Investment Fund Range - from Friends First Times change, Friends don't. Investments with Friends First, stand the test of time.

Page created by Stephen Jennings
Investment Fund Range - from Friends First Times change, Friends don't. Investments with Friends First, stand the test of time.
Times change, Friends don’t.        Pensions
Investments with Friends First,    Protection
stand the test of time.

Investment Fund Range
from Friends First

About Friends First

Friends First is one of Ireland’s oldest and most          Friends First Life Assurance Company manages total assets of
established Life Assurance companies, meeting the          €4.4bn, generated Total Premiums of €458m in 2014 and
financial needs of our customers since 1834. We have       is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
over 276,000 customers and employ over 300 people
in Ireland. Friends First is fully owned by the Dutch      At Friends First, we are focused on providing leading
Insurance Group, Achmea, one of Europe’s leading           protection, retirement and investment solutions which are
insurance players.                                         tailored to your individual needs and will provide you with
                                                           the required benefits when they are needed most. We want
                                                           to assist you in meeting your goals through your lifetime, but
                                                           acknowledge that your needs and circumstances will change.
                                                           So where possible our products are flexible offering a range of
                                                           options and alternatives which you can choose during the term
                                                           of your plan.

About Achmea

Achmea was founded in the Netherlands in 1811              Achmea employs 14,600 people in its Dutch business and
as a mutual insurance company with strong co-operative     2,000 across its international operations. It insures over 8
roots. Its main shareholders are the Achmea Association,   million people in The Netherlands, one of the top 10 largest
a representative body of its customers and Rabobank        insurance markets in the world.
also a mutual organisation which is one of Europe’s
leading banks. Achmea remains committed to the mutual      In the Dutch market, Achmea is the largest provider of non-life,
ownership model, being the largest mutual/cooperative      health and income protection insurance and is also a leading
company in Europe, with a strong focus on developing       provider of life and pensions.
products and services that meet its individual and
corporate customer’s needs. As a result, Achmea is not     Achmea manages total assets of €93.2bn in 2014, and
listed on any stock exchange.                              had total equity of €9.8bn in June 2014. It generated total
                                                           premiums of €20bn from its domestic and international
                                                           operations to that date. Achmea holds a financial strength and
                                                           long-term counterparty credit rating (Standard & Poors) of A-
                                                           and had solvency cover of 2.15 times the minimum margin at
                                                           Jun 2014.

                                                           In addition to the Netherlands, Achmea is also active in 5
                                                           other countries including Ireland, Turkey, Greece, Slovakia
                                                           and Australia.

                                                           Achmea’s aim is to consolidate its market leadership in the
                                                           Netherlands and to build an integrated, European Insurance
                                                           group by developing significant market positions in a number
                                                           of international markets where it is present. Achmea, resulting
                                                           from its ability to adapt to a changed market environment but
                                                           remain true to its mutual ethos, now aspires to become the
                                                           most trusted insurer in its home market and ultimately
                                                           in international markets where it is present through
                                                           operating companies.

Introduction                                                         The Basics of Investing

Investing is all about choice: choosing the investments that are
right for you as well as when, and when not, to invest. In making
the right choice for yourself, you should consider as many
different options as possible. However, unless you are clear         Everyone’s level of investment experience is different and this
about what type of investment you are looking for, the more          is why getting expert advice from an experienced independent
options you consider the more confusing it can become.               financial advisor is so important. However, you do not need to
                                                                     be a financial expert to grasp the main principles of investing.
This is why at Friends First we give you access to a wide range      Even a basic understanding of what is involved will help you
of almost 50 quality funds. These funds cover all the major asset    appreciate the effect of whatever decisions you might make.
classes and are managed by some of the world’s leading asset
managers. Each fund is also carefully packaged to make it easy       There are three basic building blocks to understanding the
for you to understand what it has been designed to do.               principles of investing:
                                                                     •        Risk and return trade-off
We believe that this broad range of investment options will meet
                                                                     •        Diversification
your needs and give you the breadth of choice you are looking
for. However, no matter how broad your choices are, we also          •        Understanding your own appetite for risk
believe that when it comes to investing there is no substitute for
expert advice from an independent financial advisor. It is their
insight and experience that will prove invaluable to you as you
make you way along your pensions and investment journey.             Understanding Risk and Return
                                                                     Different investments offer the potential for different returns. If
 Developed Market                        Commercial                  two investments appear to offer identical risk then investors will
 Equities                                Property                    prefer to buy the higher returning one. In the following example,
                                                                     Investment A is the obvious choice as it offers a higher return
                                                                     than Investment B for what appears to be a similar level of risk.
 Emerging Market                         Commodities
 Equities                                                            Here Investment A is the obvious choice:
 Government Bonds                        Strategies                                                                               A

