JULY/AUGUST 2019 - Glasgow Film Theatre

Page created by Carmen Acosta
JULY/AUGUST 2019 - Glasgow Film Theatre
JULY / AUGUST 2019                                                                                 JULY/AUGUST 2019

                     80 YEARS OF CINEMA

                            GLASGOWFILM.ORG | 0141 332 6535   CINEMASTERS: NICOLAS ROEG | CINEMASTERS: SPIKE LEE
JULY/AUGUST 2019 - Glasgow Film Theatre
CONTENTS                    Access Film Club: Apollo 11           32 Transit                               26 Do The Right Thing - 4K                       16
                            Access Film Club: Spirited Away       32 Varda by Agnès                        23 Inside Man                                    16
                            Animals                               25 Visible Cinema: The Dead Don’t Die    32 Jungle Fever                                  16
                            Balance, Not Symmetry                 25 Visible Cinema: Prophecy              32 EVENT CINEMA
                            Blinded by the Light                  26 Vita and Virginia                     22 Bolshoi Ballet: Giselle                       30
                            Blue My Mind                          23 ANNA MAGNANI:                              Bolshoi Ballet: Le Corsaire                 30
                            The Brink                             23   MADE IN ROME                             Bolshoi Ballet: The Nutcracker              30
                            The Candidate                         25 Before Him All Rome Trembled          10 Bolshoi Ballet: Raymonda                      30
                            The Chambermaid                       24 Scarred                               10 Bolshoi Ballet: Romeo and Juliet              30
                            The Current War                       24 Volcano                               10 Bolshoi Ballet: Swan Lake                     30
                            The Dead Don’t Die                    23 CANADA        NOW                          NT Live: Hansard                            29
                            A Faithful Man                        27 Edge of the Knife                     19 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy                   29
                            Gwen                                  24 Hugh Hefner’s After Dark              19 NT Live: A Midsummer Night’s Dream            29
                            Holiday                               25 Prosecuting Evil: The Extraordinary        NT Live: Present Laughter                   29
                            In Fabric                             22 World of Ben Ferencz                       NT Live Encore: One Man Two Guvnors         29
                            John McEnroe: In the Realm of              Through Black Spruce                19
                                                                  22                                            FILM FEELS: OBSESSION
                            Perfection                                 CINEMA REDISCOVERED                      All About Eve                               13
                            Leto                                  26   ON TOUR

                                                                                                                Cairo Station                               13
                            Mari                                  24 Adoption - 4k                         20
                                                                                                                Close Encounters of the Third Kind + Quiz   14
                            Marianne and Leonard: Words of Love   24 Hoop Dreams                           20
                                                                                                                Dance with a Stranger + Discussion          13
                            Midsommar                             22 Une Femme Douce - 4K                  20
                                                                                                                Double Bill: Safe / To Die For +
                            Never Look Away                       22                                                                                        14
                                                                       CINEMASTERS:                             Discussion
                            Notorious - 4K                        26
                                                                       NICOLAS ROEG                             JOURNEYS TO THE MOON

                            Oldboy - 4K                           25                                       15 Apollo 11
                                                                       Don’t Look Now - 4K                                                                  12
                            Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood      26                                       15 Armstrong + recorded Q&A
                                                                       Eureka! - 35mm                                                                       12
                            Only You                              24                                       15 Prisoners of the Moon
                                                                       The Man Who Fell to Earth - 4K                                                       12
                            Our Time                              23                                       15
                                                                       Walkabout                                THE INDIANA JONES TRILOGY
                            Pain and Glory                        27
                                                                       CINEMASTERS: SPIKE LEE                 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade            21
                            Photograph                            25
                                                                       BlacKkKlansman                      16 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom          21
                            Support the Girls                     22
                                                                       Chi-Raq                             16 Raiders of the Lost Ark                       21
                            Tell It to the Bees                   23
JULY/AUGUST 2019 - Glasgow Film Theatre
Preview: Balance, Not Symmetry            25   INFORMATION

                                           31   Preview: Blinded by the Light + Q&A       9 Accessible Screenings                            34
                                           31   Preview: Of Fish and Foe + Q&A            8 Ticket Prices & About GFT                        33
Mamma Mia!
                                           31   Preview: Vita and Virginia + Q&A           7 Tuesday Treats                                  34
To Have and Have Not - 35mm
OUR MOVIE CHILDHOOD                             STUDIO GHIBLI
                                           17   Howl’s Moving Castle                      18
E.T the Extra Terrestrial
                                           17   My Neighbour Totoro                       18   Box Office Summer Opening Hours
The Goonies
                                                Princess Mononoke                         18   July & August
Jaws                                       17
                                                                                               Monday to Thursday - 1 hour before first
                                                Spirited Away                             18
SOUND & VISION                                                                                 screening
                                                                                               Friday & Sunday - from 12noon
The Cure - Anniversary 1978 - 2018
                                           11                                                  Saturday - from 11am
Live in Hyde Park, London
                                                                                               tel: 0141 332 6535
The Grateful Dead                          11
Pavarotti + satellite Q&A                  11
                                                                                                        Full screening times will
USA 1982 - Koyaanisqatsi with live score   11       For updates, newly programmed                   be available every Tuesday via a
SPECIAL EVENTS                                       titles and events, sign up to our                   weekly print-out from
                                                          weekly enewsletter at:                          GFT box office, also
The Adventures of Priscilla,                                                                            downloadable online at:
                                           10        glasgowfilm.org/enewsletters
Queen of the Desert                                                                                   glasgowfilm.org/whats-on

                                                                                                                                                  full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
Apocalypse Now - Final Cut                 10
+ recorded Q&A
                                                           Accessible Programme                                   Glasgore!
The Bikes of Wrath + Skype Q&A             10
                                                                                                    Horror/Cult Film Discussion Group
Charlotte Prodger: SaF05                    7        GFT offers Audio Description, BSL,                  Free, Project Room, 18.30,
Charlotte Prodger: Stoneymollan Trail       7         Captioning, Autism Friendly and                      Tue 2 July & Tue 6 Aug
                                                      Dementia Friendly screenings on             This group meets on the first Tuesday of
Crossing the Line: LUX Scotland            8                   selected titles.                    each month to discuss horror and cult
presents Patrick Staff                                    See p34 for full details.                                cinema.
Funny You Never Knew + Q&A                  7
Late Night: First Blood                    9
Late Night: Withnail and I                 9        Glasgow Film Theatre is a not-for-profit educational charity registered in
My Friend the Polish Girl + Q&A            8        Scotland No. SC005932. If you would like to support our work and help
                                                          us continue Cinema For All you can donate in person or at:
Penny Slinger: Out of the Shadows          8                               glasgowfilm.org/donate
+ Q&A
Preview: Armstrong + recorded Q&A          12

Take 2

                                                                                                 FAMILY-FRIENDLY FILMS
                              Every Saturday at 11.30am – a film for all the family at GFT.                         Full listings at glasgowfilm.org/take2
                              Free entry for Glasgow Young Scot or Kidz Card holders and                                    or pick up a leaflet in the foyer
                              an accompanying adult. Free tickets are only available on the day
                              from the box office, one free adult ticket per child ticket.
                              All other tickets £5.50. Pick up a leaflet for full listings and details.

                              Detective Pikachu (PG)                                                 The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U)
                              Sat 6 July (11.30) - captioned                                         Sat 17 August (11.30) - captioned

                              Asterix: The Mansion of the Gods (PG)                                  Kiki’s Delivery Service (U)
                              Sat 13 July (11.30) - French with English subtitles                    Sat 24 August (11.30) - dubbed

                              The Witches (PG)

                              Sat 20 July (11.30)                                                    Autism Friendly
                                                                                                     (same ticketing offer applies as Take 2)
                              Space Jam (U)                                                          Take 2 Access: Detective Pikachu (PG)
                              Sat 27 July (11.30)                                                    Sat 6 July (12noon)

                              Aladdin (PG)                                                           Take 2 Access: Aladdin (PG)
                              Sat 3 August (11.30) - captioned                                       Sat 3 August (12noon)
                                                                                                     Access Screenings are in a ‘low sensory’ environment suitable
                              Up (U)                                                                 for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their
                              Sat 10 August (11.30)                                                  families. The films have no subtitles, the volume is turned
                                                                                                     down, the house lights left on low and audiences can make
                                                                                                     noise and move around. Take 2 ticketing conditions apply.

