Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg

Page created by Evelyn Dawson
Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
New editi
                                          on 2020

Introducing :
The Savings Banks Finance Group
of Baden-Wuerttemberg

            A strong financial partner :
            loans totaling
            EUR 139 billion

            Good for Baden-Wuerttemberg :
            50,000 jobs
            and 3,000 trainees

            On-site financial services :
            2,000 branches
            in Baden-Wuerttemberg
Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg

                                                                      Head office: Stuttgart
                                                                      Employees: 328

                                                                      51 Savings Banks in Baden-Württemberg
                                                                      Branches: 1,984                        Customer deposits: EUR 150.7 billion
                                                                      Employees: 30,990                      Customer loans:    EUR 139.3 billion
                                                                      Balance sheet total: EUR 215.8 billion                     (30. June 2020)

                                                                      Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
                                                                      Stuttgart / Karlsruhe / Mannheim / Mainz
                                                                                                                                                40,5 %
                                                                      Consolidated balance sheet total: EUR 257 billion (IFRS)
                                                                      Employees: 10,005

                                                                      Landesbausparkasse Südwest
                                                                      Stuttgart / Karlsruhe / Mainz
                                                                                                                                                87,5 %
                                                                      Balance sheet total : EUR 20.5 billion
                                                                      Employees: office staff 990 / field staff 600

                                                                      SV SparkassenVersicherung
                                                                      Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate

                                                                      SV Holding AG Stuttgart (Group)                                           63,3 %
                                                                      Balance sheet total: EUR 27.3 billion
                                                                      Group: Gross premiums written: EUR 3.48 billion
                                                                      Employees: office staff 3,120 / field staff 1,850

                  Deutsche Leasing                                                               DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale
 18,8 %                                                                                                                                         15,84 %
                  Bad Homburg                                                                    Frankfurt a.M.
                  Balance sheet total: EUR 22.1 billion                                          Balance sheet total: EUR 97.3 billion (IFRS)
                  Employees: 2,620                    (30.09.2019)                               Employees: 4,720

 16,5 %                                                                                                                                         10,8 %
                  Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG                                                Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, Stuttgart
                  Frankfurt a. M.                                                                Group sales unconsolidated: EUR 640 million
                  Turnover: EUR 2.0 billion, Employees: 3,770                                    Employees: 2,000

Unless otherwise stated, all figures correspond to the status as of 31 December 2019; group sales of the DSV Group are unconsolidated;
all employees including trainees; the number of employees has been rounded to 10. © SVBW 2020
Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg

The 51 savings banks in Baden-Wuerttemberg
(July 2020)

                                        Rhein Neckar Nord


                                                                                             Heilbronn                           Schwäbisch Hall-

                                                                                                               Waiblingen                    Ostalb

          Baden-Baden Gaggenau                                    Pforzheim                   LBBW
                                                                  Calw                        Stuttgart
             Hanauerland                                                         Böblingen              Esslingen-       Göppingen         Heidenheim

                                                        Freudenstadt              Tübingen
                                                                                                          Reutlingen             Ulm

                                        Haslach- Wolfach
                                        Zell                                   Zollernalb

                           Breisgau                Schwarzwald-                                                               Biberach
                                                   Baar                Tuttlingen                     Sigmaringen
                  Staufen-                                                                                                                          Pfullendorf-
                  Breisach        Hochschwarzwald                                                                                                   Meßkirch
                Mark-                                                                                                      Ravensburg
                gräfler-                 St.
                                                                               Hegau-                  Salem-
                land                    Blasien Bonndorf-
                        Wiesental               Stühlingen                     Bodensee                Heiligen-
                                                                                                                                                          Stand: Januar 2018

                                          Hochrhein                 Engen-                                         Bodensee

* On the territory of the state capital Stuttgart the LBBW complies with the tasks of a savings bank.

Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Collecting savings deposits in one‘s own region, keeping them safe and making      The participants of the Trainee Summer
                                                                                   Academy 2019 at the savings banks‘ academy
them available as loans for new investments – this is the core of the savings
                                                                                   of Baden-Wuerttemberg
banks‘ effective idea for success. For more than 250 years, the 51 savings banks   Photo: Ines Rudel
in Baden-Wuerttemberg have been keeping the economic cycle going as finan-
cial partners, thus enabling founders and traditional companies to invest and
create new jobs.

In essence, the savings banks have always remained true to their founding
idea. Over the centuries and decades, the business model has repeatedly
adapted to changing conditions with contemporary financial products and
advisory services. This applies to the period of industrialisation, to the
new beginnings after 1918 and 1945, to the years after the financial crisis
in 2008 / 2009, but also now, in 2020, in response to the corona pandemic.

  Business development as of 30 June 2020
  (change compared to June 2019)

                                          2020      Change compared to 2019
                                           €bn           €bn            %
  Balance sheet total                     215.8          16.3            8.1
  Customer deposits                       150.7            7.7           5.4
    Private customers                     113.6            6.2           5.8
    Companies and self-employed             25.0           2.3         10.0
    Public authorities                       6.6          - 0.8       - 10.8
    Other customers                          5.4           0.0           0.4
  Customer loans                          139.3            5.9           4.4
    Private customers                       65.5           3.1           5.0
    Companies and self-employed             66.4           2.9           4.5
    Public authorities                       3.8          - 0.3         - 6.3
    Other customers                          3.6           0.2           5.8

Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg (LBBW) is a medium-sized uni-
versal bank and the central institution of the savings banks in Baden-
Wuerttemberg, Saxony and Rhineland-Palatinate. With total assets of
around 257 billion euros and around 10,000 employees, it is one of the
largest banks in Germany. Together with the Baden-Wuerttembergische
Bank (BW-Bank), which belongs to the LBBW Group, it offers the complete
range of products and services of a modern universal bank nationwide.
In the area of the state capital Stuttgart, BW-Bank fulfills the tasks of a
savings bank for LBBW.

LBBW’s business model is based on five pillars: corporate customers,
private customers, savings banks, real estate financing and financial
markets. LBBW also supports its corporate customers and those of the
savings banks in their international activities.

