INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art

Page created by Vivian Pratt
INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
Practical advice on preparing for
life at the Royal College of Art

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
Welcome		4                                            Shopping 					                             17
                                                      Your Money					                            17
                                                      Your Living Costs				                      18
Pre-Arrival Checklist 			                    5
                                                      Transportation    		                       18
Travelling from the Airport to Central London 6

                                                      Finance and Funding 			                    20
Immigration and Visas 			                    7
                                                      UK Government Postgraduate Loans
Your Responsibilities as a Tier 4 student    7        (EU Students Only)				                     20
Applying for a Student Visa                  8        Scholarships & Other Awards			             20
Immigration Health Surcharge 		              8        US Loans					                              20
Biometric Information         		             8
Low Risk Nationals            		             8
Obtaining Your Tier 4 Visa and                        Student Support				22
   Collecting Your BRP card                  8
Schengen Visas			                            9        Disability Support				                      22
Students with Dependants			                  9        Dyslexia and Dyspraxia Support		            22
Working During Your Studies			               9        Financial Support				                       22
European Economic Area and                            International Student Support			            22
   Swiss Nationals			                        10       Housing Support 				                        22
National Insurance Number                    10       English for Academic Purposes (EAP)		       22
                                                      Health and Wellbeing Support			             22
                                                      Chaplains and Religious and Representatives 22
Your Arrival 			                             12       Student Support Office
Accommodation				                            12       Student Counselling Service			              23
Collecting Your BRP Card			                  12       Refering Concerns about others		            23
Your Registration				                        13       Drop-In Sessions 				                       23
Your Tuition Fees			                         13
Registering with the Police			               13
International Welcome				                    13       Contacts and Useful Links                  25
Opening a Bank Account			                    13
Register with a Doctor (GP)			               14
Healthcare for EU students 			               14
Dental Treatment 				                        14
Prescriptions 			                            14

Living in the UK			                          16

Culture Shock					                           16
Clothes and Climate				                      16
Mobile Phones					                           16
Insurance					                               16
Protect Your Belongings 			                  16
Council Tax					                             17
Television Licence				                       17

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
         We hope you find this guide
         helpful as you prepare for your
         time at the Royal College of Art.
         The diversity and breadth of the
         student body at the College creates
         a global institution, and a rich and
         stimulating community of artists
         and designers practising at the
         highest level.
         Coming to the UK can involve finding out about
         and organising a number of different things,
         and it’s easy to overlook something important.
         This guide provides accessible and practical
         guidance to the essential things you’ll need to
         consider. Contact us if you need help at any
         We hope you can come to the orientation
         events at the end of September and look
         forward to seeing you then.
         Best wishes,
         The Student Support Team

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
Before you leave home:
□□ Accept your offer
□□ Pay your deposit
□□ Make sure your passport is up to date
□□ Get your CAS (Confirmation of
   Acceptance for Studies). A CAS is
   issued to you three months before your
   programme start date
□□ Apply for your Visa (make sure you
   meet the UKVI requirements)
□□ Book your accommodation
□□ Have enough funds for your living costs
□□ Book your flights

                                        Remember to bring:
                                           □□ Your correct visa
                                           □□ All documents (including electronic), kept in
                                              your hand luggage for verification upon arrival in
                                              the UK. These will include:
                                               −−   Details of accommodation
                                               −−   TB certificate (if applicable)
                                               −−   Original qualifications
                                           □□ Medical records of any pre-existing conditions
                                              (if applicable make sure they are translated in
                                           □□ Approximately £500–1,000 (cash, pre-paid
                                              currency card or credit card), as you will not
                                              have a bank account in the UK until you have
                                              registered with the College

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
Travelling from the Airport                         Coaches from the Airports
to Central London                                   Several coach companies run regular services
Heathrow Airport                                    from Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Airport
                                                    to Victoria. Journey times range from 40
Tube: The Piccadilly line runs a regular
                                                    minutes to 1 hour 40 minutes.
service from Heathrow to a number of central
destinations across London, including South
Kensington and Kings Cross St Pancras. The
tube is much cheaper than the Heathrow    
Express or the Heathrow Connect.                    Uber or Taxis                                      You may prefer to take a Taxi or Uber from
Heathrow Express: Runs every 15 minutes             Heathrow Airport. Please also note that Black
directly to Paddington Station. Journey time        Cabs can be very expensive so ask how much
is 15 minutes.                                      it would cost to your destination before you get
                                                    in. Comparing quotes and booking minicabs or
                                                    taxis online will often be quicker and cheaper
Gatwick Airport                                     than by telephone.
Gatwick Express: Runs every 15 minutes    
directly to Victoria Station. Journey time is
30 minutes.
Stansted Airport
Stansted Express: Runs every 15 minutes
to Liverpool Street and Tottenham Hale.
Journey time is 35 minutes to Tottenham
Hale and 46 minutes to Liverpool Street.

