Journal of Language Contact - Evolution of languages, contact and discourse - Brill

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Journal of Language Contact - Evolution of languages, contact and discourse - Brill
Journal of Language Contact
Evolution of languages, contact and discourse

        VARIA series, Number 3, 2010

           "Es gibt keine völlig ungemischte Sprache"
                       (Hugo Schuchardt)

           J L C - Electronic Revue

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II   Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of languages, contact and discourse

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Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of languages, contact and discourse                     III

                      Journal of Language Contact (JLC)
                 Evolution of languages, contact and discourse

                                        Electronic Revue

               Alexandra Aikhenvald (James Cook University, Australia)
                 Robert Nicolaï (Nice & Institut universitaire de France)

                                 Associate Editors
       Rainer Voßen (Frankfurt, Germany), Petr Zima (Prague, Czech Republic)

                                   Managing Editor
                         Henning Schreiber (Hamburg, Germany)

JLC publishes two series:

The THEMA series is a yearly publication which focuses on a specific topic. Each issue
has an Editor who makes decisions in agreement with the editors of JLC.

Proposals for contributions should be submitted by email to (email
subject : "Contribution.JLC.Thema")

The VARIA series considers proposals for contributions which are concerned with the
aims of JLC as long as they have not been already studied in an issue of the Thema

Proposals for contributions should be submitted by email to and (email subject : "Contribution.JLC.Varia")

Information for Authors:
Papers may be either in English or in French. Please refer to for

                                         ISSN : 1955-2629
                                              May 2010

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IV              Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of languages, contact and discourse

                                           Editorial Board

Peter Bakker (Aarhus, Denmark), Claire Blanche-Benveniste (Paris, France), Klaus Beyer
(Berlin, Germany), Raymond Boyd (Paris, France), Matthias Brenzinger (Köln, Germany), Cécile
Canut (Montpellier, France), Elisabetta Carpitelli (Grenoble, France), Tucker Childs (Portland,
USA), Bernard Comrie (Leipzig, Germany), Denis Creissels (Lyon, France), Norbert Cyffer
(Wien, Austria), Zygmunt Frajzyngier (Boulder USA), Françoise Gadet (Paris, France), Jeffrey
Heath (Michigan, USA), Bernd Heine (Köln, Germany), Tomáš Hoskovec (Brno, Czech
Republic), Dymitr Ibriszimow (Bayreuth, Germany), Caroline Juillard (Paris, France), Maarten
Kossmann (Leiden, The Netherlands), Isabelle Léglise (Tours, France), Georges Lüdi (Basel,
Switzerland), Yaron Matras (Manchester, United Kingdom), Martine Mazaudon (Paris, France),
Carol Myers-Scotton (South Carolina, USA), Catherine Miller (Aix-en-Provence, France),
Marianne Mithun (Santa Barbara, USA), Yves Moniño (Paris, France), Annie Montaut (Paris,
France), Maarten Mous (Leiden,The Netherlands), Salikoko Mufwene (Chicago, USA), Pieter
Muysken (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), Carol Myers-Scotton (Michigan, USA), J.V. Neustupný
(Melbourne, Australia), Derek Nurse (Newfoundland, Canada), Bernard Py (Neuchâtel,
Switzerland), Mechthild Reh (Hamburg, Germany), Patrick Renaud (Paris, France), Malcolm
Ross (Canberra, Australia), William Samarin (Toronto, Canada), Norval Smith (Amsterdam, The
Netherlands), Andrée Tabouret-Keller (Strasbourg, France), Sarah G. Thomason (Michigan,
USA), Martine Vanhove (Paris, France), Marie-Christine Varol (Poitiers, France), Donald Winford
(Ohio, USA), Ekkehard Wolff (Leipzig, Germany), Ghil`ad Zuckermann (Cambridge, United


The fact of language “contact” and its impact on the dynamics of language are recognized today.
Questions relating to this topic no longer derive from marginal studies nor from the treatment of
“special cases": whether the issue is to understand the evolution of languages, their structural
and material transformations, or simply to take account of their ordinary use, language contact is

    We would like JLC to focus on the study of language contact, language use and language
change in accordance with a view of language contact whereby both empirical data (the precise
description of languages and how they are used) and the resulting theoretical elaborations
(hence the statement and analysis of new problems) become the primary engines for advancing
our understanding of the nature of language. And this will involve associating linguistic,
anthropological, historical, and cognitive factors. We believe such an approach could make a
major new contribution to understanding language change at a time when there is a notable
increase of interest and activity in this field.

JLC should provide a forum for discussion of general perspectives and should accept
contributions of any orientation on the principle that reasoned argumentation will enrich our
understanding of language contact.