 Corporate Bonds                         Cash

                                                                     However, different investments usually also have different levels
                                                                     of risk attached to them. When risk is added to the equation,
                                                                     many of us might opt for Investment B because it would
                                                                     provide a smoother investment journey than Investment A.

                                                                     When you add risk to your considerations, the choice is not
                                                                     so obvious:



                                                                     Understanding the relationship between risk and reward is
                                                                     a key part of deciding what to invest your pension in. All
                                                                     investments carry some degree of risk but as a general rule of
                                                                     thumb: the higher the potential return, the higher the risk.
The Benefits of                                                     Understanding Your
Diversification                                                     Own Appetite for Risk

Diversification is all about spreading your risk: not putting all   It’s one thing saying that an investment carries a certain
your eggs in one basket.                                            degree of risk, but the real question is understanding how
                                                                    much risk you, as an investor, are prepared to take on.
Diversification is most easily understood if you look at it on
two levels.                                                         While there is no right or wrong answer to this, there are a few
                                                                    things you should take into account before deciding on the
Firstly, if you invest in company shares you should invest          investments you want to make:
in plenty of different companies instead of one or two. This
spreads the risk of one or two companies performing very
badly and your investment suffering. With more companies
your fund is not as significantly impacted.                         How long will you be investing for?
The second level of diversification is to ensure that you           If you don’t need to access your investment for a long time
are invested in a range of things which behave differently.         – if you are many years from retirement, for instance – you
Investing in lots of different shares is a good idea, but you       might be willing to accept a greater degree of investment
must also understand that most shares tend to go up or down         risk because you will have plenty of time to make good any
at the same time.                                                   short-term losses. As you get closer to the time when you
                                                                    need access to your investment, you would normally be well
So to get real diversification you should also ensure that you      advised to consolidate your fund and take on less risk.
are invested in different types of investments or different
asset classes. Government bonds, property, currencies and
alternative investments tend to behave differently to company
shares. When different asset classes are grouped together           How well do you understand
there is a greater chance that some part of the overall fund        investments?
is generating returns in all market conditions. This can help
smooth out the ups and downs of investing and therefore             The better you understand investments the better able you
reduce risk.                                                        will be to weigh up the merits of taking on more risk or not. If
                                                                    you are very comfortable with making investment decisions
                                                                    you can judge for yourself if a particular risk is right for you. If
                                                                    you are less sure of how investments work you might want to
                                                                    take on less risk.

                                                                    What is your personal attitude to risk?
                                                                    This is probably the most important factor. Regardless of
                                                                    how long you are investing for, or how experienced you are,
                                                                    some investors are very comfortable with risk and don’t mind
                                                                    seeing their funds rise and fall sharply. Others are much
                                                                    less comfortable with risk. You should always take your own
                                                                    comfort level into account when making any decision and you
                                                                    should never take on so much risk that you lose sleep over it.


