Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology


Letter from the President

Dear members of gtö, dear friends and colleagues,                   In this issue
                                                                    Letter from the President…………….1
With this newsletter we are pleased to announce that the Invitation to the European Con-
next “European Conference of Tropical Ecology” and the ference of Tropical Ecology 2018
annual members assembly of the Society for Tropical Paris, France………………….…………….3
Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö) in 2018 will Invitation to the 31st annual mem-
                                                               bers assembly of gtö in Paris, France
be hosted by the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle / 2018…………………………………………….5
UPMC / Académie des Sciences - COPED, Sorbonne Search for Candidates for the Board
Universités, Paris. The conference will take place from of the Society ………………………….…..6
Monday 26 to Thursday 29 March 2018 at the Centre European Conference of Tropical
                                                               Ecology in Brussels, 2017……….…….9
International de Conférences Sorbonne Universités (CICSU)
                                                               Winners of the Merian Award
of the University Pierre-Marie Curie and at the Muséum 2017……………………………………........10
National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris historic center. Let me Treasurer’s corner………………..…….11
say that we are extremely happy and thankful to have found, gtö welcomes its new members…11
after our very successful and pleasant conference 2017 in Miscellaneous…………………………….11
Brussels, again great local hosts and a wonderful, very Suggested reading………….…………..14
special place to hold our meeting. The fact that we are again The Society for Tropical Ecology...14
going to a city (and what a city!) outside Germany reflects Impressum…………………………………14
                                                               gtö Executive Board……………….…..12
very nicely our intention to become a really European
                                                               gtö scientific advisory board……...15
society. Also the elections of the Board, which we will have
                                                               APPENDIX I: Minutes of the 30th
this year, points in the same direction. We have, and further annual general assembly…………….17
seek for candidates from a number of European countries. It APPENDIX II: Budgetary revenues
will be your privilege as members of the gtö to vote the and expenditures 2016………….…..20
members of the Board. So please inform yourself in time Membership changes…………………23
                                                               Membership application form …..24
about the candidates at the conference in Paris to make
your choice at the member’s assembly. In this context I would also like to address you in a
personal matter. After having been on the Board of gtö for almost three decades, first as a
member of the Advisory Board, later as your President, I will not stand for re-election and I

Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

am glad to see that we have excellent candidates who, I am sure, will lead gtö in a
professional and successful way through the next years.
As tropical ecologists and conservationists we are facing great challenges, maybe bigger
than ever before. This is why we chose as the motto "Challenges in tropical ecology and
conservation - global perspectives“, as the overarching topic of our 2018 Conference. I am
more than confident that this will be another well attended and rich gtö event. So please join
us in Paris! Please see the invitation to the conference and details for our member’s
assembly on pages 3-8 and have a look at the conference homepage.

I do hope to see you all in Paris and wish you, until then, all the best,

Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch
President of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)

Grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) at Ankarafantsika National Park. Although the Grey
mouse lemur is the largest species of its genus, mouse lemurs include the smallest primates
in the world. Picture: Ute Radespiel

Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

Invitation to the European Conference of Tropical Ecology and 31st Annual
Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology, 26-29 March 2018, Paris

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the European Conference of Tropical Ecology - the Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö) - will be organized in Paris
(France) by the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle and the University Pierre et Marie
Curie, members of Sorbonne Universités. It will take place from Monday 26 to Thursday 29
March 2018 at the International Conference Center Sorbonne Universités (CICSU) at Pierre
Marie Currie University (UPMC), situated in the heart of the 5th district of Paris, right in the
center of the Latin Quarter and at the waterfront of the Seine. This district is commonly
known as the Quartier Latin because it is where the first great Parisian university, the
Sorbonne, was founded, and because Latin was the language of scholars at that time.

The overarching topic will be “Challenges in tropical ecology and conservation - global
perspectives”. It will highlight both tropical aquatic (marine and freshwater) and terrestrial
ecosystems that are global biodiversity hotspots and increasingly under pressure from a
growing population. The complexity and unpredictability of these systems present
considerable challenges for ecologists, conservation biologists and natural resource
managers. The global demand for food, energy and recreation, large scale industrial land use
change and anthropogenic climate change present scientific and social challenges. Ensuring
resilient tropical ecosystems and provisioning a broad array of ecosystem services
necessitates maintaining biodiversity as well as ecological function at all its levels. Past and
present mismanagement and habitat degradation require counter measures, including habitat
restoration and developing novel management approaches for resilient tropical landscape
mosaics which both meet the immediate livelihood needs of oceanic, coastal, and rural
communities and the ecosystem services for broader society. This presents great challenges
but also opportunities.

The annual conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö) will provide an
interdisciplinary platform for discussing the major challenges and future opportunities in
tropical Ecology including:
Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

      •   Understanding tropical biodiversity at all spatial and taxonomical scales
      •   Defining the resilience and resistance of tropical ecosystems
      •   Novel approaches to understand and manage tropical ecosystems
      •   Conservation and restoration of tropical ecosystems

The scientific program of the conference includes five plenary talks by renowned
international early-career women scientists, and contributed talks or posters organized in
thematic sessions during 3 entire days. A welcome reception (Monday evening) and the
conference dinner (Wednesday) will complete the social program. Don’t forget to
participate in the photo competition! During this 2018 edition, we especially want to
celebrate the 3rd International Year of the Coral Reefs, which is why we will have our tropical
conference dinner at the Tropical Aquarium of the Porte Dorée.

