July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au

Page created by Dennis Rice
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
July 2021
New Release Catalogue

July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Australian Travel

                                                                Australia Free 4
                                                                Thousands of free things to do, to see, rest areas and camps

                                                                By Mike Koch
                                                                Key Sales Points:
                                                                * 4th edition of what has become the go-to book on free
                                                                activities in Australia.
                                                                * Covers all states and territories, with over 3000 entries.
                                                                * New expanded capital city sections in this edition.
                                                                * Previous Edition ISBN - 9781925403961

                                                                Originally the result of several years travel and research by
                                                                a single author, Australia Free 4 is the latest edition of
                                                                Australia’s best guide to fun travel in Australia on a budget.
                                                                Other books simply show you where to rest up or camp:
                                                                over half of Australia Free’s content is about making the
                                                                best use of your time once you get there. Listed – with
                                                                photographs – are hundreds of free-access swimming spots,
                                                                waterfalls and beaches, hundreds of free-to-enter
                                                                museums, hundreds of free-access walks and lookouts,
                                                                hundreds of free-access parks, gardens, and opportunities
                                                                for seeing wildlife, plus over 1500 of the best free roadside
                                                                rest areas and camping spots. Perfect for old and young
                                                                travellers alike, for those on the big round-Australia tour
                                                                and those looking to make the most of their budget
                                                                holidays and weekends away. Every entry is pinpointed on a
                                                                map in an atlas section for each state or territory. Previous
                                                                editions have become the treasured companion of
                                                                thousands of travellers who wanted to have the best time
                                                                they possibly could without spending the fortune that
                                                                Australian travel is often associated with.
                                                                Author Bio:
                                                                Mike always had a passion for 4WDing, traveling and
                                                                exploring Australia. He has run a variety of businesses over
                                                                the years ranging from Private Charters, Tagalong Tours,
                                                                Backpacker Tours, Travelling Classroom Tours and
                                                                Children’s Adventure Tours. Travellers heard he knew a lot
                                                                about Australia and frequently came to him for advice on
                                                                their travels. Several Woodslane authors have helped make
                                                                the latest edition even better!
                                                                AUD RRP: $59.99                     ISBN-13: 9781925868562
                                                                Due Date: July 2021                 Discount: Trade Australian
                                                                Format: Spiral bound                Size: 290.00 X 235.00
                                                                Illustration: Colour Throughout     Pages: 600

P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   2
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Health / Wellbeing

                                                                  The New Organic Revolution
                                                                  The Doctor's Prescription for a Healthier and Happier Life!

                                                                  By Dr John Tickell
                                                                  Key Sales Points:
                                                                  * Organic Foods are the fastest growing food produce
                                                                  sector in the Western World. This authoritative yet
                                                                  accessible book helps you discern the truth about organic
                                                                  and non-organic food and how to make safer and healthier
                                                                  choices for you and your family. * The Australian-first guide
                                                                  to why you should choose organic food, benefits for your
                                                                  health and the environment, and why you should be
                                                                  avoiding the toxic chemicals and pesticides in non-organic
                                                                  food. * Dr John Tickell is the author of The Great Australian
                                                                  Diet, Laughter, Sex, Vegetables & Fish, and Every Woman’s
                                                                  Guide to Weight Loss. He is the only Medical Doctor in the
                                                                  world who has survived brain cancer for 10 years, hosted
                                                                  his own TV show across America (with a viewing audience
                                                                  of millions) and had his Health and Wellness books
                                                                  published internationally, with translations into French,
                                                                  Mandarin, Korean and Portuguese. Publicity: * Will be
                                                                  promoted in health and wellbeing publications. * Good
                                                                  Fruit & Vegetable (website and newsletter) * The House of
                                                                  Wellness (7Plus, 46k Facebook followers) * Organic
                                                                  Gardener Magazine, news.com.au and more.

                                                            Organic or non-organic? Why do we keep messing around
                                                            with the foods that nature has provided for us? Does it
Author Bio:
Dr John Tickell is a Medical Doctor, an International       make sense to spray foods with toxic poison when we can
researcher, presenter, and author who has spent several     grow nutritious and healthy foods without them? Do we
decades travelling and studying the health, wellbeing,      realise what we could be doing to ourselves and our
and longevity patterns of people around the world, in       children? In the New Organic Revolution, Dr John Tickell
more than 100 countries. He applies his own powerful        uncovers what’s happening to our food in the ‘modern’
formula of Activity, Coping and Coping skills, which draw   world of commercial nutrition. He’s visited over 100
on his medical experience, extensive international          countries and studied the habits of the longest living,
research and the lifestyle patterns of the longest living,  healthiest people on Earth. He discovered they have never
healthiest people on earth - the Okinawans, off the         heard of man-made pesticides, growth hormones,
southern end of Japan. As a 10-year brain cancer survivor, genetically manipulated seeds, and organisms, and have
Dr John underlines these A C E skill principle for life and never fed their animals with dangerous doses of antibiotics,
shares them with those seeking long term immunity and       which accumulate in human bodies. The overload of
wellness.                                                   conflicting information about diet and nutrition in our
                                                            world is leading us to ‘take sides’ and put our and our
                                                            family’s safety at risk. Which side are you on? Who do you
                                                            believe? Life comes down to a series of choices and Dr John
                                                            Tickell can help you choose safer and healthier ways. This
AUD RRP: $29.99                  ISBN-13: 9781925927665     authoritative book will help you discern the truth about
Due Date: July 2021              Discount: Trade Australian organic and non-organic food, the safest choice for you and
Format: Paperback                Size: 210.00 X 138.00      your family, and how to nurture your body with nature.
Illustration: Colour Section(S)   Pages: 168

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   3
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Finance / Self-Help

                                                                  Rich Habits Poor Habits 2/e
                                                                  Learn the daily habits that separate the rich from the poor

                                                                  By Tom Corley & Michael Yardney
                                                                  Key Sales Points:
                                                                  * Updated 2021 edition of the international bestseller from
                                                                  two bestselling authors including Australia’s leading expert
                                                                  on wealth creation. The lessons in Rich Habits Poor Habits
                                                                  are now more important than ever. * Discover the 30 Rich
                                                                  Habits you need to help turn your life around. Based on real
                                                                  data obtained from Tom Corley’s five-year study of the daily
                                                                  habits of rich and poor people. The new edition includes the
                                                                  latest world wealth statistics. * International bestseller
                                                                  translated into Chinese, Polish, Korean and Vietnamese.
                                                                  Publicity: * Will be promoted by both authors to their
                                                                  networks including through Michael Yardney’s Daily
                                                                  Property Update newsletter that had 2.7 million unique
                                                                  readers in 2020. * Social Media Campaign to Michael
                                                                  Yardneys Twitter followers with over 50K following; and on
                                                                  Tom Corley’s network with an audience over 10K. *
                                                                  Features and interviews in Money Magazine, news.com.au,
                                                                  personal finance websites, blogs, and social media. *
                                                                  Coverage on ABC Radio National. * Podcasts’ including How
                                                                  to Money, Australian Finance Podcast and more.
                                                                  * Previous Edition ISBN - 9781925265828

