R b rue to yourself - Information Booklet - The Kingsley School

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R b rue to yourself - Information Booklet - The Kingsley School
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                                                              Information Booklet
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 Aims                                                            w

• To encourage all pupils to fulfil their academic and social


• To pursue excellence in all areas

• To demonstrate a care and concern for pupils as individuals

• To offer a broad curriculum complemented by a stimulating

                                                                          to b
  range of extra-curricular activities

• To create an environment where the educational process is

                                                                               e or b
  enjoyable and valued

• To develop the skills and attitudes needed for independent

                                                                                      e tr ue to yours
• To encourage all members of the school to develop
 responsibility towards individuals, the community and the

• To promote effective partnerships with one another, parents,
 other schools and the wider community

• To encourage all members of the school to respect and
  value the diversity of our culture and society

• To develop self-confidence                                                                           e l f ...
• To foster creativity

• To promote the welfare and security of staff and pupils
Staff and Governors			               2-5
Alumnae and Development		            5
2018-19 GCSE Results			              6
2018-19 A-Level Results		            7
Pupil Wellbeing			8-9
The School Day			                    9
Extracurricular Activities and Clubs 9
Entrance Procedure			10
Prep School Curriculum		             11
Senior School Curriculum		           12-13
Sixth Form Curriculum		              13
Fees					14
Registration Form			15-16
Transport				17


                                           Ms H Owens BA PGCE NPQH

                                           DEPUTY HEAD (Pastoral)
                                           Mrs J Bailey BA MEd CertEd

                                     ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER CURRICULUM
                                            Mrs R Rogers BSc PGCE MA

                                        HEAD OF PREPARATORY SCHOOL
                                        Mrs R Whiting BA MA PGCE NPQSL

                                            HEAD OF SIXTH FORM
                                            Mrs D Morgan BA PGCE

    ART                                   ENGLISH AND DRAMA              HISTORY
    *Mr E Lax BA PGCE                     *Mrs A Alton BA PGCE           *Miss C Parry BScEcon PGCE
                                          Mrs D Morgan BA PGCE           Mrs R Whiting BA MA PGCE NPQSL
    CLASSICS                              Mrs J Hillson BA PGCE MA
    *Ms I Peace BA PGCE                   Ms H Owens BA PGCE NPQH        ICT
                                          Mrs J Rhodes BA QTS            *Mrs M Bennett BEd MA
    DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY                                                Mrs C Dempsey BEd
    *Mrs C Dempsey BEd                    GEOGRAPHY                      Mrs S Mace BA PGCE
    Mrs K Hughes-O’Sullivan BEd MA        *Mrs K Ahmed BA PGDipEd        Mrs M Roberts BEd MA
    Miss C Shephard BSc PGCE              Mrs J Bailey BA MEd CertEd
                                          Mrs R Rogers BSc PGCE MA       MATHEMATICS
    ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS STUDIES                                       *Mr T Spillane BSc PGCE
    *Mrs M Bennett BEd MA                 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE         Mrs P Davies BSc PGCE
                                          Mrs S Mace BA PGCE             Mrs L Laubscher HED (SA) QTS
                                                                         Dr A Smith BA Ph.D PGDE

