LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India

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LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
March 2021   PAGES 66   ` 20/-

                                 A SEASON OF RENEWAL
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
There's a ghost in most churches – the Holy Ghost (as the Spirit of God was
named in the King James Version of the Bible). On the other hand, there have
also been various divisions and controversies in the Church owing to different
interpretations of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

Spirit of Jesus examines the doctrine from a more balanced and impartial
perspective in accordance with the Scriptures. Some noteworthy chapters of the
book are as follows:
Ÿ Spirit of Truth
Ÿ Jesus on the Holy Spirit
Ÿ Praying in the Spirit
Ÿ Signs and Wonders

                           Available at the online Christian Store
                                          on Amazon
                                         and Flipkart
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
Vol. 50 / No. 3
                                                                                                         AIM Annual Subscription for
                                                                                                     India, Nepal & Bhutan Rs. 200/-
                                                                                                               (Other countries $ 20)

                                                                                      A monthly publication of EFI Publication Trust

      Rev. Vijayesh Lal .....................................04     A Biblical analysis of excuses given on
                                                                    sexual sins
                                                                           Rev. Dr. Duke Jeyaraj ..............................35
Christian Leadership and Moral Failure
      Rev. Dr. Vinay Samuel .............................07         Christ Lives in Me
                                                                           Rev. Dr. Samuel Richmond Saxena ..........39
Farmers and their tractors
      Dr. Shantanu Dutta..................................11        The Samaritan Woman: Special in every
A Vile Sinner Repents                                                      Mrs. Sonia Daniel ....................................42
      Rev. Dr. David Mende ..............................14
                                                                    The Lord’s Servant Ravi Zacharias
In the sight of God                                                        Rev. Kuruvilla Chandy ..............................45
      Rev. Sanjiv Ailawadi ................................19
                                                                    Speaking in Tongues
Dependent girls growing into                                               Rev. Richard Masih ..................................49
empowered women
      Mrs. Aashima Samuel ..............................23          Choosing Life: India's Proposed
                                                                    Abortions Laws Fail to Protect Women
Time to get crazy                                                   and the Unborn Child
      Rev. Kuruvilla Chandy .............................24         Ms. Anushree Bernard ......................................53

Empowering Dalits through the Gospel                                Prayer
      Rev. Moses Parmar .................................30                ..............................................................62

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            THE TREASURER, EFI PUBLICATION TRUST, 805/92, Deepali, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019.
            Please Note: No article in AIM should be reproduced /translated without Editor’s written permission.
                      Editor’s Note: Each Author is responsible for the point of view presented,
                   which does not necessarily represent the view of Evangelical Fellowship of India.

                                                                                                             3◄March 2021/AIM
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
                                                            Rev. Vijayesh Lal

 Be sure you know the conditions of       could not have the land, his queen,
 your flocks, give careful attention to   Jezebel, takes matters into her hand,
 your herds; for riches do not endure     implicates Naboth in a false case of
 forever, and a crown is not secure for   blasphemy with the help of her
 all generations. – Proverbs 27:34-       cronies, has him stoned to death, and
 35                                       makes way for her husband to take
                                          possession of the land. Injustice in
 Whoever sows injustice reaps             this case, followed false worship as
 calamity, and the rod they wield in      the king and queen operated out of a
 fury will be broken. (Proverbs 22:8)     different world view than was
                                          expected from them as people
 The Bible mentions a king by the         responsible for the flock of Yahweh.
 name of Ahab who through injustice
 took the land (vineyard) of a man, a     One can read the whole account of
 farmer, called Naboth. The king who      this abuse of power in 1 Kings
 already had enough property wanted       Chapter 21. A point to be noted here
 this vineyard to turn it into a          is that even when the owner of the
 vegetable garden. Naboth, who            vineyard was dead, the land should
 viewed it as a land of promise from      have gone to his descendants, his
 God, a land that God gave to his         family, but instead the king takes
 ancestors, and something that cannot     control of it by force.
 be sold according to Mosaic law,
 refuses to give it to the king who       The story does not end there for God
 viewed land merely as a                  notices. And he sends Elijah, who in
 transferrable commodity.                 obedience to God, risks his own life
                                          in confronting and denouncing the
 When the king grew sad because he        king. Eventually both Ahab and his

 4◄March 2021/AIM
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
wife pay the price and not only they         Supreme Court questioned the
but their family too, as Ahab's son          government for passing these laws
dies without a successor.                    without consultation. The
                                             government responded with a 45-
The people in authority in their thirst      page affidavit stating that these laws
for more, with the aid of their              were shaped after two decades of
cronies, slandered an innocent man           intense deliberations and
and killed him to take over his              consultations with stakeholders.
property. The powerless at the mercy         Right to Information applications
of the whims of the powerful and the         asking for information about these
system. Or so it seems, till God             consultations have resulted in
intervenes. The story is a reminder          officials claiming that they did not
that the abuse of power always hurts.        have a record of the consultations
Sin always hurts.                            and a second response that says that
                                             since the matter is sub-judice, “it
The farmers in India have been               may not be feasible at this moment to
protesting for more than six months          provide information,”. Earlier a RTI
now and have been camped at the              filed by NDTV also got the same
border of Delhi for over three               response from the chief public
m o n t h s . Ta l k s b e t w e e n t h e   information officer, saying that the
government and the leaders of the            government “does not hold any
farmer unions have reached no                record in this matter”.
conclusion and the movement is now
spreading to villages and towns via          The way of handling the protests in
Mahapanchayats and large                     the media and particularly in the
meetings. The farmers have                   social media has also raised many
announced that they will campaign            questions. There were attempts to
against the ruling party in states that      link the protests with Khalistani
are due for elections. Balbir Singh          separatists at the outset itself. Efforts
Rajewal of the Bharatiya Kisan               were ostensibly made to make it a
Union told a joint press conference,         Hindu vs Sikh issue and hence to
“We will tell people about Modi              give it a communal colour. The
government's attitude towards                unfortunate event on the Red Fort on
farmers.”                                    the Republic Day, which the farmer
                                             unions also condemned, was
The farmers are not the only ones to         apparently used by certain media
complain about the attitude of the           houses to give the whole protest an
government. On 11th January 2021,            anti-national tag.
the Chief Justice of India told the
A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l : “ We a r e   Journalists, activists were arrested,
extremely disappointed with the way          some under sedition laws, and the
Centre is dealing with this.” The            ministry of external affairs had to get

