Humber Local Enterprise Partnership Delivery Plan 2019/2020

Page created by Marcus Warner
Humber Local Enterprise Partnership Delivery Plan 2019/2020
Humber Local Enterprise
    Delivery Plan

Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.     Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 5
     1.1      Progress to date ................................................................................................................... 5
2.     Strategic Objectives & Targets ................................................................................................... 7
3      Delivery Plans 2019/20 ............................................................................................................... 9
     3.1      Strategy.................................................................................................................................. 9
       3.1.1         Background ................................................................................................................... 9
       3.1.2         Delivery 2019/20........................................................................................................... 9
     3.2      Governance ........................................................................................................................... 9
       3.2.1         Background ................................................................................................................... 9
       3.2.2         Delivery 2019/20......................................................................................................... 10
     3.3      Programme Delivery .......................................................................................................... 10
       3.3.1         Resources ................................................................................................................... 11
       3.3.2         Investment Programmes ........................................................................................... 11
       3.3.3         Skills ............................................................................................................................. 13
       3.3.4         Business ...................................................................................................................... 16
       3.3.5         Infrastructure ............................................................................................................... 21
4.     Collaboration and Influencing ................................................................................................... 25
     4.1      Background ......................................................................................................................... 25
     4.2      Delivery Plan 2019/20 ....................................................................................................... 25
       4.2.1         Skills ............................................................................................................................. 25
       4.2.2         Business ...................................................................................................................... 27
       4.2.3         Infrastructure ............................................................................................................... 29
5.     Monitoring and Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 31
     5.1      Background ......................................................................................................................... 31
     5.2      Delivery Plan 2019/20 ....................................................................................................... 32
6.     Communications and Engagement ......................................................................................... 33
     6.1      Local Engagement ............................................................................................................. 33
     6.2      Business Engagement Strategy ....................................................................................... 33
     6.3      Promoting LEP Activities and Achievements ................................................................. 34
     6.4      Events .................................................................................................................................. 34
Schedule 1 – Programme Gantt Chart............................................................................................ 36

Executive Summary
The Humber LEP was established in 2011. Since then we have:
    Developed and established our Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) setting out our
      overarching strategic objectives to 2020
    Established our LEP governance structures to ensure we are accountable and have
      robust local systems and processes in place to ensure transparent decision making
      and public resources are spent with regularity, propriety, and deliver value for money
    Secured investment from a range of programmes to help drive growth across the
    Used our collaboration and influencing powers to deliver change

We have made real progress but strive to do more. We know that as a Partnership we need
to continuously improve if we are to best serve the people, businesses and communities
across the Humber and continue to drive economic growth and improve productivity.

We have therefore set ourselves the following strategic objectives and delivery targets for
2019/20, which also respond to the Government’s “Strengthened Local Enterprise
Partnerships” review document and the areas for development identified in our positive
2018/19 Annual Performance Review feedback from Government:

      Continue to deliver our SEP strategic objectives
      Develop a robust, evidence based local industrial strategy that has stakeholder buy-
       in and is agreed with Government by Dec 2019
      Develop a high performing and diverse LEP that is at the leading edge of
       governance, including transparent and accountable decision-making
      Ensure we are continuing to make good progress towards delivering the LGF lifetime
       programme and that spend is back on track by March 2020
      Use our collaboration and influencing powers to bring about change and enable joint
       working on activity that drives growth in the Humber

The LEP’s Delivery Plan outlines the activities, investments and outputs that will be delivered
in the 2019/20 financial year that will enable us to meet these Strategic Objectives.

The main focus of our Strategy work for 2019/20 will be to develop and agree our Local
Industrial Strategy with Government. We will continue to work towards implementing the
recommendations made by the LEP Review, particularly in relation to the resolution of the
LEP Geography. Our panel of Board members will complete its review of recruitment
procedures, Board membership and the LEP’s approach to equality and diversity.

This year will see the investment of £29,913,686 directly by the Humber LEP through its
Core Budget, Local Growth Fund and Growth Hub programmes. Our investment will lever
£86.52m of investment from the public and private sector. This builds on an investment of
£85.3m through our Local Growth Fund which has levered in a further £224.5m of public and
private sector investment since its inception.

A range of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) investments are also having
an impact in the Humber with total ESIF investments in live projects and those due to
commence in 2019/20 of £57,002,329 and £94,985,882 including match funding.

In 2019 / 20 we will support, through our programmes, the creation of 501 new jobs, 580
construction jobs and the safeguarding of a further 794 jobs. We will support 495
businesses, support the development of 261 new homes and deliver 18,696m2 of new or

refurbished commercial floor space. Our investments will reduce the flood risk to
6,127ha of land and 11,415 domestic properties. We will also support 2,930 participants /

Previous LGF investments have resulted in the creation and safeguarding of over 5,000
jobs, the delivery of 955 new homes and the creation of 6,600m2 of commercial floor space
and the reduction of flood risk to 10ha of land and 7,500 properties / dwellings.

Our ESIF funded projects (contracted) will support a further 2,145 businesses, reduce
flood risk to 2,055 business premises, reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) by 15
tonnes, support 132 hectares of habitat to attain better conservation status and support
28,678 people to access employment, get closer to the labour market or improve their skills
and employability over their lifetime.

Projects in our ESIF pipeline could increase this further to 2,984 businesses supported,
reduced flood risk to 2,371 business premises, reduce GHG emissions by 6,383 tonnes,
support 139 hectares of habitat to attain better conservation status and support 28,799
people to access employment, get closer to the labour market or improve their skills and
employability over their lifetime.

We will use our collaboration and influencing powers on range of activities that will be taking
place across our thematic areas of Skills, Business and Infrastructure. This will include the
development of a collaboration agreement with Greater Lincolnshire LEP, focused on areas
of activity where there is a shared agenda. Our Single Conversation Group will continue to
work with investors in the Humber, to ensure barriers to development are minimised. We will
continue to support the Grimsby Town Deal through our involvement in the Greater Grimsby
Project Board.

Progress made on key activities within the Delivery Plan will be regularly reported to the
Humber LEP Board and throughout the LEP’s Sub-Group Structure. A range of robust
monitoring activities across all of our key programmes will form the basis of this reporting.

Progress made on the Delivery Plan 2019/20 will be the subject of our Annual Review which
will provide an end of year report to the Humber LEP Board and Government, based on the
targets set within this Delivery Plan 2019/20.

