Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
Join us for   4
          Key S t a g e
         Options 2017-2018
        – a student’s guide               Weston College Academy
                                the home of the NSETC
Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
    to the North Somerset Enterprise
                                                                                                  Why choose NSETC?              4   Subject guide            13

    and Technology College (NSETC)                                                                Your typical week
                                                                                                  Exciting enrichment
                                                                                                                                     How to join
    In choosing to join us for years 10 and 11 you are starting out on
                                                                                                  Making your subject choices   10   Getting to NSETC         25
    a new stage in your education within a specialised STEM (science,
    technology, engineering and maths) and business environment.                                                                     Weston College Academy
                                                                                                                                     the home of the NSETC    26
    This is the first time that you will have been able to make any choices
    about the subjects you are studying and we hope that you will be
    excited by the pathways we are offering, which give you the chance
    to develop so much more than just your Level 2 qualifications.

       What to                                 2    Attend an event – come to one

       do first
                                                    of our STEM taster sessions or
                                               open evenings. You can meet our staff
                                               and current students, ask any questions
                                               about the process of transferring to
                                               NSETC and get a feel for the school. Go

    1    Use this booklet – take a look        to for further details.

         through this guide with your
                                                     Book an information and
    parents or carers and with subject
                                                     guidance meeting and take
    teachers in your own school who know
                                               a tour of our fantastic, brand new
    you well. Ask yourself these questions:
                                               facilities – if you would like to meet
    • Is this something I will enjoy for      with a member of staff and talk through
      two years?                               the options and choices available please
                                               contact us and we can arrange a time
    • Is it relevant to my ideas about next
                                               that is convenient for you and your
      steps or a career/degree course?
                                               parent or carer.

                                               4                                                                                Additional support
    • Is this something I am going to be
                                                    Keep social – the best ways to
      good at?
                                                    keep up to date is to read the                                              If you have additional learning needs we
    The most successful students choose        news on our website, sign-up to our                                              can work with you to create a personalised
    GCSE and BTEC courses that they enjoy      newsletter, follow us on Twitter and like
                                                                                                                                pathway to make sure you are successful
    and which give them the chance to          us on Facebook.
    excel in areas of strength.
                                                                                                                                during and beyond your time at the NSETC.

    Like us and follow us...
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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
Why choose
    NSETC?                                                                                                   • S cientific skills to break down complex

                                                                                                               scientific systems

                                                                                                               athematical skills for calculations and

                                                                                                               ttention to detail to follow a standard
                                                                                                              blueprint, record data accurately and
                                                                                                              write instructions

    STEM and                                                                                                 •T
                                                                                                               echnical skills to troubleshoot problems,
                                                                                                              repair machines or debug operating
    business focused                                                                                          systems
    NSETC specialises in science, technology,
    engineering, maths and business subjects.                                                                •C
                                                                                                               omputer capabilities to stay current on
    This means you will be able to access specific                                                            appropriate software and equipment.
    option choices which may not be available at
    your current school, such as engineering or                                                              Most people who work in STEM fields use
    health and social care.                                                                                  ‘soft’ skills as much as they use maths and
                                                                                                             science. Some of the soft skills you will
    Why STEM?                                                                                                develop at NSETC include your
                                                                                                             communication and cooperation skills,
    Businesses want, and need, workers who
                                                                                                             your creative abilities, leadership and
    can reason and solve problems using
                                                                                                             organisational skills.
    science, technology, engineering and maths
    Employers in the region have identified a                                                                NSETC is based in the brand new Weston
    skills shortage in STEM subjects and the                                                                 College Academy, built in Weston-super-
    broader transferable skills they need. So                                                                Mare’s Junction 21 Enterprise Area, where it
    there are plenty of jobs and education                                                                   is surrounded by employers who play an
    progression opportunities out there... for                                                               important role in life at the school.
    the right people.
                                                                                                             NSETC is the only school in England to be
    The key STEM skills we teach at NSETC                                                                    located within an enterprise zone and it is
    include:                                                                                                 part of a wider development within
                                                                                                             Weston-super-Mare which has a focus on
    • Numeracy problem-solving                                                                               STEM training, expertise and employment.