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
and Visas
Most international students will need a General        Additional required documents (originals only)
student visa (Tier 4) to study in the UK. You
                                                       −− Passport (valid for at least 6 months after
should prepare your application three months
                                                          the date of your departure)
in advance.
                                                       −− 1 recent passport photograph
Applying for a Tier 4
                                                       −− Application fee of £348
Student Visa
                                                       −− Immigration Health Surcharge fee (IHS)
To receive a Tier 4 visa, you will need to score
40 points as follows:                                  −− Financial evidence: nank statements or a
                                                          scholarship letter (from an official sponsor
−− 30 points for your Confirmation of                     e.g. government, or an official loan letter,
   Acceptance for Studies numbers (CAS)                   e.g. educational loan)
−− 10 points for your maintenance – you must           −− Your academic qualifications, including
   show financial evidence to cover your                  English language requirements (as detailed
   tuition fees and living costs.                         on your CAS)
Living costs are calculated for visa purposes as       −− TB Certificate: Students from many
being £1,265 per month. If your programme is              countries are required to have a TB
12 months or longer, then you need to evidence            test as part of their visa requirements
nine months of living costs, which is £11,385.            See
The money must be held in your account
for 28 consecutive days. The financial                 −− Certified English translations of documents
evidence must be dated not more than 31                Please note: When you reach the Visa4UK
days before the date of the visa application           screen Biometric Residence Permit Collection,
being made. If you are using your parent’s             the RCA does not have an ACL code. Please
bank account, please make sure you have                provide the postcode; SW7 2EU. The nearest
written permission to confirm you can use their        collection point will be at Kensington Post
account. You will also need to supply a birth          Office, which is close to the Kensington
certificate or household register as evidence.         campus.
                                                       If accepted on your programme, the RCA will be
                                                       your Tier 4 sponsor and has a duty to maintain
                                                       your student record and keep copies of your
                                                       passport and visa. These will be taken at your
                                                       registration. The RCA must inform the UK Visas
                                                       and Immigration if you fail to enrol, withdraw,
                                                       take leave of absence or fail to attend tutorials
                                                       or classes.

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
Obtaining your Tier 4 Visa and                          Your Responsibilities as a Tier
Collecting your BRP Card When                           4 Student
You Arrive                                              As a Tier 4 student, you have certain
Once your application is approved, you will be          responsibilities while you are studying at the
granted a 30-day entry clearance vignette as            RCA. Failure to follow the rules may put your
a sticker in your passport and letter from the          immigration status at risk and your visa may
Home Office, which will state where to collect          be cancelled, meaning you will have to return
your Biometric Residence Card (BRP).                    to your home country and you will be unable to
                                                        complete your course at the RCA. A summary
It is important that you check your BRP card            of your responsibilities are below.
for any errors and report this at the Student
Support Office who will help you get the BRP            −− Enrol on your course within 21 days of your
card corrected.                                            programme start date

Immigration Health Surcharge                            −− Present your passport and BRP card at your
                                                           college registration
                                                        −− Attend all scheduled department activities
As part of the Tier 4 visa application you will            including lectures, tutorials, workshops,
need to pay an IHS which will entitle you to               supervisions and exams
receive free health care under the National
Health Service (NHS). The charge is £300 for            −− Register with the police (if applicable) or
each year of the visa and £75 for any additional           update your visa and contact details
months totalling less than six months. If you are       −− Make sure that your contact details are up
applying from inside the UK, you will also need            to date and you have provided them to the
to pay the IHS.                                            RCA
Biometric Information                                   −− Apply for your visa extensions in plenty of
                                                           time before your current visa expires
As part of the visa application process, you will
need to have your fingerprints scanned and have         −− If you get your new visa or passport you
a digital photograph taken. This is usually done           must take it to the Registry Office so we can
at the visa application centre, when you submit            update your records
your application.                                       −− Once you get your new visa or passport you
Students with Dependants                                   must take it to Registry so they can update
                                                           your records
Full information on which Tier 4 (General)
students can have family with them in the UK            −− Do not work more than 20 hours a week
as their dependants, as well as who is classified          during term time
as a dependant and financial requirements, can          −− Do not do any freelance work
be found at:
                                                        −− Your work permissions are stated on your
                                                           BRP card
For more information please contact Student
Support or email:
It is very important for you to think carefully
about both the benefits and difficulties of
bringing your family with you to the United
Kingdom. If you do wish to bring your family
with you during your studies, you must plan

