Page created by David Cortez

         A us t in

                                                                       to Miraval

                        I am honored and proud to welcome you to the opening of Miraval Austin. It is exhilarating
                        to be part of this first full-scale extension of our flagship property in Arizona, where guests
                        have been gathering for decades to deepen and expand their experience of mindfulness and
                        to create and cultivate a life in balance.
                        Miraval Austin is a novel blend of our existing offerings with new, Austin-inspired innovations.
                        Try our signature treatments like the warm-water sensation that is Vasudhara, or explore
                        our newest incarnation of the Clodagh-designed Life in Balance Spa at Miraval Austin, with
                        featured treatments like Pranayama Dina, a one-of-a-kind massage experience that explores
                        the power of rhythm and movement. Sanskrit for flying breath, it is inspired by the cocoon-
                        like nests of the golden cheek warbler, a beautiful central-Texas bird that nests nowhere else
    Marc W. Ellin
                        in the world.
        Global Head
       Miraval Group    Learn about the food you eat, from its origins on our Cypress Creek Farm to the delicious
                        creation on your plate in our Life in Balance Culinary Kitchen. Enter our unique Serenity
                        Garden, an outdoor maze of individual spaces that takes you on a tactile journey through
                        nature and a voyage of introspection, yoga, or meditation. Dive deep into your soul with our
                        specialists or climb high on our challenge course. Be a wanderer, an explorer, an observer.
                        Be present for all the joy that light, health, and balance.
                        I invite you to discover our newly created sanctuary and am grateful to begin the New Year
                        in your presence.

                        My Miraval journey began with a visit to Miraval Arizona, a plunge into a space of
                        learning, awareness, and engagement. I made a profound connection with the Miraval
                        community, our mission, and myself. I even had a true Miraval Moment. As I floated in the
                        oasis pool, I was struck by the vastness of the southwestern night sky. The North Star was
                        beaming, bright above me and I felt a clarity of mind, the buoyancy of my body in the
                        water, and an alignment of all things.
                        Months later, I continue to carry that guiding light with me here in Austin. I feel transported
                        and energized by it as we compose and expand the Miraval ethos to the tune of our
                        own unique climate and culture. At our core, we are Miraval, an unwavering source of
                        illumination and wellbeing that has begun to radiate, shining out into the world to reveal
        Tim Farel
                        new paths in new spaces.
     General Manager
       Miraval Austin   As I write this, my feet are rooted in the Texas hill country soil. I can feel the serenity of the
                        trees and rolling hills as the fog settles in. Coming to Miraval Austin has been a return to
                        my roots. There is something about getting on a horse, or putting hands in the soil, that is
                        humbling. It takes me back to the farm of my childhood and is the manifestation of one of
                        the seven tenets of Mindfulness: Seeing the world through the child’s eye.
                        I invite you to create your own path of discovery as you explore Miraval Austin. I am proud
                        and privileged to be part of the team that serves to guide and accompany you on this
                        journey. Welcome to Miraval Austin and be well.

G U E S T : _______________________________________________________

       Miraval State of Mind................................................ Pages 4 - 8

At Miraval, our comprehensive list of offerings reflects our strong belief in choice.
Review our menus thoughtfully to help you create a rewarding experience. We
recommend challenging yourself by choosing at least one experience that is new
or unexpected.

       Activity & Private Session Menu.................................. Pages 9 - 15

       Spa Menu............................................................ Pages 16 - 25

M I N D F U L R E M I N D E R S .................................................. Page 26

W E E K L Y S C H E D U L E .............................................. Pages 32 - 35
Just like you, we’re always changing. Our daily schedule tells you exactly what
is happening on any given day while you’re here. Note that the classes and/or
activities with shaded boxes require advance sign-up at the Millhouse.
        Discover More...................................................... Pages 28 - 31

M I R A V A L A U S T I N R E S O R T M A P ............................. Back Cover


                                                  ST A TE O F MI N D
                                           Group Getaways
                                 THE PERFECT RETREAT MADE EVEN BETTER
                                     WITH FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES
                              Busy lives often keep us from making time to truly connect
                              with the ones we love. Miraval Austin offers a peaceful
                              sanctuary, where you can focus on redefining your relationship
                              with your personal tribe. From couples’ spa weekends and
                              family celebrations to nature preserve adventures with friends, our Austin-curated group experiences provide an
                              unforgettable backdrop for sharing, compassion, and connection.
                              When planning a group getaway, our dedicated team of Experience Planners will coach you through the planning
                              process so that, together, we can craft a curated experience specially tailored for your group. Plan your next
                              multigenerational reunion, milestone celebration or getaway with friends to create an unforgettable experience.
                                                             Contact austin.sales@miravalresorts.com or 512.531.5710 for details.

                                    Authentic Circle
                              Miraval’s Authentic Circle program provides
                              rewards to loyal guests who experience four or
                              more qualifying stays. Benefits include exclusive
                              arrival gift, complimentary laundry service, and
                              additional resort credit. Find additional details
                              at miravalresorts.authentic-circle.com.

                                              authentic circle n.
                                     1. A circle of Miraval’s loyal guests                                        Gift Cards
                                     2. An evolving program that inspires and                                    COMING SOON
                                     rewards 3. Your lifetime membership
                                     filled with health, passion, and growth                 Miraval Austin Gift Cards will be available for purchase at Preserve
                                                                                                      Provision Company and www.miravalshop.com.
                   Rise to your best possible self

 Miraval Arizona - a Sonoran sanctuary of surrender and discovery.
A place where nurturing specialists curate imaginative experiences to
       ignite your inner spark and return your life to balance.



                               I NTRO DUCI NG
                                         Miraval’s Life in Balance
                                         			             Culinary Kitchen
                                                                      In Partnership with

                                                                    Hold on to your chef’s hat – Miraval Austin’s new
                                                                    Life in Balance Culinary Kitchen features state-of-
                                                                    the-art educational culinary facilities that host our
                                                                    signature hands-on culinary workshops, as well as
                                                                    special events and celebrations. Our Life in Balance
                                                                    Culinary Kitchen will be outfitted with a selection of
                                                                    Williams Sonoma’s exceptional products. Guests
                                                                    will learn how using the right tools can elevate their
                                                                    technique as well as their culinary wellbeing. This
                                                                    is a fresh, essential space for you to explore your
                                                                    epicurean interests and gain insights into recipes,
                                                                    ingredients, and methods.

                                                          HEIRLOOM CAPRESE
                                                                 makes 6 servings

                                               •   heirloom tomatoes                            8 oz
                                               •   fresh mozzarella cheese                    1 cup
                                               •   strawberries                              1/4 cup
                                               •   balsamic glaze                            1/4 cup
                                               •   basil                                     1/4 cup
                                               •   extra virgin olive oil                    1/4 cup
                                               •   sea salt                                 to taste

                              W A S H and slice tomatoes or cut into wedges.
                              S L I C E the fresh mozzarella.
                              W A S H and thinly slice strawberries.
                              T O S S tomatoes with extra virgin olive oil, and season with a little sea salt.
                              P L A T E salad to your liking by adding tomatoes, mozzarella, and strawberries
                              to a plate or platter.
                              D R I Z Z L E with balsamic glaze, and top with basil leaves.

                                              View our complete list of culinary programs on page 10.
    DI SCO V E R
   Yaupon Tea & Coffee

      At Miraval Austin, we believe in unique and
intentional experiences, right down to the leaf, bean
    or vine. Our one-of-a-kind Signature Iced Tea is
 blended in-house at Zhi Tea Austin by our Beverage
    Specialist and the Owner Operator of Zhi Tea,
   Jeffrey Lorien, to create a complex, dynamic and
  nourishing cup every time we brew. We offer an
 exclusive “Specialty Grade” Microlot coffee, roast-
curated to the bean and hand-selected for our guests.


