that has
       cities’ COVID-19 response today and          curbside management implications.
       curbside management in the future.

       Part 2 | Ideas to guide curbside
       management policy: Local, state, fed-
       eral policy ideas to guide the future of
       curbside management.

                                                                                                                                    Photo credit:
                                                                                                                      AndyC, Wikimedia Commons
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
Execut iv e S umma r y

                                                      To prevent the spread of
                                                      COVID-19, city and state
                                                      governments put in place
                                                      new guidelines and restrictions that closed or par-
                                                      tially closed businesses, restaurants, public gath-
                                                      ering spaces, parks, trails, and more in order to
                                                      protect public health. Local governments needed to
                                                      get creative, being keenly aware of the debilitating

       EXECUTIVE                                      impact of COVID-19 on people’s mental and physical           7
                                                      health, access to essential resources, employment
                                                      status, and small businesses. These issues were all

       SUMMARY                                        the more significant because of the disproportion-
                                                      ate harm faced by certain communities, particularly
                                                      Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of
                                                      color. In response, cities across the country piloted
                                                      new solutions, swapped use cases with peers, stayed
                                                      as nimble as possible, and reassessed how govern-
                                                      ment assets could better and more equitably serve
                                                      the public during this crisis.

                                                      As part of the response, a number of cities repro-
                         Outdoor dining in the City   grammed curb and street space for retail, outdoor
                          of Boston. Photo credit:
                                   City of Boston.

                                                                                          TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
Execut iv e S umma r y

       dining, and active transportation; worked    • Identifying pilot locations.
       with communities to design curb pilots;      • Revising permitting processes to be
       and set up temporary transit lanes and         less arduous and more equitable.
       COVID-19 testing sites. Due to the
                                                    • Communicating clearly new regula-
       urgent nature of the crisis, cities devel-
                                                      tions and processes.
       oped new approaches to a number of
       challenges (many rooted in issues that       • Locating staff capacity to implement
       existed far before COVID-19) and iden-         and maintain pilots and projects.
       tified processes that should be revisited    • Determining when and how to make
       post-pandemic.                                 pilots sustainable in the long-term.

       Some overarching challenges cities faced     Some approaches to addressing the chal-
       included:                                    lenges included:
       • Balancing equitable community en-          • Reviewing permitting processes
           gagement with pressure to provide           and waiving certain requirements to
           quick solutions.                            ensure processes are simple, more
       • Wrestling with what is public space, who      expedient and accessible to all busi-
         is it for, and what it should look like.      nesses, especially smaller businesses
                                                       with fewer resources.

                                                                              Outdoor dining in
                                                                             Boston, MA. Photo
                                                                          credit: City of Boston.
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
Execut iv e S umma r y

       • Analyzing community feedback to        Today residents, elected officials, and
         determine if responses were wholly     small business owners are paying clos-
         representative of the community’s      er attention to the curb and how it can
         demographics and meeting identi-       be strategically leveraged for the pub-
         fied community needs. If not, allo-    lic’s benefit. This provides cities with
         cating further resources to work       an opportunity to shift management of
         closely with community leaders and     their curbs in a way that is more:
         advocates to ensure feedback is
         equitable and representative.          • Equitable - Serving all users,
       • Using the temporary nature of            especially the most vulnerable
         pilots to gain broader support from      curb users.                                 9
         stakeholders who otherwise would       • Flexible - Responding to changing
         not be supportive.                       community needs within a given
       • Adapting curb pilots based on the        context.
         local context of a pilot’s location    • Innovative - Allowing cities to
         and being flexible when local condi-     pilot new approaches and tools to
         tions change.                            ensure the curb can continue to
                                                  evolve and serve all users.

                                                                        Outdoor dining in
                                                                       Boston, MA. Photo
                                                                    credit: City of Boston.
How cities used the curb and street space to respond to COVID-19 and policy ideas to ensure the curb best serves the public good
C a se St udi e s

                                          While the role of the curb was
                                          in flux before COVID-19, the
                                          pandemic accelerated the
                                          need for a number of changes and required local
                                          governments to get creative. Cities can learn from
         Part 1                           their peers’ strategies to reprogram curbs during
                                          COVID-19 to inform their ongoing pandemic re-
                                          sponse as well as help develop long-term curbside

         Cities’ COVID-19                 management strategies. The following series of short
                                          case studies spotlight curb actions taken by local
                                          governments to respond to COVID-19.

         curb response                    Case studies address the following topics and are or-
                                          ganized by what was considered their primary topic,
         Case studies to inform cities’   though their content often covers multiple topics.
         COVID-19 response today          • Retail and other business operations
         & curbside management            • Outdoor dining and food pick-up
         in the future                    • Slow Streets
                                          • Community input in curb-related initiatives
                                          • Transit lanes

                                                                             TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
C a se St udi e s

     How can we use the                             MAKE IT EASY FOR BUSINESSES TO
     curb to support                            1   CONTINUE OPERATIONS OUTSIDE
     local businesses
                                                    Ann Arbor Downtown                          drop-off (PUDO) zones, especially
     and keep people                                Development Authority’s                     near dining establishments.
     safe during a                                  COVID-19 response                        • Waiving all City Sidewalk Occupan-
                                                    ANN ARBOR, MI                              cy Permit fees for every business—
                                                                                               more than 100 small businesses—
                                                    Leadership of the Ann Arbor
                                                                                               within the downtown district in
                                                    Downtown Development Authority
                                                                                               2020 so they can use the sidewalk
                                                    (DDA) knew that downtown businesses                                              11
     Reprogram curb                                 were hit hard by COVID-19 and that
                                                                                               for seating.
                                                                                             • Developing a “parking space repur-
     space for retail                               space at the curb could help alleviate
                                                    some of the hardship. DDA got creative     posing” program to allow 40 restau-
     and more.                                      and used a number of methods to            rants to use the on-street parking
                                                    reprogram the curb and support local       spaces in front of their properties
     At the beginning of the pandemic,
     many local businesses were forced              businesses.                                for extended patio space at no cost
     to close—some indefinitely—in order                                                       to businesses.
     to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
     When city and state governments                The approach                             • Working with merchant associa-
     started lifting some restrictions, busi-
                                                    Ann Arbor Downtown Development             tions to develop a plan for street
     nesses desperately needed greater
     access to the curb in order to suc-            Authority worked with the city on an       closures so that businesses could
     cessfully function. Below are some
                                                    approach that included:                    expand into the street. As part of
     examples of how cities set up these
     programs and what they learned in                                                         this effort the city covered the
     the process.                                                                              cost—about $50,000— to rent and
                                                    • Converting on-street parking to
                                                      support 15-minute pick-up and            install barricades.

