Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global

Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global
             Report 2018

  Sports Betting
~ Betradar
~ Colossus
~ Inspired
~ Kambi
~ SBTech
Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global
Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global


Innovative and
add value
O     nline sports betting is a market segment where everyone is
      continually striving to innovate. The contributors to this EGR Sports
Betting Report outline the products, platforms and processes they’ve
been working on to bolster their offerings and add value to their partners.
   Sportsbook platforms nowadays need to be more flexible than ever, and
capable of adapting to fulfil a variety of global regulatory requirements and
operator needs to give their clients the best, most straightforward betting
experience possible.
   Elsewhere in the report contributors discuss their new product
launches in 2018 as the need to innovate to stand out remains more
important than ever.
   We hope this report leaves our readers with a good overview of what
2018 holds for sports betting.

By Ross Law | Report editor                                                     3
Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global

       Group head of content:
       Andy Roocroft
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6629

       Report editor:
       Ross Law
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6535

       Head of production:
       Claudia Honerjager

       Luke Tuchscherer, Alice Burton
       Charlotte Sayers

       Art director, EGR:
       Toni Giddings
                                              05       Agility and innovation
                                                       Max Meltzer, of Kambi, gives his view on how a flexible sportsbook platform is
                                                       essential in providing US players with a truly engaging sports betting experience

       Commercial                                      Sportsbetting in the digital era
       Group commercial manager:                       Jacob Lopez Curciel, CEO of OPTIMA, describes the market-
       Sam Compagnoni                                  leading power and flexibility of the OptimaMGS™ platform
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6554

       Publishing account managers:
       Debbie Robson
       Tel: +44 (0)20 7832 6551

       Luke McQuillan
       T: +44 (0)20 7832 6580
                                              15       Maximising potential, minimising risk
                                                       Nick Soye, of Betradar, assesses the benefits of Betradar’s
                                                       Managed Trading Services (MTS)

       Content sales:
       Tel: +44 (0) 20 7832 6512

4                                                      The year ahead
                                                       Steve Rogers, of Inspired, considers the potential in virtuals, and details Inspired’s
       CEO:                                            product launches for 2018
       Charlie Kerr

                                                       Racing ahead
                                                       David O’Reilly, of Colossus Bets, highlights the firm’s new racing product and the
                                                       reasons for partnering with Britbet

       EGR Intel is published
       monthly by Pageant Gaming Media
       One London Wall, London,
       EC2Y 5EA, United Kingdom

       ISSN 1742-2450

       Printed by The Manson Group
       © 2018 all rights reserved.
       No parts of this publication may be
       reproduced or used without the prior
       permission from the publisher
Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global

                         Featuring: Kambi

                         Agility and innovation
                         Max Meltzer, of Kambi, gives his view on                  what market types can be offered or which leagues
                                                                                   bets can be accepted on? Will online and mobile be
                         how a flexible sportsbook platform is es-
                                                                                   restricted in some states? Will any guise of turnover
                         sential in providing US players with a truly              tax burden in-play? Comparing how a product stacks
                         engaging sports betting experience                        up against the offshore books is all well and good
                                                                                   but it’s worth remembering they operate in an unre-