We will continue to promote the Humber through a range of marketing and communications
activities. We will deliver a range of events including the Northern Powerhouse Energy
Conference and Humber Summer Schools Conference 2019 and will support the delivery of
Humber Business Week in June 2019.

1.      Introduction
1.1     Progress to date

The Humber LEP was established in 2011 and across the partnership we have made real
progress including:

i)      Developed and established our Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) setting out our
        overarching strategic objectives to 2020. The SEP has at its core the following

‘To maximise the potential offered by the Humber Estuary, leading the Humber to become a
renowned national and international centre for renewable energy and an area whose
economy is resilient and competitive. We will continue to develop our strengths in key
sectors, supporting our businesses to grow and helping our residents to access the
opportunities they need to lead prosperous and rewarding lives.’

It focuses on:
      A Skilled and productive workforce
      Thriving, successful businesses
      An infrastructure that supports growth

ii)     Established our LEP governance structures to ensure we are accountable and have
        robust local systems and processes in place to ensure transparent decision making
        and public resources are spent with regularity, propriety, and deliver value for money.
        These are outlined in the LEP’s Assurance Framework.

iii)    Secured the following main programmes to help drive growth across the Humber:

Programme        Award        Output Targets           Spend to        Output delivery to
                                                       31/3/19         31/3/19

Local Growth     £131.7m      9781 jobs, 4,400         £85.3m          £224.5m of public and
Fund (2015-                   houses (new and                          private sector investment
2021)                         refurbished), £533m                      Creation and safeguarding
                              public/private                           of over 5,000 jobs, the
                              leverage                                 delivery of 955 new
                                                                       homes creation of
                                                                       of commercial floor space
                                                                       and the reduction of flood
                                                                       risk to 10ha of land and
                                                                       7,500 properties

Growing          £8.2m        N/A                      £11.06m         175 direct jobs, 92 indirect
Places Fund                                                            jobs, £13m public/private
(2012                                                                  leverage

ESIF (2014-      £99.22m      2,300 SMEs assisted      £17,284,987     265 SMEs Assisted
2020, with                    Reduced Greenhouse       ERDF
delivery until                Gas Emissions by
                              6,455 tonnes             £27,737,042

2023)                          1,358 business            ESF
                               properties with
                               reduced flood risk
                               Support 28,703
                               participants in skills
                               and employment
Growth Hub        £3.73m       800 light, 120 medium     £3.54m          9,342 light touch
(2014             (BEIS and    and 60 high intensity
onwards)          City Deal)   per annum                                 1,908 medium intensity

                  Additional                             £181k ERDF      1,769 high intensity
                  £6.12m                                 (£302k inc.     support
                  ERDF (to                               Match
                                                         Funding)        583 jobs created and 22
                  Sept                                                   safeguarded (included
                  2021)                                                  below in City Deal)

Hull &            £10m         1,500 adults to take      £10m            1,787 young people
Humber City                    up relevant courses                       supported through the
Deal (2013,                    over 3 years, with 760                    Springboard A programme
now fully                      additional people
                                                                         1,409 Apprentices and
complete)                      qualified to level 3                      5,139 students supported
                               3,000 businesses and
                                                                         472 direct jobs created
                               providing intensive                       111 indirect jobs created
                               support to 500                            224 Jobs safeguarded
                               creating 550 jobs

We have secured the largest Enterprise Zone in the country at 1,238ha which provides a
package of 49 sites to suit the needs of a wide range of businesses.

iv)       Used our collaboration and influencing powers to deliver the following:

         Worked with our Local Authority partners to attract key investments to the Humber
         Established a Single Conversation Group which has brought together statutory
          agencies and planning authorities to address issues on major sites and unlock
         Influencing and Advocacy activities including representing a number of businesses,
          engagement in Transport for the North
         Established the Humber Skills Network which brings together over 400 members to
          share information and best practice
         Collaborated with LEPs at a national and sub-national level on key activities including
          the Northern Powerhouse Trade and Investment Officers Group (executive-level
          interface between DIT and the North on collective trade and investment issues) and
          North East, Yorkshire and Humber Energy Hub
         Engaged our MPs in a range of issues

2.      Strategic Objectives & Targets
We have made real progress but we strive to do more. We know that as a Partnership we
need to continuously improve if we are to best serve the people, businesses and
communities across the Humber and continue to drive economic growth and improve
We have therefore set ourselves the following strategic objectives and delivery targets for
2019/20, which also respond to the Government’s “Strengthened Local Enterprise
Partnerships” review document and the areas for development identified in our positive
2018/19 Annual Performance Review feedback from Government.
Theme           Strategic Objective          2019/20 Target

Strategy        To continue to deliver             External Challenge Panel meetings in
                our SEP strategic                   April, June and the autumn
                objectives                         Launch of prospectus and consultation
                                                    – June 2019
                To develop a robust,               Completion of Infrastructure Review –
                evidence-based local                September 2019
                industrial strategy that           Completion of Supply Chains and
                has stakeholder buy-in              Productivity Review – September 2019
                and is agreed with                 Finalising the strategy, subject to
                Government by Dec                   Government agreement – end of 2019

Governance      Develop a high                     Update of Board signed declarations of
                performing and diverse              interest - April 2019
                LEP that is at the leading         Establish effective collaboration plans
                edge of governance,                 with neighbouring LEPs by May 2019
                including transparent and          Humber LEP Annual General Meeting
                accountable decision-               and Annual Report – June 2019
                making                             Resolve current overlap geography
                                                    with Greater Lincolnshire LEP in line
                                                    with LEP review by June 2019
                                                   LGF Annual Pipeline Refresh –
                                                    summer 2019
                                                   Review membership of the
                                                    Employment and Skills Board to ensure
                                                    compliance with Skills Advisory Panels
                                                    requirements – October 2019
                                                   Annual Performance Review – winter
                                                   Quality in Careers Standard
                                                    Continuous Quality Improvement
                                                    Review – November 2019
                                                   Update of Assurance Framework
                                                    completed by end of February 2020
                                                   Board member Panel to complete its
                                                    review of recruitment procedures,
                                                    Board membership and the LEP’s
                                                    approach to equality and diversity –
                                                    summer 2019
                                                   Recommendation to appoint an