LBS Landesbausparkasse Suedwest
As the building society of the savings banks, LBS is the competent partner
for building, living and financing within the Savings Banks Finance Group.
The core business of LBS is building saving and mortgage lending. The
company supports its 1.7 million customers with high-quality products
and advice, often over many years. Its services also include real estate
services for building, buying, selling, renovating and modernising as well
as debt rescheduling, financing with public funds or real estate insurance.
The advantages of building savings and Riester incentives can be com-
bined with the LBS home pension, the residential Riester offer of LBS.

LBS Suedwest is the market leader in Baden-Wuerttemberg with a
market share of around 40 percent. Every eighth inhabitant of Baden-
Wuerttemberg is an LBS building saver. Around 1,600 employees
work for LBS in office and field service.

SV SparkassenVersicherung
SV SparkassenVersicherung is a modern regional insurer. It pools the
Savings Banks Finance Group’s insurance offering in Baden-Wuerttem-
berg, Hesse, Thuringia and parts of Rhineland-Palatinate. 3.9 million
customers entrust SV with the protection of their assets. They have
concluded 7.8 million insurance contracts. You can insure buildings, cars,
household goods or even business. SV also offers all types of life in-
surance as well as legal protection, health insurance and long-term care
provision. As market leader in building insurance, the company insures
a good two thirds of all buildings in Baden- Wuerttemberg and Hesse.

In 2019, SV recorded premium income of around EUR 3.5 billion.
SV offers around 5,000 highly qualified jobs in office and field service.
Every year, the company fills around 100 training and study places.

Introducing : The Savings Banks Finance Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg



                                                                                 Am 19. Februar 2019 ist die

                                                                                 Sparkasse Rastatt-Gernsbach
                                                                                 der Zielvereinbarung zu barrierefreien Dienstleistungen
                                                                                 zwischen dem Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                 und den Organisationen und Selbsthilfegruppen behinderter
                                                                                 Menschen in Baden-Württemberg beigetreten.

                                                                                 Damit ermöglicht sie Menschen mit Einschränkungen,
                                                                                 Dienstleistungen der Sparkasse barrierefrei in Anspruch zu nehmen.

                                                                                 Wir beglückwünschen die Sparkasse zu diesem vorbildlichen Schritt.

                                                                                                                                           nd Baden
                                                                                                                                      ba              -


                                                                                 5. März 2019
                                                                                                                                                          temberg •

                                                                                 Stuttgart                                                                            Peter Schneider


                                                                                                                                                                                L A G HILF.EV .

                                                                                                                                                                                       BST           rg e
                                                                                                                                                                                SEL             embe
                                                                                                                                                                                       W ü r tt

                                                                                             Landesverband für
                                                                                             Menschen mit Körper-
                                                                                             und Mehrfachbehinderung
                                                                                             Baden-Württemberg e.V.

zu barrierefreien Dienstleistungen
zwischen dem Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg und den
Organisationen und Selbsthilfegruppen behinderter Menschen
in Baden-Württemberg

                                           L A G HILF.EV .

                                           SE  LBW üST
                                                    r tt e m


                                                       Landesverband für
                                                       Menschen mit Körper-
                                                       und Mehrfachbehinderung
                                                       Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Savings banks – an active commitment to society

                                                    Savings banks –
                                                    active for society
                                                    The savings banks in Baden-Wuerttemberg – just like the affiliated com-
                                                    panies LBBW, SV and LBS – combine economic success with social respon-
                                                    sibility. They are committed to the common good and play an active role
                                                    in the economic, social and cultural development of their regions. They
                                                    promote art and culture, education, sports, environmental protection and
                                                    social projects. With their diverse social commitment, the savings banks
                                                    improve the quality of life and make a significant contribution to the
                                                    quality of the location in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

                                                    Among the outstanding projects in the field of art and culture are the
                                                    Große Landesausstellungen (Great State Exhibitions). The Savings Banks
                                                    Finance Group supports many of these important exhibitions with sub-
                                                                                          stantial amounts of money – often
                                                                                          as the main sponsor. Such as the
                                                                                          two large state exhibitions “Aztecs”
                                                                                          in the Lindenmuseum in Stuttgart
                                                                                          and “Emperor and Sultan” in the
                                                                                          Baden State Museum in Karlsruhe.
                                                                                          The savings banks are also an
                                                                                          important sponsor of the Bundes-
                                                                                          gartenschauen (Federal Garden
                                                                                          Shows) and the Heimattage (Home
                                                                                          Days) in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

                                                                                                       With funding of half a million euros
                                                                                                       nationwide, the music competition
                                                                                                       “Jugend musiziert” (youth makes
Award ceremony “Vorbilder des Jahres” (role models of the year) 2019: All role models and their
                                                                                                       music) is one of the savings banks’
laudators (from left): Association managing director Dr. Joachim Herrmann, Wolfgang Lohse,             outstanding sponsorship commit-
Anne Köhler, Nane Frank, Daniel Baudis, Maria Laura Alvarez-Ugarte, Franca Lauinger, Corinna Döring,   ments. In Baden-Wuerttemberg,
Gerhard Göker, Yvonne Schweigert, Kerstin Grießer, Christoph Rabe, Petra Schwegler, Roland Krimmer,
Gerhard Banholzer, Helga Gillich , Britta Baumann, Ralph Janke, Philipp Vorhauer, Michael Göhner,
                                                                                                       too, the promotion of “Jugend
Heike Barth, Philip Heintz, Hermann Gantner, Sven Albrecht and Stefanie Kuhnert Photo: Anja Wieland    musiziert” is part of good manners.
                                                                                                       Many savings banks promote
                                                                                                       regional preliminary decisions,
                                                                                                       support the state competition
                                                                                                       and offer young award winners a
                                                                                                       stage, for example, at events and
                                                                                                       awardee concerts.

                                                                                                       In the area of sports, the savings
                                                                                                       banks primarily promote popular
                                                                                                       sports in their regions – but
                                                                                                       top-class sport is also included.
                                                                                                       A permanent partner are the
                                                                                                       Eliteschulen des Sports (elite
                                                                                                       sport schools), which are
The former Fruchtschuppen (fruit shed)-area between the Alt-Neckar and the Neckar canal in Heilbronn
has been transformed into a thriving garden and urban district as part of the Bundesgartenschau        represented at seven locations
(Federal Garden Show).                                              Photo: BUGA Heilbronn 2019 GmbH    in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Award ceremony at Sparkasse Zollernalb: At the end of the second Bildungswettbewerb der Stiftung Kunst, Bildung und Kultur (educational competition
of the Foundation for Art, Education and Culture Foundation), CEO Markus Schmid (right) presented the donation certificates. A jury selected 13 projects
that will be funded with a total of 36,750 euros.                                                                                  Photo: Benjamin Treuz

Together, they receive a total of 50,000
euros per year. Schools support young
talents in getting training and school
under one roof. In this way, they help to
secure the professional future of athletes.