                                                                                                            TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
C a se St udi e s

                                               • Providing emergency landscape           Select challenges
                                                 maintenance funding to the mer-         and lessons learned
                                                 chant associations who were unable      The initial deployment involved bag-
                                                 to maintain their planters due to the   ging meters as “no parking” and accom-
                                                 loss of revenue from a typically pop-   panying those with signs permitting
                                                 ular annual event, the Art Fair.        temporary PUDO zones. However,
                                               • Installing holiday lights six weeks     parking enforcement was concerned
                                                 earlier than planned in order to get    about the mixed messaging, which
                                                 downtown streets lit before the end     made writing tickets difficult. One of
                                                 of daylight savings time and ensure     the challenges was that some people
                                                 downtown’s outdoor area is as wel-      parked in PUDO zones all day once the      12
                                                 coming as possible.                     lack of enforcement became apparent.
                                                                                         Ann Arbor has since rectified this issue
                                                                                         with new red meter bags that clearly
                                                                                         outline the rules.

                                                                                         Learn more on the DDA’s website
                                                                                         as well as their partner Ann Arbor
                                                                                         SPARK’s website.

                     New red meter bags in
                    Ann Arbor. Photo credit:
                         City of Ann Arbor.

                                                                                                          TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
C a se St udi e s

                                                STAY ORGANIZED, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR
                                              2 PROGRAM EVOLVES TO A MULTI-AGENCY EFFORT
                                                 San Francisco Municipal                    expanded to provide pick-up drop-off
                                                 Transportation Agency (SFMTA)              zones for businesses, and then finally
                                                 Shared Spaces                              provided outdoor dining for restau-
                                                 SAN FRANCISCO, CA                          rants. This is when it officially took on
                                                                                            the “Shared Spaces” name and became
                                                 SFMTA’s Shared Spaces program              a multi-agency effort as encroachment
                                                 repurposed the city’s curb space to        permits (the permits needed for out-
                                                 respond to the many grocery stores,        door dining) in San Francisco are issued    13
                                                 restaurants, and businesses across the     by a separate department.
                                                 city who needed to expand their oper-
                                                 ations outside to allow for safe social    As part of this effort, SFMTA worked
                                                 distancing.                                closely with city agencies and offices
                                                                                            including Public Works, Information
                                                 The approach                               Technology, the Public Utilities Com-
                                                 SFMTA’s Shared Spaces program has          mission, Planning, Building Inspection,
                                                 evolved over the course of the pan-        the Mayor’s Office, the Board of Su-
                                                 demic. In the program’s beginning,         pervisors, Office of Disability, Office
                                                 SFMTA provided social distancing           of Small Business, Office of Economic
                                                 space for the long lines queuing outside   & Workforce Development, as well as
             Shared Spaces program in San
               Francisco, CA. Photo credit:
                                                 of grocery stores and banks, and then      businesses and residents.
                  San Francisco Municipal
                   Transportation Agency.

                                                                                                            TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
C a se St udi e s

                                                    Select challenges                          working behind the scenes who had
                                                    and lessons learned                        a clear understanding of what tools
                                                    It was challenging for SFMTA to con-       were and were not in SFMTA’s control.
                                                    currently run and build the program.
                                                    For example, expectations for how          For other agencies considering similar
                                                    quickly the agency could issue a permit    efforts, SFMTA recommends:
                                                    were being set and spread by word-
                                                                                               • Ensuring that all communications,
                                                    of-mouth, when in reality it was de-
                                                                                                 permits, forms, and documents are
                                                    pendent on the location of the permit:
                                                                                                 in agreement. Either they all say
                                                    Is it in a red zone or tow away zone?
                                                                                                 the same thing, or they all point to
                                                    At a transit stop? Does it include an                                               14
                                                                                                 one location that has the relevant,
                                                    ADA-compliant space? Is it in front of
                    Shared Spaces program in San                                                 most up-to-date information.
                                                    a neighboring property? Each of these
                                   Francisco, CA.
                        Photo credit: SF Planning   considerations would change how            • Being prepared to be flexible,
                                    Department.     SFMTA had to approach the permit             responsive to community needs,
                                                    and who they needed to involve in the        make changes in response to fix
                                                    process. Since the program was being         issues that arise, and move on.
                                                    built as they went, it was difficult to      This is especially important for
                                                    manage expectations.                         agencies who are creating pro-
                                                                                                 grams while they are concurrently
                                                    SFMTA has issued more than 1,300             operating them.
                                                    free Shared Spaces permits across the
                                                    city and credits the success of the pro-   Learn more about SFMTA’s Shared
                                                    gram to the many agencies and staff        Spaces program.

                                                                                                               TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
C a se St udi e s

                    3   YOUR STREETS AND CURB SPACE

                        PBOT’s Summer Street Plaza                 (SDBA), to create an outdoor plaza to
                        PORTLAND, OR                               provide safer places for businesses to
                                                                   serve food and conduct retail sales in
                        To support local businesses and allow
                                                                   the Albina district.
                        space for social distancing, Portland
                        Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) re-
                                                                   The Albina district is the historic center
                        programmed the curb and street space
                                                                   of Black cultural, economic, and spiritual
                        in Portland’s Albina district to provide                                                15
                                                                   life in the City of Portland and has wit-
                        space for outdoor dining, public art,
                                                                   nessed high levels of displacement and
                        and retail.
                                                                   gentrification in recent decades. PBOT
                                                                   selected this district in part because
                        The approach
                                                                   earlier in the pandemic they rolled out
                        As part of the National Association of
                                                                   a Healthy Businesses Permit Program
                        City Transportation Official’s (NAC-
                                                                   to allow businesses to operate in the
                        TO) Streets for Pandemic Response
                                                                   right-of-way, free of charge. Through
                        and Recovery grant program, the
                                                                   this program, the bureau noticed very
                        Portland Bureau of Transportation
                                                                   few applications from the Albina district.
                        (PBOT) collaborated with Portland’s
                                                                   PBOT saw the plaza as an opportunity
                        Soul District Business Association
                                                                   to work with the Albina community and
                                                                   build partnerships with local organiza-
                        Summer Street Plaza in Portland,           tions and businesses.
                        OR. Photo Credit: PBOT.

