Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5

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Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
Volume 12 • Number 2                             Spring 2009

  Just a Little Blue Book
  The power of an historic book of devotions 5

  Break the Cycle
  The Pat Morley story 9
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
A letter from the General Secretary

       Weakness is Strength
                                                    By David Adams
                                                                                                                                                        UM Men                       Spring 2009
                                                                                                 Vol. 12, No. 2             Spring 2009
                                                                                                 Copyright © 2009
                                   The Lord said to me, “My grace is sufficient                  General Commission on United Methodist Men             FEATURES
                                      for you, for power is made perfect in                      UMMen magazine is published                              5  Just a little blue book
                                  weakness.” So, I will boast all the more gladly                four times a year, winter, spring,                       9  Break the cycle
                                                                                                 summer and fall by GCUMM:                               12  Why the church fails to reach young
                                  of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ                  General Commission on United Methodist Men                       people
                                    may dwell in me. –– 2 Corinthians 12:9                       1000 17th Ave. S.
                                                                                                 P.O. Box 340006
                                                                                                                                                          14      Largest group of UM Men may be located
                                                                                                 Nashville, TN 37203-0006                                         in Louisiana prison

      efore assuming the position                  Then God spoke to me through the              (615) 340-7145                                           15      United Methodist Men go to prison
                                                                                                 Internet address: http://www.gcumm.org                   16      Volunteers in mission say experience
      of general secretary in June of              Apostle Paul saying “My grace is sufficient
                                                                                                                                                                  changed their lives
      2006, I was serving as a pastor in           for you, for power is made perfect in         Publisher:                           David Adams        17       Self assessment questions
Lynchburg, Tenn. Our congregation had              weakness.” I remembered my daughter’s         Editor:                               Richard Peck      18       Bikers rumble to church
grown from 70 to 150 in worship in three           favorite verse Philippians 4:13: “I can do    Contributing Editors:               Larry Coppock       21       Discipleship on Steroids
years. I loved being there; life was simple        all things through Christ who strengthens                                           Larry Malone      24       Fixing the broken American male
and good.                                          me.” Then the words of Matthew 19:26          Editorial Assistant:                 Martha Davis       26       Where men are men
                                                   came to me: “For mortals it is impossible,    Graphic Design:                      Parris Printing    27       Forget about retirement
                                                                                                 Change of Address:
While sitting in my office one day I               but for God all things are possible.” I       Send the mailing label with your new address to:        28       Across the Nation
received a video clip on the life of Billy         began to realize that I was not the one       UMMen                                                   34       Georgia Church’s scouting program
Graham. I was awed by all he had                   who would accomplish anything, but God        P.O. Box 340006                                                  reaches over 250 families
                                                                                                 Nashville, TN 37203-0006
accomplished and the responsibility he             through me. “Jesus is the perfecter of our    (615) 340-7145
                                                                                                                                                        DAD’S ZONE
assumed representing Christ in the world.          faith (Hebrew 12:2).”                         Allow six weeks for changes.
                                                                                                                                                         36   Make Father’s Day last all year
Then I started thinking about my new role                                                        Advertising: Contact Richard Peck                       37   Teach your children good manners
as head of the General Commission on               Thinking from a perspective of weakness,      P.O. Box 340006
UM Men. I was humbled by the thought               the mission to impact men for the church      Nashville, TN 37203-0006                               DOLLARS & SENSE
                                                                                                 (615) 620-7264
of leading a ministry that was responsible         is insurmountable. From the biblical          e-mail: rpeck@gcumm.org                                 38  Auto repairs, mechanics, and extended
for 35,000 churches in the United States           perspective, we all receive inspiration and                                                                    warranties
and thousands more outside the U.S. I              encouragement that God wants us to be         The publishing of advertising in UMMen does
was overcome with emotion because I had            bold and courageous. He wants us to be        not constitute endorsement by UMMen,                   MENS HEALTH
                                                                                                 General Commission on United Methodist Men
no idea how this could be accomplished.            His ambassadors and to draw upon Him          or The United Methodist Church. Advertisers
                                                                                                                                                        40   You can mentor a person with disabilities
With only an eight-member staff and                for strength. So we will boast all the more   and their agencies assume liability for all content
                                                                                                 of advertisements printed or representations
a limited budget, the task seemed                  gladly of our weaknesses, so that the         made therein.                                           43       MENS NEWS
overwhelming.                                      power of Christ may dwell in us.                                                                      46       SCOUTING NEWS
                                                                                                 Subscription: Subscriptions are $25 a year
                                                                                                 (4 issues). Bulk subscriptions available.               50       FOUNDATION NEWS
As I was struggling with this impossible                                                         Send check or money order to:
situation, I began questioning whether I                                                                                                                Editor’s note: This magazine includes articles from
was the right person for the job. I thought                                                         Subscription Fulfillment                            individuals who hold diverse opinions. We hope all
                                                                                                    P.O. Box 440515
of my weaknesses and how unprepared                                                                 Nashville, TN 37244-0515                            articles are thought provoking; they are not necessarily
I was and whether I was up to the                                                                   (615) 340-7145                                      the opinions of the General Commission on UM Men.
                                                                                                 Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture
                                                                                                 contained herein is from The New Revised
The purpose of United Methodist Men is to help men grow in Christ so others can know Christ.     Standard Version. Copyright 1989, 1995.
                                                                                                 Used by permission. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                       UM MEN    l Spring 2009 l 3
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
Just a Little Blue Book
from the editor

                                           See you this July in Nashville!                                                                By Colonel Thomas S. Clark III

