Information for new parents 2021 - Haileybury

Page created by Alvin Jackson
Information for new parents 2021 - Haileybury
Information for new parents 2021

The purpose of this booklet is to provide you with
      detailed guidance before your son or daughter arrives at
    Haileybury in September. The information should answer a
    large number of your questions. If any remain unanswered,
       please contact your son or daughter's Housemaster or
    Housemistress (HM), or a member of the Admissions Team.
          The telephone numbers and email addresses for
           HMs are given on page four, as are some other
                          useful numbers.

             The information contained in this booklet was correct at the time of printing, June 2021,
         however please note that we reserve the right to make any necessary changes as and when required.
2              Please check our website for the latest and most up to date version of this document.

Introduction                                            2

General information                                    3
Contact details                                        4
Term dates                                             5
Weekend arrangements                                   6
Haileybury Parents’ Association                        6
Haileybury Connect                                     6
Religious and spiritual life                           7
Communication with parents                             7

New pupils                                              8
Pupil transport                                         9
IT provision                                           10
Lower Sixth pupils – GCSE results                      10
Overseas pupils                                        10
Frequently asked questions                             12

Administration                                         13
Haileybury Portal                                      14
The Bookroom                                           14
Fees                                                   15

Medical                                                16
Medical arrangements                                   17
Medication for boarders                                18
The Wellness Centre                                    18

Additional lessons                                     19
Learning support                                       20
Individual music lessons                               20
LAMDA                                                  21
Dance classes and individual dance lessons             21

Academic societies, clubs & co-curricular activities   22

Uniform and appearance                                 24

We are sure you share our excitement at the prospect of your son or daughter joining
us at Haileybury. Of course, we understand that some of you will have mixed emotions.
 Indeed it is this combination of emotions that makes for such a worthwhile challenge,
one which everyone at Haileybury will be focused upon over those crucial first few days,
 weeks and months. If everything goes well at that time then it is most likely that their
                  years at Haileybury will be most successful and fulfilling.

The Haileybury experience will, we hope, see all pupils being happy and cheerful; we also
 want them to display a strong sense of purpose allied to serious ambition. At the heart
 of the School lies a value system that emphasises respect for others, a sense of service,
a generosity of approach and a spirit of enquiry. Our aim is to help all pupils achieve and
grow within this framework. We want them to be given a very wide range of opportunity
so they can discover and develop their talents. We want them to be busy, to get used to
  meeting their academic and personal commitments, to be knowledgeable, skilled and
   self-confident. In our experience, the kind of progress identified above is not visible
                                at all times, nor is it steady.

Rest assured that everyone at Haileybury will be as supportive as possible. Housemasters
and Housemistresses have the prime responsibility in this regard and they will work hard
   with you to build up a link that will help your son or daughter achieve and flourish.
Of course teachers and prefects, along with others, have the wellbeing of new pupils as
a high priority. It is also important to know that tutors who see new pupils three times a
week have a highly important pastoral role. Our aim is for the whole community to work
          with you as parents so that all new pupils settle in as well as possible.

      Parents are very welcome to attend concerts, plays, sports fixtures and many of our
                        Chapel Services, School and House functions.
              We look forward to welcoming you all to Haileybury in September!

General information

Contact details

The address for all correspondence to the School is: Haileybury, Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG13 7NU.

The Haileybury website address is

Direct contacts                    Name                          Email                                Telephone

The Master                         Mr Martin Collier                01992 706 482
Deputy Master                      Mr Simon Heard                     01992 706 209
Deputy Head (Academic)             Mr Stephen Campbell             01992 706 210
Deputy Head (Co-Curricular)        Mr Angus Head                       01992 706 336
Deputy Head (Safeguarding
  & Wellbeing) and DSL
  child protection                 Dr Laura Pugsley                 01992 706 496
Head of Sixth Form                 Ms Carrie Walshe                  01992 706 467
Assistant Head (Year Heads)        Mrs Olivia Firek                   01992 706 399
Head of Year (Removes)             Mr Chris Metcalfe   
Head of Year (Middles)             Mr Kyle Shiels      
Head of Year (Fifths)              Mr Hugo Wilson      
Head of IB Performance             Mr Andrew Walker    
IB Coordinator                     Ms Abigail Mash     

Housemistress of Alban’s           Mrs Charlotte Brigden             01992 706 286
Housemistress of Allenby           Mrs Nicola Dawson                 01992 706 289
Housemaster of Bartle Frere        Mr Ben Sadler                     01992706 280
Housemaster of Batten              Mr Michael Owen                     01992 706 248
Housemistress of Colvin (Acting)   Ms Abi Kentish                   01992 706 331
Housemaster of Edmonstone          Mr Tom Blampied                 01992 706 282
Housemistress of Hailey            Mrs Alison Baker                   01992 706 273
Housemaster of Kipling             Mr Harry Baxendale             01992 706 246
Housemistress of Melvill           Mrs Emma Millo                     01992 706 250
Housemistress of Lawrence          Nicky Payne-Cook              01992 706 252
Housemaster of Russell Dore        Mr Laurence Bruggeman           01992 706 284
Houseparent of Highfield           Mrs Lauren Davey                   01992 706 370
Housemaster of Thomason            Mr Dougal Lyon                      01992 706 242
Housemaster of Trevelyan           Mr George Seccombe              01992 706 235

Bursar                             Mr Michael Schofield           01992 706 333
Registrar                          Mrs Michele Metcalfe            01992 706 353
Computer Support                   Mr Duncan Spooner-Wells               01992 702 580
Chaplain                           The Revd Christopher Stoltz               01992 706 314
School Counselling Service         Mrs Lindsay Othen-Price            01992 706 241

Reception		                                                         01992 706 200
School Office		                                                  01992 706 405
Health Centre		                                                  01992 706 288
Uniform Shop		                                                       0113 238 9520

Term dates 2021–2022

                                                   		Times                                              Notes
Autumn Term 2021       Start of Term               Fri 3 September               From midday            New boarders
(Term start staggered)		                           Sat 4 September               All day                New pupils' induction day
		                                                 Sun 5 September               From 8.00 am           Boarders return
		                                                 Mon 6 September               8.10 am                Day pupils return
                      Non-Exeat Weekend            Sat 11 – Sun 12 September
  Long Exeat Weekend 1.00 pm Fri 24 – 9.30 pm Sun 26 September

  Start of half-term Fri 15 October             1.30 pm        All depart

  End of half-term   Sun 31 October             By 8.30 pm     Boarders return
		                   Mon 1 November             8.10 am        Day pupils return

