IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019

Page created by Tyler Griffith
IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
 a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
The Steamboat Institute’s mission of defending the nation’s first principles has been amplified by a steady
drumbeat of state and national press coverage. This has allowed our message to echo far beyond the walls of our
events, reaching exponentially more people than we could fit in even the largest conference rooms or auditoriums.

This booklet provides a sampling of this media presence over 2019. I am proud to say it is on par or even exceeds
the presence of some of the biggest and most well-established state think tanks. In addition to news coverage,
this booklet contains a stream of op-eds I have written for state and local publications which allows us to put forth
a fuller and more persuasive case for free minds and free markets.

This booklet only contains our print media coverage. The Steamboat Institute has also been regularly featured on
Colorado radio stations (with reach throughout the Rocky Mountain region), and our latest Freedom Conference
and Campus Liberty Tour were covered by C-SPAN.

Please take a moment to browse through this booklet to gain a deeper understanding of The Steamboat Institute’s
priorities, scope, and influence on the public debate we care so much about.

Jennifer Schubert-Akin
Chairman, CEO and Co-founder
IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
•   Also ran in the Orange County Register, Santa Clarita Valley Signal, Long Beach Press
        Telegram, San Bernardino Sun, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, The Daily Breeze, The Daily
        Bulletin, The Pasadena Star News, Redland Daily Facts, Steamboat Pilot, and Alva

The fight for free speech on college campuses
January 21, 2019

Last month, California            free and open debate.            Free speech on campus is
Rep. Ted Lieu said, “I            Across the country,              especially important
would love to be able to          colleges have instituted         because this is where the
regulate the content of           speech codes, free speech        next generation of business
speech; the First                 zones, prohibitions against      and political leaders are
Amendment prevents me             perceived verbal slights         forming their opinions and
from doing so.”                   known as “micro-                 ideas. In order to make
                                  aggressions,” among a            these opinions robust and
This remarkable statement         slew of other speech             advance human
is just the latest in a string    controls.                        knowledge, a competitive
of attacks against free                                            marketplace of ideas —
speech by California              Last month, the                  unencumbered by controls
policymakers. Last year,          Foundation for Individual        — must exist to test and
the state legislature             Rights in Education              challenge them.
introduced a bill to              released a report finding
regulate “fake news” on           that 90 percent of public        Free speech is not only
social media and ban              and private higher               necessary to advance
books that counseled              education institutions in        human knowledge but also
against gender                    the U.S. restrict the speech     to protect against
reassignment surgery. In          of their faculty and             recurrently popular, yet
addition, its law requiring       students. And last year, a       dangerous, arguments.
pregnancy centers to              Gallup/Knight Foundation         How are students — and
advertise abortion services       poll found that 61 percent       future generations —
was struck down by the            of college students believe      supposed to be able to
U.S. Supreme Court.               that the climate on their        reason against, for
                                  campus “prevents some            instance, tribalism or
The threat to free speech is      students from expressing         eugenics unless they are
greatest on college               their views.”                    exposed to them?
campuses, which are
supposed to be places of

IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
Philosopher John Stuart         and creativity could itself       Harvard Law professor
Mill said it best when he       be subject to government          Alan Dershowitz and
argued that without free        regulations if free speech        University of Pennsylvania
debate, people cling to         protections disappear.            law professor Amy Wax,
their opinions like they                                          will further this case for
hold on to their prejudices,    Fortunately, there has been       free speech on campus at a
believing them to be right      a recent backlash against         public event at Pepperdine
but not really                  campus speech controls.           University. In addition to
understanding why, or ever      More than 50 colleges,            their persuasive arguments,
seriously considering that      including several in              they can draw on their
they might be wrong. “He        California, have adopted          personal experiences,
who knows only his own          the so-called “Chicago            being on the receiving end
side of the case,” argued       Statement” — produced by          of attempts to stifle their
Mill, “knows little of that.”   the Committee on Freedom          speech.
                                of Expression at the
Unsurprisingly, free            University of Chicago —           This free speech fight will
speech controls seem to be      guaranteeing “all members         be victorious when the
impeding learning on            of the University                 overwhelming majority of
campus. Several recent          community the broadest            college campuses commit
studies have found most         possible latitude to speak,       to preserving free speech
students show little-to-no      write, listen, challenge, and     and when business and
improvement in analytical       learn.” It codifies that “it is   political leaders can make
reasoning, critical thinking,   not the proper role of the        the case for it beyond
problem solving, and            University to attempt to          simply falling back on the
writing skills over the         shield individuals from           First Amendment as a
course of their college         ideas and opinions they           crutch — or a roadblock.
studies.                        find unwelcome,
                                disagreeable, or even             Jennifer Schubert-Akin is
Ironically, the biggest         deeply offensive.”                the Chairman and CEO of
proponents of campus                                              The Steamboat Institute.
speech controls are             On January 31st, two of
students and faculty in the     the nation’s leading free
liberal arts, whose writing     speech proponents,

IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
Controversial Debate Comes to Campus
JANUARY 31, 2019

Freedom of speech is           zones,'” according to the      not just for conservative
guaranteed for Americans       Pepperdine Public Policy       people or for people of
under the Bill of Rights,      website.                       faith, but to encourage all
but are college campuses       Pete Peterson, the dean of     people to feel free to share
restricting that right? This   the School of Public           their ideas and beliefs.
is the question the School     Policy, said in a phone
of Public Policy’s forum       interview this event is part   “As a policy school, we’re
seeks to address.              of a larger goal of the        preparing people to go into
                               School of Public Policy to     politics, and that’s a pretty
“Are American College          encourage viewpoint            rough field these days,”
Campuses ‘Free Speech’         diversity.                     Peterson said. “But at the
Zones?” will take place                                       same time, I think if we
Thursday Jan. 31 through       “This is the concept of,       can prepare people both in
Pepperdine’s School of         whether in campus              the classroom and through
Public Policy, partnering      speakers, or academic          events like this to talk
with Steamboat Institute.      hiring or just in what in      about contentious issues in
The event will be a            students can say in the        a civil way, frankly, that’s
discussion between             classroom, there’s a           the only way we’re going
University of Pennsylvania     respect for diversity in       to solve the biggest
Law School Professor           opinion,” Peterson said.       challenges that are facing
Amy Wax and Harvard            “We’re hoping it’s another     the country and our
Law School Professor           step in showing how            communities.”
Alan Dershowitz.               people, even at different
Professor Robert Kaufman       parts of the political         This is not the first time
of the Pepperdine School       spectrum, can agree on the     Pepperdine has hosted
of Public Policy will          importance of the freedom      controversial speakers. In
moderate the event.            to express your opinion        April, conservative
                               and to do it in a civil way.   political commentator and
“This discussion will          “                              writer Ben Shapiro spoke
provide insight from                                          about acceptable political
different points of view as    Peterson said the School of    discourse and
to whether American            Public Policy also wants to    institutionalized racism.
campuses are ‘free speech      show viewpoint diversity       The sold-out event caused

IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
a stir on campus and            Shapiro, but both Wax and     persuasions to talk about
prompted a discussion           Dershowitz are known as       important issues in civil
between club leaders,           prominent figures in this     ways. The university has
students and faculty on         debate.                       that phrase, ‘convicted
how to best create a            Peterson said there has       civility,’ and I think [the
welcoming and respectful        been little to no pushback    event] is going to be an
atmosphere.                     from this event however,      evening of how we
                                which is encouraging to       demonstrate and witness
Shapiro said this meeting       him, as it shows a general    convicted civility right
was a “bitch-fest,” which       support.                      before us.”
he later partially retracted
and said, “I apologize for      The event is not designed     The event will take place
calling it a bitch-fest if it   for a particular audience     at 7 p.m. in Smothers
was not, in fact, a bitch-      but rather to make a space    Theatre. The event is free
fest.” People who               for open and honest           to the public and
supported or opposed            deliberation and              refreshments will be
Shapiro’s views attended        disagreement, Peterson        served after. The speakers
the event and were allowed      said.                         will be selling their books
to question Shapiro in a                                      and participating in a book
question and answer             “These are two brilliant      signing as well. Those
session.                        people [and so] you’re        interested in attending can
                                going to hear extremely       register on the Public
“Are American College           thoughtful opinions,”         Policy website or for more
Campuses ‘Free Speech’          Peterson said. “We need to    information can e-mail
Zones?” may not be as           find opportunity for people   sppevents@pepperdine.ed
controversial as hosting        of different political        u or call 310-506-7490.

IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
Law professors opine on state of free speech
during stop at Pepperdine
February 7, 2019
By Barbara Burke

The right to free speech is   a central tenet of           to ancient Greece and the
a cornerstone of the First    democracy for millennia,     Magna Carta.
Amendment and has been        with its roots dating back

IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
•   Also ran in the Colorado Springs Gazette

TABOR a target unless Supreme Court puts
it out of reach
Mar 4, 2019
By Joey Bunch

Colorado's most important        subject rule" that says        TABOR to government
political football is on the     ballot questions can only      and partisan interests in
tee. The state Supreme           take up one thing at a time.   Colorado is what John
Court in the coming weeks                                       Elway is to football.
could put the future of the      “People put it in the          And on the current
Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights        Constitution as one            political playing field, with
in play or put it out of         measure; it seems like         the left in the lead, it seems
reach.                           people ought to have the       to TABOR foes to be the
Liberals and conservatives       power to take it out as one    right time to take down the
are paying close attention,      measure,” said Carol           conservatives' coveted
because TABOR, as it's           Hedges, executive director     constitutional block
called, controls how the         of the Colorado Fiscal         between taxing and
state caps spending and          Institute, who filed the       spending.
government growth.               request with Secretary of
Critics says it also hobbles     State Jena Griswold’s          “Now is the time because
Colorado's ability to invest     office to collect signatures   people across Colorado are
in schools, transportation       to get it on the ballot in     frustrated because we’ve
and the other spoils of          November.                      got a lot of challenges
population growth.                                              that’s resulting from the
                                 Taking TABOR apart in          growth we’re experiences
Some of those who believe        pieces would take years, if    and we don’t have many
the latter want voters to        not decades, and more          tools to deal with them,”
decide this year if TABOR        campaign money than I          Hedges told me. “TABOR
can be undone with a             can imagine, so any real       is more than 26 years old,
single ballot initiative.        change is going to take a      passed in 1992, and it
Opponents and the law say        broad swipe. What the          locks in the taxing system
TABOR is so big and              Supreme Court decides is a     we had then.
multi-layered that a single      big fiscal deal.
vote would violate the                                          “I think there are a lot of
state's so-called "single                                       people today who look at

IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
that and say, ‘I don’t think   “Consent matters," Amy          pass a sales tax increase to
that makes sense.'”            Oliver Cooke, executive         address it.
                               vice president for the
In 1992, when 23 percent       Independence Institute,         Without TABOR,
of the Colorado electorate     stated in a news release        Democrats who now
voted for Ross Perot and       about the poll. "As some        control both chambers of
his anti-government            elected officials and           the legislature and
economic ideas, a Donald       special interest groups         governor's office could
Trump-like pitch man from      collude against taxpayers       make quick work of a tax
Colorado Springs named         with plans to dismantle this    increase to fight traffic
Douglas Bruce led the          wildly popular ...              jams. And they very likely
crusade to pass TABOR.         constitutional amendment,       would.
                               the results of this survey      Broadly, TABOR could be
Two years later, Colorado      should give them pause.         the fight Colorado
voters passed Referendum       Attempts to weaken it or        Republicans need right
A, the rule that limits any    erode voter consent won’t       now.
ballot question to a single    be well-received by
subject. TABOR and the         Coloradans.”                    Smarting from losses
single-subject rule have                                       across the electoral
since survived a slew of       To get on the ballot for the    landscape last November,
direct and indirect court      next election, proponents       the Colorado GOP needs
challenges.                    of any measure will need        something to rally around.
                               valid signatures from           Though recent polling
A coalition of conservative    124,632 Colorado voters.        shows most Republicans in
groups already has             That represents 5 percent       the state stand by President
commissioned a poll that       of total number of votes        Trump, many GOP
indicates broad public         cast in the last secretary of   members on the ballot next
support for TABOR. The         state's race. That's also       year are tepid about
pack includes the usual        about 26,000 more               hitching their wagon to
fiscally conservative          signatures than the             that beast of burden.
suspects: The                  previous four years,
Independence Institute,        because of the high 2016        But you won't find many,
Americans for Prosperity-      turnout.                        if any, on the right who
Colorado, Colorado Rising                                      aren't willing to go to war
Action,                        Getting on the ballot is one    to defend TABOR. and       tough hurdle; selling the       “I think a lot of
the Steamboat Institute.       need is another.                conservatives would be
                                                               excited to have that battle,”
Given the definition of        Colorado has a massive          said Michael Fields,
TABOR, which requires a        transportation problem,         executive director of
vote of the citizenry on tax   everyone agrees, but last       Colorado Rising Action
matters, 71 percent of the     year not even the Denver        and one of the brightest
500 Coloradans who were        Metro Chamber of                political minds around.
polled liked what they         Commerce and a coalition        “TABOR is very popular,
heard.                         of statewide partners could     and when it’s 'full repeal'
                                                               it’s an easier argument. It