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
Low Risk Nationals                                      The processing time for Schengen Visa
                                                        application can take 15 working days or more.
Nationals of some countries do not need to
                                                        We recommend you apply for a schengen visa
provide evidence of their qualifications or their
                                                        at least 4 weeks before your trip. (The earliest
money when they apply for a Tier 4 visa. UKVI
                                                        you can file a visa application is three months
calls this the ‘differentiation agreements’ for
                                                        before you start your planned trip)
‘low risk students’. This means you are required
to provide fewer evidential documents when              Please note: We recommend you do not travel
submitting your application. However please             outside the UK during term-time without
note that the Home Office may request to see            written authorisation from the College as you
these documents at a later point, so you must           could be in breach of your visa conditions.
ensure that you have original copies available.         Please make sure you have a letter fropm the
                                                        college stating you have permission to travel
Failure to provide original versions of
                                                        during term time.
documents when requested may result in your
application being rejected. You can find out if         Working During Your Studies
you are a ‘Low Risk’ national on the government
                                                        During term time, students on a Tier 4 visa can
                                                        work for a maximum of 20 hours per week and
                                                        any numbers of hours during your vacation
Schengen Visas                                          How to calculate a working week
If you are not a European Economic Area                 −− UKVI’s definition of ‘a week’ in terms of
national and want to travel to Europe, you                 working under Tier 4 is ‘a period of 7 days
may be required to apply for a Schengen visa               beginning with a Monday’.
before you travel. The Schengen Visa Scheme
is a scheme that allows those wishing to                −− This means that you must ensure that in
visit certain countries within the European                any week beginning Monday and ending
Economic Area (EEA) (and Switzerland) to                   Sunday you do not work more than your
travel between these countries using only one              permitted limit. You cannot balance your
visa. These countries are: Austria, Belgium,               hours over the course of a month and work
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,                 more in one week and then less for another
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,                 week. You must calculate your total hours
Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,                   on a weekly basis.
Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. If you are
intending on travelling to these countries,
please come to the Student Support Office
to collect full details on how to apply for a
Schengen visa.

INTERNATIONAL PRE-ARRIVAL GUIDE - Practical advice on preparing for life at the Royal College of Art
What is Term Time?                                       This would include the following:
−− Please check the defined vacation periods             −− setting up a business as a sole trader or
   for your particular course and make sure                 under a partnership arrangement and that
   that you are clear when you have holidays                business is either trading or establishing a
   and when term time is                                    trading presence;
−− Term time is any period when you are                  −− being employed by a company in which
   required to do academic work such as                     you hold shares of 10% or more (including
   attend classes, workshops, studio time and               where the shares are held in a trust for you)
   tutorials; prepare for exams; do coursework;
                                                         −− working for a company where you also hold
   write essays, a dissertation or thesis
                                                            a statutory role, such as a director
Vacation Time
                                                         −− Freelance or consultancy work.
−− Postgraduate students on a two-year
                                                         This is not an exhaustive list but provides
   MA programme have a vacation period
                                                         examples of the types of circumstance in
   at Christmas and Easter and Summer
                                                         which you will be considered to be engaged in
   Students on 15-month MA programmes
                                                         business activity.
   have a vacation during Easter and
   Christmas only                                        It is important to understand that the home
                                                         office take breach of immigration rules very
−− PhD students can only work 20 hours a                 seriously and a breach of these conditions can
   week and any vacation must be authorised
                                                         result in you being reported to the Home Office
   by your supervisor in writing
                                                         and your Tier 4 visa being cancelled and a ban
You can also work full time during the additional        from returning to the UK for a duration of time.
periods before and after your course start
and end dates. This is confirmed by the Home             European Economic Area and
Office guidance for employers:               Swiss Nationals
government/publications/preventing-                      EEA nationals are able to seek employment
                                                         without any restrictions.
If you need any further advice about hours
and types of work allowed during your studies            National Insurance Number
please contact:                If you are an international or EEA student and
What Kind of Work Can You Do?                            want to work in the UK you will need to apply
                                                         for a National Insurance (NI) Number.
You can do most kinds of work. However, there
are some kinds of work you must not do:                  A National Insurance Number is a unique
                                                         personal reference number for all your tax/
−− self-employment (including freelance) and             employment affairs.
   engage in business activity*
                                                         You do not need to have a NI Number before
−− work as a professional sportsperson                   starting work, but you must obtain one when
   including as a sports coach                           you get a job. You can apply for a NI Number by
−− entertainer                                           phone by calling : 0800 141 2075 Monday to
                                                         Friday, 8am to 6pm.
−− a permanent full-time job
                                                         During the telephone call you can expect to be
−− doctor or dentist in training, unless you are
                                                         asked for your personal details, such as name,
   on the foundation programme.
                                                         date of birth, nationality and UK residential
*You cannot be self-employed or engage in                address, as well as the date you arrived in the
business activity. You will be considered in             UK. If you have a UK visa, have this with you
engaging in business activity, where you are             when you call as you may be asked for details.
working for a business in a capacity other than
an employee, in which you have a financial or
other significant beneficial interest.