In order to achieve proper investment diversification you should ensure that your fund is exposed to a number of investments
which behave differently to each other. Investments which tend to have similar characteristics are generally grouped into
individual asset classes, as follows:

         Equities                                                            Commodities

Equity funds invest in company shares. These produce returns        Manufacturers and consumers across the globe require
in two ways: through the dividends which most companies             everyday commodities like wheat, corn, oil, copper, gold and
pay to shareholders; and through the capital growth in the          so on to conduct their business. The price of each of these
share value - when the markets think the value of a company         commodities will rise and fall due to supply and demand
has risen and places a higher value on its shares.                  conditions. Investors look to make money by speculating on
                                                                    the direction they think a commodity’s price will move in.
Equities are an important component in a portfolio as they
have traditionally produced good long term growth. However,         Investments in commodities tend to fluctuate in value. They
in the short term, the value of shares can rise and fall quite      have a similar risk return profile to equity investments but
dramatically which is why higher risk portfolios will have a        behave in a different way. That is, in the past, they have had
bigger weighting of equities.                                       their periods of good and bad performance at different times
                                                                    than equities. Because of this, mixing some commodity
                                                                    investments into a portfolio made up of a lot of equities can
                                                                    help reduce the overall risk.

         Fixed Interest Bonds

Bonds are loans to Government or large corporates. Investors                 Cash
in these bonds are entitled to a fixed income (called a
‘coupon’) up to a maturity date. They also get their original
capital back at maturity (assuming the issuer’s ability to pay).    Cash funds are generally used to keep liquidity in a portfolio,
Bonds can also be bought and sold before they reach their           or as a temporary position whilst timing a re-entry into the
maturity date.                                                      markets. Cash can also be held as an investment in its own
                                                                    right if it is paying an attractive rate of interest. When looking
The value of a bond on the open market will change                  at investing in cash or deposits, it is important to consider
depending on how attractive its coupon is against the               the financial strength, or credit rating, of the institution
coupons available on new bonds. Fixed interest funds will           involved. A major risk with cash and deposits is that the
generally trade bonds in the financial markets depending on         deposit taker’s business fails and it is impossible to recover
how attractive their coupon is, rather than simply hold them to     the cash invested.
maturity. Bond funds are likely to show lower growth potential
than equity funds but are considerably less volatile. They are
generally used to reduce the overall risk in a portfolio.

         Commercial Property

Commercial Property funds pool different investors’ money
together to make it easier to buy properties. The funds’
returns are generated from the rent the fund receives and any
growth in the capital values of the properties held.

However, property is a very illiquid investment. This means
that it can be difficult to release capital because it takes time
to sell a property asset at an acceptable price. In exceptional
circumstances, in order to protect the fund, most property
funds will reserve the right to delay access to capital.
Funds and Investment Styles

Different funds are designed to do different things. Some offer exposure to just one particular asset class while others spread
their investments across different asset classes. Meanwhile, some funds are designed to mirror market performance while others
try to out-perform the market. Some funds are high risk, while others are not. This is why it’s so important that you understand
what each fund is attempting to do and what its goals are before you invest in it.

Active Fund Management
This is where a fund manager tries to use his or her skill to beat a given benchmark. To gauge how the manager is performing, it is
important to understand their benchmark.

For example, an equity fund’s benchmark might be to out-perform the MSCI World Equity Index*. If the fund loses 7% over a given
period, but the MSCI World Equity Index lost 10% over the same period, the fund manager would have been considered to have
done a good job.

Passive (Index) Fund Management

This is where a fund tries to simply match a benchmark. The objective with these funds is to give pure market exposure and to do
no better or worse than their benchmark.

For example, a passive equity fund’s benchmark might be the MSCI World Equity Index. If the MSCI World Equity Index grew 6%
over a given period, you would expect the passive fund to have also grown by approximately 6%.

Absolute Return Strategies

This is where a fund manager tries to use his or her skill to generate a positive absolute return over given investment cycles,
regardless of how the markets are performing. They are sometimes referred to as Target Return Strategies. It is important to
appreciate that although the fund is trying to produce a positive return, it may not be able to do so.

Absolute return strategies also have a benchmark, but it might be to produce a cash-like return + 3%. Generally they will try to
achieve this over 3 to 5 years.

As the fund manager is looking to achieve positive returns, even in falling markets, Absolute Return Strategies tend to use quite
complex and sophisticated investment techniques.

Managed Funds

Although all funds are ‘managed’, the term ‘managed fund’ usually refers to multi-asset funds where the manager determines the
asset mix, as opposed to funds which invest in a single asset only. A typical managed pension fund would be such a multi-asset
fund. However, although the manager has discretion on what the fund can invest in, it would be usual for there to be set minimum
and maximum limits on the amount of each asset class held.