Coming soon!
                Support Indie Cinema: Pay What You Decide
 Launching in September, our Pay What You Decide scheme will give you the opportunity to see a
 specially selected film at GFT once a week - and instead of standard GFT ticket prices, you simply
                                       Pay What You Decide.

The selected screening, from our regular programme, will take place every Monday evening - reserve
                 your ticket online, join us for the film, then Pay What You Decide!

                           More information will be available at glasgowfilm.org soon.

                               National Lottery Cinema Day is back in 2019.
             Every time you play the National Lottery you’re supporting British film production,
                  exhibition and innovation, as well as community projects across the UK.

         To say thank you, you can watch a FREE film on Sunday 25 August with your ticket from
                          Saturday 24 August’s Lotto Double Prize Event draw.
     First come, first served. Terms and conditions apply and will be posted, along with full details, at cinemaday.co.uk nearer the time.

Access Film Club:                                                                                                                              The Bikes of Wrath +

                             1 - 11 JULY

                                                                     12 - 18 JULY

                                                                                                                        19 - 25 JULY

                                                                                                                                                                        26 JULY - 1 AUG
                                           Apollo 11 p32                            Armstrong p12                                      The Dead Don’t Die p23                             Skype Q&A p10

                                           Apollo 11 p12                            The Brink p23                                      All About Eve p13                                  Cairo Station p13
                                           Before Him All                           The Dead Don’t Die p23                             Dance with a Stranger +                            The Chambermaid p24
                                           Rome Trembled p10                                                                           Discussion p13

                                           Blue My Mind p23                         Eureka - 35mm p15                                  Late Night: First Blood p9                         Close Encounters of the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Third Kind + Quiz p14
                                           Charlotte Prodger:                       Jaws p17                                           Gwen p24                                           The Current War p24
                                           SaF05 p7
                                           The Cure - Anniversary                   Midsommar p22                                      The Man Who Fell to                                Double Bill: Safe &
                                           Live at Hyde Park p11                                                                       Earth - 4K p15                                     To Die For p14
                                           Don’t Look Now p15                       Pavarotti +                                        NT Live:                                           The Goonies p17
                                                                                    satellite Q&A p11                                  The Lehman Trilogy p29
                                           Funny You Never                          Penny Slinger: Out of                              Only You p24                                       The Grateful Dead
                                           Knew + Q&A p7                            the Shadows + Q&A p8                                                                                  Meet-up 2019 p11
                                           In Fabric p22                            Preview: Blinded by the                            Our Time p23                                       LUX Scotland presents
                                                                                    Light + Q&A p9                                                                                        Patrick Staff p9
                                           John McEnroe: In the                     Prisoners of the

                                           Realm of Perfection p22                  Moon + Q&A p12                                     Tell It to the Bees p23                            Mari p24

                                           Midsommar p22                            Scarred p10                                        Varda by Agnès p23                                 Marianne & Leonard p24
                                           Movie Memories: To                       CineMasters:                                       Volcano p10                                        My Friend the Polish Girl

                                           Have and Have Not p31                    Nicolas Roeg p15                                                                                      + Q&A p8

                                           Never Look Away p22                                                                         The Dead Don’t Die p23                             Of Fish and Foe p8
                                           Preview: Armstrong                                                                                                                             Visible Cinema:
                                           + recorded Q&A p12                                                                                                                             The Dead Don’t Die p32
                                           Preview: Of Fish and                     Nicolas Roeg made some
                                           Foe + Q&A p8                             incredible and influential films.                                                                     Walkabout p15
                                                                                    Don’t miss out on the chance
                                           Preview: Vita and                        to see some of his best work on                    Jim Jarmusch’s comical
                                           Virginia + Q&A p7                        the big screen.                                    glimpse at American habits and
                                           Support the Girls p22
Access Film Club:                            The Adventures of Priscilla,
2 - 8 AUG

                                                                                                                                                                                 AUGUST AT A GLANCE
                                             9 - 15 AUG

                                                                                         16 - 22 AUG

                                                                                                                                      23 - 29 AUG
            Animals p25                                   Spirited Away p32                            Queen of the Desert p10                      Chi-Raq p16

            Balance, Not Symmetry p25                     Adoption - 4K p20                            Blinded by the Light p26                     A Faithful Man p27

            The Candidate p25                             Animals p25                                  Hoop Dreams p20                              Howl’s Moving Castle p18

            Do the Right Thing - 4K p16                   Apocalypse Now                               Inside Man p16                               Pain and Glory p27
                                                          - Final Cut p10
                                                          Blinded by the Light p9                      Leto p26                                     Once Upon a Time...
            Indiana Jones Trilogy p21                                                                                                               in Hollywood p26
            Holiday p25                                   Edge of the Knife p19                        My Neighbour Totoro p18                      Through Black Spruce p19

            Hugh Heffner’s                                E.T. the                                     Once Upon a Time...                          Visible Cinema:
            After Dark p19                                Extra Terrestrial p17                        in Hollywood p26                             Prophecy p32
            Oldboy - 4K p25                               Jungle Fever p16                             Prosecuting Evil p19                         Late Night:
                                                                                                                                                    Withnail and I p9
            Princess Mononoke p18                         Notorious - 4K p26                           Transit p26                                  Pain and Glory p27


                                                                                                                                                                                   full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
                                                          Once Upon a Time...                          Once Upon a Time

            Spirited Away p18                             in Hollywood p26                             in... Hollywood p26

            Une Femme Douce - 4K p20                      Photograph p25
                                                                                                                                                    Pedro Almodovar returns to

                                                          Photograph p25

                                                                                                                                                    GFT screens with another
            Spike Lee p16                                                                                                                           essential slice of cinema.
                                                                                                       The must-see film of the
                                                                                                       summer from director Quentin

            Spike Lee has been challenging                The latest from The Lunchbox
            the US establishment for over                 director Ritesh Batra.
            30 years. See some of his best
            work at GFT in August.


                                            Charlotte Prodger:                                    Preview: Vita and Virginia                              Funny You Never Knew
                                            Stoneymollan Trail                                    + Q&A                                                   + Q&A
                                            Sunday 30 June (18.00)                                Monday 1 July (18.00) | Fri 5 - Thu 11 July             Wednesday 3 July (18.00)

                                            Director Charlotte Prodger, UK 2014, 43m, N/C 15+     Director Chanya Button Cast Gemma Arterton, Elizabeth   Director Andrew Hunt, USA 2019, 1h43m, N/C 5+
                                                                                                  Debicki, Isabella Rossellini, Ireland/UK 2018, 1h50m,
                                            Produced for the 2014 Margaret Tait Award, the        12A: moderate sex, sex references, nudity               Funny You Never Knew follows comedians
                                            feature-length Stoneymollan Trail is Prodger’s                                                                Fred Willard and Kevin Pollak as they
                                            first single screen video. Stoneymollan trail is an   Based on a true story, Vita & Virginia details the      rediscover a trio of comedians from the 1950s:
                                            ancient ‘coffin road’ in Scotland linking the Firth   passionate relationship between literary                Imogene Coca, George Gobel and Martha
                                            of Clyde with Loch Lomond. Prodger’s video of         trailblazer Virginia Woolf (Elizabeth Debicki),         Raye. The ground-breaking comedy of these
                                            the same name traces a history of recent video        and enigmatic aristocrat Vita Sackville-West            three remarkable performers captured the
                                            formats as well as the artist’s personal history.     (Gemma Arterton). When their paths cross, the           American zeitgeist and influenced many of the
                                            All tickets £6.                                       magnetic Vita decides the beguiling, stubborn           major comedians that followed, from Bob
                                                                                                  and gifted Virginia will be her next conquest, no       Newhart, Lily Tomlin, and Carol Burnett to
                                               The screening will be introduced by                matter the cost. The ensuing relationship leads         Jerry Seinfeld, Ellen DeGeneres and Kristen
                                            director Charlotte Prodger.                           to the birth of Woolf’s bold, experimental novel        Wiig.
 @glasgowfilm facebook.com/glasgowfilm

                                                                                                  Orlando. A daring celebration of an
                                                                                                                                                          The film offers modern audiences a chance to
                                                                                                  unconventional bond, and a vivid exploration of
                                                                                                                                                          enjoy some rare and amazing performances
                                                                                                  gender, sexuality, creativity and passion.
                                                                                                                                                          that have not been seen since the night they
                                                                                                    Followed by a Q&A with director Chanya                were first telecast. Featuring interviews with
                                                                                                  Button.                                                 some of the remaining eye-witnesses to these
                                                                                                                                                          stars’ talents, including Bob Newhart, Lily
                                                                                                                                                          Tomlin, Carol Channing and Carl Reiner, Funny

                                            Charlotte Prodger: SaF05                                                                                      You Never Knew provides not only a look at
                                                                                                                                                          the forgotten work of three dynamic
                                            Wednesday 3 July (18.30)
                                                                                                                                                          comedians, but a glimpse of a lost era of
                                            Director Charlotte Prodger, UK 2019, 39m, N/C 15+
                                                                                                                                                          American comedy.

