JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...

Page created by Juan Cobb
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...





JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...

Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg
P. O. Box 91005 Auckland Park 2006
11 Sans Souci Road Parktown Johannesburg South Africa

Tel.                    +27 (0)11 726 6220/1
Fax                     +27 (0)11 482 3188
Email                   dsj@dsjmail.co.za
Web                     www.dsj.co.za

Für den Inhalt zeichnet der jeweiliger Verfasser verantwortlich.    The respective author is responsible for the content.
Fotos von Personen, die keine Masken oder Visiere tragen,           Photos depicting people not wearing masks or visors
wurden vor der Einführung der Sicherheitsvorkehrungen von           were taken prior to the implementation of Covid-19
Covid-19 am 22. März 2020 aufgenommen.                              safety precautions on 22 March 2020.

Redaktion Annette Holtmann

Fotos     Bianca Bradfield
          CB Photography
          Melanie Cameron
          Savo Ceprnich
          Kirsten Dunn
          Annette Holtmann
          Stefan Kien
          Melanie Stewart
          Veronique Stheeman
          Lisa Vosters

Anzeigen                Annette Holtmann

Druck                   L&K Print, Tel. +27 (0)11 807 7717, repro@lkprint.co.za

Design, Layout          Karen Nysschen, Cell +27 (0)83 263 8626, karen.nysschen@gmail.com

Umschlagbild            Andzani Shipalana, 7a
Erläuterung zum Bild    Representation of Covid-19 and how it affected our lives.
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
Vorwort, Schulvorstand und Personalia 7   1
                                            INDEX   Neue Mitarbeiter 51                       2

Firma                  Seite                        Höhepunkte und Erfolge 61                 3
Bond Stationers        36

Deutsche Lufthansa     Inside Front Cover           Regenbogen-Kids 79                        4
DocQTech               154

FLGS                   6                            Grundschule (Klassen 1-4) 117             5
Galileo Risk           179

Goethe-Institut        146                          Orientierungsstufe (Klassen 5-6) 147      6
Powder Lak             Back cover

Retecon                6                            Mittelstufe (Klassen 7-9) 163             7
Rödl & Partner         Back Inside Cover

Schwaben Butchery      161                          Oberstufe (Klassen 10-12) 187             8
SLKB/IMMK              Inside Front Page

VZH                    116                          Nachmittags- und Ferienbetreuung 233      9

                                                    Sportereignisse 243                       10

                                                    Präfekten 259                             11

                                                    DSJ-ler in der Welt 267                   12

                                                    Festliches 271                            13

                                                    Förderzentrum Phönix 283                  14

                                                    Elternbeirat 293                          15

                                                    Altschüler 297                            16

                                                    DSJ in den Medien 309                     17
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...


2                                               3
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
4   5
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
Vorwort, Schulvorstand
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6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                7
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
                                                                and Valentine’s Day and our Secondary School learners
                                                                enjoyed their swimming gala, and the Primary School
                                                                gala taking place in early March. During the third week in
                                                                February, class and individual photos were taken. All the
                                                                while we continued to hear about this Coronavirus that had
                                                                now also spread to southern Asia, Italy, France and Iran.

                                                                At the beginning of March, the 2019 Yearbook was ready
                                                                for distribution, just in time for the Open Day, which takes
                                                                place every year on the first Saturday in March. The Open
                                                                Day, was again well attended by current and prospective
                                                                parents and families, and coincided with the announcement
                                                                that Covid-19 had now also reached the African continent,
                                                                arriving in South Africa from Italy. Five days later the WHO
                                                                declared Covid-19 a pandemic. On the homefront, school
                                                                management had already put together a committee of
                                                                doctors and experts in the field of communicable diseases,
                                                                to give advice and guidance on how best to handle the
One year ago out-of-control bushfires were raging in
                                                                situation within the school community. Behind the scenes
Australia and the impeachment trial of Donald Trump was
                                                                our IT Department was getting ready to roll-out an online
about to begin in the US Senate. All the while, unbeknown to
                                                                e-learning system and the Administration Department was
the rest of the globe, a deadly contagion, which purportedly
                                                                already sourcing and purchasing disinfectant and other
originated in Wuhan in the Hubei province, China, was already
                                                                supplies for the classrooms.
circulating on various continents. Then, on 11 February
2020, that which would hold the entire world captive for
                                                                It was becoming clear, that the Schulolympiade would
the remainder of the year and change our lives forever, was
                                                                not take place, and on 13 March the decision was made to
named by the World Health Organization (WHO) as: SARS-
                                                                cancel the Olympiade. The first of our “family” meetings, as
CoV-2, Coronavirus Disease 2019 – Covid-19.                                                                                    the first term, our learners and children could continue to   but also the staff and teachers, who were just as concerned
                                                                the announcements from the President Cyril Ramaphosa
                                                                                                                               learn and receive the best possible education under these     and uncertain, and to provide as much clarity and comfort
                                                                have come to be known as, was on 15 March, declaring
2020 at the Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg                                                                        extraordinary circumstances – videos were choreographed,      in these confusing times. All the while, behind the scenes,
                                                                Covid-19 a national disaster and advising that all schools
started as any other year, with the preparation days for                                                                       WhatsApp groups established, comprehensive worksheets         teachers were finding clever and creative ways to bring
                                                                would be closed from 18 March. A week later, at the second
the teachers and staff, the announcement of the 2019                                                                           compiled, printed and bound into books in record time and     the classroom and learning content into and onto the small
                                                                “family” meeting, it was announced that South Africa
Matric results and the Einschulungsfeiern in January.                                                                          virtual TEAMS classrooms set up for the older learners.       screen – computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones and
                                                                would be placed into a lockdown for three weeks, to give
Congratulations to the Class of 2019 on their excellent                                                                                                                                      smart devices.
                                                                the health sector time to prepare for the high number of
Matric results. With a total of 172 distinctions and four                                                                      With the end of the first term and the start of the hard
                                                                Covid-19 cases that were expected.
learners obtaining a “full house”, our DSJ community can                                                                       lockdown and the Easter holidays, many of us used this        On 09 April, during our 3rd “family” meeting, it was
be proud of these commendable achievements.                                                                                    time to reflect and focus on what is important, what we       announced that the health sector needed more time to
                                                                During the next few days and weeks, the true colours of
                                                                                                                               many have ignored or taken for granted – our family and       prepare for the expected onslaught on the hospitals and
                                                                the entire DSJ community became clear, from School
In February various grades embarked on the annual class                                                                        our health. By early April it was clear that schools would    clinics, and consequently lockdown level 5 was extended
                                                                Management to parents, learners and staff. Everyone was
trips, which were enjoyed by the accompanying teachers,                                                                        possibly remain closed for an extended period. The school     until 30 April. With this decision, the fate of millions of
                                                                ready to face this challenge head-on and put shoulder to
as much as the learners. Our younger children enjoyed the                                                                      management continued to correspond and communicate            South Africans was sealed. Countless livelihoods were at
                                                                the wheel to ensure that, until at least the official end of
first couple of events of the school year calendar, Fasching                                                                   effectively and comprehensively with not only the parents,    stake, with thousands of companies unable to trade, and

