Instructor Information - Simple Syllabus

Page created by Oscar Diaz
Course Syllabus
                                                         Intro to Computers 10500
                                                                      3.00 credits
                                                                         Fall 2020

Fall 2020:
We are glad to have you back in classes but our priority during this pandemic
is safety for all. Therefore, in any face-to-face classes, you must follow the
safety standards established for that course by your instructor. Failure to do
so will result in you being asked to leave the class. The same holds true for
any face-to-face meetings with faculty outside of class times. We appreciate
you doing your part!

Instructor Information

Travis Perdue
Title: IT Instructor and Tutor
Office Location: Online Remote Location
Office Hours: Available on Monday-Friday
Phone: (810) 577-9438

Course Description
Students will become familiar with hardware and software terminology/concepts,
Windows operating system, word processing, spreadsheet, database management and
presentation software. Application software used is the current version of Windows and
Microsoft Office Professional. Prerequisite Skills: Basic computer and keyboarding skills
are required for successful completion of this course.

Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes:

       Intro To Computers
Demonstrate the ability to utilize computers and related technology efficiently,
       with a range of skills covering levels from basic use to problem solving.

       Demonstrate a functional comfort level using computer programs and other
       applications that are associated with computers.

       Understand how computers work and operate.

       Demonstrate the ability to create and upload basic documents.

       Demonstrate the ability to recognize safe internet practices.

Required Textbooks/Materials
Cengage Unlimited Access Codes 12 Month Access:
Access Card:

Recommended Web Browser
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox -- compatible with Canvas

Note: Some online classes require the use of Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor
webcam to take examinations.

Financial Aid
Failure to submit coursework to the instructor, to attend scheduled class/meeting
sessions, or failure to take required quizzes/exams may delay disbursement of financial
aid. Refer to the syllabus for each class you are taking for detailed course requirements.

     Last Day to Drop = September 4, 2020
     Last Day to Withdraw = November 13, 2020

Withdrawal Policy
Generally, a withdrawal from a course is the student’s option. However, students who
are enrolled in a program that has additional requirements may be required to withdraw
from a course by their program advisor. As part of a disciplinary action, following due
process, an “administrative withdrawal” may be authorized by the Vice President of
Student Services. See POL 6.050A Withdrawal from Classes

Grading and Evaluation

Homework                         15%
Projects                         10%
Quizzes                          20%
Midterm Exam                     20%
Term Paper                       20%

A    =    100% - 94%          C        =   77% - 74%
A-   =    93% - 90%           C-       =   73% - 70%
B+   =    89% - 87%           D+       =   69% - 67%
B    =    86% - 83%           D        =   66% - 64%
B-   =    82% - 80%           D-       =   63% - 60%
C+   =    79% - 78%           E        =   Below 60%


Discussions/In-Class Activities        230 points
Quizzes and Exams                      570 points
Videos, Assignments, and
                                       490 points
Critical Thinking, Skills, Trainings   350 points
Midterm                                75 points
Final Project                          50 points
Homework                               235 points

A     =    1000 - 940   C    =   779 - 740
A-    =    939 - 900    C-   =   739 - 700
B+    =    899 - 870    D+   =   699 - 670
B     =    869 - 830    D    =   669 - 640
B-    =    829 - 800    D-   =   639 - 600
C+    =    799 - 780    E    =   Below 600

Student Rights and Responsibilities
Ethical Conduct (Academic Honesty, Dishonesty, and Plagiarism)
Your work must be your own. That means…

     Your ideas, thoughts, and writing should be yours.
     If you want to use others’ thoughts and ideas to support yours, you must…
           Use quotations and citations to indicate words taken from another source.
           Cite instances of paraphrasing (rewording) information.
           Cite ideas or examples that are not common knowledge.
     Having someone else “proofread” or “edit” your work does not mean that they
     should alter it. Proofreading and editing are your responsibility. Others can offer
     ideas on making improvements, but the improvements must be your own.

Integrity is expected of students. Thus, any form of academic dishonesty in this course,
including plagiarism, will be cause for disciplinary action. Please read the “Student
Rights and Responsibilities” section of the Student Handbook (POL 6.125) thoroughly to
ensure that you understand fully what is categorized as academic dishonesty. If you do
not fully understand the depth of what can be considered academic dishonesty or you
have any doubts, always seek guidance from your instructor so that you can avoid
violating the college’s academic dishonesty policy.

Plagiarism: As defined in POL 6.125, “Plagiarism is representing the work of other
persons as one’s own, including but not limited to the use of work by others and
information downloaded from the Internet. The use of another person’s words, ideas, or
information without proper acknowledgment, whether done intentionally or through
carelessness, is also plagiarism.”

