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INTELLIGENCE                          TRENDS &                       MERGERS &                       INNOVATION &                   SOCIO-POLITICAL                      LEGISLATION
       OVERVIEW                             NEWS                         ACQUISITIONS                     TECH TRENDS                       FACTORS


GLOBAL NEWS                                       SA NEWS                                            COMPETITOR                                         COMPETITOR NEWS
                                                                                                     FINANCIAL RESULTS
Nielsen International Grocery                     New Online Shopping Platform to be                                                                    TFG’s Digital Transformation Enables
Shopper and Technology Survey                     Launched in SA                                                                                        Management of COVID-19 Challenges
                                                                                                     Rex Trueform Clothing
Results                                           The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic              Company Limited                                    JSE-listed retail group, The Foschini Group
Results from the Nielsen International            has significantly disrupted the way we                                                                (TFG), has indicated that it is seeing the
                                                  operate, with this expected to continue to         According to the latest annual financial results   positive results of its previously launched
Grocery Shopper and Technology Survey
                                                  have long-lasting effects across all sectors. In   for the year ended 30 June 2020, Rex Trueform      digital strategy, as well as a R500 million
have been announced, providing key insights
                                                  particular, the retail sector has seen extensive   Group Limited experienced a challenging            investment into its digital transformation.
regarding consumer shopping journeys, and
                                                  evolution in several aspects of its operations,    trading environment, which was significantly       The group launched its digital
the role that technology plays in these
                                                  with customer experience seeing the most           impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is         transformation plan three years ago,
journeys. The survey was conducted in
                                                  significant transformation. (5 October 2020)       illustrated by the 11.9% decrease in company       which has enabled it to easily manage the
partnership with Diebid Nixdorf and was
                                                                                                     revenue, from R708.4 million in 2019 to            challenges brought on by COVID-19.
coordinated through Nielsen’s Global
                                                                                                     R624.2 million in 2020. (29 October 2020)          (22 October 2020)
Consumer Business. (2 November 2020)              Shoprite Checkers and Pick n Pay
                                                  Confirm End to Exclusive Lease
Surge in Amazon Third Quarter Retail                                                                 Clicks Group Limited                               Woolworths Invests R1 billion in
Product Sales Due to COVID-19                                                                        According to the latest reviewed annual group      Pricing to Remain Accessible
                                                  Both Shoprite Checkers and Pick n Pay              results for the year ended 31 August 2020,
The global retail giant, Amazon, announced        (PnP) have confirmed, that they will no                                                               In an attempt to ensure its products remain
                                                                                                     the Clicks Group showed strong and resilient
that it had achieved US$52.8 billion in terms     longer be enforcing exclusivity clauses on                                                            as accessible as possible to the greatest
                                                                                                     performance despite a challenging trading
of sales value in the third quarter of 2020, up   lease agreements, with regards to small and                                                           number of consumers, Woolworths recently
                                                                                                     environment, both globally and locally. This
from US$39.7 billion in the third quarter of      independent retailers. This follows                                                                   announced that it will be investing R1 billion
                                                                                                     is reflected in the group’s turnover, which
2019. According to the Managing Director of       agreements that were signed with the                                                                  in its prices over the next two to three years,
                                                                                                     increased by 9.6% to reach R34.4 billion
GlobalData, Neil Saunders, Amazon’s latest        Competition Commission. (21 October 2020)                                                             to ensure its products continue to offer the
                                                                                                     in 2020, while its UPD business’s turnover
results indicate that the company continues                                                                                                             greatest value. This investment includes a
                                                                                                     increased by 11.2%. (22 October 2020)
to benefit from the disruption, due to the                                                                                                              commitment to its Food and Fashion
                                                  Increases in Grocery Costs Affecting
COVID-19 pandemic. (30 October 2020)                                                                                                                    businesses. (20 October 2020)
                                                  SA Shopper Behaviour                               Pick n Pay Holdings Limited
Walmart Unveils its New Store Design              The Ask Afrika COVID-19 Tracker study has          According to Pick n Pay Stores Limited’s latest    Shoprite Launches Xtra Savings
                                                  shown, that significant proportions of             unaudited interim for the 26 weeks ended           Rewards Programme
Retail analysts at the global rating agency,      consumers perceived the price of food and          30 August 2020, the group experienced a
Moody’s, have revised their outlook for the       staple foods to have increased by 15%, for         difficult trading environment due to the impact    On 12 October 2020, the Shoprite Group
retail industry from negative to stable. The      the prior five months. As a result, consumers      of COVID-19 but has proven to be resilient.        launched the new Shoprite Xtra Savings
agency had previously predicted a decline of      are switching to cheaper brands and                This is evidenced by the 2.6% increase in the      rewards programme, in its Shoprite branded
up to 30%, now indicating that it expects a       remaining loyal to brands that have not            group’s comparable turnover, increasing from       stores. This comes a year after the Checkers
15% decline in profits in 2020, with an           increased prices. (7 October 2020)                 R43.1 billion in the 26 weeks to 1 September       Xtra Savings rewards programme was
estimated improvement of 20% predicted                                                               2019, to R44.2 billion in the 26 weeks to          launched, which has already seen over
for 2021. (23 October 2020)                                                                          30 August 2020. (20 October 2020)                  5 million customers sign up for the
                                                                                                                                                        programme. (12 October 2020)
INTELLIGENCE                         TRENDS &                   MERGERS &                       INNOVATION &                     SOCIO-POLITICAL                    LEGISLATION
       OVERVIEW                            NEWS                     ACQUISITIONS                     TECH TRENDS                         FACTORS


