Jobcentre Plus Pathfinder Service Delivery Vision

Page created by Claude Owens
Jobcentre Plus Pathfinder Service Delivery Vision
Jobcentre Plus
Pathfinder Service Delivery Vision


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Jobcentre Plus Pathfinder Service Delivery Vision

Unemployment is at its lowest level for over 25 years and there are more
people in work than ever before. But there is more to be done.

Even within a stable and successful economy, there         the people they need to ensure their success
are many individuals who need further help to move         and prosperity.
into work. Jobcentre Plus aims to provide that             In meeting these challenges, we aim to draw on our
support both to benefit the individuals concerned and      recent experience of the New Deals and other
to support the Government’s wider objectives of            programmes to develop a service with greater
sustained economic growth, higher productivity and         flexibility, more use of personal advisers and a focus
low inflation. Equally importantly, Jobcentre Plus         on tailoring our services to meet the needs of both
needs to support our employer customers to recruit         individuals and employers.

In particular, we want to support and encourage a far wider range of
customers, such as lone parents and disabled people, to see work as
an attainable and realistic objective against a background in which:

- there are 900,000 lone parents on income support,
 and children from lone parent households still make up
 almost half of all children growing up in poverty.

- there are still around 3.5 million people claiming
 benefits either as lone parents or because they are ill
 or disabled, 1 million of whom have said that they
 would like to work.

- disabled people are seven times more likely to
 be out of work and claiming benefits than non-
 disabled people.

- there are over 2 million households where no
 one works.

- there are just under 1 million people unemployed and
 around 1 million unfilled vacancies.

Jobcentre Plus Pathfinder Service Delivery Vision
Jobcentre Plus

    Jobcentre Plus is at the heart of the   Jobcentre Plus will introduce, for the first time, a

    Government’s strategy for tackling      real work-focus for customers claiming benefits

    these issues. It will change            other than Jobseeker’s Allowance. That labour

    dramatically the way we help people     market focus will be present in all of our dealings

    of working age, moving from a           with our clients. Everyone entering the benefits

    passive system to an active service     system will be assigned a personal adviser as an

    helping them to become more             ongoing source of advice who can help them find

    independent and to move from            work or appropriate support such as training

    welfare to work. This work-focus will   or childcare.

    enable us to develop a new              Jobcentre Plus will also deliver a new employer-
    approach where instead of benefits      focus based on a demand led service. Ensuring that
    being a safety net they become a        prospective recruits have the skills and attitudes
    lever and support system for work;      which employers are seeking will be central to the
    full or part-time, permanent or         service we offer. Jobcentre Plus will operate
    temporary.                              strategically to respond to the different requirements
                                            of employers in different sectors and areas of the
                                            country. It will also support and advise them in order
                                            that they can benefit from greater flexibility in the
                                            forms of employment they offer.

                                            The first stage in the creation of Jobcentre Plus will
                                            be the introduction of a very different and improved
                                            service in some 50 Pathfinder offices beginning
                                            this October. These offices will lead the way in
                                            demonstrating the new service, culture and
                                            organisation of Jobcentre Plus.

                                            Outside the Pathfinders, we will also be
                                            progressively extending work-focused interviews
                                            for all people of working age making a new or
                                            repeat claim to a working age benefit. These
                                            interviews will begin, also in October, in some
                                            50 further offices in addition to the Pathfinders.

Our vision for Jobcentre Plus

Our vision for Jobcentre Plus is that it                We will build on the existing successes of the
should provide:                                         Benefits Agency and the Employment Service by
- a work-focus to the benefits system, for              introducing more personal advisers with greater
  everyone using our services.                          flexibility; more contact to keep people in touch with
- a dedicated service to enable employers               the labour market; more focus on meeting
  to fill their vacancies quickly and                   employers’ needs and more emphasis on benefit
                                                        integrity and accuracy.
- swift, secure and professional access to
  benefits for those entitled to them;                  Our service will treat each customer as an individual

- a much better service for everyone who                rather than as one of a group narrowly defined by
  needs our help.                                       benefit entitlement. Our aim will be to tailor what we

- active help from personal advisers to help            can offer to what each individual needs. For
  people get and keep work.                             instance, we will take care to treat disabled people
- a better working environment for our staff,           according to their individual circumstances. As a
  which will be safe and professional.                  further example, parents who want to return to the
- greatly improved IT, accommodation and                workplace will be offered guidance to identify and
  support services to deliver an efficient and          relate the skills they have acquired as parents to
  effective service.
                                                        those required by employers.

