Literature Premium Book 2018 - South Dakota State Fair

Literature Premium Book 2018 - South Dakota State Fair
         Premium Book

                      South Dakota State Fair
          1060 3rd Street SW, Huron, South Dakota 57350
           Telephone: 605.353.7340 or 1.800.529.0900
                         Fax: 605.353.7348

Premium books and entry forms are also available at

Literature Premium Book 2018 - South Dakota State Fair

     Introduction……………………………………………………………………                                      3

     Static Exhibit General Rules……………………………………………….                             4

     Static Exhibit Entry Form……………………………………………………                               5-6

     W-9……………………………………………………………………………                                            7

     Literature Department General Rules…………………………………….                          8

     Professional Division 1, Prose…………………………………………….                            9

     Amateur Division 2, Poetry…………………………………………………                               9

     Amateur Division 3, Prose     ……………………………………………...                          9

     Youth Division 4, Poetry……………………………………………………                                10

     Youth Division 5, Prose……………………………………………………..                               10

     Rosemary Dunn Moeller 2017 Sweepstakes Literature Award Winner……… 10

     Sweepstake & Literature Award……………………………………………                              10

     Media Rules………………………………………………………………….                                       10

     Division 6: Daily, Weekly, Bi-Monthly or Monthly Publication……...........   11

     Spirit of Dakota Award……….………………………………………………                                11

Literature Premium Book 2018 - South Dakota State Fair

Thank you for your interest in the 2018 South Dakota State Fair! Your entries highlight the
talents and skills of citizens across the state of South Dakota. Fairgoers of all ages love to see
the accomplishments and talents of fellow South Dakotans. The exhibit areas in the Women’s
Building, Horticulture Building, and the Art & Education Building are the sites for opportunities
for participants like you.

You are important to our fair, whether you are a long time exhibitor or a first year competitor.
Look through the book. You will find familiar and new avenues of showmanship! Review the
guidelines to entering your exhibits for display, judging and possible prize winning!

We thank you in advance for sharing your ideas and talents with us. It is amazing every year to
see how much creativity there is in our great state! We will be looking for you at the 2018 SD
State Fair.


Mary Helen Wipf, Literature Superintendent

                                ARTS & EDUCATION BUILDING

    Friends of the Huron Public Library $25 Premium
    5 “Best of Show” Plaques
    Literature Sweepstakes Award
    “Best of Show” $15
    Humphrey Drug (Huron, SD) $50 Gift Certificate
    Lewis Southgate (Huron, SD) $10 Gift Certificate
    Lewis Southgate (Huron, SD) $10 Gift Certificate
    “Best of Show” Ribbons
Sweepstakes Literature Contest • Featured Artists and Authors • Lego Building Contest

   Department 370 Literature: Exhibits must be submitted by July 31st to the SD State Fair
      office or postmarked by July 31st to be eligible for judging.
   Department 371 Art/China Painting/Photography: Exhibits may be checked in:
           o Friday, August 17, 2018 - 1 PM to 6 PM
           o Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 10 AM to 5 PM

   Department 370 Literature & Department 371 Art/China Painting/Photography:
      Exhibits will be ready for release:
         o Tuesday, September 4, 2018 – 9 AM to 5 PM
         o Saturday, September 8, 2018 – 8 AM to 12 PM

Education Department: Exhibit available with prior appointment or Tuesday September 4,
2018, 12 pm to 5 PM.