Portfolio Funds

These are funds which are made up of a ‘portfolio’ of different underlying funds run by different fund managers. They are generally
mixed asset and multi-manager. That is they will spread their investments across different asset classes, depending on their
objectives, but are not limited to just the one fund manager. They will invest with fund managers they consider are most appropriate
for each asset class.
*This is a market capitalization weighted index designed to provide a broad measure of equity-market performance throughout the world. The
MSCI ACWI is maintained by Morgan Stanley Capital International, and is comprised of stocks from both developed and emerging markets.

How we describe our funds

To help you assess which fund or funds are best suited to helping you meet your investment goals, the following summary shows
the key features of each fund :

Fund Manager                                  Stocks & Holdings                                 Stock Diversification
This is the institution which actually        This column indicates the level of                Some funds may concentrate their
manages the assets in the fund.               variety within each fund. It can vary             investments in a small number of
Where more than one fund manager              depending on the asset class and                  stocks which they strongly believe in.
manages the underlying assets the             type of fund. For equity funds, it                Others may take a more diversified
fund is known as a Multi-Manager              would be the number of stocks, for                approach.
Fund.                                         property, the number of properties
                                              held in the fund and so forth.

                                    Fund Manager       Stocks &    Regions    Diversification      Overall Risk Rating   Fund Management
     Regional Equity Funds                             Holdings    Covered*                                                   Charge

 European Equity                                           4            2                                       6             0.75%

Regional Exposure                            Overall Risk rating                                Fund Management
Funds can invest across the globe or         We give each fund a risk rating from               Charge
just focus on one particular region.         1 to 7 (1 being the lowest risk, 7                 This is the basic annual management
Investing in different regions can give      being the highest).                                charge which is inherent in the fund.
greater diversification, but investing                                                          Additional policy charges may,
outside the Eurozone means taking            These risk ratings are based on                    however, also apply.
on additional currency risks.                guidelines from the European
                                             Securities and Markets Authority
Broadly speaking, when it comes to           (ESMA) for calculating and
regional diversification we look at 8        communicating a risk rating. They
markets:                                     are based on the volatility of a funds
                                             return over a five- year period.
Developed :
Europe Euro area, Europe Non-Euro            Volatility is a measure of how much a
area, North America, Japan, Asia             funds value goes up or down over a
Pacific (ex Japan)                           given period. The volatility of a fund,
                                             and therefore the risk rating given to
Emerging :                                   that fund, can change over time.
Eastern Europe, Latin America,
Emerging Asia,

Portfolio Funds from Friends First

When it comes to building up your pension or investment portfolio, you and your advisor have a choice of strategies. You can
either hand-pick your investments and tailor them to your exact risk appetite and growth needs, or you can choose one of the
ready-made portfolios provided by Friends First.

Each Friends First portfolio fund is designed with a particular type of investor in mind. They all try to maximise returns but each is
given set parameters as to how risky they can be. This makes it easier for you, and your adviser, to select the right investment to
meet your goals.

The portfolio funds are multi-asset, in that they will invest across different asset classes; and multi-manager, in that each is not
restricted to using a single fund manager for all asset types and investment styles.

We continually assess the markets, regularly re-balancing each portfolio to ensure it continues to meet its objectives as markets
change.We have two ranges of portfolio funds, the Magnet Range and the Compass Range.

The portfolios in the Magnet Range will predominately use
                                                                                   Magnet Range
                                                                                   Magnet Range                Overall Risk Rating
active fund managers who are attempting to outperform
the market, and sophisticated absolute return strategies, to                   Magnet Cautious                       3
maximise returns within their given risk range.
                                                                               Magnet Stable                             4

                                                                               Magnet Portfolio                              5

                                                                               Magnet Adventurous                                6

The portfolios in the Compass Range will predominately use
                                                                                    The Compass Range          Overall Risk Rating
passive fund managers, who are attempting to provide, broad,
cost effective exposure to various markets, to maximise
                                                                               Compass Cautious                      3
returns within their given risk range.
                                                                               Compass Stable                            4