IN THE NEWS a compilation of Steamboat Institute Press Coverage 2019
unites the right when          tax donors who might be
there’s too much infighting    dismayed by Colorado's       There are a lot of political
going on on our side of the    drift to the left.           dynamics vying for
aisle."                                                     attention at the local, state
                               Bringing that outside        and national levels this
And for organizations such     interest and money back to   spring, but this one is
as his and the                 Colorado can't be anything   worth watching.
Independence Institute, it's   but good if you're on the
a rainmaker issue for anti-    Republican side.

We expect better from our local newspaper
March 14, 2019
                                Brodie Farquhar                 a troubling trend often seen
We applaud Steamboat            attempting to ridicule The      from extremists on both
Pilot & Today’s Feb. 26         Steamboat Institute             the left and the right, and
editorial calling for greater   without a hint of factual       we associate ourselves
civility in public and          basis or a trace of             with the perspective voiced
political debate. As the        constructive dialogue.          by Pulitzer Prize-winning
editorial said, “it’s                                           columnist Peggy Noonan
important that we treat one     The Steamboat Institute is      of The Wall Street Journal,
another with dignity and        highly regarded as a            who recently wrote:
respect, even when we           principled public policy        “Social media is full of
disagree.”                      nonprofit organization          swarming political and
                                whose mission is to             ideological mobs. In an
We also agree that the          promote free and open           interesting departure from
Pilot should help to “create    debate on the national          democratic tradition, they
a place where constructive      stage, at the state level, on   don’t try to win the other
dialogue takes place and        colleges campuses and in        side over. They only
opposing views are              communities throughout          condemn and attempt to
welcome”… and that “it’s        the country. As friends and     silence.”
essential that people listen    supporters of the Institute,
to one another, present         we have no issue with a         To us, the Pilot’s decision
their perspective with an       fact-based rebuttal of any      to run Mr. Farquhar’s letter
emphasis on facts over          Institute activity, program     not only ignores the
emotion, focus on the           or speaker, but empty           editorial standards the Pilot
common good rather than         defamation is pointless.        recently embraced but also
an individual agenda,                                           ignites the very passions
refrain from personal           And let us be clear. We are     that Ms. Noonan and other
attacks and bullying and        not writing to respond to       thoughtful observers of our
communicate with an             Mr. Farquhar. He has            nation’s politics rightly
openness to other’s ideas.”     every right to sit at his       find troubling. A sampling
                                computer 24/7 and turn his      of the online commentary
It is because we share this     opinions into sentences         around Mr. Farquhar’s
common ground with one          and paragraphs. The issue,      letter makes this point fully
of the Yampa Valley’s           front and center, is the        and forcefully.
most significant media          Pilot’s decision to publish
voices, we found ourselves      his letter.                     “SI inviting right wing
greatly disappointed that,                                      extremists to spew more
on March 6, the Pilot ran a     This said, we view Mr.          conspiracy theories,
letter to the editor from       Farquhar’s letter as part of    nonsense, misinformation

and destructive                 backward. There are letters   Amelia Hetfield
propaganda, …” “the SI is       to the editor that do not     Madison, Wisconsin
both apologist and              merit publication. There      June MacArthur
obfuscator for extreme          are participants in the       Steamboat Springs
conservatism. Freedom           online discussions who        Ed MacArthur
Forum, I believe, is simply     should plainly be barred.     Steamboat Springs
an elaborate exercise in        You know the standards.       John Lamb
applying lipstick to various    You have stated them. We      Castle Rock, Colorado
conservative pigs: greed,       encourage you to follow       Sara Lamb
racism, vampiric                them.                         Castle Rock, Colorado
capitalism, anti-Islam,                                       Anne Lowe
mysoginy [sic], etc.”           In the end, our local         Steamboat Springs
                                newspaper should be better    Rich Lowe
So, our message to the          than what we are fed daily    Steamboat Springs
Pilot is this: Your editorial   by the shabby world of        Toni George
on civility was an              cable “news” TV.              Hartford, Wisconsin
important step forward.                                       Curt Weiss
But your decision to            Ron Lazof                     Steamboat Springs
provide a forum for Mr.         Dallas, Texas                 Mary Weiss
Farquhar’s empty                Rick Dowden                   Steamboat Springs
defamation is two steps         Steamboat Springs

One of America’s best-known criminal
lawyers to headline Steamboat Institute’s
Freedom Conference
By: Derek Malolo
April 3, 2019
                              A graduate of Brooklyn         She met Dershowitz in
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS             College and Yale Law           January during the
— A prominent, at times       School, Dershowitz joined      organization’s Campus
controversial lawyer and      the faculty of Harvard Law     Freedom Tour series,
academic has been named       School in 1964 at the age      which promotes free
the keynote speaker at        of 25. Three years later, he   speech at universities
Steamboat Institute’s 11th    became the youngest law        across the country. The
annual Freedom                professor to be granted        series has been a reaction
Conference this summer.       tenure in Harvard’s            to students protesting
                              history.                       controversial figures from
Alan Dershowitz, whose                                       speaking on campus or
law career spans more than    He has since retired from      colleges banning such
50 years, has been a          teaching and has focused       speakers altogether.
dogged proponent of civil     his attention on the
rights and freedom of         political scene.               Schubert-Akin was
speech. His nonpartisan       His recent involvement in      impressed by Dershowitz,
backing of Constitutional     headliner issues, such as      who spoke to students
rights, even in political     the Mueller investigation      about the importance of
issues, has elicited          and discussions over           allowing open discourse at
criticism and praise from     Trump’s impeachment,           universities, even on
both sides of the aisle.      was a major reason             polemic issues. She
                              Steamboat Institute chose      strongly supports that
Dershowitz garnered           him as this year’s keynote     view.
widespread media attention    speaker.
for his involvement in                                       “Students need to learn
several high-profile legal    “Each year, our goal is to     how to develop robust
cases, including              make the speakers and          arguments,” she said.
successfully defending O.J.   panels as timely as            “That means you
Simpson in the former         possible,” said Jennifer       sometimes have to be
football player’s 1995        Schubert-Akin, chairman        confronted with situations
murder trial.                 and CEO of Steamboat           and topics that make you
                              Institute.                     uncomfortable.”