                                                                  Discover why the rich keep getting richer and how you can
Author Bio:                                                       join their ranks. This book is your chance to learn the
A dynamic and empowering speaker, Tom Corley                      specific Rich Habits you must have to succeed as well as the
motivates audiences at industry conferences, corporate            Poor Habits that you must avoid at all costs. Rich Habits
events, universities, and finance conferences. He is a CPA,       Poor Habits is for anyone who wants to secure their
CFP and holds a master’s degree in taxation. As president         financial future but is unsure exactly what to do. In this
 of Cerefice and Company, CPAs, Tom heads one of the              book, two leading world experts have joined forces to teach
premier financial firms in New Jersey. Michael Yardney is         you how to walk in the footsteps of the wealthy. Read it to
a #1 bestselling author and has been voted one of                 unlock the secrets to success and failure. Based on Tom
Australia’s top 50 influential Thought Leaders. He is a           Corley’s five-year study of the daily activities of 233 rich
leading expert in the psychology of success and wealth            people and 128 poor people, the authors expose the
creation and his opinions are frequently quoted in the            immense difference between the habits of the rich and the
media as he challenges traditional finance advice with            poor. Learn the proven strategies of Michael Yardney,
innovative ideas on investment, personal finance, and             Australia’s leading authority on the psychology of success
wealth creation.                                                  and wealth creation, and American co-author, Tom Corley,
                                                                  who’s internationally acclaimed research on the daily habits
AUD RRP: $29.99                  ISBN-13: 9781925927641
                                                                  of the rich and poor has changed the lives of hundreds of
Due Date: 06/07/2021             Discount: Trade Australian
                                                                  thousands of ordinary people around the world.
Format: Paperback                Size: 210.00 X 138.00
Illustration: Not Illustrated    Pages: 320
                                                                  This book has been written for people who:
                                                                  * Are living from pay to pay but want to get out of the rat
                                                                  race and become rich. * Are financially comfortable but
                                                                  aspire for more. * Want to create lifetime wealth.

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   4
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Australian Society / History

                                                                  Empowering Women
                                                                  From Murder & Misogyny to High Court Victory

                                                                  By Dr Susie Allanson with Lizzie O’Shea
                                                                  Key Sales Points:
                                                                  * A compelling case study of successful feminist activism in
                                                                  Australia told by the women who lived it. Empowering
                                                                  Women is the story of how the murder of one man changed
                                                                  the future of women’s rights. * The book is released on the
                                                                  20th anniversary of the murder of Fertility Control Clinic
                                                                  security guard Steve Rogers by an antiabortion fanatic. The
                                                                  event became known Australia-wide as The Abortion Clinic
                                                                  Murder. * An explanation of the landmark legal case in
                                                                  Australia and an account of a successful campaign for law
                                                                  reform. This is the story of how one clinic’s struggle grew
                                                                  into a collective of women able to sway institutions like
                                                                  parliaments, the police, and the court system towards the
                                                                  ideals of progressive social movements. * Unlike any other
                                                                  abortion story, a personal account filled with the strong
                                                                  voices and wisdom of women and a political narrative
                                                                  about transformative change. * Foreword by Natasha Stott
                                                                  Despoja AO, Member of UN Committee on the Elimination
                                                                  of Discrimination against Women, and Author of On
                                                                  Violence. * The material in the book is being taught in
                                                                  university courses throughout Australia, and the book will
                                                                  be promoted within legal, political, and feminist networks.
                                                                  Publicity: * Features, reviews and interviews including in
Author Bio:                                                       The Guardian, news.com.au, The Age, The Daily Telegraph,
Dr Susie Allanson was a clinical psychologist for more            The Sydney Morning Herald and The Saturday Paper. * TV
than 35 years. Twenty-six of those years were at the              coverage on The Project, The Feed and The Drum. * Radio
Fertility Control Clinic, including when the clinic’s security    promotion on SBS Australia, ABC National, 3AW and
guard was murdered. Susie led the clinic’s campaign for           Mamamia, Women’s Agenda. * Podcasts including
safe access to abortion. She is the author of Murder on           Mamamia Out Loud, Ladies We Need to Talk, Australian
His Mind. Lizzie O’Shea is a lawyer and writer. Her               True Crime, and Fierce Girls.
commentary is featured regularly on television programs
and radio, usually about law, technology, or human rights.        Empowering Women is the uplifting behind-the-scenes
Lizzie represented the Fertility Control Clinic in the            story of how the murder of a man catalysed one abortion-
Supreme Court case to stop the harassment of staff and            providing clinic’s fight to protect women from religious
patients by anti-abortion fanatics. She is the author of          extremists. An army of women responded and forced
Future Histories (2019).                                          Parliament to enact a women-centred law that ultimately
                                                                  saw a 2019 landmark High Court decision enshrine
AUD RRP: $34.99                  ISBN-13: 9781925927634           Australian women’s entitlement to reproductive autonomy
Due Date: 15/07/2021             Discount: Trade Australian       and respect. Empowering Women gives you a front row
Format: Paperback                Size: 234.00 X 153.00            seat in the courtroom and takes you behind closed doors
Illustration: Not Illustrated    Pages: 320
                                                                  into the personal, legal, and political twists and turns of this
                                                                  long campaign. Interwoven with Susie Allanson’s personal
                                                                  narrative are insights from key protagonists, primary source
                                                                  material, and crucial lessons for anyone wanting to change
                                                                  the law or redesign the world for the better.

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*    5
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – True Crime

                                                                  Murder on His Mind
                                                                  The Story of Australia's Abortion Clinic Murder

                                                                  By Dr Susie Allanson
                                                                  Key Sales Points:
                                                                  * This is a new edition of an out of print book
                                                                  (9781921203084). Murder on His Mind is an insider’s
                                                                  gripping account of Australia’s Abortion Clinic Murder that
                                                                  shocked and intrigued the country. * 2021 is the 20th
                                                                  anniversary of the murder of security guard Steve Rogers
                                                                  and 15 years since the original publication of the book. * A
                                                                  book to rediscover for true crime buffs. * Includes a new
                                                                  foreword by the author. * Includes the original foreword by
                                                                  Natasha Stott Despoja AO, now Member of UN Committee
                                                                  on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and
                                                                  Author of On Violence.
                                                                  Publicity: * Will be tied to the publicity for Dr Susie Allanson
                                                                  and Lizzie O’Shea’s new book Empowering Women,
                                                                  releasing July 2021, about the landmark legal case and
                                                                  successful feminist activism that followed Steve Rogers’
                                                                  murder. * Features, reviews, and interviews including in
                                                                  The Guardian, news.com.au, The Age, The Daily Telegraph,
                                                                  The Sydney Morning Herald and The Saturday Paper. * TV
                                                                  coverage on The Project, The Feed and The Drum. * Radio
                                                                  promotion on SBS Australia, ABC National, 3AW and
                                                                  Mamamia, Women’s Agenda. * Podcasts including
                                                                  Mamamia Out Loud, Ladies We Need to Talk, Australian
Author Bio:                                                       True Crime, and Fierce Girls.
Susie Allanson B.A. (Hons. Psychology), M. A. (Clinical
Psychology), PhD, was a clinical psychologist in Melbourne        An act of terrorism against women that ended with the
for almost forty years, and the clinical psychologist at the      death of a man. Murder on His Mind details the events of
Fertility Control Clinic for twenty-six years. Susie’s clinical   16 July 2001 when security guard Steve Rogers was shot
work also focused on children and families in settings such       dead inside Melbourne’s Fertility Control Clinic. The Crown
as the Royal Children’s Hospital, Children’s Court Clinic,        Prosecutor described the gunman as having gone to the
schools, and her private practice. She has served on the          clinic with ‘murder on his mind’. This new edition brings
Board of Family Planning Victoria and various committees,         back into print one insider’s account of the crime that
been a supervisor and reviewer, and has spoken and                became known as Australia’s Abortion Clinic Murder. Dr
written about pregnancy and abortion in various forums            Susie Allanson was the Clinic’s psychologist when the
and in professional journals. Susie is the co-author with         murder occurred and provides answers to the questions
lawyer Lizzie O’Shea of Empowering Women: From Murder             that fascinated the public about the case at the time and to
& Misogyny to High Court Victory (2021).                          this day. What really happened on that day? What went
                                                                  on in the mind of the gunman? How did the victims cope?
AUD RRP: $29.99                  ISBN-13: 9781925927658           What really goes on in an abortion-providing clinic? A
Due Date: 15/07/2021             Discount: Trade Australian       riveting read for true crime buffs and for those concerned
Format: Paperback                Size: 234.00 X 153.00
                                                                  with their own or others’ reactions and recovery to
Illustration: Not Illustrated    Pages: 256
                                                                  traumatic events, women’s health rights and the usually
                                                                  secretive reproductive crises facing women and their
                                                                  families every day.