                                                                                    TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
Case S tudie s

     In designing the space, PBOT worked         Select challenges                        new vendors and partners in the
     with businesses adjacent to the space       and lessons learned                      spring when weather improves and
     including a local Black artist, the owner   PBOT encountered a handful of            the COVID-19 vaccine is more wide-
     of greenHAUS Gallery, to design the         challenges throughout the process,       ly available.
     plaza’s mural and help program the          including concerns from business
     space. To create a friendly, welcoming      owners about parking access. They        For others considering setting up sim-
     environment, the plaza was also outfit-     addressed the parking access con-        ilar plazas, PBOT recommends:
     ted with locally-made picnic tables and     cerns by providing A-frame signs to
     potted trees from the Portland Bureau       nearby businesses to notify custom-      • Working in partnership with local
     of Environmental Services.                  ers of the street changes.                 businesses adjacent to the space.
                                                                                          • Building community support by          16
     Amid a summer of wildfires and              As winter approached and                   working with the local business as-
     protests, the partners worked to-           COVID-19 cases began to rise in            sociation to conduct the majority
     gether to transform a street into a         the final months of 2020, increased        of neighborhood outreach.
     Black-centered public plaza in the          uncertainty about how to safely
                                                                                          • Ensuring internal city staff have
     heart of Albina. Over a series of           continue operating the plaza com-
                                                                                            enough flexibility to provide
     weekend events, more than twenty            pounded capacity issues in main-
                                                                                            steady, involved technical assis-
     vendors participated selling clothes,       taining consistent programming.
                                                                                            tance to stakeholders throughout
     food, art, and other handmade goods         Without consistent plaza promotion
                                                                                            program deployment.
     in a safe, physically distant outdoor       and foot traffic, some of the adjacent
     market. The plaza incorporated              businesses grew hesitant to extend
     public art by local Black artists and       the street plaza permit through the      Learn more about PBOT’s Summer
     catalyzed a district-wide public art        winter as completely car-free space.     Street Plaza.
     initiative to be designed by a group of     Ongoing discussions are underway
     nonprofits with their roots in Albina.      about how to re-open the plaza with

                                                                                                          TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
Case S tudie s


    Gresham’s future street closures          distancing as per federal guidelines.     warrant additional designs for wetter,
    GRESHAM, OR                               In June, city staff presented the         colder conditions.
                                              concept to elected leaders who pro-
    City of Gresham sought to close a         posed additional engagement with          Due to limited staff resources, includ-
    three-block corridor in downtown to       business owners along the corridor.       ing layoffs due to COVID-19 as well as
    support small businesses, however         Subsequently, staff coordinated vir-      limited availability of business own-
    due to a number of challenges the city    tual meetings and surveyed business       ers to engage in the development of
    paused plans and is reevaluating set-     owners, investigated how to acquire       design options, plans were put on hold      17
    ting up a similar space in spring 2021.   permits to allow serving alcohol in       for street closures and parking space
                                              the public right-of-way, and discussed    reprogramming in 2020. Discussions
    The approach                              rerouting buses with the regional         with business owners will restart in
    Throughout May 2020, City of              transit agency.                           early 2021 with the potential to repur-
    Gresham staff developed design op-                                                  pose street space in the spring.
    tions to close a three-block corridor     Select challenges
    in the heart of the city’s downtown to    and lessons learned                       For other jurisdictions looking to
    support small businesses. The designs     As plans were coming together and         close or partially close their streets,
    included pick-up drop-off areas for       there was hope for a pilot implemen-      Gresham recommends community
    vehicles outside of the closure area,     tation, wildfires hit and businesses      engagement as a first step as well as
    as well as walk-up areas for pedestri-    closed due to excessive and un-           identifying the best way to support
    ans within the closure and outdoor        healthy levels of smoke. At that point,   community partners with elements
    dining areas that supported social        it was decided that fall weather would    like permits, licenses, and insurance.

                                                                                                           TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
C a se St udi e s

     How can we use the                            STREAMLINE THE OUTDOOR DINING PERMITTING
     curb to support                           1   PROCESS, SUPPORT SMALL BUSINESSES, AND
                                                   ENSURE ADA ACCESSIBILITY
     restaurants in
     the midst of a                                Boston’s outdoor dining program            restaurant density, entire curb lanes
     pandemic?                                     BOSTON, MA                                 and portions of streets were complete-
                                                                                              ly closed to motor vehicles.
                                                   To help mitigate the impact of closing
                                                   down a main engine of its service econ-    Boston needed to quickly simplify their
                                                   omy, the City of Boston quickly re-        outdoor dining permitting process so
                                                   sponded by streamlining their outdoor      it was easy to navigate for interested
     Provide space for
                                                   dining permitting process, providing fi-   restaurants, especially smaller restau-
     outdoor dining &                              nancial support to small businesses, and   rants. The city launched a cross-de-
     food pick-up.                                 creating a new ramp program to ensure      partment effort to identify roadblocks
                                                   outdoor dining would be accessible.        and minimize requirements to focus on
     Restaurants, in particular, needed
     additional support as city and state                                                     safety and access. This process result-
     restrictions closed or partially closed       The approach                               ed in the city:
     indoor dining to prevent the spread
     of COVID-19. Part of the response in-         To allow more space for restaurants
     cluded cities setting up outside dining       to operate, the City of Boston al-         Waiving or reducing outdoor
     and food priority zones at the curb.
     Below are some examples of how the            tered their outdoor dining program         dining permit requirements. Before
     cities set up these programs and what         so restaurants could establish par-        COVID-19, outdoor dining permits re-
     they learned in the process.
                                                   klet-style cafes in curb space that was    quired review through their Public Im-
                                                   traditionally reserved for parking. In     provement Commission, which includ-
                                                   instances where there was significant      ed surveyed and engineered design