MODERN LANGUAGES                                  SCIENCE
*Mr I Stickels BA PGCE                            *Dr C Robertson BSc Ph.D PGCE
Mrs C Cocksworth BA                               Mrs S Bains M.Sc PGCE
Mrs T Connor BA                                   Mrs S Bacon BSc Hons PGCE
Mrs H Foulerton BA PGCE                           Mrs S Baker BSc PGCE
Miss M Mahé Maîtrise de Littératures et Langues   Mrs A Hawthorn BEng MSc PGCE
(equiv to MA) Licence de Langues (equiv to BA)    Mrs L Lane BSc PGCE
                                                  Miss G Reid BSc PGCE
*Mr J Smith BMus PGCE                             DUKE OF EDINBURGH MANAGER
Mrs K Buckingham L.S.D.E LAMDA                    Mrs L Laubscher HED (SA) QTS
Mrs A Vallance BA QTS Dance
PERSONAL AND SOCIAL EDUCATION                     Mrs S Bennett BA
*Mrs K Hughes-O’Sullivan BEd MA
Mrs K Ahmed BA PGDipEd                            ACADEMIC AND LEARNING SUPPORT
Mrs J Bailey BA MEd CertEd                        *Mrs L Payne BA SEND Post Grad
Mrs C Dempsey BEd                                 Mrs R Athwal BSc MEd PGCE
                                                  Mrs C Cocksworth BA
PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                Mrs J Harper BA MSocSc Adv Dip
*Miss S Windsor BEd                               Mrs Y Raja Dip
Mrs J Bailey BA MEd CertEd                        Mrs S Smith BA PGCE
Mrs S Bates BA CertEd
Mrs K Close                                       PREPARATORY SCHOOL
Mrs J Davies BEd                                  Mrs G Adair BN PGCE
Mrs E Macleod BA                                  Mrs R Bhangal BA NCFE
                                                  Miss J Clark BA PGCE
PSYCHOLOGY:                                       Mrs L Conniff BA QTS
*Mrs S Mace BA PGCE                               Mrs C Divers BA QTS
Mrs K MacLeod BSc CertTeach                       Miss H Fennell BA Primary with QTS PGSENCO
                                                  Ms C Gardner TA Qual
*Miss R Bubb BA PGCE                              Ms C Hayward NNEB
Mrs K MacLeod BSc CertTeach                       Mrs S Holmes BA QTS
Mrs K Ahmed BA PGDipEd                            Miss M Knight-Adams BSc PGCE
                                                  Ms C Lopez (Spanish) BA MA
                                                  Ms T Markwell BA PHCE
                                                  Mrs E Murphy BA PGCE
                                                  Mrs B O’Reilly (Music) BMus MMus PGDip (Perf)
                                                  Miss S Slater BA PGCE
                                                  Miss E Smith (Drama) BA
                                                  Mrs J Thompson BA Early Years
FINANCE OFFICE                                   CATERING
    Mr B Cheney, Head of Finance                     Provided by Brookwood Partnership
    Mr D Falp, Senior Finance Assistant
    Mrs S Punj, Finance Assistant                    INSTRUMENTAL STAFF
    Mrs M Adamo, Finance Assistant                   Mr C Bowen BA PGCE, Guitar
                                                     Mr N Jones, Drums
    ADMINISTRATION                                   Mr C Langdown MMus (RCM) GRSM DipRCM
    Mrs J Bostock, PA to Headteacher                 ALCM, Head of Keyboard Studies
    Mrs A Griffiths, Admin & Receptionist            Miss B Morley BA, Head of Vocal Studies
    Mrs K Parker, Prep School Admin & Receptionist   Mrs E Murphy BA PGCE, Piano
    Miss E Smith, LRC Assistant                      Mrs B O’Reilly BMus MMus PGDip, Strings
    Mrs S Tsang, Exam Officer/Cover Administrator    Mr A Preston BSc MSc OU DipMus, Saxophone
    Mrs A Gardner, Alumnae & Development Officer     Mrs C Preston BMus, Woodwind
    Mrs M Wright, Admin & Receptionist               Mr J Smith BMus PGCE, Brass/Electric Guitar
                                                     Mrs C Wimpenny GBSM ABSM, Cello/Double Bass
    Mrs S Hill, Registrar                            PREMISES OFFICE:
    Mr J Farrington-Smith, PR & Marketing Manager    Mr J Bastock, Site Team Member
    Mrs A Gardner, Digital & Marketing Assistant     Mr M Bhandal, Minibus Driver
    Ms K Sutton, Admissions Assistant                Mr S Burrell, Relief Minibus Driver
                                                     Mrs K Byron, Housekeeper
    BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB                     Mr T Forde, Minibus Driver
    Mrs I Domalipova                                 Ms C Gardner, Minibus Driver
    Mrs D Skinner                                    Mrs W Garrison, Housekeeper
    Miss H Dhinsa                                    Mr T Glover, Minibus Driver
    Ms A Bollons                                     Mr S Green, Site Team Member
                                                     Mr M Jakeway, Minibus Driver
    TECHNICAL SUPPORT                                Mrs B Jones, Housekeeper
    Mr C Andrews, ICT & SIMS Manager                 Mr R Jones, Site Team Member
    Mrs I Domalipova, Food & DT Technician           Mrs J Kennedy, Minibus Driver
    Miss N Lismore BSc, Science Technician           Mrs M Mather, Minibus Driver
    Dr G Martin BSc Ph.D, Science Technician         Mrs C Paley, Events Co-ordinator
                                                     Ms J Prosser, Site Manager
    SCHOOL NURSE                                     Mr M Ramsden, Minibus Driver
    Mrs T Ball SRN BSc Hons                          Mr J Regler, Minibus Driver
                                                     Miss L Simmonds, Housekeeper
    WELLBEING COUNSELLOR                             Miss K Walton, Housekeeper
    Mrs P Thomas BSc Dip Psch Post Grad Dip          Ms K Wong, Housekeeper
    Registered MBACP


