INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...

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INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...

                                                                ISSUE 17
                                                             MARCH 2016


                                          TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020
                                               2016 Elite Eight Preview
                                          2016 Harvey Norman All Stars
                                               Coach and Referee latest
           Team List
                                                        and much more!
2016 NTL

               Where Champio
                            ns Play
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
Winning partnership
Proudly supporting Touch Football Australia
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) invests in sport at all levels in Australia.
We work with Touch Football Australia to ensure Australian players excel in the
international sporting arena whilst increasing participation in touch football.

Touch Football Australia is one of many national sporting organisations
partnering with us to develop sport in Australia.
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
A Message from the CEO 2                                 TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 18
Around The Grounds 6                                     Create The Right Team Culture 22
2016 Trans Tasman Series 8                               Dual Code Destiny 24
2016 Elite Eight Series Preview 10                       In Focus 26
NRL/TFA Alliance update 12                               Touch Football Community Recognised 28
Touch Football Stars Align 15


                                                          Where Champions Play

 Touch Football Australia would like to thank and for supplying past and current
                          images for use in this magazine and on the Touch Football Australia website.
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
                   FROM TH
 Welcome to the 17th edition of the Hard
 Wrap, Touch Football Australia’s (TFA)
                                                          its corner and viewed on national free to
                                                          air television, a sport with best practice
                                                                                                                       Our entire sport has now rallied behind a
                                                                                                                       unified brand which can break down the
 official magazine.                                       administration structures.                                   organisational focus and ensure all of us
                                                                                                                       are focussing on the outcomes that can be
 The magazine continues to deliver the                    Reflecting on the success of 2011 to 2015                    achieved through unity.
 latest news and views from across all the                prior to advancing our view to 2020, we
 states to the Touch Football community.                  hope you also recognise the great shape                    The support of both Harvey Norman and the
 This edition features the 2016 National                  Touch Football is in:                                      NRL has seen the roll-out of packs which
 Touch League (NTL)                                                                                                               directly support the local
 and the ‘Elite Eight’                                                                                                            association while building the
                             Strategic Objectives             2015 Measurement                          Comment
 Series which returns                                                                                                             value proposition between
 to Coffs Harbour, New      Substantially increase        500 000 registered and
                                                                                         670,000+ with 94% transition to TFO      the affiliated family and the
 South Wales.                                                                            260,000+ in the database and             participant.
                            participation                 contactable members
                                                                                         approx.160,000 in email database
 I had the pleasure                                       Number one nation at all       Open, Youth and Senior Champions               Partnerships are central to
                             Thrive at the elite level
 of reporting to our                                      contested levels               World Cup and Trans Tasman Champions           our success and I also extend
 membership late last                                                                                                                   our thanks to all of our great
                                                                                         Value Proposition work commenced
 year on the success of      Provide quality
                                                          Established a value
                                                                                         Numerous initiatives and programs              partners including BLK,
                                                          proposition and satisfaction
 the last four years.        experiences
                                                                                         implemented                                    Steeden, Sportscover and
                                                                                         NRL Relationship yielding dividends
 That strategic cycle
                                                                                         $4 million + equity position
 provided the sport          Grow the resources
                                                      Equity of $4 million               $3 million + cash at bank                     As we all know Touch Football
                             available for investment
 with a solid foundation                                                                 7 years of consecutive positive results       is a huge participation sport.
 from which we can                                                                     NRL Touch Football Brand Created                With over 670,000 people
 aspire to achieve           Substantially raise the      Create the brand of Touch
                                                                                       Awareness high through marketing and            already having exposure
 incredible things for                                                                 promotion                                       to our product it is critical
                             profile                      Football
                                                                                       Free to air, Pay TV and Livestream focus
 the participants of this                                                              Strong social media numbers                     that our vision for the future
 sport through to 2020                                                                                                                 expands this footprint. We
                                                                                       Technical Education industry leading
 and beyond.                 Provide best practice        Industry recognised systems
                                                                                       HR stability through cycle                      have so much to offer through
                             administration               and fully utilised processes
                                                                                       Innovative products developed and utilised      our inclusive, accessible, non-
 We continued to                                                                                                                       contact approach which has
 challenge the status                                                                                                                  broad appeal to many people
 quo, innovate and drove ourselves to be                                                                              looking to participate.
                                                          The profile and reach of our sport has been
 better. It is with this fearless approach that
 we have been able to achieve many of the                 significant and we continue to broaden                      The programs that have been enhanced over
 goals and aspirations we had for the sport               the appeal through our relationship with                    the period in relation to inclusion through
 and indeed the organisation.                             the NRL. Significantly, in the period we                    special needs programs, deaf sport or the
                                                          launched our new NRL Touch Football brand                   indigenous programs and approach are
 Having been a part of this journey, the pride            in conjunction with our first naming rights                 worthy of mention. Our sport is now looking
 associated with the achievements within the              partner in Harvey Norman.                                   to use its collective voice to influence key
 period is hard to put into words. The targets                                                                        issues facing society such as domestic
 and metrics we achieved are staggering and I             We again thank Harvey Norman for their
                                                                                                                      violence or mental illness. It is clear that as
 thank everyone for the role they have played             ongoing commitment to the game and in
                                                                                                                      a sport we can achieve so much on and off
 in assisting us to achieve enduring success.             particular events like the NTL. We are truly
                                                                                                                      the field.
                                                          blessed to be aligned with such an iconic
 They range from over 670,000 participants
                                                          Australian brand and we hope the relationship Our target in conjunction with all partners is
 to an organisation incredibly proud to have
 been successful on the field on a world                  remains intact over the ensuing years. TFA has now to become ‘Australia’s largest sporting
                                                          established a great relationship with various               community’ and with the position the sport is in,
 stage. A sport now backed with significant                                                                           and the people we have involved with our sport,
 financial reserves to a community linked                 partners that support us and the overall
                                                          development of our game. We encourage all                   this is clearly within reach. There are certainly
 by a common brand and aligned with the                                                                               challenges facing participation elements
 National Rugby League.                                   members of the Touch Football community to
                                                          show your support to them at this event and                 and the diverse approach applied into event
 Notwithstanding, a sport with one of                     into the future.                                            markets or modified options has enabled us to
 Australia’s leading commercial brands in                                                                             continue to evolve and indeed grow.

EDITORS: JULIAN BUCKMASTER,                              PRODUCED FOR TOUCH                                          ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
LAUREN PRITCHARD                                         FOOTBALL AUSTRALIA                                          NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PRINTED, REPRODUCED, STORED
                                                                                                                     IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM OR TRANSMITTED, IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS,
                                                                                                                     WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHERS, WITH THE
                                                                                                                     EXCEPTION OF SHORT EXTRACTS FOR REVIEW PURPOSES.
DESIGN & LAYOUT:                                         PHOTOGRAPHY:                                                WHILE EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THE ACCURACY OF THE
WOOSHCREATIVE.COM                                        WWW.ENERGYIMAGES.COM.AU                                     INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS PUBLICATION, THE PUBLISHERS DO NOT,
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                                                                                                                     CLAIMS MADE IN ADVERTISEMENTS.

