Page created by Clyde Gregory

                             CE LEB R ATI NG
                             40 YE A R S
                                  OF A LUMNI
                                  I MPA C T 1978

04   Message from            08   Christopher Kelly              24   Pasan Muthumala
     our President and            Alumnus Class of 1969               Alumnus Class of
     Vice-Chancellor                                                  2005 and 2007
     Professor               10   Wayne Eason
     Jane den Hollander AO        Alumnus Class of 1978          26   Jyoti Shekar
                                                                      Alumna Class of 2008
06   Stay                    12   Tony Arnel
     Connected                    Alumnus Class of 1979
                                                                 28   Lauren Hewitt
                                                                      Alumna Class of 2010
                             14   John Stanhope AM
                                  Alumnus Class of 1982
                                                                 30   Naqib Azha
                             16   Sharn Bedi                          Alumnus Class of 2013
                                  Alumna Class of 1995
                                                                 32   Bennett Merriman
                             18   Renuke Coswatte
                                                                      Alumnus Class of 2009
                                  Alumnus Class of 2003

                             20   Sadie-Jane Nunis                    Shannan Gove
                                  Alumna Class of 2003                Alumnus Class of 2014

                             22   Lawrence Lau                   34   Melanie Orvis
                                  Alumnus Class of 2004               Alumna Class of 2016

                                  Deakin University                   Information in this publication
                                  CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B        was correct at time of printing.

                O UR
                FUTU R E

36   Prison                                          60   Robots to                                78   Giving
     break                                                the rescue                                    to Deakin
     Professor Joe Graffam                                Doctor Mick Fielding

42   Saving the                                      66   Sensing                                  79   Deakin
     Baw Baw frog                                         motion                                        Advancement
     Professor Don Driscoll and                           Associate Professor
     PhD student Thomas Burns                             Pubudu Pathirana

48   The magic                                       72   The dark
     of realism                                           side of emoji
     Associate Professor                                  Doctor Elizabeth Kirley
     Maria Takolander                                     and Associate Professor
                                                          Marilyn McMahon

54   Recalibrating
     Professor Fethi Mansouri

     Creative direction and design:   Writing:            Photography:
     Studio Binocular                 Betty Vassiliadis   Craig Newell unless otherwise credited

Welcome to dKin 2018.
This will be my last time              and a sustainable car industry,         and the neoteric. Sustainability and
writing for dKin Magazine,             together with stories on ecotourism,    diversity continue, with an article on
                                       the problems of plastic waste and       multiculturalism from our UNESCO
so perhaps you’ll forgive a            the Millennium Development Goals.       Chair Alfred Deakin Professor Fethi
little introspection. The past         Internationalisation and India were     Mansouri, and one from Professor
eight years have been a time           a focus, with articles on Deakin’s      Don Driscoll and Thomas Burns
of great change for Deakin             engagement in India, the value          on the threat to the Baw Baw frog
and in the world, and it’s             of international study and the          and importance of maintaining
                                       importance of teaching Asian            our biodiversity. There is an article
fascinating to reflect on
                                       languages. There were also articles     on emoji by Dr Elizabeth Kirley
what has been achieved.                on inclusion, diversity and the         and Associate Professor Marilyn
Our alumni magazine gives us a         importance of our cultural heritage,    McMahon (we knew about emoji
snapshot of the issues that interest   all issues that continue to be          in 2010 but only just), and one
us at a moment in time, and I found    important to us today. There was        on robotics and Deakin’s Ozbots
it interesting to look back at the     even an article on mobile phone         by Michael Fields. An article
contents of Deakin University          banking – quite remarkable when         by Associate Professor Pubudu
Magazine 2010, the year I arrived      you think the first generation iPhone   Pathirana on a wireless motion
at Deakin as its Vice-Chancellor.      only became available in 2007.          capture device the size of a
                                                                               matchbox is a reminder of how far
Sustainability was a major interest    A look at what’s in store for the
                                                                               technologies have advanced. Our
in the 2010 Alumni Magazine.           2018 edition of dKin Magazine
                                                                               Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor
There were articles on biodiesel       is a fascinating mix of the familiar

               Message from our

              PRESIDENT AND
              VICE-CHANCELLOR                           Jane den Hollander AO

Joe Graffam has contributed an          the Geelong Future Economy               Deakin entered the prestigious
article on an innovative solution to    Precinct on our Waurn Ponds              Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic
breaking the cycle of disadvantage      Campus has led to the creation of        ranking of World Universities top 500
for Australia’s prison population.      almost 2000 jobs through industry        for the first time in 2014 and in 2018
                                        partnerships and co-location             it was ranked 211 in the world, and
These are important issues
                                        opportunities. We have made a            top 10 in Australia! Of course you,
for Australia, and a reminder
                                        significant contribution to assisting    our alumni are the most important
of how Deakin research is seeding
                                        the Geelong region’s transition to       evidence of Deakin’s success,
innovation and changing lives.
                                        advanced manufacturing and the           and this year Deakin celebrates
dKin Magazine is a very good
                                        knowledge economy. And in an             40 years of Deakin alumni.
read indeed. Last year’s magazine
                                        increasingly complex market, Deakin
competed against 52 universities                                                 I still have almost a year before
                                        has experienced strong growth in
globally to be awarded gold in the                                               I retire and I hope to meet some
                                        student numbers, now we have
CASE Circle of Excellence Awards                                                 of you at the variety of functions
                                        61,000 students (there were 39,600
for its design, photography and                                                  over this next period. Thank you
                                        in 2010). The best statistic? For all
content – I think this year’s will                                               for the significant role you continue
                                        eight years Deakin has ranked first
be even better.                                                                  to play in defining and shaping
                                        in Victoria for graduate satisfaction.
                                                                                 the university Deakin is today.
Reflecting back on my journey with
                                        Your University’s success is
Deakin over the last eight-and-a-bit-                                            Jane den Hollander AO
                                        reflected in its performance
years, there are some successes that                                             Vice-Chancellor
                                        in the international rankings.
deserve mention. In just five years,
                                                                                 Photography:       Location:
                                                                                 Scott McNaughton   Morgan’s walk, Melbourne
                                                                                                    Burwood Campus

           DE AKIN
          A LU M N I
                                  1 9 78

           C E L E B R AT I N G
          4 0 Y E A R S

20 1 8
         Keep in touch with the Alumni Community
         by updating your contact details online 
         Our Alumni Community offers you
         a variety of benefits, including events,
         webinars, discounts and communications.
         To find out more visit