MERGERS,                                        INNOVATION &                                    SOCIO-POLITICAL                                    LEGISLATION
ACQUISITIONS &                                  TECHNOLOGY TRENDS                               FACTORS
PARTNERSHIPS                                                                                                                                       Western Cape to Make Drinks High in
                                                                                                                                                   Alcohol More Expensive
                                                Dior Announces Ability to Try on New            Vans Supports Mental Health Focused
                                                Sneakers Using Augmented Reality                Charities with $1 Million Donation                 The Premier of the Western Cape, Alan
Stiles Incorporates Italcotto Into Its                                                                                                             Winde, announced that the provincial
Business Operations                             Luxury clothing and apparel brand, Dior, has    On 19 November 2020, Vans will be hosting          government intends to increase the price of
                                                launched its B27 sneaker, incorporating         its second annual Checkerboard Day,                beverages with a high alcohol percentage, by
On 1 November 2020, the South African tile      augmented reality (AR) lenses on Snapchat       focused on mental health and well-being. As
and sanitaryware retail store, Stiles will                                                                                                         raising minimum unit pricing. It is suggested
                                                which allows users to try-on and buy the        part of this event, Vans will be supporting 10     that this approach could be effective, in
incorporate Italcotto into its business         sneaker virtually. This immersive experience    mental health-focused charities around the
operations. Through the incorporation of                                                                                                           terms of reducing the prevalence of binge
                                                is designed to engage passive purchasers on     world, with a collective donation of $1 million,   drinking in communities, although this could
Italcotto, a well-known tile wholesaler that    mobile platforms, and potentially turn them     to encourage the use of creativity in
sells exclusive products, Stiles plans to                                                                                                          negatively affect sales amongst retailers.
                                                into active purchasers, during the holiday      addressing mental health issues.                   (23 October 2020)
expand its footprint in the SA tile industry.   season. (4 November 2020)                       (3 November 2020)
(29 October 2020)
                                                                                                                                                   Stricter Regulations Proposed for
                                                Digital Receipts for Smart Shoppers             Checkers Enters Supply Deal with
Pick n Pay Acquires Delivery Startup                                                                                                               Advertising of Unhealthy Food and
                                                Launched by Pick n Pay                          Local Egg Farming Business
Bottles                                                                                                                                            Alcohol
                                                As part of the company’s efforts to reduce      Checkers has entered a supply deal with
Well-known retailer, Pick n Pay (PnP)                                                                                                              Stricter regulations, regarding the advertising
                                                unnecessary wastage, Pick n Pay (PnP) has       local egg farming business, Farmer Angus
has agreed to purchase Bottles, the                                                                                                                and marketing of alcohol and unhealthy
                                                launched digital receipts for members of its    Eggs, a 51% black female-owned business,
on-demand delivery startup, with the                                                                                                               foods, have been proposed by the
                                                Smart Shopper programme. In particular, the     which offers its products at some Checkers
acquisition expected to be completed by                                                                                                            Department of Communications and
                                                digital receipts can be emailed and loaded      stores in the Western Cape. Additionally, this
November 2020. Through the acquisition,                                                                                                            Digital Technologies. These regulations are
                                                on the customer’s PnP mobile application for    supply deal allows for the potential of
PnP is attempting to build on the success                                                                                                          designed to protect South African children
                                                90 days, making it easy to access and review.   expanding the arrangement on a national
it has achieved in its existing partnership                                                                                                        from potentially harmful advertising, and
                                                (29 October 2020)                               scale. (2 November 2020)
with Bottles in recent months, whilst also                                                                                                         will impact a variety of sectors, including the
strengthening its online grocery business.                                                                                                         local retail sector. (12 October 2020)
(20 October 2020)                               Standard Develops Checkout-Free                 Dis-Chem Foundation Provides Water
                                                Retail Facility                                 Donations to Port Elizabeth NGOs
                                                A retail convenience store, located at the      In response to Port Elizabeth’s critical need
                                                University of Houston, has been converted       for water, the Dis-Chem Foundation has
                                                into a completely checkout-free facility by     offered its support to three NGOs, in the form
                                                Standard. The company partnered with            of donations of water. This action comes as
                                                Chartwells Higher Education, to add its         dam levels around the Nelson Mandela Bay
                                                machine-vision system to the store, allowing    municipality fell below 20% capacity,
                                                for 24 hours of on-the-go consumption.          resulting in severe water shortages
                                                (12 October 2020)                               throughout the region. (16 October 2020)

INTELLIGENCE                                TRENDS &                           MERGERS &                           INNOVATION &                         SOCIO-POLITICAL     LEGISLATION
        OVERVIEW                                   NEWS                             ACQUISITIONS                         TECH TRENDS                             FACTORS