    • Analytical skills to research a topic,                                                                The £12million Weston College Academy
      develop a plan and draw conclusions                                                                    includes specialist facilities dedicated to
      from research

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
    STEM subjects. It has been designed as an
    innovative, work-related learning space and
    includes engineering and design
                                                   More activities in your
                                                   school day                                                                                     typical
    technology workshops, a large lecture          We offer a large range of activities
    theatre, top-of-the-range IT suites,           outside of the classroom, meaning there
    classrooms, seminar rooms and food             really is something for everyone. Please
    technology, textiles and art workshops.        see page 7 for more details of our
                                                   enrichment offering.
    It also features science laboratories,
    including several ‘super labs’ which run the   A business environment
    length of the building. There is a terrace     All aspects of NSETC have been designed
    area where students can conduct outdoor        with business in mind, from the building       The NSETC works a                            Homework
    experiments and communal spaces on each        to the hours of the day, how you will          little differently to typical schools; we
    floor. The campus also includes a cafeteria,                                                                                               You will continue to have
                                                   interact with teachers and the design of        aim to create an environment as close
    an open-plan library, an indoor sports area                                                                                                homework, but there will be
                                                   your timetable.                                 to a place of work as possible.
    and a multi-use outdoor sports area.                                                                                                       opportunities to complete some of
                                                                                                                                               this within the longer school day
                                                   Aiming for top grades                           Working day:
    More work experience                                                                                                                       with the support of our teachers.
                                                   At the core of everything we do at NSETC         8.30am-4pm, Mondays and Fridays.
    and advice from industry                       is making sure you achieve the best                                                         Lessons – both inside and outside
    experts                                        possible grades you can. We set                  8.30am-5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays         the classroom
    You will have work placements during the       aspirational targets and we expect you to        and Thursdays.                             During the week you will have
    course of your two GCSE years so you get       give 100% to reach them.                                                                    subject lessons as well as sessions
    real experience of what it is like to work                                                       Tutor groups
                                                                                                                                               where you can take part in STEM
    in areas of industry which you are             Small classes                                      You will meet every morning for          and business enrichment
    interested in.                                 The small size of our year 10 and year 11          registration with your tutor, with an    activities. Sometimes these will
                                                   student year groups means you will                  extended period for personal, social,   be led by our university and
    You will also be able to speak to people       receive excellent support throughout your           health and citizenship education.       industry partners.
    who work in all sorts of roles – including     time at NSETC.
    people from companies like BT and the NHS                                                          Groups are vertical and this means      There will also be times during
    to Bam Construction and the Met Office.                                                            that you will have some year 12 and
                                                   Opportunity to                                                                              the year when you will be out of
    You will be able to ask real engineers,                                                            year 13 students in your tutor          college for an afternoon or
    scientists, mathematicians, healthcare         travel abroad                                        group who can give you support         morning so that you can visit
    professionals and other STEM specialists       You will have the chance to develop your             and advice.                            industrial placements, or
    about their qualifications and experience      cultural knowledge as part of an                                                            experience university
    and you will receive mentoring from them.      international exchange scheme and                                                           laboratories, for example.
                                                   through programmes such as the
    Take a look at other work experience           Holocaust Educational Trust’s Lessons
    opportunities at               From Auschwitz project.

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
    Enrichment                                                                                    Some of our enrichment
                                                                                                  success stories...

                                                                                                  NSETC students win Young
                                                                                                  Enterprise Area Final
    What else can I do at the NSETC?                                                              A group of NSETC students was crowned
                                                                                                  the overall winner at the Young Enterprise
    Our enrichment programme takes two forms:
                                                                                                  West of England area final for 2016.