                                           Mr A Noble, President
                                          Dame Y Buckland, Chair
                                               Mr L Brown
                                               Mr N Button
                                                Mr A Bye
                                               Mr D Cleary
                                               Mrs C Ellis
                                              Mrs L Greaves
                                               Mrs M Hicks
                                              Mr D Loudon
                                               Mr A Maher
                                               Mrs C Rigby
                                               Mrs E Smith
                                                Mr J Strain

                                      CLERK TO THE GOVERNORS
                                             Mrs M Griffin

                   Any correspondence for the Chair of Governors should be addressed to:
     The Chair of Governors, The Kingsley School, Beauchamp Avenue, Royal Leamington Spa CV32 5RD

                                Alumnae and Development

The school Alumnae Relations and Development Office      To visit the school or hold a reunion event, contact the
hosts an annual programme of events to include all       Alumnae Relations Office on alumnae@kingsleyschool.
sections of the Kingsley Community. The office aims      co.uk. News of events happening in school can be found
to foster lifelong relationships with former students,   on our Facebook page ‘The Kingsley School Alumnae’.
staff and parents.

9 - 8: 23%           9 - 4: 94%
    2017-18 GCSE Results                                                       9 - 7: 38%           5 x 9 - 4: 100%

                                       Grade   Grade   Grade   Grade   Grade     Grade      Grade     Grade   Total
                                         9       8       7       6       5         4          3        2, 1   Entry
                     Art and Design      2       1       2       0       0         0          0         0       5
                            Biology      0       3       3       3       4         1          0         0       14
                    Business Studies     1       0       1       3       0         2          0         1       8
                         Chemistry       1       1       4       2       3         1          0         0       12
       Design and Technology: Food       0       0       1       4       1         1          0         0       7
     Design and Technology: Textiles     2       0       0       1       0         0          0         0       3
                  English Language       2       3       2       5       7         3          2         0       24
                  English Literature     2       2       3       5       9         1          2         0       24
            Drama/Performing Arts        0       0       0       1       3         0          3         0       7
                             French      1       2       2       1       1         0          0         0       7
                         Geography       1       5       3       2       1         0          0         0       12
                            History      3       2       1       2       0         0          0         0       8
                              Latin      0       0       0       0       0         0          1         0       1
                       Mathematics       0       2       3       4       9         4          2         0       24
                              Music      2       0       0       1       1         2          0         0       6
                            Physics      0       2       2       4       2         1          0         0       11
                   Religious Studies     0       1       1       2       0         0          1         0       5
      Science Double Award Grade 1       1       0       1       2       4         2          0         0       10
        Science Double Award GCSE        0       1       1       2       2         3          1         0       10
                            Spanish      3       1       0       2       2         2          1         0       11
                      Sports Studies     3       0       0       1       2         1          0         0       7

                               Total    24      26      31      47      51         24        11         1      215

