Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours

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short review


Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours
Silvia Hofer    · Emilie Le Rhun

Received: 21 January 2021 / Accepted: 17 February 2021
© The Author(s) 2021

Summary Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tu-              (3) melanoma. The highest incidence of LM appears
mours are increasingly being diagnosed and require a          to be in melanoma (23%) and lung cancer (9–25%)
careful assessment by an interdisciplinary neuro-on-          then followed by breast cancer (5%). Considering
cological tumour board for adequate diagnosis, ther-          the high incidence of breast cancer worldwide, in
apy planning and optimal care of the affected patients.       absolute numbers it constitutes the most common
                                                              aetiology of LM. Rarely, leptomeningeal metastases
Keywords Carcinomatous meningitis ·                           are a first tumour manifestation. Concurrent systemic
Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis · Leptomeningeal                disease progression is seen in up to 60–70% of pa-
metastases · Neoplastic meningitis · Intrathecal              tients. Brain metastases are noted in about 40%, half
therapy                                                       of them progressing at leptomeningeal metastases
                                                              diagnosis, new brain metastases have been reported
An increasing number of patients with metastatic can-         in 20% [2, 3].
cer are developing leptomeningeal dissemination due to           Prognosis of leptomeningeal tumour manifestation
better therapies and longer survival. In a brief review, we   is generally poor, with a median survival limited to
will focus on leptomeningeal disease arising from solid tu-
                                                              a few months in most patient cohorts, with the ex-
mours and inform about current management and future
                                                              ception of molecularly altered tumours which are ac-
                                                              cessible to targeted drugs and a longer disease control
                                                              may therefore be expected.
   Leptomeningeal metastases (LM) are defined by                 A literature search on this particular tumour man-
the presence of metastatic tumour cells within the            ifestation provides information on the following
leptomeninges and the subarachnoid space. Overall,            terms: “meningeosis carcinomatosa”, “carcinomatous
leptomeningeal involvement is diagnosed in about              meningitis”, “neoplastic meningitis”, “leptomeningeal
10–15% of patients with metastatic solid tumours,             carcinomatosis” and “leptomeningeal metastases”.
with an increasing tendency, due to longer survival           Hereafter, the term leptomeningeal metastases will
of patients with the associated tumours and better            be used, abbreviated as “LM”.
access to modern imaging. Three tumour entities
are particularly prone to spread to the meninges:             Pathophysiology
(1) breast cancer [1], (2) lung cancer, notably molec-
ular driven subtypes of NSCLC and SCLC, and,                  The leptomeninges and the subarachnoid space are
                                                              reached by the haematogenous route through the
S. Hofer ()
                                                              “blood–leptomeningeal barrier (BLB)”, a vascular
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich,          structure, which is semipermeable at least for tu-
Zurich, Switzerland                                           mour and immune cells. Cancer cells that reach the
silvia.hofer@usz.ch                                           brain microvasculature may also cross the “blood–CSF
E. Le Rhun
                                                              barrier” via the choroid plexus to enter the ventricles
Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Clinical           and the leptomeningeal space. Furthermore, direct
Neuroscience Center and Brain Tumor Center, University        tumour cell invasion can occur from infiltrating brain
Hospital and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland        metastases. Finally, tumour cells can migrate via

K                                                                        Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours
short review

vessels of the skull, from vertebral bodies and via
perineural and perivascular routes. Rather rarely,
leptomeninges are colonized iatrogenically, i.e. after
brain metastasis resection [4]. Various CNS barriers
hinder—at least partially—therapeutic drug concen-
trations in the brain after systemic administration


