Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan to Protect against COVID-19 During the 2020-2021 Academic Year

Page created by Julio Delgado
Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan to Protect against COVID-19
                                  During the 2020-2021 Academic Year
Grand Valley State University’s (GVSU) students in health-related academic programs may have curriculum
components that cannot be taught or evaluated in virtual environments. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the
State of Michigan executive orders and the University have approved providing educational opportunities in
person for healthcare related students where face-to-face teaching labs, simulations, and competency
assessments (hereafter referred to as events) are required in order for students to graduate or to progress in their
program of study. The policy and procedures outlined below provide the detailed steps the GVSU Simulation
Center will take to reduce the risk of individual exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Event Scheduling
Events scheduled in the Simulation Center including inpatient, outpatient, and lab spaces should be limited to
course objectives or competency assessments that cannot be completed in a virtual environment. If possible, the
use of physical contact for teaching head, eyes, ears, nose & throat (HEENT) physical exams should be avoided
and taught in alternate formats. In accordance with the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s and
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s social distancing recommendations, capacity in
Simulation Center labs and rooms have been recalculated to allow for six (6) feet of social distancing based on
square footage of each space, the furniture and equipment in the space, and the need for individuals to be able to
maneuver safely (see Appendix A). Intentional scheduling will be necessary to accommodate all students in
each course. For events where, close contact between individuals is required to meet course objectives, social
distancing of six (6) feet should be maintained as much as possible and close contact should be limited to no
more than fifteen (15) minutes at a time. After each fifteen (15) minutes of close contact individuals should
wash their hands or use hand sanitizer. Simulation Center events should be designed to minimize individual
touch points and individuals should refrain from touching any unnecessary surfaces. When possible, students
should be assigned to work in pairs or groups of three to four throughout the semester, limiting interactions with
other students or moving about from one work station to another. Each event will have time built in either
before and/or after to accommodate disinfection.
Prior to Arrival on Campus
Prior to arriving on the Health Campus for Simulation Center events, all individuals (students, faculty, staff, and
standardized patients) will be required to complete a COVID-19 self-assessment screening survey (see
Appendix B).
If after completing the COVID-19 self-assessment, no symptoms or exposures are reported, individuals will
receive clearance to report to campus as indicated by a green checkmark. Individuals that report to campus, are
required to wear a clean face mask. If not wearing a face mask, individuals will be provided a face mask upon

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entry. The face mask must be worn and social distancing of six (6) feet should be practiced as much as possible
in all Simulation Center spaces.
If an individual reports symptom(s) or a known exposure in the COVID-19 self-assessment screening, they will
be instructed to remain home and will be provided with instructions on the next steps. The individual should
inform their professor or supervisor of the situation.
Ventilation Rates
Building ventilation rates on the GVSU Health Campus are based on occupancy. At a minimum they are set at
seven (7) air exchanges per hour in classrooms and ten (10) air exchanges in labs. The air in the buildings on the
GVSU Health Campus is not recirculated.
Event Procedures
According to the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA), individuals
participating in educational laboratory or assessment activities fall into the Medium Risk Exposure category
(MIOSHA, 2020). Which is when individuals may have close contact (within six (6) feet) of the general public
(MIOSHA, 2020).
Medium Risk Exposure criteria defined by MIOSHA states individuals may need to wear some combination of:
gloves, gown, face mask, and/or face shield/safety glasses (MIOSHA, 2020). All Simulation Center events on
GVSU’s Health Campus at a minimum will require individuals to wear a 3-ply disposable procedure face mask.
The 3-ply procedure face masks will be provided. Once individuals receive their semester’s supply of 3-ply
procedure face masks they are to arrive on the Health Campus wearing this type of mask on the days they have
events in the Simulation Center. The 3-ply procedure face masks are only to be worn for the day of the event
and must be thrown away after use. The 3-ply procedure face masks are not effective if they become saturated.
If saturated, the 3-ply procedure face masks need to be replaced with a new one. Taking off and putting on
another mask should be conducted outdoors while practicing six feet of social distancing or in a closed office
space without the presence of others. Individuals may wear an N95 face mask without the respiratory valve or
KN95 face mask in place of a 3-ply procedural face mask.
For events requiring close contact (within six (6) feet), students and faculty will be provided and required to
wear one face shield or goggles, based on their preference and individuals will be required to wear two well-
fitted face masks. A 3-ply procedure face mask covered by a well-fitted cloth face mask. Wearing two 3-ply
procedure face masks is not acceptable. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
wearing a 3-ply procedure face mask covered by a well-fitted cloth face mask substantially reduces potential
exposures to COVID-19 (Brooks et al., 2021). Wearing two 3-ply procedure face masks does not create as tight
a seal as one 3-ply procedure mask covered by a well-fitted cloth face mask (Brooks et al., 2021). Knotting the
ear loops of the 3-ply procedure mask and then tucking in and flattening the extra material close to the face
prior to adding a cloth face mask also improves source control and reduces potential COVID-19 exposures
(Brooks et al., 2021). Individuals may wear an N95 face mask without the respiratory valve or KN95 face mask
in place of double masking. N95 face masks or KN95 face masks should not be used with any type of second
mask on top or underneath (Brooks et al., 2021). The face shields and goggles will have to be cleaned and
reused throughout the remainder of the semester. Individuals will be responsible for cleaning their face
shields/goggles and bringing them to subsequent events. At each event requiring the use of face shields/goggles,
cleaning stations will be set up by the Simulation Team allowing for face shields/goggles to be cleaned with
approved COVID-19 disinfecting products prior to individuals leaving the event setting. Individuals using these