More than taking political    Impeaching Trump,”           debate on socialism versus
sides, Dershowitz values      echoes his lifetime          capitalism, as well as a
the Constitution and the      devotion to the word of      film festival with
laws within it. He has used   law. Rather than argue for   Hollywood producers,
his career to uphold those    or against the President     actors and screenwriters.
laws, even if it means        and his policies,
defending unpopular           Dershowitz claims            The conference runs from
people or movements.          Democrats have over-         Aug. 22 to 24 in
                              reached their legal power    Steamboat. Those
Despite his appearances       in trying to oust the head   interested in attending can
this year on Fox News —       of state.                    register online.
where he has defended         “In the fervor to impeach
President Trump from          President Trump, his         Steamboat Institute is also
accusations that he           political enemies have       offering several
obstructed justice in the     ignored the text of the      scholarships to interested
2016 election —               Constitution,” Dershowitz    guests younger than 30.
Dershowitz considers          said in a comment to the     The scholarship will cover
himself a civil libertarian   book’s publisher.            their registration, travel
and even voted against                                     and lodging costs.
Trump.                        In addition to his keynote
                              address at Lake
His most recent book,         Catamount, the Freedom
“The Case Against             Conference will feature a

•   Also ran in the Steamboat Pilot.

Jennifer Schubert-Akin: Joining interstate
voting compact threatens Colorado’s voters’
April 4, 2019

Voter suppression efforts         Colorado voters to the will     progressives have argued
are alive and well in             of the nation and upend         this change is necessary.
Colorado.                         nearly 150 years of state
                                  precedent. It takes effect if   This interstate compact is
Governor Jared Polis              states representing 270         the more politically
recently signed a bill to         electoral votes — the           practical way to achieve
enter Colorado into the           minimum threshold needed        this goal because explicitly
National Popular Vote             to win the election —           dumping the electoral
Interstate Compact.               commit to it. Twelve states     college in favor of national
Member states agree to            and Washington D.C.,            popular vote would require
transfer their share of           which represent 181             a constitutional
electoral college votes in        electoral votes, have           amendment. While this
future presidential               signed on with New              strategy may sidestep the
elections to the candidate        Mexico and Delaware             U.S. Constitution, it could
who wins the national             expected to follow suit.        run afoul of the state
popular vote. This means                                          constitution.
that Colorado’s nine              This compact is a back-
electoral college votes           door effort to change the       Article 20 of the Colorado
would go, not to the              nation’s electoral system       Constitution makes clear
presidential candidate who        from the electoral college      that the state’s presidential
most state voters choose,         to a popular vote. In the       electors “shall be chosen
but to the candidate who          wake of the 2016 election,      by direct vote of the
wins the national popular         where Donald Trump              people.” Surely this refers
vote.                             defeated Hillary Clinton        to Coloradans, not
                                  while receiving 2.9 million     Americans writ large.
This compact would                fewer votes, some               Colorado’s constitutional
subsume the will of                                               voting requirements

regarding eligibility,         The current system             less democratic than the
residency and registration     balances geographic and        current system. This is the
would also be counteracted     population considerations      exact opposite of what
by the voting procedures of    to ensure that less            supporters contend.
other states under such a      populated areas like
system.                        Colorado are not sacrificed    They claim that a national
                               to the more populated          popular vote achieves the
Even if this reform were       areas — a phenomenon           “majority rule” principle of
constitutional, it would be    that happens in many other     democracy. Yet it wouldn’t
the wrong move for             countries — where the          even necessarily do this.
Colorado. The electoral        wishes of those in the         Hillary Clinton received
college balances not only      countryside are ignored for    just 48% of the popular
the will of the people but     those in the cities.           vote in 2016. Al Gore, who
also the will of the                                          also lost the presidency
different parts of the         See the ongoing “Yellow        while winning the popular
country.                       Vest” protests in France,      vote, also did not receive a
                               whose president is elected     majority of the vote.
In a nation as big and         by popular vote, for
varied as the U.S.,            instance. The political        Gov. Polis claims to be an
geographic democracy is        clout of middle America        opponent of voter
vitally important. If          would deteriorate further if   suppression, yet selling out
national elections were        such a system were             the votes of Coloradans to
determined by popular          enacted here.                  the coastal elite by entering
vote, candidates could                                        Colorado into this
merely focus on the desires    To the extent that             interstate compact suggests
of voters in big cities such   presidential candidates        otherwise.
as Los Angeles, San            ignore the wishes of
Francisco and New York,        Colorado voters and their      Jennifer Schubert-Akin is
whose combined                 counterparts across the        the chairman and CEO of
metropolitan populations       country in order to run up     the Steamboat Institute.
are nearly seven times         their scores in the big        Co politics
Colorado’s.                    population centers, a
                               national popular vote is far

The Spot: Socialism or Capitalism? Get
Ready to Rumble!
June 6, 2019
By Nic Garcia

Socialism or capitalism?     Bhaskar Sunkara, author of   country,” Jennifer
Get ready to rumble!         The Socialist Manifesto      Schubert-Akin, chairman
                             and editor of The Jacobin,   and CEO of the Steamboat
Many of today’s political    will debate Stephen Moore    Institute, which hosts the
conversations — especially   of The Heritage              event, said in a statement.
those coming out of          Foundation at the 11th       “By featuring the
Washington, D.C. — are       annual Freedom               perspectives of two of the
about socialism versus       Conference and Festival,     nation’s leading
capitalism. To prime the     set for Aug. 22-24.          proponents of capitalism
pump closer to home, two                                  and socialism,
leading scholars on the      “It’s important to address   respectively, attendees can
issue are going to hash it   these fundamental            develop a deeper
out in Steamboat this        worldviews that underpin     understanding of this
summer.                      the political news cycle     essential and timeless
                             and the future of the        debate.”