                                                           The location of the venue in the
                                                           center of Paris will also allow
                                                           participants     to    visit and
                                                           discover tropical collections of
                                                           nearby            research-MNHN
                                                           institutes, visit the Aquarium
                                                           and the Zoological Parc of
                                                           Paris, as well as other facilities
                                                           at the MNHN (Ménagerie du
                                                           Jardin des Plantes, Wet and
                                                           Dry Tropical Plant Collections
                                                           in the Grande Serres, Galerie
                                                           de Botanique, Grande Galerie
de l’Evolution, Galerie of Paleontologie) at your best convenience. Please, contact your
colleagues at MNHN to organize visits of herbarium and zoological collections in your
respective fields.

Please share this information with colleagues, students and all other persons who have an
interest in participating, and visit our website to register: www.soctropecol-conference.eu/ We
are looking forward to arranging a stimulating conference and hope that you will be able to
join us in Paris, in the center of the Latin Quarter.

Local Organizing Committee:

Pierre-Michel Forget, Professeur MNHN, UMR MECADEV, and vice-président de la Society
for Tropical Ecology, Catherine Reeb, Professeur agrégée UPMC, UMR ISYEB, Elolie
Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

Boucheron-Dubuisson, co-chair, UPMC, UMR ISYEB, CNRS 7205 MNHN UPMC EPHE,
Paris, Eric Guilbert, co-chair, MNHN, UMR MECADEV, CNRS 7179 MNHN, Paris, Jacques
Gignoux, CNRS, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Paris, Sébastien Barot,
IRD, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Paris, Virginie Roy, UPEC, Institute
of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Créteil, Sandrine Grouard, MNHN, UMR
7205 MNHN UPMC EPHE, Paris, Violaine Nicolas-Colin, MNHN, UMR ISYEB, CNRS 7205
EPHE, Paris, Tarik Meziane, MNHN, UMR BOREA MNHN, CNRS 7208, IRD 207, UPMC,
UCBN, UAG, Paris, Malika Trouillefou, Université Antilles, UMR BOREA MNHN, CNRS
7208, IRD 207, UPMC, UCBN, UAG, Point-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, Colin Fontaine, CNRS,
UMR CESCO, CNRS 7204, Paris.

Contact conference office: info@gtoe-conference.de

Einladung zur 31. Mitgliederversammlung der gtö in Paris 2018 /
Invitation to the 31st annual members assembly of gtö in Paris 2018

Das Präsidium der gtö, vertreten durch den Präsidenten, lädt alle Mitglieder zur 31.
Mitgliederversammlung der gtö am 28. März 2018 von 16:30 bis 17:30 Uhr im
Auditorium des International Conference Center Sorbonne Universités (CICSU) an der
Pierre Marie Currie University (UPMC), 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, Frankreich.

The Executive Board of the gtö, represented by its President, invites its members to the 31st
annual general assembly held on the 28th of March 2018 from 16:30 to 17:30 at the
auditorium of the International Conference Center Sorbonne Universités (CICSU) at
Pierre Marie Currie University (UPMC), 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France.

Tagesordnung / Agenda:
1. Eröffnung der MV durch den Präsidenten und Annahme der Tagesordnung / Opening of
the general assembly by the president and approval of the agenda
Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

2. Wahl des Schriftführers / Election of the assembly’s secretary
3. Genehmigung des Protokolls der 30. MV / Approval of the minutes of the 30th general
4. Bericht des Präsidiums über das Geschäftsjahr 2017 und Bericht des Schatzmeisters /
   Report of the executive board on financial year 2017 and report of the treasurer
5. Bericht des Sprechers des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats / Report of the advisory board
6. Bericht der Kassenprüfer / Report of the cash accounter
7. Entlastung des Präsidiums / Discharge of the board
8. Wahl des Kassenprüfers / Election of the cash accounter
9. Vorstellung der KandidatInnen für die Neuwahl des Präsidiums / Candidates‘ presentation
for the election of the board
10. Neuwahl des Präsidiums / Election of the board
11. Ecotropica / Ecotropica
12. Vorbereitung der Tagungen / MVs 2019, 2020, 2021 / Preparation of annual meetings /
general assemblies in 2019, 2020, 2021
13. Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous

Search for Candidates for the Board of the Society for Tropical Ecology

Dear members of the Society for Tropical Ecology,

according to § 6 of our statutes, the members of gtö have to elect the members of the board
(“Präsidium”) every three years. The next election of the board will take place at the general
meeting in Paris on 28. March 2018.

The board (“Präsidium”) consists of the Executive Board (“geschäftsführendes Präsidium”,
consisting of the President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary General and Treasurer) and the
Advisory Board (Beirat, up to 15 members). The board meets at the annual conferences of
the Society and additionally once a year to discuss current and future developments of the

The majority of the members of the board, as one Vice-president, Secretary General and
Treasurer, stand for re-election, as it is possible according to the statutes. Pierre Michel
Forget (until now Vice-president) has kindly agreed to stand for election for president, as I
(Manfred Niekisch) will not be available for re-election after having served for many years as
the president of the society. Vojtech Novotny (until now board member) has kindly agreed to
stand for election for Vice-president.

We seek for further highly motivated candidates who would like to get involved in the work of
the board, so please get involved and bring your ideas forward! All candidates have to

Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

specify for which position they are standing for election, as the elections have to be made
individually (by simple majority). If you are interested in standing for election, please send a
short profile (ca. 200 words) about your research, your motivation to become active in the
board and if you like, a photograph of yourself to the Secretary General Prof. Dr. Nina Farwig
(farwig@staff.uni-marburg.de) or the speaker of the advisory board Prof. Dr. Eckhard W.
Heymann (eheyman@gwdg.de). We accept self-nominations as well as suggestions for
potential candidates. If you would like to propose a candidate, please make sure prior to
nomination that the candidate is willing to stand for election. Application requires membership
in the Society of Tropical Ecology.

Candidates need to be proposed six weeks prior to the election (deadline: February 13th,
2018). The candidates’ profiles will then be introduced to the membership of the Society as
soon as possible at the annual conference in Paris. We expect the candidates to attend the
general meeting. The election of the candidates will take place during the general meeting at
the annual conference of the Society in Paris, 28 March 2018, 16:30-17:30.