                                               M I R A V AL
                                              A CTI V I TI E S
                                                   Explore and Improve
                                                   However You Choose
                                                      Step out of your comfort zone and
                                                    through our doors for mindful escape,
                                                  action, connection, and balance. Miraval
                                                   Austin, enveloped by the vast Balcones
                                                Canyonlands Preserve, unlocks possibilities
                                                 for all. We provide 220 acres of inspiring
                                                   wellbeing, hiking, equine, and culinary
                                                experiences—curated by our specialists and
                                                          tailored to the tune of Austin.

                                                       View our list of experiences on
                                                              pages 9 to 15.
                                                  THE WAY OF THE ARCHER            pg. 11

                              YOURS TO KEEP - CELL PHONE SLEEPING BAG
                              We at Miraval believe the journey to creating life in balance begins
                              with allowing yourself to be fully present and engaged in the
                              moment. Our intention in establishing a cell phone free atmosphere
                              is to support you having the most rewarding and inspiring Miraval
                              experience – and to give yourself permission to unplug. We
                              encourage you to tuck your cell phone away in the sleeping bag
                              located in your room and give your device a rest. Discover how
                              distance from digital distractions can help you become more aware,
                              more present, and connected to your mind, body, and spirit.

                                                                                                                                         E X P E R IE NCES
Whether coping with change
or looking to make it, our
broad activity offerings will
help you discover balance
and nurture wellbeing.


Meditation             ACTIVITIES
E V E N I N G M E D I TAT I O N Release and relax in the serenity of a
sitting meditation and prepare for a restful evening and a night of
deep sleep.

F L O AT I N G M E D I TAT I O N Experience the calming benefits of
induced meditation while you are gently elevated above the floor
in a silk hammock and rocked to the soothing vibrations of crystal
bowls. Release your mind’s stress, tension, or worry while you
“float” weightlessly in the air. May cause motion sickness.*Please
wear Yoga attire. 4 5 M I N | $ 7 5 Coming Soon

M I N D F U L N E S S AT M I R AVA L When life gets busy or
overwhelming, connect with yourself and your true intentions.
Miraval will provide you with the grounding tools that will lay the
foundation for life filled with balance and gratitude. The more
grateful you become, the more you have to be grateful for.

M O R N I N G M E D I TAT I O N Profoundly impact the rest of your
day by starting your morning in the serenity of sitting meditation.

Y O G A N I D R A Be guided into a state of deep, meditative
relaxation while remaining wakeful and expanding conscious
                                                                                                    Millhouse Hours 9am - 10pm
                                                                                      Visit the Millhouse or call x. 4510 to plan your
Meditation             PRIVATE SESSIONS                                                              Miraval experiences.
I N T R O T O M E D I TAT I O N Demystify the practice of meditation,
as we discuss practical tools, techniques, and methods of
practice. We will explore and create a realistic practice that suits
your individual needs. 4 5 M I N | $ 1 1 5

                                    RE SO RT C RE DIT C AN B E A P P L I E D T O A NY F E E - B A S E D A C T I VI T Y.
           EX P ER IE NC E S

                                                                                                                                     G L U T E N F R E E B A K I N G Take a look at
                                                                                                                                     gluten-free baking and play with a pile of
                                                                                                                                     gluten-free flours. Create simple gluten-free
                                                                                                                                     recipes to bring back home. 5 0 M I N | $ 5 0

                                                                                                                                     GONGFU TEA CEREMONY &
                                                                                                                                     M E D I TAT I O N Awaken your senses and
                                                                                                                                     revive your spirit with this ancient Chinese tea
                                                                                                                                     ceremony. Take home a special tea blend.
                                                                                                                                     Pause, sip and reflect. 6 0 M I N | $ 1 0 0

                                                                                                                                     IT'S A GRIND: A COFFEE ROASTING
                                                                                                                                     A N D I N T E N S I V E Currate your own cuveé
                                                                                                                                     while understanding the effects that selection
                                                                                                                                     and roasting have on the bean and your
                                                                                                                                     perceptions. Take home your own master
                                                                                                                                     blend. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 0 0

                                                                                                               J U S T C O O K F O R M E C H E F Delight in our most intimate
                               CULINARY & NUTRITION                                                            dining experience and taste creations by our talented chefs.
                                                                                                               Savor samples from the daily menu as well as newly formulated
                                                                                                               exclusive dishes with fine flavors. This experience is designed for
                                                                                                               the adventurous foodie as we are not able to accommodate food
                               Culinary           ACTIVITIES                                                   allergies. Wine is served. 2 H R S | $ 1 5 0

                               A P P R E C I AT I N G C H O C O L AT E The secrets of chocolate from           L E T ’ S G E T S A U C Y Join our culinary experts and journey through
                               bean to bar. Get to know the grading process and the wonder of                  the southwest and around the world by creating authentically
                               working with chocolate. 7 5 M I N | $ 7 5                                       local salsas and exotic sauces that will add a kick to any of
                                                                                                               your home dishes. Learn the art of flavor balancing with award-
                               B A K I N G E S S E N T I A L S Join our pastry team to master whipping,        winning, mindful recipes that are hand-crafted by our chefs and
                               creaming, and piping for delicious, miniature and multi-level                   then expertly paired with regional wine from our sommelier.
                               cakes. 5 0 M I N | $ 5 0                                                        50 MIN|$65

                               B L E N D A N D B A L A N C E Learn which smoothie ingredients                  R E S T O R I N G B O N E B R O T H Learn how bone broth can
                               provide the most balanced nutrient absorption and health                        help restore your brain, gut, skin, ligaments, and joints while
                               benefits. 5 0 M I N | $ 5 0                                                     preventing ailments. Bring this powerful ancestral recipe home
                                                                                                               with you. 9 0 M I N | $ 7 5
                               C O C K TA I L S I N T H E K I T C H E N Enjoy a chef created appetizer
                               and cocktail - as you learn about our food philosophy and                       T H E S P I R I T O F T H E A G AV E Explore the origins of this lovely
                               healthy cooking tips and tricks. 9 0 M I N | $ 1 0 0                            libation while sipping some of the most prestigious Tequilas and
                                                                                                               Mezcals Mexico has to offer plus an indigenous small bite to
                               C O N Q U E R T H E B L A D E Grab the sharpest tool in the kitchen             enliven the enchantment. 6 0 M I N | $ 7 5
                               and leave chopping like a seasoned chef. Learn about knife
                               structure, variations and critical cutting techniques. 9 0 M I N | $ 7 5        T E N E T S O F T E R R O I R Discover the symbiosis and sense of
                                                                                                               place each grape has to offer. Unearth the common questions
                               C O N S C I O U S C O O K I N G Learn to use leftover pieces of                 and understand the myths in this not so ordinary wine tasting.
                               vegetables, fruits, and animals, to cook creatively and reduce                  60 MIN|$100
                               food waste. 5 0 M I N | $ 5 0

                               D Y N A S T Y O F T E A A cozy talk to teach you about the history,
                               taxonomy, culture and health benefits of a warm cup of camelia
                               senesis (tea). 5 0 M I N | $ 5 0

                                                                   RE SO RT C RE DIT C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY F E E - B A S E D A C T I VI T Y.

Hill Country Challenge Course
C L I M B I N G WA L L : A L L L E V E L S A beginning climbing class that
integrates movement, breathing, balance, and trust.

H AT C H E T T H R O W I N G : A L L L E V E L S A new way to see why
we miss the target with our intentions sometimes. Learn to throw
the hatchet to have fun and focus your mental and physical skills.

Challenge your perception of ability. Challenge the story you’ve             Hill Country Challenge Course
been told about yourself. Our trained guides take you through a              PRIVATE SESSIONS
series of obstacles and adventures to help you set goals, forge
bonds, and tell your own story of triumph.                                   T H E WAY O F T H E A R C H E R : A L L L E V E L S Description in Hill
                                                                             Country Challenge Course activities menu. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 1 5
Q U A N T U M L E A P : A L L L E V E L S Expand the boundaries of your
comfort zone and relearn trust with a leap from a 25-foot pole.              H AT C H E T T H R O W I N G : A L L L E V E L S Description in Hill Country
                                                                             Challenge Course activities menu. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 1 5
S L A C K L I N E 1 0 1 : A L L L E V E L S Slacklining is a great way
to learn more about stability and mindfulness in a fun, low                  Q U A N T U M L E A P : A L L L E V E L S Description in Hill Country
commitment setting. While slacklining is inherently challenging,             Challenge Course activities menu. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 1 5
tangible progression can be experienced over a two hour
session. You will leave with a greater understanding of how to
summon balance and focus while having fun.