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*    6
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – True Crime

                                                                  The Killer Prince?
                                                                  The Chilling Special Operation to Assassinate Washington
                                                                  Post Journalist Jamal Khashoggi

                                                                  By Owen Wilson
                                                                  Key Sales Points:
                                                                  * ‘Intriguing… painstakingly analyses the evidence.’
                                                                  Jonathan Fryer, Lecturer, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.
                                                                  * ‘A cracking read.’ Marco Giannangeli, Security Editor
                                                                  SUNDAY EXPRESS.
                                                                  * A gripping account of the most demonic state-organised
                                                                  conspiracy of the 21st century for the true crime fan.
                                                                  * Over 40 illustrations.
                                                                  * The first step by step reconstruction of the gruesome
                                                                  assassination of a Washington Post journalist in 2018 at the
                                                                  hands of Saudi diplomats that set the global news on fire
                                                                  with the latest mind-blowing facts.
                                                                  * Previous praise for Owen Wilson: ‘A bombshell.’ DAILY
                                                                  MAIL / ‘Detailed.’ MIRROR / ‘Immensely readable…
                                                                  essential reading.’ NEW WORKER.

                                                                  A forensic investigation of the most demonic state-
                                                                  organised murder conspiracy of the 21st century.

                                                                  In February 2021, Joe Biden released the CIA report that
                                                                  concluded the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia ‘approved’
                                                                  the assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal
Author Bio:
Owen Wilson started his writing career at the FINANCIAL
TIMES and has written books on American history,                  Khashoggi was lured into the Saudi diplomatic mission in
including the Vietnam War. He has provided news                   Istanbul on 2 October 2018, dismembered in fifteen parts,
comment on British, Australian, New Zealand and US                and packed into five suitcases.
broadcasters and media.
                                                                  Crime writer Owen Wilson has forensically gathered all the
                                                                  known facts about the slaughter, what we know happened
                                                                  exactly, and what prompted the most demonic conspiracy
                                                                  of the twenty-first century.

                                                                  Chilling to the core and informative about Middle Eastern

                                                                  AUD RRP: $24.99            ISBN-13: 9781783341870
                                                                  Due Date: July 2021        Discount: Trade International
                                                                  Format: Paperback          Size: 198.00 X 129.00
                                                                                             Pages: 288

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   7
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue - Biography

                                                                I Know I Am Rude
                                                                Prince Philip on Himself, the Queen and Others

                                                                By Nigel Cawthorne
                                                                Key Sales Points:
                                                                * Fully updated edition celebrating Prince Philips 100th
                                                                * Affectionate look at the Duke of Edinburgh’s propensity
                                                                for putting his foot in his mouth.
                                                                * 32 new pages of new stories.
                                                                * 5000+ copies sold of previous editions.
                                                                * Praise: * THE TIMES Diary Book of the Week.
                                                                * TELEGRAPH ‘By far the funniest.’
                                                                * EAST ANGLIA DAILY NEWS ‘Affectionate.’
                                                                * NORTHERN ECHO ‘Absolutely hilarious.’
                                                                * EASTERN DAILY PRESS ‘You’ll be royally impressed.’
                                                                * THE LADY ‘Priceless gems.’
                                                                * ABERDEEN EVENING PRESS ‘Amusing.’

                                                                At the age of twenty-one, the future Prince Philip wrote to
                                                                a relative: I know you will never think much of me. I am
                                                                rude and unmannerly.

                                                                This affectionate compendium, brings together many
                                                                known and less well-known stories about the prince, giving
                                                                an insight into the royal world where he traipses around
                                                                rather than being professionally qualified in something.

                                                                 From his constantly forthright speech-making to his
                                                                fearless mocking of official ceremonies, to his teasing of Her
                                                                Majesty herself, here is a truly rude celebration of daily life
                                                                in royal circles.

                                                                Author Bio:
                                                                Nigel Cawthorne started his writing career at the Financial
                                                                Times and has written books on the royal family and its
                                                                history, as well as provided news comment on Sky, ITV, STV
                                                                and BBC radio. He lives in Bloomsbury, London.
                                                                AUD RRP: $24.99                 ISBN-13: 9781783342198
                                                                Due Date: July 2021             Discount: Trade International
                                                                Format: Paperback               Size: 198.00 X 129.00
                                                                Illustration: Not Illustrated   Pages: 224

P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   8
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – DISTRIBUTED THROUGH WOODSLANE

                                                                Five Love Languages Revised Edition

                                                                By Gary Chapman

                                                                Marriage should be based on love, right? But does it seem
                                                                as though you and your spouse are speaking two different

                                                                New York Times bestselling author Dr. Gary Chapman’s
                                                                guides couples in identifying, understanding, and speaking
                                                                their spouse’s primary love language—quality time, words
                                                                of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.

                                                                By learning the five love languages, you and your spouse
                                                                will discover your unique love languages and learn practical
                                                                steps in truly loving each other.

                                                                Chapters are categorized by love language for easy
                                                                reference, and each one ends with specific, simple steps to
                                                                express a specific language to your spouse and guide your
                                                                marriage in the right direction.

                                                                A newly designed love languages assessment will help you
                                                                understand and strengthen your relationship. You can build
                                                                a lasting, loving marriage together.

                                                                Gary Chapman hosts a nationally syndicated daily radio
                                                                program called A Love Language Minute that can be heard
                                                                on more than 150 radio stations as well as the weekly
                                                                syndicated program Building Relationships with Gary
                                                                Chapman, which can both be heard on

  BESTSELLING TITLE AVAILABLE                                   The Five Love Languages is a consistent New York Times
                                                                bestseller - with over 5 million copies sold and translated
    THROUGH WOODSLANE                                           into 38 languages.