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9
JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
forced to retrench employees. For many, the hours of           questioned, most notably by the independent media               On 12 October the fourth term started and the country had
reflection and contemplation turned to real concern and        and private institutions and initiatives. In June the South     by now moved to lockdown level one. The highlight of the last
quiet desperation. Members of the DSJ community were           African High Court ruled that lockdown level 3 and 4            term was undoubtedly the live screening of the Valediction
acutely aware of the plight of many and plans were set         regulations were irrational, unconstitutional and invalid.      Ceremony, where the Grade 12’s, after unquestionably the
in motion to assist families with mobile data, grocery gift    One corruption scandal after another came to light,             toughest and most bizarre school year, were finally afforded
cards and vouchers, food parcels and tablets for some          including PPE tender fraud estimated at tens of millions of     their time in the spotlight. Congratulations to you all, Class
learners.                                                      Rands, which included top government officials. Millions        of 2020, for your continual courage, conscientiousness,
                                                               upon millions of Rands of critical relief funds were spent on   selfless compromise and understanding and open-
With the start of May, the country moved into lockdown         barbed wire border fences and broken and empty water            mindedness. What you have learnt about life in this one
level four and perhaps many thought this would be the          tanks, instead of protecting our brave frontline workers.       year, cannot be taught from a textbook.
end of “the winter of our discontent”. Teachers and            To more and more ordinary countrymen and –women it
learners had found a rhythm to navigate the chicanes of        had by now become clear that a culture of cronyism and          November came and went, by and large, as any other
online teaching and learning, some with more success           cadre deployment, utter callousness and total disregard         year, except for the face-coverings, social distancing, the
than others. To keep up the morale and give a sense of         for common decency were now the order of the day in             continuous and it seems never-ending handwashing and
community within the DSJ, various online and virtual events    the rank and file of government institutions. The citizens of   sanitizing and the early-morning screenings had become
were launched – the @Home e-learning competition,              Mzanzi would no longer be silent. In June 169 and in July       part of the daily school routine. In most part, due to the
the “Bewegungs-Challenge” and the virtual Schulbasar           232 protests were recorded by the Institute for Security        cautious vigilance and continued enforcement of these
“Going for Guild”. It was incredible to experience the         Studies, with the leading causes of the protests being          daily rituals, the number of reported Covid-19 cases were        At the start of my 2020 Yearbook journey, many said:
commitment, camaraderie and cooperation of the entire          the policing of the lockdown regulations and crime, in          minimal and the school could thankfully continue to              “There won’t have much to report on!” or, “It’s going to be
DSJ family, old and young, current and past, from many         particular gender-based violence.                               operate within the confines of the lockdown regulations.         a thin one this year…!” Well, this has been an exceptional
different countries and continents – a true reflection of                                                                      We need to thank and applaud the members of our                  and extraordinary year, and this edition of the Yearbook is
the DSJ spirit, alive and well through these challenging       By the end of the third term, it had become clear to            Cleaning and Maintenance Teams, for their tireless work,         proof thereof. It has again been a pleasure and a privilege,
times.                                                         School Management that the one-day-a-week cycle for             keeping the school clean, safe and tidy, and continuously        and I thank all the contributors and sponsors for their
                                                               the Secondary school was not ideal and it was decided           setting up the various venues and classrooms for exams           continued support.
At the end of May, there was much confusion and                to bring back all the learners to in-classroom teaching         and lessons. With the final Matric exams written, the Aula
conflicting information with regard to the re-opening of       in the fourth term. All the while the Class of 2020 were        was transformed into a magical forest, as the theme for          As the Deutsche Internationale Schule, the 2020 Yearbook
schools within the public and private sectors. The School’s    quietly and consistently continuing as best as possible         the Matric Ball. Due to the continued lockdown regulations,      edition is testimony to our resolve, our courage and
main concern was for the Grade 11 and 12 learners in the       with getting through their Matric and Abitur curricula –        only the Matrics and their partners were permitted, and          conviction in times of crisis and our sense of commitment,
German and South African streams. On 1 June lockdown           preliminary exams were being written and Abiturprüfungen        some subject and class teachers acting as chaperones. It         not only from our School Management and the Board, but
level three came into effect and much of the country was       were taking place. Traditionally Matrics celebrate the end      was indeed a truly special and unique event – thanks to          also by and for the entire DSJ community, our learners,
trying to pick up the pieces and return to a sense of a “new   of their school careers with Silly Week and an informal         Mrs Gibb, the MBC of 2020/2021 and everyone involved.            staff, teacher and parents. Hindsight is 20-20 vision. In
normal”. However, for many citizens the consequences           valediction. Unfortunately, but understandably, neither of                                                                       years to come, we, and future generations, will look back
of the lockdown were dire; the relief monies promised by       these events could take place. But we had to do something       The final week of this extraordinary school year arrived –       at this extraordinary year and ask: where were you, what
government were slow in coming, if at all, and for many the    for the Class of 2020 and an idea was borne: a (now quite       school reports were finalised, certificates printed, farewell    did you do and how did you get through this….?
‘payment holidays’ were now over. Instead of counting the      famous) South African, called Master KG, had put together       gifts wrapped and text books handed in. And as one of the
cost of lives, South Africans were now confronted with the     a catchy tune, which has become the unofficial anthem           many other “firsts” this year, the school held its first live    The answers are up to each one of us…. and, as they say,
cost of their livelihoods.                                     of the worldwide lockdown – yes, you guessed it – the           screening of the “end-of-year” assembly. Thanks again to         the rest is, and will be, written in the history books. Enjoy!
                                                               #JerusalemaChallenge! First up was the Class of 2020,           all involved in front of the cameras and behind the scenes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Annette Holtmann
Between June and August, even September, the see-              with their version of the Jerusalema dance on the hockey        Oliver Hoffman, the IT Department and our “Beleuchter”
saw of public school closures and openings caused much         field. And suddenly everyone wanted to be part of it, and       learners.
controversy and cynicism. It was clear that not only the       what a blast it was putting together these epic videos. For
public education system, but also the health system was        weeks the Admin Team was humming, singing and dancing
in crisis and chaos. Action taken and decisions made           to the Jerusalema tune!
throughout this crucial time were being scrutinised and

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JAHRBUCH 2020 - Deutsche Internationale Schule ...
                     Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,                           Katastrophenfall und schloss alle Schulen ab dem 18. März.      Damit auch dieses vergangene, besonders herausfordernde
                     liebe Mitglieder unserer Schulgemeinschaft,                  Innerhalb von drei Tagen entwickelten wir verschiedene          Schuljahr 2020 rückblickend ein erfolgreiches in unserer
                                                                                  Strategien zum Fernlernen vom Kindergarten bis zur              Schulgeschichte wurde, bedurfte es einer noch engeren,
                     vor Ihnen liegt das Jahrbuch der Deutschen Internationalen   Oberstufe und alle Lehrkräfte hatten eine Fortbildung           vertrauensvolleren und intensiveren Zusammenarbeit aller
                     Schule Johannesburg des Schuljahres 2020. Die Covid-19       absolviert, sodass wir am 23. März mit dem Online-Lernen        Beteiligten. Deshalb möchte ich mich im Namen unserer
                     Pandemie des Jahres 2020 hinterlässt auch in diesem          begannen, nicht ahnend, dass nun einer der weltweit             Schule, aber auch persönlich, bei folgenden Personen,
                     Jahrbuch ihre Spuren, denn viele unserer schulischen         strengsten „Lockdowns“ begann und die ersten Schüler            Institutionen und Gremien für die großartige Unterstützung
                     Aktivitäten mussten entfallen. Erinnert sei hier an die      erst am 1. Juni die Schule wieder betreten würden.              und das uns entgegengebrachte Vertrauen bedanken:
                     Schulolympiade mit Teilnehmern aus sieben Deutschen                                                                          bei den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern der deutschen
                     Schulen Afrikas, die wir nach vielen Monaten der             Rückblickend haben wir die Pandemie im Schuljahr 2020           Botschaft, insbesondere dem Botschafter Herrn Dr. Schäfer,
                     Vorbereitung nur eine Woche vor Beginn absagen mussten       in jeder Hinsicht gut gemeistert, die Schülerzahl ist relativ   Herrn Behrendt und Frau Vanselow, dem Beauftragten der
                     oder an unseren Schulbasar, das mit Abstand größte und       stabil, die finanzielle Situation ist immer noch solide         Kultusministerkonferenz Herrn Knieling, der Zentralstelle
                     bekannteste Schulfest Johannesburgs mit bis zu 10.000        und besonders wichtig, wir verzeichneten keine einzige          für das deutsche Auslandsschulwesen, den Mitgliedern
                     Besuchern, der ebenfalls nicht stattfinden konnte.           schulisch-bedingte Infektion unter den Schülerinnen,            des Schulvorstands, unseren Fördervereinen, Sponsoren
                                                                                  Schülern, Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Zudem              und befreundeten Organisationen. Ein besonderer
                     Doch auch wenn die meisten der sonst über 200                konnten alle Abschlussprüfungen zum NSC/IEB, zum                Dank gilt allen Eltern, insbesondere den Mitgliedern des
                     Schulveranstaltungen pro Jahr nicht stattfinden konnten,     Abitur und zum deutschen Sprachdiplom II durchgeführt           Elternbeirats sowie allen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern
                     war das Jahr 2020 keineswegs von Langeweile geprägt.         werden. Auch alle Inhalte der Lehrpläne wurden im               unserer Schule.
                     Das hier abgedruckte Corona-Tagebuch der Schule mag          Schuljahr 2020 behandelt. Allerdings zeigt eine Analyse
                     dies verdeutlichen.                                          der Jahreszeugnisse, dass sich die Kluft zwischen               Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß und Freude bei der Lektüre
                                                                                  akademisch starken und schwachen Schülerinnen und               unseres Jahrbuchs 2020 und verbleibe mit freundlichen
                     Das Schuljahr begann mit der Vorbereitungswoche              Schülern vergrößert hat. Dies konnten wir durch zahlreiche      Grüßen.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Thomas Bachmeier,
                     der Lehrkräfte zunächst wie gewohnt. Aufgrund des            Maßnahmen bestenfalls abmildern, aber leider nicht völlig
                     tragischen Unfalls eines Schülers einer südafrikanischen     verhindern.
                     Schule waren wir vor allem damit beschäftigt unsere
                     Regelungen für Klassenfahrten und die unserer Anbieter       Ebenso wenig verhindern konnten wir, dass, bedingt durch
                     rechtlich zu überprüfen bzw. anzupassen. Als im Februar      die Pandemie, das soziale Lernen unserer Schülerinnen
                     alle Klassenfahrten stattfinden konnten, dachten wir – im    und Schülern im vergangenen Jahr nicht wie gewohnt
                     Rückblick reichlich naiv – die größte Herausforderung des    gefördert wurde und viele Begegnungsveranstaltungen
                     Jahres läge hinter uns.                                      entfielen. Dies ist sehr bedauernswert, weil unser sonst
                                                                                  so vielfältiges Schulleben gerade auch durch diese
                     Im Januar erschienen uns die Corona-Infektionen noch         Veranstaltungen geprägt wird und ein wichtiger Teil
                     ein lokal begrenztes Problem Chinas zu sein, doch dies       unseres Selbstverständnisses ist. Andererseits war es
                     änderte sich Ende Februar schlagartig als uns die ersten     wiederum bemerkenswert wie viele Veranstaltungen wir
                     Bilder überfüllter Krankenhäuser und die Nachricht erster    virtuell organisieren konnten, Elternabende, Townhall
                     Toter aus Norditalien, Spanien und New York erreichten.      Meetings, Informationsveranstaltungen, Sprechstunden,
                     Nur eine Woche später, einen Tag vor dem ersten              Lernentwicklungsgespräche, Konferenzen und sogar die
                     Covid-19 Fall in Südafrika, kaufte die Schule die ersten     Hauptversammlung.
                     Schutzmasken, Thermometer und Desinfektionsmittel. Am
                     15. März verkündete Präsident Ramaphosa den nationalen

