JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club

Page created by Edna Harmon
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
Membership News, Events & Happenings
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
EVENTS & HAPPENINGS                                                                                                 JANUARY 2021

Here's to 2021 and a brand New Year.
And of course, with a new year comes new monthly food and beverage programming: Chef Cameron, and the culinary
team, offer their creative list of "Chef Hacks" for some fun and instructional hands-on workshops. One Thursday each month
from 5- 6 p.m. in the Wine Room, the white jackets will be showcasing "Chef Hacks," featuring your culinary team! Stop in
for tricks of the trade beginning January 7, which focuses on learning knife skills and tips! Complimentary for members.

"Wine Well with Others" takes place on Wednesday, January 20. Do you like wine? Are you interested in learning more? Join our
resident sommelier, Harrison Perkins, in a monthly series to learn more about the secrets of the vine, held in the wine room.
Complimentary for members.

"Spirit Series" takes place on Friday, January 29. We are raising your spirits in the Sea View Lounge! Join us for a spirit lesson to
learn how to make the perfect Old Fashioned. Each month will feature a new cocktail in the lounge for a hands-on experience.

"January. The first month of the year, a perfect time to start all over again. Changing energies and deserting old moods.
New beginnings, new attitudes." - Charmaine J. Forde

Keep your eye on the calendar and your Club Member App for updates.
Happy 2021 and we'll see you at The Lodge!

Reservations required for all events & space is limited. Please call 904.280.6062 or use the Club Member App.

  PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB                                   BOOK CLUB                       MAHJONG                       BRIDGE
     WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13                        TUESDAY, JANUARY 19            MONDAY, JANUARY 25            EVERY THURSDAY
            6 P.M.                                   10 A.M. – NOON                  1 – 4 P.M.                  NOON - 4 P.M.
Grab your camera and join us for               The Spy Who Came in f rom        Gather a group of four        Bridge fun with
a captivating evening with fellow              the Cold by John le Carré is     for Mahjong. Please           groups of four
m e m b e r p h o to g r a p h y b u f f s .   our riveting book this month.    bring game board and          makes a great way to
Learn and share tips for taking                Zoom Drop in reser vation        p i e c e s – we d o n o t    spend a winter day
and editing great photos. Check-               available through your Club      provide them. Check-          at the beach. Check-
in with the Front Desk for location.           Calendar on the Club Member        in at the Front Desk.       in at the Front Desk.
                                                 App or Member Website.
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
EVENTS & HAPPENINGS                                                                                                       JANUARY 2021

Reservations required for all events, space is limited and 48-hour cancellation policy applies. When possible, events will be
held outside for safety purposes. Please call 904.280.6062 or use the Club Member App. *Service charge & tax additional.

                     ID AY                                           ID AY                                       O N DA
                FR                                              FR


                  JAN                                             JAN                                             JAN
                   8                                               8                                               11

 KID'S PIRATE ADVENTURE                             LODGE CULINARY                                   LODGE TRIVIA NIGHT
       6 - 8 P.M. | AGES 4 - 12                        COOK-OFF                                  FIRST QUESTION DELIVERED AT 6 P.M.
 $25 PER MEMBER | $30 PER GUEST                              6:30 P.M.                                    COMPLIMENTARY
                                                         $40 PER PERSON*
Ahoy Matey! Mini pirates surround                                                                Gather a team of up to eight for an
                                            G e t to kn ow o u r awa rd -w i n n i n g           exciting game of Trivia! Vie for prizes
The Lodge & Club with a map in
                                            culinary team. Gather round as the                   and the Trivia Title! Drink service is
hand to hunt for buried treasure, play
                                            chefs compete for the best signature                 available. Sign up for Trivia f rom the
games, and enjoy dinner. Extended
                                            dish and bragging rights. Cast your                  f irst to the fourth of the month. We
care is available until 9 p.m. and is $10
                                            vote for your favorite! Member charge                will draw the lucky team participants
                per child.
                                                         bar available.                          on the fifth of the month. Call or stop
                                                                                                 by The Fitness Center to add your
                                                                                                 team to the table request list. All
                                                                                                 names for members playing need to
                                                                                                 be submitted at the time of sign up.
                                                                                                 Cancellation or no show in a 48-hour
                                                                                                 window before the game results in
                                                                                                 the inability to sign up for the next
                                                                                                 month’s trivia night. February’s Trivia
                                                                                                        Night is Monday, February 8.