                                               ompared to           Fame; Steve

                                               most of you,         Hornbeak,                                         was first introduced to the Strength    possession of my wife’s grandmother,
                                               I’m a newbie to      a veteran of                                      for Service to God and Country (SFS)    Maggie Belle Crenshaw, but the
                                         National Gatherings of     the Tonight                                       book of daily devotions in the late     Crenshaw family has
                                         UM Men.                    Show and                                      1980s. My wife, Amelia, gave me an          a rich military history
                                             I’ve only been to      the David                                     original edition, which had belonged to     dating back to the
                                        Purdue twice. Some of       Letterman                                     her grandmother. At the time, I was a       American Revolution.
                  you have made quadrennial trips to that           Show; Sheltered Reality, a percussion         first lieutenant in the Marine Corps and    I speculate that it was
                  West Lafayette campus eight or more               group of young people from across             had just received my wings as a naval       actually owned by my
                  times.                                            America; and long-time favorites Paul         aviator. Being an avid reader with an       wife’s grandfather,
                        If I have fond memories of a speech         Saik, Richard Alegria, and the Mighty         interest in antique books, the book had     Tom Crenshaw, who
                  by Bill McCartney, former Colorado                Male Chorus from Newark, N.J.                 a certain appeal.                           was a newspaper
                  University coach (my alma mater), you                  A planning committee has selected              Published in 1942 with a now          man in Columbia,
                  must have dozens of such memories.                an outstanding slate of speakers              faded blue hardback cover, the book         S.C. Though he
                        But this year, we all have an               including, Bishop Hee-Soo Jung; Dr.           was in average condition for its age.       never served in the
                  opportunity to be pioneers.                       Patrick Morley; the Rev. Kevass Harding;      The binding was intact but loose. The       military, Tom dedicated his life
                        In the future we can all claim to           Bishop William Morris; and Dr. Reginald       pages were aged and slightly yellowed       to public service.
                  have been present at the first National           Ponder. This issue offers you a sneak         with numerous notes in the margins.               The book eventually came into
                  Gathering of UM Men to be held in                 preview of what you can expect when Pat       The inside of the front cover bore no       my wife’s possession and she passed
                  Nashville.                                        Morley jumps to the stage of Belmont’s        inscription, but someone had obviously      it along to me. The book went
                        I’ve had the joy of living in eight         Curb Event Center, site of the 2008           used it routinely. The book had a slight    with me during my first operational
                  states (Colorado, Wyoming, Rhode                  presidential debate (see page 9).             musty odor frequently experienced           deployment aboard USS Coral Sea
                  Island, Massachusetts, New York, Illinois,             For the first time a nationally known    in old bookstores. All in all, not a        in 1989; however, it didn’t get much
                  Pennsylvania and Tennessee), and I can            comedian will tie it all together. Brad       very noteworthy addition to what I          use. In retrospect, opening it and
                  tell you what I like about each state. But,       Stine, a comedian who has appeared            envisioned to be a growing personal         contemplating its contents certainly
                  if I had to pick a state to host the national     on HBO, A&E, Fox, CNN, MTV and                collection of antique books.                would have encouraged me. Had I done
                  gathering, it would be Tennessee.                 Showtime, will served as the master of              My initial assessment, however,       so, I probably would have handled my
                  Nashville hosts more United Methodist             ceremonies, so laugher will be the first      could not have been further from the        first experiences with overseas military
                  agencies than any other city in America.          and last order of each day.                   truth. As the years passed, I became        service quite differently.
                        It’s also easier to get to Nashville than        We haven’t even talked about the         very attached to that small blue book. In   Likewise, the book traveled with me to
                  West Lafayette and there’s waaaaay more           three workshops, twenty-five seminars         fact, it became a permanent companion       Shaik Isa, Bahrain for Operation Desert
                  to do after you arrive.                           and three outreach experiences, nor           in my daily devotions. Eventually,          Shield and Desert Storm in 1990-91,
                        Both West Lafayette and Nashville           the rock-climbing, basketball or other        the binding of the book failed and I        but it didn’t get much use there either. I
                  are hot in July, but the exhibit area at          recreational opportunities (see page 43).     resorted to containing its pages with       recall returning rather shaken from one
                  Belmont University will be in an air              And there’s certainly not enough space        a rubber band . . . but I am getting        mission in particular where my flight
                  conditioned area, compared to the                 to talk about things to see and do in         ahead of myself. Let me go back to the      had successfully dodged multiple Iraqi
                  sweltering location on the Purdue                 Nashville, the Athens of the South.           beginning.                                  surface-to-air missiles while egressing
                  campus.                                                I can’t wait for July. I hope I’ll see                                               from the target area in Kuwait. But,
                        Music at previous gatherings has            you there. Be sure to stop in the Nashville   The beginning                               even this experience did not prompt
                  been outstanding, but you expect                  office of the General Commission on UM             My small blue book appears to          me to explore the contents of my
                  more when you’re in Music City USA.               Men to say, “Howdy.”                          have been created sometime in 1942.         little blue book. Again, in retrospect,
                  The gathering will feature Vince Gill, a
                                                                                                     Rich Peck    I cannot say how it came into the           I think I would have handled my first
                  member of the Country Music Hall of

4     l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                                                                                                                                                          UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 5
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
encounters with actual military combat        The old is gone, the new has come                 It was during this awakening            While relatively comfortable delivering
      differently if I had been familiar with the        Finally, in August of 1999, I           process that I discovered the treasure       public speeches, I had never given one
      book’s contents; or better yet, if I had      arrived at the Marine Corps University       trove of encouragement, inspiration,         on a spiritual topic. In preparation, I
      possessed a personal relationship with        in Quantico, Va., to attend the              and hope contained among the pages           found SFS to be a valuable source of
      the Lord.                                     USMC Command and Staff College.              of my little blue book. Please don’t         inspiration for the presentation, which I
           This story continues much the same       The college provides a wonderful             misunderstand: I’m not saying that           titled, “The Courage of a Nation.” The
      for the next nine years as I continued my     opportunity for mid-grade officers           the SFS devotional is or was the focus       presentation centered on Joshua 1:1-9
      service with the Marine Corps. During         to explore military service from an          of my faith or a replacement for the         and the Lord’s encouragement to Joshua
      those years I deployed twice to Japan         academic perspective. It’s also a great      Bible. Instead, I found this little blue     as he prepared to lead the nation of
      and once to South America. Our family         chance for young officers to take a          book to be incredibly useful in my           Israel into battle.
                                                    break from the hectic operational            daily devotionals as a guidebook that             In February of 2003, I found
                                                    deployment cycle. It provides an             contained a suggested Bible passage,         myself again serving in a combat zone
                                                    opportunity to get to know one’s family      a sermonette, and a prayer. Moreover,        as the commanding officer of the
                                                    again. For me, it also provided the much     each entry was focused on service—a          Thunderbolts. This time, land-based
                                                    needed time just to think.                   mindset and lifestyle with which I could     in Al Jabar, Kuwait, the squadron had
                                                         Early in the school year I discovered   identify. SFS helped lead me to my faith     deployed after a short eight-month
                                                    a quote by Socrates that reads,              in Jesus Christ.                             turn-around to support Operation Iraqi
                                                    “The unexamined life is not worth                                                         Freedom. Needless to say, my little blue
                                                    living.” And as I examined my life and       A life in Christ                             book once again deployed with me, but
                                                    contemplated my past, as well as my               After school, when I returned           by now its binding had almost failed,
                                                    future, I didn’t like what I discovered.     to Beaufort, South Carolina, for             and I feared that I would begin to lose
                                                    Outwardly, one could argue that I’d          assignment in Marine Aircraft Group 31,      pages held in place by a rubber band.
                                                    been very successful with a bright future    I approached my military service from
                                                    in the Marine Corps. Inwardly, however,      an entirely new perspective. Aside from      New book
                                                    was a different story altogether—I was       becoming very involved in our church,             It was during the early days of
                                                    spiritually stagnant. As I reflected upon    I took an active role in rejuvenating a      the operation when I returned to our
                                                    my life, I realized that it was empty. I     local Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF)   Squadron Ready Tent to discover an
                                                    had no sense of joy or fulfillment.”         group. SFS continued to guide my daily       entire stack of newly published Strength
                                                         I slowly became aware that I            devotions.                                   for Service books. To this day, I do not
                                                    had been living day-to-day for the                In October 2001, just one month         know who supplied it, but I suspect one
                                                    acknowledgment and approval of               after the attacks of 9/11, I found myself    of the chaplain’s assistants placed it on
                                                    others. My spiritual identity was            serving as the executive officer of the      my bench. Thanks to the efforts of Evan
                                                    validated by others who observed my          VMFA-251 Thunderbolts, one of the            Hunsberger and UM Men,
                                                    behavior and works—some of which             Beaufort FA-18 Squadrons deployed            I could now share this
      also completed four permanent-change-         was good and some not so good. I             aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt                wonderful devotional with
      of-station moves. Throughout, there was       realized that I had been endeavoring         patrolling the waters of the North           other service members.
      a great deal of stress and upheaval, both     to find sufficiency in myself and had        Arabian Sea off the coast of Pakistan.            In 2004, I attended
      personal and professional, but not a lot      become overly concerned about the            The squadron was serving in support          the Industrial College of
      of time spent with my little blue book.       things that were temporary. I discovered     of Operation Enduring Freedom. As in         the Armed Forces, which
           I had accumulated over 2,000 hours       that I knew the Truth in my mind; but        the past, my little blue book deployed       is part of the National
      of flight time and earned all the flight      my belief was being circumvented             with me, only this time its role in my       Defense University in
      leadership qualifications possible in the     by my own lack of obedience and              life was much different. As in Beaufort,     Washington, D.C. Like Command
      FA-18; but spiritually, I was on a dead-      unwillingness to surrender my life           I led a small squadron Bible study           and Staff College, this year at school
      end street. In other words, from the          and confess my sin. Eventually, almost       aboard the ship. Then in November            provided a break from operations and
      perspective of military achievement, my       begrudgingly, I acknowledged my              2001, Lieutenant Commander Stewart,          an opportunity to fellowship with other
      “net-worth” was high, but spiritually my      absolute need for the Savior. That           the ship’s Protestant chaplain, asked        students and believers in Christ. We
      “self-worth” was extremely low.               acknowledgment has made all the              me to be the principal speaker at a          created a small OCF group that met
                                                    difference in my life.                       Thanksgiving Day prayer breakfast.           every Wednesday morning, and we