                                                                                                              TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                                                drawings, a public hearing, multi-de-      rections for how to establish their cafe
                                                partmental permitting, and fees. The       zone were provided, leaving it up to
                                                majority of these requirements were        them to implement the change rather
                                                either waived or reduced, and the          than taxing city services.
                                                review and approval process was expe-
                                                dited to take a matter of weeks, rather    Ensuring accessibility for all users is
                                                than months.                               a priority for the City of Boston and a
                                                                                           primary reason why the city required
                                                Expediting design and implementa-          all on-street cafes to be fully ADA-com-
                                                tion. Typically changes to the curb go     pliant. While decking can be built to be
                                                through several divisions within the       flush with the curb, placing seating on    19
                                                Boston Transportation Department           the street poses an access challenge.
                                                (BTD), including planning, engineering,    Restaurants were required to pro-
                                                and operations. While all important and    vide portable ADA ramps that would
                                                often necessary steps, this process can    be deployed by request. To support
                                                take several weeks to months. With         restaurants in this and other costs, the
                                                more than 400 outdoor dining re-           city launched a ramp program that put
                                                quests BTD needed to be flexible. The      $200,000 into purchasing and dis-
                                                planning division was given authority      tributing access ramps, and set aside a
                                                to make decisions about curb chang-        portion of the Reopen Boston Fund for
                                                es, and when needed, changes were          the purchase of other materials.
                                                submitted directly to the operations
                Adding a ramp to an outdoor     division. Additionally, restaurants were   Stakeholders involved in Boston’s out-
                 dining space in Boston, MA.
                Photo credit: Boston Mayor’s    tasked with taking on some of the work     door dining effort included restaurants,
                Office, photo by John Wilcox.   themselves. Signage materials and di-      neighborhood residents, business

                                                                                                           TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                    associations, patrons, and internal city    For other cities considering similar ac-
                    partners from Licensing, Transporta-        tion, Boston offers the following reflec-
                    tion, Public Works, Fire Department,        tions and suggestions:
                    Disabilities Commission, Office of
                    Economic Development, Office of             • The outdoor dining streamlining
                    Neighborhood Services, Inspectional           process revealed that some of the
                    Division, Boston Police, Neighborhood         permitting requirements the City
                    Main Streets, and the Mayor’s Office.         had in place should be revisited for
                                                                  post-pandemic implementation
                    Select challenges                             modifications.
                    and lessons learned                         • Alongside outdoor dining, there is        20
                    Through this process, Boston learned          a need to continue and accommo-
                    that providing restaurants with flex-         date other curb activity, such as
                    ibility to establish a cafe in the street     commercial loading, food takeout
                    sped up the process and relieved pres-        and delivery, and passenger loading.
                    sure on some city services, however           Locations with a concentration of
                    the cafes weren’t always up to safety         restaurants should be approached
                    standards. For the 2021 outdoor din-          with a plan for the entire area to
                    ing pilot program, the City established       address that activity.
                    stricter safety requirements and used
                    examples from 2020 to provide clarity.      Learn more about Boston’s outdoor
                                                                dining program.
                    Outdoor dining in Boston, MA.
                    Photo credit: City of Boston.

                                                                                 TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                        SET CLEAR GUIDELINES AND WORK

                        DC Streatery program                        DDOT was very intentional about de-
                        WASHINGTON, DC                              veloping guidelines that would accom-
                                                                    modate and address the wide variety
                        The District Department of Transpor-
                                                                    of public space types eligible as part of
                        tation (DDOT) set up a program, which
                                                                    the program, which included sidewalks,
                        allows restaurants, business improve-
                                                                    on-street parking spaces, travel lanes,
                        ment districts (BIDs), main street
                                                                    alleys, and plazas. Washington, DC
                        organizations (MSOs), and advisory                                                      21
                                                                    has many neighborhoods with varying
                        neighborhood commissions (ANCs)
                                                                    sidewalk widths and parking needs, so
                        to temporarily transform public space
                                                                    the guidelines needed to be specific
                        during the public health emergency.
                                                                    but broad enough to meet the needs
                                                                    of each neighborhood and commercial
                        The approach
                                                                    corridor. You can view those guidelines
                        To help mitigate restaurants’ significant
                                                                    here and here.
                        loss of potential revenue from reduced
                        capacity, Washington, DC’s city council
                                                                    During implementation, DDOT’s part-
                        drafted legislation to allow restaurants
                                                                    ners included the Department of Public
                        to expand dining into public space.
                                                                    Works, advisory neighborhood com-
                                                                    missions, BIDs, MSOs, and stakehold-
                        Outdoor dining in Washington,
                                                                    ers including local restaurant owners
                        DC. Photo Credit: DDOT.                     and employees. DDOT also worked

                                                                                     TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                    with the Office of Planning, DC Health,   able to submit a complete and accurate
                    the Alcohol Beverage Regulation Ad-       application. By prioritizing this, DDOT
                    ministration, and the Department of       ensured that the review process was
                    Small & Local Business Development.       smooth and timely for many applicants.
                                                              For example, completed permits could
                    Select challenges                         be approved within 72 hours, allowing a
                    and lessons learned                       quick transformation of public space to
                    For other cities considering similar      outdoor dining.
                    initiatives, DDOT recommends work-
                    ing closely with applicants to ensure     Learn more about the
                    they understand the guidelines and are    DC Streatery program.                     22

                    Outdoor dining in Washington,
                    DC. Photo Credit: DDOT.

                                                                             TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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     How can we use       At the beginning of the pandemic,                   ty-based organizations and advocates
                          many local governments quickly real-                questioned if these pilots were being
     the curb to ensure   ized that there wasn’t enough public                equitably placed, ensuring that people
     people have space    space for city residents to safely get              of all races, especially Black and Brown
                          outside, exercise, and move around                  residents, felt safe in those spaces; and
     to safely move,      their community. To support so-                     if they were actually helping people
     exercise, and        cial distancing and physical activity,              access essential resources.1
     access essential     improve quality of life, and reduce
                          overcrowding on trails, parks, and                  Below are some examples of how cit-
     places during a      sidewalks during the pandemic, some                 ies set up these programs, responded
     pandemic?            cities partially or fully closed certain            to feedback, and what they learned in
                          segments of streets to motor vehicles.              the process.
                          These street closures have been called
                          “Slow Streets,” “Healthy Streets,” and
     Repurpose street     “Open Streets.”

     and curb space for   After some slow streets were launched
     slow streets.        in cities across the country, communi-

                                         Street closure in Ann Arbor, MI
                                            as part of its Healthy Streets
                                          initiative. Photo credit: City of
                                                               Ann Arbor.