We warmly invite all members, but particularly young members to become active in the
board. Once being elected to the board, you can make major contributions to the further
development of gtö as member of the board and for example as chair of one of the following
committees: Awards committee, congress committee, conservation and policy committee,
communication committee, publication committee, or contribute to other topics.

We look forward to nominations of potential candidates who would like to become active in
the board of the Society for Tropical Ecology and invite you all to make use of the right of the
members to elect the board.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch
President of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)

Neuwahl des Präsidiums der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö)

Sehr geehrte Mitglieder der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie,

am 28. März 2018 findet auf der Mitgliederversammlung der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie
in Paris turnusgemäß alle drei Jahre die Neuwahl des Präsidiums der gtö statt, gemäß der
Satzung § 6.

Das Präsidium besteht aus dem Geschäftsführenden Präsidium (Präsident, zwei
Vizepräsidenten, Generalsekretär und Schatzmeister) und dem Beirat (bis zu 15 Mitglieder).
Das Präsidium trifft sich regelmäßig auf den Jahrestagungen der Gesellschaft und zusätzlich
einmal pro Jahr um aktuelle und zukünftige Entwicklungen der Gesellschaft zu diskutieren.
Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

Die Mehrzahl der bisherigen Mitglieder des Präsidiums, so auch ein Vizepräsident,
Generalsekretärin und Schatzmeister sind zur – satzungsgemäß möglichen - Wiederwahl
bereit, doch sind einige andere Positionen mit neuen Kandidaten zu besetzen. Pierre Michel
Forget (bisher Vizepräsident) hat sich dankenswerterweise bereit erklärt sich als Kandidat für
das Präsidentenamt aufstellen zu lassen, da ich (Manfred Niekisch) nach langjähriger
Tätigkeit als Präsident der Gesellschaft nicht für eine Wiederwahl zur Verfügung stehe.
Vojtech Novotny (bisher Beiratsmitglied) wird sich dankenswerterweise zur Wahl des
Vizepräsidenten aufstellen lassen.

Wir suchen weitere hoch motivierte Kandidaten, die bereit sind, sich im Beirat der
Gesellschaft zu engagieren. Alle Kandidaten müssen angeben, für welche der Positionen sie
kandidieren, da die Wahl einzeln (mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit) zu erfolgen hat. Bei
Interesse senden Sie bitte ein Kurzprofil (ca. 200 Worte) über Ihre Forschung, die Motivation
im Präsidium mitzuwirken, gern auch mit Foto, an die Generalsekretärin Prof. Dr. Nina
Farwig (farwig@staff.uni-marburg.de) oder den Sprecher des Beirates Prof. Dr. Eckhard
Heymann (eheyman@gwdg.de). Wir akzeptieren Selbstnominierungen sowohl als auch
Vorschläge für potentielle Kandidaten. Wenn Sie Kandidaten vorschlagen, stellen Sie bitte
vorher sicher, dass diese bereit sind, zu kandidieren. Die Kandidatur setzt eine Mitgliedschaft
in der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie voraus.

Vorschläge sind bis 6 Wochen vor der Wahl (Stichtag 13. Februar 2018) einzureichen. Die
Kurzprofile der Kandidaten werden dann während der Jahrestagung rechtzeitig
bekanntgemacht. Es wird erwartet, dass sich die Kandidaten auf der Mitgliederversammlung
persönlich vorstellen. Die Wahl erfolgt auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für
Tropenökologie am 28. März 2018 in Paris um 16:30-18:30.

Wir freuen uns auf Bewerbungen und laden besonders Nachwuchswissenschaftler ein zur
Mitarbeit in den Gremien unserer Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie. Im Falle Ihrer Wahl
können Sie wichtige Beiträge zur weiteren Entwicklung der gtö leisten, zum Beispiel auch als
Leiter der folgenden Komitees: Preiskomitee, Kongresskomitee, Naturschutz- und Politik-
Komitee, Kommunikationskomitee, Komitee für Veröffentlichungen, oder in anderer Weise
Beiträge leisten.

Wir freuen uns auf Bewerbungen all derer, die sich im Präsidium der gtö engagieren wollen
und rufen alle Mitglieder auf, von Ihrem Recht der Wahl des Präsidiums Gebrauch zu

Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch
Präsident der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö)

Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

European Conference of Tropical Ecology and 30th annual meeting of the
Society for Tropical Ecology in Brussels, 2017

The annual meeting of the gtö and the European Conference of Tropical Ecology 2017 took
place in Brussels from 06-10 February entitled “(Re)Connecting Biodiversity in Space and
time“. With 216 talks in four parallel session and 104 poster contributions, the meeting in
Brussels cut the record of highest conference participation at the meetings in Zürich and
Göttingen in the past two years. Five plenary speakers gave enlightening presentations on
their research. In the Public Lecture, Maaike De Ridder, Jean-Louis Doucet, Katharine
Abernethy, Paul-Emmanuel Huet, Kasso Dainou, Richard Eba’a Atyi and Hans Beeckman
discussed the question “Can industrial logging and nature conservation be allies in central
Africa?” During the conference, there was one afternoon reserved for visiting the Botanic
Garden Meise, The Royal Museum for central Africa - Tervuren, or the Natural History
Museum Brussels. We enjoyed ourselves at the spectacular conference dinner with Belgian
and exotic (meal worms!) food and a fantastic live performance of African music.

Letter from the President - Society for Tropical Ecology

We thank the local organizers, Olivier J. Hardy, Jérémy Migliore, Yves Roisin, Farid
Dahdouh-Guebas, Karolien Van Puyvelde, Marc Kochzius, Nico Koedam, Jean-Louis
Doucet, Maurice Leponce, Erik Verheyen, Patricia Mergen, Hans Beeckman, Steven
Janssens, Philippe Goyens for this great European meeting.