12                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
              First purchase of hand sanitisers,            27-Mar           Last day of 1st Term                         13-May          Information to Primary School parents
              thermometers and spray bottles                30 Mar – 13 Apr Easter Holidays                                                regarding usage of Teams
06-Mar        First case of Covid-19 in South Africa       08-Apr            S Teams training for DSJ teachers
                                                                             M                                             13 and 14 May    arious virtual Townhall Meetings for all
12-Mar         ovid-19 is declared a pandemic by the
              C                                                              and staff                                                     parents with School Management
              WHO’s Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus                   08-Apr           DSJ e-learning guidelines sent out           16-May           SJ Bewegungs Challenge – Fundraising
12-Mar         ovid-19 presentation in the Foyer by
              C                                                                                                                            event
                                                            09-Apr            nnouncement by President Ramaphosa
              Dr Juno Thomas                                                 – extension of Level 5 for another 2          25-May          Return of Administration staff to DSJ
13-Mar         ancellation of 2020 Sport Olympiade by
              C                                                              weeks                                         25 – 29 May      et up of screening and sanitisation
              DSJ School Management and the Board           14-Apr            erm 2 starts with e-learning, under
                                                                             T                                                             stations, protocols and signage
13-Mar        Start creating MS Teams for e-learning                        lockdown level 5                                              throughout the DSJ
15-Mar         nnouncement by President Ramaphosa
              A                                             14 Apr – 19 Jun Online teaching for all learners of DSJ       28-May          Online Townhall meeting
              – Covid-19 as a national disaster             14-Apr            RC – deliver data and devices to learners
                                                                             P                                             30-May           irtual Schulbasar, “Going for Guild”
16-Mar         nnouncement from DSJ School
              A                                                              without any computers                                         Food collection at DSJ
              Management, closure of school                 14-Apr            tart of our @Home e-learning
                                                                             S                                             01-Jun          Lockdown level 3 starts
16-Mar        IT department starts creating MS Teams                        Competition                                   01-Jun          Grade 12 learners return to school
               for all classes – 373 Teams added subject    17-Apr            ockdown level 5 is extended for another
                                                                             L                                             01-Jun           et 50 x Tablets for e-learning for
               teachers and learners.                                        14 days, until midnight 30th April 2020                       DSJ classes
17-Mar         SJ IT Helpline is opened for learners and
              D                                             20-Apr           Implementation by Primary School of          01-Jun           BK colleagues prepare the classrooms
              teachers                                                        WhatsApp groups for communication                            and the play areas for socal distancing
17-Mar        Last school day for all DSJ learners                           with parents and learners                                    and sanitisation meaures
18-Mar         eacher e-learning training sessions start
              T                                             28-Apr            oll-out of Microsoft Teams for Primary
                                                                             R                                             02-Jun           BK colleagues create a video in
              for Primary and Secondary school                               School                                                        preparation for the children to come to
18-Mar         BK brainstorming session – how do we
              R                                             28-Apr            BK YouTube channel is created for easy
                                                                             R                                                             school, which is sent to the parents
              continue                                                       and multiple access to and for parents        03-Jun          Grade 11 learners return to school
19-Mar        RBK – production start of teaching videos    28-Apr            ilming of explanatory videos on
                                                                             F                                             04-Jun           orschule learners return to school in
20-Mar         irst videos made by the RBK Team are
              F                                                              YouTube by Primary School                                     A and B groups
              sent out to parents                           29-Apr           Purchasing of DSJ masks for DSJ staff        04-Jun           rade 4 learners return to school in
22-Mar         ationwide Lockdown is announced by
              N                                             01-May            ockdown level 4 starts (may exercise
                                                                             L                                                             A and B groups
              President Ramaphosa                                            between 06h00 and 09h00)                      04-Jun           isit of Health Inspector for Covid-19
22-Mar         irst of the weekly worksheets are sent to
              F                                             04-May            eturn of Guaranteed Clean staff to the
                                                                             R                                                             Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
              RBK parents and four videos sent daily                         school                                        07-Jun           second introduction video is made by
23-Mar        Cancellation of 2020 Schulbasar              04-May            urchase of pedal bins for entire school,
                                                                             P                                                             the RBK colleagues for the children and
                                                                             automatic infrared dispensers and                             parents
23 – 27 Mar    irst MS Teams e-learning classes for
              learners                                                       disinfecting doormats in Kiga                 08-Jun          Issueing of learner permits to parents
26-Mar         SJ Administration staff final day at
              D                                             04-May            eep cleaning of all carpets in the school
                                                                             D                                             08-Jun          School buses start operating again
              school before nationwide Lockdown                              by Dry-Chem                                   08 – 19 June     rade 5 to 10 learners return to school
              starts at midnight                            06-May            urther training of Primary School
                                                                             F                                                             who don’t have e-learning facilities at
26-Mar         ockdown level 5 comes into effect
              L                                                              colleagues in Teams                                           home. Use Wifi and tablets at DSJ.
              midnight (only essential shopping and         11-May            eturn of Maintenance Team; setting up
                                                                             R                                             08-Jun           rades 1 to 4 learners return to school,
              medical visit. Cigarette and alcohol sales                     of various rooms as classes, eg. Aula,                        each half of the class alternating weekly
              banned.)                                                       Foyer, Exams room

