IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College

Page created by Enrique Stephens
IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
                                                           Page 2 - Social Sciences: from strength to strength
    July 2020                                            Page 4 - Sports teams frustrated by COVID disruption
                                                                             Page 6 - Itchen Radio 2019-2020
                                                              Page 8 - Business students run teamwork event
                                                                                         & start of term dates

     Plans for teaching in September
     The government have recently        and online learning should the       one third of the size of some
     stated their firm intention         need arise.                          other Hampshire colleges, and
     to return colleges to full                                               are therefore not faced with
     attendance from September.          We plan to operate a modified        the same challenges that the
     We fully support a safe return      version of our usual college-        COVID-19 pandemic presents to
     to full classroom teaching          based enrolment process in           much larger institutions.
     after the summer break. It is a     late August, before welcoming
     challenging and unpredictable       students back to a campus which      This term, teaching staff
     time for everyone, but we would     has been thoughtfully equipped       have been making good use
     like to share with you our plans    and adapted to keep students         of innovative products such
     for the new academic year.          and staff safe.                      as Screencastify, Peardeck
                                                                              and Loom to deliver live and
     Itchen College has committed        We are very aware that many          recorded remote lessons, but we
     to providing students with a        students have struggled with         know that students much prefer
     flexible morning and afternoon      the isolation of remote learning,    the social interaction and more
     contract bus shuttle service        and are very keen to get back to     personal delivery provided by
     during the 2020-2021 academic       the socially and intellectually      lively and responsive classroom
     year, to offer students greater     stimulating environment of the       teaching.
     convenience in getting to and       college. We have missed our
     from college. In a move that will   students, and would like to think    We have therefore modified our
     be very popular with students       that they have missed us too! For    existing timetable slightly to
     using the contract bus service,     many of our students, the two or     enable all students to benefit
     the shuttle arrangement will        three years they spend at Itchen     from full-time classroom
     enable students to travel at        are among the most enjoyable         learning, while limiting ‘trapped
     times that suit their timetable     periods of their lives, and we are   time’ so that they do not need
     commitments.                        keen for our new and returning       to remain in college when they
                                         students to be able to enjoy         have no scheduled lessons.
     This will help to reduce the        campus life again. We therefore
     numbers of students using           plan to provide as near to a         If there is a second spike or a
     the college’s social spaces         normal experience as possible,       regional outbreak of COVID-19
     and will enable us to provide       while maintaining safety at all      which forces us to go back
     classroom-based teaching rather     times.                               temporaily to a blended learning
     than having to deliver course                                            arrangement in order to keep
     content through remote, online      We are lucky in that we are a        students and staff safe, the
     learning. However, should social    relatively small, community          new timetable structure and
     distancing return in some form,     college, and do not need to          the shuttle bus arrangement
     this new arrangement will also      accommodate huge numbers             will allow us to respond quickly
     allow us to more practicably        of students in very congested        and easily so that teaching and
     deliver a blend of face-to-face     social areas. We are around          learning remain effective.

IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
Social Sciences: from strength to strength
    The Social Sciences & Care            purpose and perfectly aligned o      over 90% of students progress
    faculty at Itchen has a shared        the community which it serves.       into related career destinations
    vision of being a force for           The faculty boasts outstanding       or higher education courses.
    change. The faculty is a              high-grade (A*-B) pass rates with
    dynamic, highly experienced           the following results:               In both Childcare and Health
    and forward thinking team with                                             & Social Care, students are in
    a shared passion for student          Childcare: 97%                       placements each week and
    progression to higher education       Health & Social Care: 92%            will be located in a different
    or employment.                        Sociology: 74%                       workplace setting each term.
                                          Psychology: 34%                      Many of our students have
    The faculty has a well                                                     subsequently been employed
    established track record of           In Childcare, the Early Years team   by those placements upon
    success, both in terms of results     celebrated as the five A grades      completing their studies with us.
    and in developing courses that        awarded nationally for external
    maximise student outcomes and         assessments were awarded to          Sociology and Care courses
    enrichment.                           five Itchen students. Similarly,     regularly lead on varied charity
                                          in Health & Social Care the only     work such as raising money
    In 2019, the faculty again            eight A*s awarded nationally         for Women’s Aid and Save The
    illustrated that its innovative and   for external assessments were        Children. The whole faculty have
    dynamic approach to teaching          awarded to eight of our Health &     also been involved in lighting up
    and learning ensured that             Social Care students.                the whole college pink at night
    students progressed to broad                                               during October in aid of Breast
    and varied destinations with          The faculty also proudly runs        Cancer Haven.
    outstanding pass rates. Every         the college’s Extended Project
    course in the faculty secured         Qualification which saw all          The faculty also has a proven
    100% pass rates, meaning that         students far exceed their            track record of students applying
    significant value had been added      aspirational grades and ensured      for Social Science related courses
    to each and every learner.            their progression on to university   at the University of Cambridge
                                          destination.                         and the University of Oxford.
    The teaching team has ensured                                              Ella Thomas, currently studying
    that courses are sequenced            Part of the faculty’s success        Sociology and Psychology, will
    in a way that builds personal         is in its commitment to              join the University of Cambridge
    confidence as well as conceptual      preparation for employment           in 2021 following a gap year.
    learning, and that they have a        and development of career
    curriculum content that is fit for    aspiration. Across our courses,

IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
Turning the college pink
     for Breast Cancer Haven

     Red Nose Day and
International Women’s Day

IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
Sports teams frustrated by COVID disruption
    This has been a hugely               ahead of the second placed team      given that this year’s competition
    successful, yet ultimately           at the start of lockdown that they   will not be completed.
    frustrating season for Itchen’s      have been awarded the county
    sports teams. The pandemic           title once again.                    Men’s Basketball
    brought everything to a sudden
    halt and it is now highly unlikely   Sadly, however, they will be         The Basketball Academy
    that the final few games of the      denied a likely league and cup       continued their dominance as
    season will be played. This is       treble. A few days before the        the Elite Basketball Academy in
    hugely disappointing when the        season was suspended the team        Hampshire. The men’s team are
    season promised so much.             had reached the final of the         coached by ‘Coach of the Year’
                                         county cup and the semi-final        (NBL D1) Matt Guymon and Jack
    Men’s Football                       of the ECFA national knockout        O’Keeffe.
                                         cup. These competitions will not
    Itchen have again dominated          be completed, and the team has       The 1st team had a respectable
    college football within the          been left contemplating what         finish of 5th in the National
    Hampshire League programme.          might have been.                     Elite Academy League (EABL),
    The men’s team have been                                                  effectively ranking them as the
    county champions for 12 of the       Women’s Football                     5th strongest college team in the
    last 14 seasons, with only one                                            country.
    other college – Peter Symonds        The women’s football team was
    College in Winchester – denying      also awarded the county league       Such is the strength of basketball
    them a clean sweep over this         title. The team had already          at Itchen that our 2nd team
    lengthy period.                      played and won all of their          compete in the Hampshire 1st
                                         fixtures when lockdown came,         team League (against the 1st
    This year’s team is arguably the     so couldn’t be caught. In the        teams of other colleges) and
    strongest ever Itchen team, and      ten year history of the women’s      won the league title for the 11th
    was unbeaten in all competitions     league programme, no other           season in a row. The team made
    when the season came to a            college has won the Hampshire        the Hampshire Cup Final for
    premature end. With just four        league.                              the 11th successive year, but
    league games left to play, the                                            unfortunately the finals were
    1st XI had won every one of their    As current national Knockout         cancelled due to the pandemic.
    fixtures and had conceded just       Cup champions, Itchen will
    three goals. They were so far        retain the cup for another year,

IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
The 3rd team went unbeaten            of competing in the English        led to vast improvements within
in their first season in the          Schools’ championships.            the squads, allowing Itchen
Hampshire 2nd Team League to                                             to push once again for the top
clinch the league title.              Rugby                              places in both the leagues and
                                                                         seasonal tournaments.
Women’s Basketball                    Under Derek Manning’s
                                      leadership, the Rugby Academy      Yaz has attracted some excellent
The women’s basketball team           has become one of only 28          players to the college including
were able to win the Hampshire        accredited RFU colleges in the     three Surrey Storm junior players
League title for the 8th year in      country.                           Zoe Moseley, Amber Chapman
succession, finishing all games                                          and Gabriella Moore who feature
unbeaten. A second season in          Golf                               in the U17, U19 and U21 squads.
the Women’s Elite Basketball                                             Zoe was also selected for the AoC
League allowed the team to play       The Golf Academy continues to      (British Colleges) netball team in
against the best in the country.      strengthen its reputation as one   her first year.
The team continued to improve         of the strongest golf academies
in this tough league and finished     in the south of England, with an   These are exciting times for
in a very creditable 5th place.       impressive record of individual    netball at Itchen, and the
                                      and team successes.                coaches are hoping to recruit
Athletics                                                                more talented players next
                                      Netball                            year from local club links such
The Athletics academy is packed                                          as Swan, Weston Park Blades,
with talent, and enjoyed success      Our Netball Academy has been       Dreams, Shooting Stars and
at this year’s indoor national        boosted by the addition of         Fireflies to continue adding
championships in February,            Yasmin Parsons to the PE staff.    strength and depth to the college
before COVID-19 wiped out the                                            netball teams.
outdoor track and field season.       Yasmin is an England Vitality
                                      Roses squad member and Surrey      The high quality coaches across
Notable successes were gold           Storm Super League player, and     the Sports Academy teams are
(cross country), silver (shot putt)   joins Shirley Eastwood to form     keen to meet our new first years
& bronze (400m) at the indoor         a top quality coaching team.       for the 2020-2021 season and get
nationals, but the team was           Her experience and depth of        to work!
sadly denied the opportunity          knowledge at the elite level has

IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
Itchen Radio 2019-2020
    Itchen Radio is the college’s own station created     the regular magazine style shows which mix music,
    to give students an opportunity to experience the     interviews and features. One of our most popular
    world of live radio broadcasting.                     formats is Tropical Island Records™ in which our
                                                          presenters interview members of staff and play
    Students are responsible for writing, presenting      their music choices. This is our longest running
    and recording their own shows and features. They      show with the first episodes broadcast in 2006.
    source their own guests for interviews or live
    music and regularly feature high profile guests,      Over the years, many Itchen Radio presenters have
    particularly from the worlds of sport, music, film/   gone on to work in media jobs, including:
    TV and politics.
                                                          • Joe Prince-Wright - MSNBC Sports Anchor
    Under the direction of Station Controller Dave        • Jono Holmes - Capital Radio Breakfast Show and
    Newman and Studio Engineer Rich Stevens, Itchen         BBC Radio Solent
    Radio broadcast from their own, purpose-built         • Stuart Appleby - Professional Video Journalist
    studio in three regular time slots a week and even    • Louis O’Brien - BBC Producer
    more often when the students are particularly         • Aidan Small - Arsenal FC
    prolific. We enjoy a partnership with Unity101        • Sam Cox - Arsenal FC
    Community Radio which means Itchen Radio              • Dan Briard - Luton Town FC
    broadcasts across the whole of Southampton at         • Matt Jenkins - Capital Radio
    101.1FM between 2 and 3pm on Mondays.                 • Calum Cashin - Music Journalist
                                                          • Ed Morris - Unity 101 Media Manager
    The main Itchen Radio team is made up of second
    year Journalism students and changes every year.     Last year, former Itchen student Georgia Keetch
    This team is responsible for the Friday shows.       was awarded the prestigious Steve Hewlett
                                                         Scholarship. She has been working with industry
    It’s not just Journalism students who work on the    professionals, including the BBC, while studying for
    radio. Any student with an interest can get involved a BA (Hons) Journalism at the University of Sussex.
    with Itchen Extra which goes out on Wednesdays       Only two of these scholarships are awarded each
    and enables more niche or genre shows.               year, from approximately 800 applicants.

    Itchen Radio regularly covers mental health           With the continuing enthusiasm of our students,
    issues, student well-being and advice on jobs and     we expect Itchen Radio to continue to go from
    higher education, Black History Month, Holocaust      strength to strength.
    Memorial Day and Southampton Pride as well as

IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
This year, we’ve had several regular shows with specific focus:

                                        House of Hammond
                                        This is Sam Hammond’s politics show. In the recent
                                        political landscape, Sam has interviewed an extraordinary
                                        number of politicians, from local councillors to high-profile
                                        cabinet members and MPs. Notably, Caroline Nokes, Suella
                                        Braverman, Royston Smith, Caroline Dinenage and Alan
                                        Whitehead. He has also interviewed respected journalists such
                                        as Peter Henley, Phil Thornby and Iain Dale.

                                        20th Century Summer
                                        Summer Clarke-Graham has shared her love of 20th century
                                        music, presenting a series of shows with eclectic and
                                        sometimes surprising playlists from the 60s to the 90s. If
                                        you’ve heard ABBA on Itchen Radio, it will probably have been
                                        on one of Summer’s shows!

                                        Callum and Connor’s TV & Film Show
                                        Callum Pearman and Connor Amos, with editorial input
                                        from Oscar Surry, have been focussing on the ever-changing
                                        landscape of TV and film, covering the myriad of streaming
                                        services as well as terrestrial, cable and satellite TV.

                                        Itchen Live Sessions
                                        Millie James has recorded live studio sessions and interviews
                                        with a plethora of local bands, including Bash!, Jetski Babylon,
                                        Djuno, Georgia Turnbull, Artemis and Buds.

                                        Itchen’s Sports Show
                                        Itchen Radio’s sports team have covered a wide range of
                                        international sport and spoken to the likes of Jason Dodd, Joe
                                        Partington and Alan Knight M.B.E.

IC N - Itchen Sixth Form College
Business students run teamwork event
                Earlier this year over a two day period, our second
                year level 3 Business students ran an event for over
                100 people here at Itchen College.

                They had to design and organise every aspect as
                part of their coursework for their qualification. They
                decided to base the event around a variety of team
                building activities, similar to the type of activities
                that are often included in an interview process. This
                required them to liaise with members of staff, invite
                and register participants, while also ensuring that they
                followed health and safety regulations. Fortunately
                this event took place before the current pandemic.

                This was a great opportunity for the students to extend
                their learning outside the classroom to gain some
                real experiences of the world of work. The students
                had to design and plan every detail of the event from
                start to finish, ensuring they obtained any equipment
                required, monitored timings and rehearsed every
                aspect to enable the event to run smoothly. Many
                of the students took on key responsibilities such as
                presenting at the event, or explaining and guiding their
                fellow students through a wide variety of activities.
                Although many of the students were nervous before
                hand, they rose to the challenge and the event ran to
                schedule. They received excellent feedback from the
                participants while also enabling them to gain some
                worthwhile experiences and skills that they can use in
                their future careers.

Start of term dates                               Parents’ Presentation
 Second year students start:                        Our Parent Information Presentation
     Friday 4 September                                can be found on our website.

  First year students start:                                    www.itchen.ac.uk
     Monday 7 September
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