Equality and Diversity Champion to be
                                                   discussed by the LEP Board – May
                                                Annual Equality and Diversity Report to
                                                   Board – March 2020
                                                A third of the Board will be made up of
                                                   women by March 2020
                                                LEP Annual Review to LEP Board by
                                                   May 2020
Delivery        Ensure we are               Local Growth Fund
                continuing to make good         Invest £24,189,805 through the LGF
                progress towards                Create 451 New Jobs
                delivering the LGF              Safeguard 794 Jobs
                lifetime programme and          Reduce Flood Risk for 11,415
                that spend is back on              properties
                track by March 2020             Complete 261 new housing units
                                                Create 15,897 m2 of commercial floor
                Ensure effective delivery
                                            Growth Hub
                of our expanded Growth          Support 470 businesses (12hrs)
                Hub support using ESIF
                                                Create 50 New Jobs
                                                Provide grant support to 76 businesses
                                                Support 33 businesses to introduce
                                                  new to firm products

Collaboration   Use our collaboration             Deliver international energy conference
and             and influencing powers             on behalf of the NP11 – Nov 2019
Influencing     to bring about change             Continued roll-out of the Employability
                and enable joint working           Skills Passport validations, promotion
                on activity that drives            and engagement of employers in the
                growth in the Humber               programme
                                                  Work with DIT to promote the High
                                                   Potential Opportunities Offer for
                                                   Saltend Chemicals Park
                                                  Continue to work with investors in the
                                                   Humber, including Siemens Mobility,
                                                   Yorkshire Energy Park and Velocys to
                                                   ensure barriers to development are
                                                  Soft Launch of the Invest Humber
                                                   Website at the Business Day Event –
                                                   07 June 2019
                                                  Pro-active Social Media launch and
                                                   promotion of the Invest Humber site –
                                                   Summer 2019

The following sections set out our 2019/20 delivery plan for each of these areas in more

3       Delivery Plans 2019/20
3.1      Strategy

Strategic Objective: To continue to deliver our SEP strategic objectives and develop a
robust, evidence-based local industrial strategy that has stakeholder buy-in and is
agreed with Government by Dec 2019.

3.1.1    Background

The LEP continues to deliver the Strategic Economic Plan objectives, whilst working with
partners on a new plan for our region – a Humber Industrial Strategy. This will build on
our established strengths and the momentum that our region has started, and also look to
new opportunities we have open to us.

LEPs across England have been tasked by Government with producing Local Industrial
Strategies to raise levels of productivity locally. The strategies will be long-term, based on
clear evidence and aligned to the National Industrial Strategy.

3.1.2    Delivery 2019/20

The main focus of our Strategy work for 2019/20 will be to develop and agree the Local
Industrial Strategy with Government. Key actions include:

        External Challenge Panel meetings in April, June and the autumn
        Launch of Prospectus and Consultation – June 2019
        Initial brief for next phase of work towards delivering a Compensation and Mitigation
         Plan for the Humber to be completed by June 2019
        Completion of Infrastructure Review – September 2019
        Completion of Supply Chains and Productivity Review – September 2019
        Finalising the strategy, subject to Government Agreement – end of 2019

3.2      Governance
Strategic Objective: Develop a high performing and diverse LEP that is at the leading
edge of governance, including transparent and accountable decision-making

3.2.1    Background

The LEP Review, published in July 2018, proposed a number of changes to boost the
performance of LEPs, increase their diversity and ensure that they are operating in an open
and transparent way. These include:
     up to £20 million of additional funding to support the implementation of these
       changes and embed evidence in Local Industrial Strategies
     supporting LEPs to consult widely and transparently on appointing new Chairs and
       improve board diversity
     an aim for women to make up at least one third of LEP boards by 2020 with the
       expectation of equal representation by 2023
     a mandate for LEPs to submit proposals for revised geographies including removing
       situations in which 2 LEP geographies overlap

The Humber LEP has been working to implement the recommendations made by the LEP
Review, particularly in relation to the removal of LEP overlaps. The LEP Board agreed its
position in September that the Humber is the right geography for our economy, based on the
economic evidence and the views of businesses. Early agreement was reached with York,
North Yorkshire & East Riding LEP and our business members and partners remain
committed to working closely with Greater Lincolnshire LEP to seek a resolution. This
includes putting in place stronger collaborative arrangements.

3.2.2   Delivery 2019/20

The LEP is working on a collaboration plan which will outline opportunities for future
collaborations and so that our individual Industrial Strategies have coherence in areas in
such as Coastal Towns, Food and Agriculture, major infrastructure and Innovation. A
collaboration plan will be submitted to Government by the end of May 2019.

The LEP Board has appointed a panel of members to review recruitment procedures, Board
membership and the LEP’s approach to equality and diversity. As part of this work, the LEP
Board agreed a new Equality and Diversity Plan at its meeting in April 2019. Further work
on recruitment and board membership by the panel is ongoing at the time of publication and
decisions made by the Board on the recommendations will be reflected in updated policies
during 2019. A report will be made to the Board each year discussing progress in
encouraging diversity and how improvements can be made.

In 2019/20, key targets / actions will include:
     Update of Board signed declarations of interest - April 2019
     Establish effective collaboration plans with neighbouring LEPs by May 2019
     Humber LEP Annual General Meeting and Annual Report – June 2019
     Resolve current overlap geography with Greater Lincolnshire LEP in line with LEP
       review by June 2019
     LGF Annual Pipeline Refresh – summer 2019
     Review membership of the Employment and Skills Board to ensure compliance with
       Skills Advisory Panels requirements – October 2019
     Mid-Year Annual Performance Review – Autumn 2019
     Annual Performance Review – Winter 2019
     Quality in Careers Standard Continuous Quality Improvement Review – November
     Update of Assurance Framework completed by end of February 2020
     Board member Panel to complete its review of recruitment procedures, Board
       membership and the LEP’s approach to equality and diversity – summer 2019
     Recommendation to appoint an Equality and Diversity Champion to be discussed by
       the LEP Board – May 2019
     Annual Equality and Diversity Report to Board – March 2020
     A third of the Board will be made up of women by March 2020
     LEP Annual Review to LEP Board by May 2020

3.3     Programme Delivery
Strategic Objective: Ensure we are continuing to make good progress towards
delivering the LGF lifetime programme and that spend is back on track by March 2020
Strategic Objective: Ensure effective delivery of our expanded Growth Hub support
using ESIF investment