A* - A: 36%       A* - D: 92%
  A* - B: 57%       A* - E: 99%
  A* - C: 82%       Pass rate: 99.9%                                       2017-18 A-Level Results
                                       Grade    Grade     Grade    Grade     Grade    Grade     Grade     Grade    Total
                                        A*        A         B        C        D         E         F         U      Entry
      Art and Design: Photography        0         0        0         1        0         0         0        0         1
                            Biology      0         1        0         2        0         2         0        0         5
                   Business Studies      1         1        2         3        2         1         0        0        10
                         Chemistry       0         0        0         0        1         0         0        1         2
              Classical Civilisation     0         1        1         1        0         0         0        0         3
     Design and Technology: Food         0         0        0         1        0         0         0        0         1
   Design and Technology: Textiles       0         1        1         1        2         0         0        0         5
                         Economics       0         0        0         2        2         0         0        0         4
  English Language and Literature        3         0        2         1        0         0         0        0         6
                 English Literature      0         3        0         0        0         0         0        0         3
                           Fine Art      0         2        3         1        0         0         0        0         6
                             French      0         0        0         2        0         0         0        0         2
                        Geography        0         2        2         2        1         0         0        0         7
                            History      0         0        2         0        0         0         0        0         2
                       Mathematics       0         1        2         1        1         2         0        0         7
              Further Mathematics        0         0        0         0        1         1         0        0         2
                              Music      0         0        0         1        0         0         0        0         1
                            Physics      0         0        0         0        1         0         0        0         1
                        Portuguese       0         0        0         1        0         0         0        0         1
                        Psychology       1         5        1         3        0         1         0        0        11
                  Religious Studies      0         0        2         0        0         0         0        0         2
                            Spanish      0         0        2         1        0         0         0        0         3
                  Study Skills/EPQ       0         1        2         0        0         0         0        0         2
   OCR Cambridge Technicals: IT          6         0        1         0        0         0         0        0         7
       OCR Cambridge Technicals:         6         0        0         0        0         0         0        0         6
           Health and Social Care
       OCR Cambridge Technicals:         2         0        0         0        0         0         0        0         2

                               Total     19       18        23       24        11        7         0        1       103

Recent leavers’ desinations include Medicine at UEA, Law at Leeds and Liverpool, Medieval and Modern Languages at
Cambridge, Dentistry at Bristol, English at Cardiff, Geography at Leeds, Maths at Swansea, Music at Edinburgh, Marine Zoology
at Newcastle, Fashion with Marketing at Southampton and a Pharmaceutical Apprenticeship at Boots PLC.
Pupil Wellbeing
    The Kingsley School aims to give all pupils an experience of       Together with the Heads of Year, the Careers Coordinator
    school which will enable them to be happy and healthy; to          has responsibility for offering girls impartial advice and
    be safe; to enjoy their work; to achieve well in it; to make a     information with subject choices at GCSE and A-level,
    positive contribution to the school and wider community            higher education and the world of work and work
    and to achieve economic well-being in the future.                  experience . She also liaises with various outside agencies
                                                                       and organises events where specialists in their fields share
    We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the                 expertise on further career and study options including
    welfare of children and young people. Strong pastoral care         modern apprenticeships.
    is central to the ethos and aims of the school. It involves all
    members of the school community: governors, the senior             The Academic Learning Support department provides
    leadership team, all teaching and support staff, pupils,           support for pupils and advice for teachers when girls
    parents or carers and visitors. Pupils who feel known and          encounter difficulties with their learning. The department
    safe are more likely to fulfil their potential, academically and   can provide formal assessments of potential barriers to
    in other areas of school life, and to participate responsibly      learning, so that teachers can provide for individual needs.
    in the school community.                                           The school does not have the facilities to support pupils
                                                                       with a statement of special educational needs. Our Minerva
    The importance of the pastoral system is recognised in             programme can provide stretch and challenge to gifted
    the fact that all members of the teaching staff are attached       children.
    to year teams, and take part in pastoral activities. Most
    teachers contribute to the teaching of Personal, Social,           Kingsley is committed to safeguarding all members
    Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Citizenship,              of its community. It comes under the umbrella of the
    where a coordinated programme tackles topics such as               Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board, and follows
    friendships, relationships and sex education, assertiveness        legislation and current advice when dealing with child
    and self-awareness, staying safe (including an introduction        protection matters. We have a range of policies to ensure
    to the risks of driving for older pupils), bullying, balanced      the welfare, health and safety of pupils at all times whilst
    eating, smoking, alcohol and other drugs, online safety and        on school premises, and on school trips in this country
    promoting Fundamental British Values.                              and abroad. This includes polices to promote positive
                                                                       behaviour and to prevent bullying. Most of these policies
    Kingsley has a dedicated Head of Year for each year group,         can be found on our website, or are available from the
    who oversees academic tracking and target-setting for all          school on request. The Kingsley School is also committed
    the pupils, and who can work with individual pupils when           to providing equal opportunities for all pupils; the school
    they need support either academically or for more personal         has an Accessibility Plan which is reviewed regularly, and
    reasons. We have a qualified school nurse who is able to           which may be developed to cater for the needs of individual
    advise pupils, parents and staff on matters concerning             pupils or parents.
    girls’ physical health. We also have a qualified Wellbeing
    Counsellor who offers support to pupils for a variety of
    emotional and mental health issues. The school catering
    company ensures school meals are varied and balanced.