Nielsen International                                           Surge in Amazon Third                                    Moody’s Announces
Grocery Shopper and                                             Quarter Retail Product                                   Stable Retail Outlook
Technology Survey                                               Sales Due to COVID-19                                    Heading into 2021
Results                                                                                                                  Retail analysts at the global rating agency,
                                                                The global retail giant, Amazon, announced that          Moody’s, have revised their outlook for the retail
                                                                it had achieved US$52.8 billion in sales value in        industry from negative to stable, reflecting a rise in
Results from the Nielsen International Grocery Shopper          the third quarter of 2020, up from US$39.7 billion       expectations for the industry’s performance. The
and Technology Survey have been announced,                      in the third quarter of 2019. According to the           agency had previously predicted a decline of up
providing key insights regarding consumer shopping              Managing Director of GlobalData, Neil Saunders,          to 30% in operating profits but now indicated that
journeys, and the role that technology plays in these           Amazon’s latest results indicate that the company        it expects a 15% decline in profits in 2020, with
journeys. The survey was conducted in partnership               continues to benefit from the disruption, due to         an estimated improvement of 20% predicted for
with Diebold Nixdorf, and was coordinated through               the COVID-19 pandemic.                                   2021.
Nielsen’s Global Consumer Business, providing retailers
globally with key insights on consumer needs in terms           More specifically, Amazon reported an increase           The COVID-19 pandemic, and associated
of technology.                                                  in revenue from its third-party seller services          lockdowns, have had a significantly negative
                                                                increasing by 55%, to reach US$20.4 billion in the       impact on the global retail industry, as a result of
The survey involved the surveying and segmentation of           third quarter of 2020, whilst online sales increased     store and company closures, wary consumers, and
15.000 shoppers, between the ages of 16 and 65, across          by 38% to reach US$48.4 billion in 2020. These           stay-at-home orders, as well as social distancing
15 countries. From the surveys, six consumer typologies         results do not include the company’s Prime Day,          measures. Therefore, the stable outlook predicted
were generated, with each of these typologies                   that took place in September 2020, rather than           by Moody’s provides some relief to industry
demonstrating a unique motivation, in terms of how              July, which is when it typically occurs.                 stakeholders.
and why technology is utilised by consumers along the
course of their shopping journeys.                              The fact that sales from Prime Day were not              In particular, it is predicted that department stores
                                                                included in these positive results, indicates that       and apparel retailers, which have been particularly
More specifically, most of the consumers surveyed               the company has fared particularly well during           hard-hit, will rebound strongly in 2021, some of
(25%) were categorised as “Hands-On Pragmatists”,               the COVID-19 pandemic. However, holding the              which include Macy’s, Nordstrom, Kohl’s, Gap,
defined as busy, rational, problem solvers preferring           company’s Prime Day later in the year could be           TJX Cos., and Ross. Furthermore, in September
self-checkouts, and making use of technology to save            less beneficial, since the holidays typically already    2020, particular retail segments experienced sales
time, whilst also prioritising efficiency. Additionally, this   introduce increases in terms of demand, whilst           increases, with increases of 23.8% year-over-year
type of consumer demands instant access to products,            mid-year demand is typically boosted by Prime            for online retailers, 14.4% for recreational goods
and are also the most likely to visit a store to discover       Day.                                                     retailers, 19.1% for building and garden retailers,
new products.                                                                                                            and 4.6% for furniture retailers.
                                                                Moreover, the digital momentum that occurred
Other categories that emerged included “Well-                   in the second quarter as a result of the pandemic        However, although the Moody’s analysts predict
balanced Traditionalists”, “Sensible Socialisers”,              declined, with the company’s product sales               strong overall sales growth of between 3% and 5%
“Hesitant Potentials”, “Modern Convenience Seekers”,            slowing from 40.1% in the second quarter, to 32.8%       for 2020 and 2021, it was indicated that this was
and “Aspirational Tech Fans”. According to Consumer             in the third quarter of 2020. Nevertheless, Amazon       not enough to predict overall positive growth due
Insights Leader at Nielsen, Waqas Cheema, it will               is predicted to achieve positive quarter four results,   to the continuing outbreaks of COVID-19 globally,
be important for retailers to take different shopper            due to rising online holiday demand.                     as well as continuing economic recessions and
segments into account, even those less enthusiastic                                                                      consumer strains.
about new technology.