                                                                                                                                                            Followed by a Q&A with director Andrew
                                            The Scotland + Venice partnership presents                                                                    Hunt and editor Colin Goudie.
                                            SaF05, a new single-channel video by 2018
                                            Turner Prize-winning artist Charlotte Prodger.
                                            The artist’s most ambitious work to date, SaF05
                                            is the last in a trilogy of videos that began with
    7                                       Stoneymollan Trail. Free tickets
Preview: Of Fish and Foe                                     Penny Slinger: Out of the                          My Friend the Polish Girl
+ Q&A                                                        Shadows + Q&A                                      + Q&A Friday 26 July (18.15)
Q&A: Wednesday 10 July (18.00)                               Sunday 14 July (17.10)
                                                                                                                Directors Ewa Banaszkiewicz, Mateusz Dymek Cast Aneta
Friday 26 July - Thursday 1 August                                                                              Piotrowska, Emma Friedman-Cohen, Daniel Barry, UK 2018,
                                                             Director Richard Kovitch, UK 2017, 1h38m, 18
                                                                                                                1h27m, 18
Directors Andy Heathcote, Heike Bachelier, UK 2018, 1h32m,
CTBC                                                         Penny Slinger: Out of the Shadows is the           This unique fiction film takes the form of a
                                                             incredible, untold story of the British artist     first-time filmmaker’s documentary told
A surprising and often funny look at                         Penny Slinger and the traumatic events that        through the eyes (and lens) of amateur
contemporary eco-activism on the Scottish                    led to the creation of her masterpiece, the 1977   filmmaker Katie: an American rich kid
Seas, new documentary Of Fish and Foe                        photo-romance, ‘An Exorcism’.                      following Alicja, an erratic unemployed Polish
follows brothers Kevin and John Pullar, who                  Coming-of-age against a back-drop of               actress. The film is intentionally provocative,
are struggling to sustain the family business of             post-war austerity and the explosion of colour     challenging the audience to consider if they
net fishing for wild Atlantic salmon off the                 that characterized the 1960s counter-culture in    are comfortable with what they are watching.
coast of Scotland. Watching their every move,                London, Penny Slinger embraced her                 My Friend the Polish Girl forces the viewer to

                                                                                                                                                                           full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
animal activist groups Sea Shepherd and Hunt                 generation’s quest for personal freedom and        consider the methods that documentary
Saboteurs oppose the Pullars at every turn,                  sexual liberation and channelled these desires     filmmakers employ to shape their stories, by
and frustrations frequently boil over in this                into her ground-breaking collages and              showing the lengths of manipulation that Katie
thought-provoking documentary that puts                      sculptures. Penny Slinger: Out of the Shadows      will go to in order to find a story worth telling
modern environmentalism under the                            tells the story of how her seminal piece of art    about her subject, Alicja.
microscope. GFF19                                            came to be, from the traumatic events that         “An exciting, experimental effort by filmmakers
“Of Fish and Foe is not a documentary about                  inspired it, to the intense creativity that        who are aware of cinematic history as well as
nature, it is not even really about fishing, it is a         created it, to the fizzle in Slinger’s once-       the society in which they operate.” - Cineuropa
film all about humans, their concerns and their              explosive career that kept her work largely out
conflicts.” - Glasgow Guardian                               of the world of popular art.                         Followed by a Q&A with directors
                                                                                                                Ewa Banaszkiewicz and Mateusz Dymek.
  Followed by a Q&A with directors                             Followed by a Q&A with Penny Slinger.
Andy Heathcote and Heike Bachelier.                          Image credit: Penny Slinger in ‘Lilford Hall’,
                                                             16mm film, 1969. Directed by Peter Whitehead
                                                             & Penny Slinger (C) 1969

SPECIAL SCREENINGS                                                                                                                                                                               CULT

                              Preview: Blinded by the                                       Crossing the Line:                                         First Blood
                              Light + Q&A                                                   LUX Scotland presents                                      Friday 19 July (23.00)
                              Q&A: Tuesday 16 July (19.50)                                  Patrick Staff                                              Director Ted Kotcheff Cast Sylvester Stallone, Brian
                              Friday 9 - Thursday 22 August                                 Sunday 28 July (19.30)                                     Dennehy, Richard Crenna, USA 1982, 1h33m, 15

                              Director Gurinder Chadha Cast Viveik Kalra, Kulvinder Ghir,   Director Patrick Staff, USA 2017, 1h30m approx., N/C 15+   When an overzealous small town sheriff decides
                              Meera Ganatra, UK 2019, 1h57m, 12A: racist language and                                                                  to make an example of Vietnam war hero John
                              behaviour, moderate bad language
                                                                                            Weed Killer (2017) by Los Angeles based artist             Rambo (Sylvester Stallone), this ex-soldier has
                                                                                            Patrick Staff was inspired by artist-writer                no choice but to utilise every skill he knows to
                              From Gurinder Chada, the director of Bend it                                                                             shake the relentless pursuit. First Blood started
                                                                                            Catherine Lord’s memoir The Summer of Her
                              Like Beckham, and inspired by British journalist                                                                         Stallone on his path to becoming one of the true
                              Sarfraz Manzoor’s memoir Greetings From                       Baldness (2004), a moving and often irreverent
                                                                                                                                                       great action heroes of all time.
                                                                                            account of the author’s experience of cancer.
                              Bury Park, Blinded by the Light is a joyous,
                                                                                            At the heart of Weed Killer is a monologue
                              coming-of-age story. Set in 1987, during the
                                                                                            adapted from Lord’s book, in which an actress                                                         CULT
                              austere days of Thatcher’s Britain, the film                                                                                                                             CLAS
                                                                                            reflects upon the chemically induced                                                                           SIC
                              follows a teenager who learns to live life,
                                                                                            devastation of chemotherapy. This monologue

                              understand his family and find his own voice
                                                                                            is intertwined with otherworldly sequences,
                              through the words and music of Bruce
                                                                                            some shot with high-definition thermal
                                                                                            imaging. Weed Killer reflects on personal
                              “I guarantee it will make you feel better than
                                                                                            suffering and the fine line between alternately
                              any other film that comes out this year.”
                              - New York Post                                               poisonous and curative substances. This
                                                                                            screening will also feature a series of other              Withnail and I
                                                                                            works selected by Staff expanding on the                   Friday 23 August (23.00)