3.3.1   Resources

The Humber LEP has access to funding from several sources which enables the delivery of
our Strategy and Ambitions. In 19/20 we expect income from the following sources which
will provide staffing and other resources for the delivery of the LEP’s Priorities:

       BEIS/MHCLG core funding - £500,000
       Local Authority subscriptions - £200,000
       LGF capital grant - £11.05m
            o LGF Growing the Humber Administration - £36,600
            o LGF Programme Management and Administration - £86,000
       DIT funding for Key Account Management post - £50,000
       BEIS Core Growth Hub funding - £205,000
       Local Authority Growth Hub match - £40,000
       ERDF Growth Hub funding - £4,509,705
       Energy Hub - £50,000
       Skills Pledge - £20,000
       Careers and Enterprise Company – Careers Hub £76,000
       Careers and Enterprise Company – Enterprise Advisor & Kick Start Fund - £29,000
       DfE Skills Advisory Panel funding - £75,000
       Local Industrial Strategy Extra Capacity Funding - £200,000

In addition to this, ESIF programmes and EZ retained business rates not directly managed
by the LEP will continue to be invested in our area in line with LEP priorities.

Schedule 1 includes a Programme Gantt Chart which provides details of delivery timescales
for our projects and programmes.

3.3.2   Investment Programmes

Local Growth Fund

The Humber’s Growth Deal supports the economic ambition of the Humber LEP, as set out
in our Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), to maximise the potential of the Humber Estuary and
to become a renowned national and international centre for renewable energy. It also helps
develop strengths in other key growth sectors, support businesses to grow, and help the
residents of the Humber to access the opportunities they need to lead prosperous and
rewarding lives.

The Growth Deal brings together local, national and private funding as well as new freedoms
and flexibilities to focus on four key priority areas as identified in the SEP:
    Creating the infrastructure that supports growth, including transport and housing
    Supporting businesses to succeed
    Creating a skilled and productive workforce
    Stimulating economic development through further investment in flood and coastal
        risk management

The Humber LEP has secured through three rounds of Growth Deals, a total of £131.7m
from the Government’s Local Growth Fund to support economic growth in the area.

This investment from Government will bring forward at least £533m of additional investment
from local partners and the private sector. Combined together this will create a total new
investment package of £664.7m for the Humber LEP area.

Since 2015/16, a total of £85.3m has been invested through our LGF programme which has
levered in £224.5m of public and private sector investment and resulted in the creation and
safeguarding of over 5,000 jobs, the delivery of 955 new homes and the creation of 6,600m2
of commercial floor space and the reduction of flood risk to 10ha of land and 7,500
properties / dwellings.

By 2021, Local Growth Fund investment will have created at least 9,700 jobs and enabled at
least 3,000 homes to be built.
A range of projects covering our three priority areas are currently in delivery or expected to
start delivery with spend in FY 2019/20 totalling £24,189,805.
These investments will deliver a range of outputs and lever in match funding including:
Outputs                     Total            Achieved         Profiled in   Profiled   Profiled
                            Programme        to 31/03/19      19/20         in 20/21   in


Public                          £291.04m       £175.06m          £60.38m    £20.37m     £27.51m
Private                         £152.11m        £72.51m          £26.14m    £11.33m              0

New jobs                            7,243         1,439.9             451        551       1,402
Safeguarded jobs                  3,677.5           2,825           794.3      889.2             28
Apprenticeships                    616.15             479           66.86      77.19      226.33
Construction                     5,035.91         2,083.5             580        270         519

Theme specific outputs can also be found under sections 3.3.3 to 3.3.5.

Details of all projects are available on the LEP’s website.

European Structural and Investment Funds
The Humber ESIF Programme has a total indicative allocation of £99.22m, made up of
£55.69m European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), £41.39m European Social Fund
(ESF) and £2.141m European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
The Humber has now committed the majority of both ERDF and ESF funding and is the top
performing LEP in the country in terms of commitment levels based on data from November
2018. The extension of our Springboard Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) activity in Hull
has also enabled us to access an additional £4.19m under-spend from other LEP areas that
are underperforming, which is over and above our original indicative allocation. This takes
our overall allocation to circa £103.41m.
The Humber ESIF Committee oversees the delivery of the ESIF Strategy and provides
advice on Strategic Fit and Value for money to the Managing Authority who is ultimately
accountable for the funding.
Projects are in delivery during 2019/20 across the following ERDF Priority Axes:

    PA1 – Research and Innovation
       PA2 – Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, ICT
       PA3 – Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs
       PA4 – Supporting the shift to a low carbon economy in all sectors
       PA5 – Promoting Climate Change adaptation, risk prevention and management
       PA6 – Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency
       PA8 – Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and any discrimination
        (Community Led Local Development)

Projects with a lifetime total investment of £31,929,364 ERDF will be investing in 2019/20
with a total value of £87,344,435, including match funding.

Lifetime Contracted Outputs based on Performance Framework Targets include:

       2,145 Enterprises receiving support
       15 tonnes of GHG Emissions Reductions
       2,055 Businesses and properties with reduced flood risk
       132 Hectares of habitats supported in order to attain better conservation status

Additional outputs that are currently to be delivered by projects at Outline and Full
Application include:

       839 Enterprises receiving support
       6,368 tonnes of GHG Emissions Reductions
       9 Businesses and properties with reduced flood risk
       7 Hectares of habitats supported in order to attain better conservation status

Projects are in delivery during 2019/20 across the following ESF Priority Axes:

       IP1.1 - Access to Employment
       IP1.2 – Sustainable Integration of Young People
       IP1.3 – Sustainable Integration of Young People - Youth Employment Initiative
       IP1.4 – Social Inclusion
       IP1.5 – Community Led Local Development
       IP2.1 – Enhancing Access to Lifelong Learning
       IP2.2 – Improving labour market relevance of education & training

Projects with a lifetime total investment of £31,577,112 ESF will be investing in 2019/20 with
a total value of £52,577,112, including match funding.

Contracted ESF outputs will support 28,678 participants with a further 121 participants
supported and 307 SMEs assisted by projects at Outline and Full application.