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INTELLIGENCE                             TRENDS &                         MERGERS &                        INNOVATION &                       SOCIO-POLITICAL   LEGISLATION
       OVERVIEW                                NEWS                           ACQUISITIONS                      TECH TRENDS                           FACTORS


New Online Shopping                                   Shoprite Checkers and                                Increases in Grocery
Platform to be Launched                               Pick n Pay Confirm End                               Costs Affecting SA
in SA                                                 to Exclusive Lease                                   Shopper Behaviour
A new online shopping platform, known as
Everyshop, is set to be launched in SA and will                                                            The Ask Afrika COVID-19 Tracker study, conducted
offer consumers a wide range of technology            Both Shoprite Checkers and Pick n Pay (PnP) have     between the end of August and September
products, computers, and appliances, as well as       confirmed, that they will no longer be enforcing     2020, has shown that significant proportions of
additional products from leading brands. The          exclusivity clauses on lease agreements, with        consumers perceived the price of food and staple
new platform will compete with Takealot, and is       regards to small and independent retailers.          foods to have increased by 15%, for the prior five
backed by a member of Pepkor Holdings, the JD         This is a result of agreements that were signed      months. As a result, consumers are switching to
Group.                                                with the Competition Commission, following           cheaper brands and remaining loyal to brands, such
                                                      recommendations made in the commission’s             as Shoprite, that are perceived not to have increased
                                                      Grocery Retail Market Inquiry (GRMI).                prices, amongst other behavioural changes.
JD Group currently provides consumers with a
wide range of products through its retail store
chains, some of which include technology-focused      In the GRMI report, it was found that long-          The Ask Afrika COVID-19 Tracker study results
brands, such as Incredible Connection and HiFi        term exclusive lease agreements result in harm       are based on 11 600 interviews with consumers,
Corp, as well as household goods retailers such as    to consumers, as a result of the limitation of       conducted throughout each level of the national
Rochester, Sleepmasters, Bradlows, and Russels.       consumer choice, as well as the reduction of         lockdown. Significantly, 84% of respondents
                                                      competition within shopping centres. The report      indicated that they had seen an overall food price
                                                      found that these lease agreements also prevent       increase, estimating the prices had increased by
These existing stores are supported by a national                                                          15% in the past five months.
network, including 16 distribution centres.           the participation of both Small and Medium
Although these stores already offer home              Enterprises (SMEs) and historically disadvantaged
deliveries, an increased need for convenience         persons in retail.                                   These perceptions are based in reality, with the
amongst consumers, resulted in the development                                                             Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice and Dignity
of the new online shopping platform.                  As part of the agreement, PnP has undertaken to      Group indicating the cost of a food basket to
                                                      waive exclusivity against small and independent      have increased by 7.8%, over the past 5 months.
                                                      grocery retailers, speciality, and limited line      Accordingly, 69% of respondents indicated they
More specifically, Everyshopis designed to offer                                                           have been forced to choose cheaper brands over
South African consumers a “one-stop” shopping         stores in all shopping centres, as well as
                                                      supermarkets, owned and controlled by historically   their preferred favourite brands.
channel, featuring curated products from the
group’s existing ranges, as well as adding new        disadvantaged persons. The company also
product categories and leading brands.                undertook to not sign any new lease agreements       Furthermore, the results indicated that consumers
                                                      containing exclusivity clauses, amongst others.      are likely to remain loyal to brands that are not
                                                                                                           perceived to have significantly increased their
Furthermore, the platform is designed to offer a                                                           prices, such as Shoprite, as well as Pick n Pay,
unique and customised departmental shopping           Competition Commissioner, Tembinkosi Bonakeke,
                                                      indicated that the opening of shopping centre        that have been seen distributing food parcels.
experience, that can utilise the group’s existing                                                          Additionally, higher grocery costs are also ensuring
capabilities in terms of e-commerce, logistics, and   spaces as a result of these agreements, would
                                                      provide opportunities for new businesses to          that consumers plan shopping lists carefully, to
fulfilment. Although no announcement has been                                                              ensure that they stick to pre-defined budgets, whilst
made regarding the platform’s launch date, an         emerge in the South African retailing environment,
                                                      providing consumers with product choice and          many are even asking cashiers to alert them once
official announcement is expected to be made                                                               their total goes over particular amounts.
sometime in November 2020.                            alternatives.

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INTELLIGENCE                              TRENDS &                          MERGERS &                             INNOVATION &                      SOCIO-POLITICAL    LEGISLATION
       OVERVIEW                                 NEWS                            ACQUISITIONS                           TECH TRENDS                          FACTORS