                                                         COVER IMAGE: HANNAH DYBALL                                  PROUDLY PRODUCED AND PRINTED IN AUSTRALIA
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
As we return to Coffs Harbour for the first     enjoy the profile many of us only dreamed         We certainly hope this resonates as strongly
time since the World Cup it is clearly a time   of and opportunities like the All Stars which     with our participant base as it does with the
to reflect on the amazing performances of       are truly professional. What an incredible        leadership of the organisation.
our athletes. On the field our teams were       position to be in.
absolutely sensational and off the field we                                                       Many of us will see the same lofty
delivered what in my view is the best World     We must all play a role in sharing content or     aspirations with significant pillars around
Cup ever. I must say we even had a ‘dry’ run    talking about what is great about our game.       participation, investment and indeed unity.
at last year’s NTL for the weather conditions   Word of mouth is the single most prevalent        Recently I have been exposed to a quote
we faced – we certainly hope the sun will       way in which people join the Touch Football       from Socrates – “The secret to change is to
shine all week this year!                       family. If we can all use new media to talk       focus all your energy, not on fighting the old
                                                about the great things our sport offers then      but on building the new.”
In 2015, our athletes had a role to play        we will all play a role in its growth on the
at Youth, Open and Senior level and             field and off it in relation to exposure.         After a period that required us to
they certainly delivered. With only one                                                           consolidate, we now sit in a position that
division lost across all those competed, we     It is clear that audiences are ready and          must be capitalised upon. Our journey to
can be proud of the results and the role        willing to watch some of the best Touch           2020 will consolidate Touch Football’s
they played. Furthermore, our referee           Football games in the world. This is clearly      position as one of Australia’s leading
contingent continue to set the standard         demonstrated by the highlights of the             community sports while challenging the
for the world to follow. They are simply        Men’s Final at the World Cup notching some        need to improve at all levels.
magnificent ambassadors for our sport           800,000 views by the end of the year from
                                                every corner of the globe. And only a week        On behalf of the Board of Touch Football
on the global stage and not only achieved                                                         Australia I wish all players, coaches,
outstanding results but assisted the overall    or two ago a young Under 12s player from
                                                the Shire stepped his way around an entire        referees and administrators involved in this
development of their colleagues.                                                                  event every success. We are sure there
                                                Junior State Cup team, and onto mobile
The team were also supported by an              and computer screens, to achieve similar          will be fierce competition followed by the
exceptional level of support staff, coaches     statistics!                                       interaction that continues to embody our
and medical.                                                                                      sport which is both both social and friendly
                                                The opportunities are compelling and we look      and all in the spirit of the game.
Our path to the 2019 World Cup has now          forward to what can be achieved in the future.
begun and the 2016 year is truly exciting as                                                      Thank you for the ongoing support from our
we see the Trans-Tasman return, the State       As a sport we cannot stand still or take too      valued sponsors and partners, in particular
of Origin Series and in less than 12 months,    long to celebrate these achievements. It          the NSW Government through Destination
the opportunity for our Youth Teams to          is now time to roll up the sleeves and look       NSW who have been in partnership with us
take on New Zealand. The continuity and         to what the future holds. Our gaze now is         through this cycle and build up to the World
professionalism of our program is now           lifted to 2020 where we again set ourselves       Cup. Also, the ongoing support of the Coffs
something that athletes can aspire to and       aggressively ambitious targets.                   Harbour Council and Stadium team is truly
the Elite Eight plays an important role in                                                        appreciated. We love coming home to Coffs.
                                                One of the clear legacies of the next period
producing the ‘best of the best’.               is a truly unified sport. The issues of the       I hope you enjoy this edition and the elite
It is clearly a time where the profile of       previous decade are well behind us and the        showcase this week.
our sport has been positioned well and          need to collaborate and unify has never
                                                been greater.                                     This is an incredibly exciting time for Touch
achieved a significant boost. From television                                                     Football in Australia and like all of you I
advertising through to free to air coverage     It is with this collective approach that we can   am truly energised by what we can achieve
our sport has been on centre stage. This        achieve all of our goals and aspirations. What    together.
is supported by the ongoing development         will become the trademark of the organisation
of media streams such as the database,          as it sets itself on 2020 is that we will be:
social media, device APPs, live stream and
our website. This generation of athletes will   One Voice. One Team. One Sport.                   Colm Maguire – TFA CEO

                                                                               SPECIALIST SPORTS INSURANCE BROKER

                                  Proud to be associated with
                                  Touch Football Australia
                                      Phone: (02) 9247 1700
                                                Fax: (02) 9247 1733
                         AFS Licence: 342385 ABN:30 129 444 828
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
                        FRASER MP,
  On behalf of the NSW Governme
                                  nt, I would like to welcome you
  National Touch League (NTL) in                                  to the 2016
                                 Coffs Harbour.
 The NTL will showcase representa
                                    tive Touch Football on a nationa
 provide an opportunity for the cou                                 l stage and
                                   ntry’s best athletes to come tog
 compete.                                                           ether to

 The NSW Government is proud
                                  to support the NTL through our
 major events agency Destination                                  tourism and
                                    NSW. Coffs Harbour is the hom
 Football, successfully hosting the                                 e of Touch
                                     FIT Touch World Cup last year.
The NTL forms part of a packed
                                  calendar of regional sporting eve
year includes Rally Australia her                                   nts, which this
                                 e in Coffs Harbour, the L’Etape Cyc
in the Snowy Mountains, Surfest                                       ling Race
                                   in Newcastle, the Bathurst 12 Hou
many more.                                                             r race and

To those visiting the region this
                                  weekend, I encourage you to exp
beautiful Coffs Coast, and take                                       lore the
                                  in some of the fantastic local rest
attractions.                                                         aurants and

I welcome you to the event and
                                 wish all competitors the best of
                                                                  luck   this week.
With best regards

INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
Whether you’re into sport, music, food and wine, action or adventure, you’ll find many exciting
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Festival will include multiple                    The highland setting is perfect                        regatta held on the stunning waters
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the three-day motor fest at                       Highland Games.                                        Port Stephens
Mount Panorama.                                   Bundanoon
Mount Panorama, Bathurst

                        If it’s on in NSW, it’s on
             Please note that events are subject to change or cancellation (check relevant website for further details prior to the event).
        Destination NSW acknowledges and appreciates all photographic images supplied by each event owner for use in this advertisement.
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
ArThoe und                                             Touch of Colour (and Harry Potter!)
                                                           The NRL and Touch Football Australia           Longbottom in the Harry Potter series, is

                                                           joined forces recently to deliver an           a massive Touch Football fan!
                                                           incredible charity event at Allianz            “Rugby League is a tough sport and not
                                                           Stadium featuring 20 teams from                everyone ever gets to play it,” Lewis said
                                                           the Insurance industry from across             amidst several photo and autograph
                                                           Sydney: the very colourful, eventful and       signing sessions on the day.
                                                           ‘celebrity-full’ Kids Xpress Touch of
                                                                                                          “To be able to play Touch Footy, you can
                                                           Colour knockout event.
                                                                                                          get so many people here that are huge
                                                           Each team featured an NRL great                fans of the game; t’s all standards, all
                                                           including the likes of Cooper Cronk,           sexes, all ages, it’s brilliant,” Lewis said.
                                                           Anthony Minichiello, Luke Ricketson,
                                                                                                          “Everyone comes out and just gets
                                                           Joe Galuvao and Michael Crocker, just to
                                                                                                          involved; that means you can get so
                                                           name a few!
                                                                                                          many companies involved.
                                                           Australian Touch Football
                                                                                                          “It’s a team building exercise, it’s great
                                                           representatives Danielle and Shellie
                                                                                                          for the corporate side of things; so if we
                                                           Davis, Stuart Brierty, Cara Zaremski and
                                                                                                          can tie it in with a charity that means we
                                                           Sam Brisby were also involved in the day,
                                                                                                          can make as much money as possible.”
                                                           while there were plenty of familiar faces
                                                           taking part in several other teams across      Prophetic words from the Harry Potter
                                                           the day.                                       star, indeed as the event raised over
                                                                                                          over $100,000 for the charity on
                                                           Harry Potter star, Matthew Lewis was
                                                                                                          the day, which is a fantastic result,
                                                           also a special inclusion on the day. It just
                                                                                                          great advertisement for the sport and
                                                           so happens the actor, who is also the
                                                                                                          template for future corporate style
                                                           Leeds Rhino Foundation vice president,
                                                                                                          Touch Football knockouts.
                                                           and otherwise known as Neville

    2016 Deaf Touch
    Football Nationals
    The fourth Deaf Touch Football national championships
    were conducted as part of the 2016 Australian Deaf
    Games in Adelaide in January.
    This year’s event saw the return of Fiji to the competition
    and the first time Victoria had participated in the event.
    Queensland again impressed in the Men’s and Mixed
    divisions, continuing their dominance of Australian Deaf
    Touch Football.