  Non-Exeat Weekend  Sat 13 – Sun 14 November
 Long Exeat Weekend 1.00 pm Fri 19 – 9.30 pm Sun 21 November

 End of Autumn Term Fri 10 December            1.30 pm        All depart

Spring Term 2022 Start of Term                     Tues 4 January                By 8.30 pm             Boarders return
		                                                 Weds 5 January                8.10 am                Day pupils return
                      Non-Exeat Weekend            Sat 8 – Sun 9 January
                      Long Exeat Weekend           1.00 pm Fri 21 – 9.30 pm Sun 23 January
                      Start of half-term           Fri 11 February               1.30 pm                All depart
                      End of half-term             Sun 2o February               By 8.30 pm             Boarders return
                                                   Mon 21 February               8.10 am                Day pupils return
                      Non-Exeat Weekend            Sat 26 – Sun 27 February
                      End of Spring Term           Fri 25 March                  1.30 pm                All depart

Summer Term 2022 Start of Term                     Tues 19 April                 By 8.30 pm             Boarders return
		                                                 Weds 20 April                 8.10 am                Day pupils return
                      Start of Half-term           Fri 27 May                    1.30 pm                All depart
                      End of Half-term             Sunday 5 June                 By 8.30 pm             Boarders return
		                                                 Mon 6 June                    8.10 am                Day pupils return
                      Non-Exeat Weekend            Sat 25–Sun 26 June
                      End of Term
                      & Speech Day                 Sat 2 July                    3.30 pm                All depart

             Please visit our website for confirmation of the very latest term dates and staggered start information.

Weekend arrangements                                             Haileybury Parents’ Association
Boarders may choose to stay at School or go home (or to          The Haileybury Parents’ Association (HPA) should not be
their guardians) on most weekends. If they choose to stay        confused with the PTA role in many other schools. The HPA
at School there are events or trips on both the Saturday         role is to bring together parents, pupils and staff through
evening and Sunday afternoon. If they choose not to stay at      social events, functions and new initiatives. The HPA is not
School boarders may leave after their sporting commitment        a fund-raising organisation, it exists simply to enhance the
or after 3.30 pm on Saturdays, whichever is the latter.          parent experience at Haileybury.
• Parents must give permission to the HM if their daughter       The structure of the HPA is a committee comprising a
  or son is to leave School for a Saturday night and stay with   representative (House Rep) from each House, plus Chair,
  anybody apart from them.                                       Secretary and Treasurer. All roles are voluntarily undertaken
                                                                 by parents of current pupils. A list of the current committee
• Parents must give their consent to the HM or coach for
                                                                 members can be found on the Haileybury website. Parents
  their daughter or son to travel home from a fixture with
                                                                 are regularly updated by their House Rep and by the HPA
  another parent.
                                                                 committee on upcoming events.
Boarding pupils should return to Houses by 9.30 pm on            The HPA is here to support parents and hopes that its events
Sundays or alternatively, with the permission of their HM on     and functions are supported reciprocally. Contact:
Mondays by 8.10 am. The exceptions to these arrangements         Helen Rayfield, HPA Chair
are on non-exeat weekends.
                                                                 Please feel free to contact the HPA if you would like any
There are weekend trips and activities available every           further information.
weekend. Every Sunday morning the Dining Hall offers
‘brunch’ from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm, which is a traditional
English breakfast and very popular with pupils and staff.        Haileybury Connect
Non-exeat weekends                                               Haileybury Connect is the School’s way of keeping in touch
There are five non-exeat weekends every year. On these           with the Haileybury global community of alumni, current and
weekends all boarders stay at School on Saturday night and       former parents. We support our current pupils and alumni
until after the School Chapel Service on Sunday morning.         with careers advice and networking, events and reunions.
With permission from HMs, pupils may go home from 11.30          There are also events for parents and opportunities to
am until 9.30 pm on the non-exeat weekend Sundays.               offer careers advice, particularly through the e-mentoring
Non-exeat weekends for 2021–22                                   scheme. In addition to mentoring, the Haileybury Connect
Autumn Term:                                                     platform includes an online directory, event information and
   Saturday 11 – Sunday 12 September 2021                        a digital library of Connect Careers films. While new parents
   Saturday 13 – Sunday 14 November 2021                         are automatically registered on the Haileybury Connect
                                                                 platform, we also make extensive use of social media
Spring Term:                                                     channels; parents are warmly invited to join our international
   Saturday 8 – Sunday 9 January 2022                            community on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
   Saturday 26 – Sunday 27 February 2022
                                                                 "Great work you are doing with Haileybury Connect; certainly
Summer Term:                                                     the most ‘connected’ I’ve felt since I left"
  Saturday 25 – Sunday 26 June 2022                              Haileybury Leaver, 2011
Long exeat weekends                                              "Mentoring is beneficial as parents like me get the chance to
   Friday 24 – Sunday 26 September 2021                          engage with young people and get a real feel for the issues
   Friday 19 – Sunday 21 November 2021                           which confront them. They are our future and we have to
   Friday 21 – Sunday 23 January 2022                            support them as much as we can" Current Haileybury parent
On long exeat weekends pupils can go home or to their            More information on Haileybury Connect is available
guardians from 1.00 pm on the Friday and return to school by     from Russell Matcham
9.30 pm on the Sunday or as with a normal weekend, with          and Sian Searson
the permission of the HM by 8.10 am on the Monday.

School Calendar
To stay up-to-date with school events, please visit the school
calendar which is published online and updated regularly.

Religious and spiritual life
Haileybury has an Anglican Christian foundation and the
beautiful Chapel is the focus of spiritual life here. During
term, most days start with a service in the Chapel. On
Sundays there are a variety of services to which pupils,
parents and visitors are warmly welcomed. All boarding
pupils are expected to attend the morning services that take
place on the five non-exeat weekends each year. The dates
and times of all services are published on the website.
Each year a number of pupils are prepared for confirmation
and confirmed in a service presided over by the Bishop of St
Albans or the Bishop of Hertford.
Whilst we are sensitive to the needs of pupils from other
denominations and religions and will make provision for
pupils to worship elsewhere when they wish, we nonetheless
prefer all pupils, regardless of religious tradition, to join
together in Chapel. Any queries about these arrangements
should be made directly to The Master.
Haileybury’s Chaplain, The Revd. Christopher Stolz is a full-
time member of staff and lives on the campus. He is available
to provide support, pastoral care and spiritual counsel to the
whole community. The Chaplain has a unique role within
the Haileybury community and his availability for pastoral
support is highly regarded by the pupils and staff.

