KINCORA COPPER Trundle: Advancing a new brownfield discovery - February 2022 - The Assay
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KINCORA COPPER Trundle: Advancing a new brownfield discovery February 2022 TRDD030: semi-massive chalcopyrite-carbonate vein within the Middle Skarn at approximately 821m
Cautionary Statement Certain disclosure may constitute "forward-looking statements”. In making the forward-looking statements, the Company has applied certain factors and assumptions that the Company believes are reasonable. However, the forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Such uncertainties and risks are described from time to time in the Company's filings with the appropriate securities commissions, and may include, among others, market conditions, delays in obtaining or failure to obtain required regulatory approvals or financing, fluctuating metal prices, the possibility of project cost overruns, mechanical failure, unavailability of parts and supplies, labour disturbances, interruption in transportation or utilities, adverse weather conditions, and unanticipated costs and expenses, variations in the cost of energy or materials or supplies or environmental impacts on operations. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Qualified Person: The scientific and technical information in this presentation was prepared in accordance with the standards of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum and National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and was reviewed, verified and compiled by Kincora’s staff under the supervision of Paul Cromie (BSc Hons, M Economic Geology, PhD Geology, AusIMM), Exploration Manager – Australia, who is a Qualified Person for the purpose of NI 43- 101. JORC Competent person statement: Information in this presentation that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Paul Cromie, who is a Qualified Person under the definition established by JORC and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr. Paul Cromie consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form 2 and context in which it appears.
Why Kincora? Team, Location, Targets & Catalysts Industry leading technical Foremost gold rich porphyry team belt pure play Track record of major discoveries (eg Cadia & World-class belt, world-class mines - District Reko Diq), unique knowledge of the Lachlan scale project pipeline highly prospective for the Fold Belt (“LFB”) + “skin in the game” next one with a juniors leverage to success Targets offering world-class Funded and active program, copper gold potential News flow and catalysts Drilling at advanced exploration stage projects Active & systematic explorer: Drill hole with hallmarks to neighboring mines/deposits assay results pending for two projects & that in total host >20Moz gold & >5Mt copper third being tested by neighboring explorer drilling in NSW 3
Kincora’s strategic and district scale portfolio Priority drilling projects LACHLAN FOLD BELT • Sit in favorable locations of the key porphyry belts of the Macquarie (“LFB”) REGION Arc • Are advanced stages of exploration and/or host large scale footprints Kincora’s projects in • Demonstrate potential hallmarks of neighboring world-class deposits RED MACQUARIE Level of ARC Project Macquarie Proximity to Near term prior Evidence of Last partner / Arc world-class mine drilling drilling Cu & Au owner Trundle * ✓✓✓ Same system as ✓on-going ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓ High Powered Northparkes + adj license Exploration Fairholme * ✓✓✓
Brownfield setting to Northparkes Within a prolific mining, infrastructure and agricultural district • The Trundle project is situated on the interpreted Rift Basin Peak Hill western side of the Northparkes Igneous Complex, a rifted slice of the Ordovician-Silurian Macquarie Arc within the Junee-Narromine volcanic belt TRUNDLE NORTHPARKES . . Mordialloc • The Northparkes project hosts an endowment of Rift Basin Mining License/Co 5.5Moz Au & 4.5Mt Cu1 Trundle mplex • 22 discoveries to date, of which 9 with proven (see slide 8) Trundle Park economic • Further significant exploration upside E44 deposit (development) Trundle DDH prospects Northparkes Caldera Boundary Northparkes prospects New South Wales . Rift Basin Northparkes Caldera Boundary Major Road . Town Bogan Gate Railway Sydney Parkes Trundle geochemistry Canberra footprint (>500ppm Cu &/or >0.1g/t Au) 1 Bespoke Mar’20 request by Richard Schodde from MinEx Consulting for Kincora.. “Endowment” reported on a pre-mined resource basis.