Max Meltzer
                         A    lthough at the time of writing the US Supreme
                              Court has yet to pass judgment on the state of
                         New Jersey’s attempt to end the country’s near fed-
                                                                                   stricted and unregulated environment.
                                                                                      Bearing this in mind, operators wishing to offer
                                                                                   a sportsbook must ensure they remain agile – so
XChief commercial
officer                  eral ban on sports betting, it’s practically impossible   not only are they compliant with regulation but also
XKambi                  to talk to anyone in this industry without the topic      have the ability to innovate, try new approaches and
Leading Kambi’s          of discussion quickly turning to a legal US sports        launch new product types. Despite all best efforts,
commercial division,
Meltzer is responsible
                         betting market.                                           there can be no guarantee initial product launches
for the formalisation,      The size of the prize understandably has opera-        will work and it may well be a case of trial and error.
execution and            tors and suppliers from across Europe jockeying for       As such, only those on a sportsbook platform which
development of Kambi’s   position in anticipation of PASPA being ruled uncon-      allows for this flexibility will succeed. Operators
commercial strategy
                         stitutional. However, as my conversations have illus-     simply can’t afford to be boxed-in by a restrictive,
focusing on new
business growth and      trated, those looking to make hay in the US have yet      one-size-fits-all platform.
customer retention.      to reach a consensus on what form a successful US                                                                    5
He joined Kambi in       sports betting product will take, with much of what
2016 from the Press
                                                                                   Whatever US operators require to gain
                         I hear no more than educated guesswork.
Association where he                                                               market leadership, it can be found in the
was head of sales and
                            In fact, if you were to ask five sports betting CEOs
was previously co-       their view on what’s crucial for a US betting product,    Kambi Sportsbook platform
founder and director     you’ll probably hear five different opinions – that’s
of a successful sports   how divided the market is. And with such a wide              The B2C operators or B2B providers placing their
                         range of often conflicting advice available, it must       time and efforts on a fixed product and bet types as
                         be incredibly difficult for US companies currently          part of their roadmap, rather than focusing on the
                         scoping out their sportsbook options to make confi-        agility of their front-end and product, as well as their
                         dent decisions.                                           price differentiation capability, are the ones that will
                                                                                   truly struggle as and when the US inevitably opens up.
                         Reality check
                         In reality, no one can be sure of the winning for-        Providing the answers
                         mula in terms of product and UX state-to-state and        In short, it’s not a case of trying to sell the ‘silver
                         you shouldn’t be told any different. The US is a vast      bullet’ product to the US market from day one, but
                         country, and although there are many similarities         rather ensuring operators have the capacity and flex-
                         between states, each one has its own fingerprint –         ibility they require to develop the best product for
                         its own set of unique characteristics. What works         their target audience. That’s what we are focused on
                         in New York may not work as well in California, for       here at Kambi, and we are confident that whatever
                         example. It’s a similar situation in neighbouring         US operators – indeed operators in any jurisdiction –
                         Mexico, where Kambi provides its multi-channel            require to gain market leadership, it can be found in
                         solution to Televisa’s PlayCity brand and its 18          the Kambi Sportsbook platform. It is for this reason
                         casinos.                                                  I’m happy to write about our capability, whether or
                            State-by-state regulation will also play a major       not operators choose to work with Kambi or go with
                         role in the US. Will there be limitations placed on       their own proprietary technology.
Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global

                                                                                                                         Featuring: Kambi
          For instance, look at our open APIs. Kambi is         perience in trading US sports with highly skilled
      unique in empowering operators with the control to        traders, refined risk management processes, sophis-
      take these APIs and build differentiated betting ex-       ticated algorithms and our steadfast dedication to
      periences on top of the Kambi platform. One recent        using only official data sources to ensure accura-
      example of this is Mr Green, which leveraged our          cy and optimise availability. It’s no coincidence we
      APIs and innovative instant betting tennis product        have the most comprehensive coverage of MLB in
      to build a fast and exciting next point betting client.   the market, for example, delivering steady margins,
      A heritage casino brand, Mr Green used the flexibil-       driving revenues and improving retention rates for
      ity of the Kambi platform and strength of our sports      Kambi and our operators.
      product to create a quick-fire experience tailored            And by coupling that trading expertise and unri-
6     specifically for its thrill-seeking audience.              valled sports coverage with the flexibility to pack-
          This freedom to innovate, coupled with our depth      age and sell these unique betting opportunities in a
      and relevance of sports coverage, provides operators      myriad of ways, operators will have all the ingredi-
      with a powerful opportunity. For example, much like       ents they’ll need to appeal to a range of audiences.
      the Mr Green example, through Kambi a US operator         Many of whom may never have placed a sports bet
      will have the ability to offer a dedicated in-play app     previously and are therefore unfamiliar with, or even
      just for NFL, or an MLB app focused on bet offers for      daunted by, the standard long-form sportsbook ex-
      the current innings. The flexibility to create a sports    perience.
      betting product that is as complex or simplified to           So as the jockeying continues, we’ll leave the
      appeal to a target market is exactly the kind of ca-      guesswork to others and avoid placing our chips on
      pability operators need; not precise instructions on      one number in the hope it comes up. With state reg-
      what a product or UI should look like just because it     ulations yet to be decided, different geographies and
      works in Nevada or for an offshore company.                demographics likely to favour different products,
          Imagine a sportsbook or app that enables sports       and the US having a proud history of innovation,
      fans to bet on specials and prop bets as they unfold,     Kambi’s money is on offering a platform which can
      such as being able to put your money on whether           perform under all conditions and for all audiences,
      the Patriots will make first down when 3rd and 8,          thereby springboarding our customers to success,
      if the Astros’ George Springer will hit or walk when      whatever their requirements.
      taking the plate, or how many points the Cavaliers’          Another thing I’d put money on is that given the
      LeBron James will score in the next quarter.              technological expertise in the US, coupled with its
                                                                passion for sports and gambling, operators from
      Not built in a day                                        those shores will in time develop some of the great-
      These are just a few examples of the exciting and in-     est innovations the sports betting industry has seen.
      novative markets Kambi offers today, not ones we’ll        Therefore, operating on a platform agile enough to
      rush to develop as and when the US market opens           be a catalyst and a foil for new ideas will be crucial
      up. They are the result of two decades’ worth of ex-      for future market leaders. X
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Intel Sports Betting - EGR.Global
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                          Featuring: OPTIMA

