JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law

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JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
Volume 4 Issue 1

         JUSTICE           Newsletter

Kenya School of Law
                   Rising from the Pandemic

 The Kenya School of Law                KSL is ISO 9001:2015 Certified
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law

01    From the Editor
                           02   • Word from the Chairperson
                                • Word from the Director/Chief Executive

06   Departmental Briefs
                           03   Milestones
                                •Technology Saviour
                                •Law Students to Benefit from MoU between the
                                 Kenya School of Law and HELB
                                •Covid-19 :The Silver Lining

21   Students Corner
                           27   Issues of Interest
                                • To Do Or Not to Do : A Critical Look Into The
                                   Dignity And Welfare Of Persons With Disabilities In The
                                    Legal Profession
                                • Rising through the pandemic from the
                                   lens of Trial Advocacy trainers
                                • Transitioning from the Virtual Workplace to the
                                   Physical Office
                                • Acquiescence To The New Normal: What Is Its Future?
                                • Analysis of the Petition No 120 of 2020 on
                                  curfew guidelines

37                         38
                                •My Passion
     Just for ‘lawghter’         KSL Events Highlights

44Covid - 19 Awareness
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
From the Editor

                                Welcome to Volume 4 issue 1 of the           demonstrating how they navigated
                                Justice Newsletter. In the last one year     through the Covid-19 turbulence.
                                we have found ourselves in difficult         We have covered the milestones
                                and uncertain times due to the               achieved by the School including
                                Covid-19 pandemic. This has had a            the benefit of HELB for KSL and
Christine Kungu                 profound effect on our lives and             departmental briefs and events.
                                utterly disrupted our education              Finally we have engaging articles
Chair | Editorial Committee
                                system.The School has navigated              on issues of interest such as Trial
                                from complete uncertainty and                Advocacy training from the lens of
 Christine Kungu                dimmed hope to getting back on track         trainers and a critical look into the
 Ruth Githaiga
 Samuel Akhwale
                                hence our theme for this issue Kenya         dignity and welfare of people living
 Fredd Wakimani                 School of law: Rising from the               with disability in the Legal profession.
 Agnes Mwai                     pandemic.
 Sammy Makokha
 Linnett Odawo
 Anastasia Otieno
                                In this issue, we have endeavoured to        We are grateful to the Board and
 Ann Githinji Ng’ang’a          demonstrate the School’s resilience in       the Management of the School for
                                the face of the Covid-19 pandemic            their continued support and to all
 Contributors                   through a wide range of articles from        contributors who have aided in the
 Agnes Mwai                     various contributors. We have                success of this publication.
 Alice Bitutu Mongare
 Anastasia Otieno
                                featured articles covering the online        Special gratitude goes to the Editorial
 Ann Githinji Ng’ang’a          classes in both Advocates Training           Committee whose effort and
 Doreen Otieno                  Programme (ATP) and Paralegal                dedication made it possible to
 Fredd Wakimani                 Training Programme (PTP) and                 publish this issue.
 Ibrahim A. Isaak
 Isaac Kuloba
                                insightful articles from our students
 Jemimah Aluda                                                               Enjoy the read!
 John Malombe
 Kennedy Dende
 Lawrence Ndirangu
 Lorrain Akinyi                                                              Christine Kungu is an Advocate of the High
 Margaret Mounde                                                             Court of Kenya and a Senior Lecturer at the
 Mariam A. Mahmud                                                            Kenya School of Law
 Mike Atieno
 Njoki Mboce
 Ouma Kizito Ajuon
 Peter Otieno
 Peter Penda                     The Editorial Team
 Rayner Teresia M.
 Ruth Gichuki
 Ruth Githaiga
 Samuel Akhwale
 Samuel Mwaniki

 The information in this
 publication is for general
 purposes and does not
 constitute legal or
 professional advice.
  For further information
 on this publication please
 contacts us through:

                               From Left to right: Sammy Makokha,Samuel Akhwale, Agnes Mwai, Christine
                               Kungu,Ann Waithira, Anastasia Otieno, Ruth Githaiga, and Fredd Wakimani.

 Justice Newsletter                                                        Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 1
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
Word from the Chairperson,KSL Board

                                       On behalf of the Kenya School of Law     which is recovering from the effects of
                                       Board of Directors, I take this          current public health challenges. The
                                       opportunity to congratulate the          pandemic has changed how we work,
                                       management for publishing the first      travel, communicate, shop, our lifestyle
                                       issue for this year - Volume 4 Issue 1   and so on.Furthermore,the pandemic
                                       of the Justice Newsletter.The            has increased people’s use of digital tools
                                       Newsletter is an important               in life and business to stay connected
                                       communication tool for informing         in a world that is physically
                                       and showcasing the School’s              disconnected. All this and more has been
                                       activities to all our stakeholders.      covered in the enlightening articles that
                                                                                are not only useful but also engaging.
      Professor Fatuma Chege
                                       The theme for this issue is “Kenya
        Kenya School of Law            School of Law: Rising from the
                                       Pandemic.” This theme is timely as
                                       it resonates with what our country
                                       and the world at large has been going
                                       through for the past one year,

                 Word from the Director/Chief Executive
                                       learning in both our Advocates           several measures in the journey to
                                       Training Progamme (ATP) and the          recover from the Covid- 19 pandemic.
                                       Paralegal Training Programme (PTP).      These include having a Covid-19 MOH
                                       As a result of this the School had to    Compliance Committee comprising
                                       find means of surviving in the           representatives of relevant departments
                                       abnormal times. Through employing        needed to make critical reopening
                                       technology and following the             decisions that will help us achieve 2021
                                       government guidelines concerning         objectives.The School also continues
                                       reopening of institutions, the School    to create more awareness to all staff by
                                       has been able to resume its              having hygiene protocols signage at
                                       operations.                              designated places within the School.
                                       Online classes for the ATP started in    The signage indicate guidelines such
    Dr.Henry Kibet Mutai               July 2020 having done a pilot study in   as to keep social distance, wear mask
    Director/Chief Executive Officer
                                       June 2020 and the Paralegal Studies      at all times, regular washing of hands
    Kenya School of Law
                                       online classes started in November       or use of hand sanitizer.Additionally,
                                       2020. Both programmes are                there are thermal guns for taking body
                                       continuing on the online platform        temperatures at strategic entry points.
I would like to welcome you to         and their syllabus will be completed     On behalf of the School, I urge all our
the Justice Newsletter                 through the same platform. I am also     stakeholders to continue observing the
publication, Volume 4 issue 1 of       pleased to inform you that in March      guidelines that the government has
2021. This is a publication aimed      2021 the School introduced optional      issued for containing the spread of
at keeping our stakeholders            in person revision classes for the ATP   Covid -19.
abreast of notable activities that     at our Karen Campus.
have taken place at the School.        However, there were strict guidelines
In March 2020, the outbreak of         in place that provided students had      Finally, I would like to thank the
Covid 19 in Kenya led to the           to register in advance for purpose of    Editorial Committee for their tireless
closure of learning institutions       planning and adhering to Covid-19        efforts in ensuring that Volume 4 Issue 1
throughout the country,                protocols.                               of the Justice Newsletter 2021 has been
including the School. This                                                      published.
closure adversely affected             The School has also put in place

    Justice Newsletter                                                    Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 2
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law

                                 Technology A ‘Savior’ During Covid-19
                                 By Kennedy Dende

                                         committee appointed by the School         bandwidth capacity and student
                                         Director. The committee comprised         inability to afford the data bundles.