Diploma of Commerce
(Gordon Institute of Technology)

Graduate Diploma of
Financial Management (UNE)

Master in Economics (UNE)
Class of 1969 –
Gordon Institute of Technology

Alumni of the Year Award 2012

In 2018 Deakin University celebrates   Can you tell us about the                 Why did you decide
the 40th anniversary of the first      early days at Deakin?                     to teach at Deakin?
graduation ceremony of students.       Deakin was very fortunate from its        When I first graduated I pursued
Christopher Kelly was at that first    outset to inherit many longstanding       a career in chartered accounting,
graduation ceremony and attended       academic programs from the                during that time I was approached
subsequent Deakin University           Gordon Institute of Technology            by a former head of department
graduations until his retirement in    and the State College of Victoria,        to undertake sessional teaching
2014. During his 40-year academic      Geelong. In 1990 and 1991,                at the Gordon Institute, that
career in the Faculty of Business      the academic programs of the              was in February 1970 and by May
and Law he taught innumerable          Warrnambool Institute of Advanced         that year I was teaching full-time!
commerce graduates, many of            Education and Victoria College            I subsequently undertook higher
whom have gone on to stellar           were also incorporated into               degree studies at the University
careers in accounting, finance,        the existing suite of programs.           of New England and upon my
banking and law. He has been           In relating the history of the            return from those studies I was
honoured with a teaching award         University it is worth recalling that     offered a teaching position at the
and was Alumnus of the Year in         in these early days these institutional   newly-minted Deakin University.
2012. We spoke to Christopher          mergers, while challenging,               So it was the case of being in the
about those early years at             contributed significantly to the          right place at the right time insofar
Deakin and his reflections             current success of the University.        as pursuing a teaching career.
from his decades-long career.

Is there anything you especially         What was a highlight
remember about that time?                of your career?
When I reflect on the myriad of          The Faculty has achieved
roles that I have undertaken at          accreditation with two international
Deakin, the role that I have enjoyed     bodies – the US Association to
the most, without a doubt, has been      Advance Collegiate Schools of
my teaching. Graduates continue          Business (AACSB) and the European
to approach me after all these           Foundation for Management
years with fond memories of our          Development (EFMD). Looking
teaching and learning associations.      back over my career, I could not
                                         have imagined that I would have
How would someone describe you?          had a lead role in what was a
Having taught for 40 years, I found      rigorous process to meet both
myself teaching the children of          the US and European quality
former students! That has happened       assurance standards of both
to me four times. I recall one student   these accreditation programs.
telling me his father spoke of me
as ‘firm but fair’, and I think that     Photography:   Location:
was an apt description.                  Craig Newell   Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus

Eason                                   Bachelor of Science
                                        (Information Technology)
                                        Class of 1978

Wayne Eason recently retired after      Why did you decide                         Can you tell us about your
a distinguished 42-year career in       to study at Deakin?                        time at Deakin?
IT. He has been part of the Deakin      I lived in Geelong and originally          After I graduated I got a job at
family since Deakin first opened        studied at the Gordon Institute of         BHP in Melbourne. When the
its doors, being among the first        Technology which later became              job at Deakin came up I had been
graduates and an employee for           Deakin University. I graduated with        commuting for three years and
over 37 years. He also added to         a Diploma of Information Processing        was ready to work closer to home.
the Deakin family with two sons         which was a very early IT qualification.   I distinctly remember that there
who are graduates. Here he talks        When Deakin was created Gordon             were eight people on the interview
about the enormous changes he           students were offered a conversion         panel! I managed to get the job
witnessed during his career at          course to a degree which required          and stayed at Deakin for 37 years.
Deakin and the many technology          two weeks on campus plus a 2000            My field transformed massively over
firsts attributed to Deakin IT.         word thesis. I took up this offer and      this time, I saw the introduction of
                                        in 1978 I graduated in Deakin’s first      PCs and project-managed the first
Did you always want to pursue the       graduation ceremony.                       payroll system for the University.
kind of career you embarked on?
                                        Is there anything you especially
Back in the early 70s the concept
                                        remember about that time?
of computers didn’t exist. It was my
love of maths that got me into IT. My   The first Deakin graduation ceremony
degree included units in electrical,    was held in a striped circus tent at the
mechanical and civil engineering        Waurn Ponds Campus. At the time
and the highest possible maths.         there were only three buildings on
The belief was that we would assist     campus and nothing big enough
engineers or bankers with their         to accommodate the numbers of
mathematical calculations.              graduands. For a new university there
                                        were a lot of graduands because
                                        of the transition courses that were
                                        offered to Gordon students.

What was a favourite aspect             What did you enjoy about               What are your passions
of your career?                         working for a university?              outside your work?
Deakin was always at the forefront      I enjoyed working in education.        When my children were growing up
of IT so I was always working on        I regularly attended graduations and   I was very involved with their schools
the latest technology. At certain       when I managed staff, I encouraged     and sporting endeavours. These
points we deployed some of the          them to attend graduations so that     days I enjoy my car. I belong to the
first equipment ever in the world.      they could see the result of our       Renault Car Club and I am working
In 1993, we were the first Victorian    work – young people receiving          on resurrecting the club magazine.
and possibly Australian university      their degrees and happy families.
to employ microwave technology                                                 How do you think Deakin has
between campuses. The microwaves        Have any other family members          changed since you studied there?
went across the bay from Geelong        attended Deakin University?            When I first started working at
to Burwood. In 2002 we were             Both of my sons have graduated         Deakin we had one campus, three
the first to use a Cisco multilayer     from Deakin. Ben graduated last        programmer analysts and the
director switch – basically a massive   year with a degree in sports science   University had 300 staff. These
hard-drive. We had serial number        and Sam graduated a few years          days the University is much bigger
one. Deakin has the lowest IP           ago with a Bachelor of Education.      but still has a welcoming feel.
address of any organisation in          Ben is currently an AFL trainer for
Australia because we were the           the Geelong footy club and Sam
first to apply for one. We were         was recently offered a permanent       Photography:   Location:
leading the pack as far as the          teaching role.                         Craig Newell   Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus
internet was concerned and
that continues to this day.
We were always a young, nimble
IT department ready for change.

                                                     Among the first students

                                                     to graduate from Deakin
                                                     University, Tony Arnel
                                                     has had a distinguished
                                                     career with the Victorian
                                                     State Government,
                                                     the City of Melbourne,
                   Bachelor of Architecture          and as the Victorian
                   Class of 1979                     Building Commissioner.

