Journal of Literary Multilingualism - Instructions for Authors

Page created by Gladys Porter
Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors


The Journal of Literary Multilingualism (JLM) explores texts written in non-native languages, in a mix of
languages and alternating languages. It examines a wide range of literary practices from around the globe
broadly defined by multilingual and multicultural situations. We welcome contributions that examine
multilingual authors, texts, readers, and contexts, as well as cultural phenomena and societal issues, as
they relate to literary texts and multilingual processes in all historical periods. As the first international
journal devoted entirely to this emerging interdisciplinary field, it offers a forum for cutting-edge
research across the humanities and social sciences.

Ethical and Legal Conditions
The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical
behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers. Authors, editors,
and reviewers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with Brill’s publication ethics, which may be
downloaded here:

Online Submission
The Journal of Literary Multilingualism uses online submission only. Authors should submit their
manuscript via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system at:
First-time users of EM need to register first. Go to the website and click on the "Register Now" link in the login
menu. Enter the information requested. During registration, you can fill in your username and password. If you
should forget your Username and Password, click on the "Send Username/Password" link in the login section,
and enter your first name, last name, and e-mail address exactly as you entered it when you registered. Your
access codes will then be e-mailed to you.
Prior to submission, authors are encouraged to read the entire “Instructions for Authors.” When submitting
via the website, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. A revised
document is uploaded the same way as the initial submission. All correspondence, including the editor’s
request for revision and final decision, is sent by e-mail.

Double-blinded Peer Review
JLM uses a double-blind peer review system, which means that manuscript author(s) do not know who
the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). When you send your
article to the editor, please submit two files: a separate title page file that includes the full title of the
manuscript, the names and complete contact details of all authors (ORCID number if available, title,
department, institution, city, country), the abstract, keywords, and any acknowledgement texts (this file
will not be accessible to the referees), and an anonymized manuscript file. All files (manuscript, figures,
tables, etc.) should not contain any information concerning author names, institutions, etc. The names of
these files and the document properties should also be anonymized.

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

Contact Address
For additional information or if you need help in uploading your manuscript please visit the author tutorial
or online help links given at the right side of the log-in window. For questions about Editorial Manager
directly, authors can contact: For remaining questions please contact the Editor-in-
Chief, Natasha Lvovich:

File Format
Please send source files such as .doc (word files), and not .pdf files.

Submission Requirements
Papers that are submitted for initial consideration should be complete, including all notes,
bibliographical references, tables, etc. The manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively,
double-spaced and with wide margins on all sides.

Articles should be written in English. Brill’s preferred language for typesetting is American English, if
you prefer to write in British English, please make this explicit to the Editor-in-Chief (we will then
apply appropriate hyphenation rules). Spelling should be consistent throughout, whichever you choose.

Authors are discouraged from submitting typographically elaborate contributions. Emphasis in the
text (bold, letter spacing, italics) should be used sparingly.
Italics should be reserved for titles of works in the running text of the contribution (e.g.: in Carolus
Stuardus by Andreas Gryphius and should not be used for the titles of poems: in Opitz’ “Auff Herrn
David Müllers Seeligen Abschied”). Latin concepts are not italicized.
In English language contributions, uncommon foreign terms may be italicized as usual.

Unicode and Non-Roman Fonts
The Editors request the use of Unicode fonts only. For the complete list of Latin and IPA characters in

Transliteration and Orthography
Where possible, all examples from languages not using the Latin alphabet should be transliterated using
an accepted system of transliteration. Authors should use their chosen system consistently throughout
the manuscript.
Where no standard system has been adopted in the literature (e.g. examples of certain dialects never
described before), use symbols to represent sounds that are as close to the IPA symbols as possible, and
give explanations where appropriate.