                                                                                               TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                                                  USE FEEDBACK TO CREATE AN
                                              1   EQUITABLE SLOW STREETS PROGRAM

                                                  Oakland Slow Streets                                        in response to COVID-19. In the first
                                                  & Essential Places                                          phase of the program, they closed 20
                                                  OAKLAND, CA                                                 miles of roads to provide more space
                                                                                                              for residents. The city then paused and
                                                  After closing 20 miles of street space                      set out to evaluate the program thus
                                                  in the first phase of the Oakland Slow                      far and gather feedback from resi-
                                                  Streets (OSS) initiative, the City of Oak-                  dents across Oakland.
                                                  land checked in with their community
                                                  to gather feedback. They specifically                       Select challenges
                                                  worked closely with advocates and                           and lessons learned
                                                  residents to ensure the feedback was                        The city quickly realized that the feed-
                                                  representative of all Oakland residents,                    back was not representative of Oak-
                                                  not just wealthier, White residents. The                    land: over 60 percent of respondents
                                                  city used that feedback to inform fu-                       were White, although White residents
                                                  ture iterations of the program.                             make up only 24 percent of the popu-
                                                                                                              lation. Further, 40 percent of respon-
                                                  The approach                                                dents had annual household incomes of
                                                  The City of Oakland was one of the                          $150,000, whereas the annual house-
                                                  first cities to implement slow streets                      hold income in Oakland is $76,000.2 To
                Signage created as part of
           Oakland’s Arts & Transportation
            Rapid Response project. Photo
                      credit: Kahlim Davis.       2

                                                                                                                                     TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
Case S tudie s

    remedy this imbalance, the city worked                       services in their neighborhood—in-             Recognizing
    closely with advocates and residents in                      cluding grocery stores, food distri-           unrepresentative
    East Oakland—a historically Black com-                       bution sites in public facilities, and
                                                                                                                feedback and using it
    munity that has undergone decades of                         COVID-19 test sites.”3
                                                                                                                to inform future Slow
    disinvestment—who shared that the
    Slow Streets program wasn’t meeting
                                                             • Working with an artist and Smart
                                                                                                                Streets iterations
                                                               Growth America as part of the Arts
    their needs, nor was it helping them                       & Transportation Rapid Response
    access essential services. The city used                   initiative to pilot a solution for more          SFMTA’s Slow Streets
    this feedback to inform the next itera-                    aesthetically pleasing, sturdy Oak-              SAN FRANCISCO, CA
    tion of the program which included:                        land Slow Streets barricades that                Similar to the City of Oakland’s
                                                                                                                experience with unrepresentative       25
    • Launching an offshoot of OSS, Slow                       better reflect East Oakland culture.             feedback, San Francisco Municipal
                                                                                                                Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
      Streets: Essential Places, where                                                                          realized its online feedback process
      they installed a number of “perma-                     Learn more about Slow Streets:                     for its own Slow Streets program
                                                             Essential Places program and                       fell short of equally reaching all
      nent and temporary traffic safety
                                                                                                                San Franciscans. As they entered
      improvements to enable safer                           Oakland’s Arts & Transportation                    phase four of the program, SFMTA
                                                             Rapid Response project.                            focused its efforts on coordinating
      access for residents to the essential
                                                                                                                with neighborhoods that didn’t
                                                                                                                provide feedback and working with
    3   neighborhood groups in those areas
      west-oakland-locations                                                                                    to identify areas where slow streets
                                                                                                                could work.

                                                                                                                Learn more about the SFMTA’s Slow
                                                                                                                Streets program.

                                                                                                                           TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                                                          FOLLOW THROUGH ON THE TEMPORARY
                                                      2   NATURE OF A SLOW STREETS PILOT

                                                          Bellevue Healthy Streets                    options for future deployments, and
                                                          BELLEVUE, WA                                ensure that community members can
                                                                                                      inform and shape future iterations
                                                          The City of Bellevue created a slow
                                                                                                      of the program—something Bellevue
                                                          streets pilot, called Healthy Streets, to
                                                                                                      wasn’t able to do when it first launched
                                                          allow for safe physical distancing on
                                                                                                      the program back in May 2020 due to
                                                          neighborhood streets. Unlike other
                                                                                                      the urgency of providing residents with
                                                          pilots, the city followed through on the                                               26
                                                                                                      street space.
                                                          temporary nature of the pilot by ending
                                                          it in October 2020 and completing a
                                                                                                      Bellevue is exploring the following op-
                                                          post-pilot evaluation.
                                                                                                      tions for a future deployment:

                                                          The approach
                         Street closure as part of
                                                                                                      • Launch a similar Healthy Streets Ini-
                                                          Bellevue created a slow streets pilot
                      the Healthy Streets pilot in                                                      tiative in spring or summer of 2021.
                                    Bellevue, WA.         in order to provide additional space
                    Photo credit: City of Bellevue.       for people to exercise and move on          • Create a seasonal program that
                                                          neighborhood streets. Bellevue fol-           transforms certain street segments
                                                          lowed the temporary nature of pilots          into recreational space. These are
                                                          by ending the program in October              often referred to as “Play Streets.”
                                                          2020. This gave the city time to fully      • Pilot neighborhood greenways us-
                                                          analyze the program’s impact, outline         ing low-cost materials.