                                This screening will be followed by a Q&A                    themes explored in Weed Killer.
                              with director Gurinder Chadha and journalist                                                                             Director Bruce Robinson Cast Richard E Grant, Paul McGann,
                              and author Sarfraz Manzoor.                                     The screening will be introduced by                      Richard Griffiths, UK 1987, 1h47m, 15
                                                                                            academic and writer, Laura Guy.
                                                                                                                                                       Desperate to escape their depressing London
                                                                                                                                                       existence, unemployed actors Withnail and
                                                                                                                                                       Marwood flee to the countryside for an idyllic
                                                                                                                                                       holiday at Withnail’s uncle’s cottage. Upon
                                                                                                                                                       arrival, the non-stop rain, lack of food and their
                                                                                                                                                       limited survival skills make them realise that
                                                                                                                                                       this is no regular holiday. Darkly hilarious and
                                                                                                                                                       endlessly quotable, Bruce Robinson’s cult
  9                                                                                                                                                    classic is a joy to behold.
The Bikes of Wrath + Skype                                     Apocalypse Now - Final Cut                                  The Adventures of Priscilla,
Q&A Wednesday 31 July (17.40)                                  + recorded Q&A Tue 13 Aug (18.45)                           Queen of the Desert
                                                                                                                           Friday 16 (17.00) & Saturday 17 August (17.15)
Directors Charlie Turnbull, Cameron Ford                       Director Francis Ford Coppola Cast Martin Sheen, Marlon
Australia 2018, 1h41m, N/C 15+                                 Brando, Robert Duvall, USA 1979, 2h33m, 15
                                                                                                                           Director Stephan Elliot Cast Terence Stamp, Guy Pearce,
                                                               Captain Willard must travel into the heart of the           Hugo Weaving, USA 1994, 1h38m, 15
In 2015, five Australians attempted to cycle
2,600kms from Oklahoma to California in                        jungle to ‘terminate’ a once celebrated colonel
                                                               who has become a dangerously lethal presence.               With a contract to perform a drag show way
honour of the westward migration undertaken                                                                                out in the Australian desert, Tick, Adam and
by The Grapes of Wrath’s Joad family. The film                 As Willard travels further into the depths of the
                                                                                                                           Bernadette journey across the Australian
is a unique, funny and insightful documentary.                 Vietnamese jungle he begins to submerge                     Outback in their battered, pink tour bus
                                                               himself wholly into the insanity of war.                    “Priscilla”, along the way encountering various
  Followed by a Skype Q&A with co-director                                                                                 groups and individuals. We are screening
Charlie Turnbull.                                                Followed by a recorded Q&A with Francis
                                                                                                                           Stephan Elliot’s groundbreaking comedy to
                                                               Ford Coppola and Steven Soderbergh.                         celebrate Glasgow Pride weekend.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
Before Him All Rome                                            Scarred Sunday 14 July (15.00)                              Volcano Sunday 21 July (14.30)
Trembled Sunday 7 July (14.30)                                 Director Mario Mattioli Cast Anna Magnani, Antonio Centa,   Director William Dieterle Cast Anna Magnani, Rossano Brazzi,
                                                               Maria Donina, Italy 1948, 1h31m, subtitles, N/C 12+         Geraldine Brooks, Italy 1950, 1h46m, subtitles, N/C 12+
Director Carmine Gallone Cast Anna Magnani, Edda
Albertini, Tito Gobbi, Italy 1946, 1h38m, subtitles, N/C 12+
                                                               A domestic tragedy turned courtroom drama of                Former prostitute Maddalena (Magnani)
                                                               sorts, this is the Naples-set story of Assunta              returns to the volcanic island of her birth and
A WWII resistance drama set during the
                                                               Spina (Magnani), whose face is scarred by her               family conflict. Concerned by the attentions of
German occupation of Rome, Carmine                                                                                         her sister Maria towards unscrupulous Donato,
Gallone’s film is centred around a troupe of                   brutish husband when she shows signs of
                                                               dissatisfaction. Magnani’s strong ‘everywoman’              Maddalena will stop at nothing to ensure she
performers/resistance members who stage a                                                                                  doesn’t end up in his clutches.
production of Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca.                         qualities come to the fore once more, as her
                                                               character takes the witness stand.


                                                                                                                                     Pavarotti + satellite Q&A
                                                                                                                                     Saturday 13 July (18.45)
                             The Cure - Anniversary 1978-2018                                                                        Director Ron Howard, UK/USA 2019, 2h20m, some subtitles,
                             Live in Hyde Park London Thursday 11 July (20.00)                                                       12A: infrequent strong language, brief images of dead bodies

                             Director Tim Pope, UK 2019, 2h17m, 12A: infrequent strong language                                      From the team behind the worldwide success
                                                                                                                                     The Beatles: Eight Days a Week comes
                             The Cure, acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest live bands, take the stage on a perfect           Academy Award-winning director Ron
                             July evening in London’s Hyde Park 2018 to deliver a set of songs celebrating four decades of           Howard’s documentary celebrating the life of
                             music making. The ensuing film Anniversary 1978-2018, directed by long-time collaborator Tim            the beloved opera star Luciano Pavarotti.
                             Pope, captures them in glorious 4K. The 5.1 audio mix by Robert Smith and Paul Corkett
                             complements and completes this fabulously immersive cinematic experience. From ‘Lovesong’ to              Followed by a satellite Q&A with special
                             ‘Lullaby’, from ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ to ‘Burn’, from ‘Fascination Street’ to ‘Friday I’m in Love’, Robert   guests.
                             Smith and his extraordinary band take us on a magical trip through time.

                                                                                                                                     USA 1982 - Koyaanisqatsi
                                                                                                                                     Live Score
                                                                                                                                     Monday 16 September (18.30)

                             The Grateful Dead Meet-up 2019 Thursday 1 August (20.15)                                                Director Godfrey Reggio, USA 1982, 1h26m, U
                             Director Len Dell’Amico, USA 2019, 2h, N/C 12+
                                                                                                                                     Neoclassical post-rockers We Stood Like Kings
                             Come one, come all! Join Dead Heads in your neighbourhood - and around the world - to                   bring a new soundtrack to Godfrey Reggio’s
                             celebrate the 9th Annual Grateful Dead Meet-Up at the movies. This can’t-miss event features            cult movie Koyaanisqatsi. Reggio’s debut as a
                             the previously unreleased complete June 17, 1991 concert from Giants Stadium. Widely                    film director and producer is the first film of
                             considered one of the greatest shows of the band’s final decade of performing, it sounds unlike         the Qatsi trilogy. Created between 1975 and
                             any Dead show you’ve ever heard as it was one of only two recorded on 48-track. Mixed by                1982, the film is an apocalyptic vision of the
                             Jeffrey Norman in glorious surround sound with video from the multi-camera live edit, this will         collision of two different worlds - urban life
                             be the first time the Bruce Hornsby and Vince Welnick line-up has ever appeared on the big              and technology versus the environment.
                             screen.                                                                                                 Please note, this is a live show by a four-piece
11                                                                                                                                   band. It might get loud. Tickets £15/13.

                                                                                                                                                            JOURNEYS TO THE MOON
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin landed the Eagle on the surface of the
moon, whilst Michael Collins remained in the
Lunar Orbiter. In Houston and beyond, an army
                                                      Preview: Armstrong + Recorded Q&A
                                                      Q&A: Tuesday 9 July (17.45) | Monday 15 - Thursday 18 July
of technical, engineering and design support
had made it all possible. It remains the greatest     Director David Fairhead, USA 2019, 1h40m, PG
technological achievement of human
civilisation and it signaled the emergence of         Dramatic, moving and insightful, Armstrong tells the definitive life story of Neil Armstrong,
space exploration as an essential part of             revealing the man behind the mission. It is the story of a quiet, determined man who became an
modern society. We mark this 50 year                  aviator, astronaut, husband, father and reluctant hero. Made with the full support of his surviving
anniversary with a short season of films              family, it includes previously unseen home-movie footage shot by Armstrong himself, and
exploring and interrogating this most                 narration by Harrison Ford.
extraordinary accomplishment.                            Followed by a recorded Q&A with Neil’s son Mark Armstrong.

                                                                                                                                                               full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
Prisoners of the Moon
+ Q&A Wednesday 17 July (18.15)
Director Johnny Gogan, Ireland 2019, 1h15m, N/C 12+

This new documentary centres on Arthur
Rudolph, one of over one hundred Nazi V2
                                                      Apollo 11 Fri 28 June - Thursday 7 July
rocket engineers secretly brought to America          Director Todd Douglas Miller, USA 2019, 1h33m, U
in 1945 to work on the Cold War missile
programme. The film tells a story of USA’s            Crafted from a newly discovered trove of 70mm footage, and more than 11,000 hours of un-
desperation to beat Russia to the moon and of         catalogued audio recordings, Apollo 11 takes us straight to the heart of NASA’s most celebrated
the decades-long journey to bring to justice          mission. Immersed in the perspectives of the astronauts, the team in Mission Control, and the
those responsible for the deaths of 20,000            millions of spectators on the ground, we vividly experience those moments when humankind took a
slave labourers.                                      giant leap into the future.
  Followed by a Q&A with writer/producer
Nick Snow.                                                                                                                                                    12
FILM FEELS: OBSESSION        This summer we are joining the BFI’s UK-wide
                             season exploring the enduring appeal of
                             obsession, in its many forms, on the cinema
                             screen. These five events offer audiences a
                             chance to go deeper into cinema, to explore and
                             be entertained, to think and be challenged.
                             These screenings are part of Film Feels:
                             Obsession, a UK-wide cinema season,
                             supported by the National Lottery and BFI Film
                             Audience Network. Explore all films and events
                             at www.filmfeels.co.uk

                                                                                                       Dance with a Stranger + Discussion Wednesday 24 July (17.55)
                                                                                                       Director Mike Newell Cast Miranda Richardson, Rupert Everett, Ian Holm, UK 1985, 1h36m, 15
                                                                           BFI FILM AUDIENCE NETWORK

                                                                                                       Champions of women in cinema, Reclaim The Frame present this classic British noir starring
                                                                                                       Miranda Richardson and written by Shelagh Delaney (A Taste of Honey). It tells the true story of
                                                                                                       Ruth Ellis, whose murder trial in the 1950s became a national obsession which later informed the
                               Book tickets at:                                                        debates leading to the abolishment of the death penalty in 1965.
                               glasgowfilm.org/obsession                                                 Followed by a discussion between Mia Bays (Director-At-Large of Birds’ Eye View) and
                                                                                                       Dr Susan Batchelor, a criminologist specialising in women’s imprisonment.