                          Sportsbetting in the
                          digital era
                          Jacob Lopez Curciel, CEO of OPTIMA,                      The flexibility of our system allows our custom-
                          describes the market-leading power and                 ers and partners to easily decide how to shape their
                          flexibility of the OptimaMGS™ platform                  business while OPTIMA shapes the platform based
                                                                                 on the unique requirements of the operator through

                          G     iven the demand for immediacy in the digi-
                                tal era, mobility, live events and real-time
                          data transfer require powerful, stable and innova-
                                                                                 bespoke development, ensuring the platform fully
                                                                                 adapts and delivers all services the different opera-
                                                                                 tors require in different parts of the world.
Jacob Lopez               tive betting and gaming systems to be competitive        Our system is fully configurable by the operator,
Curciel                   today, tomorrow, and in the future: real-time con-     who has full access to every single part of the system
XOPTIMA                  trol, mobile betting, in-play betting, cloud-based     and software, along with the 24/7 availability of OP-
Jacob Lopez Curciel is    processes and human-AI led risk have taken a big       TIMA’S support team to address any questions they
the founder, chairman     role in recent years in the betting and gambling in-   may have.
and CEO of OPTIMA,
a B2B software
developer of the             Mobile betting channels have grown in impor-        The flexibility of our system allows our
awarded OptimaMGS™        tance due to their immediacy and convenience, al-
platform, supplying
                                                                                 customers and partners to easily decide
                          lowing customers to place bets anytime and any-                                                                  11
sports betting and
                          where. The latest industry reports suggest that bets   how to shape their business
gaming solutions with
customers and partners    placed on mobile are above 70% of all bets placed
in Europe, Asia, Africa   overall within Europe and the UK/ROI. In Africa,          At OPTIMA, trust, transparency and confidential-
and America.              this figure is even higher.                             ity is paramount. Our commercial and technologi-
                             New bettor behaviour and today’s variety of dif-    cal architecture simply facilitates the endeavours of
                          ferent markets mean there are demands on opera-        operators who work with us; these operators retain
                          tors to have multichannel strategies available which   ownership of all the data which is processed or ac-
                          allow operators to promote, control and engage cus-    quired through our platform and retain the maxi-
                          tomers in specific ways depending on the channel        mum degree of operational control.
                          they are using. Beyond responsive applications, a
                          multichannel system must offer the functionality to     In-play betting and the importance of real-time data
                          arrange promotions, reporting, analytics and user      transfer
                          experience in an easy, flexible yet comprehensive       In-play betting has emerged as one of the most im-
                          way which takes into consideration the channel the     portant tools for operators to engage with bettors.
                          customer is using in every moment.                     Without fast, accurate and real-time data transfer,
                             OptimaMGS™ is a turn-key multichannel plat-         operators leave themselves exposed to reputational
                          form which includes an optional fully-fledged           and financial risks.
                          sports betting integrated solution allowing opera-        It is crucial for an operator to have the flexibility
                          tors to offer all features across mobile, desktop,      and time to market which OPTIMA takes as a guid-
                          retail, call centres, and any channel that could be    ing principle for its business, supplying a platform
                          created in the future. Overall the platform offers a    that seamlessly processes in real time across all
                          suite of possibilities under only one system, using    channels.
                          integrated Optima products as well as hundreds of         At OPTIMA, we offer an unparalleled level of per-
                          third-party integrations managed from a central        formance in all products, from in-play betting to
                          point.                                                 casino gaming, the likes of which no other platform