                                                                     5◄March 2021/AIM
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
involved on social media to combat       from a social media and PR point of
the international attention that the     view, but it will produce no solution.
protests were receiving. Water,          That would only come by humbly
electricity and internet were cut off    gaining the trust of the farmers
from protest sites as the                through their representatives, by
administration turned them into          dialogue and by coming to their side
areas that resembled fortresses by       in empathy. That would be just and
digging roads, constructing,             that would bring peace.
barricading and laying nails on the
ground. And yet the crowds swelled       The Church must realise its
at the protest sites. All of this,       prophetic role and responsibility and
unfortunately, has served only to        actively engage in the promotion of
increase the gap between the             peace and justice, even though such
government and the farmer unions         an engagement be costly. We are
and has produced no solution.            called to engage with the poor and
                                         the marginalized but also with those
According to reports an average          in positions of power and authority.
farmer's family survives on an           We are called to apply God's Word to
income of only around 6400 Rupees        every area of our lives - from our
per month. Nearly 3,00,000 farmers       homes to our institutions and to
have committed suicide between           social justice.
1995 – 2015 according to data from
NCRB and even today, on an               At the same time, we must remember
average, around 20 farmers commit        to pray for peace in the country, for
suicide daily as per report from         wisdom and empathy for the
Down to Earth. As a nation, we seem      government and for the protestors
to have failed our farmers. Even         that their concerns and their voice
during the protest in the last three     would be heard. We must pray that
months, more than 200 farmers have       the matter would be resolved by
lost their lives camping at the border   dialogue amicably and peacefully
of Delhi.                                and that those who wish to turn this
                                         into a communal struggle for their
The farm sector in India is in need of   political or organizational gains
reforms and there may be no denying      would be exposed and not succeed.
this. But the way those reforms have
to be brought in is via consultation     “True peace is not merely the
and building trust. The government       absence of tension: it is the presence
must make sure that the voice of the     of justice.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
stakeholders is not stifled and is
listened to. Branding farmers
Khalistani and slandering them as
anti-national may be convenient                             Rev. Vijayesh Lal

6◄March 2021/AIM
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
Christian Leadership
    and Moral Failure

    Reflections on the Ravi Zachariah
    Story by Rev. Dr. Vinay Samuel

Introduction:- In the past two           Evangelical marketing industry in
months I have noticed on increasing      the United States puffs up
number of articles, comments,            intelligent, creative and excellent
discussions on the Ravi Zachariah        communicators of the gospel,
scandal in magazines and, social         especially if they have exotic origins
media platforms. In his blog a well      and are photogenic. It inflates
respected North American                 people beyond recognition and
evangelical scholar John Stack           deflates and discards them just as
house suggested that Ravi Zachariah      quickly when scandals emerge.
(RZ) attempts to inflate his academic
qualifications and status may reflect    My reflections express how I as an
Ravi's Indian background of              Indian Christian pastor attempted to
spiritual “Gurus”. India has given a     process this international story with
significant number of 'spiritual'        a subtext that challenges all Indian
gurus to the west. Academics have        Christian leaders especially those
rarely considered Indian Gurus as        who have ministered internationally.
intellectual leaders.       Ravi did     Called and Anointed by God to
present himself as an intellectual       serve him.
leader and was acknowledged as           Although I had very little interaction
such by his followers and admirers,      with RZ and did not know him
one even going so far as to call him a   personally I have thanked God for
contemporary C.S Lewis. The              Ravi's clear and powerful ministry of

                                                               7◄March 2021/AIM
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
proclaiming and defending the            chastised him, but like he used David
gospel of Christ. The Lord used him      for his purposes, the fruits of Ravi's
to touch many lives all over the         ministry will stand, and I wish to
world. The calling and anointing of      acknowledge that many people
RZ by God was obvious to me and          experienced God's grace and
many of my colleagues.            His    received God's knowledge through
ministry did not appear or sound fake    him. RZ was unable to resist
or counterfeit. When the stories         temptation in one or two areas of his
about his academic credential            life and allowed himself to slip
exaggeration and sexual immorality       scandalously.
began to surface I began to have
questions about his calling and          I believe the Spirit of God wrestled
anointing.                               with him in the areas of his
                                         weakness.      He died before his
The Bible reminded me forcefully         Church or the Christian community
that the gifts and calling of God will   was able to discipline and restore
not be recalled by him (Romans           him. RZ may not have persevered in
11:25). As believers we are sealed       holy living but the Lord who called
with the Spirit; as those called to be   and anointed him would have
evangelists, pastors and teachers we     persevered with him. Our
are gifted and anointed by the Holy      sanctification depends on the
Spirit and there is no suggestion in     perseverance of God's Spirit more
scripture that God withdraws gifts he    than our own obedience, who can
bestows or his anointing. King           ascend the hill of the Lord except by
David was called and anointed and        God's grace and patience?
fell into grievous sin with a willful
disregard of God's moral standards.      Evangelical Leadership Culture:
God raised a Prophet to challenge        strengths and weaknesses
him. He was chastised by God and         The second area of my reflection
restored. King Saul was also             concerns the change in evangelical
anointed, failed morally, chastised      culture in its attitude to leaders.
but was not restored.                    Much has been written about the
I do not know if the Lord raised a       “celebrity culture” that pervades
prophetic voice to call RZ to            some parts of evangelicalism. We are
accountability and whether the Lord      also reminded of the great man/great

8◄March 2021/AIM
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
leader culture that dominates             our leadership culture and even
political and religious cultures today.   unintentionally making character of
In politics or religion “Big” leaders     the leader secondary to his/her
attract unquestioned loyalty and          ability to produce impressive
support from many people.                 outcomes in mission and
I believe the change began when
evangelicals focused on outcomes of       The idea of empowerment by the
evangelistic and mission activity and     Spirit focused on empowered to
neglected the focus on character and      achieve spectacular spiritual impact
holy living of our leaders. Leaders       demonstrating THE POWER OF
began to be assessed particularly for     THE SPIRIT in healing, prophecy,
their evangelistic and mission            prosperity and church growth. The
success. 54 years ago, when I came        power of the spirit to convict God's
to Christ evangelicalism was about        people of sin, to cleanse, restore and
evangelistic crusades, personal           renew their spiritual life was not
evangelism and about holy living.         stressed enough. Increasingly a
Keswick conventions, Holiness             leaders' ministry skills and impact
meetings were as important as             appeared to confirm the power of the
evangelistic campaigns. A.W Tozer,        spirit and spiritual anointing and the
Isobel Kuhn, Borden of Yale was my        leader's spiritual maturity reflecting
spiritual diet. I was not judged          humility and integrity was rarely
primarily by numbers brought to           highlighted.
Christ, churches planted, miraculous
experiences and demonstrations of         If a leader can preach what thrills us,
spiritual power.                          deliver what we want in numbers
                                          attending meetings, bring in the
 Then management experts who              finances to fuel growth and impact,
were Christians moved into                his/herlifestyle is not the object of
evangelicalism and were allowed to        scrutiny. On the contrary any hint of
shape it to focus on strategy,            criticism is loudly pushed back.
outcomes, numbers, impact etc.
                                          For the past thirty years I am
I acknowledge that all those were         involved in equipping senior leaders
needed but they should not have           for the global church. Most come
taken the central place, and shaped       from evangelical churches,