                             All About Eve Sunday 21 July (16.40)                                                                   Cairo Station Tuesday 30 July (18.15)
                             Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz Cast Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, USA 1950,                 Director Youssef Chahine Cast Youssef Chahine, Hind Rustum, Farid Shawqi
                             2h18m, U                                                                                               Egypt 1958, 1h30m, subtitles, N/C 12+

                             From the moment she glimpses her idol on Broadway, Eve Harrington                                      Qinawi, a crippled newspaper vendor working in the Cairo train station,
                             strives to upstage Margo Channing, a darling of the stage who – having                                 becomes infatuated with Hanuma, an engaged beverage seller. When
                             just turned 40 – is worried about her ongoing career prospects. What                                   Hanuma rejects Qinawi’s fantasy of their future together, Qinawi’s
                             follows is a story of ruthless manipulation, endless put-downs and                                     obsession turns into madness. Chahine – a pioneering Egyptian filmmaker
                             cutting truth-telling. And all in the name of show business. Nominated for                             who received a Lifetime Achievement Award at Cannes in 1997 - explores
                             a record 14 Oscars and winning 6, All About Eve possesses a timeless wit                               sexuality, madness and violence in this film, regarded as one of his
13                           that still stings. This screening will be introduced.                                                  masterpieces. This screening will be introduced.
Double Bill: Safe / To Die For + Discussion Sun 28 July (13.45) £14/£12 conc/£7 15-25 Card
Safe: Director Todd Haynes Cast Julianne Moore, Xander Berkeley, Dean Norris, UK/USA 1995, 1h59m, 15
To Die For: Director Gus Van Sant Cast Nicole Kidman, Matt Dillon, Joaquin Phoenix, USA/UK/Canada 1995, 1h47m, 15

This double bill brings together two mid-90s arthouse classics that each centre on very different kinds of obsession, and connect with each other in
fascinating ways. In Todd Haynes’ Safe, the main character Carol becomes obsessed with possible (and actual) infection from her surroundings,
neighbours and family. Meanwhile in To Die For, Suzanne Stone will let nothing get in the way of her desire to be seen on TV.
   After the screening, come to Project Café to talk about the films with other audience members, local critics and GFT team over some tea

                                                                                                                                                            full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
and cake.

Close Encounters of the Third
Kind + Quiz Sunday 28 July (18.30)
Director Steven Spielberg Cast Richard Dreyfuss, Francois Truffaut,
Terri Garr, USA 1977, 2h12m, PG

When Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) encounters a UFO,
he becomes fascinated with all things paranormal.
Roy’s obsession leads him across the USA to witness
the first arrival of extra-terrestrials on Earth. As well as
being one of the great spectacular cinema experiences,
this film offered the relatively ground-breaking
perspective that aliens could be peaceful beings rather
than war-mongering monsters.
   The screening will be preceded by an on-screen
‘Obsessed with Movies’ Quiz. Pick up an answer
sheet on the way in to the screen – prizes to be won!
YOUR MOVIE CHILDHOOD          English director Nic Roeg first made his name
                              in the film industry as a cinematographer,
                              notably on Fahrenheit 451 and Far from the
                              Madding Crowd in the 1960s. But it is the films
                              he directed in the 1970s that ensure his place
                              in cinema history. Roeg pioneered a non-linear
                              form of visual storytelling that tapped into the
                              human unconscious in a way that remains
                              thrilling and uncanny. His influence is clearly
                              found in the work of current pioneers like
                              Jonathan Glazer, Lynne Ramsay and Claire
             NICOLAS ROEG

                                                                                       Don’t Look Now - 4K Friday 5 - Sunday 7 July
                                                                                       Director Nicolas Roeg Cast Julie Christie, Donald Sutherland, Hilary Mason, UK/Italy 1973, 1h50m, 15

                                                                                       Nicolas Roeg’s psychological horror follows John (Donald Sutherland) and his wife Laura (Julie
                                                                                       Christie) on a trip to Venice shortly after a traumatizing incident at their home resulting in the
                                Book tickets at:                                       death of their young daughter. Adapted from Daphne du Maurier’s occult-themed short story,
                                                                                       Roeg’s trademark visual style and innovative editing create an uncanny, doom-laden mood that is
                                glasgowfilm.org/nicolasroeg                            equally bewitching and terrifying. Screening in 4K.

                              Eureka! - 35mm                                           The Man Who Fell to Earth                                       Walkabout
                              Mon 15 (20.10) & Tue 16 July (14.30)                     - 4K Mon 22 (17.30) & Tue 23 July (20.00)                       Mon 29 (18.00) & Tue 30 July (20.40)

                              Director Nicolas Roeg Cast Gene Hackman, Rutger Hauer,   Director Nicolas Roeg Cast David Bowie, Rip Torn, Candy         Director Nicolas Roeg Cast Jenny Agutter, Lucien John,
                              Theresa Russell, UK/USA 1983, 2h10m, 18                  Clarke, UK 1976, 2h16m, 18                                      David Gulpilil, UK/Australia 1971, 1h40m, 12A: Contains
                                                                                                                                                       nudity, animal killing and infrequent strong language
                              Gene Hackman leads a powerhouse cast as a                Travelling from his drought-ravaged home
                              prospector who becomes the world’s wealthiest            planet, a humanoid alien named Thomas                           Two white children are stranded in the harsh
                              man after finding an incredible haul of gold in          Jerome Newton comes to Earth on a mission                       environment of the Australian Outback. Lost in
                              the Klondike. 20 years later, living in the              to take water home. Using the advanced                          the wilderness, their only chance of survival is
                              Caribbean, his life is crumbling. Eureka was             technology at his disposal to patent several                    with the help of a young Indigenous man that
                              barely released at the time of its making and            inventions on Earth, Newton acquires                            they meet, who is performing a ritual solo
                              overlooked by critics, but it should arguably sit        incredible wealth as the head of a technology-                  wandering to mark his entrance into manhood.
                              alongside Roeg’s finest work.                            based conglomerate. But he soon finds his true                  The development of the characters, and the
                                                                                                                                                       contrast of the modern and the natural, is
15                            Screening on 35mm.                                       identity at risk. Screening in 4K.
                                                                                                                                                       expertly woven through this mesmerising film.
Spike Lee has been a vital and disruptive force

                                                                                                                                                                                 CINEMASTERS: SPIKE LEE
in American independent cinema since he made
his provocative debut She’s Gotta Have It in
1986. In over 30 years of filmmaking he has
continually refused to compromise his vision,
using cinema as a vehicle to call out racism,
social injustice and political inequality.
Currently riding high on the Oscar-winning
success of his explosively entertaining                  Do the Right Thing - 4K                                     Jungle Fever
BlacKkKlansman, Lee is an essential thorn in the Friday 2 - Sunday 4 August                                          Sunday 11 (14.15) & Monday 12 August (20.00)
side of the US establishment. We like Spike.
                                                         Director Spike Lee Cast Spike Lee, Danny Aiello, John       Director Spike Lee Cast Wesley Snipes, Annabella Sciorra,
 PROGRAMME NOTES                                         Turturro, USA 1989, 1h59m, 15                               Lonette McKee, USA 1991, 2h12m, 18