Trundle drilling Two advanced priority prospects (so far) Diamond drilling testing mineralization at 2 targets across ~8.5km N-S strike (Trundle Park & Mordialloc – completed Kincora holes in red traces) Air-core drilling program to test wider intrusive complex (Ravenswood South, Dunn’s & Mordialloc – see white zones in magnetics image) Geology Magnetics IP - Chargeability Mordialloc Drill hole traces over IP chargeability Kincora drilled/drilling Historic drilling Mordialloc Mordialloc Mordialloc Collars by depth (m) >50m >300m Geochemical anomalies >500pm Cu &/or >0.1g/t Au Ravenswood 500m Informal workings South ~8.5km 500m Dunn’s TRDD022 Geology Ordovician volcanics TRDD029 Trundle & sediments Trundle Park Porphyry intrusions Trundle Park Park Devonian sediments Trundle TRDD030 Park TRDD031
Macquarie Arc porphyry model Well-understood geological and exploration model Peak Hill • Alteration zoning (vertical and lateral) critical at system- Gindinbung scale exploration Epithermal Zone • Effective systematic exploration depends on a number of key considerations, including level in the system, nature/extent of cover and structural setting Epithermal, quartz- carbonate-base metal-gold zones • Deposits (skarns and porphyry intrusions) tend to occur Cadia East within structurally controlled settings and in clusters Cowal, E42, E46, E40, E41, E39 • Series of narrow but vertically extensive intrusion Little Cadia, E44 systems Cadia Ridgeway • Skarn systems can be located adjacent or above Cadia Far East causative intrusion source Northparkes: E26, E48, Skarn zones E22, E27, Marsden • Outcropping and near surface skarns systems historically mined and assisted understand the geneses of the Cadia district Porphyry zones • First skarn deposit at Northparkes (E44 Rocklands project) under feasibility study / permitting, as the first potential satellite mine Big Cadia to the existing mill Marsden, E43 Cadi Hill, Milly Milly Cadia Quarry Northparkes, E31, GRP314 Alkalic Porphyry Model – Macquarie Arc example (adopted from Alan J. Wilson, Ph.D. 2003) 7
Big systems but need to drill to their core Cadia Northparkes Newcrest CMOC & Sumitomo Clusters of vertically extensive deposits across a significant strike which can be missed with only shallow drilling Underground resources 5.7km projected to surface. 4.5km Deposit outlines: • Aqua = porphyry Satellite image • Purple = skarn Satellite image Ridgeway Cadia Quarry Cadia Hill Cadia East Cadia Far East S E26 GRP314 E48 E22 E27 N NW SE Top 50m Top 50m Endowment1 • 5.5Moz Au and 4.5Mt Cu • >50Moz Au and >9.5Mt Cu 300m Section Section Teritary basalt Monzonite porphyry Au >1g/t shell Trachytic volcanics Monzonite 0.5% Cu grade shell Siltstone Quartz monzonite 1 Bespoke Mar’20 request by Richard Andesitic volcanics Monzodiorite Outline of Cu mineralization Schodde from MinEx Consulting for Sediments Mafic monzonite Quartz monzonite porphyry Kincora.. “Endowment” reported on a Mineralized porphyry pre-mined resource basis. 8 Volcaniclastics
Trundle Park prospect - our initial concept Cadia Trundle Park Newcrest Kincora Cadia Far East Little Cadia Skarn zones Kincora hole TRDD001 Porphyry Skarn Open Porphyry zones Alteration overprint: Fluids cool as they Ser=Qtz-Alb-Chl migrate, providing Periphery of structure controlled Potassic zone: Kfs+Bt+- vectors to underlying phyllic overprint: Ser-Qtz-Alb Bn+-Ccp+-Qtz+-Mag source Cadia and Trundle Magnetite zone: Teritary basalt Causative Park Sections Mag+Bt+Kfs+Ccp porphyry Siltstone intrusion Zoned alteration and Siltstone mineralized skarn Conglomerate Volcaniclastic Magnetite – Volcaniclastic Magmatic fluids Causative hematite Monzonite from an underlying porphyry Pyoxene phyric lava porphyry copper- intrusion Micro Diorite Garnet – Calcareous units gold source pyroxene Drill intersections Quartz monzodiorite Feldspar porphyry Garnet >0.25% CuEq Quartz monzonite Porphyry vein >0.10% CuEq 200m 200m TRDD001 – significant intervals • 51m @ 1.17g/t Au & 0.54% Cu (from 39m) • 18m @ 0.53 g/t Au & 0.05% Cu (from 284m) 9 Skarn alteration and mineralization at Big and Little Cadia helped focus exploration at Cadia toward the largest porphyry system in Australia • 21m @ 0.25 g/t Au & 0.03% Cu (664m-EOH)
Trundle Park - shallow drilling defined 700m strike Large magnetic complexes untested 12 line 2020 Sli tion c de Se DRILL HOLE KEY Collar >0.5 CuEq % 1 0.1-0.5 CuEq % Background Total Magnetic All prior explorer drill holes * Down-hole lengths; True widths not known 0 200m 1 AuEq at $1800/oz Au and 3.55 10 lb Cu (100% recoveries).