Consequence: In this course, you will receive a zero on any assignment in which
academic dishonesty is suspected. You may also be required to complete Kirtland’s
Plagiarism Traffic School. If the behavior continues or the violation is determined to be
purposeful, further disciplinary action may be implemented including course failure and
referral to the appropriate dean.

Plagiarism "Traffic School"
Kirtland Library and Tutoring has implemented a program called Plagiarism Traffic
School in Canvas. Students are referred through the Maxient system. The focus is on
formatting, paraphrasing and direct quoting. This course should be able to be completed
within 2 weeks.

Citation Boot Camp
Kirtland Library and Tutoring has a program called Citation Boot Camp. This course is
designed to prevent plagiarism and promote ethical writing choices. This is for students
who are unsure what citing is or means. This is a Writing Referral and not tracked
through Maxient. This is a short course that should be completed within 2 hours.

Student Rights and Responsibilities (POL 6.125)

Classroom Disruption and Netiquette:

Please be courteous to others. This is set up as an online format. When
conference sessions are in progress, please mute your microphones unless
you have a question or would like to speak.

When participating in the college experience online or face-to-face, you must
communicate effectively and respectfully. To do so, you will need to read or
listen carefully and actively and write or speak coherently using complete
sentences and appropriate word choice. Examples of other disruptive
behaviors include the following: cell phone use, poor hygiene, sleeping, side-
talk, arriving to class late or leaving class early, insubordinate or overbearing
behavior, inappropriate or disrespectful communication, and not following
instructions. Any activity that results in a distraction to the learning
environment will not be tolerated. If you are caught disrupting class for any
reason, you will receive a zero for the day’s activities and may be asked to

Attendance Policy
POL 4.035 Student Attendance Policy

Attending class is essential for student success. Students are expected to attend all
scheduled classes. Online attendance is defined as regular and substantive participation
in class. Establishment of attendance or participation is a requirement for financial aid.
Some courses and programs may have additional attendance requirements due to the
nature of the program.

If a student needs to miss a class, arrangements should be made with the instructor
prior to the absence. Extenuating circumstances that require an exemption to this policy
must be documented.
Please make sure that you sign in for your online course. Students are expected to
participate and submit assignments each and every week.

Please refer to contact phone number listed to call for assistance. All electronic
correspondences between the instructor and student should be done via Kmail/Canvas.
You can expect a reply to any email you send me within a 48-hour period, unless
otherwise notified (e.g. out-of-town at conference posting in Course Announcements,

You can expect a reply to any email you send me within 24 hours, unless otherwise
notified (e.g. out-of-town at conference posting in Course Announcements, etc.). I have
a tablet that is exclusively set up for Kirtland College. I will reply to you from that. If you
are contacting me, please let me know what course you are contacting me for and give
me a first name or initials. You are welcome to text or call me. I believe in keeping the
lines of communication open. Please leave a voicemail, if I am unable to get to your call.
I am very easy to work with. We can even do Skype and Zoom sessions if necessary.

Teaching Methods
Classroom learning experiences may include lecture, discussion, demonstration,
seminar, audio-visual presentations, web enhancements, and active learning
experiences. Therefore, students will need basic computer skills (word processing,
online navigation, email, and others). Refer to the technical and instructional support
section of this syllabus for information on who to contact for assistance.

Late Work
All assignments are due on the date due. Late submission of assignments will be
assessed a penalty of 2 points per day. No exceptions are made unless circumstances
warrant. The instructor has final say in whether to accept work without penalty.

Weekly Agenda
Week          Topic            Assignments                Due Date

                                 Week 1 Discussion:
                                 Impact of Digital


                                1.1 Critical Thinking
                                Challenge: Use
Week 1      Module 1: Impact of
8/24        Digital Technology  Technology in Daily 8/30

                                 Module 1 Computer
                                 Concepts Skills

                                 Module 1 Computer
                                 Concepts Exam
                                 Week 2 Discussion:
                                 Life on the Web

                                 2.3 Concept Video:
                                 Using E-Commerce
                                 for Personal

                                 2.4 Concept Video:
                                 How Search Engines
Week 2
            Module 2: The Web                            9/6
                                 2.4 Critical Thinking
                                 Challenge: Find the
                                 Perfect Video
                                 Conference Solution

                                 Module 2 Computer
                                 Concepts Skills

                                 Module 2 Computer
                                 Concepts Exam
Week 3      Module 5: Software   Week 3 Discussion: 9/13
9/7         and Apps             Apps

                                 5.1 Concept Video:
                                 Trends in App
5.2 Critical Thinking
                              Challenge: Working
                              with Applications

                              Module 5 Computer
                              Concepts Skills

                              Module 5 Computer
                              Concepts Exam
                              Week 4 Discussion:

                              6.1 Concept Video
                              1: Personal Health
                              and Safety Risks of
                              Increased Computer

                              6.1 Concept Video
                              2: Protect Yourself
                              from Cybersecurity
Week 4   Module 6: Security   Attacks             9/20
9/14     and Safety
                              6.2 Critical Thinking
                              Challenge: Privacy
                              and Security

                              Module 6 Computer
                              Concepts Skills

                              Module 6 Computer
                              Concepts Exam
                              Module 8 Computer
                              Concepts Skills
         Module 8: Program
Week 5                        Training
         and App Use and                              9/27
                              Article Reflection
Week 6   Module 11: Digital   Week Six                10/4
9/28     Communication        Discussion: Digital

                              11.2 Concept Video:
                              The Importance of

                              11.3 Critical
Thinking Challenge:
                              The DNA of
                              Marketing a

                              Module 11
                              Computer Concepts
                              Skills Training

                              Module 11
                              Computer Concepts

                              Word Module 2 SAM
                              Textbook Project

                              Word Module 2 SAM
Week 7
          Word Module 2                             10/11
                              Word Module 2 SAM
                              Project A

                              Word Module 2 SAM
                              Word Module 3 SAM
                              Textbook Project

                              Word Module 3 SAM

                              Word Module 3 SAM
Week 8
          Word Module 3       End of Module     10/18
                              Project 2


                              Word Module 3 SAM

Week 9    Outlook Modules 1 &
                              Email Best Practices 10/25
10/19     2
Week 10   PowerPoint Modules PowerPoint Module 11/1
10/26     1&2                 1 SAM Textbook

                              PowerPoint Module
                              1 SAM Training

                              PowerPoint Module
                              1 SAM Project A
PowerPoint Module
                               2 SAM Textbook

                               PowerPoint Module
                               2 SAM Training

                               PowerPoint Module
                               2 SAM End of
                               Module Project 1

                               PowerPoint Module
                               2 SAM Exam
                               PowerPoint Module
                               3 SAM Training

                               PowerPoint Module
                               3 SAM Textbook
Week 11   PowerPoint Modules
11/2      3&6
                               PowerPoint Module
                               6 SAM Textbook

                               PowerPoint Module
                               6 SAM Training
                               Excel Module 1 SAM
                               Textbook Project

                               Excel Module 1 SAM
Week 12
          Excel Module 1                            11/15
                               Excel Module 1 SAM
                               Project A

                               Excel Module 1 SAM
                               Project A
                               Excel Module 2 SAM
                               Textbook Project

                               Excel Module 2 SAM
Week 13
          Excel Module 2                            11/22
                               Excel Module 2 SAM
                               Project A

                              Excel Module 2 SAM
Week 14   Excel Modules 4 & 6 Excel Module 4 SAM 11/29
11/23                         Textbook Project

                               Excel Module 4 SAM
Excel Module 4 SAM

                                          Excel Module 6 SAM
                                          Textbook Project

                                          Excel Module 6 SAM

                                          Excel Module 6 SAM
                                          Project B

                                          Excel Module 6 SAM
                                          Resume Document

                                          Cover Letter

                                          Final Project

                                          Word Module 5 SAM
Week 15
                    Word Module 5         Textbook Project  12/6
                                          Word Module 5 SAM

                                          Word Module 5 SAM
                                          End of Module
                                          Project 1

                                          Resume Document

Week 16                                   Cover Letter
                                                               12/12 6pm EST
12/7                                      Document

                                          Final Project

Class Cancellations
    Kirtland provides email and text message notifications via the Rave notification
    system. We encourage you to sign up with our Rave system so you will be notified
    of class cancellations and college closures. If you do not have a cell phone, you
    may still get voice calls on a landline phone. If you have a cell phone plan with
    unlimited texting, we suggest you sign up for text messaging. Cancellations are
    also posted on Facebook, Twitter, and posted in designated areas in campus
    buildings. If you are enrolled in courses at Kirtland, you are already automatically
    enrolled to get alerts through your Kmail.
Important Rave Notes: The Rave system will alert you using all of the methods
      that you register for (home phone, cell phone, email, text message, Kmail, etc.),
      but you may need to re-register each semester. Additionally, Rave may alert you if
      one of your instructors cancels a class you are not enrolled in or when closing one
      of the KCC campuses that you do not travel to, so listen to or read all Rave
      messages carefully to ensure you understand the message that is being

Technical and Instructional Support
Your instructor may be able to help with several items listed below; however, you may
need to contact the following departments when you cannot resolve the issue with the
help of your instructor.
Center for Teaching and Learning
                                  ext. 500
Information Technology Services
                                        Canvas Errors
ext. 499                                Use of a tablet for Online Learning
                                        Intro to Canvas Orientation
     Single Sign On/Password
                                        File Uploads in Canvas
     KMail                        The Canvas Training course is always
     myKirtland                   available by clicking the self-enroll link
     Microsoft 365                on the left side of the navigation panel in
     Screen Captures              Canvas.