                                         School staff in the Advocates Training    In our case the School is providing
      he Covid-19 pandemic               Programme, Academic, ICT among            10GB on a monthly basis to all
      has posed unprecedented            other departments. The team worked        our students to ease the burden to
      challenges requiring the           in close collaboration with students in   students.One of the threats to online
teaching fraternity to embrace           order to capture their learning needs     teaching is cybercrime. This is
virtual teaching. Before March           in the best way possible. This is         manifested in increase in cyber
2020, the Kenya School of Law            evident that the School realized early    threats, data breaches and ransom.
(KSL) teaching mode was the              enough that technology can no longer      This is one of the elements that
physical classes, where students         be seen as a utility working in the       keeps KSL ICT staff alert at all times
were convened in lecture halls.          background.                               since any breaches to the E-learning
This mode of teaching required                                                     systems and platforms may have
students to listen to their lecturers,                                             catastrophic consequences to the
work individually or in groups,          A pilot study was done towards            whole program. The School has also
and reproduce knowledge                  shifting to a virtual learning process.   invested heavily on the cyber
in assessments. By contrast,             The pilot study started with              security.
Information Communication and            selection and development of the
Technology (ICT) use was limited.        platform (Moodle and Teams) to be
                                         used. Then, implementation of             Although on-campus life will keep
                                         the eLearning including, training of      playing an essential role for
The School lockdown confronted           students, lecturers and academic staff    students, there is little doubt that
lecturers, students, and parents         on the use of the platform. The School    online learning will remain a strong
with an entirely new situation.          settled on Teams platform owing to        option, particularly for those
Since,continued teaching and             the number of participants it             students who might be unable to
learning was only possible through       accommodates and the superior             attend classes or who need to
alternative means of schooling. Our      streaming capabilities during online      combine work with their studies. It’s
lecturers had to change to virtual       engagements. The School has also          time now for ICT specialists and
teaching, requiring them to use          adopted the platform in holding           academicians to work together to
various digital tools and resources      webinars for different departments in     offer students the best and safest
to solve problems and implement          the School. The School is using           online education experience.
new approaches to teaching and           Moodle as a learning management
learning. KSL made plans for             system due to ease of access, ease of
virtual teaching taking into account     integration, user friendly interface,
the emerging advice and guidelines       content management, blended               Kennedy Dende is the Senior ICT
from the Kenyan Government on            learning features, assessment, testing,   Officer at the Kenya School of Law
Covid-19 through the Ministry of         reporting and tracking.

                                         Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it
However, prior to the pandemic           required rapid transition to online
the School had considered                teaching. This took place amidst a
implementing an e-learning               wider ICT transformation process in
platform being one of the objectives     the educational systems. One of the
in the Strategic Plan. The School        advantages is that there was an going
had developed a draft eLearning          ICT translation in the education
policy.The virtual teaching was          system.A major challenge to
made possible by the E-learning          E-learning process was the

    Justice Newsletter                                                             Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 3
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
Law Students to Benefit from MoU between the Kenya
                          School of Law and HELB
                         By Ruth Githaiga and Ruth Gichuki

       he Kenya School of         The total tuition fee for a Kenyan       required to present one copy of
       Law has entered into       Resident is Kenya Shillings One          the duly filled Loan Application
       a Memorandum of            Hundred And Forty-Five Thousand          Form and all the attached support
Understanding (MOU) with          only (Ksh.145,000/-). This includes      documents at the Kenya School
the Higher Education Loans        the cost for the nine units, library     of Law Offices in Karen as well as
Board (HELB). The MOU             fee and Pupillage supervision fee.       retain a copy of the duly filled and
forms a partnership to form       For a student to pass the Advocates      signed Loan Application Form.
a revolving fund which will       Training Programme one must score
help the Advocates Training       at least 50% on the aggregate of the
Programme students get            project work, oral examination and       The duly filled forms will then
the HELB loan to finance          written examination.In addition, one     be forwarded to the Higher
part of their tuition fee.        must satisfactorily undertake the        Education Loans Board. The first-
This was after the School         supervised pupillage programme.          time application forms are only
realised that many needy          The Kenya School of Law administers      accessible through the HELB
students are not able to          the course in two modes of study:        student portal on www.helb.co.ke.
complete their Advocates          the full-time classes and Evening and    In case of any queries, applicants
Training Programme course         weekend Classes                          are advised to seek assistance ONLY
due to financial constraints                                               from the Kenya School of Law or
occasioned by many factors.                                                HELB officers. It is also important
                                  The portal would be open from 1st        to note that students who provide
                                  April 2020 while the closure date        false information will be penalized
Those who will qualify for        would be 15th May 2021.Applicants        as per the HELB Act. The Technical
the HELB loan are students        are advised to visit the HELB website    Working Group comprising of
admitted to the ATP at the        www.helb.co.ke to access the HELB        staff from the Kenya School of Law
School. The first beneficiaries   Students’ Portal, register, create and   and HELB will award and give a
of the loan will be for the       activate their account and ensure        feedback to the successful students
2020-2021 Financial year. This    that they use their personal mobile      by 15th June 2021.
will consist new students.        number. The HELB website can be
Additionally,those      already   also be accessed through a link on
servicing their HELB              the Kenya School of Law website.
undergraduate loans will not      Once registered then an applicant        Ruth Githaiga is the Corporate
be prejudiced from benefiting     should select Kenya School of            Communications Officer at the Kenya
from the Kenya School of Law      Law Tuition Loan 2020-2021, first        School of Law
fund.The Advocates Training       time loan application form. The
Programme consists of nine        applicants should read and appraise      Ruth Gichuki is the Principal
(9) courses which are: Civil      themselves on the Financial Literacy     Accountant at the Kenya School of Law
Litigation, Criminal              program Access and fill the online
Litigation, Probate and           loan application form. After that the
Administration, Legal Writing     applicants will be required to print
and Drafting, Trial Advocacy,     two copies of the duly filled Loan
Professional Ethics and           Application Forms. The forms should
Practice, Legal Practice          be appropriately filled, signed, and
Management, Conveyancing          stamped by the relevant authorities.
and Commercial Transactions.      Thereafter, the applicant will be