                                                                               Compass Portfolio                             5

                                                                               Compass Adventurous                               6

     FF SDIO Product branding

SDIOo Self-Directed Investment Option
Self Directed Investment Option

Our Self-Directed Investment Option is available to pension and Approved Retirement Fund customers who want to take more
direct control of their funds and how their money is invested.
     Web / Print

This is a service we offer in conjunction with Dolmen Stockbrokers, a Cantar Fitzgerald Company. It allows you to tell us what you
want your pension invested in (subject to some rules). Through the Self-Directed Investment Option you can tell us to invest in:
                                                  Our SDIO could be the extra spice your
                                                  customer's pension needs.
•           Individual shares, Government                      or corporate bonds,
                                Friends First Life Assurance Company Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.   Learn More

•           Listed investment funds,
•           Exchange Traded Funds & Commodities
•           Deposit accounts with certain approved institutions
•    SDIO Tracker bonds                   or other structured products from certain approved providers
     FF SDIO Product branding

The Self-Directed
            + Investment Option gives you a lot of investment freedom. However, when considering it as an option you should
Alpha           Magnet
bear in mind that          Rangefor the performance of the investments ultimately rests with you. It is for this reason that the
                  the responsibility
Self-Directed Investment Option is best suited to more experienced investors.
Beta Magnet Range
                                                                                                           FF SDIO Product branding

                                                                                                Self Directed Investment Option

                                                                                                           Web / Print

              Stockbroker                                                                                 Deposits                       Structured Products
                                                                                                                                         Our SDIO could be the extra
                                                                                                                                         customer's pension needs.
                                                                                                                                          Friends First Life Assurance Company Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

                                                                                                            FF SDIO Product branding

    Please note that Friends First carry out no due diligence on investments held through the Self-Directed Investment other than
    that they meet revenue requirements for assets held in approved pension schemes, AMRF’s and ARF’s. It is up to the client

                                                                                                 Alpha+ Magnet Range
    and financial advisor to determine that any investment held meets the need of the client.

                                                                                                 Beta Magnet Range

Our Fund Range
This is an overview of our Fund Range. For full details please see the individual Fund Factsheets and brochures. These are
available from your Financial Advisor or on our Investment Centre on

 Passive Fund Management
The objective of these funds is to give returns that are broadly consistent with the markets they are invested in. Each has an
underlying index or benchmark it aims to track.

                                    Fund Manager          Asset       Regions   Diversification   Overall Risk Rating   Fund Management
     Managed Funds                                       Classes      Covered                                                Charge

 Consensus                                                  4             5                                     5            0.65%

                                    Fund Manager         Stocks       Regions   Diversification   Overall Risk Rating   Fund Management
     Global Equity Funds                                              Covered                                                Charge

 Indexed Global (Ex Euro) Equity                          1500+           4                                     5            0.65%

 Indexed 50/50 Equity                                     1500+           5                                     5            0.65%

 Indexed World Equity                                     1500+           5                                     5            0.65%

                                    Fund Manager          Stocks      Regions   Diversification   Overall Risk Rating   Fund Management
     Regional Equity Funds                                            Covered                                                Charge

 Indexed Eurozone Equity                                300 - 400         1                                         6        0.65%

 Indexed US Equity                                      500 - 750         1                                         6        0.65%

 Indexed UK Equity                                      100 - 150         1                                         6        0.65%

 Indexed Emerging Markets                               750 - 1,000       3                                         6        0.85%

                                    Fund Manager         Holdings     Regions   Diversification   Overall Risk Rating   Fund Management
     Fixed Interest Funds                                             Covered                                                Charge
                                                          1200 -
 Indexed Eurozone Corporate                                1500
                                                                          1                             3                    0.65%

 Indexed Eurozone Long Bond                               25 - 50         1                                 4                0.65%

 Indexed Eurozone Government                            200 - 300         1                             3                    0.65%

     Commodities                   Fund Manager       Commodities     Regions   Diversification   Overall Risk Rating   Fund Management
                                                                      Covered                                                Charge

 Physical Gold                                              1             1                                         6        0.85%

Active Fund Management
The objective of these funds is to give returns that out-perform the markets they are invested in. Each fund has an underlying
index or benchmark which it aims to out-perform.