S W I N G A N D A P R AY E R : A L L L E V E L S Face your doubt,
insecurity, and fear as you swing from a cable 35 feet above the
                                                                                    DID YOU KNOW?
ground. May cause motion sickness.
                                                                                    Every experience is fueled by Austin’s eclectic
T H E WAY O F T H E A R C H E R : A L L L E V E L S A great practice of
meditation and breath work, archery gives us an opportunity to
                                                                                    culture, enhanced by local talents, and
test our skills of mindfulness. One of the oldest disciplines in the                specially curated to reveal the unique essence
world teaches us how to work through our own stress, pressure,                      of you. Whether you’re coping with change
and fears.
                                                                                    or looking to make it, our broad activity
                                                                                    offerings will help you create balance,
                                                                                    embrace your authentic self, and live your
                                                                                    best life. From the fun to the challenging, we
                                                                                    make connections with our bodies and minds,
  All Levels: Suitable for all participants.                                        learning how to slow it all down in today’s
                                                                                    busy world, or put things into motion when
  Intermediate: Some prior experience recommended.
                                                                                    things feel stuck. We help you define your
  Modifications will be offered to make the class more accessible
  or more challenging as appropriate.                                               boundaries and explore new spaces.

  Advanced: Class or session will maintain a high level of intensity
  with limited opportunities for breaks. Regular practice required.


                     Outdoor Adventure continued >

                     Hiking          ACTIVITIES

                     M I R AVA L O F F P R O P E R T Y H I K E S : I N T E R M E D I AT E Designed
                     for the moderately fit and enthusiastic hiker, these hikes explore
                     different facets of the Hill country. From the historic oaks to the
                     beautiful streams join one of our incredible guides to learn more
                     about the complex ecosystem that we call home. Trails within a
                     50 minute drive from Miraval are used, with seasonal variety.
                     4 hours total time. Hiking boots are recommended, but not
                     essential. 4 H R S | $ 9 5

                     N AT U R E WA L K : A L L L E V E L S Start the day with a nature walk
                     designed for all abilities. Explore rolling hills with an occasional
                     steeper section and a distance of 2 miles. Our trail offers a great
                     introduction to the local Hill Country environment.

                     Hiking          PRIVATE SESSIONS

                     N AT U R E H I K E : A L L L E V E L S Description in Hiking activities
                     menu. 4 H R S | $ 9 5
                     Water Sports                   ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                        C O M M O N G R O U N D Move a horse around the pen without
                     S TA N D U P PA D D L E B O A R D I N G : A L L L E V E L S Come enjoy             touching or speaking to identify your communication challenges
                     beautiful Lake Travis with us on a Stand Up Paddleboard. A great                   and strengths. 2 H R S | $ 7 5
                     exercise for core and breathworks in a pristine setting. This will
                     be a 4 hour journey with close to 3 hours on the Lake!                             M I N D F U L H O R S E B A C K R I D I N G Experience the joy that comes
                     4 H R S | $ 9 5 Seasonly Offered                                                   by allowing trust to freely flow between you and the horse. This is
                                                                                                        a meditative ride focused on being present. 2 H R S | $ 1 5 0
                     K AYA K : A L L L E V E L S Join us and explore Lake Travis floating and
                     paddling on a kayak. Meditation and presence are heightened
                     in nature. Come and play in our serene backyard. This will be a
                     4 hour journey with close to 3 hours on the Lake!

                                                            RE SO RT C RE DIT C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY F E E - B A S E D A C T I VI T Y .
                                                                                  Yoga          PRIVATE SESSIONS
                                                                                  D E E P E N I N G I N T O Y O G A Take an opportunity to meet with
                                                                                  one of our experts to help shift and upgrade your practice to the
                                                                                  next level. We will combine a deepening into yoga philosophy
                                                                                  and meditation, with physical yoga asana specifics.
                                                                                  50 MIN|$115

            YOGA & FITNESS                                                        I N T R O T O M E D I TAT I O N Demystify the practice of meditation,
                                                                                  as we discuss practical tools, techniques and methods of
                                                                                  practice. We will explore and create a realistic practice that suits
                                                                                  your individual needs. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 1 5
Yoga         ACTIVITIES
                                                                                  Q O YA A practice specific to women, Qoya is a movement
A E R I A L Y O G A : A D VA N C E D Breathe, flow, and fly in this               practice that helps us tune into our innate wisdom through body
exciting new yoga practice that improves overall health and                       awareness. In this unique one on one session we will create a
physical agility, lengthens muscles, and releases tension                         movement ritual with music around a personal intention to help
throughout your entire body. *Note: Participants should have a                    you manifest the desires for your life. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 1 5
regular yoga practice of 2 to 3 times per week for at least the
past 6 months or have participated in a private Aerial Yoga                       Y O G A B A S I C S Learn the essential yoga postures that may be
session while here at Miraval. If you have glaucoma, are beyond                   experienced in any common, all level yoga class. We will focus
your first trimester of pregnancy, or have had Botox injections                   on techniques that will give you confidence and a good base of
within 24 hours, you should not participate in this class.                        knowledge to continue to excel on your yoga journey.
45 MIN|$75                                                                        50 MIN|$115

C E L E S T I A L Y O G A : A L L L E V E L S Breathe in the aromatic Hill        Y O G A H O M E R I T U A L Work with one of our instructors to form
Country air, listen nature's nocturnal sounds and gaze at the stars               a specialized yoga sequence to practice at home that suites your
during shavasana. This unique yoga offering will be leave you in                  individual needs. We will approach and discuss any obstacles,
a state of complete serenity. Seasonly Offered                                    and add feel-good, mini rituals that keep us craving and
                                                                                  committed to our practice. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 1 5
H AW T H A Y I N / YA N G Y O G A : A L L L E V E L S In this quiet
practice, focus on stretching deeply into the fascia of the hips                  Y O G A & R E I K I Reiki yoga is the union of two ancient traditions
and lower back. Soften and surrender into your postures for                       to offer physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. It is a soothing
minutes at a time.                                                                practice that combines carefully selected gentle Yin yoga
                                                                                  postures held for 3 to 5 minutes, with a Reiki treatment offered by
Q O YA : A L L L E V E L S A practice specific to women combining                 a master using the impositions of the hands to support and boost
yoga, breathwork, intention setting, free movement, and                           the natural healing and cleansing processes in the body.
community sharing to feel and express that as women, we are                       50 MIN|$115
Wise, Wild, and Free.

R I S E A N D S H I N E : I N T E R M E D I AT E Start your day with
an inspiring yoga practice to prepare your body/mind for                             All Levels: Suitable for all participants.
awareness in all that you do.
                                                                                     Intermediate: Some prior experience recommended.
S L O W F L O Y O G A : A L L L E V E L S Flowing from one posture                   Modifications will be offered to make the class more accessible
to the next yet moving slowly and with intention to be present                       or more challenging as appropriate.
through each movement. By slowing down, we focus on detailed
alignment and fluid breath movement.
                                                                                     Advanced: Class or session will maintain a high level of intensity
                                                                                     with limited opportunities for breaks. Regular practice required.
Y O G A E S S E N T I A L S : A L L L E V E L S Introduces the essential
Hatha Yoga practices to enhance breathing, balance, and

T E X Z E N Y O G A : A L L L E V E L S Tex Zen takes inspiration from
Willie Nelson's zen nature, and the always evolving variety of
good Texas music. This class gets you into the heart of Texas
vibe, as you playfully flow in a yoga sequence accompanied
with tunes of the town.

                                       RE SO RT C RE DIT C AN B E A P P L I E D T O A NY F E E - B A S E D A C T I VI T Y.

                    Fitness         ACTIVITIES
                    B O S U B L A S T: A D VA N C E D Balance, Stability, Core, Cardio,
                    Toning: You name it, this class works.