Justice Newsletter                                                   Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 4
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
Covid-19:The Silver Lining
                             By Anastasia Otieno

                                        been decided that the examinations        different for each section. This meant
    t is said that every cloud has a    could not be carried out on the          many back and forth between the
    silver lining.That the Covid-19     town campus but in the Karen             service providers, the procurement
    pandemic has been quite             campus, which was more spacious.         section and the committee.
devastating is not lost to me but       A consensus had to be built with the
in some instances we also have          students, some of whom had resisted
to see the silver lining in certain     going online in the hope that Covid-19   Due to the urgency of the examinations
situations.                             was a temporary thing, and yet now       being done within two weeks, the
                                        they were being asked to come but to     committee prepared a preliminary
                                        sit for an exam. The students extended   report which dealt with the areas
When the first positive case of the     us the grace, and now it was time to     needed for the exams. Within the
Covid 19 case was announced in          ensure that the exams took place on      two weeks, the Karen campus
Kenya on 13th March 2020, I was,        campus without incident. We were         lecture theatres were ready for the
to say the least disappointed.          very much alive to the disaster; it      examination, with the chairs well-
The reason was that I knew that         would have been should an incident       demarcated indicating a distance of
it would interfere with my plans        like that have occurred.                 at least 1.5 metres in compliance with
for my classes as the term was                                                   the Ministry of Health guidelines. We
almost coming to an end. On the                                                  also had hand wash stations at the
other hand, I was also grappling        I approached the Human Resource          gate and sanitisers at the door. The
with how I would deal with my           Department with a proposal to            examinations went on without
expected outputs of designing and       demarcate the school to comply           incident.
rolling-out training on an              with the Ministry of Health (MoH)
e-learning platform.                    Covid-19 guidelines. I was appointed
                                        to chair the School’s Covid-19           Even as the examinations were
On e-learning, my biggest               Compliance Committee, whose job          ongoing, the committee’s work
challenges were the budget,             was to ensure that the exams went on     continued, and we were able to come
budgetary cuts due to economic          without incident and ensure that the     up with all the other requirements
issues, and resistance, both overt      school was Covid 19 compliant. This      and a checklist for each section. The
and subtle. I realised my               meant that the committee had to carry    committee members were very
opportunity at the closing of the       out research to determine what the       innovative, coming up with new
school due to Covid-19. All the         government policies were and what        ideas. The school was able to
issues that appeared                    other institutions were doing. Kenya     demarcate the whole school, including
insurmountable were soon dealt          School of Law, not being a university    the town campus and mount
with, and we were able to roll out      or a Technical Vocational Education      extra thermometers and handwashing
the e-learning programme for            and Training(TVET)institution,           points. This was another silver lining
both the Advocated Training             meant that the Ministry of Health        in our cloud as the school was due
Programme (ATP) and Paralegal           (MoH) guidelines to these institutions   for ISO recertification, and this
Training Programme (PTP).               were not quite aligned. As such, we      was an audit requirement. Further,
                                        had to adopt the ones for TVET and       even as the government made it a
                                        from the hotel industries.The research   requirement that students go back
The next challenge was how the          revealed that we had to carry out a      to physical classes, the school was
PTP would conduct examinations.         mapping exercise of the school in        already compliant with the MoH
The faculty had met and had             order to realize the needs for each      covid-19 guidelines.
decided that we could not conduct       section. This then informed the needs
paralegal examination online due        of what to procure. We also realised
to various issues. This left me as      that the school’s various sections
the coordinator of the programme        needed different rules of engagement,    Anastasia Otieno is an Advocate of the
with the task to ensure that the        for instance the reception areas, the    High Court of Kenya, Coordinator of the
paralegal students come back on         hostels, the cafeteria, library, the     Paralegal Training Programme and a
campus, two weeks after beginning       field and swimming pool area,            Principal Lecturer at the Kenya School of
e-learning, to do examinations          and the offices The information          Law
without an incident. It had also        communication materials were

    Justice Newsletter                                                           Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 5
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
Departmental Briefs
                            E-learning: The Journey so far.
                            By Fredd Wakimani

   t would have been nearly             here and there in relation to some of       Options such as hybrid classes of
   impossible for one to predict        the features of the platforms used, but     smaller groups, that incorporate
   the impact that Covid-19             these issues were quickly addressed,        physical classes with online classes
would have on our lives when the        more so with the help of the ICT            and better use of asynchronous tools
pandemic started to spread in early     department.Once training was                will greatly improve delivery. A
2020. From complete uncertainty         complete, the School embarked on a          look at other academic institutions
and dimmed hope, to getting             pilot phase, where the ATP programme        in Kenya and internationally show
back on track with life albeit with     was delivered online for the first time     that, institutions of higher learning
adaptations to protect ourselves        marking a significant milestone for the     are embracing this hybrid approach
against the virus, the journey has      School. In partnership with Safaricom       with lots of success.Additionally,
been a scary, but interesting one.      the School supplied the students with       the legal profession is also going
                                        mobile phone data to enable them to         high-tech. With court processes like
                                        log in into the classes from wherever       filing, being automated and virtual
At the Kenya School of Law, it has      they were during the lockdown. The          court proceedings being normalized,
been a learning process with the        pilot phase was a resounding success.       the legal practitioner of the future
School transitioning from face to                                                   has to be tech-savvy and flexible.
face classes, to e-learning as the                                                  They should be at home in the court
primary mode of delivery for the        The School then decided to go full          room as well as behind the computer
ATP programme. This transition          blast with the online programme and         screen. Moreover, even the typical
was not easy. But it was necessary.     we have never looked back. Lecturers        client is changing. They are also just
With the world being forced to          have come up with ingenious way             as tech savvy, more informed and
adjust its modus operendi, the          to engage students and engrain              aware of automated process that
School was no exception. To start       practicality in the lessons as much         were once only delivered through an
off, the School engaged the students,   as possible. This has not been easy.        advocate. It therefore makes sense for
in seeking their views on e-learning.   Students have also had to adapt             the students at the ATP to acquaint
There was some obvious opposition,      because unlike in a physical class, they    themselveswith general online skills
but this was expected.                  have to be more proactive in engaging       as they interact with lecturers and
Doubts abound on how a clinical         the lecturer. In my experience some         other students online through the
program could be delivered online.      chat sessions after class have been         virtual platforms used at the School,
Some students were apprehensive         positively engaging especially where        laying the foundation for what awaits
that they would get a raw deal.         the student was unable to raise their       them when they are admitted to the
These fears were understandable         question during the virtual class. This     Bar.
considering the School had never        goes to show that the prudent student
embarked on e-learning before.As        will still find ways to connect with
for the teaching staff, apprehension    their lecturer despite not being in the     To sum up everything that has been
was also rife. E-learning meant that    same physical space with them.              stated so far, Covid -19 has been a
new skills had to be learnt, and a                                                  gift and a curse. The pandemic has
re-evaluation on how to deliver on                                                  not only forced us to change how we
the objectives of the course using      It should be mentioned that the             operate on a day to day basis, but it
a virtual platform was necessary.       students also embraced the online           has also forced us to find solutions
But these challenges were but           mode of teaching positively, despite        to doing things faster and in a more
minor setbacks and new found            the difficulties of poor network            efficient way. It has forced us to think
opportunities for growth.               connections, noisy environments and         outside the box for solutions that we
                                        lack of virtual etiquette from a few        may have never considered before.
                                        students.Overall it can be said that        This actively demonstrates that the
In response to this, the School         the online classes have been largely        human spirit can be dimmed but
prioritized the training of students    successful considering the Covid -19        never put off. That life must go on
as well as the teaching staff, which    situation.With the contemplation            and go on successfully!
went on successfully.Lecturers and      that we may never have physical
students all jumped on board the        classes as we had before Covid-19, the
e-learning bus with ease. There         options available are still effective and   Fredd Wakimani is an Advocate of the High
were a few hiccups                      sufficient for the ATP program.             Court of Kenya and a Senior Lecturer, at the
                                                                                    Kenya School of Law