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

Where a transliteration system is already used in the literature, no new transliteration system invented
by the author will be accepted.
For glosses the Leipzig Glossing Rules should be followed. More specific font guidelines can be found
online at:

Articles should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words (general and research articles). The following should
be included: abstract (max. 100 words), up to six keywords, affiliation details and an e-mail address.
Book reviews should not exceed 1,200 words, double reviews max. 1,800 words.
Review essays should be between 3,000-5,000 words.

Book Reviews
The review title should correspond to the title of the reviewed work, according to the following model:
Publication title, Author(s). City/place: Publisher. Date of publication. Number of pages. ISBN
Headings and subheadings should not be used in the review.
The author’s name and affiliation appear at the end of the review.
If you quote from the reviewed work, the page numbers should be indicated as follows: (p. xx).

Manuscript Structure
Papers that are submitted for initial consideration should be complete, including all notes,
bibliographical references, tables, etc. The manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively, double-
spaced and with wide margins on both sides.
Use a commonly used, plain font (e.g., 10-point Times Roman) for text. Do not use desktop publishing
features such as justification, centering, or boldface type. Use italics for emphasis. Do not hyphenate
words at the end of a line. TAB should be restricted to a paragraph indent.

A good title should be:
− Short
− Clear and explicit; informative, argumentative, intriguing
− Contain keywords: People will not find your work unless they search for it. So make sure that you
    include the terms that will lead them to your article.

Name & Affiliation
As the journal is double blind peer reviewed, a separate title page file should include the contributor’s name
(including academic titles), as well as the address to which the proofs should be sent. In addition, the name of
the institution (university) should be provided in case the latter differs from the postal address, the abstract,
and keywords.

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

Include an abstract of not more than 100 words in English.
Draw your reader in by including the most crucial information in the opening phrase(s): What question
do you answer in this article? What are your unique discoveries?
Some more pointers:
    - Use natural spoken English
    - Use active and lively language
    - Be specific about what makes your article stand out. Are there previously unpublished historical
       data, rare images …?
    - One or a few intriguing examples entice more than an all-encompassing description
    - Avoid wordiness, stay concise

Acknowledgments should be placed at the very end of the article, preceding the list of References.

Please supply 2-6 keywords (in lowercase letters), to be placed below the abstract, for indexing purposes.

Numbering headings and subheadings is encouraged.
1    The First Level Heading
1.1  The Second Level Heading

Please use your word processing program’s footnote functions and use footnotes, not endnotes. Single
notes should not exceed half a printed page in length.

Style Sheet
Times New Roman 12 pt font
Line Spacing double; no extra space between paragraphs
                                   DO                                      DON’T
  Spelling                         US (color)                              UK (colour)
  Endings                          -ize (theorize)                         -ise (theorise)
  Serial commas                     (this, that, and the other)             (this, that and the other)
  Quotation marks                    double with single within (“the       single with double within
                                     ‘new’ regime”)                        (‘the “new” regime’)
  Punctuation                        inside quotation marks                outside quotation marks
                                     (‘it is a fresh start.’)              (‘it is a fresh start’.)
  Acronyms                           pointed (U.S.A.)                      unpointed (USA)

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

   Dashes                             unspaced em dash (The                    spaced en dash (The essay –
                                      essay—first published in                 first published in 1960 –
                                      1960—addresses this                      addresses this question.)
   Numbers                            minimum number spans (135–               maximum number spans
                                      6)                                       (135–136)
                                      spelled out to ten, thereafter in        another system
                                      Arabic numbers (one to ten,
   Dates                              June 7, 1918                             7 June 1918
   First letter after colons          capitalized                              lower-case
   Bulleted and numbered              Each line begins with a capital          lower-case letter
   lists                              letter
                                      Each line ends with nothing               Each line ends with a full
                                                                                stop / semi-colon

Referencing Style
This reference style is based on MLA and Chicago Manual of Style – using this style will allow our
typesetters to automatically assign DOIs to the references enabling readers to be redirected to that online

General Notes
 − Do not use dashes for repeated author names.
 − Capitalization of titles in both headline-style or sentence-style is allowed.
 − Please follow the same Capitalization style as in the original title.
 − Reverse italics in titles are permitted when applicable.
 − The Reference List should be presented in roman script. Use a transcribed version of the reference
   where necessary. The original script can be included within square brackets.
 − See the examples below. Please note that this means that an author’s personal name should be
   presented in full, but if only the initial is given in the original, please use that instead.