Your Arrival
Accommodation                                          We cooperate with University of London
                                                       Housing Services (ULHS), and as a RCA
To find good accommodation, we highly
                                                       student you are entitled to use the services
recommend you visit different locations in
                                                       provided by ULHS. They provide a database
London. It is important that you view the room,
                                                       of available accommodation. You will need to
flat or house you are renting from a potential
                                                       register with the ULHS in order to access this
landlord or agent before you pay any money
                                                       service. ULHS have a contract checking service
to ensure that the accommodation offer is
                                                       and a legal advice team. Advertisers must first
genuine. It is also very important you read the
                                                       agree to a code of conduct before listing a
accommodation contract thoroughly before
                                                       property on the database.
you sign and move in. You can find details of
private providers on our website:                     Collecting Your BRP card
                                                     If you are entering the UK on a visa you are
Advice and tips                                      required to collect your Biometric Residence
−−   When renting privately, international and       Permit (BRP) from the Post Office selected
     EU students are usually required to pay six     on your Tier 4 application within 10 days of
     months’ rent upfront as a deposit               entering the UK. The BRP holds the Tier 4 visa
                                                     for the duration of your studies at the RCA and
−−   If you require short stay accommodation         you will need to carry this with your passport
      when you first arrive hostels provide a much whenever you travel. You’ll need this card before
      cheaper alternative to hotels                  you enrol on your course and, if required, to
−−   When renting privately, always make sure        register with the police. A BRP is a card (the
      that your deposit is entered into a Tenancy    size of a bank card) that contains your personal
      Deposit Protection Scheme                      information; details of your unique physical
                                                     characteristics that can be used to identify
−−   Be aware of scams. If something looks too good
                                                     immigration status and any conditions of your
      to be true it probably is! You should never be
      asked to pay a deposit just to see a property
                                                     Failure to collect the BRP within the 10-day
−−   Be careful of sub-lets. Always make sure that
                                                     period could result in you having to pay a fine
      you will be named on the tenancy agreement.
                                                     or having your Tier 4 visa cancelled. You’ll also
      If you are not named on the tenancy
                                                     need to collect your BRP before your enrolment
      agreement this will affect your legal rights
                                                     date, as you’ll need it to enrol at the RCA.

Your Registration                                          In order to do this, you will need to visit the
                                                           Overseas Visitors Records Office at the
Registration is the process by which you
                                                           following address:
confirm your place as a student of the College.
It includes:                                               Overseas Visitors Records Office
                                                           323 Borough High Street
−− Checking of identification documents
                                                           London SE1 1JL
   and visas
                                                           You should present the following documents at
−− Checking of previous qualifications
                                                           the time of registration with the police:
−− Completing and signing the Registration Form
                                                           −− A valid passport and BRP card
−− Signing up for your email account.
                                                           −− Two passport-sized photographs of yourself
−− Receipt of your student ID card/ security pass
                                                           −− A letter of acceptance from the College or
−− Acceptance of the terms and conditions                     your College Card
   of study
                                                           −− A fee of £34
Once you are registered you become a student
of the College. You must then complete                     −− Proof of UK address e.g. offer letter,
enrolment, which involves payment of your                     accommodation contract or utility bill.
tuition fee and confirmation of your access                If you change your address you must report
rights in respect of IT, the Library and other             this to the Police within 7 days. For more
College facilities. You may then commence your             information is available on the following
programme.                                                 website:
Your Tuition Fees                                          where-to-register
The tuition fee amount is stated on your CAS
letter. Fees may be paid in advance of the                 International Welcome
start of term using debit or credit cards (the             In order to welcome incoming international and
College does not accept Diners Club cards)                 EU students, the Student Support team host
via the secure payment service WorldPay,                   events at the beginning of the academic year.
by direct bank transfer or cheque (Sterling
                                                           This year the events will take place the week of
cheques drawn on an UK bank account only).
                                                           16 September 2019. There will be formal and
On Registration days, students may pay by
debit or credit card. As an international student
                                                           informal events that aim to introduce students
one half of the fee is payable at Registration             to living in London and studying at the RCA,
(for first-year students the deposit will count            alongside providing social opportunities to
towards the first instalment) plus one payment             meet fellow students and staff. Full details of
by any payment method at the start of                      the orientation will be available on the Student
term in January. This option is not available              Support website in early August.
to Graduate Diploma students. Further            
information on tuition fees can be found at:               Opening a Bank Account
                                                           All international students should be eligible
Registering with the Police                                for a basic bank account. This type of account
Some students may be required to register                  allows for basic services such as payment in
with the police within seven days of arriving              and out of the account. It also allows for the
in the UK. This will be stamped in your 30 day             use of ATMs or cash machines. We suggest
visa. You can find a list of countries that require        that you bring cash, a travel moneycard
police registration on the following website:              of £500 –1000 or a credit card so that you                     can meet everyday expenses until your bank
immigration-rules-appendix-2-police-                       account becomes active. Remember if you are
registration.                                              going to deposit funds into a UK bank account,
                                                           it can take time to clear before you withdraw
                                                           the money: 4 to 5 working days for UK cheques
                                                           and often 28 days or more if converting to
                                                           another currency.