14                                                                                                                                                                                      15
                                                                                                                             DIE FREUNDE UND FÖRDERER DER
                                                                                                                             DEUTSCHEN SCHULE ZU JOHANNESBURG
                                                                                                                             In dieser Ausgabe des Jahrbuches möchte ich uns einmal        Selbstverständlich sind wir
                                                                                                                             vorstellen:                                                   auch gerne bereit, uns über
                                                                                                                             Wir, das ist ein Kreis von Personen, meist aus dem Umfeld     andere Vorhaben, außer-
                                                                                                                             der Stadt Aalen in Baden-Württemberg, die eine kleine         halb des Social Funds an
                                                                                                                             aber nicht unbedeutende Dienstleistung anbieten. Wir          der DSJ einzubringen, wir
                                                                                                                             nehmen Spenden für die DSJ in Deutschland an und              sind jederzeit offen für
                                                                                                                             leiten diese ohne Abzug weiter. Dafür erhält der Spender      Vorschläge jeglicher Art.
                                                                                                                             eine Spendenbescheinigung für seine Steuererklärung.
                                                                                                                             Diese ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit läuft seit der Fußball WM in    Wer sich z. B. unter den
                                                                                                                             Südafrika, wer erinnert sich nicht an die Eiszapfen rund um   Ehemaligen      aufgerufen
                                                                                                                             das Stadion in Kapstadt 2010. Mit den Spenden wurden          fühlt, der DSJ etwas Gutes
                                                                                                                             bereits segensreiche Projekte unterstützt.                    zu tun und gleichzeitig
                                                                                                                                                                                           seinem     Finanzamt     ein
08-Jun             indergarten and Regenbogen
                  K                                             11-Sep           undesjugendspiele with the second half
                  classes return                                                of the Primary School learners present       Nicht ganz unbeteiligt an der Gründung war die                Schnippchen zu schlagen,
                                                                                                                             ehemalige Assistenz im Marketing Department der DSJ,          der ist bei uns richtig. Die
11-Jun            First two cases of Covid-19 at DSJ           16-Sep           and A Online RBK virtual parent
                                                                                evening                                      Gaby Ullmann, und der ehemalige Ministerpräsident von         Spendenbescheinigung erhält man von uns.
18-Jun             irtual information event on Covid-19 with
                                                                                                                             Baden-Württemberg und spätere EU-Kommissar Günther
                  Dr Juno Thomas                                21 Sep – 09 Oct ( 21 September – 09 October) Spring
                                                                                 Holidays, with Holiday Care                 Öttinger. Die ganze Geschichte würde an dieser Stelle den     Hier die Bankverbindung der Freunde und Förderer der
19-Jun            Last day of Term 2
                                                                                                                             Rahmen sprengen. Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen,           Deutschen Schule zu Johannesburg:
22 Jun – 10 July W
                  inter holidays – Holiday Care is divided     21-Sep          Lockdown level 1 starts
                                                                                                                             allen ehrenamtlich Tätigen im Förderverein herzlich zu
                 into A and B weeks                             05-Oct           reparation of RBK classrooms for the
                                                                                return of all the children                   danken. Es sind keine Millionenbeiträge, die wir jährlich     Kreissparkasse Ostalb
22-Jun             ew Covid-19 Standard Operating
                                                                                                                             übertragen dürfen, aber jeder Euro findet eine gute und       Giro/Geldmarktkonto DE18 6145 0050 1000 4707 56
                  Procedure implemented                         12-Oct          Term 4 starts, under lockdown level 1
                                                                                                                             sinnvolle Verwendung.                                         IBAN D.E.18 6145 0050 1000 4707 56
24-Jun             irtual AGM – with 190 participating
                  V                                             12-Oct           eturn of all Kindergarten learners, with
                  families                                                      new social-distancing measures and
                                                                                screens where possible                       Die meisten Beträge der letzten Jahre gingen in den           Für die Spendenbescheinigung ist es sehr wichtig, dass
04-Jul            1 00 days – South Africa under Lockdown
                                                                                                                             DSJ Social Fund, der zum größten Teil für regelmässiges       Ihre Kontaktdetails vermerkt sind, vor allem Name,
                   (still Level 3)                              12-Oct           eturn of all Primary School learners,
                                                                                with new social-distancing measures and      Essen einiger Schüler (2020 für 19 Schüler aus allen          Emailadresse und Hausadresse.
13-Jul            Term 3 starts, under lockdown level 3
                                                                                screens where possible                       Klassen) verantwortlich zeichnet. Pick ’n Pay unterstützt
13-Jul            Implementation of new Covid-19
                                                                12 – 19 Oct      rades 5 to 11 continue e-learning,
                                                                                G                                            dieses Projekt mit täglich frischem und gesunden Essen        Wir freuen uns über einen regen Finanzaustausch!
                   protocols for teaching and screening
                                                                                due to Abitur oral examinations              zu reduziertem Einkaufspreis und diese Kinder holen sich
13-Jul             indergarten and Primary School
                  K                                                                                                                                                                                                 Martin Gerlach (Oberbürgermeister a.D.),
                                                                20-Oct          Return of all Grade 5 to 11 learners        jeden Morgen ihre Tagesration ab. Der Social Fund springt
                  classes return, alternating school days                                                                                                                                                      1. Vorsitzender der Freunde und Förderer der
                  and A-B weeks                                 23-Oct           ive-screening of Valediction Ceremony
                                                                                L                                            auch ein, wenn bei einem Schüler (der bereits auf einer                                 Deutschen Schule zu Johannesburg e.V.
                                                                                for Class of 2020                            Schuldgeldermässigung ist) die finanziellen Möglichkeiten
13 Jul – 19 Sep    rades 5 to 12 continue e-learning, with
                  G                                                                                                                                                                                                               gerlachaalen@gmail.com
                  one day per week at school for tests          28-Oct           mended Covid-19 Standard Operating
                                                                                A                                            bei der Beschaffung von gebrauchter Schuluniform nicht
13 Jul – 19 Sep    pproximately 80 learners participating
                  A                                                             Procedure implemented                        ausreichen.
                  at school on e-learning                       04 Dec          Term 4 ends
18-Aug            Lockdown level 2 starts                      29 Dec          The country is on adjusted alert level 3
04-Sep             undesjugendspiele with half of the
                  Primary School learners present
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17
Liebe Eltern, Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der DSJ,       Wichtige methodische Aspekte der deutschen Schule
liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler,                               bzw. des Unterrichts wie z.B. selbstständiges Lernen
                                                              und Selbstdisziplin der Schülerinnen und Schüler halfen
Alle Sprachen der Welt haben viele beschreibende              schnell und erfolreich auf e-learning umzustellen. Diese
Ausdrücke     und    Redewendungen.       Wörter      wie     Erfahrungen, insbesondere der digitale Unterricht und der
bemerkenswert, außergewöhnlich und verschiedene               Einsatz von Technologie, werden auch zukünftig in die
andere Formulierungen wurden verwendet, um die                Unterrichtsgestaltung einfliessen. Damit stellen wir sicher,
Erfahrungen des Jahres 2020 zu beschreiben. Alle diese        dass unsere Schule kompetitiv ausgerichtet ist und unsere
Beschreibungen hatten wir gehofft für die Feierlichkeiten     Schülerinnen und Schüler sich in einer modernen globalen
zum 130-jährigen Bestehen der DSJ zu nutzen. Stattdessen      Welt behaupten können.
wurden sie zur Sprache der globalen Pandemie.
                                                              Auch die Vorstandsarbeit im Jahr 2020 gestaltete sich
Der Präsident der Oxford Dictionaries bzgl. der englischen    anders als ursprünglich geplant – die hauptsächliche
Sprache im Jahr 2020 hat es wie folgt formuliert:             Aufgabe bestand vor allem darin, die von der Schulleitung
“This year has seen so many seismic events that Oxford        und den Mitarbeitern entwickelten Lösungen zum
Dictionaries has expanded its word of the year to             Management des Lockdowns bzw. des e-learnings zu
encompass several ‚Words of an Unprecedented Year‘.           diskutieren und abzustimmen. Dabei erwies sich die
Its words are chosen to reflect 2020‘s ‚ethos, mood, or       Wiedereröffnung der Schule als grössere Herausforderung
preoccupations‘. They include bushfires, Covid-19, WFH,       als die eigentliche Schliessung. Im Rahmen von sich
lockdown, circuit-breaker, support bubbles, keyworkers,       ständig ändernden Vorschriften, Hinweisen von ISASA
furlough, Black Lives Matter and moonshot. Use of the         und anderen offiziellen Organisationen mussten die             zukunftsorientiert aufgestellt. Diese solide Basis wird
word pandemic has increased by more than 57,000 %.“           Modelle,    der   Unterricht,   die  Klasseneinteilungen,      unterstützt durch eine lebendige Schulgemeinschaft und
                                                              Nachmittagsbetreuung etc. ständig angepasst werden.            einer Mischung aus lokalen und deutschen Einflüssen in
Jeffrey Buller, ein Hochschulwissenschaftler argumentierte    Dabei wurde die Schulleitung und Vorstand während des          Bildung und Kultur
in 2015, dass akademische Institutionen resistent sind        gesamten Jahres unterstützt von Dr. Juno Thomas und
gegen Veränderungen und es in den Diskussionen nicht          Dr. Gita Naidoo, der deutschen Botschaft und anderen           In diesem Jahr hat die DSJ mit den Worten von Albert
darum gehen sollte, ob und wie wir uns ändern, sondern        Schulleitern deutscher Schulen im südlichen Afrika. Hierfür    Camus wieder einmal bewiesen, dass „In den Tiefen des
welche Art von Veränderung in der Bildung notwendig ist.      möchten wir uns herzlich bedanken.                             Winters erfuhr ich schließlich, dass in mir ein unbesiegbarer
                                                                                                                             Sommer liegt.“ Mit diesen Worten wünschen wir uns
2020 ließ der Welt, den Schulen und anderen Einrichtungen     Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Prioritäten wurde die            allen – Schülern, Mitarbeitern, Eltern – Kraft für ein
keine andere Wahl als sich zu verändern. Es erwies sich als   Vorstandsarbeit in den verschiedenen Ausschüssen               vermutlich erneut schwieriges Jahr 2021. Wir danken
ein schwieriges Jahr, das den Geist der DSJ-Gemeinschaft      fortgesetzt. Die Jahreshauptversammlung fand erstmals          allen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern und der gesamten
auf die Probe stellte. Viele von uns, egal ob Schülerinnen    virtuell statt. Da wir auf diese Art ein breiteres Publikum    Schulgemeinschaft für die anhaltende Unterstützung
oder Schüler, Lehrerinnen oder Lehrer, Mitarbeiterinnen       erreichen können werden wir dieses Konzept auch für            der DSJ.
oder Mitarbeiter und Eltern waren gezwungen sich              zukünftige Jahreshauptversammlungen in Erwägung
komplett neu zu organsieren, zu improvisieren und neue        ziehen.                                                        Abschließend möchten wir unser Beileid an alle Mitglieder
Technologien zu lernen. Homeschooling und e-learning                                                                         der DSJ-Gemeinschaft aussprechen, die im Jahr 2020 ein
wurde die neue Unterrichtsmethode, Microsoft Teams            Für das zweite Jahrhundert unseres Schulbestehens              Familienmitglied, Freunde oder Bekannte verloren haben.
definierte die neue gemeinsame Sprache.                       ist unserer Meinung nach die DSJ finanziell stabil und
                                                                                                                                                                       Der Vorstand der DSJ