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cleaning products are required to use gloves while cleaning and to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer
afterwards. Face shields do not replace the face mask requirement.
Hand Hygiene and Social Distancing
Immediately after entering the event space and prior to leaving, individuals will be required to wash their hands
with soap and water for a minimum of twenty (20) seconds or use hand sanitizer when soap and water are
Social distancing of six (6) feet should be maintained as much as possible and close contact should be limited to
no more than fifteen (15) minutes at a time. Handwashing or the use of hand sanitizer is required before and
after close contact with individuals. Gloves are not required for those circumstances where touching another
individual is required for physical exam. However, if an individual being examined asks that the examiner put
gloves on, that request must be honored.
Exam gloves will be available in every Simulation Center event setting.
The use of patient gowns will be decided on an event by event basis in collaboration with the simulation team
and faculty.
Laptops and Headphones
Students and faculty should try to limit bringing any non-essential items into Simulation Center, i.e. coats, bags,
etc. These items can be stored in lockers, if available, throughout the buildings. Students may bring their own
laptops into Simulation Center events. The external surfaces of the student owned laptops must be cleaned prior
to setting them on any work surfaces. All Simulation Center computer keyboards will be covered with plastic
keyboard covers that must be disinfected in-between use. Many simulation events require students to observe
one another using designated GVSU computers. Students may bring their own headphones to use in the
Simulation Center with the GVSU computers. The computers in the Simulation Center do not have Bluetooth
capabilities. For students that chose to use the headphones provided by the Simulation Center, after use, the
students will be responsible for disinfecting the headphones with the provided cleaning solution.
Paper and Linen
The transmission of COVID-19 from touching paper or linen is minimal (Ren, et. al, 2020). In fact, absorbent
materials like cotton are safer than non-absorptive materials like isolation gowns (Ren et. al, 2020). However,
the use of paper forms or assessments, patient curtains, pillows, and linens during events will be discouraged
due to the difficulty of disinfecting them and should only be used when absolutely necessary. When these items
are needed, individuals should make sure to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before touching or retrieving
items. Any paper forms or assessments should be made available to students electronically or laminated to
allow for disinfection. All used linens will need to be placed in a laundry hamper when finished. All hospital
beds will be striped of linen, except for the beds containing manikins. To reduce the risk of the blue dye from
the mattresses being absorbed and discoloring any manikins, a draw sheet will be placed under all manikins
placed in hospital beds in the Simulation Center.
Food and Drinks

