Page created by David Nichols
AND BEING                2020


                         Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart
                         17-21 May 2020
Invitation to participate

I am pleased to invite your organisation to
participate as a supporter or exhibitor at the
Royal Australian and New Zealand College
of Psychiatrists 2020 Congress, ‘Influencing
and being influenced by the world around us’.
The RANZCP Congress is the premier educational and scientific event
for psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in the Australasian
region. Each year, Congress is host to approximately 1200 delegates
from Australia and New Zealand, as well as further afield. During the four
days, delegates are able to participate in and attend an all-encompassing
scientific program, featuring a full range of topics spanning the breadth
of contemporary psychiatric practice and research.

The 2020 Congress will be held from 17- 21 May 2020 at the Hotel Grand
Chancellor Hobart. Located in a spectacular part of the world – renowned
for its wonderful scenery, wilderness and wildlife, outstanding produce
and vibrant art scene – Hobart will prove a big drawcard for delegates.

Psychiatrists, trainees, medical students and other mental health
professionals will converge on Hobart to explore and discuss the
latest research and innovations. Furthermore, delegates will have the
opportunity to engage in presentations and symposiums on a wide
variety of scientific and cultural mental health topics.

Alongside our exciting and thought-provoking scientific program,
various social functions will be held in the evenings, designed to
encourage delegates to make the most of the fantastic networking
opportunities that RANZCP 2020 Congress provides.

We encourage you to embrace the many benefits and opportunities
that come with being a RANZCP 2020 Congress supporter or exhibitor
and look forward to seeing you in Hobart.

Associate Professor John Allan

2                                           RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
About the RANZCP

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College
of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) is responsible
for training, educating and representing
psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand.
Founded in 1946, the RANZCP has more than 6,600 members,
including more than 4,900 fully qualified psychiatrists and over
1,600 associate (trainee) members.

The RANZCP has a new President elected every two years.
The President first serves as President-Elect for two years prior
to taking up their position.

Our vision is to enhance the mental health of communities through
high quality psychiatric care, education, leadership and advocacy.

This will be achieved by:

• Advancing the profession of psychiatry through the delivery
  of best practice training, continuing professional development
  and high quality psychiatric care
• Improving the mental health of communities by working
  with stakeholders to support high quality psychiatric care
• Meeting the needs and expectations of members to enhance
  the value of their membership whilst ensuring the sustainable
  growth of the College.

The RANZCP has branches in every Australian state and territory,
a bi-national office in Melbourne, and a national office in Wellington,
New Zealand.

The RANZCP’s Continuing Professional Development program
ensures a high standard of professional practice in psychiatry is
maintained and participation in the annual Congress, as our flagship
annual event, is a key contributor to members’ ongoing education.

3                                            RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Delegate profile

Delegates attending the Congress are
representative of the wider RANZCP
membership and the many sub-specialty areas
within psychiatry, as well as those working
within the broader mental health sector.
In Australia, approximately 85% of practising psychiatrists are                         RANZCP            RANZCP
current RANZCP members and in New Zealand, more than 50%                              membership        membership
                                                                                      in Australia    in New Zealand
of practising psychiatrists are current members.
                                                                                          85%              >50%

The 2019 delegates indicated a phenomenal amount
of experience within the industry, with:

    27% having 0-5 years experience
    18% having 30+ years experience
    15% having 6-10 years experience
    13% having 11-15 years experience
    10% having 16-20 years experience
    9% having 21-25 years experience
    8% having 26-30 years experience

Participants at the RANZCP 2020 Congress are representatives
of the Faculties and Sections within the College membership
and those working within psychiatry, including:

    RANZCP Fellow/affiliate 59%
    Trainee/psychiatry registrar 17%
    Psychiatrist/medical practitioner 9%
    Non-psychiatry registrar/allied health professional 7%
    Medical graduate – pre-vocational/medical student 3%
    NGO representatives 2%
    Psychiatry Interest Forum member 2%
    Retired RANZCP Fellow 1%

4                                                RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Delegate profile                                     continued

Of those that attended the 2019 Congress, who indicated they were
a member of a College Faculty of Section, they were members of:

    Faculty of Addiction Psychiatry 6%
    Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 18%
    Faculty of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry 10%
    Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry 12%
    Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age 11%
    Faculty of Psychotherapy 11%
    Section of Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry 1%
    Section of Early Career Psychiatry 5%
    Section of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Neurostimulation 4%
    Section of History, Philosophy and Ethics of Psychiatry 1%
    Section of Leadership and Management 4%
    Section of Neuropsychiatry 3%
    Section of Perinatal and Infant Psychiatry 2%
    Section of Private Practice Psychiatry 3%
    Section of Psychiatry of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 3%
    Section of Rural Psychiatry 2%
    Section of Social and Cultural Psychiatry 2%
    Section of Youth Mental Health 2%