Our culture will be driven by the clear objective set   For employers we will provide a much more

by Ministers of "work for those who can, support for    outcome-focused and professional service based

those who cannot."                                      on improved communications, dedicated vacancy
                                                        service managers and local account managers,
This clear work-focus will be apparent in everything
                                                        building on the foundations already laid in the
we do for our customers. We will emphasise to
                                                        New Deal and more widely.
them the link between benefits and work, with their
associated rights and responsibilities. This will       We will deliver our services through the full range of

include a determination to reduce fraud and             channels offered by modern technology, including

irregularity by ensuring that only those entitled to    the internet, touch screen terminals and customer

benefits receive them.                                  service centres.

But we will also be about a much higher quality of
customer service.

Our services to employers

    Employers will be central to the
    new Jobcentre Plus strategy.
    We will want to work with
    employers to fill their vacancies
    quickly and with the most
    appropriate people so that
    Jobcentre Plus becomes the
    service of choice for them.
    We aim to offer employers in the Pathfinders a more       In more detail:
    effective service which responds to their requirements.   - We will build on the New Deals to establish better
    We will do this by working with them to understand         relationships with employers and work together to
    their needs and the demands of the different industry      enhance our understanding of their business.
    sectors in which they operate. This means co-operating
                                                              - We will use local vacancy service managers – and in
    with employers, the local Learning and Skills Councils
                                                               the future newly created local account managers for
    and other local training and education partners to
                                                               employers - to provide a high quality and individually
    customise training to meet industry and local
                                                               tailored service at a local level.
    employer needs.
                                                              - Our communications with employers, including
    We also aim to be better at matching the people
                                                               through our Employer Direct customer service
    without jobs to the jobs without people. This will
                                                               centres, will maintain a consistently high standard
    involve us working with individuals to prepare them
    for the needs of employers and also working with
    employers to ensure they can make use of the              - We will aim to provide high class interview facilities

    diverse range of labour available to them.                 for employers in our Pathfinder offices to help them
                                                               fill their vacancies.

                                                              - We will strive to involve employers in designing our
                                                               future services and will ensure we deliver services
                                                               and products that meet the needs of employers and
                                                               clients alike.

                                                              We will also increasingly look to employers to give us
                                                              feedback about the standards of our service and
                                                              whether it meets their expectations.

Our service to individual customers

Building on the New Deals, the Pathfinders will deliver a new work-focused
service to all of our customers of working age. We will extend our range
of help and support to those who have too often been neglected, such as
carers, people with disabilities, or lone parents.

                                    Our emphasis will be on looking for every opportunity to
                                    help our customers to work towards independence. In
                                    doing so, we will treat each individual according to his
                                    or her circumstances and with the sensitivity that he or
                                    she deserves.

                                    At the same time, for those who need long term support,
                                    we will aim to provide the highest possible quality of
                                    service and support. We will ensure that our customers
                                    receive the benefits to which they are entitled and are
                                    aware of the support available to them from us and from
                                    our partners in the community.

Our service to individual customers

    We are still finalising the way in which we will deliver our services in the
    Pathfinders day to day. But broadly what we envisage is this:
    - We will encourage our customers to make their            together, we can do to help them move to or
     first contact with us by telephone. We will take          towards a job. Where appropriate, the personal
     their personal details immediately and assess them        adviser will be able to refer the customer to other
     in terms of their job readiness. If we think that they    more specialist organisations who can provide
     are job ready, we will wherever possible submit           specific help (such as healthcare or training). The
     them to a job. That will apply to all of our              personal adviser will also be able to offer advice
     customers; not just those claiming Jobseeker’s            about how much better off the customer could be
     Allowance. We will assign each customer a                 in work. At the end of the interview, the customer
     personal adviser and arrange a first meeting              will see the benefit expert again and will be given
     between the customer and their adviser. By the            as much certainty as possible about what benefit
     end of the conversation, the customer will have a         they will receive and when; or about what needs to
     confirmed interview with a personal adviser, will         happen next to process their claim.
     be sent all the relevant claims forms to complete
                                                              - The personal adviser will arrange further interviews
     and will be given a number to call for help if they
                                                               with the customer by agreement between them,
     need further assistance in advance of their
                                                               other than for customers claiming Jobseeker’s
     personal adviser interview.
                                                               Allowance who still need to come in fortnightly. We
    - When the customer arrives for their initial interview    will encourage customers to use the services of
     with their personal adviser they will be seen first by    their personal adviser on a regular basis in their
     a benefit expert who will check that their claim          progress towards independence. This will include
     form has been fully completed and that they have          ongoing advice on vacancies, training, childcare,
     brought with them all the necessary supporting            and in-work incomes. Where appropriate the
     documents. After offering them some form of               personal adviser will also be the routeway into all of
     refreshment they will then be introduced to their         the New Deal programmes.
     personal adviser.
                                                              - We will continue to make checks on all benefit
    - The customer will meet with their personal adviser       claims at the time of their first contact and
     to discuss their personal circumstances and               throughout the lifetime of the claim to ensure that
     ambitions. The discussion will have a clear focus         only the right people are receiving the right money
     on work and the aim will be to agree on what,             to which they are entitled.