Trundle Park - large system (now >1.3km), getting larger Significantly improved geological understanding has both guided and justified deeper drilling 14 line Now Sli tion c de Se Recent milestones (in sequential order) • Broadest porphyry interval at the project TRDD022: 162m @ 0.24g/t Au, 0.04% Cu, TRDD incl. 18m @ 0.75g/t Au, 0.09% Cu 0 22 • Next hole returns even broader cumulative porphyry intervals DRILL HOLE KEY TRDD014W1: 10m @ 1.13g/t Au, 0.32% Collar Cu with a further ∼200m of cumulative >0.5 CuEq % 4 TRD anomalous gold intervals 0.1-0.5 CuEq % 4 • Porphyry system extended to surface D 029 TRDD028 GEOLOGY MODEL TRDD 1 • New southern trend extension discovery Medial Skarn TRDD029: first assay interval for one of Proximal Skarn 0 three mineralised zones returns 36m @ TR 28 D Monzodiorite 0.68g/t Au, 0.29% Cu (1.17g/t Au Eq) D0 14 Monzonite Cumulative mineralised/altered interval W1 amongst the three zones totals 213m Informal Workings Upper skarn in TRDD029 • Gold-copper mineralization now Background Total Magnetic 1 Part assay results currently only available 36m @ 0.68 g/t Au, 0.29% Cu confirmed over >1.3 km strike and open TRDD TRDD0 for TRDD029 Drill hole traces for holes >50m 2 Assay results pending (visual lithology) Middle skarn2 depth only 3 Designed & on-going hole TRDD031 0 200m Lower skarn2 11 0 * Down-hole lengths; 4 AuEq at $1800/oz Au and 3.55lb Cu 31 3 True widths not known (100% recoveries). 02 3
Prior drilling was too shallow Prior explorer drilling averaged less than 30m depth at Trundle Park ∼0.7km Prior explorer strike Previous explorer drilling was largely to basement mapping lithology and geochemistry depth explorer Prior • 490 holes for 14,556m previously drilled at Trundle Prior explorer search space Park • 1.2km-1.4km NE strike geochem anomaly1 2 TD02 • >90% of holes 250m • Last phase of prior explorer exploration by High Powered Exploration (HPX) • 36km2 survey area, including Trundle Park • Only one follow up hole (at a geophysically defined, highest chargeability, target at Mordialloc North-East) • Significant Skarn alteration and mineralisation footprint with zonation supported strike and depth extensions DRILL HOLE KEY • Including 150m radius BOH averaging 0.35g/t Collar Au & 0.11% Cu >0.5 CuEq % 1 • Grades up to. 2m @ 20g/t Au & 6.97% Cu 0.1-0.5 CuEq % 1 • Potassic intrusives identified • Large magnetic complexes untested 1 >500ppm Cu &/or >0.1g/t Au 2AuEq at $1800/oz Au & 3.55 12 lb Cu (100% recoveries).
Significantly expanded system – strike & depth Kincora has identified two new intrusive systems ∼0.9km Kincora strike prior to TRDD029 Significant intervals drilled by Kincora (in recent order, before TRDD029) TRDD014W1 Kincora defined extend of mineralization to depth 42m @ 0.42 g/t Au, 0.12% Cu from 358m, incl: • 10m @ 1.13 g/t Au, 0.32% Cu from 382m TRDD022 46m @ 0.54 g/t Au, 0.08% Cu from 684m; &, TRD 18m @ 0.75 g/t Au, 0.09% Cu from 712m D00 TRDD014 8 7m @ 0.64g/t Au, 0.53% Cu from 385m TR TR 19m @ 0.43g/t Au, 0.21% Cu from 388m incl: DD DD 001 • 4m @ 0.94g/t Au, 0.57% Cu from 394m 01 7W 22m @ 0.23g/t Au, 0.07% Cu from 482m incl: TRDD 1 • 1.3m @ 2.34g/t Au, 0.54% Cu from 486m 10m @ 0.73g/t Au, 0.1% Cu from 626m 022 TRDD011 74m @ 0.37g/t Au, 0.40% Cu from surface incl: 4W1 28 DRILL HOLE KEY • 4m @ 3.36g/t Au, 4.98% Cu from 66m TRDD0 D01 Collar TRDD008 >0.5 CuEq % 1 TRD 87.7m @ 0.65g/t Au, 0.19% Cu from surface incl: 0.1-0.5 CuEq % 1 • 8m @ 1.63g/t Au, 0.57% Cu from 66m TRDD001 51m @ 1.17g/t Au, 0.54% Cu from 39m 18m @ 0.53 g/t Au & 0.05% Cu from 284m 1 AuEq at $1800/oz Au and 3.55 lb Cu 13 (100% recoveries).