6   MARCH 2016        ISSUE 17
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
Inaugural Bundaberg Cup a success!
Over 30 teams travelled to Bundaberg in
November to take part in the inaugural event;
now Australia’s largest prizemoney knockout,
with over $20,000 prize money distributed to the
winners. The following winning teams received a
share of the prizemoney at the 2015 event:
12’s Mixed
Rockhampton 12 defeated Childers 0
16’s Mixed
Bundy Buffalos 5 defeated Bundy Bobcats 1
Social Mixed
Bundy Predators 6 defeated Bundy Jets 5
Social Men’s
Loveslugs 7 defeated Bundy Boyz 2                    Following the success of the inaugural       Bundaberg-North Burnett region. Stay
Mixed Open                                           2015 Bundaberg Cup, this year’s              tuned to for
Watch the Feet 6 defeated Rockhampton 3              event 12-13 November promises to             more information on how to register
                                                     be bigger and better. Now is the time        and to see the several great tourism
Men’s Open
                                                     to start organising your team and            options and places of interest to
Rockhampton 8 defeated Watch the Feet 3
                                                     planning your trip to the amazing            include as part of your trip!

TFA supports ‘Girls Make Your Move’ campaign
Touch Football Australia has welcomed          of exercise and sport also can become a         only will the number of girls playing Touch
the release of the Australian Government’s     negative,” Ms Ley said.                         Football grow, but we’re investing in our
‘Girls Make Your Move’ campaign which           Touch Football Australia CEO, Colm             schools strategy to increase the proportion
encourages young Australian women to           Maguire said the sport of Touch Football        of girls participating as well.
get physically active.                         has a role to play in reversing the alarming     “Our unique offering of social
Minister for Health Sussan Ley said the        trends in female participation in sport and     competitions, gala days, events and our
campaign comes on the back of new              active recreation.                              representative pathway means there are
research showing nearly 60 per cent of         “Touch Football has always provided             plenty of fun opportunities to be involved.
girls aged 15-to-17 reported undertaking       a place on the field for everyone with          “Participation in Touch Football isn’t
little-to-no exercise                                                                                     limited to just being a player.
or physical activity                                                                                      With the assistance of the
compared to one-third                                                                                     Australian Sports Commission,
of boys.                                                                                                  we’ve recently invested in the
“This campaign was a                                                                                      development a Women’s Elite
fun way to encourage                                                                                      Coaching Leadership Workshop
young women in their                                                                                      and an Elite Referee and
teenage years to build                                                                                    Referee Coaches Workshop to
their bodies as they are                                                                                  grow the skills of our female
growing.                                                                                                  volunteers. We have also had
“It aims to tackle this                                                                                   strong representation at a
sliding door moment                                                                                       governance level and recently
in a young woman’s life                                                                                   elected our first female Chair
when they actually are laying down the         over 42 percent of our participants                        of the national Board.
foundation for the rest of their lives.        being female. We are certainly focused           “We’re very happy to be able to
“The research is telling us around the         on increasing our junior participation          support the Australian Government’s
late primary to early high school age girls    and know that we can work harder on             #girlsmakeyourmove campaign and we
first engage in some form of physical          expanding our appeal to young girls.”           encourage each of our affiliates to think
activity within peer groups. And if that       “We’re planning for one million people          about ways they can promote the message
first experience is not enjoyable the idea     playing our sport annually by 2020 so not       in their own community,” Maguire said.

           Find Us on TFA Social                                                         Be sure to ‘like’,
           Media and join the                                                            ‘follow’ and
                                                                                         ‘share us’ on the
           conversation!                                                                 following pages:

           Touch Football Australia’s social     Our Facebook page is close to           Facebook –
           media accounts are growing and        reaching 25,000 followers, while        Twitter -
           if you aren’t yet following, we’d     late last year we reached 10,000        YouTube -
           love for you to join our online       Instagram followers…and we just         Instagram –
           community!                            reached two million YouTube

                                                                                                         MARCH 2016        ISSUE 17             7
INSIDE: TFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 2016 Elite Eight Preview 2016 Harvey Norman All Stars Coach and Referee latest and much more! ...
                      SERIES SET TO ROCK THE
                      SHAKY ISLES IN APRIL!
    The countdown to the 2016 Trans Tasman           culture from last time and the winning              younger guys that have impressed so far,”
    Series is well and truly on!                     culture going as well,” Norman said.                Hennessey added.
    The Australian Men’s, Women’s and                                                                      Australian Women’s Open squad member
    Mixed Open teams will travel to                                                                        and fellow BLK Ambassador, Samantha
    Auckland, New Zealand in late April to                                                                 Rodgers transitioned from the Youth
    compete in the 2016 instalment of the                                                                  program into the Open’s program to debut
    Trans Tasman Series.                                                                                   at the 2014 Trans Tasman Series and
                                                                                                           is looking forward to the new cycle and
    The last time the Australian and New
    Zealand teams met was in the 2015
    Touch World Cup finals in Coffs Harbour                                                                “We’ve lost our most experienced players
    – and what a day it was for the green                                                                  like Louise Winchester and Peta Rogerson
    and gold; taking the clean sweep of the                                                                but we have heaps of youth coming
    Open’s divisions in a memorable night for                                                              through that will be around for the future
    the Aussies.                                                                                           so it will be great to give them a run and
                                                                                                           see how they go.
    But we all know what a tough task it is
    to play New Zealand on their home soil -                                                                “I’m really looking forward to it, because I
    rewind back to 2013, when New Zealand                                                                   came in as a young player it will be great
    were 2-1 division winners over Australia with    “We’ve got a few people out this year, there’s      to help these new girls with the experience
    wins in the Men’s and Mixed divisions.           a lot of younger blokes coming through and          and learning and just be a good role model
                                                     it was good to see them mixing it amongst           for them,” Rodgers said.
    Australia has since claimed the silverware
                                                     us all.
    in the 2014 Trans Tasman Series held in                                                              Stay tuned to
    Mudgee and last year’s Touch World Cup but       “I think they are going to fit in quite well;       for all of the latest news and information
    it will be a different story coming up against   Jordy Marshall-King, Lachy Pierce, Cody             in the lead up to the 2016 Trans Tasman
    the Kiwis at home.                               Green, Scott Bundy, they are a few of the           Series.
    There are plenty of new faces in the

                                                                   ROVELLI NAMED AS
    Australian squads following the retirement
    of several legends of the sport at last year’s
    World Cup.
    The 2016 Trans Tasman Series kicks off the
                                                                  AUSTRALIAN WOMEN’S
    new cycle in the lead up to the 2019 Touch
    World Cup in Malaysia.
                                                                      OPEN COACH
    Australian Men’s Open squad members                  Following the retirement         coach in 2014 and 2015,
    and BLK Ambassadors, Peter Norman and                of four-time World               have prepared Rovelli to
    Dylan Hennessey, have been a part of the             Cup winning coach,               move to the next level
    Open’s program for several years now, with           Peter Bell at the 2015           and he’s very much
    Hennessey debuting in 2009 and Norman in             Touch World Cup in               looking forward to the
    2010. They are both looking forward to the           Coffs Harbour, Swain             new challenge.
    new cycle and the challenges ahead.                  Rovelli now assumes
                                                                                          “I’m honoured and
                                                         the prestigious post
    According to Norman, widely regarded with                                             privileged to be chosen
                                                         coaching the Australian
    Hennessey to be at the peak of their form                                             to continue the success
                                                         Women’s Open team in
    and powers, it’s the emerging generation of                                           and traditions of the
                                                         the next cycle, one of the
    stars that is a focus this year, particularly                                         Australian Women’s Open
                                                         most successful teams
    with the retirements last year of some of the                                         team,” Rovelli said.
                                                         in Australian sporting
    sport’s true legends.                                history.                         “I’m excited to develop the
    “We’ve got a lot of young players                                                     next group of Women’s
                                                         His more recent roles as
    transitioning into the program in the new                                             Open players and leaders
                                                         coach of the Australian
    cycle. It’s exciting times for us in the Men’s                                        for the upcoming series
                                                         Women’s 20’s team in
    Open having a lot of new guys coming                                                  and throughout this
                                                         2013 and as an Australian
    through so hopefully we can keep the                                                  cycle.”
                                                         Women’s Open assistant