                                                                This book is a sales phenomenon, with each year outselling
                                                                the prior for 16 years running! Includes a promotional code
                                                                to gain exclusive online access to the new comprehensive
               SALE OR RETURN                                   love languages assessment.

                                                                AUD RRP: $24.99                    ISBN-13: 9780802412706
                    RRP $24.99                                  Due Date: AVAILABLE NOW            Discount: Trade International
                                                                Format: Paperback                  Size: 234.00 X 153.00
                                                                Illustration: Col & B&W Throughout Pages: 256

P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*    9
July 2021 New Release Catalogue - www.woodslane.com.au
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue - Australiana

The Biography of Martin Sharp - Volumes 1 & 2
                                                                  THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN LONELINESS
By Tarling Lowell
                                                                  By Hill Ernestine
Key Sales Points:
* Out during ABC'S EXPOSED 3-part program on Martin               Key Sales Points:
Sharp and the Ghost Train fire, while movie of this book in       * Rereleased to coincide with new books on the author's
pre-production - GHOST TRAIN, ABC radio interest in               life of living in the wilds of Australia.
author.                                                           * Long history of good sales of 80 years.

Lowell Tarling recorded Martin Sharp's life, and his effect       ‘Of course, you’ll take a gun,’ they said to me when I left
on his friends, over twenty years. Now two volumes in             Melbourne, ‘even if it’s only one of those little mother-of-
one, in advance of the film of these books - GHOST TRAIN.         pearl things the vamps used to carry in their evening-bags.
Fully illustrated with a cast of characters including Brett       Apart from wild blacks there will be crocodiles, and
Whitely, Eric Clapton, Abe Saffron. As Sharp has said: “Like      Malays running amok, and men that haven’t seen a white
the Ancient Mariner it’s also a ghastly tale. I could             woman in thirty years. There might be three hundred
understand the events at Luna Park a bit. I was trying to         miles of desolation on a truck with a drunken Afghan, and
understand them and then suddenly there was this poetic           you’ll be alone in the night-time, in those pearling-towns
language working to say: this is a crucifixion, Golgotha,         of sand and sin, with a half-caste woman keeping the
death by fire. And then it starts to fit into Apocalyptic         shanty—’ ‘Yes,’ I reflected, ‘I had better take a gun.’ So
vision. It was Abraxas if you like - the dark face and the        begins Ernestine Hill's great journey in and around the
light face. To look upon Abraxas is blindness. To know it is      heart of Australia, the tale of a decade of travelling across
sickness. To worship it is death. To fear it is wisdom. To        and around the continent in the 1930s, accompanied by
assist it is not redemption. I don’t know what it means.          her young son Robert. This "strange otherwhere creature
I’ve never been able to work it out. You get a Pop Art            with big, beautiful eyes" as Katherine Susannah Prichard
Parallel. It was the Year of the Child, the place of              has noted, collected the tales of the making of the
Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, and the Ghost Train. You        Territory as a centrepiece, allowing the world at large a
then get these events that are caused by plotting, not            chance to travel in the mind through the complexity,
caring for kids, carelessness, living a human life - the way      duress, and larrikin nature of an Australia-in-the-making.
of the world.”                                                    An Australian travel classic.

AUD RRP: $48.00                 ISBN-13: 9781922473684            AUD RRP: $29.95                    ISBN-13: 9781922473608
Due Date: Available Now         Discount: Trade Australian        Due Date: Available Now            Discount: Trade Australian
Format: Paperback               Size: 234.00 X 156.00             Format: Paperback                  Size: 256.00 X 134.00
Illustration: Not Illustrated   Pages: 545                        Illustration: B&W Throughout       Pages: 245

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   10
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Australiana

THE DIARY OF A NEW CHUM                                                                                    ETT IMPRINT

                           Wenz Paul                                                                       AUD RRP: $24.95
                           Paul Wenz was born in France in 1869, lived in Australia, and wrote             ISBN13: 9781922473653
                           stories dealing mainly with his Australian experiences for the French.          Due Date: July 2021
                           He wrote ten books from 'Nanima', his homestead in Forbes, New South            Discount: TRADE
                           Wales, including two collections of short stories and four Australian           AUSTRALIAN
                           novels. He also translated Jack London and Joseph Conrad, both who              Format: Paperback
                           came to visit him in Australia. Diary of a New Chum and Other Lost              Pages: 160
                           Stories contains many stories never published in English, and includes          Size: 256.00 X 130.00
                           correspondence with authors such as Andre Gide, Miles Franklin, and             Illustrations: NOT
                           Christopher Brennan. Always the very essence of the Australia of                ILLUSTRATED
                           Wenz's period, Diary of a New Chum sparkles with irony and
                           psychological insight and represents Paul Wenz at his powerful best.
                           Introduced and translated by Maurice Blackman.

The Promised Land                                                                                          ETT IMPRINT

                           MUDROOROO                                                                       AUD RRP: $24.95
                           Set during the gold rush days, The Promised Land concludes                      ISBN13: 9781922473646
                           Mudrooroo's fantastical voyage through the history of Australia around          Due Date: July 2021
                           the time of its colonisation by the British. This is satire at its most         Discount: TRADE
                           cutting, and entertaining. Sir George Augustus returns to the Great             AUSTRALIAN
                           South Land with his young wife, Lady Lucy, intending to establish a             Format: Paperback
                           mission to educate and ’Christianise' the native people. When he hears          Pages: 148
                           that gold has been found on the land, his missionary zeal increases.            Size: 234.00 X 156.00
                           Accompanied by the mysterious white woman, Amelia Fraser, and a                 Illustrations: NOT
                           troop of native police, he sets out on an expedition to the diggings. As        ILLUSTRATED
                           Sir George journeys into what he hopes is a golden future, his past
                           begins to creep up on him, and those he thought were dead return to
                           confront him.

THE CALL                                                                                                   ETT IMPRINT

                           Flanagan Martin                                                                 AUD RRP: $24.95
                           Thomas Wentworth Wills is an Australian Icarus. Having grown up                 ISBN13: 9781922473622
                           among the Djabwurrung people in western Victoria, he was sent to the            Due Date: July 2021
                           Rugby school in England. Returning in 1856, he promptly revolutionised          Discount: TRADE
                           colonial cricket and opened the door for the evolution of the indigenous        AUSTRALIAN
                           game we know as Australian football. In 1866, he coached the                    Format: Paperback
                           Aboriginal team which later: became the first Australian cricket team           Pages: 160
                           to tour England, despite having suffered in the war being fought at the         Size: 256.00 X 130.00
                           country's frontiers between white settlers and the land's Aboriginal            Illustrations: NOT
                           inhabitants. Tom Wills died a neglected and forgotten figure. His life is       ILLUSTRATED
                           an Australian tragedy, but it bequeathed to the nation a unique and
                           hopeful legacy. The Call is a remarkable novel. In charting the history of
                           one man's life, it takes us to the birth of sport in this country, and to the
                           horrors of racial struggle which continue to this day. His story is lyrical,
                           subtle, and true.