See Appendix I for the minutes of the general assembly, in both German and English
See Appendix II for budgetary revenues and expenditures (“Kassenbericht”) Year 2016

Winners of the Merian Award 2017
                                                   At the annual meeting in Brussels, the best
                                                   three talks and the best three posters of
                                                   young scientists were honoured by the
                                                   Merian Award. From left to right on the
                                                   picture: Siria Biagioni, Kerstin Pierik,
                                                   Frederike    Gebert,     Manfred     Niekisch
                                                   congratulating the awardees, and Kartika
                                                   Hapsari. Not on the picture: Frederike Clever
                                                   and Michael Staab. The gtö congratulates
                                                   the     winners    for     their    excellent

                                                   We also strongly encourage the young
                                                   members of the gtö who will present their
                                                   research at the conference in Paris to
                                                   sign up for the Merian Award 2018!

Merian Awards 2017 for the best talks
1st: Siria Biagioni, University of Göttingen “Prehistorical and historical human-landscape
interactions at the Lindu plain and the link to climate variability of central Sulawesi
2nd: Kartika Hapsari, University of Göttingen: “Anthropogenic disturbance and resilience of a
tropical peatland: a message from the past”
3rd: Frederike Gebert, University of Würzburg: “Mammals and dung beetles along an
elevation and land use gradient on Mt Kilimanjaro”

Merian Awards 2017 for the best posters
1st: Kerstin Pierik, University of Göttingen: “Variation of tree fine root architecture along a
topographical gradient in an Ecuadorian tropical montane forest”

2nd: Frederike Clever, Manchester Metropolitan University: “Local and regional differences in
fish community structure on the Mesoamerican barrier reef”
3rd: Michael Staab, University of Freiburg: “Trap nests for Hymenoptera: past, present, and
future of a standardized sampling method in (tropical) ecology”

Treasurer’s corner
The treasurer of the Society of Tropical Ecology, Holger Kurz, announces that 2017
members’ fees had been collected end of December 2017. Thank you all for your support!

gtö welcomes its new members
We welcome all new members that joined the Society in the past year!

Giorgia Campero Ciani, Irene Maria Antoinetta Bender, Sophie Graefe, Sara Leonhardt,
David Bauman, Maria Fabiola, Gomes da Silva de Barros, Grace Loubota Panzou, Janica
Wendefeuer, Paulina Zigelski, Hemant Tripathi, Susan Rutherford, Pablo Orozco terWengel,
Manfred Finckh, Jeremy Migliore, Kartika Hapsari, Joeri Zwerts, Mark Abrahams, Kerstin
Pierick, Molly Czachur, Kate Abernethy, Maaike Bader, Georgina Hollands, Manfredo Di
Porcia e Brugnera


Raffle amongst new gtö members at the conference in Brussels
Anemarie Wurz (University of Göttingen) won a price for becoming a new member of the
society: She received a 50% discount of the registration fees for the next conference in Paris.

                                 Paulina Zigelski won the photo competition at the annual
                                 conference in Brussels. Her submissin is entiteld:
                                 “Alternative hideaways of reed frogs discovered in


Pia Parolin (left) was awarded by the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
(ATBC), here represented by its Executive Director Robin Chazdon (right) for her outstanding
service as co-chair of the conservation committee.

Call for joining the International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF)

Dear Society for Tropical Ecology,
We hope you will be interested in joining the International Society of Tropical Foresters
(ISTF). The organization is being reactivated after a five-year hiatus. With its focus on
being a communication network, ISTF can help you connect with others interested in
tropical forests and forestry. ISTF was founded in the 1950s and “in response to a worldwide
concern for the fate of tropical and subtropical forests, ISTF is committed to the protection,
wise management and rational use of the world’s tropical forests”. So far, over 400 people
from around the world have joined. For now, the organization will be dues-free, for
simplicity and to encourage broad participation (although this is under discussion).

If you would like to join, please contact Sheila Ward [mailto:tropicalforesters@gmail.com /
tropicalforesters@gmail.com] or Teija Reyes [mailto:reyesteija@gmail.com/ reyesteija@

We look forward to hearing from you. Please pass this invitation on to your friends. We will
keep you posted on the progress in reactivating ISTF.

Sheila Ward and Teija Reyes


Inauguration of the Comoé NP Research Station and award for Prof. Linsenmair
In presence of minister Bakayoko-Ly Ramata, Ministère de l’Éducation Supérieure et de la
Recherche Scientifique, the Comoé National Park Research Station of the University of
Würzburg in Côte d’Ivoire was formally inaugurated. The inauguration act is part of the
scientific cooperation agreement between the Côte d’Ivoire and the University of Würzburg.
The ceremony finished with a visit of the German delegation to the minister on the
03.02.2017 in Abidjan. The German delegation was formed by a representative of the
German embassy in Côte d’Ivoire, Mr. Alexandre Callegaro, and researchers of the
University of Würzburg.

Senior Prof. Dr. Karl Eduard Linsenmair, founder of the Comoé NP Research Station, was
awarded the “Officier de l’orde de merite pour l’éducation nationale” for his outstanding merits
in science and education in Côte d’Ivoire over the past 30 years. The ceremony started on
the 01.02.2017 at the Research Station in the Comoé National Park with the participation of a
delegation of 16 high-ranking officials from the Côte d’Ivoire (including representatives from
the ministry, the universities Felix-Houphouet-Boigny and Nangui Abrogoua in Abidjan and
various research centres in Côte d’Ivoire). The delegation visited the station´s facilities and
participated in an excursion into the surroundings of the park. Representatives of the park´s
administration and protection (OIPR), the prefect of the district from Nassien and the eldest
from the village of Kakpin were also present at the inauguration.