8   MARCH 2016         ISSUE 17
       Successful Australian Men’s Open 2015        Can you tell us a bit about your new role?     respectful, they love their Touch. Just to be
       World Cup winning captain, Steve Roberts                                                    around them and feeding off their energy
                                                    My role now is the coach of the Japan
       will now take on the role of Japan Men’s                                                    gives me a lot of enthusiasm and brings a
                                                    Men’s team and firstly finalising that squad
       Open coach as part of a wide-ranging                                                        lot of excitement for me too.
                                                    to a team. We then prepare for the Trans
       partnership between Touch Football
                                                    Tasman to play against the New Zealand         What are you looking forward to most?
       Australia and Japan Touch Association.
                                                    and Australian teams in a couple of test
                                                                                                   Watching them develop and seeing how
       Roberts retired from the Open’s level        matches before the the Trans Tasman
                                                                                                   they come along. We’ve got a very solid
       after last year’s World Cup, finishing his   series. I’ll be going over every few months
                                                                                                   foundation and hopefully we can build upon
       distinguished career with four World Cup     or whenever I can to run some training
                                                                                                   that foundation and get closer towards New
       appearances and three World Cup titles.      camps and hopefully impart a bit of
                                                                                                   Zealand and Australia.
                                                    knowledge and develop a bit of skill that
       When the opportunity to coach Japan came
                                                    I’ve learnt and provide to them so they can    Can you see a similar type of agreement
       up, Roberts jumped at the chance. We
                                                    achieve that goal.                             being rolled out in other countries?
       caught up with Roberts to find out more
       about his new role and what he is planning   What can we expect to see from the             Definitely. Australia being the World
       and looking forward to.                      Japanese teams come Trans Tasman time?         Champs, being a bit biased, we’re setting the
                                                                                                   standard and I think if more countries follow
       How exciting is the MOU between Touch        They are very fast, very good on their feet,
                                                                                                   suit and get the program up and running
       Football Australia and Japan Touch           they do everything at a million miles an
                                                                                                   I think the gap between the countries will
       Association?                                 hour. We talk about the tempo when we are
                                                                                                   shorten. I was actually impressed by that at
                                                    over there. I think they can put some teams
     It is very exciting for both countries. JTA has                                               the last World Cup and if this sort of model
                                                    under a bit of pressure and hopefully we
     the goal of coming third at the next World                                                    is rolled out I think the gap will come closer
                                                    get a bit closer to the Australian and New
     Cup and they are putting everything they                                                      and closer, but hopefully not as close as it
                                                    Zealand teams.
     can forward to make sure they achieve                                                         will be for JTA!
     this goal and hopefully we can help with        How excited are the Japanese teams?
     achieving that goal as well.
GNSA192-5 Touch Ad_Layout 1 26/08/15 1:11 PM Page    They are
                                                          1 very excited, they are very

                                                    Steeden NRL
                                                    Touch Football

                                                                   NRL CLASSIC
                                                                  TOUCH MATCH
                                                                     Size: Senior

                                                                                                                  NRL MIGHTY
                                                                                                               TOUCH TRAINER
                                                                                                                Size: Senior, Junior, Mini

                                                                                                    NRL MEGA
                                                                                                    TOUCH TRAINER
                                                                                                    Size: Senior

2016 Elite Eight
                    Series Preview
                  New South Wales Country Mavericks

                  The Mavericks bowed out of last year’s semi-finals                            A young and inexperienced
                  eventually going down to the eventual champions, the                          Mavericks team will take to the
                  Queensland Stingrays (now Titans). This year, with the                        field in 2016, with the loss of
                  return of star player Dylan Hennessey who missed the                          Jessica McCall through injury
                  2015 event through injury, Mavericks are arguably the                         a big blow to the side. They
                  team to beat. Dylan will be joined by the other Dylan                         won’t be pushovers though
                  (Thompson) and other World Cup winners including the                          with Australian Women’s Open
                  evergreen Matt Tope and Terry Deegan and Scott Bundy                          squad member Madi Crowe one
                  along with a raft of other young country talent and even                      to watch, as is her fellow 2015
                  a Kiwi star. With abundant talent and depth to draw on in                     Australian Youth representative,
                  key positions, this team will almost certainly be around                      Shannon Rose. The experience of
                  on finals day and would not surprise winning back the                         Amy Regal and Melinda Holt will
                  prized title they last secured in 2013.                                       be invaluable to this side.

                  New South Wales Mets
                  The 2016 version of the Mets will welcome back                        The Mets Women’s team are always very tough,

                  World Cup winning Australian representatives Scott                    very consistent and always hard to beat; we
                  Buckley, Nicholas Good and Dean Springfield after                     expect something similar and more of the
                  their absence in 2015. And with Steve Roberts back,                   same in 2016.The ultimate big match player
                  the crux of the very successful winning teams of                      Louise Winchester will be leading the show for
                  years gone are reunited and their confidence no doubt                 Mets, joined by Shellie Davis, Kirstie Jenkins,
                  renewed. The likes of young Chris Williams and Mitch                  Kristin Boss, Leah Opie-Lukins, Ash Dobbins
                  Wickham are also exciting players to look out for.                    and Megan Campbell all returning in 2016.
                  The Mets have always had a winning culture and star                   The Mets have played in every Elite Eight final
                  inclusions and have gone very close on a number of                    to date, winning the 2011 and 2013 finals;
                  occasions over the years, but are yet to actually win                 what more can you say with their star-studded
                  an Elite Eight title. In what has already been described              roster intact and ability to close out the big one
                  as one of the most open Men’s series on record, can                   previously? There’s every reason to believe
                  2016 finally be their year?                                           they’ll be there again and saluting in 2016.

                  New South Wales Scorpions
                  Last year’s runners-up, the Scorpions, have assembled a                       A very new-look Scorpions team will take to


                  strong team again in 2016 in their quest to go one better. The                the field in 2016 only two years after winning
                  obvious question though this year is if they can do it without                the event themselves. They will be led by the
                  star player, Sam Brisby who will miss the event through injury.               recently retired national Mixed Open Captain,
                  Daniel Barton, Kai Simbolon, Jackson Mills and a host of others               Kylie Hilder, while the experience of Danielle
                  were instrumental in the Parramatta Eels’ NSW State Cup title                 Davis and Hannah Dyball will come to the
                  win in December bringing the winning edge all good teams                      fore. They will of course miss the winning
                  demonstrate and will need this year. The team is young and                    Manly connections of the Peattie sisters and
                  fast with the excitement machines Jackson Mills, Ciaran Toner                 Yasmin Meakes, but have exciting young
                  and Jonathan Palau. We also welcome the first Englishmen,                     talent in Zara Nicholas, Stephanie Maiolo and
                  Dominic Tripp into the Elite Eight! We think with that line-up                Haley Crawford. Like their male counterparts,
                  they should also be in the reckoning come finals day.                         they should also be in the mix on finals day.