 P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   11
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue - Technology

Microsoft Teams in easy steps                                                                              IN EASY STEPS

                            Nick Vandome                                                                   AUD RRP: $26.99
                            Microsoft Teams in easy steps is the perfect guide to understanding            ISBN13: 9781840789317
                            Teams and becoming a fully-integrated team player. Evolving digital            Due Date: July 2021
                            communication, and the way workers use it to interact with each other,         Discount: TRADE
                            is a constant feature of the workplace. However, the Covid-19                  INTERNATIONAL
                            pandemic has dramatically altered the way that millions of people              Format: Paperback
                            around the world work, and this has led to a considerable rise in the          Pages: 192
                            number of people using remote working options such as collaborative            Size: 227.00 X 186.00
                            software and video communication. Microsoft (MS) Teams has emerged             Illustrations: COLOUR
                            as one of the most powerful and flexible tools for linking workers in an       SECTION(S)
                            organization, whether they are in an office environment or working
                            remotely. Teams can also be used in a school or higher education setting
                            if students must access classes remotely.

Microsoft Word in easy steps:                                                                              IN EASY STEPS

Covers MS Word in Microsoft 365 suite
                            Scott Basham                                                                   AUD RRP: $26.99
                            Microsoft Word in easy steps guides you through the essential                  ISBN13: 9781840789348
                            functions of Microsoft Word whether you are new to Word, or just               Due Date: July 2021
                            upgrading. Covers MS Word in Microsoft 365 suite. Microsoft Word in            Discount: TRADE
                            easy steps will help you get to grips with the latest version of this          INTERNATIONAL
                            popular word processing application from Microsoft. Areas covered              Format: Paperback
                            include: Creating, structuring, and adding styles to documents; text           Pages: 216
                            editing and formatting. Adding and editing pictures, graphics, video,          Size: 227.00 X 186.00
                            hyperlinks; and faster shape formatting. Working with equations,               Illustrations: COLOUR
                            symbols, and tables. Sharing documents; collaborating in real time.            SECTION(S)
                            Using Smart Lookup to find things on the web. Working on your
                            documents whilst on the move and using different devices. Reviewing,
                            tracking, and protecting documents. The visual nature of Word means
                            that a clear, concise, and colourful visual reference guide is an invaluable
                            tool for both newcomers and those upgrading from older versions.

Windows 10 for Seniors in easy steps                                                                       IN EASY STEPS

                            Michael Price                                                            AUD RRP: $26.99
                            Windows 10 for Seniors in easy steps, 4th edition takes you through the ISBN13: 9781840789331
                            essentials of Windows 10, a step at a time. Written with older citizens  Due Date: July 2021
                            in mind, and presented in larger print, it will get you up and running   Discount: TRADE
                            quickly, including: Installing or upgrading to Windows 10, and           INTERNATIONAL
                            customizing it to suit your needs. Mastering the key features of         Format: Paperback
                            Windows 10 on your Windows device (including PCs, laptops, and touch Pages: 240
                            devices). Finding your way around with the Start button, the Start menu, Size: 227.00 X 186.00
                            and the Taskbar. Using the Quick Access section - an area you can        Illustrations: COLOUR
                            personalize with your favourite apps, programs, contacts, and websites SECTION(S)
                            so you can quickly get to the functions and files used most often.
                            Searching the web with the Microsoft Edge browser. Learning about
                            apps, finding, and downloading them, then resizing and moving them and
                            maximizing, minimizing, or closing from their title bars. Understanding
                            how Cloud storage with OneDrive works, and using it for free storage and
                            sharing files. Talking to Cortana, the voice-activated Personal Digital
                            Assistant that can perform searches on the computer or the web,
                            performing actions like opening apps or documents, or setting reminders,
                            and more.
  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   12
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Self-Help

                               Napoleon Hill's Self-                                                    The Law of Success
                               Confidence Formula
                                                                                                        By Hill Napoleon
                               By Hill Napoleon                                                         SOUND WISDOM
                               SOUND WISDOM

Your formula to build a strong sense of self-worth so that        Napoleon Hill's Original Master Class on Individual
you can better recognize opportunity, act on your                 Achievement Before the landmark book Think and Grow
dreams, and enhance your resilience. A lack of self-              Rich came The Law of Success, an eight-volume series in
confidence is one of the greatest maladies of today's             which Hill presents the complete Science of Success
world, one that is responsible for the rampant                    philosophy. Originally published in 1928, this success
helplessness, lack of self-control, aimlessness,                  system contains sixteen lessons on personal achievement,
procrastination, and despair.                                     gleaned from interviews from over 500 performers.

AUD RRP: $21.99          ISBN-13: 9781640952348                   AUD RRP: $23.99                 ISBN-13: 9781640952072
Due Date: July 2021      Discount: Trade International            Due Date: July 2021             Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback        Size: 216.00 X 140.00                    Format: Paperback               Size: 226.00 X 152.00
                         Pages: 144                                                               Pages: 256

                               Successful Living in a                                                   Change Your
                               Changing World                                                           Organization
                               By Nightingale Earl                                                      By Hendrickson Elisabeth
                               SOUND WISDOM                                                             IT REVOLUTION PRESS

It's time for you to rediscover your passion for living and       Instigating cultural change can seem like an overwhelming
thrive within this ever-changing world! Have you lost the         task. Without the authority to change policy, allocate
gusto that once characterized your thoughts and actions?          budget, or make organizational decisions, how do you
Sometimes all you need to regain your enthusiasm for              move the needle? In this book, technology executive and
life, work, and relationships is a pointed, friendly              thought-leader Elisabeth Hendrickson show you how to
reminder of the details you are overlooking.                      build a workplace where people thrive.

AUD RRP: $18.99          ISBN-13: 9781640951167                   AUD RRP: $42.99                      ISBN-13: 9781950508228
Due Date: July 2021      Discount: Trade International            Due Date: July 2021                  Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback        Size: 213.00 X 142.00                    Format: Paperback                    Size: 229.00 X 152.00
                         Pages: 144                               Illustration: Not Illustrated        Pages: 240

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*      13
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue - Sports

Coaching Positional Soccer: Perfecting Principles and Skills                                              MEYER AND MEYER

                            Curless Michael
                            Coaching soccer can be challenging to both the beginner and advanced          AUD RRP: $29.99
                            coach. However, at any level, a modern and adaptive soccer playing            ISBN13: 9781782552147
                            style can be developed as players progressively acquire specific tactics      Due Date: July 2021
                            and technical skills. Step-by-step, essential soccer lessons can be learned   Discount: TRADE
                            and then combined to build up a complex playing method. This                  INTERNATIONAL
                            positional coaching approach teaches players how to create, exploit,          Format: Paperback
                            and defend spaces on the soccer field by using core playing principles.       Pages: 248
                            Players who understand these principles will have the ability to quickly      Size: 240.00 X 165.00
                            adjust from one game moment to the next regardless of circumstances,          Illustrations: B&W
                            strategy, or formation. The provided comprehensive practice plans,            THROUGHOUT
                            which include diagrams and sketches, will make practice planning a
                            straightforward process throughout the season. Using the best teaching
                            approaches and coaching interventions will also improve coaching
                            confidence and accelerate player and team development.