                                                                                                                   Featuring: OPTIMA
on the market can achieve. OptimaMGS™ pro-             prevention or activation campaigns, across all chan-
cesses all transactions immediately with a baseline    nels and verticals, for OPTIMA and third-party inte-
of tens of thousands of operations per second in       grated products.                                                                13
peak time using a medium-size infrastructure that         OPTIMA has designed a specific Promotion Man-
can quickly and flexibly scale out to service the de-   agement module which allows operators to use the
mands of our operators.                                existing ready-to-launch real-time promotions such
   We can offer a production up-time of 99.99%,         as registration bonuses, deposit bonuses, money
while also offering up to 300 live events simulta-      back, and other best-in market promotions. All
neously. All of this comes with just milliseconds      these features and more such as the embedded an-
of processing time from the feed suppliers all the     ti-bonus-abuse and product features, unlimited
way through to the hands of the customer; basical-     segmentation parameters and the use of machine
ly there is zero delay, though each customer may at    learning and AI algorithms, make the OptimaM-
any one time have hundreds of markets and selec-       GS™ platform promotion system one of the most
tions constantly being created and settled, prices     powerful, not only for the gaming and betting in-
and statuses being updated and rich stadium or         dustry, but in general.
venue data being generated.                               The next world cup will be one of the most de-
   These service levels, together with the amount of   pendent data sport events in history. At OPTIMA, we
content being processed and the ability to accept      love competition, and an event of this caliber could
tens of thousands of bets per second with full re-     not be given more attention from our side regarding
al-time automated hybrid human-AI led risk man-        data management and capacity.
agement active in the system, is one of the key rea-      The OptimaMGS™ platform is well known for its
sons our partners and customers see an immediate       stability, capacity and performance, bundled with
revenue increase when they switch to the Optima-       our Advance Analytics and Business Intelligence
MGS™ platform.                                         systems, which are the base to machine learning
                                                       and AI led customer segmentation and processing.
Real-time promotion: the key to standing out           This makes OptimaMGS™ the perfect platform to
Real-time promotions are crucial to engage bettors     support all operators’ requirements, including those
base on their use and activity trends such as churn    for special events like the football World Cup. X
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                            Featuring: Betradar

                            Maximising potential,
                            minimising risk
                            Nick Soye, of Betradar, assesses the                  a full turn-key solution with everything a sports-
                            benefits of Betradar’s Managed Trading                book needs under that one roof.
                                                                                     The success of our MTS is undoubtedly reflect-
                            Services (MTS)
                                                                                  ed in our numbers. From the first bookmaker
                                                                                  that we signed at the beginning of 2015, we now

