Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Parliament

Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE - European Parliament
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE

        Critères de recherche utilisés pour générer la liste :

                              Tri Tri par pertinence
             Type de publication "En bref" OU "Briefing" OU "Fiches thématiques sur l’UE"
                                  OU "Analyse approfondie" OU "Étude"
                         Auteur "VERBEKEN Dirk"

                      23 Résultat(s) trouvé(s)

                   Date de création : 03-09-2024
Economic Dialogue with the European Commission on the launch of the 2023 European Semester cycle
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 08-12-2022
                         HANNA | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioners Schmit and Gentiloni have been invited to an Economic
                         Dialogue on the launch of the 2023 European Semester, in line with the relevant EU law. This briefing note covers the
                         main elements of the 2023 European Semester Package proposed by the Commission. It gives also an overview of the
                         implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Stability and the Growth Pact, the Macroeconomic
                         Imbalances Procedure, the Joint Employment Guidelines and of the on-going work to strengthen the governance and
                         the resilience of the Economic and Monetary Union, notably the review of the EU economic governance framework.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Public finances in Euro Area Member States: Selected indicators - November 2022
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    25-11-2022
                 Auteur    TURCU OVIDIU IONUT | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé      This document presents selected indicators on public finance for the Euro Area Member States and the Euro Area as a
                           whole. For each indicator, it provides a short explanation and the data sources. The final section presents a short
                           overview of the main indicators used by the European and other international institutions to assess debt sustainability.
                Briefing EN

Economic repercussions of Russia’s war on Ukraine – Weekly Digest 07 November 2022
     Type de publication   Analyse approfondie
                   Date    07-11-2022
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé      This paper provides a summary of recent economic, financial and budgetary decisions and developments following
                           President Vladimir Putin’s decision of 24 February to start a military attack against Ukraine. It includes recent
                           information relating to the EU sanctions regime, recent economic estimates, and policies supporting economic and
                           financial resilience, including the coordination of national economic and fiscal measures. It also highlights policy
                           recommendations made in the public domain to mitigate any adverse economic, financial and social effects and to
                           support economic recovery in the EU and the Euro Area.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Economic repercussions of Russia’s war on Ukraine – Weekly Digest 23 September 2022
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    23-09-2022
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé      This paper provides a summary of recent economic, financial and budgetary decisions and developments following
                           President Vladimir Putin’s decision of 24 February to start a military attack against Ukraine. It includes recent
                           information relating to the EU sanctions regime, recent economic estimates, and policies supporting economic and
                           financial resilience, including the coordination of national economic and fiscal measures. It also highlights policy
                           recommendations made in the public domain to mitigate any adverse economic, financial and social effects and to
                           support economic recovery in the EU and the Euro Area.
                Briefing EN

Recovery and Resilience Dialogue with the European Commission 12 September 2022
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 09-09-2022
                         | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni have been invited to the seventh Recovery and
                         Resilience Dialogue under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation. The previous RRD took place on 2 May.
                         This briefing first presents a state of play of the Recovery and Resilience Plans and the impacts of the July partial
                         recalculation of grants’ allocation. It then focuses on the Parliament’s resolution of 23 June and the Commission’s
                         Review Report of end July. A third section deals with the latest Recovery and Resilience Plans. The following sections
                         deal with the RePoweEU, the 2022 Semester and financing aspects of the Facility.
    Analyse approfondie EN

03-09-2024                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2024 - PE                                                           1
Economic Dialogue with Portugal 8 September 2022
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 06-09-2022
                         TURCU OVIDIU IONUT | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé This note presents selected information on the current status of the EU economic governance procedures and related
                         relevant information in view of an economic dialogue and exchange of views with Fernando Medina, Minister of
                         Finance of Portugal, in the ECON committee of the European Parliament. The invitation for an exchange of views is in
                         accordance with the EU economic governance framework. The last exchange of views with the Portuguese authorities
                         took place in November 2016.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Economic repercussions of Russia’s war on Ukraine – Weekly Digest 8 April 2022
     Type de publication Analyse approfondie
                   Date 08-04-2022
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé This paper provides a summary of recent economic, financial and budgetary decisions and developments following
                         President Vladimir Putin’s decision of 24 February to start a military attack against Ukraine. It includes recent
                         information relating to the EU sanctions regime, policies supporting energy, economic and financial resilience in the
                         EU, including the coordination of national economic and fiscal measures, and economic estimates for EU Member
                         States. It also highlights policy recommendations made in the public domain to mitigate any adverse economic,
                         financial and social effects and to support economic recovery in the EU and the Euro Area.
    Analyse approfondie EN