To open an account, you will generally need to         Healthcare for EU students
provide the following documents:
                                                       If you are an EEA national, you should obtain
−− Passport, BRP card                                  European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
−− Evidence of your overseas address (utility          or comprehensive health insurance before
   bill or bank statements)                            coming to the UK to show you are eligible for
                                                       free hospital treatment. Visit the European
−− A bank letter from the RCA. You can request         Commission’s website for more information
   this on the RCA Intranet. Visit:                    on the EHIC at:
   formproof-student-status-request-form               Dental Treatment
−− Proof of your UK address (tenancy                   Students are also advised to register with a
   agreement, utility bill or letter from the          dentist and can get help with finding an NHS
   RCA)                                                dentist on the NHS website at You
                                                       will be able to find the nearest dentist in your
Education UK has a specific section on its
                                                       local area. There is a charge for all dental
website about international student bank
                                                       treatments in the UK but it is less expensive
accounts visit:
                                                       to be treated through the NHS than as a
                                                       private patient. Some dentists will be unable
                                                       to take you on the NHS and offer to put you
Register with a Doctor (GP)                            on a waiting list. To avoid additional costs, we
                                                       recommend you visit a dentist in your home
It is recommended that you register with
                                                       country before your arrival to the UK.
a GP (doctor) within the first two weeks of
registering as a student at the RCA. To find           Prescriptions
your nearest GP you will need to visit the NHS
                                                       If a doctor prescribes you medication, they
(National Health Service) website and enter
                                                       may write a prescription for you. You will need
your postcode:
                                                       to take the prescription to a pharmacy or a
Bring your passport, BRP card and proof                large supermarket with a pharmacy counter
that you are a student at the RCA with you             and pay a standard charge. The prescription
to register. You can request a certificate of          authorises a pharmacist to give you a
attendance on the ‘Letter Request’ page on             particular medicine.
the RCA intranet. You will not be able to make
                                                       You can inform Student Support of a disability
an appointment to see a doctor until you
                                                       or specific learning difficulty by contacting
                                                       the Disability Adviser at student-support@
Do not leave registering with a GP until you  This is entirely your decision, but
are ill! For minor health concerns consult your        the benefit of informing us early are that we
local pharmacist instead of your GP.                   can aim to have support in place for when you
                                                       start your course.

Living in the
Culture Shock
                                                      Tips to help with culture shock:
While usually temporary, culture shock is
common among international students arriving          −− Keep in touch with home
in the UK. You will notice differences between        −− Have familiar things around you
the way things are done and what you are used
                                                      −− Attend the Welcome Week
to at home. These include the way people dress,
speak and behave, teaching and learning styles,
food – potentially all aspects of life. You may       −− Eat a healthy and balanced diet and
not experience culture shock initially but, after        take regular exercise
a short time as you start to settle in the UK,        −− Make friends with other
the differences may start to frustrate you and           international students, whether
you may feel confused and isolated. You may              from your own culture or from
experience homesickness, sleep loss, appetite            others, as they will understand what
loss, lack of concentration and fatigue. These           you’re feeling and, if possible, make
feelings are natural and temporary and everyone,         friends with the local students so
including home students, will probably be going          you can learn more about each
through a similar experience, so you are not             other’s culture
                                                      −− Find activities which will give you a
Clothes and Climate                                      common interest with UK students
The weather can be unpredictable, even within            e.g. sports, music or volunteering
a single day, so it is best to be prepared with       −− Come to the Student Support
suitable clothing. The rain doesn’t come all in one      Office. We are here to listen and
season – it can come at any time of year, and on         help you have a great student
any day. You might experience beautiful sunshine,        experience
blustering winds and drizzling rain – all in one
                                                      −− Link with a faith community
                                                      −− Explore the Students’ Union and
Mobile Phones                                            its societies. There may be an
It may take a couple of days to sort out a mobile        opportunity to learn a new sport or
phone, so you are advised to travel with an              activity or continue an interest from
unlocked mobile phone. Alternatively, take time          home
to look at what is available and try more than one    −− Don’t be afraid to ask for help
retail outlet. The same deal may be cheaper with
another store. Check online price comparison sites    −− Find someone to talk to who
such as: or             will listen uncritically and with
for the best deals. Be wary of getting into a deal       understanding, rather than isolating
before you’ve considered all the pros and cons.          yourself. The Student Support
                                                         team are here if you want to talk.