Nick Soye
                            W      hen it comes to operating sportsbooks,
                                   fast, accurate and reliable pre-match and
                            live odds are essential. This is something that
                                                                                  have more than 95 active bookmakers using the
                                                                                     As a market-leading outsourced solution for
XBusiness                  Betradar prides itself on, and since the Managed      operators, it still allows for complete control and
development manager
XBetradar                  Trading Services were launched back in 2015,          flexibility through the Integrated Trading Solu-
Nick Soye works out         pick-up of the offering has grown exponentially.      tion for example, where the trading teams com-
of the London office           Running an efficient sportsbook is not just        bine to work in parallel. Through the pooled li-
of Betradar as the          about data. Lowering operating costs and keep-
business development
                            ing abreast or ahead of the competition, while        Betradar’s MTS includes all the benefits
manager for the
Managed Trading             equipping your trading team with the best in
                            practice tools so they can react to market chang-
                                                                                  of an outsourced sportsbook solution,
Services. Harnessing                                                                                                                    15
Betradar’s own trading      es with speed and flexibility are all challenges      including real-time monitoring, trading
and risk technology,                                                              analysis, bet settlement, plus risk,
                            that bookmakers face on a daily basis.
this market-leading
service is dedicated           This is something that Betradar’s MTS team         liability and player management as
to supporting betting       has identified and why they are dedicated to pro-
operators with the day-
                                                                                  well as the ability to tailor to specific
                            viding a 360-degree service offering, which deliv-
to-day running of their     ers everything required to manage and operate         margin and risk parameters and other
Sportsbook operation,
in a cost-efficient
                            a healthy sportsbook in today’s technologically-      operational needs
manner. Soye manages        driven sports betting industry.
the lead generation,           Betradar’s MTS includes all the benefits of an     quidity, it ensures that the MTS team have the
preparing commercial        outsourced sportsbook solution, including re-         most comprehensive market overview that allows
outlines and then
                            al-time monitoring, trading analysis, bet settle-     them to deliver a reliable risk management solu-
driving operational
delivery, integration and   ment, plus risk, liability and player management      tion to the marketplace.
final launch.                as well as the ability to tailor to specific margin      There’s extensive content provision that’s also
                            and risk parameters and other operational needs.      available to operators, with components such as
                               Betradar’s Managed Trading Services remains        live match trackers, as well as fan streaming so-
                            the only solution available to operators that’s       lutions that render MTS a one-shop stop for all
                            based upon the full control of all components         sportsbook requirements.
                            necessary to power a modern and highly efficient         Furthermore, what our clients can also obtain
                            sportsbook.                                           is added insurance from Betradar’s Fraud Pro-
                               From the initial data collection process with      tection and integrity-based services, which iden-
                            Betradar, where we capture 370,000 pre-match          tify erroneous or risky events. This is why we be-
                            events annually and an impressive 25,000 live         lieve MTS is a must-have solution for sportsbook
                            events every month, through to content solu-          management and delivery, without forgetting the
                            tions, risk management and trading capabilities:      benefits of the surplus trading and guaranteed
                            what it enables operators to do is benefit from       margin models that we can offer.

                                                                                                               Featuring: Betradar

         We’re now dealing with 3.6 million odds up-    deliver high-quality turn-key solutions, incorpo-
       dated, on average, every minute and processing   rating the world’s best trading capabilities to pro-
       more than 30 million bets per month, which in-   vide bookmakers with the most effective sports-
       clude over 150 million selections. The unique    book risk management solution available in to-
       and compelling nature of MTS means that we can   day’s highly volatile betting market. X

                             Featuring: Inspired

                             The year ahead
                             Steve Rogers, of Inspired, considers the                      als product to date and features ultra-realistic player
                                                                                           simulations which have been developed using the
                             potential in virtuals, and details Inspired’s
                                                                                           latest available animation and motion capture tech-
                             product launches for 2018                                     niques. In developing the product, we carried out ex-
                                                                                           tensive consumer research in the US to ensure that
                             EGR Intel: What potential does the virtuals market hold for   the finished article would engage and excite play-
                             Inspired and what can we expect to see in the course of the   ers by delivering a unique, game-changing experi-
                             next year?                                                    ence. New Jersey will be one of the first territories to
Steve Rogers                 Steve Rogers (SR): Inspired is proud to be leading            launch this new product, and we’re looking forward
XInspired                   the industry in virtual sports innovation and invest-         to seeing the customer reaction.
Steve Rogers is chief        ing in the future growth of this expanding market                Following the success of The Virtual Grand Na-
commercial officer of        sector. We currently supply virtual sports products           tional 2017, we developed and launched the Virtual
Inspired’s Digital Games
                             through more than 40,000 retail channels and over             Grand National 2018, again featuring the 40 runners
division and has over 15
years of experience in       100 websites, in approximately 35 gaming jurisdic-            and riders from the most anticipated horse race of
the virtual sports sector.   tions worldwide. We have the largest portfolio of             the year.
Prior to his current role,   products in the industry, with over 30 variations of
Rogers was COO of            13 different sports and four numbers games. These
Red Vision, which was                                                                      One of our biggest product launches of the
                             have been developed by a BAFTA award-winning
acquired by Inspired                                                                       year will be 1st Down Virtual (American)
in 2006.                     team of graphic designers and sports betting ex-                                                                        17
                             perts using advanced motion capture techniques                Football
                             to create some of the most realistic and innovative
                             products on the market.                                          A new 3.5-minute highlight race enables operators
                                In late 2017, Inspired’s virtual sports went live          to virtually show the world’s most famous horse race
                             online in New Jersey, making it the first and only             whenever they want, each time with a different set of
                             virtual sports provider in the state, and we’re now           outcomes. Punters are able to bet on new events as
                             live with six operators. This was a significant stra-          frequently as every five minutes and place bets on in-
                             tegic milestone for the business following our first           dividual horses as well as specials such as Grouped
                             North American virtual sports launch with William             Runners, providing multiple chances to win from a
                             Hill Nevada in late 2016. Five of Inspired’s award-           single bet.
                             winning products including Horses, Greyhounds,                   Two variations of the race have been created;
                             Soccer, Motor Racing and Speedway are now availa-             the single race event features 40 customisable run-
                             ble for online and mobile distribution in New Jersey,         ners and riders and the ‘Race of Champions’ ver-
                             with more (including market-specific) sports expect-           sion showcases forty of the greatest Grand National
                             ed to become available in 2018.                               competitors from yesteryear competing in the same
                                Indeed, one of our biggest product launches of             field. Both races feature the iconic Aintree course
                             the year will be 1st Down Virtual (American) Foot-            and its most famous fences, including Becher’s
                             ball, which has been specifically developed for the            Brook. To add to the user experience and realism of
                             US market. Players will be able to witness the the-           the product, features including falling horses, un-
                             atre and passion of an all-America Virtual Foot-              seated riders and collapsing fences have been added
                             ball play out in under 90 seconds, with new events            to the updated race.
                             shown up to every three minutes. The product fea-                Inspired will also be expanding its successful
                             tures new, never-before seen betting opportunities            portfolio of Rush GO! products in 2018. These on-
                             and live commentary on each play. 1st Down is in-             demand games combine the excitement of best-
                             disputably Inspired’s most impressive looking virtu-          in-class virtual sports with casino-style betting