In gratitude for exemplary voluntary
commitment, the Wuerttembergische
Sportjugend (Wuerttemberg Sports Youth)
and the savings banks honour youth
coaches, youth leaders and club employees
every year with the award “Vorbilder des
Jahres” (role models of the year). This                       Bezirkssparkasse Reichenau was awarded the title of honorary-friendly employer by
award makes it clear that honorary                            the Ministry of the Interior. The savings banks’ board members Johann Roth and Günter
commitment is by no means a matter of                         Weber (centre, 5th and 6th from left) together with the mayor of Reichenau, Dr. Wolfgang
                                                              Zoll (3rd from right) and fire brigade commander Andreas Schlegel (far left) as well as the
course, but deserves high recognition.                        employees of the Bezirkssparkasse Reichenau, who volunteer their services at the fire
                                                              brigade: Sebastian Böhler, Alexander Peters, Andreas Brunnemann, Sven Leonards and
A similar idea is pursued by the Kulturland-                  Markus Schlegel (from left).                Photo: Daniel Korn, Bezirkssparkasse Reichenau

schaftspreis (Cultural Landscape Award),
which the savings banks award together
with the Schwäbischer Heimatbund
(Swabian Homeland Federation). Anyone
who has rendered outstanding services
to the preservation of orchard meadows,
juniper heaths, dry stone walls or small
monuments in the country can receive a
prize. The Cultural Landscape Award is
endowed with a total of 11,000 euros.

All in all, the savings banks provide over
EUR 50 million each year for social commit-
ment. To ensure that this support is also
sustainable, there are 99 savings bank
foundations in Baden-Wuerttemberg,
which reliably accompany many initiatives                     The Savings Banks Finance Group supports numerous sporting events. For example the
with their distributions.                                     Einstein Marathon – presented by the Sparkasse Ulm.

The Association of Savings Banks of Baden-Wuerttemberg

                                                   The Savings Banks Association –
                                                   tasks and activities
                                                   The savings banks association of Baden-Wuerttemberg is one of twelve
                                                   regional savings banks associations in Germany. As the association
                                                   of the savings banks in Baden-Wuerttemberg, it is the central service
                                                   provider for its 51 member institutions and the associated companies
                                                   Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg (LBBW), Landesbausparkasse Suedwest
                                                   (LBS) and SV SparkassenVersicherung.

                                                   The tasks of the savings banks association are manifold:
                                                   • It represents the interests of its member institutions and strengthens
                                                     their position in competition within the banking industry.
                                                   • It supports and advises the member institutions in adapting to changing
                                                     legal, business and economic conditions.
Prominent guests at the Sparkassenakademie
                                                   • It initiates and controls the development of new products and concepts
(savings banks academy): The former Bundes-
bank board member Dr. Andreas Dombret                for the member institutes.
(left) and today’s Bundesbank board member         • In the Sparkassenakademie (savings banks academy), it offers the
Burkhard Balz (center). The conference was
moderated by association manager Dr. Joachim
                                                     employees of the Savings Banks Finance Group a comprehensive range
Herrmann.                     Photo: Ines Rudel      of training and further education measures geared to practical needs.
                                                   • The audit office of the Savings Banks Association is the statutory
                                                     auditor of the savings banks in Baden Wuerttemberg and also carries
                                                     out other business and regulatory audits at the savings banks and their
Expert discussion in Berlin: At the end of           subsidiaries.
June 2017, a delegation from the Sparkassen-
verband Baden-Wuerttemberg met with the
                                                   The savings banks have always combined economic success with social
then Federal Minister of Finance and today’s
President of the Bundestag, Dr. Wolfgang           commitment and social responsibility. They are committed to the common
Schäuble and other members of the Bundestag,       good and promote it in the fields of art, culture and sport. The Savings
including Andreas Jung, deputy. Chairman of
                                                   Banks Association plays an active and leading role on behalf of its member
the CDU parliamentary group in the German
Bundestag.                                         institutions. It is the organizer of the “Jugend musiziert” (Youth makes
                              Photo: Julia Nowak   music) and “Vorbild sein” (Be a role model) competitions.

Sparkassenverband Baden-Wuerttemberg – organization chart

                department directly
                linked to the President                  President Peter Schneider

                                                                Association Director
                                                               Dr. Joachim Herrmann

    General policy, legal service,          Sparkassenakademie                           Marketing,
       human resources and                (savings banks academy)                 business management                     Auditing agency
           administration                                                              and controlling
      Stv. VGF Dr. Harry Streib                 Frank Metzner                      Dr. Markus Vogtmann                 WP / StB Thomas Witt

      General policy and                                                                                              Quality control, IT and risk
                                          Specialists and managers               Business consultancy
      investments                                                                                                     management

                                                                                                                      Reporting, supervisory law and
      Legal issues                        Junior staff                           Sales and marketing

      Human resources,
                                          Consulting                             Controlling                          Tax consultancy
      organization and finance

                                          Information technology
                                                                                 Business management                  Field auditing service
                                          and internal services

Once a year, it also awards the Gründerpreis Baden-Wuerttemberg (Baden-
Wuerttemberg Founders’ Prize), organises the Kommunalforum (Municipal
Forum) and many other events.

The Savings Banks Association of Baden-Wuerttemberg has around
330 employees – most of whom are banking specialists. Over 80 of them
work in the audit field service.

   The Sparkassenakademie
   (savings banks academy)

   • 20 training rooms

   • 148 residential studios

   • 45 daycare spaces

   • conference rooms for up to
     250 people

   • conference hall for up to
     600 people

   • own kitchen,
     2 restaurants
                                                  The Sparkassenakademie (savings banks academy) at Pariser Platz in Stuttgart was inaugurated
                                                  in 2014.                                                                       Photo: Horst Rudel

Activities of the association

                                                 Activities of the
                                                 Savings Banks Association
                                                 The Sparkassenverband Baden-Wuerttemberg (Savings Banks Association
                                                 of Baden-Wuerttemberg) not only bundles the interests of the 51 savings
                                                 banks and associated companies, it also organises a number of central
                                                 events that are important for the public visibility of the Savings Banks
                                                 Finance Group.