                                                                9◄March 2021/AIM
LENT - Evangelical Fellowship of India
denominations and mission                 attempts to suggest that his failures
organizations experiencing                had something to do with his Indian
significant growth. All face the          background are unfounded.
same challenge of supporting              American evangelical culture has
pastors and Christian leaders to live     vast resources and seeks to influence
holy and humble lives.                    the church globally. This is one area I
                                          trust we will resist its weakness. In
The RZ scandal reminds us that we         India we need to enable the building
need to restore holiness of life to the   of accountability mechanisms to
center of the culture of evangelical      support Christian leadership, so it
leadership.                               conforms more to biblical teaching
Conclusion                                than to a market shaped world.
The turn to judge Christian
leadership primarily through their
ability to achieve growth in numbers
and budgets developed in North
America. It dominates evangelical
leadership culture there. It is not
present to any such degree among
evangelicals in the United Kingdom
or Europe. An evangelical scholar         Rev. Dr. Vinay Samuel
from South Africa suggests that it is     is a Pastor and founder and past
spreading in Africa particularly after    director of the Oxford Centre for
the rise of Trumpism and its              Mission Studies and The founder of
                                          the Oxford Centre for Religion and
connection to American                    Public Life both based in Oxford UK.
evangelicals. RZ was a product of         He lives and ministers in Bangalore,
American evangelicalism and               India and Oxford, UK.

10◄March 2021/AIM
                                              and their
                                               Dr. Shantanu Dutta

For many months now, farmers have        trends. While they are in many ways
been protesting at Delhi's border,       a continuation of past attempts to
demanding the withdrawal of India's      reform the agricultural marketing
recently passed farm bills. Although     system and open agricultural trade to
led by farmers from Punjab and           the private sector, they have come at
Haryana, the issues raised concerns      a time when the farm sector is
of farmers across the country. The       suffering the twin blows of a slowing
government's seeming reluctance to       economy and the Covid pandemic.
engage them, even though protests        These have led to a fall in demand for
have been going on for three months      agricultural commodities, not least
in several states, has aggravated the    because of restrictions that have hurt
situation. While farmer incomes          the hospitality industry and catering
have been worsening since 2011-12,       for weddings and social gatherings.
their condition has worsened in          With nearly 60 percent of the Indian
recent years, leading to a build-up of   population depending on agriculture
anger. Their income decline is partly    for their livelihoods, the growing
a result of an overall fall in demand    farmer seems to have created
in India's economy, which has            concern in the government.
pressured farm-gate prices. It is also
a result of rising input prices and      Some ministers have tried to allay
other costs of cultivation. The          farmers' fears about the new laws
Centre's farm reforms should be seen     while also dismissing their concerns.
in the context of these long-term        Some of the party leaders have called

                                                              11◄March 2021/AIM
the farmers "misguided" and "anti-        existent laws. Admittedly, there's
national," a label often given to those   also regulations and ordinances that
who criticize government policies.        inconvenience my life. Yet, in the
Many opposition party leaders,            midst of this pandemic, many
activists and even some allies of the     Christians are wondering if we are
ruling party have called the laws         living in such a time that may require
anti-farmer and expressed support         us to be faithful to God at the
for those protesting. What should         expense of obeying the law — we are
Christians do if they wish to express     living in a time where Christians are
their solidarity or should they even ?    examining the subject of civil
The current pandemic of COVID-19
has forced many Christians out of         We need to carefully have a heart-
their armchairs to consider the real-     check. There are times when as
life implications of how to be a          Christians we need to disobey our
Christian and a citizen. This is not a    governing authorities (see Acts
bad thing. It is easy to lose sight of    5:29). But it is only when they
the fact that on the whole, it was        require us to be disobedient to God
relatively easy for us to be a            — when the only way we can obey
Christian and a law-abiding citizen       them is to be unfaithful to God. For
of any faith till not-so-distant times.   the Christian, civil disobedience
But now, we are being pushed a little     does not arise out of patriotic flag
beyond our comfort zone, and many         waving on Republic Day while
Christians are struggling to know         holding the Constitution; as in the
how to self-consciously live out          Netflix offering…. Flt Lt Gunjan
God's command: "Let every person          Mehta's dad points out …. The Air
be subject to the governing               Force does not need people who can
authorities" (Romans 13:1).               shout "Bharat Mata ki Jai" but those
                                          who know how to fly planes and fly
When I say it is easy to be a Christian   them well…. it does not arise out of
and a citizen, I do not mean that our     anti-government sentiment or
government is perfect. Tragically, I      political leanings; it does not arise
do not think everyone is treated          because we are inconvenienced by
fairly under the rule of law.             the law or draconian measures; it
Additionally, I am suspicious that        does not arise out of some macho
there's legislation that violates the     sense of being able to stick it to the
Constitution or creates loopholes to      man.

12◄March 2021/AIM
For the Christian, the only
motivation for civil disobedience is a
deep biblical conviction that
obedience to man would be
disobedience to God. And when an
informed conscience demands such
disobedience, we must also receive
the consequences counting our loss
to be our gain: "When they had
                                         Dr. Shantanu Dutta
called in the apostles, they beat them
                                         a former Air Force Doctor serves as
and charged them not to speak in the
                                         Senior Specialist, Thought
name of Jesus and let them go. Then
                                         Leadership Initiatives, International
they left the presence of the council,
rejoicing that they were counted         Justice Mission. He is a member of
worthy to suffer dishonour for the       the Theological Research and
name" (Acts 5:40-41….                    Communications Institute(TRACI).
                                         Dr Shantanu Dutta can be reached
So, what is your way to express          at shantanud@gmail.com
solidarity with the farmers ?