                                                                                                                      TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
Case S tudie s

    Select challenges                          tunity to participate in the develop-     key lesson for Bellevue staff from the
    and lessons learned                        ment of the pilot. However, feedback      pilot was that residents would like to
    Like other cities, in order to quickly     received after implementation was         be engaged in the development of the
    launch the pilot and rapidly respond       mixed depending on the corridor.          program’s vision, selection of corri-
    to the pandemic, Bellevue’s staff went     While one Healthy Street location         dors, and design of their home streets.
    forward without first collecting pub-      ended early due to negative feedback,
    lic input and internally determined        another corridor—which received           Learn more about Bellevue’s Healthy
    locations for the pilot. Naturally, some   positive feedback—is now moving into      Streets pilot.
    community members expressed frus-          a design phase to establish the city’s
    tration that there was not an oppor-       first neighborhood greenway. One


    Ann Arbor Healthy Streets                  The approach                              projects and city goals outlined in its
    ANN ARBOR, MI                              The goal of the Healthy Streets pro-      Vision Zero policy, carbon-neutrality
                                               gram was to immediately improve           plan, and non-motorized plan.
    The City of Ann Arbor, in partnership      safety, access, and comfort, and pro-
    with the Downtown Development Au-          vide more physical distancing space       Instead of fully closing streets to
    thority, launched the Healthy Streets      for people in the city. From the begin-   motor vehicles, the city took a softer,
    program which reconfigured traffic         ning, Ann Arbor also considered the       multi-faceted approach. That ap-
    lanes to provide additional dedicated      program as an opportunity to collect      proach included:
    space for walking, rolling, and biking.    findings that could inform future

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                                                     • Soft closures on local neighbor-           businesses to do this and also pro-
                                                       hood streets suggested by resi-            vided funding to the Arts Alliance
                                                       dents. To do this, the city launched       to hire four artists, who were paid a
                                                       an online portal for residents to          living wage, to set up temporary art
                                                       provide feedback at the beginning          installations in these spaces.
                                                       of the pandemic. They received
                                                       nearly a thousand comments which        Select challenges
                                                       slowed deployment but ultimately        and lessons learned
                                                       helped justify the project.
                                                                                               For other cities looking to do something
                                                     • Arterial road reconfigurations          similar, Ann Arbor offers the following
                                A Healthy Streets      to provide additional dedicated         recommendations and reflections:           28
                            corridor in Ann Arbor,
                            MI. Photo credit: City
                                                       space for walking, rolling, and
                                     of Ann Arbor.     biking. This was the most challeng-     • Move as quickly as possible during
                                                       ing part of the program as the city       implementation. Ann Arbor staff
                                                       received considerable resistance          believe they took too long with their
                    Learn more about Ann Arbor’s       from motorists—so much so that            deployments, leading to a number
                         Healthy Streets program.
                                                       the city council rolled back portions     of complaints from residents that
                                                       of the deployment after only three        the effort “was no longer needed”
                                                       weeks of a 90 day pilot.                  or that these projects “were causing
                                                     • Weekend road closures in down-            traffic back-ups.”
                                                       town Ann Arbor to support busi-         • Cones, barrels, and barricades were
                                                       nesses and provide additional             not as effective as expected as they
                                                       space for people walking and              were frequently moved and re-
                                                       biking. The city worked closely with      quired constant maintenance.

                                                                                                                TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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     How can we adapt                            REVAMPING A PILOT TO RESPOND TO COVID-19
     curb-related                            1   AND THE MURDER OF GEORGE FLOYD
     initiatives to better
                                                 Minneapolis Mobility Hub pilot                                safe, convenient, and reliable as possible.
     respond to current                          MINNEAPOLIS, MN                                               The locations are selected based on an
     community                                                                                                 equity-driven data analysis, as originally
                                                 In response to COVID-19 and uprisings
                                                                                                               the pilot sought to improve access and
     needs during a                              following the murder of George Floyd,
                                                                                                               support first-and-last mile connections
     pandemic?                                   Minneapolis worked with community
                                                                                                               to transit primarily in Areas of Concen-
                                                 partners to revamp their 2019 Mobility
                                                                                                               trated Poverty (ACP50)4. In early 2020,
                                                 Hub pilot by increasing the number of                                                                                     29
                                                                                                               the city redefined the pilot goal to re-
                                                 pilot locations, adding new elements,
                                                                                                               spond to COVID-19 and the protests
     Work with the                               and installing intersection safety im-
                                                                                                               following the killing of George Floyd—
     community to                                provements.
                                                                                                               which had further exacerbated inequi-
     redesign curb-                              The approach
                                                                                                               ties in the ACP50 areas. Specifically, the
                                                                                                               Minneapolis’ public works department
     related initiatives.                        Minneapolis’ Mobility Hubs utilize the
                                                                                                               expanded its 2019 Mobility Hub pilot by
                                                 city’s curb and public right-of-way space
     When COVID-19 hit, cities had to                                                                          increasing the number of pilot locations,
     both respond to immediate needs             to connect people to multiple modes of
                                                                                                               adding new elements, and installing
     and either postpone, adapt, or can-         transportation and make their trips as
     cel planned initiatives. Below are                                                                        intersection safety improvements.
     some examples of how cities adapted
     curb-related initiatives, worked with
                                                 4 ACP 50: The Metropolitan Council defines Areas of Concentrated Poverty (ACPs) as census tracts where 40 percent
     communities to do so, and what they           or more of the residents have family or individual incomes that are less than 185 percent of the federal poverty
     learned in the process.                       threshold. (In 2018, 185 percent of the federal poverty threshold was $47,547 for a family of four or $23,650 for an
                                                   individual living alone.) To identify areas where people of color experience the most exposure to concentrated pover-
                                                   ty, the Council further differentiates Areas of Concentrated Poverty where 50 percent or more of the residents are
                                                   people of color (ACP50s).