                                              Fund Manager                 Asset       Regions       Diversification      Overall Risk Rating           Fund Management
       Managed Funds                                                      Classes      Covered                                                               Charge

 Managed                                                                      4              5                                              5                0.75%

 New Ireland Managed                                                          4              5                                              5                1.00%

                                              Fund Manager                Stocks        Regions      Diversification      Overall Risk Rating           Fund Management
       Global Equity Funds                                                              Covered                                                              Charge

 International Equity                                                     300 - 400          5                                              5                0.75%

 KBI Global High Yield Equity                                             175 - 250          8                                              5                0.85%

                                              Fund Manager                Stocks       Regions       Diversification      Overall Risk Rating           Fund Management
       Regional Equity Funds                                                           Covered                                                               Charge

 Eurozone Equity                                                           50 - 75            2                                                 6            0.75%

 KBI Eurozone High Yield Equity                                           50 - 100            1                                                 6            0.85%

 Irish Equity                                                              20 - 30            1                                                 6            0.75%

 Explorer - Emerging Markets                                               40 - 50            3                                                 6            1.15%

 KBI Emerging Markets High Yield                                          120 - 150           3                                                 6            0.85%

                                              Fund Manager                Holdings     Regions       Diversification      Overall Risk Rating           Fund Management
       Fixed Interest Funds                                                            Covered                                                               Charge

 Fixed Interest                                                            25 - 60            2                                         4                    0.75%

 European Long Bond                                                        25 - 50            2                                         4                    0.75%

 European Corporate Bond                                                 250 - 300            2                                     3                        0.75%

 Index Linked                                                              15 - 25            1                                         4                    0.75%

                                              Fund Manager                         Regions
                                                                       Commodities Covered           Diversification      Overall Risk Rating           Fund Management
       Commodities                                                                                                                                           Charge

 Optimum Yield                                                               14               1                                             5                1.00%

                                              Fund Manager              Properties     Regions       Diversification      Overall Risk Rating           Fund Management
       Property*                                                                       Covered                                                               Charge

 Irish Commercial Property                                                   19               1                                             5       *        0.75%

 UK Select                                                                    5               1                                             5       *        0.75%

                                              Fund Manager              Institutions    Regions      Diversification      Overall Risk Rating           Fund Management
       Cash                                                                             Covered                                                              Charge

 Cash                                                                      3 - 15             1                             1                                0.75%

 Deposit                                                                    2-3               1                                 2                            0.65%

* Under ESMA guidelines the 5 year annualised volatility of these funds merits a risk of 4 out of 7.
  Property has distinct liquidity risks which Friends First wish to draw to your attention and therefore have allocated a higher risk rating than normal to this asset.

Specialist Funds
    The objective of these funds is not just to give returns which are broadly consistent or better than the markets in which they are
    invested. Each fund also has additional criteria which it attempts to meet.

                                            Fund Manager            Stocks     Regions     Diversification   Overall Risk Rating         Fund Management
          Specialist Equity Funds                                              Covered                                                        Charge

     Stewardship (Ethical)                                         60 - 100        5                                           5             1.125%

     This is an international equity fund which aims to achieve growth through investing only in companies which meet certain ethical criteria.

     Protected Equity +                                            300 - 400       5                                       4                  1.35%

     Calm Euro Equity                                                 50           1                                       4                  1.00%

     These funds seeks to protect investors against significant downward movements in equity markets by moving its investments between cash
     and equities depending on market conditions.

          Absolute Return                                          Stocks/   Regions                                                     Fund Management
          Strategies                        Fund Manager          Currencies Covered       Diversification   Overall Risk Rating              Charge
                                                                  & Holdings

     Insight Currency                                                  7           4                                           5              2.00%

     Market Neutral Equity                                          25 - 50        2                             2                            1.35%

     Multi Strategy Global Bond                                     30 - 50        8                                 3                        0.95%

     Additional Objectives: all of the above Absolute Return Strategies are attempting to deliver positive returns over the medium return regardless
     as to underlying market conditions. Each does so in very specific ways and with varying degrees of risk. You should refer to the Fund Fact
     Sheet for details on the specific strategies employed by each.