5                                                   RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Marketing reach

The RANZCP 2020 Congress will be
marketed through a variety of different
channels to ensure maximum exposure
for your organisation throughout Australia
and New Zealand.
Avenues for marketing include: RANZCP website, RANZCP Congress
2020 website, media liaison, direct email, social media, and advertising
across publications and through other related international, national
and local events.

A website devoted to the Congress is now live and will be updated
continuously in the lead up to the event, providing the most up-to-date
information on the program, speakers, social activities and a section
dedicated to supporters and exhibitors.

The website is regularly updated and widely viewed, with over 19,000
unique visitors for the 2019 Congress.

The RANZCP website will also feature regular news updates about
Congress 2020 which will be supported by social media.

The media plan for Congress will focus on generating interest around
a selection of presenters’ research material. Media releases and stories
will be created and disseminated to targeted journalists in Australia’s
and New Zealand’s highest circulation newspapers and other quality
media outlets.

This prestigious event continues to attract significant media attention
across television, radio, print and online media. Past RANZCP Congresses
have featured coverage through Norman Swan’s Health Report on the
ABC, Channel 10’s The Project, Radio New Zealand, The Australian,
The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and the New Zealand Herald,
to mention just a few.

During Congress, other media activity will focus on facilitating media
requests for interview around Congress events. A dedicated media
and communications team work from the Congress site to address
all media enquiries.

6                                           RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Marketing reach                              continued

Social media
A comprehensive social media plan will be implemented in the lead up
to, during and after Congress. This will include the use of a range of
social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram
to drive engagement in Congress presentations and events.

Direct email                                                                     RANZCP
Regular electronic marketing and updates about Congress are being                Congress
distributed to over 7,000 potential delegates. Email broadcasts will
include key Congress updates such as program announcements,
registration opening, social events, newly confirmed supporters and
Mobile app                                                                       Brisbane
The Congress app will be available to download prior to the Congress,            2015
providing supporters and exhibitors with the opportunity to connect with
delegates pre and post event.
                                                                                 Hong Kong
In addition to the Congress website, a number of advertisements about
Congress will appear in national and international industry publications,        2016
websites and at related events.

This will include strategic advertising in the bi-monthly College journal        1,235
Australasian Psychiatry, the College’s monthly e-newsletter Psyche,              Adelaide
College Branch newsletters and the Training and Assessment newsletter.
These opportunities provide your organisation with long and sustained
exposure to your target audience throughout Australia and New Zealand.

The Congress will also be cross-promoted through a range of other                1,242
international, national and local conferences and events.                        Auckland


7                                           RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Why you should be involved

Become a valued Supporter or Exhibitor
at the RANZCP 2020 Congress and:
• Participate in Australia and New Zealand’s premier psychiatry
  event in 2020.
• Gain significant brand exposure to approximately 1,200 psychiatrists,
  and other doctors and mental health professionals, from Australia
  and New Zealand.
• Ensure your organisation stays informed about current developments
  and research in the field of psychiatry and use this information to
  stay ahead of the market.
• Increase awareness of your organisation via a variety of
  marketing mediums.
• Develop business connections and strengthen relationships
  through face-to-face engagement.
• Exhibit and generate new leads, develop your brand or launch
  a new product through the exhibition.
• Maximise your time and resources by showcasing your organisation
  to a relevant and influential audience in an environment away from
  the competition of everyday distractions.
• Utilise this multi-level platform to demonstrate new equipment,
  promote new products or techniques and generate new business.
• Support mental health initiatives and forums within Australia
  and New Zealand.
• Strengthen awareness of your brand.

8                                          RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Congress city and venue

The 2020 Congress will be held at the
Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, the leading
event venue in Hobart and Tasmania.
The venue overlooks the Hobart waterfront which is the ideal location to
hold an event; delegates can’t help but feel they have not only attended
the Congress but also visited somewhere unique and special.

The Congress exhibition will be held in the Federation Ballroom with
daily delegate catering served in this area from Monday to Wednesday.

Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart
1 Davey Street
Hobart TAS 7000
T +61 3 6235 4535

9                                          RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Support opportunities
Principal supporter


 As the RANZCP 2020 Congress Principal
 supporter, you will benefit from the highest
 level of exposure and representation with
 the following entitlements:

      EXHIBITION                                         C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N

 Two (2) exhibition booths                            Appropriate acknowledgement
 (each 3m x 3m) in a premium                          during the Opening Ceremony by
 location within the Congress                         the Congress Convenor, and prior
 exhibition.*                                         to Congress plenary sessions.

                                                      Acknowledgement and logo as
      R E G I S T R AT I O N                          the Principal supporter on the
 Four (4) complimentary full                          following materials:
 Congress registrations providing                     • Congress website
 access to the scientific sessions,                   • Congress handbook
 attendance at inclusive social                         and pocket program
 functions and access to the
                                                      • Congress app
 Congress exhibition and
 daily catering.                                      • Venue signage

 Four (4) exhibitor only                              Company logo and appropriate
 registrations providing access                       acknowledgement on PowerPoint
 to the Congress exhibition and                       reel featured in the plenary room
 daily catering (excludes social                      and all session rooms, to be
 functions and access to the                          shown before and after sessions.
 scientific sessions).

* Exhibition space is strictly limited in 2020 and available on a first come, first served basis after major supporters have been allocated.
  All exhibitors will be limited to a total maximum of: 2 x 3mx3m booths; 2 x 2mx1m pods; 2 x 9m2 spaces.

 11                                                        RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Premium supporter

 T H R E E ( 3 ) O P P O R T U N I T I E S AVA I L A B L E

 As a RANZCP 2020 Congress Premium
 supporter, you will benefit from the
 following entitlements:

    EXHIBITION                                           C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N

 One (1) exhibition booth                             Appropriate acknowledgement
 (3m x 3m) within the                                 during the Opening Ceremony
 Congress exhibition.*                                by the Congress Convenor.

                                                      Acknowledgement and logo
    R E G I S T R AT I O N                            on the following materials:
 Two (2) complimentary full                           • Congress website
 Congress registrations providing                     • Congress handbook
 access to the scientific sessions,                     and pocket program
 attendance at inclusive social
                                                      • Congress app
 functions and access to the
 Congress exhibition and                              • Venue signage
 daily catering.                                      Company logo and appropriate
 Two (2) exhibitor only registrations                 acknowledgement on PowerPoint
 providing access to the Congress                     reel featured in the plenary room
 exhibition and daily catering                        and all session rooms, to be
 (excludes social functions and                       shown before and after sessions.
 access to the scientific sessions).

* Exhibition space is strictly limited in 2020 and available on a first come, first served basis after major supporters have been allocated.
  All exhibitors will be limited to a total maximum of: 2 x 3mx3m booths; 2 x 2mx1m pods; 2 x 9m2 spaces.

 12                                                        RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Community supporter


The RANZCP 2020 Congress encourages
support from a wide range of organisations to
reflect the broader community involvement
and links with mental health and psychiatry.
As a Community supporter, you will have
the opportunity as a non-pharmaceutical
organisation or government department to
be involved in this event and represent your
commitment to the mental health sector.

  EXHIBITION                             C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N

One (1) exhibition booth               Appropriate acknowledgement
(3m x 3m) within the                   during the Opening Ceremony
Congress exhibition.                   by the Congress Convenor.

                                       Acknowledgement and logo
  R E G I S T R AT I O N               on the following materials:
Two (2) complimentary full             • Congress website
Congress registrations providing       • Congress handbook
access to the scientific sessions,       and pocket program
attendance at inclusive social
                                       • Congress app
functions and access to the
exhibition and daily catering.         • Venue signage

Two (2) exhibitor only registrations   Company logo and appropriate
providing access to the Congress       acknowledgement on PowerPoint
exhibition and daily catering          reel featured in the plenary room
(excludes social functions and         and all session rooms, to be
access to the scientific sessions).    shown before and after sessions.

