Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable

Page created by Nancy Flynn
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
Lloyds Bank Foundation
 for England and Wales

               @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
Who we are

 • independent charitable trust funded by Lloyds Banking Group.
 • partner with small and local charities helping people overcome complex
   social issues
 • these charities are under-funded, under pressure and too often ignored.
 • we’re more than just a funder – we work in partnership with the charities we
   fund and others who share our vision.
 • listen, understand and respond to charities,
 • influence policy and practice

                                                               @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
Our 2018-2022 plan: Reaching Further

 We’ll fund charities         We’ll develop charities             We’ll influence

• For longer                  • Using data to measure and     • Nationally, regionally, locally
                                improve our support
• With more money                                             • Using research and evidence
                              • Providing access to a wider
• More flexibly, with fewer                                   • Pushing for change to
                                range of expertise
  restrictions on when and                                      government policy and
  how our grants are spent    • Through partnerships            commissioning
                                across the sector and with
• With a promise of high                                      • With national programmes
                                Lloyds Banking Group
  quality grant                                                 around root social issues
  management and              • Supporting those we don’t
                                fund as well as those we do   • Helping charities influence and
  monitoring that works for
                                                                campaign themselves
  our grantees

                                                                       @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
We fund charities
We offer two grant programmes:

 • Core costs or direct delivery

 • Up to £100,000 over three years

 • Potential for continuation funding - six years in


 • Flexible – semi restricted

 • Grant rounds – next January 2019

                                                       @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
We fund charities
We offer two grant programmes:

 • Development costs

 • Trial new approaches

 • Improve planning, monitoring, leadership,

   governance, communication etc.

 • £15,000 – 1 or 2 years

 • Ongoing programme – apply anytime

                                               @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
Who do we fund?

                  @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
What we’re funding in the East Midlands
                                                                                     Success story:
We proudly currently support 720 small and                                          POW, Nottingham
medium-sized charities across England and
Wales under our main grants programmes, with
a total amount of £38,604,091 (as of May 2018.)

This includes 60 charities in the East Midlands,                            POW provides health and wellbeing services
                                                                            for sex workers. This includes a specialist
with a total of £2,696,442.                                                 Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA),
                                                                            a drop-in centre, advocacy and training.

                                                                            The charity is in the middle of its second grant
We also support charities through our Enhance                               from Lloyds Bank Foundation, which is for
                                                                            £46,440, delivered over two years to fund the
programme and thematic programmes that aim                                  Service Delivery Manager and Senior Support
to influence policy and practice.
                                                                            “What really makes a difference is sitting
                                                                            down with our Grant Manager and being
                                                                            selective about what can make our
                                                                            foundations stronger. There’s so much on
                                                                            offer, but Gary knows POW and helps us
Download the full list of grantees in the East Midlands from our website:   work out what we actually need.” – Daniela
www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/ourimpact/what-funding/east-midlands        Scotece, CEO
                                                                                       @lloydsbankfoundation       @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
We develop charities
We provide access to a range of non-financial, tailored support to help the charities we fund thrive.

Charity Mentoring harnesses the skills of Lloyds
                                                                                 Local independent consultants and/or
Banking Group staff to support grantees to
                                                                                 national partners to help strengthen
become more effective, more robust and more
                                                                                 particular aspects of an organization.
sustainable. This can include:
                                                                                 These can include:
•   Business planning and strategy                 Access to toolkits            •   Service development
•   Income generation and fundraising              developed in partnership      •   Leadership and governance
•   Social enterprise                              with Lloyds Banking Group     •   Strategic planning
•   Financial management                           on risk management, HR        •   Policy development
•   Governance and management                      and other issues              •   Structures and systems
•   Marketing and communications                                                 •   Communications
•   Support for service users e.g. workshops                                                                     @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
We influence policy and practice

 Connecting our grantees with       Working with partners to gather and    Securing local, national and sector press coverage on
local and national policy makers   submit evidence on the value of small     the value of small charities and why reforms are
      and decision makers           charities, and campaigning together                     needed at all levels
                                                                                                    @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales - Enable
Thank you

                      Tel: 07734973060


                   @lloydsbankfoundation   @LBFEW
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