                                                                                                                          Featuring: Inspired

       for quick, simple wagering via casino and games             Bet ‘N Go will also launch later this year and offers
       tabs. Featuring simple maths, high quality graphi-       customers a fully hosted, end-to-end, cost-effec-
       cal races, and straightforward betting language,         tive and scalable solution which enables players to
       the Rush Go! product range has been designed to          place bets on Inspired content in land-based casi-
       appeal to a non-sportsbetting audience. Created          nos, lottery and sports betting locations. Again, this
       with the typical casino player in mind and as a com-     is a product which demonstrates Inspired’s com-
       panion to roulette, slots and other electronic table     mitment to driving innovation in the virtual sports
       games, Rush Go! appeals to those who enjoy betting       sector, with original solutions designed in response
       on their lucky number or having a low cost, easy         to consumer and customer demands.
       flutter.                                                     Core product ranges will be evolved and updated
          In addition to Rush Horses GO! and Rush Dogs          to include new iterations of enduringly popular foot-
       GO!, Rush Cars GO!, Rush Cycling GO!, Rush Speed-        ball products (Rush Football 2 and Matchday) for the
       way GO! and Rush Bingo! are now also available via       World Cup. Live action presenters will be added to
       online games tabs. Inspired recently launched the        numbers games, the idea being to replicate the suc-
       much anticipated Rush Football GO!, the first vir-        cess of existing real-money gaming products, again
       tual football game with ‘Cash Out’ functionality on      in response to customer demand.
       all bets placed. Special ‘World Cup’ variants of Rush       The virtual sports sector is an incredibly excit-
       Football GO! and Rush Football Live will also launch     ing arena to be working in right now; as technology
       this year, which will incorporate all the key features   advances, so does the scope and innovation of our
       from the original products with 16 top international     products and I can’t wait to see where we take things
       teams featured in the World Cup Russia 2018.             next. X
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Featuring: Colossus Bets