                                                 Central events
                                                 The largest event of the Savings Banks Finance Group is the Baden-
                                                 Wuerttembergischer Sparkassentag (Baden-Wuerttemberg Savings
                                                 Banks Day), which takes place every three years. Approximately 1,200
                                                 visitors meet for an afternoon of thematic presentations. In 2012, the
                                                 Sparkassentag took place under the motto “Europe. No trust without
                                                 stability” in Mannheim; 2015 in Stuttgart under the motto “Freedom and
                                                 responsibility”. The Savings Banks Finance Group met in Offenburg in
                                                 2018. The event was entitled “The Future of Europe – Shaping Change,
                                                 Gaining Trust”. The Sparkassentag will take place in Ulm in 2021.

                                                 In addition to the Sparkassentage (savings bank days) and special
                                                 forums – such as the Handels- und Kommunalforum (trade and municipal
                                                 forum) – the savings banks association regularly invites to take part in
Baden-Wuerttembergischer Sparkassentag           financial policy questions. For example, in 2019 together with the Europa-
(Baden-Wuerttemberg Savings Banks Day)
2018 under the motto “The Future of Europe”
                                                 Zentrum Baden-Wuerttemberg (Center for Europe Baden-Wuerttemberg)
(from left): The chairman of the association     for a discussion evening before the European elections. For Weltspartag
assembly, Mayor Wolfgang Dietz, historian        (World Savings Day) 2017, the association and the Baden-Wuerttem-
Prof. Christopher Clark, the president of the
                                                 bergischer Genossenschaftsverband (Baden-Wuerttemberg Association
World Institute of Savings Banks, Heinrich
Haasis, Baden Wuerttemberg’s Sparkassen          of Cooperatives) organized a symposium on monetary policy at the
President Peter Schneider, moderator Claudia     European Central Bank entitled “Saving must be worthwhile again !”.
Kleinert, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann,
Offenburg’s Mayor Edith Schreiner, DSGV
President Helmut Schleweis and economist         In view of the increasing regulation by the European Union and the
Prof. Volker Wieland                             European Central Bank, the Sparkassenverband Baden-Wuerttemberg
                                                                                          presented a paper in July 2016
                                                                                          together with the Handwerkstag,
                                                                                          the Chamber of Industry and
                                                                                          Commerce and the Baden-
                                                                                          Wuerttemberg Association of
                                                                                          Cooperatives, which shows
                                                                                          the effects of regulation on the
                                                                                          economy. Specifically, the four
                                                                                          associations are calling for regu-
                                                                                          lation with more sense and under-
                                                                                          standing of the needs of small
                                                                                          and medium-sized companies.
                                                                                          Since 2017, the four associations
                                                                                          have discussed the demand in
                                                                                          annual discussions in Brussels
                                                                                          with MEPs and representatives
                                                                                          of the EU Commission and
                                                                                          received a lot of approval.

Gruenderpreis (Founders Prize)                                                  The winners of the Gruenderpreis (Founder’s
                                                                                Prize) 2019 with Minister of Economic Affairs
The savings banks in Baden-Wuerttemberg support around 2,000 start-ups
                                                                                Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Savings Bank
each year. Together with the state, they are among the most important           President Peter Schneider and the members
sponsors of young companies. The Gruenderpreis Baden-Wuerttemberg               of the executive boards of the savings banks
(Baden-Wuerttemberg Founders Prize), which has been around for over 20          in whose business areas the prize winners are
years, offers a platform for promising start-ups. Every year, five young com-
panies are awarded prize money totaling 25,000 euros in the “Start-up”          All photos:
category. In addition, a successful entrepreneur is honored for his life’s      Wolfgang List,

work – for example Prof. Viktor Dulger, Prof. Artur Fischer, Arthur
Handtmann, Erwin Hymer or Dr. Sybill Storz. In 2019 it was Manfred Tries,
founder and owner of Manfred Tries GmbH und Co KG in Ehingen in the Alb
Donau district.

(Municipal Forum)
Central questions on current eco-
nomic and socio-political issues
are the focus of the municipal
forum, which takes place regularly
in October in Baden-Baden. For
more than 20 years, the event has
been a fixture in the calendars
of the counties, cities and muni-
cipalities in the state of Baden-
Wuerttemberg. Around 500 muni-
cipal decision-makers take
advantage of this opportunity every
year and come to the Congress
Centre in Baden-Baden.

In 2019, the Municipal Forum stood under the guiding principle of               The Kommunalforum (Municipal Forum)
                                                                                will take place in the Kongresshaus in
“Rethinking living space”. Speakers included Minister of Economic Affairs
Dr. Nicole Hofmeister-Kraut, Baden-Baden’s Lord Mayor Margret Mergen,
architect Van Bo Le-Menzel, anthropologist Dr. Elisabeth Oberzaucher,
Prof. Dr. Michael Voigtländer, Head of the Financial Markets and Real Estate
Markets Competence Area at the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft in
Cologne, Roger Kehle, President of the Municipal Congress, and the Lord
Mayor of Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner.

The activities in Burundi

                                                    Savings Banks Finance Group
                                                    supports finance academy in Burundi
In 2016, the then director of the educational
academy for microfinance in Burundi, Adams
Sinarinzi (far left) was a guest in Stuttgart.
Next to him in the photo (from left): the project
coordinator Prof. Dr. Tobias Peylo, an expert
from Baden-Wuerttemberg, Julia Peylo, the
managing director of the Sparkassenstiftung
fuer internationale Zusammenarbeit e. V.,
Niclaus Bergmann, and SVBW President Peter
                               Photo: Horst Rudel

                                                    Burundi is located in East Africa, has around ten million inhabitants and
                                                    has been an official partner country of Baden-Wuerttemberg since 2014.
                                                    It is one of the poorest countries in the world. Like its neighbour Rwanda,
                                                    it was shaken by a civil war and has been plagued by unrest ever since.