6   l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                                                                                                                                            UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 7
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
used the SFS devotional as one of our
      primary resources. UM Men’s staff was
      instrumental in providing sufficient
                                                     Mighty men of God                                                                            Break the Cycle
      quantities for the class.                                          By Joe Bosch                                   One of the speakers at the national gathering traces his path toward spiritual maturity

      Continuing to serve                                                                                                                                By Patrick Morley
                                                          Mighty men of God where are you

            In November 2007, I took                           in the modern world today ?
      command of Marine Aviation Training                                                                                 n 1926, when my dad was two, the               When Dad became a man he wanted
                                                       Are you a leader in the faith, or does                             youngest of four children, his father      break the cycle for his four boys, but he
      Support Group 22 in Corpus Christi,                 your absence cause God dismay?
      Texas. Today my original little blue book                                                                           deserted his family.                       had no example.
                                                        Are you in church each Sunday, and                                  The stress got the best of my                Our family joined a church because
      resides in a place of honor on one of             teaching Sunday School there, too?
      my glass enclosed barrister bookcases.                                                                           grandmother. She had a stroke, so she         Dad and Mom wanted to get some moral
                                                     You know your children learn to live their                        and her four young children moved in          and religious instruction for their four
      I am pleased to report that although                   lives by closely watching you.
      the original blue copy doesn’t see                                                                               with two of her unmarried sisters (my         sons.
                                                       As Jesus hung in agony on that cruel                            great-aunts).                                     Our church put my dad to work and,
      much action anymore, my spiritual                               crucifixion cross,
      life certainly does, and I still start each                                                                           Together, those three women raised       because of his strong work ethic, he
                                                        He gazed upon the women weeping                                my dad and his three siblings. They did a     responded to the challenge. By age 40, my
      morning with the day’s SFS entry from                        at their imagined loss.
      one of the newly published copies.                                                                               great job, but they were dirt poor.           dad was the top layman in the church. I
                                                          I can almost hear the thought that                                In those days, long before government    suppose he thought working around the
      Although now available in blue, tan,                     crossed his mind back then,
      and green for the Boy Scouts, I still                                                                            programs, the community closed ranks          church meant he was a “good Christian.”
                                                        “I see the women and beloved John;                             when any of their people were in need.        But our church did not also have a vision
      prefer the blue cover. Fortunately, I               where are my other mighty men?”
      found my way off that dead-end street,                                                                           One sister worked as an elevator operator     to disciple my dad to be a godly man,
                                                      The heavy burdens that you bear as you                           at a local bank; knowing the situation,       father, and husband—the real reason he
      thanks in no small measure to my little                   stumble along life’s track,
      blue book.                                                                                                       the employer paid her a generous salary       joined. He did the best he could, but he
                                                     Can not compare to the cross that Jesus                           of $50 a week (roughly $15 an hour in         was left to guess at how to father my
            While my collection of antique                         bore to win you back.
      books hasn’t grown much since the                                                                                today’s dollars). She bought groceries each   younger brothers and me.
                                                    Jesus knocks upon your heart with his nail-                        day on her way home. The grocer told her,
      early days of my career, the Strength                       scarred hand of grace,                                                                             Mom and Dad left the church
      for Service devotional certainly has                                                                             “Nina, you take whatever you need, and
                                                     Don’t run from Him, like Peter did, and try                       pay whatever you can.”                            Something happened in the church
      made my collection richer for being                         to hide your sinful face.                                                                          that hurt my mother’s feelings, and my
      part of it. More importantly, it has                                                                                  When my dad turned six he went to
                                                      Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them for                          work with his older brother, Harry. They      dad was burned out, so we quit church
      made my spiritual life richer. Today, I                 they know not what they do.”                                                                           when I was in the tenth grade and my
      still continue to grow spiritually, but my                                                                       had two jobs. They rose every morning at
                                                       His prayer forgave the vicious Roman                            3 a.m. to deliver milk and then worked        youngest brother was in the third grade.
      focus is now on practicing the presence               soldiers, and it also covers you.                                                                            Our family was soon hit by a force
      of God and becoming the same person                                                                              a paper route. The school gave them a
                                                    His disciples turned their backs on Him and                        permanent tardy slip.                         from which we have still not fully
      in practice that I am in prayer.                            fled in fear and shame.                                                                            recovered.
                                                     Father God forgave them, too, when they                           Growing up without a father                       I quit high school in the middle of my
                   Colonel Clark graduated                    prayed in Jesus’ Holy Name.                                   My dad never knew the warmth of a        senior year. My brother Robert followed
                   from The Citadel in 1985           Mighty men of God where are you in the                           father’s embrace. He never felt the scratch   in my footsteps. He eventually died of a
                   and earned his wings as                          modern world today?                                of a dad’s whiskers. He never overheard       heroin overdose. My other two brothers
                   a naval aviator in 1987.          Are you a leader in the faith, or does your                       his dad whistling or singing while he         have had a variety of employment,
                   He currently serves as the                 absence cause God dismay?                                worked, never smelled his work clothes,       substance, and marriage issues.
                   commanding officer of                Are you in church each Sunday, and                             never heard him joke around or read a             My dad never saw it coming. If he
                   Marine Aviation Training             teaching Sunday School there, too?                             bedtime story, never tossed a ball, never     could have seen around the bend, I’m sure
      Support Group 22 at the Naval Air              You know your children learn to live their                        felt a dad tussle his hair, never heard       he would have done things differently. If
      Station in Corpus Christi, Texas.                      lives by closely watching you.                            him say, “I love you, son” or “I’m proud      he were alive, he would say, “I take full
                                                                                                                       of you, son,” and never had a father’s        responsibility. That was my decision.” I
                                                            I remain a tiny, well-pruned twig                          approval or guidance.                         respect that. Every man does need to take
                                                                 grafted onto His vine.