Assessment of recent anti-tax avoidance and evasion measures (ATAD & DAC 6)
     Type de publication   Étude
                   Date    17-03-2022
                 Auteur    VERBEKEN Dirk
         Auteur externe    Werner HASLEHNER and Katerina PANTAZATOU
      Domaine politique    Fiscalité | Questions financières et bancaires
               Résumé      This study aims to provide an overview of the recently implemented anti-tax avoidance and evasion measures, notably
                           the ATAD and DAC 6. It reviews the implementation of these directives across different Member States and assesses
                           the problems that arise with regard to the interpretation of some of the directives’ provisions.
                           This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the
                           request of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee on tax matters (FISC).
                  Étude EN

Harmful Practices and Competition in the Area of Personal Income and Wealth Taxation
     Type de publication   Analyse approfondie
                   Date    31-01-2022
                 Auteur    VERBEKEN Dirk
         Auteur externe    David GSTREIN, Elena HEROLD, and Florian NEUMEIER
               Résumé      Economic globalisation and integration led to an increase in the mobility of taxpayers and aggravated tax competition
                           in the area of personal income and wealth taxation. This study sheds light on the two main instruments used to
                           compete for mobile taxpayers – (top) tax rates and preferential tax arrangements. In addition, this study reviews the
                           evidence on tax-induced mobility.
                           This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the
                           request of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee on tax matters (FISC).
    Analyse approfondie EN

Exploring the opportunities and challenges of new technologies for EU tax administration and policy
     Type de publication   Étude
                   Date    21-10-2021
                 Auteur    VERBEKEN Dirk
         Auteur externe    Jeffrey OWENS, Ivan LAZAROV and Nathalia OLIVEIRA COSTA
               Résumé      This research paper explores the opportunities and challenges faced by the EU from the rapid emergence of new
                           technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Blockchain in the area of taxation
                           .These technologies enable a transformation of the way that tax administration interact with taxpayers and can move
                           tax compliance into real time. At the same time they raise practical and legal challenges for both the Member States
                           and the European Union.
                           This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the
                           request of the Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC).
                  Étude EN

03-09-2024                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2024 - PE                                                            2
Covid-19 Newsletter 2: Exit strategy
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date 03-07-2020
                 Auteur BARBERA DEL ROSAL Adolfo | CIUCCI MATTEO | KENNEDY AOIFE | LAKY Zsuzsanna | RATCLIFF Christina |
                         VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Affaires économiques et monétaires | Coronavirus |
                         Emploi | Environnement | Industrie | Marché intérieur et union douanière | Politique de recherche | Questions
                         financières et bancaires | Santé publique | Énergie
               Résumé As EU Member States embark on a cautious de-confinement path, the economy slides into recession and the question
                         of the proportionality of public health-related measures and their economic consequences is increasingly present in the
                         public debate.
                         As long as a vaccine (or an effective treatment) for the Covid-19 disease is not found and deployed, post-Covid-19
                         societies will have to coexist with the virus, and find an equilibrium between the social constraints resulting from health
                         protecting measures and the need to mitigate as much as possible a huge economic shock, which if not addressed
                         adequately, could have unpredictable social and political consequences.
                         The Covid-19 crisis has shown above all the importance of joint European action. Although public health is primarily
                         the competence of the Member States, the European Parliament has called on the Commission and the Member
                         States to act together and to rise to the challenge and ensure that the Union emerges stronger from this crisis. In
                         particular, a differentiated but coordinated post-lockdown approach in the EU should be ensured, in order to avoid a
                         resurgence of the virus.
                         The present Covid-19 Newsletter focuses on the de-confinement strategies and EU measures to support the economic
                         recovery. An update of ongoing Covid-19 related expertise work for the ECON, EMPL, ENVI, ITRE and IMCO
                         committees is provided at the end of this document.
                Briefing EN