Communication with parents
As far as possible Haileybury seeks to communicate regular
information with parents and guardians by email only. It is
therefore vital that the School has your up-to-date email address.
You will receive notification by email that your child's report
is available for viewing on the Parent Portal. The School
Office will contact you annually, in September, to check that
the data we hold is up-to-date.

New pupils
Pupil Transport
Haileybury offers a limited bus service to pupils. Using our        Airport Transfer and unaccompanied minors information
own fleet of modern Ford Transit minibuses, we operate              Haileybury offers an airport transfers to Heathrow and
bus runs from Monday to Saturday arriving at School for             Stansted Airports at the beginning and end of each half-
8.10 am each morning and departing at 6.35 pm each evening          term. The coach goes to each terminal drop-off point. The
from Monday to Friday. All of our drivers are enhanced              cost of this service is currently £60 but is dependent on
DBS checked.                                                        uptake and added to the school fees in arrears.

Pupil transport routes
Routes operate Monday to Saturday morning to and from
Bishop’s Stortford, Brookmans Park, Finchley, Harpenden,
Hertford, Hitchin, Loughton, Monken Hadley, Royston,
St Albans, Snaresbrook and Winchmore Hill.
To collect boarding pupils on Sunday evening in term
time, weekly routes operate from Buckinghamshire,
Cambridgeshire, Kent and North London.
The service only runs if there is sufficient demand and seats
on the buses are limited. Routes are under review and may
be revised in September. Parents are advised to place their
child on the waiting list at the earliest opportunity.

Pupil transport application form
Please complete this form if you would like to book your
child on to one of our School minibus routes.
If you have more than one child to book for we ask that you
complete the form again for each child.
Charges for the bus service are made termly in arrears with
the cost being added to the pupil’s bill. Cancellation of the use
of the service requires a term’s notice.
The transport service is generally offered on a whole-week
basis only, but there may be opportunities for a more flexible
approach – please discuss with the Transport Coordinator.
If you would like more information regarding the transport
service, please contact our Transport Coordinator:
+44 (0)1992 706 378

IT provision                                                          Lower Sixth pupils – GCSE results
At Haileybury, we use digital technology to enhance and               GCSE results, along with your son or daughter’s Unique
augment our teaching and learning. Now more than ever,                Candidate Identifier Number (UCI), must be provided to the
we rely on digital technology to share, learn, and problem            Registrar on results day. A copy of your son or daughter’s
solve, with the iPad playing a central role in the way we             Statement of Results will show the UCI, details of the
communicate. One of our aims as a school is to educate our            subjects taken and the grades achieved. If you have a ULN
pupils on how to use technology sensibly and to                       (Unique Learner Number), please could you provide this at
positively enhance their digital knowledge and learning               the same time.
experiences. This, in turn, will help prepare our young
                                                                      A copy of the Statement of Results is also required to be sent
people for their future life and chosen career. We are
                                                                      by post or email to the Admissions Department prior to
therefore very excited to integrate the use of iPads in all
                                                                      the beginning of term.
facets of the Haileybury learning experience. This will
complement and facilitate work inside and outside of the
classroom and enhance the way in which our pupils learn.
As part of this process, we ask that as a minimum all pupils          Overseas pupils
have an iPad, Keyboard case and Apple pencil.
                                                                      Pupils from within the EEA (European Economic Area)
Some pupils in the Sixth Form may be allowed to use a
                                                                      The immigration requirements for EU nationals living or
MacBook as their primary device if they study particular
                                                                      studying in the UK, changed on 31 December 2020. Your
A-Level or IB subjects. The iPad/MacBook must be
                                                                      child will require a Child Student Visa to study at Haileybury,
purchased from our supplier, Sync, in order to ensure that the
                                                                      if they do not hold a passport issued by the Government of
devices can easily be linked into our systems. This allows both
                                                                      the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland. There are a
the school and parents greater control of the devices whilst also
                                                                      few exemptions; such as, if they have been granted EU Pre-
ensuring that we can provide pupils with the necessary applications
                                                                      Settled or Settled Status or are in possession of another type
that they need for school life at Haileybury. Buying through our
                                                                      of visa which permits them to reside in the UK. Haileybury
supplier means that you will have access to education pricing.
                                                                      has been licensed by UK Visas & Immigration (UKV&I) to
                                                                      sponsor overseas pupils for the purpose of full time study at
Lower School - Fifths
                                                                      the School.
All pupils must have an iPad, keyboard case and Apple Pencil.
This equipment must be purchased through the School
                                                                      You will have received all the guidance notes, checklist and
supplier via this portal.
                                                                      information from our Admissions Team, in order to submit
                                                                      your child’s visa application. We strongly recommend that
                                                                      you submit your child’s visa application as soon as possible
Sixth Form
                                                                      but no later than 30 June 2021. Thereafter, we anticipate
At Sixth Form level, we appreciate that some pupils would
                                                                      that visa centres will become incredibly busy due to recent
prefer to use a larger, more powerful device. As such, pupils
                                                                      changes to the immigration system and the additional
who do not study the following subjects may use a MacBook
                                                                      processing time is likely to be significant. If you have not yet
(Air or Pro) in their lessons.
                                                                      submitted your documents (as outlined on our checklist)
Subjects where you must have an iPad (MacBook not                     to us, please do so as soon as possible so that we can then
permissible) for Sixth Form study (IB and A-Level) are                issue you with a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for
as follows:                                                           Studies). You will need a CAS in order to submit your child’s
                                                                      visa application. Should you have any queries, please do not
•    Chemistry
                                                                      hesitate to contact us: or
•    Art
                                                                      phone 01992 706 353.
•    Design Technology
•    Economics
                                                                      Pupils from Non-EEA countries
•    Geography
                                                                      Your child will require a Child Student Visa to study at
Additional Notes:                                                     Haileybury, if they do not hold a passport issued by the
• An iPad, keyboard case and Apple Pencil remains the                 Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland.
  minimum requirement unless a MacBook is purchased. You              There are a few exemptions but please speak directly to our
  do not have to purchase a MacBook.                                  Admissions Team for clarification. Haileybury has been licensed
• This equipment must be purchased through our portal                 by UK Visas & Immigration (UKV&I) to sponsor overseas pupils
  to ensure that it is enrolled in our systems.                       for the purpose of full time study at the School.
• Pupils may use personal laptops not bought via our
  supplier for Prep and outside of lesson time.                       You will have received all the guidance notes, checklist and
                                                                      information from our Admissions Team, in order to submit
For further details on the scheme please refer to our iPad
                                                                      your child’s visa application. We strongly recommend that
Policy and Haileybury iPad FAQs. Should you have any
                                                                      you submit your child’s visa application as soon as possible
questions or concerns regarding this scheme please contact
                                                                      but no later than 30 June 2021. Thereafter, we anticipate
our Assistant Head of Digital Learning, Mr Craig O’Brien.
                                                                      that visa centres will become incredibly busy due to recent
                                                                      changes to the immigration system and the additional
processing time is likely to be significant. If you have not yet    Police Registration
submitted your documents (as outlined on our checklist) to          Please check here to see if your child will be required to
us, please do so as soon as possible so that we can then issue      register with the UK police, as a condition of their visa.
you with a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies). You
                                                                    Registration usually only applies to pupils over the age of
will need a CAS in order to submit your child’s visa application.
                                                                    16 and if they are a national of one of the countries named
                                                                    in the above link. Your child’s BRP card and their vignette
Please note that we do not sponsor overseas pupils to
                                                                    (stamp in passport) will state whether registration is required.
attend as a day pupil unless they are living with their
                                                                    A representative from the local police authority will normally
parent(s) in the UK.
                                                                    come to the school within the first seven days of your
                                                                    child being at the School, to carry out this process. The
                                                                    Admissions Team will be on hand to assist and if your child
All overseas pupils are legally required to have a guardian in
                                                                    falls into this category, they will need to bring the following
the U.K. A guardian is someone who will take responsibility
                                                                    with them;
for your child;
                                                                    • 2 recent passport sized colour photographs
• In an emergency situation
                                                                    • Passport
• If your child is unable to return home during EXEAT
  weekends, half-term or end of term holidays                       • Visa vignette (sticker in your passport), if you applied
                                                                      outside the UK
• To assist with travel arrangements and other practicalities
  such as specialist appointments etc.                              • The letter you received from the Home Office when your
                                                                      visa application was approved, if you applied inside the UK
  A guardian can be a relative or close friend, living in the
                                                                    • BRP (Biometric Residency Permit) card
  UK, over the age of 25. Alternatively, there are a number
  of excellent guardianship organisations who can assist you        • £34 in cash.
  in appointing a suitable guardian to meet yours and your
  child’s requirements. You can go to AEGIS (Association for        Arrival in the UK
  the Education and Guardianship of International Students)         If your child is under the age of 16 and will be travelling or contact +44                   unaccompanied to the UK (without an adult aged 18 and
  (0)1453 821 293.                                                  above) please ensure that they are always met by an adult
                                                                    at the airport. This can be your child’s guardian or the
If you wish to change your child’s guardian, after they             school can arrange to do this with prior arrangement. The
have arrived at the school; please notify the School Office         appointed adult must accompany the pupil to Haileybury. immediately. You will then be
asked to complete the paperwork for approval before this            Pupils must carry all their personal identification documents
can be actioned. Our full Guardianship policy has been sent         including a parental letter of consent, allowing them to
to you and is available on our website.                             travel on their own, with details as to who is responsible for
                                                                    meeting them. Please check with the airline before travel,
                                                                    regarding their Unaccompanied Minor policy as this varies
                                                                    from airline to airline. There is normally a surcharge for using
                                                                    the Unaccompanied Minor Service.