3.3.3   Skills

The majority of our direct skills and employment delivery is achieved through the Humber’s
European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) programme, using our £41.39m
European Social Fund budget.
A further £199k is being invested through the Local Growth Fund Skills Capital funding in
2019/20 and the Careers and Enterprise Company is investing circa £125,000 via the LEP in
a range of activities through its Enterprise Advisor Network and Humber Careers Hub.

In 2019/20 the LEP will utilise £75,000 of funding from the Department for Education which
will support our development of Skills Advisory Panels (SAPs). The funding will be used to
commission additional research, as well as employ a dedicated data Analyst focused on
meeting the SAP requirements.
Local Growth Fund
LGF Skills Capital is investing in the following project in 2019/20:

                                                              LGF spend
                            Total Project    Total LGF                    Start             Finish
Project Name                                                  profiled in
                            Cost £           allocation                   date              date
                                                              19/20 (£)
Skills Capital: Humber
Healthcare Academy                  £0.6m         £0.12m         £74,256       1/7/18       31/10/23

Skills related outputs (including from previous years’ investments) that will be delivered in
2019/20 include:
Outputs                     Total            Achieved         Profiled in      Profiled     Profiled
                            Programme        to 31/03/19      19/20            in 20/21     in

Completed new build
training/floor space (m2)            1,264          1,264                 0             0             0

Completed refurbished
training/floor space (m2)            4,436          4,436                 0             0             0

L1-L5 qualifications
completed                            7,364          3,090              2,597      2,165       11,064

16-18 Intermediate to
Higher Apprenticeships                 966            121               136         152          355

19+ Intermediate to
Higher Qualifications                  197                4              65         108          680

Traineeships                            66              44               52          75          160
Other learners supported               350            250                80          80          400

European Structural and Investment Funds
The following projects supporting 28,799 participants over their lifetime will be investing in

   Investment                                                    Lifetime
              ESF Project                                                        Lifetime
   Priority                                                        ESF
   IP1.1          In to Work (DWP Opt-in)                       £3,762,000      £6,270,000
                  Skills Support for the Unemployed (ESFA
   IP1.1                                                          £333,333        £555,555
   IP1.2          Springboard (Rest of Humber)                  £1,000,000      £1,666,667

   IP1.3          Springboard Hull (YEI)                       £11,600,000    £19,333,333

   IP1.2          NEET (Rest of Humber) (ESFA Opt-in)             £880,794      £1,467,990
                  Building Better Opportunities (Big Lottery
   IP1.4                                                        £3,790,083      £6,316,805
   IP1.4          Community Grants (ESFA Opt-in)                £1,111,111      £1,851,852

   IP1.5          Hull Community Led Local Development          £2,902,000      £4,836,667
                  North Lincolnshire Community Led Local
   IP1.5                                                          £882,000      £1,470,000
                  Skills Support for the Workforce (ESFA
   IP2.1                                                        £3,036,979      £5,061,632
   IP2.1          Next Level (North Lincolnshire)                 £358,767        £579,945

   IP2.2          Graduate Internships*                           £900,000      £1,500,000

   IP2.2          Work Experience Pilot*                          £500,000        £833,333

   IP2.2          Ex-Offender Pilot*                              £500,000        £833,333

                                                               £31,557,067    £52,577,112
* In appraisal / contracting (exact figures tbc)
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
The Careers & Enterprise Company has been established to help young people unleash
their best possible futures. At a local level, the project is being delivered through the
established Enterprise Coordinator – Enterprise Advisor model to motivate young people
and help them to make more informed choices in and out of schools. The programme works
in partnership with LEPs, local authorities, schools, colleges and employers.

The Enterprise Advisor Network enables volunteers to work directly with the senior
leadership team in secondary schools and colleges to support more effective connection to
the world of work and develop, shape or add value to the school or college’s careers,
enterprise and employer engagement strategy. The Humber LEP has two Enterprise
Coordinators, each of which is responsible for 20 prioritised schools/colleges and 20
Enterprise Advisers recruited from local businesses, as well as coordinating the support
partnerships to ensure young people achieve their career goals, understand the local labour
market and have all of the tools they need to assist them to success. In 2019/20, a further
Enterprise Coordinator will be recruited to further increase the resources available to support
this agenda.

The Humber secured funding to become one of 20 ‘Careers Hubs’ across England to help
transform careers education for young people. The Humber Careers Hub is made up of 26
local schools and colleges working together with universities, training providers, employers
and career professionals to improve careers education. The Humber Hub has access to
support and funding to help them meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of excellent careers
education. This includes:

   A ‘Hub Lead’ to help coordinate activity and build networks
   Access to bursaries for individual schools and colleges to train ‘careers leaders’
   Access to funding for schools to support employer encounters

In 2019/20, the hub will continue to work towards ensuring that all 26 schools in the Humber
Careers Hub make good progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks.

The Humber LEP has also secured £20,000 funding through the Careers Enterprise
Company to run a pilot programme which seeks to accredit ten primary schools across the
Humber in the Quality in Careers (QiC) Quality Mark by the end of May 2020.

Humber Skills Pledge

The Humber LEP introduced the Skills Pledge in 2013, aiming to provide employers with a
one stop shop when it comes to supporting their current and future workforce. Since its
inception, a total of 373 organisations from across the Humber have supported the campaign
which won national acclaim at the Adult Learners Week awards.

The LEP has commissioned a piece of work which will see the refresh and relaunch of the
Skills Pledge and wider promotion of the opportunity to employers across the Humber during

Key Actions / Targets

   Skills Pledge – re-launch and refresh of pledge work to commence May 2019
   All 26 schools in the Humber Careers Hub to make good progress towards the Eight
    Gatsby Benchmarks
   All 26 Humber Careers Hub Schools to be matched with an Enterprise Advisor by August

3.3.4   Business

Delivering our ambition to create thriving, successful businesses is being achieved through a
range of interventions and funding mechanisms.

Our Local Growth Fund also provides a large amount of investment direct to SME
businesses through the £12m Growing the Humber Programme and our Growing Places
funding is being used as an evergreen fund to provide loan support to businesses in the
Humber, unlocking projects which have been stalled due to lack of funding.

A large part of our direct support to business is achieved through funding from the Humber’s
European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) programme, using circa £28m of our
£55m ERDF budget and a further £15.31m from the ESF budget to support the development
of skills of those within the workforce

The LEP team, working with our partners, deliver a range of support to business both in the
Humber and those that are looking to invest here. Core funding through BEIS for the
Humber Business Growth Hub has been essential to maintain our face-to-face delivery of
business support across the Humber, which is now being supplemented by over £6m of
investment from ERDF.