                  New South Wales Rebels
                  The Rebels have drafted well in 2016 and could             Like their male counterparts, 2016 could be the year


                  be the surprise packet of the series. Jordan               the Rebels break into the top four for the first time.
                  Marshall-King is in fantastic form and can turn            Fresh from her Auckland Nine’s experience, the return
                  a game in a second as witnessed at the NSW                 of Maddie Studdon to the team from injury is a massive
                  State Cup. The addition of the experienced duo             gain, while they have also drafted well, including the
                  of Trent Touma and Robert Nakhla from Mets                 likes of Manly duo Tayla and Brittney Clifford. Samantha
                  will no doubt come in very handy during this               Rodgers, Elin Mortimer and Patricia Michaelopoulos
                  event. Add the exciting youth stars including              are World Cup winners and proven performers on this
                  James Blackwood, Josh Rozairo, Madalitso                   stage. The Wests connection with coach Mick Moussa,
                  Masache and Caidyn Wynyard and this is one                 Mortimer and Michaelpoulos, as well as Tara Mohi and
                  team not to be taken lightly this year. We think           Gabrielle Chui, will hold them in good stead. They may
                  they are semi-finalists at least.                          well surprise and reach the semi-finals in 2016.

10   MARCH 2016     ISSUE 17
It’s time for our favourite event of the year, the National Touch         and seniors’ event since the 2015 Touch World Cup, as well as
League incorporating the Elite Eight Series.                              the final selection dress rehearsals for the Australian Open’s
                                                                          teams on the eve of the 2016 Trans Tasman Series, to be held in
2016 marks the fifth instalment of the Elite Eight Series and it          Auckland next month.
could well be the most open competition and thrilling contest
across divisions, on record.                                              Sit back as The Hard Wrap dissects the teams and form guide
                                                                          as a preview to the 2016 event; there are a host of players and
There is plenty of excitement leading up to the 2016 event, with          teams to watch out for and we boldly predict who’ll be there or
the new-look/named Queensland teams, the first major opens                thereabouts come finals day, 12 March.

                     Queensland Titans
                     Last year’s winners, the Stingrays will again                           The Titans Women’s team could be


                     be tough to beat in 2016. The core of the team                          another surprise packet of the series, with
                     almost won everything it entered in 2015 which                          plenty of exciting talent returning to the
                     is an amazing achievement: from NTL titles to                           team in 2016. Australian Women’s Open
                     State Championships and Metro Cup, and coming                           squad members Marikki Watego, Ash
                     agonisingly close at the NSW State Cup playing                          Kearney and Paige Parker line up again
                     for Murwillumbah. A very similar side returns to                        for the side, while the relocation of Ash
                     compete in 2016, with the likes of Pete Norman,                         Quinlan is a very handy addition for the
                     Nathan Jones, Adam Pryde and the Maher brothers                         side. They’ve always been competitive and
                     to lead from the front. They will have to overcome                      from all reports are training really well.
                     the loss of Drumayne Dayberg-Muir but we are                            They’ll definitely be in the mix for semi-
                     confident they’ll be there on finals day.                               finals in 2016.

                     Queensland Broncos
                     The Chiefs really impressed in 2015, making the                         On paper the last year’s champions look like


                     semi-finals for the first time and will be hopeful of                   they could repeat in 2016. A very similar
                     at least a similar performance in 2016. Cody Green                      team to the title-winning side of 2015
                     is in good form and will be a player to watch in the                    will return this year. They will miss Emily
                     Broncos team, as will Sebe Rey, Michael Baartz and                      Hennessey, but welcome back Catherine
                     New Zealand representative Arepa Ohia. There is no                      Sargent from injury. The experience of Peta
                     reason they can’t do what they did last year again this                 Rogerson, Samantha Hopkin, Lizzie Campbell,
                     year in a very even Men’s event. They will need to win                  Sarah Spacie and Kimberley Sue See will see
                     the big games to be in contention come finals day.                      the team there on finals day and we’d be very
                                                                                             surprised if they weren’t there in the decider.

                     Queensland Cowboys
                     Losing in the quarter finals in 2015 to the               The youngest team in the competition, the Outlaws

                     New South Wales Country Mavericks would                   impressed and let’s be honest perhaps over-achieved
                     have hurt 2014 winners the Outlaws and                    last year making the semi-finals, going down to
                     they’ll certainly be looking for redemption               eventual winners the Chiefs. There is plenty to like
                     in 2016. There is a great mix of youth and                about this team again this year and if they can stick
                     experience in this team, with the likes of Dan            together for a few years they could achieve a lot and be
                     Withers, Trevor Moran and Dave Zanette, as                very exciting. A number of this team were part of last
                     well as the exciting Lachlan Pierce, Kristian             year’s QSST winning team, including the exciting Emma
                     Congoo, Jayden Benbow, Cormac Hoch and                    Sykes and Kobe Nona, who return for their second Elite
                     Shaun Francis. They will expect to win and                Eight tournament. Adding to this is the skill of 2014
                     it’s hard to argue otherwise; watch out for               Player of the Series, Tamika Upton who is definitely a
                     them come finals day as every other Men’s                 player to watch. Experience in big games is what they
                     team no doubt will.                                       will have to overcome but there’s no shortage of talent.

                     The Alliance
                     The Alliance boys will have their quarter final drop-                   The Alliance Women’s team will rely

                     off loss to eventual runners-up the New South Wales                     heavily on the on-field leadership
                     Scorpions fresh in their minds and proof positive they                  of captain, Leah Percy. Rebecca
                     can mix it with the best teams in the competition. A                    Beath was part of Manly’s Vawdon
                     similar line up will take to the field in 2016, though a lot            Cup/State Cup double in 2015 and
                     will depend on the fitness of Stuart Brierty who has a                  is continually improving and brings
                     calf complaint heading into the event this year. Without                some winning big match experience;
                     Brierty others will need to really step up and show their               while young Western Australian
                     talents. And there’s no doubt this team has plenty of                   player Shanaaz Te Ahuru will also
                     that and heart including Tim Glazebrook, Rob McCarthy,                  be one to watch. Alliance have the
                     Justin Costello and the up-and-coming Tyla Love. It would               ability to cause damage in a very even
                     be great to see them there on finals day and they should                competition but will have to perform
                     benefit from a revamped program and preparation in                      to their best in every match and not
                     recent months.                                                          relax at any point.

                                                                                                               MARCH 2016         ISSUE 17     11
     There have been several activations and achievements in the NRL and Touch
     Football space in recent times with a lot to look forward in the months ahead:

     BROTHERS AND                                                                                  commercials to drive participation
                                                                                                   across both sports in 2016. The other
     CODES IN ARMS                                                                                 commercials feature recent Golden
                                                                                                   Boot and NRL Premiership winner, North
     Moylan brothers star in latest                                                                Queensland Cowboys captain, Johnathan
     Play NRL TV commercial                                                                        Thurston and Jillaroos players Sam
                                                                                                   Hammond (a former Australian Women’s
     Australian Men’s Open representative,                                                         Youth Touch Football representative) and
     Ben Moylan and his younger brother,                                                           Jenni-Sue Hoepper.
     Penrith Panthers captain, Matt, star in
     one of three Play NRL TV commercials to                                                       The three ads also feature plenty of
                                                                                                   familiar faces, including Hills Hornets and
     hit screens this NRL season.
                                                                                                   Bankstown Jets juniors as well as Manly
     The Moylan brethren speak candidly about                                                      Sea Eagles representatives and a flying
     the essence of playing Touch Football and                                                     Danni Davis hugging the touchline.
     Rugby League growing up; relaying not only
                                                                                                   To view the Touch Football ad, visit the
     what they’ve achieved in their respective
                                                    The Moylan’s ad to be broadcast on             TFA YouTube channel –
     sports, but also the untold fun they had
                                                    television later in the year, but shared       com/touchfootballaus and the showreel
     growing up and where they developed their
                                                    through online/social media channels           for all ads go to
     competitive drive and no doubt, early bumps
     and bruises in the backyard.                   currently, brings to three the number

     HOPKIN NAMED                                   and communities to speak up and seek
                                                    help if they are experiencing any form of
                                                                                                   important program.