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When breaks are needed, students should be released in shifts in small numbers. Students may eat in designated
areas within the buildings or in outside spaces maintaining six (6) feet of social distancing. No food or drinks
will be allowed in the Simulation Center.
Cleaning and Disinfection
Prior to the start of Fall semester 2020 GVSU academic spaces including the Simulation Center are being
treated with MicrobeCare. MicrobeCare is a long-lasting protective coating that molecularly bonds to all
surfaces. The solution destroys microbes, disrupting the growth process and making it unable to reproduce,
effectively destroying potentially harmful organisms. The product is safe for skin, clothes, and the environment.
During the academic year campus custodial services will take care of the floors and trash within the GVSU
Simulation Center spaces, but it is everyone’s responsibility to clean shared surfaces after individual use.
GVSU Facilities Services is supplying disinfection solutions specific to COVID-19 which will be available
throughout the Simulation Center.
Individuals will be responsible for cleaning all surface tops and equipment they come in contact with during
Simulation Center events. Cleaning towels will be provided throughout the Simulation Center along with posted
directions on how to properly use the cleaning solutions and what cleaning products are safe for specific
equipment (see Appendix C). Individuals must wear gloves when using cleaning solutions and wash their hands
or use hand sanitizer afterwards. Cleaning towels once used for cleaning must be placed in the laundry hampers
available throughout the Simulation Center. The cleaning towels will be washed by a University contracted
service that meets OSHA healthcare standards.
Continuous evaluation of cleaning and sanitation best practices will be monitored by the simulation team and
changes made to cleaning procedures will be updated as needed.
Standardized Patient Events
Standardized patients will be required to wear at a minimum a 3-ply disposable procedure face mask during all
in-person student interactions. A 3-ply disposable procedure face mask will be provided for each event.
Standardized patients may wear an N95 face mask without the respiratory valve or KN95 face mask in place of
a 3-ply procedure face mask.
For events requiring close contact (within six (6) feet), standardized patients will be provided and required to
wear one face shield or goggles, based on their preference and individuals will be required to wear two well-
fitted face masks. A 3-ply procedure face mask covered by a well-fitted cloth face mask. Wearing two 3-ply
procedure face masks is not acceptable. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
wearing a 3-ply procedure face mask covered by a well-fitted cloth face mask substantially reduces potential
exposures to COVID-19 (Brooks et al., 2021). Wearing two 3-ply procedure face masks does not create as tight
a seal as one 3-ply procedure mask covered by a well-fitted cloth face mask (Brooks et al., 2021). Knotting the
ear loops of the 3-ply procedure mask and then tucking in and flattening the extra material close to the face
prior to adding a cloth face mask also improves source control and reduces potential COVID-19 exposures
(Brooks et al., 2021).
Students will be required to wear full personal protective equipment (gown, gloves, 3-play procedure face mask
covered with a well-fitted cloth face mask face shield, bouffant caps, and booties) when examining standardized
patients. In-between student encounters, standardized patients will be required to clean surface areas they or the
students examining them come in contact with.

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High Fidelity Manikin Events
Students and faculty will be responsible for cleaning any surfaces they come in contact with during high fidelity
manikin events, except the manikins themselves. Simulation team members will be responsible for cleaning the
manikins in-between student encounters.
Student or Faculty Led Practice Events
Student or faculty led practice events are allowable when Simulation Center spaces are not in use for scheduled
course events. However, the procedures outlined above must be followed.
Post Events
In order to accommodate subsequent Simulation Center events students and faculty will be asked to leave the
Simulation Center after the conclusion of the event’s designated timeframe.
Individuals who develop symptoms or are diagnosed with COVID-19 following attendance at a face to face
event in the Simulation Center are required to complete the self-report COVID-19 screening survey.
Checking-out Materials

Students and faculty may continue to check out equipment from the GVSU Simulation Center. All equipment
returned will be subject to cleaning with COVID-19 specific disinfectant solutions. According to a recent study
conducted by the REALM Project team (2020), trace amount of COVID-19 was found on paper products after
four (4) days of isolation. For Simulation Center items that cannot be disinfected with cleaning solutions the
items will be place in isolation for five (5) days before they can be lent out again.

Replenish Food Resource
The Replenish Food Resource will continue to be available to those in need Monday thru Friday, 8am-5pm in
CHS 353. However, all food supplies will be pre-packed. Individuals may stop by CHS 353, as needed, to pick
up one pre-packed bag.

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Brooks, J. T., Beezhold, D. H., Noti, J. D., Coyle, J. P., Derk, R. C., Blachere, F. M., & Lindsley, W. G.,
      (2021). Maximizing fit for cloth and medical procedure masks to improve performance and reduce
      SARS-CoV-2 Transmission and Exposure, 2021. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 70(7), 254-

Michigan Department of labor and Economic Opportunity. (2020, October 14). COVID-10 MIOSHA
      Emergence Rules.