                                                         On the hottest day of the summer in Brooklyn,               Never one to shy away from sensitive issues,
                                                         Italian-American Sal Fragione opens his pizza               Lee tackled the prejudices surrounding
                                                         parlour in the same way he has for 25 years.                interracial romance head-on in Jungle Fever.
                                                         But on this day, the simmering racial tensions              Flipper is an African-American architect in a
                                                         between Sal’s family and the predominately                  white firm who has an affair with his Italian-
  Book tickets at:                                       African-American neighbourhood explode.                     American secretary, Angie. The fallout impacts
  glasgowfilm.org/spikelee                               One of Lee’s earliest features, it’s recognised             every area of their lives, bringing their families’
                                                         as one of the greatest films ever made.
                                                                                                                     fear and bigotry boiling to the surface.
                                                         Screening in 4K

                                                                                                                                                                                    full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
Inside Man                                               Chi-Raq                                                     BlacKkKlansman
Sunday 18 (17.00) & Tuesday 20 August (20.05)            Sunday 25 (16.00) & Tuesday 27 August (20.05)               Sunday 1 & Tuesday 3 September (times tbc)

Director Spike Lee Cast Denzel Washington, Clive Owen,   Director Spike Lee Cast Teyonah Parris, Samuel L Jackson,   Director Spike Lee Cast John David Washington, Adam
Jodie Foster, USA 2006, 2h9m, 15                         Nick Cannon, USA 2015, 2h7m, 15                             Driver, Laura Harrier, USA 2018, 2h15m, 15

Lee’s fourth and most recent collaboration               This bold, imaginative and urgently topical film            BlacKkKlansman offers an unflinching, true-life
with Denzel Washington also remains his                  relocates the ancient Greek drama ‘Lysistrata’ to           examination of race relations in 1970s America
biggest box office hit to date. Lee’s energetic          the gangland wars of modern day Chicago. After              that is just as bracingly relevant in today’s
directing style works perfectly for this story of        the murder of a child by a stray bullet, a group of         tumultuous world. African-American detective
a Manhattan bank heist where nothing is what             women led by Lysistrata organise against the on-            Ron Stallworth (John David Washington)
it seems. Underneath the slick and entertaining          going violence in Chicago’s Southside. Chi-Raq              resolves to make a name for himself and a
surface this is a story of corrupted power, an           is a vital and searing satire on American gun               difference in his community. He bravely sets
                                                                                                                     out on a dangerous mission: infiltrate and
ideal mix for Lee’s sensibilities.                       violence.
                                                                                                                     expose the Ku Klux Klan.
Do the truffle shuffle because we’re going to
                              need a bigger boat to help E.T. phone home.
                              GFT’s summer season Our Movie Childhood
                              celebrates the films that defined 1970s and
                              1980s childhood - these were the films that
                              inspired iconic quotes and endless parodies.
                              Cinemagoers young and old are invited to re-
                              visit these classics, or experience them for the
                              first time on the big screen. So grab your bike,
                              harpoon and treasure map and join us for three
                              beloved big screen adventures.

                                                                                           Jaws Friday 12 - Sunday 14 July
                                Book tickets at:                                           Director Steven Spielberg Cast Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, USA 1975, 2h4m, 12A: contains moderate threat
                                glasgowfilm.org/moviechildhood                             and occasional gory moments

                                                                                           In 1975, audiences queued around the block to hear the iconic soundtrack and watch the dramatic
                                                                                           events unfold as a local sheriff, together with a marine biologist and an old seafarer, set out to
                                                                                           capture a great white shark. Experience the thrill as it should be seen - again, or for the first time, on
                                                                                           the big screen. All together now - duh duh… duh duh… duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh!

                              The Goonies Saturday 27 July (15.30)

                              Director Richard Donner Cast Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff
                              Cohen, USA 1985, 1h54m, 12A: brief drug, sex and suicide
                              references, infrequent strong language
                                                                                           E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Saturday 10 August (15.00)
                              Hey, you guys! Meet the Goonies! When a
                              loveable rag-tag group of friends discover a                 Director Steven Spielberg Cast Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore, Peter Coyote, USA 1982, 1h55m, U
                              treasure map hidden in an attic, they soon find
                              themselves evading gangsters and booby-traps                 When young Elliot discovers an alien in his shed, the duo embarks on a fantastical adventure and
                              as they race to find the remains of famous pirate            a race against time to phone home. As Elliot learns to communicate with the alien, affectionately
                              ‘one-eyed’ Willy’s ship – and his treasure. Grab             nicknamed E.T., their bond grew into a friendship that captured our hearts. Join us for the
                              your map, unleash your inner Mikey, Data or                  timeless film that redefined family cinema, whether you grew up with a fondness for our little
                              Chunk, and join us for the iconic family                     alien pal, or are yet to meet him.

17                            adventure. Remember, Goonies never say die.
                                                                                              Book tickets at:

                                                                                                                                           full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
Princess Mononoke                                                  Spirited Away
Tuesday 6 (17.45) & Wednesday 7 August (20.05)                     Thursday 8 August (17.45)

Director Hayao Miyazaki, Japan 1997, subtitles, 2h14m, PG          Director Hayao Miyazaki, Japan 2001, subtitles, 2h5m, PG

Young warrior Ashitaka meets the Mononoke Princess and is          During her family’s move to the suburbs, Chihiro finds herself in
plunged into in the middle of a war between the humans, forest     a world ruled by gods, demons, witches, and spirits, where
animals and nature gods.                                           humans can be changed into animals.

My Neighbour Totoro                                                Howl’s Moving Castle
Monday 19 (17.30) & Wednesday 21 August (17.30)                    Monday 26 (17.50) & Wednesday 28 August (17.50)
Director Hayao Miyazaki, Japan 1988, subtitles, 2h26m, U           Director Hayao Miyazaki, Japan 2004, subtitles,1h59m, U

Two young girls move to the country and discover that their new    Little girl Sofi is turned into an old woman by a witch’s curse. She
home is in a magical forest inhabited by spirits called Totoros.   meets Howl, a young and flamboyant wizard, and together they
                                                                   look for ways to reverse the spell.
*all screenings are Japanese with English subtitles.
Canada Now 2019 is a touring showcase of
                            New Canadian Cinema in the UK & Ireland,
                            featuring a bold and diverse selection of the
                            finest fiction and documentary features
                            coming out of the Great White North.
                            Featuring four titles through August at GFT,
                            this year’s festival showcases more than ever
                            the sheer depth and range of New Canadian

                              Book tickets at:
                              glasgowfilm.org/canadanow                             Edge of the Knife Monday 12 August (18.10)
                            Canada Now is presented by Telefilm Canada              Directors Gwaai Edenshaw, Helen Haig-Brown Cast Tyler York, Willy Russ, Erica Jean Ryan, Canada 2018, 1h40m, subtitles, N/C 15+
                            in partnership with the High Commission of
                            Canada and with the support of the Quebec               A significant landmark in the short history of Canadian Indigenous film, Edge of the Knife is part
                            Government Office in London.                            drama, part historical reclamation. Set during the 19th century and performed entirely in the
                                                                                    endangered Haida language, the film is inspired by Haida mythology. Nobleman Adiits’ii is
                                                                                    consumed with guilt, as he descends into madness and becomes ‘The Wildman’ – is it too late for
                                                                                    him to be rescued and return to humanity?