                Opportunity for ministry:
               Evangelist and Pastor needed.
    Masihi Mandli (Christian Church) Dehradun, one of the oldest
    Pentecostal churches in North India is praying and looking for at least
    2 experienced Ministers/Pastorsaged between 25 to 40 years to work
    with its panel of ministers.

    Essential Qualifications: a minimum BTh or B.D Degree
    (Theology)under ATA/Senate recognition and having guidance to
    serve God, through church.

    Desirable Qualifications: A person who plays musical instrument
    and is a worship leader.

    Persons with relevant qualifications can send their application and
    CVon the email given below. The shortlisted candidates will be

                                                              13◄March 2021/AIM
A Vile Sinner Repents

                            Rev. Dr. David Mende

Introduction                               all of the Bible. It is recorded in Luke
When I was in my teens, I used to
think that I can surrender my life to      We can learn three lessons from this
Christ when I become old. Many             passage.
people presume that they can enjoy
the pleasures of the world and then        1. It's Foolish to Reject Christ (Lk.
repent of their sins on their deathbed.    23:39).
As a result, they harden their hearts.
                                           The soldiers deliberately hanged
Many people waste their lives by
                                           Jesus between two criminals to
living for themselves. Some die a
                                           humiliate him. This is probably an
sudden death without ever
                                           illusion to Isaiah 53:12, which says
surrendering their lives to Christ.
                                           that the servant of the Lord is
Even if they live longer, most of
                                           numbered with the transgressors.
them are unable to repent of their
                                           Some say that these criminals may
sins because their hearts are
                                           be revolutionaries who wanted to
hardened. Their hearts don't respond
                                           overthrow the Roman government.
to the Spirit's work anymore.
                                           The term "hanged" means crucified
In this article, we are going to
                                           (cf. Acts 5:30; 10:39; Gal. 3:13; also
meditate on the last-minute salvation
                                           Deut. 21:22–23). Interestingly, the
of a criminal. But note that this is the
                                           phrase "railed at" is in the imperfect
only recorded deathbed salvation in
                                           tense in Greek, which suggests that

14◄March 2021/AIM
the first criminal kept blaspheming.     sinned and fall short of the glory of
The question, "Are you not the           God" (Rom. 3:23). Some people
Christ?" in Greek presupposes "yes"      harden their hearts all their life and
for an answer. This criminal spoke       reject the life-giver, Jesus Christ.
sarcastically as he joined the
Romans and the Jewish leaders in         It's foolish to reject Christ.
mocking Jesus. Like the men who
                                         2. We Can Be Saved through
were holding Jesus in custody
                                         Repentance and Faith in Christ
(22:65), this criminal railed
                                         (Lk. 23:40-42).
(blasphēmeo)̄ at Jesus.
                                         As in 5:1-11, Luke focuses on one
Generally, the crucified criminals
                                         person present in a group. In verse
cursed their persecutors. I guess that
                                         42, the criminal's words are a
after hurling abuses at the Roman
                                         petition as well as a confession of
soldiers, the criminal now targeted
                                         faith. Interestingly, Mark 15:32b
Christ and vented out his frustration
                                         says that "Those who were crucified
on him. This criminal didn't believe
                                         with him also reviled him" (cf. Mt.
that Jesus is the Messiah. Even
                                         27:44). Luke alone mentions that
today, some people disbelieve Jesus
                                         this criminal trusts Jesus (cf. Mt.
and thus blaspheme his holy name.
                                         27:41–44; Mark 15:31–32).
Some harden their hearts and
                                         Probably, Jesus' calm attitude on the
eventually, they perish.
                                         cross and the intercession for his
We may not be as sinful as this          persecutors (v. 34) caused this
hardcore criminal was, but even after    criminal to repent. Also, the
getting saved, we want God to act on     punishment on the cross probably
our own terms. We rebel against          made him desperate to receive
God. As Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The         salvation. Some don't surrender their
heart is deceitful above all things,     life to Christ until they are pushed
and desperately sick; who can            against the wall.
understand it?" Our hearts are still
                                         In verse 40, the second criminal
deceitful. As Isaiah prophesies, "All
                                         rebukes the other one for not fearing
we like sheep have gone astray; we
                                         God. The first criminal forgot that "It
have turned—every one—to his own
                                         is a fearful thing to fall into the hands
way; and the LORD has laid on him
                                         of the living God" (Heb. 10:31). God
the iniquity of us all" (Isa. 53:6).
                                         is love, but he is also the God of
Apostle Paul rightly says, "all have
                                         wrath. We must fear God.

                                                                15◄March 2021/AIM
The second criminal realizes that           This criminal had great faith. He
Jesus has done "nothing wrong" (v.          didn't say, "if" but "when you come
41). Like the other marginalized            in your kingdom" (v. 42). Jesus was
people mentioned in Luke's Gospel           hanging on the cross helplessly.
(cf. 7:1-10, 36-50; 8:43-48; 19:1-          Many people were mocking Christ.
10), the second criminal has an             But the second criminal believed
amazing insight into the identity of        that Jesus will come back into his
Christ. Like Peter (5:8), the second        kingdom.
criminal realizes his own sinfulness
and Christ's holiness.                      In verse 42, the word "said" is in the
                                            imperfect tense in Greek. In other
The criminal goes on to say, "Jesus,        words, the second criminal kept
remember me when you come into              saying, "Jesus, remember me when
your kingdom" (v. 42). He addresses         you come into your kingdom." Just
the Lord as "Jesus" which means             as this criminal confessed his
"Savior." In Luke's Gospel, when            sinfulness, we too must daily confess
people seek restoration, they address       our sins before the Lord. Listen to
the Lord as "Jesus" (17:13; 18:38).         the psalmist's confession in Psalm
The criminal asks Jesus to remember         32:5: I acknowledged my sin to you,
him. We often ask a person in               and I did not cover my iniquity; I
authority to "remember" us; in other        said, "I will confess my
words, to help us (cf. Gen. 40:14, 23;      transgressions to the LORD," and
1 Sam. 25:31). So, he was                   you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
desperately seeking Jesus' help.
                                            This criminal sinned greatly against
Interestingly, this criminal is the first   God and man. But he repented of his
person to recognize that Jesus' cruel       sins. Let's see how the Lord responds
death is not in contradiction with his      to this criminal's plea.
role as the Savior. He also
recognized that cross would be              3. Salvation Is a Free and Gracious
followed by glory (cf. Acts 5:30-31).       Gift from God (Lk. 23:43).
The second criminal was no better
                                            Here, "said" is in the aorist tense in
than the other one. The only
                                            Greek. That is Jesus said these words
difference is that this criminal
                                            once and for all. It caused the Lord a
realized his sinfulness and confessed
                                            lot of pain to utter these great words
it. Only God's grace can transform
                                            of assurance. Jesus was in
our sinful hearts.
                                            excruciating pain as he said these