The School Day
                     PREP SCHOOL                                                SENIOR SCHOOL
Registration &       8:40am      9:10am                   Registration &         8:45am       9:10am
Assembly                                                  Assembly
Period 1/2           9:15am              10:15am          Period 1               9:15am              10:15am
Break                10:15am             10:35am          Break                  10:15am             10:35am
Period 3/4           10:35am             11:35am          Period 2               10:35am             11:35am
                                              5 minutes movement time
 Reading Time        11:40am             11:55pm          Period 3               11:40am             12:40pm
 Lunch               12:00pm             1:15pm           Lunch                  12:40pm             1:50pm
 Afternoon           1:15pm              1:25pm           Afternoon              1:50pm              1:55pm
 Registration                                             Registration
 Period 5            1:25pm              1:55pm
 Period 6/7          1:55pm              2:55pm           Period 4               1:55pm              2:55pm
 Period 8            3:00pm              3:30pm           Period 5               2:55pm              3:55pm
 End of School       3:50pm              EYFS 3:30pm      End of School                              4:00pm

                            Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
World Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh, Young Enterprise, Maths Challenge, MFL Club, History Club, Science in Action,
Science Club, Art and Photography Club, Public Speaking competitions and more.

Modern dance, musical theatre and speech and drama lessons, LAMDA, ABRSM and Trinity-Guildhall examinations,
instrumental lessons in piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar (classical, electric and bass), recorder, flute,
clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, cornet, trombone, drums, singing (classical and musical theatre), theory and regular
performance opportunities and concerts.

Clubs and teams in netball, hockey, rounders, tennis, badminton, football, athletics, cross country, cheerleading,
gymnastics, yoga, Zumba, riding, skiing, swimming, karate, canoeing, trampolining and rock climbing.

Entrance Procedure
     The Kingsley School prides itself on its caring approach     SIXTH FORM (GIRLS 17 - 18 YEARS)
     which focuses on individual needs. We believe that it is     Entrance to the Sixth Form is conditional on GCSE
     important to determine whether our school is suitable        results.
     for the pupil as well as whether the pupil is suitable for
     Kingsley. The entrance procedure is as follows:              We would normally expect a minimum of five GCSEs
                                                                  at grades 9 to 5 with a grade 6 or above in those subjects
     FOUNDATION AND RECEPTION                                     to be studied. A satisfactory reference from Kingsley’s
     (GIRLS AND BOYS 3 - 5 YEARS)                                 Head of Year 11 or, if the student is from another
     A short morning in school to assess the suitability of       school, from a senior member of staff is also required.
     the child who will be informally and unobtrusively
     assessed by the class teacher.                               Students are invited for formal interviews with the
                                                                  Headteacher and the Head of Sixth Form and will need
     KEY STAGE 1 (GIRLS AND BOYS 6 - 7 YEARS)                     to provide evidence of their GCSE results.
     A day in class and assessment of reading, writing and
     numeracy.                                                    KEY DATES

     KEY STAGE 2 (GIRLS AND BOYS 8 - 11 YEARS)                    Taster Morning for Year 7      Saturday 22 September 2018
                                                                  (for entry in Sept 2019)
     A full day in school with a formal test in English,
     mathematics and writing.                                     Open Afternoon                 Friday 5 October 2018
                                                                  (for current Year 6 pupils)
                                                                  2:00 - 4:00pm
     Entrance is by examination, interview and a reference        Entrance Exam for Year 7       Saturday 13 October 2018
     from the current school.                                     (for entry in Sept 2019)
                                                                  Scholarship Week               Monday 8 -
     For entrance to Year 7, there is a written test consisting                                  Friday 12 October 2018
     of papers in Maths, English and Verbal Reasoning.            Prep School Open House         Friday 9 November 2018
                                                                  Sixth Form Open Evening        Tuesday 13 November 2018
     Older girls may apply for entry at any time in the           Sixth Form Taster Day          Tuesday 20 November 2018
     school year if places are available. They sit a written      Year 3 Scholarship Exam        Monday 11 February 2019
     examination appropriate to their age which normally
                                                                  Prep School Open House         Friday 7 June 2019
     includes a paper in a modern foreign language.
                                                                  Senior School Open Evening Thursday 4 July 2019

     For more information please contact the School Registrar on 01926 421368, email registrar@kingsleyschool.co.uk or
     visit the Admissions section of the school website.