Author, Adam A., and Brenda Author. The Title of the Book (Location: Publisher, 2023).
Author, Adam, The Title of the Book (Location: Publisher, 2023), 1–10.
Author, Anton, and Brenda Author. The Title of the Book, 6th ed. (Location: Publisher, 2023).

Edited Book
Editor, Adam, ed. The Title of the Book (Location: Publisher, 2023), 1–10.
Editor, Adam, and Brenda B. Editor, eds. The Title of the Book (Location: Publisher, 2023).

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

Book without Author
The Title of the Book (Location: Publisher, 2023).

Book by a Corporate Author or Organization
Organization Name. The Title of the Book (Location: Publisher, 2023).

Article in Edited Volume
Author, Adam, and Brenda Author. “The Title of the Article.” In The Title of the Book, eds. Adam Editor,
Brenda Editor and Carl Editor (Location: Publisher, 2023), 1–10.
Author, Adam, Brenda Author, and Carl Author. “The Title of the Article.” In Proceedings of the Xth
International Conference on Something 2023 (Location: Publisher, 2023), 1–10.

Multi-Volume Work (as a Whole)
Editor, Adam, ed. The Title of the Work. 2 vols. (Location: Publisher, 2023).
Author, Adam. The Title of the Work. 2 vols. (Location: Publisher, 2023).

Multi-Volume Work (Specific Volume)
Editor, Adam, ed. The Title of the Work (Location: Publisher, 2023), 2:1–10.
Author, Adam. The Title of the Work (Location: Publisher, 2023), 2:1–10.

Journal Article
Author, Adam. “The Title of the Journal article.” Journal Title 70 (1) (2023), 1–10.
Author, Adam. “The Title of the Journal article.” Journal Title 70 (2023), 1–10.

Pre–published Journal Article
Author, Adam. “The Title of the Journal article.” Journal Title (2023), 1–10. DOI 10.1163/1234567X–12345678.

Forthcoming Work
Author, Adam. “The Title of the Journal article.” Journal Title (forthcoming 2023), 1–10.
Author, Adam. “The Title of the Journal article.” Journal Title (forthcoming), 1–10.
Author, Adam. The Title of the Book (Location: Publisher, forthcoming).

Dissertation or Thesis
Author, Adam. The Title of the Thesis, Dissertation (Department, University, 2023).
Author, Adam. The Title of the Thesis, Degree Thesis (Department, University, 2023).

Newspaper Article
Author, Adam. “The Title of the Article.” The Newspaper, June 24, 2023, 1.

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

Other-Language Work with Translated Title Included
Author, Adam. De titel van het boek [The Title of the Book] (Location: Publisher, 2023), 1–10.
Author, Adam. ‘De titel van het artikel’ [The title of the article]. Journal Title 70 (1) (2023), 1–10.

Work in Non-Roman Script
Author, Adam. Nazvaniye knigi [Название книги] (Location: Publisher, 2023).
Author, Adam. [Автор, А.]. Nazvaniye knigi [Название книги] (Location: Publisher, 2023).
Author, Adam. [Автор, А.]. “Nazvaniye stat'i zhurnala” [Название статьи журнала]. Nazvaniye zhurnala
[Название журнала] 70 (1) (2023), 1–10.

Translated Work
Author, Adam. The Title of the Book, trans. Anna Translator (Location: Publisher, 2023).
Author, Adam. “The Title of the Journal article,” trans. Anna Translator. Journal Title 70 (1) (2023), 1–10.