    1. STEM and enterprise extended learning      Clubs and societies – expanding subject
                                                                                                  Young Enterprise is a programme in which       Duke of Edinburgh (DofE)
                                                                                                  students create and develop their own
    – allowing you to stretch your STEM and       expertise. They also build experience in
                                                                                                  business, work on producing a high-quality
                                                                                                                                                 leads to Buckingham
    business learning and put it into practice.   areas like sports, outdoor pursuits, the
                                                                                                  product, create budgets, market their          Palace visit
    This could include:                           arts and volunteering. Club activities
                                                                                                  business and much more.                        The DofE programme recognises young
                                                  include the following,
    • Biology, Chemistry and Physics Olympiads                                                                                                   people for completing a series of self-
                                                  subject to demand:                              The year 12 students won best company
                                                                                                                                                 improvement exercises including
    • UK Maths Challenge                                                                          programme for their business, Growtopia,
                                                  • Digital media                                                                                volunteering programmes and expeditions.
                                                                                                  after a panel of judges marked a total of
    • Crest Science Award                                                                         eight businesses by viewing trade stands       NSETC received recognition for its work
                                                  • Chess
    • Young Designer                                                                              and presentations delivered by the students.   running the Duke of Edinburgh Award at an
                                                  • Community action and services                                                                event at Buckingham Palace in May 2016. A
    • Formula 1 in Schools                                                                        Ruth Davies, Head of Key Stage 5 at NSETC
                                                  • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme                                                               celebration to mark the 60th anniversary of
                                                                                                  and the Centre Lead for Growtopia, said: “I
    • Young Engineer for Britain                                                                                                                 the DofE Award took place at Buckingham
                                                  • Fitness                                       am honoured to have worked with such an
                                                                                                                                                 Palace and NSETC’s DofE Coordinator Ruth
    • Young Investor Challenge                                                                    inspiring bunch of young people; you
                                                  • Football                                                                                     Sherrard attended the celebration to collect
                                                                                                  couldn’t ask for better representatives for
    • National Stock Market Challenge                                                                                                            a plaque for the school.
                                                  • Rugby                                         your school.
    • Young Enterprise                                                                                                                           Miss Sherrard said: “The South West group
                                                  • Netball                                       “This group has worked tirelessly from
                                                                                                                                                 was lucky enough to have Prince Philip as
    • National Robotics Competition.                                                              September on this project and has
                                                  • Hockey                                                                                       our Royal VIP. He was very interested in
                                                                                                  reaped the reward. Young Enterprise is a
                                                                                                                                                 where the students had been for their
                                                  • Robot wars.                                   great opportunity for students to
                                                                                                  develop not just enterprise skills but
                                                                                                  important life skills.”                        “Our celebrity was Naga Munchetty from
                                                                                                                                                 BBC Breakfast who talked to the group
                                                                                                  Rob Carter, Chair of the Young Enterprise
                                                                                                                                                 about getting into journalism and her
                                                                                                  West of England Board, said: “With
                                                                                                                                                 favourite interviewees.
                                                                                                  standards this year higher than ever,
                                                                                                  Growtopia deservedly finished victorious       “The weather was beautiful and we
                                                                                                  with a powerful mixture of innovation,         received a plaque for the school for running
                                                                                                  compassion, fun and great teamwork.            the DofE programme.”
                                                                                                  Really well done.”

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
Making your
     subject                      choices...
           Choosing your options
     CORE CURRICULIM                                     All students will need to choose one
     all students take these subjects:                   subject from each option block. They will
     English Language                                    be required to indicate a first and a second
                                                         reserve subject, which must differ from the
     English Literature
                                                         first-choice option. We will endeavour to
     Maths                                               give you your first choice where possible.
     Double Science

       OPTION SET A                                        OPTION SET C

       Psychology                                          Triple Science
       Business                                            Design and Technology: Product Design
       Computing                                           Modern Foreign Languages
       Geography                                           (please specify French or Spanish)

       Food Science and Nutrition                          Business

                                                           OPTION SET D (This option is a double
       Geography                                           option and is equivalent to two GCSEs):
       Design and Technology: Product Design
                                                           Business BTEC
       Health and Social Care
                                                           Engineering BTEC
       Modern Foreign Languages
                                                           Health and Social Care BTEC
       (please specify French or Spanish)

     The following subjects will also be taken by all students:
     Physical Education
     Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
     ECDL (leading international computer skills certification)