1. Static Exhibits Entry Form and W-9 Form are         times. No early releases. No exhibits will be
   found in the Women’s Building, Horticulture         released without claim tag.
   Building, and Arts/Education Building Static
   Exhibit Premium Books. Forms may also be 10. Exhibits may be mailed to the SD State Fair.
   downloaded at                      Exhibit must be securely wrapped and boxed
                                                       to prevent damage. Exhibitor is responsible
2. The SD State Fair will accept Static Exhibit        for insurance. Entry tag must be attached to
   Entry Forms and W-9 Forms April 3-July 31, in       exhibit. Include a copy of Static Exhibit Entry
   all departments, except literature which closes     Form to serve as packing slip for check-in
   July 17. Mail completed forms to the SD State       purposes. Draw a line through any item on
   Fair.                                               the entry form NOT included with mailed
                                                       exhibits. Entry must be received in the SD
3. Exhibitor must complete Static Exhibits Entry       State Fair office by August 17, 2018 to qualify
   Form and W-9 Form with name, full address,          for judging, except literature which must be
   and social security number. Exhibitor’s name        received by July 31, 2018.
   on Static Exhibits Entry Form and W-9 Form
   must be the same. Incomplete and illegible 11. Every precaution is taken for the safekeeping
   forms will be returned. Remember to include         of exhibit. The SD State Fair is NOT
   entry fee. $30 service fee is charged if check      responsible for any loss or damage that may
   is returned by a bank for insufficient funds.       occur.
   Entries may not be made by telephoning the
   SD State Fair.                                  12. No exhibits may be sold. Do not display sales
                                                       tags or advertising logos on exhibits.
4. Refund Policy: The fair may refund entry
   fees paid by an exhibitor if the exhibitor      13. No person employed in a department may be
   requests the refund in writing at least two         an exhibitor in that department.
   weeks before the opening day of the fair and
   states the reason for requesting the refund. 14. Superintendents of the Women’s Building,
                                                       Horticulture Building, and Arts/Education
5. Exhibitor must complete a separate Static           Building may determine the eligibility of
   Exhibits Entry Form for each department. Only       exhibits and may disqualify exhibits if
   one entry may be made in each class unless          necessary. Disqualified exhibits may or may
   stated otherwise in rules for that                  not be displayed during the State Fair as per
   division/class.                                     superintendents’ decision.

6. Entry must be exhibited in the name of the       15. Judge will not award premium to unworthy
   person doing the work and completed since            exhibit. If exhibit is not worthy of a first-place
   the last SD State Fair between September 5,          ribbon, judge may award a lower-place ribbon.
   2017 and August 17, 2018.
                                                    16. A division or class may be deleted if no entries
7. Youth is defined as 18 years of age and under        are made for three years.
   prior to the State Fair. Youth may also enter in
   adult categories. Exhibits will be judged        17. Exhibits not claimed will be shipped COD to
   according to rules of the division.                  exhibitor unless arrangements are made with
                                                        the building superintendent. Items not
8. Computerized entry tags will be mailed to            claimed and not suitable for mailing become
   exhibitors. Do NOT alter tags! Exhibits having       property of the SD State Fair.
   altered tags will not be accepted and will be
   disqualified.                                    18. Premium checks will be paid within 90 days
                                                        after the State Fair. Premium checks are void
9. For exhibit check-in and release information,        if not cashed within 180 days after issue date.
   refer to Women’s Building, Horticulture
   Building, and Arts/Education Building Static
   Exhibit Premium Books. Please respect these


You will not be permitted to show and premiums will be paid unless this form is filled in completely
with payment and you have a completed and signed W-9. The information on the W-9 must be the
same as this entry form. Social security number on the W-9 must identify the actual person

(Please print in ink or type)

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________

City ________________________________ State _____________ Zip _______________________

Telephone __________________________ Birthdate (Youth required)________________________

Use a separate registration form for each Department and each Exhibitor. Form may be photocopied.

Department entered __________Total number of exhibits in this department____________

     Division     Class          Title of Class                                                       Type of Article
     Number       Number         (Exact wording of Premium List)                                      (Size, if required)

Entry forms accepted from April 3 – July 31 to SD State Fair. Literature entry deadline April 3 - July 17.
Use a separate registration form for each department and each exhibitor.


                                                      OFFICE USE ONLY
Building: _________________________

Date Received: ____________________                               Exhibitor No.: _______________

Amount Received: _________________                                Initial: _____________

Posted by: _____________ Date: _________________

Receipt #:_______________________________

Division    Class                         Title of Class                             Type of Article
     Number     Number                (Exact wording of Premium List)                    (Size, if required)


     Entry forms accepted from April 3 – July 31 to SD State Fair. Literature entry deadline April 3 – July 17.