16◄March 2021/AIM
words. Along with that, he carried       Paradise. Three days later, his
the unbearable weight of our sins on     resurrected body and spirit would be
the cross.                               reunited. But this criminal would be
                                         with Jesus on that same day. Paradise
"Truly" indicates that the following     is all about being with Jesus! Heaven
words are emphatic. Jesus' promise       is heaven not because of the streets
is certain. He will not go back on it!   of gold or the angels or the great
Jesus immediately ("today"; cf.          saints of God. Heaven is where Jesus
2:11; 4:21; 5:26; 19:5, 9) grants        is. Yes, eternal life is to know the
salvation to this criminal. Here,        triune God (Jn 17:3). Think about
"Paradise" is a Persian word.            this: This crucified criminal would
Originally, it referred to a garden or   be with the sinless Son of God! One
park.                                    day, this criminal would have a place
It is a synonym for heaven or the new    when God's kingdom would fully
creation. It is the dwelling place of    come!
God and the eternal home of those
who are saved (cf. 2 Cor. 12:3; Rev.     This story teaches that salvation is by
2:7).                                    faith alone (Eph. 2:8-9). It also
                                         shows that it's never too late to
Interestingly, the Septuagint (the       surrender our lives to Christ. This
Greek translation of the Old             criminal had a literal deathbed
Testament) uses the same Greek           conversion. No one is beyond God's
word (paradeisos) to refer to the        saving grace. We must keep
Garden of Eden in Genesis 2:8-9 (cf.     interceding for the salvation of our
Isa. 51:3). By referring to Paradise,    loved ones.
Jesus is probably talking about
restoring the personal and intimate      However, as I mentioned at the
relationship that humans had with        beginning of this article, we must not
God in the Garden of Eden before the     inordinately delay our salvation. The
fall. The criminal wanted to             more you delay your salvation, the
experience salvation sometime in         more your heart will be hardened.
the future. But Jesus gave him more      Remember that this is the only last-
than he asked for (cf. Eph. 3:20). Our   minute salvation recorded in the
Lord graciously granted salvation on     Bible. As J. C. Ryle wrote, "One thief
that same day.                           on the cross was saved, that none
                                         should despair; but only one, that
Jesus' body would be buried in a         none should presume."
tomb, but his spirit would go to

                                                              17◄March 2021/AIM
Christ changed the destiny of the          The dying thief rejoiced to see,
second criminal. In the afternoon,             That fountain in his day.
the criminal was hanging on a cross.      And there may I, though vile as he,
In the next few hours, the second              Wash all my sins away.
criminal was with Christ in Paradise.     In many ways, we are as vile as that
Apostle Paul writes that the moment       criminal. Though we don't deserve
we die, we will be in the presence of     God's grace, we received it. Though
the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8). The criminal's     we couldn't earn our salvation, the
circumstances didn't change even          Lord saved us. Let's be eternally
after Christ promised that he will be     grateful to him!
in Paradise. He was still hanging on
the cross. Jesus doesn't always take      P.S. This article is adapted from Dr.
away all our sufferings on this earth.    David Mende's up-coming book,
But he promises something better.         The Seven Sayings of the Savior,
Praise God for giving us the free and     which is due for release in mid-
gracious gift of salvation!               March. You may contact him for
                                          copies of this book.
The main message I want to
highlight in this article is: Be
eternally grateful to the Lord for
granting you the free and gracious
gift of salvation. Let's thank the
Lord each day for the great salvation
he has granted us. Let's serve him
diligently and joyfully. Let's cling to
him even during tough times.              Rev. Dr. David Mende
                                          is the pastor-teacher at El-Shaddai
William Cowper wrote a well-              Assembly of God Church
                                          (elshaddaiag.in) in Hyderabad. He also
known hymn which goes like this:          serves as an adjunct faculty member at
                                          Southern Asia Bible College (SABC) in
  There is a fountain filled with         Bangalore, Hyderabad Institute of
               blood,                     Theology and Apologetics (HITHA) in
  Drawn from Immanuel's veins.            Hyderabad, and SUM Bible College &
 And sinners plunged beneath that         Theological Seminary in California,
                                          USA. He can be reached at +91
               flood                      9 8 4 8 0 0 4 0 9 4             a n d
    Lose all their guilty stains.         davemende@gmail.com.

18◄March 2021/AIM
In the sight of
                  For what is highly esteemed among men is an
                  abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:15)
                              Rev. Sanjiv Ailawadi

Twice in Revelations, John said           happens. The fact that mankind will
mankind did not repent. Both              not repent is a reminder that we need
(9.20,21 and 16.9,11) were after          to be rightly located ourselves in our
devastating global environmental          hearts. I believe we are to re-
damage, mighty oceanic                    consider some critical areas, one of
turbulences, meteorite disasters,         which is the question of success.
extensive locust swarms and terrible
death plagues. They did not repent of     What is success? My wife and I are
the works of their hands,                 in our 40th year of marriage. People
worshipping demons, greed for             congratulate us on being
economic gain, murders, sorceries,        successfully married.
sexual immorality, or their thefts.
Repentance is born out of an inner        But the opposite is also true. When I
conviction of our hearts. External        asked a man if he was married a few
circumstances lead to some change,        years back, he told me that he was
but lasting change comes from the         successfully divorced! Shana
movement of the Holy Spirit.              Lebowitz in an article in Business
                                          Insider, redefines divorce as 'to have
Against billions (a third of the world)   successfully matured into
dying as prophesied in these              outgrowing the need for marriage'.
passages, Covid in comparison is a
fleeting puff of air, a mere 2.5          Success in our world usually refers
million dead, just 0.03%! For the         to bank balances, status, property,
worshipping community therefore,          children being financially secure,
Covid serves as a definite foretaste      happily married. By that yardstick,
of things to come, whenever that          you could be a hardworking honest