Council Tax                                             Protect Your Belongings
Council Tax was introduced in Britain in 1993           Unfortunately, students may sometimes
and is the means by which people pay for                experience problems such as losing property
local services. Full-time students are generally        or having it stolen. That’s why it’s wise to think
exempt if they are living with other students.          about purchasing appropriate insurance.
−− If you are living with your spouse who is            Television licence
    prevented by the terms of his/her leave to
    enter or remain in the UK from taking paid          If you have a TV you’ll need to pay for a
    employment or from claiming benefits,               television licence, which currently costs
    then you will not be charged Council Tax.           £154.50 (the fine for using a television without
                                                        a licence is £1,000). Students living in a
−− If your spouse is a British or EEA national,         house where one television is shared by all of
    they will be liable to pay Council Tax.             the residents may purchase a single licence
−− Students in the writing-up period of their           together. You can buy a television licence from
   programme will be exempt from paying                 a Post Office or online. For further details or to
   Council Tax if they can provide evidence             buy a licence online visit:
   from the College that they are studying
   for more than 21 hours per week and for a
                                                        Food Shopping
   period of more than 24 weeks.                        Supermarket prices in the UK can vary.
                                                        Some sell more basic, cheaper brands
−− A Proof of Student Status letter is required
                                                        in a limited range (e.g. Tesco, Sainsburys,
   from the RCA to confirm that as a student
                                                        Aldi, Lidl), and others are more luxury and
   you are registered on a full-time course.
                                                        tend to be more expensive (e.g. Waitrose,
   Registry can provide you with Certificates
                                                        Marks & Spencer, Wholefoods). Small local
   of Attendance and verification of student
                                                        shops are usually more expensive than
   status for various purposes.
                                                        supermarkets. Street markets selling fruit
Please note: The Registry usually requires five         and vegetables are often cheaper than
working days for all requests. Pre-sessional            shops. The website MySupermarket (www.
students who study for less than 24 weeks will helps you find the
need to pay Council Tax until their academic            best deals on products from across four major
course begins.                                          supermarkets.
Insurance                                               Your Money
You are advised to take out comprehensive               Before you arrive in the UK make sure you
travel insurance for the duration of time in the        have made arrangements for enough money
UK. This insurance should cover medical costs           to cover your tuition fees and living expenses.
(including repatriation in case you need to be          Please do not expect a part-time job to cover
flown home), personal liability cost and cover          these costs. We advise international students
for lost and stolen possessions.                        to budget for additional costs. It is likely you

Living Costs
Living costs are calculated for visa purposes as being £1,265 per month.

                                             Per year (52 weeks)                          Average costs per week

 Rent                                        £10,920                                      £210
 Food                                        £2,600                                       £50
 Household goods
                                             Your Living
 Personal Items*
 Leisure Items**
 Travel***                                   £1237.60                                     £28.80
 Course Materials                            £2,700                                       £52
 Total Costs                                 £21,252.60                                   £413.65

A table of estimated costs for the average student during one          ** Leisure items include hobbies, sport, entertainment
academic year. Please note, your costs will differ depending on        subscriptions, social and cultural activities.
your situation and budget.
                                                                       *** Travel can vary according to where your accommodation is
* Personal items include clothing, mobile phone bills, medical         located.
expenses, toiletries and other small personal items.

would need additional costs to cover materials                         Cycling in London: Many students choose
and field trips. An international student                              to cycle in London instead of using public
calculator is available online to help you                             transport. Not only is this a good way to keep
calculate your cost of living. You can find this                       travel costs low, but it also provides a great
information on:                                                        opportunity to explore different parts of                                    London. There are a number of cycling shops
                                                                       across the city where you can buy reasonably
Transportion                                                           priced bikes, and a number of London markets
London is divided into six zones. The RCA is                           have second-hand bike stalls where you may be
in Zone 1, in the centre of London. Look at the                        able to find a bargain.
underground map showing the different zones                            Although London is becoming an increasingly
and for information regarding all methods of                           cycle-friendly city, it is important that you take
transport in London check the Transport for                            adequate safety measures. If you intend to
London (TfL) website at:                                    cycle in London, you are strongly advised to
7 day weekly travelcard fares with student                             visit the Transport for London website, which
discount (i.e. combined tube/bus ticket):                              provide information on cycling safety and safer
                                                                       cycle routes across London:
Zones 1–2         £24.50
Zones 1–3         £28.80
Zones 1–4         £35.30                                               Many of our students cycle to College and
Zones 1–5         £41.90                                               there is the Santander Cycle scheme you may
Zones 1–6         £44.90                                               wish to use.
Discounted travel: If you have a 16–25/                                Student Discounts. There are many ways
26–30 Railcard, you can add the discount to                            to save money in the UK as a student. The
your 18+ Student Oyster photocard to get a                             National Union of Students (NUS) Extra card
34% discount on off-peak pay-as-you-go fares                           entitles you to many discounts across the UK.
and off-peak daily caps on Tube, DLR, London                           Visit:
Overground, TfL Rail and most National Rail                            The International Student Identity Card (ISIC)
services in London. Visit the Student Oyster                           gives you discounts across 130 countries. The
photocard section on the TFL website for                               Student Beans and Unidays website collates
more details of how to apply and the Student                           current discounts and short term special offers
Union Office at the College if you need more                           for students.

‘ The RCA is a
truly international
organisation with
over 60% of our
students coming
from outside the
UK and 30% from
beyond the EU.’