18                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Dear DSJ community

All languages, in their traditional as well as modern form,     under pressure adopt, change, and find a footing in a         2020 in the words of Camus, was when the DSJ proved
have many descriptive words, idioms and metaphors.              new normal. The lessons learnt from 2020, in particular       once again “in the depth of winter, … there lay an invincible
Words such as remarkable, extraordinary and various             the use of technology, should be incorporated into an         summer”. May we find that strength again in 2021.
other descriptive words were used to give voice to the          already excellent learning experience and teaching ethos
experience of 2020. We had hoped in early January 2020,         of the DSJ to ensure our school, learners and staff alike,    Finally, it is appropriate to extend our condolences to
that those words could have been used to describe a school      are future ready, whilst continuing to develop learners and   anyone of our extended DSJ community who lost a family
as remarkable as the DSJ in its 130th year of existence; that   staff, who can hold their own globally in a modern world.     member or friend in 2020, and our gratitude to all staff
they would have accompanied words of congratulation                                                                           and the school community for their continued support of
and celebration. Instead, they accompanied the impact of        As a Board, our role in 2020, was mainly to provide the       the DSJ.
a global pandemic.                                              sounding board for the solutions developed by school
                                                                                                                                                                             The DSJ Board
                                                                management and staff to deal with the challenges they
In the English language, for use in 2020, the President of      faced in the early days of lockdown, as well as when the
Oxford Dictionaries was quoted as saying:                       school could reopen. Opening up the school turned out
                                                                to be more challenging than e-learning, as the school
“This year has seen so many seismic events that Oxford          management had to deal with the myriad of constantly
Dictionaries has expanded its word of the year to               changing regulations, advices from ISASA, etc. In all
encompass several ‘Words of an Unprecedented Year’.             of these phases of lockdown, to Dr Juno Thomas and
Its words are chosen to reflect 2020’s ‘ethos, mood, or         Dr Gita Naidu in particular, the German embassy, and
preoccupations’. They include bushfires, Covid-19, WFH,         principals of other German schools in Southern Africa, as
lockdown, circuit-breaker, support bubbles, keyworkers,         well as German schools abroad, we would like to express
furlough, Black Lives Matter and moonshot. Use of the           our sincere gratitude.
word pandemic has increased by more than 57,000 %. It’s
both unprecedented and a little ironic – in a year that left    Similarly, oversight was required of more “old normal”
us speechless, 2020 has been filled with new words unlike       issues, and as such the different committees of the Board
any other.”                                                     continued as per their mandates, albeit with significantly
                                                                scaled back activity, taking other priorities of School
On another note, in 2015, Jeffrey Buller, a higher              Management and staff into account. In 2020, the Board
educational scholar argues that academic institutions           hosted its first virtual AGM. An event we wish to consider
are resistant to change, whilst he points out that the          continuing in this manner, in order to reach a broader
question is not whether we should change but what kind          audience, at their convenience.
of change do we want in education. 2020 left the world
and education institutions with no choice but to change. It     The Board believes the DSJ is financially stable, forward
turned out to be a year that tested the indomitable spirit of   looking and a well-equipped institution of learning for our
the DSJ community. Therefore, as a community, we joined         journey into our second century of existence. We have the
hands, and embraced the challenge of change for mutual          benefit of local as well as German aspects in educational
benefit. Many of us, learners, teachers, staff and parents      and cultural matters, and have a vibrant supportive
alike learned new technology language, adopted to               community. A pervasive ethos of continuous development
screening of lessons and tutorials, developed new words         and learning beset the DSJ. These form the enviable
and expressions. Microsoft Teams experts sprung up              combination on which to continue building for the next
everywhere and e-learning bloomed. The independence             130 years.
and self-discipline nurtured by the DSJ teaching ethos
were invaluable aspects, as an entire community had to

20                                                                                                                                                                                            21
COMMITTEE REPORTS FROM THE BOARD                                                                                                   The past year has given new meaning to the often used
                                                                                                                                   phrase that “our people are our greatest asset”, and we
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Risk Ethics & Governance (REG) Committee