LGF Delivery

The following Business Projects will be delivered through the Local Growth Fund in 2019/20:

                     Total                         LGF spend      LGF
                                    Total LGF                                    Start        Finish
Project Name         Project                       profiled in    Spend in
                                    allocation                                   date         date
                     Cost £                        19/20 (£)      20/21
                          £8.196m £1,294,017        £1,294,017           £0       30/6/19      30/6/20
3@the Dock (Hull)
                          £2.717m    £950,000        £360,962      £589,038       28/2/19 31/12/20
manufacturing Unit
Humber High
Street Challenge          £4.650m   £1950,010        £805,007 £1,145,003          31/3/19      31/3/21

Growing the Humber

Growing the Humber is funded through the Humber LEP’s Local Growth Fund programme.
It provides capital grants to SMEs of between £5,000 and £500,000, awarded as a
percentage of total eligible project costs. Grants outside of these parameters may be
considered by exception.

The Humber LEP is responsible for the administration of the first stage of the grant funding
process which includes managing Expressions of Interest, Full Application Appraisal and the
Investment Panel Process. North East Lincolnshire Council, on behalf of the Humber LEP,
is responsible for the Contract Management of approved projects.

                              Total LGF          LGF grant due
Project Name                                                        Start date      Finish date
                             allocation £         in 19/20 (£)

Growing the Humber                    £12m             £2.682m       1/4/15              31/3/21

Outputs                                       Contracted     to Achieved to Expected
                           Target             date              date        in 19/20
Jobs created                            805                 620           427.5               109

Private sector Leverage               £52m             £37.86m         £30.39m            £10.58m

Business Loan Fund
The Humber LEP’s £8.2m Growing Places funding has been delivered through the Humber
Business Loan Fund. The Business Loan Fund provides loans of between £100,000 and
£1,000,000 for capital projects. Projects outside this range may be considered but must
deliver exceptional outputs and/or provide exceptional value for money. To date, the fund
has invested a total of £11,064,437 in 19 projects.

The Business Loan Fund is administered by the Humber LEP in conjunction with Hull City
Council, who is responsible for the financial management of loans given.
It is envisaged that the fund will shortly be closed to new applications until sufficient
repayments are received to re-invigorate the fund. This will also provide an opportunity to
refresh the programme, re-aligning it with the new local industrial strategy.

               2019/2020 Investment Available                         £743,033

European Structural and Investment Funds
In 2019/20, the following projects impacting on Business will be delivered using ESIF

    Priority                                                   Lifetime
               ERDF Project                                                   Lifetime
    Axis                                                        ERDF
    PA1 & 4    Spark Fund                                     £3,000,000      £5,000,000

    PA3        Manufacturing Growth Programme                   £372,019        £620,032

    PA3 & 4    Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund            £5,700,000      £9,500,000

    PA3        Exporting for Growth                             £732,327      £1,220,545
               Hull Community Led Local Development
    PA8                                                       £1,868,936      £3,114,893
               North Lincolnshire Community Led Local
    PA8                                                         £441,000        £735,000
               Development (ERDF)
               Humber Business Growth Hub – ICT for
    PA2                                                       £2,056,366    £34,272,767
               Humber Business Growth Hub – Finance
    PA3                                                       £1,556,673      £2,594,455
               for Growth
               Humber Business Growth Hub – Business
    PA3                                                       £2,498,766      £4,164,610
               Growth Scheme

    PA4        Aura Innovation Centre                         £4,000,000    £10,000,000

    PA1        Flood Resilience Innovation Centre             £1,900,000      £3,166,667

PA1        Innovate Humber (Maker Space)*                  £498,691       £831,152

    PA3        Manufacturing Growth Programme 2*               £217,937       £363,228
               Northern Powerhouse Export Grant
    PA3                                                        £429,012       £715,020
                                                            £25,271,727    £76,298,369

Investment through the European Social Fund is also impacting on businesses through
direct support and skills development (see Skills section above).
Humber Business Growth Hub
The Humber Business Growth Hub is the central front door to business support in the region,
and also offers a range of direct support for SMEs. The Growth Hub is delivered in
partnership with the four Humber Local Authorities. Growth Hub services are delivered by
four main contracted delivery partners Hull City Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council,
North Lincolnshire Council, and E-factor (on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council). The
Growth Hub’s activities are overseen by a Steering Group which reports to the LEP’s
Business Development Board.

The Growth Hub, working with the four Humber LEP Local Authorities, has secured
£6,106,950 of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding to deliver an
expanded range of business support activities across the Humber. Hull City Council is acting
as the Accountable Body for the funding on behalf of the four Humber Local Authorities and
the Humber LEP.

All three contracts are being delivered under the banner of the Humber Business Growth
Hub’s ‘#GrowMySME’ Programme. The three contracts are as follows:

   Finance for Growth (£1,556,743 ERDF Investment) – a programme of support to
    enable businesses in the Humber to become ‘Investment Ready’ including:

    -   Network of specialist Financial advisors (x4 FTE)
    -   Small Grant programme – for investment in consultancy and specialist support to
        become investment ready
    -   Workshops and masterclasses

   ICT for Growth (£2,056,040 ERDF Investment) – a programme of ICT / Digital support
    to SMEs in the Humber including:

    -   Specialist ICT advisors (x2 FTE)
    -   Small Grant programme – for investment in ICT Software, hardware and consultancy
        to support growth ambitions
    -   Broadband Vouchers for Start-up businesses
    -   Specialist technical advice
    -   Workshops and masterclasses

   Business Growth Programme (£2,494,167 ERDF Investment) – enhancing the
    existing Growth Hub’s base offer including:

    -   Additional Growth Hub Advisors (x4 FTE)

-   Small Grant programme – for investment in consultancy and specialist support
       across a range of areas
   -   Workshops and Masterclasses
   -   Scale-up programme for leaders and managers within SMEs with a potential for
   -   Sector Development and Supply Chain activity
   -   Digital Development – enhancement of the Growth Hub’s website and development
       of digital content and delivery

                           Total Project*        Investment         Start       Finish
 Growth Hub Activity
                               Cost                 19/20           date         date