13                                         RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020

Industry sessions
Breakfasts AU$11,000 & lunches AU$18,925

F O U R ( 4 ) O P P O R T U N I T I E S AVA I L A B L E

Industry sessions provide you with the opportunity to independently
host a breakfast or lunch session for participating delegates.
Information regarding the               audio visual equipment, speaker        Opportunity to create your own
industry sessions will be made          costs and catering for the session     session with targeted messaging
available on the Congress website       will be at the supporter’s cost.       to attending delegates.
and delegates will have the
                                        The industry session room will         Opportunity to brand the
opportunity to pre-book via the
                                        be set to a maximum capacity of        session room (subject to College
main registration process with
                                        80 participants each in a cabaret      approval; all branding to be
any remaining available seats to
                                        style, round tables of eight (8),      removed within 30 minutes of
be filled onsite.
                                        with a small head table at the         the session concluding).
All industry sessions will be held      front of the room.
                                                                               Opportunities for networking,
over a sixty (60) minute duration
                                                                               database collection, distribution
at breakfast time and during
                                          B R E A K FA S T S E S S I O N S     of company literature, targeted
lunch so that they do not conflict
                                                                               messaging to delegates attending
with sessions or other Congress         AU$11,000 per session
                                                                               your session, incentive program
activities (exact times for sessions
                                        One (1) breakfast session              roll out and engagement.
will be advised in line with the
                                        per day is available as follows:
final program).                                                                One (1) Congress day registration
                                        • Monday 18 May 2020                   for your nominated speaker
There are a limited number of
                                                                               (includes access to the day’s
opportunities and priority will be      • Tuesday 19 May 2020
                                                                               scientific sessions, excludes
given to confirmed Principal and
                                                                               social functions).
Premium supporters until Friday           LU N C H S E S S I O N S
25 October 2019. Following this                                                One (1) email reminder distributed
                                        AU$18,925 per session                  to industry session attendees
time, any available sessions will
be open to organisations who            One (1) lunch session                  one week prior to the Congress.
are confirmed supporters or             per day is available as follows:
                                        • Monday 18 May 2020                     C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N
The Organising Committee
                                        • Tuesday 19 May 2020                  Acknowledgement and logo
reserves the right to limit the
                                                                               on the following materials:
number of industry sessions
conducted by each supporter.                                                   • Congress website
Industry breakfast sessions will be     Session synopsis of 250 words          • Congress handbook
held at the Congress venue, the         on Congress website (subject             and pocket program
Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart,          to Committee approval).
                                                                               • Congress app
with industry lunch sessions held       Online booking facility as part        • Directional and door signage
at the Henry Jones Art Hotel,           of the Congress registration
a leisurely five (5) minute walk from                                            at the industry session venue
                                        process (note: all registrations are
the Congress venue. A standard          to be recorded via the Congress        Company logo and appropriate
audio visual package will be            registration platform; confirmed       acknowledgement on PowerPoint
provided which includes a laptop,       supporters will be provided with a     reel featured in the plenary room
microphone, lectern, screen and         direct link where industry session     and all session rooms, to be
data projector. All additional          registrations can be made).            shown before and after sessions.

14                                          RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
N O N - P H A R M A C E U T I C A L O R G A N I S AT I O N S

Industry sessions
Breakfast AU$7,800 & lunch AU$15,450

T W O ( 2 ) O P P O R T U N I T I E S AVA I L A B L E

Industry sessions provide you with the opportunity to independently
host a breakfast or lunch session for participating delegates.
Information regarding the                 B R E A K FA S T S E S S I O N       Opportunities for networking,
industry sessions will be made                                                 database collection, distribution
available on the Congress website       AU$7,800 per session                   of company literature, targeted
and delegates will have the             Only one (1) breakfast session         messaging to delegates attending
opportunity to pre-book via the         is available on:                       your session, incentive program
main registration process with                                                 roll out and engagement.
                                        • Wednesday 20 May 2020
any remaining available seats
                                                                               One (1) Congress day registration
to be filled onsite.
                                          LU N C H S E S S I O N
                                                                               for your nominated speaker
All industry sessions will be held                                             (includes access to the day’s
over a sixty (60) minute duration       AU$15,450 per session                  scientific sessions, excludes
at breakfast time and during            Only one (1) lunch session             social functions).
lunch so that they do not conflict      is available on:                       One (1) email reminder distributed
with sessions or other Congress
                                        • Wednesday 20 May 2020                to industry session attendees
activities (exact times for sessions
                                                                               one week prior to the Congress.
will be advised in line with the
final program).                           ENTITLEMENTS
                                                                                 C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N
Industry breakfast sessions will be     Session synopsis of 250 words
held at the Congress venue, the         on Congress website (subject           Acknowledgement and logo
Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart,          to Committee approval).                on the following materials:
with industry lunch sessions held                                              • Congress website
                                        Online booking facility as part
at the Henry Jones Art Hotel,
                                        of the Congress registration           • Congress handbook
a leisurely five (5) minute walk from
                                        process (note: all registrations are     and pocket program
the Congress venue. A standard
                                        to be recorded via the Congress        • Congress app
audio visual package will be
                                        registration platform; confirmed
provided which includes a laptop,                                              • Directional and door signage
                                        supporters will be provided with a
microphone, lectern, screen and                                                  at the industry session venue
                                        direct link where industry session
data projector. All additional                                                 Company logo and appropriate
                                        registrations can be made).
audio visual equipment, speaker                                                acknowledgement on PowerPoint
costs and catering for the session      Opportunity to create your own
                                                                               reel featured in the plenary room
will be at the supporter’s cost.        session with targeted messaging
                                                                               and all session rooms, to be
                                        to attending delegates.
The industry session room will                                                 shown before and after sessions.
be set to a maximum capacity of         Opportunity to brand the
80 participants each in a cabaret       session room (subject to College
style, round tables of eight (8),       approval; all branding to be
with a small head table at the          removed within 30 minutes of
front of the room.                      the session concluding).