                                                                 19◄March 2021/AIM
individual or a corrupt criminal yet      personally read and re-read because
have the same benchmark.                  these are filled with so much wisdom
                                          and challenge. He gave away much
We define success by the way we           of his earnings and lived simply.
achieve what we have valued. If we
value people, we will define success      His wife remarried after he died, and
on those terms. Have we helped            she made an interesting statement.
people, have we good strong               She said Aiden loved God, but her
relationships with people, are we         present husband loved her. Their six
known as people who are                   children had the same story. Their
compassionate?                            father's goal was so caught up in
                                          doing wonderful things out there,
If we value status and position, we       that he was barely present for his
will define success on those terms.       family.
Have we made it to the top spot in
our careers, are we famous and well       What are our goals in life? Are these
known?                                    people based or are material? If
                                          people based, the thermometer of
Are these mutually exclusive? Can         our success will be our family's
we succeed in terms of both value         emotional health. If material, the
systems? If our focus is entirely on      thermometer of our success will be
care and having loving strong             our current economic worth.
relationships, we will have to junk
the career option at some point. We       All of us live by a script. This script
can only be married to our career or      is written in partly by the world we
to our spouse. It's either time with      are born into but added on by us as
our kids, or time gazing at a screen in   life goes on. The narratives most
endless plane journeys on a quest to      often found around us are (adapted
further our wonderful career.             from Walter Brueggemann's
Our value systems determine our
goals. The goals we live towards will     Ÿ Comfort: our scripts are comfort
be known by the legacy we leave             based looking for the least way to
behind. What do people remember             get the most investment for
us for, what is that which we have          ourselves
left with others? Aiden Wilson            Ÿ Science: everything can be fixed
Tozer was born into a very poor             or made right, eventually science
family. He was self-taught, never           will have the answer to
attended school or university. But he       everything
became a great speaker, a great           Ÿ Material: we live in a culture of
writer, and a great leader. He wrote        consumption whether it is
sixty books, many of which I have           consumption of sex, or

20◄March 2021/AIM
consumption of material goods.      was in the days of Noah, so it will be
Ÿ   Hostile: we are an increasingly     also in the days of the Son of Man:
    hostile people who fight fiercely   27 They ate, they drank, they
    to protect our own. We legitimise   married wives, they were given in
    violence to get our own way.        marriage, until the day that Noah
                                        entered the ark, and the flood came
While this narrative promises us        and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise
happiness, it has failed to make us a   as it was also in the days of Lot: They
people who care, love, and are          ate, they drank, they bought, they
compassionate.                          sold, they planted, they built.

George Ritzer wrote                     Basically, Jesus said: there was the
(McDonaldization, 1993): 'When          absence of critical reflection.
society adopts the characteristics of   Critical reflection causes us to ask:
a fast-food restaurant:                 why we are doing what we are
· It becomes time efficient.            doing? It poses the question: what is
· It becomes quantitative (how          the human cost of success? It reflects
much is sold) rather than qualitative   on how there are inherent
(how good was the taste) i.e. market    contradictions in the way we live: are
driven.                                 we seeking happiness at the cost of
· It becomes uniform--- the same        others being happy?
taste and service everywhere.
· It becomes inhuman –                  This time of a global plague could be
everything is mechanised and            viewed as a time of critical recovery:
impersonal.                             the recovery of the understanding of
                                        God in relationship with ourselves.
It would seem the world has moved       The worshipping community needs
far beyond what he wrote twenty-        to recover our beginnings: we came
eight years back. We are time-          from God: We therefore need to
centric, not people centred; we are     remember we are here to serve Him,
concerned more with the quantity we     not ourselves. Success must be
have hoarded than the quality of our    defined from the sense of our
characters; we are no longer unique     belonging to God.
creative individuals, instead have
become one of the thousands in a rat-   We need to recover our sense of
race to nowhere; we are no longer       journey: we are going back to God.
empathetic caring individuals, but      We are therefore accountable to Him
indifferent, cold, and uncaring.        for all we do. God is not interested in
                                        our positions, our bank balances, or
Jesus while speaking of the last days   our influence. He is interested in
compared the time to the days of        what we are on the inside. Success
Noah. Luke 17.26-28: 26 And as it       lies in the state of our hearts: are we

                                                             21◄March 2021/AIM
generous, loving, kind people who        Ÿ   He was powerful in miracles: he
share our resources? Are we                  raised people from the dead.
righteous people who seek the
approval of God? Are we                  However, he says: what things were
trustworthy, faithful people who can     gain to me, I consider as rubbish for
be relied upon?                          the sake of being found in God (Phil
                                         3.8). The story of my success is not
We belong to God, but so does            in what I have accomplished, these
everyone else. We therefore need to      things will not follow me when I die.
recover a sense of community with        What will remain is my relationship
our neighbour: He is our Father, not     with God, His approval of me, being
my Father. We therefore have a           loving, kind, and sacrificial just like
responsibility that extends to all       His Son Jesus.
others, not just ourselves or our
families.                                Authentic success is ultimately
                                         measured in our knowing God,
Paul in the bible, in terms of this      developing a relationship with Him,
world would be described as a            and walking according to His ways,
successful individual. Let's see his     going where He sends us. All else
accomplishments.                         may be good and useful, but if we
                                         pay no heed to God, the state of the
Ÿ   He was a Pharisee, a highly          world reminds us what a mess we
    influential class of people.         can be in. Let us repent of those
Ÿ   He was a Roman citizen, so had       values we have allowed to deviate us
    the rights and privileges of the     from being found in Christ.
    conquerors in his land.
Ÿ   He was taught by the most            In the sight of God.
    famous teacher of the time,
    Gamaliel, it's like the MIT of our
Ÿ   He wrote almost half the books of
    the New Testament, or almost a
    fifth of the books of the entire
Ÿ   He had immense intellectual and
    academic depth.
Ÿ   He went on four great journeys to    Rev. Sanjiv Ailawadi
    establish many churches.             Sr. Pastor, New Generation Church