Tony Arnel has become an international leader in sustainable planning and design, was a founding Director and
Chair of the Green Building Council of Australia, Chair of the World Green Building Council, and is the current
President of the Energy Efficiency Council of Australia. He is an Industry Professor at Deakin’s Faculty of Science,
Engineering and Built Environment and is Chair of the School of Engineering advisory board. He is also Global
Director of Sustainability at Norman, Disney & Young, a world-wide engineering company. Here he talks about
his interest in sustainability, reviving the City of Melbourne and Deakin’s Geelong Waterfront Campus.

Why did you decide                         Can you tell us about your                  What are the challenges to
to study at Deakin?                        time at Deakin?                             creating a sustainable city?
Deakin University didn’t exist when I      I enjoyed four fantastic years at the       Melbourne has been a leader
started architecture in 1973. I enrolled   Waurn Ponds campus which was                in terms of sustainable urban
in the Bachelor of Architecture            entirely surrounded by farmland             planning and green buildings.
degree at the Gordon Institute of          filled with sheep and cows.                 There has been obvious success
Technology which became Deakin                                                         in transforming the top end of
University in my second year. The          What has been the highlight                 the new building market, but more
Gordon course was one of the oldest        of your career?                             needs to be done in the housing
architecture courses in Australia          My work with the City of Melbourne          section and existing building space.
and was very highly regarded               was a distinct highlight. Twenty            I’m a trustee of the Sustainable
by practitioners and the industry.         years ago Melbourne was a very              Melbourne Fund which provides
                                           different city. No one lived in the city    low-cost loans to building owners so
Is there anything you especially           centre, Docklands was a wasteland,          that they can retrofit their buildings
remember about that time?                  commercial buildings were vacant            to make them energy efficient.
I was awarded a state government           and retail shopping was a disaster.
cadetship in the second year of the        I worked with fellow directors of the       How do you think Deakin has
course. These cadetships paid tuition      City of Melbourne on important urban        changed since you studied there?
fees and a living allowance with the       policy and city planning initiatives        Some 40 years after I walked out the
requirement that you work for your         that helped shape Melbourne into            door of the Waurn Ponds Campus,
nominated government department            the vibrant world-class city it is today.   it is unrecognisable. As an architect,
during the holidays, and for two years                                                 I feel that one of the most significant
after graduation. So when everyone         How did you become interested               things that Deakin has done is to
else went surfing I was working at         in sustainability?                          create the Waterfront Campus.
the Housing Commission which later         My interest in sustainability was           The buildings are a great example
became the Ministry of Housing.            sparked by a building science lecturer      of adaptive reuse of existing
                                           at Deakin. He talked about energy           historic buildings and are also
How has your Deakin degree                 efficiency, water saving and passive        very sustainable. It was pure genius
assisted you in your career?               design at a time when the word              from a planning and architectural
Architecture was a six-year course.        ‘sustainability’ wasn’t used. It was only   point of view. It helped revitalise
You had to do four years full time         some years later that I realised what       the Geelong Waterfront area,
and then work for two years while          an impact he had on me and many             transform the old woolstores and
studying part time. In the sixth year      of my fellow students. When I got to        it is an amazing facility for students.
you also had to do a design thesis.        the City of Melbourne and started to
It was a very thorough and practical       connect some of these ideas I realised
course that gave me knowledge and          that I could put them into practice
skills that I have used throughout         through some of the policy work I was
my career.                                 doing at the time. Melbourne was
                                           one of the first cities in the world to
                                                                                       Photography:   Location:
                                           pursue the idea of a sustainable city.      Craig Newell   Melbourne CBD

Bachelor of Commerce
(Accounting and Economics)
Class of 1982

Alumni Lifetime
Award 2014

John Stanhope AM is one of Deakin’s many successful alumni. Mr Stanhope had a long and successful career at
Telstra culminating in the role of CFO and Group Managing Director, Finance, from 2003 until his retirement in
2011. He is currently Chairperson of a number of organisations including Australia Post, the Bionics Institute, the
Melbourne International Jazz Festival and the Port of Melbourne. Mr Stanhope has been a proud member of the
Geelong Cats for over 50 years and his passionate support has never wavered, through good times and bad. He
has been a member of Deakin University’s Council since 2012 and was appointed the University’s sixth Chancellor
in 2015. Here he talks about his memories of OWeek, making himself marketable and his vision for the University.

Why did you decide                        What do you believe Deakin              What has been your journey
to study at Deakin?                       University has given you as             since finishing your course?
I lived in Geelong but that wasn’t        a person?                               I started work at 15 years of age at
the only attraction. I was interested     The Deakin commerce degree              Telstra and was totally focused on
in commerce and Deakin offered            was a very practical help for me        my first pay packet so that I could
a broad degree that included              in my career. My goal was to make       buy a set of drums. Fortunately,
accounting, marketing, economics          myself as marketable as possible        there were some guys I was working
and auditing. I was a mature age          and that is what that course offered    with who encouraged me to go back
student – I had been working for          me. Deakin’s course offerings have      to school. I completed my HSC via
10 years before I started the course      always been focused on what you         correspondence and enrolled in the
– so I was logical in my choices.         need to get a job and build a career.   Bachelor of Commerce at Deakin.

Is there anything you especially          What advice would you give              I spent 45 years at Telstra. I always
remember about that time?                 graduates wanting to pursue             believed that you should move
                                          a similar profession?                   around within an organisation
I particularly remember Orientation
                                                                                  and that is what I did. I wanted
Week at Waurn Ponds. The two              I had a philosophy of never saying
                                                                                  to understand all the elements of
headline bands on the first night were    ‘no’. People may not remember
                                                                                  the business. I originally worked
Midnight Oil and a band playing one       when you say ‘yes’ but they do
                                                                                  on economic analysis then I went
of their first gigs in Victoria – INXS.   remember when you say ‘no’,
                                                                                  into marketing and advertising.
                                          and they stop asking you.
Can you tell us about your                                                        I was then offered the role of Chief
time at Deakin?                           If you want to go into a leadership     of Staff to the Managing Director
                                          role you should generalise as much      and from there went on to become
I studied part-time for the first
                                          as your course allows you and           the Deputy CFO and then CFO.
three years. I worked at Telstra
                                          move around within an organisation.
in Melbourne during the day and                                                   What has been the highlight
                                          The broader your knowledge, the
attended classes in the evening.                                                  of your career?
                                          more marketable you will become.
I was then awarded a scholarship
                                                                                  The highlight of my career has
by my workplace to complete the           What has been your focus                been the entire evolution of
remainder of the course full-time.        as Chancellor of Deakin?                telecommunications, from the
That was fantastic because it meant
                                          As Chancellor of Deakin University      introduction of mobile phones
no more commuting and every
                                          I am passionate about the success       to the development of smart
now and then I could afford to
                                          of the University. This passion         phones. I was in a financial and
eat in the bistro with the lecturers!
                                          embraces making our graduates           strategy role when mobile phones
How has your degree assisted              the most job-ready in Australia and     took off in Australia and I had to
you in your career?                       also commercialising our fantastic      predict the take up – I got it wrong
                                          research so that we can fund even       by 10 times on the right side of
The strong finance skills that I got
                                          more research. Deakin University        the equation! It was great fun.
from Deakin helped me immensely
                                          has improved so much over the
in my career at Telstra. I had many                                               Another highlight was being made
                                          years because it is agile – an
different roles but I tended to                                                   a Member of the Order of Australia
                                          important competitive advantage.
gravitate toward my majors, which                                                 for my contribution to finance
were finance and economics.                                                       and telecommunications.
                                                                                  Photography:       Location:
                                                                                  Scott McNaughton   Melbourne Burwood Campus