Galloway's Half Marathon Training:                                                                        MEYER AND MEYER

Use the Run Walk Run Method to Finish
                            Galloway Jeff
                            For any runner considering training for a half marathon, author Jeff        AUD RRP: $26.99
                            Galloway can help them prepare to train, enjoy training, and cross the      ISBN13: 9781782552208
                            finish line strong. In this book, the author outlines for each runner how Due Date: July 2021
                            to select a realistic goal and what workouts to use to best prepare for     Discount: TRADE
                            the race. He includes tips for staying motivated while at the same time INTERNATIONAL
                            eliminating aches, pains, and injuries. He also assures the runner that     Format: Paperback
                            his training will not consume the runner's time so that they can train      Pages: 216
                            successfully while still enjoying other aspects of life. The author's       Size: 240.00 X 165.00
                            successful and unique run-walk-run training method has helped               Illustrations: B&W
                            thousands of average people train for half marathons, even if they have THROUGHOUT
                            never run before. Using this program, even veteran runners can improve
                            their personal bests. With this book, every runner will be given a step-by-
                            step guide on setting up their training each week so that they will finish
                            the half marathon strong.

Masters Rowing: Training for Technique, Fitness, and Competition                                          MEYER AND MEYER

                            Dr. Volker Nolte
                            As the popularity of rowing in mid to late adulthood has grown, so too AUD RRP: $39.99
                            has the number of rowing club members and participants in regattas          ISBN13: 9781782552109
                            increased. Rowing attracts not only former racing rowers who return to Due Date: July 2021
                            rowing for fitness, health, and competition, but also the many late and Discount: TRADE
                            lateral entrants who are perhaps competing for the first time. This         INTERNATIONAL
                            growing interest in the sport makes it even more important to provide Format: Paperback
                            instruction for these master’s rowers. Masters Rowing caters to             Pages: 296
                            interested beginners learning the sport and adapting their boating          Size: 240.00 X 165.00
                            equipment, as well as to ambitious master’s rowers looking to improve Illustrations: B&W
                            their technique. Within this book, the reader will find tips for fitness    THROUGHOUT
                            training and hints for competition. In addition, the reader will understand
                            the theoretical basics of training and performance development of active
                            but older rowers. Coaches of master rowers will also be able to take the
                            information in this book and apply it to their athletes' training.

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   14
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Photography / Art / History

                                    Dawn till Dusk                                                      Art and Industry
                                    By Rob Olver and Stuart                                             By Stacey David
                                    Olver                                                               UNICORN PRESS
                                    DAWN TIL DUSK PHOTO

Dawn till Dusk is a visual celebration of and a practical  In seven linked essays, the author discusses paintings of
guide to these Stirling and Porongurup ranges. With its    industrial scenes by seven artists working in the period
stunning photographs, detailed maps, and information       1780-1830. Their unique and distinct responses to the
on social and natural history, flora, and fauna, bushwalks subject matter reveal a surprisingly coherent message.
and climbs, and special attractions.

AUD RRP: $49.95                     ISBN-13: 9780646824758        AUD RRP: $55.99                   ISBN-13: 9781913491291
Due Date: Available Now             Discount: Trade Australian    Due Date: July 2021               Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback                   Size: 240.00 X 170.00         Format: Paperback                 Size: 234.00 X 156.00
Illustration: Colour Throughout     Pages: 168                    Illustration: B&W Throughout      Pages: 176

                                       The Road is Wider                                                 Lee Miller. Fashion
                                       Than Long                                                         in Wartime Britain
                                       By Penrose Roland                                                 By Bouhassane Ami;
                                       UNICORN PRESS                                                     Muir, Robin; Butchart,
                                                                                                         UNICORN PRESS

This special facsimile edition provides a fascinating             A beautiful coffee-table book looking at Lee Miller's
glimpse into the lives of two artists and their journey of        extraordinary contributions to the pages of Vogue before
discovery in a world that would soon be transformed               becoming a war correspondent. Many of the images have
forever. Altogether this affecting and intimate                   not been seen since they were taken in the 1940's. Lee
publication has an important place in the history of              Miller's recently transcribed appointment diaries and
Surrealist literature.                                            accompanying text by British Vogue Archives’ Robin Muir.

AUD RRP: $33.99                   ISBN-13: 9780953238996          AUD RRP: $78.99                   ISBN-13: 9780953238989
Due Date: July 2021               Discount: Trade International   Due Date: July 2021               Discount: Trade International
Format: Hardback                  Size: 210.00 X 170.00           Format: Hardback                  Size: 290.00 X 240.00
Illustration: B&W Throughout      Pages: 56                       Illustration: Colour Section(S)   Pages: 160

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   15
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – History / Art

Beauty in Letters: A Selection of Illuminated Addresses                                                 UNICORN PRESS

                            Wilson John                                                                 AUD RRP: $55.99
                            Illuminated addresses were at their most popular in the late nineteenth     ISBN13: 9781913491376
                            and early twentieth centuries. They are books, scrolls or certificates      Due Date: July 2021
                            presented to individuals, often in celebration of a distinguished service   Discount: TRADE
                            or event. Typically, they are written in fine calligraphy and embellished   INTERNATIONAL
                            with skilled artwork and lustrous design and are a celebration of an        Format: Hardback
                            important event, perhaps an honour, particular achievement, or a            Pages: 144
                            retirement. Each illuminated address is unique. This book tells of these    Size: 275.00 X 220.00
                            stories and shows the beauty created by the skills of the illuminators.     Illustrations: B&W

The Art of the Stonemason                                                                               ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD
                            Cramb Ian                                                                   AUD RRP: $43.99
                            Author Ian Cramb was a fifth-generation stonemason who relied on            ISBN13: 9780811739801
                            traditional methods to create and restore beautiful stone structures.       Due Date: July 2021
                            In this do-it-yourself manual for homeowners, masonry contractors,          Discount: TRADE
                            and restoration specialists, Cramb drew on his fifty years of life          INTERNATIONAL
                            experience in the craft to cover restoration techniques for historic        Format: Paperback
                            structures in the U.S. and Britain. The book covers various types of        Pages: 192
                            stone, stone-cutting, and traditional mortar mixes for walls,               Size: 229.00 X 178.00
                            foundations, and buildings.

Murder Aboard: The Herbert Fuller Tragedy and the Ordeal of Thomas Bram                               ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD
                            C Michael Hiam                                                            AUD RRP: $35.99
                            From an author praised by the Wall Street Journal for his “eye for a      ISBN13: 9781493059454
                            good story” comes an account of Herbert Fuller tragedy of 1896, a         Due Date: July 2021
                            tragedy that occurred on the high seas and one involving the senseless Discount: TRADE
                            slaughter of three of the twelve souls on board. Stunned by this act of   INTERNATIONAL
                            random violence, and in sure knowledge that one or more of their own Format: Paperback
                            was the murderer, the living turn the vessel to shore, 750 miles distant. Pages: 200
                            In the nightmarish days and nights of suspense that follow, first one and Size: 238.00 X 158.00
                            then another of the remaining nine is seized by others as the culprit.    Illustrations: B&W
                            Upon reaching port, however, all are under suspicion—until the man        THROUGHOUT
                            most likely to have committed the act is, for reasons having to do with
                            race, exonerated and the man most likely to be innocent, prosecuted.
                            At the centre of this gripping and gruesome story is the first mate
                            Thomas Bram, whose subsequent murder trials became as widely
                            followed by the press and public as was the famous trial of Lizzie Borden
                            just a few years before. Unlike the Borden case, remembered today in
                            books, movies, and children’s rhymes, the Bram case was almost lost to
                            the collective memory. Fortunately, C. Michael Hiam, in the manner of
                            Erik Larson, now brings it to life.