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Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of languages, contact and discourse                             V


                             Online access and downloading is free:

                            Notes for Contributors, JLC-style-sheet:

Book-reviews, reports and announcements.
Announcements, book-reviews, review-articles and reports from Conferences/Projects are
welcome for every VARIA or THEMA issue of JLC.

Books for reviews and reports are to be sent directly to:

                                              Robert Nicolaï
                                              7, rue Neuve
                                         F-06510 Le Broc, France

Although maximum efforts will be devoted to publish reviews on publications received, there can
be no guarantee that all books received will, in fact, be reviewed. However, all books and reports
sent to the Editor will be listed in the BOOKS AND JOURNALS RECEIVED section of the next VARIA
or THEMA issue of JLC.

                                     Directeur de la publication / Publisher :
                       Robert Nicolaï. Institut universitaire de France et Université de Nice
                         Chaire « Dynamique du langage et contact des langues »

                   Webmaster : Henning Schreiber 
                   http://www/ - Hamburg, Germany.

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Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of languages, contact and discourse                      VII

                                   EDITORIAL INFORMATION

                                                 Change of state

    The third VARIA volume of the Journal of Language Contact is herewith published and the third
THEMA issue shall appear by end of 2010. The already published volumes have been well recognized in the
academic field of Language Contact studies and the international academic affiliations of the contributors, the
thematic richness of the articles and the scientific quality may be interpreted as a confirmation of the journals
success. JLC is in the fore in its domain on an international level and has received international attention.
However, despite its recognition it received not enough publishing support.
    The attention of publishing house Brill in Leiden has, as a consequence of its international recognition,
been attracted to the development of the journal. BRILL has contacted the editors and proposed to continue
the publication and diffusion of the Journal of Language Contact one year ago. After examination of the offer and
one year of negotiations the editors have finally accepted because the engagement and experience of BRILL
will guarantee the continuity of the journal and provide the necessary publishing support, hosting and
promotion—while the scientific independence will be left untouched. Although the future volumes of the
journal will no longer be open access, a moderate pricing of has been agreed on.

This will change:

1) One volume with two issues of JLC will appear per year as before. A distinction with the current practice is
   that most issues will be regular issues, but occasionally a thematic issue will be published which will be
   announced in advance. The number of pages will remain 350 pp. per year.

2) Starting from volume 4, JLC will be published online and in print, distributed under the terms of
   subscription of BRILL.

3) The mode of publication of the actual issues VARIA 3 and THEMA 3 (volume 3) is and will be still open
   access. All articles can be downloaded without charge as before.

4) All issues and articles up to volume 3 will remain open access and can be downloaded without charge as
   before. They will be however accessible under the new future domain and are hosted then on the new
   website of the journal at BRILL.

                                                                             Robert Nicolaï

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VIII              Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of languages, contact and discourse

                                  INFORMATION EDITORIALE

                                            Changement de statut

    Journal of Language Contact publie aujourd’hui son troisième numéro VARIA et publiera, en principe
avant la fin de l’année, son troisième numéro THEMA. Les précédents numéros ne sont pas passés inaperçus
dans le champ académique concerné par l’étude des contacts de langues comme l’atteste la répartition
internationale des attaches universitaires de ses contributeurs, la diversité de ses contributions publiées et leur
qualité scientifique. JLC a ainsi atteint une audience internationale et, sans doute, un statut de premier plan
dans un domaine qui, en dépit de sa richesse et de son importance théorique de plus en plus reconnue, ne
possédait pas de support d’édition périodique qui lui soit dédié.
    Conséquence probable de ce développement : les Editions Brill de Leiden, attentives à l’évolution de
l’édition académique, nous ont contacté et nous ont proposé de prendre à leur compte l’édition et la diffusion
de Journal of Language Contact. Après réflexion, analyse de leur proposition et suite à une négociation qui s’est
poursuivie tout au long d’une année, nous avons décidé d’accepter leur offre parce que cette négociation nous
a donné des garanties sur les deux points essentiels que sont notre indépendance scientifique et le prix de
départ des abonnements individuels ; ensuite, parce que les Editions Brill, qui s’engagent dès lors à assurer la
fabrication, la diffusion et la promotion de Journal of Language Contact, nous donnent une garantie de diffusion
internationale fondée sur la qualité de leur infrastructure éditoriale et une meilleure assurance de pérennité.

Ce que cela change :

1) Journal of Language Contact publiera désormais un volume annuel divisé en deux numéros comme par le
   passé, mais la distinction VARIA et THEMA ne sera plus rigide : ainsi, tous les numéros seront « VARIA »
   par défaut mais des numéros THEMA pourront être publiés lorsqu’ils seront effectivement prêts. Le
   nombre des pages chaque volume sera d’environ 350 pp.