8   l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                           Bosch is the president of UMM in the Baton Rouge (La.) District
                                                                                                                                                                                             UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 9
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
responsibility for his own life.                 Church is where I learned how to                                                                                Morley’s father is the
           But I would like to suggest that the    study the Bible for myself, how to study                                                                            smallest child in the
      church is culpable. The church knew (or      together with others, and how to share                                                                              upper left photo taken
      should have known) what was around           my faith and lead someone to Christ.                                                                                shortly after his dad
      the bend. The church should have had a                                                                                                                           deserted the family.
      vision to disciple my Dad. But it didn’t.    Churches need to disciple men
                                                        The reason I am so passionate                                                                                  Morley is with his dad
                                                                                                                                                                       in the upper right. In
      Patsy led me to Christ                       about equipping leaders and churches
                                                   to disciple men is this: I know that in                                                                             the bottom photo,
           Fortunately, God is the Redeemer,
                                                   every church there are men just like                                                                                Morley is with his son
      and this story took another turn—I fell
                                                   Dad. These are men with good hearts                                                                                 who is about the same
      in love with Patsy. She went forward at a
                                                   and good intentions who have come                                                                                   age as his father in the
      Billy Graham Crusade to publicly profess
                                                   to church for all the right reasons. How                                                                            upper photo.
      her faith at the age 11, and has never
      wavered. God graciously grafted the          tragic when they fall away.
      gospel back into my family line through           I also believe that in most churches
      Patsy’s family line—Patsy led me to          there are men like my grandfather—
      Christ.                                      men who are not only going to pull the
           Then God allowed me the joy of
      leading my brother Robert to Christ
                                                   plug on church, but on their families
                                                   too. And they have no idea of the forces
                                                                                                    Patrick Morley

      before he died. Another brother has          of destruction they’re about to set in                   or three decades Patrick Morley has been regarded as
      also professed Christ, and so has my         motion—that more than 80 years later,                    one of America’s most respected authorities on the
      only niece on this side of the family. Dad   like me, their children’s children may still             challenges and opportunities that men face.
      and Mom also both came to Christ (or         be trying to recover from that fateful                After spending the first part of his career in the highly
      came back—I’m not sure). Neither one         decision.                                        competitive world of real-estate development, Morley has
      of them ever got over their bitterness            At the Man in the Mirror ministry,          helped men around the world think more deeply about their
      toward the church, but they both             we see it every day in the broken homes          lives.
      affirmed their faith in Jesus on their       and shattered lives of families who have                In 1973, he founded Morley Properties, one of Florida’s
      deathbeds.                                   lost a husband, father, and provider.            100 largest privately held companies. During this time he
           Both of my children can never                Obviously I will never know what            was the president or managing partner of 59 companies and
      remember a time when they didn’t love        it might have been like to grow up in a          partnerships.
      Christ. They are now both married to         family with a dad who was discipled to                In 1989 he wrote The Man in the Mirror, a landmark
      fantastic Christian spouses and serving      be a godly man, husband, and father.             book that poured from his own search for meaning, purpose, and a deeper relationship
                                                        My hope and prayer is that you,             with God. With nearly 3 million copies sold, the book was selected as one of the 100
      the Lord.
                                                   too, will be discipled to be a godly man,        most influential Christian books of the twentieth century.
           I wish my father were alive so I
                                                   husband, and father—along with all the                In 1991, Morley founded Man in the Mirror, which trains church leaders to reach
      could tell him, “Dad, we did break the
                                                   men in your church. And may the young            men more effectively. Every Friday morning since 1986, he teaches a Bible study to 150
      cycle. It should have only taken one
                                                   boys growing up in your church today             businessmen in Orlando, Fla. The study is webcast throughout the United States and
      generation and it took two, but we did
                                                   never have to one day repeat a story like        over 30 other nations.
      break the cycle.”
                                                   mine.                                                 “The ministry of Man in the Mirror exists,” says Morley, “in answer to the prayers
           My Dad and I have the same DNA,
                                                                                                    of all those wives, mothers, and grandmothers who have for decades been praying for
      so what was the difference? Why did I
                                                   This article is excerpted from Pastoring         the men in their lives.”
      succeed where he failed? The difference
                                                   Men (Moody Publishers, 2009).                       Morley graduated with honors from the University of Central Florida, which selected
      was that I belonged to a church that
                                                   Dr. Patrick Morley, founder and                him to receive its distinguished alumnus award in 1984. He has earned a Ph.D. in
      had a vision to disciple me to be a godly
                                                   chief executive of Man in the Mirror           management and completed post-graduate studies at the Harvard Business School and
      man, husband, and father, while Dad
                                                   ministries, will be one of the speakers        Oxford University, and graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary. For sport, he races
      did not.
                                                   at the 10th National Gathering this July       a 1974 Porsche 911. He lives in Winter Park, Fla., with his wife, Patsy. They have two grown
                                                   in Nashville.                                  children and one granddaughter.
                                                                                                      His website can be found at www.maninthemirror.org.