          Self-Directed                     Fund Manager            Stocks &           Regions       Diversification         Overall     Fund Management
          Investment Option                                         Holdings           Covered                             Risk Rating        Charge

     Advisory Trading Account                                       This option is only available to pension and ARF customers                1.00%
                                                                    and allows the policyholder select specific investments for
     Execution Only Account                                                                 their fund.                                       0.75%

     Portfolio Funds
    The objective of these funds is to use the full breadth of the Friends First fund range to build portfolios designed to maximise
    returns within given risk paramaters.

          The Magnet Range                  Fund Manager            Asset      Regions     Diversification   Overall Risk Rating         Fund Management
                                                                   Classes     Covered                                                        Charge

     Magnet Cautious                                                   6           5                                   3                      0.95%

     Magnet Stable                                                     6           5                                       4                  0.95%
                                        Multi Manager Funds
     Magnet Portfolio                                                  6           8                                           5              0.95%

     Magnet Adventurous                                                5           8                                               6          0.95%

     These portfolios will predominately use actively managed underlying funds.
                                            Fund Manager            Asset      Regions     Diversification   Overall Risk Rating         Fund Management
           The Compass Range                                       Classes     Covered                                                        Charge

     Compass Cautious                                                  6           5                                   3                      0.75%

     Compass Stable                                                    6           5                                       4                  0.75%
                                        Multi Manager Funds
     Compass Portfolio                                                 6           8                                           5              0.75%

     Compass Adventurous                                               5           8                                               6          0.75%

     These portfolios will predominately use indexed underlying funds.