Newly identified extension TRDD029 opens up a significant search space ∼1.3km Current strike (open) Significant new discovery in TRDD029 Hole TRDD029 1,2 Broad intervals of two separate mineralising events • Quartz-carbonate-chalcopyrite vein sets New block • Three new zones of mineralised skarns of system • Cumulative mineralized skarn interval totals 213m identified • Quartz-carbonate-chalcopyrite vein sets from 595-735.6m • Supported continuation of the hole, not previously identified at the project & increasing with depth • Distal leakage along fractures emanating from a Quartz-carbonate- deeper copper bearing system/intrusion? chalcopyrite vein sets2 Upper skarn1,2 • Upper skarn: 36m @ 0.68 g/t Au, 0.29% Cu (1.17g/t AuEq) from 732m, incl: • 4m @ 1.19 g/t Au, 0.59% Cu from 732m; & HOLE TRACES FOR Middle skarn1,2 DRILL HOLE KEY TRDD029/30 • 22m @ 0.78 g/t Au, 0.32% Cu from 742m Collar Quartz-carbonate- Lower skarn1,2 • Middle skarn: >0.5 CuEq % 3 chalcopyrite vein sets 139.3m (826.7-966m) interpreted to host multiple zones 0.1-0.5 CuEq % 3 Skarn with abundant visual chalcopyrite (assay results pending) • Lower skarn: 37.7m (981.3-1019m) (assay results pending) 1 Part assay results only available for TRDD029 2 Assay results pending (visual lithology) Sections from current working Kincora Leapfrog model. See Jan 25th and Feb 23rd, 2022 14 3 AuEq at $1800/oz Au and 3.55 lb Cu (100% recoveries). press releases for further details and disclaimers including JORC/NI 43-101 tables
Only two holes in but clear scale potential emerging TRDD030 confirms and extends scale potential of new zone Discovery in TRDD029 confirmed & extended by Hole TRDD029 1,2 Hole TRDD030 2 TRDD030 • Extension of quartz-carbonate-chalcopyrite vein sets • >330m down dip • Increased vein sets and visual chalcopyrite (assays pending) TRD • Important new vein orientation D00 8 • Strike and depth extension of mineralised skarns TR TR • Cumulative mineralized skarn interval totals DD DD almost 250m (assays pending) 001 01 7W • Important new bedding & true width results TRDD 1 • Eg Middle skarn zone vertical extent >100m & >150m horizontal (at end of 022 zone) HOLE TRACES FOR 4W1 • Increasing confidence in working geological 28 DRILL HOLE KEY TRDD029/30 TRDD0 model/interpretations D01 Collar Quartz-carbonate- >0.5 CuEq % 3 chalcopyrite vein sets TRD 0.1-0.5 CuEq % 3 Skarn 1 Part assay results only available for TRDD029 2 Assay results pending (visual lithology) Sections from current working Kincora Leapfrog model. See Jan 25th and Feb 23rd, 2022 15 3 AuEq at $1800/oz Au and 3.55 lb Cu (100% recoveries). press releases for further details and disclaimers including JORC/NI 43-101 tables
More favorable part of the system? Multiple and broad mineralising events Most amounts of visual chalcopyrite seen to Hole TRDD029 1,2 Hole TRDD030 2 date at the Trundle project • Working interpretation is that TRDD029 and TRDD030 sit in a down faulted (>300m), preserved, less faulted and more mineralised section of the 2 TD02 wider Trundle Park system • Multiple chalcopyrite bearing events • Highest visual chalcopyrite seen to date at the Trundle project DRILL HOLE KEY Collar • Large mineralised skarns & vein sets systems >0.5 CuEq % 3 suggestive of significant source Quartz-carbonate- 0.1-0.5 CuEq % 3 chalcopyrite vein sets2,4 GEOLOGY MODEL Potassic Alteration Sericite Alteration Skarn Alteration HOLE TRACES FOR TRDD029/30 Quartz-carbonate-chalcopyrite vein sets Skarn 1 Part assay results only available for TRDD029 2 Assay results pending (visual lithology) 3 AuEq at $1800/oz Au and 3.55 lb Cu (100% recoveries). Sections from current working Kincora Leapfrog model. See Jan 25th and Feb 23rd, 2022 16 4 Cpy-Qtz-Carb vein sets within Middle Skarn in TRDD030 press releases for further details and disclaimers including JORC/NI 43-101 tables