15                                          RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Espresso bar

T H R E E ( 3 ) O P P O R T U N I T I E S AVA I L A B L E

This is your opportunity to align your
organisation with every delegate’s top
priority at each break – coffee! With over
2,200 barista-style coffees produced at
each Congress, this opportunity is sure
to get your name out there.

  R E G I S T R AT I O N               C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N

One (1) complimentary full           Acknowledgement and logo
Congress registration providing      on the following materials:
access to the scientific sessions,
                                     • Congress website
attendance at inclusive social
functions and access to the          • Congress handbook
exhibition and daily catering.         and pocket program
                                     • Congress app
  ENTITLEMENTS                       • Venue signage

Package includes one (1) espresso    Company logo and appropriate
bar located within the exhibition    acknowledgement on PowerPoint
with supply of a barista and all     reel featured in the plenary room
consumables, to be operational       and all session rooms, to be
during catering breaks only.         shown before and after sessions.

The espresso bar can be located
on the supporter’s exhibition
stand or within close proximity
if exhibiting (allowing for
adequate traffic flow).

Opportunity to brand the
espresso bar at supporter’s cost
(design is subject to College

Opportunity to expose delegates
to your brand by providing
branded coffee cups, napkins,
t-shirts and caps for the barista
to wear onsite for the duration
of Congress (at supporter’s cost).

16                                       RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Networking lounge


Providing comfortable lounge seating, the
networking lounge will be a gathering place
for delegates. Arrange to meet a client or
colleague here at this hub or simply take the
opportunity to relax in the lounge area.

     R E G I S T R AT I O N            C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N

One (1) complimentary full           Exclusive recognition as the
Congress registration providing      networking lounge supporter.
access to the scientific sessions,
                                     Acknowledgement and logo
attendance at inclusive social
                                     on the following materials:
functions and access to the
exhibition and daily catering.       • Congress website
                                     • Congress handbook
                                       and pocket program
                                     • Congress app
                                     • Venue signage

                                     Opportunity to provide one (1)
                                     pull up banner to be displayed
                                     within the networking lounge.

                                     Opportunity to provide
                                     promotional flyers within
                                     the networking lounge.

                                     Company logo and appropriate
                                     acknowledgement on PowerPoint
                                     reel featured in the plenary room
                                     and all session rooms, to be
                                     shown before and after sessions.

17                                       RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Congress app


Become aligned with the first place all delegates go to for more
information, the Congress app. The app will be the most up to date
place for Apple and Android users to check for program updates,
speaker biographies, registration opening times and other useful
Congress related information at the touch of a button.
Become the supporter of the app         R E G I S T R AT I O N              Company logo included on
and see your company’s branding                                             app advertisement aimed
on multiple pages with unlimited      One (1) complimentary full            to encourage delegates to
links to your website.                Congress registration providing       download and utilise the app.
                                      access to the scientific sessions,    The advertisement is to be
The app will be released in           attendance at inclusive social        included in the handbook,
May 2020 making all speaker,          functions and access to the           all session rooms and individual
program, supporter and exhibitor      exhibition and daily catering.        free standing sign.
information available to delegates
ahead of time.                                                              Company logo included on
                                        C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N
                                                                            pre-event welcome email to all
The app will also provide a
                                      Exclusive recognition as the          delegates providing instructions
platform for delegates, supporters
                                      app supporter.                        on accessing the app.
and exhibitors to interact with
each other before, during and         Company logo displayed on
after the Congress via the activity   each page of the app.                   UPGRADE OPPORTUNITY
feed and direct messaging, as                                               An opportunity to provide
                                      Acknowledgement and logo
well as lead management                                                     wireless internet access to
                                      on the following materials:
technology for exhibitors.                                                  delegates, providing your
                                      • Congress website
The 2020 Congress will utilise the                                          company with prominent online
                                      • Congress handbook                   branding. If you are interested,
same technology from the 2019
                                        and pocket program                  feel free to talk to us further
Congress which offered delegates
a streamlined download and            • Congress app                        about this exclusive opportunity.
login process and seamless user       • Venue signage
interface. The app will also offer
                                      Company logo and appropriate
exhibitors lead management
                                      acknowledgement on PowerPoint
                                      reel featured in the plenary room
Over 1,000 delegates regularly        and all session rooms, to be
download the app at RANZCP            shown before and after sessions.
Congresses. Support this
opportunity to ensure maximum
exposure to Congress delegates.