Our people

Jobcentre Plus will, of course, require
changes from our staff, but in return
will offer them new and exciting
opportunities. The Pathfinders will
lead the way in introducing changes
in the way we work and interact
with customers, building on the
experience of the ONE pilots and the
New Deals.

In particular, we aim to create a wide range of            We will create a culture in which equality of
different jobs in which staff will have far more contact   opportunity is built into the heart of how the new
with our customers. We will remove barriers so that        Agency operates.
better support is given to staff. Our aim is to have:
                                                           We will work constructively with our trade unions in
- less paperwork.                                          developing the new Agency.

- more customer contact.                                   We will support our people in carrying out their jobs
                                                           by introducing:
- more use of the telephone to talk to customers.
                                                           - a single management structure.
- more automation of routine tasks.
                                                           - targets which balance labour market and benefit
- a system by which we capture information only
                                                            priorities, clearly translated from the Government’s
 once; and
                                                            Public Service Agreement and Service Delivery
- greater personalised, intensive support when
                                                            Agreement targets.
 advisers see customers face to face, offering
                                                           - better technology for managing information,
 active assistance in jobsearch and more
                                                            including ‘better off’ calculators and access to a
 responsiveness to help them access the support
                                                            wider range of information on jobs and training.
 they need.

We will give all of our people in the Pathfinders
additional support and training (including E-learning)
to help them meet the needs of our new culture
and to enable them to do their jobs effectively.

Our offices

    We need to change our offices to reflect the very different culture of
    Jobcentre Plus and so that our customers can receive a very different
    service from our staff.
    We aim to be immediately and easily accessible to all     Our offices will look and feel work-focused – with
    of our customers, including through increased use of      touch screen Jobpoint terminals providing access to
    the telephone and by providing named contacts.            job vacancies. They will be designed to cater for the
                                                              different range of clients using our service including
    We will present a welcoming and professional image
                                                              lone parents, people with disabilities and carers.
    in every office. Customers will be seen, wherever
    possible, in a predominantly open plan environment,       We also aim to provide a wider range of facilities for
    though separate facilities will be available if more      our customers, wherever space allows, such as
    privacy is required. We will, at the same time, seek to   toilets and children’s play areas.
    ensure our offices are as safe as possible for both our
    staff and our customers.

Our partners

The creation of Jobcentre Plus brings two existing partners (much of the
Benefits Agency and all of the Employment Service) into one organisation.
But we still need to work with a wide range of other partners to help us
reach our vision. We aim to build strategic partnerships with major
organisations at a national level, plus local partnerships with a very wide
range of groups in each locality. These will include partners from the
public, private and voluntary sector.

We will harness existing local networks of
community-based partnerships to meet our
customers’ needs. This will build on our existing
New Deal and other welfare partnerships,
making best use of a network of specialist skills.

Within central and local Government we aim
to develop close partnerships with other
organisations with whom our customers
have contact:

- Local Authorities in respect of Housing
 and Council Tax Benefit and social and
 neighbourhood services.

- the Connexions Service in respect of
 young people.

- the Inland Revenue in respect of tax credits;

- the Pension Service in dealing with pensioners
 and pension forecasts; and

- other DSS services such as the Appeals
 Service and the Child Support Agency.

We will use these partnerships to share
information, where appropriate, on our customers
to avoid duplication and to improve security.

Jobcentre Plus Pathfinder sites

                      City/town               Number of Pathfinders
                      Greenock                                   1
                      Port Glasgow                               1
                      Livingston                                 1
                      Aberdeen                                   3
                      Bridgend                                   2
                      Maesteg                                    1
                      Pyle                                       1
                      Porthcawl                                  1
                      South West Birmingham                      3
                      Telford                                    2
                      Madeley                                    1
                      Wellington                                 1
                      Wallasey                                   1
                      Hoylake                                    1
                      Blackburn                                  2
                      Darwen                                     1
                      Manchester Openshaw                        2
                      Halifax                                    2
                      Huddersfield                               2
                      Dewsbury                                   2
                      Todmorden                                  1
                      Derby                                      4
                      Gateshead                                  2
                      Felling                                    1
                      Blaydon                                    1
                      Birtley                                    1
                      Exmouth                                    1
                      Honiton                                    1
                      Tiverton                                   1
                      Sidmouth                                   1
                      Axminster                                  1
                      Chelmsford                                 2
                      Southend                                   1
                      Rayleigh                                   1
                      Willesden                                  1
                      Wembley                                    1
                      Kilburn                                    1
                      Harlesden                                  1
                      Winchester                                 1
                      Streatham                                  1

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