Vectors to causative intrusive porphyry target Large mineralised skarns & vein set systems suggestive of significant source Significant vectors for follow up Hole TRDD029 1,2 Hole TRDD030 2 Hole TRDD031 2 • Initially targeting up dip potential • TRDD031 commenced with 50m step out 2 west of TRDD030 – testing: TD02 • Skarn bedding • Quartz chalcopyrite vein orientation • Core of magnetic high anomaly DRILL HOLE KEY • Plan view of bedding & veining from TRDD029/30 Collar over magnetics (TMI) with design of TRDD031: >0.5 CuEq % 3 ts se 0.1-0.5 CuEq % 3 in Ve GEOLOGY MODEL Upper skarns1,2 Monzonite Monzodiorite Middle skarns1,2, 4 Sericite Alteration Skarn Alteration Lower skarns1,2 TRDD029 HOLE TRACES FOR TRDD029/30 Quartz-carbonate-chalcopyrite vein sets TRDD TRDD03 Skarn Sk Hole trace ar 031 n Be Skarn dd 3 1 Part assay results only available for TRDD029 0 in 2 Qtz-Carb-Cpy vein sets g Assay results pending (visual lithology) 3 AuEq at $1800/oz Au and 3.55 lb Cu (100% recoveries). Sections from current working Kincora Leapfrog model. See Jan 25th and Feb 23rd, 2022 17 4 Cpy-Qtz-Carb vein sets within Middle Skarn in TRDD030 press releases for further details and disclaimers including JORC/NI 43-101 tables
Multiple higher grade zones Examples of key and interpreted corresponding mineralised zones in holes TRDD029 & 30 (a) Porphyritic andesite lava flows with increasing (a) TRDD029 silicification were noted along with epidote- (b) TRDD030 chlorite-hematite alteration increasing at depth, in-turn cut by later carbonate quartz veins &/or as matrix fill along fractures with chalcopyrite Carbonate-quartz veins with chalcopyrite at 474m & 510m (assay results pending) in TRDD029 (c) Prograde garnet (b) Chalcopyrite-quartz-carbonate vein sets: @ 819-822.5m (assay results pending): Example of a carbonate-quartz- (c) (olive)-magnetite chalcopyrite vein cutting chlorite-sericite-hematite altered volcanoclastic rocks with insert at 821.4m, zoomed into the (black)-pyrite (dark chalcopyrite vein. This vein occurs within the Middle Skarn zone in TRDD030 yellow)-chalcopyrite (yellow), cut by later (g) prograde TRDD029 Mid skarn @ 891.6m (assay results pending) TRDD029 Upper skarn within 734-736m @ 1.94 g/t Au, 0.94% Cu retrograde carbonate garnet- (tan iron carbonate & magnetite- white calcite)- pyrite- (d) magnetite (>70%) with garnet (olive) containing disseminated chalcopyrite hematite (red)- chalcopyrite (g) (yellow) and cut by later quartz-carbonate-hematite (red) veins and void fillings chalcopyrite (yellow) (yellow) (h) prograde garnet (olive)-magnetite (grey-black)-minor pyrite and chalcopyrite (yellow), with later void & fracture fill comprising orthoclase (orange)-calcite and chalcopyrite @ 742m (d) (h) TRDD030 Upper skarn @ 649m (assay results pending) TRDD030 Mid skarn @ 742m (assay results pending) (e) prograde garnet-magnetite (black)-pyrite-chalcopyrite (f) magnetite (black) with chalcopyrite, (yellow), cut by later retrograde carbonate (tan iron carbonate cut by later carbonate-quartz veins with TRDD030 Mid skarn @ 750-753m (i) & white calcite)-hematite (red)–chalcopyrite (@760.5m) minor hematite & chalcopyrite blebs (assay results pending) (e) TRDD030 - Upper skarn (assay results pending) TRDD029 - Upper skarn (assay results pending) (f) (j) prograde magnetite-garnet skarn with visible disseminations of chalcopyrite (yellow), in turn cut by quartz-carbonate void and vein fillings with traces of chalcopyrite blebs with inset photo @ 752m Photos of selected intervals which are not representative of the mineralization hosted on the whole property or Trundle Park prospect but are of the alteration & lithology’s intersected in the mineralized zones in these sections of drill holes TRDD029 and TRDD030, and current working geological interpretation presented within this presentation. There is insufficient drilling data to date to demonstrate continuity of mineralized domains 18 and determine the relationship between mineralization widths and intercept lengths, true widths are not known. See Jan 25th and Feb 23rd, 2022 press releases for further details/disclaimers including JORC/NI 43-101 tables.