       Justice Newsletter                                                     Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 6
JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
Impact Of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Academic Services
                            at the Kenya School Of Law: An Insider’s Perspective
                               By Lawrence Ndirangu

       he Academic Services depart-      The examination processes which             In spite of the School extending
       ment plays a central role in      is a necessary step in a student’s         scheduled admissions deadline for
       the relationship management       career progression were adversely          both Paralegal Training Programme
of a student, as an administrative       affected. During the early stages of       (PTP) and the Advocates Training
function of the School. This entails     the pandemic when the nature of            Programme (ATP), the School
management of student                    the coronavirus was still unknown,         enrolment in the 2020/21 academic
administrative services. They            the School made the decision to            year has recorded a decline in
include professional services such       temporarily avoid in-person contact        number of applications received. In
as recruitment, admissions,              resulting in postponement of the           the Paralegal programme for the
enrolment, student affairs services,     Diploma in Law (Paralegal Training         2020/21 academic year the School
counselling examinations and             Progremme) examinations which              received 163 applications for
administrative support.                  were moved from April 2020 to              admissions as compared to 211 in
                                         October, 2020.                             2019/20. By the time of writing,
                                                                                    the School had received 1704
Academic services as a social                                                       applications for the 2021/22 ATP
process involves a certain degree        As Covid-19 continues to spread            intake as compared to 2034
of in-person engagements in the          rapidly across the country its             applications received in 2020/21
office environment. The nature           secondary effects pose fundamental         academic year.
of the School’s academic services        challenges to the student
administrative work is mostly            administration services which lie
office-based as most of the roles        at the heart of academic service           The Covid-19 pandemic has
involve face-to-face contact with        activities. The pandemic has resulted      amplified the need to accelerate the
the various clientele (i.e. lecturers,   in significant loss in investment in the   digital transformation of the School
students, prospective students, and      School’s business process automation       infrastructure beyond the virtual
parents). Thus, the performance of       initiatives such as the suspension of      teaching. Mindful of the risks in
these functions has undoubtedly          the fingerprint biometric attendance       paper-based processes, the School is
been impacted by the COVID-19            system used in recording of student        currently exploring the possibility of
pandemic.                                and staff attendance. The concern was      moving the entire admission process
                                         that the use of finger scanners entail     online right from application to
                                         multiple touches, posing potential         selection and enrolment through
With the COVID-19 pandemic               transmission risks. Consequently,          provision of an integrated Enterprise
forcing closure of institutions and      the School has reverted to the use         Resource Planning (ERP) System-
a ban on group gatherings since          of manual attendance tracking              based online admission portal. The
16th March 2020, following the           upon resumption of limited in-class        online portal will allow prospective
presidential directive on COVID-19       attendance of second year paralegal        students to electronically place
protocols, the School like other         students. This is laborious and            their applications to join the School
academic institutions scaled down        ineffective in data analysis for           and also allow processing and
in-person service engagements as         decision making.                           evaluation of these applications by
an attempt to curb the spread of the                                                the admissions team. The online
virus. Relatedly, the impact of the      The closure of secondary schools           admission management process
containment measures prescribed          and university schools of law              seeks to address the concerns such
by the government such as cessation      due to Covid-19 containment                as reduction of human involvement,
of movement between counties             measures interrupted their academic        and paperwork in the admission
and restriction of numbers in            programmes resulting in an adverse         process which are risk factors in the
social gatherings, has impaired the      ripple effect to the School traditional    spread of coronavirus. Similarly, the
offering of in-person administration     admission dates and the number of          online portal aims to maximize the
services                                 applicants.                                availability, transparency, accuracy,

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JUSTICEVolume 4 Issue 1 - Kenya School of Law
reliability and productivity of the      providing psychosocial support to          hand-washing,temperature-screening
School admission process.                students through webinar counselling       and wearing of facemasks. There is no
                                         sessions, recording of classes and         denying that the Covid-19 pandemic
                                         study group meetings and sharing of        has upended business as usual for the
Video conferencing technology is         documents using Google Meet and            School, with its significant disruption
not a new idea but its use in the        Microsoft Teams video-call services.       to delivery of School academic
pre- Covid-19 era at the School as a                                                services.
tool to communicate both internally
and externally with clients was low.     To mitigate limitation on social
However, the pandemic has caused         gathering and for continuity of            Nobody can quite foretell when and
an accelerated diffusion of this         learning, the School made provision        how things will return to normal,
technology for providing services        for data bundles for online learning,      if indeed they will. But true to the
remotely making virtual team             adopted paperless initiatives of           proverbial saying, ‘every dark cloud
meetings a desirable alternative         paper to digital conversion through        has a silver lining’, the pandemic
to face-to-face meetings. The most       an integrated scanningand email            has catapulted the School, into new
notable characteristic of this           system and social media platforms in       forms of service delivery that have
technology is that it provides           managing student–School                    forced new and innovative online
convenience and flexibility to           communication. In an effort to             techniques to engage with our clients.
lecturers and students, especially       suppress predisposition factors to         While so much is still unknown about
in scheduling online meetings            COVID-19 infections at all                 the Covid-19 pandemic, the current
regardless of location with cost         client-facing service points, the school   enhanced uptake of digital technology
savings due to lower travel costs and    has put in place preventive responses      services at the School portrays good
travel time. In addition, these online   such as display of posters, promoting      fortunes in ensuring the continuity of
platforms have been effective in         respiratory hygiene,                       our academic service engagements.