                     ID AY                                           U R DA                                      O N DA
                FR                                              AT


                  JAN                                             JAN                                             JAN
                   15                                              16                                              18

    KID'S WILD WONDER                        TWEEN PAINTING WITH A                               NETWORKING SPEED MEET
       ANIMAL SHOW                               TWIST EVENT                                                   6 P.M.
       6 - 8 P.M. | AGES 4 - 12                     5 - 7 P.M. | AGES 8 - 13                               COMPLIMENTARY
 $25 PER MEMBER | $30 PER GUEST               $25 PER MEMBER | $30 PER GUEST
                                                                                                 It is a new year for business! Gather
Wild Mike and his crew of exotic            B u d d i n g t w e e n a r t i s t s c r e a te a   with Lodge members for a networking
animals join us for an adventure            masterpiece on canvas! Bring friends                 mix and mingle. Polish your 30-second
storytime and show! Get up close and        for this artsy evening out and take                  elevator speech. Enter a drawing for a
personal with the animal kingdom,                 home more than memories.                                 client dinner on us!
enjoy dinner with f riends. Extended
care is available until 9 p.m. for an
        additional $10 per child.
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
EVENTS & HAPPENINGS                                                                                                        JANUARY 2021

Reservations required for all events, space is limited and 48-hour cancellation policy applies. When possible, events will be
held outside for safety purposes. Please call 904.280.6062 or use the Club Member App. *Service charge & tax additional.

                      S DA                                          ID AY                                         N D AY
                 UE                                            FR                                            SU

                  JAN                                            JAN                                          JAN
                   26                                             29                                           31

      TUESDAY TASTING                                KID'S MOVIE NIGHT                           FAMILY CPR CLASS
               6:30 P.M.                               6 - 8 P.M. | AGES 3 - 10                       1 P.M. | AGES 10+
          $25 PER PERSON*                        $20 PER MEMBER | $25 PER GUEST                      $60 PER PERSON
Sip, savor, and find a new wine to pair        We are going to the dogs with a            Bring the family for CPR certification. It
with evenings around the f ire. Our            showing of Disney’s animated classic       is a great life skill to know, makes for a
par tners f rom Republic National              101 Dalmatians on the big screen. Pizza    positive addition to a resume, and adds
Distributing Company deliver fireside          and cookies are on the menu, along            much to a babysitter’s experience.
     favorites for the winter season.          with crafts and activities! Extended
                                               care is available until 9 p.m. and is an
                                                       additional $10 per child.

                                                RECREATION FUN
                             Join the Lodge Recreation team as they entertain throughout the week
                             at the Kid's Club in the Fitness Center! Ages 2 - 8, from 5 - 7 p.m. Sign up
                              under the Club Calendar of your member app. $20 per child, per session.

                                                 POLAR BEAR CUPCAKES
                                                     MONDAYS, JANUARY 4 & 18

                                                         SPORTS PLAY
                                                    TUESDAYS, JANUARY 12 & 26

                                                 BOARD GAME BONANZA
                                                   WEDNESDAYS, JANUARY 6 & 20

                                                AFTERNOON CRAFT HOUR
                                                SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 & 24 | 2 - 4 P.M.
                                                             $15 PER CHILD
                             Drop the kids off for for crafty fun with friends. Afternoon Craft Hour is a
                                     drop-off event and not regularly scheduled nursery time.

                                                       POPCORN & PJS!
                                             SATURDAY JANUARY 2, 9, 23, & 30 | 6 - 8 P.M.
                                                      $15 PER CHILD | AGES 2 - 6
                             Make it a date night, and bring the kids in for a movie night dressed in PJs!
                                       Space is limited; bring a pillow and blanket to get cozy!
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
GYM                                                                                                                JANUARY 2021

For reservations, sign up on the Club Member App under Fitness Classes or call 904.273.9600.