                                                                                                                                   would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all staff of    2020 turned out to be a year of unexpected challenges for
Finance                                                           Nevertheless, the infrastructure committee continued             the DSJ for addressing unprecedented challenges with          the DSJ and its Risk Ethics & Governance Committee.
                                                                  with plans to upgrade the security at the school. This is        unwavering commitment, dedication and tenacity. We
Continuing from the previous financial year 2019, the Finance     an important long-term investment to keep our learners,          would also like express our deepest appreciation to           We started the year off with pressing concerns about
Committee worked closely with School Management to                staff and the school grounds safe. We hope to start with         Professor Peter Dankelmann, who retired from the Board        safety regulations at school camps following the tragic
ensure that the DSJ is financially viable in the near and long    implementation in the first quarter of 2021.                     at the AGM, for his service on the Committee and valuable     death of a Parktown Boys High School learner in January
term. Variance between budget and actuals were within                                                                              contributions to our work.                                    2020. The REG committee worked closely with School
acceptable range. We are closing this current year, 2020, in      Since the downgrade to lockdown level 2 we have been able                                                                      Management to review the regulations of all DSJ school
good financial health. The budget for 2021 indicates a good       to consider future projects, for example, new playground         Development Committee 2020                                    camp providers to ensure that all safety measures were
balance between meeting our pedagogical mandate as a              equipment for the Grundschule and the upgrading of existing                                                                    in place to protect our learners. Mr van Wyk, the head of
school and maintaining school infrastructure to match the         infrastructure.                                                  The development process at the DSJ is multi-faceted and       the school’s Health & Safety Committee deserves a special
type of environment required for developing future leaders.                                                                        continuous. It involves all stakeholders who perform an       mention for his effort in ensuring that the DSJ managed
                                                                  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Luca von Allmen   extraordinary amount of work to continuously improve          this risk and allowed the school camps to go ahead. By all
2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and nowhere         for his valuable input during his time on the Committee. We      the DSJ, and ensure its sustained competitiveness as a        accounts, these camps were a huge success and the kids
has this challenge been felt more strongly than within the        have been fortunate to gain the experience of the newest         leading international German School. This Committee is        came back with treasured memories.
school community. The Board, School Management, teachers,         member to the Board, John von Gottberg, who has kindly           involved in overseeing these activities, and collaborating
staff, parents, and learners have all been challenged to limits   agreed to join this Committee.                                   primarily with the Pedagogical Managers in the School         It was not long after that Covid-19 came to our shores and
no one thought of before. With the responsibility for financial                                                                    Management Team.                                              School Management and the Board was confronted with
management oversight, the Finance Committee has had its           Personnel Committee                                                                                                            unprecedented challenges. In March, before President
fair share of challenges to deal with. We have seen and felt                                                                       The Committee’s key activities have been halted due to the    Ramaphosa had announced the national lockdown, School
the strain on the finances of parents and guardians, brought      A highlight of the work of the Personnel Committee, in           urgent demands placed on School Management related to         Management had already conceptualised several plans.
on by the COVID-19 global pandemic. The school ensured            close collaboration with School Management and the Staff         COVID-19. Key highlights from the Committee’s activities in   The REG is extremely grateful to have had the support of
that no learner was left out of the learning experience due to    Representative Council (SRC), was the adoption of the            2020 largely focused on supporting the key initiatives out    medical experts amongst our parents, especially Dr Juno
COVID-19 induced constraints.                                     following four HR policies and procedures, which took effect     of the Pedagogical Steering Group, as well as progressing     Thomas of the NICD, who advised the school and the
                                                                  on 15 June 2020 and make an important contribution towards       the development of a 2025 DSJ vision and future strategy      Board on Covid-19 risk mitigation measures.
Working with School Management, we maintained good                strengthening and standardising HR processes at the DSJ:         to respond to the myriad of challenges faced by the
oversight on financials, while ensuring the school responded                                                                       School. The work of the Committee to review the DSJ’s         The REG Committee would like to thank all families, school
appropriately to COVID-19-induced demands. Albeit with               –   Leave Policy,                                             policies relating to teaching and learning, administration    staff and management, the SRC, and especially the PRC
added pressure on financials, everyone kept all hands on             –   Grievance Procedure,                                      and operations was conducted and completed during the         for abiding by regulations and processes that had been
deck to keep the ship sailing. We appreciate and thank               –   Disciplinary Policy and                                   final weeks of Term 4, 2019. This work was revisited with     put into place and to ensure that the school could operate
parents and sponsors for meeting their commitments to                –   Sexual Harassment Policy.                                 the need for a sexual harassment policy that surfaced at      safely through the pandemic.
pay school fees on time, enabling the school to not only                                                                           the start of the 2020 school year.
meet its obligations, but remain agile enough to respond to       Another crucial task conducted by the Committee was the                                                                        We would also like to thank Luca von Allmen for chairing
the new normal. Based on future scenario models, we are           review of the SRC Constitution, which will be finalised for       In July 2020, Zukiswa Mthimunye stepped down from the        the committee during the most difficult part of the year,
confident that the financial foundations of the school are        adoption in early 2021.                                          role as Chairperson of the Committee but still remains a      and ensuring that the Board provided the guidance and
strong to ensure smooth operations in 2021.                                                                                        member. We thank her for her leadership and stewardship       oversight to School Management during a period of
                                                                  Our decision, taken in 2019, to strengthen the IT capacity of    of the Committee. Wesahl Domingo is the new Chairperson       increased risk to all, to Dinesh Balliah for a keen eye on
Infrastructure                                                    the School by creating an additional post was a worthwhile       of the Committee. The other members of the Committee          managing the publicity implications of what was planned,
                                                                  investment, given the shift to online teaching and learning      include Tabi T. Tabi, Raika Wiethe and Jan van Wyk.           and Marion Bruns for agreeing to join the REG following
The Covid 19 pandemic obviously lead to the prioritisation        brought about by COVID-19. As a key appointment made in                                                                        Luca’s departure.
of health and safety and a switch to e-learning during the        2020, we welcomed Heike Niederheitmann as the new Head
lockdown period.                                                  of Administration.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      23
DSJ-VORSTANDSMITGLIEDER                                                                                     DSJ-KOLLEGIUM
Stand 30. November 2020

                                 Sune Brugman                  Marion Bruns
                            Vorstandsvorsitzende und    Vorstandsvorsitzende und
                                Finanzausschuss         Risk, Ethics & Governance

                                                                                                            Florian Hindelang      Oberstufenkoordinator Kombizweig
                                                                                                            Jacqueline Hobbs       NSC Koordinatorin Klassen 10-12
     Marilyn Ramplin              Samia Chasi              Stephan Pawlowski         Zukiswa Mthimunye
     Finanzausschuss           Personalausschuss         Infrastrukturausschuss     Entwicklungsausschuss   Lilo Maclachlan		      Leiterin English Medium High School
                                                                                                            Monika Springer		      Vertreterin Personalbeirat
                                                                                                            Franz Prenißl		        Leiter der Integrierte Sekundarstufe

                                                                                                            Heike Niederheitmann   Verwaltungsleiterin
                                                                                                            Gabriele Odenthal      Mittelstufenkoordinatorin Klassen 7-9

                                                                                                            Brigitte Helmrich      Leiterin Regenbogen-Kids
                                                                                                            Raika Wiethe		         Pädagogische Direktorin
                                                                                                            Thomas Bachmeier       Schulleiter
                                                                                                            Jan van Wyk		          Stellvertretender Schulleiter
      Dinesh Balliah           John von Gottberg           Wesahl Domingo               Tabi Tabe Tabi      Tanja Henrichs		       Grundschulleiterin
Risk, Ethics & Governance   Risk, Ethics & Governance    Personalausschuss und        Finanzausschuss &     Cornelia Bökamp        Koordinatorin Klassen 5-6
                                                         Entwicklungsausschuss      Entwicklungsausschuss

24                                                                                                                                                                         25
                       Von links:                                                         Hinten:
                       Cherie van Heerden,                                                Monika Springer,
                       Nina Newton-Fatkin,                                                Dr. Frank Baumgartner (HOD),
                       Mariette Armour (HOD/                                              Mr Bones, Isabelle Solleder,
                       im Fernunterricht),                                                Tanya Smyczek
                       Lynette Snyman
                                                                                          Rici Costopoulos,
                                                                                          Amy Schroeder

                       Hinten:                                                            David Maphanga,
                       Brigitte Broich,                                                   Dena Hanouch (HOD)
                       Karin Meyburgh,
                       Lotti Niederbröker,
                       Betty Motloung

                       Beate von Poser,
                       Alice Moya

26                                                                                                                  27
                    Martin Leibersperger,                                             Hinten:
                    Lilo Maclachlan (HOD),                                            Franz Prenißl,
                    Dr. Frank Baumgartner                                             Jan van Wyk,
                                                                                      Uta Prinsloo

                                                                                      Angelika Böbs,
                                                                                      Tina Frayne,
                                                                                      Angela Hahn (HOD)

                    Shazia Labhadur,                                                  Florian Hindelang,
                    Yvonne Meisel,                                                    Gabriele Odenthal,
                    Shirley Ramsugit,                                                 Carola Prenißl,
                    Anne Albertyn (HOD),                                              Dr. Ruth Goedicke (HOD),
                    Thomas Bachmeier                                                  Christopher Scholz

                                                                                      Es fehlt:
                                                                                      Mirjam Bachmeier

28                                                                                                               29
                      Jennifer Wilkins,
                      Monika Springer,
                      Robyn Henderson