Racing ahead                                                                                                           David O’Reilly
                                                                                                                       XColossus Bets
                                                                                                                       David O’Reilly joined
                                                                                                                       Colossus Bets in 2013
                                                                                                                       and is responsible for the
                                                                                                                       company’s operational
David O’Reilly, of Colossus Bets, highlights                  Working with Britbet also means that each of             and regulatory functions.
the firm’s new racing product and the                       us has one fewer competitor from July. We had               O’Reilly spent the
reasons for partnering with Britbet                        intended to launch racing pools on the Colossus             previous decade with
                                                           network in any event but once we started talking to         Betfair, initially as part of
                                                                                                                       its in-house legal team
EGR Intel (EGR): What significant products are you          Britbet the synergies in joining forces became clear.
                                                                                                                       and latterly as managing
launching in 2018?                                         Our combined package is also a more compelling              director of Betfair’s
David O’Reilly (DOR): The bets which we have ready         proposition for prospective B2B partners than               Gibraltar office
to deliver fit into three categories. First, we will        would be the case for a standalone offering from
offer a daily multi-leg win bet which will be based         either Colossus or Britbet.
around picking the winner of every race on the                Finally, being associated with a consortium
day’s feature card. On a Saturday we may move              which comprises what is effectively the British
it to a cross-card bet to take in the terrestrial TV       racing industry is beneficial to Colossus from a
races. Second, on each card every day we will offer         reputational point of view as we grow our network
a multi-leg place bet requiring players to pick            of international B2B partners.
a horse to be placed in the first six races on the
card. Third, we’ll offer a number of correct order          Colossus is increasingly being asked by                                                     21
‘fecta’ bets, requiring players to pick the first four      our operator partners to provide free-
or five in order in a select number of races. The
Pick 5 correct order bet will regularly provide a
                                                           to-play access points to our pools and I
£1m+ guarantee and will be offered on a feature             expect this to be especially popular for
Saturday race to begin with, before being extended         racing given that the sport provides such
to midweek festivals and then potentially offered           a variety of year-round content
on a daily basis.
   These pools will all be provided with the
standard Colossus features: significant minimum             EGR: How will this product bring innovation to the racing
guaranteed prize pools; leg-by-leg Cash Out and            industry?
crowdfunded Syndicate tickets. We have spent a lot         DOR: Pool betting on racing globally is largely
of time working on the design and presentation of          afforded monopoly protection. The justification for
the pools and we think they will provide a properly        this is that it provides a key source of funding for
modernised experience for players.                         the sport, but one consequence is that innovation
                                                           is generally secondary to maintaining monopoly
EGR: What are the advantages of partnering with Britbet?   status. The on-course pools betting experience
DOR: The most obvious advantage is that Britbet            today is largely the same as it was before the
is owned by a consortium of nearly all of the UK’s         arrival of the internet and all the disruption and
racetracks. That means the tracks will have a direct       innovation that technology has brought to every
stake in the success of the pools we are offering.          other form of betting.
The tracks bring with them a large portion of the             In simple terms pool betting, which is so heavily
sport’s marketing and media assets, and with               associated with racing, has fallen behind and in
attendances at UK racetracks in the region of five          its current guise it will soon become of historical
million annually, this will provide exposure for our       interest only. All of this provides us with an
pools to a captive and targeted audience.                  opening to innovate and modernise. I believe life-

                                                                                                                      Featuring: Colossus Bets
       changing guaranteed prizes with the engagement          round content. Skybet has led the way here with
22     provided by Cash Out and Syndicates will make           their Super6 football game and have recently taken
       racing pools relevant to punters who have become        on sponsorship of the ITV7 racing competition,
       accustomed to high quality fixed odds and                but to be blunt I think the format of these games
       exchange betting products.                              is tired and will not work for operators seeking to
         I also expect that the racetracks will take the       replicate what Skybet has done.
       opportunity which comes with a new pool betting            In terms of how the Colossus product has
       operation to upgrade not only the on-course pools       evolved, I think the introduction of Colossus
       betting experience, but also the presentation and
       communication of the experience.
                                                               Being associated with a consortium which
       EGR: Where is the racing side of the betting industry   comprises what is effectively the British
       heading?                                                racing industry is beneficial to Colossus
       DOR: It is clear that horse racing is a key product     from a reputational point of view
       for any operator seeking to win or retain market
       share in the UK. Every UK-facing operator invests
       in a portfolio of sponsorship within the sport as
       well as absorbing levy, data and picture costs that     Syndicates last year has been our most important
       do not apply to taking bets on other sports. So         innovation since our launch. Given the expert
       racing as a product remains core.                       nature of horseracing analysis I expect this feature
          I think free-to-play racing competitions will        to be more compelling on racing than it is (for
       become an increasingly popular way for operators        example) on football. I foresee experts and well-
       to acquire and retain customers. Colossus is            respected pundits establishing a following as
       increasingly being asked by our operator partners       Syndicate Captains and our Captains’ Leaderboard
       to provide free-to-play access points to our pools      will maximise transparency and give players a clear
       and I expect this to be especially popular for racing   form guide as to which Syndicate Captains are
       given that the sport provides such a variety of year-   worth following. X
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