Commitments made at the hearing of Paolo GENTILONI, Commissioner-designate - Economy
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date 22-11-2019
                Auteur VERBEKEN Dirk | ZOPPÉ Alice
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Budget | Fiscalité | Marché intérieur et union douanière | Semestre européen
              Résumé The commissioner-designate, Paolo Gentiloni, appeared before the European Parliament on 03 October 2019 to
                        answer questions from MEPs in the Committees on Economic and Monetary Affairs and on Budgets. During the
                        hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to his
                        portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to him by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European
                        Commission and include economic and financial affairs, fair and effective taxation and a strong and modern Customs
               Briefing EN

Services fournis par le département thématique (ECON à la loupe)
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    14-06-2019
                 Auteur    VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Fiscalité | Questions financières et bancaires
               Résumé      Le département thématique A fournit une expertise de qualité, une analyse actualisée et une recherche indépendante
                           aux commissions qui bénéficient de son soutien: ECON, EMPL, ENVI, ITRE et IMCO. Cette brochure porte sur les
                           services que le département thématique propose à la commission ECON.
                 Briefing BG, CS, DA, DE, EL, EN, ES, FI, FR, GA, HU, IT, LT, LV, NL, PT, RO, SV, ET, HR, MT, PL, SK, SL

IMF World Economic Outlook reflects consensus views
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    15-01-2019
                 Auteur    DESSIMIROVA Denitza | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Questions financières et bancaires
               Résumé      This briefing is provided by Policy Department A following the participation of the Members of the European
                           Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) in the Annual Meetings of the Boards of
                           Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) Group in Indonesia on 8-14 October
                 Briefing EN

03-09-2024                                      Source : © Union européenne, 2024 - PE                                                             3
Latvia Cracks Down on Unscrupulous Banking
     Type de publication   Briefing
                   Date    13-12-2018
                 Auteur    DESSIMIROVA Denitza | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Fiscalité | Questions financières et bancaires
               Résumé      This briefing, provided by Policy department A, discusses the Latvian banking system and its exposure to money
                           laundering risks. It was prepared following the European Parliament’s Financial Crimes, Tax Evasion and Tax
                           Avoidance Committee (TAX3) delegation visit to Latvia in August 2018.
                Briefing EN

La politique monétaire européenne
     Type de publication   Fiches thématiques sur l’UE
                   Date    01-11-2017
                 Auteur    PATERNOSTER Dario | RAKIC Drazen | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé      Le Système européen de banques centrales (SEBC) comprend la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) et les banques
                           centrales nationales de tous les États membres de l’Union européenne. L’objectif principal du SEBC est de maintenir
                           la stabilité des prix. Afin de réaliser cet objectif, le conseil des gouverneurs de la BCE fonde ses décisions sur une
                           stratégie monétaire à deux piliers et les met en œuvre en recourant à des mesures de politique monétaire tant
                           conventionnelles que non conventionnelles. Les principaux instruments de la politique monétaire conventionnelle de
                           la BCE sont les opérations d’open market, les facilités permanentes et la constitution de réserves obligatoires. Face à
                           la crise financière, la BCE a également modifié sa stratégie de communication en fournissant des indications
                           prospectives sur la trajectoire future des taux d’intérêt directeurs de la BCE, sous réserve des perspectives de stabilité
                           des prix, et a adopté un certain nombre de mesures de politique monétaire non conventionnelles, dont l’achat d’actifs
                           et d’obligations d’État sur le marché secondaire, dans le but de préserver la stabilité des prix et l’efficacité du
                           mécanisme de transmission de la politique monétaire.
  Fiches thématiques sur BG, CS, DA, DE, EL, EN, ES, FI, FR, HU, IT, LT, LV, NL, PT, RO, SV, ET, HR, MT, PL, SK, SL