•   Also ran in the Steamboat Pilot

It's time to sweep socialism back into history's
dust bin
By Jennifer Schubert-Akin
June 21, 2019

A Gallup poll released last        government to collect far      floundering socialist
month finds that 43 percent        more taxes from top            programs such as Social
of Americans favor                 earners, with some             Security, Medicare, and
socialism. This is just one        presidential candidates        Medicaid.
of many recent surveys             calling for top income tax
finding that Americans are         rates in the 70 percent        Meanwhile, support for
increasingly enchanted by          range. Massachusetts Sen.      capitalism, an economic
socialism, an economic             Elizabeth Warren even          system that allows
system where the                   wants to confiscate some       individuals to control
government controls                of the wealthy's property in   resources, is waning. It has
resources. A majority of           order to fund various social   been unfairly blamed for
Millennials and                    programs.                      the financial crisis, Great
Democrats, for instance,                                          Recession, and
now support it.                    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-        skyrocketing health-care
                                   Cortez (D-NY) wants to         and college costs.
The growing support for            nationalize vast swaths of
socialism is reflected by          the American economy,          Though the political news
recent public policy               including energy               cycle may suggest
proposals. "Medicare for           production and higher          otherwise, the essence of
All," which would                  education, while providing     today's political debates —
nationalize the country's          government jobs to those       from energy to fiscal to
health-care system under a         who want them, under her       healthcare policy — are
single-payer, government-          proposed "Green New            rooted in a broader
run system, is supported by        Deal."                         disagreement over
many leading Democrats,                                           capitalism vs. socialism.
including 2020 presidential        Socialist policies aren't
candidate Bernie Sanders.          limited to Democrats.          I am not an unbiased
                                   Leading Republicans no         observer in this battle of
Democratic politicians are         longer seem willing to call    ideas. I believe that
united in their calls for the      for reform to existing         capitalism is largely

responsible for making the
U.S. the most prosperous        Extracting money from           Don't take my word for it.
country, with the largest       communities through             Two of the leading
middle class, in the history    higher taxes means fewer        proponents of capitalism
of the world. I think that to   resources for investment,       and socialism,
the extent socialist policies   consumer spending, and          respectively, will debate
are adopted, opportunity        small business creation. As     the issue at the Steamboat
and prosperity for ordinary     a result, there's less          Institute's 11th Annual
people will diminish.           economic activity and           Freedom Conference in
                                opportunity for everyone,       Steamboat Springs, Aug.
Capitalism is the only          especially for those who        22-24. Stephen Moore, a
economic system                 need it most.                   distinguished fellow at the
conducive to economic                                           Heritage Foundation in
growth, i.e., rising living     Capitalism's critics claim      Washington and economic
standards. It's the best        that this economic growth       adviser to President
system for people to rise       is unequal, with most of        Trump's 2016 campaign,
up and improve their lot in     the benefits going to the       will face off against
life through hard work,         rich. Yet, historically, it's   Bhaskar Sunkara, the
trade, and                      ordinary people who             founding editor of Jacobin
entrepreneurship.               benefit most during             Magazine and author of
                                economic expansions. Ever       "The Socialist Manifesto,"
That's because capitalism       wonder why America's            with viewers encouraged
is based on mutually            middle class is so much         to come to their own
beneficial exchange, where      wealthier than its              conclusions about the
people voluntarily trade        developed-world                 relative merits of each
value for value. Both the       counterparts? Because of        economic system.
purchaser and the seller        its relatively free market
gain through the voluntary      and the economic                Part of the reason why
trade of products and           opportunity it fosters.         socialism's popularity is
services. Only under                                            growing is because societal
capitalism can you truly        The marvel of compound          pillars such as media, pop
"make money" — and you          interest reinforces the         culture, and academia
do so to the extent you         importance of an economic       support it. By offering the
help others.                    system that fosters             alternative perspective, we
                                economic growth. At 3%          hope to persuade people
While capitalism grows the      annual economic growth,         that capitalism is the only
size of the economic pie,       which was reached last          system that allows people
socialism merely                year and is the American        to freely pursue their
distributes it, with            historical standard, living     dreams and enjoy the fruits
unlimited interest groups       standards double every 24       of their labors. It’s time for
fighting over the scraps.       years, or every generation.     liberty-loving Americans
Burdensome taxes and            Yet at 1% growth, typical       to help push socialism
regulations reduce the          in socialist countries, it      back into history’s dust bi
number of mutually              takes 72 years — or about
beneficial exchanges that       a lifetime — for living
fuel economic wellbeing.        standards to double.

Debate to cover Electoral College
July 7, 2019

Two political experts will    Democratic strategist,        electoral votes as it has
face off in Aspen on          lobbyist and political        members of Congress. The
Tuesday during a debate       consultant based in           District of Columbia gets
over how Americans            Denver. He favors             three. In order to win a
should elect their            switching to a national       presidential election, a
president, hosted by the      popular vote, a movement      candidate must get at least
Steamboat Institute.          that has gained traction      half the total plus one — or
                              ahead of the 2020             270 votes.
Trent England, executive      presidential election.
vice president of the                                       Five times, most recently
Oklahoma Council of           The Electoral College has     in the 2016 presidential
Public Affairs, will defend   long faced scrutiny that it   race that elected Donald
the current system, known     does not lead to a truly      Trump, the electoral
as the Electoral College.     democratic election.          system delivered a split
Arguing against him will      According to the system,      verdict in which a
be Ted Trimpa, a              each state gets as many