January 2021 Typical of other Macquarie Arc porphyry systems Pathways between and examples of skarns / porphyry deposits The Northparkes mine is currently permitting the E44 gold-copper skarn deposit as a first potential satellite operation to the existing mill Skarn name and Porphyry resource Skarn type and skarn Porphyry: location (wt%Cu, ppm Au) resource skarn ratio Big Cadia Cadia Hilla and Cadia Quarryb FeCuAu 352Mt @ 0.16% Cu and Big Cadia1 30Mt @ 0.5% 1:12 and 0.63 ppm Au; 40Mt @ a Cu and 0.4 ppm Au; 0.21% Cu and 0.4 ppm Au Little Cadia*1 NSW Cadia East 220Mt @ 0.37 Cu Little Cadia 8Mt @ 0.5% Cu Australia and 0.43 Au and 0.3 ppm Au 1:28 Ingerbelle BC, Simikameen skarn+2 CuAu 42.6Mt @ 0.45% 1:21 Canada2 porphyry 141Mt @ 0.47% Cu, 0.63 ppm Au2 1:3* Cu and 0.13% Cu5 Ok Tedi, 439Mt @ 0.59% Cu and AuCu 28.8Mt @ 1.58 ppm 1:15 Papua New Guinea 0.51 Au3 Au, 1.25% Cu Big Gossan, Grasberg & Ertsberg 34.7Mt @ 2.69% Cu n.a. Indonesia intrusive complexes Kucing Liar AuCu, Au-Cu 220Mt @ 2,796Mt @ Au-Cu 1.57 ppm Au, 1.42% 1:12 Indonesia 0.97 ppm Au and 0.09% Cu4 Cu (much more ore in ‘heavy sulfide’ zones) Sourced and adapted from “Pathways between skarns and porphyry deposits – A New South Wales perspective” – David Forster, Exploration in the House, June 2009 19 19
Technical Team Multiple world- class copper and gold discoveries, and mine developments Exploration: Led by John Holliday, a foremost expert on LFB porphyries who originated and managed the exploration phases resulting John Holliday Paul Cromie in the discovery of Cadia and also the Marsden porphyry discovery near Cowal. Development: Led by Baggy Sam McRae Cameron McRae, track record of large scale, full project development and production cycle in 4 countries and across 3 continents. 20 Background photo: Core logging at Trundle 20
Industry leading exploration, mining and financing team Board Exploration track record Cameron McRae Discoveries include: • Cadia Au/Cu (Tier 1) Independent Chairman Remuneration Committee Discovery Team • Marsden Cu/Au Based in NSW • Reko Diq Cu/Au (Tier 1) • Seasoned director, CEO and mining executive, incl. 28-yrs Rio Tinto. Sam Spring Peter Leaman • Crater Mountain Au/Ag • Lead full project development and production cycle in 4 President & CEO, Director • Mt. Bini (Kodu) Cu/Au countries and across 3 continents. Senior Vice-President of • Various corporate level transactions. Commerce degree Joined Sep 2012 Exploration and MBA from Monash University. Based in Melbourne, VIC Based in Brisbane, QLD • Former leading mining analyst, >10-yrs • Discovery and results orientated within Goldman Sachs and Ocean Equities, senior explorationist with discovery, “Skin in the game” Lewis Marks • CA and CFA Charterholder. project gen, JV negotiation and Has lead Kincora's activities and strategy management record. Own 5% of share register Non-Executive Director (LIM Nominee) since 2012. • >40-yrs field experience incl. PanAust Audit Committee (Regional Exploration Mgr SE Asia) Based Mongolia and BHP (focused on Cu-Au/base • Former practicing and currently registered New York lawyer and commodity trader who has lived in Asia for almost 40-yrs. John Holliday metals) ESG focus • Former long-standing board member of CBH Resources. Independent Non-Executive With a small, accountable team • Extensive experience/network across the natural resource Director, Technical/Committee Senior field team sector. Chair Ray Nadarajah RESUME Based in Orange, NSW • ABSc Paul Cromie foremost (Hons), expert on LFB Geology), MSc (Economic porphyry PhD Paul Cromie Exploration, development, Independent Non-Executive Director systems Chair of Remuneration and Audit A P.O. Box• 