                                          NEW YEAR’S DAY POLAR PLUNGE
                                                       FRIDAY, JANUARY 1
                                                                                                   RECREATION HOURS
                                                   10 A.M. ∙ COMPLIMENTARY
                                                                                                     FITNESS CENTER
                                         Celebrate New Year’s Day and make the mad                  Open seven days a week.
                                         dash into the Atlantic Ocean in our annual                  Call the Gym Desk for
                                         Polar Plunge. Enjoy complimentary coffee,                       current hours.
                                         hot chocolate, or a delicious Bloody Mary
                                         bar following the plunge! You will want a                      Phone Number:
                                         commemorative Polar Plunge T-shirt. Polar                       904.273.9600
                                         Plunge T-Shirt $24 for adults, $18 for kids.
                                         Pre-order by calling 904.273.9600, or you can                     No Classes
                                         purchase one the day of the plunge -- based                   on Friday, January 1
                                                                                                       for New Year's Day
                                         on availability. Member Charge "Grab & Go"
                                         Breakfast tacos, burritos, and sandwiches hot
                                                                                                   Personal Training Certified
                                         off the grill for pre and post plunge enjoyment!             Personal Trainers are
                                                                                                   available. Call 904.273.9600
                                                                                                      for more information.
           YOGA STRETCH                              KIDS YOGA WORKSHOP
              EVERY MONDAY                            WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 & 20                        FAMILY POOL
                 5:15 P.M.                              4 - 4:45 P.M. ∙ AGES 4 - 10                  Open seven days a week.
                                                            COMPLIMENTARY                             Call the Gym Desk for
Robin leads a Yoga stretch class that brings                                                              current hours.
together physical and mental disciplines           In the hustle and bustle world, Yoga
to achieve a peaceful body and mind and            for kids offers a break f rom it all and                Water Slide
increase flexibility, muscle strength, and         enhances flexibility, strength, and                      Weekends
body tone. For many, it helps manage stress        coordination. Bring a mat and a                        9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
 and anxiety. Join us for overall good health.     water bottle. Space is limited. For
                                                   reservations, please call 904.280.6062.                  Splash Area
                                                                                                     Open seven days a week.
                                                                                                      Call the Gym Desk for
          CAMP FIT CLASS                                SOUL BODY BARRE                                   current hours.
       THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 & 21                            EVERY WEDNESDAY                             Weather Permitting
       4 - 5 P.M. ∙ COMPLIMENTARY                               5:30 P.M.
                                                                                                    Reservations required for
Winter activity includes an afternoon of team-     Lili’s one-hour, mindfully intense               all fitness and pool access
 building skills and fun. Bring a water bottle.    choreographed class brings Ballet               through your Lodge & Club
                                                   Barre, dumbbells, thera bands, and an                    Member App.
                                                    inflatable Pilates ball to the workout.

  Want to get fit from home under the tutelage of our fabulous instructors? Zoom in for a virtual class. Fitness classes
  with a “V” notation on the schedule are available to take on Zoom from home. You can register on the Club Member
                                             App or on the member website.


        Lodge Tween Laster Tag                    Wilkes & Pearson Saunders                            Snyder Family
                                                     at Grinch Movie Night                    at Gingerbread House Decorating
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
DINING                                                                                          DINING HOURS
Dining features not available on holidays.
                                                                                                SEA VIEW GRILLE
                     ID AY                         S’MORES AT THE TRELLIS
                                                  EVERY WEDNESDAY | 4:30 - 6:30 P.M.                    Breakfast
                  15                                     COMPLIMENTARY                                7 – 10:30 a.m.

                                               Get bundled up for a beachfront S’more!                    Lunch
                                               It makes a perfect mid-week treat with               11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                                                          family and friends.
                                                                                                        5 – 9 p.m.