10   l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                                                                                                                                              UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 11
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
Why the church fails to reach young people                                                          milk and clean up their messes. Success is
                                                                                                             judged by how many babies sit in the pews.
                                                                                                                                                               and grow to maturity. This could be the
                                                                                                                                                               only way that we can effectively reach this
                                           By Dan Schaffer                                                        But the critical question is, “Do babies     generation that is substantially inoculated
                                                                                                             ever reproduce?”                                  from responding to the church.
       The church is losing its ability to reproduce      judgmental, and too confusing. Forty percent            Young people in seeker-oriented                    The question is: “Can this process be
       committed believers in younger generations.        of this age group are outsiders who say they       churches view church membership as fire           done without spiritually mature men, who are
                                                          understand Christianity and the church and         insurance. They only come in contact with         reproducing spiritual fathers?” The answer is:
       What has caused this?                              that Christianity offers them nothing. Eighty-     baby Christians who are not transformed. This     “It cannot.”
                                                          two percent of these outsiders once attended       confirms for them that the church really has            A survey by George Barna states
       Three books help clarify the reasons:              church for at least three months.                  no spiritual transforming power. The church       emphatically that men are absent from the
                                                                                                             keeps them from encountering the living           church. If we are to see the church renewed
                        The Celtic Way of Evangelism      Outsiders once made a commitment                   Christ.                                           and its impact restored, we must call out and
                        by George G Hunter III looks      to Christ                                               So how do we reach a generation that         build men until they know Christ intimately
                        at the relational way of               Sixty-five percent of the outsiders           is convinced that “they have been there and       and are reproducing subsequent generation
                        evangelism that first brought     report that they once made a commitment            tried that . . . and it doesn’t work”?            as passionate followers of Christ.
                        the Gospel to Western             to Christ. After they made this profession                                                                 The church must build men who
                        Europe.                           they saw people in the church who were             The mission of the church                         understand the importance of the mission and
                                                          immature Christians with lifestyles that                It is essential that we confirm God’s        are living in community where Christ can be
                                                          were indistinguishable from the rest of the        mission for the church:                           experienced through their lives by others.
                                                          world, and yet they where told that they                                                                   In order for the church to become
         Unchristian by David                                                                                And He gave to some as apostles and some as
                                                          should live up to a higher standard. They                                                            reproductive––to have impact on society––
         Kinnaman and Gabe                                                                                   prophets and some as evangelists and some
                                                          rejected both the faith and the institution.                                                         and be intergenerational, it must restore the
         Lyons looks at the beliefs                                                                          as pastors and teachers for the equipping
                                                          We essentially inoculated them from a true                                                           reproductive power of the church.
         of young people ages 16                                                                             of the saints for the work of service, to the
         through 29 and their view                        transforming encounter with the gospel by          building up of the body of Christ; until we all
                                                          presenting a sanitized gospel and not having                                                           Wesleyan Building Brothers
         of the church.                                                                                      attain unity of the faith, and of the knowledge
                                                          them encounter mature committed growing                                                                   The mission of Wesleyan Building
                                                                                                             of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the
                                                          followers of Christ. Only 3 percent of this age                                                      Brothers is to enable men to become spiritual
                                                                                                             measure of the stature which belongs to the
                        Reveal by Greg Hawkins and        group holds a biblical world view.                                                                   fathers. It accomplishes this through a year-
                                                                                                             fullness of Christ.
                        Cally Parkinson examines the           This study suggests we have essentially                                                         long process that removes barriers that
                                                                                                                                         ––Ephesians 4:11-12
                        assumptions and realities of      lost a whole generation and we must ask,                                                             keep men from relating to one another.
                        the seeker church in Willow       “Why?” and “How can we change this?”                    Simply said, God wants the church            In this environment, a community of men
                        Creek and six other mega-              The Reveal study shows how the seeker         to bring God’s people to maturity, and to         emerges who are pursuing God, drawing
                        churches.                         model of church creates an environment that        reproduce their faith in others.                  other men, serving the church, and becoming
                                                          inoculates young people from the faith. The             Mature believers must provide a              reproductive spiritual fathers.
             Hunter says that missionaries who used       church focuses on seekers. It does not help        community and pathway that leads God’s                 This community of mature spiritual
       the Celtic Way first learned the culture, the      bring people to maturity. Many of the more         people from spiritual childhood to spiritual      men is one of the foundations for the
       language and the stories of the culture. They      mature men and women in the Reveal study           mother and fatherhood.                            effective implementation of the Celtic
       established a community of believers within a      said their church was actually an obstacle to           If this is true, then we should take a       method of evangelism, outreach to young
       village and lived out the mission of the church–   their spiritual growth. A high percentage of the   deeper look at the Celtic way of evangelism       adults, and the restoration and revival of
       –maturing believers and attracting the culture     more mature people were seriously thinking         and build a community of mature Christians        the church.
       to the community of believers. Individuals         about leaving the church. This is the only         who are living in a Christ-like manner.
       were drawn to the community before they            group that could reach the next generations                                                                        Dan Schaffer helped launch
       understood the message of Christianity. Then–      for Christ.                                        Use language of young people
                                                                                                                                                                             Promise Keepers. In 1997
       –in their own language and through their                                                                   We need to understand the culture, the
                                                                                                                                                                             he left the organization
       stories––they found the gospel                     A sanctuary of 200 pound babies                    language, and the stories of this generation.
                                                                                                             We need to serve them and invite them                           to form Building Brothers,
             Unchristian reveals that people between           A single image of the American church
                                                          repeatedly comes to mind. It is a picture of       into our communities to experience true                         a Littleton, Colorado,
       the ages of 16 and 29 view the church as
                                                          the sanctuary filled with 200-pound spiritual      Christianity. After they have experience this                   organization formed to
       hypocritical, focused only on conversions,
                                                          babies. Church leaders frantically deliver warm    we should––in their language and stories–         help men mature in their faith. Wesleyan
       anti-homosexual, sheltered, too political, too
                                                                                                             –explain what they have experienced and           Building Brothers is the United Methodist
                                                                                                             give them the opportunity to know Christ          component of that effort.
12   l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                                                                                                                                                             UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 13
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
Largest group of United Methodist Men
                  may be located in Louisiana prison                                                    United Methodist Men Go To Prison
                                                                                                                                  By Bishop Richard B. Wilke
     ANGOLA, La.––There are over 233,000          complex. Some 3,200 are serving life

     members of United Methodist Men. Most        sentences.                                       t was a cold January night in Kansas.                    One night–
     of them belong to units operating out of          Inmates are allowed to pursue on-           A bitter wind was blowing snow all the             –accompanied
     some 34,000 churches.                        site college-level degrees and Hicks is a        way from the Dakotas.                              by a tough,
          However, the largest chartered          seminary graduate.                                 I shivered as I got out of my car and            no-nonsense
     organization of United Methodist Men              “I started running with bad company     walked toward the prison doors. I showed               chaplain––I gave
     may be the 190-member organization in        before I was 18, “said Hicks who is now      my I.D., heard the metal doors clang closed            out 57 Disciple
     the Louisiana State Penitentiary.            37. “I landed here at Angola, sentenced to   behind me, and made my way toward my                   certificates to
          When a local group charters with the    serve a life term.                           Disciple group.                                        inmates who
     General Commission on United Methodist            “The only way to describe what has            Fourteen inmates were gathering –                had completed
                                                                                                                                                                                The Rev. Mark Hicks,
     Men, the Nashville-based agency sends out    happened here is to say that we’ve had       Hispanic, Anglo, Black – ages 19 to 53. My             the studies.
                                                                                                                                                                              executive director of Disciple
     40 membership cards.                         an invasion of God. Men started to have      UM Men friends, Larry, a landscape gardener,           Burning in my ears
                                                                                                                                                                              Outreach Ministries (left),
          “We are in need of an additional 150    genuine relationships with God.              and Brian, a General Electric engineer, had            were the words          and Bishop Richard Wilke
                                                                                               conned me into helping lead a Disciple group           of Jesus, “I was        lead training for clergy of the
     active membership cards,” said Ron C.             “When you accept Jesus in your
                                                                                               of inmates at the local correctional facility.         in prison and you       Virginia Annual Conference in
     Hicks, president of the United Methodist     heart, thing have got to change,”
                                                                                               They said it would “do me good.”                       came to visit me.” Virginia Beach, Va.
     Men’s organization in the prison. “Each of   said Hicks. “The bloodshed and other
                                                                                                     We were about finished with the Old              (Matt 25:36)
     our members looks forward to receiving       violence in Angola started going down                                                                     All across
                                                                                               Testament and almost ready for the New
     these small tokens of their membership       tremendously.”                               Testament in Disciple I. Just after the opening        the country, laity—mostly men—are meeting
     status.”                                          For information about chartering or     prayers, a big guy—strong as a fullback—               weekly with inmates and are changing lives.
          The commission rushed the additional    new ways to minister to men, contact the     looked at me without smiling and said, “Why                  One-fourth of the world’s inmates are in
     cards to Hicks.                              General Commission on United Methodist       are you here?” Then he added, “Couldn’t you            American prisons—about six million. What a
          There are some 5,200 prisoners and      Men (GCUMM.org or 615-340-7145).             be home by the fire, watching TV with your             mission field! Scripture teaches “Remember
     1,400 guards in the 18,000-acre prison                                                    wife?” I sputtered a brief reply, “I love Jesus . .    those who are in prison as though you were
                                                                                               . and I love you guys.” Then he looked down            in prison with them” (Hebrews 13:3).
                                                                                               and spoke softly, “Nobody ever said they                     Former inmates, converted in Disciple,
                    Upper Room Prayer Line                                                     loved me—in my whole life.”                            baptized in Kairos or Brothers-in-Blue are