                                                                    All overseas pupils, irrespective of age, must bring their
                                                                    documentation with them to School; Passport, BRP card (if
                                                                    applicable) consent letter etc. The School is legally required
                                                                    to have sight of these documents and to copy them for the
                                                                    pupil’s file and they should be kept at School whenever the
                                                                    pupil is here. All our boarding houses have lockable safes
                                                                    where pupils can store their travel documents safely and
                                                                    they are strongly encouraged to do so. A lost passport and
                                                                    BRP card are expensive to replace and can take some time to

                                                                    Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to
                                                                    contact the International Admissions team:
                                                           or phone 01992 706 353.

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I buy my uniform if I live overseas?                     7. Is there any accommodation near to Haileybury where
Uniform items can be ordered online from Perry Uniform             parents can stay if visiting?
or purchased from the Uniform Shop during term time.               There are several B&B’s, guesthouses and hotels close to
Appointments may be made via Perry Uniform to purchase             Haileybury. A full list can be found on our website in the
uniform at the shop at particular times in the summer              Admissions/Visit Us section.
holidays. The helpline for Perry Uniform is 0113 2389520 and
the email address is All queries          8. What sports equipment will I need to bring?
should be directed to Perry Uniform.                               The School will provide basic equipment for all Games
                                                                   Activities. However, those choosing an activity generally prefer
2. How do I obtain name labels?                                    to have their own equipment, particularly those playing for
Perry Uniform provides a name taping service. Please visit         School teams. The activities requiring specific equipment are
the Perry Uniform website for further details. Additional          as follows :
name labels, for non-Perry items, can be ordered from Perry
                                                                   Autumn Term – girls’ Hockey sticks and Lacrosse sticks.
Uniform or purchased in the Uniform Shop.
                                                                   Lower School boys' Hockey sticks.
                                                                   Spring Term – girls’ Lacrosse sticks and boys’ Hockey sticks
3. Is there a second- hand uniform shop?
                                                                   Summer Term – boys’ and girls’ Tennis rackets. Boys’ Cricket
Our pupils run a second-hand uniform shop once a week
throughout term time. The exact dates and opening times
of the shop will be confirmed in due course. However, the          If parents are unsure if they need to buy specific equipment,
shop will be open on Welcome Day in the Galpin Suite on            or not, they should contact Andy Searson, Director of Sport,
Sunday 27 June. Thereafter the shop will be run weekly by
our Charity CPs.
Proceeds from the sale of second hand uniform goes to our          9. Can I leave suitcases/belongings in school at the end of
charity HYT (Haileybury Youth Trust).                              each term/ half term?
                                                                   Overseas students can leave their suitcase in the House
For further information about second-hand uniform, please
                                                                   store at each half term/ end of term. The store is locked, but
                                                                   the School cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to
                                                                   property left at Haileybury.
4. How much money will my child need?
Generally pupils are not encouraged to have a great deal of
                                                                   10. How/when can I discuss any healthcare issues
money with them at School. Books, stationery, music lessons
                                                                   concerning my child?
etc., will be put on your bill and so usually £20 per week is
                                                                   If parents wish to discuss any matters related to the health
more than enough. Money can be deposited with your child’s
                                                                   or the medical history of their child, they should contact the
HM at any time and will be kept securely in the House safe.
                                                                   Health Centre as soon as possible on 01992 706 288.
5. Can my child return late at the start of term or leave
early at the end of a term if we can’t arrange the necessary
The term dates for the next academic year are published
in this booklet. It is very disruptive to the School if children
leave before the end of term or arrive late as vital work will
be missed. If there is a genuine need for a child to be absent
from School during term time, written permission should be
requested in advance from The Master.