Historique de l'Union économique et monétaire
     Type de publication   Fiches thématiques sur l’UE
                   Date    01-11-2017
                 Auteur    RAKIC Drazen | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Semestre européen
               Résumé      L'Union économique et monétaire (UEM) est la conséquence de l'intégration économique progressive de l'Union
                           européenne. C'est un développement du marché unique de l'Union européenne, avec des réglementations communes
                           sur les produits et la libre circulation des biens, des capitaux, du travail et des services. Une monnaie commune, l'euro,
                           a été mise en circulation dans la zone euro qui comprend actuellement 18 États membres de l'Union. Les 28 États
                           membres, à l'exception du Royaume-Uni et du Danemark, doivent adopter l'euro après deux ans au moins de
                           participation au MTC II et après avoir prouvé qu'ils remplissaient les critères de convergence. Une politique monétaire
                           unique est mise en place par la Banque centrale européenne (BCE), complétée par des politiques budgétaires
                           harmonisées et des politiques économiques coordonnées. Au sein de l'UEM, il n'existe pas d'institution unique
                           responsable de la politique économique. Cette responsabilité est partagée entre les États membres et diverses
                           institutions de l'Union.
  Fiches thématiques sur BG, CS, DA, DE, EL, EN, ES, FI, FR, HU, IT, LT, LV, NL, PT, RO, SV, ET, HR, MT, PL, SK, SL

Les institutions de l’Union économique et monétaire
     Type de publication   Fiches thématiques sur l’UE
                   Date    01-06-2017
                 Auteur    RAKIC Drazen | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires
               Résumé      Les institutions de l’Union monétaire européenne ont pour principale mission de déterminer la politique monétaire
                           européenne, de prendre des décisions sur l’émission de l’euro et d’assurer la stabilité des prix au sein de l’Union
                           européenne. Ces institutions sont la Banque centrale européenne (BCE), le Système européen de banques centrales
                           (SEBC), le comité économique et financier, l’Eurogroupe et le Conseil «Affaires économiques et financières» (Ecofin).
  Fiches thématiques sur BG, CS, DA, DE, EL, EN, ES, FI, FR, HU, IT, LT, LV, NL, PT, RO, SV, ET, HR, MT, PL, SK, SL

03-09-2024                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2024 - PE                                                                 4
Cost of Non-Schengen: The Impact of Border Controls within Schengen on the Single Market
     Type de publication Étude
                   Date 16-05-2016
                 Auteur DANCOURT LOUIS | GOUDIN Pierre | MACIEJEWSKI Mariusz | NEVILLE Darren | NIEMINEN Risto |
                         PATERNOSTER Dario | VERBEKEN Dirk
         Auteur externe Tim Breemersch, Filip Vanhove (Transport & Mobility Leuven) ;
                         Matthias Luecke (Kiel Istitute for the World Economy)
      Domaine politique Adoption de la législation par le Parlement européen et le Conseil | Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice |
                         Marché intérieur et union douanière | Évaluation du droit et des mesures politiques dans la pratique
               Résumé The study lists currently applied measures re-introducing temporary border controls within Schengen area and
                         evaluates them in the light of different policy options and smart Single Market regulation criteria. The study highlights
                         the added value of free movement within the Schengen area for the Single Market and quantifies the costs of re-
                         establishing internal border controls, with particular reference to the transportation sector. Welfare of consumers is
                         affected by “non-Schengen”, as the prices of imports increase relative to domestic goods due to higher trade costs. A
                         failure of Schengen would not only reduce the future benefits of the Single Market, but also undermine other aspects of
                         EU integration.
                         The study was prepared for Policy Department A and EAVA at the request of the Internal Market and Consumer
                         Protection Committee.
                  Étude EN

Recent Trends in Energy Prices
     Type de publication   Analyse approfondie
                   Date    15-12-2015
                 Auteur    DESSIMIROVA Denitza | VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Semestre européen | Énergie
               Résumé      After a dramatic fall in 2014, oil and fuel prices in euro terms increased in the first part of 2015, before decreasing
                           again and since mid-2015 to record low levels, similar to early 2015. However, retail gas and electricity prices - which
                           traditionally follow similar trends with some delay stabilized or in some cases even increased, in large part due to
                           higher taxes. Large differences persist amongst EU Member States and commodities. Conversely, most experts claim
                           that fossil fuel prices can be expected to stay “low for long.” Notwithstanding important recent progress in developing
                           renewable fuel sources, low fossil fuel prices could discourage innovation in and adoption of cleaner energy
                           This paper was prepared by Policy Department A for the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE).
    Analyse approfondie EN