candidate wins the popular     of geography, race,             fair and balanced debate,”
but loses the presidency.      income, religion, or            she said.
Viewpoints on the system       gender.”
tend to follow partisan                                        The institute, a
lines, with Republicans        Supporters of the Electoral     conservative think tank,
favoring the Electoral         College worry a switch to       saw the value of
College and Democrats          a national popular vote         organizing debates during
against it.                    would allow larger states       its Campus Liberty Tour
                               and urban areas, which          last year, which hosted
Since 2007, 15 states and      tend to be liberal hubs, to     similar discussions on
the District of Columbia       disproportionately control      contentious issues around
have joined the National       future elections.               the nation’s colleges.
Popular Vote Interstate Co.
In February, Gov. Jared        “One of the original            “It was fascinating,”
Polis, a Democrat, signed a    reasons for creating the        Schubert-Akin said. “Not
bill under which Colorado      Electoral College was to        just because there were
joined the coalition.          make sure a few high-           such good debaters, but
                               population areas did not        because it attracted people
The pact would not take        control the whole country,”     on both the left and right.”
effect until enough states     England said.
sign on to give a collective                                   Tuesday’s debate will
270 electoral votes — the      A Federalist, England has       include a Q&A session so
number needed to win the       made a career out of            audience members can
presidency. It currently has   defending the current           bring up their questions or
196.                           election system, which he       concerns. Attendees also
                               believes gives voters a         will be able to write their
After the bill signing,        more equal voice.               questions on index cards
Colorado Secretary of                                          prior to the event.
State Jena Griswold            Jennifer Schubert-Akin,
released a statement           chairman and CEO of the         The debate begins at 4
supporting the law, arguing    Steamboat Institute, hopes      p.m. Tuesday at the Pitkin
it upholds the promise of      the event draws people          County Library. It is the
equal, balanced elections.     from both sides of the          second stop in a three-city
                               issue. In searching for two     tour, with debates Monday
“As secretary of state, I’m    people to represent both        in Steamboat Springs and
guided and inspired by the     opinions, she looked for        Wednesday in Grand
principle of ‘One Person,      experts with extensive          Junction.
One Vote,’” she said in the    experience in national          The events are free, but
statement. “The National       elections.                      those wanting to attend
Popular Vote upholds this                                      need to register online to
principal and ensures that     “You get a broader              guarantee a seat.
every citizen’s vote           spectrum of people to
matters equally regardless     attend if you present it as a

Electoral College debate at library should be
July 8, 2019
By John Carlson
                               experts — Trent England,       website at some point, and
Tonight in Aspen, two          executive president of the     I intend to check it out.
“political experts” will       Oklahoma Council on
face off in a debate over      Public Affairs defending       Getting back to the subject
the merits, problems and       the current system, and        at hand, Ward, like many
possible solutions to said     Kyra Ward, an Aspen High       in the Democratic Party,
problems that result from      School graduate who also       favors ditching the
our constitutional reliance    graduated from the             Electoral College and
on the national Electoral      University of St Andrews       switching to a national
College in the quadrennial     (Scotland) with degrees in     popular vote, in keeping
U.S. presidential contests     international relations and    with a movement that has
— an arrangement that I        economics (Ward is             gained traction since
believe is both outmoded       standing in for the original   Donald Trump lost the
and anti-democratic.           pro-National Public Vote       popular vote in 2016 by
                               advocate, who had to drop      some 3 million ballots but
The debate is scheduled for    out due to a family health     won the election thanks to
4 p.m. at the Pitkin County    emergency.)                    the Electoral College.
Public Library, and is free
to all comers, though          According to a                 England — perhaps
hopeful attendees need to      representative of the          predictably, since he is
register online (go online     Steamboat Institute, Ward      from Oklahoma, a red state
to      was a star debater in high     with a relatively small
and click on the “events”      school and at college, is      population, and is a strong
button to register) in order   “very passionate” about        advocate for the Electoral
to be guaranteed a seat.       the subject of the debate      College — will argue for
                               and is expected to hold her    retaining the college,
This is one of three such      own with style at the          maintaining it is good for
events, the first having       library’s event.               middle America’s small-
been held Monday in                                           town voters and good for
Steamboat Springs, the         In any case, only the Grand    our country as a whole.
third Wednesday in Grand       Junction event, according
Junction.                      to the Institute, is to be     In a nutshell, the issues are
                               videotaped and posted on       this: the Electoral College,
Unhappily, I cannot be         the Steamboat Institute’s      written into the U.S.
there to learn from the                                       Constitution under the 12th

Amendment, directs states      choice up to their state       in general favoring a
to assign “electors” voting    legislators as established     popular-vote method of
in the Electoral College       by the original 12th           picking our presidents,
according to the number of     Amendment.                     while Republicans by and
Congressional seats                                           large favor retaining the
(senators as well as           In that election, Andrew       college as it has been
representatives) held by       Jackson won the popular        throughout our history.
each state. This method        vote that was counted in
was intended to smooth out     those 18 states by a 10%       I guess that’s hardly
the presidential voting        margin, but was beaten by      surprising, at this point,
process back at a time         John Quincy Adams, who         since the Republican Party
when the logistics of          won the Electoral College      has been the beneficiary of
holding a national election    vote. The numerical votes      the current system the last
in our vast nation was a       of the six other state are     two times the presidency
daunting prospect, and to      not recorded that I can        went to the Electoral
provide a way in which         find, so the 1824 election     College winner rather than
states with small              is not considered a “clean”    the candidate who got the
populations would not be       example of the winner          most popular votes — that
completely overshadowed        turning out to be the loser.   would be selection of
by states with larger                                         George W. Bush in 2000
populations.                   Adding to the negative side    and, of course, Trump’s
                               of the College ledger is a     elevation to the White
But as the nation has          growing body of research       House in 2016.
progressed technologically,    that shows the current
it has largely overcome the    system effectively means       I prefer not to describe
difficulties of having the     that voters in low-            those results as “elections,”
voting population spread       population states (such as     in the truest sense of the
over so much terrain. The      Oklahoma, I must point         word, since the candidate
Electoral College,             out) have as much as four      that got the most votes in
however, has endured, and      times the political clout as   each case ended up not
in four separate elections     do voters in more populous     being sworn in as
— 1876, 1888, 2000 and         states, because the low-       president.
2016 — the president has       count voters typically         And so, as things stand
not been put into office by    benefit from larger            today, we are poised on the
a majority of actual votes,    Congressional delegations      eve of yet another election,
but by the machinations of     (and Electoral College         in 2020, that will be
the Electoral College.         representation) per capita     decided by the Electoral
                               due to the arcane rules        College (I’m pretty sure
An earlier election, in        governing the college and      there is not enough time to
1824, was the first one in     elections.                     change the system now)
which the popular vote                                        whether we like it or not.
mattered, because 18 states    Tellingly, the arguments
that year chose presidential   about whether to ditch the     Many of us do not like it,
electors (for the Electoral    Electoral College fall out     however, and there is a
College) by popular vote,      along partisan political       path forward to make at
while six states left that     fault lines, with Democrats    least one change.