22◄March 2021/AIM
Dependent girls growing
    into empowered women
Covid19 has paused lives for many,      restraints, the sisters were also at the
leading to vulnerability all across     risk of being "sold" off.
India. Countless reports have stated
a constant rise in migration, child     Both the sisters have dreams of their
labour and child marriages.             own and wanted to finish their
                                        studies. This was not possible if
                      In response       there was no source of income. So,
                      to such           when they heard about EFIC@R
                      e v i l s ,       livelihood centre, they enrolled
                      EFIC@R            themselves and started to diligently
                      has made          attend the tailoring course.
                      nts and           After completing the training, the
                      provided          two sisters bought their own
                      livelihood        personal machine after shelling out
                      s k i l l s       whatever savings they had. With one
                      training on       machine, the sisters are working
                      tailoring in      together and preparing the orders
West Bengal to help women,              that they have been receiving. They
susceptible to exploitation, gain       are now able to earn enough money
financial independence and be           to provide for their family as well as
protected from exploitative             save up money for their education.
                                        *Name changed to protect identity
Sisters Noorah* (18 years) and
Rukmini* (21 years) were in the first
batch of the trainings. Due to the
lockdown, their family was facing
financial crisis. With their father,
who was the only breadwinner
losing his job; both the sisters were
made to drop out of school. The
sisters are already at a marriageable
age according to Indian Law. With
increasing number of girls being        Ms. Aashima Samuel.
sold in the name of marriage during     National Director,
the pandemic due to financial           EFI – Children @ Risk (EFIC@R)

                                                                23◄March 2021/AIM
   Rev. Kuruvilla Chandy

There is a time for everything,         a time for war and a time for peace
and a season for every activity under   (Eccl. 3:1-8).
the heavens:
                                        Well, what is Lent a time for? It's a
a time to be born and a time to die,    time to get crazy about being
a time to plant and a time to uproot,   devoted to our Lord.
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to       Importance of Symbols
build,                                  To start, think of Lent as a symbol.
a time to weep and a time to laugh,     Symbolism is a means of
a time to mourn and a time to           communication. Symbols are visual
dance,                                  aids. The Old Testament is replete
a time to scatter stones and a time     with them. All the sacrifices were
to gather them,                         prescribed to demonstrate that God
a time to embrace and a time to         was concerned about sin in people's
refrain from embracing,                 lives and that in His mercy, He
a time to search and a time to give     provided a way of propitiation. The
up,                                     call to holiness was symbolized by
a time to keep and a time to throw      total withdrawal from pagan society
away,                                   and practices.
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to       In the New Testament too, there are
speak,                                  symbolisms such as Christian
a time to love and a time to hate,      baptism and the Lord's Supper to

24◄March 2021/AIM
convey God's message. Baptism             spring, probably referring to the fact
depicted allegiance to Christ as Lord     that from spring the days grow
and the Lord's Supper symbolised          longer. Lent is 40 days from Ash
that Christ is sustenance of believers.   Wednesday to Easter Sunday, not
                                          counting the Sundays. Sundays are
Sometimes, Christians who belong          not part of Lent, because as the
to new groups (non-mainline               Lord's Day (of Resurrection) they
denominations) are against the            are feast days. Yes, you may eat meat
observance of special days,               and fish on Sundays in Lent. You
forgetting that symbols are               may feast.
theological shorthand. It is the
ritualization of doctrinal beliefs. Of    Ash Wednesday is the day that marks
course, the trouble with the use of       the beginning of Lent. Its name is
symbols is that too often their           derived from the fact that ash
meanings are forgotten, and people        (obtained by burning the palm
then perform rituals mechanically.        crosses distributed on Palm Sunday
                                          in the previous year) was applied to
The Christian calendar is one aspect      the foreheads of devotees attending
of the symbolic in the Church's life      the Ash Wednesday service. The ash
that needs to be rediscovered. The        symbolized penitence for sins
entire Christian Year is a theological    committed. As people came in
statement. It begins with the Advent      penitence to the altar, the priest
or Coming of Christ and is meant to       would apply the ash to their
prepare us for the Second Advent. As      f o r e h e a d s , a n d w o u l d s a y,
the Year progresses, it takes us          "Remember O man (or woman or
through the life experiences of our       boy or girl), that thou art mortal.
Lord, the coming of the Holy Spirit       Remember that thou art dust and to
and ends with the period called           dust thou shalt return."
"Kingdomtide", envisioning the
coming reign of Jesus as King of          Human mortality is tied to the Fall of
kings and the establishment of God's      Adam and Eve, and so to be
kingdom of justice and peace.             reminded of our mortality is to be
                                          informed that we are guilty of sin.
Customs and Rituals                       The ash reminds us that our ruin is
Lent comes after Advent and               complete, because when anything is
Epiphany (revelation of our Lord).        reduced to ashes, there is nothing
The word "Lent" is derived from the       more to burn and nothing left to
Old English word lenten meaning           recover. That is what sin does to us. It

                                                                 25◄March 2021/AIM
ruins us completely, making us unfit      When people do things as a matter of
for God's company.                        ritual, they subconsciously are in the
                                          mode of meeting a requirement.
Journey Back to God                       What that attitude implies is, "If I do
But in Bible times when people sat in     such and such, I score." So, the ritual
ashes or had ashes on themselves, it      observance of Lent boils down to
symbolized their repentance – a           saying to God, "Please do note how I
complete turnaround of their lives.       torture myself to please you. You
Thus, the churchgoer with ashes           have to give me points for giving up
marking his or her forehead was           fish and meat which I love." Put that
saying that they had realized the         way, you can see why ritual
error of their ways and was               observances are contrary to the
beginning to turn back to God.            gospel of our Lord Jesus. Thus, Lent
                                          cannot be about giving up fish, meat,
Lent was to be observed by making it
                                          chocolates, ice cream and movies.
a time for prayer, almsgiving and
self-denial. Unfortunately, self-         All religions are about working one's
denial came to be defined as giving       way to heaven. But the Lord said that
up foods and festivities. Around the      the only way to get to heaven was
world, during Lent most Christians        solely and entirely through Him (Jn.
observe what might be described as a      14:6). That is why Paul took issue
partial fast: they give up eating meat,   with the Christians at Galatia for
fish and eggs, though they probably       allowing themselves to be diverted
don't know why. Some of them must         from the gospel of grace (1:6-7; 3:1-
imagine that they do so to share in       5).
the sufferings of Christ. But that's
not why the practice started. Easter      Denial of Self
was the day when those who had            If we are going to engage in fasting
been preparing were baptized. They        as a spiritual exercise, we need to
prepared for baptism through              learn how to fast. For a fast to be a
abstinence and other acts of              fast, what we give up must be offered
devotion, commemorating the 40            to God. It's not about torturing
days of fasting that Jesus went           yourself. God doesn't take pleasure
through (though, in His case it was       in that sort of thing (See Isa. 58:5).
after His baptism).                       The two things He wants you to do
                                          when fasting are:
The problem with observing                1. Caring to share with others (vv. 6-
something just for the sake of            7, 10)
observing is that it is purely ritual.