138, KeyForest role inHill, BHP 3131, and VIC, Australia Newcrest’s LFB Exploration Manager operational, capital markets, Committees E exploration Based in Hong Kong • Originated P +61 (0) 438 836373 & managed exploration phases corporate and governance • Seasoned finance executive and investor with extensive experience in the natural resources and infrastructure resulting in the discovery of Cadia, and also the Marsden porphyry discovery (near management of copper exploration programs in skills balance Overview Cowal) Sam sectors. An economic geologist with in+25 years of Jamaica and Chile (Q3 McRae 2011 to Q4 2012). • Principal with Global Infrastructure Partners, ex-TPG, Rio • Worldwide experience Au and Cu Corporate as Chief Geoscientist Joined Anglo American Supported by wider team of in-house geologists and experience deposit in mineral exploration, resource exploration, discovery/evaluation, Tinto, Oyu Tolgoi, Citi and Goldman, having worked in >25 (Asia-Australia),Development/Operations involved with managing consultant a geophysicists. Further details available at countries. development, project incl. chief generation, geoscientist, project regional mgr ES Manager project generation team to build the of evaluation, Asia project and regional and manager exploration of the Cadia project for 21 leadership/management, Newcrest. business development projects for copper, iron ore and coal in the region and also provided guidance to exploration
Capital structure and shareholder register Ticker “KCC” on TSXV & ASX Other TSXV Transferred to ASX CDIs A$15.7m since listing3 (listed March 30th, 2021) Management/ Market Cap1 Board 5% 120.7m total shares (47.6m TSXV / 73.1m ASX)3 Other ASX NPC 6% A$5.3m LIM 16% Cash2 (raised A$10m @ 20c/sh at ASX IPO) RFM 7% 1. ASX price Feb 18, 2022 @ $0.13/sh 3. Transfer of TSXV shares to ASX CDIs since ASX IPO – see Jan 5, 2022 ASX press release for 2. Estimated at Dec 31, 2021 further details. Background photo: TRDD029 - 734-735m @ 1.94g/t gold & 0.94% copper 22
Value catalysts for re-rating Project Now Trundle Diamond holes 31 holes (full assay results reported for 25) Drilling projects, Air-core with hallmarks to neighbouring world- Fairholme Diamond* 5 holes (assay results pending) class mines Air-core* Nyngan Diamond holes* 1st hole 2nd hole Co-operative funding grants – direct * Nevertire + Jemalong * Awards from New Frontiers Cooperative Drilling program from NSW Government to fund direct drilling costs dollar for dollar. See Jan 31, 2022 release for further details. Big Hill: Razorback 5 holes Co-operative funding Cundumbul Sultan Resources** 3 holes (assay results pending) grants – indirect ** Trundle Rimfire** The Valley RM1 pre-IPO raising, Mongolia field work + Mongolian portfolio & agreement1 2021 field results corporate deal 1Conditional agreement for Kincora to retain 9.9% in Resilience Mining Mongolia post ASX listing/fund raising (A$7.5-10m) plus 20% carried asset level interest. Until then Kincora retains 100%. 2021 field season results recently announced. 23
Investment opportunity Ambition to become the leading pure play porphyry explorer in Australia’s foremost porphyry belt Team Location Industry leading Tier 1 jurisdiction technical team and geological prospectivity Targets Catalysts Hallmarks to Active, systematic neighboring world- drilling at multiple class mines/deposits targets/projects Background photo: TRDD029 at 900.5m depth (assay results pending): magnetite-garnet- pyrite-chalcopyrite, cut by iron carbonate-calcite with large clots of chalcopyrite 24