                            Hugh Hefner’s After Dark:                               Prosecuting Evil: The                                            Through Black Spruce
                            Speaking Out in America                                 Extraordinary World of Ben                                       Sunday 25 August (19.15)
                            Monday 5 August (17.45)                                 Ferencz Monday 19 August (18.00)

                                                                                                                                                     Director Don McKellar Cast Tanaya Beatty, Brandon Oakes,
                                                                                                                                                     Kiowa Gordon Canada 2018, 1h51m, N/C 15+
                            Director Brigitte Berman, Canada 2018, 1h41m, N/C 15+   Director Barry Avrich, Canada 2018, 1h23m, N/C 15+

                            The freedom to speak out, and to be accepted            After witnessing Nazi concentration camps                        Based on the Giller Award-winning novel,
                            for being different, resonates at the heart of          shortly after liberation, Ben Ferencz became                     Through Black Spruce is the story of a young
                            Hugh Hefner’s After Dark: Speaking Out In               lead prosecutor in the Einsatzgruppen Trial at                   Cree woman whose disappearance triggers
                            America – a documentary by Academy                      Nuremberg. Aged just 27 at his first trial,                      events in two worlds: in Moosonee, the remote
                            Award-winning filmmaker Brigitte Berman. The            Ferencz went on to devote his life to advocating                 Northern Ontario community she fled years
                            film features open and frank dialogue about             for restitution for Jewish victims of the                        ago, and Toronto, where she modelled before
                            pressing social concerns, and the most                  Holocaust, and later for the establishment of the                vanishing. The two worlds collide when the
                            captivating performances from Hugh Hefner’s             International Criminal Court. His fight for justice              fallout from the missing woman’s troubled life
                            landmark TV series, Playboy’s Penthouse and             for victims of atrocity crimes continues today.                  comes to a violent head.
19                          Playboy After Dark.
The 4th edition of Cinema Rediscovered (25

                                                                                                                                                                            CINEMA REDISCOVERED ON TOUR
- 28 July 2019) explores the invention,
innovation and mystery of cinema, diving deep
into the legacy of revered filmmakers as well as
shining a spotlight on lesser known cinematic
voices. Presented as part of Cinema
Rediscovered on Tour, a Watershed project
with support from BFI awarding funds from
The National Lottery.                              Une Femme Douce - 4K                                        Adoption - 4K
                                                   Sunday 4 August (15.00)                                     Sunday 11 August (19.50)

                                                   Director Robert Bresson Cast Dominique Sanda, Guy Frangin   Director Márta Mészáros Cast Katalin Berek, Gyöngyvér
                                                   France 1969, 1h28m, subtitles, 15                           Vigh, Péter Fried, Hungary 1975, 1h27m, subtitles, N/C 15+

                                                   Robert Bresson’s ninth feature, adapted from                Celebrated as the first Berlinale Golden Bear
                                                   Fyodor Dostoevsky’s ‘A Gentle Creature’ is a                awarded to a female director, Márta Mészáros’
                                                   forgotten classic of French cinema. Elle                    Adoption is a powerful meditation on agency
                                                   (Dominique Sanda) is a young woman with                     and womanhood in a world that waits to give
                                                   nothing and everything to lose. A meditation                permission. Kata, a 43-year-old factory worker,
                                                   on shared loneliness, this cinematic tragedy is             longs to have a child of her own, despite the
  Book tickets at:                                 also the final word on the impact of the male               negative reaction of her married lover.
  glasgowfilm.org/rediscovered                     gaze. Screening in 4K.                                      Following her need for a deeper maternal
                                                                                                               bond, she befriends Anna, a girl in the care of
                                                                                                               the state, and aids in her quest to marry the
                                                                                                               boy she sees in secret. Adoption’s intimate
                                                                                                               reflections on engendered power relations and
                                                                                                               shifting familial structures have remained
                                                                                                               timeless topics, and the lack of moralistic
                                                                                                               judgment throughout the narrative proves to
                                                                                                               be a refreshing view into the complex lives of
                                                                                                               women. Gorgeously shot in black and white,
                                                                                                               with the digital grading overseen by the
                                                                                                               original director of photography Lajos Koltai
                                                                                                               (HSC), Mészáros’ profound feature examines
                                                                                                               the strain of isolation and the complexities of
Preview: Hoop Dreams Sunday 18 August (13.15)                                                                  social emancipation through the viewpoint of a
                                                                                                               quietly powerful woman. Screening in 4K.
Director Steve James, USA 1994, 2h51m, 12

Steve James’ landmark documentary Hoop Dreams is widely considered one of the great works
of American non-fiction cinema. An intimate reflection of contemporary American inner-city
culture, and a candid exploration of our society’s tendency to exploit young athletes, the film
follows two African-American dreamers, William Gates and Arthur Agee, determined to one day
play professional basketball. Special Preview ahead of the films re-release on 25 October.

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                            Raiders of the Lost Ark                                      Indiana Jones and                                             Indiana Jones and
                            Monday 5 August (13.00)                                      the Temple of Doom                                            The Last Crusade

                                                                                         Monday 5 August (15.45)                                       Monday 5 August (18.15)
                            Director Steven Spielberg Cast Harrison Ford, Karen Allen,
                            Paul Freeman, USA 1981, 1h55m, PG
                                                                                         Director Steven Spielberg Cast Harrison Ford, Kate            Director Steven Spielberg Cast Harrison Ford, Sean
                                                                                         Capshaw, Amrish Puri, USA 1984, 1h58m, 12A: Contains          Connery, Alison Doody, USA 1989, 2h6m, PG
                            Steven Spielberg created an icon with Raiders.               moderate violence and fantasy horror
                            Indiana Jones has delighted and enthralled                                                                                 When Henry Jones Senior (Sean Connery)
                            audiences for decades and now you can see the                Indy finds himself in India, where a group of                 goes missing whilst on the hunt for the Holy
                            original trilogy on the big screen once more.                villagers ask for his help to find their lost sacred          Grail, Indy is tasked with tracking him down.

                            Jones (Harrison Ford) is an archeologist who                 stones. Whilst searching, Indy comes across a                 The search leads him on the same crusade as
                            faces a race against time to find the mythical               secret cult that is enslaving the populace and                his father was on, the quest for the Cup of
                            Ark of the Covenant before a group of Nazi                   committing human sacrifice. It’s up to Indy, and              Christ and everlasting life. Will the Jones boys
                            occultists can take it for themselves. Armed                 his companions Willie and Short Round, to                     uncover the ultimate secret? Or will Indy’s old
                            with a trusty whip and his staunch views on                  secure the stones and escape the terrifying                   adversaries, the Nazis, get their nefarious
                            what should and should not be in museums, it’s               Temple of Doom.                                               hands on it first?
                            up to Indy to save the day.

                                                                                                                             Triple Bill Ticket Deal
                                                                                                                             £17.50 / £14.50 conc / £10 15-25 Card
21                                                                                                                           Individual tickets will also be available subject to availability
 Fri 28 Jun - Thu 4 Jul                                     Fri 28 Jun - Thu 4 Jul                                       Mon 1 - Thu 4 Jul

Support the Girls                                          In Fabric                                                    John McEnroe: In the Realm
Director Andrew Bujalski Cast Regina Hall, Haley Lu        Director Peter Strickland Cast Marianne Jean-Baptiste,
                                                                                                                        of Perfection
Richardson, Dylan Gelula, USA 2019, 1h26m, 15              Gwendoline Christie, Hayley Squires, UK 2018, 1h58m, 15
                                                                                                                        Director Julien Faraut, France 2018, some subtitles, 1h34m,
                                                                                                                        12A: infrequent strong language, moderate sex references
Lisa (Regina Hall) is the general manager at               When Sheila Woolchapel is sold a mercurial
Double Whammies, a Hooters-style bar. A                    dress by a store’s insistent salesperson, it seems           Far from a traditional documentary, the archival
natural den mother, she nurtures and protects              the lonely divorcee has had a rare piece of good
her waitresses fiercely, but over the course of            luck and her confidence is instantly boosted by              film becomes an immersive portrait to examine
one trying day, her optimism is battered from              its flattering fit. Elsewhere, the dress finds its           both McEnroe’s focus, his approach to the sport
every direction. A big-hearted comedy about                way into the lives of a hapless washing machine              and the process of being filmed. The result is a
women at work from writer-director Andrew                  repairman and his fiancée Babs (Hayley Squires),             lively and poignant look at a driven athlete; a
Bujalski, Support the Girls features a tour-de-            who quickly fall prey to the gown’s seductive                study of the sport of tennis, the human body
force central performance from Hall.                       powers and hypnotic influence.                               and movement; and finally how these all
                                                                                                                        intersect with cinema itself.
 Fri 5 - Thu 18 July                                        Fri 5 - Thu 11 July                                          Fri 5 - Thu 11 July

                                                                                                                                                                                       full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
                                                                                                                                                              PROGRAMME NOTES