Suggested reading / Lesetipp

Two new books and a special isssue in Ecological Indicators have been published within the
Platform for Biodiversity monitoring South Ecuador: Biodiversity Hotspot – Tropical
Mountain Forest (Eds. F. Bogner, J. Bendix and E. Beck); Lanscape restoration,
sustainable use and cross—scale monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem functions
– A science-directed approach for south Ecuador“ (Eds. E. Beck, T. Knoke, N. Farwig, L.
Breuer, D. Siddons, J. Bendix); Special issue in Ecological Indicators: „Functional
monitoring in megadiverse tropical ecosystems“ (N. Farwig, J. Bendix, E. Beck;

The Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)
The Society for Tropical Ecology (Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie, gtö), founded in 1987, is
Europe's largest scientific association in the field of tropical ecology. It aims to enhance the
understanding of the biodiversity and function of tropical ecosystems, and to drive decision-
making and management at all levels, to safeguard as much as possible of what is left in its
original state and to further the development of sustainable forms of use and effective means
of rehabilitation through research and its application. The society also aims to promote the
conservation and rehabilitation of tropical biodiversity and ecosystems through research and
its application. http://www.soctropecol.eu/


Herausgeber:    Society for Tropical Ecology gtö
Anschrift:      c/o Zoo Frankfurt, Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1, D - 60316 Frankfurt am Main
Redaktion:      Eike Lena Neuschulz, Pia Parolin, Manfred Niekisch


gtö Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch
Zoologischer Garten Frankfurt, Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1, D-60316 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49-(0)69-21233727, Fax: +49-(0)69-21237855
E-mail: manfred.niekisch@stadt-frankfurt.de

1. Vice-President
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Michel Forget
Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, UMR 7179 CNER-MNHN, 1 avenue du petit château,
91800 Brunoy, France
Tel: +33 160 479246
E-mail: pierre-michel.forget@mnhn.fr

2. Vice-President
Dr. habil. Pia Parolin
Dept. Biodiversity of Plants, Biocenter Klein Flottbek and Botanical Garden, University of
Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18, D-22609 Hamburg
E-mail: pparolin@botanik.uni-hamburg.de

Secretary General
Prof. Dr. Nina Farwig
Department of Ecology – Conservation Ecology, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Karl-von-
Frisch-Str. 8, 35043 Marburg, Tel: +49 6421 2823478, Fax: +49 6421 2823387,

Dr. Holger Kurz
Büro für biologische Bestandsaufnahmen, Ohlestr. 35, D-22547 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 8315565, Fax: +49 40 8326151
E-mail: gtoe@bfbb.de


gtö scientific advisory board – Wissenschaftlicher Beirat

Prof. Dr. Bettina Engelbrecht, Dept. of Plant Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Dr. Raffael Ernst, Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden, Germany
Dr. Ingo Grass, Department of Crop Sciences – Agroecology, Georg-August Universität
      Göttingen, Germany
PD Dr. Sven Günter, Forestry Worldwide Thünen Institute of International Forestry and
      Forest Economics, Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Dr. Eckhard W. Heymann, Deutsches Primatenzentrum Göttingen, Germany – speaker
      of the advisory board
Dr. Jürgen Homeier, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, University of
      Göttingen, Germany
Dr. Alice Hughes, Centre for Integrative Conservation Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical
      Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Prof. Dr. Patrick Jansen, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University,
      The Netherlands
Dr. Chris J Kettle, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. K. Eduard Linsenmair, Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology,
      University of Würzburg, Germany
Dr. Eike Lena Neuschulz, Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F),
      Frankfurt am Main – co-speaker of the advisory board and editor of the gtö Newsletter
Prof. Dr. Vojtech Novotny, Department of Zoology at the Faculty of Science, University of
      South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Dr. Simone Pfeiffer, Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use, Georg-August
      Universität Göttingen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ute Radespiel, Institute of Zoology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover,
PD Dr. Marco Tschapka, Institute of Experimental Ecology, University of Ulm, Germany

                                               Board members at the conference in

Board members working hard at the summer meeting 2017 in Frankfurt…

APPENDIX I: Protokoll der 30. Mitgliederversammlung / Minutes of the 30th
annual general assembly
30. Mitgliederversammlung der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö)/ 30               General Assembly of the
Society for Tropical Ecology gtö

Brüssel, 9. Februar 2017, 17:30 bis 18:30 im Hörsaal QMatthai der Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUb), Campus
Brussels, 9 February 2017 (17.30-18:30h in the lecture hall QMatthai, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB),
Campus Etterbeek
Protokoll/Minutes: Prof. Dr. Nina Farwig
Anwesende Mitglieder / Number of members present: 23

1.    Eröffnung der MV durch den Präsidenten und Annahme der Tagesordnung mit kleinen Änderungen /
      Opening of the general assembly by the president and approval of the agenda with minor changes
2.    Wahl des Schriftführers / Election of the assembly’s secretary
3.    Genehmigung des Protokolls der 29. MV / Approval of the minutes of the 29th general assembly
4.    Bericht des Präsidiums über das Geschäftsjahr 2016 / Report of the executive board on financial year 2016
5.    Bericht des Sprechers des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats / Report of the advisory board
6.    Bericht des Schatzmeisters / Report of the treasurer
7.    Bericht der Kassenprüfer / Report of the cash accounter
8.    Entlastung des Präsidiums / Discharge of the board
9.    Wahl des Kassenprüfers / Election of the cash accounter
10.   Ecotropica / Ecotropica
11.   Organisation DAAD Alumni Seminar 2018 / Organization DAAD Alumni seminar 2018
12.   Ankündigung der Wahlen für Präsidium und Beirat in 2018 / Announcement of elections of the executive
      and advisory board in 2018
13.   Vorbereitung der Tagungen / MVs 2018 und 2019 / Preparation of annual meetings / general assemblies in
      2018 and 2019
14.   Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous

1. Eröffnung der MV durch den Präsidenten und Annahme der Tagesordnung / Opening of the general


     assembly by the president and approval of the agenda
Der Präsident, Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch, begrüßt die Anwesenden und stellt die ordnungsgemäße Einladung
     zur Mitgliederversammlung 2017 fest. Die Tagesordnung wird angenommen mit Umstellung des Berichts
     des Schatzmeisters nach dem Bericht von Präsidium und Beirat.
The president, Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch, welcomes all attendees and asserts the correct invitation to the
     general assembly in 2017. The agenda is accepted with the treasurer’s report following the report of
     Executive Board and Scientific Board.