REALM Project (2020). Reopening Archives, Libraries and Museums report: Natural attenuation as a
    decontamination approach for SARS-CoV-2 on five paper-based library and archives materials.

Ren, S., Wang, W., Hao, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Chen, Y., Gao, R., (2020). Stability and infectivity of
      coronaviruses in inanimate environments. World Journal of Clinical Cases 8(8), 1391-1399.

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Appendix A
                                 Simulation Center Room/Lab Capacities
 (Note: Some room capacities below will differ from the room capacities established by GVSU Facilities
Services. Facilities Service’s room capacity numbers are intended to be used when rooms are utilized as a
  traditional classroom, where students remain seated and face the same direction. The room capacity
   numbers below are intended to be followed when rooms are used as a lab and students/faculty are
                               moving around from one lab station to another.)
 Building      Room        Use                    Square      Social           Sq ft /2 (to        Capacity
                                                  Feet        Distancing       account for         Approved
                                                              Capacity (113    furniture) / 6 ft
                                                              ft per person)   social distancing

 Center for
                    145    PA Classroom                1728               15                  24         16
                    207    PT Therapeutics Lab         1746               15                  24         18
                    215    Gait Analysis Lab           2120               18                  29         12
                    233    Classroom                   1363               12                  17         13
                    253    PA/PT Assessment            2012               17                  27         20
                    255    PA/PT Assessment            2829               25                  39         20
                     307   Assessment Lab              1549               13                  21         13
                     309   Assessment Lab              1280               11                  17         10
                     315   Ward                        1174               10                  16          6
                   315A    Control Room                 149                1                   2          2
                   315B    ICU                          168                1                   2          2
                   315C    Inpatient Room               150                1                   2          2
                   315D    Inpatient Room               177                1                   2          2
                   315F    Inpatient Room               177                1                   2          2
                   315G    Inpatient Room               154                1                   2          2
                     331   SP Suite                     290                2                   4          3
                   331B    SP Lounge                    144                1                   4          2
                     331   Outpatient Exam              138                1                   2          2
                    C-M    Rooms
                     336   Sim Office                   285                2                                4
                     337   Sim Support                  171                1                                3
                     340   Sim Conference Room          706                6                   9            6
                     343   Sim Support                  216                                                 4
                     345   Sim Support                  211                                                 3

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357   Movement Lab          1229   10   17   10
                     371   Model Living Suite    1132   10   15    8
                   407 A   Sim Conference Room   1257   11   17    4
                    407B   Inpatient Bay          348    3    4    2
                    407C   Inpatient Bay          400    3    5    2
                     413   MLS                   1367   12   18   13
                     415   Dosimetry Lab          957    8   13   14
                   415D    Simulator              529    4    7    6
                    415E   Monitor                216    2    3    2
                     421   MLS                   1407   12   19   13
                     431   Sim Conference Room    724    6   10    6
                     455   Sim Lab               1752   15   24   18
                     469   Assessment Lab        1838   16   25   18
                     475   KISD                   358    3    4    4
                     477   KISD                  1219   11   16   13

 Hall (RFH)
                      11 ICS Angiomentor          674    6    9       5
                      12 Sonography              1266   11   17    9
                      20 Gym                     2363   21   32   23
                     121 OT Therapy Lab          1627   14   22   15
                     122 OT Flex Lab             1519   13   21   15
                     221 Classroom               1843   16   23   16
                     304 SLP Research             204    2    2    2
                     312 Communications Lab       277    2    3    2
                     321 SCS Adult Lab            902    8   12    9
                     323 CSD Observation          159    1    2    1
                     335 Vestibular lab           744    6   10    8
                   337A E.P. Control               81    1    1    1
                    337B E.P. Control              81    1    1    1
                     339 Sound Suite              216    2    3    2
                   339A Sound Control             104    1    1    1
                   339 B Sound Listening          102    1    1    1
                     342 Evoked Potential Lab     258    2    3    2
                     343 SLP Lab                 1339   12   18   13
                   343A SLP Small Child Lab       149    1    2    1
                     349 Listening Lab            141    1    1    1

                   UC 01 Primary Lab              896    8   12       9
                   UC 09 Lecture Room             733    6   10       7
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UC 05 Secondary Lab   955   9   13   10
                   UC 06 Study Room      465   4    6    5