                                                    Together with the Burundian microfinance association “Réseau des
                                                    Institutions de Microfinance au Burundi” (RIM) and Sparkassenstiftung
                                                    fuer internationale Kooperation e. V., the Sparkassenverband Baden-
                                                    Wuerttemberg supports the establishment of a training academy for
                                                    microfinance staff – a successful model that has also been implemented
                                                    in the neighbouring country of Rwanda (with the help of the Sparkassen-
                                                    verband Rheinland-Pfalz).
Employees of the microfinance institute
“Réseau des Institutions de Microfinance au         As part of a cooperation agreement, the SVBW finances a staff member
Burundi” (RIM), the Sparkassenstiftung and
                                                    in Burundi who coordinates the project on site. The association also
the experts sent by the Sparkassenverband
Baden-Wuerttemberg Julia Peylo and                  covers the costs of two experts, who mainly work on a voluntary basis
Prof. Dr. Dieter Gramlich in January 2015.          and contribute their knowledge in the areas of project management,
                                                                             marketing and financial education in several
                                                                             project assignments on site.

                                                                            Despite the difficult political situation in Burundi,
                                                                            a good 50 microfinance institutions have been
                                                                            founded in the country, whose umbrella organiza-
                                                                            tion is the association RIM. These institutes now
                                                                            have their own training academy. “Here our em-
                                                                            ployees can learn what they need to advise their
                                                                            clients,” explains Bernard Kinyata, manager of the
                                                                            microfinance institute RececaInkingi and chairman
                                                                            of the supervisory board of the microfinance asso-
                                                                            ciation RIM, in which the Burundian microfinance
                                                                            institutions have joined forces. “Before, we often
                                                                            had the problem that our own employees were too

A business simulation game from the
                                                                              Sparkassenstiftung is used to train coaches.
                                                                              With the simulation farmers are to be trained in
                                                                              economics. Bridging the long periods between
                                                                              harvest revenues is a particular challenge.
                                                                                                          Photos: Tobias Peylo

                                                                              A report on the trip to Burundi by Prof. Dr.
                                                                              Tobias Peylo is published on the YouTube
                                                                              channel of the Sparkassenverband Baden-
                                                                              Wuerttemberg: / svbwdeu

                                                                              There is also a magazine broadcast by the TV
                                                                              station bw on the channel to build up
poorly trained to really help the microentrepreneurs. Thanks to coopera-      the financial academy in Burundi.
tion with Sparkassenstiftung, this has now changed.”

The Sparkassenstiftung fuer internationale Kooperation is working world-
wide to establish and professionalise a stable financial system that – just
like the savings banks in this country – is there for all people and not
just for the upper classes. The men and women who work in the smallest
companies with heart and soul and great courage to make a living for
themselves and their families are not dependent on gifts – but they need
fair conditions and access to simple, understandable and honest financial
                                                                              The Microfinance Academy in Burundi. Despite
This principle of “helping people to help themselves” is a central founding   the short period of its existence, it is well on
                                                                              the way to becoming self-employed – thanks to
idea of the savings banks and that is why the Savings Banks Finance Group
                                                                              the high level of commitment of the employees
of Baden-Wuerttemberg has been promoting the educational project in           on site and the support of the Sparkassen-
the Baden-Wuerttemberg partner country Burundi with great dedication          Finanzgruppe Baden-Wuerttemberg.
and commitment since 2014. After four
years, the microfinance association RIM
was able to turn the concept of the
microfinance academy from dream to
reality despite the most difficult frame-
work conditions with the support of the
Sparkassenstiftung and the experts sent
and financed by SVBW. Training courses
are held today that not only convey
important financial knowledge, but also
cover their costs – an essential prerequi-
site for economic sustainability. The
academy is not yet able to support itself
completely without help, but it is on the
right track. The SVBW will continue to
support the academy.

The 51 savings banks of Baden-Wuerttemberg

Baden-Wuerttemberg‘s savings banks
(at 1 July 2020)

 Savings Bank                      Chairman of the                      Board of                                           Owner
                                   Supervisory Board                    Managing Directors                                 representative

 Sparkasse                                                              Lothar Volle, Martin Semmet,
                                   BM Karsten Mußler                                                                       OB Margret Mergen
 Baden-Baden Gaggenau                                                   Susanne Burg
 Kreissparkasse                                                         Martin Bücher, Kurt Hardt,
                                   LR Dr. Heiko Schmid                                                                     OB Gerold Rechle
 Biberach                                                               Dr. Michael Schieble
 Sparkasse                                                              Lothar Mayer, Franz Bernhard Bühler,
                                   OB Uli Burchardt                                                                        LR Lothar Wölfle
 Bodensee                                                               Christoph Müller
 Kreissparkasse                                                         Dr. Detlef Schmidt, Michael Tillmann,
                                   LR Roland Bernhard                                                                      OB Thomas Sprißler
 Böblingen                                                              Michael Fritz
                                   BM Michael Scharf                    Theo Binninger, Georg Riesterer                    BM Tobias Gantert
                                   OB Hubert Schnurr                    Frank König, Matthias Frietsch                     BM Oliver Rastetter
                                   BM Johannes Moser                    Andrea Grusdas, Frank Lammering                    BM Dr. Michael Klinger
 Kreissparkasse                                                         Burkhard Wittmacher, Kai Scholze,
                                   LR Heinz Eininger                                                                       KR / BM Bernhard Richter
 Esslingen-Nürtingen                                                    Frank Dierolf
 Sparkasse                                                              Marcel Thimm, Erich Greil,
                                   OB Martin Horn                                                                          OB Stefan Schlatterer
 Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau                                           Lars Hopp, Bernd Rigl
 Kreissparkasse                    LR Dr. Klaus Michael
                                                                        Werner Loser, Bernd Philippsen                     OB Peter Rosenberger
 Freudenstadt                      Rückert
                                   BM Thorsten Erny                     Martin Seidel, Matthias Heck                       BM Bernd Bruder
                                   LR Edgar Wolff                       Dr. Hariolf Teufel, Klaus Meissner                 KR / GF i. R. Kurt Moll
                                   OB Toni Vetrano                      Jutta Grandjean, Wolfgang Huber                    BM Michael Welsche
                                   BM Philipp Saar                      Bernd Jacobs, Carlo Carosi                         BM Günter Pfundstein
                                   OB Bernd Häusler                     Dr. Alexander Endlich, Jens Heinert,               OB Martin Staab
 Sparkasse                                                              Rainer Arens, Thomas Lorenz,
                                   OB Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner                                                             BM Christiane Staab
 Heidelberg                                                             Stefan Beismann
                                   LR Peter Polta                       Dieter Steck, Thomas Schöpplein                    OB Bernhard Ilg
 Kreissparkasse                                                         Ralf Peter Beitner, Matthias Peschke,
                                   LR Detlef Piepenburg                                                                    OB Harry Mergel
 Heilbronn                                                              Bernhard Steck, Marcus Nähser
                                   OB Dr. Philipp Frank                 Heinz Rombach, Wolf Morlock                        BM Alexander Guhl
                                   BM Andreas Hall                      Jochen Brachs, Michael Frech                       BM Meike Folkerts
                                   LR Dr. Matthias Neth                 Bernd Kaufmann, Werner Siller                      BM Torsten Kunkel
 Sparkasse                                                              Michael Huber, Thomas Schroff,
                                   OB Dr. Frank Mentrup                                                                    BM Stefan Martus
 Karlsruhe                                                              Lutz Boden, Marc Sesemann
 Sparkasse                                                              Norbert Grießhaber, Thomas Geiß,
                                   OB Cornelia Petzold-Schick                                                              OB Jörg Albrecht
 Kraichgau                                                              Michael Reichert
                                   OB Jörg Lutz                         Rainer Liebenow, Klaus Jost                        OB Klaus Eberhardt
 Kreissparkasse                                                         Dr. Heinz-Werner Schulte, Dieter Wizemann,
                                   LR Dietmar Allgaier                                                                     KR Rainer Gessler
 Ludwigsburg                                                            Thomas Raab
 Sparkasse                                                              Ulrich Feuerstein, Peter Blubacher,
                                   OB Wolfgang Dietz                                                                       BM Martin Löffler
 Markgräflerland                                                        Patrick Glünkin
 Sparkasse                                                              Michael Krähmer, Martin Graser,
                                   OB Michael Jann                                                                         BM Jürgen Galm
 Neckartal-Odenwald                                                     Gerd Weiß