                                  ext. 246

Library Services                  Grayling
ext. 246                                In-person for many subjects
     Noodle Tools                       Drop-In Writing Center
     Databases                          Drop-In Math Lab
     LibGuides                          Study Rooms Available
     eCatalogs                    Off-Campus/ Online
                                        Virtual tutoring using Zoom
                                        conferencing software
                                        OWL, the online Writing Center
                                        VWC-Virtual Writing Center using

Student Complaints
If you have a complaint about the instructor and/or the course, the following steps
should be followed.

   1. First, talk to the instructor about the complaint.
   2. If you are unable to resolve your issue with the instructor, you can submit a
     complaint to the dean/director using the Academic Concerns/Complaints form
     which can be accessed on the Kirtland website

Students with Disabilities
Kirtland Community College is committed to making reasonable accommodations to
assist individuals with disabilities in reaching their academic potential. If you have a
disability which may impact your performance, attendance, or grades in this course and
require accommodations, you must first register with Disability Services
( The Disability Services Coordinator is
responsible for coordinating classroom accommodations and other services.
Accommodations cannot be provided unless you are registered with Disability Services,
and it is your responsibility to do so. For additional information contact Shawn Ott at
989-275-5000, ext. 426 or email

Sexual Misconduct
POL 5.440 Policy for Sexual Misconduct

In accordance with college policy and applicable federal and state law, Kirtland
Community College prohibits sexual misconduct by students, employees, or any
persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, engaged or present under
the care, authority, and jurisdiction of the college. The action of sexual misconduct
includes, but is not limited to, sexual assault, attempted sexual assault, non-consensual
sexual intercourse or contact, sexual or sex-based harassment, sexual coercion, dating
or domestic violence, or stalking. Please refer to [the procedure] for definitions of these
and related terms.

The college is committed to providing an educational environment free of sexual
misconduct, will investigate allegations of such misconduct, will address any violations
of this or related policies, and will act to prevent recurrence and to remedy effects.

Any person who believes they are a victim of sexual misconduct, or who observes what
they believe to be an act of sexual misconduct, within the jurisdiction of Kirtland
Community College, is urged to immediately inform a responsible employee of the
college. The college will establish and maintain readily accessible means of doing so.
The college will conduct a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation, and act on the basis
of the facts determined, according to college policy and applicable law. Individuals
should be aware that the college exercises civil authority, not criminal, and may work
both in collaboration with, and proceed separately and apart from, the criminal justice

 Any person who believes they are a victim of sexual misconduct, or who observes what
they believe to be an act of sexual misconduct, within the jurisdiction of Kirtland
Community College, is urged to immediately inform a responsible employee of the
college, or file a Behavioral Intervention (BIT) Report at or call Kirtland Public
Safety at 989-275-5000 x 355.

Statement of Compliance
It is the policy of Kirtland Community College that no person shall, on the basis of race,
color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, disability, physical proportions,
sexual orientation, marital status, or genetic information be excluded from participation
in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program,
activity, service, or in employment. For information, or to register a grievance, contact
the office of Human Resources, 4800 W 4 Mile Rd, Grayling, MI 49738, 989-275-5000 x

Core Competencies (Degree Requirements) Met in
This Course
Tagged Assignment Name
                                            (or N/A if not assessed in course)
Communication- read, write, speak,
listen and use nonverbal skills to clearly,
concisely, and intelligibly communicate
                                            Week 5 Article Reflection Discussions
with different audiences in a variety of
social and professional settings.

Personal Growth and Responsible
Citizenship- develop contextual
understanding of diversity by respecting
differences in culture, perspective, and Week 8 Mid Term Project
background as a citizen in local and
global communities.

Technology, Research, and Information
Literacy- recognize how to acquire and
use information through the responsible
use of technology to understand,        Week 8 Mid Term Project
evaluate, and synthesize information
and data.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving-
think critically and creatively to analyze,
synthesize, evaluate and judge to solve Week 6 Post Assessment Exam
real world problems.

Work Productively- use reasoned
judgments and responsible
commitments in social and professional     Week 5 Article Reflection Discussions
settings to contribute to group success.

Systems/Processes- apply quantitative
and qualitative reasoning skills, problem-
solving, and interpersonal skills to
manage systems and processes to adapt Week 8 Midterm Project
to changes in the workplace and global
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