                                                                       Bedi   Bachelor of Business,
                                                                              Economics and Marketing
                                                                              Class of 1995

Since graduating from Deakin Sharn     that draws on her experience
Bedi has had a successful career       in health, neuroscience and positive
across diverse industries including    psychology to promote gender           At {embrace} we are not
automotive, healthcare, advertising,   diversity and the economic             waiting for people to turn 40
                                                                              to get their ’aha!’ moment –
publishing and web portals. In 2015    empowerment of women. Here she
                                                                              to find purpose in their career.
she launched {embrace} worldwide,      talks about Deakin’s impact on her
an executive leadership consultancy    career and starting {embrace}.
                                                                                                                         DKIN 17

Can you tell us about                        What do you believe Deakin               Is there any advice you would
your time at Deakin?                         University has given you as              give to a person who is starting
Deakin was a great choice for me             a person?                                out in your career?
because it instantly felt like home.         Going to Deakin was the making           Many people see their identity
It aligned with what I have now              of my success. Given the level of        according to their qualifications or
defined as my values. My first               confusion I had about what I wanted      the role they have in an organisation,
semester at Deakin ignited                   to do it was good that my degree         instead of the transferable skills. It is
my passion for learning. The                 was not too narrow in focus. I           important to think about the skills
combination of practical and                 discovered how to learn and how          you are developing and how you
theory shaped my mind in such a              to be agile. These are skills that you   can use those to add value to any
way that I haven’t stopped learning.         don’t necessarily learn from books.      organisation. I see so many people
                                                                                      who are 20 to 30 years into a career
Is there anything you especially             What is {embrace}?                       with an identity as an engineer
remember about that time?                    {embrace} worldwide is a professional    or computer programmer. If they
I remember winning an ANZ case               development organisation focused on      become redundant they are lost.
study award as part of my studies.           empowering women, championing
I think I started the first Indian club at   diversity and creating high-             What are your passions
Deakin – the Curry Munchers Club             performing, emotionally intelligent      outside your work?
at the Burwood Campus. At the                and resilient leaders. The program is    My hobbies and interests centre
time there were a lot of Sri Lankans,        inspired by Harvard Business School’s    around nurturing, learning and
Pakistanis and Indians at Deakin. I          ‘service profit chain’ and the notion    creative expression. I love to nurture
also remember the inclusiveness of           that happy, successful, and diverse      through cooking and as part of
Deakin. There were people of all ages        employees generate greater value for     pursuing this passion I was fortunate
and cultures. The University managed         corporations. We work with schools,      enough to have a cooking show that
this diversity really well. There was        organisations and universities.          was telecast on Zee TV – an Indian
no status or hierarchy even in the                                                    international satellite TV channel.
faculty, which was also diverse.             Have you always wanted to                I also hosted a talk show titled
                                             pursue the kind of career you            ‘Secrets of Womanhood’, which
How do you think Deakin has                  have embarked on?                        covered topics such as domestic
changed since you studied there?             I did not consciously pursue my          violence, sexual harassment,
The Burwood Campus has                       current career but I feel that I have    relationships and careers, to help
expanded a lot since I attended.             come full circle since my first job at   empower women by changing the
Despite its growth, I think it still has     RMIT as a coordinator of in-house        mindset of a society held back
its homely, comforting feel because          training. I’m now working in             by traditional cultural stereotypes.
it is surrounded by nature. I enrolled       development and training but with        For learning, I love to read and
in psychology at Deakin last year            a lot more meaning. I have a huge        to express my creativity – my
as Deakin is well regarded for its           interest in human behaviour and          hobbies are dancing, painting
psychology graduates, and I found            development and my mission in life       and jewellery making.
the online and distance learning             has evolved into helping others
services to be world-class. Moving           become the best of themselves.
forward, I would eventually like                                                      Photography:   Location:
to do a PhD through Deakin.                                                           Craig Newell   Melbourne, Domain