TFG’s Digital                                             Woolworths Invests                                          Shoprite Launches
Transformation Enables                                    R1 billion in Pricing to                                    Xtra Savings Rewards
Management of                                             Remain Accessible                                           Programme
COVID-19 Challenges                                       In an attempt to ensure its products remain as              On 12 October 2020, the Shoprite Group launched
                                                          accessible as possible to the greatest number of            the new Shoprite Xtra Savings rewards programme,
                                                          consumers, Woolworths recently announced that it            in its Shoprite branded stores. This comes a
JSE-listed retail group, The Foschini Group (TFG), has
                                                          will be investing R1 billion in its pricing over the next   year after the Checkers XtraSavings rewards
indicated that it is seeing the positive results of its
                                                          two to three years, to ensure its products continue         programmewas launched, which has already
previously launched digital strategy, as well as R500
                                                          to offer the greatest value. This investment includes       seen over 5 million customers sign up for the
million investment into its digital transformation. The
                                                          a commitment to its Food and Fashion businesses.            programme.
group launched its digital transformation plan three
years ago, which has enabled it to easily manage the
challenges brought on by COVID-19.                        According to Zyda Rylands, Chief Executive Officer          According to the Shoprite Group’s Chief of Strategy
                                                          of Woolworths SA, the group has been focused on             and Innovation, Neil Schreuder, the XtraSavings
                                                          investing in the pricing of key product lines and           programme’ssuccess lies within its simplicity and
More specifically, the group’s successful digital
                                                          categories in recent years, to ensure the group             transparency, with it having no points nor levels.
transformation has enabled it to communicate
                                                          continues to provide the value expected by its              Therefore, the Shoprite XtraSavings card will offer
remotely with over 25 000 employees, as well as
                                                          customers. Additionally, this need for value has            customers instant cash savings, in a similar manner
ensure the safe and efficient re-opening of stores,
                                                          been boosted by the COVID-19 pandemic, due to               to the Checkers XtraSavings card.
and meet an increase in e-commerce demand.
                                                          its significant negative impact on the economy and
                                                          the financial well-being of Woolworths customers.           In particular, customers using the Shoprite Xtra
Key technological areas that the group has focused
                                                                                                                      Savings card will receive discounts of up to 40%
on include: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID),
                                                          As a result, the group is set to invest more in its         on everyday essentials, combo deals, as well as
e-commerce growth, the launch of the “myTFGworld”,
                                                          prices to ensure it remains relevant and accessible,        added benefits, such as free airtime with certain
and “Sportscene” applications, integrating OneStock,
                                                          whilst still delivering on quality. In the first phase,     product purchases, which are automatically applied
the Yoobic visual merchandising system, and
                                                          it will be investing R250 million in the pricing of         at the till. The XtraSavings cards can be used
applications for staff, including TFGLearn and TFG-on-
                                                          its Foods division, as well as R250 million into its        at both Checkers and Shoprite branded stores,
                                                          Fashion business’ prices in the current financial           although brand promotions and discounts are only
                                                          year, with the focus being on the most popular              applicable to the respective brands.
In particular, TFG’s implementation of RFID tech          Woolworths products.
Technology was one of the largest and fastest globally,
                                                                                                                      Furthermore, the XtraSavings rewards programmeis
enabling quick and efficient stocktaking with 97%
                                                          In terms of its Foods business, Woolworths will             expected to expand to become the biggest rewards
accuracy. TFG’s jewellery brands, Sterns and American
                                                          initially focus on its fresh chicken range, which           programmeof its kind in SA, due to its ability to
Swiss, went online in August 2020, taking the group’s
                                                          includes whole and portion chicken, excluding Easy          access the Shoprite Group’s 19.3 million shoppers.
online stores in its e-commerce marketplace to 20.
                                                          Cook, marinated, and crumbed chicken. In addition           Moreover, the programme has been introduced at
                                                          to this, the group has applied more promotions on           a time when customers are increasingly seeking
Furthermore, since the myTFGworld application             everyday basics across the Groceries, Household,            value, as household incomes have come under
launched in July 2020, it has reached 33 000              and Personal Care categories. In terms of the               pressure due to lockdown restrictions.
active users. Also, TFG rolled out the Yoobic visual      Fashion business, selected key wardrobe essentials
merchandising system, which enables TFG to send           will also receive significant pricing investment.
instructions regarding store window dressing to the
store manager’s mobile device.

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INTELLIGENCE                            TRENDS &                        MERGERS &                           INNOVATION &                       SOCIO-POLITICAL   LEGISLATION
       OVERVIEW                               NEWS                          ACQUISITIONS                         TECH TRENDS                           FACTORS