As has been widely             strictly according to the
reported, 15 states,           numbers.                      However it goes, I firmly
including Colorado, have                                     believe the popular vote
signed on to a National        If the number of states       would be a better way of
Popular Vote Interstate        signing on to the Popular     choosing our president
Compact that, if it achieves   Vote movement gets to the     than the one we are under
a certain level of support     point where the member        today.
from around the country,       states have 270 Electoral
would mean the states that     College votes among them,     But, hey, don’t take my
have joined would eschew       it would effectively          word for it — do some
the Electoral College          sideline the Electoral        research and check out the
dance and have their           College and perhaps set the   debate, whether in person
presidential votes counted     stage for getting rid of it   or online.

Colorado Voters Could End Tabor Refunds
July 9, 2019
By Owen Macaulay

The state’s Taxpayer’s Bill    Over the decades, officials    “These are refunds that the
of Rights (TABOR)              have returned more than $3     taxpayers are entitled to,”
requires the state and local   billion to business and        Ransom said. “We do not
governments to refund          individual taxpayers.          have an income problem.
excess revenues to                                            We have a spending
residents.                     Gov. Jared Polis (D)           problem.”
                               signed into law H.B. 1257,
Colorado voters will           which puts the proposition     The additional funds could
decide whether to suspend      on the fall ballot, and H.B.   be diverted and may not
a provision of the state’s     1258, which would              materialize at all, says
Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights      allocate the additional        Michael Fields, executive
(TABOR) that requires the      revenue to education and       director of Colorado
state government to refund     transportation programs if     Rising Action, which
excess revenues to             voters approve the             advocates for limited
residents, in this             referendum, on June 3.         government.
November’s general             H.B. 1257 received the         “There is no guarantee
election.                      needed majority approval       where the money will go in
                               in both houses of the          the future,” Fields said.
TABOR, added to the state      Colorado General               “There is also no guarantee
constitution in 1992,          Assembly, including all the    how much money will be
requires voter approval of     votes cast by Democrats        there to use each year—or
tax increases, limits          plus one from a                if any will be there at all.”
increases in government        Republican state Senator.
spending to inflation plus                                    ‘Might Be No Refunds’
population growth, and         Funds Could Be Diverted
forces officials to refund                                    The tax refund for 2020,
excess revenues to the         The state government is        projected to be $65
taxpayers.                     just trying to take away       million, depends on
                               more money that belongs        revenues made possible by
Colorado is the only state     to taxpayers, says Rep.        energy production that the
with such a strong limit on    Kim Ransom (R-Littleton).      state may not receive
increases in spending.                                        because of new restrictions

on resource development,        “Its requirement that           refunds for five years and
says Fields.                    excess revenues must be         directed the money to
                                refunded to taxpayers has       transportation and health
“With the new oil and gas       resulted in more than $2        care spending. H.B. 1257
regulations, our economy        billion being returned to       would permanently divert
might be slowed, which          the private economy to be       all excess revenues.
means there might be no         spent at local businesses or    It is doubtful the additional
refunds at all,” Fields said.   saved for retirement,”          spending would improve
                                Schubert-Akin said. “H.B.       education or
Ended ‘Economic                 1257 threatens to eliminate     transportation, says
Stagnation’                     this vital requirement that     Schubert-Akin.
                                excess revenues be
Colorado’s tax and              returned to those who           “Education and
spending limit has had a        produced them.”                 transportation cannot plan
positive effect on private-                                     for this money year-to-
sector growth, says             TABOR refunds to citizens       year,” Fields said. “We
Jennifer Schubert-Akin,         have been made through          can't bond for roads off of
CEO of the Steamboat            property tax breaks for         refund money, and
Institute.                      seniors and veterans and        education can't build it into
                                through temporary income        their budgets.
“TABOR helped end years         tax rate reductions.
of economic stagnation                                          “The bill is intended to
and laid the groundwork         Not the First Time              create better roads and
for the state’s future                                          schools, but it's unlikely to
success by keeping              Colorado lawmakers              achieve these goals,”
resources in the hands of       previously have found           Schubert-Akin said.
Colorado residents who          ways around TABOR,              “What’s sure, though, is
could put them to their         such as instituting fees that   that H.B. 1257 will take
highest valued use and [by]     funnel tax money into           money out of residents’
checking overzealous            additional government           pocketbooks, hurting their
government spending,”           spending. In 2005, voters       personal finances and the
Schubert-Akin said.             passed Referendum C,            state's economy.”
                                which suspended the

Alan Dershowitz to address conservatives in
Steamboat Springs
July 16, 2019
Joey Bunch

Alan Dershowitz,                public policy solutions
professor emeritus at           beyond the confines of the     In an interview with
Harvard University School       Washington, D.C.,              National Public Radio
of Law and one of               bubble," said Jennifer         Monday, Dershowitz cited
President Trump's chief         Schubert-Akin, chairman        Epstein's close ties to other
legal defenders in the          and CEO of the Steamboat       Harvard University
media, will headline the        Institute, which puts on the   officials.
11th Annual Freedom             annual conference.
Conference and Festival in                                     "None of us had any
Steamboat Springs.              "The ideas and inspiration     inkling that he was
                                advanced at the Freedom        involved in anything
The gathering of                Conference are only            improper," he said about
conservatives to talk policy    matched by its scenery."       the earlier allegations that
and politics — or "an                                          Epstein recruited underage
immersion in ideas to           Dershowitz has been a          girls to have sex with well-
further the ideals of liberty   ubiquitous media presence      connected men. "But then
and inspire Americans to        for decade, but he faced       when he was arrested, he
greatness," as organizers       new criticism from the left    asked me to help put
put it — is Aug. 22 to Aug.     the past two weeks for         together a legal team, ...
24 at The Steamboat Grand       helping negotiate a lenient    him which I did."
Hotel.                          plea deal for accused
                                pedophile Jeffrey Epstein      Dershowitz has been
Tickets are on sale and         11 years ago.                  accused of being one of the
available online by                                            men who was provided by
clicking here.                  Epstein is a former friend     Epstein a girl with whom
                                of President Donald            to have sex, an accusation
"The 11th Annual Freedom        Trump. On Friday Trump's       he has vehemently denied.
Conference brings together      labor secretary, Alexander
the nation's leading public     Acosta, resigned over          In a statement released by
policy thought leaders to       criticism for the Epstein      the Steamboat Institute
the Rocky Mountains,            plea deal he accepted when     Monday, Dershowitz
where they can debate and       he was a Florida               previewed his Colorado
pursue the most pressing        prosecutor.                    speech.