     Exhibitor Signature_________________________________________


General Rules: Entries are qualified for             addressed manila envelope for return of
competition in Department 370 Literature             manuscripts.
when the following rules are met. There are       9. Critique sheets will be completed by the
no exceptions to the following entry rules.          judges when deemed to be of help to the
1. Refer to the SD State Fair Static Exhibits
   General Rules.                                 10. When specified, prose and poetry exhibits
                                                      must meet word counts and line counts.
2. Entries must be made in the name of the
   person doing the work and completed            11. Definitions:
   since the last Fair, between the dates of           Youth: 18 years of age or younger
   September 5, 2017 and August 17, 2018.                prior to the start of the Fair.
                                                       Amateur: Writes for the pleasure
3. Writer need not be a resident of South                involved and does not derive the
   Dakota.                                               majority of income from writing.
                                                       Professional: Writes primarily for the
4. Entries in the Literature Department will             purpose of selling; or who has had 3
   close July 17. Only one entry may be                  or more years of literature training; or
   made in each class. Entry fees for                    teaches literature media. Derives the
   entering exhibits :                                   majority of income from being a writer.
    Youth Entry Fee - $2.00 per item
    Amateur Entry Fee - $3.00 per item           12. Manuscripts may be picked up on
    Professional Entry Fee - $8.00 per               Tuesday, September 4, 2018 from 9 AM
       item                                           to 5 PM. Exhibitor must have claim check
                                                      to remove exhibit from the Art/Education
5. Entrant should not enter the same poetry           building. If personally unable to pick-up
   or prose for more than two consecutive             exhibit, exhibitor must sign a release
   years. If suggestions for improvements             authorizing an individual to pick-up
   are made one year, it could be revised             exhibit. Manuscripts not collected on
   and submitted once more provided the               September 4, 2018 will be mailed in large
   entry did not place first the prior year. No       manila envelope supplied by exhibitor.
   poetry or prose entry, which has been              Exhibitor must make arrangements with
   awarded a first prize at a prior fair, may         superintendent if exhibit is to be returned
   be entered again.                                  COD.

6. All manuscripts must be typed on 8 ½” x
   11” paper, double spaced on one side of
   the paper only. Do not put names on
   manuscripts. Do not fold manuscripts. All
   literature entries must submit a judge’s
   copy and an exhibit copy.

7. Entry tags should be stapled to the upper
   left hand corner of the manuscript.

8. Tagged manuscripts should be mailed to
   the SD Fair at 1060 3rd Street SW,
   Huron, SD 57350 and postmarked by July
   31. Enclose a large, stamped, self-

PROFESSIONAL                                love- even about things such as clowns,
            Division 1, Prose                           trains)
     Premium: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $15.00             15. Reflection or memories poem (can be any
                                                        type of reflection - for instance, of a
                                                        decade, former days, growing up etc.)
                “Best of Show”
  A ribbon and plaque will be awarded to the        16. My South Dakota Home (Poet’s choice of
 winner selected from PROFFESSION PROSE                 topics)
            Division 1, Classes 1-9
                                                    Fiends of the Huron Public Library is awarding
CLASS                                                  a $25 premium to the 1 place winner in
                                                                  Division 2, Class 16
1. Adult Short Story, 600-1300 words
2. Adult Short Story, 1300 words or more
3. Humorous Story                                                      AMATEUR
4. Story for Pre-school Children - intended                        Division 3, Prose
   to be read to them                                    Premium: 1st - $15.00     2nd - $10.00
5. Story for Primary Children, for first to third
                                                                      “Best of Show”
6. Informal Essay
                                                         A ribbon and plaque will be awarded to the
7. Human Interest Story, over 300 words                   winner selected from AMATEUR PROSE
8. Formal Essay, 3-5 pages                                        Division 3, Classes 1-14
9. Anecdote, under 300 words

                 AMATEUR                            CLASS
            Division 2, Poetry                      1.  Adult Short Story, 600-1300 words
   Premium: 1st - $15.00     2nd - $10.00           2.  Adult Short Story, 1300 words or more
                                                    3.  Humorous Story
                                                    4.  Story for Pre-school Children - intended
               “Best of Show”                           to be read to them
  A ribbon and plaque will be awarded to the        5. Story for Primary Children, for first to third
  winner selected from AMATEUR POETRY
           Division 2, Classes 1-16
                                                    6. Who-Dun-It, mystery story for ages 10-14
                                                    7. Dramatic Script
CLASS:                                              8. Informal Essay
1. Rhymed poem not to exceed 24 lines               9. Human Interest Story, over 300 words
2. Rhymed poem over 24 lines                        10. Formal Essay, 3-5 pages
3. Unrhymed poem not to exceed 40 lines             11. Travelogue
4. Unrhymed poem over 40 lines                      12. Anecdote, under 300 words
5. Sonnet                                           13. Character Sketch, not to exceed 300
6. Haiku, Tanka or Cinquain (not more than              words
    one stanza)                                     14. Character Study, over 300 words
7. Lyric poem (intended to be sung)
8. Humorous Poem
9. Poem for children (not about children but
    for children)
10. Narrative Poem (tells a story-has
    characters-people or animals etc.)
11. Ode (…in praise of poem)
12. Elegy (meditation on any serious theme
    such as death, immortality etc.)
13. Nature Poem (Descriptive)
14. Definition poem (as in basing the poem
    on a feeling such as loneliness, hate,