                    C A R D I O D A N C E F U S I O N : A L L L E V E L S This high-energy
                    cardio class fuses styles such as Latin, country line dance, jazz,
                    zumba, and the 80s.

                    C A R D I O D R U M M I N G : A L L L E V E L S Join us for this high-energy
                    cardio workout that combines traditional aerobic movements with
                    the powerful beat and rhythm of the drums.

                    B O D Y & B A R R E : A L L L E V E L S A combination of ballet barre,
                    resistance training with bands, balls, and a cardio component.

                    F I T L AT E S : I N T E R M E D I AT E Build a strong, long, and lean body
                    and add grace and balance through fusing yoga and pilates.

                    H A P P Y H I P S : A L L L E V E L S Using self-myofascia release
                    techniques, along with hip joint opening exercises and a series
                    of yoga-based hip stretches, we will improve the flexibility and               Fitness        PRIVATE SESSIONS
                    mobility of your hips and allow you to walk away from this class
                                                                                                   F I T N E S S P R O G R A M D E S I G N Meet with a trainer to design an
                    with happy hips!
                                                                                                   individualized workout to meet your personal goals.
                                                                                                   50 MIN|$115
                    M O R N I N G S T R E T C H : A L L L E V E L S Start your day with a
                    head-to-toe stretch class designed to prepare you for a full day of
                                                                                                   P E R S O N A L T R A I N I N G Meet with a personal trainer and
                    Miraval activities.
                                                                                                   continue your fitness regimen while at Miraval. This consult is
                    P I L AT E S F U S I O N : A L L L E V E L S Strengthen your core, sculpt
                                                                                                   meant for guests who are working with a trainer at home.
                                                                                                   50 MIN|$115
                    your muscles, stretch yourself, and have fun in this class that
                    combines Pilates with other body enhancing techniques.

                    P O W E R C Y C L E : A L L L E V E L S Cycle indoors in this high-intensity
                    cardio class.

                    P O W E R H O U R : A D VA N C E D This HIIT (high-intensity interval
                                                                                                          DID YOU KNOW?
                    training) inspired class you’ll give your all-out effort through quick,               Happy Hips, a unique-to-Miraval fitness
                    intense bursts of exercise, followed by short recovery periods.                       offering, was created by Pam Trudeau to
                    R O L L W I T H I T: A L L L E V E L S Using a full foam roller, you can              address a personal challenge and improve
                    give yourself a deep tissue massage and improve your flexibility.                     the mobility and flexibility of her own hips.
                                                                                                          She learned about the psoas muscle – often
                    S H O U L D E R S S E T F R E E : A L L L E V E L S Similar to the format of
                    our highly popular Happy Hips class, this class will increase the                     called the Muscle of the Soul – which
                    mobility and stability of the entire shoulder girdle utilizing both a                 extends from where the thigh connects to
                    Foam Roller & Green Stretch Out Strap.                                                the pelvis. Everything passes through the
                                                                                                          psoas and, curiously it responds to stress
                    S T R E T C H & R E L A X : A L L L E V E L S Unwind during this 45-minute
                    head-to-toe stretch series where we will hold stretches longer and                    hormones, particularly those in the nervous
                    focus on breath.                                                                      system related to the fight-flight response.

                    T R X E N D U R A N C E C I R C U I T: A D VA N C E D Utilizing the TRX
                    Suspension Trainer, this class emphasizes muscular endurance
                    and aerobic conditioning, plus 2-minute explosive cardiovascular
                    intervals between sets.

                    Z E N B O O T C A M P : A D VA N C E D Experience the challenge
                    of a high-intensity circuit class (the Boot Camp) outdoors in the
                    beautiful, natural landscape around Miraval (the Zen). This class
                    incorporates low (jumping jacks) and high (wind sprints) intensity
                    exercises using the great outdoors as our gym.


C H I C K E N H E L P E R The class will cover the life cycle and needs
of a chicken, how to raise, handle and care for a backyard
flock, and how to set up a small coop and keep hens safe from
predators while providing them access to a pasture. This fun and
hands-on class will offer an opportunity for you to collect eggs in
the coop and hold a hen, too!

FA R M T O U R Join Miraval’s farmers for an educational tour that
delves into permaculture design, pest management, home garden
care, and sustainable, organic farming practices. Meet the hens
that provide our farm-to-table restaurant with fresh eggs and then
wander the farm, tasting fresh crops straight from the field.

                                    RE SO RT C RE DIT C AN B E A P P L I E D T O A NY F E E - B A S E D A C T I VI T Y.

                                                                                                                LIFE, ENHANCED.
                                                                                                                Miraval’s signature spa sanctuary
                                                                                                                allows you to pursue personal
                                                                                                                transitions in a soulful, natural
                                                                                                                setting with healing, soothing, and
                                                                                                                invigorating treatments from expert

      A B H YA N G A Restore balance with this ancient healing massage.
      Warm, herb-infused oils are massaged into the skin with soothing
      friction strokes. The herbal oils’ healing properties benefit the
      nervous system, reduce muscle tension, relieve joint pain, and
      eliminate impurities from the body. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 9 0

      P R A D H Ã N A V E D A Ayurveda’s key elements combine for this
      restorative experience. Begin with Abhyanga, a warm herbal
      oil massage, to release toxins and increase circulation. Next a
      calming marma-point therapy balances energy. Shirodhara, a
      soothing stream of herbal oil poured over the forehead, melts
      tension and calms the nervous system. Finally, be cocooned in a
      warm aromatic wrap accompanied by a gentle scalp massage.
      100 MIN|$320

      R A S AYA N A R E N E WA L R I T U A L Our Rasayana Renewal Ritual is
      a special Ayurvedic journey inspired by ancient rituals performed
      in India. The service begins with a ghee foot massage to relieve
      tension and next, a full body deep pressure (Vishesh) massage
      with heated dosha oils accompanied with warm poultice therapy.
      A warm wrap follows, along with neck, shoulder and scalp
      massage, allowing your body to fully relax and release tension.
      The ritual concludes with a hibiscus grain buffing.
      100 MIN|$320

      S H A M A N A - K A R M A This service purifies and boosts immunity
      and spirits. Start with a blend of coconut, ginger, and rosemary
                                                                                                           Spa Hours 9am - 10pm
      oils that are massaged using traditional Ayurveda techniques.
      Steaming, hand-wrapped poultices with lemongrass, mint,                               To reserve your Life in Balance Spa services,
      nutmeg, and clove warm and energize the body while releasing                            please call extension x. 5780 or visit the
      tension and toxins. An aromatic wrap follows, finishing with a                                     Spa reception desk.
      cleansing hibiscus powder dusting, restoring the vitality of your
      skin and spirit. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 7 5

                                             RE SO RT C RE D I T C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY S P A S E R VI C E .
                                                                               Body Renewal Rituals continued >
                                                                               H A M M A M The five-step Hammam begins with a fragrant and
                                                                               invigorating exfoliation using coffee, crushed sugar, almonds and
                                                                               lemon essential oil scrub. Next, an enveloping wrap follows the
                                                                               application of Jasmine Rose Rhassoul Clay to draw out impurities,
                                                                               while quince and orange blossom are misted over the body. After
                                                                               a refreshing shower, curative essences of cardamom, jasmine,
                                                                               bergamot, amber, and clove replenish the skin. Finish with an
                                                                               application of tangerine fig body butter. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 5

                                                                               K O K O R O R I T U A L Heart, mind, and spirit are as one in this
                                                                               wellness ritual, inspired by the thorough art of caring for the
                                                                               body that was developed and perfected in Japan. Energize
                                                                               your essence with a vigorous exfoliation, as a warming ginger-
                                                                               grass and bamboo scrub stimulates and releases vital energy
                                                                               throughout the body. A tapotement with organic rice bran,
                                                                               gently scented with cherry blossoms, releases muscle tension and
                                                                               prepares you for a skin-softening wrap. A rejuvenating facial
                                                                               massage with rose, aloe and avocado evens skin tone and
                                                                               promotes the production of collagen. The whole body is stretched
                                                                               in a shiatsu-inspired massage with wild lime silk oil followed by a
                                                                               skin softening application of plum blossom silk cream.
                                                                               100 MIN|$320