                                                                                    Lawrence Ndirangu is the Senior Officer,
                                                                                    Academic Services at the Kenya School of

                              A Kenya School of Law staff attending to a student

       Justice Newsletter                                                      Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 8
Delivering Continuing Professional Development Programmes
                    Despite Covid-19 Challenges
                    By Isaac Simiyu Kuloba

      olutions to human problems       Audit in Human Resource                    A public institution that wishes to
      more often than not require      Management; The In-House Lawyer            engage the School to carry out legal
      triggers. This is partly the     and the Procurement Process; Tax           or governance audit, regulatory
basis of a saying that “necessity      Compliance for Lawyers; Public             impact assessment or any other legal
is the mother of invention.” The       Policy and the Legislative Process;        consultancy may write a letter to the
announcement by the President          Trial Advocacy, and Legal Audit and        School requesting for those services
of the Republic of Kenya that          Compliance (in collaboration with the      on given terms of reference. A
there would be partial lockdown        Law Society of Kenya Young Lawyers         proposal would then be prepared and
of the country with effect from        Committee).                                provided in response to the request.
15th March 2020 appeared to                                                       This procedure as an exemption
cast a dark shadow of doubt on                                                    to the requirements of the Public
the School’s ability to continue       We intend to continue with physical        Procurement and Asset Disposal Act,
mounting trainings for Continuing      training while ensuring that the           No. 33 of 2015 is provided in section
Professional Development (CPD).        Government’s protocols on health           4(2) (c) on services provided by a
Triggered by the detection             and safety of the participants are         government ‘department’.
in Kenya of the severe acute           observed.We shall also continue
respiratory syndrome (SARS)            offering online courses (lasting 1-2
viral respiratory disease now          hours) or customised to a client’s         The CPD Division is focused on
simply referred to as Covid-19,        needs, and may take up to 4 days.          completing the delivery of courses
the lockdown meant that regular        The approach of offering online            that are lined up till end of June,
physical meetings for training         courses is in cognizance of the reality    2021. The training calendar may be
would be suspended immediately.        that the Covid-19 pandemic could           accessed on the School website at
                                       persist. There is also, independent        www.ksl.ac.ke. The training calendar
                                       of Covid-19, the need to embrace           for the financial year 2021/2022 will
With the change in the operating       diversity in delivery of courses to        be available on the School website
environment in mid-March, the CPD      meet the changing needs of the             by 31st May 2021. Through the ICT
Division quickly shifted its focus     client, especially the need to integrate   department, the School is in the
to innovative training products        technological innovations in delivery      process of establishing an online
that could be delivered through        of services.                               booking and reservation portal that
the online platform and hence in                                                  will ensure that customers apply for
May, July and August 2020, a few                                                  training online, and are able to register
online courses were undertaken.        The School has, through the CPD            for courses and attend without much
The CPD calendar of courses that       Division, continued to undertake           physical documentation. The portal
ran from July 2019 to June 2020        consultancies for both the public          will enable the Division to monitor
was therefore not concluded in         and private sectors.        CPD is         enrolment and payment for courses
the last quarter of the financial      delighted that during the period           in a more efficient and effective way.
year 2019/2020.Nonetheless, as we      of partial lockdown, we were               This is an overdue milestone which
prepared for the current financial     able to complete a consultancy on          will add another feather of success to
year 2020/21, we purposed to restart   regulatory impact assessment of            the CPD programmes.
physical training in September,        draft regulations on behalf of a state
which was realised so successfully     corporation under the Ministry of
to our pleasant surprise! Between      Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries          I wish to thank the CPD team for their
September to December 2020, we         and Irrigation.     We have also           hard work, professionalism and unity
conducted training in Mombasa,         recently concluded some legal and          exhibited in ensuring that the objectives
Naivasha, Kisumu and the School’s      governance audit consultancies and         of the Division and the School at
Karen Campus that were well            there are others that are currently        large are realised.The team is made
attended. The courses included         ongoing.       These consultancies         up of Isaac Kuloba (HoD), Dr. Erick
the following: Andragogy for Law       have been undertaken by taking             Komolo, Mr. Samuel Akhwale, Mr.
Lecturers; Introduction to New         advantage of technology in data            Kefa Simiyu, Ms. Ann Waithira, Ms.
Land Regulations; Legal Audit and      collection and interviews using            Naserian Sitelu, Ms. Jacqueline
Compliance; Legal Compliance and       virtual platforms.                         Mararo and Ms. Christine Mwanza.

            Justice Newsletter                                                    Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 9
This team ensures that the training
and consultancies undertaken by
the Division meet the threshold
of quality and relevance, and
also meet customer expectations.
The Division is in the process of
reorganization to ensure that it
takes advantage of the diverse and
rich human resources to expand
on the products and services that
can be processed and marketed in
the Division.

Finally, we constantly seek
feedback from our customers
on the services provided by
the Division. We request our
customers and potential customers
to respond to online surveys that
we send to them from time to time
in order to help us to improve
service delivery.                                In-house Training for the Kenya School of Law Finance department

Isaac Simiyu Kuloba is an Advocate of the
High Court of Kenya and the Assistant
Director in the CPD Department

     Participants of the Legal Audit and Compliance Course organised by Kenya School of Law’s
     CPD Department in collaboration with the Law Society of Kenya

       Justice Newsletter                                                     Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 10
Andragogy Training: Effective E-Teaching