BM = Mayor (Buergermeister)     LR = District Administrator (Landrat)        KR = County Councillor (Kreisrat)       OB = Lord Mayor (Oberbuergermeister)

Deposits from customers                              Loans to customers 1)                  Business volume
                          €m                                                 €m                                  €m
                       Dec, 31                                             Dec, 31                             Dec, 31
             2019                     2018                      2019                    2018       2019                      2018

             1,587                   1,542                      1,233                  1,218       2,063                     1,967

             3,717                   3,460                      2,745                  2,652       5,795                     5,569

             3,422                   3,376                      3,437                  3,344       4,669                     4,548

             6,224                   5,808                      6,549                  6,281       8,990                     8,581

              416                      390                       313                        282     571                       535

              737                      702                       604                        585    1,048                     1,008

              737                      692                       762                        701    1,069                      994

             7,662                   7,311                      6,774                  6,523       9,902                     9,186

             5,118                   4,736                      5,103                  4,874       6,933                     6,615

             1,420                   1,367                      1,120                  1,048       1,928                     1,841

              290                      274                       327                        311     485                       451

             4,070                   4,092                      3,966                  4,093       6,104                     5,981

              801                      796                       880                        825    1,469                     1,412

              809                      799                       717                        725    1,109                     1,095

             2,309                   2,160                      2,376                  2,258       3,385                     3,286

             5,725                   6,146                      5,355                  5,314       7,954                     7,808

             1,500                   1,513                      1,311                  1,246       2,147                     2,128

             7,335                   6,749                      7,548                  7,058      10,272                     9,326

             2,280                   2,176                      2,338                  2,284       3,346                     3,147

              843                      797                       784                        731    1,200                     1,107

             1,592                   1,532                      1,204                  1,136       2,018                     1,945

             6,817                   6,306                      6,704                  6,215       9,157                     8,576

             3,228                   3,221                      2,387                  2,223       4,313                     4,228

             1,730                   1,608                      2,252                  2,192       2,936                     2,774

             7,473                   7,180                      6,157                  5,856      11,171                 10,843

             1,549                   1,457                      1,863                  1,740       2,651                     2,460

             1,816                   1,748                      1,371                  1,292       2,369                     2,296

     including acquired borrower‘s notes and registered bonds

The 51 savings banks of Baden-Wuerttemberg

 Savings Bank                     Chairman of the                      Board of                                       Owner
                                  Supervisory Board                    Managing Directors                             representative