Midsommar                                                  Vita and Virginia                                            Never Look Away
Director Ari Aster Cast Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Will   Director Chanya Button Cast Gemma Arterton, Elizabeth        Director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck Cast Tom
Poulter, USA 2019, 2h20m tbc, CTBC                         Debicki, Isabella Rossellini, Ireland/UK 2018, 1h50m, 12A:   Schilling, Sebastian Koch, Paula Beer, Germany/Italy 2019,
                                                           moderate sex, sex references, nudity                         3h9m, subtitles, CTBC
The latest from visionary director Ari Aster
(Hereditary), the thrilling and visceral                   Based on a true story, starring Elizabeth                    From the Academy Award-winning director of
Midsommar sees young couple Dani and                       Debicki as literary trailblazer Virginia Woolf               The Lives of Others comes a tale of love,
Christian (Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor) travel           and Gemma Arterton as enigmatic aristocrat                   sorrow, art and politics. With stunning
to an isolated Swedish village with friends for a          Vita Sackville-West. A daring celebration of an              cinematography and an evocative score, Never
once-in-a-lifetime midsummer festival. Over the            unconventional bond, and a vivid exploration                 Look Away follows 30 years in the life of artist
                                                           of gender, sexuality, creativity and passion,                Kurt Barnert: from his upbringing during the
course of the trip, what began as a carefree
                                                           Vita and Virginia details the passionate                     Nazi years, to his escape to West Germany.
summer holiday takes an unnerving sinister turn.           relationship between the two women, who                      Tom is haunted by his memories, and his art
Let the festivities begin.                                 smashed through social barriers to find solace
                                                           in their connection.
                                                                                                                        begins to represent the thoughts and feelings
                                                                                                                        of an entire generation.                                      22
                              Mon 8 - Thu 11 July                                             Fri 12 - Thu 25 July                                           Fri 12 - Sun 14 July

                             Blue My Mind                                                    The Dead Don’t Die                                             The Brink
                             Director Lisa Brühlmann Cast Luna Wedler, Regula                Director Jim Jarmusch Cast Adam Driver, Bill Murray, Tilda     Director Alison Klayman, USA 2019, 1h31m, 15
                             Grauwiller, Zoë Pastelle Holthuizen, Switzerland 2017, 1h37m,   Swinton, USA 2019, 1h45m, 15
                             subtitles, 18                                                                                                                  The Brink follows controversial political figure
                                                                                             In the sleepy small town of Centerville,                       Steve Bannon through the 2018 mid-term
                             A mythical portrayal of puberty, Lisa                           something is not quite right. News reports are                 elections in the USA, shedding light on his
                             Brühlmann’s Blue My Mind is a powerful                          scary and scientists are concerned. But no one                 efforts to mobilize far-right parties in order to
                             coming-of-age body-horror that shares as                        foresees the strangest and most dangerous                      win seats in the May 2019 European
                             much with Catherine Hardwicke’s Thirteen as                     repercussion that will soon start plaguing                     Parliamentary elections. Bannon continues to
                             it does with David Cronenberg. As 15-year-old                   Centerville. Jim Jarmusch’s star-studded                       draw headlines and protests wherever he goes,
                             Mia’s body begins to transform, her attempts                    comical glimpse at American habits and                         feeding the powerful myth on which his survival
                             to disappear into a haze of alcohol and drugs                   desires at the end of the world opened                         relies.
                             only leads to darker pathways.                                  Cannes 2019.
                              Fri 19 - Sun 21 July                                            Fri 19 - Sun 21 July                               CINECARD
                                                                                                                                                             Fri 19 - Thu 25 July

                             Our Time                                                        Varda by Agnès                                                 Tell It to the Bees

                             Director Carlos Reygadas Cast Natalia López, Phil Burgers,      Director Agnès Varda, France 2019, 1h55m, subtitles, 15        Director Annabel Jankel Cast Anna Paquin, Holliday
                             Carlos Reygadas, Mexico 2018, 2h53m, 15                                                                                        Grainger, Gregor Selkirk, UK 2018, 1h46m, CTBC
                                                                                             Whether in front of the camera or behind it,
                             Carlos Reygadas’ Our Time charts the                            Agnès Varda was a visual storyteller who                       When mill worker Lydia (Holliday Grainger) is
                             relationship of Juan and Esther, who live on a                  eschewed convention and prescribed                             abandoned by her philandering husband, she
                             ranch in the rugged territory of Eastern-central                approaches to drama. In Varda by                               struggles to pay the rent and feed herself and
                             Mexico. Esther runs the ranch with power and                    Agnès – Varda’s final film – she offers a                      son Charlie (Gregor Selkirk). Local doctor Jean
                             grace, while Juan, a world-renowned writer,                     personal insight into her oeuvre, using                        (Anna Paquin) is one of the few to help and a
                             gives himself to the task of raising the beasts.                                                                               friendship develops that blossoms into a
                                                                                             excerpts from her work to illustrate her unique
                             Reygadas’ most accessible work to date; Our                                                                                    romance that will scandalise the town. Tell It to
                                                                                             artistic visions and ideas.
                             Time is a beguiling drama considering idealist                                                                                 the Bees is a sensitive adaptation of Fiona
                             parameters of love, told with epic visuals and                                                                                 Shaw’s beautiful novel that explores the power
23                           majestic panoramic landscape shots.
                                                                                                                                                            of love. GFF19
 Fri 19 - Thu 25 July                                          Mon 22 - Wed 24 July                                        Fri 26 Jul - Thu 1 Aug

Only You                                                      Gwen                                                        The Current War
Director Harry Wootliff Cast Laia Costa, Josh O’Connor, Tam   Director William McGregor Cast Eleanor Worthington-Cox,     Director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon Cast Michael Shannon, Benedict
Dean Burn, UK 2018, 1h58m, 15                                 Maxine Peake, Richard Harrington, UK 2019, 1h24m, 15        Cumberbatch, Nicholas Hoult, USA 2017, 1h45m, CTBC

Hogmanay in Glasgow is the beginning of a                     William McGregor’s atmospheric gothic period                Executive produced by Martin Scorsese, The
beautiful romance for office worker Elena (Laia               drama features a breakout performance from                  Current War tells the epic story of the
Costa) and PhD student Jake (Josh O’Connor).                  Eleanor Worthington-Cox alongside BAFTA                     cut-throat competition that literally lit up the
Following a chance encounter and a whirlwind                  nominated Maxine Peake. In 19th century                     modern world. Three brilliant visionaries,
romance, the couple are soon making plans to                  Wales a young girl, Gwen, tries desperately to              Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse and
settle down and start a family, but this is easier            hold her home together. Struggling with her                 Nikolai Tesla battle to power the nation and
said than done when biology seems set against                 mother’s mysterious illness and her father’s                spark one of the first corporate feuds in
                                                              absence, a growing darkness begins to take
them and IVF proves so gruelling. GFF19                                                                                   American history.
                                                              hold of her home.

 Fri 26 Jul - Thu 1 Aug                                        Fri 26 Jul - Thu 1 Aug                                      Fri 26 & Sat 27 July

                                                                                                                                                                                         full listings at glasgowfilm.org/whats-on
Marianne and Leonard:                                         The Chambermaid                                             Mari
Words of Love                                                 Director Lila Avilés Cast Gabriela Cartol, Teresa Sánchez   Director Georgia Parris Cast Bobbi Jene Smith, Madeleine
                                                              Mexico 2019, 1h38m, subtitles, CTBC                         Worrall, Phoebe Nicholls, UK 2018, 1h35m, 12A: infrequent
Director Nick Broomfield, UK 2019, 1h37m, 12A: drug
                                                                                                                          strong language
references, moderate sex references, infrequent strong
language                                                      In her feature debut, theatre director Lila
                                                              Avilés turns the monotonous work day of Eve,                Successful contemporary dancer Charlotte
This new documentary from Nick Broomfield                     a chambermaid at a high-end Mexico City                     (Bobbi Jene Smith) finds her world turned
( Whitney: Can I Be Me) follows the beautiful                 hotel, into a beautifully observed film of rich             upside down when she discovers she’s
yet tragic love story between Leonard Cohen                   detail. This minimalist yet sumptuous movie                 pregnant, and her grandmother Mari is dying.
and his Norwegian muse Marianne Ihlen. From                   brings to the fore Eve’s hopes, dreams, and                 Dropping everything, she heads home to await
the early days on the Greek island of Hydra to                desires, and salutes the invisible women                    the inevitable. With old family tensions
how their love evolved when Cohen became a                    caretakers who are the hard-working                         resurfacing, Charlotte is forced to confront her
successful musician, through to their heart-                  backbone of society.                                        past to choose the future she wants.
breaking deaths, just three months apart.                                                                                                                                               24
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