Appendices TRDD001 high grade interval of native copper, chalcocite, chalcopyrite and black chlorite in skarn: 4.24g/t gold and 1.6% copper @ 60.6m-61.6m within a broader interval of 51m @ 1.17g/t gold and 0.54% copper from 39m – refer Jul 6, 2020 press release – photos of selected intervals are not representative of the mineralization hosted on the whole property 25
Appendix - Trundle assay results & other priority exploration project press releases Target Hole# Length (m) Dip (°) Azimuth (°) RL Easting (MGA) Northing (MGA) Core recovery Assay results Press release For further details, including QAQC procedures, JORC tables, NI 43-101 statements, please refer to the following press Trundle Park TRDD001 685 60 262 270 570049 6352082 95.90% Yes 1 releases: Mordialloc TRDD002 790 60 101 271 568443 6360363 98.20% Yes 2 Trundle project Bayleys TRDD003 721 60 329 274 569230 6360641 99.50% Yes 3 Trundle Park TRDD004 694 55 264 271 569780 6352079 99.60% Yes 3 1. Jul 6, 2020 - Kincora announces high-grade gold-copper results from first hole at Trundle Mordialloc TRDD005 958 60 110 266 568439 6360204 97.30% Yes 3 Mordialloc TRDD006 962 70 275 267 568599 6360206 98.90% Yes 4 2. Jul 23, 2020 - Kincora reports further strong encouragement at Trundle Trundle Park TRDD007 521 60 264 268 570012 6352230 84.40% Yes 6,7 Trundle Park TRDD008 490 60 264 272 569920 6351962 97.10% Yes 4,5 3. Sep 3, 2020 - Kincora provides update on expanded drilling program at Trundle Trundle Park TRDD009 445 60 310 267 569611 6352378 99.20% Yes 6 Trundle Park TRDD010 643 60 330 272 569963 6351919 96.40% Yes 6 4. Nov 30, 2020 - Kincora intersects broad mineralized zones at Trundle Trundle Park TRDD011 332 55 330 270 570035 6352041 94.80% Yes 5 Trundle Park TRDD012 581 55 330 270 570062 6351997 85.60% Yes 5 5. Jan 20, 2021 - Kincora intersects further shallow mineralization at Trundle Trundle Park TRDD013 402 60 330 272 570012 6351827 94.60% Yes 6 Trundle Park TRDD014 670 65 330 275 569833 6351808 97.40% Yes 7 6. Mar 2021, Independent Technical Report for the ASX prospectus Trundle Park TRDD015 550 60 330 270 570088 6351952 98.10% Yes 7 Trundle Park TRDD016 496 60 330 268 570029 6352250 89.40% Yes 7 7. Apr 22, 2021 - Exploration update Trundle Park TRDD017 691 55 150 272 569684 6352060 98.73% Yes 8 8. Jul 8, 2021 - Exploration portfolio drilling update Trundle Park TRDD018 484 55 330 268 570136 6352352 97.40% Yes 8 9. Aug 17, 2021 - Significant gold-bearing intervals at Trundle Mordialloc TRDD019 943 75 320 262 568697 6360065 100.0% Yes 8 Park Mordialloc TRDD020 718 60 140 273 568227 6360865 99.80% Yes 8 10. Dec 7, 2021 - Porphyry system extended to surface and Mordialloc TRDD021 736 60 140 274 568419 6360647 99.21% Yes 9 depth at Trundle Park Trundle Park TRDD022 940 55 274 269 570073 6352099 88.07% Yes 9 11. Jan 25, 2022 – Newly discovered higher-grade zones Trundle Park TRDD023 307 60 320 269 570085 6352076 91.30% Yes 10 expand the large-scale gold-copper system at Trundle Mordialloc NE TRDD024 571 70 280 285 569846 6361939 96.65% Park Mordialloc SW TRDD025 397 60 70 259 567718 6359613 94.95% Trundle Park TRDD026 843 60 85 267 569292 6352233 98.15% Yes 10 Trundle Park TRDD014W1 578 (EOH 877) 55 338 275 569833 6351808 98.70% Yes 10 Trundle Park TRDD027 319 60 250 272 568913 6352255 92.30% Trundle Park TRDD028 879 75 340 274 569633 6351934 98.98% Yes 11 Trundle Park TRDD029 1033 55 160 270 569522 6352103 97.19% Part 11 Trundle Park TRDD030 1015 67 350 273 569620 6351427 99.86% pending Trundle Park TRDD031 ongoing 60 346 273 569567 6351424 26 Metres drilled 20,394
ASX & TSXV: KCC February 2022 KINCORA COPPER Contact Sam Spring @KincoraCopper President & CEO Kincora Copper Limited Melbourne +61431 329 345 27
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