Growth Hub Core
                                   £615,000            £205,000 01/04/19       31/03/21
Finance for Growth              £3,773,866           £1,184,296 01/06/18       31/05/21
ICT for Growth                  £2,594,455           £1,699,630 01/06/18       31/05/21
Business Growth
                                £4,164,610           £1,420,779 01/10/18       30/09/21

TOTAL                         £ 11,147,931           £ 4,509,705
*including match funding, from 2018/19 onwards

                  ERDF Programme Outputs                                            2019/20

C1: Enterprises Supported (12hrs or min £1k grant)                          1,101        470

C2: Enterprises Receiving Grants                                             178          76

C4: Enterprises Receiving Non-Financial Support (12 hours)                   492         190

C5: New Enterprises Supported                                                270          135

C6: Private Sector Leverage                                            442,500      165,000

C8: Jobs Created                                                             155          50

C29: Enterprises supported to introduce new to firm products                  72          33

P4: Additional enterprises taking up broadband speeds at least
                                                                             200          110

P13: Number of enterprises receiving information, diagnostic
                                                                             160          60
and brokerage support

BEIS Simplifying Delivery of Regulation

    The Humber LEP, on behalf of the Humber Better Business for All Partnership (see Section
    4.2.2), submitted a proposal to BEIS to ‘Simplify the Way Regulation is Delivered’. This
    proposal successfully secured £10,000 investment to help us to build our understanding of
    how businesses prefer to access information and to test the potential of a ‘virtual exhibition’

    This work will commence in April, with findings presented to the Office for Product Safety
    and Standards in October 2019.

    Key Actions / Targets

       Brexit Business Engagement and Reporting – fortnightly
       BEIS funded ‘Simplify the Way Regulation is Delivered’ - work complete October 2019

    3.3.5   Infrastructure

    The LEP directly invests in infrastructure (including transport, flood defences, housing and
    regeneration) through its programmes, and also works with local authorities and other
    partners to make the case for infrastructure projects in the Humber.

    To drive economic growth into the future the Humber will need to be even more ambitious,
    which means looking further ahead to the major schemes that may be required to sustain
    growth in the long term. A priority in the 2019/2020 financial year is to complete, as part of
    the industrial strategy, a review of medium-term infrastructure requirements in the Humber.
    LGF Delivery

    The following Infrastructure Projects will be delivered through the Local Growth Fund in

                            Total                        LGF spend
                                            Total LGF                   LGF Spend      Start          Finish
Project Name                Project                      profiled in
                                            allocation                  in 20/21       date           date
                            Cost £                       19/20 (£)
Hessle Foreshore Tidal
                              £11.039m            £2m              £0   £2,000,000      1/3/18        31/3/21
River Hull integrated
                                £16.1m       £3.805m       £1,930,000             £0    1/4/16        31/3/20
Catchment Strategy
Lincolnshire Lakes
                                £52.7m         £13.3m      £2,825,308             £0    1/4/15        31/3/20
Flood risk strategy (NL)
South Humber Gauge
                              £17.153m       £7.195m       £1,000,000             £0    1/9/18        30/6/19
Enhancement (NL)
Central Cleethorpes
Regeneration                   £2.805m            £1m        £207,000     £793,000     30/11/18       31/3/21
Unlocking City Centre
                                      £6m       £2.5m      £2,044,530             £0    1/4/18        31/3/20
Development (Hull)
Grimsby Town centre –
                               £4.132m       £3.682m       £1.251,333   £2,062,379      1/7/17        31/3/20
Unlocking the Potential
Strategic Employment                  £3m       £1.6m      £1,544,875             £0    1/12/17       30/6/19

Total                          LGF spend
                                           Total LGF                      LGF Spend       Start          Finish
Project Name              Project                        profiled in
                                           allocation                     in 20/21        date           date
                          Cost £                         19/20 (£)
Stoneferry Road
Integrated Transport                £8m        £7.5m        £4,746,000     £2,250,000        1/4/17      31/3/20
Project (Hull)
Phase 1 A180 South
Humber Bank highway           £2.622m        £2.095m        £1,890,801              £0       1/9/18      31/1/20
Improvements (NEL)
Delivering Housing
                             £44.335m              £4m       £627,000      £2,739,000      1/12/18       31/3/29
Growth in Hull 2
Development of Priory
                                £1.8m         £1.44m        £1,440,000              £0     27/6/19       21/10/19
Park (Hull)
South Humber
                              £2.966m        £2.497m        £1,353,282              £0       1/4/18      30/6/19
Gateway (NL)
Brough Relief Road                          £3,260,94
                              £6.522m                       £3,260,943              £0     31/1/19       31/7/20
(phase 3)                                           3

TOTAL                                                      £22,869,739

    Infrastructure projects (including those completed in previous years) will deliver the following
    outputs, in addition the public and private sector match and job targets referred to in Section

    Outputs                     Total              Achieved        Profiled in    Profiled     Profiled
                                Programme          to 31/03/19     19/20          in 20/21     in


    New housing units
    completed                              9,006            811            261           421          7,431


    New Road (km)                            1.0          0.125             0.7           0             0.2
    Resurfaced Road (km)                   18.82           7.12            2.81       0.65              0.5
    New cycleway (km)                       5.11           1.86           4.824           0              0
    Commercial Land and Property

    Area of land
    reclaimed/redeveloped                   660          209.22           15.89           0           0.607
    or assembled (ha)

    Commercial floor space
                                      125,236            6,576.5         15,897      7,269        63,025
    created (m2)
    Commercial floor space
                                          10,134          4,691           2,799      5,008               0
    refurbished (m2)

Outputs                    Total            Achieved      Profiled in    Profiled   Profiled
                           Programme        to 31/03/19   19/20          in 20/21   in

Commercial floor space
                                   26,734             0         2,799       5,119      18,637
occupied (m2)
Flood risk

Area of land with
                                    6,810            10         6,127         285           50
reduced flood risk (ha)

Number of domestic
properties with reduced            30,951         7,346        11,415       1,750             0
flood risk

Number of commercial
units with reduced flood             152            152              0          0             0

Commercial floor space
with reduced flood risk        1,055,547       230,853        610,046      39,648             0

European Structural and Investment Funds

The Humber ESIF Programme is investing in the following infrastructure projects in 2019/20:

        Priority                                          Lifetime
                    ERDF Project                                           Lifetime
        Axis                                               ERDF
        PA5         River Hull + (PA5)                    £2,810,492      £4,684,153

        PA6         River Hull + (PA6)                      £699,964      £1,116,606
                    Gypsey Race Park and Avenue
        PA6                                                 £697,154      £1,161,923
                    Phase One (Bridlington)
                    World Class Environment: World
        PA6                                               £1,150,027      £1,916,717
                    Class Industry (NEL)
                    Port of Immingham Sea Defence
        PA5                                               £1,300,000      £2,166,667
                                                          £6,657,637     £11,046,066

Enterprise Zones
At 1,238ha (3,059 acres), the Humber has the largest Enterprise Zone in the country,
comprising a package of 49 sites to suit the needs of a wide range of businesses.
The Humber Enterprise Zone was created in three tranches. The Humber Renewable
Energy Super Cluster and Humber Green Port Corridor sites were awarded EZ status in
2012, while the remaining sites gained EZ status through an extension to the zone from 1
April 2016. New business incentives for the first phase EZ sites have now expired.

As of end of January 2019, 41 new companies have located on Enterprise Zones land,
generating 1,677 jobs on the EZ sites. In 2018/19 financial year, up to January 2019, 3 new
companies located on the enterprise zone sites and 328 jobs were generated on the EZ
The LEP Priority Actions for 2019/20 are to work with Local Authorities to refresh the
marketing literature on Enterprise Zones to reflect the currently available incentives and
continue to work with land owners and Local Authorities to ensure the correct infrastructure
is in place to attract further investment into these Zones.

Key Actions / Targets

   Methodology developed throughout 2019/20 which will provide the Humber LEP with
    clear oversight of Enterprise Zone retained business rates collected and spend in the
    Humber by member Local Authorities
   Update of EZ marketing literature

4.       Collaboration and Influencing
Strategic Objective: Use our collaboration and influencing powers to bring about
change and enable joint working on activity that drives growth in the Humber

4.1      Background

The LEP is a partnership, so most of what we do is in collaboration with a range of partner
organisations. We use our influencing powers to drive change, and convene local and
national partners to work on shared priorities. We engage with Government on a range of
issues. We work closely and collaborate with other LEPs including our neighbouring LEPs,
those from across the Northern Powerhouse and nationally through the LEP Network.

4.2      Delivery Plan 2019/20

Cross-LEP collaboration will continue to be a key feature of our activity in 2019/20.
Following the Government’s decision to end LEP overlaps, the Humber LEP and Greater
Lincolnshire LEP are developing a joint approach to dealing with areas of shared interest.
The LEPs are committed to collaborating on a focused set of issues where it is relevant to
work together and will add value.
The Humber LEP will also seek to formalise collaborative arrangements with the York, North
Yorkshire and East Riding LEP once its merger discussions with Leeds City Region are
complete. On some issues it may be appropriate to take a three-LEP approach.
The following Sections (4.4.3 to 4.4.5) provide an overview of the range of collaboration and
influencing activities that will be taking place across the thematic areas of Skills, Business
and Infrastructure in 2019/20.
In 2019/20, key targets / actions will include:

        Effective Collaboration Plan in place with Greater Lincolnshire LEP by May 2019.
        Soft Launch of the Invest Humber Website at the Business Day Event – 07 June
        Pro-active Social Media launch and promotion of the Invest Humber site – Summer
        Continued roll-out of the Employability Skills Passport validations, promotion and
         engagement of employers in the programme
        Work with DIT to promote the High Potential Opportunities Offer for Saltend
         Chemicals Park
        Continue to work with investors in the Humber, including Siemens Mobility, Yorkshire
         Energy Park and Velocys to ensure barriers to development are minimised

4.2.1    Skills

Humber Skills Network

The Humber LEP Skills Network brings together key agencies, stakeholders and delivery
partners that provide leadership to the employment and skills agenda in the Humber. The
Network is used to cascade information about the Employment and Skills Strategy, consult
on developments and share relevant information to stakeholders.

The Network provides a forum for agencies involved in all aspects of employment, skills and
education in the Humber to meet to share information and good practice. It also influences
employment and skills provision in line with economic priorities.

Currently the Skills Network has over 400 members, with meetings held quarterly attracting
attendance from over 60 members. In 2019/20, we will continue to engage and disseminate
key information through the Skills Network.

Employability Skills Passport

As part of the Humber LEP’s commitment to improve the level of employability skills
throughout the Humber, a validation approach has been developed and agreed by the
Employment and Skills Board. This has seen the development of a framework of
expectations for any employability passports submitted for validation, based on the CBI’s
seven employability skills.

A trailblazer pilot programme has tested the validation framework capturing both employer
and provider feedback. In 2019/20 there will be the continued roll-out of the Employability
Skills Passport validations and promotion and engagement of employers in the programme
utilising funding from the Skills Support for the Workforce programme.

Humber Talent Forum

The role of the Talent Forum is to provide improved real time information from recruiters on
job roles that are hard to fill in the Humber region, which will in turn identify skills gaps and
inform skills funding decisions and influence the Training Agenda in the region. Group
membership now represents 30 businesses and organisations, across north and south bank,
including major employers from Food, Oil & Gas, Renewables, Ports and Logistics and

The Forum’s quarterly meetings are themed around specific topics suggested by members
with input from the LEP on relevant employment and skills related issues.

Institute of Technology

The Humber and YNYER LEPs will continue to support the development of the proposed
Institute of Technology (IoT), which has just been confirmed as one of only twelve in the
country. The IoT will bring investment of circa £10million of capital funding into the region for
partners to invest in industry standard equipment and provide higher level technical training.

The IoT has a clear vision for step change in technical skills and productivity, delivered
through an employer led coalition within three sectors that are recognised within the
Industrial Strategy as key to the UK’s future economic success: engineering, manufacturing
and agri-tech, with digital technology as the underpinning and enabling force.

Partners in this collaboration are:

     Employers: ENGIE Fabricom, Seachill, Skipton Building Society, VisR
     Providers: York College (acting as lead), Askam Bryan, Craven College, East Riding
      College, Grimsby Institute, Selby College, Bishop Burton College.
     Membership organisation: CATCH
     Higher Education: University of Hull, York St John

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