                                                                                                                                      TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                                                    The city worked closely with neighbor-     businesses, and community members.
                                                    hood and community organizations on
                                                    the pilot’s engagement plan. Minneap-      Select challenges
                                                    olis wanted to ensure residents that       and lessons learned
                                                    it was not only seeking feedback from      In the beginning, Minneapolis had to
                                                    the community, but actively providing      spend considerable time obtaining the
                                                    a platform to partner with people in       necessary approvals and permits within
                                                    the neighborhoods where these pilots       its own public works department and
                                                    would occur. Through this engagement,      other jurisdictions, as many of the Mo-
                                                    city staff learned that people felt un-    bility Hubs are located on or adjacent
                                                    safe—both in terms of personal safety      to state and county right-of-way and         30
                                                    and infrastructure-related safety—and      lots, which slowed down the timeline
                                                    that they wanted to see alternatives to    for deployment.
                                                    policing. From this feedback, the city
                                                    created a new ambassador program           The city has also heard from a select
               Mobility hub in Minneapolis, MN.
                                                    which employed part-time ambas-            number of businesses and property
               Photo credit: City of Minneapolis.
                                                    sadors to test community-based ap-         owners who view some of the Mobility
                                                    proaches to safety at the hubs.            Hub elements, like seating, as a nui-
                                                                                               sance and an invitation for “undesired
                                                    Stakeholders included public agencies      activity” which has led to the city wres-
                                                    and service providers, such as the State   tling with what is public space, who it is
                                                    of Minnesota, Hennepin County, pub-        for, and what it should look like.
                                                    lic transit providers, library services,
                                                    community based organizations, shared      Learn more about Minneapolis’
                                                    mobility providers, property owners,       Mobility Hubs.

                                                                                                                TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                                                      TRANSFORM THE CURB INTO A TEMPORARY
                                                  2   COVID-19 TESTING SITE WITH A REPURPOSED
                                                      MICROTRANSIT VEHICLE

                                                      Gainesville’s mobile                        Paramedicine (CRP) team, who shared
                                                      COVID-19 testing                            the following reflections:
                                                      GAINESVILLE, FL                             • It was challenging to ensure people
                                                                                                     remained distanced and that the bus
                                                      The City of Gainesville, FL repurposed         remained adequately cleaned. To
                                                      a microtransit vehicle and used it to          assist with this, CRP team set up two
                                                      conduct mobile COVID-19 testing                testing stations, one in the front seat
                                                      across its city. The vehicle was parked        of the bus and another at the back of
                                                      at the curb, in parking lots and fields,       the bus using a foldable chair on the
                                                      and sometimes in the middle of the             ground; which also helped preserve
                                                      street. When selecting neighborhoods           unidirectional airflow.
                                                      to visit and receive testing, Gainesville   • Communicating the opportunity to
                                                      specifically prioritized neighborhoods        residents was the biggest obstacle
                                                      that had more limited access to person-       the CRP team faced. They hope
                                                      al vehicles.                                  to partner with medical and com-
                                                                                                    munity based organizations to do
                                                      The testing was administered by               something similar in the future for
                                                      the city’s Community Resource                 COVID-19 vaccines.

              Gainesville’s mobile COVID-19
              testing unit. Photo Credit: City
                            of Gainesville, FL.
                                                                                                                   TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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     How can we use                                USE TRANSIT-ONLY LANES
     street space to                           1   TO PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH
     keep essential
                                                   SFMTA’s Temporary                                         costs of traffic congestion.”5 By devot-
     workers and                                   Emergency Transit Lanes                                   ing lanes solely for buses, SFMTA re-
     transit-dependent                             SAN FRANCISCO, CA                                         duced the amount of time buses spend
                                                                                                             in traffic, protecting public health by
     people safe during
                                                   San Francisco Municipal Transportation                    reducing riders’ travel time and hence
     the pandemic?                                 Agency (SFMTA) installed temporary                        their potential exposure to COVID-19.
                                                   emergency transit lanes to keep buses                     The transit lanes also allow buses to
                                                   out of traffic and keep essential work-                   complete their routes more quickly, en-
                                                   ers and transit-dependent San Francis-                    abling SFMTA to provide more service
     Set up transit lanes                          cans as safe as possible.                                 with the same number of buses and
     to improve transit                                                                                      reduce crowding.
                                                   The approach
                                                   As traffic started to slowly return after                 Moreover, based on ridership and
     A few months into the COVID-19                the initial lockdown in San Francisco,                    travel time data, SFMTA says this pro-
     pandemic, cities started to see traffic
     return to their streets. To ensure            SFMTA made the decision to set up                         gram “benefit[s] customers on [bus]
     essential workers and people using            temporary transit lanes to ensure “that                   routes critical to neighborhoods with
     transit would not shoulder the burden
     of congestion, cities started setting         essential workers and transit-depen-                      high percentages of people of color and
     up—or adapting—transit lanes to               dent San Franciscans do not bear the                      low-income households.”6
     improve efficiency and safety. Below
     are some examples of how cities
     implemented transit lanes and what
     they learned in the process.                  5, 6

                                                                                                                             TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                    Select challenges                          Through this process, SFMTA found
                    and lessons learned                        that the highly data-driven nature of
                    One of the greatest challenges SFMTA       the program (which considers frequen-
                    faced with implementing the transit        cy, crowding, and safety) has helped
                    lanes was the availability of its city     SFMTA to gain broader support. Staff
                    crews to implement a program of this       have been able to share transit lane
                    size in such a short time frame. Orig-     proposals with different elected of-
                    inally it had planned to build up to 70    ficials to gauge interest, and refocus
                    miles of temporary emergency transit       energy and resources appropriately.
                    lanes, however due to capacity, SFMTA
                    predicts that it is likely the pandemic    The temporary nature of the program        33
                    will be under control before they are      has also made it more palatable to
                    able to reach 70 miles. Consequently,      quickly implement. With the assurance
                    SFMTA pivoted to focus their efforts       that a future approval would be needed
                    on key corridors that it hopes to perma-   to make the lanes permanent, commu-
                    nently keep after the pandemic. If time    nity members have been more open to
                    allows and there is political support,     trying out the lanes with a shortened
                    SFMTA may continue to expand to ad-        outreach process. SFMTA hopes to
                    ditional corridors.                        use more of this quick build, reversible
                                                               approach in the future.

                    Bus picking up riders in San               Learn more about SFMTA’s Temporary
                    Fransisco, CA (top) and map
                    of approved and proposed                   Emergency Transit Lanes.
                    temporary transit lanes (bottom).
                    Photo credit: SFMTA.