          Division 4, Poetry                  The SD State Fair awards a plaque to the
      18 Years of Age and Under               writer who accumulates the most points in
  Premium: 1st - $10.00    2nd - $7.00        any of the Literature divisions. Points will
                                              calculated as follows:
               “Best of Show”
                                                    First Place – 3 points
 A ribbon and plaque will be awarded to the         Second Place – 2 points
            winner selected from                    Third Place – 1 point
               YOUTH PROSE                    No special entry is required for this award. It
           Division 5, Classes 1-6            will be figured by the State Fair office. This
                                              award cannot be won two years in a row by
                                              the same person.
1. Rhymed poem
2. Free verse not to exceed 40 lines
3. Haiku, Tanka or Cinquain (not more
   than one stanza)
                                              1. Open to residents of South Dakota only.
4. Humorous poem
                                              2. Includes newspapers and magazines.
5. Narrative poem (tells a story-has
                                                 This category is open to persons directly
   characters-people or animals etc.)
                                                 involved in the media.
6. Ode (…in praise of poem)
                                              3. Entry submitted must be in published
7. Nature poem
                                                 form. A tear sheet (full pages containing
8. My South Dakota Home (Poet’s choice
                                                 story or picture) must be submitted for
   of topic
                                                 newspaper or magazine entry sheets.
                                                 Photostat copies are permitted if they
                                                 include the name of publication and date
Division 5, Prose
                                                 of issue.
Premium: 1st - $10.00     2nd - $7.00
                                              4. Each entry must have attached to it an 8
18 Years of Age and Under
                                                 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper bearing the
                                                 class number and division description,
               “Best of Show”                    title or headline of article, publication’s
 A ribbon and plaque will be awarded to the      name, address and date of publication.
            winner selected from              5. Each non-bylined entry must be
              YOUTH POETRY
                                                 accompanied by a cover letter of
           Division 4, Classes 1-8
                                                 certification attesting to validity of
CLASS                                         6. All entries must have been published
1. Short Story, 600 to 1300 words                between June 1, 2017 and May 31,
2. Humorous Story, exhibitor's choice of         2018.
   length, etc.                               7. In the classes that require news photos
3. Informal Essay                                or feature photos the original
4. Story for Primary School Children             photograph should be submitted with a
5. Human Interest Story                          tear sheet. This will allow the judges to
6. Formal Essay                                  have the original photo and is to the
                                                 advantage of the exhibitor in case the
    Rosemary Dunn Moeller 2017                   newsprint is not of the finest quality.
    Sweepstakes Literature Award

  Daily, Weekly, Bi-Monthly or Monthly
   Premium: 1st-$25.00    2nd-$15.00

1. Professional Editorial, state interest
2. Feature Story, human interest
3. News Story, factual account of local
4. News Story, factual account of state
5. News Picture, with caption of on-the-
6. Feature Photo, with caption of human


Statement of Purpose & Criteria
The Spirit of Dakota Award is an annual honor bestowed each fall by the Spirit of Dakota Award
Society at a state-wide event at the Crossroads Hotel & Huron Event Center. The Spirit of
Dakota award is given to:
 An outstanding South Dakota woman who has demonstrated leadership qualities and has
   been successful and admired in her community and state.
 A woman with roots deep in South Dakota whose courage and strength of character have
   helped develop her family and community.
 A woman who has represented social, cultural, and education advancement for others.
 This award is not Mother of the Year, nor Teacher of the Year, nor categorized but rather
   recognition of those outstanding women who have been the symbols of all that we are proud
   of in our Prairie Women.
 The nominee does not need to be a native of South Dakota, but must be a current, living
   resident of the state.

The Spirit of Dakota Art Show is held in conjunction with the Spirit of Dakota Award Celebration
& Banquet slated for the first

Saturday of October at the Huron Event Center. First place winners in the Art and Photography
Divisions will have the opportunity to have their winning entries chosen for display at the art
show. The Spirit of Dakota Committee will select entries based on need and space availability.
For more information about this award go to

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