                                                                NEW                                As seating is limited,
                                                                                                     reservations are
                                                                                                 preferred for all dining
                                                            CHEF HACKS                            in the Sea View Grille.
                                                   THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 | 5 - 6 P.M.             Please make reservations
                                                    WINE ROOM | COMPLIMENTARY                    by calling 904.273.9500.
                                                                                                       Casual Attire.
                                                   Once a month, our talented chefs
        REVANA FAMILY                              s h owc a s e C h e f H a cks ! Co m e            SEA VIEW
         WINE DINNER                               hungry to learn the tricks of the                  LOUNGE
                6:30 P.M.                          trade. This month we teach knife
          $115 PER PERSON*                                     skills and tips.                 Lounge Menu Available
        LIMITED AVAILABILITY                                                                              Daily
                                                                                                   11:30 a.m. – 11 p.m.
The Revana Family Vineyards began                       WINE WELL WITH
in 1997 with Dr. Madaiah Revana, a                         OTHERS                                      Live Music
successful cardiologist from Houston,               THURSDAY, JANUARY 20 | 5 - 6 P.M.                 Every Friday
Texas, who discovered a small parcel
                                                     WINE ROOM | COMPLIMENTARY                         5 - 8 p.m.
of prime vineyard land in St. Helena
in Napa Valley in which to fulf ill his            Want to be a wine connoisseur?
                                                   Sommelier Harrison Perkins                        THE OASIS
dream of owning a vineyard. In 2001,
he and his consultant winemaker                    teaches a monthly series on the
                                                                                                   Sunday - Thursday
Heidi Barret launched the first vintage                     vine’s secrets.
                                                                                                     11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
of Revana Estate Cabernet. From
there, Dr. Revana established Alexana                      SPIRIT SERIES                            Friday – Saturday
Winery in Dundee Hills, Willamette                   FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 | 5 - 6 P.M.                 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Valley, Oregon, in 2005, producing                        SEA VIEW LOUNGE
Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, and
                                                          COMPLIMENTARY                           Weather Permitting
Riesling. In 2008, he created Corazon
Del Sol Winery in Uco Valley, Argentina            Raise your spirits! Join us for a
producing Bordeaux and Rhone Valley                hands-on lesson on how to make
varietals. All three wineries garner               the perfect Old Fashioned. Be
international attention with numerous              on the lookout for next month’s
Wine Spectator awards, including the                      cocktail experience.
       2010 # 4 wine of the year.

                                                                              SUNDAY SUPPER TO-GO
                                                               Take Sunday night cooking off the table and allow our chefs
                                                               to provide dinner. Order a meal that f its your needs. Place
                                                               your order by noon on Friday, and pick up is at 4:30 p.m. on
                                                               Sunday. Meals come ready to heat with instructions. The menu
                                                                   is available online. Enjoy curbside pickup at the Valet!

                                     Service charge & tax is additional for all F&B features.
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
SPA                                                                                                         JANUARY 2021

                                                                      Vanilla Bean Facial
                  of the
                                                                         60 MINUTES | $175 PLUS SERVICE CHARGE

                                                                     This facial is far from plain vanilla! Enjoy a vitamin E
                                                                     infused towel pre-cleanse to open pores, a soothing
                                                                     green tea milk wash to calm inflammation, and

               Month                                                 a f ruit extract & rose water tonic to revitalize the
                                                                     skin. A burdock root and mango butter facial polish
                                                                     exfoliate the skin. To complete this delicious facial,
                                                                     a chocolate and f ig vitamin serum chock full of
                                                                     antioxidants renews and nourishes the skin giving
                                                                     a glowy appearance. A three-milk moisturizer and
                                                                     under-eye serum comforts the skin and erases the
                                                                                          look of fine lines.

                                                                     Savor a complimentary Vanilla Spritzer when
                                                                              enjoying this facial in January.

MEMBER DISCOUNT DAYS                                GENTLEMEN’S                                HOLIDAY HOURS
     EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY,                         DISCOUNT DAY                                  New Year's Eve
         & WEDNESDAY                                  EVERY THURSDAY                           Thursday, December 31
Members can enjoy an attractive             Gentlemen can enjoy a discount of                      9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
15% discount on spa services every          20% OFF full-priced services at The
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.                    Spa every Thursday.                             New Year's Day
Treat yourself to a 60-minute Signature                                                            Friday, January 1
Massage, Ponte Vedra Essential Facial,                                                              11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
or a Quench Body Polish for $165
       including service charge.