Renuke Coswatte’s career took           What do you believe Deakin                 How has the course assisted
off after he completed his Deakin       University has given you as                you in your career?
MBA. He has worked in hotel             a person?                                  Applying the knowledge I gained
management around the world, from       The most valuable thing I learned          from the MBA to my work helped
Sri Lanka and the Asia Pacific to the   from my studies at Deakin was that         me a great deal in my career.
Middle East. Here he talks about the    you never stop learning. It’s a starting   Another benefit of studying at
value of a Deakin MBA, working in       point in your career when you get the      Deakin was the experience of
Oman and why his job is his passion.    degree. I also gained the confidence       interacting with students from
                                        of holding a Deakin degree.                different cultures. The open and
Why did you decide                      Wherever you go in the world your          accepting mindset that Deakin offers
to study at Deakin?                     resume is considered above the rest        has made it easier for me to work
I was working in hotel management       when you have an MBA from Deakin.          successfully around the world.
and wanted to get a broader
                                        What has been your journey                 Have you always wanted to
perspective in terms of the business
                                        since finishing your course?               pursue the kind of career you
aspects of the industry. I chose
                                        Briefly outline your career path.          have embarked on?
Deakin because it was a strong
MBA with a good reputation              After I graduated I went back to           I always wanted to be a pilot. My
that offered a variety of subjects.     Sri Lanka, and worked for a small          father pointed out that I was scared
                                        luxury hotel group called Jetwing          of heights so that might not be
Can you tell us about your              Hotels. I became one of the                an ideal profession. He suggested
time at Deakin?                         youngest managers in the group             that I try hotels. Hotels were a
I had a fantastic experience            when I was promoted to manage              new concept in Sri Lanka from the
during my course. The lecturers         the St Andrews property which              1950s. At that time the country was
and students that I met were very       is a replica of the St Andrews             peaceful and tourism was increasing.
helpful. When you study and work        property in Scotland. It is the            Once I started my undergraduate
full-time in the industry you realise   second oldest golf course in               course I realised that it was for me.
how relevant the course is to your      Sri Lanka. From there I went
                                        to the Sur Plaza hotel in Oman.            Why are you involved in the
career. The course structure and
                                                                                   Deakin Sri Lanka Alumni Chapter?
the research are very practical.        Oman is a wonderful place to work,
                                                                                   After I graduated and got to a certain
                                        the people are very hospitable.
Is there anything you especially                                                   level in my career I wanted to give
                                        I managed to turn the property
remember about that time?                                                          something back to Deakin, which had
                                        around from a loss-making venture
One of the memorable parts of                                                      given me so much. I have connected
                                        to being profitable. After this
the course was getting to know                                                     with other alumni in Sri Lanka and
                                        experience I came back to Sri
the other students and learning                                                    we are building up the network here.
                                        Lanka to work at Best Western. We
from them. We were from different                                                  We want to make sure that there
                                        managed to double the occupancy
cultures with different experiences                                                is strong support for Deakin in Sri
                                        by identifying medical tourism
and we all interacted very well.                                                   Lanka. It’s a great achievement to
                                        as a niche market. I am now the
                                                                                   get to 40 years and I look forward
                                        General Manager at Amagi Hotels,
                                                                                   to the next 40 years of innovation.
                                        boutique luxury resorts in Sri Lanka.
                                                                                   Photography:            Location:
                                                                                   Four Square Sri Lanka   The Galle Face Hotel, Colombo
                               DKIN 19

          Master of Business
          Class of 2003

Why did you decide                       Was there anyone you met at                 What has been the highlight
to study at Deakin?                      Deakin who has had an impact                of your career?
My parents were visiting the             on you?                                     A few years ago I was nominated
university fairs in Singapore and        I keep in touch with quite a number of      by my workplace to be part of a
Deakin kept popping up because           the people I met at Deakin. They are        government group called Inspirit.
it was the top university at the time.   from all over the world. Some have          Youth leaders from the private
I was doing my marketing diploma         siblings who are studying at Deakin.        sector are asked to be advocates
at one of the polytechnics in            I also keep in touch with some of my        and champions for national issues.
Singapore but the aim was always to      lecturers such as Mark Sheehan. He          Through this, I represented Singapore
go overseas. Deakin felt right and       challenged me, motivated me and             in a Singapore-Brunei youth leadership
they gave me exactly what I wanted.      built my passion for public relations.      exchange program. Through Inspirit,
                                                                                     I was also given the opportunity to
Is there anything you especially         What has been your journey                  be a Governing Council member
remember about that time?                since finishing your course?                for the Singapore Kindness
Waurn Ponds was such a melting           After I finished my degree I returned       Movement (SKM) in July 2015.
pot and Deakin’s ability to get all      to Singapore and started working for
the cultures together was fantastic.     a book distribution company. I did the      What are your passions outside
There were multicultural days where      marketing campaign for Harry Potter         your work?
every culture was represented in         and met authors such as Jeffery Archer      I am a member of the Governing
some way, whether through food,          and Jung Chang. While I was there           Council for the Singapore Kindness
music or fashion. It was a great         I decided to pursue my MBA and              Movement. This organisation
thing to do to help people               was head-hunted for a job at the            promotes kindness among the
understand other cultures.               Singapore Institute of Management           general community. It’s a challenge!
                                         (SIM) as an account manager. I have         I am also a book fairy. Emma Watson
What do you believe Deakin               stayed there in various roles since         started the book fairy movement,
University has shown you/given           then. I am currently Editor, Publications   which involves leaving books in
you as a person?                         Manager and Head Librarian.                 public places for people to read.
Apart from the knowledge and                                                         I regularly attend Comic-Con in
skills I needed for my career, Deakin    Have you always wanted                      Singapore and I dress up as comic
gave me the confidence to apply          to pursue the kind of career                book characters. I have gone as a
these skills and a desire to continue    you have embarked on?                       female Captain America and this year
growing and developing myself.           When and how did you realise?               I am going as Spock. I speak a little
The internship program cemented          When I was a kid I wanted to be a           Vulcan although I am not as fluent as
all my knowledge. I was able to          doctor and then I nearly died from          I used to be due to lack of practice!
do mine in Singapore and my boss         dengue fever. That experience put
let me turn one of his rental spaces     me off. Then I wanted to be a lawyer        How would someone describe you?
in Malaysia into a bubble tea shop       because I enjoyed debating but              I have been described as resilient,
as my project. I think Deakin was        my mum dashed my dreams when                optimistic, motivated and driven.
one of the first universities to         she pointed out that by the time            Some of my friends describe me
start international internships.         I completed my studies it would be          as quirky, funny, sensible and kind
                                         difficult to find a job. So I decided       (which helps since I’m involved in
                                         on writing. I was the editor of the         the Kindness Movement). My partner
                                         yearbook when I did my diploma.             calls me Science Officer Dork
                                         I loved writing and I was interested        (instead of Science Officer Spock)!
                                         in human behaviour.
                                                   DKIN 21

Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations)
Class of 2003

Since completing her Deakin degree
Sadie-Jane Nunis has been following
her dream to work as a writer, editor
and publisher. Here she talks about
the Deakin melting pot, the benefits
of living on campus and Comic-Con.