Prep School Curriculum
The aim at the Kingsley Prep School is to provide a            Each year group will focus on 3 major cross-curricular
broad education following our own Creative Curriculum          themes throughout the year. Each year group’s focus will
and balancing this with the best practice of the primary       be different within the umbrella theme and everything
National Curriculum. We are flexible enough to allow for       from dinosaurs to the rainforest or the Shang Dynasty gets
individual interests and talents to be developed.              a creative treatment.

Kingsley has a well-established core curriculum, in which      The highest quality of teaching ensures that all pupils make
the focus is on excellence within English, mathematics         significant progress culminating in a learning exhibition to
and science supported by bespoke teaching in modern            celebrate pupils’ achievements. At this stage parents and
foreign languages, music, drama and physical education.        carers participate, to help the pupils appreciate that in the
Our pupils benefit from exposure to a carousel of learning     real world it is natural for others to evaluate their work
three languages – French, Spanish and Mandarin – at an         and comment upon it. The exhibitions take many forms,
early age. Pupils also enjoy regular games and swimming        including simple presentation of work in a gallery format;
lessons.                                                       or a debate around carefully researched topics; they can
                                                               involve pupils in open performance or a heavily structured
Outdoor learning is a significant component, using the         series of presentations.
natural world to extend children’s understanding of
themselves and the world around them. Nature is one of         As part of the ongoing developments within the
our greatest teachers and Kingsley’s curriculum engages        curriculum, the pupils benefit from our facilities such as
girls and boys by harnessing innate curiosity to imagine,      the senior school science laboratories and our outdoor
to build and to investigate – such as, in the bug hotel, mud   classroom at the school playing fields. Our recent addition
kitchen or our extensive fields.                               of an Innovation Station and Cookery corner allow pupils
                                                               to explore their own solutions to real world problems.
By being creative children learn to think for themselves and
to learn by doing and applying. The Kingsley Prep School’s     Whilst developing high standards of core skills, above all
Creative Curriculum provides opportunities for learners to     the Prep School curriculum aims to make learning fun and
explore and discover, in particular by using nature and our    inspire pupils to enjoy their first experience of education.
purpose-built outdoor classroom. By engaging children’s
curiosity and imagination they are more motivated and
become more independent and confident learners and
individual progress and academic achievement improve.

Senior School Curriculum
                                            Year 7          Year 8          Year 9         Year 10          Year 11
           English/English Literature          ■               ■              ■               ■                ■
                         Mathematics           ■               ■              ■               ■                ■
                               Science         ■               x              x               x                x
                              Biology          x               ■              ■               ■                ■
                     Business Studies          x               x              x               ●                ●
                           Chemistry           x               ■              ■               ■                ■
                               Physics         x               ■              ■               ■                ■
                               French          ■               ■              ■               o                o
                              Spanish          ■               ■              ■               o                o
                                 Latin         x               ■              o               o                o
                              Classics         ■               x              x               ●                ●
                           Geography           ■               ■              ■               o                o
                               History         ■               ■              ■               o                o
      Philosophy, Ethics and Religion          ■               ■              ■               o                o
       Personal and Social Education           ■               ■              ■               ■                ■
                 ICT and Computing             ■               ■              ■               o                o
                      Product Design           ■               ■              ■               ●                ●
                    Food Technology            ■               ■              ■               o                o
                               Textiles        ■               ■              ■               o                o
                                   Art         ■               ■              ■               o                o
                               Drama           ■               ■              ■               o                o
                                Music          ■               ■              ■               o                o
                  Physical Education           ■               ■              o               o                o
                               Games           ■               ■              ■               ■                ■

                                          ■ Compulsory o Option ● Option offered subject to demand x Unavailable

               Additional subjects are available at Sixth Form. Please see the Sixth Form Course Guide for more details.