                                                 ALASTIN EVENT
                                                   FRIDAY, JANUARY 8
                                                     10 A.M. – 3 P.M.
 MEMBER SHOPPING DAY                      Visit The Spa Boutique and meet
                                                                                     DR. DENNIS GROSS EVENT
                                                                                             FRIDAY, JANUARY 22
       TUESDAY, JANUARY 12                with an Alastin Specialist to discuss
                                          your skincare needs. Take advantage                   11 A.M. – 4 P.M.
          9 A.M. – 5 P.M.
                                          of special skincare regime bundles        World-renowned Dr. Dennis Gross
Members enjoy a 15% discount on
                                          customized just for you. Enjoy 20% off    products are in The Spa Boutique.
retail products in The Spa Boutique.
                                                Alastin products January 8.         Meet with our representative on
Discounts do not apply to gift cards
                                                                                    Friday and enjoy 20% off the line.
          and on-sale items.
                                                                                          Your skin will thank you!
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
Executive Staff – The Lodge & Club
C. Thayer Kern, General Manager, tkern@pvresorts.com
William Terry, Director of Food & Beverage, wterry@pvresorts.com
Ryan Lahey, Membership Director, rlahey@pvresorts.com
Jennifer Dahlberg, Catering Sales Director, jdahlberg@pvresorts.com
Ashley Feil, Member Relations Manager, afeil@pvresorts.com
Cameron Walton, Executive Chef, cwalton@pvresorts.com
Darren Angle, Director of Fitness & Beach Rentals, dangle@pvresorts.com
Robert Coryell, Director of Rooms, rcoryell@pvresorts.com
Molly Lozano, Marketing Coordinator, mlozano@pvresorts.com

      SUN                  MON                     TUE                   WED                THURS                       FRI                    SAT
                                                                                                                  1                       2

      JANUARY 2021
                                                                                                                  Live Entertainment          Outdoor Yoga
                                                                                                                       5 - 8 p.m.                8 a.m.
                                                                                                                      New Year's Day          Popcorn & PJs
                                                                                                                       Polar Plunge             6 - 8 p.m.
                                                                                                                         10 a.m.

 3                     4                     5                      6                       7                     8                       9
 Sunday Supper to Go       Yoga Stretch          Virtual Pilates   S’mores at The Trellis           Bridge        Live Entertainment          Outdoor Yoga
                            5:15 p.m.              9:15 a.m.            5 - 7 p.m.                12:00 p.m.           5 - 8 p.m.                8 a.m.
                       Polar Bear Cupcakes                         Kid’s Yoga Workshop          Kid’s Camp Fit   Kid's Pirate Adventure       Popcorn & PJs
                             5 - 7 p.m.                                 4 - 4:45 p.m.               4 p.m.              6 - 8 p.m.              6 - 8 p.m.
                                                                   Board Game Bonanza            Chef Hacks       Culinary Cook-Off
                                                                        5 - 7 p.m.                5 - 6 p.m.           6:30 p.m.

 10                    11                    12                     13                      14                    15                      16
 Sunday Supper to Go   Lodge Trivia Night        Virtual Pilates   S’mores at The Trellis           Bridge        Kid's Wild Wonder           Outdoor Yoga
                            6 p.m.                 9:15 a.m.            5 - 7 p.m.                12:00 p.m.        Animal Show                  8 a.m.
Afternoon Craft Hour                                                                                                   6 - 8 p.m.
      2 - 4 p.m.           Yoga Stretch           Sports Play        Photograhy Club                                                      Tween Painting with
                            5:15 p.m.              5 - 7 p.m.             6 p.m.                                 Revana Family Wine            a Twist
                                                                                                                       Dinner                 5 - 7 p.m.
                                                                                                                      6:30 p.m.

 17                    18                    19                     20                      21                    22                      23
 Sunday Supper to Go       Yoga Stretch          Virtual Pilates   Kid’s Yoga Workshop              Bridge        Live Entertainment          Outdoor Yoga
                            5:15 p.m.              9:15 a.m.            4 - 4:45 p.m.             12:00 p.m.           5 - 8 p.m.                8 a.m.
                       Network Speed Meet      Book Club           Wine Well with Others        Kid’s Camp Fit    Kid's Movie Night           Popcorn & PJs
                             6 p.m.          10 a.m. - Noon             5 - 6 p.m.                  4 p.m.            6 - 8 p.m.                6 - 8 p.m.
                       Polar Bear Cupcakes                         Board Game Bonanza
                             5 - 7 p.m.                                 5 - 7 p.m.