BODY RENEWAL RITUALS                                                           M O O N D A N C E It’s a marvelous night for a moon dance at
                                                                               Miraval. Drape yourself in a blanket of sea rocket, cassiope,
                                                                               apple blossom and moonflower. Breathe in a dreamy scent,
A B U N D A N C E Miraval’s all-organic “farm to treatment table”              carried in moonlit mist that transcends the night and transports the
body ritual begins with a grapefruit kombucha body wash, then                  senses. A full-body sea salt crystal scrub and massage induces
an anti-oxidant-rich Hawaiian noni and lime sugar scrub. Your                  euphoria, leaving you with a feeling of being bathed in celestial
freshly exfoliated skin is treated to a mineral-rich Spirulina body            light. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 5
clay that blends sweet almond oil, aloe vera, and vitamin E. The
grand finale is a blend of argan avocado oil, green tea, and                   N U R T U R E In this six-part body renewal ritual, the skin is gently
grape seed butter application. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 5                             buffed using a dry brush, followed by a powerful exfoliation of
                                                                               bioactive white peat enzymes, sea minerals, and ripe antioxidant
E L E M E N T O S E S C E N C I A L This treatment will soothe, relax, and     berries. The lymphatic system is then stimulated with the
nourish your body, as well as re-invigorate, restore, and renew                application of a soothing mushroom and phyto-nutrient masque.
your entire spirit. First, experience a gentle dry-brush exfoliation,          After showering with an organic purifying cleanser, your skin
which will leave your skin smooth and supple before a                          will be replenished with a fresh berry-oil serum. Conclude with a
detoxifying clay draws impurities from the body. End with a light              full-body massage of Arctic berry milk cream to encourage skin
massage of Maya Chia’s Revitalizer body oil, a true superfood                  regeneration, hydration, and elasticity. 1 0 0 M I N | $ 3 2 0
for the skin made with essential chia seed oil to revitalize the
complexion from head to toe. The scent of sweet orange and                     R A D I A N C E Enter an enchanted path through the tall rugged hills
neroli will linger softly to remind you of your connection to the              with a wildflower-inspired sea salt exfoliation that calms the chaos
essential elements of body and soul. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 5                       of life with pure simplicity. The skin is coated in detoxifying and
                                                                               mineral-rich mountain clay and botanicals. Retain heat to relax
F L O U R I S H This indulgent body scrub begins with an intoxicating          your muscles as your entire body is lightly wrapped. Conclude with
blend of sea salts from the coast of Isla Das Rocas and botanicals             a nutrient-rich leaf butter application, blended with wild roses for
including Blood Orange, Ocean, or Indian Jasmine. These                        hydration and balance. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 5
custom mixtures exfoliate, stimulate circulation, detoxify, firm,
and soften. A refreshing shower is followed by a gentle massage                R I V E R F L O W E R W R A P Submerge the senses in the essence of
application of organic essential oils. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 8 5                     wet mossy earth, preserved under a flowing river. A dry-brush
                                                                               exfoliation prepares skin for a phyto-nutrient masque cocoon, to
G I N G E R H E A L E R This restorative journey begins with our               nourish and restore moisture. A layer of botanical butter delivers
Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage. We wrap you in pure ginger-                   a surge of deep hydration and repair. Conclude with your choice
rosemary oil, known for its healing effects. While wrapped, you                of therapeutic scalp or foot massage for refreshing bliss.
will enjoy a facial marma-point massage, restoring energy to the               50 MIN|$185
skin. Your journey ends with an invigorating ginger salt glaze
scrub. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 7 5

                                          RE SO RT C RE DIT C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY S P A S E R VI C E .
Body Renewal Rituals continued >
      R O S E R E N E WA L Indulge your senses in this unique treatment that
      combines the renewing energy of rose oils and rose quartz crystals

      to elevate positive vibrations and illuminate your skin. Snuggled
      in a warm cocoon, experience a soothing Red Flower Illuminating
      Acupressure Face Massage™, while chakra stones clear negative
      energy. Conclude with a full-body rose relaxation massage to
      energize and radiate your inner glow. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 5

      S E R E N I T Y Find serenity, calm, and radiance with this signature
      Red Flower ritual, inspired by the healing aromas of laurel leaf,
      copaiba, eucalyptus, and birch. Therapeutic touch starts with an
      invigorating body and scalp exfoliation to improve circulation.
      Next, enjoy a phytonutrient-filled omega berry massage, finishing
      with a delightful cloud cream bringing weightless hydration and
      whole-body restoration. Exhale negativity. Inhale serenity.
      80 MIN|$245

      V I B R A N T M O R N I N G A true journey of the senses. Italian blood
      orange salts invigorate and exfoliate, revealing glowing new skin
      below. After a refreshing shower, a blood orange moisturizer
                                                                                               ENERGY & EASTERN
      is applied, leaving your skin radiant. Begin the day feeling
      energized and invigorated. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 6 5
                                                                                       C R A N I O S A C R A L T H E R A P Y This form of energy work therapy
                                                                                       works by optimizing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, a vital fluid
      W I L D B E R R Y B O D Y P O L I S H This service uses mineral-rich
                                                                                       that nourishes and protects the nervous system and brain. This
      gifts from the earth to exfoliate and moisturize based on your
                                                                                       gentle, light touch therapy shifts the mind and body into a mode
      skin’s needs. Rich white peat and wild berries deliver warming
                                                                                       of rest and recovery – the antithesis of stress. In this service, the
      enzymes and concentrated omegas into the skin that intensely
                                                                                       healing potential of quiet and stillness of both body and mind is
      exfoliate, combat dry skin, and improve moisture balance. A
                                                                                       explored. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 3 5 • 5 0 M I N | $ 1 6 5
      replenishing massage application of concentrated juniper tree
      oils leaves your skin with a healthy glow. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 8 5
                                                                                       C R Y S TA L E N E R G Y H E A L I N G Your therapist will guide you
                                                                                       on a journey that is unique to you. Elements of Reiki healing are
      W I L D E R N E S S E S C A P E Escape and connect to nature in
                                                                                       incorporated with the use of crystals to balance the Chakras and
      this refreshing full-body renewal. A fragrant aromatherapy
                                                                                       charge, clear, and cleanse the energy centers in the body. Guided
      massage promotes vitality and prepares you for a phytonutrient,
                                                                                       visualization and breathing techniques help to free the flow of energy
      juniper-berry oil, and organic wild mushroom facial masque that
                                                                                       throughout your body. Wear loose clothing. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 7 5
      restores moisture and calms inflammation. Emerge having been
      touched by nature, discovering the balance held within.
                                                                                       M I R AVA L E X C L U S I V E N Â G A NÂGA evolves from the healing
      100 MIN|$320
                                                                                       principals of Thai bodywork. A unique experience, which allows
                                                                                       you the space to let go of expectations and increase your body-
                                                                                       mind connection through massage. Your experienced therapist
                                                                                       uses strands of richly colored silk suspended from above as an
                                                                                       extension of their body for deep lasting Thai compression therapy
                                                                                       with acupressure, range of motion, stretching and energetic
                                                                                       balancing, releasing restrictions impairing full movement and
                                                                                       postural alignment. Introducing eastern concepts about body
                                                                                       awareness, receiving massage, and self-care, your therapist takes a
                                                                                       holistic approach to help unlock and reveal tension patterns in your
                                                                                       physical and energetic bodies. Leave feeling uplifted, relaxed and
                                                                                       reacquainted with your body. Wear comfortable workout or yoga
                                                                                       attire. 1 0 0 M I N | $ 3 4 0 • 8 0 M I N | $ 2 9 5 • 5 0 M I N | $ 2 3 5