Year 7 is usually divided into two form groups, with all   In addition, options are available in Latin, geography,
pupils following the same curriculum.                      history, religious studies, computing, food technology,
                                                           textiles, art, drama, music and PE. Games lessons are
Subjects taken are English, mathematics, science,          timetabled every week for all girls.
French, Spanish, classics, geography, history, religious
studies, PSHEE, computing, product design, food,
textiles, art, drama, music and PE. Mathematics classes    SIXTH FORM
are set by ability. Games lessons are timetabled every     Students in Sixth Form choose from a wide range of
week for all girls.                                        20+ subjects. AS and A-levels are offered alongside
                                                           A-level equivalent OCR Cambridge Technical
YEAR 8                                                     qualifications which test more vocational skills and
Year 8 is usually divided into two form groups, with all   consist of non-examination assessment.
pupils following the same curriculum.
                                                           Students sit AS level examinations as we believe in the
Subjects taken are the same as in Year 7 but the three     intrinsic value of a midpoint assessment.
sciences, biology, chemistry and physics are taught
separately. Latin is introduced. Mathematics classes are   Most girls study four subjects in Year 12 moving to
set by ability. Games lessons are timetabled every week    three in Year 13. More and more choose to complete
for all girls.                                             the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) for its focus
                                                           on independent learning and research skills as well as
YEAR 9                                                     its value in UCAS points. In addition, girls complete
Year 9 is usually divided into two form groups, with all   Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in a variety
pupils following the same curriculum.                      of subjects from mindfulness to marine biology.

Subjects taken are the same as in Year 8 but with an       The Sixth Form curriculum acknowledges the rigour
option choice between Latin and additional drama/PE.       of academic study alongside the skills necessary to
Mathematics classes are set by ability. Games lessons      succeed beyond formal schooling.
are timetabled every week for all girls.

YEAR 10/11
Years 10 and 11 are usually divided into two form
groups, with students choosing optional subjects.

All students follow a core curriculum of English,
mathematics and the three sciences, in classes set based
on ability, with one modern foreign language (French
or Spanish) and PSHEE.


     The fees per term for the forthcoming academic year      PERFORMING ARTS FEES 2018-19
     2018-19 will be:
                                                              With effect from the Autumn Term 2018, the charges
     FOUNDATION STAGE                                         for extra subjects will be as follows:
     Full Time + Lunch £2,693.00
     Mornings + Lunch  £1,818.00                              MUSIC
     Mornings Only		   £1,406.00                              Instrumental lessons		           £245.00
                                                              per term of 10 lessons
     PREP SCHOOL                                              Theory/Composition 		            £105.00
     Reception to Year 2                                      Group of 3 per term of 10 lessons
     (Including Lunch)        £3,533.00                       Theory/Composition 		            £245.00
     Year 3 to Year 6                                         Individual per term of 10 lessons
     (Including Lunch)        £4,115.00                       Music Project Groups		           £105.00
                                                              per term of 10 lessons
     SENIOR SCHOOL AND SIXTH FORM                             Hire of Instruments		            £20 to £60.00
     Year 7 to Year 13 £4,418.00                              per term

     Years 7, 8 and 9 have lunch in school which is charged   SPEECH AND DRAMA
     at £185.00 per term. (Also available as an option for    Group Lessons			£125.00
     Year 10 and above).                                      per term of 10 lessons
                                                              Senior Paired Lessons		 £140.00
     Fees are paid in three termly instalments by direct      per term of 10 lessons
     debit.                                                   Individual Lessons		    £245.00
                                                              per term of 10 lessons
     For details of a monthly payment option please
     contact the finance office:                              DANCE
     finance@kingsleyschool.co.uk.                            Dance Express - Senior		       £105.00
                                                              per term of 10 lessons
                                                              Dance Express - Prep		         £70.00
                                                              per term of 10 lessons

To be completed and returned in BLOCK CAPITALS to the Registrar
when applying for consideration for entry.                                                Registration Form
Child’s Preferred Name
Child’s Date of Birth                                                                                         Please affix
                                                                                                              passport size
Child’s Nationality                                                                                           photograph.

Child’s Religion
Child’s Address

Proposed Term and Year of Entry
Have you registered your child’s name at any other school/s and if so, which?