Citations in the Text
Long stretches of in-text references should be provided in footnotes rather than in the main text.
Please only give the last name of the author, the year and, if applicable, the page number(s): Breiner
(1996: 158-167) or (Breiner, 1996).
In-text references to more than one author should be as follows: (Wierzbicka, 1991; Montes, 1999: 36). The
full details should be given in the final section of the article, under “References”.

Short “Quotes” from primary or secondary sources should be retained within the body of the text and
should be indicated as such using double quotation marks. Punctuation that belongs to the quoted
material should be placed before the closing double quotation mark; punctuation that originates from the
author should be placed after the closing quotation mark. Longer quotations (more than four lines in the
typescript) should be displayed as block quotes in left-to-right indented form in a separate
paragraph, single spaced and without quotation marks. Expressions used in the sense of ‘so-called’ (e.g.
17th century ‘Erbauungsliteratur’) as well as quotations within quotations should be enclosed in single
quotation marks. Spelling within quotes should reflect the original. Authors are responsible for the
accuracy of quotations.
The journal uses only quotation marks in “international” style.

Quotations in Original Language
Quotes in the original language appear first, followed by the English translation in square brackets. Square
brackets are not necessary if it is a block quote. In that case, the translation would be the second block

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

Figures and Tables
Figures and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and cited consecutively in the text. Figures
should be submitted as separate source files in .eps, .tif, or .jpg format, in a size suitable for the
typesetting area of the journal. The resolution of these files should be at least 300 dpi for half-tone figures,
and 600 dpi for line drawings. Number the files and indicate in the manuscript where they are to appear
(Fig. 1 here). For the reproduction of black and white (or colored) illustrations high resolution files (format:
JPEG) are to be provided. A resolution of 300 dpi is sufficient for images of printed material (title pages, etc.).
The text in a figure must be legible and should not be smaller than corps 7. The size of this lettering for
any text in a figure should be the same for all figures in the manuscript.


Upon acceptance, a PDF of the article proofs will be sent to the author by e-mail to check carefully for
factual and typographic errors. In the event of a multi-authored contribution, proofs are sent to the first-
named author unless otherwise requested. Authors are responsible for checking these proofs and are
strongly urged to make use of the Comment & Markup toolbar to note their corrections directly on the
proofs. Proofs should be returned promptly. The wording of a contribution as submitted by the author and
approved by the editors is binding, so only minor corrections are permissible at this stage in the production
process. Alterations to the original manuscript at this point will result in considerable delay in
publication and will therefore only be accepted if the author agrees to cove the ensuing costs. The
contributors receive the galley proofs once. The page proofs are controlled by the editors.

A PDF file of the article will be supplied free of charge by the publisher to authors for personal use. Brill is
a RoMEO yellow publisher. The Author retains the right to self-archive the submitted (pre-peer-review)
version of the article at any time. The submitted version of an article is the author's version that has not
been peer-reviewed, nor had any value added to it by Brill (such as formatting or copy editing). The
Author retains the right to self-archive the accepted (peer-reviewed) version without any embargo
period. The accepted version means the version which has been accepted for publication and contains
all revisions made after peer reviewing and copy editing but has not yet been typeset in the publisher’s
lay-out. The publisher’s lay-out must not be used in any repository or on any website

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Journal of Literary Multilingualism

Instructions for Authors

License to Publish

Transfer of Copyright
By submitting a manuscript, the author agrees that the copyright for the article is transferred to the
publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. For that purpose, the author needs to sign
the License to Publish form, which will be sent with the first proofs of the manuscript.

Open Access
Should the author wish to publish the article in Open Access he/she can choose the Brill Open option.
This allows for non-exclusive Open Access publication under a Creative Commons license in exchange
for an Article Publication Charge (APC), upon signing a special Brill Open Consent to Publish Form.
More information on Brill Open can be found on

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