Symptoms may initially be discrete, unspecific and
variable, and may involve multiple localizations i.e.
any part of the neuraxis. Typical symptoms include
headache, nausea and vomiting, mental changes,
dizziness and drowsiness, gait difficulties, cranial
nerve palsies with diplopia, visual disturbances, hear-
ing loss, sensorimotor deficits of the extremities,
cauda equine syndrome, and radicular neck and back
pain. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imag-
                                                           Fig. 1 Nodular (a) and linear (b) leptomeningeal tumour
ing (MRI) is the first mandatory diagnostic procedure.     growth
The whole cerebrospinal neuraxis should always be
assessed to determine the extent of the disease. MRI
findings include sulcal and foliar enhancements, lin-      CSF cytology. In case of extensive nodular and symp-
ear ependymal and cranial nerve root enhancement           tomatic manifestation, local radiotherapy (RT) is rec-
but also leptomeningeal enhancing nodules. Of note,        ommended, whereas 1–2 mm layers or freely circu-
about 20–30% of patients with LM have a normal             lating tumour cells are probably more accessible to
or false-negative MRI. After exclusion of a hydro-         intrathecal (i.th.) and systemic therapy. We would
cephalus, diagnosis of LM is confirmed by malignant        rather not recommend i.th. therapy for nodular dis-
cells in the CSF. It should be noted that the first        ease without a positive CSF cytology on repeated sam-
cerebrospinal fluid sample obtained is only diagnos-       pling through lumbar puncture. RT may also be an
tic in about 50% and should be repeated if deemed          option for the treatment of CSF flow blocks.
necessary [3]. For quality reasons, it is important           Without any treatment, leptomeningeal spread is
to ensure a sufficient amount of cerebrospinal fluid       fatal within a few weeks. With conventional systemic
(5–10 ml) and rapid processing of the material (within     therapy, median survival is about 3–6 months. Tar-
one hour). Tumour markers, such as CEA or CA               geted therapies can achieve much longer lasting tu-
125, when present in the primary tumour, can be            mour control, especially in HER-2 positive, EGFRmut
determined in the CSF for diagnostic and follow-up         and ALK driven tumours.
purposes. CSF tumour markers reflect intrathecal
production; the concentration is higher than in the        Local therapeutic options
serum. They may also support the diagnosis in case
of a lack of tumour cells in the CSF; however their role   Surgical intervention for leptomeningeal disease is
in clinical practice, is limited [6]. Circulating tumour   rarely needed, except for the insertion of an intra-
DNA (ctDNA) in the CSF is a complementary tool             ventricular reservoir for drug administration or for
for diagnosis and characterization of LM. ctDNA may        a ventriculoperitoneal shunt in case of intracranial
detect actionable genomic alterations and resistance       hypertension. Hereby, blockage of the shunt due
mutations not present in metastases in the periphery.      to tumour cell clusters is a dreaded complication.
   In the absence of tumour cells in the CSF, neurolog-    The overall complication rate of ventriculoperitoneal
ical symptoms and typical craniospinal MR findings         shunts is estimated to be between 9 and 15% [7].
strongly support the diagnosis of cancer in a patient.     Hydrocephalus can also be corrected by third ven-
                                                           triculostomy, using no implants and having little risk
Leptomeningeal growth pattern and therapeutic              of blockage. The decision on how to manage LM-as-
consequences                                               sociated hydrocephalus is complex and requires close
                                                           collaboration amongst physicians, patients, and/or
A distinction is made between nodular tumour growth,       proxies with a focus on patient’s quality-of-life [8].
adherent to the meninges, linear spread and freely            Focal radiotherapy is indicated in symptomatic
floating tumour cells or a combination of these man-       nodular lesions, to correct cerebrospinal fluid circu-
ifestations (Fig. 1).                                      lation, for rapid treatment of tumoural cranial nerve
   Therapeutic consequences result from these dif-         affections, cauda equina symptoms or for the simul-
ferent growth patterns, as assessed by imaging and         taneous treatment of brain metastases. Whole brain

  Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours                                                           K
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radiotherapy (WBRT) covers a large part of the cere-       fluid”, “brain parenchyma” and “blood” is most in-
brospinal fluid space and may be indicated in the          teresting, partly unexpected and not yet fully un-
absence of other options. However, WBRT does not           derstood. Intrathecally administered antibodies may
confer a survival advantage, and comes along with          work partly through antibody-dependent cellular tox-
serious neurocognitive disorders. Irradiation of the       icity (ADCC) or complement-dependent cytotoxicity
whole cerebrospinal axis is not recommended due to         (CDC) [12].
its toxicity.                                                  For intraventricularly administered rituximab, a phar-
                                                           macokinetic model was developed that suggests
Intrathecal therapies                                      a certain penetration of antibodies into the brain
                                                           parenchyma. Furthermore, elimination of the an-
Intrathecal (i.th.) administration of suitable drugs is    tibodies from the CSF into the serum has been
recommended under the condition of floating tumour         demonstrated by pharmacokinetic studies. High,
cells (CSF cytology) and/or linear tumour spread (up       i.e. therapeutic, serum levels have been measured
to 1–2 mm thickness) [3]. Advantageous for successful      after intrathecal trastuzumab and rituximab with-
intrathecal treatment is, as for any therapeutic inter-    out systemic treatment [12–14]. A pooled analysis of
vention, good tumour control outside of the CNS and        58 patients with HER-2 positive breast cancer con-
an adequate performance status without severe neu-         firmed safety and efficacy of i.th. trastuzumab [15].
rological deficits. A more favourable drug distribution    A first phase I dose escalation study with 16 patients
can be achieved by a reservoir with direct access to       recommends 150 mg i.th. trastuzumab weekly [16].
the ventricles (e.g. Ommaya reservoir) compared to         Our own observations with CSF and serum trough
repetitive lumbar punctures. The revision rate of such     levels could show that even 150 mg every 3 weeks is
a reservoir in trained hands is 7–8%, while the in-        effective to control leptomeningeal disease, in one
fection rate is reported to be 5–10% [9]. In case of       patient lasting for more than 4 years [17]. Time from
suspected obstruction, CSF flow studies may be per-        the first i.th. trastuzumab until improvement of neu-
formed to evaluate the patency of the CSF circulation      rological symptoms, and lack of detectable tumour
before moving to intrathecal therapy.                      cells in the CSF was 3, 2, and 1 month, respectively,
    There are no randomized studies (RCT) to compare       in 3 subsequent patients. Disappearance of MR con-
intrathecal therapy versus “best supportive care” for      trast-uptake was observed after 4 and 3 months,
solid tumours. However, there are randomized data          respectively. All 3 patients had previously received
on systemic therapy with and without additional in-        WBRT. Trastuzumab CSF concentrations (trough
trathecal therapy in breast cancer. A recent study         level) > 0.1 mg/L allowed leptomeningeal tumour
with i.th. liposomal cytarabine (drug currently not        control over time in our small series. Remarkably,
available) showed prolonged progression-free survival      trastuzumab serum concentrations after 3-weekly
(PFS) for leptomeningeal involvement and a trend to-       intrathecal application alone reached 30 mg/L, cor-
wards an improved survival [10]. An older RCT, with        responding to therapeutic serum levels [13]. The
some methodological weaknesses, did not report such        elimination process of trastuzumab and other an-
an advantage for the combination of systemic and in-       tibodies from the CSF into the blood and the best
trathecal chemotherapy. Furthermore, increased neu-        combination with systemic treatment remains to be
rotoxicity with i.th MTX was observed and an unex-         investigated. Moreover, the question regarding dura-
pected high complication rate with the ventricular de-     tion of i.th. antibodies beyond clinical improvement
vices occurred in this study [11].                         is still unresolved.
    Of note, the old drugs, which we have been us-             No acute neurotoxicity has been described for
ing intrathecally for more than 40 years, are not well     i.th.     monoclonal antibodies such as rituximab,
suited to achieve good tumour control in most of the       trastuzumab, bevacizumab, nivolumab or panitu-
affected cancers. MTX, thiotepa, cytarabine, gemc-         mumab; however, long-term toxicity over several
itabine, topotecan and etoposide are not the preferred     years cannot be excluded. Provided that intrathe-
drugs for most common tumours that metastasize to          cally administered immune checkpoint inhibitors
the leptomeninges and all of them have a short half-       may show efficacy in the near future in controlling
life (4–8 h), which is why these drugs have to be ad-      leptomeningeal disease of immune-responsive tu-
ministered two times per week, at least initially. Other   mours such as melanoma, NSCLC, SCLC, renal cell
disadvantages are local and sometimes irreversible         and triple-negative breast cancer, the drug reservoir
toxicities (e.g. arachnoiditis, myelopathy, progressive    “CSF” could become an interesting therapeutic niche.
leukoencephalopathy).                                      Further pharmacokinetic studies will have to show
    In recent years, some monoclonal antibodies have       whether intrathecal antibody therapy alone may sub-
been successfully administered intrathecally and pre-      stitute for systemic administration.
liminary experience has been gathered in phase I
studies, small case series and individual observations.
Activity of intrathecally administered monoclonal an-
tibodies in the three compartments “cerebrospinal