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
Find out more about our
                                                    An introduction
fantastic                                           to NSETC’s subjects…

new building
            on pages 26 & 27...                     Business                                       Where will this course lead me?
                                                                                                   Throughout the course you will
                                                                                                   develop skills in time management,
                                                    What will I study?
                                                                                                   personal organisation and action
                                                    Business studies helps you to be aware of      planning, presentational skills,
                                                    how to effectively manage others and how       communication and group work,
                                                    to motivate people, as well as an              cognitive skills and reflection
                                                    understanding of how to increase wealth        /review skills.
                                                    while considering the impact of business
                                                    activity on the environment.                   This course prepares you to make
                                                    The content of this course includes starting   informed decisions about further
                                                    a business, marketing, finance, people in      learning and career opportunities.
                                                    business operations management and the         Students will usually go on to study
                                                    wider economic context. This course is
                                                                                                   business and/or economics at A Level.
                                                    assessed through a combination of
                                                                                                   However, many skills learned in GCSE
                                                    coursework and exams.
                                                                                                   Business is transferrable across many
                                                    This course enables you to:
                                                                                                   other subjects.
                                                    • Engage in the study of business and
                                                      economics to develop as a critical and
                                                      reflective thinker
                                                    • Develop and apply your knowledge,
                                                      understanding and skills to
                                                      contemporary issues
                                                    • Appreciate the range of perspectives of
                                                      different stakeholders in relation to
                                                      business and economics.

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
                                                  PROFILE                              Design and
     Computer                                                                           Technology
     Science                                                                            What will I study?
                                                                                                                                       Where will this course lead me?

                                                                                                                                       The UK needs young people who have
                                               Megan Moody, 15                                                                         fresh ideas, learn from their mistakes and
                                                                                        This course includes modules surrounding
                                               Option choices:                                                                         re-invent. This course will allow you to
     What will I study?                                                                 concept models, working prototypes,
                                               Computing, IT and Business                                                              develop your design capabilities and make
     To make a computer do exactly what                                                 wearable technology, packaging,
                                                                                                                                       products using the right materials.
     you want it to do by recoding it is a                                              promotional material and more.
                                               “The teaching at NSETC has been                                                         You will complete this course with an
     skill in high demand in commerce and                                               You will develop your design and thinking
     the visual arts.
                                               better than at my former school, I’ve                                                   awareness and understanding of real-life
                                                                                        skills and learn the basic principles from
                                               been taught more and pushed to                                                          design. You will be able to develop design
                                                                                        many design disciplines, including papers
     During the course you will develop        get better grades.                                                                      proposals and communicate your design
                                                                                        and boards, timber, metal-based materials,
     your understanding of computer                                                                                                    ideas and decisions using a range of media
                                                                                        polymers, textile-based materials and
     systems, including data, hardware,        “The most memorable aspect of                                                           and techniques. You will have a broad
                                                                                        electronic and mechanical systems.
     software and communications. This                                                                                                 knowledge of working with a range of
                                               joining NSETC has been meeting
     course is ideal for any student who                                                Assessment in this course is a combination     materials, components and technologies.
                                               new people and being able to
     enjoys problem-solving and is                                                      of coursework and exams.
                                               choose the courses I would enjoy                                                        You will also develop critical thinking and
     considering a career where expertise
                                                                                                                                       practical skills which will serve you well in
     with computers and networks is            and find interesting.”
                                                                                                                                       the future, during A Levels, BTECs,
                                                                                                                                       apprenticeships or in the workplace.

     Where will this course lead me?
     Computing is considered to be a
     challenging subject which will prepare
     you for sixth form, university and even                                                                                           This course is assessed through a
     work. Even well-known names such as                                                                                               combination of coursework and exams. have gone back to school to                                              What will I study?
     learn how to code.                                                                                                                Where will this course lead me?
                                                                                        This course will provide you with the
                                                                                        underpinning knowledge of mechanical           You will be well-placed to study
                                                                                        and electrical systems of manufacturing        engineering at sixth form after
                                                                                        techniques and the latest technology that is   completing this course, it will also help
                                                                                        pushing the boundaries of science.             to prepare you for university and the
                                                                                        You will become proficient in the use of
      Further details                                                                   engineering machinery, including milling
         ch of th es e co urses
      ea                                                                                machines, metal lathes and hand tools. You
      can be foun   d  at                                                               will also be exposed to industrial processes
       www.nsetc .n-som                                                                 such as forging casting.