                                                                               TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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                                                     CONVERT TRAVEL LANES TO BUS-BIKE LANES
                                                 2   TO IMPROVE TRANSIT EFFICIENCY AND SAFETY
                                                     FOR PEOPLE BIKING

                                                     Brighton Avenue bus-bike lane              To address this issue, the city trans-
                    Learn more about Boston’s        BOSTON, MA                                 formed one travel lane into a bus-bike
                Brighton Avenue bus-bike lane.
                                                                                                lane, consolidated bus stops, and con-
                                                     In 2019, the City of Boston, in partner-   verted the stops that were removed
                                                     ship with Massachusetts Bay Trans-         into commercial loading during the day
                                                     portation Authority, transformed one       time and passenger pick-up drop-off in
                                                     travel lane on Brighton Avenue in the      the evening and night.
                                                     Allston neighborhood into a bus-bike
                                                     lane to improve transit efficiency and     In 2020, as part of Boston’s COVID-19
                                                     the safety of people biking.               response, additional curb space was
                                                                                                converted from two hour parking into a
                                                     Located in a bustling neighborhood         five-minute food takeout zone. As a result
                                                     with a number of restaurants, retail,      of the transformation, bus timing through
                                                     and entertainment venues, Brighton         the corridor has improved dramatically
                                                     Avenue had two travel lanes and park-      and the instances of double parking have
                                                     ing lanes in each direction, and also      been reduced. The next phase of the proj-
                                                     served as a major bus corridor, which      ect is to install bus bump outs, analyze
                                                     caused buses to be consistently de-        how well the short term curb access has
                                                     layed due to traffic and frequent inci-    worked, and propose the area for meter-
                                                     dences of double parking.                  ing to increase vehicle turnover.

                                                                                                                TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
Po licy Id e a s

                         Local, state, federal policy
                         ideas to guide the future of
                         curbside management
                         The curb is public space and a public asset; and as
        Part 2           such, it should be utilized to the greatest benefit of
                         the public. The COVID-19 pandemic has only made
                         this more apparent as curb space has been needed

        IDEAS TO GUIDE   for safe recreation, retail, restaurants, and more. To       35
                         ensure that curb space can be used efficiently and
                         equitably now and in the future, it is the responsibil-

        CURBSIDE         ity of local governments to set priorities with regard
                         to who can use the limited amount of curb space, for
                         what, when, and at what cost.

        MANAGEMENT       The ideas presented in this section are not examples
                         of pilots or initiatives but, rather, ideas and lessons

        POLICY           offered by city curbside practitioners who partici-
                         pated in the 2020 Smart Cities Collaborative. This
                         section is intended to provide informal guidance to
                         local, state, and federal government agencies seek-
                         ing to create an equitable, flexible, and innovative
                         curb beyond COVID-19.

                                                              TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
Po licy Id e a s

                                          Local Curbside
                                          Policy Ideas
        This section is                   Allocate the curb equitably                 For decades, the curb has been over-

        organized as                  1   To ensure that curb space serves all
                                          users fairly, especially the most vul-
                                                                                      whelmingly dedicated to storage for
                                                                                      personal vehicles. This excludes people
        follows:                          nerable road users, cities should build     that have no access to a car and that
                                          equity into their curbside policy and       need or want to travel by other means.
        Local curbside policy             curbside management programs. With-         By reallocating the curb space for other
        ideas to:                         out that lens, certain users (such as       modes and additional purposes, cities        36
        1. Allocate the curb              people who do not own, cannot afford,       can ensure the curb serves everyone—
           equitably                      choose not to, or are unable to drive       especially those who need better and
        2. Improve curb flexibility       cars) will continue to be left behind and   more affordable access to curbs. This
        3. Make the curb a place of       convenient private vehicle parking will     includes people with disabilities; people
           innovation and piloting        usurp all other needs.                      using transit; those walking, biking, or
                                                                                      rolling; low-income people; people of col-
        State and federal curbside        Whether intentional or not, the way         or; and those not connected to the digital
        policy ideas                      cities allocate their curb space directly   network. Below are some ideas on how
                                          reflects who and what is prioritized in     to equitably allocate the curb.
                                          their city. This can and should change
                                          depending on the geographic context         Prioritize curb and street space for
                                          within a city, as different neighbor-       transit. Part of equitably allocating curb
                                          hoods have different needs.                 space means prioritizing space for tran-

                                                                                                       TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
P olicy I d e a s

      sit. Transit uses space more efficiently    people of color, especially Black and     a smartphone, data plans that allow
      than cars, is better for our climate, and   Brown people. While curbside man-         liberal use of apps, or a credit card for
      provides access to those who may not        agement is typically not enforced by      payment. Moreover, clear curb signage
      have a personal vehicle. By prioritizing    police departments, enforcing rules       and wayfinding reduces the need for
      space for transit, cities can improve the   like parking requirements is part of      enforcement and ticketing.
      riders’ travel time, ride quality, trans-   a city’s larger enforcement effort.
      portation affordability, and safety while   It is crucial for cities to examine the   Utilize the curb to incentivize more
      waiting for transit; address broader        impact of their curb enforcement          and more just economic develop-
      transportation inequities; and achieve      and explore alternatives that ensure      ment. As e-commerce grows and app-
      emissions reduction goals.                  all curb users, especially Black and      based ride hailing recovers from the
                                                  Brown users, are treated with dignity     pandemic, good curbside management          37
      Prioritize curb and street space for        and respect at the curb.                  practices can incentivize economic
      vulnerable road users. Similar to tran-                                               recovery and growth. This helps en-
      sit, part of equitably allocating curb      Ensure curb signage is understand-        sure that curb operations, including
      space means prioritizing space and          able and accessible. Curb signs and       signage, timing, usage, access and cost,
      curb resources for vulnerable road us-      curb use information should be simple     assist to incentivize the behavior at
      ers including those walking, rolling, or    and understandable, utilizing symbols     the curb that cities want to see. For
      biking; people with disabilities; low-in-   or color-coding when possible and         example, cities could raise the cost of
      come people; and people of color.           providing translations when appropri-     unloading and loading freight during
                                                  ate. Cities should avoid confusing and    peak commute hours to disincentivize
      Address inequitable enforcement at          complex restrictions for loading zones    use of the curb for that purpose during
      the curb. There is no shortage of re-       and curb use. Cities should also pro-     those hours, therefore providing great-
      search showing that law enforcement         vide multiple ways to pay for metered     er access and economic development
      disproportionately harms and targets        parking, as individuals may not have      opportunities for nearby businesses.

                                                                                                            TRANSPORTATION FOR AME RICA
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