Our Investment Partners

BMO Global Asset Management (formerly                Kleinwort Benson Investors Dublin Ltd.         Alder Capital was founded by Mark Caslin
F&C Investments in Europe) and is the asset          (formerly KBC Asset Management) is             and Brian McCarthy in May 2000 and
management arm of Bank of Montreal (BMO),            renowned for successfully developing and       specialises in systematic currency fund
one of Canada’s largest banks.                       managing a diversified range of unique         management.
                                                     investment products for both Irish and
Today we have over £166 billion in assets*,          international clients. They are particularly   The firm is based in Merrion Square in
and more than 1,500 employees worldwide.             known for innovation in investment product     Dublin and manages assets for a range of
Our clients have access to the experience and        design, development and delivery. Assets       institutional clients, including international
local knowledge of teams in our investment           under management for Kleinwort Benson          banks, pension funds, life assurance
centres in London, Chicago, Toronto and Hong         Investors currently stand at over €6.7bn       companies and asset management
Kong. Our offering includes F&C funds and            (31/03/2014), most of which is equity based.   companies located in the United States,
investment solutions, and our suite of defined                                                      United Kingdom, Continental Europe,
specialist investment boutiques located around       An established institutional asset             Canada, Australia and Ireland.
the world.                                           management firm, Kleinwort Benson
                                                     Investors is based in Dublin with a            Alder Capital is the manager of Friends
Our expertise extends across the full range          marketing and servicing office in New York.    First’s Insight Currency Fund.
of asset classes including equities, bonds,          The company has a global client base with
liability-driven investment, multi-asset, ethical    clients located in Ireland, US, Canada, UK,    For almost a decade, using the Insight
investing, absolute return, credit strategies,       Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The company          Currency Fund, authorised advisers have
property and alternatives.                           is part of the RHJI Group and is a sister      been able to provide their clients with a
                                                     company of Kleinwort Benson Bank, the          return stream that has historically tended
                                                     well known UK financial services institution   to have its periods of positive and negative
                                                     with roots dating back to the 1850s. RHJI      performance at different times to other
                                                     is publicly listed on the Brussels Euronext    major asset classes like equities and bonds.
                                                     stock exchange and has offices in Tokyo,       In so doing, authorised advisers have been
                                                     Brussels, Zurich, London and New York.         able to offer their clients the potential to
                                                                                                    reduce the risk of their portfolios.
For nearly four decades, State Street Global
Advisors has been committed to helping our
clients, and those who rely on them, achieve
financial security. We partner with many of the
world’s largest, most sophisticated investors
and financial intermediaries to help them reach
their goals through a rigorous, research-driven
investment process spanning both indexing
                                                     Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management             Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland was formed
and active disciplines. With trillions* in assets,
                                                     (Deutsche AWM) is part of the Deutsche         through the acquisition of Dolmen
our scale and global reach offer clients
                                                     Bank Group, one of the world’s leading         Stockbrokers in 2012, by leading global
unrivaled access to markets, geographies
                                                     financial services companies.                  financial services firm Cantor Fitzgerald.
and asset classes, and allow us to deliver
                                                                                                    With a proud history of stockbroking and
thoughtful insights and innovative solutions.
                                                     Founded in Berlin in 1870 to support           servicing both private and advisory clients
                                                     the internationalization of business and       since 1995, Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland
State Street Global Advisors is the investment
                                                     to promote and facilitate trade relations      provides a full suite of investment services,
management arm of State Street Corporation.
                                                     between Germany, other European                primarily in Share Dealing, Pensions and
*Assets under management were €2.27 trillion as      countries, and overseas markets, Deutsche      Investment Management, Debt Capital
of March 31, 2015. Please note that AUM totals are   Bank has developed into a leading global       Markets, Investment Banking and Research
unaudited.                                                                                          and is recognised as a primary dealer in
                                                     provider of financial services. It now
                                                     employs over 100,000 staff in more than        government bonds. Clients include private
                                                     70 countries worldwide.                        individuals and corporate entities, financial
                                                                                                    institutions, investment funds, credit unions
                                                     Deutsche Bank is present in Ireland since      and charities.
                                                     1991 and employs over 310 people across
                                                     two offices in Dublin.                         Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland provides their
                                                                                                    clients with a global perspective that is
                                                                                                    unique to the Irish market, leveraging a
Insight Investment is a specialist asset manager                                                    global vibrant network of expert analysts
at the forefront of designing investment                                                            and investment professionals. Their
solutions to meet our clients’ needs.                                                               emphasis is on a highly professional service
                                                                                                    that is tailored to meet specific financial
Launched in 2002, Insight is a leading asset                                                        goals.
manager, across fixed income, liability driven
investment, cash management, multi-asset,                                                           The company operates from local offices in
absolute return and specialist equity strategies.                                                   Dublin, Cork and Limerick, partnering with
                                                                                                    specialist staff in an entrepreneurial culture.
Insight is part of BNY Mellon Asset
Management and a wholly owned subsidiary
of the The Bank of New York Mellon
Corporation - one of the world’s major
financial services groups.
Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
 Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
 Warning: Funds may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
 Warning : If you invest in this product you may lose some or all of the money you invest.

 1. P
     erformance Fees: The growth of the Insight Currency fund will be subject to a 20% monthly performance
    fee which only applies when the growth rate exceeds 7% p.a. The Market Neutral Equity fund will be subject
    to a performance fee of 10% of any growth achieved above cash returns (specifically 3-month EURIBID).
 2. T
     he price protection on the Protected Equity+ Fund, Series 3 is provided by Deutsche Bank AG.
 3. M
     oney invested in the Deposit fund is placed with one or more Banks. The payment of interest and security
    of capital is provided by the Bank(s). The Bank(s) and not Friends First are providing the security on the
    Deposit fund. Please refer to the Fund Factsheet.
 4. T
     he property fund managers reserve the right to place a withdrawal limit or/and to defer encashment for up
    to six months or such time as is necessary to facilitate the sale of assets if required.

 The risk rating provided in this document represents Friends First’s view. Your personal risk profile
 or outlook may differ from this view. Please talk to your Broker or Financial Adviser for assistance in
 choosing the most appropriate approach for your needs.
 This document provides a brief overview of the Friends First range of funds. Please refer to the
 relevant product brochure for specific information in relation to product terms and conditions.

                                                                                       Friends First Life Assurance Company Ltd
                                                                                                              Friends First House
                                                                                                       Cherrywood Business Park
                                                                                                                        Dublin 18

Friends First Life Assurance Company Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.                               BR111, Jul. ‘15
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