Rex Trueform Clothing                              Clicks Group Limited                                      Pick n Pay Holdings Limited
Company Limited
                                                   According to the latest reviewed annual group             According to Pick n Pay Stores Limited’s latest
                                                   results for the year ended 31 August 2020, the            unaudited interim results for the 26 weeks
According to the latest annual financial results   Clicks Group showed strong and resilient                  ended 30 August 2020, the group experienced a
for the year ended 30 June 2020, Rex Trueform      performance despite a challenging trading                 difficult trading environment due to the impact
Group Limited experienced a challenging            environment, both globally and locally. This is           of COVID-19 but has proven to be resilient. This
trading environment, which was significantly       reflected in the group’s turnover, which increased        is evidenced by the 2.6% increase in the group’s
impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is         by 9.6% to reach R34.4 billion in 2020, while its         comparable turnover, increasing from R43.1 billion
illustrated by the 11.9% decrease in company       UPD business’s turnover increased by 11.2%.               in the 26 weeks to 1 September 2019, to
revenue, from R708.4 million in 2019 to                                                                      R44.2 billion in the 26 weeks to 30 August 2020.
R624.2 million in 2020.                            In terms of the group’s UPD business, UPD reported
                                                   strong growth and gained market share after the           In SA, comparable turnover increased by 3.4%
Furthermore, group operating profit decreased      securing of new wholesale and bulk distribution           in the same period, increasing from R41.3 billion
significantly by 398.8%, from R25.0 million        contracts. UPD expenses increased by 17.9%,               in 2019 to R42.7 billion in 2020, with this growth
in 2019 to a loss of R74.6 million in 2020,        including the costs relating to the new wholesale         occurring despite the challenging operating
whilst gross profit margin also decreased from     and bulk distribution contracts.                          environment. However, the group’s sales and
52.6% in 2019 to 47.8% in 2020. Moreover,                                                                    earnings in the first half of the financial year were
headline earnings per share decreased              In terms of retail business, retail sales increased       impacted negatively by COVID-19, and measures
significantly by 217.9%, to a loss of 86.2 cents   by 7.3% and by 3.4% in comparable stores, with a          taken to curb its spread by the government, with
in 2020, compared to 73.1 cents earnings           selling price inflation of 2.2%. At the same time,        20% of the group’s revenue being affected by
per share in 2019.                                 group retail expenses increased by 6.5%, which            trading restrictions during different stages of
                                                   can be attributed to continuous investment in             lockdown.
In terms of its retail business, which includes    new Clicks stores and pharmacies in the past year.
Queenspark (Pty) Ltd, turnover from retail sales   Clicks opened 39 stores in the review period,             Furthermore, sales were negatively impacted
decreased from approximately R678.9 million        expanding its retail footprint to 743 stores, and         by reduced trading hours, limits on the number
in 2019, to approximately R578.7 million in        opened 40 new pharmacies, reaching a total of 585.        of customers allowed in the stores, as well as
2020.                                                                                                        temporary store closures. All these measures
                                                   In addition, headline earnings per share increased        had an impact on the group’s revenue, which is
The group’s turnover was also negatively           by 11.7 to 754 cents in 2020, whilst earnings per share   estimated to have resulted in approximately
impacted by COVID-19 and the national              increased by 11.4% to 751 cents in 2020. Headline         R2.8 billion in lost sales, during this period.
lockdown, which resulted in sales being lost       earnings increased by 12.2% to reach R1.9 billion
during level five lockdown, between 27 March       in 2020.                                                  Additionally, core retail sales grew 8.7% year-
2020 and 30 April 2020. In particular, the                                                                   on-year (6.4% like-for-like), which includes food,
estimated loss in sales during level five of the   The group expects the consumer environment to             groceries, and general merchandise, but excludes
lockdown amounts to at least R57.4 million,        be extremely constrained in the next year, due to         liquor, clothing, and tobacco, while growth in
with the negative impact on sales being            the lasting impact of COVID-19. The first half of the     SA was 9.9% (7.6% like-for-like). Therefore, this
predicted to last until the end of the year, to    new financial year was also impacted by protest           represents a 4.2% volume growth of the group’s
reach total losses of at least R134.7 million.     actions at Clicks stores in early September 2020.         core food and grocery offering in SA.
                                                   Additionally, widespread job losses are expected as
                                                   an aftermath of the pandemic.

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Stiles Incorporates         Pick n Pay Acquires
Italcotto Into Its Business Delivery Startup Bottles
Operations                  Well-known retailer, Pick n Pay (PnP) has agreed to
                                                           purchase Bottles, the on-demand delivery startup,
On 1 November 2020, the South African tile and             with the acquisition expected to be completed by
sanitaryware retail store, Stiles, will incorporate        November 2020. Through the acquisition, PnP is
Italcotto into its business operations. Through            attempting to build on the success it has achieved
the incorporation of Italcotto, a well-known tile          in the existing partnership with Bottles, whilst also
wholesaler that sells exclusive products, Stiles           strengthening its online grocery business.
plans to expand its footprint in the SA tile industry.
                                                           With the acquisition, Bottles’ founding members,
With the incorporation of Italcotto, several               Enrico Ferigolliand Vincent Viviers, as well as staff
members of the company’s experienced sales                 and key managers, will be joining PnP. According
team will join Stiles to continue servicing its            to PnP Chief Executive Officer, Richard Brasher,
longstanding clients, as well as assist with the           the online grocery space in SA has experienced
transition into the new chapter of the Stiles brand.       significant growth in the past seven months. In
Furthermore, it was indicated that the Stiles              response to this, PnP has increased the number of
stores will be strengthened, through strategic             stores offering delivery or click-and-collect services.
collaboration with Calore Fireplaces.
                                                           The services provided by Bottles were the first of
This collaboration will offer clients the opportunity      their kind, in terms of promising the fulfilment of
and convenience of shopping for various products           orders within 60 minutes. Additionally, following
like tiles, taps, fireplaces, sanitary ware, braais, and   the ban on the sale of alcohol, Bottles re-purposed
fire pits, amongst other product categories, under         its application in four days to offer on-demand
one roof.                                                  delivery of “grocery essentials” to customers.
                                                           Moreover, the Bottles application has had more
Furthermore, Stiles’ CEO, Steve Joubert stated             than 700 000 downloads and has more than
that the integration of Italcotto into the Stiles          350 000 registered users.
brand will create several opportunities for Stiles to
become the leading tile retailer in SA. He added           Brasher stated that the group is delighted to be
that the company looks forward to the new                  acquiring Bottles as it will enable the group to
ventures with Italcotto and Calore Fireplaces and          build on the momentum it has already gained
is optimistic about Stiles’ prospects in the future.       through its existing partnership, by further
                                                           capitalising on Bottles’ agility, innovation, and
                                                           marketing flair.