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   16
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue - Biography

Keir Starmer                                                      This Shrinking Isle

By Cawthorne Nigel                                                By Walden George
Key Sales Points:                                                 Key Sales Points:
* The first biography of Keir Starmer, 6 May local                * Satirical novel in the vein of Julian Barnes’s England,
elections.                                                        England, and George Orwell’s 1984.
* Pieces together the contrasts in Starmer’s life as a young      * A slightly overweight MP awakes one morning to
Labour left-winger who ended up running England and               discover seemingly as the only one that his fellow
Wales’s most senior enforcement office under both                 countrymen have shrunk to Lilliput size creatures; it is too
Labour and the Conservatives before becoming Labour               good an opportunity to waste. * George Walden was a
Leader.                                                           career diplomat in Washington, Beijing, Paris, and
* Publicity plan: Daily Mail serialisation, reviews political     Moscow before becoming MP for Buckinghamshire and a
magazines and websites, interviews.                               minister under Margaret Thatcher. * Some of the previous
* Previous praise for Nigel Cawthorne: Galloping pace -           praise for George’s fiction: Elegant. Jung Chang;
The Guardian ; ‘Raises deep questions.’ Financial Times           ‘Compelling.’ Daily Mail; ‘poignant.’ Literary Review,
Book of the Week; ‘Goes behind the headlines.’ –                  ‘Thrilling.’ Spectator; Unputdownable. Jonathan Meades.
Independent; ‘A must read.’ - Jewish Chronicle;
Devastating - Daily Mail                                          Debut fiction by former Conservative Minister George
                                                                  Walden about Billy Sweetman, an amiable middle-aged
The first biography of Keir Starmer. Keir Starmer is the          drunk of an MP who one morning wakes up about half his
first leader of the Labour Party with a genuinely working-        size. In fact, as Billy discovers, the entire country has
class background since Neil Kinnock. Though dismissed as          shrunk overnight. Billy Sweetman, a middle-aged drunk of
a Blairite centrist, he is from the left of the party by          an MP wakes up one morning as a dwarf. He can’t tell his
anyone else’s standards. A Conservative cabinet minister          journalist girlfriend Anita, who would think him mad. As if
once classified him as “a Trot.” How did he reconcile his         a dwarfed population is not bad enough the country is
left wing views with maintaining law and order until 2013         also plagued by ‘The Bill’ that has the Little Englanders
as England and Wales Director of Public Prosecutions,             and Great Britainers at each other’s throats. Awed by his
Britain’s third most senior lawyer under both Labour and          responsibilities, Billy stops drinking, smartens up,
Tory governments? Meanwhile, his schooling included               becomes a Minister, then Prime Minister. Will he be able
music classes by Fat Boy Slim.                                    to make a difference, though, as a miniature politician?

AUD RRP: $38.99           ISBN-13: 9781783341924                  AUD RRP: $22.99            ISBN-13: 9781783342044
Due Date: July 2021       Discount: Trade International           Due Date: July 2021        Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback         Size: 234.00 X 156.00                   Format: Paperback          Size: 198.00 X 129.00
                          Pages: 224                                                         Pages: 192

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   17
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – History / Non-Fiction

                                 22 Minutes:                                                        LE CHÂTEAU:
                                 The USS Vincennes and                                              A VERY FRENCH AFFAIR
                                 the Tragedy of Savo Island
                                                                                                    By Hampton Nick
                                 By Spevak Jeff                                                     ORIGIN THEATRICAL PTY
                                 ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD

Ernie Coleman survived the worst open-sea defeat in US             When an English family renovate a 17th Century château
Navy history. But he paid a price and buried the horrific          in France as their new home, they are welcomed into a
memories for decades. Like Mitch Albom's successful                pleasant rural lifestyle. Everything is très bon – until a
Tuesdays with Morrie, 22 Minutes is a searing account of a         politician with a Machiavellian agenda sets out to ruin
survivor coming to terms with an incident he had                   them. Against a backdrop of intrigue and skeletons of
suppressed for sixty years.                                        Nazi collaboration from World War II.

AUD RRP: $35.99                  ISBN-13: 9781493059348             AUD RRP: $25.99                  ISBN-13: 9780648587491
Due Date: July 2021              Discount: Trade International      Due Date: July 2021              Discount: Trade Australian
Format: Paperback                Size: 239.00 X 157.00              Format: Paperback                Size: 198.00 X 128.00
Illustration: B&W Throughout     Pages: 208                         Illustration: B&W Throughout     Pages: 224

                                 An Enchanted Place                                                 Unprecedented
                                 By Stedall Jonathan
                                 HAWTHORN PRESS                                                     By Monash Writers Group
                                                                                                    TALE PUBLISHING

The Hundred Acre Wood in the Ashdown Forest, Sussex, is            This anthology takes its theme, Unprecedented Times,
under attack from a new road, but an unlikely group,               from the state of the world in 2020, though not all
inspired unconsciously by Winnie the Pooh, fights back as          stories are set in this point in time. There are historical,
true NIMBYs. Touches lightly on the themes of life, death,         mysteries, poetry, science fiction, literary and other
nature, the human spirit and meaning.                              stories.

AUD RRP: $38.99                 ISBN-13: 9781912480463              AUD RRP: $27.95                 ISBN-13: 9780648038627
Due Date: July 2021             Discount: Trade International       Due Date: July 2021             Discount: Trade Australian
Format: Hardback                Size: 234.00 X 156.00               Format: Paperback               Size: 203.00 X 127.00
Illustration: Not Illustrated   Pages: 112                          Illustration: Not Illustrated   Pages: 170

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*   18
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue - History

                               Love on the Rocks:                                                     Measure of Man
                               True stories from a
                               Pattaya bar manager                                                    By Rothfield Lawrence
                                                                                                      ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD
                               By Simon Los                                                           PUBLISHERS
                               MONSOON BOOKS

Cold-blooded Thai bargirls, naïve tourists, and sordid          This book brings to vivid life the most concentrated surge of
scams - it was all in a night's work for Pattaya bar            creativity in the history of civilization. Launching the
manager Simon Los. Pouring their hearts out at the bar          Renaissance, the small city of Florence spawned a vibrant
are a tourist who reclaims his masculinity with the help        cultural and political life that offered unique opportunities
of a ladyboy, a retired financier who invests thousands         for audacious risk taking and reversals to a panoply of
in a business with a woman he meets on the streets of           memorable individuals.