                      Marian Wilkins (HOD),
                      Tania Botha

                      Venita Bucceri,
                      Samantha Gibb

ERDKUNDE-FACHSCHAFT                           Hinten, von links nach rechts:
                                              Veronique Stheeman        Kurslehrerin
                      Uta Prinsloo,           Fiona Schäfer             Inklusionsbeauftragte
                      Birgit Grässer (HOD),   Christina Giessen-Hood Schulpsychologin für Grundschule und Kindergarten
                      Gaby Odenthal,          Prof. Alexander Ziegler   Kurslehrer
                      Isabelle Solleder,
                      Cornelia Bökamp         Mitte, von links nach rechts:
                                              Dr. Ursula Froschauer     Schulpsychologin für Sekundarstufe I und II
                                              Christina Heffernan       Kurslehrerin
                                              Martina Hess              Logopädin
                                              Bongi Molefe              Kurslehrerin

                                              Vorne, von links nach rechts:
                                              Dr. Reiner Fossati        Kurslehrer
                                              Viktoria Korzeniewski     Kurslehrerin
                                              Katja Fleck               Leiterin des Förderzentrums
                                              Christiane Köstlin        Ergotherapeutin

                                              Außerdem Teil des Phönix Centre Förderteams in 2020:
                                              Karin Berger, Brigitte Broich, Leonie Fesche, Catherine Khumalo, Frauke Konrad, Birgit Majchrzak,
                                              Andrea Schmidt van Niekerk, Uta Prinsloo, Julia Schwarz, Patricia Stevens, Lisa Vosters, Christopher Witrin

30                                                                                                                                                          31
                         Ntobeko Qolo,                                                         Hinten:
                         Jan van Wyk,                                                          Andrea Schmidt van Niekerk,
                         Franz Prenißl,                                                        Astrid Schaum, Lisa Vosters,
                         Christopher Scholz (HOD)                                              Sabrina Hart, Birgit Majchrzak

                                                                                               Catherine Khumalo,
                                                                                               Brigitte Koch, Tanja Henrichs,
                                                                                               Michelle Orlando,
                                                                                               Melanie Stewart,
                                                                                               Frauke Konrad

                                                                                               Leonie Fesche, Patricia Stevens,
                                                                                               Cynthia Dlamini, Julia Schwarz,
                                                                                               Ellen de Kock

                         Rici Costopoulos,                                                     Melanie Cameron,
                         Raika Wiethe,                                                         Jean Lemmer (HOD)
                         Florian Hindelang,
                         Mirjam Bachmeier,                                                     Es fehlt:
                         Jacqueline Hobbs (HOD)                                                Jennifer Wilkins

32                                                                                                                          33
                          Hinten:                                          Birgit Grässer,
                          Unathi Mahlathi,                                 Elsali Boulle,
                          Thabelo Thamaha,                                 Dorothea Thiele,
                          Khaya Ngqoleka,                                  Raasha Jina (HOD),
                                                                           Shirley Ramsugit
                          Remember Mashaba,
                          Fred Stone (HOD),
                          Godfrey Maumula,
                          Bernard Makabanyane

                          Lunga Masithulela,
                          Joseph Moiloa,
                          Gabriel Moepi

                          Hinten:                                          Dr. Ruth Goedicke,
                          Martin Leibersperger,                            Viola Ziegler (HOD),
                          Markus Konrad,                                   Hannah Schell,
                          Dorothea Thiele                                  Marco Fourie

                          Yvonne Meisel (HOD),
                          Moritz Kessel,
                          Birgit Grässer

34                                                                                                35
                      Elsali Boulle,
                      Lilo Maclachlan (HOD),
                      Dorothea Thiele,
                      Moritz Kessel,
                      Yvonne Meisel

                                               Hinten:                                           2. Reihe:
                                               Silvia Schulz, Silke Nuppenau, Sabine Anderson,   Maike Laing, Alexandra Schenck,
                                               Gertrud Rösch, Ilana Graf, Gülay Scott,           Claudia Newenham, Ulrike Karg,
                                               Denise Kies, Carmen Debus, Simone Dahm,           Kamogelo Mochadibane,
                                               Beatrix Williams                                  Brigitte Helmrich, Julia Pelser,
                                                                                                 Stefanie Klomann
                                               3. Reihe:
                                               Marianna Koch, Nina de Villiers,                  Vorne:
                                               Lina Molai, Angelika Krusekopf,                   Nadine Tüchler, Elea Göhring,
                                               Christiane Hoetmer, Cristina Nhazilo,             Simone Tüchler, Ingrid Reijnders,
                                               Karin Berger, Ellen de Kock,                      Elke Wellmann
                                               Doreen Arnautovic, Sandra Müller,
                                               Zamakhuze Mabaso, Susanne Dinneen,                Es fehlt:
                                               Kirsten Dunn                                      Elrike Huesmann, Julia Marston

36                                                                                                                                   37
REGENBOGEN-KIDS STAFF                                              SPORTS DEPARTMENT
                                           Hinten:                                                               Hinten:
                                           Rose Mokoele,                                                         Alexander Bell,
                                           Solofelang Mongae,                                                    Melanie Böbs (HOD),
                                           Rosina Mohotlane,                                                     Busi Ngcwama
                                           Mantombi Nxuseka,
                                           Bathabile Mahlangu,                                                   Mitte:
                                           Virginia Ngwangqa                                                     Julia Schwarz,
                                                                                                                 Sabrina Hart
                                           Mita Thwala,                                                          Vorne:
                                           Duduzile Mbatha                                                       Tanja Henrichs

                                           Es fehlt:
                                           Bridgette Tshivhase

                                           Rici Costopoulos,                                                     Hinten:
                                           Jacqueline Hobbs,                                                     Alexandra Schenck,
                                           Cornelia Bökamp (HOD)                                                 Christopher Scholz,
                                                                                                                 Monika Springer

                                                                                                                 Melanie Stewart,
                                                                                                                 Dena Hanouch (Vorsitz),
                                                                                                                 Jutta Barends

38                                                                                                                                         39
                            Hinten:                                                                     Hinten:
                            Mariska van Wyngaard,                                                       Savo Ceprnich
                            Hanette Strijdom (HOD)                                                      (HOD Marketing/PR),
                                                                                                        Heike Niederheitmann
                            Vorne:                                                                      (HOD Verwaltung),
                            Tanya Ginsberg,                                                             Hilde Wizemann
                            Nonhlanhla Jiyane                                                           (HOD Personal)

                                                                                                        Katja Peters,
                                                                                                        Annette Holtmann,
                                                                                                        Karin Mellado

                            Hinten:                                                                     Hinten:
                            Victori Mfusi,                                                              Eugene Marais,
                            Anja Venter,                                                                Francina Oliver (HOD IT),
                            Andrea Erasmus,                                                             Rory de Beer
                            Sam Ngwenya
                            Vorne:                                                                      Lauran Fossati,
                            Janine Scheffler,                                                           Pam Johannsen
                            Sharlene Kutzner,                                                           (HOD Lernzentrum)
                            Jutta Barends (HOD)
                                                                                                        Es fehlt:
                                                                                                        Oliver Hoffman