                                                                                       M I R AVA L A U S T I N E X C L U S I V E P R AVA S A N A Pravasana is a
                                                                                       Sanskrit term for the commencement of a journey. Close your eyes
                                                                                       as your practitioner shares a space with you where visualization and
                                                                                       meditation harmonize to the sacred sounds of Tibetan bowls. Your
                                                                                       brainwaves move into a Theta state, allowing your body to relax
                                                                                       and your mind to fully open to restorative work. A rush of cleansing
                                                                                       energy swirls through your mind and body as you enter a blissful
                                                                                       state of deep relaxation. In this space, your therapist utilizes a
                                                                                       variety of healing modalities, including the feathery touch of marma
                                                                                       point therapy, energy work, craniosacral, acupressure, and gentle
                                                                                       massage for the ultimate restorative experience. Return from your
                                                                                       journey, wrapped in the comfort of a heavy blanket, beckoned by
                                                                                       the thrum of Tibetan bowls, and deeply connected to your own
                                                                                       intention. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 3 5
                                                RE SO RT C R E D I T C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY S P A S E R VI C E .
Award-Winning Miraval Exclusive

                         Energy & Eastern continued >
                         R E F L E X O L O G Y This therapy focuses on
                         pressure points within the reflex zones
                         of your feet to balance the meridians of
                         the body and bring a greater sense of
                         wholeness and body integrity.
                         50 MIN|$175

R E I K I Alleviate tension, reduce pain, and free emotional blocks
with this Japanese stress-reduction practice. By applying barely
detectable touch with the hands, your practitioner will work to
enhance the universal energy that flows through the body. Reiki
can help you connect with your higher self, leaving you with a            LIFE IN BALANCE SPA
sense of peace and well-being. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 3 5 •
50 MIN|$165                                                               Designed by world renowned designer
                                                                          Clodagh, the Life in Balance Spa at Miraval
T H A I M A S S A G E Relax as your practitioner rhythmically stretches   Austin embraces the mantra of “Life-
and flexes your body, opening and relieving weary muscles.
Using pressure point stimulation and targeted stretching, Thai
                                                                          Enhancing Miravalism,” to truly bring the
massage renews the body’s energy flow while reducing tension              magic of nature to life.
and stress. 100 MIN|$ 3 2 0 • 8 0 MIN | $ 2 7 5 • 5 0 MI N| $ 2 1 5

M I R AVA L E X C L U S I V E VA S U D H A R A This completely unique
and transformative service embraces the weightlessness of water
and the deeply relaxing stretches of Thai massage. Your eyes
are shielded to block all light, leaving you suspended, adrift in
darkness, having let go of all that binds you to place. As you
float in water heated to body temperature, sounds from powerful
underwater speakers bathe your senses in vibration. All tension is
surrendered, leaving you to explore only the experience within.
Muscles lengthen, joints open, as the traditional movements of
Thai massage and the weightlessness of water take you more
deeply into stretches than you expect. Discover the abundance
found within, with Vasudhara. 5 0 M I N | $ 2 8 5

M I R AVA L A U S T I N E X C L U S I V E Y O J A N A Yojana, the union
between spirits, is a couples’ experience that harnesses the
healing power of sound and vibration to restore alignment and             SPA AMENITIES
harmony to your connection. Explore the power of intention,
sound, and vibration, as both you and your partner are guided
                                                                          • Styling & hair care salon with one hair station
through your Yojana ritual. You will each take a turn as your             • Three pedicure stations & three manicure
provider leads you through the playing and placement of the
Crystal singing bowls on your partner. Feel yourself transcend
space, weightless and awash in sound. The cleansing tones of              • Two Nâga Thai studios
precisely tuned crystal bowls pass their vibration through you and
beyond. A rush of purifying energy surrounds you, as intention            • Sauna and steam rooms
transforms to vibration through the hands of your partner, while
                                                                          • Private treatment pool
crystals resonate sonorously through body and spirit. Experience
and co-create the pure tones that restore and cleanse. Together,          • Indoor vitality pools
clear all that blocks the flow and exchange of energy. Share this
space, without barriers, that you have created for each another           • Spa solarium - private outdoor patio (women)
and truly connect, as your bodies find harmony in the union of
                                                                          • Quiet lounge overlooking Serenity pool &
vibration and energy. Discover your authentic energetic alignment
and the unique peace produced by your connection to each                    Lake Travis
other. 8 0 M I N | $ 3 4 0
                                                                                 TO R E S E R V E Y O U R L I FE I N B A L A NC E S P A
                                                                           S E R V I C E S , P L E A S E C A L L E X TE NS I O N x.5 7 80 OR
                                                                                        V I S I T TH E S P A R E C E P TI O N D E S K.


                                                     A L P H A B E TA P E E L Restore radiance to the skin without
                                                     downtime. This patented peel uses a blend of alpha and beta
                                                     hydroxy acids to improve skin’s texture and firmness while
                                                     promoting collagen growth. Guests may experience sun sensitivity
                                                     and should apply sun block prior to any sun exposure after this
                                                     treatment. 2 0 M I N | $ 9 5

                                                     E Y E A N D L I P R E F R E S H E R Bring focus to your eyes and
                                                     lips with this brightening and soothing treatment. A gentle
      DID YOU KNOW?                                  combination of Honey Berry Enzymes and sugar scrub exfoliants
      NÂGA™ is an exclusive service created by       prep the skin for a soothing crystal wand facial massage that
                                                     incorporates cupping techniques to promote lymphatic drainage.
      Miraval and inspired by the 2,500-year-
                                                     Finish with a hydrating eye and lip balm, leaving a refreshed and
      old healing art of Thai massage. Miraval       restored appearance. AVA I L A B L E A D D I N T O A N Y FA C I A L
      therapists studied Thai massage being          20 MIN|$95
      performed from a unique region of Thailand
                                                     F O C U S R E L A X M A S S A G E In a more focused version of our
      that uses fresh branches of the Banyan trees   Miraval Relax Massage, your therapist will work on targeted
      to support and facilitate the most effective   areas, as they skillfully select the most suitable massage
      use of the practitioner’s balanced body        techniques based on your body’s needs. 2 0 M I N | $ 9 5
      weight. Full description of the NÂGA™
                                                     F O C U S D E E P M A S S A G E A more focused version of our
      experience is located on page 18. Contact      Miraval Deep Massage, your therapist will concentrate on
      the Spa Desk or Guest Services to book this    targeted areas, as they work deep within the spots that need the
                                                     most attention. 2 0 M I N | $ 9 5
      one-of-a-kind treatment.
                                                     H E A L T O T O E Relax with a lightly scented lavender eye pillow
                                                     and enjoy a luxurious foot massage. This unique treatment not
                                                     only cares for your toes and feet, but relaxes, energizes, and
                                                     moisturizes tired soles with our Maya Chia Wonder Balm.
                                                     20 MIN|$95

                                                     K E S’ A A perfect addition to any service, this Kesa
                                                                                                        ’ (Sanskrit for
                                                     scalp) treatment is great for any hair type to strengthen and
                                                     prevent dry, brittle hair while allowing you to melt into relaxation.
                                                     A stimulating scalp massage and warm towels complete the
                                                     experience. The benefits of the oil will be maximized when
                                                     allowed to absorb into the scalp for additional time post-
                                                     treatment. 2 0 M I N | $ 9 5

                                                     K O S’ A J A Kosaja
                                                                    ’    is the Sanskrit term for “an emergence from
                                                     cocoon”. Enhance your relaxation by allowing your muscles unfurl
                                                     and surrender their tension. Swaddled in a warn, weighted
                                                     blanket, you can feel the heat penetrate your tired muscles and
                                                     prepare them for your upcoming service. This intensive heat
                                                     experience is perfect as a stand-alone service or for a pre or post
                                                     treatment. 2 0 M I N | $ 9 5

M I R AVA L R E L A X Begin with a relaxing Swedish massage using
                                                                              aromatherapy essential oils designed to calm, revitalize, or
                                                                              stimulate your senses. Your therapist kneads away stress and