K                                                                     Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours
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Systemic therapies                                         in patients with treated, asymptomatic brain metas-
                                                           tases [20].
Few specific data are available for leptomeningeal dis-       A post hoc exploratory subgroup analysis of the
ease and systemic therapy; most have been extrapo-         KAMILLA trial in 398 anti-HER-2 pretreated patients
lated from patients with brain metastases or advanced      with asymptomatic BM represents the largest cohort
disease.                                                   treated with T-DM1. A clinical significant benefit was
   Classical chemotherapy has been used for lep-           observed in patients with and without prior radiother-
tomeningeal disease and some have proven to be             apy [21]. Combination strategies with immunother-
active in sensitive tumours, among others, 5-fluo-         apy are worth exploring, as T-DM1 treatment seems
rouracil, capecitabine, pemetrexed cisplatin, carbo-       effective in increasing the presence of TILs [22].
platin, vinorelbine, gemcitabine, high-dose methotrex-        A non-randomized phase II study with the CNS-
ate (≥3 g/m2), thiotepa, high-dose cytarabine, etopo-      penetrant CDK4 inhibitor abemaciclib for hormone
side, eribulin.                                            receptor-positive breast cancer patients with brain
   The anti-HER-2 monoclonal antibodies trastuzumab and leptomeningeal metastases did not meet its pri-
and pertuzumab have in general modest activity             mary endpoint (intracranial response rate, iORR),
when administered as monotherapy in metastatic             but an intracranial clinical benefit rate (iCBR) was de-
HER-2-positive disease and they do not cross an in-        scribed for the cohort with highly pretreated hormone
tact blood–brain barrier. Concomitant chemotherapy         receptor-positive, HER-2-negative breast cancer pa-
administration is needed for optimal extracranial ac-      tients. iCBR in the study was defined as CR, PR or SD
tivity. In addition, there is statistically and clinically ≥ 6 months. Fourteen out of 55 patients of cohort A
significant improved response and time to progres-         (hormone-receptor-positive, HER-2-negative) had an
sion for the continuation of trastuzumab beyond            iPR or iSD > 6 months, resulting in an iCBR of 24.1%.
progression in the management of women with HER-           [23].
2-positive advanced breast cancer [18] and it has been        Activity of anti-hormonal drugs, such as tamox-
suggested that an improvement of systemic disease          ifen or aromatase inhibitors, has been reported in the
control delays the onset of brain metastasis (BM), as      brain and in the leptomeninges and could potentially
has been demonstrated in the CLEOPATRA trial [19].         be considered in responsive tumours [24].
   Similar observations are reported for the anti-            Next generation targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitors
HER-2 antibody-drug conjugate ado-trastuzumab              (TKI) with small molecular weight (400–500 D), low or
emtansine (T-DM1) where the chemotherapy back-             lacking dependence on efflux transporters (e.g. P-gly-
bone has been directly linked to the antibody, allowing    coprotein, Pgp)—not a sole criterion though—have
targeted tumour delivery of an otherwise toxic com-        been reported to have clinically meaningful activity
pound, DM1, a potent microtubule polymerization            in the CNS and may even have preventive potential
inhibitor.                                                 on the formation of new LM or brain metastases in
   T-DM1 activity in central nervous system metasta-       tumours with corresponding actionable targets.
sis was assessed in a retrospective, exploratory analy-       Examples are osimertinib for EGFRmut, alectinib
sis of the EMILIA randomized phase III trial, compar-      for ALK- and RET-, lorlatinib for ALK—and ROS 1 and
ing safety and efficacy of T-DM1 with standard of care,    brigatinib for EGFR-, ALK- and ROS1-altered NSCLC,
capecitabine and lapatinib. In participants who had        but also vemurafenib or dabrafenib with and with-
been previously treated with trastuzumab and a tax-        out MEK-inhibitors for BRAFV600Emut tumours (Ta-
ane, the analysis suggested that T-DM1 may confer          ble 1). They have all shown to result in impressive
a survival advantage over capecitabine and lapatinib       and often durable intracranial responses [25]. Exem-

Table 1        Selected molecular targeted agents for LM from NSCLC (adapted from [25])
Drug                 Target                MW       Substrate for efflux transport    CNS penetration (CSF/plasma or CSF/blood)
Erlotinib            EGFR                  393      Yes                               2.8% to 3.3%
Gefitinib            EGFR                  447      Yes                               1.13%
Afatinib             EGFR                  486      Yes                               1.65%
Osimertinib          EGFR (T790M)          500      Yes                               2.5% to 16%
Zorifertinib         EGFR                  460      No                                100%
Crizotinib           ALK, MET, ROS1        450      Yes                               0.26%
Ceritinib            ALK, ROS1             558      Yes                               15%
Alectinib            ALK, RET              483      No                                63% to 94%
Brigatinib           ALK, ROS1, EGFR       529      Yes                               no data
Lorlatinib           ALK, ROS1             406      Yes, but low                      31% to 96%
Vemurafenib          BRAF                  490      Yes                               0.98%
LM leptomeningeal metastases, NSCLC non-small cell lung cancer, MW molecular weight

  Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours                                                                                    K
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plary, in ALK-TKI refractory NSCLC patients with LM,                         is a heterogeneous uptake into the leptomeninges,
the intracranial ORR, intracranial disease control rate,                     which may explain, at least in part, their limited effi-
median duration of treatment and median PFS were                             cacy. Some patients may benefit from systemic treat-
45% and 91%, 5.3 months, and 9.3 months respec-                              ment beyond progression in the CNS if they are of-
tively [26]. A higher incidence of LM was observed in                        fered local treatment for their intracranial disease. For
NSCLC patients harbouring EGFR mutations after an                            all these considerations, the neurological and general
effective EGFR TKI treatment. In particular, mutation                        condition and the patient’s wish must be taken into
L858R potentially predicts a higher risk of LM com-                          account in a difficult-to-treat disease manifestation
pared with deletion of exon 19. These results highlight                      with still poor outcome.
the importance of determining the current mutational
status, preferentially from liquid biopsies of the CSF                       Future directions
[25, 27].
   Lapatinib is effective to a lesser extent for HER-                        The CSF space is a challenging niche for metastatic
2-positive tumours due to its dependence on the                              tumour cells. Recent research focused on the bio-
Pgp. Tucatinib, a highly selective TKI against HER-2,                        chemical composition of the CSF in the setting of
has reported activity in 75 untreated patients with                          leptomeningeal metastases. Mechanisms of cell sur-
HER-2-positive brain metastases in combination with                          vival and distinct gene expression signatures were dis-
trastuzumab and capecitabine; intracranial ORR of                            covered. Some appear to act via a high-affinity iron
47.3% could be reached in the HER2CLIMB trial [28].                          transport system to maintain iron-dependent cellu-
   While the current evidence on the activity of TKIs                        lar survival functions and the suppression of local
comes from case series and retrospective studies with                        macrophage activation by iron deprivation. Whether
LM, prospectively collected data are becoming avail-                         this iron-capturing system also confers increased sur-
able in rapid succession.                                                    vival of circulating tumour cells requires further in-
   Immune checkpoint inhibitors (IO) have been                               vestigations [32].
shown to be effective in the brain by exerting activity                         Cell-free circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) in the
on BM and LM indirectly by T cell responses [29, 30]                         CSF holds useful information regarding diagnosis to
and thus might even have prophylactic potential, as                          better characterize LM, detect actionable genomic al-
has been suggested by a lower incidence of new BM                            terations and monitor responses to therapy [33].
with durvalumab in NSCLC [31]. Combining IO with
RT might further augment the efficacy (Table 2).                             Take Home Message

Concluding remarks                                                              Leptomeningeal metastases should be treated ac-
                                                                                 cording to the clinical, MRI and cytological presen-
For leptomeningeal disease intrathecal therapy seems                             tation, taking into consideration the general and
particularly useful when targeted drugs with a long                              neurological status, molecular characteristics, other
half-life are available, e.g. trastuzumab. Systemic                              metastatic sites and prior treatments.
therapies with the ability to overcome brain barriers                           Promising approaches are under development and
are only effective if tumour cells are sensitive. A com-                         trials should be conducted specifically for this patient
mon feature of all systemically administered drugs                               population.

                                                                             Funding Open Access funding provided by Universität Zürich.
Table 2 Drugs most commonly used for leptomeningeal                          Conflict of interest E. Le Rhun has received honoraria for
disease from solid tumours                                                   lectures or advisory board participation or consulting from
Intrathecal drugs                                                            Abbvie, Adastra, Daiichi Sankyo, Tocagen, Leo Pharma and
Methotrexate,         Initially 2 ×/week                                     Seattle Genetics. S. Hofer declares that she has no competing
10–15 mg                                                                     interests.
Thiotepa, 10 mg       Initially 2 ×/week
                                                                             Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Com-
Trastuzumab, 150 mg Weekly to three weekly                                   mons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits
Systemic drugs                                                               use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
Next generation TKI   According to target, taking into account resistance    any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
                      mechanisms                                             to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
Chemotherapeutic      According to sensitivity or resistance of the tumour   the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were
drugs                                                                        made. The images or other third party material in this article
                                                                             are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless
HER-2 directed thera- T-DM1 and next generation TKIs
pies                                                                         indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material
                                                                             is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and
Anti-hormone thera-   Tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors
                                                                             your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or
                                                                             exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permis-
CDK 4 inhibitors      Abemaciclib                                            sion directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this
Immunotherapies       PD-L1 antibodies                                       licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

K                                                                                         Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours
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   Leptomeningeal metastases from solid tumours                                                                                K
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