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NAME           VORNAME      ART    FÄCHER             LAND                    FUNKTION                                     AN DER DSJ SEIT   Konrad                Markus        OLK       Ma                     Südafrika                                                      01.01.2012
                                                                                                                                              Laing                 Maike         OLK       RB Kids                Südafrika                                                      01.01.2014
 SCHULLEITUNG                                                                                                                                 Leibersperger         Martin        ADLK      Ma, Chem, Inf          D: BaWü            Studien- und Berufsberatung                 01.01.2020
 Bachmeier      Thomas       ADLK   Info               D: Bayern               Schulleiter                                  01.09.2014        Lemmer                Jean          OLK       Visual Arts            Südafrika          HoD Visual Arts and Technology              01.04.2017
 Bökamp         Cornelia     OLK    LO, Rel            Südafrika               Leiterin Orientierungsstufe & HoD Religion   01.07.2005        Mabaso                Zama          OLK       RB Kids                Südafrika                                                      01.01.2004
 Helmrich       Brigitte     OLK                       Südafrika               Leiterin Regenbogen-Kids                     01.04.1997        Majchrzak             Birgit        OLK       GS                     D: Berlin                                                      01.07.2019
 Henrichs       Tanja        ADLK   GS                 D: NRW                  Leiterin Grundschule                         01.01.2020        Maphanga              David         OLK       Business Studies       Südafrika                                                      01.07.2017
 Hindelang      Florian      ADLK   De, DaF, Ge        D: Bayern               Koordination Oberstufe                       01.01.2018        Meisel                Yvonne        FALK      Ma, Info, Tech         D: Berlin          HoD Mathematik                              01.01.2018
 Hobbs          Jacqueline   OLK    History, LO        Südafrika               Koordination NSC & HoD LO & History          01.01.2007        Mochadibane           Kamogelo      OLK       RB Kids                Südafrika          Stellvertretende Leiterin Regenbogen-Kids   01.01.2006
 Maclachlan     Liselotte    OLK    Ma, Ch             Südafrika               EMHS Coordination & HoD Physical Science     01.01.2006        Newenham              Claudia       OLK       RB Kids                Schweiz                                                        01.01.2014
 Odenthal       Gabriele     ADLK   De, Ek             D: Hessen               Koordination Mittelstufe                     01.01.2018        Newton-Fatkin         Nina          OLK       Afr                    Südafrika                                                      01.10.2019
 Prenißl        Franz        ADLK   Fr, DaF            D: Niedersachsen        Leitung ISek                                 01.01.2018        Ngcwama               Busi          OLK       Sport                  Südafrika                                                      01.10.2018
 Van Wyk        Jan          OLK    Fr, DaF            Südafrika               Stellvertretender Schulleiter                01.01.2000        Pelser                Julia         OLK       RB Kids                Südafrika                                                      14.04.2014
 Wiethe         Raika        ADLK   De, Ge             D: Schleswig-Holstein   Pädagogische Direktorin                      01.01.2019        Prenißl               Carola        OLK       DaF, De                D: Niedersachsen                                               01.01.2018
                                                                                                                                              Prinsloo              Uta           OLK       DaF, Ek                Südafrika                                                      01.07.2012
 LEHRKRÄFTE                                                                                                                                   Qolo                  Ntobeko       OLK       Fr                     Südafrika                                                      13.07.2020
 Albertyn       Ann          OLK    Info               Südafrika               HoD Information Technology                   01.01.2018        Ramsugit              Shirley       OLK       Ma                     Südafrika                                                      01.01.2019
 Armour         Mariette     OLK    Afr                Südafrika               HoD Afrikaans                                01.01.2004        Schäfer               Fiona         OLK                              D: Hessen          Inklusionsbeauftragte                       01.02.2018
 Arnautovic     Doreen       OLK    RB Kids            Südafrika                                                            17.02.2014        Schaum                Astrid        OLK       GS                     Südafrika                                                      01.07.1998
 Bachmeier      Mirjam       FALK   De, Ge             D: Bayern                                                            01.04.2015        Schell                Hannah        OLK       Music                  Südafrika                                                      25.02.2019
 Baumgartner    Frank        ADLK   Ma, Chem, Bio      D: BaWü                 HoD Biologie                                 01.01.2018        Schmidt van Niekerk   Andrea        OLK       GS                     D: Sachsen                                                     01.07.2010
 Bell           Alexander    OLK    Sport              Südafrika                                                            01.08.2015        Scholz                Christopher   ADLK      De, Fr                 D: Rhl-Pfalz       HoD Französisch                             01.01.2019
 Berger         Karin        OLK    RB Kids            Südafrika                                                            01.01.2003        Schulz                Franziska     OLK       DAF                    D: Berlin                                                      01.01.2017
 Botha          Tania        OLK    En                 Südafrika                                                            01.01.2018        Schröder              Amy           OLK       Bio                    Südafrika                                                      01.01.2020
 Böbs           Angelika     OLK    DaF                Südafrika                                                            01.07.2020        Schwarz               Julia         OLK       GS                     Südafrika                                                      01.01.2011
 Böbs           Melanie      OLK    Sport              Südafrika               HoD Sport                                    01.01.2016        Smyczek               Tanya         OLK       Bio                    Südafrika                                                      01.01.2018
 Boulle         Elsali       OLK    Ph                 Südafrika                                                            01.01.2020        Snyman                Lynette       OLK       Afr                    Südafrika                                                      01.01.2018
 Bucceri        Venita       OLK    En                 Südafrika                                                            01.01.2018        Solleder              Isabelle      ADLK      Bio, Sp                D: BaWü            DfU                                         01.02.2017
 Cameron        Melanie      OLK    Ku, Tech           Südafrika                                                            01.01.2018        Springer              Monika        OLK       En, Bio                Südafrika                                                      01.07.2009
 Costopoulos    Ricarda      OLK    LO, Bio            Südafrika                                                            01.01.2019        Stevens               Patricia      OLK       GS                     Südafrika                                                      01.01.1995
 Debus          Carmen       OLK    RB Kids            D: Rhl-Pfalz                                                         01.01.2008        Stewart               Melanie       OLK       GS                     Südafrika                                                      01.01.2005
 De Villiers    Nina         OLK    RB Kids            Südafrika                                                            01.01.2011        Thiele                Dorothea      OLK       Ma                     Südafrika                                                      01.01.2019
 Dunn           Kirsten      OLK    RB Kids            Südafrika                                                            01.01.2010        Tüchler               Simone        OLK       RB Kids                Österreich                                                     01.01.2014
 Fesche         Leonie       OLK    GS                 D: Niedersachsen                                                     01.07.2019        van Heerden           Cherie        OLK       Afr                    Südafrika                                                      01.01.2016
 Fourie         Marco        OLK    Mu                 Südafrika                                                            01.01.2017        Vosters               Lisa          OLK       GS                     Südafrika          Stellvertretende Leiterin Grundschule       01.01.2014
 Frayne         Tina         OLK    DaF                Südafrika                                                            01.01.2020        Williams              Beatrix       OLK       RB Kids                Südafrika                                                      01.01.2016
 Gibb           Samantha     OLK    En                 Südafrika                                                            01.01.2011        Wilkins               Jennifer      OLK       TG                     Südafrika                                                      01.01.2015
 Goedicke       Ruth         ADLK   De, Mu             D: Berlin               HoD DAM                                      01.01.2019        Wilkins               Marian        OLK       En                     Südafrika          HoD English                                 01.01.2012
 Graf           Ilana        OLK    RB Kids            Südafrika                                                            01.01.2015        Ziegler               Viola         OLK       Mu                     Südafrika          HoD Musik                                   01.01.2013
 Grässer        Birgit       OLK    Ma, Ek             Südafrika               HoD Erdkunde                                 01.01.2006
 Hahn           Angela       ADLK   DaF, En            D: Hessen               HoD DAF                                      01.08.2019        REGENBOGEN-KIDS
 Hanouch        Dena         OLK    Business Studies   Südafrika               HoD Business Studies                         01.01.2013        Anderson              Sabine        RB Kids   Assistentin            Südafrika                                                      01.07.2005
 Hart           Sabrina      OLK    GS                 Südafrika                                                            01.01.2019        Dahm                  Simone        RB Kids   Assistentin            Südafrika                                                      01.01.2018
 Henderson      Robyn        OLK    En                 Südafrika                                                            01.10.2020        Dinneen               Susanne       RB Kids   Assistentin            Deutschland                                                    01.01.2016
 Jina           Raasha       OLK    Ma                 Südafrika               HoD Mathematics                              01.01.2017        Galbraith             Andrea        RB Kids   Aftercare RT-Leitung   Österreich                                                     01.01.2014
 Karg           Ulrike       OLK    RB Kids            Südafrika                                                            01.01.2008        Göhring               Elea          RB Kids   Assistentin            Südafrika                                                      12.03.2018
 Kessel         Moritz       FALK   Ma, Ph             D: Rhl-Pfalz                                                         01.01.2019        Hoetmer               Christiane    RB Kids   Assistentin            Südafrika                                                      01.01.2020
 Koch           Brigitte     OLK    GS                 Südafrika                                                            12.10.2015        Huesmann              Elrike        RB Kids   Assistentin            Südafrika                                                      01.06.2020
 Koch           Marianna     OLK    RB Kids            D: Niedersachsen                                                     01.01.2014        Kies                  Denise        RB Kids   Assistentin            Südafrika                                                      01.01.2019
 Konrad         Frauke       OLK    GS                 Südafrika                                                            01.01.1998        Klomann               Stephanie     RB Kids   Assistentin            Südafrika                                                      01.01.2018

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