                                                                              improves circulation, creating an overall feeling of harmony and
                                                                              balance. 1 0 0 M I N | $ 2 9 0 • 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 0 • 5 0 M I N | $ 1 7 0
                                                                              M I R AVA L A U S T I N E X C L U S I V E P R A N AYA M A - D I N A Explore
                                                                              the beauty of your own breath and body with Pranayama-
                                                                              dina.  Sanskrit for flying breath, this unique Miraval Austin
                                                                              Signature treatment transcends convention. Be guided through
                                                                              the enriching and healing effects of intentional breathing as your
                                                                              lungs take in the light scent of lemongrass and a deep sense of
                                                                              peace. Rock gently in a silk hammock, suspended above all that
                                                                              you choose to leave behind. With each calming breath, you
                                                                              inhale prana, or “life force”, into each cell and exhale forces that
                                                                              no longer serve you. The gentle, weighted embrace of a hand-
                                                                              crafted blanket drapes reassuringly over you as you are rocked
                                                                              into a space of tranquility, where breath and pulse dovetail in
                                                                              rhythm and harmony. As your muscles release the stress you carry
                                                                              within, and the silky fiber suspends you in peaceful space, your
                                                                              flying breath guide deeply massages your muscles from beneath
                                                                              you, using skilled foot techniques and leveraging gravity to
                                                                              unburden the tension in both sinew and soul. This one-of-a-kind
                                                                              Life in Balance Spa experience explores the power of rhythm
                                                                              and the potential of breath to carry you into an elevated state
                                                                              of restorative relaxation and respite. Please reserve time after
                                                                              your service for stillness and reflection, as the effects of this
                                                                              service are intended to outlast the duration of the treatment. Take
                                                                              advantage of our quiet spaces for contemplation and rest and
                                                                              avoid any activity following this truly transformative experience.
                                                                              80 MIN|$285

                      MASSAGE                                                 S A C R E D S T O N E S This massage treatment uses elements from
                                                                              the core of the earth to reconnect you to your inner well of
                                                                              healing. Some cultures believe that stones are sacred and hold
                                                                              energetic vibrations that can aid in the restoration of both body
A U S T I N A P O T H E C A R Y M A S S A G E Experience a sensory
                                                                              and spirit. Heated jade stones are incorporated to balance the
journey through indigenous leaves, flowers and herbs inspired
                                                                              body’s energy and soothe aching muscles. An antioxidant-rich
by the botanical cornucopia of Texas hill country. Discover the
                                                                              oil harvested from chia seeds restores balance with an indulgent
essence of this unique terrain with an interactive aromatherapy
                                                                              hand and foot massage, delivering much-needed hydration to the
experience, designed to offer specific massage intentions and
                                                                              often neglected parts of our body. 7 5 M I N | $ 2 5 5
benefits for each aroma. Be guided by the healing power of
nature. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 6 5 • 5 0 M I N | $ 1 8 5
                                                                              T I B E TA N B O W L M A S S A G E This meditative service combines
                                                                              the benefits of a Tibetan bowl healing meditation with a full body
C A L M I N G H O T S T O N E Using warm, smooth basalt stones,
                                                                              massage. The healing resonance of Tibetan bowls is thoughtfully
this healing treatment calms the mind as it renders muscles more
                                                                              applied to promote restoration and relaxation. Allow the unique
limber and open to massage that provides relief to sore limbs.
                                                                              vibration of the bowls to create peace throughout your mind,
75 MIN|$245
                                                                              body and spirit with special attention paid to points in need
                                                                              of balance. This service will leave you with a feeling of deep
D E E P R I V E R S T O N E Heated basalt stones and cool marble
                                                                              serenity and calm. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 7 5
stones are combined to release muscle tensions and toxins,
nourishing the skin with a botanical oil blend that induces a deep
                                                                              W I L D H A R V E S T H E R B A L H E A L E R Enhance the sense of
state of tension-free relaxation. 7 5 M I N | $ 2 5 5
                                                                              healing, connection and community with our two-part Wild
                                                                              Harvest Herb Ritual and Massage. We begin with a harvesting
J A D E M E R I D I A N Restore balance and harmony to your mind,
                                                                              of herbs, communal gathering, and intention ceremony. Stay
body and spirit. This gentle gua sha-inspired ritual will restore
                                                                              grounded in nature, making a connection to the guests who come
flow and vitality to your essential life force, leaving you renewed,
                                                                              after you by providing the essential treatment ingredients of herbs
refreshed and in tune with yourself. Using acupressure techniques,
                                                                              and intentions. Part two begins with serene nature sounds and
warm ginger oil, and traditional jade tools, Chinese meridians
                                                                              birdsongs, followed by a brief gratitude ceremony guided by our
are traced which open channels of energy and tranquility and
                                                                              therapists. The treatment concludes with a full body relaxation
invite a sense of balance and peace. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 9 5
                                                                              massage, using the herbs harvested by those before you.
                                                                              80 MIN|$275
M I R AVA L D E E P T I S S U E M A S S A G E A powerful massage
designed to alleviate deep-seated tension and muscular stress.
Specialized techniques concentrate on specific areas of concern
and alleviate common discomforts such as a stiff neck or lower
back pain. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 7 5 • 5 0 M I N | $ 1 9 5

                                         RE SO RT C RE DIT C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY S P A S E R VI C E .

                                                                                                                      EXCLU S I VE
                                                                                                                    MIRAVAL POLI S H

                                                                           Deborah Lippmann Services
                                                                           One of the most in-demand celebrity and editorial
                                                                           manicurists, Deborah Lippmann is an innovator in

                               SALON                                       the field of nail health. This collaboration brings
                                                                           high-fashion nail lines together with the Miraval
                                                                           touch to create one-of-a-kind nail care rituals offered
                                                                           only at Miraval. These new, exquisite services
      Hair                                                                 offer a unique nail and skin health assessment that
                                                                           customizes a manicure or pedicure to promote long-
      R E C O V E R Y T R E AT M E N T Treat damaged lengths and ends of   lasting nail health with beauty.
      hair with a powerful three-step recovery system that uses organic
      sunflower, safflower, and grapeseed oils. 2 0 M I N | $ 5 5          D E B O R A H L I P P M A N N S I G N AT U R E M A N I C U R E
                                                                           Our signature manicure sets a new standard for
      S H A M P O O & G O Let the hillside breeze dry your locks after a
                                                                           healthy nail care. Following a nail analysis, let your
      quick shampoo and conditioning treatment. *Does not include          senses escape to the tropics as your hands and
      blow-dry. 1 0 M I N | $ 2 0                                          arms are smoothed with a grapefruit and sea salt
                                                                           scrub, then massaged with a warm blend of vitamin
      S H A M P O O & S T Y L E Get soothingly shampooed, calmly
                                                                           E, pure white jojoba, and coconut oil. A shea butter
      conditioned, and fabulously styled while you reflect and rest.       and avocado oil hand cream with broad spectrum
      50 MIN|$75
                                                                           SPF lock in moisture and leave you protected
                                                                           from harmful UV rays. Conclude with a Deborah
                                                                           Lippmann Nail Polish. 5 0 M I N | $ 8 5

                                                                           D E B O R A H L I P P M A N N S I G N AT U R E P E D I C U R E
                           Spa Hours 9am - 10pm                            Our signature pedicure will treat the most
                                                                           overworked feet. After a nail analysis, enjoy a
             To reserve your Life in Balance Spa services,                 relaxing foot soak in a rosemary and aloe soaking
               please call extension x. 5780 or visit the                  elixir. A heated leg wrap infused with a blend
                          Spa reception desk.                              of vitamin E, pure white jojoba, and coconut oil
                                                                           follows. Our warm grapefruit and sea salt scrub
                                                                           is then applied to exfoliate and soften, while a
                                                                           kokum butter and aloe vera foot cream smooths and
                                                                           soothes. Conclude with a Deborah Lippmann Nail
                                                                           Polish. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 0 5
Manicure & Pedicure
B L O O D O R A N G E M A N I C U R E This
invigorating manicure experience
incorporates a naturally stimulating
citrus scent from Red Flower. An Italian
Blood Orange blend of oils and sea salt
removes dry skin, stimulates circulation,
firms, and softens for a beautiful glow.
Scented with botanical and essential
oils of orange blossom, grapefruit, lime,
and orange rind, this refreshing and
energizing treat includes exfoliation and a
soothing massage. 5 0 M I N | $ 8 5