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
 Daniel Sturman, 15
 Option choices:
 Engineering, Business and IT

 Former school:
                                                                                     Food Science
 Worle Community School

 “NSETC has helped me progress
 towards my career goal of becoming    Language
                                                                                     and Nutrition                                 You will also begin to understand and

                                       and Literature
 an engineer – by giving me access                                                                                                 explore a range of ingredients and
 to a wide range of skilled teachers                                                                                               processes from different culinary
                                                                                     What will I study?                            traditions (traditional British and
 and facilities which benefit the
                                                                                     You will learn effective and safe cooking     international) to inspire new ideas or
 subject I wanted to do.
                                                                                     skills by planning, preparing and cooking     modify existing recipes.
                                       What will I study?
 “The most memorable and                                                             using a variety of food commodities,
                                       English Language will allow you to                                                          This course is assessed through one written
                                                                                     cooking techniques and equipment.
 enjoyable aspect of the course so     demonstrate the use of English in real                                                      exam paper on food preparation and
 far has been able to create and       life, investigate how language is used        You will develop knowledge of the             nutrition, which is worth 50% of your
 manage a game in engineering.”        and draw upon your own experiences.           functional properties, chemical processes     grade, and two coursework projects.
                                                                                     and nutritional value of food and drinks
                                       English Literature offers you the chance                                                    Where will this course lead me?
                                                                                     and begin to understand the relationship
                                       to study classic literature and some
                                                                                     between diet, nutrition and health,           Food preparation and nutrition will equip
                                       contemporary novels too.
                                                                                     including physiological and psychological     you with the knowledge, understanding
                                                                                     effects of poor diet and health.              and skills required to cook and apply the
                                       Where will this course lead me?
                                                                                                                                   principles of food science, nutrition and
                                       English is invaluable for your future, no     You will learn the economic,                  healthy eating.
                                       matter what you are aiming for. A good        environmental, ethical and socio-cultural
                                       command of the spoken and written             influences on food availability, production   You will learn how to cook and make
                                       word will help you every day – and            processes and diet and health choices. You    informed decisions about a wide range of
                                       benefit all of your other subjects, too.      will be able to demonstrate knowledge and     further learning such as A Level, BTECs and
                                       Whatever you end up doing, English is a       understanding of functional and nutritional   apprenticeships in the food and hospitality
                                       must-have subject for college, university,    properties, sensory qualities and             industries. You will also develop life skills
                                       work and life.                                microbiological food safety considerations    which will enable you to feed yourself in
                                                                                     when preparing, processing, storing,          an affordable and healthy way now and
                                                                                     cooking and serving food.                     later in life.

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Key Stage 4 Options 2017-2018- a student's guide - North Somerset Enterprise and Technology College
Geography                                                                                   Health and                                     STUDENT
                                                 You will develop a knowledge and
                                                                                                 Social Care                                      PROFILE
     What will I study?                          understanding of current events from
                                                                                                 What will I study?
                                                 the local area to a global scale.
     You will study ‘Living with the Physical                                                    If you are interested in embarking in a
                                                 Geography also helps you to gain a
     Environment’, exploring natural hazards                                                     career where you work with people
     such as earthquakes, climate change and
                                                 range of useful skills such as map
                                                                                                 from all backgrounds to improve and           Eleanor Parkes, 15
                                                 reading, data collection, ICT and problem       support their health and wellbeing
     extreme UK weather, ecosystems,                                                                                                           Option choices:
                                                 solving. Studying this course will mean         such as a nurse, midwife, social worker,
     tropical rainforests and hot deserts. You                                                                                                 Health and Social Care,
                                                 you are well placed to study Geography          teacher, nursery nurse, ambulance
     will also study ‘Challenges in the Human
                                                 at college or even at university.               driver, paramedic, dietician, public          Business and Art.
     Environment’ where you will examine
                                                                                                 health advisor, going into the forces or
     population and concepts such as                                                                                                           “I wasn’t doing well at my old
                                                                                                 police, then this course is for you.
     sustainable urban living, development
                                                                                                                                               school and thought smaller classes