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Dior Announces Ability                                Digital Receipts for                                    Standard Develops
to Try on New Sneakers                                Smart Shoppers                                          Checkout Free Retail
Using Augmented                                       Launched by Pick n Pay                                  Facility
Reality                                               As part of the company’s efforts to reduce              A retail convenience store, located at the University
                                                      unnecessary wastage, Pick n Pay (PnP) has launched      of Houston, has been converted into a completely
Luxury clothing and apparel brand, Dior,              digital receipts for members of its Smart Shopper       checkout-free facility by Standard, an Artificial
has launched its B27 sneaker, incorporating           programme. In particular, the digital receipts can      Intelligence (AI) company providing autonomous
augmented reality (AR) lenses on Snapchat             be emailed and loaded onto the customer’s PnP           checkout solutions to retailers. The company
which allows users to try-on and buy the sneaker      mobile application for 90 days, making it easy to       partnered with Chartwells Higher Education, to
virtually. This immersive experience is designed to   access and review.                                      add its machine-vision system to the store, allowing
engage passive purchasers on mobile platforms,                                                                for 24 hours of on-the-go consumption.
and potentially turn them into active purchasers,
during the holiday season.                            The digital receipts are instantly sent to customers’
                                                      email or mobile application, once their transactions    The installation at the University of Houston store
                                                      are completed at any PnP store, including its           is known as “Market Next”, and only allows for the
The company has introduced the AR try-on              Clothing, Liquor, and Express stores. Customers         payment of purchases through its camera-based
experience to engage users of Snapchat, through a     automatically receive summary slips at checkout         system. This contactless payment system is seen as
unique e-commerce experience, that guides these       and, in cases where customers who have opted            valuable by the university, in preventing the spread
users to the point of sale. In addition to raising    into the digital receipt programme would like a         of COVID-19, and plans to roll out the system to its
awareness of the Dior brand, the incorporation        full-length printed slip, they can simply request one   other campuses.
of the AR lens turns the Snapchat platform into       from the cashier.
a direct sales channel, enabling the company to
                                                                                                              In its installations, Standard makes use of a
reach consumers unable to get to nearby stores.
                                                      Additionally, should customers wish to return a         combination of both AI and cameras to track items
                                                      product they have purchased, they will be required      that are removed by individual shoppers, with
This virtual try-on experience, offers consumers      to show their digital receipt from either their email   goods being charged to predetermined payment
the opportunity to see what the sneakers will         or mobile application, or show the summary slip         methods when leaving the store. The company also
look like while wearing them, partially replacing     which incorporates a scannable barcode. High-value      plans to expand this type of checkout-free store,
the in-store experience of trying the shoes on.       items, or those items that come with a warranty,        and already operates its own checkout-free store in
This has become particularly important, with          will be printed on a summary slip and provided to       San Francisco.
many shoppers being unwilling or reluctant to         customers.
try on clothes in stores, due to health and safety
                                                                                                              The technology trend, of allowing shoppers to pay
concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                      The programme has already proven to be successful,      for their retail purchases without being required to
                                                      with almost 13 000 customers having signed up for       go through a checkout station, is spreading across
Furthermore, the Dior AR try-on and e-commerce        the pilot phase earlier in 2020, and an additional      the retail sector. This is illustrated by companies
experiences are another indication of the             7 000 having already opted to receive digital           such as Amazon and Giant Eagle, that are also
integration of advertising and online shopping by     receipts.                                               opening stores incorporating checkout-free
the Snapchat platform, with digital commerce                                                                  capabilities.
becoming an increasingly bigger priority for social
media companies. Specifically, Snapchat noted
that AR experiences can significantly assist brands
in engaging with the platform’s mainly younger