                                                                                                     Disciple Bible is going to prison’s all across   going to congregations in Oklahoma, Ohio,
          ith support from United Methodist Men, the Nashville-based Upper Room Living         the country. No general board mandated it.             and Iowa and to Sunday school classes in
          Prayer Center prays with 30,000 people each month. That does not include the         No conference or council discussed it. Men,            Kansas and Colorado.
          6,000 visits to the website(www.upperroom.org), over 200 letters each week, and      mostly laymen, simply have been moved by                     You can do it, too. Contact Mark Hicks
6,000 monthly e-mails.                                                                         the Holy Spirit to go to the nearby prisons,           at Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries (e-mail:
                                                                                               just as John Wesley did.                               disciple@nccumc.org; phone: 336/454-5348;
    The United Methodist Men Foundation pays the cost of the toll-free prayer line
                                                                                                     Guys like Darrell Hayden and Darrell             or on the web at www.disciplebibleoutreach.
and United Methodist men staff the lines through the year. For the past 24 years, the                                                                 org).
                                                                                               Sayers in North Carolina finished Disciple
foundation has annually given over $20,000.                                                    in their church, looked at each other, and                   As Nike says, “Just do it!”
    Prayer center phone lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is a           said, “We ought to take this to the prison.”
network of over 1,000 people who answer the phone lines and over 2,400 people in more          Encouraged by young Rev. Mark Hicks, they              Retired UM Bishop Richard Wilke began the
than 300 covenant prayer groups around the globe.                                              began a prison ministry of volunteers that             Disciple Bible Study in 1987. More than 2 mil-
    Not only do the callers say they are bless, the ones who answer the phone lines and/       now uses 300 lay facilitators in 70 prisons in                         lion students have engaged in
or are in covenant prayer groups tell of the blessings they receive from sharing these life-   North Carolina, reaching over 3,000 inmates                            the study. Wilke became bish-
                                                                                               for Jesus Christ.                                                      op-in-residence at Southwest-
changing times.
                                                                                                     In Pennsylvania, Dave and Dorie                                  ern College in Winfield, Kans.,
    United Methodist Prayer Advocates recruit volunteers for remotes and covenant prayer       Heckman tackled the maximum security                                   following his 1996 retirement
groups. They also help raise funds to cover the cost of the prayer line.                       prison at Loretto. Aided by, David Stains, a                           from the active episcopacy.
                                                                                               former missionary to Nicaragua, they used
      For information call 1-877-899 ext 715 (mperez@upperroom.org).                           Spanish translators to reach Spanish-speaking
      To ask for a prayer, call toll free: 1-800-251-2468                                      inmates.

14   l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                                                                                                                                                     UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 15
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
Volunteers in Mission say experience                                                     •   Be aware that in some cultures people       •      Don’t waste food. Take what you want,
                   changed their lives                                                                  maintain a closer distance when engaged            eat what you take. If you are being
                                                                                                        in conversation than North Americans do.           served, it is permissible to say, “Just a
                                                                                                    •   Be aware that in some countries, toilet            little, please,” or “No more, thank you.”
      VENTURA, Calif.––                            3. The typical person who has been on                paper may not be put in the toilet but      •      Don’t eat raw vegetables or unpeeled