Photography:   Location:
Edmund Leung   Henderson Waves, Singapore

Why did you decide                           What has been your journey              What advice would you give
to study at Deakin?                          since finishing your course?            graduates wanting to pursue
I am a CPA by training. When I               Briefly outline your career path.       a similar profession?
decided to do my master’s degree             I started my career as an auditor       It is important to remember that
I had been working for 10 years              at KPMG in Singapore. I then            knowledge is not a rare commodity;
and I thought that it was time to            joined General Motors’ Asia pacific     it is freely available from Google and
build a new skillset. I also wanted          headquarters in Singapore where         other sources. What is important
to build a network of people who             I stayed for 11 years. While I was      is to develop insights from that
I could learn from. At the time              there I undertook the Deakin MBA.       knowledge. Remain curious, ask
I was working in Singapore for               After I graduated I was promoted        questions and be ambitious.
General Motors and I needed an               and given the opportunity to work
online course that had real practical        in Shanghai and China. At General       What are your passions outside
experience. The Deakin course                Motors I started as a finance person    your work?
attracted me because it was online,          but then moved into the business        It has been three consecutive years
specifically a CPA MBA and had a             arena working on a lot of mergers       that I have taken part in the Asia
reputation for being very practical.         and acquisitions – for example,         Pacific Business School Desert
                                             I was involved in the Daewoo            Challenge, which is a three-day 70 km
Is there anything you especially             acquisition in Korea. I left the        trek in the fourth largest desert in
remember about that time?                    automotive industry to enter the        China. I was very proud to represent
The MBA included an on-campus                fast-moving consumer retail sector      Deakin as the first Australian
component which was an amazing               as Finance Director of L’Oreal China.   university to participate since the fifth
experience. The subject I chose              After that I spent more than four       race in 2016. This keeps me physically
to undertake on campus was crisis            years as Head of Finance at Owen        fit and also pushes my boundaries.
management. I had done a lot of              Corning in Asia Pacific. I found        I have been learning how to drive a
training on crisis management during         my company in 2014 with prime           boat and jet ski and recently got my
university and at General Motors but         focus on renewable energy.              marine licence. Almost every year I
what impressed me with the Deakin                                                    travel with an international medical
course was the technicality and              What is your favourite aspect           team to remote regions in China to
practicality. We did a role play where       of your current role? What are          provide medical assistance to the
I was acting as a CFO of a company           the challenges?                         community. I also help the China Red
that had an accident in the middle of        I really enjoy the travelling.          Cross provide education resources
the night. There was a knock on my           Renewable energy is usually out         for children who don’t have access
hotel door while I was asleep and            in rural areas, sometimes in the        to a first-class education.
I was confronted by a journalist             middle of nowhere, so I get to travel   In 2018 the Shanghai
and camera crew. It felt so real –           to areas that not many people go        Alumni Chapter celebrates
exactly as it would happen. Then I           to. In China, I go to places many       its five year anniversary.
encountered a media team and had             Chinese people have never been
to represent the company to talk             to and get to eat some interesting      Photography:
                                                                                     Philippe Roy
                                                                                                         Yan’an Elevated Road,
about the ‘incident’ at a radio station.     local cuisine, such as insects.         (   Shanghai
This left a lasting impression and I still
use those techniques in my career.
                                                   DKIN 23

       Lau                    Master of Business
                              Class of 2004

       Lawrence Lau helped establish the
       Deakin Alumni Shanghai chapter in
       2011 and subsequently served as the
       first President until 2014. He is the
       Executive Director of Yellow Sand
       Capital based in China and Singapore
       specialising in consulting services,
       coaching and investment in clean
       energy, education and real estate.
       Here he talks about crisis management
       training, eating insects and the Asia
       Pacific MBA School Desert Challenge.

MUTHUMALA               Bachelor of Computing
                        (Computer Science and
                        Software Development)
                        Class of 2005

                        Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
                        Class of 2007

Pasan Muthumala hasn’t looked back since completing his degrees at Deakin. He is currently working
in the medical imaging industry in London and helping tech start-ups in his spare time. He continues
his connection with Deakin through his activity on the UK Alumni Chapter Committee. Here he talks
about competitive open-water swimming, Deakin friendships and stand-up comedy.

Why did you decide                        Is there anything you especially       Was there anyone you met
to study at Deakin?                       remember about that time?              at Deakin who has had an
Growing up in Sri Lanka I loved           I was at Waurn Ponds which is a        impact on you?
swimming, so when I was looking           beautiful campus. The University       I met three of my closest friends at
for a place to study in Australia         worked hard to encourage student       Deakin. Luke Maguire, an economist,
one of my criteria was a place            interaction. There were events         was my best man when I got married
that was close to good beaches.           almost on a daily basis that           a few years ago. I did my honours
Deakin University had a good              brought students together.             year with Adam Kirk and then we
reputation and the Geelong Waurn          These interactions prepared me         traveled to Europe together. Then
Ponds Campus was perfect as               to come to London and deal with        there’s Lakmal Abeysekera, who
it was close to the coast.                people from many different cultures.   is a lecturer at a leading university
                                                                                 in Melbourne. These relationships
Can you tell us about your                What do you believe Deakin             are very special to me.
time at Deakin?                           University has given you as
It was my first time living away from     a person?                              What advice would you give
home. I was only 18 and didn’t know       Deakin allowed me to be part           graduates wanting to pursue
anyone in Australia. The transition       of something special. It was the       a similar profession?
was really easy thanks to the peer        whole package, starting with           Whatever your goal is – to change
support student group, but there          the environment at the Geelong         the world or have a comfortable
was still some culture shock. I had       Waurn Ponds Campus, to the             life – keep it as your north star. Things
to get used to the Australian accent,     close communities in Geelong.          around you will start working out. Stay
drink beer out of a can and try           The lecturers and tutors and support   hungry, travel, go into an environment
to figure out what AFL football           staff for international students       that you haven’t been to before,
was all about.                            were amazing. They allowed             be silent, look at the stars, meditate,
                                          me to achieve my full potential.       enjoy the moment and listen to Bob
                                                                                 Marley. That is what I did and still do.
2005 2007
                                                                                 DKIN 25

Have you always wanted                 What are your passions
to pursue the kind of career           outside your work?
you have embarked on?                  I enjoy open-water swimming
I have always wanted to have my        and running. Open-water racing is
own business and I wanted to do        something I got into when I moved
something with computers which         to Australia. In 2017 I completed
is why I initially did the degree in   the Pier-to-Pub in Lorne and came
computing. After I started working     123 out of 4488. I’ve also completed
at the Geelong Hospital I could see    a few half marathons. I also like
the real benefits of technology when   watching stand-up comedy and
applied to healthcare. My dream is     I am going to explore my creative
to work with a team that will change   side by doing some stand-up
the delivery of healthcare with the    comedy myself. My first gig is set for
aid of technology.                     later this year at a London comedy
                                       club. I’m really looking forward to it.
How has it assisted you
in your career?                        How would you describe
The education I got from Deakin        Deakin University?
was integral in the work I do now.     Agile and innovative.
The course content may not have
directly impacted my career path       Photography:                 Location:
but the skills that I gained have      Dan Ross:   Millennium Bridge,
                                       Raccoon London:              London
been essential.              