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INTELLIGENCE                              TRENDS &                          MERGERS &                        INNOVATION &                       SOCIO-POLITICAL   LEGISLATION
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Vans Supports Mental                                   Checkers Enters Supply                                Dis-Chem Foundation
Health Focused Charities                               Deal with Local Egg                                   Provides Water Donations
with $1 Million Donation                               Farming Business                                      to Port Elizabeth NGOs
On 19 November 2020, Vans will be hosting              Checkers has entered a supply deal with local         In response to Port Elizabeth’s critical need for
its second annual Checkerboard Day, focused            egg farming business, Farmer Angus Eggs, a 51%        water, the Dis-Chem Foundation has offered
on mental health and well-being. As part of            black female-owned business, which offers its         its support to three NGOs, in the form of water
this event, Vans will be supporting 10 mental          products at some Checkers stores in the Western       donations. This action comes as dam levels around
health-focused charities around the world with         Cape. Additionally, this supply deal allows for the   the Nelson Mandela Bay municipality fell below
a collective donation of $1 million, to encourage      potential of expanding the arrangement on a           20% capacity, resulting in severe water shortages
the use of creativity in addressing mental health      national scale.                                       throughout the region.
                                                       Farmer Angus Eggs’ regenerative livestock farmer,     The Dis-Chem foundation responded to the
In particular, Vans is focusing on the vital role of   Angus McIntosh, had focused on upskilling and         current drought in the area by donating water
creativity in helping individuals and communities      empowering his farmworkers, after which he sold       to three NGOs, for distribution to local and
address mental health and well-being, which has        85% of this egg business to some of his former        surrounding communities, in dire need of water.
become even more important due to the isolation        employees, making it 51% female black-owned.          In particular, the three NGOs that the foundation
resulting from COVID-19. Moreover, the Vans            This sale instantly made the employees business       has donated water to include the Eastern Province
Checkerboard Day was initially launched in 2019        managers and shareholders and, through the deal       Child & Youth Care Centre, MTR Smit Children’s
as a global initiative, to champion the power of       with Checkers, these former employees have been       Haven, and Ubuntu Pathways.
creative expression.                                   given the opportunity to expand its model on a
                                                       national basis.                                       The Eastern Province Child & Youth Care Centre
Vans has selected 10 charities around the world,                                                             provides residential care to orphaned and
with a shared purpose of utilising creativity-         Currently, Farmer Angus Eggs are only available       displaced children aged between three and 18
focused programmes as resources, for coping with       at two Checkers stores in the Western Cape,           years old, whilst the MTR Smit Children’s Haven
stressors that negatively impact mental health         including Constantia Emporium and the Checkers        is focused on providing accommodation for
and well-being.                                        in Mill Street in Stellenbosch. Farmer Angus Eggs     mentally disabled children removed from their
                                                       “Eggmobiles” are stationed in each of these stores,   parents in terms of the Child Care Act, as well as
Each charity is set to receive $100 000 from T         offering customers the opportunity to pick their      statutory children between the ages of three and
he Vans Checkerboard Fund at Tides Foundation,         eggs out.                                             18 years. Moreover, Ubuntu Pathways provides an
which can then be used in support of the                                                                     integrated support system of education, social,
respective organisation’s mission.                     According to Shareholder and Director of Farmer       and health support in townships.
                                                       Angus Eggs, Mbhekiseni Khosa, becoming a
Furthermore, consumers globally can support            shareholder and director of a business is a proud     Managing Director of Ubuntu Pathways, Tarryn
these charities by providing additional donations.     moment, and that with the help of Checkers, it will   Mthimkhulu indicated her appreciation in terms
This can be done by purchasing a limited-              be possible to empower other South Africans.          of having generous partners, mentioning the Dis-
edition Vans Checkerboard Day t-shirt, or a pair                                                             Chem Foundation as enabling the organisation
of Authentics. Vans will contribute 100% of the                                                              to continue to provide essentials to local
proceeds for each of these products that are                                                                 communities, and save lives.
sold, to The Vans Checkerboard Fund at Tides

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INTELLIGENCE                              TRENDS &                         MERGERS &                          INNOVATION &   SOCIO-POLITICAL   LEGISLATION
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Western Cape to Make                                     Stricter Regulations
Drinks High in Alcohol                                   Proposed for Advertising
More Expensive                                           of Unhealthy Food and
The Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde,
announced that the provincial government intends
to increase the price of beverages with a high           Stricter regulations, regarding the advertising and
alcohol percentage, by raising minimum unit              marketing of alcohol and unhealthy foods, have been
pricing. It is suggested that this approach could be     proposed by the Department of Communications
effective, in terms of reducing the prevalence of        and Digital Technologies. These regulations are
binge drinking in communities, although this could       designed to protect South African children from
negatively affect sales amongst retailers.               potentially harmful advertising, and will impact a
                                                         variety of sectors, including the local retail sector.
More specifically, minimum unit pricing stipulates
the floor price for a unit of alcohol, and an increase   The regulations were contained in a draft Audio
would therefore result in increased prices amongst       and Audiovisual Content Services (AAVCS) white
some of the cheapest alcoholic products on the           paper, published by the department in early October
market.                                                  2020. The paper proposes that the regulator should
                                                         develop regulations, in terms of the advertising
In addition to raising minimum unit pricing, it          of both alcohol and unhealthy foods by different
was further indicated that the province would be         stakeholders, including retailers.
considering stricter times for the sale of alcohol,
even after the end of the National State of Disaster.    More specifically, the paper proposes that
                                                         regulations should be developed to regulate the
These suggested changes will be made in the form         advertising of all packaged and unpackaged harmful
of proposed amendments to the Western Cape               foods, that are high in salt, sugar, fats, saturated
Liquor Act, which the provincial government intends      fats, trans-fatty acids, or foods that do not fit within
to fast-track. However, it was further indicated that    national or international nutritional guidelines.
this tougher approach to alcohol will need to be         Although regulations were set to be introduced in
paired with the introduction of incentives, for liquor   late 2019 or early 2020, these have not been mooted.
outlets and retailers.
                                                         In terms of alcohol, draft regulations have been
Furthermore, it was indicated that the process of        previously mooted by both the government and
making unlicensed vendors compliant would need           the Democratic Alliance. More specifically, the Draft
to be made easier, which would contribute to the         Control of Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages Bill
reduction and eradication of illegal sales of alcohol    primarily deals with alcohol advertising, including
within communities in the province.                      the times alcohol may be shown on television, whilst
                                                         the Draft Liquor Amendment Bill proposes the
                                                         banning of alcohol sales and marketing on social
                                                         media, amongst others.

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