2. Wahl des Schriftführers / Election of the assembly’s secretary
Als Schriftführerin wird die Generalsekretärin Prof. Dr. Nina Farwig vorgeschlagen. Dies wird angenommen.
The secretary general Prof. Dr. Nina Farwig is proposed as assembly’s secretary. This proposal is accepted.

3. Genehmigung des Protokolls der 29. MV / Approval of the minutes of the 29th general assembly
Das Protokoll wurde am 16. Dezember 2016 zeitgerecht veröffentlicht und allen Mitgliedern zugestellt. Das
     Protokoll wird ohne Ergänzungen angenommen.
The protocol was timely published on December 16, 2016, and delivered to all members. The protocol was
     accepted without changes.

4. Bericht des Präsidiums über das Geschäftsjahr 2016 / Report of the executive board on financial year 2016
Vorgestellt vom Präsidenten der gtö Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch
Die Gesellschaft ist zu einer europäischen Gesellschaft geworden, was an bei der Tagung hier in Brüssel
     deutlich sichtbar wurde.
Es gab verschiedene Treffen von Mitgliedern des Präsidiums zur Vorbereitung der Jahrestagung in Brüssel.
Der Newsletter ist am 16.12.2016 erschienen. Dank an Dr. Eike Lena Neuschulz für die Zusammenstellung des
Die Satzung wurde ins Englische übersetzt. Dank an Dr. Ute Radespiel für dieses Engagement.
Der Vorstand der Elisabeth Kalko Stiftung hat sich getroffen. Ihm gehören PD. Dr. Marco Tschapka, Dr.
     Volkhard Wille und Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch an. Eine erste Projektförderung wurde beschlossen.
Als weitere Aktivitäten gab es einen Informationstisch der gtö auf der Tagung der ATBC in Montpellier.
     Außerdem fand der Abendvortrag vom Naturfotojournalisten Christian Ziegler auf Einladung der gtö statt.

Presented by the president of gtö, Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch
The society has successfully become a truly European society, which is clearly visible at the meeting in
A few meetings with board members took place to prepare the annual conference in Brussels.
The newsletter of gtö was published on 16 December 2016. Special thanks to Dr. Eike Lena Neuschulz.
The statutes are now available in English on the web-page. Thanks to Dr. Ute Radespiel who translated them.
There was the first meeting of the board of the Elisabeth Kalko Foundation, composed by Dr. Marco Tschapka,
     Dr. Volkhard Wille and Prof. Dr. Manfred Niekisch. A first project was supported.
As further activities the gtö had an information table at the annual meeting of the ATBC in Montpellier to
     promote the society. The gtö also invited and sponsored the journalist Christian Ziegler for his evening
     lecture at the ATBC.

5. Bericht des Sprechers des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats / Report of the advisory board
Vorgestellt vom Sprecher des wiss. Beirats Prof. Dr. Eckhard W. Heymann
Besprechungen mit geschäftsführendem Präsidium wurden immer gemeinsam abgehalten.
Überarbeitung der website hat stattgefunden und der Name der Gesellschaft wurde in viele Sprachen übersetzt.
     Ein großer Dank an PD Dr. Raffael Ernst für sein Engagement in diesem Bereich.
Dank an Dr. Eike Lena Neuschulz, die als Ko-Sprecherin des Beirats aktiv für die Gesellschaft wirkt
     insbesondere bei der Erstellung des Newsletters.
In Anbetracht der geringen Zahl von anwesenden Mitgliedern appelliert der Sprecher an die Anwesenden, bei
     persönlich bekannten Mitgliedern auf die Wichtigkeit der Teilnahme an Mitgliederversammlungen
Presented by the chair of the advisory board, Prof. Dr. Eckhard W. Heymann
Meetings were always held together with the executive board.
The website was relaunched and the name of the society has been translated into various major foreign
     languages. Special acknowledgement to PD Dr. Raffael Ernst for his activities.
Thanks to Dr. Eike Lena Neuschulz who as co speaker of the board is very active for the society, particularly in
     compiling all the information for the annual newsletter.

In light of the small number of members present in the assembly, the speaker asks the attendants to emphasize
      the importance of participating in assemblies to other personally known members.

6. Bericht des Schatzmeisters/Report of treasurer
Ein großer Dank an Dr. Holger Kurz, den Schatzmeister, für seine geleistete Arbeit bezüglich der Mitglieder-
     und Jahresbeitragsverwaltung. Dr. Holger Kurz stellt die einzelnen Posten der Einnahmen und Ausgaben
     in 2016 vor und erläutert die Abweichungen zu den bisherigen Jahren.
Special acknowledgements to Dr. Holger Kurz, the treasurer, for all his work for the society, particularly
     regarding the administration of the members and the fees. Dr. Holger Kurz presents all incomes and
     expenses for 2016 and explains the variation from previous years.