     and economic futures in the UK, and the                                                     The course will cover a range of care
     challenge of resource management with                                                       needs, the services which are                 would benefit me, so I chose to
                                                                                                 provided to meet these needs, and             come to NSETC.
     a particular focus on either food, water
                                                                                                 the different job roles and skills of
     or energy.
                                                                                                 people providing health, social care
                                                                                                                                               “The teachers here have more time,
                                                  What will I study?                             and early years services. The course
     As part of the final assessment, you will                                                                                                 because there are less students in
                                                                                                 covers care for all ages, so you will
     complete an issue evaluation which will      The Maths syllabus is designed to              learn to deal with children, vulnerable       each class. I have been pushed to
     look at how human and physical               develop skills in a range of areas of the      adults, adults with illnesses and
     geography interact and will involve
                                                                                                                                               succeed and I enjoy my school life
                                                  subject: number and algebra, geometry          disabilities and older people.
     problem solving and decision making.                                                                                                      more. My grades have improved
                                                  and measures, statistics, probability
                                                                                                 You will be assessed through one piece        greatly since joining NSETC and
                                                  and functional mathematics. You will           of internally assessed controlled
     There will be at least two fieldwork
                                                  learn to investigate mathematical ideas        assessment, worth 60% of the course,          meeting new people has been one
     enquiries – one human geography and
     one physical geography. This will give
                                                  and test your own hypotheses, to               and one externally assessed exam,             of the most enjoyable aspects of
                                                  approach problems with precision and           worth 40% of the course.                      being here.”
     you the opportunity to put theory into
                                                  creativity and to communicate them in
     practice and so further develop your                                                        Students will have the opportunity to
                                                  ways that are effective and appropriate.
     understanding.                                                                              take part in First Aid enrichment which
                                                  This course is assessed through exams.         helps to develop vital lifesaving skills
     Where will this course lead me?                                                             such as CPR, bandaging, treating burns
                                                  Where will this course lead me?                and more. Students are also
     Geography helps you to make sense of                                                        encouraged to consider a health and
                                                  Not only is Maths important in most
     our world by examining different                                                            social care related work placement.
                                                  aspects of everyday life but a good
     environments and issues. It is a
                                                  GCSE grade in Maths opens many                 Where will this course lead me?
     dynamic, relevant subject that is
                                                  doors to studying and to the world of
     constantly adapting to change.                                                              This course is a good stepping stone
                                                  work, with most employers looking for
     Geography gives you the opportunity                                                         towards numerous A Levels and
                                                  good Maths qualifications. An A*, A or         Level 3 qualifications. Many students
     to investigate natural processes, the
                                                  B grade in this subject will allow you to      choose to study BTEC Level 3 Health
     impact they have on people and
                                                  go on to study AS Level and A Level            and Social Care and quite often take
     attempts to manage this.
                                                  Maths, should you want to.                     this alongside an A Level subject
                                                                                                 such as Biology.

18                                                                             NEED SOME HELP?     T: 01934 411 611 E: W: 19
     Psychology                                                                                        PROFILE
     What will I study?                              Where will this course lead me?

     In this subject you will study criminal         Psychology is extremely useful for many
     behaviour, development, psychological           careers as it is essentially the study of
                                                                                                     Connor Pettett, 15
     problems and research methods.                  people and in every career we will come
     Following this, you could potentially study     across other people. Quite a lot of             “There is a large range of jobs
     social influence, memory, sleep and             professions have adopted certain aspects
                                                                                                     available to go into with the
     dreaming, and research methods.                 of psychology e.g. sports psychology,
                                                     business or organisational psychology. It       subjects I chose at NSETC. I chose to
     There is something for everybody in             is very relevant to those seeking a career      come here so I would have better
     psychology but you have to be interested in     in the caring professions such as               opportunities after school.
     people and be able to write essays and

                                                     teaching, nursing and policing.
     carry out practical work and statistics.                                                        “The teaching and facilities here are
     Remember it is a science and is a very          Those who excel at this subject could
                                                                                                     very good, the teachers interact

     rigorous subject. Think of choosing this        pursue this at college, university and to
     subject if you are interested in people, like   post-graduate level and look forward to
                                                                                                     with students to make it more
     a good discussion and think like a scientist.   careers as clinical or educational              enjoyable.
                                                     psychologists or become research
     The course is assessed via two exams at         scientists in psychology.                       “Studying science at NSETC is
     the end of year 11.                                                                             informative and enjoyable.”                  What will I study?