     NRL STATE OF MIND                              difficulty or difference in their mood and
                                                                                                   “I’ve had family affected by suicide and
                                                                                                   have seen how that has affected their lives.
     AMBASSADOR                                     situation.
                                                                                                   “Through my work as a nurse, I see the end
                                                         One in two Australians will
     Australian Women’s Open                                                                       stages of mental health being suicide and
                                                         experience a mental illness in their
     representative, Samantha                                                                      just really wanted to be a part of it and see
                                                         lifetime, with suicide the biggest
     Hopkin was recently named as                                                                  how I could help,” Hopkin said.
                                                         killer of individuals aged 15 – 44.
     Touch Football Australia’s first
                                                                                                       “I’m looking forward to raising
     State of Mind Ambassador for
                                                                                                       awareness and learning a lot more
     2016, as part of the campaign
                                                                                                       about it. We will do our First Aid course
     to reduce the stigma around
                                                                                                       in mental health and then go out into
     mental illness.
                                                                                                       the community and hopefully just raise
     Hopkin joins ambassadors                                                                          awareness and let people know that
     from the 16 NRL clubs as                                                                          there is help out there.
     well as the Harvey Norman
                                                                                                       “It’s amazing how far Touch Football
     Jillaroos as part of the
                                                                                                       has come and just with the partnership
                                                                                                       with the NRL, the opportunity it has
     Now in its third year, the NRL State of Mind   Hopkin, a registered nurse, said she is        given us and me to be involved.”
     program aims to encourage players, clubs       looking forward to being a part of this

     ROOSTERS PRESENCE                              Association logos and Sydney Roosters
                                                                                                   players as a result of this support will last
                                                                                                   for decades in the future.”
     AT JUNIOR STATE CUP                            Eastern Suburbs Touch Association
     The Eastern Suburbs Roosters Junior            Development Manager, Simon Bassett
     State Cup teams sported new co-branded         said it was great to see all of the Roosters
     off field training jerseys featuring the       teams in the uniforms.
     Sydney Roosters NRL logo at the recent         “There was a real buzz in the Eastern
     New South Wales Junior State Cup in Port       Suburbs Touch Football Association tent
     Macquarie.                                     about how smart the Sydney Roosters tops
     The training gear is identical in design       looked,” Bassett said.
     to the off field uniform worn by the NRL       “The closer connection forged between the
     club, with the Junior State Cup uniforms       Sydney Roosters and the Eastern Suburbs
     featuring both the Eastern Suburbs Touch       Touch Football Junior Representative

12   MARCH 2016         ISSUE 17
NRL COMMUNITY                                 Cup events. She has also assisted in
                                              getting the Warrnambool Touch Football
                                                                                            Each state and territory were asked to
                                                                                            nominate an individual to be considered for
VOLUNTEER OF                                  competition up and running and is             the TFA Volunteer of the Year Award, with
THE YEAR                                      described as the heart and soul of the
                                              Portland Touch Association.
                                                                                            the following individuals in contention:

For the first time in 2015, Touch Football                                                    Cary Thompson - National
                                              Touch Football Australia CEO, Colm
Australia was provided the opportunity
                                              Maguire praised Cecilia’s efforts on behalf     Ken Golden – National
to nominate an individual for the NRL
                                              of the TFA Board, staff and Touch Football
Community National Volunteer of the                                                           Danny Goodwin - ACT
Year, which was presented at the NRL
Community and Player Education Awards         “Cecilia is a fantastic example of the          Tim Kitchingham - NSW
in Sydney as part of 2015 NRL Grand Final     efforts being made in locations across
week celebrations.                            the country, and the lengths that our           Tim Pearson - NT
                                              volunteers go for the success of our
Victoria’s Cecilia Eichler was awarded the                                                    Graeme Clancy - QLD
2015 Touch Football Australia Volunteer
of the Year at the Awards, a very deserving   “In the inaugural year of this award, we        Damian Carlson – SA
winner. Eichler is a dedicated member of      had an incredible group of nominees from
Touch Football Victoria’s State Operations    all corners of the country; all with their      Cecilia Eichler - VIC
Advisory Panel, as well as having helped      own story and all highly deserving of this
                                                                                              Karen Lombardo - WA
develop the Border Challenge and MyPod        accolade.”

CRONULLA SHARKS                               Cronulla Sharks Board of Director, Darren
                                              McConnell, who is also a State Cup
AND TAREN POINT                               Touch Football representative, spoke
PATHWAY ANNOUNCED                             of the benefits of the partnership.
                                              “It goes both ways for juniors in
The Cronulla Sharks announced before
                                              development in League; kids may
the start of the 2016 NRL season
                                              start with tackle and move over to
that they were taking NRL pathways
                                              the non-contact version in Touch
to another level in setting up quality
                                              Football or vice versa.
structures for both male and female
Touch Football players in an exciting new     “We see great opportunities for men
agreement between the NRL club and            and women, boys and girls, from
Taren Point Touch Association.                under 6’s through to over 40’s.
The Taren Point representative teams          “We’ve been working on this
are now known as the Cronulla Sharks          partnership for a number of years,
and have worn the Sharks uniform at the       it’s been a while in the making and we
recent NSW State Cup and Junior State Cup     hope it goes well into the future.”

WHITE RIBBON                                                   QLD ELITE EIGHT TEAMS ALIGN
Touch Football Australia, in conjunction with the              WITH QLD NRL CLUBS
NRL, is proud to support White Ribbon Australia’s
                                                               The three Queensland Elite Eight franchises have rebranded and
campaign to prevent violence against women and
                                                               re-cast their uniforms and colours for the 2016 National Touch
                                                               League to reflect the three Queensland NRL Clubs.
On 25 November (White Ribbon Day) TFA launched
                                                               The Queensland Stingrays will now be known as the Titans, the
an online campaign, encouraging its members to join
                                                               Country Outlaws as the Cowboys and the Chiefs as the Broncos to
the organisation in taking the White Ribbon Oath to
                                                               reflect their aligned clubs.
provide a Voice Against Violence.
                                                               The teams will wear similar uniforms to that of their NRL
NRL Clubs across the country also threw their support
                                                               counterparts at the event, adopting the brand and colours of their
behind the day, with a host of initiatives aimed at
                                                               respective NRL teams.
raising awareness of and preventing violence against
women. For more information and to sign the oath,              This announcement
visit                                  follows the Aquis
                                                               Gold Coast Titans
                                                               and Queensland
                                                               Touch Football
                                                               partnership, which
                                                               will bring exclusive opportunities for the Titans and
                                                               QTF. This includes beyond the new colours and branding alignment
                                                               to engage new junior participants, develop elite players and provide
                                                               the pathway for male and female Touch Football and Rugby League
                                                               players to one day play for the Titans. For more information, please

                                                                                                  MARCH 2016          ISSUE 17            13

                        TFA AMBASSADORS
                     STUART         KYLIE
                     BRIERTY       HILDER
             PETE           LEAH          LOUISE
            NORMAN         PERCY        WINCHESTER
  DYLAN      SAM           EMILY            SAMANTHA         STEVE