 24                    25                    26                     27                      28                    29                      30
 Sunday Supper to Go        Mahjong              Virtual Pilates   S’mores at The Trellis           Bridge        Live Entertainment          Outdoor Yoga
                            1 - 4 p.m.             9:15 a.m.            5 - 7 p.m.                12:00 p.m.           5 - 8 p.m.                8 a.m.
Afternoon Craft Hour
      2 - 4 p.m.           Yoga Stretch      Tuesday Tasting                                                       Kid's Movie Night          Popcorn & PJs
                            5:15 p.m.           6:30 p.m.                                                              6 - 8 p.m.               6 - 8 p.m.
                                                  Sports Play                                                          Spirit Series
                                                   5 - 7 p.m.                                                           5 - 6 p.m.

 Sunday Supper to Go

   Family CPR Class
        1 p.m.
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
EVENTS & HAPPENINGS                                                                                                 FEBRUARY 2021

Reservations required for all events, space is limited and 48-hour cancellation policy applies. When possible, events will be
held outside for safety purposes. Please call 904.280.6062 or use the Club Member App. *Service charge & tax additional.

                    N D AY                                      ID AY                                           ID AY
               SU                                          FR                                              FR
                    FEB                                      FEB                                             FEB
                     7                                        12                                              12

 BIG GAME WATCH PARTY                               SUSHI DINNER                           KID'S CANDYLAND EVENT
                 6 P.M.                                    6:30 P.M.                             6 - 8 P.M. | AGES 4 - 12
$25 PER ADULT | $15 PER CHILD AGES 3-11               $75 PER PERSON*                      $25 PER MEMBER | $30 PER GUEST
We kick off Super Bowl LV with a not-      Love Japanese cuisine? Join us for            Play the beloved game of Candy
to-be-missed Watch Party on our            a delicious evening featuring Sushi           Land with f riends. Life-size games
16-foot screen. Enjoy a signature draft    stations with beverage pairings. Allow        and sweet treats are on the menu.
beer, culinary action stations with        our resident Sushi chef to teach you          Extended care is available until 9 p.m.
game-day favorites such as wings,                 how to roll a masterpiece.                 at an additional $10 per child.
sliders, nachos, and other football
fare. Big game picks can make you
a winner -- and we bring raffles and
           prizes to the table!

                                                                   Valentine’s Dining
                                                                        SATURDAY & SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 & 14
                                                                                          $75 per person*
                                                                    Make plans to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the one you love
                                                                    and dine in the Sea View Grille. For reservations, please call
                                                                       904.280.6062. There is a 48-hour cancellation policy.

                                                                                        Mayport Shrimp
                                                                                 Osetra Caviar, Oyster Mushrooms
                                                                                         Tomato Bisque
                                                                                       Parmesan Profiteroles

                                                                                           Spinach Salad
                                                                         Black Pepper Strawberries, Smoked Almonds, Chevre

                                                                                        Veal Saltimbocca
                                                                                    Sage Pave, Roasted Tomatoes
                                                                                         Local Flounder
                                                                                         Lobster Two Ways

                                                                                   Valentine Ménage a Trois
                                                                               Rhubarb, Chocolate Baileys, Strawberry
JANUARY 2021 Membership News, Events & Happenings - The Lodge And Club
15                                               16                             20

     KID’S BUBBLE TRUCK PARTY                         TUESDAY TASTING                CONNECTION
          MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15                         TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16        SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20

25                                                                              26

   YAPPY HOUR                                                                     KID’S MOVIE NIGHT
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25                                                               FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26

                           Save theDate
                                FOR ALL AGES & IN TERESTS                           POPCORN & PJS
   PONY RIDES                                                                      SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6,
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28                                                                     13, 20, & 27

                                5                                 5

                                    FRIDAY, MARCH 5                          FRIDAY, MARCH 5
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