Finance &
It is very difficult to secure significant            number and are usually of small amounts. They
funding from the within the UK if you are an          should not be relied upon to help cover the cost
international (non-European Economic Area/            of studying in the UK. If you require funding,
Swiss) student and most scholarship and               you are strongly advised to contact the British
funding bodies will not consider students who         Council in your home country for information
have already begun their studies                      on scholarships and awards. The British Council
                                                      often have scholarships that you can apply for
UK Government Postgraduate                            and can also direct you to other organisations
Loans (EU Students only)                              within your home country that provide financial
This year the UK Government have launched a           support.
new loan scheme to help students with the cost        The RCA also has access to the ‘Alternative
of studying for a Master’s degree. The eligibility    Guide to Postgraduate Funding’ that lists over
criteria for EU students are very broad, so the       300 charities and trusts that provide small
majority of EU students should qualify. If an         amounts of funding to students. You can access
applicant does not already have a Master’s            the Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding
qualification and has lived within the EU for         online at:
the last three years, then they should meet 
the criteria required to access this funding.
                                                      You will need to enter your RCA or personal
The loans are up to £10,906 per course and
                                                      email address and the RCA is Pin 1201.
repayments are linked to a percentage of
earnings over £21,000 per year. You can find          US Loans
more information on the rules and application
process via the Student Loan Company               The RCA is designated as an eligible
website:                                           institution for American students to apply for study         a guaranteed student loan under the Direct
                                                   Loan programme. The RCA’s School Code is
Please note that if you do successfully apply for 00942300 or G09423. For more information
a Government Loan the funds will arrive in three about the loans available to you, please visit
instalments per year, with the first due to arrive the US Education Student Aid website
between 7–14 days after you have registered for ( and the Direct Loan
your programme.                                    website (, or contact
Scholarships & Other Awards
                                                       If you apply for a US loan, you will not receive
The RCA has a list of scholarship schemes             your payments until at least two weeks after
on the Financial Help section of our website;         the date on the loan letter. Please ensure that
please note that many of these schemes will           you make alternative arrangements for funding
have been concluded by early May, as the              for this important period. You are also strongly
assessment process is often tied in to the            advised not to rely on this money for paying
programme application process. You can find           a housing deposit, as most landlords/letting
more information at:                                  agents will require the deposit prior to you                          moving in and will not accept an assurance of
There are a very limited number of awards             the loan being received for this purpose.
that students can apply for throughout the
academic year; however, these are few in

White City Campus

Jay Mews, Kensington    Dyson Building, Battersea

The Student Support Office offers advice and          Housing Support
support to all RCA students. If there is something
                                                      Providing assistance finding accommodation,
troubling you, or hindering you from focusing
                                                      dealing with landlords or agencies, advice on
on your studies, please come and talk to us.
                                                      tenancy agreements.
Disability Support                                    English for Academic Purposes
We offer advice and practical support for             (EAP)
disabled students, those with a Specific
Learning Difficulty (SpLD), sensory impairment,       Supporting students with their English for
long-term health condition or mental                  Academic Purposes needs while at the RCA.
health condition. Making contact with the             E:
Disability Adviser to talk about your specific
requirements before you enrol at the College          Health and Wellbeing Support
will make for an easier transition into student       Providing help and support with your wellbeing.
life. All discussions remain strictly confidential    Services include student counselling, NHS
until you provide consent to share your               Service information, yoga, pilates, massage and
information with relevant members of the wider        meditation.
College community.
Shaalinie Sivalingham, Disability Adviser
                                                      Chaplains and Religious
E:                          Representatives
                                                      The Chaplaincy offers faith-based welfare and
Dyslexia & Dyspraxia Support
                                                      pastoral support to students. The Chaplain is
Offer a screening service and advice regarding        also available to offer help with projects related
learning support at the RCA.                          to faith, bereavement, ritual or spirituality,
Qona Rankin, Dyslexia Coordinator                     places of worship and access to Muslim, Jewish
E:                              and multi-faith prayer rooms nearby. Contact
                                                      the Chaplain for information about Imperial
Financial Support                                     College London student faith societies, which
                                                      RCA students are welcome to join.
Advice on sources of funding, money
management and debt advice, help with any   
postgraduate loan applications, advice about
Council Tax and other finance issues.                 Student Counselling Service
                                                      The Counselling Service offers consultations
International Student Support                         and short–term counselling (up to 6 sessions)
We offer advice and support in all areas              to all students at the College. There is no charge
including immigration issues, Schengen visas,         for this service. The service is confidential, and
living and working in the UK as well as guidance      works in accordance with the BACP professional
with welfare issues to ensure you settle in well      ethical codes of practice. The service is based
to your new life here.                                on the first floor of the Frayling Building or the
                                                      basement in the Stevens Building. You will need
Monica Kumwenda: International & Funding
                                                      your RCA security pass to access the building.
Student Adviser
E:                          Appointments are offered as soon as possible,
                                                      usually within 2 weeks. Once offered a time
                                                      please confirm your appointment.