2016 NTL Team Lists

            Where Champions Play

                                    MEN’S TEAM                     WOMEN’S TEAM
                                    Michael Beatty                  Rebecca Beath
                                    Tristan Broadbridge             Alice Gregory
                                    Stuart Brierty                  Grace Griffin
                                    Cameron Burdett                 Kelly Goodwin
                                    Justin Costello                 Jessika Groeneveld
                                    Khanui Cox                      Emma Haines
                                    Nicholas Donghi                 Melinda Ingram
                                    Zachary Forostenko              Grace Keech
                                    Timothy Glazebrook              Megan Lane
                                    Benjamin Hughes                 Taylor Mason
                                    Nicholas Keech                  Elizabeth Motteram
                                    Tyla Love                       Leah Percy
                                    Rob McCarthy                    Kelly Rowe
                                    Kennedy Merito                  Mackenzie Sadler
                                    Arphirak Paul                   Stephanie Stockwell
                                    Cameron Stanley                 Shanaaz Te Ahuru

                                    Coach Danny Goodwin            Coach Justin Creighton
                                  Assistant Coach Brian Keech   Assistant Coach Chris Tarlinton
   Tour Manager Ellora Thwaite      Manager Amber Carney           Manager Jacinta Williams

                                     MEN’S TEAM                    WOMEN’S TEAM
                                     Mitchell Bourke                Chloe Cheney
                                     Paddy Coelho                   Madison Crowe
                                     Tom Dafter                     Kirra Dibb
                                     Terry Deegan                   Jasmine Dillon
                                     Bradley Hayes                  Erin Farah
                                     Dylan Hennessey                Lily Goodchild
                                     Bart Hill                      Melinda Holt
                                     Alex Langbridge                Isabella Houston
                                     Daniel Langbridge              Ainsley Hughes
                                     Josh Leota                     Amelia Hughes
                                     Jarrad Rotumah                 Brydie Parker
                                     Dylan Thompson                 Jessica Potts
                                     Luke Tonegato                  Amy Regal
                                     Matthew Tope                   Shannon Rose
                                     Corey Whitaker

                                     Coach John Dalton                Coach Mark Boland
                                  Assistant Coach Paul Farah    Assistant Coach Brooke Playford
                                   Manager Paul Connolly         Manager Sheralee Langbridge


   MEN’S TEAM                   WOMEN’S TEAM
    Jay Baron                    Kristin Boss
    Scott Buckley                Megan Campbell
    Nick Good                    Rachelle Davis
    Tim Good                     Ashleigh Dobbins
    Jacob Goss                   Tayla Duguid
    Ryan Goss                    Rebecca Gair
    Sean McKenna                 Tyla Gambell
    Michael Petrie               Lizzy Hewitt
    Steve Roberts                Kirstie Jenkins
    James Shute                  Stacey Lapham
    Daniel Stone                 Kaitlin McCaffery
    Dean Springfield             Claire Moran
    Mitch Wickham                Leah Opie-Lukins
    Chris Williams               Abbey Papenhuyzen
    Michael Winchester           Louise Winchester

  Coach Peter Forrester           Coach David Collins
                              Assistant Coach Kristy Judd
                               Manager Arthur Campbell

   MEN’S TEAM                   WOMEN’S TEAM
    James Blackwood              Gabrielle Chiu
    Zach Bouzounis               Brittney Clifford
    Shannon Borg                 Tayla Clifford
    Kyle Joyce                   Georgia Clifton
    Luke Kolenko                 Rebecca Hannon
    Mark Kennedy                 Justine Johnston
    Jordan Marshall-King         Bobbi Law
    Madalitso Masache            Tara Mohi
    Robert Nakhla                Elin Mortimer
    Joe Ng                       Madison Regan
    Jake Nurmi                   Samantha Rodgers
    Josh Rozairo                 Jessica Shanahan
    Trent Touma                  Maddison Studdon
    Matthew Wagstaff             Bailey Toleafoa
    Matt Winchester              Annabelle Wright
    Caidyn Wynyard

                                 Coach Michael Moussa
   Coach Keith Rozairo        Assistant Coach Dean Russell
Assistant Coach Pat Batiste       Manager Kim Solman

                                                             2016 NTL TEAM LISTS 3

                              MEN’S TEAM                     WOMEN’S TEAM
                              Tjadyn Ashby                     Tegan Chandler
                              Daniel Barton                    Alexandra Chung
                              Jed Ibbotson                     Haley Crawford
                              Jordan Horo                      Stephanie Cummins
                              Simon Lang                       Danielle Davis
                              Jackson Mills                    Amy Dufour
                              Jonathon Palau                   Hannah Dyball
                              Jake Pickering                   Logan Flanagan
                              Cain Rangi                       Kylie Hilder
                              Mark Roberts                     Stephanie Maiolo
                              Jordan Sarmento                  Zara Nicholas
                              Kai Simbolon                     Naomi Richardson
                              Luke Simmons                     Annabelle Regan
                              Ciaran Toner                     Andrea Roditis
                              Dominic Tripp                    Emma Williams
                              Quinn Witika                     Courtney Young
                              Coach Dave Nolan                 Coach Graham Fleming
                         Assistant Coach Jason Martin    Assistant Coach Brandon McDonald
                          Manager Vincent Bateman              Manager Robyn Maiolo

                              MEN’S TEAM                     WOMEN’S TEAM
                             Graeme Clancy                     Tarryn Aiken
                             James De Veer                     Hinerangi Andreassend
                             Kurtis Ferris                     Rae Barker
                             Nathan Jones                      Sammy-Jo Curtis
                             Jayden Love                       Clare Giarola
                             Dave Maher                        Belinda Hammett
                             Tom Maher                         Teena McIlveen
                             Peter Norman                      Ashleigh Kearney
                             Jayden Pohutuhutu                 Kayla Mi Mi
                             Adam Pryde                        Rebecca Mi Mi
                             David Richards                    Paige Parker
                             Corey Russell                     Ashleigh Quinlan
                             Michael Singh                     Georgina Rackemann
                             Ethan Taylor                      Kiara Taylor
                             Tristan Wagg                      Marikki Watego
                             Jordan Watts                      Toni Wells
                                                               Talia Yarden
                               Coach John Singh
                                                               Coach Renee Murphy
                         Assistant Coach Jassy Bhullar
                                                          Assistant Coach Leasha Thouard
                             Manager John Morris
                                                              Manager Kerry Norman


    MEN’S TEAM                     WOMEN’S TEAM
     James Baartz                    Chelsea Baker
     Jayden Benbow                   Charlie Barker
     Kristian Congoo                 Jessica Bourke
     Justin Cridland                 Ashleigh Burke
     Shaun Francis                   Brittney Brown
                                     Greta Doherty
     Cormac Hoch
                                     Brittany Donovan
     Jack Hughes
                                     Rebecca Goulding
     Malcolm Kenny                   Monique Manning
     Damon Moore                     Mary McLean
     Trevor Moran                    Mikayla Newman
     Lachlan Pierce                  Kobe Nona
     Andrew Searle                   Brytten Reynolds
     Jared Townson                   Emma Sykes
     Daniel Withers                  Tahlulah Tillett
     David Zanette                   Tamika Upton
                                     Grace Wakeman

                                      Coach Paul Cobham
   Coach Philip Gyemore
                                 Assistant Coach Mitchell Smith
Assistant Coach Colin Beckett   Assistant Coach Timothy Osborne
  Manager Timothy Villalba         Manager Wendy Donovan

    MEN’S TEAM                     WOMEN’S TEAM
     Michael Baartz                 Lucy Botten
     Cameron Boyd                   Lizzie Campbell
     Samuel Carmody                 Samantha Hopkin
     Jake Carter                    Mia Johnstone
     Cody Green                     Rebecca Lapraik
     Brayden Leisemann              Hayley Maddick
     Jason Norford                  Katee Maller
     Jake Notley                    Savannah Pratten
     Lawrence Oberleuter            Hayley Rogerson
     Arepa Ohia                     Peta Rogerson
     Justin Otto                    Catherine Sargent
     Samuel Pierce                  Sarah Spacie
     Tommy Quinlivan                Katherine Stevens
     Sebe Rey                       Kimberley Sue See
     David Sen                      Samantha White
     Glen Walker