7. Bericht der Kassenprüfer/Report of cash auditors
Die Kassenprüfer Erik Frank und Janina Schäfer haben die Kasse geprüft und hatten keine Einwände. Alle
     Belege haben vorgelegen und die Buchführung ist vorbildhaft.
The cash auditors Erik Frank and Janina Schäfer have checked the accounts of the society and have no
     complains. All receipts were present and the cash auditors certified an excellent book keeping of the

8. Entlastung des Präsidiums / Discharge of the board
Der Vorstand wird einstimmig entlastet. Großer Dank an die Kassenprüfer.
The Executive Board is discharged. Special acknowledgement to the cash auditors.

9. Wahl der Kassenprüfer / Election of the cash auditors
Erik Frank und Janina Schäfer werden als Kassenprüfer vorgeschlagen. Dieser Vorschlag wird angenommen.
Erik Frank und Janina Schäfer are proposed as cash auditors. This proposal is accepted.

10. Ecotropica / Ecotropica
Vorgestellt vom Vizepräsidenten Pierre-Michel Forget:
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Michel Forget hatte sich im letzten Jahr als Editor für Ecotropica zur Verfügung gestellt. Leider
      war erst im November ein Treffen mit PD Dr. Marco Tschapka, dem bisherigen Editor möglich, um den
      Status der Zeitschrift zu diskutieren. Mitte Januar wurde eine online Platform getestet, um mit dem Open
      Journal System einen Neustart zu machen. Das Editorial Board soll schnellstmöglich überarbeitet werden,
      sodass Ecotropica wieder sichtbar wird.
Presented by the vice-president Pierre-Michel Forget:
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Michel Forget volunteered last year to step in as an Editor of Ecotropica. Unfortunately, a
      meeting with the former editor PD Dr. Marco Tschapka could only be realized in late November to discuss
      the current status. In January an online managing system was tested together with the Open Journal
      System to realize a relaunch of the journal. A new editorial board shall bring Ecotropica back on track and
      even increase the importance of the journal.

11. Organisation DAAD Alumni Seminar 2018 / Organization DAAD             Alumni seminar 2018
Das Alumni Seminar 2016/gtö-Jahrestagung Göttingen war sehr erfolgreich. Daher hat der DAAD großes
     Interesse, diese Initiative zu wiederholen. Großer Dank an Dr. Simone Pfeiffer für Ihr Engagement.
The DAAD Alumni seminar 2016/gtö meeting Göttingen was a great success. DAAD is interested in repeating
     this initiative. Special acknowledgement to Dr. Simone Pfeiffer for her activities.

12. Ankündigung der Wahlen für Präsidium und Beirat in 2018 / Announcement of elections of the executive and
     advisory board in 2018
Im kommenden Jahr sind Wahlen, und die Gesellschaft funktioniert nur, wenn es engagierte Mitglieder gibt.
     Daher sind Kandidat*innen für den Beirat gesucht. Generell ist eine bessere Kommunikation zwischen
     Beirat und Mitgliedern gewünscht, die die Mitgliederversammlung interessanter machen.
The society can only work well when members are committed to its aims. Please spread the word here and look
     for potential candidates. Better communication between board and members is wished for, so that
     members are encouraged to participate and make the general assembly more fun!

13. Vorbereitung der Tagungen / MVs 2018 und 2019 / Preparation of annual meetings / general assemblies in
     2018 and 2019
Bisher ist es leider noch nicht gelungen, einen Tagungsort für 2018 vorzustellen. Wir sind aber optimistisch,
     dass wir dies zeitnah bekannt geben können.

This year we are unfortunately not yet able to announce the location for the next meeting but we are optimistic
     that we can do it in due course.

14. Verschiedenes / Miscellaneous
Grüße von Prof. Dr. Eduard Linsenmair, der kürzlich für seine wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit die höchste
      Auszeichnung der Forschungsministerin der Elfenbeinküste erhalten hat. Gratulation von der gtö an Prof.
      Dr. Eduard Linsenmair.
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Michel Forget wurde von Prof. Dr. Farid Dahdouh-Guebas dem Koordinator des “Erasmus
      Mundus Masters Course in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems (TROPIMUNDO)” gefragt, ob die gtö
      Interesse hat, assoziierter Partner von TROPIMUNDO zu werden. TROPIMUNDO bietet Kurse im Bereich
      tropische Biodiversität, Ökosystemfunktionen, Ressourcen und Dienstleistungen an.
Kind regards from Prof. Dr. Eduard Linsenmair, who recently received the highest award from the minister of
      science from the Ivory Coast for his scientific work. Congratulations from gtö to Prof. Dr. Eduard
Prof. Dr. Pierre-Michel Forget has been approached by Prof. Dr. Farid Dahdouh-Guebas the General
      Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems
      (TROPIMUNDO) and inquired whether gtö would like to become a TROPIMUNDO Associated Partner.
      TROPIMUNDO offers hands-on education in the domain of tropical biodiversity and the people dependent
      on its ecosystem functions, goods and services.

Der Präsident, Prof. Dr. Niekisch dankt allen Mitgliedern der gtö, dem Beirat und Vorstand für eine sehr aktive
     und produktive Zeit und schließt die Sitzung um 18:30 Uhr.
The president, Prof. Dr. Niekisch, thanks all members of gtö, the board for a very active and productive time and
     officially closes the general assembly at 18h30.