18                                        RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Recharge station


Many delegates need to keep in touch with
colleagues and work through their mobile
phone whilst at Congress. As the recharge
station supporter your brand will be
prominently placed on the charge bars,
making it clearly visible to all delegates
accessing this service.
The recharge station will include       C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N
charge bar units and stools for
delegates to relax at while waiting   Exclusive recognition as the
for their device to charge. Charge    recharge station supporter.
bars will cater for both Apple and    Opportunity for supporter to
Android users.                        provided branding on charge
Note: The Congress Organisers         bars (artwork to be provided by
will arrange set up of recharge       the supporter by the required
stations, the cost for which is       deadline and is subject to
contained within the support          approval by the Organising
package. The location of the          Committee)
terminals will be at the discretion   Opportunity to place company
of the Congress Office.               literature (e.g. flyers, brochures;
                                      note pads and pens excluded)
  R E G I S T R AT I O N              at the recharge stations.

One (1) complimentary full            Acknowledgement and logo
Congress registration providing       on the following materials:
access to the scientific sessions,    • Congress website
attendance at inclusive social
                                      • Congress handbook
functions and access to the
                                        and pocket program
exhibition and daily catering.
                                      • Congress app
                                      • Venue signage

                                      Company logo and appropriate
                                      acknowledgement on PowerPoint
                                      reel featured in the plenary room
                                      and all session rooms, to be
                                      shown before and after sessions.

19                                        RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Massage station


For the first time, the Congress is offering
organisations the opportunity to support one
of the most popular areas in the exhibition,
the massage station. Delegates will have
the opportunity to relax and unwind with
a massage by one of two masseuses who
will be available during all catering breaks.
Note: The Congress Organisers            C O M PA N Y P R O M OT I O N
will arrange the hire of the
masseuses along with the setup         Exclusive recognition as the
of the massage station, the cost       massage station supporter.
for which is contained within the      Acknowledgement as the
support package. The location          massage station supporter
of the massage station within the      at the station itself.
exhibition will be at the discretion
of the Congress Office.
                                       Acknowledgement and logo                 Other
                                       on the following materials:              advertising
  R E G I S T R AT I O N               • Congress website                       opportunities
                                       • Congress handbook
One (1) complimentary full
                                         and pocket program                     Advertising opportunities
Congress registration providing
                                       • Congress app                           are available within the
access to the scientific sessions,
                                                                                online Book of Abstracts
attendance at inclusive social         • Venue signage
                                                                                for the RANZCP 2020
functions and access to the            Company logo and appropriate             Congress. Please contact
exhibition and daily catering.         acknowledgement on PowerPoint            the Congress Office for
                                       reel featured in the plenary room        further information on the
                                       and all session rooms, to be             advertising opportunities
                                       shown before and after sessions.         available.

20                                         RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Exhibition opportunities