             century ago, missionaries had to         a mission trip has taken two such                 must be put in the wastebasket. Ask if             fruit unless they have been washed in
             commit themselves to years of            journeys. Two percent of Americans                you are not sure. A stopped-up toilet is           water treated with chlorine or iodine.
             service. Today, UM Men participate       are service-trip enthusiasts, having              very unpleasant.                            •      Don’t drink untreated water unless
      in short-term mission trips that are            been on five or more such adventures.         •   Learn as much of the local language as             you know that the water is safe for
      generally part of Volunteers-in-Mission, a   4. People frequently go on short-term                you can, and use it every chance you get.          North Americans to drink (not just
      program of the General Board of Global          trips with immediate family members,          •   Be prepared for worship services that              safe for people who live there all the
      Ministries.                                     most often with siblings. Only 14% of             are different from those to which you              time). Bottled water is available in most
           A telephone survey of 1,005 adults         these trips were parents facilitating a           are accustomed––either more formal                 countries; boiling 15-20 minutes is a
      by the Barna Group found that only              family learning experience. This means            or much less formal, even charismatic/             good alternative; water purification
      11 percent of church members have               that just 1% of Americans have ever               Pentecostal.                                       tablets should be potent enough to
      participated in a short-term mission            taken a mission trip as a family.             •   Be prepared to give your personal                  guard against giardia as well as common
      program.                                                                                          testimony, to pray aloud, and possibly to          bacteria. Don’t use ice, unless you know
           We don’t have percentages for UM        Researcher David Kinnaman clarified                  preach.                                            it is made with pure water.
      Men, but reports from groups across the      that “this research does not measure             •   Smile!
      nation would lead one to believe the         the benefit to the people being helped,                                                          The advice for VIM participants is provided by
      percentage is much higher.                   since we only interviewed Americans                                                              the Mission Volunteers Program Area of the
           UM groups confirm Barna’s finding       for this project. But short-term missions                                                        General Board of Global Ministries. The study
                                                                                                    • Don’t take pictures of anything military      of short-term mission volunteers is provided
      that 75 percent of the volunteers found      clearly benefit the people providing               unless your host says it’s OK.
      the trips were “life changing.” Even years   the assistance. Many pastors, parents                                                            by the Barna Group.
                                                                                                    • Don’t waste water. Use it sparingly for
      later participants reported that they:       and teachers are searching for ways
                                                                                                      showering, bathing, and laundry.
      • became more aware of other people’s        to transform hearts and minds. One
           struggles (25%);                        promising way to go about changing
      • learned more about poverty, justice,       people’s perspectives is to go on a service
           or the world (16%);                     adventure together.”
      • increased compassion (11%);
                                                   Do’s and don’ts for
                                                                                                                 Self assessment questions
      • deepened their faith (9%);
      • broadened their spiritual                  UM Volunteers in Mission                                 Mike Ellis offers a self-assessment exam to help you examine
           understanding (9%);                                                                                                your level of self-discipline
      • increased their financial generosity
           (5%);                                   • Observe local customs about shaking            Do I get up at the same time every morning?         Do I have a hobby I enjoy consistently?
                                                     hands (sometimes it is done on entering        Am I overweight?                                    How often do I exercise?
      • Others said the experience helped
                                                     and on leaving), kissing on one or both
           them feel more fulfilled, become more                                                    Do I have any addictions (caffeine, sugar,          How much TV do I watch?
                                                     cheeks (women; giving “abrazos”
           grateful, develop new friends, and                                                       porn, etc.)?
                                                     (hugs). If in doubt, ask your host to                                                              What does my appearance say about my
           pray more.
                                                     explain what is proper.                        Do I take a day off every week?                     level of discipline (hair, clothes, etc.)?
      Other findings by the Barna Group            • Eat what is offered, and do not ask or
                                                                                                    Have I taken a vacation in the last year?           Do I eat right?
                                                     hint for anything not offered.
       1. Most people take service trips outside                                                    That wasn’t mixed with work?
                                                   • In most cultures, you should take time                                                             Do I have a lot of debt?
          the country; however, 33% of the           for polite conversation before talking         Is my e-mail inbox near empty right now?
          mission trips were to locations in the                                                                                                        Do I ever say: “When things slow down,
                                                     “business.”                                    Is my office and car clean or a mess?               I’m going to_______”
                                                   • If any gift-giving is done, do it discreetly
       2. People who took domestic service                                                          Am I usually on time or late for things?
                                                     and not ostentatiously. Ask your host                                                              Did God speak to you today through any of
          trips reported the same degree of
                                                     what to do about giving to beggars, and        If I tell someone I’ll call them, do I do it?       this?
          life-changing experiences as did those
                                                     follow that advice.                            Do I spend time with God every day?
          traveling abroad.                                                                                                                             Mike Ellis is the coordinator of the Church
                                                                                                    Do I have a consistent date night with my           for Men, based in Daytona Beach, Fla.
16   l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                                                                                                                                                    UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 17
Just a Little Blue Book - Break the Cycle The Pat Morley story 9 The power of an historic book of devotions 5
Bikers rumble to church                                                                         They did so, and after further talk, Rice asked
                                                                                                           Overrein if the church was important to him
                                                                                                                                                                this year, Rice says. “Three quarters of those
                                                                                                                                                                were by profession of faith and baptism.
                                              By Reed Galin                                                because he had Jesus Christ in his heart.            They’re unchurched people.”
                                                                                                           Overrein looked at him and said, “Yeah, that’s             While one or two baptisms in the
      MORAVIAN FALLS, N.C. (UMNS)—                       me,” Overrein says. “I’ve sat in the back and     right.”                                              church have been by sprinkling, the norm is
      D     uncan Overrein looks every bit the
            middle-aged biker.
           A graying ponytail snakes from his
                                                         watched Suzy-Q’s looking at how Debbie
                                                         is dressed and Bob is whispering to George
                                                         about his new car. Man, we need to wake
                                                                                                                “I said, ‘If that’s true, I’ll start a place
                                                                                                           where you and other bikers can have church.
                                                                                                                                                                immersion in a creek, less than a mile away.
                                                                                                                                                                That practice became standard after the
                                                                                                           If you give me your hand, we’ll pray over it         grandma of one of the bikers said their sins
      helmet, twisting in the wind like a worm           up and realize it ain’t about what we ride; it    right now,’” Rice says. “He gave me his hand         wouldn’t be washed away unless they were
                              on a hook. Black           ain’t about what we wear; it’s about how we       and we prayed that God would raise up a              baptized in the creek.
                              sunglasses reveal no       need to love on people. When I hug Bubba          biker church.”                                             While sprinkling is most common in
                              facial expression, but     or Catfish over there and say, ‘Bubba, love ya,                                                        the UMC, pouring and immersion are also
                              he still manages to        brother,’ I mean that.”                           Crossfire Church                                     recognized.
                              look dangerous. A wiry           Indeed, there are hugs and smiles all             That led to the formation of what                    At Easter, a number of people were
                              goatee presses against     around as Bubba, Catfish and Brother Dunk,        eventually became Crossfire UMC. The group           baptized at the creek. “It was freezing cold,”
                              his leathered neck as he   and their families file through the doors.        met initially in a coffee tavern, and later, a       Rice says. The bikers still rode their bikes back
                              roars down Highway               The church band fires up. This is no                                      warehouse. Efforts     to the church afterward.
                              51 in the Carolina         Sunday choir. It is a rock-and-roll-style                                       to buy a building            The church has grown to 157 members,
                              foothills with 20 of his   thumping bass and wailing lead guitar, but                                      were unsuccessful      with 30 to 40 percent either bikers or
      “bros” and sisters.                                the lyrics speak of the spirit. Congregants                                     because of zoning      associated with bikers. Almost all are blue-
           Most ride Harleys. There’s a lot of leather   sing along, clap or sway with raised hands––                                    issues, and the        collar or service-sector workers. Several
      and tattoos. Overrein rides a black-and-           however the spirit moves them.                                                  congregation           members are disabled.
      white chopper that is almost menacing in its             A lead singer, covered with tattoos,                                      moved into the               Rice, a former district superintendent,
      authenticity––the miles it has obviously seen,     offers biblical references between songs, and                                   former Moravian        became the pastor in 2007. It’s a ministry
      the lack of polish or fancy accoutrements.         then the Rev. Alan Rice, pastor of Crossfire                                    Falls building.        he performs without compensation. He also
           He leads the clan onto a country road         Church, rises from a pew. In a conversational                                         Last fall with   is director of rural ministry and community
      toward Moravian Falls.                             manner, he talks about the challenge of                                         assistance from        development for the conference and
           A low rumble precedes them like a             changing from within. A young man in a                                          the Western North      executive director of a conference-affiliated
      warning that trouble is coming.                    skull-and-crossbones scarf nods in agreement.                                   Carolina Annual        community development corporation.
           It isn’t.                                                                                                                     Conference,
                                                         Confrontational beginning                                                       Crossfire
      They’re going to church.                                Rice reminds the congregation of how                                                              Transformation
                                                                                                                                         purchased a                  “Perhaps the greatest transformation is
            The bikers turn into the parking lot at      the biker church began out of a confrontation     32,000 square-foot refrigerated trucking
      Crossfire UMC, but they don’t stop. Parking        with Overrein. That was four years ago.                                                                in the life of Duncan Overrein,” says Rice.
                                                                                                           terminal in North Wilkesboro. “We like the                 “If you met me six years ago, you
      lots are for conventional people. These            As he explains later in an interview, the         warehouse touch,” says the Crossfire web
      parishioners peel off onto the front lawn and      congregation—known then as Moravian Falls                                                              wouldn’t like me,” says Overrein. “I had no
                                                                                                           site.                                                patience. I had a lot of hate in my life––lost
      line up their bikes before the church door in      UMC—had dwindled to about 10 members.                   Half of the warehouse is being renovated
      an effortless, but noisy, choreography.                 During a meeting to discuss the                                                                   my dad at a young age. The brothers I rode
                                                                                                           for the congregation. The other half will            with we probably did a couple things illegal,
            Overrein extends his hand to a visitor.      congregation’s future, one of the women           become a not-for-profit ministry called The
      The look in the biker’s eyes is piercing, but      told Rice there was a biker outside who                                                                you know, but when it come to helping
                                                                                                           Storehouse: Regional Community Cold                  people out, you know, we help ‘em.”
      not hard. The visitor instinctively understands    didn’t want the church closed. The biker was      Storage. The storehouse connects farms to
      the message: “Don’t judge me by how I look;        Overrein.                                                                                                    Rice says, “This hard-core, old-school
                                                                                                           schools and consumers; it will also connect          biker continues to undergo a deep change of
      judge me by who I am and I will give you the            He had been befriended by an elderly         gleaners to the hungry in northwest North
      same respect.”                                     man in the church—the last remaining male                                                              heart. He has gone from hating Mexicans to
                                                                                                           Carolina. A grant of $100,000 from Golden            loving Mexicans, as––in Christ––he now loves
                                                         of the congregation. Rice invited Overrein        LEAF is providing technical assistance and
      Brother Dunk                                       inside, spoke with him, then told him the                                                              everyone.
           When he introduces himself as “Brother                                                          start up costs. A grant from the Duke                      Overrein became friends with Aretino
                                                         meeting had to resume.                            Endowment is underwriting a food-pantry
      Dunk,” it is not just biker-speak. It is how            Overrein said he wasn’t leaving. The                                                              Rodriguez at the construction company
      he feels about everyone at the biker church,                                                         ministry. A community garden is planned for          where they work. Rodriquez now participates
                                                         situation became tense. “I thought, ‘There’s      later in the year. The effort is led by Dwight
      whether they ride or not.                          going to be a fight,’” Rice recalls.                                                                   in Bible studies at Crossfire.
           “I’ve been to churches where the                                                                Smith, an unpaid local pastor.                             Overrein learned from Rodriguez that
                                                              Not wanting an altercation inside the              Crossfire Church has taken in 21people
      welcome just wasn’t there for folks like           church, Rice suggested they step outside.                                                              toilets in his home town in Mexico are piped