                                  By Ann Githinji Ng’ang’a

       very year, Kenya School of         2020 training did not include             that the onset of digital learning is
       Law’s (KSL) Continuous             participants from outside the             irreversible and significant in its
       Professional Development,          School fraternity..From the onset,        impact. It is therefore imperative
Projects and Research (CPD, P             participants were reminded to             to establish measures to align
& R)Department conducts an                observe safety measures, i.e. properly    teaching to optimise digitalisation.
Andragogy Training to equip               wear a mask,wash hands or sanitise,       She urged participants to embrace
educators, including lecturers and        and observe social distance. The          digitalisation in delivery of
trainers, in Andragogy related            hotels in which the participants          learning because it comes with
skills and capacity building.             trained and resided had also taken        its advantages. For example, ICT
The training has secured the              cautionary measures.                      places a bigger obligation on the
attendance of participants from                                                     lecturer to equip students with far
both the public and private                                                         more superior ability to research. It
sector. Key participants in this          The Covid-19 pandemic that hit            calls for change in our examination
training are lecturers drawn              the world since late 2019 has had         methods from the traditional to
from the Advocates Training               significant impact on the education       open book. Instead of committing
Programme and Paralegal                   sector.    The Government’s safety        knowledge       to    memory      and
TrainingProgramme(ATP &PTP)               measures introduced to intervene          regurgitating in a two-hour exam,
Department. The collaboration             included closure of education             we shall be refocusing students’
between CPD and ATP &PTP has              institutions. Indeed, the government      ability to look for information and
seen to it that the lecturers benefit     only recently permitted the physical      engage it critically. She observed
from the annual training.                 reopening ofschools, and even then,       that there are indeed challenges in
                                          in gradual phases. The                    implementing e-teaching.        Some
                                          theme of 2020’s Andragogy course          of the challenges include integrity
Last year’s Andragogy Training            was conceptualised against this           concerns, say, where one cannot
adopted a theme of e – teaching.          background, upon observing that           confirm the actual attendance of
Titled, Andragogy for Lecturers:          many educators had been caught            students; inequity because some
Methods and Skills for Effective          unawares by the pandemic and              students may not have access to the
E-Teaching, the training featured         compelled to commence e-teaching          internet, and costs incidental to ICT
relevant topics that focused              without sufficient training or skills.    such as infrastructure and system
on enhancing the participants’            As a result, there were likely gaps       related costs. However, the benefits
knowledge and skills in effective         in effectiveness of transmission          of digitalisation far outweigh its
lecture delivery and specifically, in     of knowledge from the lecturer            challenges. In her closing remarks,
e-teaching. The three-day course          to the student in the e-learning          the     Commissioner        identified
ran from 14th to 16th December            environment.                              strategies that can be considered
2020 and was held in Naivasha.                                                      in applying ICT; some are that ICT
In addition to participants from                                                    should be used to meet the needs
ATP &PTP, the training attracted          The training began with a keynote         of both the student and the teacher,
participation of members from             address by Dr. Mercy Deche, at the        and that the e-teaching platforms
other departments, namely the             time a Commissioner with the Judicial     should be easily accessible, user
Academic       Services,     Library      Service Commission titled “Beyond         friendly, transparent, interactive
andInformationServices and ICT.           Publish or Perish, Digitize or Die”. In   and attractive to students and
Unlike previous years training,           her address, Dr.Deche observed            lecturers.

             Justice Newsletter                                                     Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 11
Her observations were reiterated        how to conduct effective Online               from the KSL heads of departments
throughout the course by the            Assessments and Feedback                      and the Chief Executive Officer,
subsequent facilitators. Drawn          mechanisms. Internet and data                 Dr. Henry Mutai, who observed
from a pool of highly qualified         governance considerations in an               that E-learning is irreversible and
and experienced trainers and            e-learning environment were                   therefore all efforts need to be
scholars in education, law and          examined too. The discourse was               made to ensure that it is conducted
(ICT), the facilitators discussed       intended to equip participants with           effectively and seamlessly. On
relevant topics on effective            skills on effective e-teaching and            the social side, participants got a
lecture preparation and delivery;       online assessment.       It was also          chance to catch up during a
matching       learning   objectives    intended to enhance the support               cocktail party. The caution from the
to teaching methods, and adult          skills of participants from the               Covid-19 restrictions dampened an
learning principles.        Further,    Academic Services, Library and ICT            otherwise merry moment. That
participants were sensitised on the     Departments in order to provide a             said, the getaway from the hustle
critical role of research ethics, for   seamless e-teaching environment.              and bustle of the city provided
the learner as well as the lecturer.    Moreover, participants were guided            a moment to refresh and return
These topics were tailored to           on how to address the technical               rejuvenated. Our return to Nairobi
provide a necessary foundation for      challenges, specifically, ICT related         was uneventful. We thank God
new lecturers on how to effectively     challenges which they face during e–          for the journey mercies and care
train adult learners. They also         teaching, and we got an opportunity           throughout our stay.
served as a refresher course for the    to draw lessons from other learning
lecturers who have been teaching.       institutions on their Covid-19                The feedback received from par-
With specific regard to e-teaching,     adaptation. The training wound up             ticipants was that the training had
the facilitators discussed how to       with a practical session in which an          been enlightening. We look for-
effectively integrate E-Learning        online lesson on Trial Advocacy was           ward to this year’s!
in teaching courses; utilisation of     simulated.
Learning and Content Manage-
ment Systems (LCMS), and                The training concluded with remarks
                                                                                      Ann Githinji Ng’ang’a is an Advocate of
                                                                                      the High Court of Kenya and a Lecturer
                                                                                      at the Kenya School of Law

                              KSL Academic staff during the Andragogy 2020 training

       Justice Newsletter                                                       Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 12
Train with
                                         THE KENYA SCHOOL OF LAW ISO 9001:2015
                                       CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(CPD)

NO.           COURSE TITLE                                               DURATION DATE                            FEEKSHS (INCL.     VENUE
                                                                                                                  16% VAT)

 1.          LEGAL AUDITS: KEY CONSIDERATIONS                               1 DAY 1            13 JULY 2020           2,000.00      ONLINE

 2.          PATENTS & COPYRIGHTS: TRENDS &                                 1 DAY              20 JULY, 2020          2,000.00      ONLINE

 3.          LEGAL COMPLIANCE IN ICT                                        1 DAY              22 JULY, 2020          2,000.00      ONLINE

 4.          MASTERING LAWYER BUSINESS PLANNING                             SERIES            3 AUGUST, 2020          2,000.00      ONLINE

 5.          OVERVIEW AND IMPACT OF THE INCOME TAX BILL                     1 DAY            18 AUGUST,2020           2,000.00      ONLINE

 6.          PUBLIC PROCUREMENT LAW AND REGULATION:                        5 DAYS        31 AUG-4 SEPT, 2020          57,500.00    KSL, KAREN

 7.          INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DISPUTE                              2 DAYS             10-11 SEPT, 2020       23,800.00     KSL, KAREN


       1   Note: “1 Day”, forPROCUREMENT
             MANAGING        online training, means theSYNERGY
                                               RISKS:   duration of 2 hours. 5 DAYS
                                                                                21-25 SEPT, 2020                      88,000.00    NAIVASHA
 9.          ESSENTIALS OF TRIAL ADVOCACY The Kenya School of Law- CPD 2020-2021 Page 1 of 5
                                                                   3 DAYS       23-25 SEPT, 2020                     34,700.00     KSL, KAREN

 10.         LEGAL AUDIT AND COMPLIANCE                                     5 DAYS           28 SEP-2 OCT. 2020       92,000.00    MOMBASA