The exhibition                                        ENTITLEMENTS

for the RANZCP
                                                   Exhibition booth                                   Exhibition pod
2020 Congress                                      AU$6,450 per booth                                 AU$4,500 per pod
will be held in the
Federation Ballroom
at the Hotel Grand
Chancellor Hobart.
Delegate lunches, morning and
afternoon teas will be served in
the exhibition area from Monday
to Wednesday*, providing
exhibitors with the maximum
opportunity to showcase their
products and services whilst                       One (1) 3mx3m exhibition booth                     One (1) 2mx1m exhibition pod
interacting with delegates.                        including the following:                           including the following:
Exhibitors at the 2020 Congress                    Walls                                              Walls
will again receive access to the
                                                   2.5m high matt anodized                            High matt anodized aluminium
lead management functionality
                                                   aluminium frame with white                         frame with white vinyl infills,
within the Congress app,
                                                   vinyl infills.                                     consisting of 1 x 2.5m high x 2m
providing a smooth and seamless
                                                                                                      wide back wall and 2 x 1m high x
way for your team onsite to                        Fascia                                             1m wide angled side panels
capture delegate contact details                   One (1) company name sign                          (total width of pod: 3.2m; total
– gone are the days of physical                    per booth (custom fascias are                      depth of pod: 1m from rear wall).
business cards!                                    also available at an additional
Exhibition space is strictly limited               cost), consisting of high matt                     Fascia
in 2020 and available on a first                   anodized aluminium frame,                          One (1) company name sign
come, first served basis after major               white corflute infill and black                    per pod (custom fascias are
supporters have been allocated.                    text (up to 30 characters).                        also available at an additional
All exhibitors will be limited to                                                                     cost), consisting of high matt
                                                   Lighting                                           anodized aluminium frame,
a total maximum of:
                                                   Two (2) LED spotlights mounted                     white corflute infill and black
• 2 x 3mx3m booths                                 to the rear of the booth.                          text (up to 30 characters).
• 2 x 2mx1m pods                                   Power                                              Lighting
• 2 x 9m2 spaces                                   One (1) 4 amp power point                          One (1) LED spotlights mounted
                                                   with 4 way power board.                            to the rear of the pod.

                                                                                                      One (1) 4 amp power point
                                                                                                      with 4 way power board.

* A small amount of catering will be available in the foyer outside the exhibition (for approximately 100 delegates).

22                                                      RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Exhibition                 continued

  ENTITLEMENTS                           EXHIBITION HOURS

                                       Monday 18 May 2020
Exhibition space only
                                       0830 – 1730
AU$6,450 per 9m2
                                       Tuesday 19 May 2020
Space ONLY for custom builds
                                       0830 – 1700
3mx3m (9m2) space only provided
                                       Wednesday 20 May 2020
whereby the custom build
contractor is responsible for          0830 – 1530
provision and installation of          Please note exhibition hours
all walling, flooring, signage,        indicated above are indicative
lighting and power at the
                                       only and will be confirmed
designated time.
                                       when the exhibitor briefing
                                       notes, including the final floor
  R E G I S T R AT I O N               plan and details regarding
Two (2) complimentary exhibitor        move in and move out,
registrations per 3mx3m booth /        are emailed to you in
2mx1m pod / 9m2 booth space            October 2019.
(excludes social functions and
access to scientific program


Company logo acknowledgement
on the following materials:

• Congress website
• Congress handbook
  and pocket program
• Congress app

Company name on exhibition
directory board located at the
entrance of the exhibition.

23                                         RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Exhibition          continued

The RANZCP 2020 Congress exhibition floor plan is provided
to assist with selecting your preferred site. The floor plan is
subject to change and will be updated as required.

                        38            37                   36         35     34

            station              15                             11                33
                            16         14                  12        10
            17                   13                             9                 32

            18                                lounge

            19                   3                              8                 30
                             2         4                   6         7
            20                    1                             5                 29

            21              FEDERATION BALLROOM                                   28
                 22        23               24        25              26     27
              Registration                                  Posters        Posters




24                                           RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
Policy and guidelines