The weekend also will
"I am honored to speak at    The conference also will    feature NASA
the 11th Annual Freedom      feature former U.S.         administrator Jim
Conference in beautiful      Senator Jim DeMint of       Bridenstine discussing
Steamboat Springs," he       South Carolina, who will    "The Future of Space."
stated. "I look forward to   discuss the topic of his
discussing the importance    new book, "Conservative:    President Trump has
of protecting free speech    Knowing What to Keep;       expressed the goal of
for an organization that     Why the Principles that     erecting an American flag
promotes it so vigorously.   made America the freest,    on Mars, but his message
Many organizations           most prosperous nation in   on returning to the moon
profess the importance of    world history must be       has been muddled.
free speech, but the         reclaimed to prevent our
Steamboat Institute          demise."
actually practices it."

Why conservatives must engage in Hollywood
It's the only way to ensure lasting policy
By Sam Sorbo
August 9, 2019

Conservatives have toiled       states like Vermont or        than in Hollywood, as I
for decades at countless        California.                   experience firsthand as a
think tanks across the                                        conservative actress,
nation trying to influence      Why does the size of          producer and screenwriter.
public policy and public        government only seem to
opinion in their direction.     grow, with conservative       Nearly every major motion
They’ve funded political        victories merely coming in    picture — this uniquely
candidates at great             fits and starts? One major    American form of culture
expense. The results have       reason is that liberals       — is seeded directly or
been middling at best.          dominate culture, which       indirectly with liberal
                                has a much more profound      messages that impel the
Despite some recent             impact on people’s            perspectives of audiences
successes under President       worldview than policy         decidedly toward the left.
Trump such as tax cuts and      analysis. Culture, and
deregulation, society’s         entertainment specifically,   If conservatives want to
general march toward            taps into people’s            reverse the juggernaut of
bigger government               emotions, reaching a          the leftist agenda, the long
continues. Recent polling       deeper level of the brain     march through the
finds that a majority of        than rational appeals that    institutions, they must
millennials and Democrats       usually don’t penetrate the   commit to engaging in
prefer socialism — full         frontal cortex.               cultural spheres even more
governmental control of                                       than they do in intellectual
the economy — to                Societal pillars such as      ones — as government
capitalism.                     academia, education,          education has produced
                                journalism, media,            generations conditioned to
It seems like only a matter     literature, pop culture and   responding emotionally
of time before some type        high arts are now             rather than rationally to
of government-run health        overwhelmingly liberal,       issues of the day. Doing so
care system is                  churning out creative         will help convince people
implemented, despite such       leftist messages to           of the morality — not just
socialized systems not          impressionable audiences.     the practicality — of
being able to pass in liberal   Nowhere is this               conservative public policy.
                                domination more complete

Conservatives looking to       production quality              2020, is inspired by the
engage culturally face         compelling.                     true story of two conmen,
many hurdles. Start with                                       the biggest oil strike in
the fact that conservatives    Case in point: Several          history during the Great
don’t generally enter the      years ago, National             Depression and the
arts or other traditionally    Review ranked the 25 best       miracles that happened
creative fields. Research      conservative movies of the      along the way.
from Southern Illinois         past generation. The results
University finds that          spoke for themselves.           There’s even a new film
conservatives are less         Movies such as                  festival held by The
likely to engage in creative   “Ghostbusters,” “The Dark       Steamboat Institute each
pursuits, preferring to        Knight” and “Team               summer in Steamboat
pursue careers in more         America: World Police”          Springs, Colorado, as part
objective fields such as       made the list. These were       of the organization’s
business, finance or           not exactly Oscar               annual Freedom
science.                       candidates, let alone true      Conference. This year’s
                               counterparts of                 event, which takes place
Then there’s the fact that     conservatism’s proud            Aug. 22-24, features our
for many years,                intellectual corpus. But        latest film as well as
conservatives have viewed      they were, at least, a start.   several other compelling
Hollywood simply as an                                         films that celebrate
enemy. In the early 1990s,     The dearth of conservative      individual freedom,
conservative commentator       Hollywood films is              personal responsibility, the
Michael Medved wrote the       beginning to end. My            entrepreneurial American
best-selling book              husband — Kevin Sorbo,          spirit, and the inspiration
“Hollywood vs. America:        well-known from                 of faith and family through
Popular Culture and the        “Hercules” and “God’s           film.
War on Traditional             Not Dead” — and I have
Values.” It argued that        recently produced the           But for these conservative
Hollywood’s themes were        critically acclaimed            film efforts to be
antithetical to American       conservative film “Let          successful, individual
ideals and harming society     There Be Light,” and his        conservatives must support
as a whole, turning many       career spans several others,    them. That means going
conservatives off              like “What If.” And we are      back to the movies and
Hollywood altogether.          not the only ones.              making the pilgrimage to
                                                               Steamboat Springs this
Another problem has been       But while Hollywood             summer. Such support will
that when conservatives do     seems to be paying              lead more conservatives to
engage creatively, the         attention, it’s in the          pursue careers in film and
product itself has often       independent film                culture, which can finally
been mediocre. Though we       production sphere where         create a lasting change in
may agree with the             true adherence to               public policy that we all
principles in many             conservative values in film     desire.
conservative movies,           can thrive. Our latest
audiences generally            release, “Miracle in East       As Andrew Breitbart
haven’t found the stories or   Texas,” due out early           famously said, “Politics is

You can also read