18   l Spring 2009 l UM MEN                                                                                                                                                                 UM MEN   l Spring 2009 l 19
Discipleship on steroids
                                                                                                                                                By John Robin Murphy

                                                                                                                       number of years ago, I began        months later. Their old hearts took them
                                                                                                                       ministering to substance abusers    back to their old lives.
                                                                                                                       at a rescue mission. I will never
                                                                                                              forget the shock I felt when I learned       Heart change
                                                                                                              that many of the men we had worked                Without heart change there is no
                                                                                                              with in the seven-month program were         sustained life change. Everything else
                                                                                                              either high or stoned by sundown of          is behavior modification that is rarely
                                                                                                              graduation day. The following weeks          sustained outside of the program. The
      into the creeks which flow to the lake from         Pass the boot
                                                                                                              revealed how truly futile my ministry        men were confessing Christians when
      which people drink and fish. It is no surprise            As a boot (rather than a collection plate)
      that after drinking such water and eating the       passes from person to person, Rice observes         efforts had been. One by one, most of        they entered the program. The new
      fish, children are often sick.                      that these folks do a lot of generous things        our group fell back into their old life.     nature that each had received upon
            The pair began to pray and dream about        for one another, and says he has seen a lot of      Yes, I would have done it to help just       their conversion was presumably in
      building septic tanks in Mexico. They recruited     change.                                             one. However, the absence of sustained       place. Over the next seven months, they
      Gary Easter, a UM pastor’s spouse who retired             “Used to be, I thought I was a pretty bad     life change in most of the men after         were immersed in worship, teaching,
      from the county health department as the            guy,” says biker Gary Steelman. “Now I don’t        months of caring investment brought on       devotionals, church, preaching, book
      septic tank inspector. Easter then recruited his    have to be that way.”                               demoralizing self-doubt.                     studies, 12-step groups and more. But
      former boss, a UM layperson who is enlisting               Steelman is a large man, with a thick                                                     were we transforming hearts? Our
      the North Carolina Septic Tank Association.         salt-and-pepper beard and an American               Formula for failure                          goal and the goal that energizes every
            The plan was shared with the Rev.             flag do-rag covering his hair. He says he has             Determined to try harder, I            ministry, donor and volunteer alike is the
      Sam Dixon of the General Board of Global            regrets about some things in his past. “Don’t       committed to deliver the truth of God’s      transformation of the most challenged
      Ministries who is interested in bringing septic     we all?” he asks.                                   word with as much hope and energy as         people in our society into self sufficient,
      tanks to Mexico.                                          “Everybody has a need to feel they            I could muster. A year later, however,       faith-filled Christians. However, fostering
            “This little band of believers has taken up   belong, where they’re accepted for who they         found me defeated, with my head down         sustained life change is actually the most
      the handle of ‘Pooper Troopers,’” said Rice.        are, where they are,” Steelman says. “We            on my desk, praying to God to show me        elusive outcome of ministry.
      “Duncan has gone from hating Mexicans               don’t have to go down this road alone.”             what was missing. I quickly had a strong          As I began to look for evidence of
      to becoming excited about ‘helping with                    Overrein feels he’s come a long way          impression that played out in my mind        sustained life change in other ministries,
      Mexican poop’.”                                     himself. A few years ago, at the age of 52, he      like a conversation with God. It started     I discovered that our results were typical
                                                          earned his high school diploma.                     with a question:
      Mission trips                                                                                                                                        even in church settings.
                                                                The last guitar riff marks the end of the           “Why don’t you weigh 300 lbs.
           The work on sanitation in Mexico is not        service. Folks spill out the door, milling about
                                                                                                                                                           • Across faith-based and secular
                                                                                                              anymore or get drunk three nights                 programs for addiction,
      the first mission effort by Crossfire members.      the bikes on the lawn, laughing and hugging.
                                                                                                              a week like you used to?” After a                 incarceration, smoking, or any
           They participated in a mission trip to         One Harley fires up, and then another, but no
      Nicaragua and stay busy helping others—                                                                 moment of confusion, the answer came.             self-destructive behavior, the failure
                                                          one is in a rush.
      building ramps, cleaning yards, holding                                                                 God had rewired my heart so that it               rate is typically between 75 to 95
                                                                Overrein’s wife, Lisa, gives a visitor some
      fundraisers for people in need and operating        brownies for the road. Overrein kicks his
                                                                                                              no longer drove me to eat beyond the              percent.
      a food ministry.                                    chopper to life and turns the high handlebars       need of my body or drink to excess. That     • Many prominent ministries,
           Last year, Rice says, the church gave          toward the highway.                                 brought to mind Romans 12:2, “Do                  churches, and denominational
      38 percent of its income for benevolent                   A tiny bell hangs from his rig behind         not be conformed to this world, but               leaders such as Prison Fellowship
      purposes. Rice says he does not have to             the front wheel, just above the ground. It’s a      be transformed by the renewal of your             Ministry and Willow Creek Church
      struggle to be at ease with this congregation.      leftover biker tradition to ward off the road       mind.” I understood. These men needed             strongly suspect or have research
      “There’s no smugness from accumulated               demons. There seem to be fewer of those in          the same heart change God had worked              evidence to prove that they are not
      wealth or college degrees or family name.           Overrein’s life than there used to be.              in me. Instead, the hearts we checked             transforming hearts and achieving
      There is openness and a connection with                    Rice notes that none of the bikers           into the program were virtually the same          sustained life change the way they
      other persons.”                                     believes the bell is effective. Today, they would   as the ones we checked out seven                  had hoped.
                                                          say, “Big Daddy” looks over them.
                                                               Website: www.bikerchurch.com
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