APPENDIX II: Kassenbericht 2016 / Budgetary revenues and expenditures

 Einnahme-Überschuss-Rechnung 2016                              2016              2016

                                                            Kontosumme        Kontensumme
 Einnahmen:                                                 Einnahmen         Ausgaben
                                                               (Euro)            (Euro)
 Mitgliedsbeiträge                                               15,600.00
 Spenden                                                             10.00
 Buchhandlungen                                                        0.00
 Taggeld-Zinsen                                                        1.40
 Summe:                                                         15,611.40

 Retouren Mitgliedsbeiträge                                                               0.00
 Erstattung von Reisekosten (Vorstand und Beirat)                                         0.00
 Verpflegung für Keynote-Redner, Vorstand und Beirat                                 280.00
 Bürobedarf                                                                               0.00
 Porto- und Versandkosten                                                                 0.00
 Internet-Kosten (Pflege, Gebühren)                                                  942.48
 Merian-Preis                                                                      1,100.00
 Ecotropica Druckkosten                                                                   0.00
 Ecotropica Revision (Muttersprachler)                                                    0.00
 Ecotropica Werbungs- und Versandkosten                                                   0.00
 Rechtsanwaltskosten (Satzungsänderungen)                                          1,050.90
 Beitrag für Tagung Göttingen                                                            80.00
 Kosten für Werbung                                                                  510.51


Rücklastschrift- und Kontoführungsgebühren                                                   92.15
Spende für BioFrankfurt - Network Biodiversity                  (für 2015&16)             300.00
Spende für Plenary Speaker für ATBC                                                     2,500.00
Summe:                                                                                  6,856.04

Einnahme-Überschuss-Rechnung:                                                           8,755.36

Kontostand Girokonto Jahresanfang                               01.01.2016:            20,305.76
Kontostand Tagesgeld Jahresanfang                               01.01.2016:            25,045.76
Gesamtkontostand Jahresanfang                                   01.01.2016:            45,351.52
Kontostand Girokonto Jahresende                                 31.12.2016:            29,059.72
Kontostand Tagesgeld Jahresende                                 31.12.2016:            25,047.16
Gesamtkontostand Jahresende                                     31.12.2016:            54,106.88

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 2016                          2016             2016

                                                                   Account           Account
Revenues:                                                          balance           balance
                                                                    (Euro)           (Euro)
Membership fees                                                       15,600.00
Donations                                                                 10.00
Booksellers fees                                                              0.00
Annual interest                                                               1.40
Sum:                                                                  15,611.40

Writing back of membership fees                                                               0.00
Reembursement of travelling costs (Executive Board)                                           0.00
Catering for Keynote speakers, Advisory and Executive
Office supplies                                                                               0.00
Postal charges (except Ecotropica)                                                            0.00
Homepage costs                                                                           942.48
Merian Award                                                                            1,100.00
Ecotropica printing                                                                           0.00
Ecotropica revision (native speaker)                                                          0.00
Ecotropica advertisement, shipping and handling                                               0.00
Legal advice for statutes (lawyer)                                                      1,050.90
Conference grant                                                                             80.00
Representation costs                                                                     510.51
Account maintenance charges                                                                  92.15
Donation for BioFrankfurt - Network Biodiversity                (für 2015&16)            300.00
Sponsoring Plenary Speaker for ATBC                                                     2,500.00
Sum:                                                                                    6,856.04

Annual cash flow:                                                                       8,755.36

Account balance giro (beginning of the year)                    01.01.2016:            20,305.76
Account balance day-to-day money (beginning of the year)        01.01.2016:            25,045.76


Overall account balance (beginning of the year)        01.01.2016:   45,351.52
Account balance giro (end of year)                     31.12.2016:   29,059.72
Account balance day-to-day money (end of year)         31.12.2016:   25,047.16
Overall account balance (end of year)                  31.12.2016:   54,106.88


Membership changes
This form is for current Society members who would like to change their address in the
Society database. If you are interested in joining the Society, please see the membership
application form below.

Full name:

OLD ADDRESS – please give us your old address information (Address – City – Zip Code –

Old E-mail address: _______________________________




NEW ADDRESS – please give us your new address information (Address – City – Zip Code
– Country):

Current E-mail address:    _________________________




Please select your membership level:

___ Student (with verification of student status)

___ Regular Member

Please send this form to:
Dr. Holger Kurz
Büro für biologische Bestandsaufnahmen
Moorkamp 10, D-20357 Hamburg

or via Email to gtoe@bfbb.de

Membership application form
                               The subscription covers reduced registration fees for the annual conferences of
                               the society. Payments via credit card are most welcome. Payments by check or
                               international money order must be drawn on a bank. Please make sure to add
                               the appropriate transfer charges.

                               Yes, I want to become a member of the Society for Tropical
                               Ecology – Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie e.V.

                   Family name, given name: ___________________________________________________
                                Organization: ___________________________________________________
                       Institutional address: ___________________________________________________
                          Postal code & city: ___________________________________________________
                             Private address: ___________________________________________________
                                     Country: ___________________________________________________
                                      E-mail: ___________________________________________________
                             Phone (private): ___________________________________________________
                               Phone (work): ___________________________________________________
                                Date of birth: ___________________________________________________

               Membership status:
                                            regular             student           library
                                       Students please enclose a verification of student status.

               I will pay membership dues via:
                                           Master Card           Visa            Standing order

Master Card & Visa (available only for members without a German bank account)
                        Credit-card number: ________________________________
                        Card holder’s name: ________________________________
                           Expiration date: ________________________________
       3-digit code on reverse side of card: ________________________________

Standing Order / Bankeinzugsermächtigung (available only for German bank account)
Hiermit ermächtige/n ich/wir die Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie e.V. bis auf Widerruf zum Einzug des
jeweiligen Jahresbeitrags mittels Lastschrift von meinem/unserem

                Girokonto Nr: _____________________________
                Kontoinhaber: _____________________________
                       IBAN: _____________________________
                         BIC: _____________________________

 Date_____________               Signature_______________________

Please send this form to: +49 40 8326151 (fax)
or         Dr. Holger Kurz, Treasurer – Schatzmeister
           Büro für biologische Bestandsaufnahmen
          Moorkamp 10, D-20357 Hamburg                                   or via Email to gtoe@bfbb.de

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