6. How can I arrange private health insurance?
There are several companies in the UK which provide private
health insurance. Below are a few contacts:
BUPA               0808 271 4138
Aviva              0800 068 3827
AXA PPP Healthcare 0800 111 4004


Haileybury Parent Portal                                            The Bookroom

The Haileybury Parent Portal is a secure website which is           The Bookroom supplies all educational text books. Text
accessed from our main website and will be an essential part        books, either physical copies or digitial copies are provided
of our communications with you.                                     for the Lower School and Middle School and need to
                                                                    be returned in good condition at the end of the course
The portal includes, amongst other features, general school
                                                                    or a charge may be applicable. All Sixth Form text books
information, pupil timetables, classroom assignments,
                                                                    are chargeable.
teacher contact information and pupil reports. One
important area to review is the forms section in the “My
                                                                    Lower School
Children” tab, this is a good place to start as there are various
                                                                    All pupils are issued with a starter kit which contains all of
forms which you will need to complete and also options
                                                                    the academic resources (e.g. exercise books, folders etc.)
such as booking individual Dance, Music instrumental and
                                                                    they will need for the start of the year. The cost of this is
LAMDA lessons.
                                                                    approx. £30–40 and will be added to the bill in the first term.
You will receive an email from our School office, week
                                                                    In addition to this pupils will need to provide their own
commencing 7 June, introducing the Haileybury Parent Portal
                                                                    personal stationery as outlined in the ‘Academic Stationery
to you and giving you your secure login details, to register for
                                                                    List’. Throughout the school year, pupils will be charged for
this. Please can we ask that you Register on the Parent Portal
                                                                    any additional resources such as new exercise books etc.
as soon as you are able to do so. Please note if you have a
pupil already at Haileybury there is no need to register again.
                                                                    Removes, Middles & Fifths
When you have successfully registered, you will also be able        All pupils are issued with the academic resources that they
to view all the contact details which we have for you and           need (e.g. exercise books, lever arch files, dividers, prep diary
your child on our database in the “My Account” area. Here           etc.) during their first lessons for each subject at the start
you can request changes by using the edit option and you            of the year. The cost of this is approx. £55–75 (depending on
can update these as often as is necessary. It is vital that we      subject options) and will be added to the bill in the first term.
have your up-to-date contact telephone number, address
                                                                    In addition to this pupils will need to provide their own
and email addresses at all times.
                                                                    personal stationery as outlined in the ‘Academic Kit List’.
If you should have any difficulty registering or using the          Throughout the school year, pupils will be charged for any
Portal or have any concerns associated with this,                   additional resources such as new exercise books etc.
our School office are on hand to assist. Please email                                         The Bookroom also supplies a range of stationery, as well as
                                                                    some personal items (i.e. toiletries, tights, etc.). These are
                                                                    all chargeable to the termly account but items may also be
                                                                    purchased with cash.

                                                                    Academic Stationery List
                                                                    Lower School
                                                                    Three black pens; three pencils; pencil sharpener; green pen;
                                                                    red pen; five highlighters; 30 cm ruler; protractor; pair of
                                                                    compasses; calculator (Casio fx-83GTX); pencil case; robust
                                                                    backpack, dark in colour.
                                                                    Three black pens; three pencils; pencil sharpener; green pen;
                                                                    red pen; five highlighters; 30 cm ruler; protractor; pair of
                                                                    compasses; calculator (Casio fx-83GTX); pencil case; robust
                                                                    backpack, dark in colour.
                                                                    Middles and Fifths
                                                                    Three black pens; three pencils; pencil sharpener; green pen;
                                                                    red pen; five highlighters; 30 cm ruler; page tabs; protractor;
                                                                    pair of compasses; calculator (Casio fx-83GTX); pencil case;
                                                                    robust backpack, dark in colour.
                                                                    Lower Sixth
                                                                    Three black pens; three pencils; pencil sharpener; green pen;
                                                                    red pen; five highlighters; 30 cm ruler; page tabs; calculator
                                                                    (Casio fx-CG50); lined paper; file dividers.


General                                                            Personal accident insurance
The fees for the academic year 2021–2022 will be published         All pupils are covered by the School’s own policy with Marsh
at the end of June 2021.                                           Insurance Brokers which covers permanent injury. Parents
                                                                   are additionally invited to take out dental insurance through
The Standard Terms and Conditions require that fees should         the School’s Denplan Scheme. Leaflets giving further details
be paid in such a way as to arrive at our bank no later than       about these schemes will be sent to you with the invoice for
one week before the beginning of each term. Invoices are           the term’s fees in July.
normally sent out with details of any extras incurred at least
30 days before payment is due. Please would you make
certain that your payments are made on or before the due
date which you will find noted on the invoice. If, for any
reason, you anticipate difficulty in meeting this timetable
please do get in touch with the Bursar either in writing, by
email or by telephone. Please note that, under the Standard
Terms and Conditions, overdue accounts will accrue simple
interest at the rate of 2% per month (24% APR).

Fee remission on account of absence
Fees are charged for the year and although split into three
equal amounts, do not directly relate to each term, thus it
is not expected that pupils will change from boarding to
day during an academic year. Notice is required for both
withdrawing a pupil from the School and for changing
from boarding to day, please see the Standard Terms and
Conditions for details. In an exam year, although pupils may
be on exam leave before the official end of term no refund
of fees will be granted.

Personal property and the insurance of valuable property
All personal property should be clearly marked with name
and House. All pupils have a lockable space that they can
padlock for belongings. Combination and key padlocks can
be bought from the ‘Bookroom’.
All personal property is brought to the School at the owner’s
risk and will not be covered by the School insurance except
in the event of destruction resulting from a building fire.
This limitation also applies to cash and all pupils are strongly
advised to limit the cash sums in their possession (rather
than in the House Bank) to a minimum. Particularly where
valuable items such as watches, sound or speaker systems,
tablets, computers, mobile phones, cameras and musical
instruments are concerned, parents are advised to consider
insuring them under their own “All Risks” policies.