                                                                                                                                                  You will study Biology, Chemistry and
                                                                                                                                                  Physics during this course. It will follow a
                                                                                                                                                  similar structure to Double Science,

     Double Science
                                                                                                                                                  however instead of a mixed Biology,
                                                                                                                                                  Physics and Chemistry grade for each of
                                                                                                                                                  the two GCSEs, you’ll receive a GCSE grade
                                                                                                                                                  in Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
                                                     Where will this course lead me?
     What will I study?                                                                                                                           The first two thirds of the course are
                                                     Science is an essential requirement for a
     You will follow Core Science in year 10                                                                                                      identical to the core and additional
                                                     wide range of careers ranging from
     followed by Additional Science in year 11.                                                                                                   science course. To gain the third GCSE you
                                                     medicine, medical services including
     This will lead to two complete GCSEs. The                                                                                                    will need to complete three extra exams
                                                     physiotherapy, dentistry, forensics and
     course has a solid foundation of key                                                                                                         and a third piece of controlled assessment.
                                                     sports science.
     scientific theory and practice with an
                                                                                                                                                  Where will this course lead me?
     emphasis on up to date social, ethical and      Science qualifications are also highly
     technological issues.                           valued in health and beauty careers, as                                                      If you are considering taking any science
                                                     well as engineering, catering, motor                                                         subject at A Level then you should take
                                                     vehicle, plumbing and electrical services.                                                   Triple Science because it gives you better
                                                                                                                                                  preparation for studying single sciences at
                                 on                                                                                                               advanced level.
                Further details
                        th es e co urses
                each of
                can be found at
                www.nsetc .co.u
20                                                                                 NEED SOME HELP?           T: 01934 411 611 E: W: 21
Modern Foreign Lang
                         uages                                                                      Employability
                                                                                                    How we help you to become job-ready
     (French or Spanish)
                                                                                                 Employability has a huge part to
      What will I study?                          Where will this course lead me?                play in the curriculum at NSETC.
                                                  Using languages at work doesn’t mean           Real-work projects and work experience
      You will be able to listen, speak and
                                                  being just a teacher, translator or            placements provide students with
      read in French or Spanish by the end of
                                                  interpreter. Although these jobs make          opportunities to engage with business
      this course. There will be a focus on
      business and technical language as well     for an extremely interesting career, it        beyond the classroom.
      as conversational and cultural language.    can mean working in one of many
                                                  industries, in which languages,
      Language students will be expected to       combined with expertise in another
      immerse themselves in the culture and
      country of their target language and to
                                                  field, can really help students to             Year 10 Work Experience
      actively access news and current affairs.                                                  Students in year 10 have two blocks
                                                  Learning a language means you could            of one-week placements. The first
                                                  go on to become a travel agent, foreign        placement focuses on students
                                                  ambassador, journalist, editor, brand
                                                                                                 gaining confidence and awareness
                                                  manager, advertising executive,
                          on                                                                     of the skills needed within the
         Further details                          business owner, trader, hotel manager,
                 th es e co urses                                                                workplace.
         each of                                  translator for UK and European
         can be found at                          businesses, lawyer or many other               Each student has a one-to-one interview
         www.nsetc .co.u                          professions.                                   with NSETC’s work experience adviser and is
                                                                                                 given support finding a placement relevant
                                                                                                 to their ambitions and curriculum choices.
                                                                                                 The second placement is focused on
                                                                                                 specific career options and students often
                                                                                                 secure high-quality placements with
                                                                                                 prestigious companies.