 11.         THE BILL OF RIGHTS, DATA PROTECTION AND THE                    4 DAYS             6-9 OCT, 2020         70,400.00     NAIVASHA

 12.         IMMIGRATION & LABOUR LEGISLATION &                             3 DAYS            14-16 OCT, 2020        34,700.00      NAIROBI
 13.         PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS                                    5 DAYS            19-23 OCT, 2020        88,000.00     NAIVASHA

 14.         MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT OF                                   5 DAYS            26-30 OCT, 2020         92,000.00    MOMBASA
 15.         BANKING AND THE THREAT OF CYBER CRIME:                         5 DAYS             2-6 NOV, 2020         88,000.00     NAIVASHA

 16.         PUBLIC SECTOR HR AUDIT AND LEGAL RISK                          5 DAYS            9-13 NOV, 2020          92,000.00     KISUMU
 17.         BOARD OPERATIONS AND PROCESSES                                 5 DAYS            16-20 NOV, 2020         92,000.00    MOMBASA

 18.         2ND KSL ANNUAL CONFERENCE: “LAWYERS,                           2 DAYS            23-24 NOV, 2020         6,000.00     KSL, KAREN
 19.         ANDRAGOGY FOR LECTURERS: METHODS AND                           3 DAYS             2-4 DEC 2020          54,000.00     NAIVASHA

 20.         CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND THE LAW                               5 DAYS             7-11 DEC, 2020         95,000.00    NAIVASHA

 21.         CERTIFICATE IN LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING                           9 WEEKS             JAN/FEB, 2021         295,000.00    KSL, KAREN

 22.         RISK MANAGEMENT FOR LEGAL ESTABLISHMENTS                       1 DAY        19 FEBRUARY, 2021            5,000.00       ONLINE

                                                    The Kenya School of Law- CPD 2020-2021      Page 2 of 5

                              Justice Newsletter                                                                                                Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 13
Library: An Important Resource During the Covid -19 Pandemic

                              By Agnes Mwai

      he sudden and unexpected                  They were required to respond       infection curve seemed to flatten,
      outbreak of the novel                     to the invitation by completing     the government lifted restriction
      coronavirus disease                       the process remotely after which    for movement and announced that
challenged the ways library used                they would have full access         schools and institutions of higher
to function worldwide. Kenya                    to all the material uploaded.       learning could open for physical
reported its first positive case of the                                             learning. The School library opened
novel coronavirus (Covid-19) on                ii. For the same students,           the reading space for its users while
12th March 2020. This was followed                 individual ProQuest accounts     still observing the set guidelines by
by the government announcement                     (Ebrary) were created and        the World Health Organization.
to close all schools and institutions              activated to enable access and
of higher learning in the county.                  download of eBooks.
                                              iii. For the ongoing ATP students,    The following are our operating
                                                   individual off campus login      guidelines for the Library and
As a result the Kenya School of Law                credentials for access to        Information Services department
(KSL) had to suspend all Advocates                 e-resources were sent to their   during the Covid-19 period:
Training Programme (ATP) and                       specific email address.
Paralegal Training Programme                                                        Maximum numbers of users in the
(PTP) lectures indefinitely from          On 6th April 2020 the government          library
16th March 2020. However,                 placed some counties in partial
because libraries are an important        lockdown to contain the spread of the        i .In order to observe physical and
institutional resource, they remained     virus. However, the lockdown came               social distancing, a limited
open from 9.00am to 4.00pm on             with severe consequences which                  number of users are allowed
week days; strictly for borrowing         presented unique challenges in the              in the Library at any given time.
and returning of books but not for        provision of library and information            The numbers are restricted to
sit and study. Other library services     services. This forced not just students         one person per table; allowing
were offered virtually.                   but also librarians to adapt and adopt          the library to host about 50 users
                                          technology as a viable and valuable             at a time. Any user who fails
                                          option to ensure fulfilment of the core         to adhere to the set physical
When the indefinite suspension of         School mandate.                                 distancing is requested to
all ATP and PTP lectures happened,                                                        leave the library building.
Library and Information Services          The suspension of in-person services
department was in the middle of           and access to physical collections        Ensuring Hygiene within the library
conducting an Information Literacy        at the institutions’ libraries left
and Competence Training (ILCT)            the students, faculty and library         All library users are
for ATP students.This meant               professionals with consideration of       expected to observe the following
suspending the training too.The           adopting the technology which is the      hygiene regulations
department took an immediate              only way out in this challenging time.       i. Mandatory sanitizing at the
initiative to facilitate remote access    The Kenya School of Law library staff            entrance to the library buildings
to library services for business          demonstrated their skills, empathy          ii. Mandatory wearing of mask in
continuity during the period as           and flexibility during lockdown                   the library
follows:                                  to respond to the rapidly evolving          iii. Windows to remain open
                                          situation. In the circumstances, online           throughout to maximize
  i. Students whose ILCT training         communication became an essential                 ventilation inside the library
     dates were slotted between 16th      and dynamic platform to connect and         iv. Keeping surfaces clean,
     and 19th March, 2020 and             serve the targeted users.                         including tables, chairs and
     therefore not trained received                                                         library computers
     invitation to the Box platform.                                                   v. Clean and disinfect frequently
                                          In July 2020 when the pandemic                     touched items (door handles,

        Justice Newsletter                                                     Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 14
shared desks, keyboards and
     front desk counter).
  vi.Payments for library overdue
     fines to be made via MPESA
  vii.Physical and social
      distancing is ensured in
       staff working areas

Safe Handling of Materials

   i. All returned library books are
      quarantined for 7 days.
  ii.Hand sanitizer is availed to
      all the Library staff handling
      library books
 iii. Library staff work in shifts
      in provision of services              Kenya School of Law’s Library Electronic Resource Centre(ERC)
 iv. All user advisory services
     (reference, consultation and
     research assistance) is
     provided using online
 v. Continued promotion of online
     services and resources in
     order to limit numbers looking
     to visit the library
 vi.Communicate clearly about any
     new rules to library users,
     both online and onsite, and
     provide regular updates


The School Library has continued
working hard to provide access to
collections and services remotely,
investing time and effort in
ensuring that there is no disruption
in access to electronic resources and
systems. User support services have               The reading space in our Town Campus Library
continued both on site and remotely
through social media, mobile phone
calls and emails.