Recent Trends in EU Energy Prices
     Type de publication   Analyse approfondie
                   Date    19-12-2014
                 Auteur    VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique    Affaires économiques et monétaires | Environnement | Industrie | Semestre européen | Énergie
               Résumé      This paper was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee
                           (ITRE). Energy prices became more volatile and fell dramatically due to economic, political and structural changes to
                           the economy. Lasting lower prices will spur global- and EU-wide economic growth. Gas, electricity, and oil product
                           prices move in parallel, albeit with some delay, and with large differences across EU Member States and commodities.
                           Furthermore, the recent fall was in several Member States mitigated by an increase in taxes.
    Analyse approfondie EN

03-09-2024                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2024 - PE                                                               5
Commitments Made at the Hearings of the Commissioners-Designate, Juncker Commission (November
2014 - October 2019)
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date 14-11-2014
                 Auteur ANGERER Jost | BARNA Judit | CHATEAU Céline | DAVOLI Alessandro | DE MICCO Pasquale | FORGACS
                         Annamaria | GARCES DE LOS FAYOS TOURNAN Fernando | GOUARDERES Frederic | GYORFFI Miklos Laszlo |
                         HAUPTMAN Manica | HRADISKY Martin | KOLASSA Doris | KOŁODZIEJSKI Marek | MACIEJEWSKI Mariusz |
                         MAGNUS Marcel | MANRIQUE GIL Manuel | MARZOCCHI Ottavio | MATHIS Alexandre | NEVILLE Darren | NOVAK
                         Petr | OJAMAA Priit | PIAGUET Carine | RAGONNAUD Guillaume | SMAJDA Laurence | SOAVE Piero | STOERRING
                         Dagmara | SY Sarah Salome | TEJEDOR DEL REAL Purificacion | TROSZCZYNSKA VAN GENDEREN Wanda |
                         VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique Affaires économiques et monétaires | Affaires étrangères | Agriculture et développement rural | Budget | Commerce
                         international | Contrôle budgétaire | Culture | Droit de la propriété intellectuelle | Droit des contrats, droit commercial et
                         droit des sociétés | Droit démocratique, institutionnel et parlementaire de l''Union | Droit international privé et
                         coopération judiciaire en matière civile | Droit international public | Droits de l''homme | Démocratie | Développement et
                         aide humanitaire | Développement régional | Emploi | Environnement | Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice |
                         Gouvernance mondiale | Industrie | Législation de l''Union: système et actes juridiques | Marché intérieur et union
                         douanière | Politique de recherche | Politique sociale | Protection des consommateurs | Pétitions au Parlement
                         européen | Pêche | Questions financières et bancaires | Santé publique | Sécurité des aliments | Sécurité et défense |
                         Tourisme | Transports | Éducation | Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, égalité et diversité | Énergie
               Résumé This compilation of briefings presents the most salient points and essential commitments made by the commissioners-
                         designate during the hearings held in September/October 2014 before the parliamentary committees. These
                         commitments concern the main on-going legislative procedures, the preparation of future legislative proposals as well
                         as the scrutiny of the implementation of existing legislation. They also touch upon the crucial issue of inter-institutional
                Briefing EN

Commitments Made at the Hearing of Jyrki Katainen - Commissioner-Designate
     Type de publication Briefing
                   Date  04-11-2014
                 Auteur  VERBEKEN Dirk
      Domaine politique  Affaires économiques et monétaires | Budget | Développement régional | Emploi | Industrie | Semestre européen |
                Résumé This Briefing summarises the commitments made at the hearing of JYRKI KATAINEN Vice-President of the
                         Commission, Commissioner designate for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitivenes.
                Briefing EN

03-09-2024                                       Source : © Union européenne, 2024 - PE                                                               6
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