B L O O D O R A N G E P E D I C U R E This energizing pedicure                 H O T S T O N E & H O N E Y P E D I C U R E This pedicure begins
experience highlights the Red Flower citrus scent from Isla Das                with an exfoliating mixture of bamboo and mineral powders,
Rocas. This indulgently pure blend removes dry skin, stimulates                and the addition of glycolic and salicylic acids for an ultimate
circulation, and firms and softens for a beautiful glow. Scented               exfoliation. To firm and tighten your newly revealed skin, a lush
with botanical and essential oils of orange blossom, grapefruit,               lemon thyme and oat sugar masque envelops your legs. Add a
lime, and orange rind, this refreshing and invigorating treat for              layer of healing with the application of a green clay mud masque
the feet includes exfoliation and soothing massage.                            of antioxidant-rich Tonka bean and gingko biloba. Allow the rich
50 MIN|$105                                                                    mud to nourish your skin, while you luxuriate in a hazelnut and
                                                                               bitter-orange oil hand and arm massage. A honey gel is kneaded
E X P R E S S M A N I C U R E A shorter version of our traditional             into your feet and calves as hot stones massage out tension and
manicure, focusing on nail maintenance, cuticle care, and polish               stress. 8 0 M I N | $ 1 4 5
change. The perfect finish to a perfect vacation. 2 0 M I N | $ 6 0
                                                                               M O R O C C A N C O F F E E B L O S S O M P E D I C U R E North African-
F O O T T O S O U L P E D I C U R E This nature infused footbath will          inspired, this pedicure is an exotic treat. We begin by applying
ground your mind, body and spirit. A rich antioxidant scrub will               an aromatic lemon, coffee blossom, crushed almonds, and olive
gently exfoliate, removing impurities while floral scented waters              stone scrub to tired feet and legs. Afterwards, a thin masque of
cleanse and refresh. A beautiful blend of grapeseed, chia seed,                warm white jasmine clay hydrates, while a hot stone massage
pomegranate, cranberry, and pumpkin seed oils are massaged                     and tangerine and fig butter leave you fully relaxed.
using warm stones to ground and hydrate. Nourish and replenish                 80 MIN|$145
both body and soul. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 0 5
                                                                               P O L I S H C H A N G E Change up your color by replacing your old
H A N D T O H E A R T M A N I C U R E By pampering our hands, we               shade with a new, fabulous Deborah Lippmann signature nail
also take a moment to nurture our heart and Qi center. This                    polish. 2 0 M I N | $ 2 5
treatment begins with a luxurious hand soak in our signature
floral-infused water. Your hands are then treated to a gentle                  S H E L L A C R E M O VA L This gentle treatment removes gel polish or
healing massage using a nutrient dense balm (fantastic for                     shellac polish, but will not remove acrylic nails. 2 0 M I N | $ 3 0
cuticles in need of extra love). Targeted reflexology triggers and
balances our heart center while promoting an overall feeling of                M E N ' S M A N I C U R E Don’t let your desire for wandering make
relaxation and well-being. Hands emerge soft, nourished, and                   your hands weary. Rest your arms and hands in this manicure
glowing with vitality. Conclude with a careful application of the              that begins with a refreshing citrus body polisher that uses fruit
nail color of your choice. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 0 5                                 rinds to brighten and tone skin. Your arms and hands are then
                                                                               wrapped in a contouring gel-masque that soothes and tightens.
H O T S T O N E & H O N E Y M A N I C U R E Combine the relaxing               Tension in your forearms, hands, and fingers is then massaged
benefit of hot stones with a new fresh look for your nails. The                out with a deeply toning body balm. End your treatment feeling
smoothing, softening, and refining of your skin takes place as                 relaxed and ready for your next adventure. 5 0 M I N | $ 7 5
an exfoliating lotion mixes with a smoothing cream to penetrate
the deepest layers of the arms and hands to reveal your most                   M E N ' S P E D I C U R E Smooth your rough heels and loosen
youthful-looking skin. To promote new skin cell generation, a                  your tight muscles with this pedicure for the wellness-seeking
firming lemon thyme masque is applied and enhanced by a                        wanderer. A salt-like scrub exfoliates your feet and legs. A
revitalizing serum to protect your glow. To ensure complete                    hydrating masque locks in necessary moisture and serves to
hydration, a renewing body cream is massaged into your skin,                   remove any impurities from the skin. Warm towels are applied to
leaving you in a state of total rejuvenation. End with a Deborah               your legs, as your calves and feet are kneaded and massaged
Lippmann nail polish application. 5 0 M I N | $ 9 5                            with an invigorating body balm, releasing any remaining tension.
                                                                               Leave feeling smoother, softer, and ready to roam. 5 0 M I N | $ 9 5

                                          RE SO RT C RE DIT C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY S P A S E R VI C E .

              PRE & POST-NATAL
                                                                                       P R E N ATA L M A S S A G E Focused entirely on your personal needs,
                                                                                       a gentle yet effective exfoliation to the back area is followed by
                                                                                       a comforting body massage using a pure, unscented blend of
                                                                                       deeply nurturing oils to safely target areas prone to stress and
      M O T H E R ’ S G L O W FA C I A L Designed to address the                       tension during or after pregnancy, plus alleviate muscular aches
      unique needs of your skin pre or post pregnancy. After a skin                    and pains. Finishing with a soothing and conditioning scalp
      analysis and customization of products, your esthetician cleanses,               massage, this blissful treatment will leave you feeling relaxed and
      exfoliates, and nourishes your skin for the ultimate healthy-mama                restored. 8 0 M I N | $ 2 4 0 • 5 0 M I N | $ 1 7 0
      glow. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 7 5
                                                                                       P R E N ATA L W I L D B E R R Y B O D Y P O L I S H This service uses
      P R E N ATA L C R A N I O S A C R A L T H E R A P Y This form of energy          mineral-rich gifts from the earth to exfoliate and moisturize based on
      work therapy works by optimizing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid,                your skin’s needs. Rich white peat and wild berries deliver warming
      a vital fluid that nourishes and protects the nervous system and                 enzymes and concentrated omegas into the skin that intensely
      brain. This gentle, light touch therapy shifts the mind and body                 exfoliate, combat dry skin, and improve moisture balance. A
      into a mode of rest and recovery – the antithesis of stress. In this             replenishing massage application of concentrated juniper tree oils
      service the healing potential of quiet and stillness of body and                 leaves your skin with a healthy glow. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 8 5
      mind is explored. *Wear yoga or exercise attire.
      80 MIN|$235 • 50 MIN|$165                                                        P R E N ATA L R I V E R F L O W E R W R A P Submerge the senses in the
                                                                                       essence of wet mossy earth, preserved under a flowing river. A
      P R E N ATA L C R Y S TA L E N E R G Y H E A L I N G Your therapist will         dry-brush exfoliation prepares skin for a phyto-nutrient masque
      guide your journey, unique to you. Elements of Reiki healing are                 cocoon, to nourish and restore moisture. A layer of botanical
      incorporated with the use of crystals to balance the Chakras                     butter delivers a surge of deep hydration and repair. Conclude
      and charge, clear, and cleanse the energy centers in the body.                   with your choice of therapeutic scalp or foot massage for
      Guided visualization and breathing techniques help to free the                   refreshing bliss. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 8 5
      flow of energy throughout your body. *Wear loose clothing.
      50 MIN|$175

      P R E N ATA L F O C U S M A S S A G E Ease tense, aching areas with
      this targeted treatment. Your therapist will skillfully select the most
      suitable massage techniques and oils where needed.
      20 MIN|$95

      P R E N ATA L R E I K I Alleviate tension and support the body to
      facilitate an environment for healing on all levels. By applying
      barely detectable touch with the hands, your practitioner will
      work to enhance the universal energy that flows through the
      body. Reiki can help you connect with your higher self, leaving
      you with a sense of peace and wellbeing. 5 0 M I N | $ 1 6 5

                                                 RE SO RT C RE D I T C A N B E A P P L I E D T O A NY S P A S E R VI C E .
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