Jyoti Shekar had such a great experience during her time at Deakin that she is planning to return next
year to take on a PhD. After spending 10 years as in-house counsel providing legal services across various
industries she recently started working as an independent legal consultant and is pursuing a number of
ventures aimed at empowering women in India and around the world. Here she talks about being a lawyer,
starting a magazine and breaking stereotypes.

Why did you decide                     Is there anything you especially        What has been your journey
to study at Deakin?                    remember about that time?               since finishing your course?
At the time, law students in India     I worked part-time at a grocery store   After the course I joined the law firm
usually chose to go to the UK or US.   which was a completely different        Clifford Chance LLP where I worked
I did not want to follow the crowd     experience for me. They put me in       on international transactions in
so I decided to come to Australia.     the deli working on the meat counter.   India, London and New York. Two
I liked the mix of European and        I am a vegetarian so for the first      years later I joined the corporate
Asian cultures. I had narrowed         week I couldn’t eat after finishing     finance department at Sahara Group
my choice down to the top three        my shift! But soon I overcame           where we handled all the acquisitions
universities and decided on Deakin     this and enjoyed my work a lot.         for the firm. I was involved in
because I was impressed with the                                               the acquisition of a Formula One
subjects allowed in the courses.       What do you believe Deakin              team, the Plaza New York and many
                                       University has shown you as             others. I was also involved in aircraft
Can you tell us about                  a person?                               acquisitions and financing. After
your time at Deakin?                   The course has helped me a lot,         three years I decided that I wanted
I had a wonderful time at Deakin.      not just in terms of employment         to work on Indian transactions
It was interesting to explore a        but also in understanding different     so I went to Indian law firm Legasis
different education system. It was     perspectives and backgrounds. That      Partners. I recently started my
a more open culture where it was       gave me the confidence to work          own practice, launched Empower
possible to approach the professors    with people from different cultures.    Women of India Tour and my
and I was very impressed with                                                  own online magazine for women:
the quality of the teaching.                                                   Eyra –
                                                                                                                     DKIN 27

                                                              Shekar           Master of Laws
                                                                               Class of 2008

Why did you decide to                   Which of your roles is your            Is there any advice you would
become a consultant?                    favourite?                             give to a person who is starting
I had been working as a lawyer for      I really enjoy everything I do.        out in your career?
10 years and the time was right to      I particularly enjoy giving guest      Do not get stuck into being a
become an independent consultant.       lectures and conducting training       stereotype, especially in law. Many
In any case, I wanted time to start     on topics related to gender equity.    young people have preconceived
my magazine and spend more time         This is the kind of thing I want to    ideas about what it means to be a
on my female empowerment                do more of rather than being tied      lawyer. Today, people with law degrees
initiative. Last year a friend and      down to a full-time job. I will keep   are not restricted to the traditional
I began an online initiative called     publishing and balance my time         roles played by lawyers, there are
Empower Women of India Tour.            between academics and publishing.      legal journalists, publishers etc.
It is a virtual tour where we provide
advice to women about how they          What has been the highlight            How do you think Deakin has
can stand up for themselves. That       of your career?                        changed since you studied there?
project gave me the idea to start       A highlight would be the first         Deakin’s reputation is growing every
Eyra, a magazine that focuses on        transaction I ever did on my own.      year. Deakin is doing a lot more
inspirational women with a particular   I was with the Sahara Group and        in terms of research, women, and
focus on the obstacles they have        I was asked to work on the purchase    overall development. The University
overcome on the journey to              of a Formula One team. It was          is bold in this area. It’s nice to see
achieving their goals.                  the best learning experience.          that. It makes me even prouder
                                                                               to say that I am a Deakin alumna.
                                                                               Photography:    Location:
                                                                               Jananni Rajan   Lodhi Garden, Delhi

                        LAUREN                               Master of
                                                             Human Nutrition
                                                             Class of 2010

                          Lauren Hewitt is a track and field sprinter
                          who has represented Australia at three Olympic
                          Games, six World Championships, and three
                          Commonwealth Games in which she won two
                          gold, one silver and three bronze medals. This
                          year, as Deakin celebrates the 40th anniversary
                          of its first graduation, Lauren Hewitt will be
                          celebrating her 40th birthday. She credits her
                          Master of Human Nutrition as the springboard
                          for her post-athletics career. Here she talks
                          about online learning, her love of travel
                          and her plans for the future.
                                                                                                                         DKIN 29

Why did you decide                        What has been your journey since          What has been the highlight
to study at Deakin?                       finishing your course? Briefly            of your career?
When I decided to do a master’s           outline your career path.                 My highlight post-athletics has
degree I was still training and           After I completed my master’s             been becoming a mother to Izzy.
travelling so I needed to find an         I started Lauren Hewitt Nutrition and     Career-wise it was developing the
online program. I was coming              worked with various organisations         schools program – ‘Growing Up
to the end of my athletics career         such as Mission Australia, the            With Good Nutrition’.
and I wanted to use my health             St Kilda football club, Athletics
and wellbeing background in my            Australia and VicSport. I worked on       What has been the biggest
post-athletics career. The Deakin         VicSport’s Healthy Choices program,       influence on your career?
Master of Human Nutrition was             which involved providing them             My parents have been an enormous
exactly the course I was looking for.     with resources to engage canteens         influence. I am very grateful that
                                          to provide healthier options.             they advised me to continue with
Can you tell us about your                                                          my study so that I could have this
time at Deakin?                           My family and I have just returned
                                                                                    second career.
                                          from five months of travelling and
The online program was a great
                                          I am starting to think about the          Is there any advice you would
experience. There was a forum that
                                          next phase of my career. I think it’s     give to a person who is starting
was very helpful and I found that the
                                          important to start early with nutrition   out in your career?
lecturers were prompt in responding
                                          advice and would like to work with
to questions. The contact was great                                                 In whatever you choose to do make
                                          school children as a mentor and
because it meant that I was not                                                     sure that there is a passion. That is
                                          coach. They have their teachers
working in a vacuum.                                                                the building block. Passion makes
                                          to support them with their school
                                                                                    you want to learn and it is easier to
What do you believe Deakin                work but we want them to be
                                                                                    impart that knowledge onto others.
University has shown you/given            well-rounded people. I was 17
                                                                                    People can tell if you are genuinely
you as a person?                          and still at school when my athletics
                                                                                    interested and excited about what
                                          career took off and I was lucky to
Lauren Hewitt Nutrition                                                             you are doing. Being an athlete was
                                          have a whole team supporting me
(                                                  my passion. I was lucky to be talented
                                          – excellent teachers, supportive
came about because of the Deakin                                                    at something but I was also willing to
                                          parents, a coach, a medical team
master’s degree. When I started                                                     work hard and put in the training that
                                          and a dietician. I think schools
the course I was thinking of retiring.                                              was required to be at that level. That
                                          are realising that all children need
The master’s program gave me the                                                    is how I feel about nutrition now.
                                          someone other than their parents
knowledge and confidence that
                                          and teachers to help them achieve         What are your passions outside
I needed to speak expertly to
                                          their goals.                              your work?
others about nutrition. In a field
like nutrition where there is so much     What is your favourite aspect             I am privileged to have a child and
misinformation, it is important to        of your current role?                     I have enjoyed every single minute
have the facts.                                                                     of being a mother. I also love to
                                          I really enjoyed working as a
                                                                                    travel. My family and I just returned
How has it assisted you                   nutritionist with Mission Australia
                                                                                    from five months travelling around
in your career?                           in the Dandenong area mentoring
                                                                                    the world. My husband and I
                                          Afghani and African women. We
The course has allowed me to                                                        are both turning 40 this year and
                                          took their traditional recipes and
capitalise on being an athlete.                                                     our daughter is still young so we
                                          made them healthier rather than
I was able to add to the knowledge                                                  thought it was a good time to go.
                                          changing their cuisine. There was
I gained during my athletics career
                                          a mutual respect and we learned           How would you describe
and articulate it to a wider audience,
                                          from each other.                          Deakin University?
from policymakers to five-year-old
kids. I attribute that to having access                                             Deakin University is the best at what
to the latest research and the great                                                it does. It is academic, innovative and
lecturers at Deakin.                                                                constantly pushing the boundaries.
                                                                                    Photography:   Location:
                                                                                    Craig Newell   Tooronga, Melbourne