   Coach Patrick Grehan              Coach Lucas Feldman
Assistant Coach Jason Boyd      Assistant Coach Mark Henricksen
  Manager Tony Hawthorn               Manager Casey Gray

                                                                  2016 NTL TEAM LISTS 5
Joseph Aboud         David Dal Santo        Joshua Little         Nadine Scarfone
   Tim Ah See           Greg Davis             Michael Littlefield   Chris Schwerdt
   Anthony Alevras      Jake Davis             Darryl Lyon           Aaron Searston
   Nicole Alexander     Michael Del Castillo   Dean MacDonald        Darryl Serrurier
   Nicholas Altin       Nicole Dickson         Matthew Manning       Amanda Sheeky
   Clint Aplitt         Rachel Dilger          Scott Marsh           Alanah Sinclair
   Justin Appleby       Danny Dong             Kai Maruta            Kim Skelly
   David Baggio         Amanda Draper          Alexander McCahon     Brad Smith
   Philip Balcombe      Michael Ellis          Ian McFarlane         Anthony Smith
   Jamie Banfield       Alex Faulkner          David McGee           Andrew Smith
   Victor Baptista      Louise Fernance        Robert McKay          Lachlan Smith
   Steven Bell          John Frost             Robert Mckechnie      Craig South
   Simon Bernie         Renee Flach            Craig McKee           Kathleen Spence
   Brian Blechynden     Brett Freshwater       Luke McKenzie         Timothy Steinhardt
   Matthew Bowcock      Lachlan Freshwater     Barry McNamara        Paul Sullivan
   Robert Bowen         Indra Garner           Anthony Mew           Anthony Suters
   Morgan Brough        Ivan Giammarco         Jason Miller          John Taylor
   David Brown          Mason Gilfillan        Peter Millington      Greg Taylor
   Timothy Brun         Jon Hall               John Mitchell         Nicole Teo
   Leigh Bryant         Grant Hanrahan         Mark Montgomery       David (Mark) Tewkesbury
   Angela Budai         Miriam Hansen          Marcus Muller         Joshua Thomas-Schumacher
   Nathan Budge         Ben Harris             Roderick Mundraby     Kezia-Lee Tilley
   Matt Butler          Luke Heckendorf        Christopher Murray    John Turnbull
   Tony Calabria        Justin Hill            Greg Myers            Adam Turner
   Lloyd Celere         Craig Hughes           Victor Naumovski      Jack Van Lohuizen
   Kenneth Chan         Chris Inwood           Barry Nichols         Josh Vernon
   Regan Cheetham       Adrian James           Danielle Nunn         John Viklund
   John Clark           Damion Johnston        Bernard O’Donohue     Malcolm Ward
   Alec Clark           Clint Jory             Cameron O’Riordan     Bec Ward
   Dylan Clarke         John Katal             Paul Edmondson        Matt Waters
   Anthony Collins      Timothy Keily          Timothy Pearson       Andrew Watkins
   Annabelle Connolly   Mike Kenderes          Fiona Quinn           Alison Watters
   Rob Cooper           Mitchell Kennedy       Chris Reynolds        Denise Weier
   Isaac Cosson         Larry Kent             Paul Richardson       Nicole West
   Patrick Costigan     Paul Keyte             David Robertson       Sam Whiteside
   Vince Costigan       Paul Khoudair          Benjamin Rogers       Brendon Wilson
   Darren Couper        Stephen Laing          David Rowlands        Andrew Yon
   Peter Cramp          Matt Lavery            Luke Saldern          Mick Zhurawel
   Bruce Crosby         Tess Leahy             Rod Sawell
   Damon Cupitt         Giancarlo Leung        Francesco Scarfone

   TOURNAMENT                          REFEREE                                 REFEREE
   STAFF                               COACHING PANEL                          MEDICAL
   Garry Foran                         Chris Dolahenty                         Suzie Ammann
   Julian Buckmaster                   Ian Matthew                             Emma Armfield
   Marianne Maguire                    Erene Devall                            Anne Cramp
   Tim Arnold                          Ken Golden                              Harry Groom
   Adam Collins                        David Field                             Brad Hilton
                                                                               Liz Hilton
   Cameron Douglas                     Tanya Findlay
   Adam Exposito                       Chris Harapa
   Wayne Grant                         Craig Thomas Schumacher
                                                                               HIGH PERFORMANCE
   Alice Hope                          Ken Hillman
   Matt Irons                          Debbie Bridgeman                        Ron Connolly
   Kathy Lang                          Joe Lo Grande                           Cathy Gray
   Davina Mansfield                    Lou Tompkins                            Swain Rovelli
   Al Pearce                           Rob Ward                                Mick Lovett
   Joel Polychronopoulos               Richard McIlroy                         Tony Trad
   Lauren Pritchard
   Eden Richards                                                               MEDICAL
   Tara Steel                          REFEREE                                 Dr Karen Tam
   Sam Story                           MANAGEMENT                              Steve Cunningham
   Alex Tuvik                          Megan Harapa                            Rob Hoy
   David Watts                         Melissa Jones                           John Burke
   Tim Wyld                            Kate Lavery                             Doug Piper
   Zoe Zinetti

Men’s T League     Women’s T League Men’s 40’s                   Women’s 40’s          Men’s 45’s         Men’s 55’s
James Butz         Kylie Aylott          David Blacklock         Nicole Bain           Ian Bateman        Michael Eddleston
Luke Cochrane      Christina Drew        Stephen Bowman          Belinda Cook          Shane Cooper       Richard Fletcher
Isaac Crowe        Ebony Heins           Mark Burdett            Lyn Corcoran          Alex Drew          Peter Gunning
Hamish Dawson      Erin Hickson          Jason Jenson            Julia-Ann Craig       Justin Harsdorf    Norm Hunt
Liam Elliot        Kayla Hervert         Andrew Moylan           Angela Donaldson      Nick Kyrgios       Otto Karki
Jamie Hawke        Michelle Howard       Todd Mills              Christine Dragisic    Andrew Malone      Anthony McDonald
Edward Jones       Kahu Kapea            Charlie Nye             Donna Fraser          Aaron Oshyer       David Pennock
Bryce Keane        Sadi Meakin           Ken Pattugalan          Gabe Hodges           Geoff Perrin       Garry Potter
Reuben Keane       Sophie Newton         Jason Potas             Donna Lenton          John Samin         Norm Poulos
Daniel Maiden      Elana Sliwinski       Bernie Williams         Belinda Parkes        Robert Sinclair-   Stephen Wills
Lachlan McKeough   Elise Wilson          John Williams           Darlene Riley         Smith              Peter Olive
Ben Meakin         Ashleigh Witt         Geoff Wilson            Natalie Taffs         Michael Sykes      Shane Holt
Luke Morfoot       Tijana Zdravevska     David Vowles            Lena Tobin            Doug Witt          Steve Gann
Jack Rowe          Jesse Kamminga                                Sally Witt            Mark Hearnden
                                         Robert Sinclair-Smith                         Raymond Smith      Peter Gunning
Sam Hyland                                                                                                Coach
Dylan Hunt         Luke Cookson          Coach                   Donna Fraser
                                                                                       Geoff Perrin       Otto Karki
                   Coach                 Todd Mills              Coach
Sandra and Steve                         Assistant Coach         Cindy Toms                               Assistant Coach
Hughes                                                                                 Shane Cooper
                                         RJ Smith                Assistant Coach
Coaches                                                                                Assistant Coach
                                         Manager                 Kris Fisher
Dean Medved                                                                            Anthony Fisher
Manager                                                                                Manager

                   Officials             Tom Mulquiney           Casey McDonnell
                                         Assistant Tour Leader   Medical
                   Greg Richards
                   Riches                Terry Leahy             Alex Stuart
                   Tour Leader           Medical                 Medical

                                                                                                 2016 NTL TEAM LISTS 7
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