AUD RRP: $22.95          ISBN-13: 9781912049769                 AUD RRP: $47.99                   ISBN-13: 9781538143360
Due Date: July 2021      Discount: Trade International          Due Date: July 2021               Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback        Size: 198.00 X 129.00                  Format: Hardback                  Size: 238.00 X 162.00
                                                                                                  Pages: 224

                               Slaughter and                                                               Vietnam War Army
                               Stalemate in 1917:                                                          Helicopter Nose Art
                               British Offensives from                                                     Vol 2
                               Messines Ridge
                                                                                                           By Brennan John
                               By Warren Alan                                                              FONTHILL
                               ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD

This book offers a fresh, critical history of the 1917          In Vol. 2 there are astonishing photos on par with Vol. 1.
campaign in Flanders. Drawing on a rich array of                Besides 165 images, there are search aids for locating
sources, Warren provides a vivid account of two                 former in-country Army helicopters. There is a list of 24
tragically mismanaged battles, showing that Cambrai             recommended Huey photo-books; a tabulation of 300 AH-1
further underlined what went wrong for British forces           Cobra war survivors, their former units, and present
at Passchendaele and thus more fully explains the               location, also a database of 500 in-country Army helicopter
course of events on the Western front.                          names.

AUD RRP: $58.99                ISBN-13: 9781538143100           AUD RRP: $53.99                         ISBN-13: 9781781557808
Due Date: July 2021            Discount: Trade International    Due Date: July 2021                     Discount: Trade International
Format: Hardback               Size: 229.00 X 152.00            Format: Paperback                       Size: 275.00 X 216.00
Illustration: B&W Throughout   Pages: 268                       Illustration: Colour Section(S)         Pages: 128

  P: +61 (2) 8445 2300|ABN 76 003 677 549|orders@woodslane.com.au|www.woodslane.com.au |*Prices subject to change without notice*       19
Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Health / Hobbies

Nurturing Your Family with Yoga                                                                         YOGAWORDS LTD
                            Kiki Morriss                                                                AUD RRP: $38.99
                            Nurturing Your Family with Yoga is an essential guide to the practice of    ISBN13: 9781906756802
                            yoga for families and children, demonstrating how yoga can be a real        Due Date: July 2021
                            part of everyday family life and bring happiness and harmony to the         Discount: TRADE
                            home. Illustrated with beautiful, inspiring photographs of children and     INTERNATIONAL
                            adults practising yoga together, and with clear, concise explanations,      Format: Paperback
                            the book is packed with fun and practical suggestions for incorporating     Pages: 160
                            yoga into daily life, including: The A-Z of Yoga - a wonderful, engaging    Size: 227.00 X 227.00
                            game that introduces children to 26 classic yoga poses. Breathing           Illustrations: COLOUR
                            exercises to strengthen and balance the nervous system and to steady        SECTION(S)
                            the mind. Visualisations to reduce anxiety and build resilience. Yoga in
                            Bed sequence to help children settle down and sleep well. With guided
                            meditations, affirmations and reflections that will inspire and inform
                            interesting and thoughtful discussions with children, as well as tips and
                            tricks for adults to help you share yoga successfully.

The French Defence: Move by Move                                                                        EVERYMAN CHESS
                            Lemos Damian                                                                AUD RRP: $51.99
                            The French Defence is a classical opening that has featured in the          ISBN13: 9781781945650
                            repertoire of many elite grandmasters. Black generally concedes a           Due Date: July 2021
                            slight spacial disadvantage early but in return gains a sound structure     Discount: TRADE
                            and middlegame opportunities to undermine the white centre. A close INTERNATIONAL
                            study of the French Defence can be very rewarding for all players as the Format: Paperback
                            structures and themes that arise are found in numerous other openings. Pages: 352
                            In this book grandmaster Damian Lemos guides the reader through the Size: 240.00 X 170.00
                            complexities of this dynamic opening and explores all the important
                            variations. This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings.
                            By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions
                            throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the
                            learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional
                            assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and
                            answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to
                            monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any
                            chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and
                            knowledge. * Essential guidance and training in the French Defence.

A Year in Flowers: Inspiration for Everyday Living                                                      CLEARVIEW
                            Connoly Shane                                                              AUD RRP: $44.99
                            Shane Connolly, internationally renowned and Royal floral designer,        ISBN13: 9781908337597
                            spent a year selecting plants and flowers to inspire everyday living using Due Date: July 2021
                            over sixty arrangements in this book. His imaginative use of growing       Discount: TRADE
                            plants, shrubs and trees is inspired by the changing seasons, and his      INTERNATIONAL
                            selections are guided by what is available locally and in the wild. His    Format: Paperback
                            dedication to what is sustainable and recyclable, to what can be           Pages: 160
                            replanted outside and enjoyed later, radiates from every page.             Size: 300.00 X 234.00
                            Beautifully photographed by Jason Lowe, the book is a visual feast of      Illustrations: COLOUR
                            colour and creativity yet remains faithful to what is affordable and what SECTION(S)
                            can be enjoyed at home. All the arrangements, including a big
                            celebratory event for each season, are exquisitely simple and easy to

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Woodslane July 2021 New Release Catalogue – Biography / Outdoor

                                      Queen Elizabeth 2                                                 Guy Harvey's
                                                                                                        Underwater World
                                      By Miller William H
                                      FONTHILL                                                          By Harvey Guy
                                                                                                        ROWMAN &
                                                                                                        LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS

More than 50 years since her maiden crossing to New               World-class angler, diver, photographer, and artist Guy
York, the 'Queen Elizabeth 2', remains an icon in the             Harvey shares his signature artwork, knock-out
cruise and maritime industries. Wherever you go, the              photographs, and fascinating stories of his time on and in
'QE2' is still revered. She was the 'Concorde of the seas'.       the waters of the world. From Alaska to Australia to the
She steamed more miles, carried more passengers,                  Galapagos and beyond, Guy takes us along on the
visited more ports, and made more money than any                  international fishing experiences of a lifetime.
other big liner in history.

AUD RRP: $48.40                   ISBN-13: 9781781558294          AUD RRP: $70.99           ISBN-13: 9780811769907
Due Date: July 2021               Discount: Trade International   Due Date: July 2021       Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback                 Size: 275.00 X 216.00           Format: Hardback          Size: 305.00 X 229.00
Illustration: Colour Section(S)   Pages: 110                                                Pages: 352

                                  Doctor on Board:                                                See You Tomorrow:
                                  Ship's Medicine Chest                                           The Disappearance of
                                  and Care on the Water                                           Snowboarder Marco
                                                                                                  Siffredi on Everest
                                  By Forgey William
                                  ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD                                            By Evans Jeremy
                                  PUBLISHERS                                                      ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD

A must-have for the serious (or weekend) sailor or boater Marco Siffredi was the first person to snowboard Mount
in case a medical emergency or other medical problem      Everest in 2001 and was regarded by many as the world's
arises when you go sailing or power-boating.              best snowboarder. Jeremy Evans explores the 23-year-
                                                          old's mysterious disappearance as he descended Everest.

AUD RRP: $30.99                   ISBN-13: 9781493056637          AUD RRP: $43.99           ISBN-13: 9781493053032
Due Date: July 2021               Discount: Trade International   Due Date: July 2021       Discount: Trade International
Format: Paperback                 Size: 229.00 X 152.00           Format: Hardback          Size: 229.00 X 152.00
Illustration: B&W Throughout      Pages: 256                                                Pages: 256

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