Medical arrangements
                                                                   prevention of TB and ‘at risk’ groups are now identified
General                                                            and targeted. This may affect some overseas pupils, as
Should it become necessary to admit a pupil to the Health          immigration currently X-ray screen passengers arriving from
Centre, parents will routinely be kept informed of progress        high-risk countries. Overseas pupils may be asked to attend
by the HM or Health Centre. In cases of serious illness or         the QEII hospital in Welwyn Garden City for a TB immunity
emergency the Health Centre will inform parents directly.          test. Testing is mandatory even if the pupil has evidence of
                                                                   having had a BCG vaccination.
It is a condition of acceptance at the School, that the Health
Centre should have unlimited right to inform the parents or        Some parents have raised concerns as their children have
guardians and the Master of confidential information about         not had the BCG vaccination. This is particularly worrying
the pupil, if the Health Centre considers that it is in the best   when travelling abroad. The only advice we can give at
interest of the patient or necessary for the protection of         the moment is to arrange for your child to have the BCG
other pupils.                                                      vaccination carried out privately.

Registration for boarding pupils                                   HPV Vaccinations
Under normal circumstances parents would be given the              HPV is a vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. The
right to choose for their son and/or daughter any doctor in        Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust Plan introduced an
the area in which the School is situated. As the Governors         immunisation programme in September 2008. The HPV
can allow only our appointed doctors to make use of the            vaccine will be offered to all Year 8 girls.
facilities of the School’s Health Centre, all boarders should
be registered with the School GP.                                  Medical treatment during holidays
                                                                   Whilst away from Haileybury (i.e. during school holidays),
Parents are asked to signify their consent by completing
                                                                   pupils requiring medical attention should make it clear to
the “Family Doctor Services Registration” purple coloured
                                                                   the doctor attending them that they wish to be seen as
form (GMS1). Please enter the address of the School Health
                                                                   “temporary residents” only. This will avoid the need to re-
Centre as the home address and the pupil’s home address
                                                                   register with the Health Centre on their return.
as the previous address. Please supply as much information
as possible, including your child’s NHS number if known.
                                                                   Prescription charges
For pupils who have not lived in the UK before, their date of
                                                                   Pupils who are 18 years of age and under (and in full-time
birth and place of birth is sufficient. The name and address
                                                                   education) are not required to pay for their prescriptions.
of your child’s last registered doctor is essential. This form
should be completed and returned to the Admissions Team.
                                                                   Private treatment
Parents are also asked to complete the Anaphylaxis and
                                                                   Private health insurance is not provided by the School.
Asthma forms, which will be sent to you in June 2021 for
                                                                   Experience has shown that insurance schemes for private
completion before 2 July 2021.
                                                                   patient treatment are very advantageous in the saving of
                                                                   school time, and parents are recommended to subscribe to
Medical examinations
                                                                   one or other of the private patient schemes.
All new pupils are asked to attend a medical examination in
the first term they are at Haileybury. The medical is carried
                                                                   Medical arrangements for day pupils
out by one of the School nurses and if necessary each pupil
                                                                   The preceding paragraphs apply specifically (but not exclusively)
will also have a consultation with the doctor. The purpose of
                                                                   to boarders. Day pupils may be registered with the doctor of
the medical is to discuss any ongoing medical issues, record
                                                                   their choice. The School will carry out all first aid measures
any regular medication and familiarise new pupils with the
                                                                   in the event of an accident or emergency. Parents, or the
Health Centre and the services it provides.
                                                                   pupil’s family doctor, will then take whatever further action is
The Health Centre will contact parents directly if he or           required. A Medical Form will be sent to you to complete and
she discovers any medical condition requiring further              return shortly. In the meantime, should you have any queries or
investigation during the School medical.                           concerns regarding your child's medical care, please contact the
                                                                   Health Centre directly on 01992 706 288.
Tetanus, polio booster and meningitis ACWY
The Health Centre recommends that all pupils have a
booster of tetanus, diphtheria and polio. This will generally
be done during their time in Middles (Year 10) and is in
line with the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule

BCG vaccinations
Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust no longer provides Heaf
testing or BCG vaccinations for 13–14 year old school
children. There has been a change in emphasis for the

‘Medical Alert’ Information
Where a pupil, boarder or day, has a medical condition which
may suddenly surface in class, in games, in an activity at
School or on a school trip, it is important that relevant staff
are alert to this before the problem arises. Obvious examples
are epilepsy, severe asthma and severe allergies. This is
especially important where the pupil has to have special
medicine close to hand. To this end, it would be helpful
to show such information on the pupil entry in the main
school database, accessible to teaching staff. On the Medical
Query Paper, please indicate that you give permission for
this information to be held on this database. Note: only this
specific information will be accessible to teaching staff, not
any other information you give on this return.

Medication for boarders
Medication can only be kept in House with consent from the
Haileybury Health Centre. The Health Centre may consent
for pupils to keep and self-administer medication or may
request that pupils report to their HM or Matron for their
medication. The HM or Matron will take responsibility for
any medication that requires refrigeration. Medication that
pupils are permitted to keep must be stored and locked in
the pupil’s lockable space. They must not allow any other
pupil to access or take this medication.

Pupils (or parents) must report to the Health Centre all
medication brought from home. The Health Centre will
provide the appropriate consent. HMs can store medication
overnight until consent has been obtained. Pupils with
consent to keep medication such as an asthma inhaler or an
EpiPen must carry these to activities.

The Wellness Centre
In September 2021 we will be opening our new Wellbeing
Centre: a space for pupils (and staff) to "Just Be". Offering a
safe and supportive environment for pupils to learn about
how they can look after their own mental health and
wellbeing, as well as resources and information for those
seeking support, pupils will be able to drop into the wellbeing
centre during their free time, or for scheduled activities. The
School's counselling service will be housed within the centre
and the service can be accessed by any pupils, at any stage
of their Haileybury career. Additionally, the Wellbeing Centre
will be somewhere for pupils to relax, engage in activities,
ranging from mindfulness to gardening, and a place where
groups and societies can convene. Not only will this new
facility enhance our provision for pupil and staff wellbeing at
Haileybury, but it is a tangible marker of our commitment to
supporting the mental health of all pupils in our care so that
they can thrive at Haileybury.