 Agnes Mwai is the Principal Librarian at
 the Kenya School of Law

            Justice Newsletter                                                Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 15
Organizational Resilience in the Face of Covid–19 Pandemic

                         By John Malombe

       he origin of the Corona virus     duties to determine those duties that     hospitality section procured and
       disease, now popularly            could be carried out in the office and    installed sanitizer cans at all entry
       known as Covid – 19 is            those that could be undertaken at         points.We also ensured that there
still unknown. However, the first        home.In addition to this, the use of      was sufficient water and soap in the
outbreak occurred in Wuhan,              touch-based fingerprint biometric         various convenient points for use by
Hubei, China in late 2019. Thanks        system was temporarily suspended          the staff, students and visitors. In
to globalization which permits           to avoid the likelihood of infections     addition, thermo guns were acquired
rapid movement of people from one        through this medium.                      and put to use at various entry points
corner of the world to another, the                                                to ensure that all persons entering
virus spread very fast to other parts    Further, to ensure that training          the School premises had their
of the globe.                            programs continued without much           temperatures taken. The staff were
                                         interference, the Academic Services,      always reminded to stay at home
                                         ICT, ATP and PTP departments chose        in case they experienced Covid-19
In Kenya, the first official case was    a digital platform on which lessons       related symptoms and how to
reported on 13th March, 2020 by          could be carried out virtually. This      contact health personnel for further
the Health Cabinet Secretary, Hon.       transition required retooling of our      attention and help.
Mutahi Kagwe. This announcement          training services and the related staff
set the country in the state of panic.   to be able to conduct lessons virtually
The government issued various            without much challenge. In this           To ensure that the workplace remains
advisories that needed to be adhered     regard, training sessions were held for   as safe as possible from Covid-19,
to in an attempt to contain the          the ATP and PTP staff to equip them       regular fumigation and disinfection
spread of the virus in the country.      with the necessary skills accordingly.    programmes have been put in place
Consequently, businesses closed          Covid–19      came     with    adverse    to ensure a virus free environment.
abruptly which meant instant job         psychological challenges. The stress      In conclusion, it is important to
losses across various sectors of the     and anxiety caused by the sudden          note that Covid-19 still remains a
economy. The circumstances               disruption of social order and also       global reality. New variants are
required that organizations come         having loved ones infected by the         being reported in various parts of
up with innovative ways to ensure        virus called for measures to be put in    the world. Countries all over the
continuity in the face of the raging     place to deal with staff psychological    world are rolling out the vaccination
global disaster.                         needs. The department organized           programs. Our staff are being
                                         regular webinars through which staff      encouraged to take the vaccine in
                                         were equipped with life skills and        addition to the measures that have
In the School, a number of measures      knowledge on how to navigate the          been put in place in hope that lasting
were instituted to ensure business       Covid-19 era.                             solution to the pandemic will soon
continuity while safeguarding staff                                                be found.
health safety. To start with, we had
to address the issue of physical         Most importantly, communication
distancing among staff in line           was up scaled. The staff were updated     Finally, Dr. Steve Maraboli, a
with World Health Organization’s         on Government decisions with regard       globally renowned motivational
(WHO) guidelines. To achieve             to Covid -19 control measures in the      speaker, while commenting on the
this, we quickly embraced the shift      public sector institutions.               raging pandemic says, ‘Life doesn’t
system. Heads of departments were        They were also informed of the            get easier or more forgiving, we get
advised to develop flexible duty         hygiene measures that they needed to      stronger and more resilient.’
rosters which guaranteed that only       observe in order to limit the spread of
a small number of staff were in the      the disease. These included; regular
physical workspace at any one given      hand washing and sanitizing hands
time.                                    in the absence of water.              John Malombe is the
Over and above the shift system, the                                           Assistant Director, Human Resource
heads of departments undertook an        To ensure that these hygiene measures and Administration at the Kenya School
assessment and disaggregation of         are followed, the School through the  of law.

        Justice Newsletter                                                    Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 16
Risk In Procurement Process

                                   By Mariam Mahmoud

                                                                                   process along.
        isk is exposure to loss as a      2.Poor vendor selection                  It is important that all stakeholders
        consequence of uncertainty.       For smooth –running operation, you       involved in the procurement process
        There are a variety of risks      need a reliable and stable source        are involved throughout the cycle.
faced during the procurement              of supply.The risks of poor vendor       This include:
process. When procuring goods,            selection include:                        √ Preparation and submission of
works and services, it is important         √ Low quality products                    procurement plan for consolidation
to consider the risks attached              √ The vendor might not deliver            to supply chain management
at every stage, from unreliable               what they say they can               √ Giving the right estimate costs in
vendors to late deliveries, risks          √ The supplier might not deliver on         the procurement plan
of poor procurement are diverse.              time                                  √ Preparing and submission of the
Procurement can be challenging,             √ The vendor might not uphold             Terms of Reference, Samples and
especially with so many potential             the correct ethical standards           Bill of quantity together with the
risks littered along the supply chain.      √ The supplier could be                   requisition in good time during
Luckily with a little forethought,             non-compliant                          implementation
the supply chain management team                                                    √ Participating in the evaluation
can plan ways to manage the risks                                                      exercise when required
within the procurement system.            3.Disorganized vendor management          √ Participating in the Inspection and
The most common procurement               To prevent mishaps due to                   acceptance exercise
risks include:                            breakdowns in vendor relationships
                                          you may need to assess the following
                                          risks:                                   CHECKLIST OF POTENTIAL
 1.Inaccurate internal needs                √ Communications and supplier          RISKS- GOODS AND SERVICES
   analysis                                   buyer relationship                   PROCUREMENT PROCESS
When a department identifies the            √ In house supplier processes you
need for a product or service, it kicks       may have to work with                   I. Identifying the need and planning
off the procurement process. At this                                                     the purchase
stage, the risks are obvious and                                                     II. Developing the specification
include:                                   4.Non compliance                         III. Selecting the procurement
  √ Overstatement or understatement       Issues of compliance is key and                 method
    of the need                           any supplier who misses on the            IV. Purchase documentation
  √ Unrealistic timescales and            compliance which are mandatory             V. Inviting, clarifying and closing
    schedules                             with government regulations can                 offers
  √ Inadequate budget                     expose a procurement entity to a very    VI. Evaluating the offers/bids received
  √ Poorly designed requirements,         big risks, This should be addressed at   VII. Selecting the successful bidder
                                          the time of evaluating bids documents    VIII. Contract Management
While it’s obvious that these risks       at the beginning of the exercise,        IX. Evaluating the procurement
result in wasted time and money, the                                                       process
real problem lies in their knock-on
effects                                     5.Delays in procurement
Incorrect forecasting or estimates        Constant mistakes in the procurement     From the above examples, it is evident
costs at the beginning of the             process lea to delays as your            that risk in procurement process
procurement process may cause a           procurement team is constantly           is broad and with emerging issues
chain of incorrect decisions down         tasked with fixing problems rather       in procurement risk can still be
the line.                                 than moving procurement                  encountered.

         Justice Newsletter                                                    Volume 4 Issue 1 |2021| 17
You can also read