26◄March 2021/AIM
2. Drawing near to God (vv. 8-9, 13-       your aim, your lifestyle. For Christ.
                                           Since Lent marks the days before the
So, if you are observing the               crucifixion of our Lord, let's look at
discipline of giving up something          the two who denied themselves
"for God", collect your "savings"          during that period so totally, that our
from giving up meat, fish and eggs,        Lord Himself remarked
and offer it all to God through His        appreciatively about their acts.
people in need.
                                           Widow's Large Mite
We need to understand "self-denial"        Jesus was at the Temple with His
according to the Lord's teaching.          disciples, who were country
Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my        bumpkins and were easily
disciple must deny themselves and          wonderstruck by the riches of the
take up their cross daily and follow       city. They were impressed with
me" (Lk. 9:23).                            everything that was big and grand
                                           (Lk. 21:5). It would not be amiss to
Clearly, self-denial is not a              think that they drew attention to the
temporary act, but a permanent             large donations being made by rich
change in the way of life. In the ritual   folks just as they talked about the
observance of Lent, people give up         size of the stones used to construct
fish and meat, but go back to them.        the Temple. That had to be the reason
That is not self-denial, but denying       Jesus talked to them about a poor
your self some things for a short          widow's giving (vv.1-4). The rich
period.                                    had given larger amounts, but Jesus
                                           pointed to the fact that they only
Secondly, biblical self-denial is a
                                           gave a small bit out of their
displacement of the self, because the
                                           abundance. After giving, they could
self is replaced:
                                           continue to live in luxury. Their gifts
Ÿ Deny your self—take up the
                                           would make no difference to their
    cross (Lk. 9:23)
Ÿ Not my will, but Thine be done
                                           way of life.
    (Mk. 14:36)
                                           The widow, on the other hand, was a
Ÿ Not I, but Christ… (Gal. 2:20,
                                           very needy person.         She was
                                           destitute with no one to support her.
Lent is not about giving up fish and       Those two mites were not just a
meat. It is about denying your             portion of her small living, but "all
self—giving up your selfishness,           that she had, even all her living."

                                                                27◄March 2021/AIM
She lived daily from hand to mouth;        Crucifixion (in the period we mark
but on that day, as Jesus watched, she     as Lent). Therefore, this is
gave away all that she had earned for      something to do during Lent – to
the day.      Giving even one mite         give the Widow's Large Mite.
would have been extravagant, but
she gave both – all she had. That          Lavish Love
night did she go to bed hungry? For        The second act of extreme devotion
all we know, she did.                      happened when Jesus was invited to
                                           dinner in the home of "Simon, the
Once an extremely rich Christian           leper". Simon couldn't have been a
handed me a teeny-weeny donation           leper at the time, or he would have
claiming that it was his "widow's          been ostracised and excluded from
mite" for the need I had put before        all social contact. Presumably, he
the congregation. Jesus had drawn          was healed by Jesus. Lazarus was
attention to its largeness, but the man    invited because he was a celebrity
likened the widow's gift to the paltry     because Jesus had brought him back
sum he was giving to God's work.           to life. While his sister Martha was
We subconsciously commend                  serving, his second sister Mary
ourselves on giving as the widow did       slipped into the dining room, knelt
when we claim to be giving our             where Jesus was reclining and
widow's mite. Jesus commended her          poured a whole pound of very costly
for her large giving, and we have          fragrant oil on His feet and then
regarded it an excuse for small            wiped them with her hair. It was an
giving. The widow's mite, when             act of total recklessness: "wasting"
given, left her with nothing. No, the      (that's what people said) what was
Lord did not commend her for the           extremely precious and not caring
smallness of her gift, but for its         for her own reputation by displaying
largeness. Give little, if you want;       her affection for Jesus so publicly,
but let's not call our gift the "widow's   physically, and shamelessly.
mite" and by that render Jesus'
commendation false.                        The disciples were indignant and
                                           discussed the wastefulness (Matt.
Give largely, for small giving is          14:4), led, no doubt, by Judas, who
reluctant giving. It is more a case of     was more interested in collecting
keeping back, than giving.                 funds to dip into (Jn. 12:4-5). All said
                                           that the oil could have been sold and
Remember, what the widow did               the money from the sale spent on the
happened just days before the              needy poor and all of them scolded

28◄March 2021/AIM
her for her callousness (Matt. 14:5).    they themselves had failed to touch
Jesus told them to let her be and to     anyone or bring them close to God
regard her act as one of preparing His   like Jesus had.
body for burial (Jn. 12:7). He said
that if they were really concerned       Jesus took issue with His host for not
about the poor, they would have          having given Him the honour due to
opportunities in plenty to show their    a guest – just the standard courtesies
concern, but He Himself was not          of having feet washed and being
going to be around to be shown love      welcomed with warmth. He then
(Matt. 14:7).                            pointed out that the woman, whom
                                         His host regarded as unworthy, had
Jesus honoured Mary. He declared         in fact made up for all the host's
that her act of devotion would be        lapses and failures. Jesus said that
legendary and included in the annals     the difference was that she really
of the gospel story (v.9).               appreciated being forgiven. She had
                                         sinned much, but she knew that she
Outpouring of Gratitude                  was forgiven and that's all she cared
Mary, however, was not the first one     about (Lk.7:40-50).
to anoint Jesus' feet with expensive
oil. There was another woman, and it     So, if you really want to keep Lent, it
is quite possible that Mary thought      is no time to be practical and careful
that it was neat way to show her         (read, calculating) and to hold back.
feelings for Jesus by imitating the      It is the time to go crazy for Jesus – to
woman. The other woman was an            become a fool for Christ (1 Cor.
outcast – a despised prostitute. All     4:10), a fanatic, an extremist. Lent is
the moral people who witnessed her       for crazies.
weeping at Jesus' feet, wetting them
with her tears, wiping them with her
loosened hair, kissing them and
anointing them with costly perfume,
could only think that Jesus wasn't
much of a holy man since He was
allowing a prostitute to shower love
on Him. Their shrivelled souls could
not appreciate the fact that one they    Rev. Kuruvilla Chandy
considered a sinner – a terrible one –   is a freelance preacher and writer. He
had been drawn to holiness and           c a n b e r e a c h e d a t :
kindness. They did not take note that    reverendkuru@aol.com

                                                                29◄March 2021/AIM
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