2) Dès le volume 4, Journal of Language Contact sera disponible par abonnement, en version on-line et en
   version imprimée selon les modalités propres aux Editions BRILL

3) Ce numéro VARIA 3 de Journal of Language Contact et le numéro THEMA 3 actuellement en préparation
   sont les derniers numéros diffusés dans la modalité « open-access » et ils sont téléchargeables gratuitement
   comme les numéros précédents.

4) Toutefois, le téléchargement des trois premiers volumes de la revue continuera à être libre et gratuit sur le
   site de la revue, à l’adresse des Editions BRILL.

                                                                             Robert Nicolaï

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Journal of Language Contact. Evolution of languages, contact and discourse                     IX

                                               Table of contents

                                     JLC general informations :                                                  IV

                           New Status of Journal of Language Contact                                             VII
                          Nouveau statut de Journal of Language Contact

Merlijn de Smit              Modelling mixed languages: Some remarks on the case of Old 1
                             Helsinki Slang

Andrei A. Avram              An outline of Romanian Pidgin Arabic                                                20

Graham Thurgood              Hainan Cham, Anong, and Eastern Cham:                                               39
                             Three languages, three social contexts, three patterns of change

Béatrice Akissi Boutin       Syntagmes nominaux et syntagmes adpositionnels                                      66
                             dans trois langues langues en contact en Cöte d’Ivoire

Brad Montgomery-             Grammaticalization through language contact: the periphrastic passive 84
Anderson                     in Chontal Mayan

Book Reviews and Debates

                             Book reviews and debates : some explanations                                        101
Jonathan Owens               What is a Language? : Review of Bernard Comrie, Ray Fabri, Elizabeth                103
                             Hume, Manwel Mifsud, Thomas Stolz & Martine Vanhove (eds.),
                             Introducing Maltese Linguistics. Selected papers from the 1st International
                             Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18-20 October. 2007, xi, 422
                             pages. Studies in Language Companion Series 113. Amsterdam-Philadelphia:
                             John Benjamins.
Elisabetta Carpitelli        Pour une théorie intégrée du plurilinguisme et du contact linguistique. À           119
                             propos de : Uriel Weinreich, Lingue in contatto. Premessa di Vincenzo
                             Orioles. Introduzione di Giorgio Raimondo Cardona, 2008, 352 pages.
                             Torino, UTET (Unione Tipografico Editrice Torinese).

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Book Reviews

Georges D. Véronique       Birgit Brock-Utne & Ingse Skattum (eds.). Languages and Education in               129
                           Africa. A comparative and transdisciplinary analysis, 2009, 356 pages.
                           Oxford: Symposium Books.

Françoise Gadet            Penelope Gardner-Chloros. Code-switching, 2009, 254 pages. Cambridge               132
                           University Press.

Nicolas Quint              Magnus Huber & Viveka Villupillai (eds.). Synchronic and Diachronic                136
                           Perspectives on Contact Languages, 2007, xii + 370 pages. Amsterdam-
                           Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Naomi Lapidus Shin         Carol A. Klee & Andrew Lynch. El español en contacto con otras lenguas,            155
                           2009, xiv + 331 pages. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press.

Axel Fleisch               Mena Lafkioui & Vermondo Brugnatelli (eds.). Berber in Contact.                    161
                           Linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives, 2008, 231 pages. 4 colour
                           illustrations, 12 tables. [Berber Studies, vol. 22.] Köln: Rüdiger Köppe

Tjerk Hagemeijer           Philippe Maurer. Principense - Grammar, texts, and vocabulary of the Afro-         165
                           Portuguese creole of the island of Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea, 2009, vii + 280
                           pages. London-Colombo: Battlebridge Publications.

Nélia Alexandre            Nicolas Quint. L’Élément Africain dans la Langue Capverdienne //                   169
                           Africanismos na Língua Caboverdiana, 2008, 133 pages. Paris :

Anthony P. Grant           Rachel Selbach, Hugo C. Cardoso, & Margot van der Berg (eds.), Gradual             174
                           creolization: studies celebrating Jacques Arends), 2009, x + 392 pages.
                           (Creole Language Library 34) Amsterdam - Pittsburgh: John Benjamins.

Caroline Juillard          Peter K.W.Tan & Rani Rubdy. Language as Commodity. Global Structures,              178
                           Local Marketplaces, 2008, 228 pages, London - New York: Continuum.

Carsten Sinner             Robert E. Vann. Materials for the Sociolinguistic Description and Corpus-          180
                           Based Study of Spanish in Barcelona. Toward a Documentation of
                           Colloquial Spanish in Naturally Ocurring Groups, with a Foreword by
                           Montserrat Casanovas Catalá, 2009, xvi + 263 pages, 16 tables and 2 maps.
                           The Edwid Mellen Press, Lewiston, Queenston & Lampeter.

Books and journals received                                                                                   183

JLC Authors and Referees (THEMA 1, 2 ; VARIA 1, 2, 3).                                                        185

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