Why did you decide                       Is there anything you especially           What has been the biggest
to study at Deakin?                      remember about that time?                  influence on your career?
I completed my Bachelor of               The night sky is clearer in Geelong        In architecture I have been
Architecture at Limkokwing University    than it is in Kuala Lumpur. I could see    influenced by Zaha Hadid, Norman
in Kuala Lumpur and then decided that    all the constellations vividly. During a   Foster and Rem Koolhaas. They
I needed to consolidate my knowledge     camping trip to Wilsons Promontory         all produce brilliant and inspiring
with a master’s degree. My fellow        I was able to see the Milky Way, the       architecture. In science I have been
classmates recommended Deakin to         governing structure of our galaxy,         influenced by Kip Thorne who is
me and the location in Geelong at the    which made me feel how tiny we are in      an astrophysicist and was awarded
Waterfront campus appealed to me.        comparison to the size of the cosmos.      the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017.
                                         It was a wonderful experience.
Can you tell us about                                                               What advice would you give
your time at Deakin?                     What do you believe Deakin                 graduates wanting to pursue
Going to Deakin was my first time        University has shown you/given             a similar profession?
living overseas and away from home.      you as a person?                           Architecture study is rigorous and
I was a bit apprehensive but found       The master’s degree helped me to           you need to be prepared for the
that despite cultural differences, a     articulate my ideas about science          amount of work that it will require.
common ideology and appreciation         and architecture. The professors           The best advice is to find a way
of modern life means that our            were all experts in their field and        to organise your time. If you want
similarities are greater than our        had a depth of knowledge that              to succeed you need to put in the
differences. Geelong has elements        opened up my mind. In particular,          hours, although it is still important
of the past, present and future within   Professor Des Smith, who was the           to get enough sleep!
one city. The Waterfront Campus is       head of the Faculty during that time,
a fantastic example of contemporary      was amazing. I had never before            What are your passions
industrial architecture and I lived      encountered such an intellectual           outside your work?
in an original Victorian-era house.      way of thinking. He helped me to           I enjoy heavy metal music and travel
                                         understand that being an architect         to Australia to see my favourite
                                         is beyond creating a built form;           bands, such as Slipknot. These bands
                                         architecture is a product of               don’t usually come to Kuala Lumpur.
                                         intelligent design, not another
                                         means of making profit.                    How would you describe
                                                                                    Deakin University?
                                                                                    Deakin is a microcosm
                                                                                    of the whole universe.
                                                 DKIN 31

Master of Architecture
Class of 2013

After completing his Master of
Architecture, Naqib Azha embarked
on a freelance career as a designer
of commercial architectural projects
and also launched a creative venture
called Qaaon Karya which translates
to ‘in the artwork of creation’.
Qaaon Karya is a creative studio
that combines Naqib’s interests in
imaginative futurism, technological
living and metaphysical conceptions.
Here he talks about the night sky in
Geelong, his love of heavy metal
music and hyperspace architecture.

Photography:   Location:
Edmund Leung   Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur

                            MERRIMAN    Bachelor of Commerce
                                        (Sports Management)
                                        Class of 2009

Entrepreneurs Shannan Gove and          help them find full-time work after     Why did you decide
Bennett Merriman are co-founders        graduation. In just eight years they    to study at Deakin?
of two complementary businesses         have built an international business    BM: I chose the Bachelor of
– Event Workforce Group (EWG),          with clients such as Tough Mudder,      Commerce (Sports Management)
a workforce management company          Ironman and the Super Bowl in           because I wanted to work within
that provides temporary staff           the USA. They have since teamed         sport and develop my business
nationally, and Rosterfy, a workforce   up with a third technical co-founder,   operations skills, but most of all I
management software platform            Chris Grant, and now have 14 staff      wanted to work with Cricket Australia.
used by large-scale events globally     across the globe with offices in
to better manage their workforces.      Melbourne, San Francisco and            Cricket was a main interest of
The cousins started what became         London. Here Bennett and Shannan        mine and the staff who ran the
EWG in 2010, while Shannan was          discuss the benefits of living on       Deakin course had a number of
in the middle of his Deakin degree.     campus, how the idea for Event          contacts within Cricket Australia
The aim was to provide tertiary         Workforce Group was born and            who I hoped would improve my
students and new graduates with         the importance of networking.           chances of landing my dream job.
work opportunities that would                                                   SG: I wanted to work in international
                                                                                game development for the AFL.
                                                                                I knew that the game had expanded
                                                                                in Europe and thought that I could
                                                                                combine my love of sport with
                                                                                my love of travel.
You can also read