PARENT/GUARDIAN 1                                               PARENT/GUARDIAN 2
Title		            Forename                                     Title		             Forename
Surname                                                         Surname
Relationship to Child                                           Relationship to Child
Occupation                                                      Occupation
Address (if different to child)                                 Address (if different to child)

Home Telephone No                                               Home Telephone No
Mobile Telephone No                                             Mobile Telephone No
Email Address                                                   Email Address

Please mention the names of any other members of the family attending the School or registered for entry; or any other
connection with the School.

Please say how you first heard of the School:
   Local reputation         School website         Advertisement (please specify i.e. billboard/newspaper/magazine/flyer)
   Present school		       Other website (please specify)
   Recommended by a friend		                      Other (please specify)
Child’s Current School

Name of Headteacher
Date of Entry						Current Year Group

Please outline any of your child’s artistic, dramatic, musical or sporting skills or experience (if applicable):

Please give an outline of your child’s other hobbies or interests (if applicable):

Please give details of any medical condition (including allergies/disability):

Does your child receive any Learning Support at his/her current school?                             Yes         No
Please provide copies of any Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher Reports

Early registration is recommended. Offers of places are subject to availability and the admission requirements of the School at the time offers are made.
A copy of the current edition of the Standard Terms and Conditions will be supplied on request.

We request that the above-named child is registered as a prospective pupil.
We confirm that we have made a BACS payment of £50 (details below). We understand that the standard terms and conditions of the School will undergo
reasonable changes from time to time as circumstances require and will apply in all our dealings with the School. We understand also that the School
(through the Headteacher, as the person responsible) may obtain, process and hold personal information about our child, including sensitive information
such as medical details and we consent to this for the purpose of assessment and, if a place is later offered, in order to safeguard and promote the welfare
of the child.

First signature:                                                            Second signature:
Name in full:                                                               Name in full:
Date:                                                                       Date:
                                                                                                    The Kingsley School
The Kingsley School: a company limited by guarantee
                                                                                                    Sort Code: 20-48-08
Registered in England No. 286765
                                                                                                    Account Number: 10548545
Registered Office: Beauchamp Hall, Beauchamp Avenue, Royal Leamington Spa CV32 5RD
                                                                                                    Reference: Pupil’s initial and surname
Registered Charity No. 528774
Transport 2018-19
The Kingsley School currently
operates eleven minibus services as
follows below.

There is a sliding scale of fares
depending on the distance travelled.
These range from £200 to £440 per
term with discounts available for

Further information is available
by emailing Joanne Prosser at

There are also several convenient
public buses which take students to
and from local schools. They serve
the surrounding areas and include
Banbury, Coventry, the Cotswolds,
Daventry, Kenilworth, Nuneaton,
Southam, Stratford and Warwick.

KSB1: Spernall Lane – Wilmcote – Snitterfield – School
KSB2: Broad Street – Banbury Road – Knights Lane – Kissing Tree Lane – School
KSB3: Ettington – Newbold-on-Stour – Halford – Pillerton Priors – Loxley – School
KSB4: Henley-in-Arden – Claverdon – Shrewley – Hatton Station – Hatton Park – School
KSB5: Alcester Road – Waitrose (Stratford-upon-Avon) – St Gregory’s Church – School
KSB6: Banbury – Ratley – Gaydon – Warwick Gates – School
KSB7: Byfield – Priors Marsden – Long Itchington/Stockton – Bourton on Dunsmore – Bubbenhall – School
KSB8: Hampton Lucy – Barford – Wellesbourne – Moreton Morrell – School
KSB9: Leek Wootton – Kenilworth – Woodcote Avenue – School
KSB10: Norton Lindsey – Warwick – School
KSB11: Rugby – School

Each year the routes are set to try to accommodate parental requests. New routes are continually being investigated.

Telephone: 01926 425127
    The Kingsley School
                            Email: schooloffice@kingsleyschool.co.uk
    Beauchamp Hall
                            Registrar: registrar@kingsleyschool.co.uk
    Beauchamp Avenue
                            Website: www.thekingsleyschool.com
    Royal Leamington Spa
                            Twitter: @kingsley_school
    Warwickshire CV32 5RD
                            Facebook: thekingsleyschool
1                           Instagram: thekingsleyschool
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