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Appendix B
                              Self-report COVID-19 Screening Survey Links
Visitors/Standardized Patients:

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Appendix C
                      Cleaning Solution, Contact Time, Directions, and Approved Use
I. Product: 70% Isopropyl Alcohol/30% Distilled Water Spray
Required Contact Time: Five (5) minutes
1. Put on disposable exam gloves.
2. Pre-Clean shield or surfaces of all visible debris with soap and water.
3. Spray Alcohol solution on shield or surfaces. (Do NOT use on any electronic surfaces not included in the list
of approved electronic surfaces below.)
4. Keep surface wet for five (5) minutes.
5. Let air dry or wipe surface clean with paper towel after five (5) minutes.
6. Remove and discard disposable gloves & thoroughly wash hands with soap and water.

Approved for:
Face shields/goggles                                        Light switches
All manikins                                                Chairs
Injection pads                                              Tables
All task trainer models                                     Door Knobs
IV lines                                                    Sinks
Foley catheters                                             Keyboard Covers
Chest tubes                                                 Computer mice
Blood pressure cuffs                                        VR equipment
Thermometers                                                Monitors
Pulse oximeters                                             Headphones
Demo-dose medication vials                                  Phones
Herman Miller cabinet equipment                             Walkie-talkies
Hospital bed control buttons
Laptop external surfaces
Soft sling-backs of wheelchairs

II. Product: Husky 814 Q/T Tuberculocidal spray
Required Contact Time: Ten (10) minutes
1. Put on disposable exam gloves.
2. Pre-Clean surface first by removing visible dirt or debris with soap and water.
3. Spray HUSKY solution on hard, non-porous surfaces. (Do NOT use on any electronic surfaces).
4. Surfaces must remain wet for ten (10) minutes.
5. Wipe surface clean after ten (10) minutes.
6. Remove and discard disposable gloves & thoroughly wash hands with soap and water.

Approved for:
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Hard, non-porous surfaces                                     Bedside tables
Tables                                                        Exercise equipment
Non-porous surfaces of wheelchairs                            Chairs
Mat tables                                                    Rolling stools
Plinth/Exam tables                                            Door knobs
Overbed tables                                                Light switchers

III. Product: Protex Disinfectant Spray
Required Contact Time: Ten (10) minutes

1. Put on disposable exam gloves
2. Pre-clean surface first by removing visible dirt or debris with spray and wiping clean, or, if safe for the
equipment, use soap and water.
3. Spray 6-8” from surface, until surface is thoroughly wet. (Do NOT us on any electronic surface).
4. Surfaces must remain wet for ten (10) minutes.
5. Allow surface to Air Dry or Wipe surface clean after ten (10) minutes.
6. Remove and discard disposable gloves & thoroughly wash hands with soap and water.

Approved for:
Hard, non-porous surfaces
Exercise equipment
Ultrasound transducers and probes.
IV. Product: PDI Super Sani Cloth Disposable Wipes
Required Contact Time: Two (2) minutes
1. Put on disposable exam gloves
2. Pre-Clean surface first by removing visible dirt or debris with soap and water or an additional PDI Super Sani
3. Wipe entire surface thoroughly with wipe(s).
4. Surfaces must remain wet for two (2) minutes.
5. Allow surface to Air Dry or Wipe surface clean after the two (2) minutes.
6. Dispose of wipes in the trash. Then remove and discard disposable gloves & thoroughly wash hands with
soap and water.

Approved for:
Hard, non-porous surfaces with relatively small amounts of surface area and Butterfly probes. Use other
disinfectants, when possible, as the supply of these wipes is very limited.

V. Product: Bissell Sanitize Spray and Clorox Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant
Required Contact Time: One (1) minute

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1. Put on disposable exam gloves
2. Pre-clean surface first by removing visible dirt or debris with spray and wiping clean, or, if safe for the
equipment, use soap and water.
3. Spray 6-8” from surface, until surface is thoroughly wet. Do NOT spray directly on any electronic surfaces.
4. Surfaces must remain wet for one (1) minute.
5. Allow surface to Air Dry or Wipe surface clean after the one (1) minute.
6. Remove and discard disposable gloves & thoroughly wash hands with soap and water.

Approved for:
Hard, non-porous surfaces
Exercise equipment

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