Additional lessons

Learning support

Parents are asked to inform the Head of Learning Support             An additional charge as set on the Schedule of Fees, paid
of any diagnosed Learning Needs or Disabilities and if their         termly with the School fees, is made for any tuition received.
son or daughter has been receiving extra tuition at a previous
school before their entry to Haileybury.                             Head of Learning Support
                                                                     Jess Tofts-Waters
At Haileybury, we will screen all pupils after they join the
Lower School, Removes or Lower Sixth. On the basis of                +44 (0)1992 706243 (term time only)
the outcome of the screening tests, parents will be advised
if we detect any difficulties which should be addressed.
During the course of the year, should any learning difficulties
be apparent, parents will be informed and individual
assessments offered. There is an administrative charge for           Individual music lessons
this service and parents will receive a full report. In the event
that extra tuition is appropriate, this is normally taught one-
to-one or in a small group. Parents must accept responsibility
                                                                     Music lessons are taught on a one-to-one basis by the
for the payment of lessons, which are charged at the
                                                                     visiting and full time staff of the Music Department. Tuition
published private tuition rate. Details of the rates will be sent
                                                                     is offered in all orchestral instruments as well as piano, organ,
to you with the first term’s fees.
                                                                     singing, percussion (both drum kit and orchestral percussion),
Specialist tuition, tailored to personal needs, is available         saxophone, harp and guitar (classical and electric). Pupils
to all pupils at Haileybury, on an individual basis. Although        learning instruments are expected to participate in
many learning development sessions take place outside                orchestras, bands, choirs or ensembles when they have
normal lesson times, this is not always possible and part of a       become proficient. To provide motivation, progress and
lesson might be missed, particularly in the Lower and Middle         fulfilment, we encourage all pupils to take examinations and
School. A rotation of lessons will be carried out to minimise        perform in concerts. All pupils will be encouraged to improve
any impact.                                                          their general musicianship (reading notation, sight reading,
                                                                     aural skills etc.); music theory teaching in a small group
Those with a Specific Learning Difficulty, such as dyslexia
                                                                     setting is also offered free of charge up to Grade 5 level. We
or dyspraxia, are usually identified before entry from
                                                                     welcome pupils to use our extensive facilities for practice in
information passed on by their prep or primary school, or by
                                                                     their free time between the hours of 7.00 am and 10.00 pm.
parents sending in relevant information, including a report
                                                                     Pupils use House codes for secure areas in the evenings and
by an Educational Psychologist. The Head of Learning
                                                                     early mornings.
Support who is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator
(SENCo) will contact parents to ascertain whether individual         If your child is to learn an instrument outside of Haileybury
tuition should continue from the outset. Even where this             we would still like to involve them in school ensembles;
is not deemed necessary, monitoring by the SENCo will                please complete the appropriate section of the form and
take place throughout the pupil’s career at Haileybury.              return it to the Admissions Department.
Those with a Specific Learning Difficulty will normally be
                                                                     If you wish your child to have instrumental music lessons,
placed on the School’s Learning Support Register, unless
                                                                     please complete the form on the Parent Portal by Friday 18
parents specifically request otherwise. For pupils entering
                                                                     June 2021.
the School after the Removes (usually in the Middles or
Lower Sixth) it is essential that details of any past, or current,   Please note written notice is required to cancel music
learning difficulties are disclosed. It will not be possible for     lessons. Please refer to the full terms and conditions
concessions for public examinations to be granted later              under the music section of the main website for further
on if the School has not been notified at the start of the           information.
academic year that these may be required. Should parents
feel that further investigation of a possible learning difficulty
is required, they must discuss this with the pupil’s HM or the
SENCo, on arrival at the School.
Focus, where required, in the Sixth Form, will be on study
skills, time management and essay writing. Lessons generally
take place during a private study period. At this point, the
objective is not to give extra lessons in the specific subjects
being studied, but to facilitate learning in a more general way
and to promote autonomy.

LAMDA                                                             Dance classes & individual lessons

The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA)              Haileybury offers dance lessons in Lower School: Ballet,
is offered throughout the school as part of a wider               Modern, Tap and Street Dance (Hip Hop/Commercial
programme of activities including sports, arts and other          Street). Classes are taught by visiting professionals
interests. Details of these are provided at the beginning of      from Cheshunt Dance School. Pupils taking classes are
term. Candidates take LAMDA examinations regularly. If you        encouraged to participate in troupes and to take up
wish your child to take part please complete the form on the      performance opportunities when they have become
Parent Portal by Friday 18 June 2021.                             proficient.
                                                                  Current terms for dance lessons may be summarised as
LAMDA examinations are designed to equip candidates               follows:
with a range of skills that will serve them throughout life, to   • Dance lessons are offered every Tuesday and are 45
develop communication skills and to refine technical artistry.      minutes in duration.
There are many choices in the LAMDA syllabus and we               • The cost is payable in three instalments. Payments are
offer all grades and Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. LAMDA          added to the end of term bill.
examinations now give pupils UCAS points which can assist         • The charge for the academic year 2020–2021 is £210 per
in University entry and both British and foreign pupils find        dance style, payable in three termly instalments of £70
LAMDA most beneficial with their English studies. It gives          (updated fees for the academic year 2021–2022 to be
pupils confidence and our pupils regularly achieve Gold             confirmed at the end of June).
medals in Acting, Public Speaking, Devised Performance and
                                                                  Pupils should be certain of their commitment to Dance
Verse and Prose. Some of our previous pupils have gone on
                                                                  Lessons before registering for a series of lessons. If they want
to study at professional acting schools and in any event, the
                                                                  to cancel dance for the following whole term, notice should
skills gained by studying LAMDA can be used in all areas of a
                                                                  be given before half term during the term before. A free
pupil’s life.
                                                                  taster may be taken for any dance option before committing
Lower School pupils will be asked at the beginning of term to     to a series of lessons.
sign up for LAMDA. A consent form is sent to parents at the
                                                                  If you wish your daughter or son to take dance lessons,
beginning of the Academic Year by Mrs Densham.
                                                                  please complete the form on the Parent Portal by Friday 18
Main School pupils wishing to have individual or small group      June 2021. If you have any questions please get in touch with
lessons require parents’ permission. Please complete the          Jacob Thomas
form on the Parent Portal by Friday 18 June 2021. Enquiries
                                                                  Lower School, Removes and Upper Sixth pupils should
should be made to
                                                                  note that Dance Lessons are part of a wider programme of
                                                                  activities including sports, arts and other interests. Details of
                                                                  these are provided at the beginning of term.