22                                                                             NEED SOME HELP?       T: 01934 411 611 E: W: 23
How                                                                                              Getting to
     do I join?
                                                                                                   Getting to NSETC                                  First Bus and Crosville operate a wide range
                                                                                                   NSETC                                             of network services throughout North
                                                                                                                                                     Somerset, Somerset, Gloucester, Wiltshire
                                                                                                   Weston College Academy
                                                                                                                                                     and within the Bristol area. Additional bus
     If you decide you would like to join           you day before you start in September.         Beaufighter Road
                                                                                                                                                     times and other service information can
     NSETC then you need to talk to your            This will give you the opportunity to meet     Weston-super-Mare
                                                                                                                                                     also be obtained from Travel Line on
                                                                                                   BS24 8EE
     parents or carer and ask them to fill          other students and begin to make new                                                             0871 2002233 or via
     out an application form.                       friends. You will also be able to meet your    By road                                           or
                                                    tutor and some of your teachers so you
                                                                                                   NSETC is less than a five minute drive from       There is a 16-18 bursary available to
     The form can be found online by visiting       know what to expect.                           Junction 21 of the M5 and a short drive           support students with the cost of a bus
                                                                                                   from Weston-super-Mare town centre.               pass (criteria applies). Please visit our
                                                    When you start in September we will take
     You will also need to fill in the KS4          some time out of normal lessons to do          Car parking and drop-off points are               website for more details.
     options form which can be found on the         some induction activities so we can make       available on site.                                By rail
     same web page.                                 sure you are happy and settled before you
                                                                                                   By bus                                            Weston-super-Mare is on the main line from
                                                    get started on your GCSEs.
     Please ensure both these forms are filled                                                     NSETC has been working very closely with          Bristol to Exeter. This line includes the
     out and returned by 31st October 2017                                                         First Bus and Crosville to provide the            following stations: Backwell, Bath, Bridgwater,
     (although some applications may be                                                            flexibility for students to come and go to suit   Bristol, Highbridge, Nailsea, Taunton, Yatton.
     considered after the closing date).                                                           their study needs. There will be two bus          NSETC is just 15 minutes’ walk from Weston
                                                                                                   services which travel to the new campus –         Milton Railway Station. For timetables and
     If you are successful you will be invited in                                                  Service A2 and Service 126 – with two buses       costs, visit
     to a taster session and getting-to-know                                                       per hour. These services link NSETC with the
                                                                                                   town centre, as well as destinations towards      By bike
                                                                                                   Bristol Airport and Wells.                        NSETC is keen to promote students using
                                                                                                                                                     their bikes. There are many benefits to
                                                                                                   Please visit
                                                                                                                                                     commuting by bike, including:
                                                                                                   for up-to-date timetables.
                                                                                                                                                     • Saving money on petrol
                                                                                                   Bus passes
                                                                                                   We offer our full-time students a substantial     • Keeping fit, healthy and in shape
                                                                                                   discount on bus travel. The £70 per term
                                                                                                                                                     • No queuing
                                                                                                   pass can be used on local First Bus and
                                                                                                   Crosville routes anytime Monday to Friday         •R
                                                                                                                                                       educing carbon emissions, which is
                                                                                                   during term-time. You can also use your            good for the environment.
                                                                                                   pass to travel to and from work experience
                                                                                                                                                     There will be cycle racks, available for
                                                                                                                                                     students to use. A cycle map marking routes
                                                                                                                                                     is available via

24                                                                               NEED SOME HELP?             T: 01934 411 611 E: W: 25
Weston College                                                        Opened in September 2016, the Weston
                                                                           College Academy, the home of NSETC, is
                                                                           the first school in the country to be built
                                                                                                                         The ground floor houses engineering
                                                                                                                         workshops, a large assembly hall and a

       Academy                                 Home of
                                                                           in an Enterprise Area.
                                                                                                                         The first floor contains IT suites,
                                                                           This link with businesses and employers       classrooms, food technology workshops

                                                the NSETC                  benefits our students through work
                                                                           placement and experience opportunities
                                                                           they might not have in other schools.
                                                                                                                         and an open-plan library.

                                                                                                                         The top floor is dedicated to science, with
                                                                                                                         ‘super-labs’ running the length of the
                                                                                                                         building and an outdoor science terrace.

                                 Design and technology
     Terrace for use during      workspaces, including
     outdoor scientific          kitchens with top of
     experiments.                the range appliances.
                                                                                            ‘Super-labs’, running
                                                                                            the whole length of
                                                                                            the top floor.                                    Modern library
                                                                                                                                              and IT suites.

                                               Communal areas and                                                                Indoor and
                                               spaces for interdependent                                                         outdoor multi-use
            Canteen with indoor and            study and group work.                                                             sports facilities.
            outdoor seating areas.

26                                                                                                                                                                     27
To find out more about NSETC or for
      further information about our open
      evenings and events:
      Call: 01934 411 611

      Stay connected

                                Trust                                                Weston College Academy
                                                                                       the home of the NSETC

NSETC, Weston College Academy, Beaufighter Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 8EE.
T: 01934 411 611 E:

The information contained in this booklet is correct at the time of publication. North Somerset
Enterprise and Technology College reserves the right to amend any details herein.
Copyright Weston College Group 2017. All rights reserved.
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