To make an appointment email:                   Drop-in Sessions and they will
                                                Our drop-in sessions allow you to speak to a
respond to you within three working days.
                                                Student Adviser on the day. These sessions
Student Support Office                          are 20 minutes long and focus on helping
                                                you find solutions to the issues that are
Occasionally there’ll be times when things
                                                affecting you. You don’t need to make an
go wrong. Student Support offer confidential
                                                appointment, just attend between these
help and practical support at any point.
We aim to be flexible and responsive and
provide a welcoming place to come and talk      Monday – Friday, 2–4pm (term time)
things through. If you have any concerns        Basement, Stevens Building (Kensington)
of your own do come and see us or get in        Bookable appointments are available
touch. We have a confidential space, so do      outside of the drop-in time by contacting us
ask if you need to talk in private.             in advance, and we also respond to emails
                                                and telephone calls between 10–5pm
Referring Concerns About
                                                Monday to Friday. You can contact us by
Others                                          emailing: or
If you have any concerns regarding the          call us on +44 (0)20 7590 4140.
welfare of another student, you can get in
touch with the team to discuss. You do not
have to give the student’s name – so you
can check out your concerns in confidence.
If you feel that someone is at risk do get in
touch, so we can advise and explore ways

Contacts and
useful Links
Student Support Office                               Useful Government Websites
T: +44 (0)207 590 4140                               For information on leave to remain in the UK,
E:                         including application forms:         
                                                     Schools and Nurserys
Student Counselling Service
                                                     Useful EU/EAA websites
Chaplains and Religious Representatives
T: +44 (0)20 7594 9600
E:                         National Health Survice (NHS)
Finance Office
                                                     Transport for London and National Rail
T: +44 (0)207 590 4158
Student Union
                                                     For information about the London Underground
                                                     (Tube), visit:
T: +44 (0)207 590 4211
                                                                     Learning activities to prepare you for
                                                     study in the UK
                                                     This contains learning resources which are
IT Services                                          activity-based to help you find out about
                                                     different aspects of academic life in the UK and
T: +44 (0) 207 590 4200
                                                     the skills needed for effective study. As well as
                                                     preparing you for what to expect during your
Admissions Office                                    studies, the activities provide scope for English
                                                     language improvement.
T: +44 (0) 207 590 4444

University of London Housing Service

The British Council
For information about British Council activities
and a list of offices worldwide, please visit British Council Safety First:

External Support Services                              National Domestic Violence Helpline
Emergency Services                                     T: 0808 2000 247
Around crime or personal safety, including the
fire service you should call 999.                      Citizens Advice Bureau:
For non-urgent contact call 101 or visit:              This is an organisation that provides free,                                      impartial, and confidential advice and guidance
                                                       on a wide range of practical matters, including
The United Kingdom Council for
                                                       consumer rights, housing law, employment
International Student Affairs (UKCISA)
                                                       disputes and debt.
UKCISA offers information and advice to
international students who are studying or
considering studying in the UK. Their website          Shelter
offers information on a wide range of issues of
interest to international students, and can be         Housing and homelessness charity. This
found at                                 charitable organisation have a very useful
                                                       website with fact sheets on a range of common
Student helpline: +44 (0)207 107 9922                  housing issues, from landlord disputes to
(Monday–Friday, 1–4pm)                                 maintenance issues.
A confidential listening, support and practical        Dean Street Clinic
information service for students You can
talk to them about anything – big or small             This is an NHS provided sexual health centre
– in complete confidence. All volunteers are           where you can get tested, receive advice and
students themselves, who have undergone                information, and get any follow up care that is
extensive training and who understand that             necessary. You can always speak to your GP or
university life isn’t always plain sailing.            the non-emergency 111 service regarding sexual
                                                       health, but this is another option.
Open Hours: 6pm to 8am every night of term.
T: 0207 631 0101                                       health/clinics/56-dean-street
Instant messaging available
                                                       Drugs Support
                                                       FRANK helps you find out everything you might
Skype Chat:                             want to know about drugs (and some stuff you
Skype Phone: londonnightline                           don’t). For friendly, confidential advice, talk to
Text: +44 (0)7717 989900
                                                       Alcohol Support
This is a charitable organisation dedicated
to supporting people struggling with their             If you are struggling with alcohol yourself,
mental health. They provide lots of practical          having access to the right help and advice
information and information on where to seek           can make the world of difference. The service
help.                                                  Alcohol Concern tries to inform you as
                                                       much as possible and gives you all the advice
                                                       you need to tackle alcohol-related problems.
                                                       Whether that’s working out exactly how much
The Samaritans
                                                       you’re drinking, the impact it’s having on your
This is a charity that provides confidential           body or which local services can help you, you’ll
telephone support to anyone in distress.               find everything you need to know here.
T: +44 (0)8457 909090                        

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