Academic societies,
 clubs & activities

Academic societies, clubs & co-curricular activities 2021–22

Club/Society/Activity              Year Groups         Indoor Cricket sessions              All
Adventure Skills                   10, 11              Indoor Hockey sessions               All
Allotments (Gardening Club)        12, 13              International Society                9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Archery                            9, 10, 11           Investment Club                      12, 13
Art Activity                       9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Jazz Band                            9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Art Club                           12, 13              Lacrosse sessions                    7, 8, 9, 10
Badminton                          9, 10, 11, 12, 13   LAMDA                                All
Basketball                         9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Law Society                          12, 13
Beginners' swimming                All                 Lower School Drama Club              7, 8
Biology Society                    9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Lower School Drama Production        7, 8
Boarders' Weekend Activities       All                 LS Sport Coaching                    12, 13
Brass Group                        9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Male Voice Choir                     All
Burnaby Society                    9, 10, 12, 13       MDV (MediVet) Group                  10, 11, 12, 13
(Theology & Philosophy)                                Model United Nations                 All
Canoeing                           9, 10, 11           Mountain Biking                      9, 10, 11
CCF (Army, Navy, RAF)              10, 11, 12, 13      Music Technology                     12, 13
Cello Group                        9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Music Theory                         9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Chamber Choir                      9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Navigation                           9, 10, 11
Chamber Ensembles                  9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Netball sessions                     All
Chamber Orchestra                  9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Outdoor Cooking                      9, 10, 11
Chapel Choir                       9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Oxbridge Group                       12, 13
Charity Committee                  9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Peer Support                         11, 12 ,13
Chemistry Extension                12, 13              Percussion Ensemble                  9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Chess Club                         All                 Physics Extension Group              12, 13
Choral Society                     All                 Public Speaking (Haileybury Talks)   9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Clarinet Quartet                   9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Pupil ICT Committee                  9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Climbing                           9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Rackets                              9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Coding / Cyber / Robotics Club     All                 Real Tennis                          9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Coghill Group                      9                   Rehab water therapy                  All
Community Service                  12, 13              Rifle Range Shooting                 9
Conservation & Bee Keeping         12, 13              Rock Bands                           All
Cricket 1:1 sessions               All                 Rugby sessions                       All
Crosstalk                          9, 10, 11, 12, 13   Senate                               12
Dance (Salsa Club)                 10, 11, 12, 13      Squash ladder                        9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Dance Activity                     12, 13              Steel Pans                           9, 10
Dance lessons                      All                 STEM Club                            9, 10, 11
Diversity group                    All                 Strength & Conditioning              9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Drama Productions                  All                 String Ensemble                      9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Duke of Edinburgh's Award          12, 13              String Orchestra                     9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Scheme (Gold)
                                                       Swimming - land training sessions    All
Epilogue - English enrichment      11, 12, 13
                                                       Swimming - open pool                 All
First Aid                          9, 10, 11
                                                       Symphony Orchestra                   All
Fitness                            9, 10, 11, 12, 13
                                                       Tennis (open)                        All
Food Committee                     9, 10, 11, 12, 13
                                                       Theatre Technical Unit               12, 13
Football (recreational)            9, 10, 11, 12, 13
                                                       Triathlon Club                       All
History Society                    12, 13
                                                       Upper Voice Glee Choir               9
Hockey Goal Keeper Session         All
                                                       Water polo                           10, 11, 12, 13
Horse Riding                       9, 10, 11, 12, 13
                                                       Woodwind Ensemble                    9, 10, 11, 12, 13
House Debating (competition)       9, 10, 11, 12, 13
                                                       Younglife Confirmation Club          9, 10, 11, 12, 13
HPP (High Performance Programme)   9, 10, 11, 12, 13
     & appearance

Summer 2021
Welcome to Perry,

We are writing to introduce you to Perry, the online supplier of the uniform and sports kit for Haileybury.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get your child ready for their first day at school in September 2021.

Shopping online with delivery direct to your home is straightforward and convenient You will find lots of help on our website to
make it really easy for you to order the right sizes.

The Perry Online Shop is Open 24/7:

    ▪    Do you need an extra bit of help? Have a look at our videos and step by step advice on how to order:

    ▪    Are you not sure what size to order? Use I-size, our intelligent sizing service, it recommends suitable sizes based on a child's
         body measurements.

    ▪    Don’t have a measuring tape? Print off the tape measure sent with this letter. Please follow the instructions provided and
         check that it has printed to the right size/measurements before you use it. We also have a video showing how to measure your

    ▪    Already know what sizes you need? You can select sizes yourself, using the individual garment sizing tabs for more
         information. Just log in or create your account to get started:

    ▪    Need a bit more support or information? Visit the advice page on our website or
         email our customer service team who are ready to help you and answer any questions you might have before or after you
         place your

Personal fitting appointments at Haileybury School Shop – June & July
    •  Perry advisors are available to assist parents of new children joining the school in September with the sizing and ordering of their
       child’s uniform. The shop holds a small amount of stock that can be purchased on the day; however, the majority of your uniform
       order will be delivered after your appointment to your preferred address.
    ▪  To book an appointment follow this link:                                                  . Go to the School Shop and Showroom
       Section and select Haileybury School Shop and select the “book” option.

Parents who live outside the UK
    ▪   Overseas customers may prefer to have their order delivered direct to Haileybury. If you require delivery to the school, please
        ensure that the following details are provided in the shipping details:
        - The delivery is addressed to the child who will be attending the school
        - The first line of the shipping address includes the name of the child’s boarding house.

To ensure you have everything you need for the start of term, we strongly recommend that you place your order
before the end of July. Please order as soon as possible giving yourself plenty of time to receive your order and check it is a suitable size
(with room to grow throughout the year) ready for the start of term.

Please be prepared...
As soon as your order arrives please try everything on your child, then try it on again in mid-August. If your child has grown more
than expected, please order an alternative size online and return the unworn item(s) asking for a refund, using the postage free returns label
on your receipt.

Not keen on sewing? To make life easier we offer a name tape sew in service; select this option to ensure your child’s uniform
arrives fully named, ready to wear and harder to lose. Please note this service is NOT available for orders placed between 14 th
August and 14 th September. Embroidered name tapes are available to order throughout the year.

Happy? Not happy? If you are pleased with our service or something goes wrong, we want to be the first to hear. If you have
any questions or feedback, please let us know. We are here to help

                    We’re ready and waiting to hear from you!

You can also read