 Sparkasse                                                             Helmut Becker, Karl Bähr,
                                  OB Marco Steffens                                                                   OB Matthias Braun
 Offenburg / Ortenau                                                   Jürgen Riexinger
 Kreissparkasse                                                        Markus Frei, Dr. Christof Morawitz,
                                  LR Klaus Pavel                                                                      KR / Erster BM Dr. Joachim Bläse
 Ostalb                                                                Dr. Tobias Schneider
 Sparkasse                                                             Stephan Scholl, Hans Neuweiler,
                                  OB Peter Boch                                                                       LR Helmut Riegger
 Pforzheim Calw                                                        Sieghardt Bucher, Dr. Georg Stickel
                                  BM Thomas Kugler                     Hubert Rist, Carsten Knaus                     BM Ralph Gerster
                                  OB Hans Jürgen Pütsch                Ulrich Kistner, Klemens Götz                   BM Julian Christ
 Kreissparkasse                                                        Heinrich Pumpmeier, Norbert Martin,
                                  LR Harald Sievers                                                                   BM Volker Restle
 Ravensburg                                                            Dr. Manfred Schöner
                                  BM Dr. Wolfgang Zoll                 Johann Roth, Günter Weber                      BM Stefan Friedrich
 Kreissparkasse                                                        Michael Bläsius, Joachim Deichmann,
                                  LR Thomas Reumann                                                                   OB Dr. Ulrich Fiedler
 Reutlingen                                                            Martin Bosch
 Sparkasse                                                             Stefan Kleiber, Helmut Augustin,
                                  OB Dr. Peter Kurz                                                                   BM Michael Kessler
 Rhein Neckar Nord                                                     Thomas Kowalski
                                  LR Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger Michel           Matthäus Reiser, Christian Kinzel              KR / BM a. D. Herbert Halder
                                  BM Manfred Härle                     Ralf Bäuerle, Wolfgang Müller                  BM Frank Amann
 Sparkasse                                                             Thomas Lützelberger, Michael Beck,
                                  LR Gerhard Bauer                                                                    KR / BM Kurt Wackler
 Schwäbisch Hall-Crailsheim                                            Klaus Ehrmann
                                  OB Jürgen Roth                       Arendt Gruben, Florian Klausmann               OB Erik Pauly
 Hohenzollerische Landesbank
                                  LR Stefanie Bürkle                   Michael Hahn, Stefan Häußler                   KR / BM Stefan Bubeck
 Kreissparkasse Sigmaringen
                                  BM Adrian Probst                     Gerhard Behringer, Klaus Kistler               BM Helmut Kaiser
 St. Blasien
                                  BM Michael Benitz                    Michael Grüninger, Georg Selinger              BM Oliver Rein
                                  OB Markus Herrera Torrez             Peter Vogel, Wolfgang Reiner                   LR Reinhard Frank
                                  LR Joachim Walter                    Dr. Christoph Gögler, Hans Lamparter           BM Thomas Hölsch
                                  LR Stefan Bär                        Markus Waizenegger, Daniel Zeiler              OB Michael Beck
 Sparkasse                                                             Dr. Stefan Bill, Wolfgang Hach,
                                  LR Heiner Scheffold                                                                 OB Gunter Czisch
 Ulm                                                                   Ulrich Heisele
 Kreissparkasse                                                        Ines Dietze, Lothar Kümmerle,
                                  LR Dr. Richard Sigel                                                                OB Dr. Frank Nopper
 Waiblingen                                                            Ralph Walter
                                  BM Peter Palme                       Lothar Müller, Georg Ückert                    BM Dirk Harscher
                                  BM Thomas Geppert                    Axel Fahner, Alexander Thau                    BM Thomas Haas
                                  LR Günther-Martin Pauli              Markus Schmid, Claus Kimmerle                  BM Thomas Miller

                                                                                                                      Assets total

BM = Mayor (Buergermeister)    LR = District Administrator (Landrat)        KR = County Councillor (Kreisrat)   OB = Lord Mayor (Oberbuergermeister)

Deposits from customers                              Loans to customers 1)                   Business volume
                          €m                                                 €m                                   €m
                       Dec, 31                                             Dec, 31                              Dec, 31
             2019                     2018                      2019                    2018        2019                      2018

             3,566                   3,317                      2,976                  2,788        4,812                     4,533

             4,358                   4,044                      3,596                  3,372        5,593                     5,236

             8,785                   8,205                      8,805                  8,438       13,091                 12,446

              647                      617                       526                        498      834                       795

             1,315                   1,256                      1,027                       972     1,732                     1,701

             3,836                   3,767                      3,294                  3,197        4,979                     4,756

              726                      655                      1,170                  1,072        1,283                     1,162

             4,075                   3,950                      3,537                  3,533        5,409                     5,265

             3,670                   3,454                      3,141                  2,841        5,173                     4,885

             2,251                   2,111                      1,790                  1,720        3,069                     2,911

              733                      683                       595                        557      940                       894

             2,338                   2,170                      2,358                  2,234        3,702                     3,436

             2,807                   2,683                      2,329                  2,203        3,917                     3,684

             1,328                   1,276                       999                        936     1,857                     1,734

              235                      220                       355                        305      480                       421

             1,128                   1,028                      1,032                       949     1,515                     1,358

             2,128                   2,033                      1,854                  1,819        2,882                     2,741

             3,992                   3,736                      3,972                  3,817        5,515                     5,139

             2,527                   2,409                      2,548                  2,418        3,940                     3,732

             4,972                   4,831                      4,192                  4,060        6,588                     6,346

             6,722                   6,481                      6,731                  6,519        9,068                     8,668

              862                      832                       839                        804     1,200                     1,145

              351                      329                       296                        274      491                       470

             2,778                   2,719                      2,180                  2,078        3,692                     3,514

          147,335                  140,742                  136,325                  130,414      206,817                196,680

     including acquired borrower‘s notes and registered bonds

Annual Report
                                             2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mittelstand stärken – Kreditfinanzierung sichern –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Finanzmarktregulierung anpassen – Digitalisierung gestalten
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Gemeinsames Positionspapier von Handwerkstag, Industrie- und Handelskammertag,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Genossenschaftsverband und Sparkassenverband in Baden-Württemberg
                                             Savings banks in Baden-Wuerttemberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Strengthening SMEs – safeguarding loan financing –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            adjusting financial market regulation – shaping digitalization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Common policy positions of the Baden-Württemberg Confederation of Skilled Crafts,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Federation of Cooperatives and Association of Savings Banks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Die Wirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg          The economy of Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ist mittelständisch geprägt. Mehr als        is characterized by small and medium-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              99 Prozent der Unternehmen sind              sized enterprises, which constitute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Sie         over 99 % of companies. They form
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              bilden das Rückgrat der baden-württem-       the backbone of Baden-Württemberg’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              bergischen Wirtschaft als Triebfeder für     economy as drivers of innovation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Innovationen, Investitionen, sichere         investment, secure employment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Arbeitsplätze und Wachstum.                  and growth.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sparkassen sowie Volksbanken und             Savings banks and the Volksbanken
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Raiffeisenbanken sind in Baden-              and Raiffeisenbanken (cooperative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Württemberg die Hauptfinanzierer des         banks) are the main providers of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mittelstands mit einem Marktanteil           finance to SMEs in Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              von rund 80 Prozent. Sie garantieren         with a market share of around 80 %.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              die Kreditversorgung der kleinen und         They guarantee the supply of loans to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mittleren Unternehmen. In der Finanz-        small and medium-sized companies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              markt- und Staatsschuldenkrise konnte        During the financial market and sover-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Baden-Württemberg den tiefsten Wirt-         eign debt crisis Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              schaftseinbruch der Nachkriegszeit           was able to overcome the deepest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              schnell überwinden – dank der aus-           economic downturn of the postwar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              reichenden, bankbasierten Kreditfinan-       period quickly thanks to sufficient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              zierung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen    bank-based loan financing of small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              und ihrer Wettbewerbsstärke. Damit das       and medium-sized companies and their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mittelständische Erfolgsmodell in Baden-     competitive strength. If the successful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Württemberg auch zukünftig seinen Bei-       SME model in Baden-Württemberg is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              trag für ein auf Vielfalt aufbauendes sta-   to continue to make its contribution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              biles und starkes Europa leisten kann,       to a stable and strong Europe built on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              müssen die Rahmenbedingungen und             diversity in the future, the conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              die Regulierung in Europa auch den mit-      and regulations in Europe must also