Code of Conduct:                         Exhibitor protocol                            Registration
Medicines Australia                      Each exhibitor must keep their                The RANZCP 2020 Congress is
Pharmaceutical companies must            display within the dimensions of their        an integrated event and all staff
adhere to the current Medicines          exhibition booth at all times during          in attendance at your booth must
Australia Code of Conduct in relation    the Congress and refrain from                 be registered for the Congress.
to display and promotion of company      amplified announcements or music              Details on how to register your staff
or product names.                        from the exhibition display. All              for the Congress will be sent with
                                         delegate interactions must be kept            your Exhibitor Briefing Notes in
All promotional design and print items
                                         within the proximity of your booth            October 2019.
will require approval by the College
                                         and delegates are not to be
before the package is confirmed.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand
                                         approached outside of these                   Supporter registration
College of Psychiatrists reserves the                                                  Where a complimentary full
right to approve all branding provided                                                 registration is included in the
by supporters and exhibitors.
                                         Marketing                                     supporter package, you will be
                                         Organisations are not permitted               required to complete a registration
Congress communication                   to send unsolicited marketing                 form with the details of the attending
                                         materials to attendees of the                 delegate. The complimentary full
All official communication regarding
                                         RANZCP 2020 Congress before,                  registration includes full access to
the Congress will be sent either by
                                         during or post Congress. All                  all scientific sessions, daily catering,
the Congress Office (WaldronSmith
                                         organisations should familiarise              and tickets to the inclusive social
Management/WSM), the College
                                         themselves with the Australian                functions. Additional full registrations
(RANZCP) or the exhibition stand
                                         Privacy Act. Failure to comply may            or additional social event tickets
builder (ExpoTas). Should you
                                         impact on your participation at this          can be purchased. Please visit
receive communication regarding
                                         and/or future Congresses.                     the Congress website for further
the Congress from any other
organisation please contact the
Congress Office immediately on
                                         Pricing so that the            All pricing listed is in Australian dollars   Exhibitor registration
authenticity of this communication       inclusive of 10% GST. All inclusions in       Two (2) complimentary exhibitor
can be verified.                         Congress printed materials are subject        registrations are included in each
                                         to strict production deadlines.               exhibition package (per 3mx3m
Custom built stand                                                                     booth / 2mx1m pod / 9m2 booth
design approval                          Print and design materials                    space), and attending exhibitors will
                                                                                       be required to complete an online
All custom built exhibition booth        All packages inclusive of print and
                                                                                       registration form with the details of the
design plans must be pre-approved by     design materials must be received
                                                                                       attending exhibitor. If extra exhibitor
the College and the venue. Exhibitors    by the deadlines provided by the
                                                                                       booth personnel are required, you
with custom built booths are required    Congress Organiser. If files are not
                                                                                       will be able to purchase additional
to submit a comprehensive design         received by the respective date, your
                                                                                       registrations. The exhibitor registration
plan to the Congress Office no later     company details may not be included
                                                                                       includes daily catering, but does
than Friday 13 March 2020 indicating     in the print and design materials.
                                                                                       not include access to the scientific
the dimensions and features of the
                                                                                       sessions or social functions.
proposed booth for the College’s         Privacy
consideration and approval.              Please note all supporter and exhibitor       Related events
                                         contact details will be provided
Engagement with the                                                                    Supporters and exhibitors should not
                                         to SAGE Publications to discuss
pharmaceutical industry                                                                arrange competing events against any
                                         advertising opportunities within
                                                                                       of the RANZCP or Congress functions
Please note that RANZCP’s                the Congress ‘Book of Abstracts’
                                                                                       including pre and post Congress
engagement with the pharmaceutical       publication. If you do not wish
                                                                                       events, and are required to provide
industry has been based on the           your details to be included in this
                                                                                       the RANZCP with information
position statement ‘RANZCP               correspondence, please email
                                                                                       regarding proposed activities.
engagement with the pharmaceutical
industry’. Further information on this
policy can be found on the RANZCP

25                                            RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
How to apply

Online applications                    Cancellation policy
Please visit the Congress website and complete
                                       All cancellations must be received
                                       in writing to the Congress            information
the online application form.           Organiser’s Office. If you cancel
All applications received will be      a support or exhibition booth/s,      RANZCP 2020
acknowledged with a confirmation       unless that particular area of        Congress Office
letter or an AU$ tax invoice           support or exhibition space is        Helen McGowan
with EFT payment details to            resold, the Congress Organiser        Support and Exhibition Manager
facilitate payment for accepted        reserves the right to retain
                                                                             WALDRONSMITH Management
applications.                          monies received. Any booth or
                                                                             119 Buckhurst Street
                                       support package cancelled after
                                                                             South Melbourne VIC 3205
Confirmation of                        Wednesday 15 January 2020 will
participation                          incur 100% forfeit. If the balance
To confirm your support package        of payment is not received by the     D +61 3 9907 8628
and/or exhibition space, 50% part      due date, the allocated support       T +61 3 9645 6311
payment is required upon booking       or exhibition booth space will        F +61 3 9645 6322
or within 14 days of receipt of your   be cancelled.                         E
AUD tax invoice. Your booking                                      
will only be fully processed           Terms and conditions
and secured upon receipt of            Full terms and conditions are
this deposit at the Congress           detailed on the application form.
Organiser’s Office. The balance        At the time of applying, potential
of payment is required by              supporters and exhibitors will
Friday 13 December 2019.               be required to indicate their
                                       agreement to the terms and
Any booking made after
Friday 13 December 2019 will
require full payment upon booking
or within 14 days of receipt of
your tax invoice.

26                                         RANZCP 2020 Congress | Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart | 17-21 May 2020
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