                                     20_0918_Auszug_GB2019_ENG.indd 1                                                                                                                                           03.06.20 10:56
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   18_0108_Positionspapier_2018_D_GB.indd 1                                                                                                                                                          22.01.18 15:49

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10_0416_Umschlag.qxd   08.06.2010   12:19 Uhr   Seite 1

                                                                                                                                                                                       Sparkassen-Ticker April 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            125 Jahre Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg

                                                    Sparkassen -Ticker                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Einheit. Stärke. Zukunft.
                                                    Newsletter des Sparkassenverbands Baden-Württemberg                                                                                 Nr. 20 · April 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        125 Jahre
                                                    Engagement der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe
                                                    Heilbronn blüht auf : Die Bundesgartenschau startet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Einheit. Stärke. Zukunft.

                                                    Das einstige Fruchtschuppen-Areal zwischen Alt-Neckar und Neckarkanal hat sich in ein blühendes Garten- und Stadtquartier verwandelt.
                                                                                                                                                           Foto : BUGA Heilbronn 2019 GmbH                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1894
                                                    Gartenkunst, Erlebnisfläche und urbane Architektur –
                                                    die Bundesgartenschau in Heilbronn überrascht ab
                                                                                                                                                             In dieser Ausgabe
                                                    dem 19. April mit einem bunten Strauß an Ideen. Das
                                                    einstige Fruchtschuppen-Areal zwischen Alt-Neckar
                                                    und Neckarkanal hat sich seit dem ersten Spatenstich                                                B Seite 6 und 7
                                                    2013 von Grund auf verändert. Wo sich bis vor weni-                                                   Jahresbilanz 2018 der Sparkassen
                                                    gen Jahren noch Brachland erstreckte, ist nun ein 40
                                                                                                                                                        B Seite 14 und 15
                                                    Hektar großes, blühendes Garten- und Stadtquartier
                                                                                                                                                          Positive Resonanz :
                                                    entstanden. Hunderte von Bäumen wurden gepflanzt,
                                                                                                                                                          Liederbuch der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe
                                                    zwei Seen angelegt, ein großer Wall aufgeschüttet und
                                                    ein ganzes Stadtviertel mit 22 Gebäuden errichtet.                                                  B Seite 23
                                                                                                                                                          Aufruf zur Europawahl
                                                    „Mit der Bundesgartenschau wird eines der bedeut-
                                                    samsten Zukunftsprojekte der letzten Jahrzehnte im                                                  B Seiten 32 – 34
                                                    Raum Heilbronn Wirklichkeit,“ betont der Vorsitzende                                                  Neue Köpfe und Aufgaben

                                    19_0176_SparkassenTicker_1_2019.indd 1                                                                                                                                       21.03.19 13:56

                                                     Zielvereinbarung                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Die neue
                                                     zu barrierefreien Dienstleistungen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sparkassenakademie
                                                     zwischen dem Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg und den
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in Stuttgart
                                                     Organisationen und Selbsthilfegruppen behinderter Menschen
                                                     in Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Die neue Sparkassenakademie in Stuttgart

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wir freuen uns auf Sie.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    53 Sparkassen
                                                                                                                                                                                •                                                                                                                                                   Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                                                                                                        L A G HILFE. V .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LBS Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                                                                                                            LBW üST                                                                                                                                                 SV SparkassenVersicherung
                                                                                                                                                                        SE       r tt e m
                                                                                                                                                                        Baden-                                                                                                                                                      DekaBank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Deutsche Leasing

                                                                                                                                                                                    Landesverband für
                                                                                                                                                                                    Menschen mit Körper-
                                                                                                                                                                                    und Mehrfachbehinderung                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                    Baden-Württemberg e.V.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13_1577_Doku_Neubau_Umschlag.indd 1-4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              04.03.14 10:58

                                                                                                                                               Sparkassen-Kompass                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2020
                                                                                                                                               Baden-Württemberg                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vorgestellt:
                                                                                            Sparkassen-Kompass Baden-Württemberg 2020 / 2021

                                                                                                                                               2020 / 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Die Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe
   51 Sparkassen
   Landesbank Baden-Württemberg                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Baden-Württemberg
   LBS Südwest
   SV SparkassenVersicherung
   Deutsche Leasing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Starker Finanzpartner :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kredite in Höhe von
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           139 Milliarden Euro / svbwdeu                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Gut für Baden-Württemberg :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           50.000 Arbeitsplätze
20_0024_Kompass_2020_Umschlag.indd 1-3                                                                                                                                                                        24.04.20 08:37                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               und 3.000 Auszubildende

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Finanzdienstleistung vor Ort :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2.000 Filialen in

Publisher:                                 For the Savings Banks Finance Group of
                                           Baden-Wuerttemberg, sustainability is an
Sparkassenverband Baden-Wuerttemberg
                                           important benchmark for its actions.
Am Hauptbahnhof 2                          We therefore pay attention to the use of
70173 Stuttgart                            environmentally friendly resources and
                                           materials. The presentation brochure is
                                           printed on RecyStar® Polar – a paper made
                                           from 100% recycled fibres and that is FSC®
Editors:                                   certified.
Stephan Schorn
                                           FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a
Angelika Brunke and Andrea Midasch         non-profit organisation that promotes the
Phone +49 (0) 711 127-77390                ecological and socially responsible use
Fax +49 (0) 711 127-74561                  of the world’s forests.

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Sven F. Zschörper
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Design and production:
Systemedia GmbH
75449 Wurmberg

© Juli 2020

Order form
Please send me:                            Please send to the following address:
   the Annual Report 2019
   the Sparkassen-Kompass 2020 / 2021
   the target agreement on                 Name, first name

   barrier-free services
   the anniversary book
                                           Street and house number
   the book about the Sparkassenakademie
   the position paper
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